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Georgia James 3rd hr.


The cell membrane it keeps in the cytoplasm, and protects all the organelle The man huffed out the words while trying to catch his breath. The king stared suspiciously at him, as he called up a guard. Youre telling me that what the priest tells us is not enough? Who do you think you are, trying to play God, and change what the church says? Off with his head. No, pray listen. The nucleus is the middle of the whole cell. Osmosis its a process of diffusion with water The man said desperately for his life. Why had he come to the royal palace of all places to tell what he had found out? A magical contraption had been bestowed upon him by some strange being. They called is microscope. It was confusing for him to use for the first couple of months, but after remembering the instructions that the being had left, it was quite easy to do. He had discovered something; something new, something strange, something extremely important. He studied and studied and named every little thing that he saw. Then he went even deeper. So deep that he could see what he called cells. We have a lunatic on our hands! Guards, take him away. The king bellowed. But, his guards did not listen. They were in fact, laughing. Yeah, hes a lunatic alright. Please, tell me more you poor man. One of the guards chuckled from behind his armor. The man wet his lips and continued. An organelle is pretty much an organ inside of a cell. Its something like a ribosome, a mitochondria, a chloroplast, the golgi apparatus Its quite simple. Every human being every plant every animal were all made up of these little things called cells. I saw it! I saw it in my microscope! Microscope?! G-g-golgi apparatus?! Where in the world did you come up with those kinds of words? You must be admitted to an asylum for the mentally disturbed. The king yelped, with an underlying fear in his mocking tone. You see, the king wasnt open to anything except what the church told him. He clung to every single word that the priest told him. He even let him make military decisions for him. I need to tell someone. This will change the way we see the world. The ribosome synthesizes protein chains. Prokaryotes are cells without a nucleus, and Eukaryotes contain complex structures enclosed within membranes. What I call a phospholipid, is a major class of lipids that are a huge component of the cell membrane. They create the lipid bilayer. The bilayer works in equilibrium,

keeping things from entering or leaving the cell. Its precious to maintaining homeostasis. Receptor proteins help with speeding things up.

GUARDS, take him away. I want to hear no more from this man. The king cried, but they did not listen. The man continued. The endoplasmic reticulum function as a packaging system and the vesicle is a bubble of liquid within another liquid. The vacuole exists in both plant and animal cells. It serves as a sac that holds waste. The flagella move liquid across the surface of the cell, and the concentration gradient This is my favorite its like in art. A carrier protein helps with moving ions, and last but not least the Sodium-Potassium Pump. Its an active transportation for the cell. GET HIM OUT OF HERE. The king screamed. The guards finally listened, and took the man away. The whole time, he just smiled and thought to himself, Theyre going to regret this. One day, my work will be appreciated by people that dont have such thick heads.

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