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Elaborated by Gabriel Colorado

inCode Telecom Group, Inc.

Mapper Map Basic tool to display Neighbors in MapInfo


Cell Sites and Handover Files .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Cell Sites text file.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Handover Text File............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Loading Mapper ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Creating Cellular Symbols from the Cell Site txt file. .......................................................................................................... 7
Loading the Neighbor Relations ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Neighbor Displaying Options .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Switching On the Neighbor lookup................................................................................................................................. 1S
Loading other MapInfo tables ........................................................................................................................................... 23

Cell Sites and Handover Files

Cell Sites text file

Gather all the cell site information described by the headers of this text file. This file should be TAB separated.
In order to see iRAT neighbors, the GSM network should be loaded as well

Handover Text File

This Handover table is built from the ADJCELL table coming from many sources: ASSET3G, RF Template (Bulk Export) or the GSM BSC dumps. The cell IDs
should match the ones refer in the previous file under the header MTX_Site_ID and must be alphanumeric. Please follow the format of the files attached with this
document as examples.

Loading Mapper

Open MapInfo then click on Tools and select Run Map Basic Program

Choose the file Mapping.mbx.

A new menu named Mapper will show in the
main menu.

Creating Cellular Symbols from the Cell Site txt file.

Once Mapper is loaded, click on Import or Convert Cell Sectors

Choose the text file built with the network
information. This is the one referred as Cell
Site txt file.


These are the valid ranges for the following
headers in such a file:

MTX_Site_ID: (Alphanumeric). The G
denotes GSM and the U UMTS. This is not
a must.
Azimuth : 0 to 360
Beamwidth : 0 to 360
Radius : (meters)

To display co-located sites from different
technologies, a different radius should be
assigned to these MTX_Site_ID in order to
see them as different objects in the Map

Once open is selected, the drawing process

This is a typical Map window generated once Mapper has read properly the information contained in the cell site text file.

Loading the Neighbor Relations

The text file containing the handover table needs to be saved as TAB file.

Choose the file ending in HO. The type is
delimited ASCII.

A second window pops up. Delimiter should
be set to Tab and check box Use First Line
for Column Titles

This is the table open from the txt
file with the NL.

Close the table created since it
needs to be reopened with

Go to Mapper and click on Load Per Cell Pair Table

Choose the TAB file created previously.

Now Mapper has allocated these neighbor relations and associated them with the Cell Site file by the Cell IDs (field MTX_Site_ID)

Neighbor Displaying Options

Follow this snapshot to modify the Neighbor Displaying Options.

These preferences are strongly recommended to
see the neighbors of certain cell properly.

Halo and Bold are two features that enhance the
way the labels are written on top of the cellular

Switching On the Neighbor lookup

Go to Mapper

Click on Intra Switch On

Choose as pointer the arrow Select. This pointer is the actual tool that you would use to see the neighbors when selecting certain cell.

Once a cell has been clicked on, the visualization and labeling process starts

This is a typical neighbor view for the cell selected by the pointer which is in the one with red dashes.
If you want to use the pointer to select any other object in MapInfo turn off the Intra Switch just by toggling it, otherwise Mapper will end unexpectedly.

Loading other MapInfo tables

To load other MapInfo tables into the current workspace, select the tables and choose as preferred view Current Mapper

Then, make sure the two tables PCPData (created when the Handover table was loaded) and Cell_Sites are on top of all the rest of tables. If these two are not
on top of everything Mapper will end unexpectedly.

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