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1. Gunakan komputer untuk diri sendiri A. Peralatan untuk memudahkan P&P B. Menggunakan word untuk menyediakan soalan ujian dll C. Menggunakan excell untuk lembaran kerja, markah pelajar dll D. Mencari bahan seperti rancangan pelajaran daripada internet. E. Gunakan laman web untuk perbincangan dan soal jawab dengan lain-lain guru 2. Presentation Tool A.Gunakan perisian untuk membuat persembahan seperti Powerpoint,HyperStudio,flash,open office impress,Photoshop,Applekeynote ,NXPowerLite, PowerPlugs Charts B.Persembahan dalam bentuk visual membantu kefahaman pelajar terhadap konsep dan isi yang hendak di sampaikan C.Students can also use presentation software to support their presentations. D.http://mr_sedivy.tripod.com/med_hist.html 3.Demonstration A.PERISTIWA PERJUMPAAN DI ANTARA WAKIL KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN DENGAN PKM B.ROMBONGAN KEMERDEKAAN KE LONDON C.http://www.efieldtrips.org/

D.http://ethicalego.com/Relations/blog4.php/2008/12/10/slavery-lesson 4.Learning Center A.you can use: B.content-specific software for simulations, C.tutorials D.drill-and-practice; E.CD-ROMs or the Internet for research;a spreadsheet for calculations; word processor for preparing reports F.you can create computer-based learning modules, using HyperStudio, PowerPoint or an Internet browser. G. http://www.education.umd.edu/blt/hyperstudio/ 5. Simulation A.you can use simulation software with the whole class, so that the group makes all the decisions. B.Use any of the simulation software intended for one user, likeSimCity or SimEarth, or software which includes groupactivities, like the Decisions, Decisions series from Tom Snyder. C.Assign different roles to students: one could be the note taker, another the keyboarder, another a reference checker, another an observer. D.http://www.activehistory.co.uk/ 6. Bring an Expert to your Class A.Use the computer as a mailbox for email projects. B.Kita boleh perolehi maklum balas/respone yang cepat tanpa sempadan dengan gunakan email 7.Collaboration A.Set up a database (you can use a spreadsheet program) that students collect information for, and enter whenever they have time. Spt excell,lotus 1,2,3,open office org etc B.This could be as simple as a database of students, or a compilation of observations on the weather.

C.When you use the data later, the students have some ownership. As an example, have students put information about the weather (precipitation, barometric pressure, wind speed) into a spreadsheet, and then graph the data to look for correlations, or use database tools to explore the relationships of different elements.Have students keep a class journal on the computer. Students who are absent can check the next day to see what they missed. 8. Seft-Directed Work A.You can schedule each student for 20 or 30 minutes each week, then let each student decide how to use the time. B.Students could use the computer to research a current project, prepare a report, or do another activity tied to your curriculum. C .To ensure students are using the time well, create a computer journal, and have each student fill out a journal entry each time she or he uses a computer. D.http://www.internet4classrooms.com/assistance.htm

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