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Sweden 1905 Mary McMillan Mother of PT from New England Medical Rubbers or Trained Masseuses 1916 Back to the US by Surgeon Generals Orders to help with WW1 Reconstruction Aids Orthopedic Cases Sent To: Walter Reed Letterman Gen. Hospital 6 Gen. Hospital 9 (NJ) 1947- Womens Medalist Core Developed American PT Association President McMillan: Sets ethical and practice standards of PT APTA Alexandria, VA 1. Set rules/regulations/sandards for the practice of PT 2. Protect the profession FSBPT Alexandria, VA 1. Umbrella agency over all states 2. Develops, protects and administers the national exam 3. Licenses PTs State board of PT: Oversees all PT whether they are members or not Protects the interest of the public Ensures good practice National Exam Issue Licenses Take Away Licenses Code of Ethics: Principle #1: Physical therapists shall respect the inherent dignity and rights of all

Principle #2: Physical therapists shall be trustworthy and compassionate in addressing

the rights and needs of patients/clients.

Principle #3: Physical therapists shall be accountable for making sound professional

Principle #4: Physical therapists shall demonstrate integrity in their relationships with
patients/clients, families, colleagues, students, research participants, other health care providers, employers, payers, and the public.

Principle #5: Physical therapists shall fulfill their legal and professional obligations. Principle #6: Physical therapists shall enhance their expertise through the lifelong
acquisition and refinement of knowledge, skills, abilities, and professional behaviors.

Principle #7: Physical therapists shall promote organizational behaviors and business
practices that benefit patients/clients and society.

Principle #8: Physical therapists shall participate in efforts to meet the health needs of
people locally, nationally, or globally. 7 Core Values: Accountability, Altruism, Compassionate and Caring, Excellence, Integrity, Professional Duty and Social Responsibility. People First Language: respectful language for people with disability Disability act of 1990: undo hardship of older buildings Informed Consent Offer assistance only if the person asks

PRO Pride (In work, yourself and your profession) Respect (Admiration/Honor from family, from friends an coworkers and clients) Opportunities (Notices& given greater responsibilities, in demand, advancement) Race: common ancestry or heredity Ethnicity: sub-cultural group/common history and culture Stereotype: exaggerated belief/ distorted truth about a person/group Prejudice: attitude (a state of mind) based on limited information or stereotypes Bigotry: obstinate and unreasoning attachment of ones own believe and opinions with narrow minded intolerance for anyone opposed to those beliefs Discrimination: unequal distribution/allocation of goods, resources and services Bias: a preference of an inclination especially one that inhibits impartial judgement Oppression: combo of discrimination, personal bias, bigotry and social prejudice; manifested through ISMs

Privilege: unearned entitlement Affirmative Action: policies that take race, ethnicity, physical disability, military career, sex or social class into consideration in an attempt to promote equal opportunity or increase diversity. Equal Opportunity: Racism: prejudice plus power; individual (overt) and institutional (covert) Assimilation: absorbing/ conforming into the prevailing culture Culture: combination of thoughts, feelings, attitudes marital traits, and behaviors of a group of people. 1. Surface Culture 2. Deep Culture Two dimensions of cultural diversity: 1. Primary/Born 2. Secondary/Acquired Competence: application of knowledge and the interpersonal, decision making and psychomotor skills expected for the practice role. Work effectively with members of another group Awareness o f own cultural limitations Openness, appreciation and respceet for differences View intercultural interactions as learning oppertunities Abilities to use cultural resources in interventions BiCultural: the ability to understand and fucnction effectively in two or more cultural environments Paravaerble: 38% Nonverbal: 55% Communication barriers: 90%

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