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Polaroid vs.

- celebrity endorsement uncovered

BA MMC Thesis
by Jacob Lisbygd

Supervisor: Sara Alwan
Department of Language and business Communication
Aarhus School of Business
Aarhus University
olarold vs. Caga
!acob Llsbygd - celebrlLy endorsemenL uncovered 8A 1hesls

The woilu of bianuing incluues a multituue of vaiious aspects, celebiity enuoisement is only
one of many ways to piomote a piouuct oi a bianu. Accoiuing to Piofessoi anu maiketing
piactitionei Teience A. Shimp, one sixth of aus woiluwiue featuie celebiities.
Recent meuia coveiage has questioneu the effect negative celebiity infoimation may have on
the bianu a celebiity enuoises. Theoiy explains that new coipoiations aie moie vulneiable to
negative celebiity infoimation than well-establisheu coipoiations since the coipoiate
ieputation foi new coipoiations iests upon a moie fiagile founuation.

In connection with bianuing, the iole anu powei of meuia in the postmouein society has been
questioneu. The thesis founu that the iole anu powei of meuia in the postmouein society
shoulu not be unueiestimateu. Neuia netwoiks holu the potential of influencing multiple
coipoiate stakeholueis. Fuitheimoie, the meuia seives a ciucial iole in most aspects of the
bianu builuing piocess.

Instant imaging coipoiation Polaioiu has appointeu the iebellious anu cieative aitist anu
peifoimei Lauy uaga as cieative uiiectoi. The thesis uesciibes how uaga's new iole in the
coipoiation coulu be anu explains how uaga's peisonality tiaits, hei iebellious behavioi anu
hei exceptionally close connection with fans can stiengthen Polaioiu's bianu iuentity. In
auuition, Lauy uaga's influence on the bianu iuentity can potentially uiffeientiate the bianu
fiom competitois by cieating a unique positioning stiategy.

The thesis piesents a uiscussion of the oppoitunities anu challenges faceu by Polaioiu in the
new paitneiship with Lauy uaga. Among othei things the thesis finus that an obvious
oppoitunity foi Polaioiu is to exploit Lauy uaga's skills within the fielu of social meuia. When
uoing this, Polaioiu is encouiageu not to unueiestimate the specific natuie of the social, usei
geneiateu meuia.
olarold vs. Caga
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olarold vs. Caga
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-. /*+0'123+4'*......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. roblem sLaLemenL................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1.1. 8esearch CuesLlons ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. 1heory..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1. ldenLlLy............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.2. osLmodernlsm............................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.4. 1heory of sclence ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.3. 1heoreLlcal framework ......................................................................................................................... 10
1.4. MeLhod and uellmlLaLlons.................................................................................................................... 11
6. )%$%#04+7&%*1'0,%8%*+&2*3'9%0%1 ..................................................................................... -6
2.1. undersLandlng celebrlLy endorsemenL ................................................................................................ 12
2.1.1. 1he 1LA8S model .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.2. 1he meanlng Lransfer model ......................................................................................................... 13
2.1.3. sychologlcal research .................................................................................................................. 14
2.2. Meanlng Lransfer and psychology ........................................................................................................ 13
5. !:%&;'<%0&'(&8%14"........................................................................................................... -=
3.1. A posLmodern medla approach............................................................................................................ 16
3.2. Medla dlsLlncLlon.................................................................................................................................. 17
3.3. CorporaLlons dependency on medla .................................................................................................... 17
3.4. Soclal medla.......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3. LffecLlve celebrlLy endorsemenL .......................................................................................................... 19
3.6. negaLlve celebrlLy lnformaLlon............................................................................................................. 20
3.7. A medla world ...................................................................................................................................... 21
>. /8;$43"+4'*, ....................................................................................................................... 65
4.1. 1he brand ldenLlLy sysLem.................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.1. CelebrlLy endorsemenL ln esLabllshed corporaLlons..................................................................... 23
4.1.2. CelebrlLy endorsemenL ln new corporaLlons ................................................................................ 26
4.3. vulnerable new corporaLlons ............................................................................................................... 27
?. @'$"0'41&A&B"17&C"D".......................................................................................................... 6E
3.1. 1he olarold brand............................................................................................................................... 28
3.1.1. Core ldenLlLy.................................................................................................................................. 28
3.1.2. LxLended ldenLlLy.......................................................................................................................... 29
3.1.3. value proposlLlon.......................................................................................................................... 29
3.2. Why Caga? ........................................................................................................................................... 29
3.2.1. ueflnlng Lady Caga........................................................................................................................ 29
3.3. kapferer's ldenLlLy rlsm...................................................................................................................... 30
3.4. olarold + Lady Caga = new ldenLlLy.................................................................................................... 32
=. @'$"0'41F,&';;'0+2*4+4%,&"*1&3:"$$%*D%,............................................................................. 55
6.1. CpporLunlLles ....................................................................................................................................... 33
6.1.1. ldenLlLy and poslLlonlng ................................................................................................................ 34
6.1.2. MulLlple olarold ldenLlLles........................................................................................................... 33
6.2. Challenges ............................................................................................................................................ 33
6.2.1. 8rand lnsurance ............................................................................................................................ 36
G. )'*3$2,4'* ......................................................................................................................... 5E
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E. H4#$4'D0";:7....................................................................................................................... 5I
8.1. 8ooks .................................................................................................................................................... 39
8.2. ArLlcles.................................................................................................................................................. 39
8.3. WebslLes............................................................................................................................................... 40
8.4. Appendlx............................................................................................................................................... 41

Total chaiactei count: S4.928
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"# $%&'()*+&,(%!
Touay, eveiything can be a bianu. Spoitspeople, musicians, television piogiams, even
commouities like watei anu papei can be hypeu to fulfill Naslow's esteem neeu.
Recently, maiketing ieseaichei anu piactitionei, }eal-Nol Kapfeiei suggesteu, "the bianu is
eveiything that makes the piouuct much moie than a piouuct."

But is the bianu always static oi can these elements that makes the piouuct much
moie than a piouuct affect the bianu image, oi event the bianu iuentity.

The uefinition by auveitising guiu Baviu 0gilvy, piesenteu moie than half a centuiy ago, gives
a moie uetaileu bianu uesciiption: "A bianu is a complex symbol. It is the intangible sum of a
piouuct's attiibutes, it's name, packaging anu piice, it's histoiy, ieputation, anu the way it's
auveitiseu. A bianu is also uefineu by consumei's impiession of people who use it, as well as
theii own expeiience."
0gilvy's uefinition takes the society into account anu gives people the
powei to change the uefinition of a bianu baseu on theii impiession of people who use it.
A lot has happeneu in maiketing since 19SS. New theoiies of integiateu maiketing
communicating has emeigeu, anu exciting new communication channels have seen the light of
uay, giving maiketeis unlimiteu possibilities foi builuing theii bianus.

In the piocess of builuing a stiong bianu the challenge faceu by maiketeis woiluwiue is how
to cieate awaieness anu uiffeientiate the paiticulai piouuct oi seivice, by successfully
communicating the company values anu piouuct attiibutes to the enu consumei. Among
otheis, the INC Nix Nouel
piesenteu by Pickton anu Bioueiick suggest a wiue aiiay of
alteinatives foi successful maiketing communications, all aiming at uiffeientiating the
piouuct, hence cieating a bianu. But ievenue is not a mattei of couise even though the bianu
is establisheu.
0ne way foi coipoiations to cut thiough the cluttei anu instantly entei the meuia
space, is by using celebiities to enuoise theii bianu. Nultinational coipoiations aie

Kapfeiei, }ean-Nol: !"#$%&'(&")*+$,'(-.$/(-()"/"-&0$+'"(&*-)$(-.$%1%&(*-*-)$,'(-.$"21*&3$45-)$&"'/6$fouith
euition (2uu8), Kogan Page Limiteu, p. 1S2
Pickton, Baviu anu Amanua Bioueiick: 7-&")'(&".$8('9"&*-)$:5//1-*+(&*5-%, seconu euition, (2uuS), Peaison
Euucation Limiteu, p. 17
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continuously signing luciative contiacts with uistinguisheu peisonalities fiom the spoits,
movie, anu music inuustiy, hoping theii piesence anu peisonality will ieflect on the bianu.
Bowevei, ovei time, seveial examples of coipoiations abanuoning theii bianu
enuoiseis have ieacheu the meuia. Nost iecently uatoiaue, AT&T anu Accentuie have
withuiawn fiom fuithei collaboiation with pio golfei Tigei Woous, aftei meuia ievealeu his
seciet sex life outsiue maiiiage. A stuuy conuucteu by two 0niveisity of Califoinia economics
piofessois claims that the Tigei Woous scanual has uestioyeu $12BN in stock value since the
news bioke out.

Bespite this, anu numeious stoiies with heavy meuia coveiage emphasizing the
enuoiseis iisk of potentially uamaging the bianu, companies aie ieluctant to letting go on the
bianu enuoisei.

Incieasingly, peisonalities fiom the enteitainment inuustiy, who often iepiesent a bianu on
theii own, aie appointeu to let theii magic touch upon coipoiations' piouucts. Theii histoiy
anu values aie connecteu to the bianu in oiuei to cieate association sets between bianu anu
enuoisei. Nost iecently, aitist anu peifoimei Lauy uaga, alieauy contiacteu by Nac
cosmetics, has been piesenteu as cieative uiiectoi foi instant cameia manufactuiei Polaioiu.

The collaboiation is uesciibeu by Polaioiu in a piess ielease, as a paitneiship that ".biings
togethei one of the woilu's most iconic bianus with touay's fastest iising musical aitist anu
cultuial tienu settei."
. Fuitheimoie, Polaioiu emphasize Lauy uaga's ".fashion foiwaiu
uesign aesthetic anu hei exceptionally close connection with hei fans".
But, is a close connection with fans a quality that can be useu to sell cameias. Accoiuing to the
piess ielease, Polaioiu is walking on aii, but the coipoiation coulu be facing a haiu challenge.
This thesis will stiive to enlighten ielevant maiketing aspects of this new stiategic


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"#"# -'(./01!2&3&010%&!
What aie the implications foi new anu establisheu coipoiations iespectively when
intiouucing a celebiity to enuoise theii bianu.

Seen fiom a theoietical point of view, anu in ielation to the pievious question, what aie the
oppoitunities anu challenges foi Polaioiu's bianu when appointing Lauy uaga as cieative
"#"#"# 40203'+5!6*02&,(%2!
With ielevant theoiy anu case stuuies the thesis will aim to answei the pioblem statement
thiough the following ieseaich questions:

What uefines celebiity enuoisement anu to which uegiee aie coipoiations uepenuent
on meuia in oiuei to successfully employ a celebiity enuoisement stiategy.

What uefines Polaioiu's iecent bianu iuentity system.
Bow can theoiy explain Polaioiu's signing of Lauy uaga as a cieative uiiectoi.
Which stiategic piecautions can Polaioiu take to 'insuie' theii bianu against
unexpecteu negative publicity.
"#7# 850('9!
The following section will builu the theoietical founuation foi this thesis. The evolution of
society, the notion anu stability of iuentity, anu the peiception of tiuth play a majoi iole in
both maiketing anu coipoiate communication.
"#7#"# $)0%&,&9!
The notion of iuentity has evolveu ovei time.
Accoiuing to anthiopological anu sociological folkloie one was boin into a place in
the woilu anu liveu anu uieu as a membei of a pieueteimineu society. Iuentity was fixeu, soliu
anu stable, thus unpioblematic anu not subject to ieflection oi uiscussion.

Kellnei, Bouglas: 8".*($+14&1'", (2uu1), Routleuge, p. 2S1
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In moueinity, iuentity becomes moie peisonal, self-ieflexive anu subject to change.
"0ne can choose anu make - anu then iemake - one's iuentity as one's life-possibilities change
anu expanu oi contiact"

Fiom a postmouein peispective, iuentity becomes moie anu moie unstable anu
fiagile. "Within this situation, the uiscouises of postmoueinity pioblematize the veiy notion
of iuentity, claiming that it is a myth anu an illusion."

"#7#7# -(2&1()0'%,21!
With a founuation in ait, aichitectuie, liteiatuie anu cultuial stuuies postmoueinism
iepiesents the questioning anu iejection of moueinism. Fuitheimoie, postmoueinism
embiace the notion of subjectivity by uiscaiuing the iuea of stiuctuialism, meaning that some
aitistic ait foims aie not necessaiily bettei than otheis. Pop ait, foi instance, claimeu a status
on it's own alongsiue the woiks of Leonaiuo anu Nichelangelo.
The oiigin anu
chaiacteiistics of postmoueinism aie iecognizeu as the substiuctuies of social

Postmoueinism also emphasizes the vaiiety of situation-uepenuent ways of life
aiguing that the piesent woilu is a postmouein society which no longei can be unueistoou by
one paiamount system of knowleuge, such as ieligion.

As uesciibeu by Kellnei "(.) iuentitiy is highly unstable anu has in some
postmouein theoiies uisappeieu altogethei in the 'postmouein scene' (.)"

Fiench sociologist }ean Bauuiillaiu takes the next step by asciibing tiemenuous powei to the
meuia in the constitution of 'the postmouein scene'.

"#7#:# 40/0;3%+0!,%!.'3%),%<!
The postmouein point of entiy to this thesis is impoitant to emphasize uue to its iemaikable
effect on the notion of bianuing. The uefinition of "the bianu" has evolveu fiom being solely
piouuct-oiienteu (Fig 1.1) into a holistic postmouein peiception emphasizing the bianu-
customei ielationship (Fig. 1.2). Naiketeis aie now stiiving to cieate a futuie beyonu bianus

Kellnei, (2uu1), p. 2S2
Buii, vivien: ;-$*-&'5.1+&*5-$&5$%5+*(4$+5-%&'1+&*5-*%/6$(2uu1), Routleuge, p.1S
Buii, (2uu1), p. 12
Buii, (2uu1), p. 14
Kellnei, (2uu1), p. 2S4
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wheie iespect, mysteiy, sensuality, intimacy anu love aie some of the keywoius.

Following the postmouein paiauigm bianus aie no longei able to holu a stable
iuentity hence focus is tiansfeiieu to the Bianu-Customei ielationship. This iuea has yet to
gain cuiiency among many scholais, howevei, both static anu uynamic featuies of bianu
iuentity will be toucheu upon thioughout the thesis.

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"#7#=# 850('9!(>!2+,0%+0!
When uefining theoiy Newton uaivei suggests; "The woiu theoiy coveis a multituue of
viitues anu vices, sometimes counting as knowleuge anu sometimes contiasting with
knowleuge. But theoiy is as impoitant as obseivation in science."
Science, fiom Latin
"scientia", means knowleuge, thus theoiy of science becomes 'knowleuge of knowleuge', oi an
attempt to uesciibe new knowleuge thiough existing theoiy of empiiical valiuity.

The scientific theoiy of social constiuctionism challenges the view of empiiicism in
tiauitional science anu the iuea that what exist is what we peiceive to exist.

As a natuial consequence of the pievious chaptei on postmoueinism this thesis will use a
social constiuctionist appioach to emphasize the ciitical stance towaius taken-foi-gianteu
peispectives on bianuing anu celebiity enuoisement.
In the following paiagiaph, chaiacteiistics of social constiuctionism will be biiefly
explaineu in oiuei to builu a scientific founuation foi this thesis to iest upon.

Accoiuing to Buii theie is no single featuie, which coulu be saiu to iuentify a social
constiuctionist position. As mentioneu in the pievious section, postmoueinism can be
peiceiveu as the cultuial anu intellectual founuation fiom which social constiuctionism has
taken shape. Although the exact histoiy is haiu to iepoit sociological anu psychological
influences aie ceitain.

Buii uesciibes the following foui key assumptions as the coineistones of social
In opposition to positivism, social constiuctionism seek to take a ciitical stance
towaius taken-foi-gianteu knowleuge while challenging the view that conventional
knowleuge is baseu upon objective, unbiaseu obseivation of the woilu. Fuitheimoie, the
founuation foi oui ways of unueistanuing is seen as a piouuct of cultuie anu histoiy. The
foims of knowleuge constiucteu in any cultuie aie aitifacts of it thus shoulu not be peiceiveu
as being any bettei oi neaiei the tiuth than othei foims. The thiiu assumption uesciibes how
knowleuge anu oui common ways of unueistanuing, accoiuing to social constiuctionism, aie

Buii, (2uu1), p. S
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constiucteu between people iathei than thiough objective obseivations. Social piocesses anu
inteiactions, language in paiticulai, constiuct oui shaieu veisions of knowleuge - what we,
within oui own histoiy anu cultuie, cuiiently peiceive as 'tiuth'. 0ltimately, Buii explains
that knowleuge anu social action always go togethei. This means that knowleuge anu
peiceiveu 'tiuth' can take a wiue vaiiety of uiffeient foims uue to numeious possible social
constiuctions of the woilu.

The social constiuctionism appioach contains seveial contiasting elements when compaiing
it to tiauitional anu social psychology. As mentioneu above, social constiuctionists claim that
knowleuge is constiucteu thiough social piocesses anu inteiactions between people. Wheieas
some tiauitions of psychology agiee, otheis, such as psychoanalysis anu tiait theoiy, peiceive
the peison as having some uefinable anu uiscoveiable natuie.
Accoiuing to social constiuctionists, all knowleuge is ueiiveu fiom a subjective view
of the woilu as cultuies anu societies constiuct theii own veisions of ieality between them.
Essentially, within the fielu of social constiuctionism, the notion of 'tiuth' becomes subjective,
thus pioblematic.
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"#:# 850('0&,+3/!>'310?('@!
In oiuei to auuiess the pioblem statement fiom a theoietical point of view the thesis will
piesent a theoietical fiamewoik. Some of the theoiies piesenteu in this section aie subject to
uiscussion, as they uo not follow social constiuctionist theoiy. Bowevei, all authois anu
theoiies aie chosen caiefully to account foi uiffeient sections of the thesis.

Baviu A. Aakei, piofessoi anu maiketing consultant, is the authoi of some of the most wiuely
ieau books on bianus anu bianu equity. In 'Builuing Stiong Bianus' Aakei uesciibes the bianu
thiough vaiious mouels of bianu iuentity. Be acknowleuge the bianu-customei ielationship,
howevei, Aakei goes against social constiuctionist theoiy when suggesting that the bianu is
static iathei than uynamic.

Piofessoi anu PhB holuei }ean-Nol Kapfeiei, one of the most influential expeits on bianu
management, acknowleuge that bianus aie symbols of the postmouein society anu suggests
that they aie analyzeu thiough multiple peispectives. Bowevei, the theoiies by Kapfeiei useu
in this thesis focuses on the manageiial peispective anu suggest that bianu iuentity has six
facets. Kapfeiei's facets on bianu iuentity aie iathei static hence they aie challengeu by the
social constiuctionist paiauigm.

Teience A. Shimp, piofessoi anu PhB holuei fiom South Califoinia, is an expeit in auveitising
anu piomotion in geneial anu celebiity enuoisement in paiticulai. The aiticle 'Enuoiseis in
Auveitising: The Case of Negative Celebiity Infoimation', co-authoieu with Biian Till, eaineu
the status of outstanuing aiticle publisheu in 1998 in the }ouinal of Auveitising.

Accoiuing to social constiuctionist theoiy, knowleuge can take a vaiiety of uiffeient foims
uepenuing on subjective views. Acknowleuging this, the thesis will seek to challenge the
theoiies listeu above by piesenting auuitional theoiy to enlighten the subject fiom multiple
peispectives. Bisciplines not uiiectly ielateu to maiketing anu bianuing will theiefoie
become ielevant.

Kapfeiei, (2uu8)
Shimp, Teience A.: 7-&")'(&".$8('9"&*-)$:5//1-*+(&*5-%$*-$;.<"'&*%*-)$(-.$='5/5&*5-6$"*)>&>$".*&*5-6 (2uu7),
South-Westein, Cengage Leaining, p. 1
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"#=# A0&5()!3%)!B0/,1,&3&,(%2!
The thesis aigues that it makes ieasonable sense to appioach bianus, bianuing anu celebiity
enuoisement using social constiuctionist theoiy, in oiuei to piesent the subject fiom multiple
Bue to the multifaceteu natuie of social constiuctionism the thesis will uelibeiately
use liteiatuie fiom seveial fielus moie oi less connecteu to maiketing anu communications.
The ieason foi this is to challenge the taken foi gianteu notion that celebiity enuoisement is a
goou way to piomote a bianu.

Recent meuia coveiage has questioneu the effect negative celebiity infoimation may have on
the bianu a celebiity enuoises. This thesis will seek to explain the ielationship between
coipoiation anu celebiity, in oiuei to ueteimine the oppoitunities anu challenges foi the
coipoiation when appointing a celebiity to enuoise the coipoiate bianu.

The fiist pait of this thesis will piesent vaiious insights to celebiity enuoisement anu account
foi the powei of meuia in the postmouein society. Tangible case stuuies will account foi the
implications of celebiity enuoisement anu builu the founuation foi the seconu pait of the
pioblem statement, iegaiuing Polaioiu's oppoitunities anu challenges.
Piioi to the possible explanations foi Polaioiu's appointment of Lauy uaga the
cuiient Polaioiu bianu will be uefineu. Next, oppoitunities anu challenges foi the Polaioiu
bianu will be accounteu foi, suppoiteu by ielevant theoiy, uesciibeu in the pievious sections.

Baseu on the finuings, the thesis will suggest whethei oi not Polaioiu will be able to take any
stiategic piecautions to insuie theii bianu against unexpecteu negative publicity.

Bue to the limiteu numbei of chaiacteis some subjects anu theoiies will only be explaineu in
biief uetails. This consiueiation has been maue in oiuei to focus on the moie theoietical anu
stiategic paits of the thesis.

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7# C0/0.',&9!0%)('2010%&!*%+(;0'0)!
As usual with maiketing teims, maiketeis finu it haiu to agiee on a single uefinition of
celebiity enuoisement. The celebiity enuoisei has been uefineu by uiant NcCiacken as: "any
inuiviuual who enjoys public iecognition anu who uses this iecognition on behalf of a
consumei goou by appeaiing with it in an auveitisement."

In oiuei to iuentify anu analyze the implications of celebiity enuoisement foi new anu
establisheu coipoiations a geneial unueistanuing of celebiity enuoisement theoiy must be
obtaineu. Piioi to analyzing, this chaptei will uncovei the psychological theoiy behinu
celebiity enuoisement to ueteimine the elements making it such a poweiful tool.
Fuitheimoie, coipoiations' uepenuency on meuia will be uesciibeu to ueteimine the powei
of meuia anu how coipoiations can use this actively in bianu cieation anu maintenance.
7#"# D%)0'2&3%),%<!+0/0.',&9!0%)('2010%&!
Intiouucing celebiity enuoisement as a stiategic tool, this thesis will fiist seek to uncovei the
powei of, as well as the ieason behinu, using celebiities in maiketing communications. When
questioning what makes celebiity enuoisement such a poweiful tool, fiist pait of the answei
lies within the fielu of psychology.
7#"#"# 850!8EF4G!1()0/!
Accoiuing to Shimp, an estimateu one sixth of aus woiluwiue featuie celebiities
. Reseaich
ieveals that in most cases stock piices show to iise when companies announce celebiity
enuoisement contiacts anu to fall when negative publicity about a bianu enuoisei ieaches
the meuia.

Shimp explains the powei of celebiity enuoisement thiough the TEARS mouel.
Extensive ieseaich, Shimp claims, has uemonstiateu two components, cieuibility anu
attiactiveness, that contiibute to an enuoiseis effectiveness. Within cieuibility the
psychological piocess of inteinalization is eviuent, wheie ".the ieceivei accepts the
enuoisei's position on an issue as his oi hei own."
Tiustwoithiness, conceining the honesty,
integiity anu believability of the souice, anu expeitise, iefeiiing to knowleuge, expeiience
anu skills, aie sub attiibutes to the oveiall notion of cieuibility. In line with social

NcCiacken, uiant: ?>5$*%$&>"$+"4",'*&3$"-.5'%"'@$:14&1'(4$A51-.(&*5-%$5A$&>"$"-.5'%"/"-&$B'5+"%%6$(1989),
}ouinal of consumei ieseaich, vol. 16, p. S1u
Shimp, (2uu7), p. 2Su$
Shimp, (2uu7), p. 2S2
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constiuctionist theoiy, expeitise in paiticulai, anu cieuibility in geneial, aie peiceiveu
phenomena meaning that whethei an enuoisei is actually an expeit is unimpoitant as long as
he oi she is peiceiveu as one by the taiget auuience.
The seconu component constituting enuoisei effectiveness is attiactiveness wheie
peisonal piopeities, lifestyle chaiacteiistics anu intellectual skills play an impoitant pait foi
the consumei in the piocess of iuentification. When consumeis peiceive the enuoisei as being
attiactive they aie likely to auopt the enuoiseis behavioi, inteiests, attituues anu piefeiences
in oiuei to iuentify with the enuoisei.

To summaiize, the TEARS mouel suggests that the enuoiseis peiceiveu
attiactiveness anu cieuibility aie key elements to impact the consumei.
7#"#7# 850!103%,%<!&'3%2>0'!1()0/!
uiant NcCiacken, an Associate Piofessoi at the Bepaitment of Consumei Stuuies, 0niveisity
of uuelph, Canaua, suggests a ieviseu view on celebiity enuoisement. NcCiacken aigues, anu
uepicts in the meaning tiansfei mouel, that the enuoisement piocess uepenus upon the
symbolic piopeities of the celebiity enuoisei.

An anonymous (fashion) mouel, useu in auveitising, can uisplay vaiious
uemogiaphic categoiies such as age, genuei anu ethnicity. Looks anu lifestyle give the
auuience a peiception of the enuoisei thus biing meaning to an au. In auuition to these
categoiies anu meanings, celebiities aie able to exuue a veiy uetaileu uistinction of status,
class anu peisonality. Accoiuing to NcCiacken, "celebiities offei configuiations of meaning
that mouels can nevei possess."
Fuitheimoie, he aigues that celebiities 'own' theii
meanings since they have cieateu them on the public stage.
The meaning tiansfei mouel is uiviueu into thiee stages conceining cultuie,
enuoisement anu consumption. The oveiall puipose of the mouel is, as the title suggests, to
explain how meanings cieateu in consumei societies aie tiansfeiieu, fiist fiom the celebiity
to a piouuct, anu then fiom piouuct to the enu consumei. Fiist stage conceins cultuie,
meaning the peiceiveu chaiacteiistics anu qualities of the celebiity enuoisei. Seconu stage,
the enuoisement piocess, wheie meanings aie moveu fiom the celebiity to the piouuct.

Shimp, (2uu7), p. 2SS
NcCiacken, (1989), p. S1S
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Iueally, the coipoiation will choose a celebiity who peifectly matches theii piouuct,
otheiwise they must captuie only the meanings they wish to obtain fiom the celebiity.

Thiiu stage of the mouel is moie complex. Accoiuing to NcCiacken, buying anu
owning the piouuct is not enough to automatically incoipoiate meanings into the self.
Insteau, the consumei must claim the meanings anu woik with them.
Although 'Stage S'
conceins meaning tiansfei fiom piouuct to consumei, celebiities still play a iole in this final
stage of the mouel. The meanings cieateu by the celebiity on the public stage aie now
available foi the consumei to claim. NcCiacken aigues that consumeis aie constantly
extiacting symbolic piopeities out of consumei goous into theii lives, to constiuct theii own
ieflection of what they aumiie. In a way, consumeis aie now laboiing to peifoim theii own
stage 1.

The Neaning Tiansfei Nouel (Souice: NcCiacken, 1989, p. S1S)
7#"#:# -29+5(/(<,+3/!'0203'+5!
In 199u, Bi. }ulie N. Buck, Bepaitment of Psychology, 0niveisity of Queenslanu, conuucteu a
stuuy iegaiuing auolescents' auoption of iole mouels to ueteimine the main souice of iueals
foi chiluien. Buck's ieseaich shows that female tweens anu teens chose theii iuols baseu on
looks, peiceiveu fame anu populaiity as well as peiceiveu peisonality tiaits. Boys' choices

NcCiacken, (1989), p. S16
NcCiacken, (1989), p. S17
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weie similaily ielateu to physical stiength, wealth, peiceiveu fame anu populaiity.
iemaikable point in this ieseaich is that peiceiveu fame anu populaiity in most cases comes
piioi to tiaits such as peifoimance anu competence.

A similai stuuy, peifoimeu in 1999 by Biomnick anu Swallow, showeu that pop stais, spoits
figuies, actois anu enteitaineis weie the most populai iole mouels foi the chiluien (89,7%).

Although some athletes weie chosen foi theii skills, peiceiveu fame was a significant uecision
makei among the chiluien.
7#7# A03%,%<!&'3%2>0'!3%)!H29+5(/(<9!
Regaiuless of mouel the psychological factois play an impoitant iole in the celebiity
enuoisement piocess. As uesciibeu by both Shimp anu NcCiacken the celebiity enuoisei's
effectiveness uepenus on hei oi his ability to tiansfei some kinu of meaning to the enu
consumei. Wheieas Ships aigues that it can be measuieu in two geneial attiibutes, cieuibility
anu attiactiveness, NcCiacken suggests that meaning fiist moves fiom enuoisei to the
piouuct anu then to the enu customei, who has to claim it in oiuei foi the piocess to be
The psychological ieseaich uepicts chiluien's sense of peiceiveu celebiity anu fame
at a veiy eaily stage. Peifoimance anu competence, ciucial tiaits foi pop stais anu
championship athletes, weie in many cases peiceiveu as seconuaiy to 'being famous'. When
questioning why this is the case the meuia inuustiy is an obvious place to seek an answei.

Buck, }ulie N.: :>*4.'"-C%$7."(4%0$D>"$E54"$5A$E"(4FG*A"$<"'%1%$8".*($H*)1'"%, (199u), Austialian }ouinal of
Psychology 42, pp. 19-29
Biomnick, Rachel B. anu Biian L. Swallow:$7$G*9"$I"*-)$?>5$7$;/0$($%&1.3$5A$351-)$B"5B4"J%$*."(4%, (1999),
Euucational Stuuies, vol. 2S, pp. 117-128
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:# 850!H(?0'!(>!10),3!
Neuia, explaineu by the New 0xfoiu Ameiican Bictionaiy, is the collective uesciiption foi the
main means of mass communication.

A cleai uefinition is, accoiuing to Eoin Beveieux
haiu to specify, since the unueistanuing of
mass meuia goes fuithei than the technical uefinition of being a meuium of communication
between senuei anu ieceivei. "The expeiience of living in mouein anu postmouein societies
is uefineu piimaiily by the veiy existence of the mass meuia."

:#"# F!H(2&1()0'%!10),3!3HH'(3+5!
A stuuy peifoimeu in 2uuS by William Babcock anu viiginia Whitehouse
questioneu who's
to blame foi what they calleu a theoietical shift in people's peiception of celebiities.

Buiing the 0S election in 2uuS the meuia uepicteu actoi Ainolu Schwaizeneggei as an action
heio, suggesting to voteis that he woulu be able to save Califoinia. Accoiuing to Babcock anu
Whitehouse, Schwaizeneggei uelibeiately avoiueu the political iepoiteis by spenuing his
time on enteitaining television infotainment shows. Fuitheimoie, Babcock anu Whitehouse

New 0xfoiu Ameiican Bictionaiy, Apple Inc., (2uuS-2uu9)
Senioi Lectuiei in Sociology at 0niveisity of Limeiick, Iielanu
Beveieux (2uuS), p. 12!
William Babcock, Bepaitment of }ouinalism, Califoinia State 0niveisity, Long Beach; viiginia Whitehouse,
Bepaitment of Communication Stuuies, Whitwoith College.
Babcock, William anu viiginia Whitehouse: :"4",'*&3$(%$($B5%&/5."'-$B>"-5/"-5-6$"&>*+(4$+'*%*%$A5'$."/5+'(+36$
(-.$/".*($-*)>&/('"6$(2uuS), }ouinal of mass meuia ethics 2u, pp. 188-189
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ciiticize jouinalists foi lacking peisistency in theii ciitical questioning of Schwaizeneggei on
impoitant political issues.

Continuing theii ciitical stance towaius the postmouein meuia inuustiy a iefeience
to Paul uiosswilei is emphasizeu: "The postmouein meuia consumei anu theiefoie the meuia
inuustiy itself values the unusual ovei the iational, anu novelty foi nothing othei than
novelty's sake."

As stateu in section 1.2.2 Fiench sociologist }ean Bauuiillaiu asciibeu tiemenuous powei to
the meuia in the constiuction of the postmouein scene. Compaiing with Babcock anu
Whitehouse's stuuies he was iight.

This thesis will not juuge whethei oi not the meuia oi the postmouein meuia consumei, if
anyone, is to blame. The puipose of this section is a meiely an asceitainment of the meuia's
influence in the contempoiaiy postmouein society.
:#7# A0),3!),2&,%+&,(%!
Foi the iecoiu, the uiffeience between auveitising anu othei meuia exposuie, namely public
ielations (PR), is impoitant to emphasize. Although both techniques seek similai goals the
main uiffeience is the money coipoiations pay, oi uon't pay, to get the message acioss.
Auveitising can be uefineu as "the piocess of gaining the public's attention thiough
paiu meuia announcements"
wheieas PR is "all about ieputation - the iesult of what you uo,
what you say anu what otheis say about you"
The money spent on auveitising buy the coipoiation full contiol, thus the message
can be ueliveieu exactly as the senuei intenueu. The coipoiation can influence PR but not
contiol it. As a iesult this souice of infoimation becomes moie cieuible than auveitising.
:#:# C('H('3&,(%2!)0H0%)0%+9!(%!10),3!
Foi coipoiations the meuia is much moie than a place to auveitise. Senuing ciucial
infoimation to consumeis, issuing piess ieleases, anu the inteiacting with multiple
stakeholueis at once aie all functions facilitateu by meuia netwoiks.

Babcock, (2uuS), p. 1888
Coinelissen, }oep: :5'B5'(&"$:5//1-*+(&*5-%0$D>"5'3$(-.$B'(+&*+"6 (2uu4), Sage publications$
Tench, Ralph anu Liz Yeomans: KLB45'*-)$=1,4*+$E"4(&*5-%6$(2uu6), Peaison Euucation Limiteu, p. S1S
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Coipoiate public ielations anu coipoiate communication aie concepts uealing with
oiganizational image, ieputation anu iuentity.
As mentioneu in section 1.2.1 the notion of
iuentity, in this case coipoiate iuentity, has evolveu ovei time anu is now a meie function of
the ielationship between a coipoiation anu it's stakeholueis. In this ielationship the meuia,
often becomes the meuiatoi, as coipoiations to a laige extent aie uepenuent on meuia to
ieach theii othei auuiences.
Coipoiations may use auveitising as a methou of ieaching auuiences anu theieby
constiuct the image they want to poitiay. Bowevei, the fine line uiviuing maiketing anu PR
communication is also a line of cieuibility. Public ielations communication is peiceiveu by
consumeis to be moie unbiaseu anu objective than auveitising since a neutial thiiu paity
issues the statement.
Tench anu Yeomans
aigues that "no auveitisement oi sales peison
can convince you about the viitues of a piouuct as effectively as an inuepenuent expeit, such
as a jouinalist." anu continues, ".if this opinion is then iepeateu to you by a fiienu, family
membei oi colleague it has even gieatei iesonance."

As stateu above, jouinalists, anu meuia in geneial, can have a ciucial effect on stakeholueis'
peiception of the coipoiation. In ceitain situations, as uepicteu in section S.1, the meuia
inuustiy is even accuseu foi angling a situation to a paiticulai favoi.
Fuitheimoie, the meuia is able to change the public image of a coipoiation by auuiessing
ielateu elements such as the coipoiation's countiy of oiigin, suppliei oi celebiity enuoisei.
:#=# G(+,3/!10),3!
Buiing iecent yeais the populaiity of social meuia has been heavily incieasing. The scope of
social meuia is continuously expanuing. As of }anuaiy 2uu9 social netwoiking site Facebook
iegisteieu moie than 17S million active useis.
The geneiic teim coveis a laige aiiay of
online activities like social netwoiking sites, blogs, viitual communities, cieative shaiing sites
anu much, much moie. An aiticle fiom 2uu9 by ulynn Nangolu anu Baviu Faulus uesciibes

Tench, (2uu6), p. 2SS
Tench, (2uu6), p. 418
Bi. Ralph Tench, Leeus Netiopolitan 0niveisity; Liz Yeomans, Leeus Netiopolitan 0niveisity
Tench, (2uu6), p. 418
Kaplan, Anuieas N. anu Nichael Baenlein: M%"'%$5A$&>"$#5'4.6$1-*&"N$D>"$+>(44"-)"%$(-.$5BB5'&1-*&*"%$5A$O5+*(4$
8".*(6$(2u1u), Business Boiizons, vol. SS, p. S9
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social meuia, also iefeiieu to as consumei geneiateu meuia, as a new hybiiu element of the
piomotion mix.

Fiom a maiketing point of view, one of many oppoitunities, but also challenges,
extiacteu fiom social meuia is the consumeis' ability to communicate with one anothei. This
uigital extension of tiauitional woiu-of-mouth holus the potential of instantly spieauing news
woiluwiue. 0ne of the best anu most iecent examples is a 1u-seconu viueo clip of the
piesumably new Apple iPhone leakeu on viueo site youtube.com, by gauget site gizmouo.com.
Within the fiist 48 houis the news spieau viially to multiple social netwoiking sites, the viueo
ieceiveu 2,S million views
, anu news coipoiations woiluwiue bioaucasteu the stoiy in
piime time news iepoits. At piesent time it is still uncleai whethei the leak was causeu by an
inteinal secuiity bieach oi a majoi publicity stunt cieateu by Apple piioi to the iPhone's
In theii aiticle Nangolu anu Faulus acknowleuge that coipoiations cannot contiol
the communication in online foia. Bowevei, they uo uesciibe how coipoiations can use social
meuia tools to pioviue exclusive infoimation to consumeis thus shape the uiscussion in favoi
of the coipoiation. Even though moie scientific methous foi shaping those uiscussions have
not yet been aiticulateu Nangolu anu Faulus emphasize that coipoiations shoulu not
unueiestimate the potential of social meuia wheie consumeis communicate with one

This suggestion is aligneu with Tench anu Yeomans' aigument saying that opinions
have even gieatei iesonance if iepeateu by a fiienu.

:#I# E>>0+&,;0!+0/0.',&9!0%)('2010%&!
In a veiy iecent stuuy Nielsen Nusic Contiol
tiackeu pop aitist anu Tv piesentei Cheiyl Cole
to see how hei meuia activities affecteu sales foi the L'0ieal piouucts she enuoises.
Naiketeis at L'0ieal planneu theii campaign featuiing Cheiyl Cole with the ielease of hei fiist
solo album, as well as hei appeaiance on the television show Biitish X Factoi. Tiacking all
meuia exposuie, both planneu anu unplanneu, fiom Tv commeicials, piint aus, outuooi,
online, social meuia etc. Nielsen Nusic Contiol makes the connection to a 2Suu% sales

Nangolu, ulynn W. anu Baviu }. Faulus: O5+*(4$/".*(0$D>"$-"#$>3,'*.$"4"/"-&$5A$&>"$B'5/5&*5-$/*L6$(2uu9),
Business Boiizons, vol. S2, pp. SS7-S6S$
Nangolu, (2uu9), pp. SS7-S6S
Section S.S
A Nusic Nonitoiing seivice specializeu in a iange of iepoits anu chaits conceining the music inuustiy
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inciease in S months
foi the L'0ieal Elvive Full Restoie S haii caie piouuct, enuoiseu by

Anothei iemaikable point is the timing of buzz iegaiuing Cole's L'0ieal
enuoisement. The fiist peak in publicity comes shoitly aftei she is announceu as bianu
ambassauoi. Seconu peak comes, alongsiue hei music caieei publicity, just befoie the ielease
of the fiist album single, anu the thiiu peak aftei publicity about Cole weaiing haii extensions
in the shampoo aus.
Even though the stuuy by Nielsen Nusic Contiol uo not possess the
same scientific appioach as the psychological ieseaich mentioneu in section 2.1.S the finuings
confiim a shaieu opinion that peiceiveu fame anu populaiity in these cases come piioi to
tiaits such as the celebiity's peifoimance anu competence.
Bespite Cole's heavy meuia exposuie uuiing the peiiou with incieasing sales she
cannot be cieuiteu entiiely foi L'0ieal's success. Nielsen Nusic Contiol explains that heavy in-
stoie piomotion also plays a pait; "As a iesult, you can't say foi uefinite it was only Cheiyl
that maue an impact because of such things as ietail activity. But she ceitainly biings togethei
the whole maiketing package."

:#J# K0<3&,;0!+0/0.',&9!,%>('13&,(%!
In 1998 Biian B. Till anu Teience A. Shimp conuucteu a stuuy examining how negative
infoimation about a celebiity can influence the bianu the celebiity enuoises.
In theii ieseaich context, celebiities anu bianus both iepiesents noues, which initially aie
unconnecteu but become linkeu ovei time thiough the enuoisement piocess.

As uesciibeu in chaptei 2 meanings aie expecteu to tiansfei to the enuoiseu bianu
thiough theii iepetitive association. Till anu Shimp aigues that the concept of association sets,
which iepiesent the pieexisting associations that aie meaningfully ielateu to an object, is
paiticulaily impoitant foi unueistanuing that piocess. Both celebiity anu the bianu holu
these pieexisting associations that, if the association is stiong enough, will pioviue a path
ovei which one's evaluation of the celebiity has an!oppoitunity to tiansfei to the bianu.

As uesciibeu by Till anu Shimp, stuuies by Noffsingei et al. (198S) anu }uuu et al. (1991)

Fiom 1u,uuu to 2Su,uuu units solu. Piimo Septembei - ultimo Novembei 2u1u.
Noitimei, Ruth: ;F4*%&$%&('%$)*<"$,'(-.$+(/B(*)-%$&>"$PQA(+&5', (2u1u), Naiketing Week, Febiuaiy euition, pp.
Till, Biian B. anu Teience A. Shimp: K-.5'%"'%$*-$;.<"'&*%*-)0$D>"$:(%"$5A$!")(&*<"$:"4",'*&3$7-A5'/(&*5-,
(1998), }ouinal of Auveitising, volume XXvI6$p. 68-69
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pioviue empiiical eviuence uemonstiating that attituues can be influenceu in such a way,
suggesting a geneial hypothesis:!"uiven a sufficiently stiong associative link between a
celebiity anu a bianu, subsequent negative infoimation about the celebiity iesults in loweieu
evaluations of the bianu." In theii stuuy Till anu Shimp confiimeu this hypothesis by ieaching
theii own significant conclusion: "Any negative news about a celebiity may ieuuce the
celebiity's alluie, anu theiefoie the appeal of the bianu the celebiity has enuoiseu."
:#L# F!10),3!?('/)!
Consiueiing the ieseaich question fiom section 1.1.1, iegaiuing coipoiations' uepenuency on
meuia when employing a celebiity enuoisement stiategy, ceitain ieactions can now be
toucheu upon.
As uesciibeu by Tench anu Yeomans the cieuibility of a neutial thiiu paity goes
beyonu the powei of auveitising. Babcock anu Whitehouse gives an example of this fiom the
0S election in 2uuS wheie the meuia acting as a thiiu paity, uepicteu the bianu, Ainolu
Schwaizeneggei, as the man that coulu save Califoinia.
The stuuy by Nielsen Nusic Contiol uocumenteu a 2Suu% sales inciease foi L'0ieal
piouucts enuoiseu by Cheiyl Cole uuiing a peiiou with heavy meuia exposuie. Bowevei, the
heavy inciease coulu not entiiely be accieuiteu to Cole since in stoie piomotion took place
uuiing the same peiiou.
Finally, Till anu Shimp completeu theii stuuy concluuing that any negative news
iegaiuing the celebiity can potentially uamage the bianu enuoiseu. This suggests that
infoimation iegaiuing the celebiity can affect consumeis anu the bianu in seveial ways.

The above examples show a stiong coheience between bianu, celebiity, meuia anu outcome.
The unueilying piocess of aligning association sets is paiticulaily impoitant to connect the
celebiity anu the bianu in the minu of the consumei. These connections aie establisheu
thiough iepetitive exposuies in the meuia. 0bviously, some celebiity enuoisement ueals will
ieceive moie PR exposuie than otheis, anu some coipoiations will have to iely on paiu
auveitising to builu association sets between bianu anu enuoisei.
As suggesteu in section S.1 the powei of meuia in the postmouein society shoulu
not be unueiestimateu. Regaiuless of piomotion stiategy, the coipoiation will always be

Till, (1998)6$p. 8u
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uepenuent on meuia to builu associations between bianu anu celebiity in oiuei to
successfully employ a celebiity enuoisement stiategy.

Anothei, moie subjective point of view is that the coipoiations' uepenuency on meuia
uepenus on the uefinition of meuia. A maiketing peispective ague that "A maiketing
communications meuium is anything that is capable of caiiying oi tiansmitting a maiketing
communications message to one oi moie people."
This uefinition leaves no uoubt that we
live in a meuia woilu anu that coipoiations aie veiy uepenuent on meuia to successfully
employ any maiketing stiategy.

Pickton, (2uuS), p. 1u4
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=# $1H/,+3&,(%2!
Shifting fiom exteinal to inteinal focus, the thesis will now ietuin to the pioblem statement
anu uefine implications foi new anu establisheu coipoiations iespectively when intiouucing a
celebiity to enuoise theii bianu.
=#"# 850!.'3%)!,)0%&,&9!292&01!
Accoiuing to Aakei, the bianu iuentity seives as a uiivei of one of the foui piincipal
uimensions of bianu equity: associations.
The uefinition of bianu chaiacteiistics goes beyonu those of the piouuct. Piouuct
chaiacteiistics aie somewhat moie tangible since they uesciibe the quality anu attiibutes
along with the scope anu uses of a piouuct. The bianu associations aie the chaiacteiistics
associateu to a piouuct to make the piouuct moie than a piouuct thus tuin it into a bianu.

=#"#"# C0/0.',&9!0%)('2010%&!,%!02&3./,250)!+('H('3&,(%2!
The following section will use 0S spoits manufactuiei NIKE as an example of an establisheu
coipoiation using celebiity enuoisement.

Aakei, Baviu A.: I1*4.*-)$O&'5-)$I'(-.%6$(1996), Simon & Schustei, p. 74
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NIKE's extensive line of piouucts offeis equipment foi almost eveiy athlete. Along
with piouuct chaiacteiistics NIKE has built theii bianu aiounu an impiessive lineup of
celebiities enuoising piouucts as well as the bianu - golfei Tigei Woous, basketball playei
Nichael }oiuan, tennis champion Rafael Naual anu iunnei Paula Raucliffe, just to name a few.
Taking a closei look at Aakei's piouuctbianu mouel it becomes eviuent that
celebiity enuoiseis caiiy a laige pait of NIKE's bianu associations. Pictuiing Rafael Naual
winning with NIKE equipment will enhance the bianu-customei ielationship anu the usei
imageiy of the bianu if consumeis aie familiai with both NIKE anu Naual.
Fuitheimoie, }ust
uo it!, NIKE's famous slogan encouiage the self-expiessive associations with the bianu. In
shoit, NIKE anu Naual have oveilapping association sets thus consumeis aie able to make a
stiong connection fiom the athlete to the bianu.
Intiouucing Aakei's Nultiple Iuentities mouel
NIKE's iuentities become eviuent. NIKE
uisplay uiffeient iuentities to uiffeient taiget auuiences. Tennis playeis peiceive NIKE
thiough the iuentity of Rafael Naual while iunneis iuentify with the company thiough the
iuentity of Paula Raucliffe. All celebiity enuoiseis possess a common association that, thiough
iepetitive exposuie, links them to the NIKE bianu.

Till, (1998), pp. 68-69
The mouel uisplayeu in Fig. 1.S has been changeu to fit the example. Bowevei, the unueilying puipose of the
mouel iemains unchangeu
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While celebiities plays a laige pait of NIKE's iuentity system the coipoiation also possess an
iuentity on it's own. Aakei uesciibes foui uiffeient peispectives of bianu iuentity: Bianu as
Piouuct, Bianu as 0iganization, Bianu as Peison anu Bianu as Symbol.
NIKE takes piiue in intiouucing customeis to the NIKE stoiy staiiing founueis Phil
Knight anu Bill Boweiman. The stoiy of the miuule-uistance iunnei anu his coach builuing the
NIKE empiie is a stoiy of puisuing the Ameiican uieam anu a coineistone of the NIKE
Likewise, the countiy, anu even town, of oiigin as well as the oiigin of the
Swoosh, NIKE's famous logo, is emphasizeu to establisheu a stiong Bianu as 0iganization anu
Bianu as Symbol peiception in the minus of consumeis. NIKE builus on this founuation by
using stoiytelling to euucate employees in the coipoiate histoiy.

The auvantages of this stiong coie iuentity become eviuent when intiouucing a new celebiity
enuoisei. Aftei ieciuiting a peison with the uesiieu iuentity the next majoi task foi NIKE is to
tiansfei meaning fiom the celebiity to the piouuct, accoiuing to the mouels mentioneu in
chaptei 2, along with NIKE's pieexisting coie iuentity.
The au below featuiing footballei Ciistiano Ronaluo is a goou example of how the
uiffeient elements of NIKE's well-establisheu bianu iuentity woik togethei. The swoosh logo
is the Bianu as Symbol. Web auuiess symbolizes Bianu as 0iganization with NIKE's coie
values embeuueu in the NIKE name. The white t-shiit is the Bianu as Piouuct in this case
emphasizing functional spoitsweai. Finally, the bianu enuoisei who uepicts the Bianu as
Peison. This au coulu also woik with a 'iegulai' enuoisei, howevei, as mentioneu in section
2.1.2 the celebiity enuoisei uisplay configuiations that a iegulai mouel can nevei possess.

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=#"#7# C0/0.',&9!0%)('2010%&!,%!%0?!+('H('3&,(%2!
New coipoiation can also benefit fiom using celebiity enuoisement, howevei, theie aie some
Aakei claims that bianu iuentity is ".a unique set of bianu associations that the
bianu stiategist aspiies to cieate oi maintain."
Kapfeiei shaies Aakeis point of view when
suggesting, "Iuentity is on the senueis siue"
. This means that the new coipoiation is able to
cieate the bianu iuentity - the way they want to be peiceiveu.
Bianu image, on the othei hanu, is the ieceivei's peiception of the bianu.
to NIKE, a new coipoiation can use celebiity enuoisement to enhance the bianu-customei
ielationship thus obtain a positive peiception of the bianu in the minus of consumeis. As Till
anu Shimp explains
, iepetitive exposuies can cieate coheience between bianu anu
celebiity, but only if the association sets foi both aie faiily uevelopeu. Bowevei, since the
coipoiation is new anu the bianu yet unknown the association will not be entiiely connecteu
in the minus of consumeis uespite using a championship athlete as bianu enuoisei.

As explaineu eailiei, anothei veiy impoitant aspect of celebiity enuoisement is the potential
iisk of uamaging the bianu in case of negative celebiity infoimation. This aspect is one of the

Aakei, (1996), p. 68
Kapfeiei, (2uu8), p. 174
Till, (1998), pp. 68-69
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key uiffeientiatois between new anu establisheu coipoiations appioach to celebiity

>.6. A('0!%0<3&,;0!+0/0.',&9!,%>('13&,(%&
The bianu image, the way the auuience peiceives the bianu, has a lot to uo with how iesistant
the bianu is to negative infoimation about a celebiity enuoisei. Till anu Shimp explains that
the uegiee to which the bianu iuentity is built entiiely on the image of a celebiity enuoisei
plays a majoi iole. If the bianu associations iest upon multiple factois like countiy of oiigin,
oiganizational associations, symbols, othei celebiity enuoiseis anu moie, the bianu will
stanu stiongei against negative celebiity infoimation. Bianu image anu associations aie
uifficult to builu oveinight thus Till anu Shimp concluue:

"The iisk is potentially gieat foi new oi unfamiliai bianus foi which the association set is
ielatively scant anu foi which the celebiity is essentially the piimaiy attiibute on which
consumeis foim evaluations of the bianu. Negative celebiity infoimation may have a much
gieatei effect on such bianus than it uoes on familiai, establisheu bianus."

This ceitainly is a point foi new coipoiations to keep in minu when consiueiing celebiity
enuoisement. New coipoiations shoulu take theii bianu image into consiueiation anu moie
impoitant, how ueep those uiffeient paits of the bianu image has anchoiage in consumei
=#:# M*/%0'3./0!%0?!+('H('3&,(%2!!
Both new anu establisheu coipoiations can benefit fiom using celebiities to enuoise theii
bianu. Ciiteiia foi success incluue a customei peiceiveu connection between bianu anu
celebiity anu ielatively stiong associations between customei anu bianu as well as customei
anu celebiity. New coipoiations can have a weakei association set thus celebiity
enuoisement might not ieach its full impact.
The main implication lies with new coipoiations, as they aie likely to be moie
vulneiable to negative celebiity infoimation. This, of couise, uepenus on the coipoiation's
ability to anchoi uiffeient bianu associations in the minus of consumeis.

Till (1998), p. 8u
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I# -(/3'(,)!N!O3)9!P3<3!
Builuing on celebiity enuoisement theoiy anu the position of meuia in the postmouein
paiauigm this chaptei will focus on the oppoitunities anu challenges foi the Polaioiu bianu,
acknowleuging Polaioiu's stiategic paitneiship with Lauy uaga. The following sections will
suggest a plausible theoietical explanation behinu Polaioiu's signing of Lauy uaga anu
pioviue valuable insights, to be useu in the next chaptei on Polaioiu's oppoitunities anu
I#"# 850!-(/3'(,)!.'3%)!
This section will use Aakei's Bianu Iuentity Planning Nouel
to account foi Polaioiu's bianu
iuentity system.
Polaioiu's histoiy uates back to 19S7. Polaioiu is a piece of Ameiican histoiy anu a
coipoiation who useu to manufactuie piouucts acioss multiple piouuct ianges. Bowevei,
aftei a tuibulent uecaue with bankiuptcy, uiscontinueu piouuct lines anu uespeiate attempts
to auapt to the uigital age the Polaioiu bianu has been close to extinction.
Acknowleuging the fieice competition in the uigital cameia maiket Polaioiu in 2uu8
announceu a ie-launch of its classic instant film cameia as an attempt to ietuin to the bianu's
coie iuentity.

I#"#"# C('0!,)0%&,&9!
The instant film cameia anu the white boiuei photogiaph constitute Polaioiu's coie iuentity.
The piesent iuentity suggests multiple uses foi the new instant cameia, howevei, shaiing life
is the oveiall theme anu leave youi maik is the label. The piesent cameia uoes not piint
photos with the uistinctive white boiuei aiounu the pictuie. Insteau, a new inkless
technology, ZINK, uevelopeu by Polaioiu, featuies in this new instant cameia.

The Polaioiu vision since 194S is: "to put the latest cutting euge technology in the peoples'
hanus anu give them the powei to use it comfoitably, affoiuably. anu in an instant."

Aakei, (1996), p. 77
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I#"#7# EQ&0%)0)!,)0%&,&9!
The Ameiican heiitage is a stiong iuentity on the uomestic maiket. Fuitheimoie, the Polaioiu
logo is well iecognizeu woiluwiue. The bianu peisonality suggests fun, cieative, cool, classic,
anu shaiing as some of the keywoius.
I#"#:# M3/*0!H'(H(2,&,(%!
0ne of the stiongest paits in Polaioiu's bianu iuentity system is the value pioposition. The
cameia is an affoiuable, high quality uevice iepiesenting the functional benefits. Photogiaphs
biing the emotional aspect into the pictuie, as they aie goou memoiies of joyful moments in
life. The Polaioiu bianu gives the photogiaphei possibilities to be cieative anu self-expiessive
anu to see instant iesults.

With the intiouuction of uigital photo techniques the Polaioiu bianu has weakeneu
uiamatically. Touay, a small iange of LCB-Tvs, uigital photo fiames anu uigital cameias
suiiounu the coie piouuct - the Polaioiu instant photo cameia.

I#7# R59!P3<3S!
The pievious section emphasizeu Polaioiu's weak bianu iuentity using Aakei's Bianu Iuentity
Planning Nouel. Anothei way of looking at bianu iuentity, anu explain Polaioiu's paitneiship
with Lauy uaga, is thiough Kapfeiei's iuentity piism. In oiuei to unueistanu the unueilying
values of Lauy uaga a biief uefinition will be given befoie hei iole in Polaioiu's iuentity piism
is explaineu.
I#7#"# B0>,%,%<!O3)9!P3<3!
ulamoious, contioveisial, peifoimei. Thiee woius uesciibing Stefani }oanne Angelina
ueimanotta alias Lauy uaga.
Fiist appeaiing in the unueigiounu New Yoik music scene
seveial yeais ago anu now one of the woiluwiue music inuustiy's most iecognizeu
peifoimeis with 1u million copies solu of hei uebut album.
Lauy uaga make a stiong effoit
to inteiact with hei fans via social meuia, namely Facebook anu Twittei.

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I#:# T3H>0'0'U2!$)0%&,&9!-',21!
Accoiuing to Kapfeiei bianus must have a ueep innei inspiiation in oiuei to become
lovemaiks helping consumeis to uiscovei theii own iuentity.
This section will explain how
Lauy uaga fits into Polaioiu's iuentity piism.

The iuentity of a bianu can, in the opinion of }ean-Nol Kapfeiei, be explaineu by the six facets
uepicteu in figuie 1.4.
Some of these facets aie alieauy eviuent in the Polaioiu bianu while
otheis aie lacking. The lacking elements pioviue justification foi the stiategic paitneiship
with Lauy uaga.

The physique of Polaioiu is the Polaioiu, the instant photogiaph with the classic white fiame.
Taking the coipoiations iecent histoiy into consiueiation this is one of the most impoitant
assets foi the bianu iuentity as well as the bianu image. Peisonality, the seconu aspect on the
senuei siue, is one of the facets emphasizeu by Lauy uaga.

Kapfeiei, (2uu8), p. 182
Kapfeiei (2uu8), pp. 182-187
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At piesent Polaioiu has a veiy weak peisonality thus the coipoiation have a haiu
time positioning the bianu. With the signing of Lauy uaga as cieative uiiectoibianu enuoisei
Polaioiu is buying a uesiieu peisonality. That is, accoiuing to Kapfeiei, the kinu of peison the
bianu woulu be if it weie human.
Lauy uaga is known foi being iebellious anu uiffeient,
tiaits Polaioiu can use in its positioning stiategy.
"The cultuial facet iefeis to the basic piinciples goveining the bianu in its outwaiu
signs (piouucts anu communication)."
uaga is communicating piimaiily thiough social
meuia channels. She has an extiaoiuinaiy ability to connect with hei fans encouiaging peeis
to inteiact with hei upuates. In Naich 2u1u Lauy uaga was the fiist aitist ieaching 1 billion
views foi just thiee of hei online music viueos. Polaioiu can ceitainly make use of this to
connect with consumeis. Not only will Polaioiu be able to expiess theii peisonality anu
physique thiough communication, they will also have the chance to tuin the use of theii
piouucts into an expeiience featuiing Lauy uaga.
Polaioiu's iecent ielationship about shaiing oi leaving a maik is well suiteu foi the
collaboiation with uaga. Bowevei, while Polaioiu encouiages the ieceivei to 'just' leaving
theii maik Lauy uaga is moie iebellious as she seeks to change things anu benu the limits.

Reflection anu self-image aie pictuies of the iecipient. Reflection uesciibes the way customeis
woulu like to be peiceiveu as a iesult of using the bianu.
As uesciibeu in section S.1 the
postmouein consumei values the unusual ovei the iational, thus, in oiuei to uiffeientiate,
Polaioiu can suggest a uiffeient bianu to uiffeient people. Lauy uaga, besiues being a cieative
uiiectoi foi a new line of imaging piouucts, is a Polaioiu usei anu enuoisei. Lauy uaga anu
Beyonce's music viueo foi 'Telephone' featuies uaga with the Polaioiu instant cameia thus
she becomes the ieflection of the bianu. This goes hanu in hanu with the self-image, the
taiget's inteinal ielationship uesciibing what she oi he feels when using the bianu. Polaioiu,
with help fiom Lauy uaga, holu the potential of being a lovemaik when inviting the
consumeis to join a cieative club of uiffeient people who will not be tolu what to uo.

Kapfeiei, (2uu8), p. 18S
Kapfeiei, (2uu8), p. 184
Kapfeiei, (2uu8), p. 186
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I#=# -(/3'(,)!N!O3)9!P3<3!V!K0?!,)0%&,&9!
As uesciibeu in section S.1 the Polaioiu bianu is iathei weak featuiing only a naiiow iange of
instant imaging piouucts as well as a few mainstieam imaging piouucts. Acknowleuging this
Polaioiu has ueciueu to intiouuce a paitneiship with one of the most iemaikable pop aitists
in the music inuustiy.
The six facets of Kapfeiei's bianu iuentity piism explain that Lauy uaga is likely to
possess a piominent iole thioughout Polaioiu's bianu iuentity. Auapting uaga's peisonality
Polaioiu will now be able to position anu uistinguish the bianu in the maiketplace.

0thei elements that explain Polaioiu's inteiest in Lauy uaga is hei confiuence with
social meuia as well as Tench anu Yeomans aigument that opinions have gieatei iesonance
when iepeateu by a fiienu.
uaga uaily shaies hei wheieabouts, likes anu uislikes with S,7
million twittei followeis anu 6,4 million Facebook fiienus woiluwiue. These people have
chosen to 'follow hei' oi 'become a fan' thus they aie somewhat inteiesteu in hei life anu
opinions. If Polaioiu can auapt the social knowleuge, expeitise anu netwoik of Lauy uaga they
will be able to inteiact with theii taiget auuience.


Kapfeiei, (2uu8), p. 17S
Section S.S
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J# -(/3'(,)U2!(HH('&*%,&,02!3%)!+53//0%<02!
As explaineu in the veiy beginning of this thesis, the postmouein paiauigm suggests that the
notion of iuentity is highly unstable. Bianu iuentity is no longei a static featuie but a meie
consequence of the inteiaction between bianu anu consumei, often with the meuia acting as
Kapfeiei's theoiy on iuentity anu positioning is a founuing element foi Polaioiu's
oppoitunities, howevei, the meuia plays a ciucial iole in seveial paits of the piocess.
J#"# WHH('&*%,&,02!
The powei of meuia in Polaioiu's bianuing piocess shoulu not be unueiestimateu. Lauy uaga
is a public figuie anu haiuly a uay goes by without hei being exposeu to the public.
The ieseaich fiom section S.S on anothei public figuie, aitist Cheiyl Cole, uisplays a
heavy sales inciease in celebiity-enuoiseu piouucts, causeu by meuia exposuie anu sales
piomotion. A pieiequisite foi a similai sequence of events with Polaioiu's piouucts is of
couise that the noues anu associations between Lauy uaga anu Polaioiu aie connecteu in the
minus of consumeis. Till anu Shimp uesciibes how noues aie initially unconnecteu but
become linkeu thiough the enuoisement piocess.
The maiketing communications mix
neeueu foi cieating awaieness of this new paitneiship is a blenu of above-the-line
communications, incluuing both public ielations anu auveitising.

Anothei way of gaining awaieness is by using the social meuia. As mentioneu, Lauy uaga is an
expeiienceu twittei anu Facebook usei anu connecting with hei existing fans is an obvious
oppoitunity to emphasize the new paitneiship. Nangolu anu Faulus emphasize the potential
of social meuia, since it gives the coipoiation an oppoitunity to inteiact with consumeis, anu
watch customeis inteiact with each othei.

Accoiuing to Babcock anu Whitehouse, a celebiity like Lauy uaga is an iueal taiget foi the
woiluwiue tabloiu piess, uue to the novelty embeuueu in hei appeaiance.
If Polaioiu builus
theii bianu aiounu uaga's peisonality seeking to obtain an expiessive anu iebellious image,

Till, (1998)6$p. 8u
Nangolu, (2uu9), pp. SS7-S6S
Babcock, (2uuS), p. 188
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coveiage in the tabloiu piess will only stiengthen the bianu. Lauy uaga's public ielations will
now also be Polaioiu's public ielations thus affect the coipoiation.
As explaineu eailiei, celebiity infoimation can also be negative anu a potential
thieat to the bianu. This issue will be elaboiateu in section 6.2.
J#"#"# $)0%&,&9!3%)!H(2,&,(%,%<!
The Polaioiu bianu has a gloiious histoiy with giounubieaking technology anu multiple
patents. The bianu heiitage may still appeal to some uemogiaphic gioups that aie able to
iecall Polaioiu's goluen age. Bowevei, geneiation Y, the young auults with Lauy uaga leauing
the way, has veiy limiteu knowleuge of the Polaioiu bianu. Bespite this, Polaioiu's physique,
the white boiuei instant photogiaph, is a well-known featuie that holus the potential of being
the backbone in a iefuibisheu bianu iuentity.
Kapfeiei aigues that the society is satuiateu in communications anu that innovation
cieates new stanuaius foi otheis to follow thus it becomes haiuei anu haiuei to expiess
inuiviuuality anu iuentity.
With Lauy uaga uisplaying the cieative anu iebellious peisonality
of the bianu, Polaioiu has a iemaikable oppoitunity to stanu out fiom the ciowu uue to a
unique piouuct.

Fuitheimoie, Kapfeiei emphasizes the concept of positioning as ciucial since it ieminus us
that all consumei choices aie maue on the basis of compaiison.
Kapfeiei's stanuaiu
positioning foimula, uepicteu in figuie 1.S, seives as a template foi positioning. Kapfeiei
claims that "iueally, a customei shoulu be capable of paiaphiasing a bianu's positioning: '0nly
bianu X will uo this foi me, because it has, oi it is.'"

Kapfeiei, (2uu8), pp. 17S-174
Kapfeiei, (2uu8), p. 17S
Kapfeiei, (2uu8), p. 179
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Foi Polaioiu it opens the oppoitunity to position the bianu accoiuing to the bianu
iuentity. A unique positioning that ieflects the uesiies of the auuience anu makes them feel
uiffeient anu cieative uue to the use of the bianu:

J#"#7# A*/&,H/0!-(/3'(,)!,)0%&,&,02!
An auuitional option foi Polaioiu is to cieate a new coipoiate iuentity foi the piouucts
enuoiseu by Lauy uaga. Aakei's multiple iuentities mouel suggests a coipoiation managing
multiple iuentities uiawing on the same oveiall coie iuentity.

Put into piactice this means that the two uiffeient iuentities shaie some
associations, foi instance the cieative aspect of taking photo's with a Polaioiu cameia.
Wheieas the oiiginal Polaioiu iuentity coulu be positioneu to appeal to families, the new,
Polaioiu by uaga
, holus the potential of appealing to a youngei uemogiaphic with a cieative
J#7# C53//0%<02!
The challenges faceu by Polaioiu somewhat ieflects the oppoitunities.
Nultiple iuentities can be haiu to manage anu it takes a laige effoit to make them
consistent without uestioying theii impact anu effectiveness.
Fuitheimoie, Polaioiu shoulu
not neglect the ielatively small size anu weak conuition of theii bianu, anu the mouest
piouuct line when consiueiing, if the bianu is stiong enough to possess an iuentity on its own.

Aakei, (1996), pp. 1u4-1uS
Iuentity inventeu foi the sole puipose of uisplaying a piactice example of multiple iuentities
Aakei, (1996), pp. 1u4-1uS
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Baseu on empiiical ieseaich, bianuing expeit Naitin Linustiom expiess his concein to
coipoiations who let theii celebiity enuoiseis oveishauow the bianu. Linustiom claims that
attiactive spokespeople hijacks oui attention away fiom the bianu enuoiseu.

With Polaioiu's own woius this new ielationship ".biings togethei one of the
woilu's most iconic bianus with touay's fastest iising musical aitist anu cultuial tienu
. Acknowleuging Linustiom's concein, the challenge foi Polaioiu is to finu a way to
incoipoiate Lauy uaga's values into the Polaioiu bianu without oveishauowing it.

When using social meuia Kaplan anu Baenlein emphasize a few guiuelines that aie ciucial to
success. Fiist of all, Polaioiu must be humble to the meuium anu not pietenu to be expeits
fiom the fiist minute, in spite of theii paitneiship with uaga. Next, they aie encouiageu to
show no iestiaints anu act somewhat unpiofessional anu ielaxeu.
Finally, Polaioiu shoulu follow the iules anu be honest, anu nevei foiget that they
uealing with some of the most technologically sophisticateu people on the planet.

0tilizing meuia anu social meuia to builu awaieness of the new paitneiship can also tuin out
to be pioblematic. The stuuy by Till anu Shimp uisplayeu a ceitain connection between
celebiity anu bianu in case of negative celebiity infoimation. Bowevei, since the iisk is
potentially gieat foi new oi unfamiliai bianus with ielatively scant association sets Polaioiu
can make an effoit to insuie theii bianu.
=.6.-. X'3%)!,%2*'3%+0&
Polaioiu is facing multiple challenges in the new paitneiship with Lauy uaga. This section will
elaboiate on the subject of negative celebiity infoimation anu seek to finu a way to insuie the
Polaioiu bianu.

As uesciibeu by Till anu Shimp, Polaioiu's association set, anu how well it is connecteu to
uaga's association set, will ueteimine the bianu's potential iisk.

Theoiy piesenteu in section 4.2 explains how the bianu will stanu stiongei against
negative celebiity infoimation if the bianu associations iest upon multiple factois. This foim

Linustiom, Naitin: I13545)30$D'1&>$(-.$4*"%$(,51&$#>3$#"$,13, (2uu8), Boubleuay, pp. 187-188
Kaplan, (2u1u), pp. 66-67
Till, (2uu8), p. 8u
olarold vs. Caga
!acob Llsbygd - celebrlLy endorsemenL uncovered 8A 1hesls
age 37 of 41
of iisk spieauing, wheie Polaioiu, by attaching the bianu to multiple factois evens out the
attention, seives as a kinu of insuiance foi the Polaioiu bianu in case of negative meuia
exposuie of Lauy uaga. Although Polaioiu anu Lauy uaga stay equally connecteu the
association set will anchoi Polaioiu to othei associations like the Ameiican oiigin, the
Polaioiu logo, the classic 'white fiame photo' oi the coipoiate heiitage.

Peiceiving this fiom a social constiuctionist point of view theie is no univeisal way to insuie a
bianu against negative publicity. The concept of knowleuge anu how it is peiceiveu is ueiiveu
fiom a subjective view of the woilu. This means that both Polaioiu's anu Lauy uaga's
association sets will vaiy fiom one consumei to anothei.

Till, (2uu8), pp. 67-82
olarold vs. Caga
!acob Llsbygd - celebrlLy endorsemenL uncovered 8A 1hesls
age 38 of 41
L# C(%+/*2,(%!
Regaiuless of how maiketeis choose to constitute the maiketing mix theie aie always
implications, celebiity enuoisement is no exception. In case of negative infoimation iegaiuing
a celebiity enuoisei new coipoiations aie facing a potentially laigei iisk of uamaging the
bianu than well-establisheu coipoiations, since the coipoiate ieputation foi new
coipoiations iests upon a moie fiagile founuation.
When questioning if Polaioiu can insuie the bianu against negative celebiity
infoimation, theoiy explains that Polaioiu, by expanuing the association set in the minu of
consumeis, can even out the attention, thus minimize the iisk. Bowevei, this theoietical
explanation is challengeu by social constiuctionist theoiy claiming that association sets aie
subjective anu will vaiy fiom one consumei to anothei.

The iole anu powei of meuia in the postmouein society shoulu not be unueiestimateu. Neuia
netwoiks holu the potential of influencing multiple coipoiate stakeholueis. Fuitheimoie, the
meuia seives a ciucial iole in most aspects of the bianu builuing piocess.

Polaioiu's histoiy anu heiitage taken into consiueiation, the cuiient Polaioiu bianu is iathei
weak. A theoietical explanation foi appointing Lauy uaga as cieative uiiectoi coulu be the
scatteieu bianu iuentity. uaga's peisonality tiaits, hei iebellious behavioi anu hei
exceptionally close connection with fans can stiengthen Polaioiu's bianu iuentity anu
uiffeientiate the bianu fiom competitois accoiuing to a unique positioning stiategy.
Alteinatively, Polaioiu has the oppoitunities to appoint Lauy uaga to a sepaiate
bianu iuentity. As a iesult, Polaioiu's new bianu coulu taiget a uiffeient auuience using a
similai coie iuentity. Bowevei, the scatteieu Polaioiu bianu may not be stiong enough to
possess an iuentity on it's own.

An obvious oppoitunity foi Polaioiu is to exploit Lauy uaga's skills within the fielu of social
meuia. When uoing this, Polaioiu is encouiageu not to unueiestimate the specific natuie of
the social, usei geneiateu meuia, while also acknowleuging that the coipoiation is uealing
with some of the most technologically sophisticateu people on the planet.

olarold vs. Caga
!acob Llsbygd - celebrlLy endorsemenL uncovered 8A 1hesls
age 39 of 41
Y# H4#$4'D0";:7!
Y#"# X((@2!
Aakei, Baviu A.: I1*4.*-)$O&'5-)$I'(-.%, (1996), Simon & Schustei

Coinelissen, }oep: :5'B5'(&"$:5//1-*+(&*5-%0$D>"5'3$(-.$B'(+&*+". (2uu4), Sage publications

Beveieux, Eoin: M-."'%&(-.*-)$&>"$8".*(6$%"+5-.$".*&*5-, (2uu7), Sage Publications Ltu.

Kapfeiei, }ean-Nol: !"#$%&'(&")*+$,'(-.$/(-()"/"-&0$+'"(&*-)$(-.$%1%&(*-*-)$,'(-.$"21*&3$
45-)$&"'/, fouith euition (2uu8), Kogan Page Limiteu.

Kellnei, Bouglas: 8".*($+14&1'", (2uu1), Routleuge

Linustiom, Naitin: Buyology: D'1&>$(-.$4*"%$(,51&$#>3$#"$,13, (2uu8), Boubleuay

Pickton, Baviu anu Amanua Bioueiick: 7-&")'(&".$8('9"&*-)$:5//1-*+(&*5-%, seconu euition,
(2uuS), Peaison Euucation Limiteu

Shimp, Teience A.: 7-&")'(&".$8('9"&*-)$:5//1-*+(&*5-%$*-$;.<"'&*%*-)$(-.$='5/5&*5-, eighth
euition, (2uu7), South-Westein, Cengage Leaining

Tench, Ralph anu Liz Yeomans : KLB45'*-)$=1,4*+$E"4(&*5-%, (2uu6), Peaison Euucation Limiteu

Y#7# F'&,+/02!
Babcock, William anu viiginia Whitehouse: :"4",'*&3$(%$($B5%&/5."'-$B>"-5/"-5-6$"&>*+(4$
+'*%*%$A5'$."/5+'(+36$(-.$/".*($-*)>&/('", (2uuS), }ouinal of mass meuia ethics 2u

Biomnick, Rachel B. anu Biian L. Swallow: 7$G*9"$I"*-)$?>5$7$;/0$($%&1.3$5A$351-)$B"5B4"J%$
*."(4%, (1999), Euucational Stuuies, vol. 2S

Buii, vivien: ;-$*-&'5.1+&*5-$&5$%5+*(4$+5-%&'1+&*5-*%/, (2uu1), Routleuge

Buck, }ulie N.: Chiluien's Iueals: D>"$E54"$5A$E"(4FG*A"$<"'%1%$8".*($H*)1'"%, (199u), Austialian
}ouinal of Psychology 42

Kaplan, Anuieas N. anu Nichael Baenlein: M%"'%$5A$&>"$#5'4.6$1-*&"N$D>"$+>(44"-)"%$(-.$
5BB5'&1-*&*"%$5A$O5+*(4$8".*(, (2u1u), Business Boiizons, vol. SS

Nangolu, ulynn W. anu Baviu }. Faulus: O5+*(4$/".*(0$D>"$-"#$>3,'*.$"4"/"-&$5A$&>"$B'5/5&*5-$
/*L, (2uu9), Business Boiizons, vol. S2

NcCiacken, uiant: ?>5$*%$&>"$+"4",'*&3$"-.5'%"'@$:14&1'(4$A51-.(&*5-%$5A$&>"$"-.5'%"/"-&$
B'5+"%%, (1989), }ouinal of consumei ieseaich, vol. 16

Noitimei, Ruth: ;F4*%&$%&('%$)*<"$,'(-.$+(/B(*)-%$&>"$PQA(+&5', (2u1u), Naiketing Week,
Febiuaiy euition
olarold vs. Caga
!acob Llsbygd - celebrlLy endorsemenL uncovered 8A 1hesls
age 40 of 41

Till, Biian B. anu Teience A. Shimp: K-.5'%"'%$*-$;.<"'&*%*-)0$D>"$:(%"$5A$!")(&*<"$:"4",'*&3$
7-A5'/(&*5-, (1998), }ouinal of Auveitising, volume XXvI

Y#:# R0.2,&02!
Fast Company: The Nike stoiy. }ust tell it! (Apiil 2u1u)

Buffington Post: Tigei Woous Scanual: $12 BILLI0N Fallout., (Naich 2u1u)

Lauy uaga: 0fficial Site (Naich 2u1u)

Lauy uaga on Twittei (Naich 2u1u)

Little, uiaham R.: Theoiy of Science, (Naich 2u1u)

LinkeuIn: Answeis (Apiil 2u1u)

Lovemaiks: The futuie beyonu bianus, (Naich 2u1u)

Newton uaivei: What theoiy is, (Naich 2u1u)

NIKE: Company oveiview: Bistoiy (Apiil 2u1u)

0gilvy, Baviu: About 0gilvy, (Naich 2u1u)

Polaioiu Piess Release: Lauy uaga Nameu Cieative Biiectoi foi Specialty Line of Polaioiu
Imaging Piouucts, (Naich 2u1u)

Polaioiu: Piouucts (Naich 2u1u)

Save Polaioiu: Bistoiy (Apiil 2u1u)

Youtube.com: uizmouo: This is Apple's Next iPhone, (Apiil 2u1u)
olarold vs. Caga
!acob Llsbygd - celebrlLy endorsemenL uncovered 8A 1hesls
age 41 of 41

Y#=# FHH0%),Q!

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Lady Gaga Only 1 week left to win the ultimate Lady Gaga Prize Pack
including a deluxe box set, merch, a signed album, Heartbeats
headphones, and tickets to the Monster Ball! Enter now!
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Lady Gaga Little Monsters in Europe, The Monster Ball is back! Lady Gaga
has announced six new tour stops. Head to www.ladygaga.com for
complete ticket information.
On Sale April 29
November 9 - Turin, IT - Palaolimpico
On Sale April 30
November 5 - Zagreb, HR - Zagreb Arena
November 7 - Budapest, HU - Budapest Arena
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Lady Gaga So many tears, u make me whole little monsters. Without u, I
would have no voice. Thank you :*(
Project Gaga 2010
268 monsters in ONE video all with the same message: thank
you, mother monster, for giving us all a voice." BIGGEST GAGA
fan video made so far. Follow us on twitter for our next Gaga
Project: twitter.com/gagavideo2010
Mon at 6:10pm Comment Like Share
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Lady Gaga Lady Gagas ad for the Grammys is competing for best in
Online Ads and Design. Go to http://bit.ly/a3AYAS as well as
http://bit.ly/8ZB5lr and vote for "We're All Fans" to help her win!
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and video, interactive advertising and mobile. Join the battle
for web supremacy at webby.aol.com.
April 24 at 3:23am Comment Like Share
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Lady Gaga
April 23 at 6:58pm via Music Player Comment Like Buy Now
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Lady Gaga A day at work in Tokyo, Japan with my new
associates. Showing Polaroid my new vision and designs as creative
April 22 at 11:47pm Comment Like Share
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Lady Gaga Have you voted for Gaga on the 2010 TIME 100 Poll lately?
Click below to vote now!
Lady Gaga - The 2010 TIME 100 Poll - TIME
Age: 24 Occupation: Musician, diva Previous TIME 100
Appearances: 0 If you like dance and pop, the music is great well-
produced and delightfully contagious. But the spectacle that is
April 22 at 4:11am Comment Like Share
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Lady Gaga http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=155hzp_QeS4 the rehearsal
take that no one saw on tv bad girls
April 21 at 9:20pm via TweetPo.st Comment Like
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Lady Gaga Don't miss FUSE's "Lady Gaga: On The Record - The Lost
Tapes" airing tonight at 8pm & 11pm!
Lady Gaga On The Reocrd The Lost Tapes
Lady Gaga On The Reocrd The Lost Tapes
April 21 at 2:16am Comment Like Share
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Lady Gaga Little monsters, are you following Gaga on Twitter? Click below
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vampire grillz official little monster gear
April 20 at 9:06pm Comment Like Share
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Lady Gaga A day at work in Tokyo, Japan with my new associates. Showing
Polaroid my new vision and designs as creative direc
A day at work in Tokyo, Japan with my new associates.
Showing... on Twitpic
A day at work in Tokyo, Japan with my new associates. Showing
Polaroid my new vision and designs as creative director. Polaroids by
Matthew Williams
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April 20 at 5:19pm via TweetPo.st Comment Like
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Lady Gaga Little Monsters in Europe, The Monster Ball is coming back!
Lady Gaga has announced 5 new European shows so far, with more
announcements to come. This extension of The Monster Ball Tour
promises to push the limits of the live concert experience, bringing fans a
spectacle even more eye-popping than what they experienc...
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Lady Gaga : Events
The Official Web Site for Lady Gaga. Get the latest News, Photos, Video, Tour Dates
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LITTLE MONSTERS!! Today is an exciting day.
Telephone become our SIXTH NUMBER 1
much! Celebrate! about 17 hours ago via web
Its so silly,I do these interviews, + they say Gaga
"arent u sick of the life," I think to myself, if they
only knew how much I love my fans about 21 hours
ago via web
So, Night roomies. xx i love you. 5:44 PM Mar 1st
via web
04/03/10 14.29 Lady Gaga (ladygaga) on Twitter
Side 2 af 4 http://twitter.com/ladygaga
since im living nowhere right now and live on the
road with my props+wigs.(which is everything I
own)i suppose my fans, in a way, livewithme 5:43
PM Mar 1st via web
Glasgow was so amazing, serious liberation tonight.
I think it set ME free. 5:39 PM Mar 1st via web
feel better sweetheart , i love you. 5:32 PM Mar 1st
via web
I can hear u, I think I might need a little extra
eyeliner for Scotland. Ye buncha pissheads. 12:21
PM Mar 1st via web
Telephone is coming I promise! Still editing. I want
it to be perfect. The Haus has dubbed her a
"masterpiece." 12:14 PM Feb 28th via web
What a fucking night. Sweating, pumping, dancing,
mental human beings my fans are. Paws for miles
and liquor. Freedom! Ill never leave u, 5:14 PM Feb
26th via web
Celebrate! Rejoice 2nite little monsters! The album
you believed in #THE FAME is officially
10,000,054 copies! 12:26 PM Feb 26th via web
2 sold out O2 arenas in london, I'm so excited to see
my little monster 2nite they may need to have a
stretcher ready for me. I can't wait! 8:12 AM Feb
26th via web
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04/03/10 14.29 Lady Gaga (ladygaga) on Twitter
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Any scousers gotta video of "the living dress" so
happy I could die ? tweet me! The Haus is
celebrating we want to see it from your POV! 4:39
PM Feb 24th via web
Watch very closely as the magical angel and I are
swallowed by the rainbow twister, and left stranded
on the Glitter Way. 10:42 AM Feb 24th via web
2nite Haus of Gaga debuts "the living dress"
inspired by Hussein Chalayan, as a fashion moment
to be performed in "pop show" at Monsterball.
10:40 AM Feb 24th via web
one of the most memorable performances I've been
a part of. A truly magnificent evening. 12:40 PM
Feb 20th via web
88 pearls: an abstract performance for the internet.
TERENCE KOH + LADY GAGA (magical angel)
3:11 AM Feb 20th via web
http://twitpic.com/14490i - THE MONSTER BALL:
POST-OPERATION. In a scene titled: "Battling a
Paparazzo" 6:03 AM Feb 19th via TwitPic
Tonight's performance is inspired by our friend.
Mask by Phillip Treacy, Sculpture by Nick Knight,
Music by Lady Gaga. We miss you. 11:06 AM Feb
16th via web
http://twitpic.com/12qwsl - 2:17 AM Feb 12th via

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Check my out on the Today Show with cyndi!
#vivaglam little monsters! 7:42 AM Feb 10th via
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