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Sales revenues sale late O.E. sala "a sale," from O.N. sala "sale," from P.Gmc. *salo(cf. O.H.G. sala, Swed. salu, Dan. salg), fr om root *sal-, source of *saljan (cf. O.E. sellan; see sell). Sense of "a selling of shop goods at lower prices than usual" first appeared 1866. Salesmanis from 1523; revenue 1433, "income from property or possessions," from M.Fr. revenue,from O.Fr., "a return," prop. fem. pp. of revenir "come back," fromL. revenire "return, come back," from re- "back" + venire "come"Meaning "publ ic income" is first recorded 1690.Revenuer "U.S. noun economy Accounting, Business, Economic analysis Income from sales of goods and services, minus the cost associated with things like returned or undeliverable merchandise Venituri din vinzari- Venituri din exploatare intalnite la intreprinderile comerciale, dar si la alte tipuri de intreprinderi cu activitate de distributie (, ) , , . , (), . Umsatz steht fr: Erls , wertmige Erfassung des Absatzes eines Unternehmens Umsatz (Naturwissenschaft), die Bilanz der Mengenvernderung einer Grundgre oder eines Elements den Besteuerungstatbestand der Umsatzsteuer http://www.moneychimp.com/glossary/sales_revenue.htm Net revenue, however, will also exclude the costs associated with items like refunds on returned items, discounts and other negative sales revenue items. http://www.google.md/search? rlz=1C1_____enMD405MD405&aq=f&ix=seb&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=sales+revenue Sales", "Net Sales", "Net Revenue", and just plain "Revenue". http://www.moneychimp.com/glossary/sales_revenue.htm

German term Date Author

Venituri din vinzari sales revenue SAP.. SAP.. . (syn. turnover - AD Alexander Demidov) . ; ; ( Lesnykh) . ; . (Sales Revenue is money generated by a company's sales operations, before deductions for expenses.Sanderson) . (AnnaB) . ; ( Alex_Odeychuk); ( Alex_Odeychuk); sale revenue | . (Leonid Dzhepko) Umsatz

Term Etymology

Data data 1640s, plural of datum, from L. datum "(thing) given," neuter pp.of dare "to give" (see date (1)). Meaning " transmittable and storable computer information" first recorded 1946. Data processing is from 1954. datum proper L. singular of data (q.v.). Noun economics Economy 1. Information in raw or unorganized form (such as alphabets, numbers, or symbols) that refer to, or represent, conditions, ideas, or objects. Data is limitless and present everywhere in the universe. See also information and knowledge. 2. Computers: Symbols or signals that are input, stored, and processed by a computer, for output as usable information. Date - elemente care constituie punctul de plecare n cercetarea unei probleme, n luarea unei hotrri etc. , -; . [. informatio - , ] 1. =. . , , ). 2. -., -. , .. . . 3. . , , .. . ( , ). . ( ). Daten sind zum Zweck der Verarbeitung zusammengefasste Zeichen, die aufgrund bekannter oder unterstellter Abmachungen Informationen (d. h. Angaben ber Sachverhalte und Vorgnge) darstellen http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/data.html#ixzz1nVrduVxA States are furiously removing sensitive data from official websites. The firm is one of a growing number of internet start-ups that mineunconventional forms of data t o offer financial services. Analyze and discuss the different forms of data on the page

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disclosure; information content, tem of information; doping; advices; light; intel, record, evidence; input; information-news www.sinonime.md/data

Date, informatie, evidenta ( sing.; . "", "" BadBlock);; ; ; ; ; ; ( ); . . . . Daten, Angaben .

German term Date Author

Term Etymology

Income statement income c.1300, "entrance, arrival," lit. "what enters," perhaps a noun useof the late O.E. verb incuman "come in," f rom in (adv.) + cuman"to come" (see come). Meaning "money made through business orlabor" first record ed 1601. Income tax is from 1799, first introduced in Britain 176575; state (v.) + -ment state early 13c., "circumstances, temporary attributes of a person orthing, conditions," from L. status "manner of standing, position,condition," noun of action from pp. stem of stare "to stand" fromPIE base *sta- "to stand" (see stet). Some M.E. senses are viaO.Fr. estat (Fr.tat; -ment suffix forming nouns, originally from Fr. and representing L. -mentum, which was added to verb stems sometimes to represent the result or product of the action. Used with English verb stems from 16c. (e.g. merriment, which also illustrates the habit of turning -y to -i- before this suffix). noun Economics Accounting, Business, economic analysis "earnings statement" or "statement of operations") it shows the company's "bottom line": its earnings, or profit. A summary of a management's performance as reflected in the profitability (or lack of it) of an organization over a certain period. It itemizes the revenues and expenses of past that led to the current profit or loss, and indicates what may be done to improve the results. Raportul de profit si pierderi - Raport privind rezultatele activitii economice elaborate pe baza a contabilitatii firmei pe o perioade anumita de timp. (account), (), . 2. , . Die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung - der externen Rechnungslegung eines Unternehmens, Sie stellt Ertrge und Aufwendungen eines bestimmten Zeitraumes, insbesondere eines Geschftsjahres, dar und weist dadurch die Art, die Hhe und die Quellen des unternehmerischen Erfolges aus finanztechnischer Perspektive aus. http://www.moneychimp.com/articles/financials/income.htm In this income statement we have. www.google.com Income statement www.sinonime.md

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Raportul de profit si pierderi ; ; . . . . ; ( online ..); / (Alexander Matytsin) Gewinn-und Verlustrechnung SAP. . .

German term Date Author

Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Balance sheet 183040 Din germ. Bilanz. Noun Economics Accounting A condensed statement that shows the financial position of an entity on a specified date (usually the last day of an accounting period). noun Accounting . 1.a tabular statement of both sides of a set of accounts in which the debit and credit balances add up as equal. 2.a statement of the financial position of a business on a specified date. BILNT, bilanturi, s. n. Tablou contabil al activului si pasivului unei intreprinderi sau al unei activitti financiare pentru o anumit perioad de timp. Fig. Rezultatul sintetic al unei activitti desfsurate ntr-o perioad dat. Din germ. Bilanz. , , . Die Bilanz (von ital. bilancia (Balken)Waage, von lat. bilanx Doppelwaage) ist eine Aufstellung von Herkunft und Verwendung des Kapitals eines Wirtschaftssubjekts, beispielsweise einesUnternehmens oder einer Krperschaft. Sie ist eine kurzgefasste Gegenberstellung vonVermgen (Aktiva) und Schulden (Passiva) in Kontenform. Eine andere Betrachtungsweise stellt die Dynamik der Betriebsmittel in den Vordergrund; sie verwendet die Begriffe Mittelverwendung fr die Aktivseite und Mittelherkunft fr die Passivseite. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/balance-sheet.html#ixzz1nVzAwueP . . . assets side of the balance-sheet (Alexander Matytsin) assets side of the balance-sheet (Alexander Matytsin) analysis of a balance sheet

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www.google.com Balance sheet report, balance statement, closing statement, consolidated balance sheet www.sinonime.md

Bilant contabil . balance-sheet . . ., Bilanz ; ; ; ()

German term Date Author

Term Etymology

Losses O.E. los "loss, destruction," from P.Gmc. *lausam- (see lose). Themodern word, however, probably evolve d 14c. from lost, theoriginal pp. of lose. Phrase at a loss (1592) originally refers tohounds losing the scent. To cut one's losses is from 1912. lose O.E. losian "be lost, perish," from los "destruction, loss," fromP.Gmc. *lausa (cf. O.N. los "the breaking up of an army"), fromPIE base *leu- "to loosen, divide, cut apart, untie, separate" (cf.Skt. lunati "cuts, cuts off, "lavitram " ;" Gk. lyein "to loosen,untie, slacken," lysus "a loosening;" Noun Economics Accounting, business 1. General: Unrecoverable and usually unanticipated and non-recurring removal of, or decrease in, an asset or resource. 2. Accounting: (1) cost that produces no benefit, (2) decrease in value, (3) excess of expenditure over income, (4) excess of cost over the net proceeds from a transaction. 3. Insurance: (1) reduction in the value of an insured property due to an insured peril, (2) amount sought in an insurance claim, or (3) amount paid under an insurance contract. PIRDERE, pierderi, s. f. Faptul de a (se) pierde. Pagub material, stricciune: distrugere, nimicire: (concr.) obiect sau bani de care cineva este pgubit. Loc. adv. n pierdere = fr cstig, cu deficit. (La pl.) Pagub de vieti omenesti. (Tehn.) Diferent dintre cantitatea de material, de fort etc. introdus ntr-un sistem tehnic si cantitatea ntrebuintat n mod util. nfrngere, insucces (n lupt, la jocuri, n competitii sportive). , , , , . Schaden ist ein Nachteil durch Minderung oder Verlust an Gtern und damit das Gegenteil von Nutzen oder auch negativer Nutzen. Schaden kann materiell oder immateriell sowie tatschlich oder erwartet sein. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/loss.html#ixzz1nW3YzTjv Transitive sense of "to part with accidentally" is from c.1200. Meaning "to be defeated"(in a game, etc.) is from 1530s. To lose (o ne's) mind "become insane" is attested from c.1500. To lose out "fail" www.google.com harm, beat; beating; diseconomy, damage; disadvantage; waste; bad; detriment; lesion; sacrifice, negative payoff www.sinonime.md Gain, Profit, benefit www.antonime.md Pierderi ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (rechnik); (victor-pro); Verlust, Schaden, Ausfall, Wegfall, Einbue, Schwund, Verschlei

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Term Etymology

Development 174555; develop + -ment, or < French dveloppement Develop - verb (used with object) 1. to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of; bring to amore advanced or effective state: to develop natural resources; to develop one's musical talent. 2. to cause to grow or expand: to develop one's muscles. 3. to elaborate or expand in detail: to develop a theory. 4. to bring into being or activity; generate; evolve. 5.Drafting . to transfer the details of (a more or less two-dimensional design, pattern, or the like) from one surface, especially one that is prismatic or cylindrical, onto another, usually planar, in such a way that the distances between points remain the same. -ment-a suffix of nouns, often concrete, denoting an action or resulting state ( abridgment; refreshment), a product ( fragment ), or means ( ornament ). 1756, "an unfolding, from develop + -ment). Of property, with the sense "bringing out the latent possibilities," from 1885. Meaning "state of economic advancement" is from 1902. Meaning "advancement through progressive stages" is 1836. Noun Economics 1. The systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge to meet specific objectives or requirements. 2. An extension of the theoretical or practical aspects of a concept, design, discovery, or invention. 3.The process of economic and social transformation that is based on complex cultural and environmental factors and their interactions. 4.The process of adding improvements to a parcel of land, such as grading, subdivisions, drainage, access, roads, utilities. 5 the act or process of developing; growth; progress: child development; economic development. 6. a significant consequence or event: recent developments in the field of science. 7. a developed state or form: Drama reached its highest development in the plays of Shakespeare. 8. Music . the part of a movement or composition in which a theme or themes are developed. 9.a large group of private houses or of apartment houses, often of similar design, constructed as a unified community, especially by a real-estate developer or government organization. dezvoltare (fr. dveloppement; germ. Durchfhrung; engl. development; it. sviluppo) 1. Procesul alterrii pronuntate a unei unitti a discursului muzical (motiv*, fraz*, structur armonic, tem*, sectiune etc.). D. presupune variatia*; dar o depseste prin aceea c afecteaz nssi identitatea unittii asupra creia se aplic. Operatiile (modalittile sau procedeele) prin care se realizeaz d. sunt cele specifice variatiei (1) crora li se adaug: tronsonarea dezvoltatoare (tronsonarea efectuat n punctul cel mai caracteristic al unittii dezvoltate) si reconsiderarea pozitiei metrice acesteia. 2. Sectiune a formei sonat*, situat ntre expozitie (1) si repriz (1), alctuit dintr-un sir de procese dezvolttoare bazate pe materialul muzical prezentat n expozitie, n care are loc travaliul tematic.D. poate fi analizat n mai multe subsectiuni, pe criteriul condiiei tonale, al structurii si provenientei materialului melodico-ritmic si armonic care o constituie. 3. Denumirea de d. este atribuit de muzicologia germ. si sectiunii centrale a fugii*, sectiune n care materialul tematic al expozitiei este reluat n alte tonalitti (2) (de preferint n tonalitatea relativei*) si tratat prin modalitti variationale specifice. 1. . 2. , , , ; . 3. . , , . Das Wort Entwicklung bezeichnet in seiner allgemeinen Bedeutung ein grundlegendes Merkmal der Realitt und hat deshalb zahlreiche verschiedene Bedeutungen, die sich auf verschiedene Bereiche der Wirklichkeit beziehen. der allgemeine Begriff: Entwicklung als Vorgang, als Wandel; dieser kann Entstehung, Vernderung und Vergehen umfassen. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/development.html#ixzz1m6BHvvXY These articles follow debt, defaults and development. Identify the changes in urban growth resulting from the development of edge cities.

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Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. Context source Synonyms Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/development expansion, elaboration, growth, evolution; unfolding, opening, maturing, maturation. maturity, ripeness. community, subdivision. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/development deterioration, disintegration. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/development Dezvoltare, evoluie, desfurare, cretere, progress, perfecionare, extindere, developare, evenimente, exploatare, sporire, antier, mrire, prezentare ; ; (meet unexpected developments - ;developments - ; force developments - ; unexpected developments -- / letterwriter); ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ( pl); ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ( ); (mascot ); ( Stan2003); (Rick); (Valerio); (Valerio);; ( : development of a titration curve Lelik'84); - ; ; ; ; Entwicklung, Weiterentwicklung, Entfaltung, Erschlieung, Ausbildung, Wachstum, Bebauung, Werdegang, Werden, Ablauf, Gang, Aufschluss

German term Date Author

Term Etymology

Consumption 13501400; Middle English consumpcyon (< Middle French ) < Latinconsmptin- (stem of consmpti ) a consuming, wasting,equivalent to consmpt ( us ), past participle of consmere toconsume ( con- con- + smp- (variant stem of smere to takeup, spend) + -tus past participle suffix) + -in- -ion late 14c., from O.Fr. consomption, from L. consumptionem (nom.consumptio) "a using up, wasting," f rom consumptus, pp. ofconsumere (see consume). Earliest sense in English was ofwasting disease, in which it replaced O.E. yfeladl "the evildisease." Meaning "the using up of material" is 1530s. noun Economics According to mainstream economists, only the final purchase of goods and services by individuals constitutes consumption, while other types of expenditure in particular, fixed investment, intermediate consumption and government spending are placed in separate categories Other economists define consumption much more broadly, as the aggregate of all economic activity that does not entail the design, production and marketing of goods and services 1. The process in which the substance of a thing is completely destroyed, used up, or incorporated or transformed into something else. Consumption of goods and services is the amount of them used in a particular time period. 2. The act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction. 3. the amount consumed: the high consumption of gasoline. 4. Economics . the using up of goods and services having an exchangeable value. 5. Pathology . a.Older Use . tuberculosis of the lungs. b.progressive wasting of the body. CONSM, consumuri, s. n. 1. Folosire a unor bunuri rezultate din productie pentru satisfacerea nevoilor productiei si ale oamenilor. Consum productiv = folosire a mijloacelor de productie pentru crearea de noi bunuri materiale. Consum neproductiv = consum care nu are drept rezultat producerea de noi bunuri materiale. Bunuri (sau mrfuri) de larg consum = produse ale industriei usoare sau alimentare care intr n proportii mari n consumul individual al oamenilor si prin a cror folosire nu rezult produse noi. 2. Cantitate de materiale, materii prime, combustibil sau energie folosite pentru a realiza un produs tehnic, o lucrare etc. Consum specific = cantitate de combustibil, de material si de energie consumat ntr-o unitate de timp pentru executarea unui produs, a unei operatii 3 Consumare, uzare, ntrebuintare. Bcnie ma deosebit (n care se consum si aperitive). Cooperativ de consum, asociatiune care vinde ma ales coloniale . a. si acord un dividend membrilor care a nfiintat-o. 4. A ntrebuinta ca hran; a mnca . . . . Als Verbrauch wird die aufzehrende Verwendung eines Gutes bezeichnet. Der Begriff bedeutet, dass das Gut durch eine Ttigkeit weniger wird bzw. abnimmt, das heit verbraucht wird. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/consumption.html#ixzz1m6GtUkFH There is something inevitable to me about "positional" goods. Once you've provided for your basic needs, you start to march up the consumption curve and it is often the more traditional brands that attract the consumer as he reaches a new position in life. The more you prosper, the more narrow the universe of items through which you can express your prosperity. http://www.businessdictionary.com/tips/366 /what-consumers-purchase.html#ixzz1m6IVu68e depletion, exploitation, utilization. . consumption; use; uptake; absorption; expenditure; intake; cons (consumption Anya L); consuming; exigencies . draw (); expenditures . usage demand (,

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Russian definition

German definition Definition source Context

Context source Synonyms

. . . . Synonyms source Antonyms

); intake (. ); intake() input ingestion (dimock) demand; drain () consuming capacity; consumership; intake (. ); resource utilization (Pavlov)

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/consumption production; manufacture; plant; works; factory; execution; promotion; manufacturing; fabrication; pro ceedings(); make; facture; film-making; process unit (, Lavrov); reproduction; production ( ); making; producing (Morning93) ; generation, performance www.synonym.com/ antonym/consumption Consum, consumare, tuberculoz, consumaie, cheltuial, cerere, uzare, intrebuintare . . . . ., . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ; ( ); ; ; ; ; (Lavrov) () (); (, , ); (bigmaxus) ; ; ; ; ; ; (, , , ); () (. ) (dimock) ; ; ; (Inchionette) () ()

Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

German term Date Author

Verbrauch, Konsum, Verzehr, Genuss, Schwindsucht, Verschlei

Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Agriculture 142575; late Middle English < Middle French<from Latin agricultura, from ager field, cultura -culture noun Economics land +

Agriculture (also called farming or husbandry) is the cultivation of animals,plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, and other products used to sustain life the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivatingland, raising crops, and feeding, bree ding, and raisinglivestock; farming. the production of crops, livestock, or poultry. agronomy.

Romanian definition

AGRICULTR, agriculturi, s. f. 1. Cultivare a pmntului. 2. Ramur a produciei materiale care are ca obiect cultura plantelor i creterea animalelor n vederea obinerii unor produse alimentare i a unor materii prime; totalitatea lucrrilor i a metodelor ntrebuinate n acest scop. Din fr. agriculture, lat. agricultura. 3. Ramur a economiei naionale care cuprinde cultivarea pmntului i creterea animalelor. 4. Totalitatea operaiilor i a metodelor de cultivare a pmntului. , (, ) . Landwirtschaft ist die zielgerichtete Herstellung pflanzlicher oder tierischer Erzeugnisse auf einer zu diesem Zweck bewirtschafteten Flche. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture - Farm families know a prosperous agriculture can't be built on government subsidies and controls. - Two related items about agriculture one unsettling, the other hopeful. - Uprooting them is unfathomable in this era of knowledgeable agriculture. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/agriculture . . . . agronomy; farming; husbandry; rural economy; plow agricultural industry; agricultural sector; farm; the agricultural sector agricultural sector ( ) agricultural economy; farming industry farm economy; farming sector ( ); rural economics

Russian definition German definition Definition source Context

Context source Synonyms

Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

www.synonym.com/agriculture agricultur . ; ; ; ; ; . (. ); (. ; , ) . .-. , , , , Landwirtschaft, Ackerbau

German term Date Author

Term Etymology

Decline 12751325; (v.) Middle English declinen < Old French: to inflect,turn aside, sink < Latin dclnre to slope, incline, bend; compareGreek klnein to lean1 ; (noun) Middle English declin < Old French, d erivative of decliner Noun/verb

Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

verb (used with object) 1. to withhold or deny consent to do, enter into or upon, etc.;refuse: He declined to say more about it. 2. to express inability or reluctance to accept; refuse withcourtesy: to decline an invitation; to decline an offer. 3. to cause to slope or incline downward. 4. Grammar . a.to inflect (a noun, pronoun, or adjective), as Latinpuella, declined puella, puellae, puellae, puellam, puella inthe five cases of the singular. b.to recite or display all or some subset of the inflectedforms of a noun, pronoun, or adjective in a fixed order. verb (used without object) 5.to express courteous refusal; refuse: We sent him aninvitation but he declined. 6.to bend or slant down; slope downward; descend: The hilldeclines to the lake. 7.(of pathways, routes, objects, etc.) to follow a downwardcourse or path: The sun declined in the skies. 8. to draw toward the close, as the day. 9. to fail in strength, vigor, character, value, etc.; deteriorate. noun 13. a downward slope; declivity. 14. a downward movement, as of prices or population;diminution: a decline in the stock market. 15.a failing or gradual loss, as in strength, character, power, orvalue; deterioration: the decline of the Roman Empire. 16.a gradual deterioration of the physical powers, as in later lifeor in disease: After his seventieth birthda y he went into adecline. 17.progress downward or toward the close, as of the sun or the day. Decad, m apropi de sfrsit: o tar care decline, Refuz: a declina o onoare. Nu recunosc: a declina competenta unu tribunal, tribunalu t declin competenta de a judeca. , -; . 1. ; , , . . . . . .. . // , -. , .. . . . . - . . .// , .. . . . . . 2. , ; , , .. . . . . . . . . / , , . . . . . . 3. , . . . . . . . . < (.) http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/decline - Although the effects may not surface for years, memory starts to decline around age 25. - It is seldom good policy to decline to accept a resignation. - Covel, who's been working the delta for 12 years, has seen the commercial fishery's decline. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/decline Reject, degenerate, decay, weaken, diminish, languish, hill, retrogression, degeneration, enfeeblement,

Romanian definition Russian definition

German definition Definition source Context

Context source Synonyms

weakening. Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/decline Rise, improve, prosperity, ascendancy http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/decline Subst. - Decline, scdere, decdere, decaden, apus, sfrit, amurg, asfinit, ftizie, oftic Verb scdea, refuza, declina, descrete, decdea, diminua, respinge, asfini, apune, scpta, cobor, se declina, se apleca, se nclina, se micora, fi n declin . ; ; ; (, . .); ; (, ); ;; (); ; ; ; ; (Alexander Matytsin) ; ; () ( Jewelia) (MichaelBurov); (Michael Burov) (. ); ; (); ; ; ; (); ; ; ; ( ); ; ; ( dimock) ; ; ; ;

Russian term

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. .-. . . . . German term Date Author

Rckgang, Niedergang, Abnahme, Verfall, Untergang, Abstieg, Verschlechterung, Senkung, Zerfall, Talfahrt, rcklufige Entwicklung, Schrumpfung, Ende, Schwund, Neigung, Abhang, Zersetzung

Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Raw material 17901800 Noun Economics - Basic substance in its natural, modified, or semi-processed state, used as an input to a production process for subsequent modification or transformation into a finished good. - A raw material or feedstock is the basic material from which a product is manufactured or made, frequently used with an extended meaning. - material on which a particular manufacturing process is carried out - a person or thing regarded as suitable for some particular purpose: - raw material for the army Materie prim = material destinat prelucrrii n vederea fabricrii unui produs finit , -; . . , . Rohstoffe sind natrliche Ressourcen, die bis auf die Lsung aus ihrer natrlichen Quelle noch keine Bearbeitung erfahren haben. Sie werden aufgrund ihres Gebrauchswertes aus der Natur gewonnen und entweder direkt konsumiert oder als Arbeitsmittel und Ausgangsmaterialien fr weitere Verarbeitungsstufen in der Produktion verwendet. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/raw-material.html#ixzz1m6k08ymU http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/raw+material For example, the term is used to denote material that came from nature and is in an unprocessed or minimally processed state. Latex, iron ore, logs, and crude oil, would be examples. The use of raw material by non-human species includes twigs and found objects as used by birds to make nests. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_material Feedstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . raw material; stock; crude materials; staple; primary products; raw stuff; feedstocks (Lavrov); material (alemaster) basic materials roughage raw product; work material primary commoditi es ingoing material raw crude product primary goods raw commodities raw materials base material; gross product row stock basic material; batch material; charging feed; feedstock; producers stock; raw stock; rough stock; sensitive stock; crude; feed;starting material; stuff; mineral raw products; primary product raw produce; raw stores; primary material

Romanian definition Russian definition

German definition

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Context source Synonyms

Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?t=29106_2_1 finished commodity; finished goods; final product manufactures; products-completed , integrated products, final

http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?t=2158549_2_1 Materie prima .

. . . . . . . . . . . . German term Date Author Rohstoffe

; ; ( ivvi) ; ; ; (MichaelBurov);

Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Finished products 193540 noun Economics Materials or products which have received the final increments of value through manufacturing or processing operations, and which are being held in inventory for delivery, sale, or use. -Finished goods are goods that have completed the manufacturing process but have not yet been sold or distributed to the end user -the final or resulting product, as of an industry, process of growth, etc.: Cloth is one of the end products of cotton manufacture. Produs finit - Produs pentru care prelucrarea s-a incheiat, care a parcurs in intregime fazele procesului de productie si care este utilizat ca atare, fara sa mai suporte alta transformare, putind fi depozitat in vederea livrarii sau expediat direct clientilor. - , ,

Romanian definition

Russian definition German definition

1. Fertigprodukte
Convenience-Produkte (en.: convenience = Bequemlichkeit) sind Oberbegriffe fr Fertigprodukte oder Fertiggerichte wie Konserven, Tiefkhlkost, Komplettgerichte fr die Mikrowelle, Backmischungen, Instant-Pudding und Ttensuppen. Diese Produkte sind verzehrfertig. Je nach Verwendungszweck und Zu... Gefunden auf 2. Fertigprodukte Halbfertigprodukte: Definition: Sind schnell und einfach zuzubereitende Mahlzeiten aus Tte, Dose oder Tiefkhltruhe. Geschichte: Der Trend zu Fertigprodukten nimmt in den letzten Jahren zu. Vom Standpunkt der gesunden Ernhrung betrachtet, schneidet Fertignahrung prinzipiell eher schlecht ab 3. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/finished-goods.html#ixzz1m6neUYoi

Definition source Context Context source Synonyms Synonyms source Antonyms

finished commodity; finished manufactures; products-completed , integrated products, final goods; final product, final result, finished product, handiwork, manufacture, output, result, outcome, reaction, http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?t=2158549_2_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . raw material; stock; crude materials; staple; primary products; raw stuff; feedstocks (Lavrov); material (alemaster) basic materials roughage raw product; work material primary commodities ingoing material raw crude product primary goods raw commodities raw materials base material; gross product row stock basic material; batch material; charging feed; feedstock; producers stock; raw stock; rough stock; sensitive stock; crude; feed;starting material; stuff; mineral raw products; primary product raw produce; raw stores; primary material

Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?t=29106_2_1 Produs finit .

. . . . . . . German term Date Author



Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Labour cost noun Economics Business - The cost of wages paid to workers during an accounting period on daily, weekly, monthly, or job basis, plus payroll and related taxes and benefits (if any) - The sum of all wages paid to employees, as well as the cost of employee benefits and payroll taxes paid by an employer. Costul salariilor pltite lucrtorilor n cursul unei perioade contabile pe baza de zi cu zi, sptmnal, lunar, cit si plata salariilor i impozitelor aferente i beneficiilor , , . 1. Arbeitskosten Die Arbeitskosten je Stunde, die ein Unternehmen zu zahlen hat, setzen sich aus dem direkten Stundenlohn, also dem Lohn fr tatschlich geleistete Arbeit, und den anteilig verrechneten Personalzusatzkosten zusammen. Die Aufteilung der Arbeitskosten in diese beiden Komponenten wurde 1966 von der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO... 2. Arbeitskosten `Arbeitskosten` setzen sich zusammen aus den direkten Lohn- oder Gehaltskosten und den Lohnnebenkosten wie z. B. Sozialversicherungsbeitrge, Lohn- und Gehaltsfortzahlungen im Krankheitsfall, betriebliche Altersversorgung etc. Je nach Branche knnen die Arbeitskosten die Produktionskosten dominier. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/labor-cost.html#ixzz1m6riyxkQ http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cost-of-labor.asp#ixzz1m6uCaviD The cost of labor is broken into direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include wages for the employees physically making a product, like workers on an assembly line. Indirect costs are associated with support labor, such as employees that maintain factory equipment but don't operate the machines themselves. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cost-of-labor.asp#ixzz1m6uCaviD . cost of labour; labor costs; labour costs . employment cost (dimock) . value of labour power . manual cost . labour cost . labor costs ( ) . direct labour charges . labor cost . value of labor power; cost of manpower; man-power cost; manpower value; payroll cost; value of labour; value of manpower . manpower costs http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?l1=1&l2=2&s=%F1 Costul fortei de munca . . ; . ( ) . . . Arbeitskosten

Romanian definition Russian definition German definition

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Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

German term Date Author

II Term Etymology Market mid-12c., "a meeting at a fixed time for buying and selling live stock and provisions," from O.N.Fr. market (O.Fr. marchiet, Fr.march), from L. mercatus "trading, trade, market" (cf. It.mercato, Sp. mercado), from pp. of mercari "to trade, deal in, buy," from merx (gen. mercis) "wares, merchandise," from Italic root *merk-, possibly from Etruscan, referring tovarious aspects of economics. Meaning "public building or space where markets are held" first attested mid-13c. Sense of "sales, as controlled by supply and demand" is from 1680s. The verb is1630s, from the noun. Market value (1690s) first atteste d in writings of John Locke. Market economy is from 1951; market research is from 1926. noun Economics Trade An actual or nominal place where forces of demand and supply operate, and where buyers and sellers interact (directly or through intermediaries) to trade goods, services, or contracts or instruments, for money or barter. Markets include mechanisms or means for (1) determining price of the traded item, (2) communicating the price information, (3) facilitating deals and transactions, and (4) effecting distribution. The market for a particular item is made up of existing and potential customers who need it and have the ability and willingness to pay for it. An open place or a covered building where buyers and 1. sellers convene for the sale of goods; a marketplace: a farmers' market. 2. a store for the sale of food: a meat market. 3. a meeting of people for selling and buying. 4. the assemblage of people at such a meeting. 5. trade or traffic, especially as regards a particular commodity: the market in cotton. 6. a body of persons carrying on extensive transactions in a specified commodity: the cotton market. 7. the field of trade or business: the best shoes in the market. 8. demand for a commodity: an unprecedented market for leather. 9. a body of existing or potential buyers for specific goods or services: the health-food market. 10. a region in which goods and services are bought, sold, or used: the foreign market; the New England market. 11.current price or value: a rising market for shoes. 12.stock market. verb (used without object) 13. to buy or sell in a market; deal. 14. to buy food and provisions for the home. verb (used with object) 15. to carry or send to market for disposal: to market produce every week. 16. to dispose of in a market; sell. Idioms 17. at the market, at the prevailing price in the open market. 18. in the market for, ready to buy; interested in buying: I'm in the market for a new car. 19. on the market, for sale; available: Fresh asparagus will be on the market this week. PIT, piete, s. f. I. 1. Loc special amenajat unde se face comert cu mrfuri, mai ales cu produse agroalimentare. Trsur (sau masin) de piat = trsur (sau masin) care transport, contra cost, persoane, bagaje etc. Expr. A face piata = a cumpra alimentele necesare pentru hrana zilnic. (Fam.) A se certa ca la piat = a se certa violent si folosind cuvinte grosolane. 2. Loc ntins si deschis dintr-o localitate, unde se ntlnesc sau se ntretaie mai multe strzi, adesea amenajat cu spatii verzi, statui etc. II. (Ec. pol.) Sfer a circulatiei mrfurilor; cererea si oferta de mrfuri. Din it. piazza. 1. - , , . , . . . . . . ( ). ( - , ). 2. , , . . ( ) 3. , . , . . . , , . . . 4. ; ,

Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Romanian definition

Russian definition

; . German definition Der Begriff Markt (von lat.: mercatus Handel, zu merx Ware) bezeichnet im engeren Sinne den Ort, an dem Waren regelmig gehandelt oder getauscht werden (Handelsplatz). Im weiteren Sinne bezeichnet der Begriff heute das geregelte Zusammenfhren von Angebot und Nachfrage an Waren, Dienstleistungen und Rechten. Das traditionelle Zeichen eigener Markthoheit einer Stadt war frher in Teilen Europas der Roland. http://www.businessdictionary.com/term-of-day.php#ixzz1mfA7hVlR End-of-quarter repositioning will also influence market movement. We created market alternatives and empowered consumers. Buttonwood admits some hedge funds can forecast market movements.

Definition source Context

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http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/market?fromAsk=true&o=100074 merchandise, peddle. . emporium; Rialto; vend ( -. ); tron; mk. . piazza . current pipeline (MichaelBurov) . market ( ) trade . mart .-. field . market square . marketing area . tryst . market place; marketplace (); bazaar; market square () www.sinonime.md

Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

Pia, trg, obor, cerere, debueu, iarmaroc Verb:- comercializa, vinde, lansa pe pia, pune n vnzare ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . (. ) . ; ; ; ; (q3mi4) . (Mycteroperca) . ( ) . ., . (. mark price) ; (raf); (raf); (raf) (); ( ) . . . ., . . (Lichtgestalt) . ; ( On-Line) ... (as an organization) . () Markt, Handel, Absatzmarkt, Brse, Absatzgebiet Verb: vermarkten, verkaufen, Absatz finden, sich verkaufen, gehen .

German term Date Author

Term Etymology

Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Romanian definition

Russian definition

German definition

Definition source Context Context source Synonyms Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

Skill 11501200; Middle English skilien < Old Norse skilja to distinguish, divide, akin to skil ( see skill 1 ), Old English scylian to separate, Gothic skilja butcher, Li thuanian sklti to split c.1175, "power of discernment," from O.N. skil "distinction, discernment," related to skilja (v.) "distinguish, separate, " fromP. Gmc. *skaljo- "divide, separate" (cf. M.L.G. schillen "to differ; "M.L.G., M.Du. schele "difference;" see shell). Sense of "ability, cleverness" first recorded c.1300. noun Economy Human resources An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills). See also competence. 1. the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well: Carpentry was one of his many skills. 2. competent excellence in performance; expertness; dexterity: The dancers performed with skill. 3. a craft, trade, or job requiring manual dexterity or special training in which a person has competence and experience: the skill of cabinetmaking. 4. Obsolete . understanding; discernment. 5.Obsolete . reason; cause. verb (used without object) Archaic . - s1.to matter. 2.to help; avail. CALIFICRE, calificri, s. f. Actiunea de a (se) califica si rezultatul ei; pregtire ntr-un anumit domeniu de activitate profesional; calificatie. Etap eliminatorie ntr-un concurs sau ntr-o competitie sportiv, pentru selectarea concurentilor. V. califica. 2) Pregtire teoretic si practic ntr-un anumit domeniu de activitate profesional. 3) Etap eliminatorie ntr-un concurs sau ntr-o competitie sportiv, n care se selecteaz concurentii. /v. a (se) califica 1. , ; , . . . . . 2. , -. . . . . . . . . . Geschicklichkeit (veraltet auch Anstelligkeit) bedeutet eine Sache przise (genau, exakt), ohne groen Aufwand und evtl. zustzlich auch schnell zu erledigen. Damit wird entweder das Ausma bezeichnet, in dem eine besondere und bewundernswerte Fhigkeit beherrscht wird, oder die Leichtigkeit, mit der neue Fertigkeiten erworben werden. Geschicklichkeit in einzelnen Bereichen des Lebens scheint also wie die Fhigkeit in einzelnen Bereichen von Natur aus gegeben zu sein. http://www.businessdictionary .com/definition /skill.html#ixzz1mfDw5ZJL

German term Date Author

proficiency, facility, deftness, cleverness. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/skill inability. unskilled http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/skill Calificare, abilitate, ndemnare, pricepere, deprindere, talent, experien, iscusin, meteug, art, dexteritate, ingeniozitate, merit . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ( . . - NadinkaN); ; ; . . . ( "") . . . . , , (Dashout) . . . . . ; ; . ; Fhigkeit, Geschicklichkeit, Geschick, Fertigkeit, Knnen, Kunst, Kunstfertigkeit

Term Etymology

Organization organization mid-15c., "act of organizing," from M.L. organizationem (nom.organizatio), noun of action from organizare, from L. organum"instrument, organ" (see organ). Meaning "system, establishment"is from 1 873. Organization man is from title of 1956 book by American sociologist William H. Whyte (1917 1999). Related: Organizational. Noun Economics Trade A social unit of people, systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between functions and positions, and subdivides and delegates roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out defined tasks. Organizations areopen systems in that they affect and are affected by the environment beyond their boundaries. 1. the act or process of organizing. 2. the state or manner of being organized. 3. something that is organized. 4. organic structure; composition: The organization of this painting is quite remarkable. 5. a group of persons organized for some end or work; association: a nonprofit organization. 6. the administrative personnel or apparatus of a business. 7. the functionaries of a political party along with the offices, committees, etc., that they fill. 8. an organism. adjective 9. of or pertaining to an organization. 10. Informal. conforming entirely to the standards, rules, or demands of an organization, especially that of one's employer: an organization mentality. ORGANIZTIE, organizatii, s. f. 1. Asociatie de oameni cu conceptii sau preocupri comune, uniti conform unui regulament sau unui statut, n vederea depunerii unei activitti organizate. Organizatie de baz = (iesit din uz) unitate organizatoric fundamental a Partidului Comunist Romn si a Uniunii Tineretului Comunist, care cuprindea cel putin trei membri. 2. Mod de organizare, ornduire, aranjare; rnduial, alctuire. Din germ. Organisation, fr. organisation, rus. organizatia. 1. - . . 2. . =. . . . 3. . , , , -. . -. . -. . . . . . . 4., ( ). . , , . . . , . 5. , , -. . . . . . 6. . , . , Organization is, so that reasonable results are obtained for the process of organizing, through the ongoing independent actions combined to reasonable results. An organization can be a social structure that arises from the systematic and goal-oriented interaction of people to the environment and defining - as corporate actors (Coleman) caninteract with other actors. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/organization.html#ixzz1mfGKKpdF

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Romanian definition

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German definition

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organization; agency; body; federation; institute; society; management; guild; institution; foundation; gild; economy; Bund;ordonnance (. ,

. . . . . Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

); organism; setup;machinery; contestant; outfit (bookworm); company (Valerio); endeavour (morfeas); organisation (British English Andrew Goff);organising; entity ( Alexander Demidov); orchestrating (AD Alexander Demidov) board management () enterprise activity; arrangement; comity; group; setup association


Organizaie, organizare, asociaie, structur, unitate, formare, creare, alctuire, ntocmire . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; ; (Alex Lilo); (, , ) ( StanislavPr) ; (); ; (. ); (); ( ); (); , ; ; ( ) ; (ABelonogov) ;

. . . . . . German term Date Author

Organisation, Unternehmen, Veranstaltung, Vereinigung, Verein, Aufbau, Ordnung, Gliederung, Planung, Grndung, Einteilung, Gebilde

Term Etymology

Consultant 1690s, of persons going to oracles, from L. consultantem, prp. Of consultare (see consultation). Of physicians, from 1878; meaning "one qualified to give professional advice" is first attested 1893 in a "Sherlock Holmes" story. Related: Consultancy (1955). noun economy Business, human resources Experienced professional who provides expert knowledge (often packaged under a catchy name) for a fee. He or she works in an advisory capacity only and is usually not accountable for the outcome of a consulting exercise. Some consultants (like Peter Drucker and W. Edward Deming) have brought dramatic shifts in management thinking and improvements in the performance of organizations. 1. a person who gives professional or expert advice: a consultant on business methods. 2. a person who consults someone or something. CONSULTNT, -, consultani, -te s. m. i f. Specialist care d indicaii sau trage concluziile n chestiuni care privesc specialitatea sa. Din fr. consultant. , -; . [ . consultans (consultantis) - ] , . -. . Der Begriff Beratung bezeichnet umgangssprachlich ein strukturiertes Gesprch oder eine korrespondierende Kommunikationsform (Brief, E-Mail o. .) oder auch eine praktische Anleitung, die zum Ziel hat, eine Aufgabe oder ein Problem zu lsen oder sich der Lsung anzunhern. Meist wird Beratung im Sinne von jemandem in helfender Absicht Ratschlge erteilen verwendet. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/consultant.html#ixzz1mfJBu2ba It seems almost impossible to argue that you shouldn't take on outside work as a consultant. Currently he is an independent researcher, writer and consultant. Smith is a frequent consultant for conservation organizations. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/consultant . consultant; adviser; aide; counsellor; reader's counsellor (); tutor; reader's councellor (); assessor ( ..); consultor . analyst . advisor . counselor; counsel . advice-giver ( ); advise-giver; advice-giver advancing ( ) ., . amicus curiae; friend of the court . coach (Dimitrij) .-. extensionists ( kevin84) . visiting scholar . advice-giver ( ); expert . laudator; law laudator; resource person; executive officer (ele-sobo) www.sinonime.md

Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Romanian definition Russian definition

German definition

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German term Date Author

Consultant, consilier . . (., , 1998 .) . . - . . Berater, Referent, Facharzt

Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Chairman 1654, "occupier of a chair of authority," from chair + man. Meaning "member of a corporate body chosen to preside at meetings" is from c.1730. noun Economy Business The chairman is the highest officer of an organized group such as a board, committee, or deliberative assembly. The person holding the office is typically elected or appointed by the members of the group. The chairman presides over meetings of the assembled group and conducts its business in an orderly fashion.[1] When the group is not in session, the officer's duties often include acting as its head, its representative to the outside world and its spokesperson. 1.the presiding officer of a meeting, committee, board, etc. 2.the administrative head of a department in a high school, college, or university. 3.someone employed to carry or wheel a person in a chair. verb (used with object) 4. to act as or be chairman of (a meeting, committee, etc.). PREEDNTE, -, preedini, -te, s. m. i f. 1. Persoan care conduce un organ de stat, o instituie, o organizaie de stat, o asociaie; persoan care prezideaz o adunare, o dezbatere, o comisie etc.; prezident. 2. Denumire oficial dat efului de stat al unor republici. Din fr. prsident, lat. praesidens, -ntis (dup edea). , -; . 1., , . . . . 2. , , , , . . . . . . . . 3. [ ] , . . . . . < , -; . . (1-2 .). (.). , -, -. - . - . . . Die Bezeichnung Vorsitzender[1] wird in der ffentlichkeit am hufigsten fr einen Parteichef oder den Leiter eines groen Gremiums beispielsweise einer Kommission oder eines Aufsichtsrates verwendet. Doch gilt die Bezeichnung fr nahezu alle Leiter von Vereinen und Organisationen, von Kongressen, Versammlungen und anderen Gruppierungen. Auch bei wechselndem Vorsitz einer Selbstverwaltung oder anderen Krperschaft wird der jeweilige Leiter als Vorsitzender (engl. Chairman) bezeichnet. http://www.businessdictionary.com/search-terms.php?q=chairman In this case, the initiator of the project is both the client and the projectmanager. Drucker outlined a number of priorities for the manager of the future. If you need to say a special thank you, a note to the manager willsuffice. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/manager . president; chair (); prolocutor (. ); chairperson ( );chairwoman; chairlady; chairlady (-; facilitator ( , Crow Jane) . chrm (chairman) . President ( , . ) . the Chair () . preses () . dean; presiding officer www.sinonime.md

Romanian definition

Russian definition

German definition

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Preedinte, ef . ; ; () . (of a meeting) . ... (parliamentary practice; as a

German term Date Author Vorsitzende, Prsident, Vorstand, Generaldirektor

Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Motivation motivation 1873, from motivate. Psychological use, "inner or social stimulusfor an action, " is from 1904. noun Economy management Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal Motivation results from the interactions among conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire or need, (2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual and of his or her significant others. 1.the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way: I don't understand what hermotivation was for quitting her job. 2. the state or condition of being motivated: We know that thesestudents have strong motivation to learn. 3.something that motivates; inducement; incentive: Clearly, the company's long-term motivation is profit. MOTIV IE, motivatii, s. f. Totalitatea motivelor sau mobilurilor (constiente sau nu) care determin pe cineva s efectueze o anumit acsiune sau s tind spre anumite scopuri. Din fr. motivation. , -; . 1.=. . -. , . 2. . , , 3. . . < , -, -. (1-2 .). - . - . Motivation bezeichnet das auf emotionaler und neuronaler Aktivitt (Aktivierung) beruhende Streben des Menschen nach Zielen oder wnschenswerten Zielobjekten. Motivation steigert die Handlungsbereitschaft und ist somit eine Triebkraft fr Verhalten. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/motivation.html#ixzz1mfZOamNV Their success could not have been achieved without enormousmotivation. Cleopatra became a tragic heroine, with love of Antony her solemotivation. The reason we demur, psychologically, is that self-control does not giveus enough sustained motivation to achieve big plans. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/motivation motive,inspiration, inducement, cause, impetus, justification; http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/motivation

Romanian definition Russian definition

German definition Definition source Context

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Motivatie .

German term Date Author

; ; ; ; ; ; ( ); (larisa_kisa); ( Alexander Demidov ) .. ; ; ; . . ; ; . ( ); ; ; ; . . ; . . . ; . Motivation, Motivierung

Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition

Romanian definition

Russian definition German definition

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Promotion 1429, "advancement," from O.Fr. promotion (14c.), from L.promotionem, noun of action from promovere. Meaning "advertising, publicity" first recorded 1925. Promotional"relating to advertising" first recorded 19 22. Noun Economy Marketing The advancement of a product, idea, or point of view through publicity and/or advertising. See also sales promotion. 1.advancement in rank or position. 2.furtherance or encouragement. 3.the act of promoting. 4.the state of being promoted. 5.something devised to publicize or advertise a product,cause, institution,etc.,as a brochure, free sample, poster,television or radio commercial, or personal appearance. PROMOV, promovez, vb. I. Tranz. 1. A ridica, a nainta pe cineva n functie; n grad, ntr-o demnitate etc., a avansa. A declara pe cineva absolvent al unui an de nvtmnt, permitndu-i trecerea n anul urmtor. A termina cu succes o clas sau un an de nvtmnt. 2. A sustine, a sprijini fcnd s progreseze, s se dezvolte. A promova o idee. Din lat. promovere. , -; . - - . . . . . . . . Promotion (sptlateinisch promotio Befrderung, Erhebung) steht fr Verleihung des Doktorgrades, siehe Promotion (Doktor) Verleihung der Ritterwrde, siehe Ritter eine Art der Typumwandlung bei einigen Programmiersprachen, siehe Promotion (Typumwandlung) eine Bauernumwandlung beim Schach in der Schweiz fr das Vorrcken eines Schlers in die nchste Jahrgangsstufe (in Deutschland Versetzung) Promotion [prmon] (englisch) steht fr Vermarktung von Produkten im Allgemeinen, siehe Marketing Verkaufsfrderung als Teilaspekt der Vermarktungsmanahmen im Speziellen in der Musikindustrie und der Filmwirtschaft den Bereich der ffentlichkeitsarbeit, siehe Musikpromotion die Wrestling-Liga, siehe Liste von Wrestling-Begriffen#P http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/promotion.html#ixzz1mfb6nlZQ Some negative promotion and tenure decisions seem predetermined themoment a newly hired sch olar signs a job contract. The strict seniority system is giving way to a greater emphasis onperformance-based pay and pro motion on merit. Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to terminate or modifythe promotion. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Promotion+ Promotion, progress, advance, advancement, progression, furtherance, rise, ascent, propulsion, travel, lift, strides, remove http://translate.google.com/ 1. trecere. (~ clasei.) 2. avansare, naintare, nlare, ridicare, (nv.) provivasire, (fig.) ascensiune. (~ n grad, n functie.) . - . ( -. the advertisement of smth. or smb. new) . ; ( ART Vancouver) .. (Yuzhno10) . / , , (slitely_mad) ., . . ( ) .. ; . (. ); ; , (, ); (dimock); , (dimock) Frderung, Promotion, Befrderung, Werbung, Aktion, Aufstieg, Veranstaltung, Einsatz

German term Date Author

Term Etymology Grammatical category Domain Sub domain English definition Romanian definition

Debit mid-15c., from M.Fr. debet or directly from L. debitum "thing owed, that which is owing," neut. pp. of debere "to owe" (see debt). As a verb from 1680s. Debit card is attested from 1975. Noun Economics Accounting, banking In double-entry bookkeeping, entry on the left-hand side of an account record. It has the effect of decreasing a capital, liability, or revenue account, or of increasing an asset or expense account. DBIT2, debite, s. n. 1. Datorie pe care o are o persoan creditat. 2. Coloan ntr-un registru de contabilitate sau ntr-un extras dintr-un asemenea registru, n care se nscriu sporurile de activ sau, respectiv, reducerile de pasiv; (concr.) sum nscris n aceast coloan. Din fr. dbit, lat. debitum. , -; . [ . debet - ] . - , , (.: ). < , -, - Soll ist ein Begriff aus dem kaufmnnischen Rechnungswesen und bezeichnet die linke Seite eines Kontos im Gegensatz zu der rechten Haben-Seite. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/debit.html#ixzz1oo4vTucV Add one more place to the growing list of locations where you should bewary about using your de bit card: gas station pumps. Four reportedly went on a shopping spree with a stolen debit card. It can also be used as a debit card at many downtown restaurants andshops, and for parking meter s.

Russian definition

German definition Definition source Context

Context source Synonyms Synonyms source Antonyms Antonyms source Romanian term Russian term

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/debit Entry, account, accounts, amount due, arrears, bills, charge, collectible, debt, deficit, indebtedness, liability obligation http://thesaurus.com/browse/debit credit, settlement, tally http://thesaurus.com/browse/debit debit . SAP.. . . .

(put to the debit of somebody - -); ( - ! - . : . genir); ; from (an account - AD Alexander Demi ; ( "Dr"); ( ; . debit column); (, ..); () ; ;

German term Date Author

Debit, Soll, Debetposten

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