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Week 2 Chapter 3 Individual differences and assessment 1.

This chapter will deal with the concept of individual differences, and then with how the assessment of these differences can help to predict occupational performance. 2. Individual differences- dissimilarities between or among 2 or more people 3. The individual differences among people on various attributes such as intelligence, personality, and knowledge are important in understanding a wide variety of socially important outcomes. 4. Focus on individual not the organization 5. Performance is not effectiveness and productivity 6. Mental test is an instrument design to measure a subjects ability to reason, plan, and solve problem: an intelligent test Developed by James Mckeen Cattell 7. Psychometric: practice of measuring a characteristic such as mental ability, placing it on a scale or metric. 8. Differential psychologist is a person-centered, looking for characteristics within the person that will help explain that persons behaviour. It identifies what should be measured, the Psychometrician measures it. 9. G??--> (intelligence) an abbreviation for general mental ability. It describes a persons ability to learn from experience 10. Perceptual-motor abilities: physical attributes that combine all senses 11. IQ= 100 X mental age/chronological age 12. General mental ability (g) is important for work. Almost every job requires some active manipulation of information E.g emergency dispatcher needs critical abilities such as verbal communication, reaction time and problem solving The more complex the job, the stronger the predictive value of general intelligence tests. 13. Fleishman and his associates developed a taxonomy of 52 abilities, divided into the broad categories of cognitive, physical and perceptual motor abilities 14. Carrolls 3 layers(strata) of intelligences: Highest level: g(broad) Mid level: fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, general memory, visual perception, auditory perception, retrieval ability, cognitive speed Specific abilities 15. Hogans 7 measure taxonomy of physical abilities were combined to form 3 higher-order physical abilities Muscular strengthtension, power, endurance Cardiovascular enduranceendurance Movement qualityflexibility, balance, neuromuscular coordination 16. Physical ability test should be fair to females and matured applicants. Advise them to train ahead of interview(test).The test should focus more on the ability to complete the job rather than the tendency to get injured.

17. The big 5 I. Conscientiousnessresponsible, prudent, self-control, achievement oriented.(Positively related to success in all aspects of work for all occupations) II. Extraversion sociable, assertive, talkative, ambitious, energetic III. Agreeableness good natured, cooperative, trusting IV. Emotional stability secure, calm, low anxiety V. Openness to experience curious, intelligent, imaginative, independent

18. When employees have a greater deal of control or autonomy, personality was much more predictive. 19. Skills are developed through practice 20. Knowledge is define as a collection of discrete but related facts and information about a particular domain. It could be acquired through education, training or experience. 21. Procedural knowledge is knowing how 22. Declarative knowledge is know that 23. Competencies are a set of behaviours that are instrumental in the delivery of desired results or outcomes. It is different from knowledge, skills, ability or personality characteristics as they are a collection of these specific individual difference characteristic. 24. Emotional intelligence- awareness of our own and others emotion 25. The definition of test encompass: Paper and pencil test Interviews Actual attempts to perform a piece of work Application blank 26. KSAO( knowledge, skill, ability, other characteristics) 27. Tests can be described or differentiated according to categories that include speed vs power tests, individual vs group tests, and paper and pencil vs performance tests. 28. 3 factors in testing Bias, error of prediction Fairness, a value judgment about decisions based on test scores Culture, the extent to which a test taker has the opportunity to become familiar with the subject matter 29. Measure of physical abilities can improve the prediction of job success for many physically demanding job-physical ability test procedures uses simulated piece of work 30. Personality testing in employment has shifted from a screen out process to a screen in process whereby employers seek to identify applicants with positive personality characteristics. 31. Practical considerations in personality testing include the use of integrity tests, on which faking is sometimes an issue, emotional intelligence tests, and tests of interests and value.

32. It is important to know what attribute is being assess and how the attributes are being assessed. E.g personality and cognitive assess content of assessment while interview and background describe the process of assessment. 33. Individual assessment is complex, involving a wide variety of content areas and assessment processes. Tools that are used include various interactive assessment tools rather than paper and pencil test. 34. Assessments are administered to groups of individuals rather than single individuals. Such assessments are performed by multiply assessors. 35. It is important to use a combination of tools for predictive ability at lowest cost. 36. Every commercial test available in paper form is also available on the computer. This is limitless.

Chapter 4 Job analysis and performance 1. Campbells model of job performance occupies a valuable middle ground between an overly simplistic view of performance as a single broad factor and an equally idiosyncratic view that there can be no general understanding of job performance beyond the particular job being considered, because every job is different. Campbells model also helps I-O psychologist to concentrate on aspects of work behaviour that are under the direct control of worker. 2. Work-life balance is significant factor in defining success 3. Workers call on many attributes to perform their jobs, and each of these attributes is associated with unique aspect of performance 4. Criterion deficiency occurs when an actual criterion is missing information that is part of a behaviour one is measuring. Criterion contamination occurs when an actual criterion includes information unrelated to behaviour one is trying to measure. Actual criterion is the actual measure of job performance obtain. Ultimate criterion is the ideal measure of all of the relevant aspects of job performance. 5. Criterion contamination: something that influence the criteria 6. Counterproductive work behaviour(CWB)- dishonesty, absenteeism, sabotage 7. Adaptive performance: performance component that includes flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstance. 8. Types of performance measures: objective performance measures, judgemental measures, personnel measures 9. OCB-organizational citizenship behaviour 10. Result of job analysis used for : job description, recruiting, selection, training, compensation, promotion, job assignment, job design, workforce reduction/restructuring, criterion development, performance assessment, litigation 11. Types of job analysis: work/task oriented job analysis and worker-oriented job analysis 12. How is job analysis done: observation, interviews, critical incidents and work diaries, questionnaires/survey

13. Electronic performance monitoring: monitor work process with electronic device that can be very cost effective and provides detailed and accurate work log. 14. Work-oriented task analysis: emphasizes behaviour, analyzes target performance, representational skills are not addressed 15. Cognitive task analysis: emphasizes cognitive, analyzes expertise and learning, representational skills are addressed, accts for individual difference 16. Old job analysis instruments: ignores personality attributes, concentrating on abilities, skills, and less frequently knowledge 17. The personality- related position requirements form: identifies personality prediction of job performance.

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