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Name: _______________________________________________________Date________________________ Year/Block: ___________________________________________________Score:_______________________ A.

Word Meaning Directions: Select the word of phrase most nearly the same in meaning as the underlined word. Write the letter of your answer on the space before the number. 1. His taste in clothes is impeccable. A. excellent B. flawed C. questionable D. desirable E. unique 2. His trenchant asides revealed his true feelings about the proposal. A. vague B. sarcastic C. incisive D. empty E. penchant 3. He is a critic who loathes modern art. A. prefers B. supports C. dabbles in D. imitates E. hates 4. His attempt to implicate the manager is a fiasco. A. success B. struggle C. popular move D. complete failure E. mistake 5. He is one politician who has no compunction about cheating. A. qualm B. inclination C. shamelessness D. interest E. consideration 6. Despite his maudlin plots, many regard him as a great writer. A. complicated B. narrow C. simple D. meandering E. emotional 7. I hate people who importune the President for favors. A. manipulate B. ask persistently C. influence D. deceive E. approach 8. She is unpopular among those who consider her a veritable virago. A. a quarrelsome woman C. a snobbish woman E. unique B. a violent woman D. a hopeless woman 9. That conclusion is the result of specious reasoning. A. logicalB. valid C. misleading D. conclusive E. spacious 10. Time has effaced the inscription. A. restored B. traced C. validated D. institutionalized E. obliterated B. Identifying Errors. Directions: Choose the underlined word which is not acceptable in formal written English. Write the letter of your answer on the space before the number. NE means No Error. 11. We cant hardly forget what you did for us when our father was jobless. NE A B C D E 12. In most developing countries, more than one half of the entire population are usually poor. NE A B C D E 13. He is one of the candidates who is favored to win in the next elections? NE A B C D E 14. We were already to leave for the concert when Art, our driver, felt dizzy. NE A B C D E 15. The fruit tasted so bitterly that she grimaced after taking a bite of it. NE A B C D E

C. Sentence Completion Directions: Choose the word or set of words that best fits the whole sentence. Write the letter of your answer on the space before the number. 16. The writer must be a man who stands apart, above political _____, having a healthy distrust of authority and firm ____ to truth. A. affiliation, commitment C. decree, desire E. bias, decision B. partisanship, relationship D. determination, adherence 17. It is a/an _____ that while civilian deaths from the side effects of war are so high, direct civilian _____ from combat are quite low. A. axiom, injuries C. paradox, survivors E. certainty, deaths B. truism, involvement D. irony, casualties 18. One of the _____ stories of American literature is the one which legendary editor Maxwell Perkins cuts 60,000 words to sculpt the _____. A. interesting, statue C. favorite, newspaper E. Dark, work B. fabled, masterpiece D. great, monument 19. The ____ of AIDS-----now believed to have originated in Africa and transferred to humans through simians----exposed the inhumanity of people who would turn away from those afflicted who came to them for____. A. importance, decision C. cure, help E. Advent, succor B. virus, research D. prevalence, money 20. New ____ of the aging process has been achieved over the past several years, and the ____ are startling. A. findings, results C. standard, doctors E. technique, people B. thinking, effects D. understanding, implications D. Sentence Improvement Directions: Choose the letter of the set of words that would best replace the underlined words. Write them on the space before each number. 21. Knowing the President, he will try his best to improve the living conditions of the masses. A. he will try his best to improve the living conditions of the masses. B. I am sure he will try his best to improve the living conditions of the masses. C. the living conditions of the masses will be improved by him. D. he will try his best and improve the living conditions of the masses. E. the living conditions of the masses, I am sure, will be improved by him. 22. At first, little interest in the sewage system was shown by most people. A. little interest in the sewage system was shown by most people. B. in the sewage system, little interest was shown by most people. C. little interest was shown by most people in the sewage system. D. most people showed little interest in the sewage system was. E. most people in the sewage system showed little interest. 23. Raquel asked incredulously, Did he say I am not to blame for this mess. A. Did he say I am not to blame for this mess. B. Did he say I am not to blame for this mess?

C. Did he say I am not to blame for this mess.? D. Did he say I am not to blame for this mess? E. Did he say I am not to blame for this mess?' 24. We are looking for someone who is intelligent, skillful, and who can be trusted. A. who is intelligent, skillful, and who can be trusted B. who is intelligent, who is skillful, and who can be trusted C. who is intelligent, who is skillful, and who is to be trusted D. who are intelligent, skillful, and who can be trusted E. who is intelligent, skillful, and trustworthy 25. Whom the President will support in the race for the Senate presidency is not clear. A. Whom the President will support B. Who the President will support C. Whoever the President will support D. Whosover the President will support E. Whose the President will support F. Sentence Completion. Read the selection and identify the appropriate word/words. Item Types: (1) Passive voice verbs; (2) Punctuation conventions: parentheticals; (3 Conjunctions; (4) Noun clauses; (5) Noun clauses Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number. The lion (26) _______________ the "king of beasts," but in fact, this king doesn't do much to deserve the title. Lions live in groups; each group, or "pride," of lions consists of one dominant male and several females and their offspring. However, all the (27) _______________ is done by the lionesses, the females. Males spend their time (28) _______________ what they have killed. Occasionally, males may have to scare off possible threats to the group, but for no more effort than this, they get to eat first, and to eat until they are full. Male lions are also guilty of what (29) _______________ not very kingly behavior. When a new male takes over the pride, he will usually kill all the cubs of the male that formerly led the pride. This ensures that only his own offspring will survive. This may seem brutal, but it is how (30) _______________. Perhaps we might want to reconsider calling the lion the "king of beasts." 26. A. is often been calling B. has often called C. is often been called D. has often been called 27. A. workthe stalking, chasing, and killing of prey B. workthe stalking, chasing, and killing of prey: C. work;the stalking, chasing, and killing of prey; D. work:the stalking, chasing, and killing of prey 28. A. either sleeping while the females hunt or eating B. sleeping while either the females hunting or eat C. either sleeping while the females hunt or eat D. sleeping while the females either hunt or eating 29. A. would we probably call B. we would probably call C. we would probably call it D. would we probably called 30. A. nature does working B. is nature working C. nature works D. does nature work

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