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Information gap An information gap activity is an activity where learners are missing the information they need to complete

a task and need to talk to each other to find it. Example Learner A has a biography of a famous person with all the place names missing, whilst Learner B has the same text with all the dates missing. Together they can complete the text by asking each other questions. In the classroom Information gap activities are useful for various reasons. They provide an opportunity for extended speaking practice, they represent real communication, motivation can be high, and they require sub-skills such as clarifying meaning and re-phrasing. Typical types of information gap activities you might find include; describe and draw, spot the difference, jigsaw readings and listenings and split dictations.

Information Gap
In Information Gap activities, each student has information that the other student(s) don't have. The objective is for students to ask questions to find out what they can from the other(s). Sample A's Information:

Person's Name 1. Jill (female) 2. 3. Jared (male) 4. 5. Janet (female)


Occupation doctor professor


Movies romance

go fishing action

Cincinnati Cleveland Dayton banker play cards

B's Information:
Person's Name From Occupation Weekends Movies

1. 2. Jason (male) 3. 4. Jenny (female) 5.

Toledo Columbus mechanic

relax at home horror play baseball drama lawyer read novels comedy

Sample Questions:
What is the first person's name? How do you spell it? Where is he/she from? What is his/her occupation What does he/she do on weekends? What kind of movies does he/she like? After completing the chart, discuss with your partner: Which person would you like as a friend? Why?

What is Roleplay?
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What is Roleplay?
by Alfonze Alger on Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:13 pm
1. Pengertian Roleplay: Yaitu sebuah permainan kalimat dalam sebuah cerita dengan tujuan atau cerita yang jelas. Setiap member memainkan maksimal 1 karakter yang di buat sendiri dan telah lulus atau di setujui karakternya di Chara Registration sebelumnya

2.Cara ber-Role Play Cara ber-Role play sangatlah mudah. Hanya tinggal menyambung-nyambungkan cerita(lewat post di sebuah forum)dan berinteraksi dengan member lainnya dengan chara yang telah di buat sebuah member.'

3.Tujuan Role Play Tujuannya adalah untuk mengembangkan imajinasi kita dan untuk menghilangkan kebosanan dalam memainkan sebuah forum. 4.Pandora Hearts Role Play Pengertian dan tujuan sama dengan Role Play biasanya. Yaitu di RP merupakan DUNIA PARALLEL dari anime Pandora Hearts itu sendiri. Di sini memakai nama-nama keluarga yang sama dengan karakter Pandora Hearts(Nightray, Vessalius, Reinsworth, Barma, Baskerville), tetapi perlu diingatkan RP ini tidak berkaitan sama sekali dengan karakter yang ada di Pandora Hearts

mau bertanya lebih lanjut tentang Role Play? Silahkan ke thread question and answer tentang roleplay. Conclusion
In the previous sections we have attempted to link simulation and gaming with certain factors that intervene in communicative language acquisition. There are many questions to answer, which constitute the items on our agenda for future research. For example, how does simulation help to improve oral proficiency in a foreign language

and how can it be reliably measured? Having experimented with advanced students, does telematic simulation work for lower level students? Does retention of language content vary over time with computer-assisted simulation? In this article we first reviewed experiential learning and its connection to task-based language learning. After then reviewing the state of affairs in communicative language ability and howto induce its acquisition, we explored initiatives in simulation and gaming used in language programs at the tertiary level in Spain to support the concepts presented. It is clear to us that current thinking in the field of language acquisition ties in very well with simulation and gaming. However, practice of the methodology has yet to become a widespread reality.


Acting out or mimicking an actual or probable real life condition, event, or situation to find a cause of a past occurrence (such as an accident), or to forecast future effects (outcomes) of assumed circumstances or factors. A simulation may be performed through (1) solving a set of equations (a mathematical model), constructing a physical (scale) model, (3) staged rehearsal, (4) game (such as wargames), or a computer graphics model (such as an animated flowchart). Whereas simulations are very useful tools that allow experimentation without exposure to risk, they are gross simplifications of the reality because they include only a few of the real-world factors, and are only as good as their underlying assumptions. Ads by Google

Games And The Communicative Approach To English Language Teaching (elt) Rate Topic:
Many of the points made about games hitherto echo the fundamental principles of communicative approaches to language teaching. A brief exploralion of how the two correspond will clarify some of the reasons for using games. It is a principle of communicalive approaches to ELT thal task-based activities enhance learning. In language learning, task-based activities are those which stimulate effective use of language but involve no conscious analysis of language. An exercise which instructs learners to change the tense of verbs is not task-based hecause il is languagefocused. Getting learners to listen carefully to instructions in order to draw a picture, make a model or play a game are examples of a task-based approach. The purpose

perceived by the learners is non-linguislic. The understanding and use of language is necessary but the analysis of language is not. Getting learners involved in tasks will thus be a catalyst for language learning. To play a game is to enjoy competing alone or in groups against other players, against time or against the challenge of the game, and not to think consciously about the language involved in doing so. In other words, games may be seen as tasks. If they successfully engage the learners attention as a proper childrens game should, then learning will be supported. Another important principle of communicalive methodology is that the teaching situation must be learner-centred. Learners needs both as future language users and active language learners should be the chief criterion for assessing how appropriale syllabus and methods are. A high affective filter causes the learner to be a relatively inefficient learner and is likely to result from anxieties, disturbances or inhibitions. A low affective filter which may result from feelings of relaxalion, well-being or success maximises learning efficiency. If it is a condilion of games that they contain an element of fun and that they absorb the interest of the learner, it seems clear that using them in the classroom will produce a low affective filter in participants. Accordingly, the capacity of learners to learn should be acknowledged and brought out. Teachers of young learners may find acknowledging the natural tendencies and desire of children to play and incorporating games into classroom activities in a well-ordered and purposeful way ta be an effective strategy. The arguments for using games run parallel with and indeed are simply a part of the broader arguments and theoretical justifications of adopting a communicative approach to ELT.

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