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Delgado 1 Javier Delgado Martha Pico ENG 0100 7 May 2012 Teachers and Teachers Teachers, those humans

beings with whom we share the most time of our life During student life, especially in high school, I had learn to coexist with several kinds of teachers and here are distinguished the strict one and the pliable one; They make themselves to be hated or loved by every student because of three principal facts, their relationship with students, their teaching methods, and even their moral values. While I was in high school, I could notice that there were a real relationship between students and pliable teachers, it was always funny to meet them in the soccer field ready to play the whole break with students, or also agree with them to go on a trip, or whichever other activity that students used to organize. But this was impossible to happen with the strict ones I could see that there was not such thing as relationship, or if there was, it was strictly limited to classroom with few exceptions like when someone needed extra help or something like that, always related to studies. A negative fact of strict teachers is their sense of pride, they always like to be treated like a superior person, of course they deserve respect as well as students, but not praise from students. On the other hand, permissive professors know that they are not superior to students at all, and also students know it, so it creates a bond with mutual confidence filled with respect and good treatment. The relationship with pliable teachers can grow into a friendship, since the teacher is more worried about a student than what the student is about himself giving chances in order to student to succeed; What not really happens with the strict ones, because these teachers bet for students maturity without giving

Delgado 2 enough opportunities of mistaking. Some high school teachers have pronounced their opinion about communication with students, and they all agree that communication between teachers and students is necessary because their relationship reflects in the school world, perception of other social systems: the warmth, affection, tolerance, and willingness to be reflected in their daily attitude towards young people. But the relationship is not all that matters, going into the study field it is important to take into account the different methods that these kinds of teachers use to transmit their knowledge. The soft teachers use very didactic ways to carry out their jobs, usually those methods seem to be ridiculous but at the end they are valuable for students comprehension. Teaching methods of the strict ones are different, full of quality, but not understandable enough for students. Actually, researches made in Mexico by the Ministry of Education says that for maximum retention it is necessary to get rid of the traditional methods of teaching, like trying to lead from outside in a master class, instead of that a innovative way could be learning from the experience and mutual participation since the beginning of student life. Even though, it could seem upside down, most strict teachers are less prepared than pliable ones, in the way that they use non-accurate and retrograde methods to deal with nowadays' students. Flexible teachers have several updated teaching methods, and they dedicate more time to explain a topic, repeating more than twice a class and worrying in students progress. In education, studies must be complemented with other important aspect of humans life, the ethic and moral education. The strict professor will present himself imposing, serious and will not let the students have confidence with him, so moral he convey wont be sensed by the majority. In contrast, the flexible teacher will impart friendship, so moral values will be implicit within the

Delgado 3 relationship. Values can be transmitted in some ways and probably here is where strict teachers fail more, because they just create moral by creating fear; however, pliable teacher do not impose values, they facilitate the construction or adoption of personal values instead. I believe that both kinds of teachers give to students a comprehensive education, every one on their own way but they do. In conclusion, I can say that relationship between students and teachers are very important for studies, a good communication during class or extracurricular time between both will help students life either in study or moral field which after all thats why they are there, to learn. Arent they?

Works Cited Escandn, L.G. Learning Teaching Process. Google Docs. January 2000. 04 May 2012 < https://docs.google.com/viewer? a=v&q=cache:nHo7GrO41a8J:white.oit.org.pe/spanish/260ameri/oitreg/acti vid/proyectos/actrav/edob/material/pdf/archivo47.pdf+metodos+antiguos+de +ense%C3%B1anza&hl=es419&gl=ec&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjMAP4GFzvGTTbfIKbS-pLhF01iy71oqF-1aB1_ijM3vUpuuU14FciaF91k2qe4Gx6WzwFEL1CEUu0JgYFFmBTvGJdAJxviKOfJgwVprOeWDpotLd9PWTjzPTthnvOtZMFZP&sig=AHIEtbRIjBr_KkTSHLCz 2bfOSR_L4MOsPw>. Communication link student-teacher in classroom razonypalabra.org January 2007. 04 May 2012. <http://www.razonypalabra.org.mx/anteriores/n54/ vinculos.html> Methods and Strategies in Moral Education COPOE.org 24 April 2008. 05 May 2012. http://www.copoe.org/blog/29369/pilar-sanchez-alvarez/m%C3%A9todos-yestrategias-en-educaci%C3%B3n-moral

Delgado 4 Teachers and Teachers During student life, especially in high school, I had learn to coexist with several kinds of teachers and here are distinguished the strict one and the pliable one; They make themselves to be hated or loved by every student because of three principal facts, their relationship with students, their teaching methods, and even their moral values. I. Relationship with students A. Pliable teachers 1. Extracurricular activities B. Strict Teachers 1. Limited relationship

C. Communication II. Teaching methods A. Pliable teachers 1. Updated B. Maximum retention C. Strict teachers 1. Traditional III. Moral values A. Strict Teachers 1. Imposing moral B. Pliable teacher 1. Personal values C. Comprehensive education

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