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THE LOm);:;




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-r" t_, """,h._I, ijltha. directly or tllnlll/lh lUll nooktc:Uel', from JOUr.; \I":';ZIK~ & CO., '"'" STRI:ET, J,;DI)'Ot'R(;II, ,,-ud 00 Wt'oT NI~~ :;TRt.r.r, t;Ut;OOW l or
1::\'1\1:: II:. :O;1'frnl!'lWO(JnJ.:, " !.I~T lI"'''~lx~ Sno.UT, FI.U1' STun, E.G.; or UOIXI~:::', "'WIII/:!, .t 00., II Curro)' &rJlI:n, OI1D1.I)(.

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1. - I \'fm:n,ucronY :'IIATTEII,

p. xiii
filE 1'1::1:1011

[1.-IT1:<l f.IIAllY OF TIU: KI:"o IlUIUSG

IIL-TounSA)IEXTS, 1'"S1'DIE>;. ftc.,

p. xuviii,

V.-lIEI.A1'IO;o\g or SrOTlA;o\1I "0 Fom:lOs POWEllS,


\1) Tht' )ktil"ll.

(:!) :'I['u-g,Il"C1



"in!!"s 1I:IU:,:hlCI', (:1) .J(,hll Dnmi:m, (-t) tThe

l1uk" ,'f .\l1'1ny's o.oo, (;i) 'nil' Court. (6) The
1.11I1'e1l'~ lIu'l~clu,I,I,

(i) The [';in:,:-'" [n'll Bdl,


n'",ks. (9) Thl' \\"'nllfll'l' S\\OI11.


.\l'UI{"),TS OF Tm; Ltlml l([Idl

TI:f-:"\~l'IlEI: ,\BI~JT




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,I hih 1'I;.'('('ipt'

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CHoI.RC,t..-lil'C\i\,h hUII1 ~IIl'nll" ~UlIl.II dUtl frtliU Iflllt accouut.a.

(;'Ollll'0MUUUl iOI


eacheats, rehel..

and at jUaLK' ayrea. 13:1.


nISCIIAnOF~- \\'anlwll(>

the King ami

Queen. :14 ; 'Iona)"


dolhon.'<I to tho Compl.

A l1ul

lH; Exchlln:.,'t' /"If WOlll',\"8,."i5

oftl'ringe uf the Kill:;' l>ti;



H~~tm('lItII au,\

olilu f'"1 ..ia.,tit',,j \\'ork, 77;


J:uildin:,;s Lntl I"loaln, 82,

wurk. 8t1 i

1 .. peD~ "f JIUlUCt:' "l'~!' 91 :::

l:luthiul; for

the 1I0Il,'!4'!It>!d, !l2; :\.1Ullitce uf lhe

\ I i ' Iih'elllllll"l>llli e:-. 1"'iI' h til Il' t UUr&'l I:e<"til).


II -.\ccov~,- o. ,Lust!!



01' Uus !,th


Mil reclpts JUII l''(tlelL~ fRIIII


Au;tt.;t;t ,:,(l1S n roth


lUA.li(i - I 'O)'DI II'" b~'

bit 1<'("1'11'
1c:'llS. I

!-htlliU" SIn.1S dUl; hOIll





intA .... etA


( 'f) NT ":~T-s.



Th, Kill~.( w'ltlh.... i>(' n~",nnl, ~.J;;

Lh, l}lI,~n'i< \\~lr,h"I,, '\{" '1111 :.!I;j

fIJI till' I',ime.


:n2 "',IICY - ,1o-hn'I\',II,l


.11111 iuwll'\' hn:mfl"l '-lIlnl-"I 2iH


11'1~"ir"" ~:,

CI"Lhiu'l 1"1 'h,' liulI"!!! !.I.


K,1.llW!; "Ill!, 1I"IIlSth.. ld. 321.



ayr\;><, ,;29

'rl"II!"U~'f'"_~ l'Jl:pt:UN.'!;

(BI1I'IiII I\L~is), 329.


11 !l



Tnt: Accounts ill the. \af;t volume were LH'OlIgllt OOWII to the ~th IIf February l50-l-5, They were those, nominally ttl l<mst, of Da,'id Beaton of Creich, &'l:ontl SOll of John Beaton of n"lfol1l', though, from thc .'\ct. lllat. hiFl hrother James is styled Trcmmrcr ill tho G rCIIL Sell\ Register Oil ~5th April Illld 2nd No\'cmhcr 1501, it is noL improb"hlo that. Da,id wos laid n,qidc fl'om acti\'e duty for some time before the close of the JnsL Accounts. 'rIle present yollllue contnills two scts of Accounts of Chal'gc nud Discharge, bolh tinder the lW.ll(ls of the aboye!Ilcnt;nu\.'(! ,!:\1nes Benton, a mnu whose name has come down to liS as olle of the di'ltinguished per~'n(l~c.. of his time, The sixth nnd youngest ~ou of the Lniru of Bnlfollt', he was at. rIO early n~c npl'l{lintcd by the F..'\rl (If Angns Pwvost of the Collc~inte ChlLI'cll of Rothwell. In I 504, the yC:lr "cfore lIe was IlOl1linotoo 'l'rcnsLlfcr, he \\'1111 mnde .\ bbot (Jf Duufcrllllinc: \11) WIt6 Hilihop of UalJo\\,lIY fur twch'(' UH'IITh,:, llUt \\'n~ ttppoilltl!d to the (liocose of Gl:l_'gow ill 150!), whcli he 1'('f;iguC'c1llic ollicc of Tr~:lsu)'CI', JIe liec(lllIo Ch(l1Jecllo)' of {lJC king<loJll ill 1515,



Rnd Wa5 made Archbishop of St. Andrews ill 1522. The Chancellor's oflke he lost. ill 1525 through the mnchintltions of the Earl of Allgus, lind for some time scelUS to ha,e been in Ilelunl peril of his life. But his enemies' star set ere long, and, ns au old biogrnpher quniut.ly says, "he after served them SOllle shrewd turns, and cryed quits willi them to purpose at the long mil.'" lie WIlS by no means, howe\'cr, u. mere scbemillg politiciau; he was a man of immense cnergy. strong character, nnd of much public spirit. It is suid that he built no fewer than fourtcc.n bridges wltile he was in Fife, besides tbe Castle of l\lonirnnil, lnrge additions to the Castle of St. Andrews, nnd n church dedicated to St. Scrf at Newbam. In Glasgow, too, he eneiosed the grolluds of the Episcopnl Pnltlce with n htlntlsollle wnll of dres:;cd stOlle, Lcsides building: 8cyeruillew tlltars in the Cntbcdral, and bridges throughout. the neighbouring COUlIt l'Y. Sneil was the lUun who WtlS IlOW in\'cstoo with the white rod of the 'I'rcnsurer, and some of whose Accounts ure oont..tincd in ti,e following pagC.!!. The first set of AccoUIlUi embraces the l)crioo from llth February 150~5 to ai'll August. HiOG. and the second that from Gth August 150G to Glh 8<optemhel'l!i07. It jl'. 011 tho whole, not SUCIIIIlI intct'C.'Iuug series as tuM Jluhli!lhed ill tile IMt. volulU\!: lilcre is 110 out:;tlllldiug feature like tIle


r\lpl wl'1hling. Ou tho otlll'r hllud, it (!Olltnill!l !IIJOIe detllil8 whidlllrc new. 'JaIlY of the elluies d rill wilh the eXl'cllllilu rc OU till' N:~,"y. in the. l'Oihl l'llctiou of whic.h J ,l lllCS took IlInt-1l PCI'SOIIIII ill tcl'l'~t, We nbo get iuciacllt:ll nud iuu it'('ct l;limp~(,J; of t he cOllllllullit.alinll!l which the S(:otti"h kiug had with Foreign PUWl'I"'!, nwl ~ome inronliatioil f\! tu tllc lUUl'lInlllCIIl: anu c1li\";llri(; ~ l lows for whidl h.... Court WIl'l famulI~

l'm: KINO.

Oue of tho last eutries in the previous volume K ltowcd tho king to he ill Edinhurgh buying hOlley from the dl/\pLlil1 of Restalrig, We now fiud him, OLi the UtI! of "'ebrunry 150-1-5, a few <llIY" Inter, at LiLilithgow Oil his wl\y to Stirling, I HI' 5pellt III Icnst 1\ fortnight Ilt tbe Intter pl<\oo, hilt lIlust II:\\'e returucd to thc Ctll'ilnl carly in "nrch, a."> bo WlUI wot .... hil'l'ing at }oit. AlilhollY'.. Chapel Oil the 5th,' 110 thcn touk II hunicfl journey to Loch. IIHIlJcn to lice thc pnlgl'c-.a of thl' 1 11111 he wa'l huildillg ill the CllStle there, ,ulfl went on HI Dumrrics, where be WM ClitCrtllillt'd, as usu.'\I, by the (,wouritc 10C:lI !inger, "the enlkit viCo1r," nDfl other minstrels. J 1:Ie left thnt towu on the I :2tL or t 3tb, IIl1tl wn.'! in PC<lblc on hi!l way home, ou the I-Ith,' (laying e S. for b~ lodging;!, :"111(1 brill~.'illg
, 1',6Il. 1', 57. , I' 1:111.

I 'I~

5., 131


back 0. mule with him, Oil the 1!lth tbere i.s an entry of Doll offering in Rcstnh'ig Church, and then n journcy seems to IJnve been taken to Wllitckil'k, Dunbnr, and the Kirk of Steill, visiting Dunglns on the rctlll'll jOllllley, Edinburgh being I'('oohcd ngnill by Skyl'e Thursday, whell the usual nlms were givcn to the bccl.csmen nlld bcdcs womell,l During the kiug's stny there, nil instaoce of the kindness of heart which ehurneteriscd bim is shown in the ciltry of n gift of 28s, to Do poor widow who hnd como from the north to wnit thc decision ill some Inw plen whicb wns evidcntlyns is the 11Ilbit of Illw plens-a ,-cry prolrnetcd piece of businC8S.! Aftcr this the diflcl'ent entries do not. qnite synehl'ollisc; but it seems probnblc thllt enrly in Apl'i11505 thc king wns at Stirling getting buttel' from "the woman of the Blackford," who often sup]llic(1 the klug with suehlike com moditie'i, nud purch1'sing glovcs from l' "m1'den" who W1'5 Rkilled in this mOlluflleturc-probnbly the glovemnkcI"s dnughter whom wc bn\'c met with before. s The stay ill Sli"ling lnsted nooutn month, hut 011 the 7th of lIIay a movc wns lDade to I'nlldnnd, but only for n con pie of nights, ItS on the 9tb n l'Cturn WitS mnde to Stirling, t'ia '1~1Ii coultry, where nlms w(,I'e gh-en to the pricsts.' On the ~Olll n vi.osit WIIS paid to Dunblnl1e,' and on
, l' ;.7,
I' L:I!l.
I \".1, I., I'



1!l'I (I

l'l~ 00, 140,

the 23t1 tile. Court. WI\_'1 b:lCk iu liAliuhul'gh, the. king: attending high m:'l.18 nt. I rol yroud 011 Corpus Christi dl\Y, On tho 27th he "isitCtl :\ ~hip lying in LeitL Roods, probnbly n retCllt additiou to the newlyfOl1ned Scotti,;l. NIWY, ns we finrl" (1\100118" lUlU other artillery bci ug tnkclJ fWIIl the. ctlstle to Leith_ It wn:; not, howo'-el', tho Gh~.nt :Michael, whieh hnd not yet I)('gun to he huilt. Two or thrce days were tipCllt in overlooking tllc fittingOllt. of the ,'clJdd, Ruel IIlcre ill nu cutry of -I~s. given" to tho IIICII that jus-tit ill thc holes of Leith," It is <lillicult.. to l\.S:iOC.into the illci\ of jOllsting with boots, nnd wo nre left; in doubt ns to whether this some icilld of water toul-nament or other nquatio nl!Ulscment. The king dined on boord on the 2nh, his sih-er plate Bnd .. ,'crdours " being sent to the ship (or the occ.'l.sion; ond lIs. WI\8 givon to William )rcrrymonth, a ("1II0tl8 Il\allucr. who lInd eantod the IObri<juct applucnlly o( .. king of the !ll.!n," nnu who WlUI probably in l'ommnlhi (If tho \'e"~cL I At the end of the mouth J:I.IIIC!' procccc.leci to Dumt.Ctrtoll, \\her~ prcpnrntions W('l'C lJciug made fOl- ;;.,.'nding the ship Columb to Armu l\;th munitions of war "to scgc Wntte Stew,ni. in Lord JInmiltoun's bous." A flyiug \"i!<it was pllid on the {jtb nod 7th of Ju ne to Gin"gow nUll PoiRley,! bllt. Dumh<trtou \\'1\8 the hc;ltliJunrtcl'd of the Court until


, l'_ ldo

I'. 6u-


the 15th, whell it rcmoyed to AYf fol' a couple of days, the jouMley home to Stil'ling being taken by way of Auchiulcck and Crnigberlln rd. 1 The killg wns at this tim(' "ery restless: perhaps the flne summer weathe~ stimulated him to tr:J.\'cl ; at nil)' rule, by the end of June he was ill Edinburgh giYillg (lImB to the" queen of the Canollgnte," a101'nl idiot to whom he seems to have been always kind; bllt enrly in July he was ill tbe wcst. again, nud 011 lhe 23<1 of that month he rode from Stirling to DUlUbarton, evidently taking much intcrest in the ship work that wns going Oil there. On the 26th a gratuity was givcn to a harper at Eliotston. the scat of Lord Sempill, now represented by a ruin about three-quarters of a mile to the east of the foot of the lake of Castle Sempill ; it was to be succeeded ill about half a century after this by auother house built on n different portion of tbe estate. l'lIe occasion of the kiug's dsit there was pl'ob.'\bly to inspect the new col legintc church which had heeu built the previous yenl' hy John Lord Scmpill for a pro,'ost, sit chnpIniDs, two boys, and a sacristan, as 14s. was givcn as his offcring in it.' His slay, howe"er, WBS not 1\ long one, as 011 the 27th and 28th hc Wl\S in Aylo, on thc ~!)th at the Abbey of Crosmguel, 011 the 30th at tllc Ahbcy of Glcnlucc, perlll\l)9 gctti ng "egetnblcs or I<Omc mrc 1'lullt. fl'OlIl th\! gnnlenef at ~Iyrtouu,
' I',WL



8ir \Icxllnder )'lneCul1ck:h"l'lntl' ill tbl' Iwt;.;hboUl'hood, tlS we flUlI I4s. gi\'eu t(l Ilitn on Ihnt lIn)'. 011 the :lh.t the kiD~ \\'3~ nt Wllilhurti 'p!'llfiillJ,\' Os. on " tnkylllt)'s" of St. Xilll.1ll, allcl n SLII,ilnr sum 011 the mlher incolIgnious fjLjed. of a gl'rltuity to ouo ThomM, a jc~ter. Thl.' ..etmu jOUrtloy

ns usunl .-.ooll comm('Ill'('Il, wo ('nll tracc till! (latty to l\unill.!;hfllll, where:. pa)'uwlIl was m:ulc tu a l:mhrou:lr; thl'lI to th Wnter uf Cree, where two IIOMl"~ Wd"C purch:L ... l; nud the ni::;ht flf the 2nd of Au~n".t 1\'115 prolNlhly 81)l.'lIt lIuder tlH,~ hospitable roof of the 1Il0nkM of Dllnclr~'IIIlIIll, 20s. beillg left with them ill ncknowletlglll(,ut of their sctvicos. Dumfries Wl1'i the noxt liwge on tho JOurucy. where tbe king WIIS once more entertailled by the siugiug of tho" crukit. yle.1.f," A \'i:.it was IXlicl to Linc1udcn. and thell 1\ 11\0\'0 WIlS marlc to Loehmnoon, where 1\ short st.'l)' wns IUade. Huntillg and hnwking \\"('re alwll)'s n. component. part. of tho royal pilo.,.imngcs, nnd tuis joul'lley wns 110 e:':ceptioll to the 1"1111.', Lonl Crichton of Snnqnhnr prC!ll'lIled t wo df}<~:11 to tho king, and wo havo nccotluts for their kl'<'P nucl for their heillg anl'cfully led hOllle. Fonrtl'l'llsliillingg \\":\8 alco pnid us a... ,,~-;ct1 d:\fllllgci for growinl{ corn which hnd iJccll ridden O\'er while hawking. Rud thc !;J>ort. Illu ..t han indmlcr.l !'Ihooti ug with thl' how nud nrrow, if w(, nre to judge by a ,imilnr sum p"id fOl' nno", to the I..ing, Archl'l")' nt. {Ilis lime S~ UlS to hu\"o octtlpiod the rlt,tClitiou


of James considcl'noly, t\S very shortly nftcr tll is dnte 110 lc_-;.$ a sum thau 4, lOs. I\'ns si"CD to no Euglishmnn of Richm-d Grcy, E.'1rl of Kcnt, a very sporting nobleman of the periorl, I for n prcscnt of Lows and arrows which he brought. The killg was at Peebles on the 7th August. aud the followiug day, nfter making all offering at the curious oil wcll of St, CatllCliuc's at Liberton as he pnssed, snw him 8.'lfe in the capitnl, the whole journey hflving taken little over fl fortnight.' On the 14th August. J ames WI\S at Stirling, lind no doubt reech'cd with gratification the news that. the last portion of the queen's dowry had bccu sent to Coldiugham, nnd was then on its way to Edinburgh. In (l, few days he was off to tho " IInnthaU" in Glenfinglns, It is not casy to say what this JIunthnll was. The sportsmeu seem to have been independent. of buildiugs, as J ohn IIcrtisheid amI his mell were sent to Edinburgh for teots to bring them to the HUllthall, so thnt the king and his retinuc probnhly lived under ea nvns wllile they wetc in the glen. Their creature comforts were not neglected, and we read of presents of curds and buttel fl'Om t.wo womcn, pears from the laird of Buchanan, aod eels (lnd pike from the Prior of L nchmaholmc. '1'hc.~e, with the spoili! of lhe chnse, would afford 8uflicienlly ~00l1 hl'iliS to a
I'Po G'l, 162, 163, IG4


lIlall who, like Jnm'ii, W~ ill mntters perU.jnin:; to the. tablc aillgulnrly nbatcmiou$. A f..:w d ..ys liufficcd for the hunting p3rty, lind, aft(,r n visit to DumLartou, th!" king rctllrlll!l:ltlJ Slirlill~, Thcre hc WIlS cntertailloo by tL &tot of Enc;:li.sh UliuHrcl.~, and by somc sort of \'''lu~trirlU c1.hilJittou by a Spanianl ill thc l):lrk I The firsL of Seplellllx'r, being SI, Gilts' Da,.. I\\V t.he king ill '&linlH1r~h attending high mass at. the chu rch of the patron saillt. of th~ I.OWII, nnd m:l.king 811 offering to the work thAL WA.:; thrn going 011 in cOllueclioll with it, pos... ihly thc Lwo small chnpels at. the south e:l.st corner of the church.' The day W AS ahvnys kept I\S a. public holiday in Edinburgh, and J:l.mes would 'l"itncss, if he did not. take part. ill, the procesaion lvhich issued from the church, carrying the effigy of the saint and pernmbulluing thc city. As SiI' David Lindsay wrotc n. few yeArs subsequent:
On lb:li r felst. day .11 trea.tu", mAy we Thoy lieif' nno AU!'\ ~tok im.,so 11\1'0 till' louu, \\~itll wlll",nl", truro('tt, ..ba.lme, n.n.1 d:wiouu, Quhilk hN born u it mony Aue yt'ir begone. Witb prt'i,tia An<I fl"l'irJ into I'~ j.1!\., Sidyke u Jkl wu borne tb", &b) Iooe.

The 3rd, 4th, and 5th of the mOlllh were spent ill a bUllting expedition to TIig:;nr, Ihe king dining at. We:;L Linton one d3~' And at DuwIYrc on the
, P. IG1



ne:tL From the 15th to the 18th :l journey wna being made in the E::isL of Scotl:md, :ts '''e find entries of drinksilver to the masons and workmen at Dirleton, Ayton, and Dunglns, nn onering at tile Kirk of Steill, which was not yet, however, completely built, and an nccount for expenses at cards one night at. Whitekirk. The rcm:linder of the month W:l.S spent :tt Edinburgh IUld Stirling. 1'he beginning of October saw the restless mon:trch on the move :lgain, this time 011 one of his northern pilgrilllages. On tile 2nd of the month be was at Dunferml ine, on the 3rcl at Falkland, on the 4th at Perth and l1ethven, on the 5th at Dundee, from which place falconers (mel dogs were sent on to wait his arri ....:t.l farther north. ITe was in j\'l ontrose and Arhro:lth ou the 7th, in Drechin all t.he 8th; on thc !lth Its. were g i,en to the boatmen of Loch Canmorc,lmd 9s. to a mall thaL Ie provit" the "'aler of Don before the king-that is, tested iu depth t.o nscertnin if the ford was safe. 'fhe follo\villg night J:lme8 was having: his Ilsu:tl game of cnrds in the com(ort:lble quarters of Strathbogie C:lstle. lie probably hml some hawking here, :mel the curious entry occurs of2s. Sel." for POkiR to put l:t\'erokis in," the larks being prob:lbly the spoil :l.chie\'ed by hi8 trained birds of prey. On the I tlh the Spey was crossc<l, :lnd on the 12th ~hc king W:l8 I'cga.led by the singing or m:'lidens :l.~ SpYliic, most likely in ~he mshOI)'8 lodging there. 'rho lIi:;h~ of the



13th was SpenL aL DarnawlIY, and possibly a day or two more, as it is not tililhe I Gdt thM w-c can troce his arrival at Im'ernes::_ On the 17th he \t"as at Dcnuly, and on the 18th he had reached the ohject of his journey, 'fain. His ofict'ings at the shrine of St. Duthus are not gh'en in deutil, but 56s. ill nil was spent in this way. Dingwall, Oil the return jOllrney, was rcached ne:'{t. day, and the c"er-tcmpting retreat of Darn:lwal' received thc king all the evening of the 20th. On the \'("al' he had purchased a goshawk at Redcastle, not far from Inverness, for the sum of 3, lOs. The journey was COlltinued by wny of Spynie, thc Spcy fc rry, amI Strathbogie. Aberdeen was reached on the 26th, the Water of Cowie pnssetl. on the 27th, and the }larty. travelling rather slo\dy. as we read of Bluemantle pursuivaut, the Dutch doctor, a falconer, and the dogs being sent on :l.head the nearest. way, got to Arbroath on the 29th. Perth was visited on the following lIar,and the king art;,'ec1 safely at Sliding all thalast day or the month. I November was an une"entful month, passed ehietly iu Edinburgh. During it the killg reeeivcd the prcsent of a wolf-au auimal COTllIllOn enough then, and which was not altogether to disfljlpe:lr from the fnulla of the countly for a considerable period. IL is interestillg to note Lhat the keep or



six score of Illlltts from St. Luke's Day to ClltuUemas-dUlt is, from the 18th of October to the 2nd of February--only cost eight shillings. It. is possible that a large proportion of these beasts were killed before Candlemas and So.'llted down, as the custom was when winter feeding was scarce and denr, for the usc of the Court, a few only being kept. aliye to aol/lte a period nsFebruary. There was also n great catching of deer at Falkland, no fewer than thirty-two men being employed ill iL. 'rhe deer seem to have beeu taken to Stirling, where they were kept either for the adornment of the p.'\rk or for hunting purposes. The fast shortening days 01' December saw the Court within the sheltered precincts of Holyroodhouse. The king was at n. christening on the 5tb, but there is lLothing of import.'lucc to chronicle duriug the month, except n curialiS entry in an account of llobert Selkirk, the cutler, for the expense of binding the HW:\ll:l.S 8\vortl" with cords of silk.1 .. \1. the New 'Year 1505-6 the usual presents were made to the household, the quccn's b.dies each gelling eleven French crowns rolled all a st ring ns bends, which would seem to infer that the coins wcre in the fll"St place picrced. Dy the 1 Jtlt of Jauuary the Court was at Stirling again, the king amusing himself by playing:l. L "lhe prop" wilh Ucm'gc Campbell ; :lud 011 lhe 14th he \\"t1l1t OnlO


Falkland, ,,,here some building: WAS goiug: on, nod from there he p.'\id n visiL Lo St. ,\nclrcws, which he repeated LWO months :Iftl:rwnrd~, h:lXillg spent the intervelling lime ullevcmflllly at Edin~ burgh. ITe Icft St. AHdl"t~ws about the J 7th of March, aud came by riueuweem to :F alklnml, and returned to Edinburyh by way of Slirling. thc cl"'OS!iing of the Firth ill the brce1.Y \"e:\luer of March being e\'idently cnrC'flllly avoided. E..'\Sl.Cr ll'3.S,:tS usunl,kepL ill Edinburgh i halldsomc Inrgcl's was given to the ll1u~icinlls of the Con rt, and there are full details of the prescnts of animnls, ch iefly for the table, which the king got M this time from some of the nobles nnu lairds of the country. It includes sel'eral fM oxen, cnmes, roe~deer, wi ld geese, plol'ers, herons, moor-fm"l, and, oddly enough, two bears, though these were not meant to be eaLCn, but were probably to be baited. i 'he leaves were h.mll), green on the hedges when the imlefR.tignble !Uoluul'h was 011' on aile of his southern )lilgl'ima!:cs. Going by Gla.qgow and Paisley, he lookt,<l in nt IIawkhead to see how Lon! Uo.."S was progressing in buililing his residence, and lcf, a swn of mouey in drinksih'er to the mnSOU5 there. lie then proceeded,:l5 before, by Ayr :111<1 Glculuce to Whithorn, ",here he was 011 ,hc 1st of :'ITa,-, on which dar he g:l\'e ISs. to all Enf!'li~h pilgrim thnt St . Xini:lll Imd worked a miracle lor; it is to bo 1'C<6rcltcd that we are not told the untul"e of the miracle. lic aillo oflered



a silvergilt reliquary. cOHing in all 8, I-I s" M the shrine of the 5.'\illt, Returning br Wigtowil. Dumfries, and Peehl~, he was in Edinburgh by the 12th of the momb, On the 1st of June, as the king was going to take a turn in tbe gal'den of the Abbot of Holyrood, he llleL a Queen of the May. to which r:1ther belated monarch he ga"e fi,'e shillings, These Queens of l\{ay seem to bave exercised their authority loug after May Day, and they prob.'\hly frequented the precincts of the Palace in the hope of extracting 800letbillg from the pockets of tbe generolls king, It was only a fortnight before that hc had gh'en 14s. to another at the same place, I On the 2nd of June we read of the death and burial expenses of poor Curry, the Court jester, whose name has occurred fro quelltly in tbe Accounts, On the 13th thc first stm,voorries of thc ycar wcre brought to the king by a woman at Ncwiw.\'cn, and they werc follo\ved by somc from thc royal g:l.I'den at Stirling two days latcr, which shows that the summcr of 150G must havc been a good onc. On thc 25th n pre sem was g i"cll a Illall who bt'ought a lion to the king. Who thc dOllor of the bC:'I.st \\":'I.S we nrc IIOl told, but it had c\'i(lclltly arri,'OO O\'cr sc:ts, as Ss. Sd. was paid fOI" the carriage of it tunl its cage from kidt to LIolyroocl At the end of JUIIC Jamcs scemlS to ha"e gOtH,' to SLil'ling fOl' n fcw dn.ys ; b ll~


ou the 9th of J uly he \..-as in Leit h, preparing to s.,il to the bl<! of ) I a~' ill his new ship, the Mal'gnret, wh ich had juSt been Ill.ullched. lie was on the island all the 10th, but the wcndler was b:\(I,' and he was landed at lliacknesson the follow ing day. Another expedition WIUi, ho\vc\'cr, UlfHle to thc island nt the cnd of the mOlllh, whell Crail aud Kinghorn were \'isitoo. On the Sth of August the king began another pilgrimage to Whitborn, which he reached by way of Olru;gow and Ayr. There is an cntry at lhi~ time of l\ costly 5ihcr. g ilt reliqunry which was made for St. DUlhns, but this may possibly be a clerical error for St. Nilliau. [Jis olTerings a.t 'Yhithom at this time were ccr lainly large, amoullting in nil to 4, I Ss. On the return journey an offering was Illndc in .. 5.,\IlCt. Medanis Kirk." There are the ruins of a Kirk mniden church in the p:uish of OIasserton, which may !ul\'c been the one visited. St. Metltuu was the lnely who pluckl.'d OUt her eyes and offered them to a soldier who had been alll'ncted by their beauty, and whose tltlentiolls were embarrassing:. At tho Kirk of Kyle, Ilc.\r Ayr, which sccms to have always been a. ra\"ourite place of wOI-ship with JOUles, an ordcr waij gi\'clI ror a euchnl'ist to be made for it. From Ayr the king came Borth to Inchiuoan, where grnluities were gi>en La the m!lSOB!', wrights, and workmen who were engaged
, Laoley. Dill. or ScolbDd.



in altering 01' re.building the old manor house known by the llame of the Palnce, then in course of reconstruction by Mntthe\'r Lord Darnley, second E:trl of Lennox. From there he was rowed down nnd across the Clyde to DllIubnrton. and before he got back to Edinburgh he looked hI at Crnigbernard, Sir John Stirling the Comptroller's residence, \'rhich ,rns then also in the hands of workmen. 1 By the 20th the king was in Edinburgh for a few d:\ys, but he left almost immediately for Stirling, prepar:l.tory to n bunting expedition in thel\{enteitlt district and B..'llquidder. On the 2Gth he 11:1.(1 started, and attended mass in the chul'ch of LeCTopt (Lekraw), three miles from Stirling; and 011 the following day there is an entry of 19s. havingbecn given to the Vicar of Kihnaboy . Oil the 28th of August be was lodging ''fith the Vicar of Bnlquidcler, llt which place. oddly enough, a cloak was bought for the king. Even ill the midst of pleasure and sport the CMCS of State were not altogether forgotten, as we are told of Ii messenger who had penetrntecl the ''I'ilds in order to bring to the king tidings from the Western Isles. From the 29th to the eud of the month the hunting ",as cnrried on in StmthfiUan, nnd on t.he last day we find the king playing cards lit Tnchca llouu, wLUch may be meant for Incbcllilloch, the island 011 :UX:h Lomond. It is a

PU.~FA C.:

xx i ~

very small j..l:md , ouly about half It mil(" long, nutl although it h!l.d a churdl on it c1l'flicntM to St. Kentigent. it is doubtful if thert W:\S nn)' vicnrn;..'f' attalhed, The king, however, was ~o fllr i nd ~' pendelll, as tents bnd been Lahn fo r tile expedi.
tion ,l

After I(":wing I .och Lomond, the killg's mo\'e' ments :\r~' !;(lmewhat diflicult to lr:lre. On the ~nl of &>p((mber th('tc is :\Il entry of :\ grntuity to ")lakl:mis cI:u"l'cb!\.," but the millstr('1 m:l.y only Il/,,e beeu sent to whcrl'v('l' the king u"as for his entertainment, In nil prObability he wa'l slayillg with the Earl of Argyl<', as 011 the follow ins days presents were ginm to the dnl'S('ha antI " 8tl\Iker " of that nobleman . On the 8th of the month tbere is a notice of I-Is. being lw:stowetl on

the Friars of King'ltssic, which points to the

' In ,.". I","QO~." "1 air no...., I~ ,. _'M"II,"nl. I ,. "'" 4/j. 1I!)) that JMn. I"~ , ..,.oit .l l .... hlUllmn, 1I~'1 her 01 'b" ;,.1\...1. I>I1I....,h J~""".. J. IQ 1500.

,he 1_ nl , ..... _1. II is .'-I.t....l tl ... l !Oir \\',11 ..... or !.ia tr." .. nl... r Ioa.....ad ,I.. ,~_


....... Ih.o

f"I~' ...ng

.",ul... frn.u II ..

T_re"l ,\<~l1nl' .., quuuoJ In "",",r1. ,,' 110.1" IUR:rt; .." ,'. lWG, ..\111 13. To the nI",",r .. rid.1 _' ............. n In J~tl! ..'>rf .. ,hj lih. .,- o.h.; To the ....,.n lhat
.......1 I'" .n" o~er II", ..... Ior. .'Io.h. : T" lhe ""ri_llotre. sj1' 010.;

To In. ..i; I..


IUn lbal 1'(:1,,"(>.1 1110 k.~ Jotd ..". .... 10 Ihllllt...r1......


... .\,....rt {,..", Mh.... H'nln , .... ",,,i t!J,e corn.cl '<lnll ..101,10 ..nil he r",u~1 _ I~ 333

Ill, b. 1.1 ..., "kid... "",1.",I~",l1r II~hhUl.'". hIoaoJ ... t ...... " ' ... lIl"'l Ollt ll'I" lInll, ;I,nll) hn .., II", ~I"II 01",. 11(1 'rom Whllh",n. Ib""",;-h .\)r,.",' u .. _~' to ''''''' 1.1101. ' .... m In,lumo.ll1; tlmll hlUy ......... >111 toy I ..... \~unh of II,, d .... OQ tlo. "ay. It , t'Uri< .... lion! "ir \\",I1i.;J.1Q .Il00,101 Ioue ' - ' _ _ rl,. ri,ht . 1oecalU<', Ih ...", tIM "Inc .:10.1 ...t ,jOlt Ioodt", ..rrin Del tlw 13111 u( A......"' be ....., .. No t-n tIIo..-n .. th le1a,~I. 1....1t l'alll"<b. _I"" ~ I 'I.




journey being continued northwards. On the 9th there is an entry lintoo at "Uutbven in ll..'\de !loch" providing a SUIll of money for the trnnsport to Invemeu of nine Sp..'\nianb who had been t.aken in the Lewis. These foreigners may have been shipwrecked, at all e\'cnts they were treated very hl\l1(18OlIIely by the king, who not only gave them presents in money, but fitted them out'l'ith a vel'r complete wardrobe. 1 OIL the 10th James W:'l.S at. Invcrness, aud proceeded by lleallly to 'rain, where he remailled during thc I till and 12th, rctuMling by Dingwall and Uosemnrkic Lo Inver. ncss, which was reached on the 16th. On the following day he Wl\l! at. Forrest but spent that. night and the three 811cceetling oncs Ill. Dnrnaway. On the 21st he made an om:!ring in the Kil'k of Logy. pl'Ob.'\bly 01\ the Findhorll ncar Dutllphllil Castle. lliuscanlcn tmd Elgin were thell \'isited, and the journey south was made by nrechill, Montrosc, nllll Scone to Stiding, which wns reached berOl'c the end of the mOllth.1 There is nothing of illlpOI'tnllce to be 1I0ted in October 150G, which was spellt chieny in Edin burgh, though a visit to Dumbartoll mny have been made on the 22ml,' and NO\fembcr was oli ly distinguishcd by the king going for n few days all the Uth to JCtlburgh, probably to holel a justice(lyre. Oil the 12th of Decc1II1)(!1' we {hili him at

, 1',



'.!S:I, :1.1.\.;\11).


!3, 3.)1.


Cumbernauld enjoying the hospitality of LonI Fleming; fl'oll1 there Lae wellt. Lo Gh,,!::,ow and lhellc(: to DUIllLaal'tou, Ill' tlU'1i relllrlll'llloStiding for a dny or "'fa, uu~ came to FA.1illourgh, 3'1 usnnl, to kcep his Cbristll\l\S fc.sti"itiel), '11Ic New.Year's gifts to tbe quecn's ladiCILook this ye.'\r the form of jewellery, nnd II, II . 'nrc llisll'ibutoo :uuong t.lle Court Ulin~tn'li. The chid c\'ellt. of the mOlllb of January I:WG-7 wa:. 'hl arri\'al and entertainment of Sil' _\othoIlY IL\rcy. n French kllight, who displnyed IOmc ul'illiant fcaLS of a.nus in the lists, to wbich allusiou will nflcrwnnls be lIlade, 'The kiug was t\t. another c hristening Oil the 31'd of February, amI wellt to DUlllh:Lrton Oil the 8th to inspect the pr()l'JI'CSS of the ship building, After paying a \isiL at Cmi:;. bernard he wcnt to Stirling Blla thence 10 Ediu burgh, A somewhat prcmature jm"itntioll stcnu. to 1t.. '\,'C been sent out all the 20111 to the E:ul of Arran amI the .\boot of Paisley to come to tho cilri:.tcning of tilt.! infant PrilICl' J:llnc.'1, \\"ho was nol, howf.:,"cr, lJorn till the following da.y" lL 1113Y be notl'tl that this was not the futurc king of thnt namc, but a SOli who dil'tl in little marc th3n 1\ y<:ar_ A mes"engtr was dcsp..'\tche<l wilh the news of the birth to the King of Englflud; til(' halld


of 90 W!UI gi"clI Lo .. the L:u1y \laistrcs '" who first commollic:\t(l(i the :l.u.,piciou<o\

tidings to the king. ~idl'$ a g:n';\~ silrcr"gill cup which h(\d been pre,"jcllIs)y prc.:tCl1tcd 10 lim king


l'n EFACE.

by the Bishop of Moray. 'f h e midwife who attended the queen got 1, and the nurse 14 ; Guilliam, the taubrollar, who ,uTanged a drlllce in bOllou\, of the occ"tsion, recei\"ed 1, 4s. The christening took place on the 231"d in the Abbey of Uolyrood-house,' I n the beginning of March, Bluemalltle, the English pUrsU iVrtllt who had come to Scotl:llld \ViLh the qneen, seems to have severed his conneclion with the College of Oem Ids, and to ha\'e heel! appointed Rothesny hernld, TIe was now despatched on :1Il cmb.'lSsy by the king to France, Spain, and Portugal. 'I'ile queen had been very ill at the birth of her child, and hcr thugerous state, Leslie tells 115, "gl'evit him 5.'\ sair that he wald not be comforted: nouther of lIlall wnld receh'e OilY consolntioue." Accordingly, about the I Olh or L1 th of the month, he set ofr on another pilgrimage, on fOOL, as we a re told, to Wh ithom; the route taken was by way of Linton aml Dol11ililttOIl, \\'"hel'e thc first. night W;iS spent, and where ISs, was g ivcn to a poor man in recompense for the loss of his cow, The second !light was spent at Lamington, :'I..lld the ki llg dined at. Cawo(\chapel, pOS.!libly the modern C!lllldc.:hn pel. 'J'lte next night he wn.s at. CI':Hlfol'd, so the journey WIl S evidently being taken hy easy st:tgcs. 1'lIc pal'ty thcn procecded aCl"Oss the
, I'" , ~7, :lll!l.

rA:':\llhill ~.

probauly by lite Rnt('I'kiu 1>;110:), :md

James "peut. the 11('~t night with thc Vic.'tr of Dnrillll C'l'r, n"lcl1iu).! In t:lll'A l><,ill~ toM by a poor IImll, onc of lho.~ wandering II gabcl'lullzics" Ihnt th e country ill Ihosl! days dllJll'lIdcd so much on for alnuscmCIlt. :"1.1111 ueWti, A woman here got 58. on accollllt of ht!r t, .;ih'l'r" having lx.'ell "Iolen. Le.will~ lluri!o(1C(r. the king crosJ;eil the Nith and W('I1~ 011 to l'lIIPOIlt., wlu:re he Fturcd 1\ couple or day~ :\lul look the opporwllityof gctting' his shoes !OOll"(l I\t tl co~t. of IGt1 ,1 TIc then went. by way /If 'Ioniai\'e np the Ctl8tlcfern wille)' to Dairy, which was his Ile!!:t. 1110]1. 'fhe lIext. day he supped nl ~l illlligarr aud then procccdC(l to Penning-h/uu. a little to fhe south of N"ewlon-Steu'nrt; from Ihere to Wigtown '"fa!:m casy jonmey. Jrt\lle>1 \l'1UI aL the lastmentioned plAce on the night of the 1itll or 18th, but either hi .. quartcrs hJl(l not Ixt'll to his mind, or he \("1\' in (':\~"('r h:u;l e tn I-'t~ It) Ihe object of hiltjollrncr. fClrwc rc:ul ~h;lL IJ". was gi\'cII to a IIlnll wh" II .c-~'df't the kin~ rra Wig-lOti II to Quhethirll IJc/ore dn~' to lie \r;l~ at Whithol"ll on the 18th nlld 1~th. IWI.killg olfNings in the OilIer kirk, the ron.:! "h:u. lhe hi,!.!h alt.'lr, and the altar of Our J..'tily. and nJ<;() UpOI1 tht::: reliC'l in the citurell. The Jl ali:1.II milll;treis \t"ho were with the party \"ferc sent. 011 to TOIl1!I:uIII. wher!.!, perhaps., a
, .\ .vrrot...... hut. to'





..... ""



VISit was paid to the abbot, that arch impostor, Jobn Damian. On the 2]st the king nppears to have been in Dumfries, and the following day ill Lochmaben. The journey was continued by Peebles, from wbich place a ged, or pike, was carried home in a "poke," and James arrived home again on the evening of the 23nl,l E~ster in 1507 fell on the 4th April. 'fhe king entertained 8 considerable party during its celebration: Lords Oliphant, Drummond, and Ruthven arc mentioned by name as havi ng received invitations. 'I'he royal bounty was dispensed as usual with lavish hand. Amongst other presents, we find the hnnclsome sum of 20 was given \.0 a foreigner styled "the monk of Patmos with the beard," who had presumably fo und his way to the Scottish Court from the lonely monastery of" John the Divine." After receiving the Papal embassy (to ,vhich aBusion will afterwards be made) on the 11th, James went to Stirling and thence fOl" a day to Dumbarton, where he was au the 21st, but by the end of the month he was again in E<linburgh, where be remained during the whole of May without going very far afield. On the 8th of June he seems to have spent the night atCraigbernttrd, and on the following dny he was at DumbartOIl. On the 14th of that !Honth tuere is an eutry of nil ollcring of 14s. on the" dedication of the Kirk of
, I' p. :..'lIS, :Ji2.37i.



Stirling"; 011 the 10th the king was }llaying bowls with Sir Alexander MtlcCulloch and John Dunlop at Linlithgow. 1:'rom there he went by
way of Blackness to Edinburgh, :md worshipped in St. Margaret's Chapel in the castle 011 the 19th. 'there :lre large it(:ms of expenses for !l. toul11ament which W:l8 held :lbOllt this j>Criod, and to which reference will he made. In the early part of July tlte king started on another journey to \\1hithol'll , this time takillg the queen with him.1 As IIsual, he was accompanied by the Italian minstrels, a.nd the" chapel graith " \vas also taken with them. On the 7th they were at Cl1mberlHudd with Lord 'Flem ing, 011 the 8th in Glasgow, on the 9th in Paisley, and on the following day ill Kilwinning, where the king made an offeriug a ll the relics, probnblr at Lhe large and stately Abbey ofSS. Winning and "Mary. On the 11th Ayr was reached, whel'C the p:lrty rested for a day, proceeding to 13argany on Lhe I I\1h. 'f\\'o days aftel', James was in Glenluce,aml he arrived at Whithorll on the 16th. Here a horse was bought for one of the qnccn's suite, ~l:Il"gal"et DeuueL.! On the 18th

, ",\ I)tlu dlil' \"U'l"""" "lUI of ,,"" myntl B,wl.,.il in l'ilsnllll8" IlI'tlir: nou' 'l'bcn aI 'e ..... noenri" III", (III of ,le1"OC'iou,oe. Ihe Julio of Il\"r k'iknel h..... llef~ her (I,kl.ho lie;.' illl: \0 the _ 1ft S. l><'g'In to be otnrk, QI h~r bdt .. l\m;a n.... -I......!i~ lfial. ... h, I'dcril to tbe l,i~l;u ~,"t ' 1'"rI"l_ II... ~IDi"',... ~nto" ,I~v(ldo"n of h,r houl\i;t.l1Illhrltllch .. bon, \"<11'''10 ....... 'I;on_ ,.. "lImol t"e hell' of S. Nilli.:111 R",1.:.00tl. ins ller hom Engbntl. _ kL1"'l's \\'ilh her bOllSKlOO tt..irfor hGilh C!lLlt'(:bnca, ;"., 29.1.



he W3S :u Kirkmaiden, And from there went 011 the 20th to ANIHinch:I.r.:\ se:\l of the Kennedies of R'trgany. A retllrn ';si1. "3S then lIInde to Ayr, a stop being tn.'\de by the \my:n, ~Inybolc. After A)T, the route pursued was the snme as 011 the last occasion, viz., to Incbilluan. and across the Clyde to Dumb.ulon, then to Pnis!ey and Glasgow :md so to Stirling, the queen, it. is mentioned, tun-ing n drink at. 1\ place which is gi.en as ;\Ioneeahl"llne. which rnny be sluely identified with Monaebrugh, n \'illngc which stood close 011 the site of the prcscnt to\\11 of Kilsyth, quite in the thoroughfare between Glasgo,,' And Stirling. The latter place was reached before the end of July.' On the 13th and Hth of August JAmes was tl.t. Biggar nnd Linton, probably on a. short hunting e:tpedition. On the 19th he W!\S in l.iulithgow. and the following day in Stirling. lIe then proceeded to Dunfennline tl.lul thence to Fnlklnud, where he was all t.he 24th. He illlJ1lcdintciy set out all another pilgrilll:l.ge to the May. going by wny of PitLenweem. Ue WlUI on the island on the 25th, and W:l.S at. Crail 011 the 26th. rctllnling to SLiriing by AnSI-ruther, Kilrenn)'. Piu('l\weclIl. f\lId St. Monalls. There is :l curious emry 011 the 28th of this month, of ::W .. to the killg himself in his }lUI'S quuen he raid abne to t.he Mont.h." On

"HEF .\CE.


the 25th 1lI:'lIlY of hh !>uitv h:'ld bt'cn ~'lIt .. to p.'''' our the )Iollth to bide :\l pos~ Ix' fore the king-" This may ha,c ~n the occ:lsioll to whicll Bi'ihol' Leslie alludes whell he tells us that the kiug- " in aile da\' f:'ln in pil"rimn"e alane from Slidin0 .. , 0 0 through S. J ohnstoun f\lld Aben1en to Elgin of )lurrnYt II. huwler :'llltl x:x,x myles." Sleeping there 011 n table in the clothes in which he rode, .. be d:\y was I)clll, with sptid he spuri!. to S. Dlltha of the HOt-~(' and ram thair in due tyme to heil' mas, fourtie Illylts fr;\ the place qnhair he hulget." TJ!Cenu'ics in the ACCOlllltS at this time are rather difficult to follow: the king was :H PCl'lh, or S. J ohnstoulI, on the Aisl of August, (lml his horse that dny required shoeing on tl.e road.' On tbe 4th September :\ iMIl W:'lS sent to Aberdeeu .. to speir of the kingis incnlllmyng," which looks :"IS if his nttelltlanl$ were not sure of his movements, but. expected him at A bercleell abont thllt time. ""e know th:\1 he c~"C(l the ferry at Anh-o.-.eir and th:\t he was returning 'Ionth by Drechill on the 5th of that month. :ullllhe S:lme c'cning he w:\s in rertlT. The l,ntnc:<. :'lhout Ihis period i'\rc cvidently !lot in strict c1U"ollologic:\1 order, :loud the ACCOUIlUi now close with the uSII:t1 pnyment!l to the clerks of thr Treasury and other de p:t rtllltllts.



Not the least interesting fenture in the present. Acooullts is the glimpse they give us of the pl"Cparntions nnd inei{lents iu connection with th-e tournaments which were held dlll'ing the period under l'e,iew, By the beginning of the 16th ccntury the palmy dnys of the tOUl'nnment as a species of military e:tereisc wore Oil the wanc; but ns brilliant spcctaculnr displays, in which a great den.! more wos introduced than mere fighting, it. was still 0 fovolll'ita nnd popular amusement, 'Vhat had fomleriy boon a h 'iol of skill and prowess betwccn knights hnd now become in addition Il \'ehicle for setti ng forth a page:mt , genernlly in nllegorical guise, Of course jousting hnd still its place, nnd II. conspicuous place, in the spectacle, but still it. W!\S rather n show thnn n re.'lI ity oC fighting, Armour hnd by degrees got more nnd more de,'elopcd, nnd though by the bcgiuniuS of the 1Gth century man wns comi ng to eonccive that it was no longer the nhnosl impregnable defence it. had heen in actual wnr''U'c, yet in the mimie contests of the tourney it still held its own, Bud much attention \\1'lS gi,ell to its manu fBelure, It was not. only sought to be made ellicicut ns n dcfellsi\'c p:moply, but mauy ye:u"S of experience hnd cnnblc<1 it to he mndc n llluch more cOll vcniCIlL oon;ri ug llmJl Imd at ono time been the case, I tl) 0l11nmcntation Lad



nl:'o grndunlly becomc more antlmorc elnoomtc lill n 8uitof MIllOUI' IJecnmc t\S much a thing of bcnuLY t\S n thing of usc. We havc few, if flUY, dctails fig to thc (lclunl nppenmnce of the nrmom lnf'lIlioned ill these Accounts, but it. is c1enr that n great denl of Clite nud ItLtelltion wns given to it. Thca flrc c
many rmymcll ts to Ainu Cochmnc, UIC king's nnnourcl', which show lImt. mueh good work wns t.urned out in Scotland. But it is cvidcnt. that. Frcuch nnllOlll'Cra wcre c:.tccmcd the renl artists in tlteir pl'ofcssiou. III Pebruluoy 150.& -5 we rcad of nn nnuoul'er bcblg scnt to Flnuce to fctch nuotller nnnomer,' Imd shortly nfter wc hear of tllc king's I\l'lllour being sent to li'mnce for rcp/\ir.' Swords, buddcrs, spenrs, and the likc seelll, how(wer, all to havc bccn mndc nt home. From what wc know of thc clmracter nnd tnstcs of Jamrs, it is not surprising to fiud that tournnments took n promincnt plnce Rmong the CJltC I'tainmcuts of his COU I-t. Pitscottie benrs witllClSS to the fnct that. he "wn.'I wOlHl!-ous hnrdie nud diliegeut in the c:teclltion of justice, and lowcit nothing so weill as nbill 01<'11 nnd guid liars nud used gl-cLjusting,nnd trcntit bi~ btlaTollns wondrous weill tim!. WU'l nbill tlHl.irfoir. and sill.drie t}'mcs

w/\Irl gnl' mnk proclcmntiollns out. throw his rCll.lme to nil nnd ~in<hi c Ilis lordis. eiH'leis, nnd oo.rrouliS <juhilk was nuill fOl justing or tornnUl.euL to comc
, I'. 1\lII

I'. H7.



to Edinburgh to him, nnd lhnir to e.xcrccis them

sclflis for his plc"tlnr nil they wnr best nccll~tomit. f!um to 1111 with spei r, sum to fight with the b.'\ttcll fixe nud horn is, slim to feight with the tuo

hnndit sUOI'd,8uIU to !liut. the hand bow, corsebow, lind coll\'cring. And C\'cric mnn M he rought best gnt his WCPO"IlS dcli\"crit to him be
the king in this mnnmll"; he thnt ron the "-pcir

best he gat nne apeil' with gould dc)i\'crit in to him with gilt hOl'llis thoi.' to kcip in mcmoria.ll of
his prnctick tl.ud ingyue lhnu' to, and also the hnrroltis hlMOllitt him to 00 the best jU5itlu' nntl I'ylllll\r of the spcil' ill tJl(~ renlm Bmoug his brcthrciuc; RH\l t.he oottdl nxc dclircrit to him that fought best lhnil'wit.h, nlld in lykcwi<;c the .!;uonl, hand bow, nnd COI'S<!OOW clclh'crit be lhe llcrnldis the SIlmin maner to Lhem thllt wssit them best. Be this wny nnd menne the king brocht

his rcnlme to greit. mnl1h eid Illld hOIlOUI-\IJ." . . , Among the sports held unulIn lly at FnstCl"II'S ee'n tilting nlwnys occupied a conspicnous pillec. ilut lOIlI'uomcn!'''!, or sometnllCIJ flinglo comhnt'!, wcre held at. muny other timCJI, One. of the most. hrrnphic uccounts of II fight ill the lil;t'! ill thnt. dc..'>CrilJi ng how JncqucR do L'1loin, 11 French knight, chnllcngcd ,JnmcR, hrotllN' of William, Enrl of Dougl:I<i, anll nlous Ilith two companions fought him 1111(1 other L\\"O Scot-.llIcn in the Jjsl'l at
Stil'ling 011 the 25th FcbnuLlY 11 18, The COlllh.nL was nominally .i md,',w.~'c, hut. thc king, wilt) WIII'I

the Jud;;c of the IOUnlf1I1H'III, ISloppo(l l'rocc..(li ngs ' l...:fore lilly fiu/.I l'c!)ult~ touk pltll;(', The nfhtir sCl,:m" to ).;1\'0 cndoo ill f\ \' i(;lory for the ;5tt':l.ugcrs, \\ 110 f,;()lUl'lctcly mnstered tLeil' OPPOllClLts.1

Pit;iI;ottic tdh

II lO t ory

of a tourney bct\\'l..'Cu


OUlch kUight who cnmc to &otlnnd. and \\' holl1 he cnlllj "&1101' ,'ohU\~ (;Iock"ill~," bUl who ill I CH lity Wlilt tlull Sir .Joh n ('O\\'I)lUILs or ('oll"(J.:lncc oil) fl""'l\lcutly Illl'lltiolll.. "ti ill till' Lht. vulume of .\"cOtUlt !'!, Illul ::iiI" Palrid, Hnmiltoll of KinCi\\'cl, till illcgllim:lt(' >11)11 of .'f1m~, jit'bt. Lurd 11ll.miltoll. The jOIl "tillg lOok ,,1(\(,:c at &lillbur~L ill tile ti lting g l'O UlH b...low the WILlis of the Cllstlc. i Arlel' II 11,\1'(1 fight CO\qxl1Ice wns defeated, and WUB Mll'uck ,lown upon his knees, whell the killg threw his hal down from n \Iindow ill die Castle where be ball L..:(II 1\ spectator, nnd put 110 eud to the {"Om hat. . '11Ii". howc\cr. l\Cl.:ording to the hiMturinu, Wl\.i hdf)re the king's lIU\rringe. In the Ilrl',",ellt .\t,,:tlUUh tLet'C ill nil entry lIoder date :!Gth ~ o\"\'UlIIl'1 I ;jOG f\.'fcnil1g to thl! prepnrntions mnllc f\ll' lll\~ "f...'t,hlin),;" of the 1.0Id 1Ilimiitoun ~Uld lilc 1 :1"I\IU:h kuight.''l Lnrd II f11ni ltoll wns the IIIIlr blllth\'r of ::-;ir Putrid., awl luul been CI'C.1.tcd E:nl IIr .\rroll aL tht' time or the Idug's marriage. I Ie \\',111 1\ gn:nt f,wourite of .JamC". and wt\:; tl klll~ht fir rellowu. Hi,- 0PPOlwut. generally cn.lled
, 8H 1.....e Ilnnou" in I-QoIL,,,,I."


"'t_U.".l"ro.n.-t" Soot.

T.... d""

I TUI "..1., 'l\1

I'. a.i;!.



"The Fmneh knight," was Sir Anlhony D',Arcy, nftenl'ards better known ns the Sieur de 11\ Bastio, nnd by n utUliC which he Cllll.ed ill the Italian wnrs, the Cllcl'(Jiic)' Blcmc, either frolU the circumstzUlee. of his Mmour being white or from llis habit of WOtlrillg a SCUI' of that colour ill hOllOIll' of the queen of }'mllcc. He was n native of Dauphigny, and WI\9 celeluntoo for hi:s martinI exploits. One of llis fri ends describes him as of medium hoigllt but strongly built, with brood nnd powerful shoulders. H e tnwclled aJi through

Spnin, POItugal, Ellglnud,nnd Scotland chnllellgUlg Ruyone, either ll'Offi their own desirc or from tbe wish of their indy, to fight with bint. It WIlS, howevcr, only ill ScoLlnlld that he found anyono ready to do oottle. Sir J lI mes Bnlfour tells us
that" bctuix him and tho Lord IllUUilLOll, IL most gallnnt mall nt nl'lllCS as allOY thccso tymos 1111(1, wew divoI's Ilottlhle IOI. OOllll ters \\' it 10nt allyccrtllin I 1 vietol'ey to either : only the l~o l'd Ihunilton 0110 dnyat Fnlkllllld wns judgC\J to IUl.Ye th e honour, wll ich La 13nstie did impute to his IIwill illllispositiOIlO o r lxxly t.hat. day.'" The :r'rcnch vCI'Sioll, 011 thc Ot.II C hand , S.lyS that in t.he fi ghtblg I Allthony D'A rcy "cut.. Ic dcssus,"! lI ud cveu rrom

Balfour's I'fitllcl' halr-hC:lrll'tl UCCOtilit it mlly reasonably be oollchuled tlmL l hc !\tl'llllgCI' Ill, leust held his OWII ill the \ ariouli CII(;OUlltCI'lI, if lie did

J~1If""t' .

\"",,1_, tv.... 1'Cll \-.... I.,

I ~ ~'i,

Mlchd." 1:....... _"' ....

Io'n, ........ L. :1)1.

1' nEFAC&


noL iudeed fihow himself n. more skill ed fightCI' lhall hi, lul\'(:n,lIr)' It. WII~ 1I0l ill nil probability bi!( fiut. \i:>jit. to 1::koLlund. It ill said' thllL he WIl$ Ill'('.';C II L 011 the occnsi(lll of Jamc::s's IHtpliai13, tlud ,\l tt L dc VUiSOIl, Sieul' de In Coimni.icrc, \\" Ito wrote \: t.wo \'OIULLl iLLOLLS trcntil;cs 011 the ~iI1hjccts of IlernMI'Y and TournaUlent>;, gin!s II long RCt:OUUt. of 1\ cllllllcnge which 1.-1\ BlI"tic (uul three othl'r eOlllp(\ILioll~ Iluhlbhcu nt.EdiuLllrgu ill 1505. ~I) tml'C of tht:il- prc.')(.:llcc ellll, II()\n'\"(~r, be c.liM:o\"cr(.xl ill tlic Accoullt~ fO l' thnt. pcriocl, hut. he was dClit iul'ci, n~ we ~lin lJ sec, to "bit. Scotltlud mol'c Ihllll ollce :sul~uelltly. 011 the occnsion of his encouutcrs with Lord llnmiltou he hnd nn'i\'e<l ill & . otlaucl ill September 150G, nud remained till the cud of the Jnuullry following, his yl!,it e;t;tending ovel n pcriod of cighteen weck::t.' Jlc had ccrtainly uo re:lson to oomplllin of his trclltmcnt. while ill Scotlnutl. ,JIlIfIC", WD~ not tbc milD to trent fL di.stillgui~hcd \"i-;itor t\ud \"oliallt knight with anythiu).{ like ~h:lhLillc"~. Acconlillgiy, we fiud the 1\ {"CQUnt."nt Ihi" tillle full or (ut ..ics t'Clnling: to Ihe cXIIl'Il:olc~ of Iii" \"!!iit. The knight hiul!;(,'lf \()(lg:ed with 1\ l'f.:ltaill Jnmes l\ikm:lII, who rcccin!d :!~ t-Ilillillg!l 1\ wcck ror hi~ loclgillg-iu nil, ~I, 120;. In 1I,\,lili"lI 10 thi~ hi~ bo,~1 f.;ot ~~'I. which he hMI lair1 ClUt ill sundry .. ~m!111 e;t;I)llh'.'~" for tIlC klli;;ht. 1 There WfLS :,lso Gil nt;coUIll of .3, 3s. 5d.
, )ll<-Iwl '" ..."', I.,~.

I'. :IW.

I'. 366.



for feediug him<;clf clUd his nttel1dUII15. Thc latter got in addition for their expellses 7, U s., nud the knight himself, Oil the 23\'d Dccemool', I'ctch'cd n prescnt of 112.1 Nor w~s this Illl: snddles Rlld horsc housiugs wcre gh'cn him,' togcthcr with It gowlJ of cloth of gold,' His horse's pcrsollttl comfOlt, too, WIIS 1I0t forgottcll, as there is nn eLLtry of 4s. fOl' ";nc with which to bathe his foot. Srill hnndsomcl' giflS wcre showcred upon him at his do.p:uture, 1\fto.1' n tou1'llamenL which was held at tirling ill ,JnnURI'Y t50G7, he l'Ceei"cd :.!80 ill ruoucy. teu silvcl' golJlets wllich had been presented to lhe king by the Bishop of )'lul'l'tt.y thc previous New Year's day, a gold snlt.cellal' (n b';ft fl'Olll the queen to her bU800lld ::;Ollie yClll's beforc), II service of silver con1:.istillg of twelve pieces, which cost ill ]"J:\Ildcl's 150, :md a silvel' .. SlOUp" nnd flask. III addition to this. when hc nlld his ll'tLin hud got. II.S far as l1nddillgtoll 011 his returu jO\ll'lley, 25 WIIS bCut to his attcndants besides a pl'C5'ellt of clothcs, 1::5, 15s. Sd, was spcut on his entertninlllcnt in lhnt tVWll, and he WItS fiually prcsentcd with SC,'CIl "v'reuch saddle8."4 So \\"0 havo good 1'008011 to suppose tim!. he W(lS wen satisfied with his l'C(:eptioli by thc &':oltisb Idug, It wns, in filet, by uo mellns his lust. \~it to Scutloud. Ilia cud Wat; tragic, lind forms u
I'. :I.j.. 1'1' :L:i4l. :1.:01 1'.

I'". aGl,




Ildl-kllOWIl episode ill the hj~tory uf the country. Olle of the follol\ ers of the hair foreigll And II holly uup0l'ulnr DuLe of Aloony, Ilnving come over ill his tmin when he AlTivod to tul-e up the Regency of the kingdom in 1515, 'Dc In &.<;tio hnd 1)CC1I apllOintcd tlming the nbscuce of the negent, nfter II little more th1\n n ye:lr of oflicc. one of the Wlll"dellS of the m:u'Chcs. rn cllde;\\'oUling to quell with nil illsuffil-iellt fon.'C n liotDU!! gntherillg at. the tOllcr of LnllgtOll, Bear DUll"", he WILS I'un;uod from the ground. Owing to the fleetuC6S of his horse he hnd ncarly escaped, lmt getling entnngled ill 11 swamp he \l'ns sct. all by his pursuers !Iud mUl'tlercd amid eircurostnllces of fcrocity nnd insult. Home of Wcddcrbunl, the 16Ilder of bis n.ssnilnllts, eut off his hend nnd hung it to his snddle bow by its lOllS tl'cssea of hair, which hnd been the glory of Iheir pOts.-;C8SQr. Such wns tbe cruel end of tbis brilliant. knigh!.' We now COIlIC to the cpiSOIlu of the tOUl1Inmellt. of the wild kuight and Ihe blnck Indy. It is one nbout which there is npt. to 00 some confusion, The bc~t I,:nowl1, perllnp;I, (If all t he cnl'ly Soottish nllnnJi.~t.o;, Lind-<l\y of PilSCOltic, AAyS thnt in 1505 BcnHlrd Stcwnrt, Lord or .\ubi:;u)', thegrctltFl'cnch g~uel'nl, cnme o\'cr to Scotlnnd, alld wns wlmnl)' wclcomoo by the king, \\"110 ('nll('(1 him .. fothcr of
, h .. Uid tu~ Ilk ha,r ....

IUOQ,.Wld" .. tOOfedonI1NBIIY

. . n...! In tho a-IOII of Iho detlr(l)~.

1 ' - flUll,l),


oun)' ~-



weir, becnuso he Wf\8 pmctissct in t he srunin'" thl\t D'Aubigny caused James to give 1\ great tournament in 1505, to whieh many gentlcmen came ont of I~ngland, Fnlllcc, and DenllinL'k; and chnt fllllong othcr:> camc n knight nnd a lady called the whitc ros(', whel'enpoll Jumes cfl.lled the tom'!lament thnt of the hlack knight alld black lady, he himself tnl..;ug the part of the bluck knight nlld overcoming all his ndvcrsnl'ics. At. t.he close of the toumament there WII.S fcnst.ing for throe days at Ilolyrood, and at the end of the lmnqllet a cloud cnmeout of the roof of the hall find" cleikitt up" the blnck Indy, who disnppcared from view. 'fhis, he says, Wfie done by a device of Andrew VOl1l1fill, the Bishop, " quhn was nne Ingmmnlleel', " I Now, though, as we have seen, 'Marc de Vnlsoll gives all account of B challenge by Dc In Bastie and Ilis eompnnions whieh was publisbed in Edinhurgh ill 1505, there (\\'0 no details in the l'rcaSU1'O" S ACC'Ollnts for tlte last-mentioned Yf'...:\ I' of a tournament on nlly great SClllc having then been held, 1I0r docs it appe..'lr that De In Bastie was in Scotlund tlt;nll tllnt yClll'. Nor WtlS Lord D'Aubigny ill the cou ntry then: we know thllt he did not eomc till 1508, in whieh yenl' James wrote nlettcr to Louis xu . ill whieh he st.'lced thnt D'Allhiglly wished to mnke tl pilgtimnge to St. J\lollnlls slu;uc, ,11111 m;kcd lhat Loui~ would nllow him to visit



of Ius \ i~it

u'/we WM gmutcd, tllc clcdlll'\:d oltJoct being Illj ahove, tll/lug-h he hlltinul)tlier

PUIlMl'>C ill clJming'-to ellibult wit b .lfIlliCS ns LO

HllllTia:;e of the r ..iu<"l,_..... Claude with tlw DUI' Ct'AlIgou!l'me. 1 While ill 1:'-l1uhul1,:h he witllc,'>S(l<1 u tOUI'II3mcnt nt. wltid, tli\.! IIL,('k Inay did figure -n tOUrII,1lUcnt \\ III' h wn~ t-uuh:d(....l hy 1\ IIIIIIIIIIC[, f\l- w\.! .. I.all k,(! in 1I1~' IIClt ,""lul1Il' of ~\CCouUtJ:i. ]A: In lil....,tk '(lid hi~ ClJlIlpallinli. \\"tre nl~I tllcre, S<.I it wonl,1 "Pll(!lll" thilt- Pit'lOttil' hll!! givcn a 1\"CIUg dnte fol' the page:lIlt. But \\ Ililc thc ..e wn~ II tounllllllClil of the wild kll ight----------or Lbck knight Ill:! Pit.'!Collic gina it.-null the LII\1,:k Inely in 1508, the ..e wnl> lI11othcl' he,lI'jllg the I!..'\IUC tit le heM in 1507, And it WIIS prohably tbe 8I1Ct:C:-:; of t1u~ thllt led to it.<J rcpetitiou ill the followiug Y"I\I', tIardly hnd Sir Anthony D'.\rcy left &'(Jtlllud WhCll we l"\:lld of the iUCI.'ptiou of tlli ... CUlcrtaiulllCIit. " 'I'be n.-tides thnt the Frcm:h kui~llt hetl ill fnlllce fOl' the jUlil. iug" co~t the eou1-Oiu1,:rtI.hk /HUll of 42E1. to ClIgI'OSS, ami iO-'J. II"('\"C p:lid for lwo (11111('1- of gold to illumiu;\tc thelU, so tualthty mu~t.IIIl\"(' fOl'tlIt'd tl very illl(lOHUg dOtumcllt.' It ill \.!ul'ious llint ) Inrc de \'111""11 ~i\"CR II., at- length l'l'rtnill article ... of tl)lIl"11e)" 11at,-..;1 2:!lId J:Llluary I :iOG, \I ith II certifi""ate hy "nrthmcml Ill'mld to till dTl'Ct. tlmL tllC
, o.cc..
~ ~ D"'inl~')'

LMIy UU~.""I" Cu.l1 .. ~k""I 01

.\doi;;:"l I'p_ ZW-.J;:l..



savage knight find his companions had delivered them to llim signed with their OWnllllmeS and those of their Ind ies, and requested him 00 sign them also, the lists to be held on 1st Angust 1507. Vulson expresses his opillion, chiefly bnsed on the fnet thnt the challengers were to be clad in white, that the challenge wns madc by Anthony D'Al'ey. As II. matter of fuct, however, the lists were held prcvious to August 1507, nnd, so far as we call gather from the Accounts, it seems certain thnt neither Dc In Bnstie nor any of his companions were present ut them. It is most unlikely thfit the Fl'cnchmnn alld his attendan ts, having tnken their departure in J nnuul'Y 1506-7, would return to Scotland with in six months thereaftel'. It seems morc probable that the articles collt.'lining the chnlleuge were those l'Cfm'ced to above, and that thoy worc published in Edinburgh by the king's own hcrnld .i\fnl'chmont, und that the opportunity WfiS taken of another hernld going abroad at auy t'flte with the news of the Prince's birth to send Lhc mticlcs of j ousting with him to the countrics to wllich be was despatdled. 1 There wns nn odd strai n of llllCOl1yc.nnonnlity in the charnctcr of J omes. 'f ha t he, the ,"cry p.'l.ttcrl) of fi Paladin of chivalry, should set up nn absolutc IIcgrCS8 at 1\ tOlll'llnmcnt, if not esnetly ns the Quecn of Bc..'l.uty, at Icast as the OIl C whose exccl, 1'. 371.



lSCe lll 8

leneics wore. to be defended nt. tho tiWOl1.l's poiut. well-nigh incredible, Sho WI\8 prohnhl)' 0 110 of t im" \ 1001' I ~ ... " of whom wo rcnd &0 much ill lho l\ CCOllllts, that. " Indy with tho lllci klc Jippil:l" of whom the poet DunbM sing/!. That she wns tl. full-blood&l negro~... is e\' ident. fl'Om tile s.,me poem, ill which ullu<,ioll i'l mnde to the fo el dint. "hir short Ci\tt uoiss up ,kippi '!," nud lhat "<Juhcn seho is c1nitl ill ridle npIlCrnlll. ~h o blillki:; niH brycht (IS nne (JU' bnrrell," The fact of tllo kings chnmpiomlhil) of her in the libts is nbo pCl'hnps hiutOO nt by the poet. The rich npp.1l"cl mentioned ill t he poem is scI. rot,th ill dotnil in t he Accounts. F rom them we lenl1l thnt she Wi\." 1\1"1'1\)'00 iu tL gown of damnsk lIowel'ed with gold, t rimmed with gl'een and yellow wllely; shc hnd slcc,'cs nllJ glovcs of blncl, "scmys" lCi\ther, rUld the sleeves were themselves covered with "plcnsoncc," of which mntorinl she hnd oleo 1\ kerchicf about her nrlll_ She had lwo fomllie ntlOndlluls, who were oltircd in gowns of gl'een }~I emish wffely trimmed with yellow. She rode in state ill n. "chnil' triulllphnl" covered wit II Flomi:oh lnf}'cty, one hundred nlld sb:ty ells or this stuff-lI'hite, yellow, purple, grcell,nncl gmy-llfWillg bccn purcbascd in Flonden;, nt n coot or 88, Sl.Jc wns ottelldcd by two sqllirc!'l, WiJlilllll Ogil\"y nnd .t\le:o:nmler RlphillstOUll, clnd in white dmllll"k I
1'1 "

2.""". ~J

I t is difficult to say exnctly how the Idug WIlS attired ill his cnpncity of the wild knight. A large qualltity of nth and \'!Llu.lole stuffs were bl'ollg1it from London fOl' usc at the tOUl111llllcnl, nml \\'el'O cnrried to Ediuhurgh ill two locked h"Ullk;;.1 The horse enpuisolls were especially magnificent. There is 1\1.1 clltr)" of Ss. 4d, spent on II pair of gilt buckles fOl" the kiug nud a pnir of sih'er homs. 'Vhethel' thcse wcre meant to be \\'01'1\ by the kiug in tIle S1\IllC wny 1\8 hnrts' horl1s were worn by thc "wild mf'll" who nlso took pnrt ill the tOllrnnmellt, or whether they Ilere merely .:.ueh I I horns" fiS "'CI'C W011l on e\'cry.dny ocensiOlls at the cnds of points or laccs, is not cleat', lIe lifl(l undoubtedly n ,'cry hnudsolUe elM}> of gold for his gorget or .. pesan," wbiC'h COS!; 110 less a Sl1m thnn 14 1Gs.' Utl ha(1 1111 "nrming doublet" of bl:1ck Sll.tiu,' and \I'M nttelHlcd by two lackeys, .Tohn Dnnlop and Alexfllldcr l\[acClIlloch, c1rc.~~et1 in pll.rti-colol1l"Cd d01lhlets of cloth-of-gold unci bllwk vclvet. with JlOse aud bonnets to matcll. l TIJ()lllns Boswell, P lltt'ick Siudair, nnd .Jnme~ Stewart. n('tcd lIS "S<luircs fOl' the htu'res." There "'IlS a large pm' ilion of silk, with H\'c standards PI'oulllr Jio.:l.til1g (H'el' it; two smaller OIJCS of CI\Il\'flS, !l.Uc1I~ like 1l1lml'IC[' uf tnfl'cty, These lCllt.~ alll\ ""t1\1\I\1InI8, togethor witll UUlllle\"lj 1"01" tile lHil1~tl"C'I.... nnd coats of 111"1115


I' ~~l

1'1' !:.>,2:fol

1'1" 2,;:1, 2.W.


pl'Obubly fol' the heralds, WCI'C nil haucl."omc!y frill~cd with green, 1 '00, white, nml blnc silk, 1i0 le."i8 Ihnn n hundred [Iud cil:(hty l,l1;; of l'Iilk Lcillg \\"0\'('11 fol' the PlIIT)().!;C,' Sir 'l'hOlllns CuHmLilh and Pi c l'~ the pnilLtC]', 1Is-,j;;tcd by Alexander Chalmers, were employed in blazoning the

standnnlsnod coats of (Inn!!, fo,ix Uook~ of gold Ixing U&'<) hy them ill :-.() doing. t The p,ag;c;mt illdull{.>O some cu rious wingoo 1}I:l1"it.-., Inollllhly dracou .., of tlH~ collf.;lructioli of whid. we 8n: told. Theil' wiu6"S were mnde of .. E.':Itinnd btll't1i!;," but they appet\!' to hn\'C been pl'illcipnlly cOlllpo.,;,cd of Cl\UYn!I, nud AicS:Olldcl' ChnlmCl'S, the paiutel', was
l'cspousiblc for " bnttCl'ilig" their hends. I As they hnd slld(Uc.~ nnd rcius, they were evidently nlcnllt to be liddell, pcrllnps by the wild men clad ill goot-skins and attil-oo with bnrts' horns, both of which were supplied hy Sir Willinm .\lurmy of '1'ullibardine.' In the tutidcs of jou.~tiug quoted hy :'Iltlrc de Vulson,' it is litllted that there would he in the IiStJ;j nt Edinburgh emILIe the Trec of Espemnu:!, which gl'Ow~ ill the gardcn of ]'ntiellCC, benling leu\'cs of Plemm t'e, lhe flower of ?{ohlenc!'l'l, Rud the fruit of J LOllour. 011 this tree were to be hung for the spnec of fh'c "'ceks fivc 'lhiclds, OIlC e:teh week, of the ehnllcngen;,
1')" 200, 261.

I;" 393, :nt. P. 31U. p, 397,

Ii>, 3:10, 393, S9.1. JA &i,_ IItJ'Oi'J"'. ~h IIh IA '....1 T~<llf~ rlk .. "u~...01.
~h, ),X.


e.'\cb shield being sumlountcd by the Illlml) of the knight to \,"hom it belonged nnd tllnt of his Indy. Space will not permit of (l. l"l't!itnl of the \,I\I'ioliS anns, saddlery, nnd other Ulate1'ial required for this grent tolll1lament. The rcnder must be referred to the ~\ccount8 themselvcs fOl' dewils. It. is evident thnt the m:tguificcllcc of the spootucle attrnetoo attention fur beyond the confinC8 of the remote country in which it was enacted, nnd it proYOO such n SUCCC:8S thnt it. \'I'M repented the following yeM, Tree of F..spcrnnce nnd all, io presence of the gl"cnt Lord of Aubigny him'K'lf, nnd with the assistnncc of De In Bnstie uncI other Frenol. knights, us will be duly set forth in the next YoiLUile. While Jamcs's lll'incipni recreation dlldng the period embruccd in thcscAccountswns undoubtedly the toul"IIl\y-n illstititution which, 1I0t\\ithstanding all his mngnificcllcc, he did 1I111(;h to bring illto disrepute from his ftlUtnstic clc,"ntiOIl of n negl"CSS to t\ positioll which in the LXliJUY unys of chi,"alry hnd only beel) held by the fnil'CSt nnd noblest in tl11:1 lnud- Itc did 1I0t negleot othcl" pastimes. Ilunting: nud h:IWki lig WCI'C still Ids favouritc country sports. Both ill 1505 lind t 50G he WflS ill the Balqu idtlci' di.~tri(;t.l nud ill tllC IIIUel' year ho wns, tl8 WI:' hn\"(' SC011, ill hll'hcn llcod1 at Loch Lomond. Hc IUII..I n "I)..'tuicl \Iith hilll at.
1'1" 100, l3Ii.

Oh:llfi ll gIA~.1


RIII\ ~uch !<nlall dogs SC<!1Jl to htl.\'c beCII amicd IIlx)Ut ill In... kct'l frulll 1'11100 to plnce, ns IIiet'\! WII.'I a 8um (If (.i" 111. (lilitl fIJI' "ElIlC creil to ttU"lSC 1\1/\ d(';;gis" to Lilllithgow,' There nrc iU C(1 1111111)" clitriclS fol' the t'/lrrin:.;o nnd expCIl.sc.'S (\I.' of hill tIOe;II, whi,.J1 IlCl'(HUpnlli(:j1 him C\'l:U on his long<,,,t jIlUrIIC)'1I. The d~..;!o\ were I'I.!::;ut\rl)" InoLell hI theil wllrl.:, liS 1 I~, WAS gin'lI lU I!(lhert Dougla:s for" I'cnlillg" thelll. I I&wkiul) RI\fI~hoolilig with the eros:;.I.... ,\\ were tllC mOht lL'\uul m('th~ls in \,hil:h hUllting wt\.'S pUrbucd, nml \\0.: !Hay pn:"umc lltllt th('l'c lVet'c Ill:-;() compctilioll~ nl shooting III n IIUl l"k, (IS tho king lost 2S~, to \\illi(llll Douglas lit. Custldcrllitt. this exorcise. Il tLwh I1I"C, 11/:4 bcfore, IOf' utiollctl ,CIY fl"Cqucutly ill tho Accounts-bolh the ordiuRry Imwk, which W<llI I1hmys tbe femllle, and the t<'l'Cd 01' mAle Im\\ k. ~llInli birds were occnsionnll)" tllken by mCllnll of lIets, 81;. bciug praid for ncta fol' captllriug 11~\'crock:. or I!lrks in,' tl.UtI g'llllC \\"11>' preserved lIj.lnill"'t tlu~ ntttl.cks of their u;l{uml encllIie'r h)" 1\ "Klnlp," the iron gr:"litlt to the ~llUC for the dCMfuctioll of fo.'(cl! ill the 1>111'1.: lit Falkll1uci c~til.lg G~. Oll,l '1'h(we i... tl.1l1pl. c,illem:c throughnlLl the .\CCoutIIS thnt. I.lIJrscs wcre hiQNy e.~tccmcil nud wcll el1l'l.'t\ for, ;11111 hOl'tCH'lh"III!; i':1 mentioned mnn: thlUI ouec. Fourh~:11 !ihilliue,'S \\-ao$ gi\'cli to n Sp. lIIi;lI"(l for
P. I~ 1', ~; I'. ~'Ml.

r. iii.
" l'p. 1jI, 17.1.


riding the king's black horse ill the } )(Irk aL Slirling, P ossibly he was brcaking it in, bccnusc very shortly after we fiud that he \I'as thrown, and got -l~s" prolxtblr nS compcns.'Ition fO l' his injurics. ' The ).d.ng WI\:> .'Ilwnys c.'Ircful to ICCOllll>Cu.'>C Iluy who were injured either ill body or e4nti! in his sen'ice or through his a(:ts, A boy fell in the h01l nt Rolp"OOtl lind lllll't hill leg, and 1-18. was paid to the man who healed it.' A similar SUIll WiLS pllid to a Mi lor \\"ho fell from the rigging of the kings sllip,' while pclbens who hnd their COI'U or lIny eatcn 01' spoilt during hili hunting expeditions \yere nl wnys sure of n fl ubstnutinl solatiulU.' Tbe number of horses wbieh James rcceil'ed as pre;cuts wns ,'cry eonsidernble: such a gift " 'iLS a SlU'C wny to his heart and f.wour. NOL on ly do we rend of horses being gil-en him hy his subjcct ~, but olle emne lUI n present fl'OlU till! killg of Dt.'lltlllllk Cllll rgers were, ns OO(ol'e, impol'tt'() fl'OlI1 Flnndcl's,'

Amollg;,t outdoor gllmes bowls, 01' I'Ow-bowls 1I!'1 they ale c.'\lk'<.!, nre nguin mC ioued in couucetion Ht with slllnll s ums of mOllcy lost at lhem,' "Tho prop" upp,'\l'elltly hl\'oh'ed It lurgcr outlny, .'1 4s, 011 oue ooCt\sion having beeu IOSL Itt this Plil-suit. A dozel! golf hlll],c; cost .Js" III1tI golf dubs could
, I'. 100. o I'. In I', :..'fl'l, 1'. ~1R. P. 3';t1 I~ I 1:lI,:no!.

I'll, In, 1:1.1, lro.

I', 1711,



IJC I}tln:hl~l'fl for 1\ ..hilling each.' Kilc;:l 01' ninepill" WCI'C a [:",uurih amU'oC'mCllt, and wcre plnyed \'\"('11 011 111111111 ,hip,: Of ilultwll' rlllllltiCmcnts lIIusic and lInneill:; were LIII' ~hi('f. All .wrt... of mill,~tl'e1 ... \\l'LC In\'i ~ hl y 1\'\\"n"ll'd hy thc kill;';:. him~lf R IllU"i<;i1l1l of ,~'mLC s-kill. \t the New rCM 150G ,7, f;ixtY-lIi llc l)l'l'ilIll~, im:1Llfliug , ,,1I:\I\'lIIcri-: hltl'l"'!, IUlrPCI'S, fiddll'r.I., pcrfoI"lHc,"S all the dl\l'C~h1'1w or Iri.:>h h:lI'p,
t{luiJmul'I'!II, nlld pip\"L'':>, Il'~'l'iHd ;.;mtuitil" Qne fiddlcr got tl'o fOl plnyillg 1\11 night ill front of the

Omil.' Lute t-trillb~wcreimportcd pL"ohnLly for the king's OWII usc, M III:! \\"M n l'trformer Oil thnt iustrulllelLt. Sin:;ing W[\8 JlrilldplllIy by .. mnidclIl!," nlld dnnring ('(111l:>i .. t('(1 of clnhomte spcctneulnr diJ;plnys IlI1d 1lI0rri~ \lnncillg. thirty d07.cn smnll lM'II'i II('illl; nt oue (lUll' ptll\:hn~,:tl for thili ]111rpO!""- III nlillitiou to tllC,-,c, llilstUIIC.,. tnlc-tcllcl"l l>couilc>,1 the h:dium of thl' 1011:; winil'r en-IIII1f\', hllt tht, l'cllllIlll'rntion of thi.s \I'll!' lIot nil n \"fry large sc.rilc, cighh,>Cllpencc beiug cOLL~idl'h~d ~ullkil'l1t n)\\",ml fOl" two.' ,J c.:sh:1'S WCI'l' ill high fl\\'unr, Tht'l'C nre numerous pny111\'111 lulil nlhl\\rtlll'CS to .lohn Bule, oue of the ('''lilt f'~II!j; he 11:111 a '-l'r\'ant of hi .. mnl, two !-hilllng I",ing 011 one (lI."'Co'l it'll I};lifl to .. Spfll'k, frolll
Fmllt'c ,

kin~'A hxlgiug' I\t

, J). IS;. ~

1'. Ill.

" ,lVI'


I', It.!.



John Bute's Ulun.'" 'Vhy Butc should have been ntl'nyed in a doctor's gown nnd hood is not ensy to uuderstand.' It seeUlS to be n. Ulost unsuitable grub fOl a jester. Cmry nnd his wife, Daft AUIlC, figure fl-equclltly in the Aecolltlts. II e appenrs Lo Imve UcCll ill, find to hnve been looked nfter ill his illness by Johu Knox's wife,' We hoot of his " tYnlHmt" and bUl'inl ill JUIlO (SOG, but his wife receivc.5 alms from the king 1\11 through the Accounts. Mention is also made of Nomee 01' Sir Thomns Normy, nnd the fool of Sir Willinm l\lurmy of Tulliool'dine, wbo rejoiced in the Dnme or nieklmllle of "Swnggnr," recei\"c8 n. gift of n kcrsey coot. One nameless " jester" is nlso the l"Ceipicnt of the king's bounty.' All thcse entries bring vividly before LIS the gay, laughter-loving, and noisy Court of the Scottish king. As the poet Duuhar puts it : "Sum Rum Sum Sum singill; sum dnncis j sum l(lllis sloreis j Jalt. nt eviu brlnglB In the moroi~; BYI_,lis j slim feynwis; lIod B 113ltil'm j um playes the rule, and nil out-elattirill."

Less noisy amusements were not, however, neglected ill this (lUl'Suit of pICMUl"C. The Icing WilS,I\S we have SOOIl before, nn in"otcrnte cnl'd plnyCl', lIud cOllsidemblc sums of money y,'erespcnt at tllo cfll'd tnbJ.::, 0110 uight one hundL'ed - rench F crowns, 01' about 70, wCl'e spont nt. cnl'(ls, besides
, I', l.-~'1. 1'1), 301, 3OS, I'I~ ISO, 197,
I', 110,

I', J73,

20 at. .. hawok," pl'obnhJy Ito b'1UOC with ilil'e,' fl c cCl'tainly hnd 110 objet:tioll to throwing II. Innill, 1\8 therc is n sl>ccific cutry !-t:ltiug how he io.st 143. to John Mum,y " at thc dis." III defnuh. of uny gnll1C of ski ll , he eyen dcscelldcd to pI ll)" nt. eross and pile,' now known in the ycronelilar hy the fnmili:.r teon of pitch nnt! lou It got the name crObS nml pile from oue .~idc of the coill ha\'ing n cl"Cl& au it, pile iJ(!iug deri\'cd from the Frelleh pi/c, the under-iron of the 8tnlllp wherewith money is coined. There ia nlijQ II. reference to "lnblcs" or backgnmmoll all 11. 275. There were se,'clru curi06itie8 kept for the delcctation of the Court~ We ngnin hem of the white Porwgnl horse nod the" must-ent. "'; A bear W(\8 prcscllted to tbe king by tJle J\ bbot of Cnmhuskennctb, D:l\'id Arnot, n somewhat-curious present from nn cccle:;inst-ie j nnci in June 1506 a Iioll \\"1\::1 imported, being carried ill n cnge from the !'ohip in which ho hnd becn brougl1t, nud \\'Ilieh hnrl discmbnl'ked llim lit Leith, to Holyrood, where he wns commiltod to the clI~ t ody of Andrew Brown.6 An oLler wns ndded to the Royal mellagerio in April 1507,' bu t \\hether it, or the wolf pl'e\'iotlsly mcntioned, \\'C I'C rct:koncd ns !l:uOiciently ullcommon to be prcsCl'\ed ns ctll'ioI!itic~ doc:- not RPPO"lr.
't'. ;IIU.
I'. too.




P. 3;11.




We haxe nlready seen'that iL was a


ambition of James to ha'ie a n:I.\'1' wor-hy of his kingdom. In the present. series of Accounts thare is much detail concerning it. Not. ouly was wood got in large quantities from NOl way, but the nati\'e forests, snch as Ihey were, were laid under contribution. Timber was go~ from Strathearn, Kincardine, AlIo.'l., And even from Caithness,' nbout the last place a shipbuilder would now think of going to for material. Wood was also got from 1<l ::'1I1ce, n. shipload being chartered from the port of Dieppe.' French ship wrights ,vere also importeeI, part of their wages being paid in advance to the extent of no less Ii sum than !l2.4 This does not nppear to have been accomplished without some cliOiculty, as ''I'e find James writing to Louis XII. to the following elTect:- "Since there i8 a grellter alJu'ltlam:e of builLling materinl in your realm, we have sent our men thither to fetch benms :lnd o:lk-wood from :\ friendly nation, and to bring shipwrights to us. The dishonesty of cert:\in of your people distllrbed !'Ill our arr:lUgements and prevented OUl' purchases; ~h ey attempted to confi scate what \vas already prepared , on the plea that it was against the law, until yoil r "hJajestYI having been , Vol. h.,
p. IUI-. I'P. In, 131, 100 1'.

1'. (!(Iii.



made l\wnrc of these mattel'l:;, rcmo\'('(l the obstncles in our favour, restrainct.1 those doers vf miscllief, 11ny, even gave fncilit ies for t:le furni shi ng of OUl' fl eet.'" Thc Accoullts in ~his volume which relate to shipbnill1ing refer chiefly, though not nltcY.;ether, to t he COllstl'UCtiOIl of olle "es.~c l at Leith, which is lIslla lly termcd .. the ship" or .. the king',. ship" throughout, "'ithol!l ully specific name being givtn tv it, Frvm \'ariuulI cirCUllu;I:U1Ct:b CUUILet:h:tl II itI! itl! buildi ng and equipment, we know that it cannot have been t he Great Jliclwclj t that mnl'ine monSWr indeed WtlS nOt launchcd till about 1511. The shipl'cfcrred to in the following pngcs is probably the M w'oarcl, so called in hunoul' of the king's youthfu l wife, If so, she was commencetl towanls t he end of 1502. when Johll Lorane. n shipwright. arrivC(l from France, to be followC(\ a few montis later by J CIlllcn Diew,' The building was carried on ,~ith Oilers)". and in Jnnu:l.rr U,OIS ~he was taken otf thc stocks with much sounding of trumpcts a\l(l other minstrelsy A dock h:\(1 been constructcd in which ~he was :\Jlpal'cntly fitted Ollt, t\lId it is thih fitting ouL which is mainly de:t1t with in the prt&enL ,'ohuue, III the first pl:tce, she IlIu\ to get masts put. in her. Rnd ". .e nre told tlint in September 1.')05:\ m:\11 '1':tS
'~:pl.t, Rtf: !'It-, I , '.I. The.t..ttw ,110 I"" f'OlIl.,.. y ... ,01, i."lu", .\, '.c:n_....

,"Ill ii,I' 2!,1 OJ; ,e.!, '~,I~ 4j6,


sent. to inspect a UlaSL at. Notre Dtuuc, but no indication is gi\'en of the prccise locality of t.his place. In November of the So1me yeal" mOlley \.. as given to the snilors at. the raising of the mast;1 this was probably their ordinary wages ouly. as only twO or three days afterwards we ha\'e an entry of 56s. in drinksilver "to the mal"inaJes at. the I'tlsing of the gret maist of the schip.'" It was evidently n pel"formnnce of some ceremony. as 17s. 6d, was paid to minstrels all the same occasion.' From the expression "great. mast" being used, it is cleM that thel'e must. h:l.\'e been others, and, indeed, seveml months I.>efore tllis, on the 12th of April, t.en shillings were gi\'en to the snilors "at. the inputting of the ma st in the sch ip."; Again. we h[l.\'e an entry in April 1506 of n payment to the Abbot of Cambuskenneth for expenscs which he had incurred in the carriage of two masts,G and then all the 16th of May there is another payment of 14s. lito the men that put up the mnst of the kingis SCllip."G Olle of these mast.s was brought home by an Englislllnan,1 but
, r, liO. I', 171. I C<:romolli'] oo",,,,,,1.ed "ith "oto]lpj"II" of .hir-' "~'"uex;'lcd in !ioothnd to wi\hin I;\' jnll ,llijAlory whilo (:(IIIt;,,,,,~d to 100 ",.,le of wood; I,nt 11_ liN] hMIx.'OOmothllnuUcrill l ulI;nrsally " ....11 for thc I'U'l_, tho (:1I"om hn ,lied Ollt. Piereo of ,no""y ..sod I.(l he piKUl ..,itIcr IIoCl ~1
oil"" l1l&I'1 j" 1I,,,,logm~ (RthlOIl to llle 1,I,,(:;n. of ooln. 101 tho fom .. b.(ioll Itorll-.. of imJ"'rlll"~ lou;lolin"" Drink _ money w~ ........11,. !;i"cn to 1110 IIOtIrnCII RII,]


, I', 1$,

" 1', 169.

P. In.;,


I~I ,


it IS doubtful whether this implies tllM the ml\.St was gOt in Engl:md, or that it \\':lS hrol1g-ht from abro:u] in charge of :Ill gll~Ii<lhnH\n, 'I'he tackle for the ship 'V:lS got ill Flanders, whiC'h seems to have heen the gre:lt ll1:lrl for ('ort1:tge of nil kinds. from bow-strings upwards,l Alexatulcr Chnlmerfl;, lhp l).'\intcr, go\. .7 for painting the" lIIers" or the ship, The lllen;e wa~ n roullflwp fl;lIr1'oundillg the lower m:\"thtall. from which it proj(>('tl'tl all round like n ,,<,:\001<1, Tht'l'C W:\9 usun\ly :I mf'I'SC round each lIll\St, and at the peril"l of tlll'!>C Accounts they were prob.'\LlyarnH'd with bow~, Greek-fire, and fireb.'\IlI;, :lml also, though perhal)~ nolo 80 frequently, with clIlve1'illFi 01' some of the smaller arlillel-Y, h wns also the custom to decort\te them Ia\'ishly with the al'll1orial h<>arings of their owner or those of the port to which the ship belonged. l'his ',:\s how Chnlmcrs CIlme to be eillployt'tl,:ls it is clear, frOlll olher allusions in the ACCDllllts, that he WM:I skilletl Mlliorial nrtist. In addition to these, on gnla clllr~, atlll when going into action, streamers autl othe .. textile hllngingl:i were suspended from the F;ides of the mcrse, nnd acconlillgly we are told thM thr('(' .. slre:ulleMl," with fringes, were prepared, together with" merl> clatheR" of nd, white. and yellow kenley. 01'111\ mented with rringes and lined with C':IIl\'as. There W!\S n. blue b.'\tlllcr chnrgt.,,} Wilh the
, 1'.



Scottish sallire in white, :md one, if not. more, st..-mcIal'm of yellow sey, with the ramp.'U1L lion of Scotland displayed in its pl"Oper her:tldic colo ur ill the midst i the embroidery of these, in gold and silk, cost 5,- ClJahuers waR nlsa employed to paint. two boats bclollbrillS to the sllip nll(l "the ros on the bolspleit," The " bolt:;plcit," or bowsprit, \l'rtS pJrtced, ill tbe nncient sty le of rigging, at. a cOllsidcrnhle anglc, and wn8 crowned by a vertical mast with yard s, ctll1(!(l the sprits.'I.i1 or s )ll'eitsllii mast. 'The OHlcr end of the bowsprit wns often ol'l)[unentcd wilh Ii painted 01' c.'I.rved emblem usually pertinem to the name of the sbip. The" ros" was lu"Ob.'\bly of this cbn.r:\ct.er, :uul wns a represent.ation of the rose of York aml L'l.lICnSlel', which was borne as a badge by I1enry VII" the vessel being Illlmed nftel' his dnughter Margaret,l TIl' the end ofl\lay 1505 the ship WtlS a pproAching completion; she had not been fitted out with nil her guns nlJ(l other equipments, but she wns so fa\' ndvanced as to nllow the king to COme down La the dock ill Leith, where she was building. a nd to dine on bo.'lrd, This he seoms to lIav(} done ill considc r:t ble st.yle, as the Cfl lTill.ge of lh\:l sih'er plate for the diuner t:lble cost 8s,. and lhe ship WM hung with lapcsu'y for the occasion,' We ~et sollie information as to lile al'lllalll(>lItof the ,'e.,o;M'1. Twcnty-one gum; were provided, but
1'", 189, 100,
I'. II!!,



they only ('(k,t 20 altOiJether they must have been of IImnll c,'\ Ii\)rc} Whether the bombanl, or pi('ce of hC1IVY onll1nncc, nl1(ltllc thrcc falf'Ollll or ~mn lll.:r C:\111l01l , wili<'h werc 1::\I"ri(.'(1 down from the Cnstle to Leith in ~l:\y 150;,~ were intellded fot the .1lar!,arcl is nOt emt,,lin. Bllt in July 150li rour (nlcolls and .'\ can nOll, the ..hooting powers of the lnl('r being tested ou the salLd in presellcc of the king, wt:re brought to Leith for the U$18 of the sh il).' )hides theae, there wu an e'Jniptnent of croea-bowl, spe'\t8, axcs, brigantines, compaSS(';;, lalltel1lS, "night. gln&8C8," nnd other ge.'\r, co:.ling between 600 :u1(1 700. On the 23ftl of June l 506 ~he ship was flo.'\lcd by menns of empty c.'\sks in Leith hnrbour, n payment of 11, 85. 4<1. being lUade for ninetythree pipes and t.wo puncheons for this pur~. ' The use of empty puncbeons lashed to the Ih ip, side below the load waterline \l"1lS n dc\-ice llsetl by French and h!\li:lIl builden to IcMCII the dT1l.ft of \l"l\ter amI increase the stnbilit.y o f the Ahip prior to it. b.1l1n,,~ being plaC{!(l on bo.'\n1. If the .1largarrt W:l'I renlly filted Out in 3. dock it is conceivnble thnt the PUIlChCOIlA mentioned IUny h:,we lx.-cn lIsed to prtrlinlly lift the ship over the t<hnllow ,,"aU'r ,..-hicu barred its exit. \\'hnte\"cr tn.'\)" ba\"e been the case, tht:re wns
, 1'. 110. I..J,,,Je, .,f tDun'-'intWl". J_I. -1'.11:1. !xClUi>.h H"lory ~;"I,-. uni . I'.~. i'>oo,~, of Ja_'a I' '"'' ...-til1..,. wall uloibll..d .1 Du.... 1". IW. "'rlo..., l-a.II" .... bw .. IG(,~


evidently much rejoicing on the occasion of the laun ch, ns ne:'lrly 6 wet'C gh'en to minstrels who ,-rere 0 11 bo:u11. Whether the women who got 9s. 1 for working on bo..'l.rd at this time were put there for cleaning purposes, or were employC(l in the more feminine occupation of getting ready the king's accommodation, it. is 1Iot easy to sar. The prep.'l.N\tioll of the ship waq not accomplished ,-rilhout accident, for we rcao of how a man fell from the rigging and got from the king, e'-er considernte in s uch cases, the sum of J h t The accident !Uay ha\'e taken place during the fittin~ of her anils_ An intereRtillg elltl)" tells us that the .1/orf/lIrtt got one hundretl nnd fourteen eUs of canms for her snils, eneh ell costing lOs! Whnt. the totl'll rost. of lhe vessel was is lIot ,'ery easy to state accurately. Up to the commencement of the ])resent. Accounts ahout 1200 had been spent. in wood. workmen's wnges, etc. In the present. "olume there are entries for o\'er 6000 for wood nnd othel'!'equisitcs for llie aC(II:l1 building of the ship, while bet.\veen GOO aud 700 nre spent for cord age, tnckle. nnd the eqllipmellt of l he "essel with nrtillery and olher weapolls and storts. ]lut some or tlle5C entdes may not. nece!';~3ril y rel.'llc to the Margaret at :tll. Of the nnmber of r.eame" required to mall her we sh:tll S(ot n clc:trer i(k:t in future Accounts. b.leanwhile
, P. !!OS.

r. ~!O$



Iliay be lIoh:d th.al wbih. tlll:rc arc M:\'eritl (layments to Alldrewll.utou fen" the lIIarill(!r." wa;.;':S th:lt kcep& the lihip," ill the oilly entry ill wllich the exact period of time is mClltiOllctl for which paymcllt. is 1U3l1e thc sum alllounts to 51, lOs. for three weeks.! J:lIneli WIlS the kind of man who would not IJe :\frnitl to accept all)" rtSponsibility which he might. think it incumbent on him to ulldcrlakc_ :lnd there ;Ire imlic.'ltiolls ill the .\CL'OUI\Lt. that he WBlt not withou~ thougbts of actill~ as hia own Lord Uigh Admiral. 'rhe insiguia of the olJice were l\ whistle and ch:\in of gold. nud there is lUI elilry 011 10th September 1505' to the efl1!ct thnt. John FI":lncis gOt n gold chain weighing lSi OZ_ to take to Fraucc to Oe made into a wllistle for the king; tllis was ,-nluetl at 106, 130. hl. Perhaps it. '~3l; not re!\dy by the time the I;.hip WtL& launched, n... a sikcr whlhtte ,~:u OoughL for ::I.'; .... jU!it. bciorc thnt fUllcti(lII. ' anti it was not. till Octobt:r \5uG that. .Iohn Francit) wa~ paitl (\ balnnce owing him ror the" quhis-liil, chcuye :md riug:i!> that. he brocht


:\s llltlltiollCd abovc, the O,-cut .l/idJal'l ,~ns 1I0t. laullchcd for SOIllC yC:tl"li aft(,I' tl:p. date of th~ prcs..:nt. Accounts, tlwsc are not without entri~ which appea.r to rerer to prcprtrntiolls for her buildillJ!, if lIot to Ill'r atlual COUIIII'IU.:t-II\f'IIL Oil
. j'.


1'.3U. 11.

I'. I!\II.





the 12th .\ ugust 1506 James Wibon, of Dieppc, is paid 42 for the freight of a vessel with" pianka and trees " fol' the great ,hi1),1 alld shipwrights were at the $alle time brought to Scotllm<1 from Frn.nce for tbe purpose of her cOlIst,"uctioll, Thc J/arga"tt is llC,'cr callcd the" grent s hip," except perhaps in Olle instance where the wages of her mariners nre pllid. I Thc i.lla;'ycu'rt, lhough 1\5 yct the biggest, was by no menns the only nc1dition to thc Scottish l)n"y, JUSt as wc find at pre...cut, thnt. ships of wal' arc ofcen built. ill other conntries than those for which they nre constructed, so in the days of Jnmcs hc found it convenient t o scnd nn order to Frnncc. Much building matcrial bnd, n.s has been mcutiollOO above, nlrendy beeu got from that countl'y, nnd, ill udditiou to this, t\ ship had been bought from" nne mcrchant ofConqunt,"'nnd anothcr had becn co mmis~ioned to be bui lt at the !>[une tow lI, Lc COllrluet, Ileut' Brest, by ~hwtill Ie Nault, and Jllly mcnts nmoL111tillg to 140 hnd been made to him. III ~'chl'Ul\l'y 1505 nuothCl' p.1.ymcnt of .70 is made to him on account of this vc't!;cl, flud in ~'cbl'lInl'Y 1505-0 Robert Barton gets 14 0 " when hc pa.~q it ill France for to by nne ~hip to the killg." We lllny rCl\~olll\bly infer thnt this payment is I\ppliCl.lhlc to the l:ihi p t.llI\t WIIS buildill;..\' at Lo (;ouquct. Hcl' tnck-Ic was probnlJly
, J'.

""J, II"
t', 167.

1', lin,

l' :1 11

\x ... ii

purcLast.>d in Flanders, III ,90 wa p.liJ to George Cot'utOUIl for her .. furni~hin~" theI'C, ~h(' W~ ~(, lIl hOltle to s...'Otlruul ill Sqltc'ln]'('I' 150ti, flud /::120 Wl\~ thell INtitl to Lo! Kanll to ll{'I'OUllt of her blliM iug nnd the e~pcllse of hriugiug her hllme, k ayi llg 1\ blllnllC" of5~5, a pOition uf wllidl Inl'shortl), nftf'r l~Lid by P..ohcrt Bartoli II ith IlIIIlIe), furui"hcd him for thc Jlurpose. Sill' wns cIllIl-d the T''l..'(wIITI', pl'Oh:l1,ly illl'('lllplinlCllt to tli(' nhle uud Cllcf''"''t''tic kccp...r of til< kil' ~', I,Ur (' wbo mu~t often haYe 1x-l'1I h:1I\1 JlI~ .. I to Jill'! the moncy fol' nil this Ilc,\"y expenditure. 111.'1' cud WI1." nl.so UUfOI't.Ullfit c.. l.e~ll'Y tell.s 1111 tlMl II hile bl'iuging hOlllc tho lhdu!CI\II of S~, Andrews nm! Ilia su ite from I,'rnllcc she struck n rock nud "new ill H indet'!!" while oR' the English C(~ht. WheLi the .1!w!j<u-cl \\'n~ IM.'ing pllt together ill the Enst of Sootlnnll null the 1)-.-",.,,,,\'1' was heing built ill BrittlillY, nllolher H.",.;;cl wms bcin~ con~trueh.J in I he \\\. ,t of &"'Jtll\lI(l, . pl.'rhnp'l th.: ('nrli(' . . t fC"ol'Clcli "l)('l'il1lcli of thnl CI),(lc "ihipll1liltliug whil.'il balol il1 lutl,'r t111), .... I'l'OOIIl{ ~n fnlllollS, 011 thc l~tll ,July 1505, 28~, \l'1\~ pnid for tile ca\'riage of" the ked of till.' I'hip ill Dum1};lrlun ' itOm !Stirling to L';u'th,Il.''1. Thi, Jll'llhnhly me.llls tllnt. the keel \\ns brought fl'OIll :\(11'11':1), 10 IA'ilh lIu,1 till-II up the FMth to l:tirlin~, from "Lldl It would be 1\ solllcwh.lt 1.,ll(lnol\:i IlL'tlt{'l' ill lhllN.' (Inys to tmnspott. it to <':lI'l'Iho,.;" lIenr wllich Vluce we ill,,), Pl'C"Utuc tilC )llIlp \\'1Vj I\ttunlly bu ilt,

<IS C:uilros~ ihelf is lIusuitnble for ohipbuildiug, owiug to the shnllowucss of the water there. There i, 11 l)jlym~ut llltlde ill Duwb.. utoo "to nue prci::;L for hi::; pro quhnir the schip wcs biggct," and it is all iutcrcstiug fact that the Collegiate Church of Dumbarton wns situated at a short distnucc to the en.!;t of oue of the pl'CSCnt ship. builtlill.tt" yards of the burgh. The" ),al11," or ganleu, of lhe In-iest whiuh was hh'Cd for the "biggillg" of tIle ship wns probably between the College and the Le\'en, Il \'ery suit.'\ole plnee for the Inuneh. The ship was only of moderate size, if we may judge fl"Ow the sums expended 011 her. The Provost of Dllwbnl'tou got for "the ship werk" during the (,WO ycnrs lilll,) sequent to Ul:toOcI' 1505 Upll"llIUS of .{:100. 5, lOs, WIlS pnid to Johu Bro\\'u of Ayr for olle hundred "Jrlnlld burdis" and their earringc from Ayr to Dumbnrton; Johu Smolet., of thnt tOWIl, rC!ccivod 152 for &'\il Cllllvns, I'iggiug, nod otbel' outfit fOl' the \'c:,;::;el ; nnd there nrc entries for rc.',iu, tnI', nuils, he:., for her coustruction,l Tbo Uill::;l'i mny haye been gOL from the forests of Glcnurqnuy, n_,> n Ilwn was sent to Sir Duucan Cnmp. bcJI in (;oUllo(;tioll with tue eOil\oyauee of them to Dumbnrton. t Thel'C nrc 5C\'oml cut ries t'CIn.L iug to the pnymcnt of the shipwrights, alDOllgst them olle of tho Ilumo of Gohel'rull, e't'idently n.


Pllrtuglll.*l, 1I.i \11) kllUW thut there W!,II'C tit IClL~t twu hillWtighl,." of lhat IIlltionuli t)'elliployCtJ.l III July 1507 cight lIlal"incr.:. \\"CI"O I:ICIit. to put up the m:\St in the ship, und durillg the snme month the king llnid I~ visit of lII"'lX!Ction to tbe work We do nOt, howenf, ill tIle pr~""'lIt .\CCOllllt:- get :111)' iuformation ns to the IRIIUclulig IIf the n~.~d 01" as to what her name was'1'h~'rc arc illdill'utal allusioll'> to other !'hip,io. !101,,:rt BartOli \\,1:1 puid 1."10 for" half the "hip wiled Jurot.'' Thcro is nn ent l"y fOf vietuuliing tho Golomb on au expedition to J\l'l'an* 'l'lle llm'f." i:s sent. to tho .xOlthlnlld fOI' timber,! lind slle is Rlso Intet' ou foulld ill tho Lewcs and FI.tIllrlel"1!.t She npI)Cfll'S to hnyc been chal'tea-cd from one '1'homru; Hntbowy. The king sailed to tho .May in the Li()II, while tho Ullico)'H was victualled fol' II "o)'ngc up the Porth to Allon.' It is iutc~tiug to find tbe OCC1UTeUCQ of the lattel' nAme, A"I uuieoru8 do not. flPlk:fIl" ill the roYAl nchicn'llIcnt. before JII\IIe'i w's time. There is U CIlI"'ing: of hili nl'1lll:1 ill ..'ll'IrUM! AhlJcy, with lhe dllte 1505,1 in which tlVO of thesc auimals oecuros bupportctlJ, The only otlu,!r \"c,,-c1 IIAmed iu the ACl;'1"lUnt .. i!i the IVU llt()I~, which,uudcr the chal'b'C or W,Himu titewnrl, hCI' skipper, Wili bl,!ut ncrOSll

u)l(l !~iLly

, 1'1" ~.!,



I' 1lJ. I'. LI.t. l'p. ~ . .'IJ1

,', aU.

1'1' SIU, Jjj. To:..



I , . ..'71

to Dcnmark lU 1507 with iUontjoy King of Arms, who had becn in Scotland on his wlly from France. 1

It is unnecessary, nnd would be out of place, to enter into any dctniled account of the relations of thc Scottish Court to foreign Powers during the period covered by these Accounts, but there are allusions in the following l)1tges to sevel"l\l matters conuected with Jnwcs's foreign policy of which it is only proper tlw.t som('. brief notice should be tnkell.
1. Guclcle'l'lcmd.-Wo know that letters froUl the

Duko of Gueldres to the king had nnived Oil the lith Junc 1505, and had been delivercd to James nt Glasgow, whero he then WitS, by tho hands of the Duke'g sccretary, John Wycsscn, " fide et taeiLurnit'lte clams." The Duke was the grnudson of that Arnold, Duke of Gueltlres, \\hoso daughter Mnry married James II. The familie s, tllereforc, were pretty closely related. There had been no conspiracy against Duke Arnold by his sou Adolph, who lind taken captivc nnd imprisoned his father. 'l'he lutter, howcvcr, wns delivcred from durance by Charles the Bold, Duke of BurguIJdy, who ucfcatcd 101m designs of Adolph amI e;.trrled him

Pp. JSli..:JS6.



011' a pri.sollCI to his own c\ominioll' lJi~ ;ll;tioll WtU; nOl, as may lie im:lgin~.J, entirely di'lintel-csted, for ho Ilot oilly nccl\"l::rl 0. lorge MUll of mOIiCY from Duke Amokl for hi, lI~ .. istI\Ilec, lmL got control, to f;(lme extent. at least, of his territoric.~, Ou the dl'uth of the Duke of llm'gundy, Adolpb, lu~ving rcc(IYch,d his libcl"ly, m:lt1ngC(! ngain to get llCtSiCSdioli nf the Inllll5 or his filthcr, nllli on Ius de:tth Idl Ihl.'l1l to his 50U Charh's, t1l(~ corre..c:;polIdent. of the &:otti:JI king. '1'wo 1Il:ltter.-s rormed the subjC<'t l,r tbrlr commlluicatiou..... The fil"St wns with regllrd to :&huoud de In Polc, tll(' Enrl of Suffolk, WllO hnd beCll nttuinted ami delJri\'ed of hi" hODour, by Henry HI. in Januory 1503- 4. 011 the 3rd of .:\lny 1505 Duko Cha rles Wfoto to .JllIue", nnd the letter ca.lled forth n "ery \;gorous and lengthy reply from the king, ill whil;h he accu8(l(1 the Duk\' or ,iolnting his promise by ginug 1m nsylulll to Edmond de In Poll', :md pointed out to him till' (bllger he W:18 inc1II1'illg iu so doing, nnd illlplorillg: him to get. rif1 of "thi" unhappy \\Tetch," nile} to clldenyoUl' to he ~'Qncilcd to TTc-orr without delay.' TIle Dul.e Sf('llll> to h;I\'c \nitreu OlLot!U.'I letter at the S:1l11C time with 1\':":31,1 to hili position in 1'1..'latkoll to the hO!ltilc mClIlIl'C!8 or Philip of C:l~till! and his rathel', the Emperor ~ln:<::ill1ili:lII, nn,! to thi .. "mm',.; pelllled :lllotlil"r hill ~hHl"ter rl'j)ly. ft"{'1ll \1 iii...!} it appelll"li

llql' bo,,,., I. ""

".11,'111,. n.. ~" ... Itld ... nllll .,~1


ti.\,rtill<;r'. "Lcucn ...... Pal"'''' Hcur)' \'11 .. iI., l!l-.l.



that the trouble hnd ill the mCllutime been tided over. Thc:;e lette!'!; were dcspntchcd t-o the Duke hy the hands .of his secretary, who Oil tbe 6th September rcc:ei\"ed the munificent sum of .33 Gs.. 8d on bis depnrtm'e for Flrl.lldel"s.l But iu (506 mntters were Itgltin iu It smw of unrest con ceming the Dukedom, Itud flilothcl' embossy WIlS despatched to Scotlflud in Uny. Jnmes reech'ed it duritlg the following montl! fit &1inburgh, Bnd Oll the 8tb of July wr.ote the Duke l\ letter dcclin illg to Ill"hitmte in the mntter, but promising to wlitc the JicuteIlLUlt-gO\'cl'no!'S of 11'jnll(1c.rs,' HoIloud, lind Bl'fIbnnt n.ot t-o molest the ~uke. The emLt\8Sy left, Scotlnnd by sea for Fl'tlllcc: nn cndenvour \\'flS ronde to pl"OCUl"e them ships at Dumbnrton, but npparently they ultimntely so.ilcd in tho enrly pmt, of July from Leith. JoLUJ Dnw8011 wns the unme of the sk ipper .of t,ha ship, nn~l with them weut Audrew Stewlut tlud John de Scotifl. 011 thei\' depfl.rtul'c the clJ\'.oys! got n prcsent fl'Olll tll\) king of .144, ' This \I'M not tlw Inst servicc ho wns cnabled to reutler to the Dukc of Glleldl"cs. [n JauuAry 150G- 7 tl"Ouble wns agnill IJI"CWillg fol' the domilliolls of thnt pcl"SCCutcd PI-iUCC, nlld therc WItS some fcm 011 his p..'1rt thllt Hell ry of Eugluud
" I ;"hdm." 1.\IIk, ,I.odor 00I'1Il11~ the "-ollnl' Io.o,mll.., ~t ,I"h;u,~ "II1<I"""',r, lht "duk of f:d, lt;. 11",1 tht do,,,lnp_ ,10 Crllnl ...~IIi. " llll'rd knl""hl, bill 11"'1. "~nlOi ~ 1'pNr I~r'. l.etw-..le.. II .. :!OG. In J.mo.', ioU!!. 8lh .JIII)' at I'. :!OO.

1'. 1M.

~ 'n~,,"rol'lll~l ln

0 '



wou ld throw hi~ powerful inJillcnce ell thc side of hi~ cllcmicR, Agnin he nppcnlcd to .l!unc.<:, and aglliu dint Idll~ cxcrtQll Ilimscif c.n.rnestly 011 Ilia Uchll if. I re wrote n 10llg letter tn HClll'Y set.ting: fOl,tll the position iu which the Duke stood to tho POWCI'~ which wem mel1acing him, telling the Rnglish king thnt it would he little glOI'}, to hilll If he jOillCd the oppoaing cOl1fcdclTlcy-that it would tcnd to tI I'UptUl'C with SClltill11l1, n8 Jamc.'i w:\s dctermined to clcJelld the right" of his killSmnn, nnd concluding hy the FiJlccifiu dcclnl'1l.tion that. if 1 lcury ntt.'lCked the Duke Jnmes must l'eb'lll'd him as nIl cncmy, The lettol' is dnted thc GLL of .JOIlUIU'Y 150G-7, nud was probably despatched two dnys latel' by the hauds of the Lyon-killg of-anus (Hcm)' Thomsou) fiud the Dean of Glasgow (Robclt Forman), who got .42 for their expenses. I Letters were nlooscnt by him to Clml'ics \'" then king of Cnstilc, the Empel'ol' Mnximilinn, :l1ld othel' Powers intel'estc{l,~nlld the tc1Titorie~ of the Duke remaincd illtnct during tilC rest of his life, 2, VCH7l1wk.-Wc hnve secn iu the preceding \"olllIllC' thnt all eXl)e<litioll lmd been seut to DCllllilll"k, tlml hl\d tlSSistcd ill efl:'cl'ting Lhe 1'C1Cflsc of IJuCCII CIII;sciull from bel' cnptivity ill Sweclen,3

I', :WI.



.ta., ii., :!:!.;.

I;[>ill. Rell. &"0\" I., ~,'i tI -eIJ .






Tlte espenscsof this were oollsidomble, and bad to be met hy a specinl tnx, notices of the collection of which nrc met with fl'C~luently in the following p:tges. In April 1505' Lyon, who luu\ just returuoo from Fmncc, was sent to Denmark in the ship of H.'my Scot, of Leith, He got _-taG for his expenses, his rassngc money Cllme to nCArly as much, but bis .. \\ittn]cs, brede, fisch, liesch, and aill" ouly cost 51~.' He tKlI'O lelters to the Arehbi1;liop of Up.<>ala And the Challcdlor of Dcnmark.' J [e received also a papcl' of iustl'uetions nuthorisiug him to assist the king of Denmark in treating with the SWc<lcs, but to slate tbat Jnmcs was unable to seud ships because his larger vessels were only in process of construction, and no smnller ones were at t he limo a\'nilnule.' On the 15th October ill tho following yeln an emb.'\ssy wns seut by lInn!! to Jnlllcs, !IS we find "'l'horufl.S Lummysdell a/ius Beyland (Zcalnud) llel'lI[d of Dellm(lI'k" I'cccinug " 8UIll of 28 011
, )11'. \1&<:ka.y,ln hu .,Imir;lh!c lor I\ I'L~'IC:'O. "pan, "NOlO on lho ...,latl_ bo;:-l"'OI'n 1 howeycr, rrom Ihe anltiOi In tho ~','<'ll:m,1 an,1 l>cnm:lrk M duting 'l'I-eIII1I1'('r'. AeCOUllt., W(I hII,"O tho Ih~ rei"" <II J<!.""',l\'., n"""",letl actul inolructio"l gil'e" him, 10 thci Seotl ;ll, TCJ't Nx>cly'. tlaotl 3nl AI',,;I lOOJ, gh~" In coUtlort t>f DIIl\lII\r', pocml_M.d U"i"iol<!l", .. LeUcl'l lIhlllro.th"Oof 1<1 whOd, I ",n ;,,,lclolOll f(Or nll>t'h lbel 11:1,... N nld'~,,1 III and a..,llIl inlonna.ti"n_ny. tl"'l Hrury \'11.," h' whld. I h",~ I.yon ...... ,k I",I<-),c'] IAl ij..,"<"'.l<-.. _i.~, 10 I'(!ltr.., I""l"cully. ",,01 l)(,t,,'llI-rk I" llilll. 110 \fUI I I'. I~'\. _'I...m,~1 by r...,lm't lIen l,l, "Jlj.1 Ikll. Helot., 1.,111, 38.. 1,{>hIMllo".-n .. "t I,y lhtn', ki,,1tI1 . ':~inhlu"1 loIltu, ... , .to., iI., ,,, 1-,,-,1<, ... 1110 n.'ln\.~ to l~ 187.




the I bth of Octoher.' The em'OY wns sent, to Jomcs wilh instructions to procc('(l to London with rc fCI'~'lIcC to It di~pUlC Lctwcc u 'iOlllC Gennan IllCI'Cllont!Jltllfl Andlocw ll:lrton, whicli ltnu rcsnltcd ill lhe imjlriMllllllent of lhe l:lttl'r, I [c lind, howc\'er, been relcnscd OOrOI'C the Itrri\'nl of the ellvoy ill &:otll\1ld,1 :'mJ ,)nme:- wrote to hL' uude of Dclllilark 011 15th .July IbOG ttl tin.: cll(x,t tlint instcnd of l'I)Jl\'cyiug hill lcucN to England he b;\~ cnuM"tl Zctl.ltl.ucl I h'rnld to (;Outlu.t :\Iontjo)', tbe French killg'-nt-:'I1ms, who w;\- ill Scotblld tl.t the tiDl<', to Dcllmn.rk, tL.~ he W:lS thc bearer of tI. Incss." ge from LOllis 1.0 1Itl.1I5. At Ihe same time he wl'ote to Chri:stintl., the queen of DenmOl'k, regretting the suflcrings she had undergone at. the hnnds of tbe Swedes. lind stating Lhnt the fleet which he had scnt t.o her n!IIiist:mec hnd returned, finding th:l.t she WM sn.fe. '[ontjo)"s stIl)' ill DenlUuk ";lb 1I0t of long dur:l.tioll,l\.S he W/IS ullek in EUil,LurJ;h ill ScplcmLc:r. :llld got the PI'Cl'ellt of 1\ pUllclll"lI1 of wine 1'Om tho king.' III O\:toLcr 11 0 I,:ot the I\lOI'C 8nu~tautill l brift 00. 1\ m l"'~"IIl:)cr who WII'> with Ilim nbo getting 9. 1 re nl"l(l 11;1<1 tile hOIlOll1' or diniug with tho king '1I lI nl)'ftMMi.' h I JnUU:'l.ry 1506-7 .Jnme.'1M!Jlt the


)Ir, )I ..duy In G~; .. Il><'r' r..5",,",,1 to Shu luly" lUI'. hi. n&_ . . Yoan" t.~ he rl.lttts.,' . l..tllffll, .te" I"",,, ('&11\:1<1 ' Lu'.fU)...J~II~ ill ~1$~17. II,.. .\_m'~.. 'I', "'2. I', ~Hl, - I'.


UI . I




Donn of G1nsgow (lud Lyoll king-of-arms first to Lul)Cck with (l lcttel' to its inhabitants, and tl,cll to Denmark,1 to im'estigll.te thc nnturc of a dispute which had nl'iscn between the inhnbitants of that. town nnd the king of Denmark. Tho nmbassndOl'S wero npprll'cutly fortified with letters of ,'ecorn meudntiOIl from Tlcmy of England. as thcre is a letter from the city ()f Lubeck to H enry acknowledging his eommuuicntiOIl Oil theil' bclutlf. t Thoy secm also to hn\'c beon entrusted with letters to Charles the \'., thc Emperor ;,\InxlOilinll. nnd others with relation to tho nffnirs of tho Duke of Gucldres.S Jamcs's efforts nt cOllcil itltioll "'CI'O successful, and in Mnrch 1506-7 hc was able to write to King Hans expressing his s.'ltisfnction thnt the diffcrenco with Lubeck hnd been settled.' He also recei"cd from that. town thcir thnuks for hn\'illg scnt so distinguished em cmhassy,D a nd lheir nssurnuccs that they were inclincd for pCltce.' Thc a mhn.o.&..'\dors werc present at n confercnce betwcen n Ulls nUtl the Lubcckcl'S subsequcnt to 20th Apl'i! l507.7 TLICY rcturned homo previous to 18th Scptcmbcl',1 b-e1and.-l'hclC al'c but few clltrics in thc Accounts ..clnting to James's clcnlings wit h this
, G~lrd"cr. 1.Q1,-,"rs, &<l .. H. I/.i>l., P- 2~ i I' z.~. I" :lO1. 1/,;./. P- ~4 r;"I"I,,~r'. Letlcrs,&c., p.233. RcporL ~Iurr~y, 1-;0.", n~I., I). A I'I~ In Fnrt)'~i1lh Hcport of (;"I"hlt,r'~ IA'l(e, .. ,&c., 1'-232. 1)I:IIIIIy """llI:r 01 I';nglilh n"l., II- :/.15. 1~'I5'.!.





COUll try,

TIIC ciliClf O'Donncll writll!> III Iluitc

n kingly ":11.)'11.' to J 1 Ul'lCS in 13th :'IIn t'd, 1586-7' lI~king rI!~si!ltan(:c from him nWiIll .. t hi." l'Il~'mies, :lIld iitating: dllit hc Imd SCIlt. nil 1I1l11"''l~~fUlol of the IIiHll e of jl~lIel\8 .Mncdollell to tLe Scolti ... h Cuurt with his lettcl', )lnooollcll nud hi.'! "uitc W('rc ~,t Stirling 0 11 the 22nd April ISOi . bill tIH'Y W~l"C c\'idcntly rcckoned by no lllC:\D. ill tllo lil~t. milk of nmhu.'",ncionl, ns thc sum ~iH'1l RA II 1"-CM'llt to " tllC Irlrmd meu tbnt C;.1I11t' fm Ollondl\\:I~ only .0, tho IIll1hnl.blHlol', t.wo '-C l'\",Ult .. getting 5G~ ootwO<'Il thcm,- ,James sent n ci'l""il re[lly to he hi sh chief s commnnicmiolt, but. WII8 evidclltly 1l 0~ nnxious to iJc drawn into his quarrels, nud tuc nffnir wcnt 110 further_ Allothcl' amnII nud obscure cpisode is mcntioned in the ACCOUllts in connection with h-elanrl_ Oll tuc 22nd of August 1507 nl1lhcrfurd , the kjng's UleS!ICllgcr, WIlS scnt to Cnrl'ickfcrgu!- " for rcdre~ of the IlIcn tllnt slew the folks ill I nncl"IlIc ......'1U "J [i'ourly.four ~ hil1ill g:s nnd fourpcllcc wns poid to ,JOhll DI,()llll of Ayt' for hi!! L)lI ~-.:\gc, nlld his cxpcu!;c.!I ill Jl"cillud nIllOUllt~-<l toClO. li s, -Id_' The gr,"at nnd powcrful Erll'} of Kilrlnl"c f;eelllS to hn\'e lx-,'n mixcd up ill the matter, whkh prohably h"d referencc to some <junrrcl whic"h iwl nri<;('iI hctW\.'C1l It;"hmcll who fOllllfl tiu.'lll.-.ch"C!; un the

C ;'i"I,,"'. IAIIa,."'" 2:ri. I'" :\>1.3.

]' ''1.",
, I'], ;1.)1,


coast of \\igto,mshil'e and the inhabitants of InnC!1Ucs..~u, which is iu that county.

Tlte PCtjxd Emlxu..,.y.-Pelhaps the most in tercstil1::l' of nil the references in the .\CCOUllts to the I"clatiOlls of James with fOlX'ign potclltatc.'l nrc those which dCllI witli the cmbassy sent by Pope J uliu!l lL with the Ill"cscnt of n hat and 8\\"0111 to tho Scottish king. lim object was, if possible, to detneh Jam&! from his lengue with l~I'nnce, so tlmt. he might combine with him ill rlri\'illg thclll out of It:a1y. But while J amcs thanked him courtcously for his acceptablo gifts, IlC was not to he drn Wll from his allegiance to his old nlly. The coming of thc Papal emlmssy Illnde, howo\"er, considemble stir ill Scotland. On tho 25th Mnrell 150i Plltl'ick H epburn, the old Earl of Bothwell, nud Sir Hobert Lnuder of tlJ(l nnss worc "wat"l\ed" of the llpproaclling nrrivn l oflhe cmb..'lssy, nnd thc Bishop
of DlIukcld received n similnl' notice two days Inter,' The ambassador jOlll'lleyecl ovcrlalld tlll)ug:ll Euglm}(l, and Sir John Ramslny nnd the Provost of the Colleginte ChUl'Ch of Cl'ichtoll receivcd 5 8s. fol' his entel'tainmcnt them 011 the 29th, The Ilmbassndol"s name, as we find fi)1ll n lctter of ,Talllcs to t.he Pope,! wa,~ J\u tonins de ~\ l ilialu~, and he w(ts accompanied by nil CSfjUi l'C of the 1Iamc of j\lcxnmhilllll$. H e l'Cceivud fl)111

1 :l'i.t. Reg. !loot .



t.he VCl'y bltudsOlile dotlCcw' of 700,' In his trnill WitS n. scrvant with the gifL of song, which llntumlly commended him to the fll\'OIl]' of tl10 musie.lovillg killg, nutl nll exp.'ttrilltotl Seot 11'110 fOUI\d himsel f Ollee morc ill the Inutl I)f his bil'lh WitS not fOl'brottCH,! 'rhc purple Cup of :\Iniuleunllee aud the conscernted SWOl'd brought hy lLe

ambn..';;;l\dol' ",ns formally pl'c-Q,ented to Jame;; in the Chapel at Holyrood: and 1)(),<;.'>CSS n :->pccial iulercst fOl' UIJ, beelHl8C though nil lwce of the Cap is 1I0W lost, the Sword Mil be seen to this dny preson'ed among' the Scottish Regalin ill Edinburgh Cnslle, It is 1\ very fiuo spccimell of a State sword, though it is not eousidered equnl to the best HIlUnn wOl,kmnllship of that period, On tho blnde fIl'C the figures of the Apostl ~ Paul !lud Peter, and below the IHIlIle of the donor in gold letters, JULlliS
N. The pommel and handle :\l'e of Rih'C\' plato hammcl'C<l il1to form, clecomtctl with l't.'l)Ou$,~e \\'ol'k nuel gilt, The sword luts been broken fOlll'WCll inches from the hilt, tllld the m:uk of the weld is yet to he sccn, The gUfl]'(l of the sword fOL'millg n C1'OSS with thc 11lltldlc cOllsist.'! of two dolphins, thcil' tails tcrminating in au acom nml Q.'lk len\'c~. The gcabl)(ll'ti is \cry handsome: it is Imule of w()(XI, co\'cred with cnm,~OIl silk "CIVCl, llllli elnhomtely dccol'nte<l Wilh :.ih'l!1' gilt r(,})()f!.(,~J work, On the upper pl\l't of it 1\1'0 d,c
, p,!lSO.

II , PO~"l' MAX

I ',

;'I~ I.



lIml! of Pope Julius executed in enllmc l lIud gold, lind the rest of the ol'nnmcntntioll consists mainly of onk Icnves, ncorn~. nurl tnMks. TIle sword is altogcther Qlle of the lIlOSt. iutCI'cslillg I'c\ il'g of Scottish llistory, fOl' of its nbsolute nuthcllticity there eau be uo doubV

The I s1C8,- ln the Inst "olumc of the Accounts we anw how troublesome n pnrt of his kingdom, the Isles, WlIS to thc king. nod thnt .110 great pnr gress had been made ill their pncificntioll. In 1505 the ooudition of nffnirs "'rlS such thnt further mCllSllres hnd to be tnkcu. Letters had been rccei"ed from the loyal ~ l nke..Ul 011 the 24th PebruMY 1504-5, lind Intel' in (he snllle yenr he sent a present to the king of three horses, whieh James neknowloclgcd by the gift of n gown of damask! Preparations wCl'e made fol' the fitting out; of nn cxpedition whieh WRS to opernte in two di,;siol1s: one fl'OlIl the soutb. starting from Dumbllrton, nml oue from n more nOl'tbel11 point in the country. It hns bcen gellcl'Olly stnted that the lcndcrship of the southertl division \\'IIS lluderi.'lkcn by th(' king in PCI'!;OIl, lIlId thnt Jamcfl, who was 1111 ncoompli",lled linguist, llliked to the nativcs in theil' own IlIngulIge,l i)ut no hillt of lItis e,'\11 be gutllcrcc1 from lhe '1 "'ClIsnrc"s Accounl'l. Artillcry
, .',,, f,,11 .1... r;I'w~, fOl llll>

ll~,,,,...I. til .\1."" ..., J.. . ,. ty lor .\,,1 "I'"'''' "r l-W'<olL,,,t, l<1",k1;"t Club, .... 11'1.

,~, I "". r ...







.. "',' t '~1111


nlld ummull itiou were got. I\:lI(ly. while \,IH:cls for tllC gUll wrriages were l'l'(J\-itll.. 1 to incron-.c the lIIohil iLy of tl,el'c '~t:JLI}()IL," OIL lnlld,' 011 tI,e 6lh 01 .\ l ay 1505 Johu Bal'lOIl wn~ h",ut to Blinn' to wait 011 the 1"'111 of J fUlLll),. who Willi to wlIlm:tlld '; thnt p(JrlicJII of the eXIN..'tlitiuu which WI\.'i to Opt:hltc from the lIonlt, It floc.'! 1I0t "JC4!1LI cle'lr wl,ctllt'r tim. nrmugcLlIclit WII:; c;ln1e(1 out, OJ" whctli\'l' tllerc WIll:! nllothn- cXl'cflitioll LU the
fo llowing


fILl till': ~;jnl

,Julie l506

J olm bLlL()lIet, bUI'gCl>S of lJumhartoli. WIlli SCIlt. to t hc Isles with II l'ihip to meet \\'illinm Browuhill's sltip II [tiel! hnd tho E:lrl of H Ulit ly OIL bool'd, tlnd thi::; WilI iMIl ill'owubill 01' Brown got the Jf\\'gc sli m 01 {; 1:J3 for the Enrl 's 1)I\ ...~gC.1 Hooort Stowart and "nothcl' gunnel' \\"CI,(, nt this timo sont. to tho Isles in charge of two gUlls which wore b\hn (Will Edillhurgh Cllstle, nnrl n supply of ntnulIlilitioll WII:; dul)' (JI'O"idCl:l. 'I'hc III'OCecdings were prut 11U.:t ..'I\, 'Illd II hotly of IUft'>Oll!! lind wright:- \\":11'1 1Il'IIL c,ll" ill OetoiK'I,* tholl~h fOl' \\ httt. purp"M.' it I... lIot l'a~)' to Io:ulljcd III'C, II l tlC!!!! it. wne to \1lIi1.J 1(lL"tificntil'n~ illl'OLllh'ttioll with the sirgc of TonJllil "ClI'il'rW r" l-:I!;tll' of Storuowny, which
"el'i \1I:in; h;:~ll~I(i by II l1l1tl)'.




whcth.r UouuM Uubh. tlte hend :lIId prime 1110\'1' III' the iu"tIIn'\:tiull, wn'tl":llptuL'I,<1 with it Ln." Leell the ~uLJcct of conllictlUg: I-tntl:Ulcnts.
, 1'11.1:", I. ,IU
I'. :!(IiI,


III the PrefRoo to the Exchequer Rolls, vol. xiL, p. lxi., it is Mid (perhnps Oil the authority of 'L'y tlcl', who mnkcs the snme assCltiou) that he CliCnped t o iI-elnutl. But ill the "Records of AboYlle" (p, it S). the OOitol' of that volume, the preseut EMI of Huutly, dctJlru'cs thllt he W t.'\ken I\S

prisoner nut! COUfiliOO to Ediuburgh CLStie. Neither of those 8tAlcments nppears to be correct; the prC-SlIlilptioll is thnt DOII!lld WflS cnpturcd nnd \\'I\!i (:ollfilletl in Stirliug CLSlic, for 011 the 28th \ugnst 1507, when we kuow the Court was ut Stiding, ,17 wn1S lXlid to Andl'Ow Aytou, the ('uptnin of Stirling 01\.5tle, "fol' DOllald of the I1is eXpell,..;s of c1athc.s.'"

Of Illctchnudi:,e conducted with forcigll colt llU'ics we get t\ few glimpses ill tho A ccoUIlts. J ohu Fmllci.s fI'Ct)UC IH iy Iwougbt home fiue cloths, gold uud -"iln:r pinto, :Illcl slIch like commod itic.s. The
J..hip that WI\.!I built ut DUlIIl)lutoli wns ordered to take n cnrgo of hCl'l'ilig to Boul'(lcn.m: nud to hl'iug I.t.:wk wille in c.'l:cha llgo! 1"0111' ool'rcls of snltcd \'l'Hi,;c1ll \1'l'1'C on IIlIothel' occnsiou sent to Spain,

hilL what t(JUIIII<.dity. if lillY, Wtt5 to Le l'occi\'cd iJI cxduUl~u i.... not. mClllioned,'

tid" 1'.'rfllcc ~m c Ll'icf Ilotes 'Ill "'''lIIl' "f lIh' 11l'I'bOIlI'! nllil llliul,'R IIlclitioncll

n~'f"I'C ('lmdHd ill ~


I', :.!'jl)

I ' ,~,


oc'Cft:;ioll;lUy ill tite Account'!. lIIay plncc.



Lo out. of

i'<, it will I)C .;('('11, n conliu IIOU8 8I.'1'ie... of pllyll1l'IIl.~, tn .\lr.. llIlIIe... \rnl.'-f)ll

for tht' c~q.lo.:IIl:iC.,. of "the hnirn, to whum he uPIM'U"\'utly rll:ll~l n~ tutor, nUll wllu wcre >oetlit!d (I.... II l"\1i( al St .. \lIdre\\Till' nllowruwe IlInde for tlwllI W,IS lit tl1\.~ rotc of SA. /I (IllY: in the !;l.'lIl'ral .\")OUIlt..; lh~'y nrc nl,,";IY'" ~tyll'll II til(' Lui","" llUl fmlll till' W,mlt"I,, ,h'C-OIIUl" we gnin JI d uo to tlwi l' illtmit)'. 'I'1ll'y \H'n' two boys; til(' Olle, Jnmcs Stewart, nn iIIcgitimntc SOli of Lho killS ily JIIIU't Kl'llIlcdy, IU hccil crClltCfi by Jlis t,1 flll iler, while quite nil inft\lIt, Enr! of ~ l ol'ny, lind Ii\'CtI to he LicutenAntGencml of the Killgllom IIl1lh.'r his hlllfIoI1)tller, ,Jnnw" Y.; the. other, LOI'l) Lyle, hllil uo imlll('ilial(' I"daliOlhhi)) to the king. He \\llI'l tho .;(11\ of Hobcl"t Lyle, \1 hI) i!i styled ill n dvUh'l" of Iflth :-:(ptcml,... r '497 ""011 ;Hld hei r lIJ1l'oiI!'{'Ill" of hi~ filthl'r, Holl(:l"I, :.!1111 T A"uTl Lyle. Hulll-'rl th(' lhIe\, died IlLouL 1;-'00, hut hi~ HOIl l'allllot II!I\'<' l'njnyC'i1 I he titll> 101l~. OIl tile 8lh of J uly 1501,ullllolIlGlllll'chrllttry 1501-2,tilcl'Cfll'C cnlril'>t ill till' 1'1'elI".ul'('r's AI.'CclUIlb; fi)r cioll,iug for " Lmf1 LSi<"IIIH.)II,"1 Bllt. the )~n l of ~ l ol1\y nud Loui Lylt> gel II prcM.'lIt (If clothing on 7th Odllll('r 1503. So that Ly thi~ time we mny PI"t"UIllC tlmL Hobert t.yle, the boy's father, \\1\8

\'01. ii., 1'1' 00,110.



dead, othel'wise the sou would llOt. hove been enllcd by the title. Douglns ' gh'es 151\ ns the dllte of Hobert's dentb, but this is probably wrong, ns all 11 th ) lnl'eh 1501-2 there is n t.'\ck to .I\lntt.hcw, Bad of Lennox, of thc ward nud blench lnnds wllieh pertained to umquhilc Robert Lord Lilo all thl) south side of the Forth ulltil the S entry of the lig:ht<lOU heir,! find the composition pllyahle for the walx) of lileso lnnds is ent<wed in the Treasurer's Account of CJ\I\l'ge l'CllclCl'C<l ill August. 1506,' Of tho circulIlst!Ulccs which led to the young Lol'd Lyle beillg brought. lIll wilh tile killg's son we have 110 infOI'mnt iO Il, Perha l>S the fact that. he was in wnnl t.o James Benton, the 'l'I'ClISUl'Cr himsclf, whose niece, Grise!, dallghtel' of David .BcntOIl of Cl'eich, hc ultimately lllal'ricd, l11 f\y h,we hnd something to do with it. J\lcnllwhile tile on ly ffl cts pntcnt to us from the perusal of the following IIccounts nrc that. the boys lived witb their tufo)' nt St, An(1I-e\\'8, that they we l'e wcll drcs.scd, fl ud hnd n. il Ol'SC to I'ide" The E:U'l (If -' IOl'i\y lnust Iln\'c boon lllken out of the Chlll'gC (If hili mother at a very enl"ly age, auel from Lbo {'lItl'icS whieh occu r ill the pl'cscnt volulIlc: relnti ng to thc kecl'iug of fmel clothing for "t.he hail'l1 Ill. Dal'lltl\my," wo nrc lcd to the conclusion thnt .1111llC's must lllwe hnd another child by Jauct
'l'.. rft,:" \\,,,..,,1- t'01. ,;i' ll.l(~;, It.-,.:, SM-.l<,~, II" 111\
I' I ;',

I '"

Hl l . l 'p, 10:1, 107, :11:1, 311,


K ~lIIh.'(ly "1I1J,.~'IUl'ut to the birdl of the Earl of \I(IIlIY, hut lhi,.; cllild, n gi rl , p..ol~ \hl)' died cnrl)', n~ I 111\\1.: fuuwl no lIlclltiulI tlf hel' in thc HCl'oh.h,.

'I'he kings Ilaughter hy \l nr1,<:lttt. J)nll lllllund, tll~ 1 IIIIy who touched .l lIllln'!! nl'1II1 Lc.llt \Ilt1l1.! d(j,M:I)' thnn tul)' oillel' of hi.~ ludy lUll''', i. f1'tlllll'lIll)' Il!fcrrtfi to in tlle.-;e .h""ouutA IIl1der the titll! of the Lnd)' :\ln1'gllret. She WII~ bum nhollt .-t!)7,.--O \HI "till of tender n;.;e lit. the l)j!riOli with which WI' rm! denling. 81,c Iw l 'Iunrters in P.llinbllr<J" L'1I . . tlc, wheN' !She \1'118 IIl1del' the I.'hnl'ge of Sir Pllt.rick VrichiOIl of Cl'IIlIston Iliddellllild hilJ wife. 'rhe cost of her bt)lIrd "'liS .C 100 a yem', including that of her nttcllIlnnts, who seem to 1111\,0 IICCIl Mnrjory Lind8llY, who wns probnbly n sort of eompnlliou, 1111(1 the two l\lool'ish or IIcgro girl.!! who were 811C h promiu(,lIt uhjed!! nt C(lIll't. 'I'he Wllrd rohe ~\ CCOl1 nt~ ~how thnt. 111('), \\,I,))'{' 1111 eXI'cetli ligly wcll cnr(.'I1 fur in the lnnUN (If cl re"'''. It wou ld be intcl'l'''lillg 10 kllmt' whnt. kind of ('t1u ~lI tioll Wll.~ givcll tu thl' killg'!; dn.nghter, IJUt. we (lilly lC1I 1'II thllt ~hc WM tllught the nl'coUlplishmc lll of dt\lIcing Ily Guillinm thc t:mbroIiN', wl,o h(ot n l:IIilnry of ...J. 7",_ Gd. II <Junrtcr fllr M) fl()ill~. lA.~i(l~ II 1l.'t)'U1cnt of J 8~_, whi<:h rull,.t hn\'l' hcell tlQllI(' ~pecin l eXpl'lIMl in colllIC('tiou with hi~ h:",-.;onK. ' ~hc WliS mflrricd, "hil..: quite R girl, ill 15 10, to .JOllll, Lonl Conloll,
A/W'Y'U'f1 Sif'lf'WI .-



son of Al{'xllnder, third Earl of HUlltly ; by hilll she hnd two SOllg, She WIIS lcft II. widow ill 1517, tllltl Il1m'rietl thcrcnftet" Si.l' JOhll Drummond of lU\'cl'pcft'my,

Joint Damian,-Thc notices of this nreb

impostor nrc not so frequent. in thcse Accounts

tbey werc ill thc lust "OiUlllC, Rcferenee hns alrclldy hef'n mndc to bis CMcel' at tho Scottish Court,' SO Ihnt there is no nccd to enter into the mnttcl' !tt 1111)" leugth, H e seems, h(lwever. still to hnyo becn noth'ely ('lUployed by Jallle:!, anu there arc V!lL"iOIlS entrie:. fol' expenses to him under the lIaIlle of Quillin Essent.ia, to onablc him to pursuc lh~ I'csen1'ches ill alchcmy, Tho fUl'llnces nt which hc llhiclly worked were at Stil'iiug, though they lllny hn,c been llscd for other put'poses also, !IS on aile acensiou ".the potingnil' of Mllet AlHlrois " got :!8s, to l'omniu at tllnt 10\l'1l "to still wlltel'is," C"hlwell, t llO lllllll who kept the fUl'naces nt Slirlillg, colllillUall)" gets pnymeuts for fuel, l~C.; nUll thew is IllClitiOIl of furnnccs at J(oIYl'ood, ~ tl,ough w\tclliel' thc.-;e WCI'C lIscd for the pUl'poses uf 1I1chemicai I'csenl'ch lOCI:! not a.ppCll.I'. Dilluinn hilm;cif, IIlllle\' his title at' ALLot. of Tllll;;lnlld, gets !L pnyment. all the 4th ,JlIllUllI'), 1505-6 of tn, LGs. . iLml 011 the 2itb .J uly 1507 there i:s 11: 1 eutl')' whidl ahows that. he hml l)ol'l'owcll !I cOII!<iticmblc slim of 1Il()tIll)' flY'1ll the !loynl Tl'cnsUl'Y. \\hich he would
, '-(01., ';,," 1 I:u .... -IJHU'',



1I0t. 01 \:"ulll lIut- f'l'I';\Y. nntl whkh, therefore. 111\(1 to be clltct\d in the ,\ crUlllltJi I\S ;\ 1".,1 delj(,"lellt by tht' "iug's lOUUIlOlld to the .\Lh.lt. (If 'I'lIlIgilllUI, lIIu1 CUll lIocht bc gottiu fm llilll," t:33, G~ Sd. I ii" r.lll\oU~ c.......'l)" ill lIyiuSl WI\6 nwtlc iu &:opU'ruLcr of that yeat, hilt .lltCli uot ColIlC within the peri(ltl of thC6C .\ctouut.s.

The Duke of .lllKlt.I/1l So" ~.-"h\()ugh"111 tilt )ltcYiolllJ \"olulII('.$ of the Tn IIn:l'lS\cCU\lUl~ Illnll)" p'l)1H('U18 "i11IK' IUlt('d to tilt, ~))h (If tllc Duke IIf ,\lbollY, 'fllcir rrltller, .\\(.xllll(ltl', WIlS tllo scl'olull;Oll of ,JnUlC'3 11"lImillnl\ lllfllTicd os llis fjn;t \\ ife LlldyCntberiue Siudnil", chlcst dnughter of \\' iIliAm, Enrl of Orkney ami Caitlllle.s.!I, but from her he obtai nod n decree of di\ortC in ~lnrt;b 1477 8, on the ground of Ilcl" 1)(: lI1g within the forbidden drgl'Cc of relAtionship, By her he hnd (l 6011, ,\lex"lllle.', \\'ho nftcrwllt11s h. ,ame Ahbot of Scoue :\1111 Bi~h{)p of )lnrIlY. In 151 G, in (1\11er tblltllt, llIi!,;llt not .o;lnnd III lilt' way flf his hAlf bl~)ll.t., ,Tohn, Unkc "f .\ihIlUY, lilt' n('gt'nt,llC \\"0'1 dl'4.:illl"t'11 iIIegitillltlw, In the prc>'llt volume there art' lSC\'I.Jnll payments til him under the dc..,igunlion of the T>cAI! of Dunh.'ll, but 1I0t 80 mOil)' n~ to allother ~Il of the Duke of .\Ill,'lny, Andrew , who seems from the (,Iltl'ics. buth ill the Prc:!Cllt v(llume :nul tbnt pt\'~'Clling it, to 1I;\'("e been )ll'I:tly l'!)U,tnnt in hi~ ntu'mlnncc \111 tll(,' king. He accoUl",:mil.!tl thu ellllJ1i"'~Y of tlu.' lJuke of



Gueldrcs to Fmnce. ill Jn1y 150G, and ill~ fal'('h t.'iOG-7 he was t1c...-pntclird to the 'l:lIlle COLIlltry, Who this .\ .Ild rew Stewnrt WR'l, ('XCCpl that hc Wl\S the Duke of .\loony's t:OlI, dGeA not SCCIll to be kuo\m, H e may hnve 1~1l II. I~;;itimnlc son of the Duke by his lin. t wife, nUll the olllisi:lion ef his IlllmC from the Act of loW, which dL 'CJnrct1 hiij i)l'otlle.r to be ilh.'Stltilllllto, mny ua\'c nl'OOIl from the fnet thai hc boo fnllen nt Flotlde.u. But his nAme. is curiously Ab,.ent from tho r<x:ords, though be must han~ i.lC('ll quito grown up nt this period, 'l111~e SOIl$ of tho Oukc of AII>;\lty nrc Jnl!lltionL-d AS being aliyc ill 1490,' but their UAmell nro not gh'clI, The pl~Ulllptioli j.. thnt. '\)('xnmler nnd ,\ndrew were two of thelll, amI the third m:ly have dicJ :l.S a boy,
17le COW'l.- The CoU1't of James ooll"istcd of n

.l:.IIl'ious lIliXLUI'O of Illl SOI'L:! of l>l'opie, gcutlo nlld ... implc, FI'O Ili lIobl clIlCU of hil'th tllld 8tntiOll nud >iCllolnrs of lcaminA' tmel illlclligcllcc it dcscclllled through nll'yillg dc~rt'(::\ to n ho!!t.- of 1IlU!~ icinllfl, n'l'Obn.ls, IIcgn)(:"" IUIlI other hallge~-oll \\ hom the wnywtll'd fitlley of tlte killg led him to I'ntl'ollifIC fol' the limo, Some of thc."oC wcre iul'lullod i ll t.he ltn)'ld lI{)lI ~chold. nlld I'ccci,'oo l'cgllllll' AAlnl'iCJI, t hh('I'S hf\ll to he ('ollto.:nl with (l(.Cll . . iOlllli gifu. Ilt. II,r Xc\\' YCOlr nllt! othcr fc . . tiw OC('lI~iOIlS, Colt;"h'ra"'c light. i... thrown UpOIi tile \\ hole t!l'it:lhli&h j,;., ...
It!~1t, ~"',

. , I" 1(;0.



ment by the llOCt DUllhar, hilllSl.llf in receipt of a I)cu!lion fl'ol1l the kiug for mUIIY y CHI'l:i, awl we fhl\1 llllt. Il fel\' 11l'1'l-'!Il'i m<'lIlilll1cd in hi fi verses whoso lllllllCS U!..'(,;Ill' ill thu 'l'rczIIHH'Cr's ACCUl1 11tS. l T ile Hl1mher of l>Cl"SOIiS o rrcttiu" I'C"l1lur snlurics 0 0 wa! not. very large. Wh.\t the c:md. pooitioll of Sir Alexander llacClIlloch of )Iyrctoull WillS is 1101, cicotT. In the Illnuy chartel'S gmnll.'(] to Ilim dudng his Iifetiml' he is only ~tykd the king's "familiaris miles." But that he did O(!(;Upy a high plnt:e ill the killg's lim.lUr ilS c,"idcut from the fact that he received n salal'Y of 100 n year. A. fel\' of tltO more emi ll cllt members of tlill household who wel'e ill receipt of sallll'ics 1II11)' be mcntioued. Plltrick Pnutcr, the kiug's se<:rehll'Y, t\t olle tilllo tutOI' of his son, Alex:lnder Stewnrt, tho youllg .Archbishop of St. And rews, nud unerwt\l'tls Abbot of Cambuskcllileth, got 50 per nlilltllll. Willialll Dunbar, thc poet, got At this lime nu lmllunl sallll'Y of 10, ~hol"tly nft el'lmnl... iucl"cused to 20,l\lId ultimately to 80. "'nltel' ~I c rlioun , t he kin g'~ master mH&on, came of a distinguished f!Llllil}'. >c\"cml Illcmi.K:I'S of whom oocupied this IXlilitioll.' H e rceci,"cd n yenrly (lcusioll of ",0. The c11'rh:1; of the Chapel Roy,, 1 Itt Stirliug were regularly p:tid fnirlygoocl s;l l t\dc~ of about. .c~0 ; Lut
, )Ir. \ IMby. ;n IliI l'nuOC" mini man)" of '!Iet!!. to I)lInklr. I'0en .., hQ. WI ilh ea.,eIlAl..I .rMI I ""'INlI~ "Rh.

rh.,rach ,.j'llc ;OOu., ..),. ooIlCC1~1 uf &'lJLI.:r.II\I, " . 10'10.1 110;01 of lulw_liII!. 001',



the foUl' Itnlinu millsll''Cl~ who \\'01'0 pet'UllIlleutly attnrhed to tho Court wel'C lIenrl)' l\.~ well on', ns they gnt 'l"t1rtel'ly pllylllent.'! nmolllltiug to ~ 70 f\ yen]', whirh would gi\-e thcm .li, 10,'\, elIch, FI,1W, IImn','C'r, of those nbout the CoUl't, C'Cll of lho killg's pel'sonnl ntten<innt.<;, seem to IU1\"c got. lIllich ill the WIly of money pnYnlent'!. On the otlll'l" hnllll, the king kept a froo tnble, nnd in the wny of e1othiug, n!; will be !'crn fl'Om the Wnrdrobe \t'('OUlIls, 1lOIlOlly enn hrwe hnd I\Il)'thing to com pl:tin of. The killg'& own 1>CII.'!ioncl'<t, SCrl"nllt!l, rcrnillf'rs of nil SOl't:s, ine1t1(ling jcHcrs, fnicollen, litter mell, musitiilu"', nud nil the modey crowd wl1ich titronge,l the hall.'! of tlu ScOUilSh Court, W('I'\" dad ~llmo,;t (,lltirclY!lt the killg's e,;,pcllsc, nllll ill a wny wbich Illll!<t have made tbem n vcry brilliant nlHl pictlll'CS{JUC l\.<;scmblnge illdeo(l. If n IMII barl Illrnt I\l\d clothes, :md 1\11 OCCllSiOlln l ]ll"l.'!'i'llt o( m(lIlc)" life, w<, mn)' 1)I'Csumc, wcut on filil"l)' CI\.'1ily ill th:lt gIl)" group, 'I'h<' COlllt of ,lnmc." wn!ill ('\'hlpiltly ~oll ..idercd a ,"cry cligible l'\rv'<" not 0111)' (0\' the Rons of Scotti..h fnmilic.'l of distinctiOIl to he 1/l'e<1 ill, but fro\" the ooucntiou of (r'l"Ci.!.;'1I pl"illt;('...;, Christopuer, the b:lil'll, whOflC \lame (l('cUl"\'ClI f(ll' the fin-t lime in tll(~ pl'C\'iou.'! \'1'\11\111' of thc \(TOllllt!J under dalc FehcuUl'Y I ~11.I- ;),' \\'u" tht, ht'ir apl~lI1;'nt "f the thronc of 1l('."Mrk, \)(.'1111-: {lir ",.1\ of the Princc.~ Eli7..'lbct h,
)'". 3:t!. fill.



lhc Sil>Lel' of L \ing IIans, Ile mccecdcd thnt mOllurc:h I1ncler tllC title. uf Christian II. Wllile ill &otll\nd he \\IIS t:ol\lially l'nlt'rtniued It}'

'I'here nrc

1I1l1ll,'tol!.i \'lIl)"i("';: of


Idm, Il('lIid c.~ hows (1I11t unn\\ ;lml M1tdlcl)', li e mel with ttlllH'cilh.:nt ill XlI\'cmbcr 1505, nud I '-c. WlUi ~ivcn to 1\ kCl'h" fOl' healing Ilis henll, which he IUIII hUI,t.' Nut I he Il'~t iUh'l\.'fltillg 1)1,'1'+011 thn~ .JamC3 i ll thlt"'11 th 100IIe to ,''Otl;w,l \\,II.~ the illdi\,idulll Icrcl1'Cll to M "Pi,'lli the paiuter," wh" JII'l'in)d, pl'Oll,'\My fl'Om ILe Nctherland.i, in Sep tembe)" 1505,t Thnt i" to ,':oily, it. is interesting to hn.l the nrti"tic taste or the king prompting him to import such lUI artist, for of the IUI\U hiulM:lf we know nothing. nor I!M :lIly of hi:; work lIur\' in'Cl to our dny. lIis outfit for the journey co;t tl:!, 12~. cmd on hi.;; nn;\';I) he got .5, IGs. :\11111)' Iltlynlt'llti to hilll nl'C n.'l'oNe<I, And he IIltill1:ltcly rccein:,d n I'cgulnr Mlary {If t:~, I G~. a
mOllth. Whether he pllint<,,1 I""!tnuts doc_'! not


1i111)('nr from the ,\CCO L1I1I~, hilt he \\'ns employed, alon.!; \\ilh Sil' 'l'hOIIla,i Gnlhmith, who, ns wo han' I'CCI1, was n ~llelltCcl nrli ... t ill tll<l II'lIy or illtuuiliRtion, in the 1}I'Cl)(lmlioll of the
11,'\1I111't'A, It,'\I),I:U'(\9, Rnd her.lId,' t:'litUtls rOI' the


lie nl'lO 1i.1l1 n hOIl_'K: 1'1'Ilt rree,' nlld hi~ "mull" l'e,~i\'ed :1 girt. of d(,tlu'~ Colou!'s Wl'I'C )IlIl'l.:hn!\C11 hoth fnr him and olher 1l<lilltCrs,
I', 1';3,
p, tC;!





C3pccinlly for Andrew Cltnlmers, who WlUI Inrgcly employed by the king, t.hongh be nppen l'8 10 1 1I1\'0 be<>u more of an arti~tlll thnll nn nrtist, bei ng 1I!!1 prilll:ipally occupi~l in the pailltiug of ships 1 the ulllkillg of the" propcl'tieb '. (or the tOIll'II(\mcuts alld such spcct:u"uillr displnys, 'l'hcl'C is

ulso melltioll mnde of a "pniuter of Glllsgow," but. as be i3 llnmod iu COllncction with or illln;.cdiatcly aflel' IIlI180IIS flud wrights, it is probable that he wn.s employed only ill some
dccomti,'C domestic or ecclc.sinsticnl work. Of jesters, thOtiO iuclispeus,1.ble adjuncts to nil Courts of the period, thcl'C is no JRok, Some nrc

IIllnamcc bllt wo ha\'o Sir 'l'LLomM Nonl(~c, or l/ ~OI'I~ly, as Dunbar calls him in n \'cryeulogistic pocm 110 wroto in his hOllour. H e seems to have Ocen both /I \'t\iinnt and n mel'ry mall; the poet. tel'IUS him t\ "wyso ulUl wOI,tllie kuycht," and ends by ul.-clnriug that
, 0\'1"1" nt Prulch nn.1 Yule,

r Cl'y hilll 1.01\1 of el'cry fool

'l'hllt itl U.ill

pnymcn t ~

lie il'l the rccipcllt. of sc\'cml


III motlcy

thc.'IC AC<:ouIIUt, Illid It IIlI'gl1 qunlility or e1othillg. J Ie liocs 1l0t seem to Juwc been ltl'l1lycd

111 thosc 1 )'1rli-eoio1ll'cd gIH'UlClltS wldeh !UO ' gCllcnllly (;Ou~il1cl'cd to 11I1\'c bcCIl tim spccilll gni.~ or fook 011 olle Occu"iolJ Il c got II gowu of

1,:1, 1140,



yellow !slllin tuul n doublet of 1'01'1 una black

cn mlctj' though this rony not perlinp:. be oon sidered a very sulxlued type of {hc!<~, it was no mol'C strikiug tbnll m:;u.lY of the costUJlles wonl Ly tho. other Collrt attcudant&. Again we. read of him being appareled in n gown of blue Birgc 8l\li n Iiuerl with white &kin;;, hi~ doublet heing mtult.' of gh'CIi Mtin of the ISnml' Ijun!ity -hardly oomhil1ntion of colour which one would h,we I hou~ht would ha\'c plcl\8C(i the tH!-to of his RO)"III 1II:\~tcr. Butjestcrs could not he nlw:\)"1Ii merry, nnd thcI'C oome timet; whcll the joy of life, 110 doubt, went out fot' them. Sir Thomns Wi\!! Ycry ill ill .:\r"y 1503, and a ",,;fe" got thc considcmble sum of 3, lOs. for attending him wheu he "hy ~ik in the fe\'eris.'O:: Nomee recovered, but poor CUlTY wna not so fortunate. In Mnrth 1505-6 he WAS ycry ill, had been ill indeed fol' long. as a wonum t1lnt took C:I.I'C of him (hi'l owo wife, "wft Ann," Wa." prob.,lJly Dot \"ery cllpahlc) fOl" rightccn week got Os" n \'cry diJl'l'l"cut rute of pnytncnt from thnt which Sir 'I'homns 1\ol"llee's nu~ enjoyed.- In .June he wns <lend; the L:ing's nlmoner gets :!, 6s. Sel. to defmy the e~ Jlcuse of his IUllcrnl. nnd ".Tohn Knox's wif" g..:ts 4~s. (or her trouble and cost! of keeping; him and "wl\lkiIlS" him, which lllayeitllel" lUcau simply wnlchin~ him in hi" illness or holding tbnt
I' 100



' I' 1'<tI



"w3kc" 01' "Wlltcb" o\'er his <lend body which used to be 3 favourite if not nu (lblign tOl'Y custom ill nueient time.'i, 3ud which is not. ullheard of itl ecrtaill classes of !lOOety even in our OWIl clny.

'171c Qllc('n'lI llollsclwlcl.-U uclel' the terms of the mrminge oontmct of the queen she wns to be
pl'O\'itlcd with tweuty-four English nttcndnllts. 1 rhoI'c seems to bn\'c been some misu nderstanding ns to whether the R.1 lnrics of thc.ae were to be pnid by H enry or J;llIlCIi, nnd the form er gn\-o the Scottisb king n strong hint thnt he wn.s CXI)(lCtcd to disburse the necessn l'y Cx.pell!ICS for this purpose. James made the best of the bnrgnin, nmi conscnted to pay the wnges, but not without some slight ex.pOf:!tulntiou, as mny be gllthered from n lcttCl' which be wl'Ole to his fnther-in,llt\\" in the following te1'ms:-". Attoure qubnre ye dcsyl'c \\'s be yome snidis wlitings to ccltify yow pOl'tieulnl'ciy of t.he feis to be gCyili IX' \\'8 t o tho Incly is, gcntlewomcn, nnd ollicim; '1 chosi ll fiud nssignit be yow to nttend llpOUli thc seryeec of yOUL' doohtcr oure defl'Cst. fnlow flud (Juene within OUte rc.'1lmo, quhnis llnlllOS nr colltcnit in nne bill gCH-iu he yow to ollre s.'1id Amb.'l'l~ i atotl r thnirupoun, nmi scnd be him to us, dc rrcst fndol', albeit lie the lenoul'e of tlic tl"('atic 1)''1St hCl'cnppollll, it. iIlIlOl:ht. rC'Juirit. thnt we 8uld IIssiglllle ony sic rei'!, lll'\'I'l'thclt, wr. al'C ('lIIlh'llt nul! \\ ill gllHllic


fUI yOm-C lllCSl:lOur gif, II&Lignne, nnd nm" be pait unto Ihe saidis pel'SOulli>l nttclIlliug upoun the scrvccc of oure &lid d~rt'C3t fnluw, compcleuL fcis yCI'Cly iU.:oordiug to Ware qunlitcis llud bcha\"yug, liS we tmi&L ye !).'l.1 he eontent. I We fiml, thertforc, th(' !illl:u"ics of the mcml>crs of tim QuC<'u"1\ llou:;chohl ,lui)" cntcred ill the .\ n"()unt,," twenty-two 1>CI-:-.oII!'l nrc mClltiolH."'t1 in nil, j;i~ of them being l(\dic.'1il\\\"nitin~ 01' womcil ntt~l1dnlltH, but their 11(~lld WitS Sir Ilulpll \'erney, the chnmbcrlaill" 1fc was tho second !!Oil of r.nlph Verne),. a London mCl'chunt, who WIlS Sheriff of tllnL city iu 1450 rmd l\Inyol' ill 14G5" He lu;quired the estate of Middlc C1nytoll, BuekingImmshil'C, nlld died in 1478. Ralph, his sccond sou, pt\&IOd his life nt CoUI't: at the coronation proc.:cssion of EliZ.f\bcth of York in 1487 he rode ns one of hel" two esquires of bonour" He IUnl"l"icd Elenuor Pole. UII au lit of Ihe famous Conlinlll Pole, nnd he nnd hL'! wife were SClil to Seotirmd in the suile of the young Princeto.-fI, (Hid tilCY I.:omiuucd ill her sen"ice; he wn~ her dmlllbcrlaill, nnd she w~s priutipnl Indy-ill*wnitiug. After leaving the servicc of QUCCII )Inrgaret Sir Rnlph OI..'Cupied the s:une position of l:hnmbcrlnin ill the hou"t'hold of the PI"incC;N, )Inr)", her '<ktcr, IIlId (Ill the 18th rcbrunr)" 1513 he got a gnutt to hilll~lr nutl hi!; &Ill John uflhe K~pcr"~hi}J oflkk-



Icy Pnl'k, Oxon ., ut un nnnuni rent of .5, I I\nd ou tho 26th Septcmbcr 1514 he recci"ed nn annuity of 50 for servicc!! to Hemy Y1I., Queen Eli7.l1ooth Ius ,\ife, :llnry QLH.~CII of the French-thnt is, the Pdn c~ )InI'Y, \\ ho wns mnrricd shortly before bis tle.'lth to Louis Xl i. of Ftll.11Ce, nnd :llnrgnrct Quccn of tbe Scot.<I.t III this grout he is tel'med Sit Unlph Vcrney Fcniol' to distinguL<lh him from his Ilcphcw, nnothel' Sir Ralph, who wns the son of Sir .Johu Verney, the oldest son of thc j\[nyor of London. The l'lnlll ry pllid to Sir Rnlpb, I\.S cl13.wbcrillin the quecn, wns ~5 English, or 87, 10.'1. &:at><, c\'cry six months, aDd his ,,;[e received Ihc sum of .lUi, 13s. 4d. Ellglislt, or .58, Gs. 8d. in 'ots currency, for n similar period. The Illttcr Slim wns also paid b:llf-ycnrly to )h-. Etlwnn) .Bcllcstede , the Queeu's Treasurer; and )Ir. Cnl'lllwcl, tile Cklk of the Queen's Clo...o;Ct, or, a8 wo Ilhou ld 1I0W l'Xpl'CSS it, bcl' pl'i\'ntc chaplain, got. .1;17, 10,,_ for the MillO h'I'IU. On the 2Gth of Augu"t 150G th is ofliccl' got. nil additionnl payment of . I, I ~. frunt the king, nnd the Trcnsul'c.r'sclcl'k. in cntClillg tile sum in tho Accouuts, seems to hfL\'e thought it n piccc of special good luck, for lie npPcllcL<s the following quain t rcmnrk {not. \\'illlOllt (L toud. of C\l\y) to tll o cutt'Y-


" -I b'l\u,t qul!('u ho

HII'weT'. '.o;It4:'" ",.. II~I~
~"", N'~ :17:1~.


!lIlO 11;\1'111." J


lI,i,/ .. N(~ (, 14.1.

Fun-I!:" ,u,,1 1).'''11:''110. !'\'C. lIclI.

I'. lIi7.



Cnrua\,c) BCCm". indeed, ((I 1,:\\ c I"''t'li " 'lK:tiai linoul'ito with the king. IICClHl"'" ",.111(' yenrs nrter this, 011 18th July 151:!, he w!'Ote 1f"III'Y \'HI, at:.k Ilowlcclging hi-; l'CCOllnu{'1II1a(i(,n tift Ill' chapluiu r()r tho Al\!htl~ccmcrJ or Duukcld prulllll'ctl hlill by JIIIllC.";, hUl !h:'i'ut~11jy !lIIl1thcr dCl'il:, 11 cou"jn tlf tl,c Bi<dlOp of Lhnt diOC'(,,,t,, who sUlUmollCtl him to HOUlC, Cnnl:lnl, tbrullc;h lIon-"I')ll"lmnt:C, hnd l o~t hi:. ClI~, hut .JntnCS hn'! gi\'cn I,im "lctt{'tl; of restltutioll ")11 hL.. aPP"'lllillg tn tho P"pc (the I.:n.sc hll'l 1)1:011 origi'l!llIy triccl iu nn in(t'riur cC(;.Ic::.~ticnJ court)_ ,fnlllc~ "dds ill 11I.~ letter tlult thc Bishop of Dunkcld i:. oltl Iliul illfil'lll, nml ir ho hnd gh-cll dccisi()l1 ngnill!:it IJim, tll id hc Iln1'lIcllcd to die. it would be :;aid til It. the killg lind killed him Jnnle:. nJso \,rote to t.he Pope him!'Clf noout thc cnac, stilting thnt Curnn\'el hnd bccll Ilomillatcd t.o tho AI\:I]dc.1Conry of DlInkehl in confonuity with eertnin privileges grAnted by th(' Pope to tbe kill~ ill COllne{'tl(lll "itl! the nppuiutment t.o \"aCllllt hell('fi,,:c<;j,' l 1 ic I'S 'lullllctingol' Mllill\\'/u'iug \\'n,~ mA~tcl' of the w(1I11]'000 to the '1IiCCIi (It nn !lnnunl I'ul0l'1of .10; UII(.ict' him werc two yeomell, nichnnl JUMice lind )[nrry Roper, who eneh got 11, ISs, 4<1, B yeM_ There WBS n Rieb:lld Justice, prol)3bly i,lcutienl with thc ubovc, who W(lS, on tbe !!Gth of ,July 1510, mAde bailiff of the l\llllior of C(I\'crs-



ham, a ud kecpcr of tho mnuol' nnd p.'trk thcro. l Aud lInn)' Roper is l)1'obnbly the Stlme "BclIl'), Hoper, yeomnn of the quccn's beds," who on tbe 10th of NO"elllOcr 1512 got n. "col'rody" or nlilllclltnl"Y gmut in the monastery of Bokfcst,
0 0\'011.'

H omnet Cleg, tbe queen's prineipnllll;hcr, got Ii yelltly nllown.ul;c of ..4G. 13s. 4d. The namo lIJ.llllUct, Hn.mlet. or Jlnmmet is nn uucommOll one, otl(1 ennbles us to identify him without much doubt with thnt Jlnmmct Cleg, "SCI"\'f\ut of tll O queen," wbo in 15-13 cxchnnged t he keepol's ilipofShottorc nm1 othor (orests ill Oxfordshh'C with onc Edmund GOWOI'. for n "COl'l'ooy" ill St. Edmunds hur), Abbey whiell Gower rcsiglled .' In the following yenr he is enllecl "gelltlemnn wniter 0 11 tho 'lucell" nud got n. grnnt of n.nother "cornxly" in the MOllolitcry of Stanley, Wilts. Cleg had two u:oheN undor him when ill Quccn Mnrgnl'ct's KUl'vlec, cnell with n snlnl'y of ,23, G 8(l One s. of the.se, Edmuud Lc"isuy. did not npp..'ll'cntly cOllfiu(l hi~ ncti vities to Ilis ilou.schold dutics, IlS we find" 1\[nistOI' Levisny, lllgiislullnn," se nt to Fnlklnlld with no fowcr th:lIl thirty-two mon to capture deol', which \\,CI'C carried lo Sti"ling, proImlll y to stock the l'.'tl'k there;1 at nuothcr timo he received n. gift of 42s. from thcking.~ Weenn
1;1<'"'' ,I"!t .. ~,
(1.;.1., 1\ .... ~1IiO

,N''' "11 "


'1'1" "I,ll':!. " 1'.:.ll1,

1/1.;'1., N, .. 3'l'.lII,


tlllU! 1"lrL of Ilii 1ah'!' (;arc!'r


I he


1:l.'li.)IlIi!., IIi he ilia), Lc thaL Edmuud l.c\i:-:IY blyk,1 "YCOllllUi of the JIl(JIUIt iLl the kiug':-, c\\,I")',' who \\"11-'1 011 17th August. I aU!.! ulluic kccpcl' of tlUl wlllk~ ofSulc), lo'I.'I'IliCS :11111 Short-woo"! ill the fm'\~st of HuckingllOllll, XortlL1ll1lptUlI.~ilire. ilud \Ihu tlllJ yml-'; ~t.ftcrwnr<l", hot 1.:1I"IOIly for lwellty yean" of the IUllh.hip orsluk.'I~\ldulfl, 'xoUiu;;hamt.hu\', nt of : I n )'e...... ' ...'IUl~ter HUllt, lh~ hl'HlI.,f tile "uliuaI'Y Ikp,lItHlelit HI ""rgarct"b hOIlb\!hvhl, \llL:I Iii' ill ,It the ,$jllll\,: late IIi the IlIlllerushel'. He had twice u I'rOlScnL of \'1.'1\ ct. g'i\Cu him,' Lut. he ulImo ... havc l'elllllilll.:(l ill Soutlantl very 10llg if we al'e to identify him 1\"I(h thllt.John
11 I1:Ut.

HUllt, ")'00111.'\11 cook for the klllg's mouth in the privy kitdll:ll," who b'Ot 011 8th SeptclULct 1509 the kccp.:~hip of <.11),lllligbt Pllrk, Oc\'Oll, and who io the following yeal" i~ lityled. the Icing's "l:hief cuuk." 'l'I,olw1511tllcy t "f.:room port!.!!"," got L 11, 13s. ,ad_ ~,. \\fi;';\'!1 for lhc t.wd\'c lIlolllh~. bcsi(les~1 1\ Ol.... asiullid prest'llt. from the king whell ho brought billlll 1D\'ssn~c,1 Oil tho :'!.Ith Augu ... t 1.509 hc '-\.'4,.'UlS to have heel) iu Englaud pCl1uallelltiy. as 00 tll'lt. .1aU.: "TholUas ] [",lIoy, mc,; ...... lIger of the dl:ullUt.:r," \\llb made Houge Crois. Pu~ui\nllt.
'lInI..... ....c:U~n.
I.. I!.IIIG.



~I. I:!J;.



1', .:r.s.

1..... 111,31'


As Rouge Croix he WllS lI'ith the Earl of Suney nt Floddcn, I Bud brought the news of James's !lenth, along with the skirts of the king's coat, to the Ellglish Court. As Cnrli.<;lc Hemld he wns prescllt at the Field of the Cloth of Cold. lie ultimately becmne Clnreuccux king-oC-arms, and died 011 22nd ALlgust 1557, being huried in St Giles Church Without Cripplcgnoo. having n "cry splendid fun cmP The only pcn n:mcnt musieinn ntta.ched to the quccu's suite wns ,Tohu CIIIIlIlCI', n luter, who was paid the yea rly snlary of .23, (is, 8[l The queen hnd abo n PU rsu iVllllt of I1C1' OWJl: in the fonner \'oiume he is always rercn-cd to as "B:mclcc, pUl'suh-:lllt of Englund," except towards the cud, when he is called "Blewmantlc, t he quecn's pursui,t\llt." It may be nssurued, then, that it wn.s Blucrunotlc Pmsuivnllt who hnd como in tbe suite of the quccn from Englnnd in that cnvnlcndc of which .Johu Yotlng, Somerset II crnld, gives Mll:h 1\ grllphie nccou llt.' It is not casy to sny \\'110 he W!\S. NoLie docs not mcntion him ill )lis 1Iistory of the Collcgc of Arrus, but. he cxpressly M)'S that his list of BlucIDn utie PUl'SUiYllllts lUlly not be eomplcte for this period. In the prescut volumc he is invttl'inbly cnlled by bis official title only .
, .... , ..
Tl c".~lry

jn I'Cllnllon w

NoMe'. ll iator)'of tho 0011"0:0

l';o."lli"1o 1Il>l<IrynmlArt." ]tI'"NI (If AmI>. I'- /I; ' (.0.. III', U,(I.~, hy tho 1'l'OIICn~ I... I.I~I'. t:ullt'l!14nca, Iv., !.!G5 .


..li1",. I'. fli



lIe was sent at one time on nllli~~i()11 to Eug:lnwl, nnd nt other timcs he IlIAlle himsclf useful ill hi.omeinl C;lPI\I.;ity. Indcc.d, he wok !-,II I.iurlly to hi~ Scottisu hOlll!! thnt when hc WR.', Sl'IlL nlU'flnd in ~ I nrch 150G 7 to l\lIUOU llec the birth of t ile prinl"c, he nppc.nrs to have di\"c!'Itcd hiIllHdf4.'ntilcly of his Engli,Jl tnhanl, and to ha\'o been nppoin ted H.oUWlY Il cmld of 8<:otlnlll1. 1 Of the Indy nttcntlnl\t- 0 11 the quecn we have nll'clItly llIclltioucd tbc \\ ife of Sir Hnlph Yerlley. Ancr her (;:unc one who i... nlwny.!l tttykd "thL

Lnc1y l\Ini!:.tt'CS," prtJoohly


she WRS i\listl'es9

of the Wnnll"obc.. Sho got C02, Gs. 8d. pel' WLnUnl, besides mnny Ill~lltS. 1\lr. Mnckny' i<ieutifics her ns the Wife of Si r John Musgrovc. nnd if this is so, !.hc is mentioned by DUIlh.'1r in his pOem 0 11 1\ "Dance in the Qllenls Chnlmcr:, J On New Yea!"'s dny 150G-7 3be got n gift from the king of no imnge of St. :\lichncl &l.'t ill sih-er, with a dinmOlU1 in it. of tbe HI.lue of 24, nnd "hell 'IIIC was the bearer to tl\(" king of the new!'; of hi!t sou's Lirth ou the 2l!.t. of Fehrunl'Y she l'Cl:C!i\'ccl thc hnllll.'';(lllle gllCrdllU of .90. togethcr with n grcnt cup of :-.ihcr thnt the B i~hop of ~Iomr lltUl ~\cn to the kill~ !tomc time. pre\"iou~ly" 'h:;trc,.,' Elenllor, nuothcr nfthc Ucell'S
Om"", a)T ....... .u .....ylll "l" b}T\ao _ y o ~w.I". 1..:<4. ,."" ......:1. h . ::93. I y ..........."" ......lIhI._.... t 1,.... ~ 'I_R' 1Ufria~ ''-u fIl Pp. 3GO, 3G9.

, 1'. til.



o..n~ l . .t





ladies, got .2-1, 3s. -Id. AS s/tillry; hcr uamc wnll Jones, but thcre is no further informatioll regnrding her, s:wc that she was duly rcmemi)rl"\..-.d by thc killg ill his gcuerous New YeM's gift~ )Jistrcss Bndce \ViIS rcmllDerated Oil a lowcr scnlc, getting only .17, lOs. 8. year. Her Ilamc is men tioned in the Accounts of the trousseau of tho Princess Margnrct AS the recipient of tlcmulet tawny" for a gown. 1 Tho ::\Iistress .i<'l"Rlleis, who reeci"ed the snmo salary, mny p06Sibly hA\'O been the wife of that John Frnneis frequcntly referred to in the Accounts, And who seellls to hAve been nn English merchant. :Margnl'et, the" ehnmireir" 01' bedehnmbcr womnu, with 11, 13s. M. of yenrly wage, eloses the list of the qucen's persollnl attendants.

The Killg's hcm Bell.-The fnet that King James wore an iroll belt ns a SOIt of penance for the murder of his father i'i one of tl108e circum st.:mces that no histo"ian of Stotland e,'er (Imits to recount. 011e of tho cnrlicst Illclltious of it we get from Bishop Lealio, who snys, "the remelllbemlls of his fathens slnuchtcr, quhuil'Of he wist lytle, pereet l,jS hart sa deip, :md troltblot him SI\ snit" thnt al his lyC all yl'IlC chuYllzic wns his belt,"l tlud onc of tho latest of Scottish historians ha.s said .. the penitential belt of iron which ho
, c..:.J. III Uoo-., I' ~31 1IlM. of SwI. 8cl.ulah Tut &c:iety, II., 101.

1'1lF. ... ACF..


wore hcllC.'l.lh hb cll)lhcs wru; 0111)' \,lIe pl'oof of 11 son-ow whieh he could not. dl"(/wn in wille or fO .... .;ll in t he nrms of WOIllCII.'" Not only w, hut ill" asserted that he yeal' by yeM added to tllo wciglt!. of the ehnin hy an ounce or two.' So mlle-h, indced, hns been written about this belt tlmt .-;01110. writcrs ha\'o been lod to doubt its exi.'>tenC<!. and l\Ir.l;' mser Tytler 8tat('~ thn t .. noe\'idcllce of the instrUlll(lul is to be tmced in thc TI'C1\surcr's Accouuts;, aud yel8uch i.~ the minukui.'.-;''I of thlil informntion that we might. ho\'c cxpt'Ch.'<l it. to be noticed, II; nppe,'\('S, however, th(lt 011 the 3t11 of .lIareh 1486 the king em plo)'ed II gold,mith to make n ClISC of gold which was to Ix! woru about bis baise, or neck, and that three days after this the smne ctlSC Wl\.S made larger 01' hea\jer th(ln it had been originally. It hns bccn conjectured that the wcaring of this cnsc of gold mny b(l\'e becn n pcuance and the origin of the story of the iron girdle, but I nm inclincd to t1link it partook I'n thc" of Ol'llamcntntiOIl thall 1lI0i't ificnlion. 1t WfLS probobly uotlling more lhnn f\ goldcn collar or gorgct.'" .:\11'. Tytlcr's lnttcr SlI llPOf!it ioli i., correct, but hc i~ mistakcn iu $.'l.yiug thnt thcrc is 110 trnce of the belt.. to be found in the 'l'rCllsul'cr's ,\ CCQunts. III thill ,olumc, under date 20tll Jnnunry 1506-7, t therc is
T.)"t~t" Li,... 111ft, or Soot.lalld, i. , \\'orlh,,,"> Ii,., 3U. 375. ihllae Urowu'. mil. of Scoc I', !!.AI. bud, I., ,;n.

, u.ua'.



the entry" for vi quarteris wOI'S.'1it. for the I<ingis iron bell.," showing clearly the exiswllee of tIle belt, and that it was worn with wOl'sted padding to proyout it. ehnfing tho skill. Whether the " cil'kil" for which 8d. was paid all the l OLl! of ,July 1505 bad anything to do with it. is not so clefti'.

is singular that while in the


ceding volume lhel'c wore mntly notices of booKs purchrLSed for the killg, there is lI ot OIlC such cntry in the preseut Accounts, at lenst relnting to books counectl with Iitomturc. Thero \Va.!!, l\ ,', por tuoml" bought on the 17tll Mnrch 1504-5 , and l\ similar \'olullle, which had been 101lg in preparation by the "bedcH" of St. AJJdl'cws, wns now (llli~ hcd, the scribe getting threc FI-cncL crowns in <hinksihel' at its completion. I 'rhe olllissioll of nlll'efel"cnec to IJooks is tho lllore l'Cmarknblc n.s it was dlltillg tllo cUI'I'ency of these Acoollnts, 011 15th September 1507, thnt Wnlter Chepmnn nnd Andrew l lyll nr received n P nteu t licensing them to prillt .. the bukis of our J..:\wis, Acts of 'Pal'iinmcut, croniclis, mnss bukis, find portcoltS eftir the usc of our Realme, with fldditioui;; aud legclldis of Scollis sltnct is, lI OW gnderit to be cikit the1 'Cto, I\nd nil olLcl'is bHkis thnt sall be SCllC IIccCSSl\r, Alld to :-'('1 11 tile SillilY" for compctcut jlri e i~. " Chcpman l.illlf)Ol f iIJ llIeutiollcd m01'C tJlIIlI once in tho
, 1'. ISO-


Accounts. H e was keeper of the killg's signet, and aceouuts for tho fees recciHld,' !llld he may hnve been tlle l>crsoll (If that uame from wbom I~ horse WM bought 011 the 22ml September 1500, but he is never mentioned ill COlillectioll with his printing elltel'prisc,

'lYle Wallace SWOJ'(l.-'1'hcl'c if! nn int.el'esting

eutl'y uudcl' the dale of 7th Dcccmher 1505 of II 1')''lymclIt of 208, for the lJillding of n ridil1g sword, 1\ ml'icr, and the Wallace Swcml with cvl'ds of silk, and for n new hilt nllil plummet, scnbbal'd nnd belt, to the lnttor, 'l'hnt this WilS the sword of the I'edoubtnblc Sir Willillm Wnllnce himself ndmits of littlo doubt. Ol'igiulllly takcn from him whcu be was cnptlH'cd Ilt Robroystoll all the 5th August 1305, it WIlS cllnied ofr to DUllbo.roon ns n. pl'izc of Sil' John :Uelltoith , the govel'llol' of the enstle there, wbo lmel been the prillcipnl agent in tile cnptul'e. '!'bcre it I'Clllnincd for upwnrds of six huudred years, until 18~5. when it WflS sent for repllir to the Towel'. Wbile there the Duke of Wellingtou, lit thnt time MMter-Gcncml of the Ordunuce, submitted it for cxnmillfltioll to Sir Sallluel Meyrick. the well-known authority all lIueiellt Rl'ms. Looking at its mounting<>. Rnd judging of its nge fl'Olil thesc, Sir Smllue} COI1sidcl'Cd thnt the 5woI'(1 WIl8 of similar dnte to 1\ sword of SLfLtc ""hiel} had been home before



EdwArd I\'. in l475 when, ns Prince of Wales, he mnde n triumphal entry into ChCSlCl' Cnstlc. Tbis

WAS just. thirty ),ool'S befol'e the time whell the 8WOl11 is stn.tcd in the Accotlllts to h:wc got new mountings, SO that Sil' &lUlUel, from the dnta 011 which he WCllt, \\1\8 1I0t far wrong in his conclusions. But it is e\'ident from the WC."IpOll being cnllocl the Wnllncc Sword in 1505 thnt the bIndu mllst II/we been ancient at thflt date. Indeed, fl'Om the. cxlclI"jvc l'Cpnirs which were t hell mnde upon it, it must II/wo, even at tbo.t lime. sccn n good dCfil of sen,icc. What usc, if nny .JRmes 1\', mAde of it is not known, but the 8ubsequent bislOI)' of the sword is clear. After lying 60 long 1\ time in Dunb.'l.rton Castle, it was, as above mentioned, sent to the Tower in 1825. As Sir Smilucl :\Icyrick had pronollnced it n 15th century sword, the hilt nud mountiogs which hnd been put on ill 1505 wcre rcmoved nnd n commOll 15th-ccnLtUy hilt substituted. In 1888 the sword \\1\.,1I\ handed o"er by the nuthorities of the War Offiec to tilC '1'I'U8I08 of t he WnUacc MO liluncllt at Stirling. nnd it is now in the hall of tl4'lt edifico on tho Abbcy Cmig. I
I hn\'O to ncknowlcdgc much )dnd nssistn ncc given me ill the prcp.'lI'tl.tioll of this ,'ohuno by .Mr. ,'Iuitlnull Thomr;;on, C1II11lor of Lhc lIistoriclll
'.'1.. II.. 1;...1<



11.0 U,



It''j.lt .. , I)


Ill... "",.."

ClIII I ~, vol. ' ,, 1 1



Dcpmtment in the Registcl' IIouse. All !'ceol'd scholnrs kllOw how freely nod ulISl'Udgillgly that nssisUlllec if:; always given. J am IIlllell indebted to MI'. J ohn Scott, C.B., fol' vl\l ufi hlc information liS to curly Scottish sh ipping: mfilly of the detnils given in that part. of thc Preface relnting to thc killg'S IIl1vy [ owe to his gCllel"Ous help. I h:l\'c to deplore thc loss of Illy nllued collcnb'lle nnd nssistnllt.. :\[r. Gcorge E. Smythe, who died liS the last sheets of this volume were passing through the pross. The Glossary especially owes much to his eareflll industry fi nd l'cscmch.

.1 B. P. .



.'A~[E S

I V.


'l'H~,\ S[ nl ; H


~('IITI ,.\ :iIl.




CO ~I POT U~ I \I'ucmbilis h, Chl'ialo pfLtri!l.J Ilcol,; nbl,,,!i!! lit lJu m rC l"I lliillg, thCSlllll'al"ii dCJmilii l'(lgi8, n:~kliLUlII npml Ellillt1urgh S('xto die IUCUS;! Augnsti, IIIILlO I)(lmiui miliel!imo lluiugClllcsililO ;;cxto, ue omnibus 1~ I Jti!l suil; 1.'1. exp'.' llliis .Ie Ilbi\'l'l'sis N I!ingulis pt.'Cunirtl'tull IlUlnmis, wnnlis, I'clcriis, 11l;lIilugiis, cschnc\is, lillillllS, Cl.l lllllOSi . LiOlLilms, rcmi88iouil)lIs et tl.liis ncciJl'1Jtil)us 'luil'"1K:un'jul.",
n d i(' .1 ('eLmo mellsis Fd'" I': uii, nnni 1)(>111;11; de linin.

).,.'C ulesillli {punt. illclusil'C, usque in Ili"l11 (pwllmll ml'lIsis Augusti exclusive, [IlIILO iJomiui ... 1('. quingcLllc!lilllo scxLO, comlll {\\ulitol'jlJlls ct. cOllllHi&~lriis Buh !!Criplis, \i~ . n'I'croudis ill (,hri~lo ]lnll i1ms \\'illclluo, .\ lLtlren C~ IJHvil\ Ct.'<'lcsial1l111 caUl\~lmliuul . \\tif.iI'II('II~ill, ~ 1 (.tm'il!lIsis, LislllOrclisis, episcol,i~ ('olillo t'(lIUill' ti,' Ergi!' ('tc, ; "Cllcm!.inn\8 in Christo !1.111i\ ,uH U"'OI'gCC\ ,J(lCOoo, Un,';\1 c; IICllriOO, 8.1udc ('l1ld8 (\~, E.lildtnl"~1L Sco,nn, l'nlllhu~kcllllelh c~ J .."lwonh, nhlrntil,us: lIIa;!istru O""inll 1II1I1Ionl', nl'c1,i ,liacollo :-\1I1I(;tl;IIIII1"l', I'!.ri"~l rrg;Slli cl(;,; Joh:llI lIc H(lllIsay, lI1ilit1.', cl i:O ltCLlll l'oll'ilc, tlir(!(; lOI'IJ cllllcclinric; ('(Illlllli~"'ll'ii~ p.:1' C(lIILIILii!";""C'" dul, IC~Li""JUio


::,Iic:illi .. 1'I....,ialil cl d,'\Jlllali. ..

:01X;)~ nnllll. .. lu"'~fllnh HIlt!>' "1' "1;1.Il",I:1 " I ' 1'I1 tuln.)'),)1 \ I' '\' n! ,1 '~ n!.\I' '\I f!!!~~HI,f ;)1' :w 11 ~I ;)IlO (".lIlt 111"11
'U I);;'I!j

n ,I~ll! .I '

0111111 ~,IILI.I,Lht).J:t ,J L ,\



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'9!,I;) (lU 81l!'LLlI "IItulLl!=; '1111!1I1I !UL!9;) lfl ,'i'l

- 1I!U1, !IIlLU 'JIUlo.l "! ,lLllU;)([! 1110;) 31dlJJ!li).lf! ,II I(U\1111

rmumo m,L ~ Ila1Llq xo~1 \lp il!!LI10:))0!,1 I) ' \ ' !'1!.1 1! f,l 'II f!!XX 3p 10 ~,IILI[1!'I op ;)1!UlOOO;)!.\ 1 'I' n! ,\ '~ r,1 'J.l f,l ; 0[l13 ~ ilfIli).LJUlLl.I(! 0[' \I'l!UI():))O!,\ tl ' j) f!!! '~ f! ,\ 'u f!!XX op 10 ~ IIU01l1!!>" JI 3p ;)1!1II0:))3!,1 II 1i f!! ,IX (lp ,;:'1
~ \f;HU ;;I,ull


"'1!UIOx\O!,\ U '1-1 n!)lXXX I ;;Ip 10 )1 11 0)1'1

-}lnOli,I!~1 "]I OI[U()IroIl(l!l V '\I !,! 'J.l .III . . \1 10 ~ ,I!\' 01' ;)1!U10;xl3!" U 'I) 1! fmx 'j.l f!! ! XX ai' 1;) ! am.llo,I{llUl(! ;))1 oWlLoOoJa!" U 'j.l x:.. ap 1;) ! U!I).LuoIlDI Oil a1!1II0;)


-oa!,1 U '[1[0 '" f!!!x!o:,f ap10 ~ ']1al n"l\': a]l 011";)8011011

U 's f!X 'u. A ap 1" : lIUU1Bl,\\ ap al!l1Iu:))()P U '" xxx ;II' 1a ~ 3111U11511.(1I1I:) ap (),I!\llKl U 'Ii f!!! 1 a p 1a )al!IIIOO -;)a!,1 U1ap03 ([\I 'U \X 3p 10) !ouall.lNV ap OI!1II0:Jl);)!.1 f!!XXXXI "\' 1.) ~ 9!1'l0l,\ al) 31!I\IOMa! ,\ U 'j) f!!,\ ~ I) 's f,lx 'u ,IX \lp 1(1 ) " I! ~I OA!lIU(1 U 'l! x '" n! ap 13 ! 011(11) (10111) Oil ,1!"lUIO..1 PpuUXOIV IIlauoJOuS![qo ~<Jd '31!IIIOMa!.1 III;)Poa ap 'U IX "P 1a : OUUU \U~P03 3p :)1!UlOO:/O!,\ ~a!p \I 'V f!" x '" f!!)Xl.:X ap 1a : O1U!"b OUl!Sil'lUaSU!IIU OIlU1J &111111).1 "! IP,I<lJ op 01!tuOMa!,\ II 8!ldaaa.1 'V " '! fm '" f:.:xx.r ap a! 1Ulano m3p! 'man

r,\ '"


'01l1!nh oUl!S"'luaSu!nb OIlIlIJ &.'lUIJ.II~O:n:OJ,\ V

'10100 !~ 'iIUa.UU Ut1\UIlIS '!IOO1l10;) IIIOIP&II[3 apao:! "! 1"lOO 111 '!!.IUIllUiI3lj1 ""111 ' 1!')!i).I:) ap IInol"i! Il!,lIla IIIU]lliOIlIJ !1ochuOCI !UI!IIII 8!!ihu;U.IU ;)P ' j) ,I 11 f!\ 'u. f!!!~l!uo~! all t;! m!~d II! ;)II IUlauo IU"P I

'90':1 '0

[-:m tlvl-I::>l
:'I H,L dO


tOUD 1II(:lI rr:E.\ :-iU RElt

N lit' h \"iij It ij A. " hnlhlO ,10 ('unyu~hllim ' d. tl. ,.p. I!.QIJ.

iij It . nij it n "icomilJ' de nl'mnrl"'~f1; ('t tk I'ij'hij 11. """iij it 1\ ,it'<!CULllih' de )\I,il,II,;III- .. I lie
~ij II. XI'it n lit't'('()tUitc tl{' 1 '~ I,'i ll, N I\C hlj II. "iij 11. iiij (I. n Iit....--e.:)t'lilc tic 1 uI 1tH',.(h : t'l tit) hiiij N. ;'li xiij ~. iiiJ 11. n 1',('('('{Jlllitf' ,\., 1'(>11 11 : (It /I!. xliij 11. \"j!t liij.1. 11 ,'icecomile lie WigwUII; CL .11.' lij 11. I'iij N. "j. d. II d~IUil,' tiC' I.iulilhqw i et de "XI iij II. \'j it .. iij .t :t \'iC('('omile de Lnun rk ; e~ .11.' ,0<' 11, Ij il xj t1. a scliC'SCnllo Vallil Al1nudic; ,t III.' j'liij It \" it x (I, n "iC(!('()ltIit... 1\(' FOIfnir: .'t d... xj It. "it n M'nllICalic. til: )lcl1lClh ; ctde ,iij n. iJ b. It kUtlOtnJlo tic Slmilhcru; CL tl0 iiij It. dij R ,il'l'CI,mtiIL tic l,imOllll; CI tit: iij It. It I.onllil"o tie CMrik; et de !xxiij II n l"iCe<'Cll\lile .Ie !tII'e rlll'S, ('I iifuix It. "" Ii xj (\. n l'icOOtttl)ilC llc Kiucnnlin ; et ,I... Ix"j n. xiij iI. iiij.1. fl fjClI('f;Cnlio de I\'ircwlhryeht ; et de In.\iJ It iiij iI. \iij tl. n I'ic.om;le do llauf; et tI ... "j<lxij It. X\'j~. \'iij It. I'cceplis (I riCt.'C(lmile de Ail' <It.' (lim o qlllugcnlcsilllll



ik:"lo; CL de X\' It receptil nil l'Ol.IChl \'1cccomile de Are in C()(lcm acaecnlio unui p.edicti ; ct de vj M . II dc~olllile de Ergile in (!()(Iem senccnrio' et de h,ex\'ij M Ij R. "iij (1 1\ \;ceromite de J:oxburgh de . HlUlO quingelllCl!imo sexto ill aroccmio l'I'(',lie1o. ~l11l1l11fl ImjuBollcril. iiij"Ylj It xd.


OUL10ATIO:-;C)1 J..'T ("Oll l'OSIT10XU~1

uIICmlll1'ttlll flllttO pl'ecedent..: hoc oompotlltll. Itcm, idem 0110l1lt Be de x'-j M. iiiJ it, in l'arlCm IIOl nliouis ros1e compositionit; rell1i,.iol1ullI llineris lie Drlllufres, tc nli allll0 quingcnte@illlO ICCUUUO; c1. sic te8lalH j"xt' M., :niij s., ollcraudc "11111 recullCl'lte
fuetinl Et lie x It l'('tiIO o\!1igntlonil el oolll(!(l8iti"nib itincl"is lie Kirkcml brit h , (cnli {\lUlO quingl'nt{'llimo trl ti" .'t telilnnt x M, ollcl'!IlIIle ill proximo l"OUlIM1 t u SitU,




.1. Iij)j

~ iiJ

K liij .1., r('flte CI'IU)l(08i liOlliM IImi!ris ,\1'

I)nJlllfh:~, H.'uti JllltiO (111 i ll~..elllC6ll11(l (lUlU 1..0; 0," ei\:

n.'lIItliUt. xl ij It iiij A., emu 1 11111111 011<:11II1I1ulI "lit 11I1H1l . 1' cmol1mcl ulU, (Lnod l'Otnpotmul 1I(.n OIU'I,\lll(' ,\(' xiij II. \l \'j i ,iij d., r~lc cmlll'o!litionis It:mil5l!iulllllll itim' ri A .Ie .led woll\ It, tt' lIt ; 1111110 (Inin~cntetlilll\11ll.'C1Uldo ; 1lCC' tit' x:-;iij M resle ""mposilionis itillt'rill lie ~l k il'k n1l 1l0 ., 11I'j!(\iclo ; IICC .Ic \ ij 11. " S. "iij ,I., Ics tC C()lllP06ItiolliB ;1;11,'1;11 ,\., j',.I,lis coUOll 1111110; nee de x (.'O !IlllOSi. lion llm I\.ill{ds lIe WiYlOIl1){' Mmo flllingclItcsimo lercio ; 1Il'C de lj !l., rC8te coUipaiitionnm ilillt' ri R do,) I\' nllt ('odcm 1111110; ncc 1 c XX') It, CO UlI'Olii ti o lll1l11 1 ililU'rill til' Fire, Il.llllO prCllCI"iI'w; IICC ,Ic lu:(xI'ij 11. "J 11 I'iij n., l~tllcom p(lflilioulllll iLiu(!ri8 tIe J Ctl wolth , t.' lIti COtlem nU ll'}; cllm (ju i11l18 ollcnlllli ns ,'st. COIUIJOln ll s ill Jl I,,~im o COU\ llOl o 811" cmu L 'l'(lllll(lmir rm'r;ut. :0:1111\11111.. iiiJ"j"I;(,(x iiij n. xliij It ij 11.


l}\t:IIA'nO U:H'f/lIl U.\I CO)I',\-"ITlO""l.:.\I l;F.lIIJ:L:;IOXU)L ('x1111 ilinl'1lI nO \Jllc l1llmum in 1l1'\' dCIIIC COlllpotO. li
Ite lll , idt'm ,lne l'IL 5C (Ie xx.\\" iij
Illi bbi(lll i~ .JOI~UlII ;8

n. rOIllIX\ILitiollis I~ l' hru H ,Iru:ul,i I:Il\k. ill I.. utem ",)llIliolli8 Ulujoril "Imlllle non OIIl'nIUl nnnlll)l"(!Ctlt.kutl' : H I\lC li1Illfln L ~ldij n. xiiJ ~ iiij 1 cllm IllIi1.II" 1. onrm ndUl; l'Ml ill : .roXiUh' O'in IIOU) 8\10 t.m lll I ('(:1I1J('rat( rnt'I;II!. ILrul, i,ll'lII oUl'ml M' ("0;'1 I\\"J n. -;i;j il iiij II. n:~le CI,m,_oAitiolli8 1 ""I'SllCCll1H!ivllis ,1\111111111;11 Cnn,)ichcle, ill 1,1 11\ 8olu l i4)l1l,' II I 8U111U1C I'(:\' 1:11111 Ill"OlIIissc. (,1I1t ;\IcllII'l",lIl1lnlll, 'Iliotl CuIl1 1ItlWU" IIOti ouernL 8C dc xx n. n iij ;.. ijn., Il."'lc tUllll .... ilit)lIi~ n:milllliOll is G<'t.f1h';i) . F1.1 u;,: ,k I\illl':l['l,hu(; ~ l 1 11 " 11\111 c(>ltIl'licilUli i!lOC 11l .1\ J'h:nij h. ""'W l1"'IIl,'llUlltiulliR ~ ij.ldl ; :-;li:II;II'1 ('\ "I"llilit '"lUpli(il1l11. CO( ('U 1(l1f~ 1 (heta r.-~III,1.IU;"\li" 1.~hIiI~'Il.ttl r Ihe>o:tLlnllifl n~ 1'''>IIliIl!lU II' cmt ; cl cu m






,.~"I\' 1\ p _\lInRII~ 1 "I' IU!lIh'I' !-Il'lIl1ll" I\' 1!!lIl1!1ql(~'JU\ .1J.lUllfuo",')

I!m 'llll'IIW,n<l;"l '1111c1



"I' ......




'1 f!!! 1! fl!X II r.q lUU111011 :"11, 1:1 '-lIl1lflooo,l "'0.... \ ,nlllllWI III
"'111111111')\ :"Ill 1'111<\11"11') ~J;")l ;'II' 'itJ \ ' ;tI' '!1 1"1<~"KI"'1.\ '\ F" Illnll', 1 ~1U'I~n) 1 ~IWIt lut"lOOJ"! \),\011 tlunlll,..."lnt<>."'I :-Ol~1 '111'111111'" IIPIII~I 111 (l f!!.\ '~r.11l .\\",}, !II' 1: 1


'1upmu'l!lO ""'l!lIh tun:l II A ,nUl~l ::I!II 1;'1 ~ !llll\l rip "'!ll1!lfl.").l1!,1 'II11'''N mu!n!,~ OIl",I(\~I U \' "II l.1HIF!l(,: ,lIIl1l'1lo/' 1:IUWIII UHU!IUO:l IUll,1U1JII:I ItIllllmp


q!110"!"M I1II '~1 ('11-\1 ,1II0!11I10li m"IJI,'(! 111

UUUPPI\: llft""'n
nU l),")

"ll xx

a(l 1~-I

olll.i "p III1UPPI\: !IIII"III.\\ ' !I)Q,I;"III

1I11101l1 1!f'!l11l1!~'


nn.I;)I,IIII'~' til

'V rill

0" ,I "II [!!.IXX ;"11"" 11u"no \I1;"1pl


Olooitnt).'J (11111 )11 III IlIn.lU1\LI;"IIl"

lion htlHnHV:l


"1J.U[ 1l9 111 19a tlll IU1 W,)UO flllfllllh

IUlU()tlOII "ldtlll('$..1 fUll itUn.... I\!~ut'(f '!"llUlIO,' ~! tlO! lU.'flIQo 3190"\1" I' f!!! t [I!'!: I.l r... 01' .... 1Il1lU,) 1101\ 111I1'101h1l00 pfllll, 'U1111'1I\:.IOIIF' II\
"11II~II,lru011I1II1!!1I_ 1i) 101.1-1 11 ",-uP"\'

':V....l 0.')

IU1W'tI'_III!:'lU"Il11I''''' 111\1101,111100

IIIIUIl;1"'I.......' III II rt!.\" h'{l1 "I "I' l:~


r r,,1 "!I

h,x -'I


lUt:lllOJ ;>.~ 1" l!ft:\I 1IIUI'1:)

'1-."1 ""1'1I1lI11l" m., ml,

(IU 11,..,,1 '''''!Ufl:) 11I;\(jIIHl,) ;"11:)1111.... "'U"'ll1l',.,j lIIi)lJld

I!UIlI1I ..lfItIiM


(Ii' 01 1Wi)UO 111o'1'! ' 01;)1 1

(100-111100 0 1ll!11" 111 UII,II,'1l'..I;)110 UOII


II IllH)J ~~ VII_Wi


1\ :IllY.LI-":ill

Ol.~ \ '11:1

' n

",IoInll 111

1'O':I ... '.. ~1Il1 11ll'~) '''''11,,[111''1:>\11'1 "IU" ll,,,I,,"rnll"'''Uln" ""IIIo!

:1:ill ,l","'ia ,L II n 1l1 l\:!fl"\


",10110-(', Ii.: 1l' I'118 Ie Lrkkl l llill eL ce rtts lllilili ll (helll enrtfl oonl('nti~, ,'1'0 qua SlIlnnUl quond.1lll ,Johmmcs

IInnl>:'!I'Ii... :\ IOllChrolU .ll'tlit SllIllU oblib'tl.liollcm. Sec Oller-It S<: JI' \' 11. colllpo;itiouis carle quondam Alexnnthi CrrpIllIltt , \'icccolllitis lit.. (.'tumcrli, pro ten'i~ slIis Je Fischel'" et Gklquhol'hy, jaccntibus in
ool'onin de Kined"'lt!"!.

Xec (Ie vj If. ij 8. I'iij d,


com p 08ltlOU1S


Wi!lcJmi (.'okhul'liC de HCl)ncrlllod de sex tcrris hus-

hAndii! jr,ccntibn~ in "illa de Bothill. Item , idem onemL-sc de ,-iij N., TCfItC COlUlXI6itionis ClIrte conjunctc inrc~luti onis nollCl,ti Gor<1oltlJ de DrumInglis, ct ,lOIlCle

Sill.' sponS(', tic mOOict.(llC

lel'l'f\l'Iult Ill' DI'UlUiuglll'is et ~lc\'i(lcll. El uon - OllCI'fI~ ~Sl' til' V N. \jil. viij it., composltlOnis reatnntis pro curta con!i l1l1!l\ioLl is mngisuj Johannis Sklimgco11L", pro l!!1:l"is de Llllllclhnne c1. 0mgo dominio

dc h 'lcO! thi ~)lootll llli hIlS. (10 Ix It \'j~. "iij 11 .. ill cotll!Jlct.u\lI &o111tiollcm CArte liMe illfoJodnliullili rncte GCOI"g:CO (\olllillO Set.Olln de [('l'ris ct. UnrOllin \Ie Willchlmrg-II, l"ecogllili~ ill IIIl1nihll~ regis. Et cll' l M., ill partelll 1I0lut.ionis rcste eOlll pOliitiollis (',l lle 1l0"u illfOOllllliOilis I[HOmblin All\lrco J~l'cscr de I(>ITis de St;'I1lY\l()(\ OL ;'I (lIkkcllis; ct sic l'ClItnn~ '\(' ,ljetl( COIl1\,oOIjitiollo xhj It. xiij B. iiij It., CIl1I1 fjHibllS ollcr:wdn(est II~ SIIPI'll cnm l'l)t.:llpcmllllH. Et .10 lxxxi.... lt. 'j it, viij d., ill cOluplt't1ll1\ sol u tioncm l"CStc CU1UjOl.o.:;lliuliis em-to Aclc (.'l"cchLoI111e lIe HI1\'u ml,lvy, Ulilicis, ,Ie [('nis de l:uInrllhllY.





~ I ,\IUT A

"['11:0)1, ct "tJ~[\"'I :\JIl'UU\l ""W[t"lIU~1 in I1l1Luihlll! 1t1:'" I'xiMclllilllH, Cle., Hon (lll('nl lnrllill in COlllpol()
IJ"" .;1,.~ \C'lIle.


j,I,1It "11\1;11,... '\\'liJ

li"lIi~ nmll~",ili"lIi~

Ii. Ij ij, I'iij I\., ill IJil1\C IU 1>I.lnw,ll,lc h'I1., r lllll '111"1111,1111 a llhi

!.OR" III G Il


hAitI! Bnl"hnoolJ, ct ./oh1l111lil tili. UollgII\& tie I.ouchledu: ('1. "ic


\elltlit.. I(nbrrtn u . 1:.<)1. '\"I Ii.. CIIIll


ollelO(lllll1~ Cl;t.

Et 11011 OlLcmt It! do vj 11. xj 11, iij 11.,COLIII'Oll:itionili wlIl"de

ItUOul!n1n .\u\1rcc ~t l'h'c1illS: ill 'I'u1lilll\\)'. IU1nttlm III;ui111;,;io hCl"cdi>:l, \'cndito IIIl1gibll'O Joll/ulli Skrym.

goou\' do Glnsaorce.

(t., in 11I1Ilc\(( IOhlliollis I\.'s[e compositiouia ",.m]e 'ploudalll Wnheri Soo~ de BllIlIX ltnDle, 111\11<:11111 lUaritagio hel'cdis ejuldem, Icullite Pnllicio coruitl: de Botlmile; ct. lic l'::SUlnt. xx a.., CUll (luivllI oucmudld C8L Et nou ontrat. 8C de x It. fcste t'(,mposi tiollil noninIl'0ilU& It-rmnlill de }o'ulhry, d Ikig6thaIY, Icndili I'hillippo CUlIyllghnme, jncclllil1ln in bo.J'ouia de Sunid, EL de Ixxxj It. x\'j ~" de 1'C&t~( C01UOIIitiouill wrudc <:L IIIIHitlsii de :\Iollswnltl COllCC8III\I'Ulli C1. I'cndil,U'I\UI JohnULLl U mr ay do Fnulohill ct. ~uil ussig untill; et l~i(lulllll dictc mte, extclldens nd txxx\'iij It. iiij 1, f'Cmi5lltlm eidem J ol'ltnni pcl
Et lie In' II. x iij 1 iiij dOllliutlm 1C!gC1ll.

bL de liij It. \'j

\'iij d" i u l);uI('.1t1 1KI1u~iollil 1ioui& wal'do lel1lll'll\\I 'jllomlnlll Johannill


coillposi .

cL 1II111"illgii !Jercdill 'CI1(litnrlliU Johnuui Fcuto\ll1, he!'C<li lltcd icto; cL l"(!:8tmtt xiij N, vj iI. viij d., cum qnilms OIlCllI lIlhlS cst u\ 8\1)11'1\, Et (Ie lxxX\'j It. xiij ~. iiij l1., in JlI\I'lell! IIOlutiollis iiije \\l1ll'(;nl'IlUI HIIl!itngii Jncohi DUllblll' lie Ulnkcmg', militill. I'cutlid I:o\..oct'lo domino ('r<'ithtoIUi de &1\1(1I1mr; ct lie C.lllelll SlIUlllln iilj' IUlIl"CfU'UlII doualA dicto JncoUo per IlollliulUlJ n,<::clIl !x\'j II. xiij I. iiij d.; et lIie l'CItnut. j"xiij It. \'j i. viij l1., cum cjllil;l\& ctiRm lit. tmp l~~ oucrfUl\11I1I CSI. t:t lIe hl"j It. xiij l iiij 11., l'(~III C Illnlilagii hercdi. lIeli hel'lllllill l:uLo..:rti I illllUa) de Sol dJY], \cuditi Wi IIcll110 ::.-tcIIlUL 1\.'\;lOd ..It,: l\ntulIll.

'l~ll[ll S 111 011 1[11 ]'111 ;)1 ';lIIap,I]f!" "111;,",;)"]11

UIUUO!I!SOt[\uO:l ;')19;'1.1 '~rp{


n!!X 01'


')Il,"'UO 111,1111 '111;)11


SIl1l11l ~I,l(r'J ~lu[!lIh

limo ''P fl1! 'Il rx '\.l f!,IP: 1111.'1Sal ::I!S 1;} '01:)!1'''-111 (l1I1I1~ !llIal 'Jl1l:f[ ap B!J~)(I!l! S!tlO!1!9OIiUlOO (llsal "u f!X "II 1:,[

OllllU 111"'1 '11,31:>1. ap a !Ju!ansllf S~T:)II! )! lUllI10!11St~1 -lillY.) "P fH! 'Il n!X 'j.! r,1 op as 111,10110 IIrap! 'tllOll

o,ld oun:) till\:') al

.1;111 sn'I!1 IlU1!la1

.mop!9OI 111l'r.} S!lt1)(1l all :)o,'{


01l11110P tmqnoa

'~! Pollpl1[1ns 1ll<l'I!lUO:,) .ra,[ !flat lllllJIlI!'1;)P tlHlll!'),IIlUI 01JO qu!R],\ s;)!tllm!tlu

ap S!llCm rxx


n!! '~ ,\ '\.l [,,\P; 1Ull'1BO.I


as 1IU(lllO IIOU

';)!II 1a ~ otU~1(1 Otll!SOIIIOSll!UU 0111111 !lltOl 'smualuJ all sJ.1au!l! lllntlO!8S!Ulal IIlIHlOp!SOllmoa S!UO!l11[OIl ItwlJ1lt1 tI] 'll X! 'u f!.\Xxl ap i1S 11:,mno map! 'mal l

'owpll OUIIU !1ua"l 'l1IlIOJ ap spau!l! 1I11'1!1I0p!sodmlY.) op J.ION Ol,laqon J;)dull suqpl111'lllal '1' xx <l p <iaN 'nnr"sBu!"'3"i oIllPll!.A\' 13 lilan\la~lfmqlul".l all all:qqu mupnonb ,mduil iI!lUUlll'(},l J'I1I!lO,IP1S op a~\U!0!19Llr Il!,mum UlllUO!l!SodtilO:J awa.1 "V fH! 'S f!!x '1-\ "II :J;)N 'O'\:l!p:l.Id (,tIllIC 'auul,mqllllQ "P S!,laU!1! iUllllO!1!sod 11lI'lJ <!1\la,1 'u x ap ()3X 'O'lo!pa.ld OUIIC !lnal ')[.tIlU1.'1 op apu!:"l!lsu[


B!Jall!1! nllHlo!1!SOlhuo:J "lllal 'v

f,,! '-e


r,llx ilp DaN

'OUIlU mapo') qllal 'e.ry ap !lp.m!l! UllI uo!l!sodmoo ~so.l "1-1 n!!l (lJl ';)(IX 'OIIlIC mapo(l !lltal 'satlllllUa ap s!l(lu!l! 1unn0!1!SOlI1ll0J a}sa.l '1! IX ap ooX 'OUOII OU1!ll;))311UOU OUUIl !llIal 'IIP,IO,lllla/' all g!laU!'! UlIlUO!S'ii!WaJ ItllH10!1!Sl.XhuOJ O')SQ.I "11 f!!.\


'n ...xx

ap as 1\1lauo


PIIUU UlIlPUll.IO\U;)]\:

S! 11l111odmo(l
!lodlilOO !UI!1111
ImXOI.LVPI1110 l( ml\'J..<:3 1l



'00'11 '0'1'


,W $,LXJlU,J,)V

1)11:1) IIiGIl TUt:A!:iUI:"J .

":l \Ie lhXHlij Ii. Ij i. I'iij ,.L III I~Hltlll ~,Inlihlli" ....1<IC ".1'. 1:,OfI CQlIIllIlflil (IIIUII! 1\:111 i.""iullill ilillerill jUI>lil 1.lIil ,h, \ II I 'I" tenli 1111111.1 prediclo; el sic l"I!t!tllIIl xII Ii., l~IIU '1IIil)u,;
OLll!ntlllhlll Cbl .

Noo QUellll l!O ,Il' xx iiij Ii. XI' It. 1"\.'1:1[.(" 1;01l11 0()>0iLi(01l1l111 ILim'I;1I j lJ:l ti ciu ric oJc EllinLllrgll. lCIiLi UUII(' !'TI'llkVl, emu 'l"ihUII Olle l"lln dll l:l CIIL NIX: ouemt Ie .10 !xl'j 11..:dij ~ iiiJ ,t, d.. nJIII.l1. Itlui...~iOhilj cl. COUlI _i lionis 1);\I' ill l liuuo (1(' WClldirhuntc, dc
qlliLt~ UllelllUlllIS CtSt.

x~ ullcrllt fie Ilc

j' n., til' I;OlUpoiiilll'"\' 11(,11<,111111 l..;t,:huclonull quulltlalll Hol<elti lJi.\/iUIIIIC, I,lIr,:.II~ili tie " ci,lill, INt.I:ol.anli, vCilllil"rUlil licol'St.~, 1 ';11II1i1 ,Ic Ibllti \l;llIit.l l"iJili, CIIIII 'luilms 011<:1111111"" lm. item, i,II.'1II ollcmL se ,Iu xl It., ill lllllkill 1IOIIIIi,\1I11:1 elx lihmrllill pro CIJIUllOlli liolic lwmol'IIUl clIf.;lllld'Il\lI'1 rUl;tn CUIII ,\1'1.:hi\.lO.llllu 1;011li l(' til, I':l'l(ilc ct. . ' "~ClI~) tlgih'Y tic iJl"Llllllllilket, \'i7~, IJouglllli ;W(: il1l'(:lllhllll: lt bic r"IILllu~j'xx 11., CII1I1 IpliLuli OIlOI'lIllUUIi l'6l. h em, idelll OllemL tIC .Ie Xl( Ii, in OOllLjllclAm ~'lll tIUlll'lli rent' ,ralleri l l cnu ~ pro te rri ' de J:I')'llluIL EL 11011 !llIem! !Ie de iij 11. \j i:. \'iiJ II., ill' rtbtu t"mIlI J8il ioll i~ CArle J olmlJllis E liB lie lC'rris tit! 1 .00:11rull OL1 l1e

hem, idem ""l'lolL "'"' ill xxxix It, ill j,lcllmu t!ll11110Llt III l'CIIIC COllPOlliliuuis Idel'ii eL IIOliinHoitllll'ulrouic de l'ltillol"lli. helll, ;<1('111 I!IWrnl I!Il de .\] It., ill 1,,111"111 .,.,III\ltouis ceutULIL 1I1('l"tllll UIII 1"e~lo CflL1LjllIlLililllll~ wunlc I'L IIlIlIillll,;ii )\;lIiulil lIultl,mt!, 111'0 CJun ~1I1tIlIUL h'llLIllIl
IlIl"Il1\lt." Il'11;tl1li11 III J..lll11mellllure; 01 aie I"\!s\;1II1 X\lj II. \Iij'" iiij tl.,
UllI\.~mllll 1I1'III1.:Iilll.;.'I lI llIl '1IIilllllll:

l'IIUI qUi 'U.8 oller.tllIltu. cal tiL sq'!".!. h o.:lII, Ilicli. "m ... 1 !Ie ,Ic.x li., ill I~U"'ll1 .... '\tUiNli,; n;"te .\ x \ij II. '"j A.. \ Iij ,1.. COlIIl.l()(.i Li('III~ II ;11-.]1' I'jllf.wIHlu I)n \. ill X;llll1e tic ~'IUrlll\le ; l"L ~ic "',,\.ml. ;'(\ ij h. \j .... \'iij It. El 11(,11 l'lwffit I\(' tic iJ I\\j It xiij b.. :tij ,I. ]'1" l'~IIII( ... jti('II\:

IIUllil!l:,.(ii hll"I.'lhuli

(jIlOlllhUIl 1101l);"i




A('tOl"X'n, OF T HF.


hC'UI, 1111.'111 OUl'11IL I;(: Iii: Ixiiij H xiij &. illJ \1 III pMlcm l',,\ut;Ollis rl'sl~ oollJl'osili(luil WRl'(lc ct mnril.Agii (lillJc, Ii WUU~ de :\Iullc \cudiwl'\uu IJlwid LYOlL j

xxix tt. iij l ,-iij d. 60 tic liij n. "j l ,-ii.! 1.1.. de realn oompo6.iliollilll remissiou;s Willdmi comit;s de t:nUmcs, que rust:. extclldcbllL SC;n 1010 ad Ixxxx tt \'j iI. \'iij oJ., C! t 8011110 quolldulil DI\\';I\ Ucloull tl111l(il1lgiuLn libl1!. elUu rluilJUs cUU1poLan~ iureriu! onC'I'RlLliuli cst. Item, [lien! oncmt 8c III' cxh'j 11. xiij 8. iiij d., in pnl'lCIll solu tion;!; 11.'110 cOllljlOlli lioni>:l \\111'(10 ct m:ui tngH du Stlllth"I'tIC "etll!it.ol'l\lll ('rmido CI1!chton ; ct sic
C~ ~ic n.'S11ll11,


11(111 Ollcm t

ilclll, idem OUcll1 ~ IIIC ,I.., ix n. xiiij ~_ viij d., in pnrt<lUl lJOinlionil l-este I)CI' oblignLioll('8 feod i magn; sib<illi: et sic 1~8 l" U~ Ixxix 11. xviij il, \'iij i.l. Xt.'C Olll'n\! 5C de xiij If. "j s.. viij It , de luta COIll lKl6itiollili e u lt> llc> (;\cnqu]mL'uy, conceQI) J ohLluui Gmnl ill fcodili nlla. :\Icmol1luduLLI qUOlI compot.;UllL U onl:m~ k de I"l'6ta UIL COUljoOBiliouis 1I('lIn ci Kilpnt L'ik pro tcrris allia de l'ibbinis. ~('t; ,Il' '( n. rt'ljle ("(/IUI.IOroltiouis Jf\CO),i )\nLlin\i{1 pro tIm is louis '\(' Tirhinia. Itcm, i,ll'lLI IlIIcnLt If! I'e j" 'l:xj h \oj 8. \'iij .L, reste 'l't'\CllllltiolLis 'l'h~LI;c Ellnntou, AIIglici enpti\'i; el liic L n:l:It;lIJl, \.>(xriij It '(iij &. iiij .t. Et IlL- xx n" in jl.'wlcill solutionill COJU)JOII11iouis 1l..'U1il:ll>iouis itincliB de !u\cl1lcs. ~Illi IIUIIO DQwini lIollag~'l>iI1lQ loCllliulO ; <:t sic rcslilLlt, iijCn. v .. \.t. EI. tic h iij II, ix So "iij t1., iLL l ~trt l'llI 8OIullUI1is Llrrcragii C~ lull! "'tXc wn L1UII lIJi6l;lIMUII in Denmark, 1 'C!)ltL5
io;:r COlIL pot;tUI.eIll IIOflL UitlU111J1l ooOJI'o tnLl1,
('lJlIJ'IJ.~n[(}\EM I \~'II" I~

,'cetnu tl,;x II.


111.11.: 1.0)ll'(lTU\I


i.I"1I1 u" .... , No,.Il, iilj'\liij It, ill Ilflrlelll so\ntiouis

v]' \\ii,1 II. 'j iI. Ii j ~ 1. j"ml ....iunlllu..


LOnn '-I IG I-I TBI-:MillUEI:


,II1Io'rlll j" ..1jr;"r;, ,In I IU1<I.'I"I;II1" in 1<..-11,,"' \I";j, "I,. 1:"',1\. nUllo ",,,10; rt Ric rCIII:lIIL Jh-: ,'{ n., CHIU flllilm8 ol1~mndns l'~~ CIIIII 1'CCI1]ocmtc ["c.-iut IWIII, lie Ixvij II., ill I'llttelll 1lO1utioni.. j"xx\' n, "j b. liij ,t. comp08ilionlllll itinel'is jURticilll'ie de I:CIII'I'('\I', willi e!)l.lelII 1111110; e l sic 1\!lItllll~ " 'iij Ii. Ij ii, liij Lt., C\1111 '1lIiUtl8 sillliliLm' OIlCI1II1<1I111 cst, Ilcm, Ilc iiillvj n, xv] ~. Iiij .1., ill 1'(l1"t.c.1U fIOlulivlli~ I'ilxxxij n. lie COlllllOlliliolliullS Icmissioull1LL itincris jllstil:ialie de Al"e, lcuti codenl OIUIIO ; c1. sic I'('St.1.IIL ij<b:xI' N. iij iI. iiij ~., cllm fjuilms ctiom OIIC"lIIliIlS

IlCIll, llc fxxxix It, Ij ~ viij .1 .. in Il<lrlem solutionis lxlij n. iij iI. iiij <1., de cOlilpositiollibns itinclis jWlliciarie tie Hllnf, Icnti oodcm 1111110 i e1. sic t't'SUlIlL iij It vj it viij d., cum (luiulIS similitcr OUCHllllius


hem, de flxxxj [1. I'iij iI. iiij ,I. , III IIlUtCIlI 8(Jilltiollis ij<lix 11. xiij S. iiij d., de compositiouil.us femislIiollLUII itillCI;8 jllstieimie 1 Abin\cllc, tenti oodcm 1c :lIIIlOj ct sic restallt. lx:n'iij 1 I' ~, CUIlI (!lIiuna 1. 6illlilitCl Ollcmmills est. heili, lie iiij"h-iij tt "j .s. yiij d., ill partcill solutionis iiij'hxv It., tl0 comp06i tiollilJIIs \"(:\IIi66;Ollllm itillelia jllslieilllic tlc I~f\')" tcnti cOOCIll ullno: eL sic rc&tnnL :n'j It ~iij ~. iiij tl.,CUIlI qllilJU~ (:tiUlU ollcl'itudus

hem, .Ic .~xIj II. xiij IS. iiij d., ill PIlL't(:1l1 1iI011liioliis j"':dj It. \'jit \'iij tl., 1 eOIlJI~~ilinllil)11S I'tmissioUluli 10 ilillcli" justiciul'ic lie 1.111111il', tenli RUllO Domiui IjllillgelltCtlilJlo scxtOj c L sic 1"'-'HlHL~ ixlxx~\ It. xiij il.. iiij d., CIII\J quilt,,!! "lIel"Ul(l1I6 l'Sl ).lCIllOr.IIII1'III1, (\11011 CUlllputllllS \lUll Ollcm~ S( dc xx Ii. itineris justicinrie tie j'cblls, teuti Rlmu Ill'cdieto, cllm 'lUIUU6 ullCnlndllS L'8t.. Item, i,ium oucnll 8C .Ic xiij It v ii, viij <1., ill pnltelll :<flitl1 iOllilJ i"lxxxiij It "j ~. dij II., I\e cuml >Ollitiollibils i'\'lIli,*ioll\lltl itilleriIJ jU51iciulio lie EdinJ.,\Itl,lh, ICllti


_,.1' I!JOO.

,\ ('COUXT!'i OF 'I'm;

al11lO l'''',lido. c l ~ic: l\!StmH Ollcmud lll; (:ojl.

Ylx:<; N"



Hcm, do lxlx ". Xil,l ii. ij Ii., ill pnrlclII 801utioJlill ix~'o;x\'j n. xiij ii, iiij ,1., (10 /WHlpositiollilllli 1 lllis'C SiOlLlIlIl itill{'lis j llll1icimic dc I.anark, lcoti COtlctn (lUIIO: et sic l'CSlnnt I'iijc\xvj N. xix il ij d., cllm 'juilms oncmndus cst.


moallssloxml EXTI,A lT1XKRA 1 'l'Kll l'US co~lror l , '1.;1:

llcUJ, itl':lIl ollcmL ~ ,Ie V" tI., III Inrlclil so\utiollis j"iij'X"Ox t1. Ij il. \ iij it., pro COIllI~i tiolle l'C llIissiollis Willcll1li domi1li Horlhwik at 81101 '11111 COIIII,licilm l ; cL ..ic l\.o;;t.:.1I1L I'iij"xxxiij 11. "j il. I'iij 1t. ,CU IlI IIIIibll8 OIl OI'

('eL CU III \'ooU I)I1I,.IO tU('\;IIL

Ill!lIl, tit' jcxxxiij n. \'j il. "iij 11., 1 )1'0 cOl11poBi tionc n::mis:;iuuis Lllurcllcij ALirncthli d SllOl lllll com I'JiCiIlJ1l, ilL 1 ~I I()L ill libm compoWa 'U111. llel",llc xl N pro oollljlositiollC rcmissiollis Archih.--dtli ., Ho',: ('L ThOlll!! l k<g, lit in <.'Odcm lillro cOllIpolot'um, helll , ,1(' x\V 11., ill I'mtcLU w lnt iollis 1 H., llro compositiuuc il.llllil;!;iuuis Joh!Ulllili t':u-elllC, filii Gavini F(lI'c1cj cl sic n~lallL XX\' H cum tillibus silllilitcL' Ollcnmuus "

!trill, ,Ie' X IL, 1'111 OOIl1ll1J1iitiollC rcmi!;l;ionis ,Ioll/lIlIIi" \\'itS-'UIII.!, filii (:oorgii Wilsol\lIc, ILCII1, de hl'j N, xiij A. iiij tt., in pnrlCL1l solutiou is ii' mc L 'l'arnlll, PI\) CL'\IISLII11 illllicLOlIlcntollllll t'{Uu l" 1I1111mu rlU:l(.lnllll Iornsii iu Lcitht in itincre (1 IcJ I'JlinlJllfyh jlr\.'liCril,to, El ,It.! ij~ 11., in \1.'\1'1('.111 solutio,,;s ,i'n Hli'I'C:LrULIl 111" lil'Clicill ,IUhlil1 i L'('j.(i~ OOIiCCIi&.'\ 1:0],('1'1-0 I.l\wllir .Ie 1),118. Illiliti, 111" ~lm 11I:1'C',.;rilialioLlc ill 1 ~1I'l;l"IJj tmn,snlrl lillill: ct ~ic H~t,Lllt iiij'lnj tl. xiij ii, iiij d., CUll. ' 1 1I;I.n6 ,tiaUi UIICl,lIUlus \.':\1 lit 1m I'm.

I" "

11./.'111 , i\lun ,mcmt &e I'lIChnCIf\l1UII

Ill'l N. 11n1 c"IU\JtotoititJIlt' 100110111111 . r> I!AI.

.JohllJlILis )luIl1b'Oll1ry t\c Th('nltll,ulI('.

J"lllilicllti ill ultimo itinere, \Cmil\III1I111 .il,UIIt' 1f1:1~ \'UI1I fl'liclo ('JI1NI"1II rplOmhuiI .1"h,lIlIIi" EL t1a xiij II '-J i. ,,;ij d., 1'1'0 (~'1UllOIiitiolle \"11(;.,1111

Jullanni. IAuolir. '-clldito"'m Adc

t'nll;il uulitl



EL U(l x It, lie (:t.mllt'llili"IIl' locuu'lum I.'OI<b.dtorUlu Johanni' FUlde, fllgithi nb ltilh"I\' Ilc ;\11:, ilL l~'\lcl ill lito", ('uUljlOl(lnll,l. Et ole 'l:iij Ii. YJ 1. \'iij d., pm e.cIUI\"'I 100111"'1111 '111011-

111111 l)Qmini JoluulUi, lIynd. 1l4!1lUl'di, HIl,liln IIM\I;lsl1V A\,;'IIlImll'O Gnlway. Et. t il' xiij II. \j;. ,-iij <1., l'ro COIUpolitiom.l cech,,('I.('Inull '1"011<1.1111 ])Qulini JoiulI1uil Afllll"lItnlng, tllll:llo.nli,
IIhlrhli , nmuilHnull Un\'ill cpilC(llJO LeemorC-IlSl. EI tI., iij n., elChaetc Johnlluil H,"l), in LCI<mnlu,go,

"cmlil4' cui.lnm 11U,macho ,Ic Kl'I!I<" llt'IIl"I,lIuhnu, 11"011 mill UlWllit loll
hl\li)ll, til lie 11.1 romu

,)t' liiJ II. 'j il viij It. 111'0 OOIUI".iti{IIII' "Ollnnllll QU('III,)UlII JIl{c(li,i
I\.~UI 1')i"\('II\i..

('1111l tll1il.tu~

unCIlHUl11li ~'!Il, t;~ de uxxiij n. 'j jI l'iiJ d., ill )111111'111 "".lllli',u!1 \'~ tlIl1f'{'ilIUlII, I){'o C01upOllilionc hll'rt' ill IIwll" rcmill' !Jiunil COUl'ClIIW J\ l'chi\.wlldo ('oluill .1., Ereill', II I1~olli \lOIuiulI lluutlloLiIlY, suil> IIl'l'\ilOlilllll, h'uollliiml ct nmids, pro COIllIllUnitaliulI,' ,UlII .1"I'nUllC )1~IIL' ut

~"lIIry tilii

,lil'li d ~millj )1\lIlI~l'IIHJ

de. i



n'.alilul ij'
~:~ Il~ );liJ

II l"I!' I"IIlIIlo U~ '''\II;!. It 'J ... \' ilj (I., 11111 1.'lIill ('lIt.h,IIllA


.Ihhauuill :11' 1;.1'\; 1('1' l'L I'll nitj i 11,,\\ 111;111, Ju~1 i hl'n t"null ill itml'N.' II~ ,\ 1 \'.



CO)lro~ ITrns ,... C.\RTARU\I.

A.p.I:'.(IoI It<'1l1, ilk-Ill OUt' I'I'I L 8C

e :0;1 n., pro comp08itione carte ll' Johtulllis F(lrhes, fl'llLris WiIlehlti Forhes de 1'011'8, tie ten;8 de Ilrux t't. Ie Boggia eanmdelU, cum C('rtis oJ ii, Icrris in dicta carta uominal is, ut. lN\te ~ ;n

l-ibro COIUp06 itiolllllll. Item, de x N., pro cOOlpoeitiouc carte confh111nlionil Willelmi Forbct lIe Tolles Inper carta ,ihi roctn l"'r qllondam Geol'giUlll Com;t"I,l de lI untlie de
tel'ri a de Finintcl', jlcenliLll1 ill domi nio de Tnlch.

EL de xx H., pro cOlllpoai tioliC carll' l'CSignRtionill

ulIlgiitri Arehibnldi Crnu turde. \';cal'ij de Il"8kin, de terria de lIiti lie, jnccntihuB ill bfLI'(lliia de
[(en rl'ew.

;\JcmonllLduUl, (1"00 compotnns nO oncmt se tie x N., li Jlro compositionI' CIIrtc l'CaignnLionis AlclCllOUri Wardlow, fil ii el. IU:!l'cdis olJptll'c ntis Alexnndri
wnnnaw de Warre&tou, de dictis te ITi8 de W nl'E'!!'

10lln l'Cmissis cidclIl l\ lexnu\lro jllniori. [t.em, idem oncrat 8C <Ie :nj M pro cOlllpOliitione carte ., 01\I'id lIul1 , filii 'luondaUl 'I'h\)111 0 Hall lie Stunclee, ali1l8 L cchland, de diet il terril. Et ,Ie \'iij N., 1,1 COlllllOlliliouc cal'le confi nuationis '0 Aiexnlllili l.indiMlly de COl"8ooskatt, et. F.wrallJie ,Maxwell cjnsdcUl lpaniC, super Cilltn conjullcte iur.o<intionis l illi lltclil per .ToiJall uclU lIl nxweli de
Xe U,ir Pollok, de lel,;1 do Mu rre8 et. l-Icdchou8 in

1 )(1ronin lie \\: ilbrid. Et. lie ixvj It. xiij i1 iiij tt, pro compoeilionc ClutO l't'8ignnti unift Constantini Dunlop '\0 ecHlom lie flieli. 101"1111 ,10 1)un\vIJ, alina 1I Ulltimll. E1. do x It., 1m . comrJOlilion(' carte nppl'Ctintionil Hoberti l)'lhcli lie 1:u(]hOIl. ,1 ccltil tc rris ,Iomino 0
11(' CI.III"C

pcrtincll tiLIla. ill ,tieLI eart.1 uOlllinnlis, It thelll lI"toetlO 1111 _lIlUmn dl1CClitarlll1l lillntl"uUI "1'1" .oei,11 i~.

LOr.n fil C H
:'ol cmvl~\ll llum ,

TI : EA ~ t I :": I :.


'luOII compOtllll1l nOli I>1I('111t II' ,Ie I' n., \'\'1 .. compo6it onc carle CUlljUlIl'lC iuf...'tltluliolli loiltmlll'4 Illarc ot. I:(>ltl rids :'If0.. \0\1110 !!lC bl)(llloOlk IluJlil1ls mil r ('tltis ('\\Ill ,1illl(,,1 in l('mmllil 11 111 ill'lI t;); tllntl1R ,II' :'0 1il Mill 1 \l1chillllnl1lc, CIlt Il Illli1JII'4 llIl(,rIlUlll1A ~L 111 IlIpm, 11('111 , idem 01lC11lL 8(' tIe ij"hl'j 11. Iiij ~. iiij It., pro com p06ilione Carto couju nclu ilireOl.lntiollis .ll'>lmnnis domini Cllthearth ct l\InrgL'e te Uouglnll suc !iI>OllhC Ilu terris do C'lolylIlIlIC et II il hOUl!, II IIll ''t'(ugl1 il.e Iner'l n l. EL dc I'j 11. ltiij iI. iiij It., in 1(11 tcm !MIlulionUl xij IiIJ1'DI'ILUl pro ("()lIIlJ06.iliono emtc Amhw :'o l unro in :'oIi!lO .10 l el1'is til' I)n\\'nclllu ~, JIlct"lllilllli ill romi llll ttllll n oeeio. et hie l'CSIllllt. I' Ii, I j &. "Hit1., emIL
'llIitmll lit 1I11pln OIlC ltllldnll Cillo.


EL ,10 lthj II. xiij ii, iiij 1 1 1) COlllllOlihioue clute 1., )1'
('oujllllote illfeotlntiouis Colini OlillhnllL ct Eli~al.octh 911e SpOlLse 1.10 ten;s do Gnllol1lw N Turing. E~ 110 Wiltj N. "j i!. I'iij It., in pllllClII !IOlnliohls " .. nU \\'CfU1ULl, pl'O oompositiol1c (luatuol' enrtnl'llm Willielmi oolllitis ,10 ~IOlltros ,Ie certi! I.(!rns ill ei811e1ll (,.JIltenlis; ct. lie I~t:ln l lxxij n., Cll111 flUihus lit. SUpl11 ollemmlus oat. EL \Ie xx It., llro oo1!lpositionc \\1111' COUJUlKte inrcooaliollli I:;wphnui DutiingslOllil et Jonel.(! Stcwnrt !lUC spon!IC ~ I~ tcnia tie &llIttr\1ltle. EL ,le lxxx H., 111'0 cOUlpoeiliollC CMLc Ilcnlici ~ f erlm ..Ie ;\Iekillo11l'(\ ric lenis lie n.'llleil. 01 cl'rlii tlli~ 1011;0; in IliUa emlll conl<'lIti8, Ellie iij n. I'j il. diJ II., pi'o COlllllOllllione cnrte continua I ionis Gool'l,'t'i Fenton super e:nrt.1 siM IneLa pel n obcrtll1ll Lit.61nrc, Oil'CIll Urcchillellselll, Ie 'llloutn pnne tomrllln de l'etfnrky. EL de i/liJj n. "j!. \'iij 11.. ill pmlelU 8ullljonis iiil 1i1lmrllll1 pro roUlllOSitione c.1rtl' n.Hini KI'II1lCily de Hlarcquhmll', milili.., 110 1en;'I lie 1\1.'11CtIIlI~'1n H nlii! Lerril ill 11K-ttl cartA oontcnt ie ' ct ~ic 1'Cl!Ul.ll f>;hj tt >;iij i. iiij d., CUIII (1IIi"us OIlCHUltlul CIIt oompotnns lit





'.1'. 1 !iOIk

EL Ilc

vt h"j It. xiij il iiij It., pro oolllpoaitiouo elir"" ,lohnnllis bill Cllll'C de Itil'dmlilll loUlle et \Vcstil'pcIlCllt.-

1 .lUd, ut \lal ct in dicta CRl'ln at T .ihl'o Comp08itioIllUIl. EL do! iijC:o:xiij 11. \j a. \"iij 11., pro comp06iLionc carle WiJlchui Sch1l.w de l'olkernlllill t lie quiuqnc librntie tel111r1illl l\omiuicolilllU tlc EliuIOUU, cum tlll'rc 01.
lUo\ell(lino Clll1l1lllcm, ot nliis
tO l'l'ili

ill dic ta cnrta

collientis, quc l'ccoll!jllitc fl\rl'\llit

) lcmoI111ll1um, quod COlllPOt.1ll8 nOll onOI'l\t Be de jCx xxiij It '" ~. l'iij d., pro cmtn J ohunuis Chnrleris, j

10oot,1.; Ch(u'teris de ncpotis 01. hel'cdis nppnl'C litis 1 I\m isfcld, de ooroniu dc Aluisfc1d 01. le)'ris de
Dnh11skuuc u1. Dnchl'fln.

[teLlI , idem Ollcmt se ue ijot It.. [l1'O cOlnpOilitiolle curte II ll~"'o ni ~ domini tic ~[onlgoull'~' do terns Ill. OOl'ouin de t:illill , (Jlt{' l'ecog:lIit.c Ill'On t. EL 110 ilh-j It. ii ij A. iiij ( , iu pnrtcuJ solutionis iijC 1 [iI)J, InIlU, pn' ('ol'J I}()6iliulIC Clll'tu Wille lllli Col vile de L'chiltl'\!, Ulilitis, de tenis do 15crnwcle, que sibi iu 11I'Ollrielnt.c pcrti udllln t, 01. ten 'is 8uis cle SniIiOIllOUII : ('1. sic 1'(!8 talJ ~ x liij It. xv b.. viij It., CUlU quibull lit lIupm ImeJ'tllldus t!II t . El tIt. , IH'u eOll1\)(lIiitiolle clIrte Thome Keunedy tie Ilm-gauy pm tenis lIuis tlo 'j'u.llcbrck etc. etc. EL III.! X n., 1'1'0 COlU l'ooitione emie confilmo.tiollis Alnui 1).. IIilll l,ill ct ;\ lert,'l'ClC il l lII'e ~lIe Bpoll80 ,Ie ten ia de I:nilh. E1 Ill' X'i Ii., pro oolllposilionc C AlLe J acobi Twetly tie tlilliitlieutLc ooronie de Cliftlllll1 . 11'0 compohitil.>UO CRl'te 'I'hoilio Kiucaid Et till 'iX II . 1 dt! 10 1l'i8 Mlis J e CllIglukll rl. " OIllOI, ll1tlnlll , '111011 IOlUpolnlls nOli ouemt &c tie .'i l II. \'J :l. I'iij iI., IIIl 0011l1008Il1(.tJI.\ enrte ct,njulletc i llrl~ Jll a ti()uilt Uu nea lli Forhes It Crililinnc Forhcs sue "I)lm ... tic h'lTi!'! ,1 Liti! .1(>11110 I.cis . 0 I:t ,I, j' lnij Ii., HI 1 \;lIWlU 8011IIioni5 iillxvj n. xiij.iI itiJ ,I ,10- t'''ILtl'ol'itiUlto' l'lilt" IllilUiui de 'l'cH,-'}.:illis tic

1.111:11 IIIWI 1"1: I-..\S 1 1;1:1:.

1 lIi k :-'.IIo'''III''lIn ..
~IIJ ii, liiJ "~


,10- 1:"I/II'I\.k IL .1., \j 11 A.h 1!4ol c<ltuIM ",ili",,\ II ..c IU.I.IIIL J'h:n, \iij II ,"UII 'Iuil,u~ eli,IIII "II"IIII1.lu. I'~l EL ,I" ij' h If, . III l~nl.A'1I1 IIOIULWuifo! \.'llUl""'illl'lII call, Oillll'lll 1.1I1Ili'Wl, ,Ie l;kuumn' 11,1 .II,II;lIIlIi" I:JIlS utli, "It \'\'111.'\ .k ,:ICI1IIIUfl', 'Ille 1'"IIII',-,.iti" Ie ('\lemlil .1,1 izj u\iij II. Ij ~ I ij It, I'~ ~ic n:f,l;lIIl IHilj II, IJ "iiJ ,I. e\l1u 'l"ilo'IH I:lIlIlU "Ih' :nwl ....

,I ,I.


ClOt I:t ,1(' .\1 Ii., ill l"ul<'lli .... 11111011111' 11"111:11111111,1'1" \"(,111' I'OlJlIiolle CoIIlL' t,'OIlilinllf' \illi'"11 11I''',lIl' ,It, 1\1'11.1'. IllilitiJl, d,' Ililui,lid;lto:, kfnlrlllli I), IJIIIII":'nI), I'd, e'llllly, et 1.'11111 ,I., U~I"'O'UI' "t ~i", lo'llt,lhL \\I"j n
xiij iI. iliJ d Fl ,k, hl'j Ii ~itj.a. iiij 1 , ]1111 <'vl'I\KJlliliUI1C ClUI.< 1 o;"UJIIIH,'t.c IIlknllnliuniR 111I:,:"ui>l WuHIlt'1l ,II' til'),!.,\" d \1 "11,;'1'1 .. 1:l1lhiriUltl. lUI' 111I)1Ib\.', III' tt'llill ,I" Thllli1l!O\l Il. Et. .10 I iiJ II., PI'O OOL1l}lOt>iliV1I1.' o;arll' ,lppu!til1li(}UI"
'\mll\'l~ I'YlluilllUOlllh ,I... l'I..ll:'m, ruilitlll, ,II:' tl'ITi~ lil It- H,tlel, ~il.i nl'I,. ...'Ci,ltu... Et til:' J'-xuiij II. Ij A. l'iiJ II, IU pllIil:"u &41lu ti{\ui,; iiij' nI.11\.,U1IUI, 1m. oolU\lOIIilivuo.' CIlllt l'mhidi "mUl)'IIt;: hamt ,Ill (:)('Ing,lIlloJ.:, III i liuLt. ('I I""1>,,11,, ( 'II 11 II) 1110:11.11111' illl:' "II('U"", II,' h",.isl!1:' l'lhinll:mdm~' .,t Kil,lolI)', d, Hil: 1""\,II1L y.\Biij II \"j i. \ilJ .1., ,IIIU 'luil.1I3

011.,1111.1\111\ t':jL

Et ,It- I-iij 11, pro "')11I1IOo1itioll(' l';'Il!O (iemgl'l L('~lie III: I:toUl.'lU I.'l :'Ill.t(l'l'l" I'r,!!.IJ" "J"'; " I ~'LlM' .11' tpni8 d('

l'lull'c\WIlII ,
Et do I ~"J Ii_ ~Iij ii, iiij ,t, pro (.ute cOlllirlL1!1lioui8 Willl:lni '\!n:\\'ell de T.,iiu, uulill, ,k !",na .k
~iiJ~. iiij It.. ,'I"
t;nm:n-IIj,'IIC (';I\l~ ('('II'


Et .1", X:\IJ. Ii.

linllllli.. uis .lvh.lllui.8 """"".1.\-, lill1,I .. I..llll111o Kt'IIUl11y do: lil'I1'I',I.,I)III<' ,Ie It'ni,; "I., ~k,'ilh \11110111\ CUlil 11I,,1"IIIIiIlO etc. Et ,I, \"j II. \iij" iiij ,I.. 1'1" Ct)IUI'I.'foili"u"t<lltc \'OlIfi\1un-

.... n. IWG.




tiOllis .\tle CllllIlYllglHlIHt; utl CltprillKtUllllt; Ut; L'lI"Ji~ de lJunloplliH. EL ,Ie xiij tt. \'j S. viij 1.1 ., pr-o compositionc ClIl"le ]~ic{mli I..nuSOlle de H llmby tie ten;s .Ie GilCl"istUIlIl. )leHlol1Ul<lnlll, qnod C01llpot~.ms nuH OHernt sa de xiij It. \'j ~. Yiij d., prO compositione CllrLe Gilberti Thlll"ing Ot Elene Chcne 8\10 spouse, ole Lril.ous 1[lI<II"1i8 I~UtiLl1S ICln1l1111l Je Tibltirt!Lw, C111ll 'l11ibns L1~ SIlPI1~ (l\1ernmlus est. Xcc ,Ie x tt., pl'O compositionc clute confinnatiouis Uudd liulI10 do "-oddirburl1, lI1iiitis, de lerns de



de I 11., ill p.trtcm soll1tiollis l tt pro com]lositionc carle GilLeIti lI ny .Ie Airdell.Jrnl1cll, militis, de tenis ,Ie ('OIIC]lIjllhcris, j:Lccntilms ill \ll1l"Onill de Oneill; eL sic I'eS\.'1.lLt I tt. solwnde lit Snplll. EI, ,Ie iiij tt., pr(J c()1ul'ositiollc rlllto EliznLocth, COlUilisoo de 1IuntliL" de I,iull palte t.cm\l"lllll ,Ie SlUythstoliLi de N"oth, rt ~iloi Illlpl'CCint.a. Et. ,Ie xx 1 11I'v cL>lLIpositioLie ('mle WiHehni Fmser de 1., I'hilloillt, lIlililis, ,Ie terl"is JIl :-:katlirtl'c, j/lconlilJL1s ill 1.11uui;"l do Kiuc(\wlL}"d. EL .\(1 x.wj N. xiij i<. iiij ,\., I'ro romposi tion c rnrte Xi"jnu; ~\1~e"llo"ch de eunlcrnc:! C~ Aglle~i:! ]'lllLT;"lY /Slie ~1"l!I>;C, de leL ris ,Ie }:rWUII111 dc ('ainlcllIcs. 1-:\ (II,! yiij J1., pro ccmlir1l1ntione illtr()it.n DuuCllni :'.Imm.l in lorris .lc Kil'kdnlc eL Drowoch. EL ,[c "iij Ii., pro COUfilIlH)lioLic c..'lltc Willl'lmi [.oknrt, ul1L-g-t'l1sis du Etlil1ll11rgh, de ten'is .Ie Dicluuont.. E\ de !xl'j ri. xiij is.. iiij l1., pro Cartn tCOI.lifinllc A Il'xumhi Irwin .Ie Drum Ilc tenis ,Ie ('on Ie, jarrnlihus in lmrnlli" de Onf!lr. I~l rl{' \oj It. xiij~. iiij (1., pro cnrUl cOllfil"luntionis Thome I'mnrnnl!l ,Ie IllULI,us 1lI1U"Clitis CIUII dillwliin t.c1nllUIlI ,),. I:irldnhed. KL ,I, xij If., 1'1'(, {',lft" c,,,,/irnLutiolli8 ,/oh""";1J i\fu\l"i1o ,J" iJi!;o.rt, .Il' lCl"rb til Hllldlivy.

:\\ t'!UVI1IUdulII,


~om\lotflnA nolU {l1I1"111 1\<" ,1('


'I'I~"'_'" It.Il6

C('II1 I'I).. iliuIiC ('fir\(' .\ \(');Ollll1i, f,,!nitill .Il' lI Ulltlil', til' t t' ITIi~ ,It t 'ildiu Xcc dl' \'(IJ II. xiij So iiij ,t, 11m C"III]"-'~llloIiC tflll~ Ilingisiri \\' jl1(hlli Ot;i1b)' pro II'niH lie 1:0\\11)'.
h (lUL, ;\1,'111 uncl"flt St' tie x..'!IJ

jnc(:ulibu8 in I,llnmia tic l\yUCO\Wlltl. n, xiij lI. iiij 11 1'I"U (',uta GOOI').l('; .\I i,ldiluillist fie tcrris.k {:I'('\"i~I""IIl', Elli" \'iJ It 1'1" CIlrt.1 l'tmlirlU;II;.",i~ .1'J.wl, \li,1.lilliloli,.l. n.'I;(I\.' IllIoml,lIl1 (:ilhl..'Tti \\,iIIi;UllSI'Ii, dr (ellis (\(-

Ruinl ltop.

tiC xxx It., in It{uh'tu soiul;<'!nil< Ii. ]lr" ,,,1111"108;11\111(' tnr\c ,luilllllUill,llutililli 1 \('nl1CtI), ,Ie 1"lIi~ ,I, ('I,if. ElI iJkclinc h, N 1 \lllIeky: cl .. it n'!!lIUI~ xx 11., lUlIl
quihu8 ut 8111lnl

ulicrundul cst

El de xl 1 1'(1) t01ll1 1., lO8itiullc tfllte l 'll!Liti; t:urclay ,Ie

G l unlll]) N E lir.aloo..th Allllllllll uill "ue SIIOUI>ll, ,I, lli LU I.'dietnlc ICLllInUIl de ) ("110011 r cmll l'ilK:,lriis Mille .

de OU\"U rul'.

1-:1. Ilc ij'hxx It., in ptlrtcm s..luliuu;!'! iill

com positiou!'

)t., pl'O

llel,ilia Ilr(I curta \1f'xnmhL ]l.08wcll ,Ie j>;,ll11uwt.." mi!itil, pro t~Hil (1(: 1-1t'llk mill nue el u .. to I'm'Ie lcnnnull .1" I.. ~;)'. )'rgi Ilpprl.'cinlis. IlI'C lcr octRnll1l ,1t1l.uillllL l'l'l.l"\,lnlli 1",1' ,lhl)!lli'LU !It !'OIl VCulllm ,Ie Ihmrtnul"1iu!J; c1. lie ICStllL11 1'C~p Ixx M., cum quil,u~ IIIUililcL 'lIe1Ull(IIt.~



Et. de j"lxvj 1 x;ij il. iiij .t., III 1~1111l' llolnliolli~ ill " . 1. llro eomp~iLiolle emil' 1\(,lLli~I'rll) lI ulIIC ,I... It'!Iis d IxIl'l)Uin Ilt~ Er8i!toull, <;1 !lie 1-e..IRllt h\\iij h. \'j ii. \;ij It cmCf(lllllU8 nt 811\ml. Et. de .'(iiJ It. \-j ~ \"iij d, 1>1'0 COIII\'U81Iwn<: CArte r. ..I)o.:lti l .nullir de oodl.'m ci ;\11Irioll' 1If)I'J)rill~ill dn.. sll(nse.
Llc terrill dt' ll nreclellch.

l\felllomn<1nm, '11100 eou1ll()\Jlns lI(ln (lUCHIl bC lie xx It pro ('!lllllllllllli,)IlC CIlI\{' cnul.,,,ntit'llis ,'Ollllllllls Ounh\! ,Il' ;\louchn'lllC dr tcnill tie (:llIlIIl>I.lnk eL L'lIl1ingn"lfle ()1I\'rnlldll~ lit "lIl'm

... J>.




Kc de ;o;iij It

viij ,1., pro cOUl\,ositi"'uG crillo

:'Ikllost.nnis, dl" cl"ltis tc-n'is



Patriciu Hllme de PolworthL, hlilili, p!!rtinentil,u::!, ct. sil)i appreciHtis. ltC-ill, iJl'Ul O llcrnt. se lie \ It. \"j is. viij d., 1'1"0 COlUpo....ilioIlC eliTte eonfil"lnatilJllis ,roh1\Ul1is OgilLy lie H'rris de Sk.'1.UerL!l. El de vj II. xiij ~. iiij (1., pro eompOliitione carte Gilbc,ti Filchatt, blll"gensis de .ALin.len, cL Issubelle U}l"lOnll eius spouso, .Ie qIHutn plIrLe teITl\nnn de Ardlllle. :llrmOITIIl,lulIl, COlll\.otnns nOll OllCl""Ut se ue xiij It. \'j S. \'iij 1\., pro compooitione cllrte npprecia'i(mis l'hillippi



pm Cl'rli"


([l rnmlflll1 I'fltrh:in

Il umo pcniucntibus, ct 6ihi :1.pprc-cintis,ollCro.lldllB. It''IIl, idelll ouollll se de ;diij It. ij ~., in prulelll sol utionis xX\'iij It. iiij ~., PIO composi1iollC C.lltc npprccintir>l1is :lohallnis \lomini UJiphllll~, lie ten;::! de Dunhem)", l'etca thly, ct IiYlLl.e'llle; et sic I"estnnt xiiij It. ij ~. }. lell101"3lll111l1l, qnod cumpottl.ns lion ollcrnt Scl de xxxiij ti. I-j 6. I'iij 11., 1 carta J),n-i(\llyrctoun (Ie CaUlhok de 11"1) terris ,Ie L'nml'Vok, onel"lllldllll ut, snprn. EL ,Ie x:-; It, pru cOlllpositioll1l curt-c confilllHltionis Juhanuis Gordone de Longur de tenis de KyJlllynJij~. EL de iiij It.. pro composit ir'llll cal te cOlltirlJUltiollis
:\ \""'JI-Ct.{' \\'I'ir,

1:,11"'1"ti ('nr\ilp



de t.nis de UlclIlUrk ct K Clsley. I:t lIcj'"~"xiij II. vj .s.l'iij d., in purtclll solutionis j<hxiij ti. I'.j .~. I"iij u., 1'1'0 eomposiliolle carte vilnlis l"Clltlitus .1(Jllnllnis cnmit is de Alilhole, ct ElenorCl suo sl"lOn~, in I'itali I"C-dllilll, eL .I0ltallliis Slewart pornl!l filii prilUogl'uit i ill hCI1:l1itnlC', de tel'ris de J:Ouch rolU l't 1' .IUIlYlllflOlll11 ; (li sic I"CStaut xl n. ollerandllA ILL ~11 ) ,w. I:t ,Ie Ij If. xiij iI. iiiJ ll., l'fO c01' II "l~itionC' corle confil"tlm\i"UiA '\I"Chil~rldi " I..H IlCltlntll fiC' te1Ti~ de Lenir. 1':1 de "" Ii., 1"'(1 (',lIta (,IIUJil'lllllli(lllis ,rdlcllui llnloi ni 1:1lI,,1,,. N. 1 ""I,~l1e SIl" "1",nSl', de IIO\'CIII hn""Lifi tl'l"I11I'II111 dl' 1::I \e.

1'111 ,',IlL" t>,"tlllU'III'~II.~ Th"llIt 11111"" ,Jr"." \:.. l(l\";Lnlhl J~. 1'lI( III"(' I-:l .ll' xiJ II , plH OOUlI""'iliulil' C'III< ("<.ulin",'\"'I,i,. 1 "UlA ,lL 1:,.lltlli 11Iu!!., l'U I"l:,"eI'sis \Ie ~Lli\dill, '\1I(;llIlI looo"y EL ,1 X11.. I'IV COUillOlliliollc c.,rll' ((,"rlllllalil'lIil': WiI (' IdlUi \ I"(.Icll.1uc .Ie 1101llI,y Cl Lli l.,hdh~ :\luH.: sue 1I 1 ~11I1;C. de l.o.'ITiR tic . e..IJill lhrid tic l\il"k(;(.Inll\'I.: , M l k IUO[":\lIdIllU, 111 ....1 l'(jml~.t.11I1 nOli ULlCI~It No ..Ie ,rxxxiij Ii. \.i Ii. \iij II., 1'1"0 110\"11 tllfe<><llLli(....e (.~t'l rolllllllLllitlti lie l'o.: J.,li~ IlU\'L11LI'\Ul> l'Illn ."lutulI\ ru('riL ~oo de xx 11 1'1''' COUlI~lISitiolle COllI<; \\"IBellili 1::....1111011s loml ue )JnllLlrclh eL ::;ilJ('l1c I~,~,c IioIUl sl_'II >\O.'. ,Ie te rri, ..Ie U\crg.lI"li et. certi, nliis in l\ieta el1ll(l con Icntia, " 1I6r:llltiUtl. 11<:111, illcm nllcrnt. 8C lIe xXI'j It xiij t iiij Ii , III parlclll solutiouis ( LIIAI'C3ruiU pm COml)(,~iliOllt cart~ I'tlll'icii El ,,". lIiJ II


Forbes !.Ie lerris tie Kinerogy e~ ('ora in ~rollin u~ {'t sic I"Clltnllt :d N. ol\clfIIl,lu. tit IlIjra. 1::l Ue. iij'b:~iij It. xiij. S. iiiJ d., JlL"O C('II'I'Olliliol1e cnrte .\ud n!G ,HOLllle Jo lcnia dr l..;tcnJuky, I"~i nl'pl"CClali!!, l'l1!lcr ocL;i\'UIII utnluimu di~tc tlt'preciatiouitl nblr."lti ot t<.lIwn t ui <lc Dnnrcrml'lillg ,1t.>Litlll" Et de jDlirdvi Ii xiiJ~. illJ II in J,111f'hl 8"lulionis j"'iij'xxxiij rt, \j it \iiJ 11., I"" c<ulLpo..itiUI1C cmk \lOI'C iufl'O\.l(llioni8, f[lcto AlallO l'lIlhcnrt .ttl l'nril<'III1, ,10 lorris (Ie C(lI'lCIOIIIl, rlilo rccugniU' rlWlllIlt. 1.'1 !!ie I'l!lItt llit hX~\'J II. xiij iI. iiij ,I. ('I1CI"tl.mle ilL .\lJlm. Et de iJ'lxI'J n. xiij ii, iiij ,I., in Jl4rtolll 1011I\iouiij \ UHII"CMIILLI jlro C"ll1l101:1itiolle cal'lt ,\le.\audri. l'vmili~ lI{' lful1tli ~. lie lenis Xi;,;elli :-;ll'lInn ",,;.;i (II P11."CiHlil> t'l lIil,i \"(u,lili$ ; ct sic tl'SI.lIlt IHJ h. xii] ~ iiij II

Ohcr,ulIll' lit suprJ.. 1-:1 til' iiij' h:lj It. )( iij i. iiij II.. III [>;I.L1'1I1 owlutil'UlS j" 111,11"1;;) 111111 1'1'1,1 ClllL1l'OI:iiliou(' carlp liI',ull' til" kn'L' ,ll' 'J'lIdllh.:.1I 11<.'1' CUlIlito.:lU '[0 1I111L11ic . ,.\. l~~I,Lll t IOl ut'n,11.' ii' n. olll'l'nmlc {'lUll ~'III1I\1LU fll{'L"il.


ACCOUSn- OF l if E
I"iij iI., pro eOIlJI'(... i ~ioli c cart' i,rolUiill(' Jolm nni, domino

Et lie :-. 1ij Ii. \"J"



(.lthC.[Irl. d dUll ~ I I(!U.,e, !klUle. EL tic iflx"J tI ~iij iJ. iiij II , in JlI1llelU 801u~ioni~ majolis blllumc ,it.: Pro carln fiends Pohici(>, coUlit ; ,lc

1:UIIlI-il", ,II,) te rris tic Tenm:hL el aliit te rria olilll Heres perlillontibus ct 1eg1 a PIlI'cciCllia, 8ie

Et IW ij'"xjlj 11. iij i;. I'iij It., iii vnrtcUl 801utioni8 CUI I.e ficllile l:olICHo, dOlllilio CrcchtOllll de R11lchqll hnr, lie
("I'rlil! klri, ni::~ lI ilia H 8iLi pl.rtinclltibllll; ('~ lie hllumt ij'h\:o;ii,jll. Ij R. dij!l. EI ,II' xli~ h. x II. dij d., ill lNU"lCm IOllitionis curto Iil-ntl" .\lc\lIl1lho ) [,,"nL lie !--tnllchous de certia l.uill billi pcrtincuWms et Iccognilis vel nl)pl"(l' (iIHla; t,t ~ic I(!lILtHIt ijt\\"ij It ij ~. viij u. Et lIe :..iij 1 IJ II. \iij It., ill llllltcm b,)llIliollis lux IImf' 1. earmi! 11I"O CUllIlJo\.iIiliollC CI!l"lC lien.le J ohanni Forbcs. d(>millo rCOlIi tenllnU do Ik ux, de terris de Fech tly, lI MIHlllllOlh. C~ J)ru tll111cllllrC l'Atil, cum ill lU(mibul regilt clc\cne,;n t mliollc fOll8fnctll1"C 01 IIl ienatiOU ) Cll1 IlInjoril 1~lIti .nruIIUC'lu; o ~ lIic restnu t :\ \ II. OllCl11U1ltl ul 1111]'1"11

t,;O.111'OblTlo:a~, " ',\lllJAHUI nE[.~:\"JOI:IJ\1 F:T

) 1.\1 [T ,\GIOI:U:Il. :

llew. i<1"I" 01lCml !Ie tic lXXJ;iij 11. I'j iI. I'iij. do, 1'1"0 1\I1nln el ullll"i;aj.,tiu hCICtlill 1 111011(111111 Gil bclli HalliIillY, vClHlilis JOh,lII11i .\lIchi ll lck d 1>1Iis llssignalis. Et ,Ic j'" II., \110 \\"111\1,1 ct II);Hitligio heretli! IJuoullnm jII,,'IIC 1 ;l"isl~1I1C 11(: l:isch"IIit)llU, \cndi lill Juilall ni, '\'lIl1iUl> l:rf1:U4 .le l h,\I;.hcit.l. I':~ 11, j""xx 11., \,1" wflnl" t:l 1II,lIilllgio Ilcl'cdia IJllOlIllanl Jullallll1" I\llll ll i~ .\0 i'ohllnllnl, \"t:udi t is Willchllll,
. 1"1l1 i uo. :"';II1(;U .j ..hlll1l1il.

El .Ic IlnJ II, ,iIJ' iiiJ II .1. ooII'I ..... itll.III' 'wnin ...h 1:.00:, twilll,' 1I'Imnun ,1.: 1'lulIIl""IIo.: N !'"Im.a.hl}" ,Ie t,'nll;ui .. J"'lIlh..:~ ..... te" cL i-mlti .\I"ltilii ;11111"
\.... 'Iuint", \" 11I"U m"ril~itJ l'tl\...Ji~ t'HIUI"l""1 Icrnllllili. '''II,litis \\'illclmu \1'U,II"',l' lie 11o'IIIIIY, E~ .Ie b"j 11. xiij ~ iiij Ii, I"" CI11II1~"'lti"ut, wanl" H IIllIlIl.IJ,';! '1IIomL1111 (;eo'l.'t!i l;ord"lIn ,Ie '1'",.\1111;111(', I'"uditil! AluAlh,h" (.;"II..IU\t1W ..Ie .\I1(;\,ill-


lit, III l'ro Co)IIII>011itillne w:mlc: H m3rit:t',.';i 11I'1I.. 1i" '11t",,,LII'1 .J"h;III1li.'I FUll! .. de (,( .. \till, ""n .liti.. 11,1111111,11" Kel dt, 1'11'1I1~I,Il,'udl ":t .Ie J" II" In I""rit-m IlJluli",ni~ it IiI,nuulII l'lv El

OOllllJOloition(l wlIru, ternmlill jnl,('lIl;mll t'X 1.,11.(> alu;tmli :lIIIIO ,Ie Forthl, III h"l"ilou~ 1'1:..1 .. I'x isll'nlllllO per mort.:!1ll 111I011(lulII .10lllini l.ilo-. \"t:lhli lc \L11heo, colll!li ..Ie I.("'illl''(, et I;l' Ihl;mt j" n. lKlh'llmle. et CUIII 'luiblill ut. bUP'" oll~rlltl\IHlI

I-:t .Ie j<lniij It.





1I.,,,-.. Ii.

c(>11I1 ~.ilitllJe \'.I!'Ile cl IlMritll;,;ii ' I UUIIII,II11 l:ollI!ltl \l Cn<l1I .Ie l lalkir, HII


,1., in pnrl(om IOluliouill iiil

,liWI1IU1 II C ll ri{~, :\ ICI"S.1r tic :\ltkillollll!: eL Ioie ru.tant 1X\\\iij 11 \' iJ jI ,j.t till., '1IIil.11I ('I,l Olld'lI n..IUI lit IU llro. t-:&. lie if 11. pl'O Cllllll106ilil.lllt \\lIl,ll' LNnUUll1 JUl1'1l' liUlU iurm "Icccmuitntlul \It' 1\'Illtl '"L !"Infarc, ill mrl1liLu~ 1'C'.;i~ cxiJ:ltcl1lium ~I 1II01h:1I1 {11't'J-gci. Ilomiui Cilatum)"lI, I'cmlite Llia-Itd" (iray, .I\,mille
0 111111111,"1.



.1<- iitn.-:iij 11 'j;:" \'iij d, I"" COItUlI"",ili,,"c ",.IlI!.' "t III::r.ritng11 h.-)1..~Iil! '111"11.1.::1111 .\ndreo. \\' ChIY tie l'llnlY, It'wlil"null llltl ...,li ,I., l';HII1'1I1okillll<'lill It.' if:<iij It, 'j ,~" \-iij It. 1'1" ('Ohll"'~II"")I' ""Inl"
krmnllu in mallil",,,
11I"rl,'1II 'I"tlll,lllil .\I~:<:UI.lli 1',II.hl.' .\ ",1"... _\!<'UIJ.

"'i:\lI ('\,-,I"ulllllil (>l'r l;ll1r. ,I!, n..thic,\';,

_\ ... lor:-.- )':- OF 'lilt:

El ,It- i{'iuii.l Ii. 'J !l. liiJ ,1., ill p;nl('1U II\llullOUil> iij" l:"j 11. ,;iij~. iiij .1., 1,1" C(lllll'oj;itiutlC Ilul\le lt l1ln l il,,~il hCIl~lil 'lIlOUtI,1I11 .Iuhnullib In,U\' tie ,\,l,IlI11' tllUIl, \"l'lHlitllnl1l1 A,l ... :'IlIul' ,1(' (.'n"IIII.'! I, miliLi, e~ lu~:o.oi"lro j':"'hlllnlu mlll'C; ('t 8ie n 'ljlnnL j''ixxiij 11. loj ... viij .1. , Cllm (luil,118 est OIlCI,..IIIIIIII. Et .Ie \ 1 Ii. pl"O IIlllriwgio ITcuriei 1I01aee de CnnLl'fIn, 1"'IIlIiL,) mn~i81lo Johnullj t'nldour. tt tl(' X~ 11., p!"o lYan!n ,llInnlll1 man:,1InnHll 1('["nHUIIl de l\ uu);'lu l,nr'uc (I. KIl"].;b'lll mllc), ' -el\llitn A.II! Cnllllyn~. h:1II1I' til' l'upriugltolill. I:t .t Inj II. ~iij A. iiij II., PIO (;{)tnl>08ilione wnnle cL lII,uit.1o:ii 11(>\'L'tlnlll IUn1lC111011l111 IIU"IIIIIIIII l'utl'idi \\" ,1111 ,Ie BnllLoonollth , II'n,lit,lrulU lJ..,llIino Patricio " UIlI!, o1im I' riori Cllnlli,1t- l'nl'll.. El lit.; I II, I'l"OCOll'lo()liUolI(, \111"1.,: ('t lIIal"itngii IluolH.lnlll Wa llcri " btill ,.r, hUlgCllsilt lIe l/('ntrQjj, I('lllli\.lunm Willdilio ~..tL El tl\ \"iij"h:iiij It iiij 1 I"iij tt., in pnrtem solutionis j"'liij'lxl"j II. \ iij ~. iiij It.. pro CQIlII....ilionc wn),le cto IU:llil"o:ii I U'I\.~li8 1!IIOII,ltUII lI"k'Onis Wnllncc deCmgin, 1t'lItlil.lnuti l"iCt.'Ct.>'uili \I", .\''''; et sic n~talll j"'ij tt I iij-. I iij d. OLlt:ntlllle III ~1\ 1 'm.. l:t ,1,..1 Ii .. 111't1 COlll llQllitir,n(' 111\1,1", cL mnrilngii h"'I"Ct1i8 '1""u,lalll ,IIICOI,i ~CII 1""11 de 1)" IcI Jir, IClldil.;lnlUl \\;lIdIIlO lIulI;;1a~ ,I<- :'I1"n;II. I;, ,I, ~I I I.,I.t"I' e"Ill IIl",ititlm' ,\;11\1... Clllillrilngii quonilnm l"1~'I\,lrt ,It l'orltl"lll OIiIl. 1.:IH,litJlrIlIlI Gill.tcllo l"lIl'I~. hlll"l.'llIl1i tic _ \hillk'lI.'. Et ,J,. j ' II., ill 1 ~1l 1"'1II )00,111111<1118 iiij' llIarcuflllll 1"\' (.'"IlI~ ... ili('Il\' \\"111\1\ {'to lII:1ril..c\gii quondam .JoImllllis (IIIIU.lIII-(Il.1IUC .1", \\"-sl l ..,mi~, \'",uu ilmcm lllagisll"i..:> .1,,1'.llll1i f' IMII8, ,lIfl'\'III"ri :'Ilm',wiellsi, cl 1)1I\'it! :-;IKII~. n,t ..,i .1, Fli,].; H ,it" I"'C8l.;llI tj' l.wj 11_ xiij ~ lIi.i ,I, "lwnw,I, II. -lI JlI,L i-:l ,I, i.l'\1 li_. 1"'\1 (t.IIlIKtl/.ilIUIiC 1\'I\I\ll' ("\. IIInriLilAii 1"'I",li~ '11I.uulnm l"tq ,llIIlIi I""k lullt. lit- (.'ll1-\lIl1rlll Inilil i~. \ ,u,hl;.l1nlt ,"'\.:llIlIi, 1\"llli III' 1;10!ll1 ,1(' 11111].;11<"11

1.111:11 111(;1 1 l1:L.-\:-.,I:U: El,l. \Uiij h I) il liiJ ,1, I"" ,,,:u, ..... itll I!' "lIh tl .... 1Il.1l11a:.:il It, nl,III' '111101,,1.1111 TI,.. IIIO TI,!)",'h"!! lIoo ~')lh,;m. I<:IlII,t.IIUIII ,\I~l'lIlIlro, lIU\\hluu.1 ,I,' C(".b.h . II' iii I i .\il-1II0111111IulII, '111.,,1 ,,,1111',,1,111>1 11"11 ,.ucmt ,~' II, III I'l"fl coul]~ .. ilil/llo; II!;Itit.!,!ii .Jl,h,UlUi. t"r.Ulrlll'h,;, lllrl"lli>l IjllI'n,tllll 1l,,1"rli C.aufllllh- .10.: l:l~ldI.lU. I"ell,liti '1"I"'IIIt' (,n, n' ,IQ "\"I,Ie",,!. EI ,I... h\\ II., pro \",nl ...iti"I1{ \\1U11~ ('L w:lrit<'lgii Il<"n.li.'I 'l"on.LIIII Wull.n (;11l1,,11~1"" ,I, (; 1,iJ>!o,;c,

,0;,,,111""11111 1... ,1~11, 1:.',II,J;lY

Et ,It- xHj II xiij'" ,iij \1.. I'll! C"UlI'Olllli,.u .. wn.rt'" ct m.lIILI;.:ii 1.",,111111 't""I1,LI1I1 1'11".111: !-.1~I\'lili. l.mgchsls Ie I hili,','. \ .:nuil.lnull 'lia~i"l I', .1 (,I,.III II i :--1;,) III"';"':.U r, EL ,10 ij' II .. ill l',nl('l1\ ~lluti()lIil:l iiij< 111111(:.11tUlli 1'1"(1 ,(m
1")llItiom \I",~1t. lo.:l"IlIllllll ue ~dIC(lUili. HI '~'n'nin ,It:

I lirltl)ulI. 't'mlilc Ollkinli 1.00uh.>II;l: l:~ .ie n;..lnnL I:\\j II :uiJ A. iiiJ \1 El .10; I:\\;x It. ;11 J.a,tl:UI .;olllliol1;. {Ix II. pro cOlIll!'otii. til'lIt ,,:u,I, lelnUllm i"h,l ,il'I(lllIil..llulIL J~. t.-lill1.IIi}.!h ('I. ~"u"II.,III\I.\Ii'llIl II. lIu.lill!-:toll. ill wanla ,,i.\t,ltill,ll 1"' nlj"ldll 'l"O'UI.O:1I '\",.,lIIl1i H{.milI"UII ,I,' IlInnli1;, \"I"1I,1i1t :\11'lj;:"e1.C Ko;uuColy; CL !tic n.,.l.;WI. h"J 11. 4>11'1'111111<' III 0111""11. Ll ,Il' ,I 11,1'1<1 ,,,,,,)'o,ilil)\I{ \\lInk I"IUllllilagii IwrtJi.

EIi,'I .... th




I:i(anlo 1.1l1l,o(l1l\!. Et .Ic j'x:niij h. 'j ;. I"iij II.. 11111 c"w\,o;,il,,,m ,u:,,itagli h,,"('.II .. fIIlOU,11fl1l hlll~i,;l1"i ,\I.x.uIII,i t"luharl. Ii~,' l'1'"llll' de C'llIm<:rLi, Itudili 1Ii"o;l>;II" .\k';LIUI!""

El 11.,11

IhmlllwulI t"l 1111:,,:,'ui& 1I"",ill""1I d" JlllwniJ..:. \i'n.hli .\J. :vI1I,h". ,1(01111110 11.11", :\t'e ,I" hlJ II, pI" C(,ml ... itlOu 1',lltt. 1,11>1111111 ,It:

"II.'nIL It ,I. ill1 1'1"11 1'..:r~,li. '111"",1.1111 .\k:li.m,ld

'lIll>U!oiliolle 1I1'.lil.l;:;;

\\.'II.I,rn.i .. ,11111 lU"I,u.liu" ,,I1\\IIIh",. III \\'II~hl I WI 111,,'11"111 ",""il", ,I. nudl'luhnnr ',II,lil' ,"")!i,.,,, II.- 1.n"l1.




EL ,I... Ix Ii., ill IMrwlIl SCllutiouis j" 11., "I~l COlllj)081L10IlC mHlilltllJiLIiS loJrl'fU'UlU (Ie :Uckill IhiJ>piH, <lumina )IM; "cll loC, Li IIcn tiu m, tlt. IlI"omissi l:oloCl'to :\!(\x\'cll (1(' C'nldcI"IHlI\ emIl cI'UtigcliL ; Cl sic rcstant .~ I ft. oner tUH.1C III sUJll"lI. El de x.x If., in pal'tcm sulutianis nonintl"oih18 tCl1l1l"1l1l1 Jc Callobrck e~ Cnmpbch.on, pcrtinclltiutll J ohnnni l'mnphell dc 1ow(lolln, et. I)TO aliis viginti Hhris l-e5lRt O illigtilio dicti Jolmllnis cum compolant.c onel"!l1J(lo ilL

El tIc x. 11., \) I"{J compOflilione Iit.cre licencie concesse .\II.ireo (I:ode] do I'clyrodtllis pro tliepositilJt1(' lIlarilagii euo mie. Et. tic I' 11., IJl"O COlLl l>06itione nOlli II tl"011IIS dt lIIedie IIUl.l"Cllte tcrml1lUl ,10 Uroune l'lUilcll, venditi n o1.oCrto Hn11lil

i t.c:m, illem onemt se ,\e yj N. xiij iI. iiij a., de linnis ter1l1l'lIm de :;aml1uw de terlllino :;''lucli !\1M lin; 1I11l10 'luillgt!utcsiIllO quarto. Et lie I'ij n. x.j l viij ,I., dc tlilll('l,liew.tc tcI1'1U"1I1lL de I';emutl), et. de codelll tCl"nlino. EL ,Ic iij It, de fil'lIlis lerml"ltlll (Ie Uthimme lie codclil tormi no. (.Xi>lr iu "wt"yj)l.1 Ilcccptll n WilIicltno Forbes, prNcl' lll'cimum dc nmimn IIOI11tllm pel" eundem " -iIlicllllO, 1lI'isc(,1'0 .\Liniollcnsi. It('m, idcm 011Cl~'t. so de xliiij It., dc Ji11llis lCI'm111l11 de Glcllshp lmm et. TIuskhnucll, I'Cl"liuclltiulh I:ohcrto (: (ud"UlI , cxislcnti nIl COI'lIl1 I"('gill dc (1\111(' (Iuill ' gellL~illl fl ct qunrlO, I"CCl:plili perc OlllllOllitionclil n ,1"l niuo tic l .. mchill\i l. 11,'111, illclll "Il(' l"fl ~ ~ ,Ie xi II., (I" tirmis lC'rmnttll (IC' \ II' ~ J U Jl', I",'Ili IIl' lIti11l1t dido ! :01oCl 10, I: 'l:is\.Cllt iUIII 1111 in 11I11I,;1'\l~ Il'i-\is (Ie 1111') allllU mliOtlc t.'S(.:hnu.c dieli I:, ,I. '1"1i. "ix. '\(' nil III, IJ IIi 11]"""11 wi Infl 1('lti (I, uilSC(lnl..'ll"lI111 ,j,IIlIill" ,It, ('111).


,k hu\uj II. IJ ~. \'iiJ ,t, .1, IIIUlis l,rr.nUIII U'Il-" \tLlltlllulii .1.. TllIu.lc n.~~f't~ II Inll;:i ..lro .h.htlIlUC ~l.llIIlb"-'u1i1 UC Ic.LlI hnll,,,uUlIIM.t~ tuu.t.tl"ulull, ue IIIIIlU (1IIill);elll'''[IIIO quartu El .1;: ij' h 11_. Ilc lin.lli~ uH;tllnlll- IA,:rrnnull 1111110 'jllil'ill'lI\l'llilllt} IllIilllv. cl lenni II') l'o.:lIlheCOIIl('1 RUlli '1IIillt:I.'IILllIiuli texli. I't.....:cpll$ au (...."!l:m IlIagbll'O




Ih'lII. i,I"in (\I1Chii II'lle xh-J It xiiJ i. iiij u_ ue firmis wrnl rum Jc t; Ie II' 1.'1'1 t Ullo.: Cl. l ~lell II II III i II II tI nl.1 n.-gis ,II! tCllllihtl ~.lIIdi .\I.utilli nuni '1IIillb,\:lIl~lIimi qUlUti
aa:,.'tI.11.lI1I1U mJOl~lr" l:il1lnlu 1.4I1IOUII CL

J . illlnui

EL u<" x'(\'iij II. lie lil1Ui.! ,licl,IIUlU tdMlllm h:rulilli 1\'lItliN:tlIlcJ; IIIIII! '1lliugcllh1lUIIl '11Iillll l'\.''l'li. nl. cil!th.'m, liel'! ,lhlNi!. nC'!llitLllIlt'illlll llicli~ IlCl'IOlIi.. ue l<Oh'J II xiiJ ,. iilj 11.; et sic BUl'cr{,xu\.~lI li i\ CjuSdC11i hie IIUII Ulll'Ultn .... h~t nu\i.'\li ue Nvlln pro 1110
Ik~iUl" 1\(-11:\';0

EI IIIl XXI'J It \iiJ ~ iiiJ It , III' Iinui~ l~rror\lm dc ~:Cblin 1'1"lIIillllii II. ei&lli-IU tilllli)! 1 .oCi .!ollliIlUIIl de t:Cl1lo lltJUb'1lllJ et 1',1I111l.. '(ullel. 1111111 'IUlllb'l.:ntHimi 'lunr!i .

11.1:111, i.klll O lldlll Ie de 1.~'nJ II 'Iij'" Iii) It. III' r(!8t.:1 IinnnrulIl de Il'rlia de CroUll'll1 ue 1I0llQ 'Illill:;<"IIU!sil1lo qunrto.
Et. ut' jlj H. "iiJ ii.


iiiJ d . dc linn" l\ielAnlln tcrrnrum quin:;clltcsihlU 'jllilll!;>, 'InC n.,lnlilm IllllllUllim 1II1\Hj!;II'O Alc.);llnJro o...:iluy pro (,'t'nlU!I1

"''I;Il;;lllln llllll'da,

,I. xi'\: II viiJ ,1. ill \.Il\rtem IOlutiolli~ xiii, .1(' flnlli, tCIf(\rum I, rmiui 1\1111 .. '\.~~t'" rllllli 'Luill ;,;.lIl..... lIl1i "'xli i eI ill lertui 110 ~llll'li .\Inrtiui 101 I'uut ur t.'utlil" nmn.'t' 1t11I1. i.klll OW'ITlI"" ,I ... l'iJ h. ,I., tunll.lt- Iloula\'\: . 'I'll' oli'li 1".-llino'lIll1l1 (;0011;''0 'h~I\."', 1111t: 1111111- o.lI8t.. I<llIlur .\\1.11",:. ,11'1111110 II "I\'~, klllllll_ 1'.ulh"I'...... ld' aUlii ' 1Iun;,;t.'III'hlllli Il'lillil. ,Ie 'I\~\ lim"", ~II\IIll.lIICUl 1-':lIIalio.:~ ('IUli ,Iietl! .\UlII'\~J.


,. I! Yo


or :'\T~

OF Til E

1t"r")I, 101.m omnlL 6C .1(> J:"iI\"J II. ,.J .... iij 11. ul.,lo, til' tinn!. ItrWIlU ...1" (:t\:l1ll1'n~, 1:',n1 II. ,t ,liult".lictllll' .1, ",mllll.', Ilw,lntllt'lIl1 I,,ion :-"',I\.ti.,ndn(- lIe terwinis (:('IIII'<.Ili. l'I\:ltr d<'CillluUJ 111'1lllrimu Slllnltlin ' ...r OOIIlI",t.1UI('lIl IjU Ill'l1. COIII''''(UIII II\: ,1iulcllil'lat.c termnll.1 tie KCllluny, Willil'lhlO CI,i!ICto(>O Abir JUllensi Et Jc hiiij It ",.j ;,., per \clu.litiuIiNll :"iiij eel, IrontO! et I"iij l.ollarulU unlei et r;uille lie CIOppO nnni 'luing"uICtiimi qunrti tie lirma tcmU"\lUl Ill' Clcn
1t'~'I, i.I'1II OIlCrot
I(' de xh'J H. \iiJ i. iiij 11.. de !irmis tt'nnntlil de Illuerwik, existelltiul\l ill I" nnihue regie mli"ne noniul roitus, de lcrmino ~nl1eli )llllliui nnni Ilnin~enlClSimi qnarli tt l'tn thccOllICl Anni quill.

gl'III,.simi qninti.

h ... hl. i.lem Ollell1l ac de YI .. xiij 11. '-j i. \iij 11.

tinlli~ termrum

0 11010,


domiui Ill'

j)nllnl~, l"iz.-Loll ohOle

Il)inrmu t!'rmrum,

de tel1uiuls OOhlpoti n88C(lnll\1"UIU Willi,lmo )lelltdlh ,Ie 1\:1.'1"8, mili l i, prctcr tertinm

IIIlin& tenniui proprietatis diclllruill terrnrum, 1-:1 Ik hiij It., do firm!s terl1lnllJ\ do l'etc..'lrne tennndrie .Iit-li .Iumiui d(> Unullf,' de eisclclII tcnniuis lit &l1pm.
f leill. j,ll'm on'mt sc !Ie xxiij 11. \"j 1. viij d. , tI' firmie t..rmrutl1 de Glcn,ll1k~. e\j&I'lltiullI in lunnilm& regis

mti,mc 1l1'11IClif1.Cioliis .Ic nnnn quius:clLt~imo quiulo, l'L"d.r ()(;I!l.I UlIl ticmR ri lllll soilltlllil nhhM i du DUll f(:) Ill lin;! 11(nl. i,l{,lll Oll('rnt u de xi:( II !;iij ". i:( .1., ,I' firlllia L,' rnrmll (Ie Fli~klllelill::; et c.rla parle de Logy ,ilnilil!'\" I'('gi nl'l"t'tiatllnlnl (I~ {'O'~km nUllO. It'hl, i,]1'1\1 4lnrnlt ". lle"\ 11. iJ il. \. II .. ele fil"llli~ tcrmnllU

.1, 10 . 11 I\~IUU;I~
r.,r1~11 ,II~


S:III ..lJn} 'l'c{'\.till



t"nuil .. , L',lIth.."\;..... tcl nnni !ll\il.~f,:III,,.imi 'luilili. 1",.1' .. ,kC'iuHUIi ,kn.uilllil 1II',Inlll1l1 \\'illidmn
I,i~("I"' ,\I,j,'I'Hl ..n~i. II.<'JI. "I'hl ',111"1111 IIoC .j., iij II.. ,Ie Ii.millt!'rrrulim ,it

I"tbi,,,,,\{ ,I, C I'llI It rmim'

Et de

Il'r)nrulil.k (;I"nA.I,t.-.ot &k) ri'lJlllnl' l't 1:II~khalidl. 1I:ls('\IIItl'Ullm d"mi"" tilColy til' tNllliun l'clttll~~(.IStC1. nnlJi 'Illingcnic. i"li


It. \j i. \"iiJ 11.. ,\.



EL lil' xliilJ If., til' linnis rorulJdclIL de tennillo !:inncli .\ [lInini el I'culliccoatcz i\uni q,lingetltC!inli, Vil~ S.mcli )lllrtini aUDi tluill;!(:lIlcsimi f{nin!i ct l'clllhc cOSle1. a.nni qnill!;lnt:ellill1i .,.;xl;. Item, i.lcm ollernt. II'de bnj Ii. xiiJ ,. iiiJ u de finnis lCrmnuu Jomillo de G:llrulE'!! Il('rlilllnlium .IC' teru.ino I'ClllhCC(llICl: in p.'Irlcm solulioni. ejub,lcm. Itt'llI, idC'1n OIL('ITlt It! ue liiij II xij A., ue lil1l1i, lrrnlrlllll de hnU \';: CIIHI:\Y, rejlli& n Wilhelmo rorl)('!l nnll(l qllin~lIt~imo Iluinto, 1""Cler c.k'CiulIIIJl Jenarimu dchitmu el ,i~copo . \binlouellsi. EL d~' \' 11. \iiJ I., 110 lirmis Icrnmull de L 1thirarn(: de dietls lenuillis, prcler dccimum deuarium UL
supm, Et de \.J II" de fimlis lerrontm de f:oud(I}'lt de lermino Sandi )'lnrtini nnno qllingent(!-iruo quinto. prcler

IlecilliUlIl dennriulIl ul !-upm. Et tic uiij n" \'j;;". ,i;j ,j., in loartclIl solutiouis IirmllfUill terrnnllil cL horouie de SlroWQne, ill 'liunihus ..";,';,, C'.\ i6tcu lium mlione 1\";1.1(\.:, de tcrlUIUO l'cntllecor.kl: nliliO (juin:;:clltClimo ICXLU. item, idclII Ollel'll~ [14.'] tie x:nj It x:ij~. iuj It., dc finnis tCl'llll'UUi d(> t'l~hom, in IIlanil,ub rc:;:is ratione wanl", Ill' lenniuo SUlleti )Inrtini nllnii ,!uiugcutesiUli Ilunrti et I'l.'nlhccOl>li'1: anui '1IIill;':('t~t"sil.lli 'Juiuti. ItCIIl, idem oncml !IC de x\iij 11., {I(> firmia ICrr:ll1l11l .Ie Clesche et I;~ nniug, de UII(, lcn'tino nUle hoc compotum et de lemlillls cO'lll' . ll, cxist('ntimu ill Ul.1uil>1U! regis pel mortem 'lu",,,L11U It)(vllS l:ollI:.ti Lcrin:,..'Ston, mililill..

i,lelll ouemt ~e tIc \f~\ij It '\; - i,j Clloo] .. , I'Cfl'l,tis

m";.li!lITG Andrea !-jhl~\M ,1(' lelTis n'\eh'u.liHi,"i 110111ini :-;1l ctinmJIl.~, 1-:1 II., iiij'h:x\'11 rl'l.'f'j,li@ (I\) coJl.'lI1 r{'\l.'l\:l\llibllill1(' in l't!rtis fluanci iM, \'it. in tuilie Ie rnmki,.


\i'('t)\TX'I's OF TilE

de ,., 11., H'Ccptis nh nhhnt.e de l\rLrolh pro debltis 'lllombl111 re\"('l"e ndiasi mi domini Jacobi Sanel inlldree nl"ciliepi'ICl)l'i ultime Jefullcti. Ellie Iv 11., rect.'Jllis 11\' episcopo .\biI\loncnsi, ill ellsLodin C);i~tel1l(' de loonis dicLi (""\'crendi domini. I-:t I\e il););i:o: ri. x ~., reeel'Lil n mnh';stl'O J olmnne Bmtl)" (Ie 1)I!Clll1in dieti l'evercndissimi ([omini (Iefullcli. Et. lie IO\'iij 11., II eomitisso rJe I~oss, donn tis domino regi.
Ilelll, ideUI onernt IIC de \'/I:t\j t1. xi ij ~. iiij d., 111'0 compositiol1e n111croimnc Ilti mille IiLnll1111l iu quo adjndiellli cmllt UCOI""",'Cus dOllliuus 50tOll11 e1. Thomns IlOllhuik de ColicIn\\", qnin 11011 in~rn\"enlllt. .\lIdU",1n1 lIedol lie TlolJ"n1~ Illi IIIII-.cUlIllrnu It.-g~u, 11\1 ilel" jn~ticirnic de Etlilli ul".;l, Pl"I) inll'rr.::ctione

,Johnnnis Fell~oul1 tic eO(\('I\1, 1lcm, idl'm onemt &c (Ie x l N. n:'Ccplis n (\..lUlillO de FlcmYl1g de bouis cseha.::tis quolldn m Gcorgci Flclllyng justitlcllli. [LCIII, idcm un.::mt sc de iiil;(~iiij Ii, xi" S, ix (t., ill l~llt/!m S()[ntionill millo lib!'fll"U1ll Ilcbitul'nnl domino Il'gi IoCr ,lumilll'lI1 liutlissar ct de ilia RIIIllIl1I\ 1'lill('il"di IOIIII/! ' 11111111111111 U.1\';11 Bctol1 l1 Lhc18aur"rio tricl'nll' \'igill1i lit'I'C, de 1[llihl.18 l'l'ddil1it l'ompotlllll: I't ~ic 1"~lnl1t ill\' It. iij (I. ol1l'1'1lu,lc nt. su pr;l. It .. IU, jl\."ll "llCl1lt II~ tic iiij<hj 11. \ Ii., II... rCl).Ju lIllI),;ni ~igilli pCl" IClll}lllfl comloOti, \l1'l:lcl" o[lJ]lih'lltiolll'l!I dOllliui de ('utllcnlll1 pro \'igillti lillris, et oblignliollclll ,\WlIW 1Il'l1l-o:, nil' pro fjllndrngintll flohlli .., C 11m q11i1>l111 Clllll ll'tlq .... luti fucl'il1t ol1cl1\uduH I'St.
Itl'ln, idrlll Oncl'nL M' do j",,,,,iiij 11., l'CCCplill n l11ugilltl'O ,Incoho l)onglus pro feotlo sigut,ti PCI' tellll'us



,II' it" 11., l'Cccplis in )tlllteni SOliltiClllis II Wnllcl") ("\11'1)11l:111 pro l'OI.\rru f('oon !ligneti per .lietll lll LClIlllll~. Itl'lII, ;,1('111 Olll'mi so Ilc iij"'iiyl.\ssh, I'ij" "(I., rectp Lis d" ~1I1,s('dio ;l1dl;"pi~(oI,i ~lIl('tinlldl'(,(" nL 1~ll c t in
IiI"" '("llOi"i

:< ... 11(..,1110,


"XllllliIUtlO 11111)111 C('I'lpotllm,

U)J:U IIIl;)1
El d., 1J'h.:u.:cj II .

na:.. .\!o.tI.U:


I'h::c:nj JI~ lie cl>UlIMJIoiljnUc ",]tl'ii tlorlllrUln .Il: 111111"" cl Il ahLul'nluu, d . liluUh' lClllllum .1"LUil" III' Ihrllllltn, per ~'I"IM""tic'I,,tll fuctmu I."UItl 'Iuowmm i 'dtnci., Jnluino ejuaJ/.'IU: d it t't'tltlnt iflxxn:iiij t1. x 9, I'iij U" CillO 'lui I'll" UUl:t1U1U\l.I etlt lit 10pra. 11/.'111, ut.1JI OIw",L ~" lie ii/h:xl'ij II xij II .. l,n'I'clli .. cutihn~ (''': luao 'Il''- "utnLuulntionClll iiJ"lf L'C.u'Hj cvrvuilrULlI, liL ..'nt"rum frnncic. nll"n.lcntiutll ill ,nnllNn ~1;".ID.l 0.1 ij",~h:CX"lj 11 iiij ~, mti"IIc cOllic per kill!>"' COUlpull. ltelU, ill\'m lItlClilllte lie ix'lxx tl. ;\I' iij"-, I"'(,\"<'ui,"lillll" 11(' llilm. tmli']lli. tuuphori. UrJ:,'1Wllill IICll umtUl, f>Ct.u )In]lIl;(lulII, leX ditcorum nl'l::cutronlht. eL c]llIIlltOI 8uisn.-iol1ltu, tliclOl'um It IIdllf.-i~, clinm 11I);Ch" liorltnt, ponllcrnutium in loto 1It\'ILIlIgilltll. ILllllIll lihml UllnUl Ilucium cum 11imedio dc Ic lrviz l)(onderi!>, COllrtlltorum ill If: pfllkkil, preteI' tli'CI'SO.I alias eXlot:nJli\I de mnn(ulLO domini reg. pC'! i,kllL tempus. IlflLl, hlem Clot'rol Ie dc ,~hlij n. .\iij A. 0111'>10, (llUlelli .. ('utilma tic JlloLul tlnentil nrg.mtiia, "OClItia tie I :'II~,'(>IIY ct 110 magilll"o AngUli!!, eL duof\uU llllrllp .. aillulli nc lIuius lli-.ri nrst-nlii, 1"IIlUI'ntntil,uI ill WlO /Iuiwll.'eim lihntl quatuol\lccim Ullcit. l't- 'IUnrl('linlll 'lIIcii ct ]Jvudul Llllius grollli cum diuu:,lio, lIl'('uton ex Inero eummllt..lliollis c('rti nrg,,'lti C1I11,li \lOudemlllc ICXllgilltn octo libl'!ls seplclII UlLci(ll IIlInhl (1IInIll'li'LiLI IIlIcii cum tlilue<1io qllallcrii uneii dictt Ie boiz \K,o .. lt'ris cnuf'tnli in lin:,:ulis dClllu;iJ rcr di('ULm h'lLIl'LlS t'xI"."llJil tlNluctis l:l 1111e1ilx:l !ihm I'n. lict... rum loOel'3 .. ... Iiuullm conlineu. aext.lcc.im ullei...

1'(" iiiJ II

ill pOllL'm .. ,lutimli8 U..:lJ("lIIU', l!006.



i.\('m un<'l'AL /11.: Ilc 1I11X 11. n I'WI-{"oImtc lit' \\,igv>l1Il J'e("'I,(jtl, ,1(, qUA. l"UUIlJ nC'lllittnuclu ICIIlIIltCL CU1ll ditto I'icccomitc.

\,1>. 1~.QL

,\IYOl'\'Th OF TilE

EI ,I,' I 11" II l'i{'("C"luile de

,ldilo('lltli3 (NnpOljtuli.

\"'r ,'l\lIlnUtILllllt'!U lUll):! II~' 1'"I,iilo. r:l .1., ",(I'J II, "iij i. iij ,1., rt'l"Cl'lil>:1 l'il't'C"lUitc .Ie I~,uell.:, ill 1~1rt"l11 "'Ilulionis I"kl'ii 1(>1111111111 \le

J:t ,Ie liij Ii. '-J ~, ,-iiJ U.. recel'lis It licecoillitc til.' UUlllocltulle, lit' {UUt'I1:i1I1UCUlO Jolklnni& <.:Iuull!K'n;lY ill itinere tic Vu uhcrliUle. 'lito 411110 q\liugeut~ i lllil

1!r.O:l'TI'J~r."" QlOX[1-\J.I

llnTllS tic terti.1I1 1I1IlIill 1"-~Ulli'II'unl, d th, Ilnihllli 11"11 t\.'i.l,litlit {'olllll(ltUUl, cL nunc {'OUlllOl!tnS C'llcml 11,' {'lUll l'i",itUI,

Item, iJem Olli'mt 8(' de xl 11., rl'CCJ,til n domino lie G011iallc lie resin ontirille ~lHllm{' iliueris jllJltieinric tlu Wi~tOUII, Icnti 1111110 uOII,Lbnimo octal'O, til' COIll-

I'O!liliOllilUI3 ('I non extmclilollS diui itilletia.

Et Ilc X\lj It. xiij Ii. iiij d, rect'"tis II l'llllido H ume (Ie I',,]worlh, Inilite. lie Lilxa l"i('lil>.-<' .Ie NOllhhel"uic
COllN:'llo;tI I\jJUII lJeuhl1uk

EL lie 111., rocejJti!:l n Williclmo F,l(IIl~, pro o\;l i~ tiolle priuH rlle-tn \Ill He-hly I.'L :O;1II;.I>(.i1h, (fletn (1\I\11111nlll I :ol~'rln I.l1Ilt.1)' Ul' BIlIe,'OIIY. 1-:l J\:),,, lL, rf'O'r-ptili nit .\11111'('0 l:cuc [lleJ l'.... tt'otl . . l1is.lm'
COUll108itiolll' CoII'Lt coujullctc
UXOrt elC.
inr~,,,.l lI lioilis



EL 1\0 iij'"uxiij It IJ 1. "iij d., rrecplis n 1)"1111110

DrutnlllOIlU pro COILlllOfiili'JIle (;!lll0 Ilc 1IIIIi l']l.:O ry N, ])unfuwia. gt ,It, Ixxx Il, rt'Cel,Lili 1)('1" ,IoIUInIlt'11l $lrin'lill, tullC rlllulal"I\'III, de .:\Inthcn _\cllld., ('t allocatis cilk11l ,1"Ii,mlli ill eOlllpntn Ulnl ulii .. 'tulttillill lULl'I' [1"'11111 t l II inn III [11I1'i,1 t'l IIklU 11;\1111 nrcellit nll'll';llinU('ul Ill' "j,.d"111 11'111 01,.,1;11111' I)n(~1 01\('11L\'il lie 1'11111 "1\11.'111 ill , II" ('''1111" 'tn. h"ltl, i'\'-'II I>lIl'11'L k: llll i{Il!, ll'Cl'l,ti>l nl, nt.I~,lc Ilc Il.lIillll1dll,l1l citra lHIILUlllttu j'li .. Ii. nj ... 1'IiU~

., .,..,,
J\.. '(.~JlLulU ,Ie l.. lclU nut...Ll', ct u"t;mWm III ultimo ...... l1Af1. ..... C(,mpolo llieli n.wid . E~ do ""n' II. Ij ~. viij d . , l"CC<'pli8 II ItOlllLUU WiUidtno (.'tlh"i!c, rnilill', in fi'Ofio IIln~ llj ~ig illi lue n'lll....ioni, I1UlUiull1 !igiltnle . EL lIe ili: It li: 11., pro fl'tltlo IUflguonHl. 8igillornm. n~ l)li.< ill tihro diel! lJ.I\'i.1 IlO8L OOIU\Kllulil !lIlUUl. EI,lc it II., pm com positionc Clute wlninfrol.lIi('IIUI lIenrici ).lcI'SfIr til' ).il.om~ (I. )'h-Ikl"ur) in \cnil< lie Fichly at Tin"; Cle. ~;t tic li:X\"j It l' iij 9. iiiJ \1 1l1"U ((11"1<1 wlllh .na\lOuis \\'illcl rni dumini J:nlhh'u pro ClIII.4 .illi flCt;1 lK!r coluilenl Iluchnuc I'I"() tcnisc'.. Larollit, ,It (:kllcul hill. EL \lc Ixj I!. .xiij 9, iiij ,t., l"cccplie in \... lItcm .... \lIliouis 1:Al"\C mupi8tl"i AlcxulIJ1'i 1'1"IJ1111Il1"l. l"iCi'COluitil! tie U"'l" [I. CIO uLlHty) de tcrri!! .le ~'i !IC hl"~ cL (,loclHll\\lI"hy in tXH"Oliin I" I\ynodllnrll. El,le xxx It., pro C(UIlI>OIIitione C(lI\O Ilohe rli Hllfllctt lie 1I.11111ntl. do \cn'i~ lit' l:nllllnd in hfHonin 1\1' KynlU!,I. \I';\f,1.. Et ,Ie xl It ,I" compoeitiollc nmtilll:liOllill CO".Ulili. til' Caithlle8, (L 1"(>8 \11111 de {'n,lclII C01llPOSililll1C lion 801 .. tl'.

liij II. I"j l \"iij.

It<.'m, i.11'1II

Ollt'llll tIC .Ii' iiJ'''iij'xxl'iij II. "J Ii. \'iij l1. IlIOlIl'll' '\l1gJicnne, I'qllh"nlclilibll8 .11'(;1'111 mi1l (O Je (tllgel1i8, IJlle sc t'xtell(\unL ill mOlleln Scotlcmln lld

tj"'vj'"hvj It, xiij iI. iiij ,I., !It' ultilllo IOllilillo IIOIulloni8 (Iolis tiolllinc n'gint'. !:imnmA IOUtIl. "1I(,l1IliOlli8 liiij"'\"iiJ' .\Iili: It. ;n~. iij tl 1', . el .\


ACCOU Xlb tlF Till


... D.


IU'III, ~be xx ,lay of FelwuRr, for \'ij c1ul! dailies to he aue calJrich~ to the Ki ngi' hOI"ll; ilk ~tue XX\' '-; 1!1I11l1lU\, \ii.i IIh. xv ItWill , 101' x; elue iJlnk fustinll to lyu Ihe I!Illnyn, ilk elml iJ iI. IIiJ \t. ; IUllLlLln, ' xXliij S. \j d. Item, for \. cille can.IUes 1.0 lyll it, or to 1(' the pntroun of it, \" 1 x .1. h CUl, for iij~~ pund or sewing ailk to he r.'Cn~l:i8 nud the IIIRY" fOl' the l!Ilid CApricht; ilk pund hj it; iIltUUII:!., ix nil, x\"j I. Itelll, for a l)i' oounll-epnib of 1llllil;soo lllnid ill 1 )1\111 fo r till' 11111)" of tlw 8.1ill cnpricht, xiiij" 1\111, (or nne IhollSllilO gi1~ unlcs deliH!I'iL to the brondslo'lr (or I~, \' 1. 1ltlll, fUI X,I~ cine dmuetl l() LeRno linr to the King; ilk l'Inu xxv i.; ~IUIIIIIIl. xiij ilL. iJ iI. I'j .t. 1t,IU, for nne 111111 lin" hnlr ati'ik hllkl"llm til Iyn il,. xxj R. ;\ 1 ~"l1""'~, Tho 10lhir half IIlci\'; \,lIkl"lllll wt.'fI C\>\-,,;(!8 to th .. LOlll t'I111ll' eialhili of t he I~irk IlOIII, flU' nHlking {If tho !I.11U)Il, \"!l Ilem , for nno h:l~ to tho Kill;:, xiiij~, Itoll1, I ho xxij ,III~' of Fehnlllr, for xx elllC' I lollnnd cI!lith to lie ~fI\"kis to thf' I;: iIII-: ; ilk ..Ill(' \ iij i.. Hlllllma \'iij 11. [tt'1I1 (nr x\\'iij dlle Iltlllnllll dnillt to ho ISChcti~ t(l lh" Killg , ilk dno \~, \j I\.; '11111111n ~iij II. iiij B, [tl 'm, [011 ij dill.' 11,,1\111111 t'lttith tn 100 iiij IIJcll~ C01lrdl\'!I t" tli,' 1\ i lit(, .~j ~ IItII1. fm 1111(' duo \11)1\111111 dnilh t.o Lc nnil,klll1Lis to the



I.IUIII 1111;11 T1n;,\"l'I!U:

Ikm (,,' iiij 1111<'('1>1;,1.; ilk 1<1 loc 1111" 1~'11 10 II" Kil1g ilk .... ItA-I unce iij ii. I j \1 ~UIlIIII.' .:mij .. Item, for \'iij elm! Hollllnil d:lilh to he lllll hl.. It~I,tti. to tile Kin(,{: ilk due \. ,,-, ~l1In 'nrI ~I It Item, f!lr iiJ (htu to he fOllrc codil('ris. :nIt,tn. the thri<lllllY o( :\10('\;11_ for J ~~ Ih;ik lh.lloiol to he lIII(' cot~ tn th .. King ilk ~lIi\': iiiJ n. 11l1nlllla vij ~ Iten) for 11111<' buUair lo the Kill;';. :liiij oS I tclll, lor IWI tCI""II. to the Kiug. X\'J R 1t"LIl. to I:.aUowr, {or Aile ,1Iil lIulil t" tloe Kin~, x Fnlndl crl"luuil IUI.lm" nj ", item, the xiiij Ila~' of :\i flreh, (01' iJ elm' J:IAIiI Iinth to be hoi to the King; ilk cine :lnj I, \"IiJ It ~tLI"lun liiJ ;,. illj d Item, h.,l f (lue cl ile \\eHlIs to 1'1' lIJChollc to till' I,ill;;,
:'('1: it

Item, the .l(IIJ Ilay of March, (or x J elno wdluli W ItO !lue cole to the Kin;.!; ilk cine :'(1 ~: 1\UllmA uiiij". 11('111. for \'liJ Ilulm ('Iu".'1)- to IJne tho _IIlY"; ilk elnc~ \ ... ; I\UIUWlII xli. Item. fl,r 'l:ij llnc umenl!:lllO 00 1111" 1)I'IlIL flnll lone bag of ItnO', xij'l. Itelll, for 1111(-' rl~lir loell In the Kiugi~ II"l\rdtflh, !lud Iyn gilllll to Julin ('I\\\INllli8, h-~. ltelLl. on 1',1'1('11 C"il1, the x:<:ij Ilnr o( "11('\;11. for nne ha~


1lC.1 for ij bOl1etis to him, 1I. JCXI'J ii. Ittm. till' IC-'('und day of Aprile. for iH~ cine Intiu to loe ,I'. IfoO$, aliI' 110uI.lat lO tiLe King il\.: dlle "(XIJ~' \'iij It. ; 'UIIIIIII\ iij N, ,.iij So iiij (I. 1t(;1.1. for viij tlno ;;nllo frci~ I,) l,n1; the KinW' ('ote o( \,I'IC'\.; ",dhll, ilk cille iiiJ .. ~lImllll\ :(:'('l:ii iI. Itlm. (or ij}i ..,llIe \\clha.! II) 1 "lour the Il\ILI~n Cflt.e, .. 'luhC'u tlallh nf WIlt! \\,'1' 1.111C' of it 11k rllll~ xl A. ; ;l1t1lUII' v II J:ij d. I ICUI, (or wOnaill"LUnllC!l to II , ItCIII. for tilL 111 1"111"1 lIllC cin(' hllli.1 t.'lnHj to \)'111' the





huM of it. 'juhen the bAllow freia In's tlllle furth of II. 'ija


ilelll, the thritl fLIY tlf Aprile, for line flCarleL lun to the
Kill~, ~~L

hem, f"l aue p'li)' of ~li8 to lhe Killg, . ixL Item, thl' \' tln~ of .\l'liie, for nue clue 8Illiu to Le nile c"lIu r t<o the I\ing. . , XX\'j~. viij d. item, ("f iij '[UllItnli.s taffc~j W lrne it, ); Ii. \'j d, [l('lII. Illtl :0\:" I1ftY of .\prile, for nue clue II!mlct Locht he 'fh"mas FuulRl", tho tnii6O\u, to hoe Iv lho KlLIg


IIcm. for aile cine wclJns to be seh(,ne nll(\I""Ilt.('nis,

xl1. lteU). ... 1 PUI' Inglis hon; to lhe Killg, LochL Ill: Ilnllf I\:Cf, xx IIngeili8; 8UIIIIIIII. . xxiij 11 vj /I. I"iij d. !l1'IlI,the 'I1'iij (L-l.y of .\pl"ilc, fill' ij el ne "ollu8 10 II(! blclll~ leI nlli' COlO to the Killg ; ilk clue xli,; sumllln iiij 1t ilcll!. for ,tuhit to Irllo lil(' SAm),,,, ,'a. IlI.'I!!, f.. , nile lllll'!! to Lhe King, t.ocht ill l.illiithqw, x r rllllch crounis, summa I"ij It item, the x,ij 111\)' (If Aprile, for ane lepnL to the King,
\'iij L ltell1. Iho fenl linr of )Jnii, for iiij H clue I:i.sli.s broull I" 110 lUll' 0;,11.' 10 I1IIl King; ilk cllll' x:\\j~. \' iij It :

~UIIIUla \"j n. I((,u.l.'r\-iij fluee sewing silk In Ihe brou.Jstnr Simon, I" t", lua bdcill. or he pa5l>1t aWII)"; ilk uncI' iij ~ vi el., IUIIIII)II xxviij it Ill'JU, for iiij hnnkia GollI 10 him; ilk haul. \' Q.; 8lU\IlUn.

:ed. I (0.:111, the :\Ij e ol :\[o.ij. for xj' clm: 1;1'Clle MUles to lll.)" I~ line C11t(' , .. Ihe King:; ilk cIne :'\xiiij ;, ; I!umnn xiij If :\ \'j AIV'n!, fur iiij " cine &ouis blak w\P!l' il j ilk e\lIe x it: mlllllll.1 'III' "hcm, for "j '!lIl1rIMib \\"('l\u5 to nrn it ilk dill' xl ... , "'lInllla jiJ n.

IJH:IJ 111(i 11 1\.0:111, for


TI:E.\ ~C I :":I: I~~

lilk to il, ~j II. U'. Item, rur 1iI1Ikill;'; "t tht: snlll~ll. x S. Ilem, for Jlij l'IuctiOllin lo Lc nll(' cut.; tl)tl,t I\illJ!: ~ ill,; clne xxiilJ - , IUII1I1I,' xiiiJ 11. \'iij.!i. I l l'lIl, IJlI~i l I " .Iolille 1J1IIill80U, co\\lounr, fOI'schone, hutis, 1~\1I1 0Ili s, tilliO lo the l\illyi ~ II"n nl rolJ hn l\l1ulillllCi to BcittlUc. I' n. XI'iJ ';' [1"1'0111 Beltanc 1.:;0;; to l.nllllllllli, .1:'1 lOs' 1..lIIlnl.'\S 10. \11 1IIIIhll IJIIY. 1.;:: j b, .\\1 Il allOll' 1)",1' (0 tnllllll:1I1.1.1~(j"-ij, r4 41>, ( 'al1(l1"01:\1 to 1\(:I Ln:l(' I !jOIi, r;; 1-,a.1 heU! , the n iiJ Iby of )'l.liJ_ fur ~ clm: I\ cnulalt: to I.e till\! COle to tlHl Kiug; ilk (' Iu{' iij ~ l"j 11; IUIIIUI<l


ItCUl, fOl' ij dllo iij qllurturis sat il: to 11110 douLlnL to ~h(' Killg: ilk ('Inc xnj iI. liij ,1. , ijUUllll:l. Uj If. xiij S. iiij d.. hCIII, fol' lInu du c Fmueh Link to Le hos 10 the King. XX\'j i. \-iij t1. Item, till' XXI' liny of )laij, (01' nuc quhi!. hal to the I\ i" g, ~ij~ h elll, fol' iij clue ~Illlow lallctj to it ilk 01118 xiiij & summa xlij i. Item, the IllIid 1 1:l~' of Juuij, In i)uu lJt'l'liUlr, fOl' iiij dne ri Ua.wlI to the I\illb.-js d oke; ill.: clue x it.; aUIl1l1l8 ;ij .i.. iiij .1. Item,lar iJ [('pnlis Weht in t:lllEi..'1) 10 till' l;;i ug, XI';ij it Iteill , l'lIyi~ to the QI1t!nCfl Gl'lIOO hil' 1 )(,1I8iolll1 of Pasch

Itelll, the U \j tiny of J unij, for xxiij clue lla tin to Le nile go\lII 10 the Killg,lI.mI !leikit ilk olue xxiij it; 51l11lUl:l. x:nj tt. ix it Item. for xiij c lue iij IIU3.tlUis l/Ilrctj to lYllc it ; ilk rl uc .~iiij &_; 11II11Im[l i\ II. xij~. \'J It h ('UI. f(lr iiiJ 11111111 ).iii}~ mice ca<i.ICfI to il; ilk punll ij,; I'j 11. _ ~Ilmllln xij ;, ohoills. 11(,111, fOI :\\"J IIl1ce scwing 1!ilk to sh:ik thl' MtlIY Il , ilk unc(' iij ... iiij It , Sllillmn liij S. ii ij d.



'.IJ. I~,(M

IleUI . ful' Itlle clue f;o.;IIrlet to Uc hU8 tu tlll.1 Kill)!, xxxvj I. hcm, rlJr Illle cine l:islili hllik to I..: hoe to lhll Killg. xxvij I.

itt-Ill, for M;ht'lill~ IIr Ih.\iln. \j d !l\ID. ["r 1)'1I~'1I~ allll , .... illtis to IIHum, ij ~ \'iij u. [1,,111, for 1\'('lIlI$ to I.OI'IJuur th.lilu, \. 11. IlCIIi. fol' making: IIf lImi!!), xI'j 1I. [(1;111, ful' line ['Iak k.::tireutc 10 tho Kill);, x.'(l'iiJ';';x u. itelll, the [,lit Illl~' uf Jnllij, for !llIe uuue ribooll(;il to be
llOintia to tho King. ... ~ Item, for hum)"lIp; of Jlllim, xI'j It. Item. for nile lII(lil of 1,ii1l"Sll)' to the Killg;1 cloke, xI'iij it item , fill' 1111': dnc Link Siltin W he nne \W'litlI\L to the I';ing,
l ....dll I.l ,John FrollC;S, xxx 9.

Item, fur vj 'Iuultnl"is lmtio.1 tMfetj to ho ClIlC tepnt

Killg, l tClu, fur U1l0oiliC

w the

xxj S. to thl' Killbols Imt, Ij t. I'j II. Ilelll, tOI unu tOpal of :1111'0 !lllretj to the ]';ing. viij 11. Il\'llI, Il l. :.; .Iny of ,Iulij, fur _",'iij due .llIm.:' to lxl am: gOlll1 tu th.: I'; illl;; ilk clll(l xxiiij 9.; smUIIUI xxj It. .~ij" Itelll, for i.l,' J tlue \10:1111 .. lu Vol'(lul1l the llUu l~'n: ilk dne -.;:Jiiij iI.: blUUJlIU v It.;\: l Iithl , (ur -';:Iij f~wJ lonsc ~kllJllis to it, l-lm", loc J uhne Funuan lu it (111 John Fmucis; ilk Ill:cC I'iij 9. I"j II. XI] ... ItCIlI . for nil\! 1Il"t!o.II'"ge I.u it th.1tit 1IIllItll. I'll Ilkl" , fur I'iij clllec'lI'li.'Y 111 rUl.: .....W to the Kiu~"I"hil'" he ;.,'lIif l" (:lIillilUll. ilk cIne iiij";' I'j .1.; & 1I11l1lM XX\ iiJ ~ -.;: I'j II. iLCllI, f"r rh:,;iug uf II,~' S.'III~'U. it: ilk clue :\I'j I\.; h."" rur ix cluu blilk KI"CI.I" 10 1,1 .... :;1111111111 XIJ ,;. IttlII. iij elil\' \lill,lI. fn .. ti:m ttl il 1:01: ~. [I-III tilt' \",iij .\.,) "r .111liJ. fur hnHdllc hliU nue ql1l1ortM OItlil tv au. 1~lillnl 1' ... , tht Kill~ ; tll~' clm: 'Uvj!l.; 1'1111'.".... '(\'j \ iij II. tnffelj W

r.onu IIIGIi TI:I-: \:-,lllt.l :

iU'U1, f(or \J lel'llill (.0, Ih,' "mit uj a. It.clll, rur ij clu.' IIIIL t;lalllln,"y IAI tho IiU'~h IlUdc, quhc'lI ho "LOS 1,).Ii,1 1'1UI1i1 '" '.hl' Ii'lly Hlu<lo:. ill. I'hl<' lij Ii ~ ;. ; IIUhLIIUl 'ij tt. l u'w, (or "j ,p\;lII'lIi~ IuUd.' to 1~'Ut, 111('.aI'I~II, x~j ~ h l'llI, tl ... i"l: ,1:1.1 "r A\le(Uht. fur '(\ due jij 111I"rlaris 1",,1111. 10 I", Imc NIl' 10 the KiuJ; _ ilk cinc xh" &., bllllllliu .nxI N. ,iij ;.. ix ,I. heili. (ur !lUi' Iolt~l o( lItlgo. (0) 1.1"111' lilt, I;UII~'II, 11.11.1 xliij l,n;.,'I: ~killlll" t" the lIiIl'I~-II, ilk 1i4'!<'t' iJ tilllllma 1:( N, Ij "" tl'iij ;;, I kill, (01 iij r.l'n, "I.illllia t" the c...llllirvr it, Itt'lli , ill ~I .. i\'dili, to L111' QUt'lIi1 rllrrolll' fOI 1)'I1,'n~ ...( it.



ilNII, ror iij.!'J dlltj Io'\tlll CI"'III1I1L~y 10 lit 11l1~ J"ul,lnl ttl till! I":illg, ilk clno iiiJ N ; IllIlHlHl , tiiij tt IU'III (th., "j day of J\Ugllllt), for 11111' Imt t1111111l1l' houct. to Ih ... Ki ng, licli\"tjrit I.e .Iolme Fmncis lo Thl}!Ill\.'i 1108111'11 , xu\'j s.. !tj.:lil, to 'l'hulUtli HOIIIICIl , Xl:j clue j qUMtar rJ lie smnll 1I1l1l.lml clnith 10 00 ...ukis to tltt Killg: ilk cine Hj ... : 111111 111'1 , xvij tt, htoUl, fOI xx,' elno c\;lilh uf 11 ..1111111.1, Ildi\'Cl1l (I,r the Q\\l'III-' 10 Ill)" I.uliy :\\lIibtl"CI, il(.orht IlL the "lit.! ,Iohoe: ilk eln,' xij ~ ; lumilln xI'l1 hem , 1"'.1 IL to ,\lnuc CO<tUht'I'IUlC, (11'1101"/1.1'. (01 IInc II(;Uld of h,mn!:t til thll King, xX'!; I"ralllh cl'OlIlIi,; anmUll\ ,,;xj 11. Ittlll . COt 'x l'llIe I'Olllld ll olland dtlilh 10 bell.'\rkil to the Kill;;:, 1\.-lh";I;1 to Tholllllll~l\e:t, ilk e111~ l-ij~. \"iij 11.; 1111.1111.1 "IJ II. xiij ~, iiij 1 1. Ih'in, Ih... xilij tiny of .\1I0'u"l. fOI ~Iij ch~ K('lllllale to helllltl COlO to the King; ilk 1,111... iij L ,iij II,. IIUIOIIiR hr"ij l. "iij ,t ilt.-IU, fot uij lUlU:: nlk W lit ... IICW fumlll l'l"O\Jllalllir, iiij 111,,-(> blllk lilk, l:iij" iiij d. I !A:IIl, tna 1I'lIIl.:is b",ltI I lIilll, Itelll , r", I'iij I; e.lue "1till In ho Rile Cf,le t"11 "teni. to .); tt. iiij &. Ill(' I\ill;::: ilk l'lnt> xxiiij,.. IOlIIlIllIIl


ActOrST:- UF TirE
A 1:.0:" ,I'_

Ikln, fill" ILl cl ue ;;u1\o,)\\ Cll.",L) to Iyuf! the slUlyn ; ilk dne iiij .;, nij ,t. : IIl1LLlILUI _~xv S. I'iij il. h CI1I, for I qU :lrlnris wcllus to reyu the said cote; the I'IIIC xII" ij,; 8111111l1n , h'j s. iij d. 11I'IIL , for sclling lIilk Lv it, ij So iU'lU, (tlL' \'ijjtf elnc &nliu to he nnc c..te with IIleltis undil' the said cllle; ilk c'lLle xxv it, (0 1' it. \\C3 bocht. in Stri l'clill: snULllLci ix M dj K. I'j d. . 1t1'1Ll . fo r I'ij clue iij t'\ Uilltnris :Uelllllc fustinllc to Iyuc Iho s;lmJIl; ilk eb e iij s.: SlIlnLlltl xxiij b. iij 1 1. ItC lIl , for CIl IllllH!S t...) thc Kingis keltir cote, ginlu to hillL be Lokke Lillllc&'l.yis wif to hnltl the faaoUII, xij \t I [cm, luI' IUIC I",il' of sukkis of (1110 rol~ h:'Lt to the l ';: ing. \ Hlr , iiij d. ! ICW , the ix Ilay of ScptelllUeI', fol' tUB boncti! to the King, dclherit L ThomllS Uoeucll, O xxiiij 1>. Item, fOl' ll1n tepatill of fYlIc t:lfl~L)'. . xIiijg,. [1('111 , (0 1' nlll' clnc hnlf nuc 'lllUl,ur l>atill to Illlceollnr to the King-; thc clu(' xxii ij ij,; mlllma , xxx 1>, [ II'm, (01 iij 'lllfll'llH"is tflffctj to I) 110 it, ix b. [tCUI, f,w Ill U ljl1fll'l,tH wo111l8, ill !SLL'ivclill, to 0011.10111' the ' 8aid (:1,1If1I', und UM:l hat, xj 1>. iij \t [1C'Ul, fO/I" ij PYl'HUCS bluk silk to kuop Ihe !Illil[ hn~, I' ,I. Ilcm, fOI" Ij 'Il1nrl.l\1i8 IIfItill, quhilk co\'el'il thc snitlllUt, ill ::ilrhelil\ ; tho cluo :\-XI' S,: 8Utlllll(l xx,xvij il, I'j tI, I Will, [layi~ tn Ihe Qucnis lni!Joul', Loc (InC! bill, for ~rnU8' lilting: uf tlno go lill of lll68ait. dlflllliot ft llli mnkil1g of it IIl~W ill nil pnil'tiB, ' xx 1>, [tCIII, fOI" llIuking: of n CII" nppel' bodyis behind 10 nil e goun IIr lolllK s.'lli u, filiI bol"tloul'ing of it with Cl"I\UlIll CSY \\"olll l~, nml I)'u) ng of it with m/r"t.j, . X ILlJ ~. Itcm, (r'll" Irnnslnlillg vf ItilC !,l'0I111 o r OI'nnUllC-SY 1\"011118 "P"IIC Ild11l1l, find fOI' Ihc !lew lllilking of thc uppil J~ .. [.'"i8 nnd 1I1e11\~ , ,lIJd SCltill).\ o( nllc nU M!,l'C of Llflk ll"

llt-lli. for lH1!1l,liu); I.r 1111 hir g"uI\nill nlltl kirUllill, xiiij ij. 11",,,, fm' vi.; 1'111(, jl'.! Ijllnl'\..'l. I' fyuo lml,mlll 1.0 Iy))o nile tlO11l1 In \110 l,hl\'n(', ilk chIC ij ~, iiij (i. : 8Ullll11ll wij i:, ij II. otlCJll1s.


xI'iii iI.


1Il'IU, l~lyil tv thl' (!ncnis IliniSI\-I' <If \\",m!rti. (oj IInc ... ". I~ xx il. cine IJli'l1.. \u he Ims 1(> the Ql1~IIC. Itell1, for JUnking or hiT LlII'!.' ]\1il' h(~. iij ;:,.

!lelll, foJ' \'U l,IIlC wn'clj \0 lyue nllo uf \hil ;,;:u\\lIi6 llmL weI' tr:lIl.,ll1l iL: ilk cIne ;o;iii,i ,.;,; 81111111111, iiij Ii. XI'iij ~ Item, tIle Il" Ilay U! ticlllCI'IUcl', ("I' ij clue iij (Iunrlnd~
suli11 II.> UIl{' duu\.Jint to thl! Killg, 11l1iC be ThulIIlI!

Fllulnr : ilk cinl' xX"iij


1~ ~nmllla

iij N, sdj s.

t U!m, f" .. ij due ltislis hlnk 10

hOlo tt) the King:, laue

he him : ilk cIne x:nj ;;. viij IL

Jiij i>. iiij d.

h em, to tl.e snid ThullllUl fur 1) nyllg: lIud IlOintis ttl lnn pnir (of h06(' of scnrlct giUiu to the Kill!;:]"" the l!cschol' of ~111frt\y , "j ii., viij ,,_ Item, for wcllus to tlmim, xi;, Ii('Ul, fOl' m1king: of tlittim. ij il. yjij It llclll, t hnL dllr to Uibbc CIIHlCI1HIIl fll)' nue 11\11'$ to the

KiLL;;, xvj FrtLlleh CJ'ounis: SlIlllllitl xj It. liij h. 'tCIIl, the x day of SeptcmUer, f<or lIue Ch(;Ll~ce of gold weyant! ll'iij uncc j qlllllillr go!.l, lJuhilk Ill'll ddh"erit toJ Jolme Frllneis to hRf ill rnl1Jcc It> the KiJlgi~ quhissil mnkin:;, ami l)(l('hL for j'\'j It. xiij 1<. iiij (t helu, JXIJit to ,\I exandcr BlUll, fUl"ll,m', for xxij tymir of cnllY ' gis to t l H~ Killgis 1'0\' rinll; ilk t.Ylllil' iiij It: BUlIll1ll1 ' lxxx\'iij li Hem, foJ' x~x'" ]>OI\'dClillgi.s tv tlL ... !i/l1ll}1l: il~ hllllureth iij iI,; S\ll llHla , xII t Item, for \' doenn of skillilis to UIC Inlcring (,r it,
X"I;\X j;

Item, fr)r

lynYIIg nlHl llOlI"llcliu:; vi the SlIlllyn, x ti Item, tho xiiij lillY of &!1,lClllhcr, to <.;il.I~ C'ahlNvun fot tun hOl"$ to the. King, xx Fr~nch crollUis. snmma xiiij It hem, tlH~ XI" day lOr ::OcjJll'mllC\', for iJ {,hll' Holland datil to he uycht CQurches 10 the King, xj i; I t.clll, for Inlf nul' ('111(' lam:lj I" the Killf.t1>i 11('\'il hll~,


,H'(:tl l!~ T:s




itelll, flO!" \'ij Ilu,ln.Hi, Wlr.:tj t.o Ue une grct teplat to the [,jug, tallit nne 10\\ k; Ihe olue xliij f,., 5ummu niiij l \'j d. itOIll, for tua haui" to Ihe Kill!:!". xxiiij AItem. fliT iij dlle (phil t" [ync d,e Kingu. COLli! of IliIt;U Iluhilk wet. Jillit \lith (nstinu of bl:for, 11; I. Ilclll, fVT I II LUlrluris lI"ellll1; Iu UIR' uell l.ooJyof nnc coh: of wdln!; t ilL dne :.:Hilj ~; SIIJIlIU;l Iv "111"111, 1MY;! to '1'1101111111 &lS/lir fOI" nile qunrtnr wellus. Ijuhil).; \cyU)'1 nile coto to tho King <jIlIlOI1 it wos tmnslmit. xj ~. Ih'lIl. fOI' Rile hlp.ll Qf umit! I.; I t1c~y to tho King, uj A. item, (Vi xix clno j fjllftl t UI" wolli n! to ho tun colis to Iho,} Kiul:l'. tho x;>; d,')" uf Scptombcl' i ilk clno xliiij A. i lIlIllHlIlI. xlij Ii. vij I. item, fo r \'l{ Oillil 311][u cnrlin}' 100 I}'no 110110 of llmi l" fna the 1I"1Iiu do un .. ilk eille iiiJ ;. vj J.; 1I11 111111n xxiiij It iij tt. 1t\!1I1, (ur iiij cine iij 11 1h\Itnri~ :\ [eL\I\e fU tinuo to 1)" 110 l thnim fl'n lho \lniaL up i ilk cine iij i.; IIUlilllIfI xiiij A. iij \1. [tCIII, the penult thl), fOl- \"i ii},; cluc !;Ilt.ill to be !lU i! oolO tu thu Kiug ilk d ue x'(iiijil,; I HIlllan l( 1 ii ij S. 1. tle:n, th ... ~ lilly of Xo\omool'. lUI" xI'j olno \\"cllul to lou aue cole to the Ki llg:; il k dno xliii, j it; Mllmmll xxX\" It. iiij iI !LOliL. Lilo XXI' Ihl)' "r .xUI'cltLOOr, (or .~iD~ ('Ine tDJUU! \\'('11118 til he unc bULII1 to the (.llICIIO, nUll la uO { I'll .1011110,' Fl'Ulicia i ilk dllo h' i!.: r.ummfl xxxiiij N. \" ij ~ vj 11. I tCIII, (01 , iJ IUI'II I)'118 vF ermyng to tho IIfIlllyn goUII , m loochl Ue the Quenill lIIuislcl' of w(ll'\lrob : ilk pocc. iJ il.. iiiJ II. !llHnlLlU Ij H x it . h.elli. ror xj l.I"lir IUyUClc T Lv tile 1/1111,1 g01l1! i ilk '1\ t.Ynlir I ij;. ""11111111 iij H. '(\'iJ iI.


I Will. lur \YlJ 1~' \\lk,in;!18 II)I II" \'IIIIJu~i .. \.1 tl\\I 1i,1 ...... J..,'\IIIII nud vi Ih" l}u('uil up:hll"ouel _ ilk iilJ t "iij It, lIu nllUU iij Ii. .niij . \"Iij \1. helll, lor xij! .. clll" 1,lal.. IHlh,~ It> nlll' ~UUII to tilt,) Queull, ill. clue );"lii,j "', ~um 'll,l \X\'i,] II );" ;, Item. lUI' Lhr!! IIlf1lltillis 01 bronu &kinui" I" it; ilk manlil \ u A., lumma iiij n \ &. Ih'lU, 101' \\(l.II"1udili hoehl iN the nMiMcr ...1 \\~mhv,", to


tht' 6I1\11.\'u.
Itt'llI, ftlr lij dlle "Illn crumml"1ly 1..1

u:Hij; "iiij It

\JUl""' : ilk lllIt' iiiJ It. ItUhlhla Itt'lII, lor xJ a"iulUli ur 1'"""l'iliul1u 10 rill IUllh ll,(: 1)11)"111; 1)1 the salnyu, Lochl loc ~hl' u !isl..,r 1I",d

IlEi ,tIIO h'Ol.ln ll'llie HI'iij It





'I: ..

hCIIl , for Ij}; ellle ,L1me! II) loe RUt' l.i.lI11 to 1I.t' Quellc. ilk clue xwj S_ liij ,1. j aU1I1I1I1\ viiJ n, xi'J ~ iiij 1.1. h em, lor vi,] elml Lilil! to Uc nile kirldl tu the Quene ; ilL cluo xxilij i., a"mum , I iij n. \'iiJ II. hCIU , lor ij~, t'lne blak w IJu Ih l! ~lInyll, XXIi... hC1I1. 101 \lellu~ 10 II,IUU tIll! &alii)". xiij i.. iiij II. 1t('III, for mlll..ing 1)1 it, 1.'1:';;, hem. r..,yil Iu lilt! (}uenis Inil;;our (ur 111,\"1111; I)f line ;;QIIII of rieh cl;uh "f <1101, ,I !O It.elll , 1",)"11 to him fVI" luu1.:mg .of IOC\ IlAin, 1108 t,) thc ()llo.:L1e, I'j iI 1t..,1II, to hilll tOI" mo.kill~ tlf nllll hUlk I" the {Jnell~' nud Iyuyu!,l o( Illc snmyn, xiiij ~, h\'m, i'1\~-il to the ()uenilt nmieh" 0:' \\,II\Ii'ul. t!tnl he gnit to thl' 1,ltht'mlT It'T Ilt'1lChiu~ 01 111l' t~nelli' llUlr at W lllO'l\ln~' l.ip,l~t alld (01 lite "'"1)'11 III \lutyrut:S U\'iij i; 1I0W 10 CUll!, 1l4'11l. to IUIII for IJ sklillus u( 'luilil kJuir tn Lhe xliij I\. enu)"!!!!:11 of Ilw t)ncnis :..".1111. Itt-III, lor \vj l,a,J,;kis I)f p11l\~1 ~I'I..I" ilk I"'~I' JtI'J tt.. 'O.J ;., iiij d. ~OIIlU"l he"'. It, hilU 1('1" "".king ,,( all> tUI I, lIlt' I~ul'ui~ ~hllir, iiij .;

... D .I:.o.:;. Hem ,
prlyi~ to Ihe umister of wardrob lhaL hc gaif to Patrik lIiIl thc Inglis flln"OLI' for purfelliug of aue );O llll [;0 the t!lICU!l of t.11111)" satin, xiiij S. item, for xldij elue lI ullnnd clllith to be schctis to the 0nelle: ilk cll1c I' S. \'j u.; slImma xiij !t. iiij S. Item, for XI' cIne Holland clailh to be sex eodberis 1.{) the Queue: ilk ehle y ~. "j u.; SUlIlUUI iiij Ii. ij S. vj {I. Item, fOI' lij }1 elm' rOllnd 1I0HnlH! cluith to be iij pairis pilled SCllctis in thc QlIcnis ehamir: ilk elnc iij S. j SIIUllun \'ij N. xvij 9, \j d. !l.elll, fo \" 111'1 killg of the Slllll)"n, iij ~, l!.em, fOI' xij cIne l1eltun6 elnth to be bering schct is for the. (,Inellis wnrdl"Ob: ilk clue ij s.: smlUWl . xxiiij S. l ll.'UI , the xx Ilay (,f DI'CCl11bcr, for nne elnc \\"ellllS to the Quenc to Ue lI Ll\"8~'S and slIHlll grnith, . :diiij S. itcm, for iii.i .Y.l" elue we\llts 1u be nILe Ilil;;o.ne rOl' lhe 0uellf': ilk clue '\liiij~. ; S UILIll13 ix ri. xviij silcln, fOI" I' rilic dames to aue pil;;nlle for ~ l ai Slrcs Eleuol': ilk elne xxiiij S. j summn vj ". Item, for vjY; clue \)ukrn11l to IYlle the SiIIlly ll , ilk clnc xx lI.; SIlIlLlL1U XS. I tCILI, fOI" ij elue '[lIhiL us1inn to thaim , iiij ii. I'iij d. itcm, IO\" ij clnc (Jlllli~ to 1haim, iiij!l. lte1ll, for vj letldir sl:iullis to thailll, iij i;. Itelll, for (lolI"11is ami stuf to t hnim, vij ,\. Helll, fvr silkiu poi nlis lo thnim, iiij iI. ij {I. I tem, (VL' lILukillg" tha S.'l111)'n tun pi~ni8, xx S. Itelll, fo, hj hnukis golll t.rmc Lc .Johnc I'"orm/Ill to tile QLlI' U at. dircl"s lynws ; ilk Imll k \' S.; SllllllllU xiiij It. C item, for Ul Le sc.."lrlel hal. to the K ing, xviij~. Item, for nile hOllct 1.0 him, xiiij il.. Ilelll, f(.lr lila lcp..1lis Lo him, x\'iij it Hem [lhe feL,1 duy of October], too Jnllle Dog lor li ne fore hOl"8 Lo lhe King, iiij ti. \'j iI. \'iij c t h ':: l1l [thc XI' llay of XO\Clll],cr], for allc hO I'S to the l';ilLg, bocM fl1t l.\illitLIlc Ar]J";t:stl1lug fUI' xij nngcll is, llltl g iltlll fO L' ilk ,\Il!!{'lJ xx iiij iO.: SUlLILllJ1. xij It


fill l'iJ cl!II~ hl,lk ~ I;I\ 10 IJ IIt: till' II-~t ce.l, vr u"I:' ke\tir 1IIIIt I.uk}.;e IjmJt.""I~I." Ilif it,lif In II I(' {lllt'IIt' 11k ellll! xl'j ~t . SIIUHltn I", iO. !iij d. CIII, t he XXI] lIlly uf XOlcUlIIl'I', r.!I' iJ l'im' iiJ flllllrtllrito

&nliu to 114.' IInc ski kit IlulIl,i'lt to the 1\111:.(; ilk ('illO' xxiiij II. , 111 111111;\ ii) It. IJ i.
Item, fur et\ lIl1uet t_n it,

nj it.

111.'111, f.,r lij elllt.' (11)>1 iUII to il ; ilk due iij ~lIlIImll is;;. Itl'III, fur n .. h,' li 1k In ,hik il \Iilh, "/.-. Itelll, fur 1];I1t iliH' till(' Io1li ll I() lU.1k fm III I1l1t l!ulIl>!al of Ihn~ dun ..'tilt j;itli ll tn tht Ki ll~ IN )(.Iil-lt'l I:t,b,rt Funlloll, 1)" 11,' of Gln.6";", .\1;', Itelll, Ihe \ Iiny h( Ikwllllo('t', for iij ..Inc Alltiu Ullumu"'l)' en Ill! un" iloul,lnl to lIn:! I\iug; ilk dill' i iiJ II 1111111111 xij n, 111.'111, fill nllt' pair of hOI of &:otti. Iluliit rm.nJ til till' I\ing, Iylly" ~ nnd hcmlollrillg nud poinhll to thnim, \iiJ 8_ iiiJ ,t ItClII, for vJ 'IMllnr!S Inglis Cl\ltilIY '1uhit ttl loc hOls to !ht l\illg; ilk .. IIII.' iiij 01, Ij II. ; . IIllILllR I ... ix It. I v'ni, I""l it to ThumM EdyLir tni!tour (nr ";:\1;11;; silk to I-iij J..'U llllih (lr datil of gaill nllIl .ilk quhilk he Ir.ul.!llallt , xiiij A. Itt:m, for Ix fprc l!11l-1lJ IIk iuuil to lire b"Onli of j;ru)' \Iellll'; ilk 1 .6 IJ t. bocht fi n l.nul1' AULk",un;
fiumlDll , x\jij II,

Item, for half 1\11(, qllnrtnr $l\lill to Iyue t he hllllili, of Lhl.' I\ illgilo slrm., ' iij Q. Item, r"t' iij e1n .. lIo11nlld clnilh to 1 lIaipkinliis to the .... Kin;:, :<:<ii~ ii, item. pi\Jil to AI....'<Rul\er BUln, f"rrour, (or Ipl}ng nnel Imn.I,ltiug nf thir gowllis at.un~ IHitlll . l\j li. Item, for iiJ t~'m ir of ennJng to 111(' StlUIi (If II'clh1l. Apon~ \\dlll,. crnllllllelLy ilk I~'ulir iiij It .mUIIIII xiJ tt Itt:m, r",' lh(' rllrring alld po\\,Ie'ill~ i,r the "'''UPI, iij h_ ltell\ (III' iij tholl'l1l1\d l)(IwJclitlb'l' to the myu; il k m xxx il eum1U:t iiiJ Ii x ~

~,D. \.'>.

'1I 1E

... I'.IWa.

IlfOUl (or jellct li~ t h.11 \\'Rlltit to the Kingis goun of Jenetis, xl s. Item. (or J '.. IURntl1i (If fUIl~i~ thnt wantil to ane l,'Oun tMt Ilet tr:lrlslntit the Innntil ,- n.. \;j n. x it 1I,'m. for xxiij chiP satin tn line g01l1l to the King: ilk clnc xXI-j ~. viij d. ; sumllla . xxx N. xiij s. iiij d llt'lU, the ,. day of Jam13r, for XI" clue fyue Holland ciath to lie sarkis to the Kiug: ilk clnc xvj II.; summa xij N_
boc.ht lit J ohn F11II1cill.

Item, for .~\' elno IIf roundnr dnith to loc other tlire Mrkil; 11k cluc lij It: 1i1l1111un . v tt. vs. hl'ln, to thl) t~lIellil Unlet! hil' pCll~i()u n of ;\ Iichelmes II. l'ipnst, 11.<'111 , fOr anI' hat to tho King 0 11 the xj day of ,lnunl1r, . xij s. Item, for lua \.I:p..'1US to the Kin!;, . xvj S. Iteill. rur nne ~illgm honct to the King for h tLf11C1,




hcm [the xxix tiny of ./oul1nr), for xiij' clue IVClll1S In he nul' 001(' to tI,t) King; ilk clno xliiij A; lumIna xxix n, xiiij s. h em, for nne uncf' lIud hnlf anI' qunltllr \ml'e of gohl III _\Iatho ,\111'1111'1. to ~t 011 the "iUlnnt nail: the UIlC!) Ij II. ."( A.; summll vij It I'j II, iij n.; lind tile l'(lrnnncnt ot tlla nnee Rim .. Ie tl,e King him8('1{ und IMl'dtir ,Icli\'clit lO QuiuUi Easmcia IIwl mail\ in (>I)-f'. Item, rolr niH! Il'It ,\1' cnll1l' tn the King. lane fll'l Ilrnr)' )orY1l1.1r, iij ft. 11('111, the I'ij d:l~' of Fr"ruar, fM iij 11l11ld ,;('\\iug silk to thl' hruS/lr, viij It. 111'111, the lC\'ij d;l~' of FC'!,nIM. fur ;\Intllo _\nrhlrk W IN IlI\ tilt' ~imnllt rinll fluhilk \\C'!1 fldh-rriL t" l,.Il1iUtll r ,wnf"iI1 , xiij r"'lIch ('ro'l11i ~: ~Ulll1n;1 ix Ii, iJ it Item. the I\C(!I111d Iln~' Itt \Iarch. for tun stdki~ chamlot In I.e ~nc oott' 10' til(' Kilt$;: ,Ik 8ttlk iiij Ii. IIlEnTOn vi iJ II.



ilem, ror vj I. qmuwri& wello& to IIONlonr tho I/lluyn .... H.o)U the I!llIe diiij 8.; summl! iij It :<j II. vj Ii

Item, for xj e/Il{, 6-'1110 cn''&'t) to 1.1 lie it; ilk cine iiij S. "j J.; smumn . 'l;lix b. vj J Ill!llI, for wO''8IIiL I'ilollncs 10 the ~nUlyn cole, viij ,I. Item, for riixulcs of silk to the collnr of till' Kingis chnmlot tote, iJ S. itcm, for Xl-j dlle IIcrtllllC ell'litl. to ho ruhchrlil to the KinS : ilk {'Ine ij "- . mnmn xxxij S. Item , the lC(:unei day of ,\prilo. fOI lint" t"lne Ilislil t.lnk ..D. I!.08. 10 lJC h(lf, . xxvj I. \'iiJ d. ItcUl, the XI" tiny of '\I)l'il(' for I' '1Imrl.llril III.till to
II(! nile Il,ttllnt 10 tlu~ King ; til{' cine xxiiij ; ~ .n 'Llm u xxx S.

ItC!lIl, for vij cine. mnrt'h hlnk to he IIILC ~onn to the r\ ill~; ilk cine xxxI'j ~.; 11I1IIUIII xij N xij il. ItOIll, for Ij clno tn[fetj to IYllo it: ilk ell\e xiiij g.; 1111111111\ "ij tt. xiiij Iii. Item, for ij cine wellllll to \"C~'II it ~ ilk cine xhiiJ i. . summ,1 . iiij N. ,-iij ~ Item , for I', rlne Hillis blnk to bcnn(' cot" to the King , ilk cine X"(1"j it I'iij ,I , summa. "iij " . Item, for fl"CliJ'g of the snmYll , iij ,;.. Item , for xiiiJ ('Inc utin tl> It{' nne ('(It(' to th(' King: ilk ('In(' niiij iI "lillmllla :HJ It xl'j ~ Item. for I'j ' Iunrtllrili wellus to the Qu('u<', lO h(' nnl' hml<" tl8 r trow; the ('llIr xliiij l: IUlllmD iij tt. I"j it heUl. fOi xl'j eln(' Ik>rtlllle 1.1"11,1"11 to 10(' futllCilelisl o the KiuC! ; illo; cine ij S,; SUlllhla xxxij ~ Item, fror iiJ ('hll! aatill to II(' nll(' _,t('ilm ,IHIj.Jnt to the King. ilk ('Inc xxiiij~.. Iumma iij It. xij 0;. Item, for xl"ij '_, Lyrllir of ('11l\1"1I;;i3 10 till' I~'uyll~ of the goon of dath of goltl. ilk tymir iiij rI. III,moa Ixx It. Item . fnr xij" IlOwlleringil to the nUl~'n ilk m xxx S. ; lumIna Xl"iij tt


.u'cou xn-

OF 1'Hfo;
oml llOllllel'iuS ui it


Item, 1(.1' the I,' II,Hle; of the


IkUl. fur iii ." ....111 nl k'fltlil ,kimns to tbe hotterillg of


It. XI"iij 1Ih'1I1 (the x tin)' (If :'I l lij), ior xh"iij cine Hollaml dnith to he .helill to the QuC!<'n eftir the lnU'dl'oh bry n~ ; ilk clue "j i. ; ~lUlImn ... iiiJ n. I'iij SItcm. for '.i eln\: 1f(lllnn~1 c1nith to w pillow buill; ilk elm' \;j S. vj II.. SlUnllU! xlv J. it('Ul. (VI fin;: 11"01'(' \' h cine llerlRuc clAil1! to l.oe sex l~lil" pnill'll ~beli-~: ilk clu(' ij A., 8umlll.) x n. xj It lielil. fOI uiiiJ clnc HerulLIc clnth to lie bering scheitis, ij I..\id~ iij I-Inc Inug; ilk clue ij A.; 6ummn xlviij it JIlin, for h ('Inc 1k-1't.1ne olnith to I.e {oure schetis for pl'CNlis, of Ilut' hre:dis nntl ilk nne "cine lang; ilk cine i,i ~, (111111111,1 vj H. II{,Ul, till' nx clue l'Oul\(!llol1nn(\clnith to Joe fut sc:hctill t'l thc ()UCIlC: ilk clut' iiij S, : lIumma , "j It Itcm, fOl' uiiij (Iuc !nhi~ to bc hluucnlis to the QUCILf'S IVnN-lroll; ilk rluc ij ij_ ; 8umlllfl , _ xhiij b, It.cm, 1';1.\'[1 10 1I111) BOllPCI', ;;cmnu of the Qucuis II'flIJwL,lh'LI ho \'loJ laid dOHn fo\' l<X cine ctlnllUts to hc lUll l'dnl Nk'I, ilk clnc xiij II.; 6u mma ""iij s.. iiiJ II. ilt.'m rOt iiij' hnkis fvr hingill~i6: ilk c ij i.: 8UlllllUl. viij 8. lWIII, fOl'r gl'cllIr In-kill c'lltil cr()(:li:tUis, vi. [\1'\11, ("]' \II,t h;luis WICnl with lnfT'elj, _:\::O;:<;\'J >l I t~'III, (U' nlw sieik (I~ Inlllll.: wdlu6 CClutcllnml xi:\: ellIC, I" 1.01.> nn!' f!nllU (0 the Kiu)!, ilk cine lij g,; SIIUUll:l.

Ii, ,iiJ


1'1111:1 ... \;11111;>; II' it; ilk Ik}"11 i,,~. ~llIl1nl.1 xxnj, It"I/1, fllr xij nthir !.uot' _,"illuil! I" rlln\i~ flllth the Iynyng tor [il): 111. 1'1.'('1' ij._. "UlUlIH n iiij l. II"HI, r"l dJ dlU''I'Itiu 1/1 I~ all( kutill to the Quelll' III ,.J .... ,\lIi,,.,; ""11111111 liiJ It. \iij it hC'U1. for ii!j

1.00t1) 111(;11 Tla:.\5,{' 1:1':);

Iteh) [lile x\ J.tl Clf ~fAijl, fnr x\'iJ elul" grn)" rn It d<lilh u. I!.O&. of Frant'(' IlfX'ltl lot Ih. Kin;.: hhtl'..J1 fm 1'1)(,11111 lIol,lingill, \lUlt1pe~ ilL elll(, ~iiij il .. ~UtnhHI ~j 11. x\'iij Sh rIll , Ihnmf ill nne role vj dnl' iij 1,I1Jltaril!, Item, (01' (rl'tling ... f 11i(' ""111)11. iij i. iiij ll. "llOtus. helll, f/.lr hlnk ftmy to 1.\lle the I!;unyu, iiiJ ". Item, 011' Ih(' IIlulI)"n dailb in :\Ill! t:Ja\\'loert In tht, King-, rij elnl'. nod Ihe t'C'm.'loe it ~t ulI(\ibl'onil IU~1l\, tor ,'iij!~ elm) IlllTdJ 10 I." ... II ... I\ill;.tia cole of llinJiL 1I1tin 111111 hi~ aldli,,: ilk I II .. \iJ l. \j II . '11ll11ma \" H. \"j ~. iij It. Item, for ix clue flfl:it c1l1ith 10 Ihl' h.in~i. ullll1'ryil> ill hil clOIIet, ilk eln(' iiij I. : IInmUM , xxx\'j it Item, the xx tiny of )[nij, for IHll' elne hlnk \0 hOll tl) the King. lIu ll ~ilt1n AWUY to ( 'fIlllllel, Inl~r,
.'{\\'j /I \"1iij It.

h em, Ihe v .tl} of J nnij, (01' yiij \"('fl.lt'Ollri. to hing the coyill of 111(' l\i n::;i8 schip; ilk I~ ~wiij ~.: 11111111111\ xj N. iiij ~ h em, for herin~ of th .. snm)'ll to 1 ~llh, iiij t1. item, for xij ~tllnis let in goM I.Joeh~ be tile l\:in(:;I" commam! nnd ner Irnl incontiueul : ilk Il('('l' xX\"iij ... ; SUIilIlIII X\"j II. :'(\'J i. Item, for iiij hyn~oari ll Ilml SIImyu Iymr, . nIt Item, 1116 ix .Iny ~,r ,'ullij, fOI" :'(iiij ~{elul' \\111111 to he line clok to the King. ilk elnl' diij A. i ""mmn
xuj H_ x\iij.i Item, tor ix eln(' LIe" l'llTcl~'ill to lylle the Allln)"n; ilk elne HJ A.. tollUll,U1 lij n. iiij" Item , for :'(ij hnnkis golt! tlelil-.:rit to .Tohnl' F"nllllo to the Qnene; ilk haDk \. it; &umlll.". iij n hcm, for iiij ('In(' l1"dlll& tn COlir tIlIl'" ':I.,lill for the Queoe ilk elue xlilij ;... l11hUl,a \ IIJ Itl~ nj '" hem, for AUI.' uJiIl to the .alll~n anll gl1lthin~ flf It.

Item , for the harnl'lIi1lg to thl" UIII)'n,

xx i.


.\(.'COUl'iTS UF TilE


1t"Ill, r"r 11111 hll",m $killl1 i8 to 1,"lIe Ihe 8111 1ill, iiij ~ . Item, f(lr joyulol1risllnd bukkillca of Intt(lun to IlIe&"I,1 SJdill nml hnl'llesiug, xX!tj!l. \'j d. hew, tor gilting of the samyn, iij tt hem, for nne rordwnnc skin \ 0 I~'ne the harnesing, \'j i. ilem, for xj gilt IInlcs to the samyn, ,it vj ,t. Itcm, for ij girt hcs to tho InUlyn ~ul ill , ij ll. It em, for IIUI i}('vir h!ILtis to the King coverit wi lh xxxvj S. tnltctj ; ilk IlCCC xviij ll. ; SIUUIll(l hem, for Rnc bollet. to thc King, :xij A. item, the 1n-ij dill' 01 JUllij, for (l1Ie fedir IJod for the Qnolle, &tullit (11111 maid, ' , h ' it I Will , ror 8 1W pair cocrre~ to hil, iij n, lI em. fol' t lla IIUrscs to the Quclle, x il. I L lli , fO nne (l.1il "r blullClitis to the Queues wardrob, O l' ;o.:ij eluc, ' . xxiiij ~ ite m, f,' I' Y xliiij "\nll(':lmm{'S t,) he glet. clntllis of \' hredi!! fol' the eo\'cl; ngis of ral't.isIlllli othir thing ; ilk chIC xij 11. ; Sllllllun . "iij n, iiij A. I ( CIll , for nnc kist to t he Qllenis wnrdrob, xiiij a. Itl.'lU, th l' x\'iij da~' of Jllnij, for ix dne wcltU! to he nne COl O of I he fasollD of Spon~ee; ilk elne xliiij Il.j SUmllll'l xix It x"j ll. I te111 , for iiij}~ ol ne Fmnch ytlJow quililk '\'CIj bocht lit And ...... ~t c \l"lrt to Iyne tha Immyn; ilk eine x S. ; ~lI111ll1n xh'!l. It em, f(lr sowing silk to it, xij It. hem [lilo xxiij day of JlIuij), to ,Joitn Fl'nllCis for viij IUllikis b'OltI delil'eri t 10 Ilia vrusuil' 1I~ divers trlllcs; ilk bflnk " i .; 811111111" . xl it item, the xXl'ij lilly of Junij, fo r ij cine iij qual'l4ria Inglis scllllct to be fln e palle for thc Kingis hcde in the schip ; the elm:> xl g.; 8Ulllnm v ft. x Ii. !ten. , for \' tYlllir iiij skinnis of grily werk tn lytle Ihe saillyn; ilk !)'lll il' xh'j ~ . I'iij \1.; 8umma xj ft, xviij 1<.

Item , (....1

.uiliJ d nc fU,.llolll to I.e lUll' 1~li" O( fll ~ ll,,"i , . .... I :.oJII. to Lho Killg ; Ilk dlte iJ A. iJ II. ; IllunlUlI Jij :t Item, {UI' ~\'j c ille 110111\1111 clulil 10 lHJ nue pair lICiH,:liA to the Kin;;il be..1 (ur UIC 8(:llill j ilk eille \' ~.; MU U1Ula iiij II. !tetu, (on'iij dne H ollnml clnil!! to be Iledcachctis t" the Kiug, ilk due \.~.; IIlmmM :el !. Item, for \'iij ~ elnc &;ilill l:i'l.'C tu IJCI nnl: "If for till! Ki uyil; Led ill IICltip , ilk l'lm: x .i; IUIIIIII<I iiij II 't A_ IU!lII, for iiij elite j (iltarlll.r h"knll" 10 lytle Ihe 1"lI1yli; rij ;. il It. ul>ulua. Ihe duo uij II.; Iltllml,1 1t.c1U, for xxiij IIItCC lIC\\i ng , ilk til he fl\II~"i .. If! the !laIllJII, ilk UII~ iij ,}. iiiJ J.., "'!Ilium liJ II. uJ l. \'iij J. IU!m, (or xij ellie J;n:ne IliffetJ til he cuwrtiusia to tho s:l.i,1 hed: ilk clnc X\' s.; IUIIIIIIII xJ n, \' .... Item, for I\lIe \\II.CC nud nne qunrtnr IIUCC of Im,lll grene riOOIH." to Ilill;; the 8;.lill cowrtillgit; the IInC(! "J !'; IlIlIlma \'ij Q. vj d. IteUl, for :eij elne I.Ufetj to IJC nue t"wit to the King i ilk chI{' . j L; I UIilUln n ix n. xij A. Item, fOr ix due line 'Iunrlltr It nil;;e to I)' ne i~ , ,Ik dlle iiiJ .. ; ",mma. unij S. I~nl , for makiug of lhe l:unyn, \.J I. Item, for ij 111100 .ewing l ilk hl:lk to til: Cfmli' lU till' Kingia qnhi.ill ; ilk uncc iij i. liij tt. ; IUU\J,ILI \'j i viij d. lU!m, to I:nllkill I! UgOIlU, for nne Lnrrell grelle &.III;)enr Uno to the King, weyllntl xxv luntl, iij II. item, the nnL .lny of Julij, for ij un..-e Mal.: lilk to tho brusair, \"j 1 \'iij 4. Item, the i:e dny of Julij, for ij Fmllc.h iIa,hlles to the King. hj L hem, for \j qnnrlAriA ;)Bilow Cl'IJ1I:.~ ttl I.... _I' lireki. to tbe Killg , ilk elne iilj g \j tt IUlIlUla \"j t. ix J. Itetn. the xxiij tiny of JuIiJ, {lOr iiij clue Nuiu c.rmnlllely to nne grct donulnt to Ihe Kiug , ilk l'lna iiij n.: lumlun . X\'j It.

A,l~ l~.(IIt


.\lTC)l"XT.':I OF TilE

hem, fOI C3mmel to It. xviiJ J. Item, for iiij cille ~leL1l1e fustian to IYlle the samyn : ilk cine ij i. \-iij It, !Unllllll. ix ~. iiij II. Item, for sewing silk to it, nj a. hem, for iiij elne sa:in hlnk to t.e aile doubl:lt to the King ilk cine xx"j A. ,'iij d.; 8UlUUln " tt. vj 1 '-iij d. Item. for xiiij cine sntin to \;e ane cote 11'1 the K.ing. ilk elne XX \'j II. \'iij It.: summa :wiij n. xiij l iiij d. helll, the uiiij Ilny of JuJij, for ij elne scarlet to be has to the K.ing ; ilk cine I S.; IUlillnll \' N. !tl'lll, ror ij elnc 1:i~1i8 Illak to Le hos to the King ; ilk cine :o:::nj . dij It; IUlIlTllR Jiij s. iiij d. Item. for X\'j cine !loHaml clnith to IX' scheti. to the Kingi. hed in t!lll achip; ilk eill t' " !.; summa iiij II. hem, for Hij IUlce blnk se"illg lilk to ho nne belt to tho King ; ilk ullce iij l iiij 1 ; lum mn 1. xiij D. iiij d. I tem, for ij IHlnkis 110111 to ii , x R. item, ror :o:iiij IUlnkis gold to the Qumle, deli\'erit to J olme Formfln; ilk hank \' ~.; summa "j It Item, tor \'j llllce 8(> .... ing silk to hir, onllow flntll)lak; ilk llllel! iij it iiij .j ; amnllln XlI: A. henl, !),,\."it for Aile gnty {cit hnt to the King, iij II. vj t1. Item , Ihe xnij IInr of Jnlij, for x\'iij clue hruf nne (Illallar wdlu'J to be ana !;lIwLnrt tv the Ki ng; ilk c lU(~ xl a.: summa . XXX\'j It " A. (!.clll, fur xij!~ elne t.'\ffetj to Iyue the a.'\myu; ilk cine xij it "j Il,t SllUlllIn . vij It. X\'j I. iij dIU-m, fllr iiJ lOinc Mlil! to be ane Itckit hurnCl donhlnt to it ilk ('illc uiiiJ '.; lummtl iij II, xij S. lteln, for iiJ 'Iuarlnri, Cll1unu.:a to it , ' x\'iij II, Il.('m, (Dr lint' "Inc Inglis I('t\rlet to it, xxxiii I.

1.0U I I I I IG ll

T IU-;'\~l"I:Et:

-. -'.
xij It

Item, for ICWIII~ Iii I> to it l leln, t he xxix UolJ of Julij, for tua h.ittil to



xx S, h ew , for tl ll"e elne wtrl!tj to tWI tel"\lil IlOCht. III tl.e nyeht. to tlininl, uiiij AItem, for hl\1f nne 1111<:" rilXUlCS lO tile Kill ~is (,<a\\'Lcrt IInu 100 CUlt' lOr .atiu_ iJ Co IJd SUlllm.l IIJ"'j' HI' Ii '!; iij ~ xj d..

'h ."ET .

...\ .

(Ouringti .. Ill!rH,u the KlIlghl\t1 1:; C(.oIUlI_ tIlO (,r Cl\mlt't oue of 1:liIolli, IlIuWII . two I:i.ihs

Mac).;, /')uc IIf KClIldntt', ei;,;ht Clf 1(:110:1,0111.'

of dlUIIUk, livo of a.nill. (111) IIf French grny rU 5$Ct, 111111 tllO keltir cool.ll ; t'le\'t'n i\nnLlcts of s(Ilin; th'c ~lI\lnl, 1\\0 of Sl.till, one of damaak, 0110 of 1't'h(,I, RI1II one of hlack ; thirty- thl'et pllin of h~, klt'ute<!11 being 1,1 Ili.ail i. !)Iat'k, thiLteell aenrlet,one of S('oUl IIllit.! 1;t'1'M")". nut' fn;;lilh do-. nn<l l\ 1(lir of " 1C(l11f1'kil " of yellol\ kem}: tWO gllll.oerll, line of nlllCllllII! NIt' of \"(,1 let, nne H:hrt cio.lk. tIl ell!)" til'llCllOor tJtkla: Ih~ collars of I'Hin; Ih"-'i.' llolilielll,1 ,.;I li II. lixteell hilts, rU1l1 UlirlCf:U Lull11t't. Til l' Queen hll.ilhrt'(l S0ll'nl, 111 (1 (,r lehct IIml
0 11('

of s,'ltin,



l r:lIIsint('(I' (".

nltercu. ; IIJl"CC kinll'l, lIHI (or I" tin nnu. ono or dlllll3.sk : two bOOtb. aUII niBc pAin 01 hOll'l






.\11110 Domini etc., ' Iuingcn tesimo qllilitO. .'.l~ 1 :,0;;.

".11, 1:.0;, 6,



Item, the xix dny of ,\pri le, delh'cri t to Schir ,John e Striwiil1 (If Cragbci'llnrd, kuycht, COlllplrollnir for the tYllle, tu the Killgis expolls, l'ijj"xuiij n. "j s, yjij d, Item. to ,James l:edhcllch, COLn)ltrollnr, fl':l. the firs~ day (If ) Inij the ;:;ei1' nbone writ ill to t he iiJ'llt dnr of .\lIgll!!t ill tho IIQ llIYll ~eir, at dh'el'S t.l'mes, us weB eompl it, "lx lH, itl.'lll, to tho snid COlllllt ro ll nr, fm tile ti1'a~ dny of AlIgllBt to tho 1ir&t uny of NOI'cmoi'l" in the ani,\ ;;eil' 10 the Killgia ex-pena, na WCII compt it nt tlh'er" tymce, I'll It. I tem, to tlill said Comillrollnir, (01 the first lby of Novemher III the hrst uny of Fehl'ual' the 6eir fotsaid , 10 Illc Kingis ox-peus. iiij'" ixiiij tl. xix it iij a. Hem. to tho ea.id Compt tollnir, fro the fir1lt day of Febl"llilr fOI"Mid to thl' first dlly of l\Iaij in the ;;cir of (JOtI etc., \'~\'.i ;;cris, to tho Kingia OX\)0118 nt divers ty mes, iiilxj N, Item, fm the lil'SL lilly of :Mllij nil no filli llgcntesimo sex to tQ ll1e first dny of August ill tile sllmy " ;sci I', to the Ii:ingis CXpellS a~ ,Ih'ers 1}"I1l<'8, us WeB eo mpl it, j"'xlviij n, iiij ll. I tem , rm thl' lirst \Iny of :FelWllrll" bipl\st to the firsL tiny of AIIg:lIst , to the snill COlnl,tl'uilnr, in qllhit sih'it of the c lln;sc, IlS oomlltit, j"'viil:o:xv tI. xj s. x d, :-)UIIlIIIR . "j'''iijclx:o:ij It, l'viij 3.. j d.



Item, the u: .Iay of ~pleUlUer, ;;llh ll to Il/",ill :\llIlvile ,'.h.l:16.. fOl' j' Frouel. crounia of wcchl, uelh-crit hI' his rl~Ulur
ill France to George o( ('orntouII,IIUtI fol' ilk croun X\'j i.; 8um ma Ixxx " I Will, t lhlt IIUnyn t,l mo, lit! the Kingis COUllIIllll.l, to <.: illoert l'A,hnlllultIXI!I for to 1131'0 iii ~lall{hcl. to .Ilrome I<"rilOOl).'\I.I, l" 1 1I~lia; 811111111:1. in ~ltil monee, iij"ll1. lIeUloralllhllu : Gillrert Edmllullullll IIIni.1 of the lIIi,1 monoo j":d gl1'l, 'Iuhill.; ho ,Ielil Mit to ,lCrohlO FnlOObold, and IllIIrfo l' 11(' leud hal,IC the "Jill lO the Itandart ill of the Kingia 8011111 xh' IUl ul l lIf (ync gohl \\'yrc, nud PlI.yiL the bullil of the Uen ry of .\ bil'llene. Item, the x tiny of Jllllunr, Ilelh'orit toJolmo FI'Rue!s fot""p 1:.ol1l. to ehnllb"C in i'()lldon, and to delil'er to Gcorge Corntoull for t he quhcL ql.l.llilk luld hnf lk:uC hoeht, nud for gold to be LochL ill 1.011<1011 for lhe pn)'lI tour. iifux ij 11. Ingli.; SlIhlmll ill SccUis mOllce, j"j' bij 11. Item, to the lfIil! Jolllle. l llnt aRmyl! tY"le, the l~rl e of lI untlyil ehen;;c. oontCTl:lllu sl Iyukia ItIIt! \,eynml ij pUlltl I'U I.mce liJ IIUIIII.'I';I, itl:<lj It. \i ij l iiij d. Itcm , the re W~ gilli u to the snill J ohuc of before nllo chen3/!. quhilk \1011 bot:hl, nud i.enterit in tll1l Kingis quare ot this compt , nUll we}-nuI\ s\'iij uuce j '1lInl'tnl' II DCO of gold. ItelU, the :ul"iij day of Julij, gifhu tu the snill JohuO".p.1Wl. Fraueis to stule COIn)lL ill &!ottis 1II011l'e. j~ II. Item, for ane iluutll'elh gret, 11011' iu JertlhlC F';acoLaldia handi. be the achirclf of ALilJene. aull IJClyit to the laid .:hircff tharlor, .flX\'j 11. xiij L ilij d. hem, to Johnl' FronIOY'. in FrollTlet. J'- frankil, ilk frank ix l \-J It; the hale 10111.' in ~tti. money, lIij'lxxl' Ii. Summn ij~'il U IJ ,. Iiij It. T.:\J;T .\



OF 1'11",

."J'. l:~"!"

flcw , the xj dll~' of FeLrunr, lAlyit to the ,,\bbot. of CaDIb!U;kinnelil be laid dOlln to the Kingis offerand in . ltiiij i. l.cslnilig, I tem, to him he laid dOUD to Lhe J{ ingis offcI'tmd to Rnc preistis tirs~ Illes, xxviij t,

[.\nd tweh'o olher, entries of aimilnl' offerings, "lIryiog from xiv i. to ij N. xlj 1>., IlnlO UlHmg in nil to x \'ij It xl.) Ilclll, to him he gait to the Kingis a/feruml on ~;lIlct :-:elorultinnis day Li]>IlS1 in Hnlyru<1hons, . xiiij I. ll em, to him quhilk be gaif to ScLil' ~\ndro .\tukbrek to
"ift to Ilr<:istis in Linlithqw, xl !. [.\n<1 t,whe similnrentries, RLnounting in nil t.o x:\\'iij It. IV ii.] Item, tIle xiiij d.1Y of }'cbnml', in Ioinlilhqw, to the Kingis orremml, . xiiij a.

item , the nj day of Febnlnr, to Scuil' ..\ndl'o )fnkbrck to giff to IJrdstis, iij It Item, payit to Lord ,hclllinle. he Inid dOllu to the Kingie offuroml nl the (,IUC'I1C of Inglomlis sallie Illes, the xiij uny of F~hrl1n r, . xiiij a. It cm, pa)'iL to Schir William ).fn\\'ile thnt he Inill doun nl di\'cl1I lyrne.J to the Gmy FI't'tis of Stri" C'l ill sen the first duy of .\nj,'l.I:.t bip.1St , nt sind l)' tyLUCS, lix a. item, tu the 1\lnk Frens or S tri wiill, xiiij I. Item, the xviij ll n~ o f Fe bruol', in Stri\'CIiIl, to Schir And", :'Ilnkhrek to uisponc, Y. II. {J\1I1i cig htyd~ilt simila r rnlri~'s, nmollnting in llHl IIg~reo~'1ll c 10 \'Y,,\lj 11. xi" , So. iI'. I1.] Item, to the tun pJ"eisli8 that sillgis ill DuntJIanc for .\Inrgrl!l Ilnllllrnoml , \'j. U. [AIIlI ~IJ lJ\lal l c1'l~' lhl'ullg llOIiL thiB occount]

1.01:11 IIIGIi



ItelU. the xix lillY of Fcunt.1r. in L'tllul)1l~kinncth, to the ... I~ Freris of StI;,"e1ill. . ix I. ltell), lhe tift tIar of March , to III" " ingis oO"ernnu in Snnct Anlhonis of the ent;;, xiiij L Item, tl,) the Kinb<is offemnd lit the ('ill'S of l'euli.s, xiiij i Item , lhe "ij ,lay of ~Ial'ch. HI the l\ iuC(is ol1rmlld nL till,' su i,1 l'Onl ".'hli... xiiij it tlel u, Ihe ill' Joy of ~Iarch. ill l~oeIlInnhan, to the I\ingis ,u\'iij ~ offernml til the. KirL l'i~illg, hem, the oXJ clay IIf ~llIrl.'h , in l.oclunnhallc. to !"'chiI' .\ndm l lllkul'ck 10 Ji&loOm' lij n. ij~. 1tl.'II1 , the xiij .Iay IIf 'Iou dc, ('Ulllmllllt! hnllle, in t'l.'ulia, hi the 1\ill;;ia olfenulIl ilL the Hall' t'1'\l8, xilij I., item, \III F.-ilia), the xiiij ,).IY of llnl'..:1l, \0 the Kingis on'ernllli nt the lIaly Corn 'If I'culil, siiij S, h . . lII . UII ::;Cttirda~ the xv day of ~Inreh , to the King1s olft'nllul ill LesI,lllig. xiiij ~. Item, the x"ij Jny of :\ltu'Ch, SIllJ .... t I'lltrikiil liay.lo the I\: illgia <)flcrallll, xiiij S. h em, the ;niiJ <iny of ~lnrch, to the preistis of the Qllhil 1\ irk, iij 11. Item, to lhe IWei!tis (It Dnnhnr, x\'iij ;:. It('m , 10 Sehir "Intro 1Jo.kbrck at the. Kirk of ::Ot.eill t,) lIispone. ' ,'N. Itelll, to the pl"eislia OJf DlIngl3ll, xl fi. item, till! xix dny I'If lIH1"'Ch, to tile "iugia oflcl'lluli ill the Qllilit I\irk , ix it Item, loe the I\illllia eomm:md, 10 'lloialer f)n\'id Trail! to dispone to IIl'Ciltis, iij n. Item. the X\ Jay I'If 111111.:h, ('cnl l)ulllilli [the USllnl allill doth . . ' gi\en tl'l thirty-three poor men nml flilttl'C1i \fOmell . with SW)"II..'1. c"o.j~. Rilil 11Inlis," nnd ;;:I~. [!"cOl t is) 10 each loon, an, 1 Iii \1. EnSlish to each woml\ll. The 111111111 efferir.gIl 1I1I.lnll11S folio\\" en (:000 Fridny. Polsch. '11111 1 ';~8Ch )Iolldayl


.\U..:OC;\T:-i OF TilE
A ,I',"~

hem (the H I ' In) of :llalell), the AUIlUllciatioll1l of Our 1~1,lyt". to the KillSi! olfemml on the t,red, xiiiJ;'" 1ti'1LI , t j) lht: Flt'lis of I.ufnois, . xiiij a. item, to the Fn.:lis of ":dill lmrgh, QtI(~lIis Ferry amI 1!1\ . . rkelbill, iij hnnch emullili . snmlllll .dij I. item, the xX"j (jny of :llnrch, to the Killgi~ olh,mml in 1.es1ll1ri!t, ' xiiij ~ h elll , to Schir Alldl'o ) Iakbrck to the I,ur folldl, IlC1,tiullnml all I'ueh Dny, the xxiij (L1.Y of :llnreh, fOI" Ijj owkill to cnm, Jt:xj N.; m.,1 !\ol f'I'~'il I" :-outlay Ihe xij Ua~- nf :lllIij. [ .\11,1 c1el"cll lIimitur 1 ~llmellL!l nL the elu1 of ('I'er,'" I!('Icn ,\('Ck..] Itelll, the xXI"ij (I,lY (If :llnrch, to the t';:illJ:,';s "tJ(tntnd iu ='allct .\lIl onia of Uolth, ~iiij ii. Itelll, to the Killgia 0lrc1"II1Id lu :).1 nCL ~id1Uluj f.:h'l]lell helli,h.' L th , ei . '\iiij;'" Itent, for lUll 1J<L1...elli~ beir to the Gray Fn' ris of Gl!I.llmrgh, . xxiiij it Item, the IIl~t ,IllY of :llnrch, 10 the Kingi", oil'crnnd ill Le8lalrig, ' xiiij ~
AI' ltiLE.

h e il i. lhe 111111 (lny ot' April(', to the [';:illgi8 oll'onl1ld ill

$nn(,l .\1I1110Ili8 Chnl'ell of the ('mg, . or I.eitlt,


. xiiij II.

itelll, the feml lin) of .\ I1I'il(', in :-:nl1e~ Xkholns C{hJnpeli

II Ie Kingi! oifel'l'Ulu on tho hred, xiiij Q. Item, Iho xj dny of ,April!.', to tl,o I,illgis olfet'!lml in :-;I\uet Ni('I'otIiS t:IU1)lCli in l.eiti( ,. ix ~ 11,'111 [Ille 'l:l"iij ,IllY or Aprile), to II,e Kingis otremlltl ill l.e8\lIlI-ig, ' xiiij ol. Ileln, ttH' xix tin" of Aprile, to lhe I\illgill oO"crnll,1 ill XalleL 1 '!\lrllIIH, . xiiij l Ilt'IIl, the xxiij flny of I\Jlrile, LO the I\ ingis o[fernJld ill INllfllng. xiiiJ A. IIell, to lht" plt:i~ li ft of the FRwLirk, xx I,

T.onl> IIIGIi TIIE,\!-I"I(H:

Item. the xx,' Iby ul '\I,rill'. In Ih... KItI!::i4 "rrt'mn.j III SoIu('t 1:0'('\101 t 'IW1\1C11oe.it!e :->tn\elin, ilij a. lU!m, III(! xxviI) Un)' (II A)1rilf', in ~trhelin, tu tile "in~I' offcmml tu IUle h'l!ris ii,.,.l IIIClI, ' xiiiJ i


IWIII , the fil'lttl'l)' nf ~ I (\ij , to the Kingill nflemllu III :-<lrh-('ilu lO Aue 1.)'I!i5tis first lOeB, xx"Iij L 11('111 , the 1IOC1Inu d;l.~- of ~I,.ij, 10 ~IIU' '\mh'O ~laL;lj)'l!k to ,\il'poue ill Slri,"eliu, ,-ij Ii. Itcm, tlHI Iluitl day uf ~b.iJ. in 1I 1l1~')"1II1IIUUII, t .. the I'in~i. vtremnll, liiij L hem,oll :-;"'IIlIIlY the ((:1\\ lilly "i ." nti, ::Olln .. t Katrine Ue ,"'cui. ILl), tv the Kill~is otfcmml ill the BinI: Fl'c ri. ItL the luet all\l 011 the "I'!!tl, x:(\'iiJ 5. ItNII, the viij ILly 01' ~ I tlij, to the Kiugu. offcrnnd nt allr Lally CIHlpell lJesitle Falkland, xiiij A. hellL, tILe ix dny of llllij , lO prcilti. 01 Tulycultrce, xiiij !I. Itelll, the x tlny or Zllaij , to prci.ti. of Uunhlnne lila' singi. f,)I' Zllargl"Ct UnllnlllOlld, tlLAlr 'pmrtllr fee, v II. ItCIII , to the Grnr Frel;t of Strhelin, xxx"jS, Item, the xj <la}' of )Iuij, WiUWildllY. 10 Ihc Killgili QIl\!nllld quhclI he tuke hil sucralllent, x:n'iij II.. Item, to llis offcrnnd (It. the hie mill, . xiiij l itcm, LO the. Fl'cria of Etlinlmrgh, lu\'orkethin. Lho lJncllis Fel'Y, . xiiij!. hem, the xij Ilny of Mllij, WiLlcmlll)" is ;\!onundny, to ti le I\in~i~ olfC!n\UII, ' xiiij!l. Item, the xx 11nr of llnij. to the prt'l4til of UUllulaue, be COlllllllllld, xx .. Item. till' xxiij Iiny of Malj, C'OrJotl' LiIlia;tL day, lO the "ingi. otr<!rnnd 4t. the hie m\.'"11 11\ IInlyrudhoUJ. xiilJ I. h elLl , 10 the Killgi. oftcrnud 011 the I,red to thc Halyl:>lnde IYl.'hl. xiiij S.

.,. I).l!~.


ILCI1l , Ihe xxiiij day of J luij, to the Kingis offeranJ in

Item, the



day of ::Uny, to the l"reris of 111fnois,

xiiij S. 1L1'1ll, to IhoJ Kingis offerond in Snllc~ Xieholas ChaVCll ill Leith, xjjij S. Itelll [the xxvij Jar of Jlnij). ror iiij llIlel' gold, nne unicorn wedlt, to the Cors of Peblis, ofrerit be the
King ; ilk uncI.' ,"j H. v So; summa

11. x,' S. iij

u. obolus.

Item mClIlomndnm, in the slImYl} ij ringle quhi lk we r Ill)' Lord of Sanctnntlrois, and Ilne llllce of gold gillin Uc the Abbot of Call1buskillucth.

IWIll, the thri,1 ,lilY of J llnij, ill nllluloer tnne , 10 l'.ehir Antho :\Iakbrek to dispone, iij N.

ltem, the \"j day of Juuij, ill OIIlS'';o, to ~chir Amlro Jlakbl'ek tu dispone, ,'N. Item, to the rrcris of GlaS"oo, xiiij~. item, t he rij (lny of J unij, ill l'nsluy, to the pl'l'istis, xx s. I tem, the x 1 of JUllij, to the preistis (of the CoHeee I'Ir
of DUIIUeltUIil',

(\.1)', t o


xiiij s. Item , to the Gm)' FlCriS of Glasgo, xl ~. Item, the .."ij tillY of .TlIlli.i, to the IJI'Cistis of tile p..'\risch kirk of DllJlUena lle, xx ~. Item, on SOliday th c xv llny (of .Juuij, to thl' Kiugis offelHnll in Ail' to Sallct J ohlli~ lycht, . xiiij 5. ilem, to the JJluk FI1!ris of .\'ir, xv 11. vj d. Item, t o the Fl'eris of I I'\\ill thare,. xiiij~. Itel1l, L]u; xvj Jn y of .Tnnij, ill ,\il', to !-=cllir .\lIlh'O lIIakul'ek , tu l'rciSlis, fl c ri s nml pre istis of Gur Lauy Kirk (If l, yle, . v N. item, the xvij day (l[ Jnnij, to l\Iuis[.cr Edwa rd llluir, to tlispO (0 I'l'eistis at the J\il'k .S Ki lc, llt' iij tt.

Item, thp xj dar of Jllllij, Snllot UIll'lla1.oais Kin gi ~ ofl'erand :J ~ the slLule mes,


1.01111 III GIl



Ii i

Iiny nf .l lluij. ill .... u,l("\ill. t .. Sehir Alltlro . T,I:; to di.~)lIIU(" \' It. 1tI:IU, the' :u ij Iiny of .Iull ij, to tilt' King;" offlftllullelHl til till' (}l1hit. fi:i rk wi lh ~ h ir ,\I('J(RUlkr t)\"Us,

."(ii ij !I.

iteln, t he ;o: iij (1 )" fir .JIlUij, ~Iyt\.sfllni r e\"in, to tho .1 Ki ngiA Clff(!nlml to ~alle~ J oh'lill Iycht Ll.t Snoct ~iiij A. ,Iohllis Cors, ri,IAud throw lhe 101111, ' Item, tho xxii iJ lin)' or .l lIllij. Kmct ,h,lmi~ ,Ift~, to the Ki ngirl ofl'emml, xiiij I. xiiij i. h i'IIL, to til! io'rcrill of .~liul.nn'Sh, Item, t .. tilf Fr~liB of the QIIC'llis FeryC', xLiij "[,\ uu "ix othC'r ('ulriC'S of sill1ilnr nILLollnlli.] [trill, tho XX\ onr {If .l lluij, to the Kin!::!. (,ffcnLlul ill ~nllcL KI.trillill of the OJy Well,. ~iiij iI. ItCIIl, till' .~.~Iij lilly nr .Iuuij , to the I'; illgi~ ofrCrilUtl iLl Snnct I\ntrillis of the Hope, . xiiij ~ h cm [lIle xxix d'LY of .IIHlij], to Schir Aml n> :'.Inkhrek xiiij iI. to gil in nlmous, Item, tho penult day of .Junij. to the Kingil offel1li1d in l.e8tnhig, . lI:iiij ~
J Ul,IJ.

11('111, the IIt'ClI lHl clay of Julij. tl K' YillitntiOlIll of Our l..nlly, L the "ingis o1l'cmml in till: FrerLe of O . xiiij S. Li III it Itq 11", Item, to tIlt Kingis offcl'lIlul ill 111(' I\i rk of l,iLl lithrlw, xiiij !l It em, the thrill !Iay !If .Iulij, 10 Ihc I\illgi ~ offcn\t1(1 nt tlte lInlylilUtle m('fl in LillliliLllll', xiiij :;. 1tl'III,Ihe r'TIl tiny or .1Ltlij. to Ihe Kiugi8 offl'mncl at xiiij II. the Illes lie nomi ne .JhC:!!II, Item {the xij III\~' flf .Tnlij], I~'l.\i l I" ,\lIlho .\yl....1II he IAiel ,loll1L he Ihe K iugi~ "')IJlIll.uul If' IH"ti8ti~ .n s. IlO l'o'1"ts Christ i Iiny hipa~l, h elll, tho XI' lloiy of Julij, to Ille I'iugi" otrertlltl nt. the xiiij iI. QlIetlis s tu ll' mC:!!.

.. 1\ 1.'.0.\ .
Ih llI , ~


the xsij Ilny"f .JlIlij . the :'I lngtlnlen tIny, h .. the l\ iugis off~rtlml. :<iiij!l. item, the uiiij u,\) of Julij, in DunlJertnne, to Sc:hir And ro lInk bl'ck, x\ iI. Item [the xx(v] cL'ly of Julij], to tile Kingis offenmd on Srm ct. Jamcs bred, !(iiij S. Item, to III(' mak Freds thure, xiiij ;}, [tCIIl, (ile XX\'j dny of .Julij, in Eliotstouu ,1<I the Ki ngis offemud in the Nell' College. xiiij S. Item, the x:nij lla)" of .J1Ilij, in Air, 10 the mnk F''ens, xiiij A. item, Ihe xxviij dny of Julij, to the l\in~..is offenlnd in Our LllIly Kyrk of Kil o, . xiiij ~. item, to him, to the Orny F..cris If Ail', . . xX\'i ij ~, Item, the xxix dny of ,111Iij, to tIll! Illcmkis of (;1111ragucll, xx !t. item, the penu lt llay of Julij, in 010111115, to Selli t, Andro :I\fnklJrt'k , xx a. Item, the lastllay of Jnlij, in Quhithil11 , tn &:hil' !\ml1'o to dispone, \' It. item , to tile Kingis o ffenmtl io the ki lk ill tl ivers h-j it Illnce" iiij FrH lIcl, erounis: SUlllmR IteRI, tu lIlt! Killgi$ offelTtml in lhe chnpell 011 lhe hill , xiiij A. I !.em, to PI'cIstia dial'll, fOI" tho Indy III nistrcs, xiiij it ilem, to tilt! Freris Gr Wigtollll, . xiiij J.

I tom, the sceuotl day of August, LO thc monkia of Drumdmnnn, . xx 1. Item, tho thl"ill day 01 August , to the Freria or J)"lImrreis, . X11IJ il'. item, the \'ij (Iny of Augllst. to the l{iugis ofremmi in
tho ('orski,.k of l 'ciJlis, . xiiij iI. IIClu , lilt! viij (lay nr .\ugUJH, to lin! Kin gil'l IJfTemm\ in SallcL Klllrinis or tile vly Well , . xiiij iI.

,,-, ..
hetll. tho i'l; llll~' <If AlIgll~t , , .. Ille I\ill;;i~ oll~:m\1lI'1I " .. l:.to'. I..csl<llri~. ,iilJ ~. h cm, \lJ Sdnf '\11111'0 :Ultk!Jl\:k Iv 111'1'''110 tiMI. ulhl Ill. tlIC 01.1' Well, Ij U h eu!, \ 0 t he (imy Frena, U i.

i Len1, t he x day or .\ US"SI, [or ~i.i}{ clue Iyllyn cI",;!h 1(t tho Fl'eril of !"lrin)lill (or \0Il'u1u; ilL.-: d1le 'trj t't.; '111111110. xij ~. \'iij It. ItcILI, for l(.\illj ("111(' hmi.! qullit LH Ihoil \JIHlWlItil; ilk dlle ij . iij .1.. IUlnhHl hiij il.
hem, the xj ,lay of AngllaL, ill :-;11I\"d,n, W ~lljr Andro ll :ll.:l",,-I.; , jij H. ItCIII, the xiij thy of August, 10 the PI"CiloLtlr till! Chllpt'li of J\ nl:lch. ~i,;j II. h em, the :n tIny or .\ ugu"t, 1110 Alllinml,tiollil of Our

I.n<iy, 10 11H~ I'in;;;a ofl'cntlld, :riiiJ 8. ltcm, the :wj ,IllY of AU\,;USI. 10 the I\:illgu. oll'crllm! in
SUIICt. nok~ Chnpell hcsido Stril'clin, Iltm, 011 Sonday Ihe x\'ij lin)" of ~\ \I~Uit . xviij l of ~ln\'elin, lI:iiij it h am [the niij Ilny of Au~nlt], pnyit. 10 ~hir Johlle :-:Olrh'diu of C~I)('rnn l\l, kllJcbl. 00 1llili JOUII to the



l:!n lotl".no to


Iteln, Ihe l:X IL1.~' Q.c:ihy thnl he braif I.e the Kingl ' C(llImuuld tn tho pn:illil of I\ hirfnlc, ' ' xiiij II. Item, the uj Iiny of :\lIgI181, 10 ~llir .\1I<lro ~ l nklJrek to tliAI'OnC in DuniJ{!rt.:m(', iij It. Ilem, the'u\j IlfI~' of AUguAI. wlhe pre.i,,, of I~nnok loIlrn, xiiij 9. hem, pilJlI to ~ I niller WI!linlU t\-lh~' rplhilk he laid .11>1111 to the Kingia olfcrtlml 011 uunnlel tlay hipnst, xiiij ~ heul. the la.l It1)' of Atte'll~t . to till.: "'n.'ri~ I" til'" Quellis Fer~ xiiij l

to preisl i., loc IIi., "illgl~ t'OlUlIlIlIIU, iij M. of AuguAI , loti, il III \fniller "'illinul



Item, lhe Hrsl .lny oi September, to the Killgis offeranu on the ured to l he lyehl, . . l:iiij ij. iteUl, to the Kingis olTer.uu:l nt the hie mrs in Edin, burgh, ' xiiij iL Item, to lhe Kingis offernlltl 10 111e pur folkie of Snnet )lal'Y "'.nld, . ix S. hem, tJl lhe 1J1ukFreris of F..tlinLurgh , . xiiij ij. Jtcm, to the Freri' of l u\"erkcthiu,. , xiiij i;. heUl, to the Kingis otrernnd to Snnet J elis Kirk werk , xHij i. hem [the \'j \Iny of September), to nne I ng lis freir in Linlithqw, be [he KingiH command, to hy him nnc hllbiL, \' Fro.uch c1'Ounis; SUll1mn , iij n. l: .i [tem, lhe dj ,lOll' of SeptemLer, to t he Ki ugili offcmud at Schir Alexnnder Drus8tln\c mes" , l:iijj!l. h em, the viij dlly of September, the Xnth'itec of Onr Lady, to the Kiugis olrcrnud, XIIlJ Ii Item [tllc xj <In)" of September), to t hcKi ngis olTernnd at the Il nlyblude 1lI ~ in Li lililllflw, ' xiiij,s. ilem, lhe xij dny of September. to the preistis of Corstorphin , xx it Item, tl<e .'(iij dnr of September, to the Kingis olTerand in Lestlllt'ig, ' xiiij it item, the xiiij dny of SeptembEr. to tbe Ki llgis offcr.l.lld ill llnlYl'Ud holls, . xiiij ill telU, to ldum! frclis, ' , xijij a. I lew, Ihe xv day of SeptcmUcr, lor I'ij ~ ehie and haIr 01110 'luAl'l.tlr wcllus to the fl'ont:till of the hrc nlbr of I1 nlynHlholls; ilk cine xliiij i.; summll x\'j It. x\' II. \'j. (l, Item, fOI' \'iij ){ ci ne fustinnc to lrne th e snmyn, xvij 1' kIll, for mnkiug of it, . ,'it

11"IU , the rl~uticis wer the 'K iugi! uuiu. IItw, [hilL < , to th., Kingis ottol1l11l1 to Our lay


l'ij ).

the ... 1:L6. ,;ii,j" I klll , II" , \lJ .I,IY nf ~pll'mh'I. ill lh~- "id.: Hf :"110 ii, 10. Ihe "1II].(i~ 011\-1,,".1, "iiij" h ell!, lit" xliJ .!.\y .. r :--o.:1,1!'!.)loc", I" Ill\' l'n'I~li. /.f 111I1I.. hUl, xlij ,;.. 1(('111, lit 1111' QnhiL Kirk . I" ~ h 'r .\ I"h" \I.lkhl\.k t .. disl'oll(" iij t). I ... m. to Ih. Fn!'i,. .. ( Lnruui, xiiij ... IlI'III,tll.. x\iij ..LI, ,J :-;"'1'1\"11111-'1. III t-.m.1 .Idi., 1\ill.: ..r t:'lilll,tu1::h. t., II,, Kill:';1 '~h'nnll' ,\ II .. , 1I "lyl.tu.lr 1I1ll, \iiiJ i.. h.m. 11,,-' \X ,h~- .,f ~l'hhlLt.r, to II .., ,"klm!!1 ill 1...... \.Ilng. )"iiij P. It.-l'I. IIt. xxij ,L,.\" .. r :-;r"IA-IItIt"I', I"~ Lh~' 4: t,,) I'I"t:rit; ..e Sltil"din . loc Ih,' Kiugi. "" 111111;111< 1 . iiJ N.

h elD. I.. tI,, I":mgill




,'wH... k




ItI.'UI (Ih. ;ui iij .LI)' lOr :-:I' l l lI.'1II1~ 'l l . In 1111' Fl\'l'i>l of 1,illlilhtt\l, l.,ilJ ... Iklll, Ihl' 1""1I111t d'l}" "r ~1'll:luloc\', ~IU(L 'lid"...:ii!! ,LI). I.. Iho) "ill;';ls oUcrtl ml III Mlln~lil\. xxviij A. xiiij ~ IIlnt . 10 tl,, rawi, fir ,sh;l"cliu,

1ll'ln (Ih., til'lt lin) I,r (k.hll"'I ], I. III<' "luUi. ulJi:nl1ul ill !-'antl l:o);isChapl'llulllll' I:li1:;\:11I1 I'f Strill'iln. 'iiiJ l ltl'lII, the ....'CI1I1,1 'Iny or (kt,ulll.'r. ~n I h~' I\i llgi'l vlllnmd .,~ lh.' ,,:Ii~IU"'1l ill l}uur" rllll yn, ,iiij S Item . to lit. FI\,i!S or In n'rkt-lhill. in IInnr~'1I1 "~-lIe ,
xiiij 1.


\Iull,. " U);1.I"I.:. in j)\ll1r~nlllrll. \lij ;.. 1l4.III, II", fl'n( ,I.,} IIr llo.:l,,1 ...,. ,n I'.uk to th.; milk ",,r;" 111111 1,II111it Fn'li" tll.II\', '" nij ... 1tl'1U , to Ih~' K\II:;i'" ..n'r"wl III lIt<' Pri;; l'ud Ih,II~', i\ ~.

1<1 St.hil

... D. l~,

.-H.:cov:\n OF TilE

item, to the

prci~tig lit the lhig CUll of 'I'ny, H So hem [the ,- dilY of UCI01.u). ill Dundo:, to the KlIlgi!

vhcraml III IIIlC preis!i:; lit'lll mea, x;\\'iij ii. [tCIIl , to tbl' Killgill Ufr,'1l\1l11 on \Ill: lorcd Lhnrc, xiiij S.

of Ucto1)!'!1"]. It the .Freris in Dun<ie, xiiij S. Item, the \'ij dny of Octuher, to till! Freda of ).t11I1I'08, xii.i 9. [!.em, ill 1\ 1'111'1)1 h, to Schil Amlro ~J(lku rck to liispOllC, iij tt. Ilelll [the '"IIIJ (Iny of OClol.oCI"]. ill lll'cchiu, to Lhe J\ ingis ollcnlud on S:lllct Tl'idunnis bred, item
[I he



i:-; S.

the xij lilly of OetOUeI', to tho I.llnk fl"C\;9 of n~~ .iiij<

Itcm, the xiiij dny of Oclolou, in &nct J ohuis Chnpell,

to tho Kin<;:is OIII:!\IUld ou lhe iwcd, xiiijil. [LCIU, to the I'I(!itit of the SlIlIyn chnpcll to 8lly 111('5 tlLtlI"(!, xx ~ Item [the ;>;\j duy of Vetoh"r]. to thc Kingis offclnlld ill 11I\CI1IU, xx\i.ij ~ item, to thc lilak Flcri~ of Ii IHI'!l('l\, xiiij i Item, the xvij llny of lktol.cr, lo thll Killgis offcrnn\1 nt tho 1 'c1iques it! Hewly, xiiij A. lLem, the X\'I1J day (lr (klul}CI', ill TnYII, to tho h.illgis otfomndb, iiij FI'Ancl! <:lllllnis: snl\lIIli1 hj i110111, the xx tmy vf UeLulou, 10 the lJrci.st or Sone!. ;\iou.1nca. xiiij~, 1i1'1II, to lIle Killgis ofTel'll.utl iu l:l.oolllal'tt"C, . xiiij illelll, 1'1 lIlo 1 1I\;istis "t Ihe ChallU1,ry of 1:(1<;, \. n, 1l1'1I1, tho XXJ tb~ vf Ottok,', in luvcrne'S, Lv Sehi!" ,\u,lio ),1;,1>1'1'01.: 10 lIi"loOLle Ihft ....: ami ill I!:lgill, \j H. Itt'llI, tl ...; x\\"j Ih~ uf ()(:v.hu, ill AI"rucnc, to :-;Chi! \1,,11 ...\lnkhltk I" diJ,I04J1W. xj Ii. lLl'lu I" till': ia"k "'I1.:li8 umllhl Quhit rl"cris thrll"C.
XHii) it.

1.01:1) 1I1 {,: 11 'I'J:I-,,\'il' I,U:.

.",1/. I~

Itcm, to tilof' I\.i,, ~ilf ... rrl:ntll.1 vII tilt,: I,.\.~I iu al.1 1\I,il'dell,, ix S. llew, lilt, Xl.\ ij .1 vf Oclui .... l', III lilc i'td~ti~ (.If l'o\\'C<!, ;\)' jij It. 1l1'IU, In limy Frcrjtl ill '\!Jinlctll', x\ij S,

Ilellt, tho nix ,1;\), of Octol.... r, t" !'thir "mho )101.: I,I",k to JisllOlIC ill AriJroLh, \'J Ii HCILl, the IlC IIU]t ,1.1)' of Ocloio('r, ii, Snud .J"IIl\I>I"UII, 1(0 ::;Chir Amlro :Uakllrek to ,!iijpone tlll\l'\;. \' h. itCIU, to thc Kill:,;i;; on~ I':Im l 1m the 1I ,llybil1Jc \,ml, \iiiJ a. ItCIII, to the l}uhit Freris IhMe, xiiij a. Ite m, to the milk Freru. thnre, xiiij I:' \teW, lhe lo1I.~ .lll)' or OctoUcr, iu titrileliu, Ie:. ::;chir .\w.Jro ;\Inkhrck to ,liSPOIIC, \. It

I klll, thc finlL .t'll or XOl"cmbcr, ,\lhl\lIo\\ liny, to the 1\ iugis offer.luJ, l:iiij So Ill-III, th e l!CCulid .b} o{ Xon;wLer, 10 the F reli,o{ In,,,r Itcm, ill f:"lilllmrgh, to &:hir '\11.110 llllkt.rek tl.l llispllne, iij 1i. IkUl. tin.' Ijij llny or XO\'emlJcr, tl.l ;he Killg:is otlemml ill I.cI<lailig-, xiiiJ !l 1t,IIl. I Wlyi~ 10 tile ) fniSI(lr l'uk." he gnif be the Kingis celUUlI\ III\ to Lht.: Freris or DUlwlc, xlij Q. Itcm,tho :\\'j, ]ny or XO\'Clilhcl',to the Kiugiaon'emmi, );iiij~ 11<'111. to thl-' !lInk Frel;s of Edwl.mi1:;h, :l,.jiij s. 1t~'DI, lht.: xix XO\'ember, in the CNiltli of Slri\'ciill, to the ' 1 ingis oITcml"l. , xiiij Q. item [lhe:\'I: ,Iny of Xv\'cmt....rl. 10 the KinSis 011"r:\11t1 ill ~:\lId .Iclis Kirk, \l,ij:;



o.w (;{

11.('111 ("II :-.oml . ), the :\\;iJ ,I.\~ (of X"\,\",l,,r), to tilt:' h-":lis I.If thl) (,lul:ui!; 1'.'1) alltl of I.llfl1oi>4,

xniiij ..

A.D. 150:>.



h em, the XXI' day of Xon'!mloer, to the Kingis offCl'llnJ. in t'.1UCt ,Jeiis I\irk ilL s"'U1Ct K iltrillis mes, iJ Fl'lioch
CI\JUllis , ,;tlmlU:I xX\'iij i;,

item, to the Killgis oll'ct1lml 011

J elis bred, xiiij S. It('lI1, the I',:nult .IIIY of Xon:'mIJCr, II) the Kingis olfc!',uII.I n~ s.IIlC~ Ka lrillis of the OIy W ell, :riiij So
J)CEll ll[ li.

Ite m, the first ,lny of Dcmbcr, to t he Kingis offemnl'. xiiij S.

Item, to Lhc KlIIgll oflct:lllu 011

lloYIS \)I'{'d,

xiiij ~. Item, the sceuud un.\' of Uoccm\..o<;r, to the Kingis offcm nd in SUnet Alithonis L'hapell of the Vms. xiiij II. Item, the t h rid day of lJcccml~r, to lhe Kiugis offcl'ancl in Lest(t\rig, ;<;iiij S. Item, the fen! day of December, t.o lhe Frcr is of LinlillllJ.W, . xiiij . [(.em, to till;! l\ ingiB offemnt! (It the H aly Blude llles t1ml'c, x iiij 9. Item, th(l v tiny of DccclIlbcl, La nno J ncobyn freil" cum 1111'Ih of J'n!"is, Xi i!J S. hem [~he vij dny of l)(,(,(,tnloer], L the Ul nk Freris 01 O !::)lrivclin, xiiij S, ftem, 10 the nm~' I'l'rl"is of Stli l'elin, xl "Itelll, the \iij ,In)' of DecemUcr lhe Coneepliol111 of OU I' f...o.t1 y, 10 the Kingis ul1l!l'illlll, XI1lJ Ii, I telll, the xi iij ,lay of Ike"1I111CI', to th' Kingis ol1'ernull in Linlith'lw, ' xiiij g. Item rIl,e- xv Jay of ])('C(, lIIhcrl I n IheKingis O nCI;1I1C1 llt ) ]uis l.<.:l 1 -:"111"(1111 S.illcluri ~ :<;HI1c 111(;5, . XHlJ b. Itt;!n, thl' niij day flf 1)('(;(:l1lio<:r. L(J the Kingis olli.:!'aml in i.l'1>ttlirig, :.:ii ij i.,

ltellt lllt~' X\I' .Iay .. i I "''<''ULloei xiiiJ __ Kiugi. oUi:rnUlI in thc IIlornYJI).!, II NtI, to tl te Kilt).!i>! ul1;,'rnlul '11I1tC't1 IIC 11Ikl hi. IAcro mC ul, 'l:iiij b_ It em,lu Lh<, l\i lll:,;il offcl"llll.1 nl tltt' hie 111<.'1, :<.'tIiij~. Helll, tI,C xxvj .L"ly of I)l'Cellll~r, Slmct S\l"Viunis 04Y, tu lltr I\ing:is oU'-rou,l, XIIIJ "[To the 1I111d.-: Fl"iol"5 of ElliolulIl;h, Lhe Fri;t.1"S of Pcrth, QUC<!lIsft:!ny, lu\"crkeilliing, ami
I. ufness, ~b 1"' iL) 1t.'III. t ltl' x;nij dAr of I)cc(.Ulher, SOIU,:~ Johnil u.1y, to xiiij iI. the l\illgillllTcl"'\lltl, ' _,iiij it Item, to thc Il'Iall.1 freda, l INn, un ~'1I.1n~, I':Ulct I niloccil l i, tiny, to 11\1' Kingis xniij {, olrcmml, It ClIl, t he pc'nll l ~ llll)' of 1l('C('IIIU<-l', to ti,e 1\;lIl:(i8 ofrc.'Q uu UII Sanel Dllthois 1),'(:,1, 'iiiij iI.

Il<'m, the lint dAy of ,!nnunl", 10 Ihe Kingll olTcnantl, xiiijit ... D. hem. the 1'lillY of J a lllllll", to t he Killgia lIfjer;lIIt1 in I.c.. tnhi~. xx\'iij i Itcm, lite Ij dar of ,lnllun ., l:phtll)oay, to the Kingis olT,'I1I1Hl ill honoul of the tllre Kiuga. iij FroncJ, croullis; sumlllll xlij ii. item, to Ihe Freria of Ln flloi~, ):iiij ~,


Hem, the l"ij dar of ,Iantlar, to Schir ,Iohul' Scllnrjl to


I'iij 11.

Item, lhe ,iij Iiny of ,Tnnunr, to the Kingis Off"Tntll! 011 the 1.o11't1 in Linlith'lw, xiiij;;. itt'lU, tlll- :\j day of .Jnnunr, 10 lit ... Fl"erill of Strin'lill, xiiij ~ "{'Ill, till' ...:ij cL,~- I'f ,Ianllll', ill Slrilc1in. to "'t;1,ir Antlru 'I.,J.:J.n:k til di~I)(lIlC:O ll,llre., \ It 110-111. tilt' xiiij ,lilY of .lmlll;lr. III 11M! l1:ill":'l" ofTHnlld ill the lllapo'\l uf th . . 11111 h ~i.le Vuukl:U1d,
):iiij g

... 1' 1:.oMI.

J\t'l'OUXTii m'TIiE

1t"Ill , the :n'ij .Iuy of JQIlUll.l, tAl the Ji:hlgill oiferallli to 'lIIe l'rci~ t i ~ hrs! lUCiI, 'll1hilk wcs lh(l ('Cllllj>II1,llmis t/)ll~ ino:," Fmm'h (:1'\ 'll11h.; surnUl1l iij 11. x ~ Itl'lU, Ivllle I\ ing'to (.Hera",! nt, tll1~ rdit-!1u:~ in :->'mclnll.h\ll!, x.niij':'. Itl'lIl, '<llh(l Kin;;ili toffcmntl ill the tt,lIcgt' (If ~aptt
nll,ll'... i ~ ilL Ill.' Lonl of ~nct!llltlrui!l Mult, mea,

xiiij iI. It...lII, 10 the FI'{'ris ill &l.IICI.Ulll11'0i6, xiiij 9. Itcm, tu 11.11(: lugli8 rl't'il' iu Snllctalldl'ois, "j Frnuch (' roulI;' : 611111 111'1 iiij It. iiij ~

II.,UI, 111l' Xliij Ilu) 'if ,JBIIIIUI', I.... lhe Fl'cl'is of 1'lIlyllllll. l(iiij it 11 ...111. Ihl' ~ i \' ,lny or .'nlllllw , to pl'eiSlis ill FnuklOlLli,


Ih-llI, the fiJ'IIL IL of FC'onmr, to the Killgis OrrCnlutl lY 1.0 t'.'U1C! Bl'idis I.,'chl , :;iiij g 111'111, tho 8C(lIml dny (" Fei)I1Lnr, the l'urificnlioun (If 0111' L(ltl),. 111 the Kingis OffeL':1II11 in his cl\mlill, ij Fl,Lllcll cronnis; aunllUIl xxviij A.
ltCI'l, lhe thrill liay of }'eLI,mr, SttneL Blnis (by, to tIn! Kingi. olTcmnli in till.' chllpell, . xiiij iI. It.;m. to Ihe Kingi. ofl"c mnd in Sanet. Celia Kirk,

xiiij G. h em, the )'j duy of Fe Lnmr, to the Kin< is offcl"U1Il1. nt 6 the QUC:IIC of lu:;lnndis sanle 111('8, "iiij i. itellJ Llhl: xix ct.'!)' d FclJntar], 10 the Killgis offcmnd n~ Ih...' Quhit- Kirk, xiilj A. hem [the x:\j ILl)" of l'"cLI'I:u}. lo lhe Kingi. oITCI-;'\lI\! in OOIK:t .\ nlilollis of the Cmg, xii ij a. I kill. 10 II,e Kiugis OffCnlUl1 in ~lnct .\lIlhollia of I'('illl, . xiiij ~ Jtjm. IIII' nij 1 'ly ,r Fc],nmr, 10 the l\iugill oITt:r:l 11l1 to 1 sdlir Tlu)lIll1/1 T~ltli~ ~lnj,. lir.;t Illes. xlij.il.


tWin, till' tir.oL ,t.), of \1,11\:11, to tilt l\ im':I' "tkraw\ III ~'\nl'l X [cllt)] :IS <.'11.;1110:11 IIr l.ei lI., . xii ij li, It... m, lhe thrill .l.I) of :\Iarcb, I )'I~-i t tu Wnltir llcrli"un, !Il(UOo:)UU , II", j..:air til the Kiu;..;is I, th;mml in :"\Anet Gelill Kid.: t v ~lU't J ollu ililycht . XIIIJ"'. t Win, tho fent ,Lly of '\Inij (I. \l un:h), to Wi!li:..,. :"I'I.{'I~J\I'. Iluhil!.: he g'lif tu tl.., KilllOUt ulkmml ill Ninel , \lIlholli~ of Ih,' enlg. xiiij " Itt-til , the lifl day <If l lnl\:h, ttl tt. I:I"k FT1.;rili or Stl;\',-lin, :l.iiij ~ Ill'lU, til\: \j ttl) of l1l1l\:1I. in lJlluftI IUI)u , ~ir .\11,\1" M"kl.n'k to Ilisl'onc,. xl "ILeul, to Ihe I'ingis otfcl'nmt aL tho I'l,:1iIIUl'fl tl~ut:




... iiij 1:. l U'm, the viij linyof Mareh, ill Snnclalluroill, to Irlnnd frenll. xiiij i. Ikm, to the Freri. of Rnucuuulroil, :tiiij . Ill'm (the ,,[iJ dny of :\lnll:h1" ~1)'i t to Lord A \ ~nc.lnl c he xiiij B. gaif to til .. Freria of hll'crkcllullij, hem, Ih. xy c.lay of Mnrch, to thl" Kingis (lUemnd nt. Ihe I'1'li'lur. in Snncldndrois, xiilj I. Ilew, the :n'ij llay of }'Iurch, to the "iugia olkmml ill lhc Colll1.'t' of S!1.lIcld11lh'Ois, 'l:iiij S. hem , to thc Kingil oflcmnd 011 the lore..! of the parish ix!l. k)'rk of s.1nctnndl'ois,

item, the niij dny of U (ll'eh, to the Gray Frt:ria of Sal1Cldll,troill, xlij J. he m, thi.' xix dilY of lln.n:h, to the pn'i:;til in Fnuki:l.lIti, :u B. IkW,thl' xx ,by of 'larch, to l'ttl$lil in DUlLf{'rmlyn, :o.:1iji. Item. 1 Ih(> Fl eris uf III \"Crkethill~ U,an:, 0 , xiiij S It",u. to tilt' hln.lltf (n'ris, ' :o.:iiij J. h"III , thfO UIJ day of llurch. to tie prtisw of Lin. Iith'lw, xl L 11...111, to th(> IIlnk Frc.ril of !:'tri\l::in, ' xiiij /I

-., ,.I.re 1',01.

La ,l~


Il l.'m,

10 Ihe "'ill'~:~ "Uernn!!, II. (;l"''1.'t: 14u\I, he I;Ii,1

xiiij io.



n~ l'n,~ rdi'ln~s

,1r.nll to the of Lhmfel1'll, M,

xii ij ~ hew. th.~ ""j ,la~- I': 'l.u'CiI, to the ... il1\.. o!f"lunJ ill ... ~.mct .\ntIH>IIil> ill Leilh, xiiij 11. 1t...1Il, thl! "\lij J,,~' vf :\Inrch, 10 til<! "'iugi .. offet'nlul

io Lest,lltig.
AN01 LE.

xiiij ;;,

Il" 1n (Ihc 1('1"(1


{If Aplilr], 1'1l~'il lO the Abbo~ of hI' lnit! dUlln ((,I tllC l\iLlgil offcrnnJ in :Sllllct .\nLhOIlb! .I"If tlrl' t.:rag. tire uviij dny of


'lnrch l,ipas!. '

xiiij ri,

11<-111 , the IX tilly of Aprile. Cena Dc..mini, (10 l'neh of thi It.\ fOlll' pOOl' Illen 111111 SC,'cnLecn I,-Olllc n n gUll n of
1iJ\11' cloth

Hnd II piliI' of shoes, n 810UI), cog, nntl plnt!er

co.ting 1Gd, lind alml~ containing-fol' Lhe men ;14.8"


IIlId for lhe WOrnI'll 17d. English].

1L,'III, Iho ~ tilly of Ap.ill', Gude Fri,lny 10 the Kingi8 utl'r!]'!md 1(1 the UI'\:eilixt, xv S, \'j ll. h CIn, II,e "ij <lny of ' \1 '111e. 10 thl' I\:iugis ol1eroml ill Ille luoru~ liS ul tIll' J:I'I\Uh'(li(,.m , nml 'Ju hl'n he luke hi,~ a,'\croml'll t , . ;dij A. [l(:In, LO Ih" Kille'" "flcuuul n~ the hie Illes, :l.:iiij So Ilcl", 011 Ilh' ~ iij lty 01 '\I 'I'i l", 1'1I8d, ) It '"lludny. to thu Kin"ia OffC I~UI,I, l:iiij S. Item, l" th", FI"\'rlJI of fo:Clilll,ul);h, xilij l l:iiij 1:, II"UI, 10 II"., Freril>(;f I.lIflliJis, Ittm [thc ~iiij ,I.. y ..r '\Jr t il ~', Pusch Tistluy]. to the Fr{,,jl 01 IU"ilkl'lhlll, xiiij ~ Il':UI, lU Ih .. [r].unl h'M', xiiij.i. hl'llI, til(' \\liJ ttl) I.r '\I,lil(. gil1ill III Schir .'(ohne Jl.ulllt:i~ ItO ,1i~pl>n" lOj: ho:n: J'utrik Ilnnnikis .."ulI''''.lI xiiij h _

Ill'UI, 1.<. th" f\11l;:i~ \.II"I.lI,,11ll I.. ,t.lhag. liiJ it & 1!.Go. ." 1t"II1, th. \i'( .\." II! . \I,dl~, tn lilt' Ii '''':;M '.fkl1".n~ 111 Nmtl .\1I1h"w!I fir tl ..-. t'mg. "iiij it Ih'lII, till' \\J .1,1> . ( ' \I'dl." t'l the I'feri. "I :"lriHliu, :\Iiij it Itt-III [till' \H lilly vI .\l'l"il;:o), to LIM 1L1;11l11 ff,-,ri., \ l linn. til th. "iug;' (Irrl'mn,1 ill fild*(). xiiij ii 11('111 t.. 111\- "'",ri~ (.10.'';0, lIiij Ii.



tllOt 1':1,1,,)"

UIJ ttl}

of ,filii) [f. '\l11i\t'\



r~#&til II.~'


Xl ...

IUtn (till..' wiiJ tI,IY uf .fllliJ (I. '\I,nll'\]. to (lrl<'nlll<1 1)1 Our 1AUlS Kyll. lOr I\~ I.. ' 1<'111, til th,' t"Il'!"'i! of Irlliu, 1t~IU, t .. II,, {'"" "'rcri ~ lOr ,\il'.
M .\JJ.

I'( ...

luij Ii.

IWIII, til(' fin.t .by of "uij , ill 1~llllltllim.lo""'llil.\lItlT1' ~"l1,;I'll.'l.: I.. lli'pUII ... , i\ Ii Ih-m, 1\1 th.: \'111).:15 (llklallll Ihlln- lit 1;1,,11)' 1'1,",,,"'5. Ij Flulld, u~.nui~ _ tUlnmn iilJ ti. iilJ;; Ilem (III .. ~uu,1 ,1,1.) t.r "nij). tu tilt'! frcir t.t Wij!llUIU that tuM hur .ill;!,;n Ili~ Ii".\ ..... II., lint ~'Iltln~'. xiiij ~ 1t"III, lll" ft'lU ,I,'r 01 ;\Inlj. t(l Mh.1 .\11111'0 UlI.J.It'k hi

in 1,111<"1(\\\,11'11.

"I ;;

111:111. I.. Ih,' F'\li. (If llrllmfl'CIII-, \iiij~. Itelll. nne ),1'1i'pl(' 'Iullilk the I\ill~ (lilcritlt~ Qnhithilil. 1Il . i.1 tlr tl\l' I\iuo;i~ nuu Mhir, IHYUIIII _n'i,I!~ III1CI: for the r'I>!-01I1I Il' ilk 1I1l('\: iiij;" ~lIl11mn

" II " ; 11('111 . fur iJ II .II"Y noLI,s nwl quik .. illi .. 1(. gill lI,,' .muyu, liJ II. iii) ~ Il"nl (111,-. rij , t,,~- fir \lnij]. tn Ih., ,\ih~i. ,,1li-rlln,1 nl till' J1 .,I~ t'I1~" .. f 1" "' li~ , \\Ijj~ lit III. IIII' I,ij ,tl} ,,!, 'L1ij. IILI' T"III~lati"lIl1 IOf ~lIIlcl \l1.'hac! , t., \hl' Ii.i\liil ~ IJII; 'I.IIIII. xiiijli

,>. Ir.(lI.

Ikln. the x ,1 I" \Iuij. to Ihe FIl:li" (., 1'111,.111111. .1)" xiiij i). IU'ln. Ih" xiiJ .1:1Y of )llIiJ. to Ih~ I\,ingll' oncl'fLml in wIllhi;;. xiiij I. heUl. the xiiij d.l~ of )Inij, ill 1"elIlJlhiS. tl) ~he Kingill oOcrnnd, xiiij 1\. Itr'Qi, till' xv lilly of )lllij, 10 the l,iue:isolicIlIIHi in &UlCL ~\nthonia of the CL'Og, . xiiij B. jUtIll , the X\'J dll)' of ) Inij, to the Killoia olTel'llnd ill ~11\cL I': ntriui& of the (1Ipldl, . xiiij il. Ilem, to the I';:itl~ia offerentl in :snnc~ Leonardis, xii iJ ii Item. in Lcstnltig. to pn:ibti81hnl\!, xIS. item, the xix lilly 0:' )Inij, to tho Killb';' olTcmmd ill Klllet Nicholai8 Chnpell l"'''hle I.(litll, . . xi;ij ii. Hew. the xx dny of ) Inij, to the Kill o OjJl'1'I1llI i ill ~nlleL ';" All1houis Qf th(l ("'fig, xiiij it. Ilem, the xx,i tiny of )Inij, the Ascensionn dny, to lh(l Kingis Offl'I'UUU, .~iiij s. Hem, the x:o.:iij lIny of "'rlij, to tilC Kingis offc\'Uutl ill Letllillrig, xiiij S. I ~m , the I RQ ~ tI'l)' of ~llIij, Witl;olldfl)". to the Kingis OIlCllIt1\l, xiiij it rtcm, II) lho Frons of J':Clinhm"gh. xiiij A. Item, tv thc Fl'e ria of IlIl'ilkcthill. xiiij S.

It.cnl. thc thrid day of Jnuij, to &hir Amh'O Mnkhrck to the Gray ~'I'Cn8 or i':t.liuloUI'gh , xl &. lLt;m , the I' tiny of .JlIlIij, to St:hir AIHho Mnkhrek to ..(' xx S. I,rcistis of 1 1 1h, Item, tu the I\in~is o(fcnmd in :SlllCt. Anlhonis of L('ith, xiiij it ltt;nI. thll \'ij Un)' III JlIlIij, 1'lillitt,.'<' :->011(1110)". to the li:illb';s OI1CI'iIlIlI, xiiij it. It"tIl. 1"1)'ll tl'l I..md ..\,'clll.ltll<.'. ho ".ir to thl" Frcrie of WIIS;;", 'iliij l.


II IG U TI:E.\)o;.Ur:I:I:.

Item, the :o;j .Iay ur .l ulliJ, Fl'lllnill ('ol"ll{'l"ill (.:hrisli, La .,.ro lhe I\illgi~ uUi:'mml in thc cI~11ICI, .xiiij 10. ( CI11. to LIlt' I\illg-is nfl"cmm[ IV lho FmlA'rnitcc ,'f Ih~ J[ aly l:tn,lt ill :->;lIIctJclis I\yrk, . xiiij i:.. Item, the xij Jay of Jl1l1ij, to tile I\ingia (l1T~l.l1hl in Lcsl;llli~, . xiiij So Item, the xiij Jay of .lnl1ij, to tho Kingis "t1i.;mnd lit his fadil !;mle IlICS, :<IIIJ "Itell.!, the xiiij 1];1)" .)f .Tnnij, to the' FIcrill of TIL]~llIIn. xiiij "Item, the' xviJ day of .Jnnij. to the l\ingil oITcuuul ill
&tne~ J\lllhonis of Leith, :o;iiij .:;. I\.('ul [tht' x\"iij dl1r or Jllllij], to the l\inSil:i (lncnllhl in ~met Nillinn<'ll Ch.I]X'1l (Ir Leith, .'l:iiij /;. ]WIII, 10 till! I\ingi~ on'crnnd in ]-Cilalrig, xiiiJ >I. Ilum [Ihe xix liny of ,Tllnij), to the ]':ingis olf{,lltmi in S:mct ;\[ergrcilis Chapell of the GlUltcll of E.linlml"gh, x Ii ij it Item, to WnUir i\Jcl"lionll, 1l1n~O\ln, In the Kingis offemnd to ~,'\ne~ .'Clhnls Iyeht. xiiij s. Item, the xxiiiJ uny (Of JUllij, Nnli\"ltas Saneli .h,hnnnis 1:'1PlislC, to the ];:inSis offerflnd in I.illlithqw,

xiiij .t .~;iij it Itelll, 10 tile 1-'1'1.'1;8 or Lilllithf]w, ilem, tlUl XX\' ullr of Jllnij, Slllle~ ~folloJi. uny. to the xiiij .ii. Killgis offCI'Unu ill l.i nlil hq\\", IlCill [the xnj dar Qr Junij], to tho I\illb-ia oflcmml i11 xiiij ~ Leslnirig, Item, the xxviij tiny of Junij, to the KinSis ofT'er:l.1lt! in . xiiij s. j,inlithq\\',

item, thollOCllud tiny or ,Tnlij, the \'iRit.1t;OUIl of Our . xiiij g. 1..tIlly. to the Kil1gill oITcrfUlll, xilij it \t1.'1Il, to the ],'rcrill or SIl"in'lin, ~chil" t\ndl"O Itelll, lilt' "j lIllY or ,hl1ij, ill Linlithf]\\", to ilij II ~ I ukt.l"{k V) ,lisp')l1e,

UJ. l!.oo.

.\CCOl-XT;-> OF TilE

itelil. tIl(' ix dn,. of .hllij, tf} the prei~ti~ of I.('ith t" Mr me~!>i~ ill :O::\II('t Xiclloln. Clmp('l1 ill Leith, ii i II. Itelli, the x llu~ of ,Iulij, in :U'lij, lu the Killgis ofti:1'!ll1d ill hi!> tlln ell11llilli5, ij F1'Ilnch ('rol1l1is; sumum xxviij ~ It"m, to Sell!r Gilhert ilnh\ll.ll(' 10 ,\i5pOlle to preistis or Pc1inweme, iiij It. I Lelll, LO the prcist of :Uoij, xx ~, Ttem, the xiij doy of ,hllij, to !:;chiI' .\ndro Mnkhrek to dispone in l.inlithqw, iij It IlI'm, tile X\' dnr 01 Julij , to the l\:i1lgis offernnd ill I,e;;tahig, xiiij g, ItCIll , the X\'IJ day of .Jnlij, to the t\lngi8 otlernnd n~ Ilis modi!' saule Illes, xxdij . item, the xdij tiny of ,Jl1lij, to f:.chir AIH[ro :\ fo.khrek, xx il (l<'lh-erit to :;ehil' ,Johu Scharp. Item, the xx day of ,Tll\ij, to the Kingi8 offcrnnd a~ S.meL )Icl'gl'eitis altai', xiiij~. Itl:lll,lhe xxij dn~' of ,Inlij, lO Sehil' Andro :\Inkbl'ek to (\i~polle in Linlilhqw, x l S, Item, Ihe XX'o' clny 01 Julij, Saul'll. .]nnles dny, to the Kil:gis offernnJ, xiiij ~, Item [on ::::olHiar, the xxvj day of Ju\ij, :-:allCt. Annes (In.r], to the I\ingis offelTlm1 to 8011(:1. Annes bl'1!d, delivel'it to ThOillns E<.1;;ail', xilij ,;, [tem, to the J\ingi~ o;kl'uud on lhe l'I'~tl ill Linlith()w, ix ,;, ltelll, thl! xxix dar or ,Jlllij, to Sehil' ~\nJI'o :\ lokbl'Ck 10 dispoue ill Edin 1 111f<.oII, iiJ II.
[Leul. ttl the l';:illgi1:l offcl'llml ill l.eslairig, xiiij S, Jtrlll, the l'eUl\iL dny.1f ,]ulij, lo the J\ingis offernnd in H,1ij, xniij it \telll, tn 1he Qn('ui~ Olfl!I'un,\, ol1crit he Ihe l\ingis com, wand, xiiij ~, [1"Ill, I" the l'll.'i~l of )fnij, xiiij S,

1.111:11 111(;11 TI:I'.. \:-II:t:l;

., "

,h,,' "r .\ 11" 1'1. il. l:a"ii. I" Ihe 1\ ,n;,:+, .. ).:iiq Ii. ..1ft'1111i,1 I" tl,, I: ",I~ ail.llr IIMII' 1t..I11 ..... \11<' I\illgil ",,,,ra,ul "n III~' 1",-",III~.r~, i, Il 1.... 111. than:, tu 11I-.,slis to MY":' "1WI . I .\ It......" \i II 1t(,1I1, thaI "<lII)'U uydil. III ll,lij, ,,, ,I , KIII;':'1a ,fl;o ".1 'lullC'lI lilt'! Kill;; 1~'L.it ull 1...11,1 to.) hill ... I,il' III C\ in. \iiij l. hell!, uti Svn,I,'r. t1t~ I!ttUlIII ,la, fr ,\11;,""'1. til II,. Kiw.;iI "tleron,j 111 th~' lW:hil' cUlla.,",l I. , e w OUI I,,,dy of 1.I.'~llIlri:;, xiilj ;, 11.1.'111, 1101l.~il ,01 .\n.lo"11 .\.nOIl1\ Ih;, I,," J:.lif rur Ij d~m I"j.lill l."()lis t., thc liI1'~' Fll'n~ "f "triltlil! . ... ii "" l "'iithx.~"1\ II ij i;. \ij d ~UllllUil
hetti , th,' IiI'"

hella . the ,

tI;,~ of ~cJ.llI . r, for nllC Iil,i),; ioI;lk dJ.\I"lo, I" .\.1>. lJc lllte cI"'&o;'h h' (lit' Kin,,;'" dli'lldl tI,;"ut' 1.('1110 n'll(', 1111,1 1114' gl" ilh Ihan'j. iliJ II. Itelll, (or "j ,.nnrl.. ri. tI,UIlc" to 1.... COI"!ln to it. the "h,e X'\' i.: 111111111:\ \\\\ij" "J ,t. helll, fur alie 1II,ik lml.-mUi I., 1~'Ir<" Ihe 1a1l1~II. -..iiij .., 1t(,1II. for /lnc Illlet' I\.'\\"iu,:: ~iI" I', )1, IIJ i, iiiJ ,\ hell), fur IIlolkinjt "t tilt: &.IU\~U. l1IIJ" it<!lII, for x\iiij ,111~' J.k>ntlQc CL1ith 10 I..., Iinu ,llIft In lho:: lloIli.1 d'Cll('b. awl lO .1000Q" allJ .1)1..1' ....,'11.. ,lk .. III, ij i.. ~nlllln:l );.hi.j" hCIII. I... , 111'~l.in;! "I do.' "..II,\IIII"\i nlll('1t \iJ" "J II 11(,,1). (,.r \'ij ,; ..t.,,~ lil~ln,,~ 10 II,, lll~",10 fir l,hl. eh,1m1'1 r"'lIollll . ilk ..In.' \"j ,I.: "111m]):! ii.l" i, .1



.\Ct,;QUX'J':-. OF THE
:\"\.jj ttl~'

1:.0..1':" Iklll the

of :'I lurch, for \J qUlUIIll'is !IIuir. (0) nne cbeeciJ of flUhi~ tlawe. to the h:)rk of ~tdll. the clue ijij Ii., IIUIUUlH \j tt. Item, for \'ij ,1 ciuegl'Cllo ri~ucs to the ani,1 COr!'; ilk due ' \j It; 8UUlIIHl. iij iL ix (I . I ICIU, fur nile BICik redc bukl1l1n quhilk 'YJli! the IIlmyu,

to be nile COIl

xviij A.

hf.'UI, (01 making of the 6/1111)'11 nml the Kinbris nrmea ou

il. :u:vjij I. It,m. (or iij IIl1ce ai ll.: 10 it, :x a. 1lt'1I), fur "iij chlo l:('rt:ulI.' cloth to be lUll.' alb to it, .ldi,'enL to l1rlilotcr Imvi" Tmill. ilk cine ij !. i ,mUllin . xvj A. I kill, for making of the anlnYo, ij 1 I'j t1. IlcBl, for vj cluo \\'cllull to I.e OOlliCl to jjij chcsclJcs, Illn of the gl'CIIC tmULC8 cloke, /llltl tun of i'U11)Ur \\c1htl cote: il\.: elnc :xl b. j 81111111m xij 1 1 lt<'lll, for iij 8'eke lmkltllU to IJue the IlAllIyn,

,I L
'"'Ill , til(" lK"Cund llil) of '\!Irilc, for 'tx't clnc rillllltcs to tile fUlu~ chcedlCl tlf }>01I'U I' \\dllls RIIlI !;I'ene Ilamcs; ilk due rj a,; summtl X\' Q. hl'lll, fl'" lUll IlIIt(' ltC\\illJ,; lilk to limi1ll, rj L \'iij It. it{'lII, fUI' llI:l.king of 11lc Mid (Ullf (' h~l)il('lI, hj L Item, fol' \'ij}j dnt UlIo;e lalin, 'Ihill.: ly nyt lil., dU,:8CU uf gol.l IIIJi,1 ill lb.\i;! Ilelol/l; Lyme 111111 u()(' hl \oI\yil '1'lllil mil\'; ilk duc x ... ; I>LIHlIllIl iij 11. 'n it

ItclII, 111e xx 11,\r ef ,.\ prill, Utll e!tescull('11 IIMitl of nue (,,,Ie of qllhit tLlI"~, I tel,\, ff>l liJ clue \\'e ll ull 10 IIC conscs 10 ~he 81111\)'10; ilk due ~ 1 G.; ~ ummn \j Ii. 1i.l'III, f"I' iJ c\u(' 'llIhilllnlllC8 IJ) be t>illl",ki8 to tlmilll
ilk due xHiij ~ IIIUIILUI hj /:, 11.0'101, ttla dl,*"lollClO IO);li,1 lOr ,111(' 1,lnk 8uliu C\OIC. 1t"III, r.. r iij ..tIl!' \\d\u~ I.. 10(' tOll;C1i In tll"jm, ilk

.. II", xl fl.,


vj II,

hem, (UI iiJ "l~lki, I.nknuu I.. Irlll' llnr funr d,~""1.101;,., "II, IC~, 'I::nix Ii. l!.Clll, (,If dj Utl~C ,ilk, 'Iullil, 311111w, l'luk ~Io.:no.:, n.tlt ilk ullCC iiJ i. \j ,I.; I:IUlUlUlI \\iiij; \j U. h eU!, ("I' XX"~ clu\! rillilUcs tu ~lJc IIIllll) II , ilk clue \oj u..; ~mnll1ft X," t:. itCIII, fOl \ hanki8 gvlll to L1~illl; ilk hank \ s. \"j d. Ilmnrw\ . xx\'ij &.. \j u.. IlcUl, for waking uf lilll four chefll!hllClO: ilk veeI' lIOlUj b. i 8UIllmn hj S. ( lAIu, fol' ij l'UIlJ Ililte: lhl"\!ill 10 1.01' xij J..cllia for the kirk, ,.j! itelll, for Illlli.;iug of Ih'lim, ij :>. ItelU, for [1111' froulcll of anI' 1I1!..1ir III AI'1"6 \\trk, bochl tit NAnnik, Lroudstm, for the Kirk of :it-Cill,

\"j II.


iiij 11.

1il'II1 , lho XX\' Iiny of :Unij, for N!\"in scure ten (Oinc. l:erlnno 1 J'IL~n to be xij ull>es OILl) ltV towales for nltMia: ilk clue ij S.; SUUlmA xv tl. itelll, fOT 1I1.1king of lhe xij a)~. ilk peel' IJ 1 \"j 11.; xxx i. SUIIIlIlI\ . !lew, f(ll' making of tho Xl' lawnl"',lIIlll f('1" the oon;ing Xl' S. (If Illailll, HOIII, the XX\J lilly of ) 1.lij, (or \'iij rlne uin to Lc lila tUII}"C41C6 fOI" the limy Frons; ilk olne uliij S. i
. ix II ..\iJ ~ nIBil1 rVl' thnim, lun lunyc.,le:e; of l{uhil Ihulle.., 1111\1 IlOChl th(l1'IO iiij~ clue 'l"hit dUlLlcs; ilk ehl~' uiiiJ i., 8t1IlIlLltl. \" It. viij ~., Ihe remanent of tile tu .. lUlly~k.. of the Klngis dallle&. helL!, fot \j cine ",ellua lO the ilij tllll)'CIIC! lv .1ill: ilk .\iJ tt clue :d b.; SlLlUffin IteUl, fur j}~ steil.; l,ukraLLl to Ipl<' "Ihl)II, !UlUffin



1t.:1IJ, rtoT UIII! UlIC1! Iol'\\iui-( bilk

.\ l'l:"-\Jd iij;, iiij d. 1 ~1I1, [VI rii/ilIlClil. l::P'CJlI! nml 1\:,ll', II) Ih;liuI. Ix du\' 01"

t" tll'lim,


\xiiij )/. ij (t.

0.11. 1.;0.;.

'.1' 1:,().I.

$.1111) ll; ilk l!Cec ):iiiJ $..; sumIDa h'j ~ Itelll. fe.r iij IloInlis snlll t'l he Iwoppcs to lhailll, >;'-j !. \"j d_ I tem, for iij llnoc I,ll 10 thuim; ill uncc iij b. \"j Il..: !>UlllIllR x s.. vj d. 11"111, fur lili\lillg ,.r the Sol.m)"n, ix ii.. I to-lU, fur iiij IIUt(! silk \0 thl' loin\;: tlluycult!.!l, Iu Llmif kllOl\'I...... xiiij !l IWIIl. \"j h'UlJ..il :';"\.1 of I.ule to thllim, \"ij ~ \"j u. /t.m!. 11\1' \'\;\"j '[;'.\ \If ) l lIlril, fOI \. cine 1~l'tallC cnlDllI~ It} (~,\ilille ,Ihlli:' III the I,C\1 ehnpcll "r Iinlyrndholls, It.-livenl t" the liuLtlenc; ilk eiue x .1.; lilll,lllI;\ iiij A. ij It Ih'w. the xx tln~' "I :\Inij, for fiIlt! nnLclICllIilO the alt.lir "f :--'lnCL .\lIthon~~ ill the {'rn.,:. I il I ["w, ('lI' nne (t\hir II, ::lnlle\. Xieholais Chnpell in Leith, I, ILclll, the fen\ day ..f .J uliJ, fur nne lhcscb of 11'<10 chul!ll,,~ L Ihe (1\'/1)" floeris lOr Ail', with eOI"8 of sliehL O guM, iiij It. x a. ItNII, ftll' "J,'J cillo Ikalluo dnilh to 110 nne nib to the MIII,III; ilk elUl' ..... ij .1 ; SUl\lmA xj ii, xj It. ILelu, fllr mnking II' Ihe 1Io1111)"U, ~j ii, vj It IIl'IlI, fill' X\j 'J IIIIC<' ~jhi, ttl 1)(1 nne lhlllic!' to Illllim. ilk line<! .\j 1; Illil'llIiI ix 11. xl'iij ~ !lrm, rOl' 1lI'lkill); or tile "'Ill) II; ill llllce ij it: 1I1l11ll1ll1. xxxvj So h.'U1, fUI" ),;illillS: of i L tklll. for x'iiiij ehl~' gn:nc Hi,,!:>\: 1!o:.1\III, 'Illhilk \\{Os uno ("lip, 1110 11111)"1,:;.1<-". ;11111 .IIIt: dll,:lIO.:u I" Iht; F"Nid IIr l'nlJllflei~. lIl"itl ill 1Jt;CY'lIIl.cr 1"r>l"lSL; ilk (,In.: '( it; :!IIIIIIUH xij H. Ilem, fur \' cine j hlUlIl1lr] n.'tlc antin J:ill:e to 1>c{,o,lII..'lI I.. the .'III.\U, ilk dnc x i<., ~1I11'1U;, IiJ :;, vj II. 11.<:111, ("r ilj I>leikj, ."lIlUII I" 1Jllt: Ihe "'UUYU; ilk sleik \;j'" ",Ull11l1<l unji:, :0: . IV'In, rnt iiij IIIU'(' , I~lh(" tit 111<, Itn.\".

ltelD. for lU:l.king of


I.OIIU IIIGII T1:E .\ :.. t'I:EI:

IICIII, for IIll\kil1:; flf the SlllU) l1 , ilk IIttU \'J ~. - .... 11. 1:.od. x.~\J ;, \'iij II. tll1l1l1na 111x:s to ti ll' Ilell1, fUI xxj due l>Crl.Ull' cllllit Itl toe Lim! 1 ISnll1yn, . xlij ~ [tCIIl, for ll1ukil1g or thailll, vij fl. I'j tl. Item, for tlH"(~ IlCltis til 111.1illl, ij'; Item, fOI' I' cll1 iij 1111.1r1l1ri3 \follns to une LUnyenil for tlte Kingis ehnpell that w-.mtit, ami 11.1n ukis for ij ulbet; ilk due xliiij iI.; SllIllIUIl xij 11. xiiijit I tern, for 111,,11106 to lIue ehcecu, RUt! tlf(: lunye,ll~ for ii, xX-'tiij clnc; ilk cine \' II.. 11111111;1 xi ij .;,. ill. 11. Item for iij >4 IWOO riU.111CS to thr:Llmyll -' ilk ullce I'l; SUllUlM xl'ij.t Ij II. item , for making of lho !mle "tllnt~ stolo and fnnn ou ll 111111 nil gmi th . XXI'S. ItC111 , for llln IIleikis Lukrnm t f) 1~' l1e tha &'l.lO )'lL , XXlj S. Itcm, to Klllllli!.:, uromls tar. 10 nile 11I1I!.' sL\nII, \'j I1ncc si lk ; ill.: IlU CC iij h. iiij 11. SI11111ntl uSItem, for xh'ij hlmkis gold to him to the IilmrU, (rme M tl i\,(~J1I trmes ; ill.: h.l1u1.: \' it; Inml:IlR xj n, x\' A. Itelll, for xl elnt! riLtIllCl!i to hint : 11 cine \oj 1 . ~Ul\lli\!l k 1


item, 1 "I)"iL to the .\ hl}Ol of CnHlbuakinuc.s for ij JIO."W5 of sihi!' \\Ill"lltl X\j IIUce, rplhilk Ires nne l"clillUe I)l1hilk lile )\inS OOClillO &mct .IJutho in the 1lI(111cth of Oeto!,or, Al1no Uomini ,\:e. 'Iuingell t!.'&imo q\1arto, uuu uoe ht pay i!. qLlhii !lOW; ilL l1Oeo ~iij ii iiij Il . SI1I111tl'l ~ ft. xiij ". iiij It Item, fol' nne taUcl"llnkili or Dill' IJlliy of \,rowl\ery vij ft. "'.;. \\'erk \\rocht wilh fytle gtlhl. Item, (or olle chalice to thl,l Ch.lpcll, \\'eyoI1l1 .'("J uncc. ilk UIICC xiiij s. of maid werk. xj ft. iiij A. SUlUUla lj'ulij ft ,,~. "iij d.




Uf'- THE


4 II. 1:'A6,

hem , Ihe :u tillY of Felll'uar, fOI' ij wnw of nil 'Inuitk 6<'itl to Fltuklnull, ilk WIIW ;\:;i\'iij Ii.; sUl\wm h'j ~. ltelU, tue xxij Iiny of Fctwuar, perit. to Juhue 60l"kstolln, II!lUIOII, iLL colllJllcit payUJent. of hilllnSk of the aM kyrk withiu th!! ('/Ullcll of :-)lIi\'din, Ily x If., 1)llyit 106 lIuup,hill IJariti J~l(",u ror the samyu, U\'j It. xiij s. iiij ll. Item, the llCCuml tin)' of :\1 111'Ch, to Alldro :\ laLhe801l t.o tho werk of Fankh!!hl, xx N. tAud sixtCl!II eIther eutlica, alllou nting in lhe nggrcgnLC to \'iij<x N XI"J A. \'j II. 0001118.] . Jt!!llI, the rj tiny of ;\Iareh,to Alllh1l Aytolln to Lile IVcrk of ::)U'ivcliu, xl N. [Anti nineteen othel' entliClS, alllUllnting in t he aggregate to xj'\xx:c It.) I leIH, the :>.:I'j (I,IY of ;\ lul'ch, to ~hc lUi'll of Sruuelswun to thu wedi uf the I\ilk 011 :-itC'il, xX II. xij il. [A mi xxx 11.011 the :!IIII of ApliJ.) H CH!, tho 8('CIlIll\ dllY of Aprilt, to :\Jaisler LMnnn\ 1.00.l'Y qnheu he J<Q&~it ill Inl)lIulI\ to II)' lhe l!lnSL to the

Item, lhe \'ij tiny of Aplil... , to :-Xhir ,Iohnc HaIllM)' IhnL hQ luiu dOl1n in l..ochmatJllu rlil" ccrLUIlQ gmith lhal\" iiij N x!. . h CII!, tile dij eu.y of I\jlrile, L The'mas FOI'~t or Lino litllfJIV, Lo the 11~..jng ur L1I", ~lil.:e o.Uollt the Pullis,
IU' UI,tht' x tlay tor ~\pnle , for nj t hc\,lil' lymc 10 the 1\)'l"k ur !'It-ill UIU! fmulh, I,r iL flu<l etltnuc tn'is 10 the \' 11. X\J ~ \iij!.l. ,\ ym"ut11, ILl'ln, th\' x'(j Ila)' of .\IIIile. to ,Jolme I,ukhcrl lIIHttlUIi. ill




Lulll) 111l: 11 T1:E .\ ... LI:t-JC





(')f hill




fl>l3CL (.of "ilrin'hu. xiII.


[,\ 1\,1

"C\'I~II &.illlil:1r ('nlries, flulowlling ijI;.::\l'iij It. "j iI. dij 11.)


111'111, for xlij "~tllliid 1II11"11i01 '1IIh;lk :;ei.\lo FrmJ: lnnd ; ilk I,,-'Ce ij 11 j II. ; I UUUIIJI iiij II, \';J " "j d. Ilelll, 10 'l'houUlI l'"hlis, SIIlM;lIlnicJll, for Ix flt~ SIM to the Kill: of Su,:;1 III 11111 Ihly m~lI~ tharur und of Ix tuL Sins to r l llld:mll, iij II. I tCUl, to hilll in p,ut of 1"1.pllcnt 0: hi.!, werlo: tnCIIIII. I'ij n. h cUI [the lin.L day of ~ l niJ], to JO,IUC cl(l)llltl,nll iu his x:< II, IMk of thc nhl 11'11i I" :-ilrilclin. Item, tile f{'nl lilty uf l\ laij, to lfaiSlcr 1.('1I1l,ml 1.0<,;)', 'Iullilk I Ipif l,) . \1I.1r0 :\ Inlhl'soll rl)r hi,liij to hilll,
xxxj 11. xix /I vij d.

Item, to hilll, Cju ltilk [ Itf\if rllr hilli, lo the Abbot of (;ambuskilluclh , .'tV n It.em , lhc xlj Iiny of ) Iaij, In l!ol>l'rL I'.flI'tOUIl III part of par meul ht 1.I'ILlil IOCULI1 f'JI' the !K;hip. Ix It Item, t.c 1'lol w\~ ForesL tv the I'nlicc llike higgi ng of Liltiilhllll, \'ij n. Item, tho xn' tilly or )Inij, [0 :\l\lincl' Leonnrd L~y to hxxX\'J It the wcrkis, Item, the xlI'j uny or :l lnij. 11,1)'110 1 ,' IIILLCI llakysoll 0 anti P.ol>ert. Bertolll! fvr Lhe Clluilliij nud tack ill for 1lit' !!Chip 1 )I'O('hL halllc be the sniJ J nllLcs, iij"uiij 11. I'ij !. item , to Sir ,Jnhllc Gui11inllL, chnpt'UftlLc to till' Inn! of So1mellloun, c.ftir the snil1 1n1\lil Ilccl"S, to lhe we!'k of I he Swill, xx ". {Anl eight sinlilar eutriea. nUloliuttng in the nggregate to j'1 n. ii'''] Item, the IC-:und day of .Iunij, tn \noh'O Clmillir to the werk of l.ochUlJllalle. hij n, :nj.:.. iij tL IWm . to !,(hir ,Inhlle l:rUlisay, 'ILihilk he dc1iH'Iit. to the I'ro\'eat of iluubcl'tnne 10 the seILi" we!'k lhue, xXl"iij It

.\Cl'Ol'Xl':' 01' TilE

tll.1rcflil 10 II", L'U,1 ~hil' ,Iohne n tllUMr, to the ""'hip werk vf J)unllt'\t,II1I'. tn fCml to tIle ltIid )'roH'J!t, . xiiij U. Itcm, the x:nj unr or ,Iuuij, to Johne Lokhert, IIIM(1UII, iu 1"IIt of paymeut of l,il lIk . tlelh'I'I'it.to hitu ill Air.



Iknl [the filii lI.oy of JuliH to Jollue Jori.:!tolUl. 1,).I5Ot1ll. ill his I.uk of the rede toIH"e, xl n h"lIl, la~'il for iill:tniiij ~lIelhin burdis bocht be Sehir \OIirO \rOtI RIUl ,'neut Tl'rell, echip wricbl; ilk pece :tjll : aUIUIn:1 L"t n. vij I. Itcm. for ane hUlllht th thn:tj IC.'( {reia; ilk pece iiij 1..; IImllll,l . u:ocj n, iiij l Item. fOI tin! itC(!l'C tell gl'('tllr trdl; ilk p'C iiij L iiij d.; "UllIlla _ ,xxiij H x"j l '-iij 0:, _ item , fOl' :t iij~ EHlhl1ld bul'tlilj ilk 1'lml xx d_: l um ina


lunlilia xi:"l H..'( .. Itt-Ill. Rrhi\" Jolmc I:am""r Ie Inid doull in Dunber trllll' I" the schip werk atlll T('(l<iing: of the scllipcallit ( ulllll"". . x)I;)I;iij H ix I . Item Ithe i)l; lilly of .Inlij), to 111010111 FOI't'St. to Lisging o( the Il(>illlikil of Lilllilh'lw, ' vj H. 1t<:111 [ th(' );i till)' or ,'u\ij]. to ~h~iltcr I.eollan.l Logy 1 0 the \\('I"k or li lt' schil', . l lx II. It~m, the :\,' ItllY of ,Julij, to tile sni,1 !\flliel('l' I.COU:lrd, ill :::ilrile.lin, l<I rell Iho wrichlil ill Dl1l1llC!ltane, xij n, Item, th(' X\'j Jay or .'"Iij, fo\" iij b: Imis to lhe XCIY III\\"i n , ilk IlCCCl iiji. iiiJ (l j lummI!. In It 1t,'lI! [I he x\;iJ \L,,~' or ,!ulij]. 10 Wnltil' Merliollll, 1I!.l~'lI n . ill "nrl rot papU(!IIL 01 his task lor COIUI'l.,tllll! "r tlie tOiIlt' ill 1I01yr1ll11l0118, , xl H. 11.('111, the 'fi.'( ,Ia) (I .hllij, tn :\Jailter Leon:ud Logy to th. "tl'I.. . xnj N. '-iij tt 1tl'IlI, tho' < iiJ ,ta.l ,.r " .. hI. to the L u 'IlJ'cst. or 1)1I111000r_ I:U)" t" tlw II(lli ll Ilelk tll1l1 e, '{lit.

hell!, for iij'" akin t,'Oil ; ilk I"l(!Ce xiij

~t. j


Item, the xxiiij 111\) of JlIlij, Lo Jullll 0"lketOUIl, 11I1I",,"n, .',11.1:;0:;. ill PUl"t of j)flyUlCHl or his tflSk, ' xxviij It. [Alnl lIu-eo similitl' ClllriCB, )1111011 1111111; ill 1111 to xO"j II. (I.QIU, ~ho ]11l!1. tiny or .Inlij, 10 ~1!li"ICI' Lt.ounnl Logy to tho schip \\'crk, xx Ii, [U~Ul, tho xix .lny ur AnguSt, Lv the l'ro\,l)tjt, I,r Dnnhcl'tunc, dcJi"crit. \0 l'elir Beynstonu to tho sthtll werk,


xl II.
Item [Lhe x:dj day or .\ugustj. payit t .. WiIIi,JllIC I:mun-


fOl' UII6

hUlIlll'CLh roUl' jCli'tis; ilk


sj" ; &umma lxdij Ii. iiij I>.

Item, the lIn;,\ (111)' or Scptcmhcl', tl' Wultil' ~h:rliolln. ml\SOUII, in Ill\ll,. uf 1~'trIll Cll l, of his \nsk <,r oOlllplctillg' of the LOlli' ill llnJYl'lldhol18. xl tL Item [tllo IX (Ill), of September]' III the 1'1'O\'c~ t DUlIhCl'lUIlC, to the sohip wI'lk th(l\'C,. xx Ii. itom, the xiiij (111)' or ::i<:pICmiK'r, l<i l'ate ~lcrchull1l':lloUll ror tnkill to Ih<' schip 1.IOC11l. iu 1",111(11.,.,,. 1.10 .' ollllu ~lcrch.'lIllCStOUll HIIt\ IlIlyil loe thc Solid .J"lmu: thm\lr xiij II. grct, '1l1hilk he 1'e&tI' iL rm .111~'hIC FI'iscolollltt, and 1)1,' the sllhl l'alrik J,ayit. x l\'j H. )(rct; IlIlll ginin fol' ilk It gl'C~. iij Ii. ~'Ollill 1111111111.'1 lX)(ll:\'iij II. Hcm, for itb:)(x Estliwli IJlII,)i,; hut-lit. lit t:U.';;OLJ uf DIl\lskill : ilk PCC\! Xl''; 1'1 .: 81lmum '>\J It. "j~. I'iij d. H~II, 10 \rHlti!' ~I cl'l iollll, IlIIiSOlt, iu hi'l Inl<k of the tom-e in IIniYl'llllho1l8, xnj tl. xii,i~. iiij 11Item, to Sohi!' Willinlll .Mill die, to thc wt'lk oflhll schill Il~ .li"cl'II LymC8, xl It [Ami rOI'Ly-fi"c similnr Cllll-k.!s, lllllollliling ill .'III to ij"" 'iijexcl' 11" ,iij. III heUl [the lasL d:l~' or Septemhcr]. In the I'ro'"c"t or J)lmbcrUlne, to the schip wc!"k thoU', llciil"clil 10 lIttir Ij()YIl8toun, xij H. HCIII, the ~'Cuutl day of Oclol){'I', tQ Thulll.l!! l'eblis, Illusainwricht, ill hi!:! werk (If Fnn~llnlLl nm1 othir plners.


I"U It


UF 'r il E



Uem llho _,j .1".1 ur Xu\cllll"':lj. I.. Schir Wi Ilium ) fr\ldlc '1lIhllk he luke Fro ~h i. (:oolllil N(I\ltou ll ill lkloll('l l.lpllt. xl It hem, tlu) ix lilly of :\'''''CU,IJC'I', 1~1.)'it. to l :oben Bcrtonl! f{or blokkis (lmi \,rul-!'in !<Chilli!!, 1.II"I1'Il\ingill, (llltl sons frowee, ' liij 11. ilem, 10 him fOI" nile 1II0Z.'lU lll;lSL (lnd IlI\e l~ IllllSt, \'j II. x I. lli?'m , to Xicholl ,Inla;ou, mnister mtl!;(\Il of the ::;t.eill, to hnr to N:hir J Ohllll GnillillUl to the sfUuyn werk, x It. h(llU , the xiij dny of :-.'o\"l~mher, p"yil I.e Wnllir l lerliollll ill oomJll ei~ lXlyhlellt of if Inl'rl;i8 fOI" the complcting uf tl\1' tonr 1\1 lIal)Tmlhons, );X\'j n. xiij It iiij (\,; lULU 11\ 1\11 pnyi t Ihndor, Itcm, tho xiiij uny of No\"cmhel, If' Schir W illinm llah-iJc'lnhilk I deli\"{!l"it. to lInry l-'coL in Leith, xl II. ltellL, 11\ :3chir WillillUI l lnl \"il(' to pay the tun Ul()lIcth is WllgetI, Ix It, Itt'IIl , to "u(lro Chnlllir \.0 tIll' w('rk of t.(l('hm <l hlllC fiB Iti.; ("hlll!,1 I'llkl' 10(>1"11>, .i''h- N. >;ix s. ij 11. Helll [till' ,xi'; daJ uf S"Hnll,,.], L" :'ocl,i. Willilll1l :-'[,lh 'i l(l, 'lllhilk \I(';i ill'lhl'1'It LO ,'nult'l:l ~'Ul"lll'iCi8 1\ if, to III(> IICltip 1I"1'1'k , i>; n, ij a \'iij /l. Ilt'lII, W 111(1 lIaitll"o.;hir Willi!l1l1 to till.) !,drip IIWk, f)uh ilk \\..:11 tltlin.'lilto I:"l"'rt IlcrloulI, :otl'lij Fromeh crtlllui$; SIlIUUH L xij ll. xij i. 1tt'IU, lilt' >;:o.:ii,I Jay (.l S(,h;IUIJ('r, l~l}'il rOI' lxx ix tn.'UI ..( &imlry pl"iC<'... x>;iiij 11. l\I'j 1. h em, fill I u't'ill _ ilk I,,--C(l iij It..; 6\lIUlU.1 vij It x iI. hi'llI, fill nLhir I lreili ; ilk [11'('(' \' ~; SllmlllA xij Ii x S. hCtll, j'll I.crill~ of lhe "lm~ 1l ill lJil>;lft, 1Il'I1I, ful' I ...rill;: "f Ih"illl tu til(: "OIl' ullIl for thair fl'!lu!'irt fm lIi-{nrt] 1(, th., X'"W 1I1I\'lIt lit. tnn ~ilulry

\' N"
~hi l'

Il .'tll, till' XlC\'J ,lay (,f SO\"l'lIIhl'r, to

Wi ll illlll 10

LUI:!) Illt . 11
1111' odul'



I,Uii"'1 -.-D. t:.. " l'llhl'tI)" \'ij tt Itl'ln, 1 ~1) 1 1 10.111111\' HUlII.: (,r 11111111(' fill il),;! Init 'Iuhilk 3"i,IIII 1-'1I11)..lall,1 i ill.: IKt. ilJ 11. iiij ,1.: III11Ullla .. I\'j h. )' iij it iiij (t. IU.'IU, r... fr,U1rht ,UHIIIUCClbli, of Ihe II;UIIY " to LumlOlis, iij It. hl'lli (Iho x:(ix ,Iol)" of .ranu.u], I'J .Iolinl J!lIhllollu''''D.I:or~ 1II1U101I, in 1 ~lIl of l)(t}'Ulent. of hi' 1,lIIk of the rUI\\(!rk in Sllil"clilL xx Ii. {Ami four a.imilar rnlli,~. '1lIonnlinl:( ill nil too j 'l.: It.] \t'1II [Ill" \-j tiny of Fcuruar1 kr liJ lrei. hC:II:hL III UianrL ; ilk poco iij I:. iiiJ <.I, j ~lIInllln \'iij t1. xiij l iiij d, ilelll , fm Thomaa ~ l nky8011 nud ,Johuo Orhnr, hiij lreis; ilk IICCO iij A. iiij ll.; .tllIIllI;1 X It. x I. hrlll, 1~}I,: l lt fm .\11I:mllllcl :'Iiaischacil xxxiiil lreis. ilk llOCl' iiJ il iiij ,I. ; Sl1lllllla \It. xiij II. iiij <.I. Helll, rm BolloJl'l D etlOu, fh'c ICOltl of lrcia ; ill.: pcco our IICiI(' iiij A. j '1II11Ina . u It. Item, the x .Iny 01 F(,hrlllll, til ~ ,dlOl .In)..>oII1I, UlniU('r UJ.t.:l1l "r Iho 81.('il, to the lIditi wc-d.: or thu Kilk or t)t" il , x tt ILeIU , the uiij (1.1), r FcbnlUr, to N:hir Willinm ;\I1II\'ilo w t ill' llelup WlII.:, Ixx fl. ' \'cUI , the xx\'j .IIlY of Fel!n1n1', In Amhtl ,\ ytonn, lO the \\'crk uf :-Ill'h'd ill 01' elli. (01' the belup t.)"mir, Ix 11. IU'III, lh" St'tllml Ilay or :'I lnl'l:'h, too :0.-1,11,,1 ,JaCllCln, mai5tcr lIlill501UL of till,' Kirk of :-\loill. to till \l"trl.: ot th~ $.tJuyn x II. Item [II,, \'j ttty ,,' :'I llll'cil], 10 .\u,h.. "l\Iht':5!,II. ,\lIhi lk \-li) ". I ,Idi\t'fll t.o J lol'C I'~ &Iatm', hem. 11ll" xxiJ 11.\)" IIf ) Inld" r(lr 1'11\ 1.'li~ fnll uf IYlite to tlld l'h,tpdl ,,( the XC\\ JIIl\ il. \. h. x J. hUll [1111' thritl tt .y or '\I ,rile}, to .\wITH :t.hlhl&UII, lo ... ,~ 1:(0;. IIII' c",lheuch w)"IlII)ng in FlluklaliJ. \' It,

\wrl.. '1"llill. \" .. ,1..Ii\(lll I..

.\.1 . 1!m.


Ilo.1l11 [UII' \"j 11ny of A1,rill,\). LoJ Nicholl JnClOOlI , llIMOll or thl! Steill, to the werk thnrc, . v N. Item, Lhe xj Ilay or Aprile, to Schir Willil1m 1 lul\'ilo Lo lhe r.chip .\erk, j O l1,

hem , tlill :n .laS of April!!, to ::;chir William },[aJ\'iJc LO the \rerk fors.:mi, l..': ullicomis ; summ u :niij helll , to the ('omptrollnr for nue puir of gm~hit. CIlrt quh"lis dclil'crit to AllIlro Aytoull for t.he Lymir enrring, nx\'j S. Il l'lII, to Nicholl Jaksoll,lllM(lUn of the Steill, to the weI" of the IIUIIYIl n~ LilA dh'Cl'S t.}mes in ;\Iuij, x II. Item. the IICCLlnd d,ty of Junij. to Sil' Willium ;\lAh'ile to the &;lid well., Ixxx nnicol1Liti, . h xij n. itelli, lilt' siij dny of JUllij, to J ohuc l.okhCl"l, mnsoulI, in colllplcil )"IIlYlflCUl of his ttlSk of the fOlbet. of :-)[ I; \,..,1ill, xh iij It. :dij. ti. iiij. Ii. i li nd 8;1 nll IlfIyi ~ en the saiu wcrk fi t dil-ers tymcs 8.1 the imkis lIel';., j ...f mer),,;a. h em [011 betti lday the :<:It tlny of JUllij], nnetholl&.'llld I-:ItL111(1 Imn1is to the I\ingis wt'I'kis ; ilk hll"il1 xix ll_;



Ixxn:" II.

(or J'-" bxxiiij hlCiltelis ;

pecc \' ij

It ; 111111111/\

liiiJ ft. xix t. h clII, 101 iiJoxxiiij Swethi u lmnlis; ilk peel' "iij it. ; ' hlt lllUla xij 11. x\'j il

Item. Ce.r l>;b .i,'Slill. Ilk loCCe xl flit laug- or thruby , tlie 11\-;1'\' of ilk \'oClt:le ,iij B.; SIIIUlIIa. lij II. nj i. I l('llI, ftIL ix tl'Cis of xUlj fil L lall!::; ilk Jot'Ce "j il.; SIlUlma liiij ~. I ~III, CCII' vj ~n,j (..i".ot'i.II:011is nlltl \I/\I1.:is ; ilk llCCO ););j U . \)I>ollt~ ; hll tlllllil Ix"ij ft. xiiij a I'j d. I1('111. C, U' I:.: I: x nij tn'is; ilk I)C(:(> :\ It ; 511 mlliR iiij ft. ' x d Ilelll, rol' xx\iij 11'ci~: ilk loCCC Xtl. obol1l!! i 811 ml111 1 xXl'iij >:. xu. ooolus. ilem, r..l' iiij'"x wij tnis; ilk Pi.'CC iij 9. "ij 11. ; SIltUlIll, Ix xXI: Ii. x'oi IJ. il: d.
It rlll, Im~il In U;lI i.\ i\la hi lc r(l l~. ii il~ h' iij .Esl hmd 1'"111i~ I;IU~' loe ~ hir \\ i1li:'lUi :\Jatl'ile this willieI' hil~'UlL

I.onu IIWII Tm:,\ :-'U IIEII




\\c rk ; ilk IlIl1nll'l;llI xij II.




lij Ii. :nj !l, Item [lhe v;ij lIay of Julij], III ,1",.lle l.okhHL, mnSOUlI, ill 1~lrt of Il[\)lneut. of h;$ nt'll L.1.I'k lOr liu;: cs ~ part of rorwl'l'k of tilriYl'lin, xl It. itCLll, 1I11i ,\x\'jij dny or ,Juli], Lo Amlro l'lllImiL' to the werk rJt l.ochmal),llll', as his COllIl't Luke 1!I:lill,
[hltdJ Ii. I IJ;'. ilt ,I Item {un lleUir..tny lhe first. ,lay of An::;usl], loil)'it \0 ,Johuc Illgl;&, marsch.'V'II, r",' "J lIukiL' Imlil tallC fro

him I~ IlIllqllhilc )[aislcr I.OOll:ml Ih.;J '{ulLilk J'o'\S8iL in Fron, :n'iij Ii. SummA 1.OL.,lis . h~ ilJ II. \'iJ A. l: 11,


1t"III. 1 ~1~ it ThollUUi Ed';,ir, t..i l~lI r. ror nUlkll1g or ti,rc ~ 1n.:mal1s ror Ih(' schip. or 11K sa)' scml ho me II<! .Jerome Friscob.1Id, iij h. lll.'m, iij'lxv ehlO l-1",myli, ilk \''', VI fL\'n~,,'i>l to the,,I) 1501$-6, Mit! 8lreumris; ilk eiue Fklll)'1 IInc 0 1 : 6UUlUHl. ill 1:1 i-lemys 1II11LH.'e xxxij iI. " gl'('t; ami giUin ItoI' the grt't. i ij 11. l:)cOLtis; Sl1 llltnn ill Sc"tt;! IIlOlll'C, iiij II. :\\"ij ... iij ,I. 1t('1I1, :I."tI"j ('11lI' CIlllloly vIew, L ('(I(', 'luiliL rlml salluw to Ill' ij mel" Clllhi.e to Ih!' schip; ilk due iiij &. \jij d our 1.-\1",' ! Ulluna "j tt x\"j Ll It... m, 'nr XX\' dne ';111;111 ('illUmes III Iyu(' the "UD} II , ilk dne :\:I"J It. SIIIiJliM xxxiij Ii. iiij It. It''UI. rOI" Imlkiu o of til(' 8.1mrU, \'lOX il. itl'IIl, fur dj "uml \\'Ol'sail ;m.lllmi.1 to he fn.'1I3cili (to1 xlij i<. the MIll~ n . ilk \,lIn,1 \'J ii,; !UIIIIlI" It ~m. ["" nll(' \.lcw III('ik or So'~' to II", l~ll1nr for the

U~ 1~-r..1I.

. \Ll.'U L' Xl'!) 01-' 'I'll E

.\I11.1l"uill ('(.II'S in the mycldit. alld [ur th .. '''"Il;;ill nLltl c1nJ.is fvl' tho.: liollll ill lhu 1.mu IIn.\ lO Ihe 1 of tho 8lnndnrt. ttl the II(;hlP, ,(..; iiJ II. I klll, for lIue 111\';1.; bllllo\\ IoCr to till: 'l<lIIllnl"lia, iij II. Item, for iij {'illl' l'C(ie say tn the IlItI1lYIl lor the lioUl!, "ij A. \'j hem, fIJI" ,-iij clnc & lIlIu\l' sily to the grc~ Slo.uUnrliQ, lotM.ht. f"1 WillinUl COl1l1iche1l; ilk clue ij A. vj (t,; 1011111111;\ );X S. Itelll, rur lu.,king IIl1d fllSOlIll of thaim, xxx S.
....1111' II-illl l",IIU:L


ItCIII, 10 XlIll nik hrouUtil..l;., for the VrolltlClillg IIl1d \\irking of the 11ln umelis 811(1,l,.;u\(1"rt.;, to thO llChip, IIII-eill lind si lk t o th o Sfllllfll li nd gvlJ, \' tt.

Item, for xxj gunll;' >0 the ttChip, . h elll, for xij lnnterni' l() the schip,

loe II.
xxI'iij I. to )'lnij. fO l'

Itl'llI, in _'uJij. (lllhclI lhe King IIlli~ til'8~ ix COl'S hOWlS to the !!chip of sindl'), IlriceS, xxiij It, x\'ij A, 1t"III, (vI' 1.1 pnil' IIJllI.1ea cordis to t he 8<l h l)'tI; ilk pnil' iij a..: SU UlUI ', , x\'iij Q, IIl'IU, rOt' xj ]>lIil' of fOl' hnrll(!8; ilk l)('(:c xiiij il,; sumlllil I'ij It, xiiij il [1 "111, [vi' IJ seliupiois nlll11lnhi~ hUltis; ilk 110ce xiiij ii" 1IU1111111l , iiij It, iiij a.. [ 1{'III, rul' iij piliI' I~UltVll\8CfI; ilk Il!,)Ul ... iiij il,; ij(l1llUlil xlij A, [tem, rVI ij 1 ~lir hl'i:";lIl liui8W the II<.! hip, iij It [te1ll, fVl' nue Jcd\\oll hede I:li l~ \Ii t h valldi, UlRid Lc 1:011('1'\ :-;clk}I'k, cI,!tc!1m', ' xlij i111'111, t,,1' IIlIC e,lis IIf Ie-lilil' to lhe $.1111)'11, iij i. [11:111, rOl' ij d()6;UI spelis willi hl:dis to Lhe schip ; ilk ] >!X:c ij ii, "j 1I.; SIUllIilli iij If. lit-III, fo, iij , IONUI l't"l ll' ~1 ...'\'iI.; ilk I'llCCO iij ii" 1IIIIIIIIa " Ii. \'iij i!. [1"ln, liar n l ' ,Iar 1I1,!\lIiJ, I'''yit tu (:illl!,)r~ 1;"louI1l11101l 1l ['ll! \'j 1\'OfI5OIII to thl: scllip lIu)'lItll1 l'IiiiJ II " lWi ~u '}li~ \\",\";11111 J' uj [11111.1 xij ~\l1l11l 1~' Ih) wtYlIlII1 ,

IIJ IJ I,uwl, ).IJ lilt',!.; "I .... ,l~1I "c~.iI,,1 '\IIJ I,un.\ ;'" 11,, I~\k "'~Ito. i. i\'h).\\j !,lIml. .11'\ ilk ~ n ..L \J A. \j /o:Il'l; ~\lmu'" ill ncmYI mon,c \' II. xillJ ~_ j Io:lll,



,'111] ~ill ill 1 ,' ill.; II. g:rc.L i.j II. N.vlti~, "UI .. 'Wl .. XI iJ Ii. ij ~_


I lklll, l() him tn, lj l'OUlII:ISI>CS nlll\UM II~I hi j.!lnt-k. LI~ ..... hil' \J ;.. ;;n:t, alltl JIA)il tl"u-f"r III :X-',tlt'




r ur

Ii. xij 1. liij II Tt;.'lr A







,A "llu

. 1 1I~til'



'luiuI ..,

1 ,{I\di~


,I",ului df.UI.l!'();., Iltl the'

UUUIICIUIIIC, 1:..,1I1r('\\ IIml Air, ,ml!

"'II\Ullil thlU1'L th,' !".muIL ,I,ll' or ,ruuij, qnhil!.; jlj '(XXIJ tl,\~'i~: til the Ju"IK'C ClllI'Ii' ill.: ILl)' xl ... ; ~UUI IIIII Inij II. 1t"1I, III Illy Lonl uf A1.Jinkllis c\l",nlt II", ",i.1 lllllt' tv". ij ;; "J It 01 ..111"110.:111, 10' III~' Lortl I.('\jn:u: (')'1oCllll tlll:l "'1111)11 t.\IIII', ill. ,1,1, \B i..; hUIllllL1I lilij lJ. Ill-III, I" ~tlli .. tl'l" l: iebnnl l.nu>4,"ill I'X locu" Ihnl tp .. c: ill. .IJ.) x\'iij I.; " .. IIUlUI \'('(ij 11 \iij i.. [Thc All\.", of U.:UlU, .\h... rJt'('n .. 11111 1~:T\r. (; Ot.toher to 7 XO\cll)l ... r. 3:: ,111.\... E\I~n$l.... lot thl' Jn~tieo,: I'\t the ,o;lIue ,lnil~ I'\IIO\\III1N,.', .66; til Ihl; fli.,;hop 1>( AI. rdttu. I!):? 7~. 9 Htl. lIf )otr. l!ieh.ml 1.1111\'1\. i:!9 I.h.) (The ArrN or IAlllkr Illlt! l'l..-I.tc-.I. II 10 :~o )'Iay, 1506. ::!O Ilay.. n,,; .In.tin. ~o lIi,,11U1' of ALenleeu, LH is 10.1 ; )'Ir. B. IAlIl'Oli. 18.)




0 .. Til E

{Thl' Ayn.'IJ (.f EdiulJL1I'gh !lut! Ul.1l8rk, 8 ,' ulle 10 ;1 ,July, :!8 dnlS. 111c ,Justice, ;;6;

I.i&holl ('I f Ah('I'tlcell , ;;0 Is. -'~II.; ) (r, I:, tAlIHOII , 25 -'s.] ~lImlll " t.malis, \'j'hiiij tf, x\'iij it ::\j 11. oool\1&.

Ih:lIl , llie )'iiij dny or ..dalulr, fOI IIlIU 1101l1,ln~ or 1\' ('1111111' flti;liull uUlI Illie Imi\' of 1,lnk hOfJ IIlni11 to .\ 11Iir-o :-it('\11ul ,x::\\ iij.!l, Iwm, fOl' lUl(' pllir 1)( !tOIl 10 1'nt(' &iuclnir I1IlIill, ' ;wj ~ I t-el ll, IIII.! ),~j dny of }"Cbl11Ul". rO!' x"iij}4 elm:> dmnC!S to II(' IIILC C:01I1\ to Jollue de COII}>!luis ; ilk rluc XX\-j ~ \iij 1I, ; J;1II11l1U1 , xxiiij ti, ,~iij .!I, iiij II 1tem, fOI' ij lJ1"t'l1 ungl.' 111111 X\'j ~kilillis IQ Iyuc the Sl1IlIyll , )'j Ii, xij iI. it('m , fcw lij H "Iuu l:i81)"& lnulIlI I" be 1\111.1 cott' to ~illinll{' B1i llllad ll 'lil heu he lmS8i~ IIII"IIY ; ilk l'lnc XXI',i il, \iij ,I. ; 1I1I1J1I1I1l , iiij It. xlij S, iiij U, 111'111 , fill' l'ij ('luI.' ),Iuk gmy to flue lile slIlIlyn, ilk clnc xiiij'l. ; II ntUlIiU ix &. iiij It ItL'IU, ftl! ij d ill' IUI(' 'IUHltUi 111l1l1t'fl to II;s dOIlI,ln~; ilk Chll' xxiij it ; hllllllllfl, Ij R. ix (1, Itelll, rOl' b'l,lith tr) it (Iud IIlilkillg of tho 811111)"11,

(01" nul' 1"1il' h06 It) Ilill\ ~

"ij I. \' iij 9,

IlI'llI, tIle x:on' ij II:ly of 1'1,11I1Uir, II{' Ule I\illgis command, to :\ laihtl\.'8 Ih.llcl', \ij \'lut,: \1 dills , ilk ol ne xl iI, ;
~ l\lllmli , x~iiij It, Ih'm, f,01' nlll' IIVllulnt l,r ) Idnul' (ustinll to (;hl"iatolcl" lIIui,l, x It. [I )01\1,11'1'1 l.. ,I ohll ,It' :.:c"t 11\.,1, ,1111 1:; tl; "cliu or I he I\ t;il', rlU,1 .I1 1l11t, I'rlil;s.'uu'.]

l u'.,., fill' IIll\! p,lir I,f Ill'" til XUI1IL'I'. \lIj~. Itcl\I, fnr lilli' loil flf 1 101 til F... rgy (inll"C \j," ,iijJ. 111.'111, till.' XI ij ,111)" uf Uuch, (01" \. (111l: 1:llIliK 1,luk I,i, :'I II)HI'"UI. pOlill;;<lil", hc tl,('" l'il'J.:i:ft'"lIllIltllll , ilk clnc lC;(\'J! riij II. ; 1IIIII1ml loj n. lCiij 9. iiij tI. ItclU, rur i~ '111,111.0";,, wdhlll to hilU. ilk dill: :<1 i. IIIUUl1ll1 lIij !t. x i. ItcUI, for liiJ \' hll' I;ilmc 10 I'lluic 0' thl' (}UI'IIIIII dlOllUir qlll)(!11 hid clulhi. wer l'r)"lIt ilk dill: :'I.IIIJ"'; linmllla Irj I. Item, for 1I1It' 1111;1rt.1t Ileik th.lI1llol III hilll, XlC i. 11('"111, for' 1].1I.;lrtnnll CIlI1Jn.) lu hilu ,. -\ ,. J. ILCIIl , for ,. dlle j 1111;lrllll' c:lr8/\Y rell('" nnd VllIolV to II(' alillCOle ntltlnllC luir h08LO (;11 IT)' , Ill.: cll1l.' iiiJ 1 I'J tI, 811111111il , xlCiij 1. "ij II. 01.1011111. [::'lIl1ill1l' olothing Oil 0 St'lltt'llIl..ocr, 10 !J\.'C('mllCl' t 50';, filiI! II April l ;jOG.) Item, ror ij 1);11r achOliC to him nt divel" LJIl18, ij S_ !tNII, for \ ij dno ,llIlIl e.!! to Ill' flne g01t1i to LntI~ :'Ilcllll1!i l. Ihe l\ill;.:i9 Ilochl ir, ill thc ('nlllel! CI( t-:tl;lI + hu.,;b Ilk ('Inc XXI] 1. \'iij t1 ; 1111111110 i~ n. "j I. viij It !tCI11 , for iJ clno \\('lIn9 to I)(Inlom' the "1111.1 II b'UlIlJ ; ilk
due xl i.; .IlIUIn,)
iiij H.

IICIII, for buklllll1 lo Iho S111l1)'U SOIl! , iJ I. ItCIII, {OI' lJ\;lkiug the sn.il\ gOUII,. \'J FI.l'iij It. ItCIII , for iij ~ clue blnk !;111)' to lyu it,; ilk (llIc X\'j (t. j 811111111a . iiij Ii. I"iij (I. IICI1I, for \'ij quufUlri8 Iliatiis '-'ktk r.o hi .. kittln j ilk cluc X:\I"J I. \'iiJ \t. ; 1 111'111111 lCh"j 1. \'iij tt. 1t(UI, fOf IChclillg (If the 81\111)"11, :Ht ot)(llus, IIclli. rOl' I'hlkillg of ii, ij I. ItC11I, rur IYIIYu dlllh rlml lII.1il. "iM tu tilt, ;,Iitl (:,01111 (lIId kirlil!, ij ii, iJ 11. IWIII, for ij dlli' hl.l1.: J.:'my tll 1111 I.:utlli. ij Jl. \iiJ d, Itcm, '1>1' J):' 1111'111"1' II"clIuli to hir WU"I, Xl'iI.


AL:l'Ol':\'1':!. UF TilE
",t, 1,.015. It.em , for IIlIlking of ii, xij It. ItPIII, for hnU am' elLe \IUUl('S, view Rlld n .'lil'. to Uc tna l.of\ir "k,ni.,j I') IH!r, xij ~ Itl'llI, rur dij cine HoUnnd clatll til t.e hir iiij llarkie; XX"xij i. ilk "Iut' iiij ,;...; IoUIUUUI Ill'lLI, f'lr \'j ,IUIl lIill1.\ill kyrsp to hir : ilk cine iij i. ;
It~'III ,

. xl-iij i.

f"r ij due IloII!)le kirsp Ul Ilir colluris : tltt' clnt'

lilJi. iiij 0..: tI'\llIma Item, au,' unce I"il'llnis to hir, It<!lII. IIIIIl '1IIC1' ItU1Iit.lItwillJ;: 8ilk to hil', iij . vj 1 1. dij l Itt-III, 11I1I} 1I'1",t to hir, 1t. III . 11\.\ lodlil of Llilid lioone, 1.oll\k lind oallow, vi. iiij lI. 1t"III, r"I' x rij rille 111~mCfl to h(!l"; ilk dlle \j 11. ; rmmnJl\ viij A.. vj (t. itt'l1i, fur ij dill' .lIIe rl'lfIrtlu' Fl'Oueh t lllllH' t o be nile }....lIIl1 10 ~lcdory I..iUlh.'l:IlIY: ilk I'h,~' xiiij i1 ; 61111111111 X\xj 11. Ij (t Iltlll. for iiij.t~ I'llI!' I.>lnk gl"Y If' IYII hit Io:0UIl 1\1111 kiHili (,ftir IHiliu : ilk dill' xlj i t ; 10111ll1lln, \j!l. h," " , fUI 1)"11)'11 dut h to the Mid j;rmn Hlill kirtill . xviij ,I 11('11" fu, \"iJ II'IllltMi8 !:!cc'Ui6 Milk t o IIiI' kil"lill; the ,lue x ij~ . : 11II.1ll1n xxj ~ Ih'lII, ror j'; fjU;I,tnr 1\1"11118 II, IJo hil' nuc collnr,


;( I '


lIullnnd clnith \..0 00 hi,' collnris, ij a. 111:111, f\)r::<!-;i r ille {!:rcue cnrs:l.Y to l.;e tull {,'Owllis l<l the lilA .:110118, ill clue iiij iI_ \"j u.; $UIIIIlUI !o:h'ij I. iij It ltNu, fl,r loj cillc n.'11~' cnrs.'t} to 00 11m kiltilli. to Ih;)illl ilk ,'!t,I' iiij l>. \j d.; IIILII IIHI . x: ij RH Il' III . fll' iij cltll' Ilullllll,l !:IlIil" tv lit! co\Julis /11111 1 is II' IllfIilll; ilk dll~' iiij it : ~U 'l!I'''' 1U\1 xij iI. Jl.J.;ru . tUII Illi ,' \ktUl,ll' 1M/li t 101,;1'('" 0 t,(, lhllilll,

I kill, for IHiU aue



iiij S.

LUI:II IIl t' l! ll:I..\SU;U:

n.~k l~U~I\" 1I1!\iti In ,llIhll~' 11011c11. \j it 11....,111. fllr II lIe IlIrk 10 Ililll, ij 1>. "j d. ! k lll. rOi' HilI' pnir of hU6 lO I)(\\"itl ('l"nll(II"I, )( iI. [.Jul ll ! ,Ie :-;("01 i;l, ,10k I ~'1il6Ct. HIIII II"lut: l,;d lu&: rat 7 ... 7... Ott, IIlId 71 711.) 11 1' 111. 101 h ill' IIh'ik alltl Ihn' '1IUU\lIli" 11111' IIt:il.: dl;l1ul"L 10 nUl' gouu to AII.h'l SlnHIIL; 11K' ~uik iiii It. i 11UlIlII<\ \ ij 11 IWIll. for ij~, dlle s,'1till to him 10 Iii:; .J,,"I,J,u ilk due hil. 'I:)(iJ Ii.; gU IIIlU;' h NU. for iij qllll r\;II; s Link to his 111~, 1"'''1, luI" Rile pail' hoe to Anllc IJol1lo:lIt" IU,:III1IUIIli. ,ij ~. \"J It. [:-<i lllillli hO&' to Ifn[ytlny, Ft'Il:} (:mllll", .Irune Tuil~o\ll. nud II pill! II~ 711. \.1.1 I:ichc

l te lil. for IIIIC IlIlir III hoe of

1 \lI il~(o(!.]

It l'llI, tll(' X)( d,l Y of :\lrlldl, fo r UI1l' Jllli .. II/Ill lO L'ris~Ort1' uf hlllk, I iJ it \j II. 11 '111, for \"J clllc iij 1 1 1'1IIrlnl'i!l lIoll nml clnlh 10 II(! siU"kis 1.;) L'listofior: ilk d ue iiij II.: 611 1 mUI ;\\\'ij Ii. 11." 111 , f", h,11I Imo ha ll k goltl to the SflIlI~ II . ij G. ix a. 1t1'1II, ful' IIIQk ill1,; of Ih:lilll, iiijA. dijlt. 1t"'II, fill fUll' h,1l to him, xij~ ..... 1>.1:.0:.. h elu, ti le ii 1 8~ tlil)' of ,\ pri lr, 11I\)i~ to l:ol>{'I'l IkrlfoUn for nile COle 1(1 ,John Ill' (.'O\\I~lIIis \l"ll ill.: tilt' "ni,1 HobclL hl"odll fnltll of Filiwi rcl, xx-\ F'1ll1ch ~Iu\llli~; 'S\II1IlUn xxj ". h rlll, fOI" x I'l ue dlllllCS, 1't'l11' Alit! 1!H"1I1', 10 tilt' (Jntnil< lutnl (Jullell hu 1){\Si!11 in Il1gl:md; fill ilk ...1m :\'I:iiij~ .. sumilln xij Ii. Itt'lII, tor \"Jeillc cnrl:j,.lY. l"\,'tII:!{I1111 ;,.,110\\ lO.Jul.lle l:ollc1I agtlll6 hi.ll l ~lfIb;lgtl in Ingl;lIl1l, tu;U1C ('<)11l1l1l(1 h"l>. ilk dill' \. il. ; 81111111111 "'1:'1: it 1t.III, (or 11M dlle gl\'lle d;llllt"h 10 fli~ Ilt'lll,illl ilL dne
uiiiJ iI. : RllIluml
)Chiij ;.

IIl'IIl, lhl' !'t't'ul\\i dll\' of .llIlij fl. Apl"il.],



... Il.

. \ C('(lUXl'~


"Inc Fnmch InllM to I'nlt l'inclnil' to he him Aile rntt'; ill.: clue xliij ~_: IUlIlmlt iij l1. ilj 1It l-hl, 111, \'ij tlay o(\prill', lXl)it 10 )ll1i"l.(:r James \\"lIt .....n (or ij.' ; ,-IIiC MI;., to Ue tlln donl.lntis to the Erl,~ Ilf )lnm1f IUd 1.0 1\' Lile. ilk tine :\xij R: snmma
h' ~

Itelll, (or thre clue ,ll1m!!11 to he j;l\~l\thl to thaim; ilk ,'I Lie xxiiiJ il.; 811mlllil iijn. xij~. 1t"Ill, rot' ij J.4 rl nc 1:181il Lla k to I.e nul' goun to Lol'\l l.ilc; ilk ('Iu(' XX\'j it "iij tl.: ~IUlIUIII iij n. vjB. \'iij t1. Item, for tun hOllelis to Ihaim, xriij Q. 11('111, (01' Inn I'llil- bUl, rctlc l'nI'8IIy. to tll1lim moid, ix.9. \jd. Ile m, lUI' \j I'llir Sdll)nl' 10 tliaim , . iiij AHe m, fol' dj due I;ufctj to Tholll1l8 lloencll to Ifill! hioS gouu ; ilk dill' ~iiij j;,; 8 1111111111 . iiij n. . ""iij A. Item, the x~j IL1)" of .\\.ri1e, rot'j jf Bteik ehnmlot. to nile g01l1l \() ,I ohne de Scotin, \j 11. ItCIIl, paJi t fOl' IWljMLir hlnk hOll 10 hill1, :'\>; Jt Itcm, the :,\X I' tlay of AI)li le, he the Kingis COLll Il1I11111, fur t' (,llIe l :irolis 1!1'(l1I1I to Rh' Thnmna (;nlm' lll ; ilk elM xXl"j A. \'iij .1., I Ut.lLlLIL vj I\. xiij II iiij.t IICIIL , fOl nLle \'I'ed of huge te hilLl, I' ft. Helll, (01 ItIIl' mnid cote ef g rcuc Kcn\Alnlu to " ra Uo ' Tm{nh]lIl1, u I'i ij it H CIl1 , fur III1C 1 ~lit' LIn\.; hOB to '!'hollltls Boelll'lI , xiiij &. it l'J1l , 101' 11110 hilt nml nne oouet to Cd stofcl',
xix it

ILem, lhe ferd .1ny of Mnij, fOi xx chlo Vl'fIlll'h !.CIIme to the fonr Itnlicli l)il~'lis ilk cIne xiiij ;;.; 11111111111\ xiiij It. Itrlll , ful' xj ellll' dlnltllol to Ihai1ll; ilk {'Inc h: R.; SUlllmtl iiij n, xix.l Itelll. ",.. liiJ I",ir hot 10 thail1l, x hiij R. Itelll, the xlj (L,~ , MniJ. {"l'Iule l.(IiI of h08 to Criawfl'r,
I' iij i.



all" Kf>u1.IL11c

I:ute ttl


),'1.'1 ........ I!.o.

ix i HClIl, tor IIIIC l"oiUd 10 lIilll, It!l.. It('m, t()r \. 1 ~lil douLle 5OlillchulI(: lIud IIIlC l'II.ir ]>uli~ to Ililll, X\ iO. hem, rOI' OIlC lillir ut Milk 11011 10 'l'holllllS 1:o..lIclI,


IIlIe h'II to him,

\iiij ,;. Item,

tor iiiJ ,'~


t.IIIU(' lu loe

III1C CUH' I.tl "I1,OIlI<lS

Ibuell; ilk due xiiij i. ; IIUlllllii iiJ Ii. iij it, Item, rOl' nile IIli1i.1 CUle uf K\'lItda!c 1.0 ,I\,hll ,It, S(""'''I, ""it iI. Hem , tor IIlIe tlouMnl w hllil of :\ltl"n rll~tiulI, '{ Hem, tor nllo wllet, nne tel)flt, nmllllie iijlir lmli. 1.\, Ililll, niij Ii. Ilelll, for nllO cote to Qllinlill Focnrt. t,r K{'nltlllk mnitl, xxi'{ ~, IItlll , (01' 11110 pail' ot hOl!l to hilll, \Ij ii, lI,elll , tO l' 11110 doulllnL 10 IInlytlll)' "I :'1 11.'11111 rll~linll , i'lllx.t. Itelll, (or 11110 l)fIil' of h08 to him, riij d. [Simiin l' clothing to Fer}:;y Onllllo) Item, lor nile pnir h08 10 Cristofer, "iij " Itcm, Ihe v dny or Julij, nne ronil hOi \.0 CriRwtel', viij i.

hem, tor nue KClIltlnlo cute

Hem, tOI nlio doulJlnL IG .Jnmo Item, tor nuo IMil' h08 to hilll,


Dnmlo Donie,
x);i); it


dij 3. !Lelll, lUI' nile ,Iuu\.lln!. to Walle Sll'iYl'IiIl, i'li. I"j i. \'iij (1. Hem, for nile IlIlir enrsny hOB tu hun, ho.:w, 11Ir 11.00 IWlir \.Ilack hOi III Juhn 11(' ~"tin.
IX .

heul, tor ane pair lIos 10 Jok Il.ni~, \-ij ,. hem, for nne steik d1.111llot to 01111: oott, to ('li5l"ler, iliJ n. Item, lor flllC Iltik chilwlo~ to ,lilt ~")t~ to ,Ivlm. ,Ic &>atia, iiij Ii. hew. ("r IJ IIll.'lkil duuniul I" 11(' 1.Iutui 111.1 litt:lr

",n, I~.o:...


_\ (.'l'OU ~1'S


lI1ell, IJe the K iligiIltUUiIlUlllI!; ilk steik iiij 1 ljUlllllln 1.; \'iij It item, Ihtl niij dny of JlIlij, fo r ij cine iij II'Hl rtarill wel1u8, be the Killgis COl nl ntUlU: ilk el ne >:Iv l\; IoUmUlo. \j n, iiij s, vj d, H{,llI, the niiij day of ,Iulij , for nno t!Olll.lat of llclallo fusti.:lII to John!! Bail;;e, heusmnll, il( ii, !telll, fl)l' nile douhillt of Lho IRmyn to IIn\ytlay. ixll Helll, fo\' lIue pith' lWEI of ursay to him, \'j !l \'iij U. Item, for \' pnil' Illllid hOb to JAme 1'aily>ur. J ohne dQ Sc~nitl , Ciliatorer, \rnllo! ~tri\'eiill, and f'crgy UrnlUu; ilk \.1111 1 liel( it viij d. : 8I\ mm . ~ ' I(uiij A. iiij (I, Item, f(lr li ne 1 )'1i\' of ' I~ La ~ornee , \'iij it Item, fol' \'iij clnc ]\<'ll idale 10 be nne cote to Komee; ilk cine iij il : SllmHIIl 'o: iiij So Item, fol' nnc pnil' of h06 to him, jl( AIlem, for 111\1.' honet to him, . IX AItem, r"I' 1 hnt to CrisIO'('\', 1IIC' v it iiij d.. Il e ul , fnr i.'( 11Ulutluis Mi ll! 10 :me Ilollbint to him; ilk due Hiiij iI,. ~unUlIII liiij A. h em, thC' ~ix d;I)' uf AU~ 'lliit, fOl' \' ('Ine Frnnch Inn ne to he nno f Ol4', ilk pine 'l:iiij A.. to till' finhissellll.ir; blfnllll a iij II. x;: Helll, r.w il( <'l U IJlnk t;my W l.rue i~, t.och~ in Stri\'elill : I.' Ilk <'Inc ~\'j 1 . SUlJHlIl. 1. xij il lteU!, for iij <'Inc J fllUU'loll' cham lot to him, bocht in Stril'ciin, \0 his (iOllblut, ilk ('Inc xij;;" ; $IlUlIllIt


1\1'111, ror \j ItlUlrt'lris cnn:ny to him, Iht in St';\din: the due \' s.; bUIlU,ln \'ij 1 vj d.. Itcm, r" I' UIIC' pllil' of hoe to Uristorcl', \'iij it h elll , fUI lUll' hUI Ami alit' t('pnt to him, X\'j ~ 1\.(' 111 , ff'" \' 1,lu(' Fmllch tUlllle to AII,''I:Iludcl' :l lnkculludl, Ihc i.\ .lrl) of l'l'pl<'I!l lo('r : ilk clllC' xiiij i.. : 8mnmll iij l1.xij.

1.00:Il II IC.! 1 Tm : bn : fo:r.

h('IU, fur i iiJ t hl(' Fnu'l'h l\tun,' IOI W"tI. TUlUI,uli.lu I ... him nne (nte: ilL: Ihle .. iiij "UIIIIII.I hj il
[~illl i l:t r


coota ttl Quinli n F"','lI rl IIIU\ OUlI.h

Item, for i iij }~ t'lnc (mILle 110 .\ Iell.' 11II.. i1loull ilk dll<' xiiij .\,; 1IIIIIIIua ilj" ilj l hem, for i .. d ill' 1 !la./.:. grn)" 10 I) ne 11 1Al1ll~1I; ilk .1 ... 11,: xiij tf ' Rl mlilit I.'( ~ i .. ,I hem , for iiij dllo' Fr:ult l. LUll .. ' ttl I... '"11' I;do! I'. Cri"wfer iU. clue !Ciij a. ' t\lllllll.1 lij ;. hel ll, f<-or IJ) ' elm: \1,,11111'-' (... 1;;111 110 him ilL: (111.' iJ', ,iij It , fll lllll"l 'j .. ,;ij It l lelU, for a ne pAir r-:tltlny ho. to h im, 'j l. fiij 11. (:'imilill 1;"001 nml .I()UIJII'I~ nUtI 1.1.e-', te . h.lm 11. de Sootin nntl Ihe Ini.,1 of KI'~ r, till hUhl I,f t he fOl1 uE'r COllI ill", 7 . 011.) Item , (or iij }4 cine UlU IlC 10 Wil lie St.hdiu, ilk dllc 'l:iij ' ; t llmn}.) \1\- a. ,j.1. (.\ li milar cORt, with hoee, to JIIIIlC Tail.iur.J Il.(:m, for nil> colt! o( LAlille, iiij due, to ,fnllle 11011,1.1 . ilk c lue " iiJ A.; I u nHII:l Jij i. 11.e'I1I , ' 01 1 ~lIy ll;;, u11lldllg. nll,1 .. herillJe lo, it, xj a. I ~UI , for IUI(' IIOll blat flf ) 11'1 011 fmotif'lll to him lIIuitl, x i. vilj II Item, for a ile pai r of hOi 10 hi ul, dj ~, "j d, (Similar Ih'elJ t.o Ardlt n" u;.;ltUl.) Ik m, {or ,.j clue I\Cl1ldal(' If) 110 nlill 1;'Olc to FI'I1::Y (i ramc, ilk ('h it' iij it; IUlmll.a ,\\i ij b 1(('111, fur ij ,'{ ,111., :'IiI'lnn\! rll~tinll Ul hi ...1{,"IoIUl ill.: clil" ij 1 'iij 1 , I\lUllIl0 1. '"J' ..iij It. h \ hl. fO I ,. ~ ('Ilic K {'ntlll1l" lu Itidlt' l:ai l;st, 10 hi!'> coW, ilk l'i nl' iij lLi IOUIIIIII;l :\\'J"', \'jtt IU III, for j chit' Irn ih;, tfl hiA 11(>11]'1101 iiij:.. \J d I k ln . ror , (' IIII' ni5l il' l'h\' 101 alh' 1:"1111 IIlIIl ItII~ kinin ;HI.I 11<11\ In 1..'lly :\lcl"-',.:nil, II,.. l\illI:i~ dochti r ill ,II.' t 'ullcll I.r fo:'liul'I,.,.h, ilk l'illc \xvj~. "iij ". ~II Ul1l11' \.1 N :\Ii,j~, iiij u.

. _D. I....,;.

.\(,:(.:0 l ' ~Th 0 F TJL h

111.'111 . fOl' ij 1'1111.' lynnl ('Inth nud 1JIol;;Ci8 to the lI:lId 1-'01111 l'm1 l.:il,till , ij';' iij It Itcm, fur ij elm' j (1IWHllf wel hlllO thesnil\ SOUll, kirtill, nnd It> hir colllni &: ilk elue ~\iiij II. ; &11 11111111 iiij t1, xix ~ It(llll, rl'1 Il1nkillg of hit !:Oml nll(\ kiltill , ;j pctir htle, nue 1',-,II,lr of \\"'hUl, md nne lto1ll0 of IICll ul, v;J It I' iij It. 1t'1I1 , fOl' xij clllO ri\;l(l.llC8 to hiI' ; ilk pine I'j d, ;
1111111111,1 I 'j

It4.'lII, the ix Ilay of !:irptell1hl.'r, for nul' lul.t. Rnd nne le p,lL 1.0 t rie-tofer, xiij II, 1t1.'1Il, for iiJ 7.1 clu8 l:i&llil11s blnk to be Rne goUIl to ('ristofer ; ilk ellHl l X\'j A. I iij d.; 1\UlI m a iiij n, xiij i. liij 11, itl'1II , rO!' iij clnc Hil'ge satin to nllC doul'lnt lo ~o1"1lee ; ill.: clm! x A,: S1I111Uln xxx II. h elL!, the xxij Ilay of f;c lltelUloCl', for I'ij ci ne tnllne to .1" LllCfl J I\olcnis tlln ,loc:htel;s, he the Kingis cOllllL1nnd, ro l' 1 li8 ke pillg ; ilk cIne xiij Q.; summn ';I\ iiij II. xj it Item, for iiij d ill' FNllIeh UlIllle to AlexntHlet' " 'nl'dlnw ; ilk clne xiij 9. , Sll1llmn lij /I. 111.'111, fol' ii\i olue I:inlis hlnk to WiliioUl U orhlllllc, [lIglislllllLl,oo the Kiugis OQtll tll ulHI ; ilL: olnc xXlj II. \'iij ((I.] : 8uIL1 ma v It. Ilj II. viij l1 h elll, [01' ij clno iij fjlln rt;u is WCUIUI L him ; ilk cllle o xliiij il. i SII11Ima "j It, vij A. Ite m, fol' iij (IUurt.nris scnrlet to his hoe, . xX'( 9. I tCILL, [or iij y: clue IICl\l'lct. L .' (nrioll Bonkill, J ohn o l.illt\csnyill wif, he the Kingis cotnlllnnd, quhen seho W hilL1 nnc kclli l' cote ; ilk clno I~, ; S\l1111111\ d! viij It xv A. Itt'IIL, for Ij cine lIol1nut\ cillth to be 8/11'kis to l.'ldy :\lcl,):n:l. till' I\iugii dochli r ; ilk chHJ iij S. "j 11. ; MllU IL II; \ xxj Il I tOlll, for I- j '11I1 n-tariM11011111111 dUlh t(, hir (!(lUll ris, I'ij iI. I 'j 11.

1.011)) HI GH
i t(l lll ,

l'BEA~ l' I:EIl ,

" u,I!',Qf,

for iij IlC' llia to hil' i ilk 1!(l(:C "'<j



ilem, for
h CIII , fOl'

scilrlet llilL nml

n ll o

ll:\lll ~

v 11. iiJ It. lu hil',


\'j .s, ij cluo kyl's p to !iii', Itolll , (UI' xij uucc si lk to h ir: ilk lIuce iij Il, iiij d, : xl s. lI U1nlllll Ilem , for viij lumk is gold LO hiI' : ilk llllil k \';"; SUlllllln , l it x Item, the xliij tiny " r tiel,lcllllx! r, for \'ij e lne IlIssniL to t he ~ I Olill; ilk elne vj ij. \ ijj ll: ~\lII1I11il xl S,
110111 , for x 61110 6nllo ~II'6ay t.<> 100 ~lIi' gow llill to Iho 811111)'11 ; ilk e lne iiij 1:. \'j 1 ; SIUUliHl 1. xl l'il, Item, tor "ij clue redo efll'8llY to be LIHI ki r ti llis It'l t haim ; ilk clile iiij .s, 'oi II. ; SII IIIIIIII

!tCIII , rO l'
1l1I (! l IlU

Iyll yn clni th and llI uil;;cis to

l ll i l'

ki l,tillill,

xxxj ii, VJ I I. rOli r b'CIwllis ij ii, y ( t xx.\iJ;;' rj tl

item, for

ij ,M

eille tllllllt! tu ) lcrjOi)' I.imll'>.uy; ill.: l'lnc tll hil' b'ilIl U nml the

xiij s.;

item, fOI'l "If nhe clile we i his

h e lU , for x 0 cine Ilcl'tnllc da ll. to I", l>;u'\.:ill to thl! :U oli a; ilk dll o ii it ; & 1Lmmn X\1 >', Item, fOl' ij clnc H o11ul111 elru Lh to lJc l hllim eollll1is, Ij S, h elll , fOl' li Lnucs to 00 heWs to Lhe i\ lol'is, iij &, \'j It. Itelll, (01' (1111) clue t ru il;;C(; LO thnilll to I)'no tllilit, ~'I>Ull slcms, iiij~, \'j I\. i iij is, Ilem , rOl' li~' I~\ i r IlrlS t.o t baim,

i\ IOIis 1;;001'1I is, '

xxij s.

h em, the Inst day of &l'tem\l('I',

(0 1'



uF hOI!


'J' ,-iij It lIa l)'dll)', pnr it to ]j01l1l, 1:11 ;;"ul', Item , the l!(~u1t\I II'ly of OctoLcr, fOl' nlll- kl:lli,' lute lu Ij i.. l'i ij ,I. C:I'i ~tof(, I', helU, for" d ue Fm11l.:h Ll1l11lC II Culiu l'Hllihell; ilk iij Ii ,' .. cluC! :d ij ~, ; "uuu w


Al.U)UXT::, OF' TilE

hclU, I~.)-it Itl :'I lilistcl JlIlLlCti "'lltllUn he Inllol dOli!! for ij~2 clue Fmllth !'Ink to loe! ItIIC I!Omir goun \AI thi! Eric of :'IllLIllI)" ; ilk due xxiiij a. i 8um lua iij n. Item, for \j due iiJ qt1o. rtnris 8fI)" lo Iyl\<' the NlInyn; xx 8. iij d. ilk cille iij ;,.. ; ,.UlIIlIIo. hem, fOl' ij S elnc saliu LO he tUIl tloul..latili to the Ede uf Jlurmy nml 1..",,1 Lile; ilk cine :.:xliij i.; tilUlIIlI!\ iij It. hCLII, for iij cillO tlnulCfl to he lun jaattis lo tlmim ; ilk l"luc xl"iiiJ t. . 8LUlJUUl iij l1, xij S. Ito;\o, for \ cillO j 'I'wrtlll CtlI"'''y 10 I"u IJ pair hO& to thniUl; ilk due .iij iI. "iij It.; bllUUlll1 uiiij .. vj (l. Item, for ,'iij IJ{l.it' of IICliolio W thnim, " a. iiij It. hem, ror Ij clue cloth t.o thail' 8flrki.. ; ilk clne iij l ; Illlllhm , , x\'iij A, IICUl, fOI ij.~ ~ clue 1,llII!(Iit to Jnllle &tewart, Lord AVC IIlilllCd t-OII , ilk duo I'iij i.; SIlUUlIII xx .!i.. il('llJ , fUI' UIIO , luIII,ln~ of ~my fUSLitmC! to hiOl,lplylig 111111 lIlukillg, I'iij iI. ij d, hcw, fur iiij 1l!lilllCholle to bim ; ilk \lair viij t1.; 8111Ullln ij 11. viij d heUl, rUI IIIIC 1 ~ l il lui CHllIA,. hUll u, him fO l'lhe Imlydny, I) II ~ II;': !lilt! lU:tkiug uf Ihe 1111111) ll, vj ii, It';III, f"l ij l)I1i l' Iluhit hUl; 10 hilll, \'j II, iiij d. item, thu xj ,1;1), ,)( Xon.:mlocr, rO\, line llOlIet t.o t.:nblufcL', xij A , Itl'IU , ["lillIe hnt to h.III, xj iI. ]lCUl, rOI' /lue 1'i1.o;IIIO 10 his bOlle~, \'j 41. IICIII, rOl iiJ (lI n" j 4 1umtm !:isHs lolnl;; to he IIl1l! cole to L' I'i~l..url' I'; ilk elilO lX\'j i, \ iij 41.; smlllllll ii ij tI, \'j S. \iij 11. IU'IIl, ful' ,,111' tCI.at to hilll, viij l iL(lIIl, 1l!4)'i t tn l.iQUlI, t.1il3t)\iI, fol' lhh hOI< dcJivcrit t.o lhil' IK 'I'li<'ni~ \ lIl1lir'\ri~ill, iij SCI,II.cUlbcl hiJlIUol, nr

Kiu ~ l 'I.~ .. i ~

IIltdl 'l'1:1-.:.l 'i U:U:

~I l.ulh

I ~LlI'

I" the

III th,


uf , IW,

hoe 10 ,11.hlle .Ic Sootill, \'liJ ~ [11118" In .\lcJ[uIIIII' lluh ul1l ... h, \\' lllIt ' 1'11111' l,ulI. fllhl :\hnll'l,', uL i\ ,oJ" , Fl"I ~y ( : ,111111',
\Vn IW ~I,i\'(:hll , ,Inulu 'J'!H l ~()n r,n L VliJ ,. I
t~lIill li ll 10'\1(:1111., lit


I k'm , fur dij' ~ clIl\' \\dlll III I"" nile \:hle 1<1 Cn'~l>ll:r ' III.: 1 '111\: lCliiiJ Ii.. tlllIlIIlI.l ,\iij Ii.. xliiJ it. IlCIII, fu, IJ ~/, dill' \\dIUl, to .1IIt) ,IUlll,llI\ IU him; ilk I'II1U xliliJ l , alllllltm \ n. X!. Ilklll, for nne 1~1ir h,,. to hUll ur \:1111 11111,...\' .Iaillt, ,,,,it. 11(' \\clllli \(I Ill' lUlU ,1 0111.1.11 lu .It,hlle Item, (hi' iJ}{ (1 de &oli.1 . III.: d1l\.' xliilJ Ii. , bll1 l1l1 l11 \'11. ): i, Item, for IUie 1~lil' of!tOl; v , 1111\\ IIf tt,lIl1l1il1>oY dulh , ix Ii. Itcm, f.,riiJ due wdlus 10 the h1ll1l(; il1 IJIIII \IIIY. tunc i1l ::ltrinl l ill be the 1\ll1g ltillll;Clf 1III Iieli he "III4it lO tho ~ rolllh ; ilk cl ue xhj iI. j /ln1l11l111 \j n. X\'iij iI. Item , 101' iij dne chnm lo~ 10 hil', ux II. l telll, Iltt' J(V lillY .,r :\o\t:lUl-cI', fVI :nj ('iIH' tLulI(:S to lie n ile b"l)UII h i ,I" I'IIC )\;11.011110': \Ii tilt! Ilia. ilL: e ille
n injA.; 11lmlllH


fur nUl' I,"il' bcu l'l\:L II.II! I(J h Ull 111.1\11, IIc1I1, j !{ IIIIMlllr I,clilla 10 II\.' ... huUt.' I.. hllll,

II. iiij It :'11 J.

HJ II. \'j


itcm, 101 lyuJu!; ur hi!:! gUlLu \1111t 'luhlL IlIlblt: .

uxvj S.
item, fu r \. l'lull ""lIIdl tnUI1C to lJ III.:,I Uis 11I\:ibL, ilk eluc xiiiJ .il; SUUllIIn , iiJ II. x 11 Iltlll, lhe :\:nj tlnr or ~u\'i"lIiher, for \'ij du!.' I :i~li.b 111'01111 It.t II\.' 1111" b'OUU 111111 IUil' hlLlI" 10 lilt' Ilud"I"u.ullri ilk du(' \,(\J .. liij 1 : 11111111111 1 i\ N \'J" mj tt 111.:111, fur illJ dill' hl.lk 10 h.: nil!.' 11.liu:;b~Ul III I,illl; ilk
dill: li lJ A.; ",I UJlllln

IlCUl, for ij':' .l lw I.lul,; hI I", 1111."

hoi'll : Ilk d1l\' x .. : IoI11I1U~t


xh'iij It IlUUIIIl rur hilt

XXlI:\' ... ,

11('11\ ,

>(iiij k "j.t. 11t1Il. (III ij pilir ,,( h, ... til l:n~l"fcr. ,,' h~lm'h I,\"k \' 'luar\.lIlU!. ,"X" ;;

r(li' IIUC

1 ~lir

"r 1,1110.:1,;


III hl1l1 ,



iiij n. \'ij iI. !'j (t. Ut.'CCuli.ler, ~tjll IlYII to giff Iyvcrnyia. Iii the hl'f:i t, for t' dnc Fmllch lIlRk to ~hir J 'dil' (;l'ccb toulI ; ilk clue uviij <t; SUlUlUa \'ij n. hell!, fm ij}4 cine wcllull to ! Iilll " tl. \' H. h"IU, for line brecllH1ge to hint, [,\ sim iln\' lil'cry 10 1:0UcIt Cohile.) Itl'm, tor v cine nislis blnk to Amh1l A)toun; ilk 61ne x:\\"j ti. viij tl. j 81Llll1 11,1 vj 11. xiij il iiij (I, Item, for ii ij.14 clno Hielis Link to Anuro Woo ; ilk cine x:nj .t \ iij It. i , mUllin \'j n. Item, rO!' U clue wcllu8 to hilll; ilk clue x!iiij il; 7S sumlJla \' It ..~ iI. Ileln, fol' nue botH!t to him, ;(ij i, [t'imiln,' liverit!8, without> n lIoulLc ~ , to Willillm tiiuclllir, J:(,IJert lJtlugl1\8, Jnuu:s Dog, !lUll

Item 1~1~ll tu ,100ulI.I FI'llnciJ for iiij cl ue glt! ue &lIl in ICIU\ he lilt' K i ..~<i8 COIllIlI~\u 1 10 .:)chil' J ohne II uagnt "ea wiff ; ill. dlle SXI iij iI. ; iu nUlln xij il 11;.'111, fhl"- qunfllll'i88t1lill cnllnmeay to the lInUl)'I; the


cluo! iij H. x 1

j SUlllma


the xlj tiny uf



Itl'ln, for iiij}i \'1I1<1 1:isli,l"'0,11I 1.0 Willinm tij!iechons; ilk ('Iuu )"xI'j It \'iij \1. : au mUla vj It. helll, fur ij ~ cine \\cll ua 10 him , ilk duo xliiij S1l1l11l 111 , \' 11,)( It h em, r"T iiij~ clnc \.Iltlk te Jnllles l:ilCII"1l1L ; ilk cluu


XXI'j h. I'iij (t.; 8UlU.tHl vj It. lielll, fel" ij ~1 due \lc lltlA 1O him ; ilk elno xliiij I.;
811LUUHl \'

n,."( it

[A 8i lllil;\1' lilwy to '.n.ullms E'\3rti r, l!liIOl',]

iklll, fvl" \ clnc F.-nud, I,l.lk to the umister cuke; ilk dUll :();\'j S. viij II . bllllllllll I'j 1 xiij S. iiij d. 1. IL"IIl, for \" H du(' l\lllus In nnt: I],mltl nt 1It11 II nc jlltl\\.. 1

I', l.illl ,loe thl' "ill~i8 \\IIIIJUILUII; ilk dUll . xl iiij it.; , xij It. ij 8.


\~vj ~,\"iijli. "II1nl.lII

liiJ}4 dlle liislit Milk 10 .Jam es LUll ; 11k clue "j It

1.01:1J III(HI TJ:E'\:-iFJ:E1:,

ItOIll, r"r iJ " olna &:lUll to him ; ilk dUll lxiiiJ ;"
Ih:IU, rVI'

Mil""", A.I'


i Ij " aue IJwik :lnd iij 'IUIlI't.llis I5tdk chmulvL, ilk ~ tl' i k iiiJ It ; &UIUUll\ \ij II . it!lIl, (01' 1)lIyuJ.( IIf the lIIIlIlyn \\itl. ImJ..'t' !Ii,,1 1,I(lk I5killllil5" iiyll. hcm , (or ij ~ elnl' wcllu::o to him ilk dllt' :diiij i... 1111111111:\ , \' Ii, x ... Item, ror iiJ 'lu.lrwri.ti hl<lk to Ilil5 hOD. ), ... l !.Cm , (ur Rue hat. 3nd Imc OOllcL to hUll, ,,,)."ij ;,. IWIII, for ,. clue !.lInk to J;unCl Sle'll'nrt. III Arb.otl. ilk elllC :oa'j l. I'iij d.; IIlImIOIO l"j II. "jij i. iiiJ 11. Hem, rvr ij elnc iij qunrllUi,j .. \lin to him j ilk dn l.! xxiiiJ S., 1illlUllia lij n, vj &. II.(>IU, for iij}~ fjll(lrtolris hlak to Ilis 11\1., ;\J9, "iij d. 1t.,IU, for nlio ilOll"L to him, xij 11. h cm, fUI' xij cluo 1!;IIUl'!C t" .\ ll' XRlIlk,' EII,hm8lmw; ilk {'Inc .uiiij ';.; MIIUIIHI xiiiJ II. 'iij ~ ItclIl, fut, ij~ dne WCHII8 lo him ; ilk due .\liiiJ il.;


X S.

iiJ Illw rlnri" Frfl.uch I,)"L: tv h:o hOI, XI' ~ lIl'1n, (Ul' xij elulJ 11.ml{'8 to I:obclt. :'IllIlIcrcif ; ilk eillc xxiiiJ A.; 1111111111,1 , xitiJ It. \'iij !t, 11;"1/1 , (or ij }i' cI ne welhtll to him ; ilk {'Iuc ~ liiij &. Iumll1ft "II .'( ... Itcm, (,,.. iiJ qunrlilrill l tiltlis lJIuk, . X\' 8, lINn, f!)!" '.}'J {'Inc tmlllo to ,11l111l l lJuuglnl; ilk l'lue ' xIj iI.; 111llilllil ji il Ii. \iij ~. itcm, fo!" ij }: cillc 11,1I11t!8 to Ilim i1]., l' lll l' \xiiij t.;



Item, i iij~ qunrlillis &01t16 !.lInk La Iii, h,*, XJ r.. riij II Itcm, for i~ "Iuc ,hllIlCH to Ill' nllc ).(01111 tu Cri!otof"r: ilk dl1{' XIiiij it; s ummn X II. x"j iO, ItCllI, I)u)t. lI'ith nile 1.IUyll;'; "j' till' Kill~i ,, fOIIYIl)"IlJ.( o( it, IJ s. I'iij It. li Nn, fOl' ij}! clne (ublinn LO hilll ; ilk c1uc iiJ ~.; 8111111).111 "i) .. l'j \1

A-ll. 100:..

lUll plli l'

iLem, ((II' \" !I,ml'tlllilf blnk to Vc clnc xx Ii.. : 8111LllllH Item, {(.or nile llo.lul'L to hi1l1 , .

h06 to him; the

.xxv iI. xj iI.

:dx Q.

Ite m , for nne huL ami IIlIe lCpllL LO Iii III.

Helll, fot xij "Inc l];lmc8 t" ,JOhll lie ~oti;l : ilk elnc xxiiij it: tn his g:VHIl : II111lUnn . xjiij n. \-iij R Item, (01' ij}4 [cine) sntiu to bil,} : ill.: clhe xxiiij .9. i summa iij N. Item, for nllC pnil' uf h08 maid to hilll of fylle ..cde

iiij 11. ;

x i!:.

Hem, flll ' nne hQlle~ tv Ilim, xj Fl, h en., for j,!.4 IIl,ik t;hru1I1oL 1<1 It/will Ker ; the at!:!ik



clno !;Ilil" to him i ilk clnc


.~x i i ij

vj 1 1. H.;


iij 1 1.
to hiLlI mnid, i" &.

Item, for nne jJll il' of hoa of n:dc I tem, fo!'





cote to J ncob

} Ahmllu;tollll ; ilk elne xiij . iiij II. ; summa liij 8. iiij d.


schcr illg' (If lht) smllYu ; II cine vj II.; summa ij :l iLCIII , r(1I' \' ('inc hlak gmy to lyue the S/llll)'ll; ilk cine :-:iiij It ; 811l1l1l1ll viij it ij 1 1.

Ii e lll, fnr lIIllki ng of !Jill COle,.

ij it

Ite lll, f(, r inll clue m,, ] nUt) half l.Iil1:(1" IJIllill lo his .tonlllnt: ilk .'l nt) x it: .'>(111)111:1 , xxv I. hem, fOr ~!.llf to it lItHI making of lhl,l sIO myu , ' iWlU , r"I' fln c puil' of 110lS 10 him "r eliI'M)" \'ij it vij II. [;')imiinr lin ,it'S tu ,Iolw SU-;n'lill of the Kelr, AI'(' he Uonglas, ,lame H onni.', , VaU<, St.;\'elili. Fer:,:y Gnlille, Juk Hnil;;cc, a nd



Jnmc 1'n i l~OIu. 1

itl'.ll , for iij ~ .Ine tnnlle UI nUll COle ilk f'l nc :l:i ij Il. iiiJ'I. : IiUlIiUlil
I ll'I,I. rOI'

ij ehle .Iljllnll.lu

U il~C

nic he l ~\ il;;cc ; :l:h 'j il viij It 1'I.(lil( to his !lnnltlnl .


ilk cine x .....

L\Jl:U IIl U H 'l'I:EMiU I:EI:.


Item, for nue pair of maid 1,1)3 10 hilll, \'J;' be .1. .... D.lr.o:i. [A similar Ih'cry ttl John i:ook lIud Alexander Wlll'dlllW.] 11CIII, fOI' I' l!luc Fmllch I:Hlne til :\11II'!i1l Uai131!: ilk t.lne :diij B.; 1I11 11l1l 111 iij N. x S. hem, rVI ij}1 due lI"elllls t" hilll : ilk 1.'111\: xliiij i.; ~Illnllm I' II. x S. ilem, fOIl" iij qwutUl';S 8eottis 101011. III his h"lI, x S. (Similm' !i"erics to l);Ulde [louIe, WU~ 'l'ul"uIJull,
(~lIin!i1L FUl~ .. t,

Hu\1 ,I,,1m 1'011111111.]

Item, for j~ steil. Awl :llle IIWII1M .!o....,ik uf dl.lluiOL [0 Cvlin C;l1ul..cll: ilk steik iiij Ii. : 11I1U11I.1 \'ij 11. h eiU, for i.i}~ cillO wcllus IH hilU , the due xliiij S., 81l11111Hl I' rt. x S. Itcm, ror iij ~ cllllll"tnris ScoLlis \.JIlIk tt) him , xj~. viij d. Itc11l, tor j.0 6b:ik <:\ul1l1iut to lhc (~l1\'11is Intll)": the stcik iiij rt.; I1I1II1UIU I'j 1 1. Ite1l1, for ij elue iij quarultis solLin t.o him ; the elnc xxiiij ~.j 8\1111 11111 iij tt. I'j S. Item, iij IIU:lI"tllrili ::icottis lIllIck to hillL, . X l. ilelU, for vj elnc Fnllleh Ul!lIIC to J\lexaiU\cr )(llkcullo , ilk cille xiiij a , S11111111(\ iiij II. iiij r.. Item, fOI" ij eille iij q\lartaris ijlllin to him : ilk fluc iij II. I'j l. xxii ij ~; 8\111111111 Item, fOI' iij}~ fj\iUrlnrie \.Jlllk 1(1 hi8 hos,. xj IS. ,-iij It [Sill1i1:II' !i1'crielS to Allalll t vkllllrll, Arehe UikertvlIlI, mIll the !'i"[uire of <':\eillh.] Item, f OI' Wj}1 cllIl! Fl1Illch t;l1lllC lO,ll1l1l1.:1l J ack" clllcr; ilk (' lU ll );iij ii. iiij tl. ; ISUlUlUlI iij It. Item, (01' ij ~ dlle chnmlo(, 10 him ; the C]II11 ix b.; 8\1tlll1111 xxij ~. \j 11. hem , for iij~ (Innlt-nis Scouis blak ttl him , x ij. I'j It.
dE.\lf'S OF ST.\nlt.t.

h elll, fOI" iiij dnu Frnllch lnUlie


ilk clue xiU it iiij.1. : 15111111111'

I JOllnld, lh., :5CJnIlU; Jiij~. iii.1 ct.




Item. (or ,lIIe qllnrlm etcik chnm l o~ to him, xx S. Item, for v qUllrtnlie CtU1j;lY 1 hilll: ilk clue iiij s. iiij d.; 0 511111111a v!l yd. [::lillliIM' ih'cril'S 1.0 John PlllenK)II, Hohhe GnlloWilY, Gl\will l l.'l.il;;cc, AlcXl\udcl' Gortlonn, \ \-i11illm FOClIl't, .JRllles Juclen, youllb'er, J ohn Woo, I\Utl lite following yeo men or the QIICCU'S st.nhle: John Allirties, .Ja mes Ih'cry, .Plltlick Iq;lis, l\lichncl Dollnltlsoll, no\.lcl'~ I'un'cII, nml "Nichol Hnt!I[I\\,ny,]
Fon TIU: QUKSIS (;11".1111:,

item, for \' oilic Fmnch lHUIiC to V nvitl Cnmfu nl: ilk cine xiij ii, iiij ,\. : SIlIl1I1\I\ iij n. vj a. viij (t, ltelu, fol' I\UO tlURl'llll' stcik C iUUlllut, xx Q, I LC\L\, fol' iij ~ tlHlll't.nriB Scottie Iliak to him j the dne :xij s. ; SUIllIUIl , xli, vj d. [tCUl, fol' iiij elile }'nllIch tlulUe to "'illimn Ml\x~onn , tile clue xiij B. iiij II. : 811ll)t1Hl \iij So iiij d. ItCIll, for nnc ()llIlt'l:u' slcik cltlln(l o ~ \.0 him, xx S. HUlU, for v (IIHl\' (.u l'is cUr8/Iy to him; the cine iiij II, iiij d.; SUUHUI\ . , I' B, v d, (::lilLlil!!\' ]i1'C ri CS to ClmrlcK ]\[nxlonn, l 'HLL'ick i\ luXloLHI, Anur(l i\ 1t'!1"SC1', .1.110 '1'nilfcir, Willinm DounlllBOII, William Forsyth , .John Stt"O<,.:c~h, PanIc. A)oxnuucl' Kt'!I'6, I: uke. ,\laloo hll OI")'IIIt'!, lIud JoklJouglns.] lt'!U Itcm , fo)' xx t'!luo UUHl C 10 tIlt'! foUl' It.nlio.)1L U 8tl1tlcs ; xiij It. "j 9. viij II. ilk clllc siij it iiij ,I. , BLIlUUW Item, fol' xj cillO IIIlC (11l:'LI' tlU' urucltit IJil'ge sati n to Ihair \i uuh\lltis ; ilk cIne l ';.; SUllIlIM \' n. xij il. vj ..t. h CllI , fut' fULLI' llltir "r hoa L" III lim, xlviij it hcm, fO l' \' duo; litullC I" tllC :\lul'C L ul)l'o)lIl1l' ; ilk elue a xiij S. iiij II.; SHlU lLltL iij n. vJ il. viij d, I tcm, for ij cIllO lij IU:ll'ul ris HII1::c galiu LO him, xxvij i vj d,

I.OI:U 111011 1'1:":,\sUJ:l-.!:


Item, fur au<' i.lrlil' of hOI to loi11l, "ij l. . u_ It{'UI, r,)f iiiJ e.illC Fmllch talll1{' I.U Au . le. tJl.ul'ltJn,lf, hij ... iiij It Item. {n\" RIIC 'lllMI./Ir steil.: chtlllliot \0 hilll, xx ~. Itcm, ror \' qnnrw ..iI Cl\1 1IIlY tu him, v i. \' d. [!)i1uiln... Ih'cnCl to Thomnll H Ollllrillgill, tltler; ,' Ollll , II'UIII pe~; AlexlIlI(ler (:111111111 t rumpU. l 'elL' Jolm, tl"tlllllld : Tholllrut Iiolljlliu:;:ili.

1l.... L!. {Ol' n

cine .~lIow (Jil'(.,\! 11111.111 to allc guun 1.0 ilL ellll' xi;.. I"1II1IIR vij tt XI' .. Item, tor l)'lI)'11S of Ihe "lilY" w;lh '1111Iil. akillll,
xxI'j ;,.


Item , t OI' iij cine cllnllllot, l'e1la nnd Mnk, ilk 1'1110 xij A. to hil 11o\lbln~ ; .111111113 XXXVJ ii. Item, fOf nne pni\" of hOi to hilll , ix . LX a. hem , fOl' lone Uollot to him, . lte1ll, fOf nne w)'ly co\{' umlir his C()~, \ . I. vj II. he w. tor v ~ dne call1aY to aile cote 1\lld RIlO IlIlir uf hOle to J ohllo !touch: ilk ellle iiiJ i. "j a.; of cnruy fC(1e 111111 6R-IIo\\; lummll uiiij L ix <t Il.I:!Ju, tor ij cluo j quarL/lr {uahall III Iii, douLlaL, ilk elne lj L iiij a., 11111111111 " I. iij It 11('111. fur 0110 anrk 10 Ilim. iJ Il. x Il ItCIII, for liiJ dll~ hlllllC \0 I);nlll, IlIkOtlar ill.. ('Inc "IlJ i., ,llIIl1na lij I. I ~hl, fUI' I\U<' (1'1.i\l111 1' ,lei\; ehaUlIOl to Ilim, x.x i. Item, Juf 1- 1111.i1l t ill i. ("I1'&"y to hl1l1,. I' Q. v d. (::iilUilllr h,tl1dl to lll(' olher f.. looncl"s-HoLerL :Url"loull, .\ Il.!xn utier I..,w, lIlUj uht Uvwucc.) h eUl, for iij ~ clue :.cottis 1.<11111<' I" El1kh l)Qwue. :l:iiij 11. laloon.1I'; ilk ..Inc iiij it.; 11111111).\ Item , lor /lIlO doulol,ll of Cl\IUllltI 111 1111.\ lU."J, iiij l. \-iij It. (<<'Ill, for 'II" 1"'11' of h,. LO him, lilj l. \'iij II.
Ikl1l. ("I" '1111' !lilr},; \II hill!,

iJ i. x d. helU, fOI XI' dm~ Tl\Po;lil \0 tho fmu dliltlir tl1;1t JlIII~'i8 011 the acl"lllIItI ilL ('hiO \'.1 r.. 'iiJ \1. '11111111,1 ,It

. " 1:..


01- TilE

hem, r"r IX chI\' j IjURltll f fustian 1.0 til.lim : ilk clue ij 1. iiij (t.. b1llllUIll x.l(j s.. \'ij c1. Item, fllr iiij I"lir ca!'8lly hos to lhnim IMid, XX\'j s.. \'iij cl. ob. Item, for \' c\no Fmnch ttlmlC to Sehir Jolme Scharp, ch.ljlcUnue,llullilk mllki! ti le :fI,,\ill; ilk due xiij A. iiij J.. 8Utmnn. iij H. "j 1 \jij cl. it(,ILl, for iij cine j qUGI'WI' MI.; n to 11lOlI\aa J:OSllcll, he the Killc,ri. cumm; n\l; ilk dlle xxiiij So; summa iij It. x\;ij i. Itelll, for iij:{ ('Inc Hislis hlilk tI, 1.(uly llet'<c'J'et ill II nlllllliltolln; ilk dne xxvj ~. I'iij It: 61lUIIllR !iij n. xiij A. iiij d. Item, fllf ij ('luI' j rjlmfw r wcllns to hir ; ilk dne xliiij i.; IlimUla . iiij It. xix I. hem, for iij~~ ('Ino Fmllch millie to hiI'; ilk dne xiij I. iiij ,\.: 811111hlR xhj 1 "iij (t Item, fOl' ij~ clue ~ll ill 111111. to'l hit-; ilk clue xiij!. iiij U. : 8LHUIlHl 'l':xxiij I. iiij d. Item, for ix clue I/ollau. \ clnith to hi)' ; ilk ellll.' \" 1., sumum xlv .t. Ilem, r"r ij :4 plno Ilialis lt1NlU to Lmly l\I ergl'Ct ill tho tllsh'lI or "Alinl'UJyh, to .lIle );tluu: ilk r )nl' x:cvj l viij J,; l;U IIlIllII iij 11. \'j s.. \'iij lL J L()!u, for iiJ (>111(> IJlt,k gmy to lylll' hi ,' gulli.; ilk d ne
x iliJ



iij !l \'j d,
\1'(~llu8 10 the

]WIlI ,
) U'IU,

rO! \j ']IWllllris

sui,l l-tflun mul I.e

iij 11. I"j iI.

III1 C t.'(oIlHr; tho (,Inc xliiij

i,; 6mllilln ,

ft)J making (If hir ";:01111 IIJIII collor, \' i. I LCHI rtl! iij IIIIOI't111'18 welllls 10 IlIiC 10011(:1 1 hi r. xxxiij it 0 il.clll, fur IlHlkiug of the &.1'11)'11, ij 11. IlelLL ( r ij .,1111' kJI~' to hir: the ..lne iij ii, \'j ,1. : SUlUUlIl \'ij I. It em, fur \ij dill! II ,/1:\11,1 r1 .. ith til hi,' to III1rkis: ilk ..Inc iiij '- \oj ,I 1II111111Ut xx-:j H.. vj d. 1t"11I, fur xiJ due wdlu!! In l. I" A ; ilk \111\' ~li i ij iI., "unllll:!. -:-:I"J 11. \-iij it 110'111, fUI' "iij dll~' IIIllin tv hil'; ilk clne ~xiiij So ; 8nuunn. i:c 11. -:ij l

1.1)1111 IIlliIT 'l'IW.\SL'IlU:


Ill-Ill, f"l ,j~ l'ila(' ,LUIIl'l In 81,0.1 ..:,,\111 I" Ih.., """. .'lul'm),; Ilk dnl: uiiij it; ImUII., \iJ II . X\'j il

"f. "


he m, ',,1 iij du,'


1.I;,k to 1 111:. tl,t; '101)' 11 :"

b'oUIl t o Lord

dill' xllj i. liij it. . IUIUUlI! . h('lIl, fu r 01110 I leik chnmlot. 10 nllo

ilk )( \ it


iiij II ItCIII, fHr 1J '" olut' IIntin to llin IlI'lIi,lata t" 1IIllilli , ilk cllLe \xiiij iI.; IUlIlnl;\ iij Il ItCIII , for iij due d~lIIce to Ihair jnea~ili: ilk .-lilt; ~ui iij i., 81111111111 ;IJ n_ xij ii. ItCIII, v}-i eln(' IllIhit ~ IYllc thlli r J;Il'atis 811,1 Ij"IILllltif., ill. clm,' iJ i. uij Ii. ,mu\U,1 'l;U ~_ x It Item, fOl' iiij }{ clnl' n.... I(' CflI'1<;I)' 10 11"lir hOil II\" du" iiij .. vj " i IIIIIUIU\ . .U .. iij d. IlclII, rOl' iij (-\ 111' '1"ll1t to 1)'le 11I;lIr IlOll, iiij it \'j It.

I (('Ill , Ilem,

rt))' ij llOll('lla 10 Ihni tu,

iij ('11Il'

r U)

' h1nk to 00 nile


xxij ~ III J nmc

SimIan, Lo rd . \ vcmbk1!l BOil ill NlUCW IlIIt'Oill, ilk I' IIIC xiij it iiij ,t : IU lllllla , xli. I Will, for nne cllU! c:l.l'8Ily to his hO@, iiij i. vj t.1. ite lll , for ij cluc fUloti111l 10 his dOIlI,lnl, iiij .. \'ilj d, Item, for iiij c\1I(' 11'1111(' lo l'lIle Ken-om" IIC ,hi' Killi. rOlll1ull.ntl ; ilk dnt' xiij it, IUllUU:-1 lij I. x'( tl. Itelll, for III\(' 'llIAIl<U IItciL: chiUulul him, llo.:lII, fll)' I' '11llHLIlri.a tlll'bay til hilll , \' 1. I', \1. Item, tho firat (Inyof J tlllllnr, XC c3l'ir Itny, fo r xxiiijol-n.lws., " \'Inl' 1\1' liu M ' Iuhilk Ihe K\II~ Wlif nwn) 10 tun I lIgli~ 1i1l1)iR ; ilk dll(' \ Iiiij;;, : "HIllin" \ij II Xl'j il. item, (ur \ ij !'Ille Mtill !ill.1 xij t h ,e ,Inuil's {Jllllilk the King i,Yflit nwny til olhi,'I!U\ I ngli ~ Inll)'ill, il k (11111' xxiiij i., , ummn x\'iij h. x\"j l hau, tOt iij I'I IIC \l'd iull t}uhilk til\' Kin:; J.!,lif !OWII.I t" l1n1.t.lI:r II lmt, till' QUl'U'-'; IIIlliloH'r (u\..,: ilk dlle diiij .~ .u\IIma \"j 11 x i) .. 1t.:U1. lhe IJ tlil~- "r FcI 'nm" ("I' ij dnt' lIollullil dnilh In '1 ;II~tl'" FI' lIl tl i" , ' Xl'j ,1 Ittlll, the XI iJ 1\:11 nr FCU1'URI lIiJ d uc IllIhil. (r.Lil3<'C


~.n, ]~,,-


to I.Je nne cote to CI1Stofel' nhone his hurnes; ilk cine iiij.:i. iij it,; 8utnillU ' xvij ii, Item, to Alane Coqllhe!'(lll fur Glistoferis hnl'llCll, iij tt, Item, fVI' nne qulli!. hut tl! bim, \'j Ii It!''UI, rOl' Ii "hll' iji CJlHlltaris l~iT"",'C &'\tin to GnilliullI j ilk elue X!o.; 1;l1IllI\la . xxvij ii, \'j u. Iteu), rl>l' \- ' jll:lI'tliris CIlI'S.'IY to him. . \' ti, Item, the xX\'ij dllyof Feilnmr, fol' nue Ilflir h06 to .Inme Tnil~olll. viij ti, [llose LO Johui' l ~\il~cc. Fell;)' Ormne,nu,l W ntte Slli\'clin.} Itcm, fol' iiij}J clu,' Fl'IIllCh tnulle to be IIlIe cote to Johue lie ~tin, ilk clno xiij il. iiij II.: sU lUlUn iij It. I telll, (,)I'iiij clul' Umne to nne COle to Cl'istofel'; ilk cine xiij';. iiij 11,; smllmn . liij I;. iiij l1. I t('l1l, for \' qU!1I tnris l:isJis liJuk to tlln pail' of hos lo him j ilk cille X;(\j A. "iij ,t ; summa lI:xxiij It iiij. d. 'ielll, (01' nM cine (,lll1my to be qUhyt h08 to him,

" ,t

liij ti. "j It.

Item, the xij ll.~y 01 )Jareh, fol' nile piliI' h06 to ,'nme

\lollnil', '

"iij il.

[ ilosc to ,,\t-elie 1)ollgllls,Hiohc 13niJ;;ee, nntl Johuc Houch.] Itcm, fOl' \' clne Rslis Mnk to l>c Lun gownill to the Erlo tlf )llIl'I'ny j ilk c ille xxvj~, "iij n.; SlUllllln vj It. xiij is. iiij d. !tcm, for ij:4 {Ine snlin to thnir dOIlLlntis; ilk cine xxij A. ; Bl1IlHIHI, h'i. !tell!, (UI' iij cine dUlilca to til;lir jnc.,tis; iII, (>Iu]) xxiij g,j H UlJIIun iij It. i.~ ~, Itl'llI, fol' \'}4 clnc quhiL til IYlle thai .. tilluillnLis IIml jncntis; ilk dlle iJ A.; 6I11UI1I,\ xj~.

iij cille 1 C '0,10 Ill'S'I)' \0 Lc 11011 LO thniul j ilk cine xiij S. I'j a. h . xxij S, h"III, 1~lyit \0 :-'[ni~t l.' l' ,'miles \\"n\.SQ1I II{' lui,\,iotl ll fOl' \Ull '\'!lIhlntiM "f BilJ.,'C sntin 10 lhailu, x:uvij S, Hrlll, fVI' Ij ""rill schollc W Ilmim, ' iiij is.



iiij H. \j d. ; Sllllllllrl CIII, for ij l,ollctis to tiHtilU,

1.1)1:11 11" ;11 lIU:,\:o-('



Item. (M ,III'" I'lur 'lul, it h", to .llIInl' Nrwilft.. I."rd.,o. I~ ,h"mlak~ "-'1, iij "J't.

Item, (01' \iij 1'111" JI"I!:t1l<1 bth til ,II>,il' .. ul.:,. ,Ik ,'h,.
iiJ:;, I'J It _~U'IlI";I x:niij ... It~m, t h., xj Ii;.), 01 .\I"iil, r',r ;uw "lit ;til.1 ,III\: 1.'lIll to> .,P. I~-' ('rilt ofl'l' : III.: , .....'(' :'(ij ~ : Ioumlll,' nillJ "Item, for 1111" l.o'l~11 tl) hilll, \'ij i. It"III, r"r ,III.' IM.,wt to .1"lul" ,Ie N,;,tiu, xj i. 11.0.'111, rill IIIW IOli, "e IlfIII! to ik'\I'Ut, f:l1'lInr. \'i. I U'1ll , til<' XJ IL,y l,r Al'ril.,. tor anc l.oIir 1,1;,k 110* tu Quintin }o'u('lu1 , :\J .. llelll , 1M ij I J dl1" :lld.llh' tl1J<ti.\II III Jucol. EJ"lAn'l, 'UII t'l h.~ ,l"ul.lat ; ill; .!II\' ij . \iljll ' ~UlIIII!;', Ij L \'iij It h cm, rOI I' 'I"art;\ri~ t.llWl1 to hill h(.. ilk ..,Ill>! liiJ I. iiij tI ,,.-nml1l:l, \' ~, v.l (~illlilllr liwrira l/) .loh11 ~ t I'1H~1i1l or Ih. K"ir . Inlll\' 1 ~lHil'. Al'e hc 1I0ngh..., tht Lli.tl or l.ei ... tou (Lockhtll'~), Willie ~tri\'clin, .lulll1 Ikli16I'1.', U;I\'id I..: .'r, Jo tIK" lir:IIIIC, .1,\11\1' Tnil~l)l1r , llidll.' J:t1i~('I. ,11111 .rohn fluuch.) l klll, for 1111" pAir H( hue to 1)0W1l1', fBleonAr, I' ~, lU!m, ,'''pt (01 "IIt'IMil 0' 41"1111. ~'l\""lr llt~ to "",,rill'. viij ._ 110:111 , lor ii,D{ cillO lmlnO 1.0 tho Q'1ellc (tllll] Cllnollgnit ilk dne xi'; it; IIlIlIlUln xlij II I U'IIl, ror ij 1~\i1' p;rt11l' ('1\1'811) h~ 10 the 'I"JiIl I",~.


IJ ~,
IWIlI thl' niiJ I I !I~' 01 April\'. rOI \iij dill' .Irllnt'll t(o I .., 1111" ~nlll t.) nk\\,uuwtill 'ilihen h. I~~....il III lugImhl, ilk "III" )();.ii.j iI,; !Hilum;! X\' tt \ij 1;, 1t'_' III. ror I."n~ II~ of it with 4 1uhit ~lilillill, xl ,~_ I kill, fill illJ "lilt' 11111Mil to th, Fmlll'h .,II\lh - III.. ehll' 1)( i.: MHlIIIU' \XX\'j >., (kin, (01 iJ ,111' iij .\lIart;\ti .. rll~11.111 (.0. hilU.

vi ' \'
!l11U. (or v qllJ.rl"ris 1':lI'II"\~' to hUll, Item. ror tine I ~'ir (of __ hout' to \'I'I'II.'\!,


,'l\"I1. iiij ~



.... D.


Item. tlil' fN...! \ll\~' of :\Inij. fur uue pail' of hos to ~omet'.
[ Hose to .John de

\'jij !. iu J)umr,ics nud FCI'gJ'

I to'm.


OI1UII<', :lml 4 pltil' or Muck hOM to Quintiu Focmt ill Oum/ricl.] i.. j>;ur hul;1' null "ij pariH Idl01l8 to ('Ii/;t,orer,

ilem. for \' ~ IIUilrtmis ~otlis I.lok to be tun VlIir hoe (0 ('listofpl ~ ilk due xiiji'o iiijd.: MUUIIiR xTiij it viij d. :1l'lU, rill' uj utUI> nil~'\l l;IItiu to the Inpiu.,i!"; ilk cine 'I: A _IIUILII1)1I xxx I. item, rOI iJ duo iij (1 IHutru' i ~ 8lItiu t.o Johuo )IILSO the II,
elnt' x A.: IUII1I11 0 XX\'ij it vj d . x d. Item, for t:Ilmllle.~ 10 hia uOlllolnl, Ile,l]. iij 1'1111' O,illI1l1 fU8linn to it. ilk 01110 xx 11.: 8UlUmR v I. hem, iij (lInt' iij IIU lu'tar;1 Hi,l.'e Bn t ill, iij due fustiRII fLud e:\tnIllCS, tn nne tloublnt 1II John IlnulllIloml , \\deht ~ielike as .rohu o ;\Insoun. Rnd lURki ng (jt it,

xx:nj i-. iiij d. ItcllI, fur ij ~ (>Iue brouu to Lady .\f Ar'Sre!. in the Custcll of Edin b\l~h; ilk e lne x:\\'j s. viij d. j Sllmma iij H. \'j ~ \'iij It. Item, fOl' hair All{' elm: Ik>rwllo Iyuyn to it. xij il IU'III, for I,M. gm~' umllllnil~il lO it, ix (t Ilem, ful' fine (>Iul' wl'lha t.o it, :diiij Ii.. hem, for IInll.;iu~ uf hir b'Oun, \' ". [1(>\11, for nne (\out Pl'I'lJig to hll" xiiijit. Ilem, (or iij pairilllCilolle to hir, \'j 10. ItclII. for vj I~\ris I;<:holle to .\jnrjory Liiltlesny 1111t! the ;\Iolis with hi l , iiij SIklll, for nnc unCC ril"lnCS to hir, ,. Ii.. vj t1. I II:nl. tIl(> nij (h~ t.f ,Innij, for iiij dne Sc~)ttia ru.aatli ~
l<l .\Iinm <.'okhnrn, bu the Kingis COlllwaml , ilk clue

xn \'j S. h"ln. tin:! thri<l Ih~ (I( ,11Ihj. for iiij}2 elnc s:nill to be




to IJuly ~ l af]!l'I'it 11\ thc C(lstell of 11k cine xxiiJ" UIIIIU!l \. It iij S. \J d .

1.01:11 Jll l;) 1



Item, 1"" due \1'&lIt of i:i!lli. lH'Ol1U l<) it. ilj l '" ..,. 1_ Hem, fur 1~'n~'n c1."th nn,1 lIIal;;. It! hel kirlill atltJ

xiJ It

lU:m, for iij tluurlolrill wlldJ to Ipl\' h,t, ~ouu Iidill of welhlll, ill h, Itcm, rtll iiJ," l,lne I,uknuu 10 IJII'~ the III1UYU \:.>(.IIIIt, \'ij l h"\\I, fnr IJll~'\lr; IIf it. 'ItiU tl'llllhlutlI,g. ij" Item . fur iiJ dill:' lI ollan,1 l:'1.ttlt 10 hir lit'<lc <:lathes.


Iwm, fur i:{ dna 11011;\\111 dnlh lou uir I&rk~ , ilk cine iiij l ; 11111\11111 );'ul'j S, Ilenl, fllr Iml! UUI' mlco qultil 1111.: to hir c1"lhil, xx It Item, for ulle hat. Utlt! Rna lepllt to 1m, x\'ij 11. 1l1:'1Il, for ;1\10 nm:o l'ibnu(!;8 \0 Ilil" ht'tlc lutel, \" a. llelL!, r()t' ij "Inc kil'l'lI to Ilil', vij it Item, tlh' ({'nlllu., IIf Junij [f../ul(j], rUI' :t.\" cine 1o.1IIlC to tIll.' 11011il!n l,il~lril: ilk 1:'I II tl xiij i ,llIIuma :{iij n. Item, for :t) cine eham lot. tn thllir four Ilr,l\llolnli1i ilk cine ix i.: ,mnmtl iiiJ tt );'lx A. itl'tU, f(U" iiij puiri. IIOS to Ihilitll , ilk (lAir :Ii);, lunllUU xh'iij ~ 111.'111. tlttl ix Ilay of JuIiJ. III.:;;UlfI the Kingi. anling It. 'Inij, fOI' v cine ;t,nllow ror UII(\ oot~ tt) 11,,1 7\1()r~ t.n\l~tUtlar: ilk cine \"j lj 11II1111M xxx il. I kill, ror UtlC ,11It' LfIili.'IJ til 1,1'111' it" xij A. vj d. 11(:111. fCIT )(iij 1'1110 iij quan.lril llilm(.. to .lohnt' lie

Scoti[l, LI;.(RnC' hi.



h lluoo;



uiiij Ii.; '11111111;1 X\"j It. x ii, Illtn, f.'r ix elml tRITCtj to lyne hi, goun, ilk dne xij ". \oj ,1.; IlUIUII.;) \. " '(iJ~. Ij 11. Ill'llI, rur ij lI nt) iiJ qll4lrtari.J "ltll' 10 Ilim , ilk (,Ino niij 1. : .1I11l1ll.1 iiJ II. IIj . iiJ 11 1tt'W. (<>1 iij ~ (11I31"1o'ri~ Fronclt "II::lrlH to Iti. hOi. the elh~ xl ~ 111111111113 'us .. ii. flclD, f"r due hat t.. him, \iij ;" fttom, ror IIUf,wllet.t!) hitn,



h"Ill, f,)r U'IU~lali:lg of UIIl' ""Ill.

Ilcllu~ 1(1 him "In] 11m; cllJul,\ul of enlm1Ues~' '-1liu qllhilk WeI' lhe K.in;,:is, viij ;; Iku" fUl .\iiij I'lu~' ' \Ollle.; \..0 I.e a ne 10.'01111 to AIIJru 'It'\\-urt 1l:,.'UUl' hill I~t~'"'e\! ill FI1II1L'il ; ill. eln!!


.\"iiij;"; ~Ulllmil 'nj n_ 'l:vj g. hem, fo\' ix due w.tfctj to IYILI' the SIlmyn: ilk clue ~ij ;.. \j It _"Ull1lIU , \' n. 'l:ij S, \j It. Helll. for ij 1,1111' iij qnl\rtali~ ...atin t .. him, ill. due 'I:'I:lIJ s., liUJlIlWI iij tl. iij ~, iij r.t ltt'UI, f01" iii, 'luart;uis Inglis 'iCllrkt til hill hfl8,. ""'.:j~,

ItI'UI, fur Imll~ltitinJ.: IIf IlIle Cllt~ of !>lIlin 'Iulti!k \\c~ Ih. K.in,:.ti8. ij 11;. heul, tit.' nij ,1.1.1)' of Jnlij, fl,r IIIH' hilt to ('ri!>lvf'r. \;.
for \' 'Iwutali. ll\ak lfl l-.c tun p;tir hOll 1.0 hilll: lilt' elut :l.iij &. iiij (1.; $mnnm xlj i1. liij .1. 11.( '1\1, lhe ,\xiiij .IA~ of Julij , rUt _"ij cine I"lilll ' Mtin to :-'Jaisl~ \;;Irlec: ilk cllle xxiij io.; SlIIllIua "(iij n. XVJ b. It,.. m. for \' rlM rt:lri8 wclhlll to hir; lhe chit, xliiij;"


ii, "-

111'111, fVI' unll rollir tu bir. diij .. Itt'IIl, th, '(xI'ilj .:,1Y of Julij. 1 iij dllt, oj tilt' salil~- U 01' &Ilill t .. hi! ilk \In, xxi iJ " ~ ~ UllmM iij n. j"( i. I I<'IIL for ij d n,' \Icllll~ to hir ilk l'lrw :diiiJ ';", ~urUUUl iii,; n. l"iij ~_ Il"lll. IUJ- louhulll to I~hl' liir b'DlIlI . \ dnf', ilk elul' '(Xij II.; ~mntnll il( ~ ij .1.

IU'III, fOI \" fjll.ilt,ttill S ...'ulli~ hL.lk 1.0 I.e hO$ 10 ~ ri!ltofcr; til<' .,lull xiiJ s.. iiij t1.; IoIIIUlIlO1 !\\'j !.. \'iij 11 IICUl, tIll' !ICIlUil .LI)" of Jlllij. for ij el uc j qum1.ar wcllut
L11.: e lu( xlii iJ i ; IIUItlIllA iiij n_ xix i. h('l/t, ror ij l'illl' J tluarl..lr :-'hLIM fUlllilwt' !(lIme' othir ,b"l>!aL W \Iim: ilk dne iij .. ~ ~UUlllla vj s. ix II. ;';ummn j"'luxxlj h. ij it vj d. ob.
'rES'! ' 1\ ,

to be aliC JouLk, t",l'llSt"fcl


Il lfili T I: F.\s(lI:EI:


h l:UL

~ h ..

~:t LJ

,1 .1)"



1 ~I}iL


Sp'lon .....

I~I ~

Nicholll)" {t he l,rouUsltlr] his

uf this 1I\01ll'til Clf FeLrum, iiij Frnllch I'mullis; ijIHIlIIL;I hj,;..

[HilLli !;l!' wages rClI' March, April, :\by Im,1 JU lle-.]

Ill'ltI, W ll L rour IL11icli menstllil'8 tlUlil e mOllelhi.8 of l lnl"c h, Aprile. Rn,1 :\Inij,

((>1 tilt


crolllli,; HU IILII M h l:nl. III <hLil1illlll, l{lullJ'l>llar, knlTul 1..I"ly

tILl' l'n)!l.:!1 Ito
\,il ll"lI; l ,

ij II. x


\lel~h; 1 ill




lIi m ilul

IllulrLCr ly

IIl'giUIIRIIIIII I ClIlIIlilmC3 iiij Ii. nj iI. vol. It "llnry ilL \Vllit.lumlny,

IJtL\UIlIIS, nlHl l lani nmns 150;').] Ih'lo. tht.' l(:1"(1 lilly or l l nij. Wit.S()ullll)", to thil" .I.u.l:.<1G.. IlCI'80nis nuJi r wl'itin thare leis aud pen!iuuis !Of tho 801i,1 Icrme. In t he first. w ~hir Alu.:fludlr llAkcullnch vf :\ 1!'ltunn, knycht. hid Wil60Ullny ftl:, III. Itenl, to Sehi l Alexllnder 1.111111, },:nyehl his locll8ionu of lhr >\aid l(:nl1(', :o..x 11. 1t...'IlI, t.o &;llir UaviLI Siucll\i l , l;, nytht. hi~ Io('n~i('nn III tllill 1~lmL, nj II .~ iij it iiij It. III.'U I, t il \ 1.lib\t'l" .IHlLLCli lIelll"il;Ou, h Ii ptu~jonll uf llw lIIlill \(:IILIl". xx N. 1'lItdk 1',lllteil", his l-(lhionn of the &lili




til \ 1,li:;kl Willi.llll I )unhnr, his 1)(,lIsi'~Ul ~ic ILke,

\" h. 111"111. lu TI\(Om,LII, clerk of tli ... ('h,j).l('II. hi" 'Il,art.u h,t: , Ii. 1t'III, t" Xithnln.is .\hil1wlllY. hiN (1"1.11.1\. r(~, \j h .1Il.l lilt" '...:111:111\111 "l Ihe o;;lill fet: Ill' 1:ll..ill l,r lilt" ('n~~LUn(~ of loAin\ '\lI~h. l tl'llL. tilt, lift till) ..t :\ Inij. \.I, :-\(ohil Th"Ur;'>, " .,,,,,r~'I1

... lI.l~


'Iuhill.: 8inr;ia (or lhe Kill CC nnd QIl~ ne ill l':lIuJ.,u:;kiullHh. hili Wit80ulluy f~, \j n. :tiij s. iii it h cm, to W"hir )I{riiouu, 11111801111, hil. "' i~ml"y foo sie

h em, to Hannis, gllullllr, Ilil5 peusioltll o( Wit8oJIlI\ar, i't n. \'j A. \jij!l. itcm, to Xnnllik. broudstnl', his WiLsonday fee, \j It xiij 11 iiij (t Item, to Hannny, "Iloollnl', his Wiwmt!ny fee,. x It Item, to Sehir Alc.'-:nu tlct, ll(akY80II, his WiU>OIl(LIY r~, vj H. xiii!l iiij It. Itcu l, to lla.iillcr Walth' Ogih'y, his pensiollll of Wil$(:nIda.y, . \j n. xiij s. iiij II. Item, to Alcxaliller FOCUlt, hia CII8;01l1l (,f the lel1lll,) (oranill, . xlCxiij 8. liij lI, hem , to the ){Ol'(l tRuLI'Ollnr, hia qnnrtnr foo sielike, iiij n. vij 1 \'J d,


h.I'III, LO Johne lI erlish('(le, j)flil;;oull 1111111, his WilJlomlRY

of \\';I80l1Iln)" \'ij ~ Fnlllcb eroullis: 8111111111\ \' II. v l Item, to J"IHlc .\(crel ltl.lllC8LoUII, ll1ill"illlll', hili f<.:e of til!terlllC (ol1sniti, ' xiij It. \"j II.. \'iij t1 IUcIIl, tho \'iij dRy or August , to Tholl\IUJ Clerk, his I!Uarl.'I' (t'C, x ", ILeIn, t.o ~iellolnis .\ J.irulli l)". hi~ quurtJlI' rt't' , \'j". Itcln, tIle -'101<' tnuLrollnr, l l i~ (IUII I'Ul.1' fl't', [iij H. \'ij", \'J (I. i WIII, t1~ \"iij ILly of Allgust. to tl u.l ILIIli..,1I III o ll1<'l'ul('l, lh,\il' \\'l\i,'C fir tI,o wonctliis of .llIlIiJ, ,IuliJ , IIml August, l:)I;\' } 'ranch o.:l'(lII l1 i,,; bU IUllin. x \'ij II. :'I: k item, ll;l.\'it til Illu IlIgli~lIlell or thl.' lenn I! 411 l"UlIIIIC:ti

I Will, t(j the &lu;CI' or Cle;sch, his l'ell8iollil of this



1)"lIIill;, ILe.,illli ll ~eul{'l<i1l11' quiuw: In the li11.I,

I, the III;.:lil1 d,:lIuirlalll' hi" 1",l f ;;;('ri\l rco.', XX \' Ii. 11Ic:lill, ill ~C1'Ui~ \110111'0), ' h'tX\jjtt.XS. h"hl, to) )(:11>11.(>1' U<':lIi"l<t.(,tlc, Iht' QIII'IIif. Th()6;ltIrar. his
h.tH \o.:ri>l r(~" xl.J Ii. :<iij>l. iiiJi l. IU I-:lifl: ill ~,tti!C 1Il(,/IICC,

h iij II \j

\iij II.


TIlF.: .\~Ul!fo:l:


Ilem. to I),;ot'u,ur 1:'II,ilql.Ollll. nlll.I'''',1.il' hi. h.lll :.,,'!ili"" I~.w. r{'(',:O; 11. I IIg:li~ ill ;.;e.,ui~ 1U()1It'C, :'iUS t1. IlI'III, to ~ l uil\h'I' ('.Hllrt\-,li\, l'1l'lk ,, eI\<,,t.lli~ h;lif ."cl';" fOl' lilt' ,.. Ihl tt.'rme, \. tI. Inglis, III S((Jtli~ IlIOlll"', X\'ij tt. x~. I Leul. to l'yel'M ~lniLlcrJlIg, l\Iailltcr "I WIU\lI1' to tho Quell\!. his halt Slltis rcc, x N. ll iglil>, ill &l'uis ItIOnCC, x:'(:'(v tt. IWm , to Hichm'tl JI~tice IIml Il ilr~' /{!JI'lot't unolir hun ill the QuenCli w.lnlroh, thnir hair ;;Clill iij It yj. i\. viij 11. luglis: III Scottis mUIIl'e, \J tt. \iiJ '- iilJ it it(.'lII, lo 1I.1I1I1H'\~ C}~.;, ul.lisl<.'r i!IChru lO the (JUlII!.'. hiloo hnlf Ylri~ fl'C, vj h. xiij ... iiij ,,- 11I1l:1i~; in :,Cl!ltUt Inona:. xxiij Ii. \j ... ,-iiJ It 1\,1'111, 1.0 foAlllIUlL\1 l.o.!vis;I)" illdlM, his haIr licl;" Fee, iij It. "j A, \'iij 11, Jnglis i in &otti3 monce, xj t1. xiij l iiij 11. lU'III, t.o Thomas Schorlnw, his half ;sens tee !!iciik, iij It. vj C. \'iij d. Inglis: iu SC<,ttlS monce,



iiiJ It, h (- IU, to I:lcwlILllntill , jlnrsewJ\lIt, his hnlr bl'nrs fee, iij n. \j >t \;ij {t Inglia; in ::-Conilll11!JuCE', xj Ii. 'l:iij io. ilij c1. h~hl. to ~lnilll('r lIllIll . cuke, his half 2jcrirs fCt of the ljil,id WI11Il', iij t1. \j Q. viij d. In!,llis; in 8couis lllone<!, xj N. xiiJ A. iiij (t. 1"'1\1. llll! \'iiJ tiny of August, to Thomll8 IIr,l1y, gromc

xj N. xiij


()On"i r to thu Qucue, his hnn ;;t'li8 fcc, x:o;xiij fl. iiij d. In);llt, 611111UlIl I' N. x I'j S. nij It. IlllII. ,.., ,'l,hlle I:riehl, })llb'tl of tl,e QU('IlC& chmuir, hir. hnlf ;;;l'Iil r~'C, xx >l Inglis; in N;-f'Uis mont'l), iij It. x >l hew, til (','Uullllr, tllo QUCUili lul1\u, h~ I."n ~"Iia f~'C of Lit!' t.enllc OIl101.1tl, iij II. I'j ;.. I'iij ct. In;.:litI; III ~()tlis IIlQUl"', :a.:j II. "IiJ R. iiij ,t

l am, In Patrick lIill. tIle Qllcuia hm>IIL hi~ half :<,elis fl-'t' of till' 1'11111)'11 leMue, xxxl'j 1\, ,-iij 11 Inglis: ill




n. 'iij~. iiij (1.





I\A'III Tht! til>lt to L'lly "CH'CY. hir hair ;ot:ris rCo! (Jr tllO.: !crlllll of I .lLU ItIL~'>:i fOIMiJ, :nj 11, :<iij!. liij II. Inglis; ill &-ouil! IlWII~'C, Jviij 11. \j~. viij d. ltoelU, to Luly )Jaill!n,,", hit half .lieris lee of tllO ll3itl !crlUe Qf I..llUlllloell, );iij 11 \j . dij II.; <'Ullllltn ill &uttill lLIout.>e. -,Ivj N. xiij it iiij (I. helU, 1.(1 :UaiSll'l;'lI Eleuo.- J(,nea. hit, hnlf ;;etis fee, "J IT. xiij a.. iiij II. [ugli!, in ScoHili mouee, :<.'(iij It. vj ~. \'iij II. ["'ill, ltI Mni~IL ... HnLk'C, hir Imlf ;seru. k'fl f.r lhe terme '8 1'"",,,i,I, I .. 11I).\'li~; ill St~llli8 \lIOIlt'\:, viij II. ~ \' 8. h"m, ttl .\l rll ~ trl'fl F nUlei~. hil' hnlt ;seris foo sic like, I ii. 11I~lis. in :-\colli" I!IUII\:." ' viij It. X.' it Ium. 10 )II!I-:-;n~il, the eh.llllil\;lr, hir hnl( ;;erill ret', '(~xiij ... iiij d.; 111111111111 ill ::k:vttis 1II01lC\'. \' II..wj iI. Iii.! a.

Lu: WAGI,;.
'II) 11,,) ur S~'I)lcLIII"-'I, I .. lhe I l.ulkll ralul, 11 ~u 1 \, "1:)'" rul 111\ 1UI1IlNIII~ uf :-icl'lcm i.<'r, UUQhcr, XO\'I'mloer, );-',. Fl1Ln~h cruullil:I; "UIIIIII:I xI'ij It. x So IlCIII, Ihe XJ Jay ul X"\'cu,l~r, l'ayiL ~o lIur )I('I.olli8 ulhlinniliu lit'lir l"=II";Olluili I!lul rei! ('It tllC It'rUll' of :'11.11'1. y 1I1~''''; III lit!: III ,,1. Lll :-.elli.. ,\ !l'x,tIlJe!' ;\Iukllllltocli of )krl... un, "n.hht., hill fl'c Iff "unYIII!:II, I H. Il"lll, III S4:hil" j),l\i,ll'ill\"ulul'. kllycht 11(>111 ,


IlI l' lIl1ol

I kill, t" :lLl.ilil...) Lut)lLlt'S. Il"'I1. t" :l1 .. i~hr



Il l' utiSl 'iI,




1'lIl1ll'ir, hilJ


"r ,.r

... '1:'"

It .

1Lf'1II, tv ll!uIIA:r Wilham UUlllur, Ili~ 1"-'I1I11"nll O' ....lt.1lG. ;U"rLrmC v tI. ILeUI, 10 H..:liir 'I1WllliUl ;\("ntchiU'1 lhut IIill;..,"1 (('I tile Killg 1l11l1 'lu"'I!' ill l';III1II1I~kill'Il", Ill!! :\lurtllUl (t'(' vj 11. :\iiJ " liij Iklll, lH Wlllt;r :\{eriiollll, m;I~'m. hi" 11'(' r :\ llolrLlIUCII,

IU'II1, I.. :\1 .,;r.1\'r Wahir ()'.cilvy, hi" 1"'11"1,,1111 IIr the tcrl1l<' (........ i,1. \J n, ",iij ~. ii.j ll. Item. In XUllui!.. I.nlll.btui., hill ~llIt)'II"" (.~. \',j t1 !(iij ~ iiiJ II Ih:IIl.lu 1I.IIIIIil.I:UIIII.II, hi~ )hll~YlIIll 1.. .. Ili,OUII, ;X n. \'J~' \'iiJ ,I F'''''-,Irl. hi~ l~'II~i"ulI ..! th. l\'tlll<' It"III, I" _ '.111'\'" \].ux;iJ A. liiJ'1. r'"lI.lI,l, fuk"lJur, hi~ :\I'III)'IIU. (I... I~III , I" 11 111111;1,




dJ ~~ From-II cUill n i8; 8UI\IlUil \' n. \. S. Ih'U!, 1.0:1 .Julllll' 1f<'lli"-'ICill, ])u;lfllLli IlItlil. 11;8 :\lflflYWCtI

II,"' :-;'I"ier (If (;I"illdl , hiH ~l!lIl)IIII'" 1"-'II"i""II.

ilem. til ,11.lm,


I.,. ll,"tJllIl'II
:\iiJ N.





Iklll, til N:hir Ai<'XRUdcl' \lnl..)!,,,", clMI,,ILuh'. hil 1'1:1I11111\\U ..f 1111' Mi.1 \{'nllt'. \-j It :\iij ,_, iiij \1.

Ihm. Iii ... xj '\;1), lOr SO\!'1I11 ...!'. I" Thl,m:I!I, tit-II.. II' lht' cll.11'1'1I, IIi!! 'l'mrllif rlc' L'II'lIm, _, tt h "IIi, lu Xidh)l l\i~ Al,inlt'lliy, hi_ flll,lrl,lr tli! eitlikr,


n, ;

.m,1 th..


he \ kill III llu' CU.!tlIlIlIE'l of

.. ie hL,,, iilJ n, \ij'" \'J't. ilou, lh. thri.1 ,111~ "I]) Io,Io('r , " dlc' haJj.1I 1II, .. W1lt"I..... ll"I\I' 1',.'Il'll"'1II f" llll' 1I1"1"'thl~ "f J)':"'''''III~'r, .IUIIII;l", ,111,1 h,I,"",r, \ H Fflllldl (:\'''lIlIi" ...11-.1:.0:..&
,nUll".! \\ IJ n ~ iI.. .. hUll, the li!'lll ,t.I~- lOr ,Inl\lur, I.. th .. 1.1~lItollll '1'11I"n hD

t~ I illlo1l1ll1i It.'m. II' llll' 'Iun' t.m1.ron:lr, hi~ 'luar!;IT 1.'II~i"lIl\


OF Tin:

~,CI. Ud.....

('nle-ril lO Wtlf;\! rUT thil lIl"u('~h of .11\1I1mr, iiij I'nu}(:l.

cl"UlluiJl; 1II II11nl\ Ivj Ii. l~iI\, to tlt 'l 1)I"II>';lil'. hiA \\II},'C for the lII'Iid lUC'Ilt:l1l, h'j A11l'IIl, lhe; l\eC1Ultl Iiny ,'f Felm)'lr, to tile; rayntour for thi,. lII"u('lhil wng,', hj i. h~m, to the llrui&..w, t;iclike his monethis \\nb'<' for the LlIII~n IUOIlt:Lil, h'j 1I. hem, to the )\ OI'C tnubronnr liclike his qunrlnl- fee,

n. vij !l

\'j d,

to l1n:mms, c1el'l. or the cIlRJX'II, his qunl'tnr foo,

Ij It

itt'hl, to xlc holuil A],irncthy , hil qunrtn r fee,


.tn,llhe I'('mn llC II~ INlyiL of eU8tUluca of Edinblll ~h, llelll, to the !tnlie-nis lJu::IlJ:;lralca, llmir wRgeS for the 1l100l<'lhilof \(nreli nl\ll Aprile to CIII.I, :n'j F'rallch I'nmllll nlld xiiij It I::H' t;8: smmun :<j n, xiij ii. iiij d.

Itt'llI Iho \'I1J day of }'cbrun r, pllJil tho luglis tLli'lIl1is r.~i~. In the first , to Re hit, HHU r " NUCY, chnill il'lnlle, Ilis Fc(' of lhis tCl1lC of CUlIuihllC3, \:'it It. [lIg1i,,: ill Scullil IIIVIlct', Ix\x\'ij It ." it J tl'llI, to \ln iM tt'r 1k'IIC!1tclif', 'J'h~\lImr I" Iltt' l}ucIIC, hia h'llr ~c rill j"\.'C 1,1 1 111\' lWllc fOl"8l1iu, \\j II... iiij.i iiij ,I. lu;::li~, in S(OUi.lIl(ltlCC, h'iiJ II. \"jil. \'iij (1. IWI II , to 11"1.1(>111 11.1 1'lIlglolIlI, nlll1(..,.;;ur, hlb III\H ':;('1;5 10,<" x If 11I;.:lifI: ill ~ouis UlOm.1:. xxx\' It Ill-III, ,,, ' 1 ,li~,," 1 t.mIR\nil, clcrk l,f dosel. his hfllf 3f'ris fC(:, \' II. 11I..:1u.: il1 ~ottis ilion(\', :wij 11. x b. 1\<;111, t.o 1 '.rcli~ ) lair,('QIIg, lUnisur ..r \\(\III",h 10 lhc t)U <'IIC, hi" haU ,,,,,rill (\.'C, Il"I11, to tlt.lI!t'UlUl" IIlItlil' \1)111 ill thl; wnlt .... b ,h,lU' lUll( ;>.tri- fcc. ilJ II. \'.1 i. \ lij 11. 11IgliM: in :::.cotl i!! 1110111.'1.', .. j It xii.! i. iiiJ ll. 11('111, ,,, 1/ .11111"-' ('Irv. wli~ur ill('l",ir l(, tli, QUtl1l'. his h;llf .,('11_ f,,' lIf tft< 'I:fill<' ("i'tI<lIIl, '-j Il \iij ~ iiij It. I ndi, ill So'OIlI" l11"Ul.... ,,~ii.i Ii. \oj.~ viij.t.

1.01:11 111(11 '



h em, W
m Ollet',



the IU lil"


IN'h'\II 1 hllH ;I,('ri, r,~ Clf ..... 1!l66 ." lij It. \j ... \TJ ,I 'UII"lla ill Sl.,uit

"J Ii

lOl.\ .

iiij .t

Item, to TluJU\'11 ~h .. r..J,1\\. IN. hail", ,iI;likc I,ill Iluif ;5eril fcc, iij It. \-j ... viiJ .1. lugli.-l j ill N"(,lLi!l 111011('(',

"'J 11 xiij'; iiij d h em, Lo Ull'\\IIl:tutill, I,I\I"!I('\\IIUL \.(} till: (JIII'IIl', I,i. half 3<-'rill fl', iij n. "J;' \ iiij.1. lugli .. , iu S('I!llill IlI(lll1.-e,
"j I, xiij" iiij d. h;':l1I, LO Mui~t.'r lhllll , cuh 10 lhe (~n. nt". hiR \MU ~.. n' ,....... r lhiA tcl1m: fOr ('IIIUlilull'lo, iiJ 11 oj, \'iiJ It. Il1g\it j ill N,'nUis 1II1'1l1l'l'. 'Ij II xiij ~_ iiij II. Ih'lII, w Th"ItI.,~ i1 ully, gloll1e l MJlLlll, hi~ h,,1f ~,'riR f~-..: (If the b'nu,' ftJr"Iolill, \ ,,)'iij A. iiij .1.

1t.t.'1I1, Ln J tlhl1c I! l"icht, IHlgc of till' Qllem... Ch:UII,', hi , half oolis fN of th e lillie! lA'nlle, x", H. InShli j ill ~lli!l nlOn ~, iiJ n. xi 1((;111, 1 ('mulle.', luUl., to the QUelle, hi~ 11.,11 ~l'"ri. fl-e, iij n. 0 'j il \iiJ.J II1Sli~, ill Scotti! I.lom'c, xj tL xiiJ So. iiij (I. ItNII, ttl ('nliili lIill , fUITon r 10 Ihe QUl1\(', hi, IVllr ~"I111 rl,t-' lhe t" nlle fursaiil, \XX\'j ... viij d, In~Ii!l; in ~olli, mOIlCf', \j n \1ij i.. 1iij It.


III ti,e 11I11t, to 1 .I',ly ""mo)". hir lUlU <;<li" Iw vI lhc t.cn,IO 01 l"l1l1lihlli!8 1011\."lid, X\"j Ii. Xi1J'" iii,1 ,1. 1IISli$ : ill &/fttil 1O{l1i0<', hiij 11. \"j" \'iij d. 1 ~1U, tu l,;l.ly \1.,il!trt"S, hi! 11.,U O<'rill rre ,,( til" IIlI,1 I\'nll<' xiij n, vj':" \'iij ,1 1 11~li"; 111 N,!t,Uil 1U0t1fe, xh-j n. ,<;iij J. liij II.
h"III , tn U"I\OI, bir 11,,1/ :O;"li~ rl~ II' the !<aid tl"llJlI~ of ("oIll,hlllll'II, \J n. xilJ 1. illJ 11. 1110:1,. ill ~"ttu-. """\l'~ X -dij II \j'" .. iij ,I.

l li'UI


n.lrl,'i!, hir half


~I'II!I '\'0 ,,(


l;I.i,\ ternle . I iI. IlIglis, III

\iil h. x .. ~

>.rl, 1~5.

iLem, to ~lAillln.'IIFrnncia, hir 1.. ,1f ~cria fet.' aie hk~. t b..

Inglis' in ::;c.... nis monee. .

viij II, XI'!\

hell!, UI )lcl"greit, lhe chl.lluircil', hi l' IInH 3eria ft"C. of the Mil l lcnne, xx-.:iij A. iiij d. Ingli"; in Scullift 1l1\)III'e, I' n. xVJ I. l'iiJ n.


to .\nd w ::iLcwnrl, Duke of ,\Ihnll~lg StJo, hi~ 1"'n,ti,,ulI "r the llIollcthil of FcllIudr. llRrth. ,lUll .\t'litc. XXI' Fmllch crotlni!>; 5UIIIIlhi



xviJ n. x A. It.-III, lIl" lil1lt d,l)" of Mareh, ltl the ''''l"tullr ,lIId the ""1>0,\1" th;\il" wn;,;c f.,r thil 1I\1I.11:1h I.f \ Lm:h, ilk \lIIC liiJ FI'lIIIl'h [cl'JUIIUsI: aUIIUlI" \' n. xij A. [1.>:111. Lh. lil'!lt .i.l)" .. t '\I 'lik tu die 1~llllluur hill wnge (01 the II:JIU)"II lIIumth, (UIU Fmnrh I.;.\tlunill ~ Illmilm



h.'m. tOJ till" t,ruu\I.s1.t11" hi" IIllgc for tl.c s..,\lIIyn 1.IV Il!,:lh,

hj &. hdll. nll,l ,1.\1 tor )h.lj. to ,\1\.\1\' l'ikll,lll, till: Ullk(> or \\I~UlYlli ""n, hia 1"'-II&nllll (.. I' lhe lII"ul'l11i.s ul )l.liJ. ,I\llLij. lI\I.l .llIlij. xx,' FtIlmh CI\JIIIII", ,"unum. :\dj n. x is. Iklll. 1.0:. GlliIIJ,tlll. l.IIII'INlar, hi' 'I'L"tILII" r..'t' to tllm, iiij tt \'ij it. 11 It h.,ILt. tn till' :\1 .. "" t;ull,,,,.uur hi~ lluMtar rl'e ttl tUIIl bic likl:, iiiJ l1. \ij io. I'J 11.
Iklll, ttl th, 1t"II"1! IIIcu~lm\u lhair \\"gc rur tIll' mUllet\ .... ,,' ~ IAij. ,I muj, !lIn.l .1 ulij, "" \" Jo'much cn'Ullili , ~mUllli' nij 11. " Ii h"II', 1\1<' .......,'1111\ ,I.,.r "r ,Iunij, pilyit I .. lhil' )oc'..... ui>; unolinl rit11l LI"'iI 1...lIsi"lIis 111\,1 {tis 01" thill t<'nllc of


lit tl ... lin.t. I.. s.,hil .\\(>x"1II1cl' "nkcnl-

~1.'lC("'n, kll.\lhl lli~ \\"it"'''I!.,.\" fl'\;, \1<-1". , .. :-;"lIil 11,1\ i,l :O;UW1UII,



J!AIII. t .. '\1.,i~h'I".lulU\


kll'" r Wit ,,"tin,'

of thc $/lid )(~ tI.

1,011 1) 111f:" TJ:F.\sl'I:E1:

Itf'm, to ' Inish'r I'atri!; I',IIIII'ir. I,i.'1 l~n~i"l1l1 of Illi.~A.D. XlC\' 1\ Wil.);tIll'\IIY I I'IUII', h,'III , til }'llIi~tl'I' \\,illi ru ll JJunl ~lr. Iii ''''I1.'''''U, of lilt' It"IllI' (1'1$ 1111 , . V It "I'LU , to :-\(lIil '1'110111:111 :'IlmNhlll,l, dHlI'.JlmU', Lhll~ ;Lul-ti~ fUI" thl' Kin:.: nh,1 iJucnc iu {'iI:llhnMl;innNh, hi.~ \\'11",.n.lny f'"I' \., II xiij k, iiij II. IU'III, til ,\r<li~It'r Wnltir ().<",jh~. hi'l Jot'U~i"llll lOr ttd~ INIul' uf WilJo<lWlAy nud nl~()r t hl' lei lUI' (If :\Iartp~ IIl'xt til l'I HII , Ill' th., Kin;!i" CUIlIIIIJUltI, ~iij 11. IJ l "iij ,\ It em, ttl Wnltil' ''''rlioun,I,li'l\Uuu, hi 1~'II~iolili r,r thf' 5;li,1 h'nu<', xx II. IWm, to ~'llIlIik, Iwvmlslllil', hi ~ l>l'INoun "I th., .li.1 I('fmc , \'j n. );ilj ~. liij ,I. Item , to H nnnis, gUUlHlI', lI ili 1"."I1/iio nll of thl' Mi.l !A:nUt, ix n. IJ ~, I'i ij II iL<'UI , to Sthir ~\ If'xall<lcr :\ lnliylOOu , dlHl'tll,ll1e, hill 1,0('118[01111 uf th., tellLli,: Wil8OILtI'I,. fons'li,I, vj Il xiij l. iiij It h~lII . to 11<11111;1), fak-onar, his WitlOliuny f{'1' fUI'SiIill, " ti.


Item, til ,\\l'x;m,ler Focnrt, h i~ I'tU!iIOIlIl eol tl,e SIliu l~nlle of \\'iOo'I1' \",I. nxiij h. iiij,J, Itelll, to lhe :::itluif' r IJr l'lei..;('h. hi, 11('1,~iollll of t he 5.1i,1 ((,rllll!, vij}'.i Fmllch no.mi' ~mmnn

" It.

v It

Itelll, to ,Iohll(' II crt.seid, pllil;;'JIIIl 1U1I1l , hill fe<! nf ti l(' 1('111\1' fOI'$liI1, . 19 11.('111.\.0 ,Io hll l,\ :\ ll'l"chalUctjtollll, 1I1;\I'in,lr, i,i~ hnlf ;<;1'1 ;1; riO(' of lhill !('rUlC Ilf Wi tsuuth.)", xiij h. I'j ;;. l'iiJ .t " "11\,\.0 ' l'hnUt"$. dtrk lIf thl' ,'It.'I>eIl, hi., lilla i tal' fe<',

x II.
/t('III, In Xidl{.1.lill ,\I,il1l<'lIl)", I,i~ 'Iuart:ll' floe \"j Ii. "nd lhl' 1 l:lll.ollltlIt I,., I..ki" 01 Ihe ct\!I\UIUCI 01 E.1iuhurgh.

(\.Cm, lAo


.Iohue :\Iurrnr, d,npdlune now ill


Killgi! dlil).eU, hill fil'fit quarlar fl't

x II

I :? ij
. 1I.1SOl.

.\ cCOUXTh OF Till':

ltt'lU. to tb., I'llyntonr, hill wngo of Jnni.!, iiij Fmllch CTOlIUil. ItHrHUn h'j &. Item, to the blu!Vtir, hiti wn&'C of Lhe &nid tnonHh, hj &. hem, th .. secnnd (byot ,Julij,loa the p"Ylltom, hill wu~;e of Jlllij, . h'j l Item, to the Lntll.'til', his wo.go of the llAid monelll of JuJi.!, iiij 'Fmlleh crounis; i>uUJm ll h'j i. Item, thl! first ,lHY of August,loa Uuillimn, t.nul!ronar, hill \\1lt<.>e of lhe Ulouel:lis of .August, September, October, iiij It \;ij l. "j 4. hem, to ThomnJl, clcrk or the Cill1llell, his qunrtor foo of thi, U'nno of l..!tlnnles, . x l1. Item, to Nycholnis Abil'llClily, his quortftr fee sic like, vj n.j nlld the rellllmcnl pllyit of the ClIlllulIlC$ of Ediulmrgh. !tem, to Schir Johuo ~Iurmy of thc chnpell, his qllllrt.nr


itcm, to the pnyntour, his wnge of August, lvj >1 Itcm, to tho bruMir, his wnge of thc llIlid mOllctll, Ivj i. Item, 10 the ;\rCll'C t.aubTOllnr, his l\1lgc of t.hia lUoneth of August nl1nne rly, xxix B. ij ct ltelU, \0 lho Italicn lUenstmJCII, thn.ir wngcs fol' the 1lI0nl'thi& of August, Septelilber, Octobcr, )CX)(V Fmnch eNnui,,: IUlflmA ;\:I'ij It :c ~ SUUlllln . l'i:cru\\'ij If. :<j A. I'j d. 'l'R)a:r A

I)VIlSA lI":Ol s.

AUlHl I)Olnini lIIillf..,.imo




11('111. 1110

ctty of fo\hruar, i-(it1lu to tllIC ",rYAnd of :oi!.t'\\,ut III \rlnlltlc lhllL com to fo~lillhlll'gh to




LO in. III G Il T I:EA-; Ul i}o; l:

[1/'''' .




jill), n r ,,'pl ,rn ," ', In

\ l " ~,~"jl"r

\ 111;,'"l1,,,,h,"'''' 1!o4Hr"

:diij i, Item, to Thow UikirtOILII, Uc tho.! Killgill oomlunulI, Ilil:l hO met. fOI' Cl U mo ncll. l .i lli! ~L, ' l'8 C . xliiij s, HCIn, the XI' dny uf F d nuUI', be the J\i llgill CUhlllLllllll , to ])unol., Ut1l11{', ~x\'iij ,~_ ltl'ln, to Thom JiuLet, of b ddil ~il\'er (,f nne hoi'll gitli n to the i\in~ l..e my Lonl of lJullicrlCllyne, ix oS. \t rill, 10 AI,'xHlltlcr Lm , faleomLl', in part of p:tyment ur hi&hors meL hipW>t, ' X'\:\'iij >I. ilem, to H ownc, fuloonur, t;iclik", hill hon; Iud, xx\'iij it Hl'.LIl . the x\'j IL'\y of Febnlal. to Wtltle 'I'umw ll. be the l\ingis commanli, xlij So Item, the x\'iij dtly of Febl1Hl.l', to :i\fOSUltlU, 1 ugtlir, be 1(11i the l\ ingis colllmand, iiij Frnneh el'Ounis; su mmit h'j ~, IICOILI, the xix dny of FchnmL to I:iehnnl Wallns, ', IL\CSI>Cub 'l'ir, with the l'eeoc,;nieiouis of G l(' I1 ~Ll th i l and aile MIHllUoudis 011 the Erie of ];U(11I1I/\11 fo r the lundis nf Qucieh, ami aile lett re to the Shire! of l'crth, xx iI. item, 1-0 o nvitl TCIl11 hn[]lI, IXUiStlILlI with the recog:Ji lLieionis of ('m'Stl'Clllchilll, Spottis, Unlbnty, Gordoull Iltouu . Grcnane, and B.'1.ll.llIklt'lnne. uml Rile summondis on the lHrLlis of Dntmmel63il', Ul'ochl0I1 11, allli GI'{,csLatin , (1]][1 01 the nssis fol' the lien ') ng of LCl'lIhnroeh . \ xxx ii, IteLll , the xxij dol' of Fcbl'tlnl', pn~i t to H obcl~ l:':'rtO\\I1, thnt he btflf the mnri m His Hint day the Kiug: tlynyt in xiiij i!. the schil', l tell1, for IItmy to the Kingis cb:uu ir, ij i!. i klll , thl' :n; iij tiny of Fcbruar, t) AJCXillK!;:.. KeN!. to Ions the " ill~ill blOre tl'lhilk \\.-s tanc 'luh('11 he wes Abbot ol l' uI'CSOUlL , ' \'j 11, xiij S, iiij d. It''ln, to ,h.IUI'-II .\ ,"cry, for schoillg of the (,hll'llill hors ill PCl'lh, l)ulI fe rlllI Y and I-AJ ill UlIl1,!h SCII .1 nli.i hi past, lu,;, iij h. x~. \j U.

t.o th o.) I\ingil! oommnud,


ACCUtl N1'S OF I'll F.


Item. t.o .\.nlll"o


ho tho Ki ngis commaud, 8imilar cntriee of xiiij a I"rious

6111L18. ]

Item. thl> xxiiij tiny of Fohrunr, 00 tho Ki llgis cormll nllll, to lhe Squiel' of ClcilKlh, xiiU 1 Item. t.o Kiuiullo BlindllCheill, t.o pM to ALin.!OIlO,


Item. to nne nUIll of ].luklillU! that com witb leltl"el. to



11f'1lI, to ]. Inist(w ItobcrL Sehaw, I.e tho Kingis comlllnllll, iiij It. iiij iI. I'j Fmnch oI'OU lli" , a\UlImn hOIIl, 1.0 Amlro S\.{>IYllrL. he th ... Kiu!!is (!(>mllUllld, {luircII h(> pnssit to UUlll}1lr II.> ,peke \Iith .'I.>hne emw linJH! lleik. xIiij it Itr-m, the xx\' lIny of Fchnulr, be tilt Kingil ('(\lIIlIInml, to nllo IlIgliarntln Urocht. !llle hors to 8('11, xIiij it Item, t.o William F0C3rt. to pas to lrotlll'oll LO fech nne hors LO lhe King, ij A. iiij t1.. Item, t.o nile mnn tllIl~ hrocllL pikis LO the Ki ng fm ulChlcw;u, i!l it Itf'm. to the lischana thnt fiac:hit the IImnk;s of Stl;lelin. bo lhe I';: ingis COllllnnlld, "ij 1 Itl'lII, to nllO mnll of l:uquhnmll!.l1 hrocht piki!!lu till' K iug, iij , item, to nllo mnn of )(y Lord of Cnmunskillllcthil,ol briJil5il\"ir of nll~ 1,I.!k h(lI"1l, ix I. h~'JU. to ,\Irx;mlll'r 1,;\11 IIml 1)(.lI"u(, faitullnr, Ix: lhe Kiu;.ds (01111111111,1 , .\iiij ,;., 1"111. t.. !Jaml, Houle, thnt tlH Killg 1)lIt un lo.n!: II"r\lk-c, . xiiij it ILcru, to the enltcll.Lf or ~tril ... lill, for tllloc ,I."go.ris l.3kin 'I~L Ili ln to the I\ill:.! ilL ,1i\,no t)II1C11, XXJ SIkrll, th",xx\'j,uy or Fcllillilr, f'lfIlU\! hln t.v the KinSili hIlILj~. xiJ ,t Ileln. 1'1 Ullclour C:ulinll, III. til(' Kiugil COIUIIUIUd, ".i rr'L'Il"h nmmill "mnm:"! iiij n. iiij A

I.IIIW HIGH THE.\s!"!:":I:


Item. 1.0 U;\"i,1 Halfour of til,' .;;.,lInr, IIIJ tILt Kin;,:i. C<IlU- .... O' muud, x Fnmch (,T"Ilullis, ~\llllln,l "iJ n. Item (lilt' :rc);\j thy ur FdJruat'], W ,101m Fmtplliilt 'plil,'n ho.ll);l68it ill Fl"lIl'<' X Fl'IlH:h ('Iuunill; ~I1IUm'\ vij It. Item, fIJI' !;d,lill t" tilt :.;unlill U( l.illlith'IW, \ne J>I1Utl iLL~,l)un,,'hl, ;llll" [luud I"ik tjO'ill, ;111,1 (,tilir !IiI"'!"!> 1I1L11t1

or ,gUIld


~iij A. " II.

Itt'lLI, to lIlI" .Irmurar to I~Uj ill "'La u,!~ tn (u;ll n1U' vthi!' IInuomr, 00 the KUI~,'18 OOIU1UilUd, X Fnmdl c:rouuis; sumllla . vij It Item, the xX"ij tiny of FcionJaI", 10 J(llltl'8 St.4;wllrL Iinn.1 8t'ik. he the Kiu~i8 colllllulml, . x'(I'iij iI.
ilem. the ]lItt .1.1)' or F~hnmr. to ,\ ;ull"l) :-' 1~1" n lt , be: the Killgis eOllllllllull, ix ~.

itelll, tho till.t dny or :'>lul'Ch, to thUle/till' Stcwnrl. IJc

idj n. iiij 11;. h em [the 8\.,.1111\] lin)" of :'>lnrc.h]. to GuilliclII, t.muI'Gnar, lcm.ml till.' Kingis dochtil" to dUllS, l..e lh" !\ingis
cOIlllnaml . x,iij;" itCUI, to till' umiSICI' ouke, hc b<O.if ror scidi& to thc ;)nird df S l ri,clin, x it it('lII, to Gl'tll'glll'fLlII[!1J.:.'I1, gardiu,u of bll'j\,clill, (or tnill 10 IiCt ill :-itrin'lill, I' FI'alleh CI\lUlliI. 811111\111L

the Kiugis e'IIULIl!LIIII, "j Fmudl (,1'Guuis;


ItcUl, tn


11I1I"SClmul, to 111\.1 W


iij It. x S. the

3otiiloC of Hrul1l' upon tho 8C\IVI.g of :\lul1:;O ilolllcs

1}~,l'Ii, x:(,iij it helll, lhe thrill JnY'lf )1:\1'1::11, I.... the KILI1;i!4 (","1II3UII,

:.;illiu 10 "Hisk'I' lIe w :-;I":IIS 1<J ILI~ t~II\:\ ..!i ill 11 ..:trllle of lilt' 1!i'''~1ioun. x n.

11('111, to 11,,1.1.,


fOI' tltt'


IIUg" thnt

kepi& thc ,:rct. lIura, frn tlte xj (tL~' o( XO\"tull .... r l,ipuH lO the thrill Ilay or :\hu\;h, (lnilill,; ill I'''xj d'lyili; ill.: dlLy \'iiJ ,I , ij\llIIUla iij It ,(Iiij~,

... o.I!.oH.





cheldis \Io,gll


lhe SOWlil hora in

)teth,'cu: Ilk dar iiij 11.; aUJllIllU , A. \'iij cl Item, to .\lunndct I'ott,:\\Hl'l, deno of limIt"..." Le the Killj..oU! COIlllllllUd, cplhcll lie Illy seik, \" II. Item (the lift. tLlY oi :\II\l'ch]. Lu .JIlIU t:S SWwurL lillnd scik, he the KilLl,"" COIilUlIIlltl, X.'tV I. itelll, [0 JllIUI! DOJ,!. to ft.."tl certllllC clll'i.a)..~ IUOIl tu Lodulinlonu with the Kinbrillf.,'t:rt', xI'j If. hem, t" lhe Fnlllch glll\Jillor of :-;trivl'liu, IJe the Kingis OO!llll1!lm.l. ill 1"CCOIlIjJ(l1J8lItionn for his duthill ~hre ~ris LiJ.'l'l:;t. x Fmnch ('I'0I1U;5: SUlUliln vij It
h!.'!!I, 00 tbe Kill~i~ comllliulu, to seh;.' AloMnum' )lukmdloch, that he 111id dOlln for certllne l'CI>llmlio lllL in the 1'111(:c vf LinJith{lw, . . liiij 8. \'ii,i U.

item, to tho Fmucll smyth. I", tlM'l J\iu):'ili cUlIlIuRml, xiiij 8. Item, lhe \'j d"y of :'Ibreh, tf , the Killil 1,;,uoteU ill hi. ~I\lrs, of C}nhit sildr, xl S. IICU), ~o Hobbc, fl.lconnr, IX !. Itcm, 10 JnCIt~ Terrell, Lc the Killgis cOltllunllll, iij Frand! CI'OlIllllI; IIUIiII IlIt xliJ ii Item, to Hne lUlIll I'Ctl his hon: dede brillf:,'1111\1 lIlle hlid of Btllr fm LI'iLh to IAlClillli,l..me, und lie the J\ingis conml/md, xXI'iij a. item, lho xj dilyof .\Iurch, 1 l.okke l.iIH1<'fln~is IU(LII, tJC (1 tho 1\;n:,:i8 cV1UUlllmi, xiiij iI. Item, to tlw IHt nlunc uf the i'r~' ri:. .,f j)ll1ll1 rl't,js, lie the ]i:ingi!l 00111111<111.1, ~xdij..1. Item [the xij ,la} of .\Janh), La tho lllusonill in Loch
lIIahlllH,, ' ;\.xj i.
~hnre ,

h cm, to .John UnIUIU)(lIId, wricht

of l.itillksih'ir,

ItCIll, tu th!! crukit \-ic;, r of Ul'llIufrcis, be the Kingis cOllltU,UJIII, xiiij :i. !tenl, to thru hthdnri!l IlHd lIlIC tJipHr tlwre, loe the Kingi" collllllllml, xxI'ij !. Ikol. tu Sd,il' .1,,1111" \ln~:,.(I""", 1~' th, 1\;I1~i" t'IlllllluUi'1. I'iij Ii viij;., ""'"I lla

IhlU. I" ,uul11:m. 140 lUll

Ih;u'(', I".. ('(Iuhlawl. "ij A. ",I\. Ih.. ",. lot' tI~ hin;::lS t1'Il1I411wl, xxI'ilj ~ IlI1I1. itti' :\liiJ ,l.u' "f :\Lm'l, 111 1'..t,1i.... In Ih,' prl'ist. 111111 I'I~ hil th.lh, I., Ih, Kingi .. (''''IIlIlIIn,l. ,.);\'iij A. 1t~'11I, In II ... I'd, ,,( 1:"lllIIill"~ (111. .. ,1-4('. I... the hiugis tnlll,",m,l. xiiij \. 1tt-lIllth":\1 ,I'I~' ..r ~1;II\h]. 1~1.'it.Il' .I .. hlj(' htllllll~. "/Idillnr. 14ft Ihib ~\.", un,lil'\ltitill I,\U(' 10) li,t Kin:.: :It. din'n t.l"lIIt". :\xxij J:irlhi~ f,'r L"l.,lilk.. nnd h(,n; hOUl.in:.::, ultiJ '['\11.1 ,,111,1' l..a.I.II<-~ am."ullill:': 10) 13 1&-] Itl11I. till' \,j ,I'I~ ,.r 7\1;u\'l1. l~l~'il I.. "hi~h'r J):l.\'j.! Tt,l1l1, th"l Ito!' ;':1111 t<l !.nllg <lU,' ('uri,,)!., or Ihe !:'lUI lICit gnlith ft" ~t!ll'llin 10 1':'IiIlJ,!l l'gh 1l)..'1lUl' 1"LlIII,:h. iilJ ~ lttlU, rOI \\"\'~IIlIl:':: "r ix nib... iij i Item. for \" l"Ilnlel \It!I('hiuj.:. ij!tjd I tt'lll , for m('M I!lvd. siiij a. It,rn. (or IlIlh"". "II I'(lhn(> [0;011\1.'.1, I-iij tt. Iklll. to Itlll' man I'roeht til'" h')\I1141 to the Kiug lm Ihe Lnrd of Ilnwi\.:. ill: I. Ittill. to Willi'-lIl1 !:-Inmg thnt I,rochlllne IU'lI\.: furth of IlIglnllll tu th,' Killt;, xniij J. IWIII [lh~' \I'ii J,,~' "f ~ltlrth], tN' flue 1'0l"tlll,lUI VI the King. xilij 1. Itttn, 1~1yiL \(1 til(' llI:1i~l('r 1'lIkr. 11(1 Illid ,Imm to rlTle 111.11\ l'r()dlt lH'ldwtl rrn 1.01'111,'1 ill, iij A. Ilt'lll. IIIllL)1(1 lni,l,lolIlI 111 I'd/Ii, to lhe l.eldll'ir of the Kinl:lw illTlI'S lhnl'lJ. xlij SItt'lll. I\Mt hi' .I!Ilif lUll' So'I\'nllll in thl' h"II' Ihnt hplL IIlt'Vrnilh, iij ;. iiij 1I. It.'tll. r,,1 1!llIIIe \'rill:;ng (If (lIle mu\(' 11'11 l 'd,li.. liij d. [lenl. t,) till' qll"I',~mri" of till' Sh,jI] , ill ,\rlll\.:'lh It. xiiij A. It"IlI , til II1W ~'n;l1l\1 of IM"I )1,,1111". in 1,IiI1ibi\l-ir or l!tl'l' I,,, .... , uI' itj i 11"01. I,) \)UI1('.II\" lIiclll', 111' ~ill;:,r, 1"'"iIll,,1 1'Ilh Il'Llft'Z tv the I\:I.irer, I,)UlI'!\ or l:tllr" ,w I'U'\ 11\11u1It'rllHlf!.

\!01)4 1.


i~ ~



~ ,p, lr.o.~

to nue lischair of OuufellulYII, tlmL IwoehL ~11lL pikifl: to tilt' I\illl::. iij ~ hem, the xxij Iiny of :\frm:h. Pasch Evil!, to flnc IIInll that brooht. nne nln flnt! wild fon\($ fl'3 Gem",,/(! Bla.ir ut l\ell!loc:hl)" iij !. I wlU. to ,Johnl.' Bnlfollr,lJ1! thl.' l\.iuf(is COllllllillld, to his hOl'8 lIIet, xxviij it Item , the xxiij (lilY of :\lfll'C II, ill Lhc AMmy Kirk,to nue pur 1Ilnciin, he lht' [,illgis cOUlUlnnd, :diij II, Item, be th(' Killg-i8 cUU\ll\uIIII, to the ~[orycll tnuLl'ollCU' to IMy fol' payutil1(; of hig tnuhrouu, xxI;ij S. hem , to lll~ hemldis ill tll(' Lnll, \' Fl'tI.lIch cl'OlIuis: 811111111n , iij n, x ~ I [em, to th e lIulisl!:!I' t'ukl!, his b;~ill silril'. x n, ItellI . thc XXI' dny of )Inrch, gilhn LO thir mens~roles IIII<lil'\ll;till. thnL is to l>IIy. th~ fO\11' ltnlicil sohnll111iris nllt! till! :'110m tllubl"Ol1l\1'; :'Ilyl80II, Alcxo11l\(;r Imrpnr, l'ute hOlVIII', O IIlISCllll, thl! Mind hnl'pn\" IlrngmulI, !til rpm'll'; r. II ill inla mill A IIS\(.-e lUll Lrounris , J:u iJt.lt ]{m!tullu, (:rnystcilj oolliL BOII"Ulr IlIllIl', Cmik, Bohcrt JilIY, .Johno Lodo\Jctnl', lutluis; hlind Adalll lJikcsolI, Atlrllll Bo)'!l: ilk Ilile xiiij S.: 8lUllIUn. xiij I\. I"j it [tl!lll, to \\'ilh!il1; jJIIIIC oull Ill!UMt 3ullgR1', .~\'ii.i 1\. 111!1tI, LO the COIIlOl1ll],il){uis or Filiuburgll, ' xviij it Itl!llI, till.' ,n \j dll)' or ~lrll'Ch, l,.::iflill to lll!(l EI'fICil mall tllfl~ SIIi!1 his sill'i r WC!I stollin, h(' til' I\ill)!i~ oolIlIlIUI1lI, ij i;. 1\'1)1. to Hnnkin [{Ug.:.o Uh , Lc lhl' I\iur;:is ,(.UIlIlIIIllI. La his itl!lll , If) Srhi ... )OhUll :.:clm1"lf, \0 pml to ~l ..il'('lill to lllUk t he ga\'ding thaH" xxviij 11, I\l!lu, 1~1~'it fol' ,Jllc<,t 'l'l'rcllis 110118 llIail , IX! tho Killgis eornrnrllul, iij 11 1t('\I), tlU' ;(Xlij tilly ur ~IRreJ, . \0 une wriellL La 1~18 LO 1......llIllahmc to Wil'k lharc, xiiij BIII'ln, LO UlIf' ul hil' mnll, to ]lllBill ~lreLII('1'll LO Cll~ Lymi ., II! lho l\i/l~i 8 !>Chip, ' '\iiij~. [ t"lII, \" .n".: llllm I" I ~'" wilh 11111 ill :-;ll\,tlll'l'lI, I' ~

II ~ m ,



!.t/lill 111(:11 TIlE,\sL:I:UI


it.em , tt. Cllll:' nH11i <vm frn Ule L..ml III S,llnd_V'11Il f"r \, ... I~
lII(III ~'t'

t'l Ih,' Iwrk of slcill,

iiiJ ;:.,

Item, to I:itlliml \\'aIL'll', IIlC-$ll(!u!-(lir, ],.I,..\IlIIt] \\ilh 1111: I\illgia lelln.): t.o tht: sclliref uf I',",tl, IlIIll l'lI the Eile of i:ulluhllll , lind to Lord Fc,rllCs ;111'] lhe I.anl of IJrnm. xxiij ~ \telil. LO Xichol Jaksoll, 1ll.ll;()U r,]' Ihe :-:il('il, Lc the 1\ jugil cOIllUl;lml, xiiij h. ItCIII, thl.' l\l8t tilly of llarch, ttl lll1$OlIi& of [.I,!.~lalrig. in
tllillkl ilvi ..,

luilj it

I!.em, fOI 11IIt,\ curillge hol'l to Loellhlil),aUl! with irn werk, ix it h e lll, 1.0 llni.tci J,uncs WuLson, 10 the l(\nli.. CXrlelll1 in Silncl:lIllhuiB for the lJIollclhi.. Fel,ruar, llnrch. '\]ll'il(', llaiJ ..Junij, .I ulij ; ilk uny I'iij l; IUIIIltIa xxxij 11. I'iij It: ,,,,,I xllt payit be 111uCjuhile Ll;.viJ Detoun,

hem, the til'lL tL,~' of Aprile. to [u)lIIall to pus ill tlte Ilia with lelLro1. 1'1 l(lIkloy,l, iij Franeh crotlni, ; IUUlILlIl .d ij So IWIIl, the IeCl1l1d day of Allrilc, 10 Lit.un herntd to pM ill UCIIIII,lrk, \xxx Fmuch cl'Ou uiA ; &11111111;1 'vj H. hem, to Hury SeoL, of Loilil. (,f rmllclil ltI ltd ',illl thnre, Ivn_ hem. fOI- Liotl\! hemldiB \\'iUnlcs, brede, fiach, liesch, liiij S. and aill, ' ItI<m, 10 IIlIe lUau 10 pa.s to FaukL'llld wilh tlte Kingis writillg to warne Alexander Liell til cum to the King, ij it I tl'm, to tho Fmueh gardiu:lr, he the Kingll CIJIIlIIIHlld, xniij A. Item. to 1l0bert. IIcrwoll, to 1,,18 to Weo.lil Lllrn ror <:ertllne nrl.;ll~ely tllnl1!, xiiij 1 1km, to WilliaUi :'Ilorlinmc, Inglialllnu, to llll.!l ill


.\CtllL"XT:-. UF Tin:

IlIgl;lml Rud IIhlk Johne l:ouchCll ex pells tim I>!. '"J IIlIirorllis; BUllm11l v It. ,iij!l. helll, to l'anlllcr, tht (~\ll'lIitl IlItIlr, qu hclI he fWUii$it. in IIIglnml, he tlw Kingill celUlunlul, iij Frnllch crouuis: IIImlllA :dij i. Item, paJlt 10 the maister (,like, that he [!lid UOIIU to xiiij it llln IIwn l,ruchl fed o~iu to tile King, . h.'lIl, lie tho !,i"l:ji8 comnumd, to nno pur \\Klo dllPllnml l)(lyolu.1 lhe )101l1h lillhilk l.Iu'Yi~ heir Inug on pie)", . xxvi ij I. ttelll, he the Kiugill COIIIUlIlnu, to 1'hOIllIl.8 L1I1ulllY'dellc, herold of lJI'I11llnlk, quhen he dO)lllrtiL, xxx .uj It. Frnllch crolllli~: 1111111110 h em, 00 the "'-Lugill (;Ol1l1l1l1l1d, to J I~t Terrell, II riehl, . xlij B. Iwm, to Juhllo :'IlereltulIlt'.. IUIIII, loCthe KillS-is eOllilUtllld,
x.'n'iij s.. item, t.o nile COlljJnr ill Leith , Uc the KiugUs I!tJlll lIUL\lll, ix ~, item, to Jehne IJI'1l1l1l1101ld, llrieht, Ami Ilthir Llln wl'iehlis Ililh hUll, to pHil to KinClll'(lin wUlI to hell :;ret tYlUir to the schil', . xXl'ij i. l !.elil, the I" dOl) of ApL'ilc, 10 'l'hulIm8 "oulflr, tnil;;Olll', ill ,ll"iukeill"ir, . xlij ~. I\t'm" I..., the Kiugi8 eoullunUlI, III &hi r ThulLUl.! '1') mliu, I: Fmnell crulu,i,,: MlllllIlI\ \'ij Ii. 110('111, til II1IC 1111111 IIf ,101111(' 'lurnl}i6 "f lIi llb'nudtoelullI, III l"'i,\ilRihi. of ,111," 1101"8 ;,:illiu \,.1\ tlk: King, i~ iJ;. ltt'ltl, the \"J lIny uf _\I'L'ilc, LO the Kill/,;, '1'lhilk he ~yllt 111 till! rowhow1i6 II it-h the )lniMer (Om)", iiij & liii II. I ~Ul, the i:\ d'l)' or _\I'rile, LO Ihe WhilUIU of Ille Bhtkfunl . xiiij~. Lroclll I.ulir 10 the King to NliH'liu, tWill, to lhe 1111111111 ur SIl'iI'..!i" lh,jt mllki. glum" ill Hlrilelill, rur \.!Iutli... \.(, Ilw Kil'l), '!\"J il 1\.1'111 [th(' x ,IllY lOr .\luilcJ, l(, th~' "o~is (.r the 'Judl" IIr Striw'llII ill ~I'\lr ",lIir, "ij ~. 11(0111, IU IIII!" I ll' In "." fm [""1111 LO Kiugorul:' \11th IHILlug'" "'. JII) 1 1'11 of S<><onl:' nllJ Ihll l"olUlltrollnr ....

IJlI:n 111(; 11 TI:~:\"'IIlf:I:.


It) ....tuld>lwl. "1/11 I" fl'<:h Ih. KIU;.,-il I...~ I I.. bllu. I.uq.;h. vj iI. Item {till' )OJ II'I~' "r '\l,rill']. II> l'lIk 'f(,rt"" ... "'I)"war. lot' till' I\ill.:i~ {'''ltHWIUtI, xiiij "l loChl, thl' \ i.i 11, .\ "t .\pril!'.lu :\IlIl"lill 1J.'I\;l.,lt. 11(:"II'";lris fn\"ll.nr. III 1~"1. I,f 1~IYI.I{'tII .. f 1111' J\il1o;i~ 1I(I,i" I,i~'lit. in Ilt'rt.III"'~. I,}" If Frnllo.;h ('1'!)HIli.. lM~ I~ III.' II;\\i.1 Bet(Jnll Iof I,d.. !"!. j' Frnn.ll clulmilo IIU,I').\ hx tt. IItlll, to au, d"'il,1 Ul ....'\.~ with III!. Ilril\ll~ .. r tI.c Kill:; tn .\hmy r"I' ,.,mir to tht' IKllil~ iJ S. It'm. ,.ayit I" I:nl"'rt IkrlOIHi. III" j:jlif in Ilrinhihir 10 t ill' IlMli1ll\ri_ ;It. tIu. inputlin~ Iof th(' 111.I\.IIt. ill the '




11...111. l"I~'il to Iht! illi,1 1:01111'1'. 11"I,ill.; I h'llif ill lirillk ,ihir Wilu' ~IU .\"til .... r tilt' lellill. I... til!' II: ill b';!; COIIUWUU I, xiiij !.

Hem, VI the Enl/,;h ('lnnocilalll". f(,r

8tllllC laue frn him xlij ,. lteUl. thl' :diiJ tiny of Aprile, to Iho.! wricltllS Ihal jl/l..<;!lit. II) tlt('l wol! of KiTK1lnlin w fell tYlllir, uilJ it lti'm [the xv.L" of .\I)j;lc] . I.~it to 1I111I.\.I(,rnlU!.r, fC'l r gE'n' 1..111(' fill IIillL I" Ihto Kill': al t.il"era tymt'S tn the l hrst, 'tnij 1)llil ~"'lriS. niij i. It(Om, (.. r filiI" I'-lir of lall~ "'Ilk sI'un, ij ,. I~tn. (or 1\1(,1I,lilllol C'lf 11111' mollel hil xij t1 ItI'm. for \.u"I1,~itlJ.t "f 1I11'C 1)'1ir ~I.l.'mlt inlis flud !tile pnir Il\lIg 'PUdl, ij A. \'J d. l lem. {ur iiij I" .... I,ittis 10 til<" 1\ inp;ia 't..liWltI. xij II. il"m. fllr tll.l ,111;111 sternp inlill iiij ;,. It~m rur ;IiI" ;.:,,'t 1II0ilct Lit lo t th., KiILg. xiiij i. It..-tu. for IU" titul' IlIltis; ilk 11('1."1' nilj .t.,tlmma iiJ j. It~nl. ((.Ir IthU.IiUg of othir tU.1 111,,11<'1 I,ini.. ij A. lU'm. for !ltray tn lIll' Kingi!> mHII}IU' \II . ,h,llIIir. ij~. Item. to! 1J.\\ i,1 T(mpihu3u t" f"l~ III thl' L.1nl (., (':tprillV>'IIi. ('f'fl"\I.U .,( .\ir, \\it'l IhIl IM .rtll"ut cof Air, I'ilj I. 111'111. lhe '(vj ,I;", or Aprile. to 1IU111,,'I. I" 1,,111 til .\1\0',"Il~ for thl' It,,t Ini, of tho IIChip. xiiij 9.

u.., lIH~




Al'COI,;:s'T'" U F TH ..;


hom, tile xix 11,1,1" of '\lllllf,', to tho tAul of :'Ilptollia ..n'A.IId that Im)CllL wilt! gei)o 1.0 lhe KinA', b: b, Item, tt) llohlJ.> l;a:JvI\n)', &cullin for lilA hoyi. wlIO'tI kepand CIII'kIUrill, fro the thrill dIIy of :'IllIrch to th\' :u: tillr nr .\prile. IJuhilk i8 xlix llayil: ill.: dll~' l iij (I., summll xxxij i. \'iij d. I tem, lhe xxij IllIr of Aprill', LO the r.:gil'ti,1ni8, be tlK Kingil corumnud, x Frnneh e:rouni.: lumlnl!. "ij n, ht'Ul , to Johno :'I lcl'Chnmcstollll, be lhl) Killgil commnnd, 10 pol! in Flnlldret to I,y takill lor tho echip, xl Fmnd. erounis; sumlUa xxI'iij n, IWIli, for xxiiij clue hroid quhit La lie xI'j hOIl! hou..... tl('liI'eri~ to Mrl1tin 1 ~i1y: til. cine: ij I. !iijl1.: SU1llllll1 h'j I. hem, for I'ij 01no elHlIlllCfi 1.0 coI'ir tho Kingil hora the Lyme 01 the SeMioUIl, vij I. item, giffin to :\llIrtill Ilni l~, thnt be gnif 1.0 nllo I1UIII to 1m to :'I JctJlI'OU tun llil'ers t~'IIICfi for the J\ingis hors, iiij II. ILCIII, to! IiLnnes to Ihc cnprison of IJlo.k dnmcs in the Lyme of the Sossioall, iiij I. Item, for iij wnw J SIMI ij puud irn. to bo pdlokis nnd Iii. fnr lho ,l;utlnil tlmL l)jll<o.~it 1.0 the !lis, IN~ ith iu lho Xorlhlnml nud I)tlnbert~IU(,; ill wnw xx I'iij i.; IUUlUlfI iiij II. I'j ii, vij c1 Item, for wirkiug of :h(' Mmyn in IlIlnllllil\. xn"ij it ilf'UI , lim xxiij ,IIl.l ror '\ I,rik, to Allclisti.:r 11<111 uf Wi1Ii,)lll Haltoml', l.oc tho Kinl--is OOlllllhUld, xiiij I. llell., to Jacnt 'I'endl, of drinksih'ir, iJt! CIIlJlIIll\nd. xlij A. Ikm, to .Johuc Dnlllllllond, wrieht. of drinksiil'il', \' i Item, to nliC 1I};1l1 tll piS fm Strin!\ill to LinlitbllW LO t<lO"tI)' fllJ!,I Fr::JUell W1H;hL to Stl'ircli n, ij iI. Itl'lIl, to lUll' 1l(,\.\' 1-0 1'(1.11 with th,' KillJ,:'il w('iUligis to th(' l'l!'tinr 1 ""'hll'l"il1 tn wllrn the tClllltnUB or :'I lukkarL' ~hil'c III hl'lp to ,Im\l" IYlllir, xij iI. It('lIl, to RU!ICI1, fuifunnr, to 1~1s (our tho \Ioutll ror illllb~ \'1 l"I~Itlc11 I'",,"ui, 111111111'1 iiij 11 iiiJ i<_

LO I:\) III/ill

1' 1 ~E.\~n!Elt


Helll, lO the nllris or Ilerllwny, hir hale fcc alHI e!nthesA.II.1fo05. Lh(' L)'IIIC actIO IlIU1St ~IlC hnrne, x It 11('111, Lo William :-i1l";1Ilj!, rnICOl1al', 1,.) 1,111 ill ("lilhn('M for hnlkia, \'j Fnllwh cl'olillis; 1;1111111\,1 lIij n. iiij S. Item [the XXI i ii lilly "r ~\ p1"ilf'l, Lo I [1;lIImy, fulcOllfU, to plUl ill J\ L hol(' r"r llalkill, iiij Fmll(11 CllllllliM; 81111111111 Ivj.it Ill'm, to .Johne Kinloch, portnr, 1)IJ the l":illgi8 COlntll:t.nd, vH. item, to UlIllennC' Stewnrt, W Lh~ Kingls C(lllliland, v Fmndl ('ronni8; snmillfl lij N. x it h em, the Iru;L Ilay of Aprile, for ij h<)I'8 hif(! fill Mri\"ehn t tl l)unl . . :t;l1\(' witll the Fnl1leh wrichL, \'jij it llem, in IJuulocILtIlIC, for II.'lU nuo hUlldl'l:Lh \,nlca nnd X\'j l1. mending Qf all nil',

[tcm, the tiL':>t IIny of J fuij, to &hir Julillc ~hnIV, quhilk mllkia th!lgnn.lillg ill $ll'il'elin, of hia II [Ie'!! l.IiPll8t, xlij &. ItCII1 , IIl1yit for cnryin~ of tua ll'IDS quhilk sulll tH.. IKllIIlJe8 h' the scllip im the blig or :-\triveliu t.o the cMlg (If .\ llowny, . xiiij SILem, t-o nne Ulan to p'l.S with nne Ilriting fm ~lri\'elin to the aldermnn of l)unUert.nIH", iij Sltclll, lO (Ule mnll of the ErIe of 1I1I11(1)"i$ qllhilk hrocht. ICtLl't"l'. tn the King, . xiiij A. 110111, to anc elnr'Schaar, he commllnd, \. S. Itcm, to ~ho l\ i l1~ hil1l5Clf in his nll"lI [J1Il'8e, xxviij N. Ilcm, the aecullcl llny or Jfnij, to '1'hOUIII8 (,lerk, he the Kingis cO;\lmand, iiij Frnnch crouni8: SUlIlm.1 hi So Item, the thrid J3y of ~fnij. pnyit to nld William Tothrik, of Leith, (luhilk CI1I\'it ij gtet jeoti8 qnhilk ;;eiel I.t) llllllu.'lr, ;ij tt ltelll [lhe fero \1,1)" of )jnijl, p.'l~it j(I llie IlIlIi~h'r cnke, that. he lai,1 ,Iolln ill the :Fawk irk 1" lhe \lif qllhair thc K.iug drn)"L of belcheir, ii' A. Hem. to hill\ he g,tir the Jnnl or Euuochis mall that Lrocht. nne fC11 ox, ix s.

It"In, the lift ,1.1\' "f "nij, to 'fi'li~lcr C'uthbert llnil.;ei5 'Mil in 1.1i,lil_ih'ir ot Aile Mill.: hors he snit to the King. :>;iiij I. item, to n"locrl lIerwort to IJoM t .. 1II1ul,..'rLuue t<> ~ 11.1.' Illtail::;er:r thaN! /\lId to ~l'Ililh It n;,;nll(' the 1'15S:\t.Ct III the \lif, . lClC!{iij l J ,till, tn Ih. Fnlllch b'l'l1lilLllr, loe commnml, xiiiJ Il Item, fv, Rllt' hCll to IIUC 11II1l.:., lCij d. 11<'111, Iv F<',~~' Ul1IllW to pus ill the l!('hiret.Jomc of I'clth tn tile ~hirclr allli to thc tOl\l. for thc t.Ilx t 'Inhill.: Ill' ,11'\';11;1 for Aile I)lUIMg.:: ill llclllllo rk nnd 'ail,;cit, ij I, 1t"1II, Ih(' \'j ,II'.l' "f ~ I Aij, to Onreoch IlllrlKll\'llIlt 10 pAl with lelhN ful the: laxl ill HCIII,mrk rOI"'lAld to nil I"nli~, kyrklUCIi nnd \'lIl'gh;1 'Illhil" wer I;lXllt 1\'jll1ill thc ~'hill,'t.lnm('l! of Fodnir, IGncardm, AIlCl'llccu, lkin', 1':1;;;11, FMI\'~, nml IU\"cl"llt"'I. "II. 11"1I1,tO fI !lly.h.~, pmwlIlIl lIilh IiI; like Idt l1Jl III thc ,;('hin,fd'!UIf'tI .. f uIII"rk, J:c,ufrel\ , Dllu toE"rtllllc, Ail', \\,ij,(t.o'lIlI, l\ilkcwll,ri{ht 111111 Ilnlln'n';", xl S. 111'111, Iv 11,11';.1 TI'llIl'ilmtl1l l,n~'>IlIul with ~ic ICIlI'l'z within tlill III'Jlil'('r,ll!Iu\'!C ',f J~IiI,J 'lI'yh, I,iulitl'gow, 1I".lingl'''IlI, I'chliR, ~ Ik ) ...k , l:t.xl,u''j{I, 1l1ll1 BCl'wik, ux;j ! ILI'1I1, tl! .lllhm' 1\"lIolin. Bki lll'llr, Ilia fmuchL in the l1il '11I,11~I"il til 11,1111 1I1111Ih'Il'(' l'\'llUll1i~ ,,1\ the Erlfl of 1TI1I1Ili., '111111\1 Ih,. IIt'.. "lit. lxx It Itt'lll, bt~ III!' I\ingi~ C"tHlI'UM1\I , I" :-'\(>100, lia)Jfl ~ik, v n, Ill'lIl, 10 n,..: I""... ,wl \\'itiJ lelll'!:/, tOI' lhe laXl Iff
jl,'111flo,r\, r"!'!lallt III Fin', .\n;':1I.II. Xl1l.l ....
111'111, Ihe l'iJ Itl,\' "f \lniJ, '10 Amlra ~1('\'I'nrt, I,, tlte Killl!i~ r"1lI111;lu,I, 'iilJ !l.
IVIIi. I" .111,'

1'''1' 1I1i1" III 111<' ('''Hi'll 1)1 :-,u;\'elill, !'chir ' ,\",h... t~'I11~ :11""'1'1 ij AHI'm, tt> th,' rhrc~Wl ,,' IlIr II!~I "r I'i l \" ", he the h:iu!ti.8 r"lntna",l, \iiij lO. 11''''1, t" tl ... Kin!; 1.. ria)' nl the ('llni" ill Fnukillmt

!.lIlli' 111( ; 11
I kill. 1111' \'ilJ

lJ: I ,. \ ~I'I;": I :,

,L~' nl \Jaij. I.' lilt F.lUl..l.llIIl, (If ,hillhih',r, '\Iunayi~

'JIi;ill"t'Uti!l "I A D, l~

I\inl-(i~ ~iiiJ:'.

I tem , \.<1 ,1,,11Il!'

1,.'( '))1111;\1111 .

taul,rHI,at, Ix III,'

hllm , In III, ' 11I,I~ni" IIr F,lIIl..lulI,l, oj ,hillkllih'u', xiiij:t IU:Ul , tIl(' h II:\\" "I '\l.lij, ill Funk1aml , Ln Ihl \\1"i'hlll, tlf Jrinhihir, ,;o;,\' jij , II('tn , 10 :\Iy1..... n 1 I,Ir-I'.lIi~ .11111 IIlllir rfllll' Ull"lhlmh .. lIMn'. ilk al l\' ix .., ; "11111111;\ ~h'I, h"IlI, 1 StiliI' . \ h-~,""kt .' ;lnt.-lIi. lilh, lar, ,0 \,' IWIll, lu l}ulli~il;.:il.l.'IIII, Ioe lh.~ Kih~i" ,"')111111,11111, ii.!';. Itcm,lo lIul~ '11 t "hll . 1I1I1""1\i ... ,,[ 111I1I1;,illlr, 1\ i. heiU , till' x ,1.1)" "f '\ l.lij, 10 1:,,1."'1 L (, Il .. I\",\" loe Ihl'
l\illW ~ ("'WIII;,II,I,
Ih'\II ,

\i i ij~,

u. Ah 'x;III1!tI' li,,"\""II, :;"1111111, ix ... !lCIII, thl! 'J Iluy "r '\I .l ij, I... 1111111'" .hld,'" dd,\', t .. I,~' IIU(' hn\'/I, I", IIHl Ii:iu;.:ia 1:"\11111111111 xlij a. Il'lII. tht: " Hj .III)" ut '\Iaij, I., :-.ell!\' J"IIIII' 11,,111.,. ''''' dw
li:illJ;iij 1:(11111;1\)(1, XX It, 11 0:111, Ihl"il 1<1 )Ini"kr f),II-hl TrA.il 11t- L,i.1 ,1 ..1111 t"I' "..".;hill;': lIr I iiJ ulllt'" Ij,. l'ii1 iI_
1t"IlI, (.. I'

1\<'IIl'lIin" III nuo



II'W,I\\~ ,

'l:xj 11,

heU!, (ul' llll"!li llg

"r II ...

E\\cliKL III' :-;1Iil.'lill 1'1 Edin-



h"hl, fur I1I1"il11.: 1.1 alii' IdlHtllI 111101 ,III'

'I<-IiI, rill I'll'~ 11\." fm 1'''''' \1 t .. '\"il>"II,la), . itelll, III 11111'1110111 "r Lmlt U!u~I~ ll~lt I,,, .. IIL II"lilinC;ls
to (Ill' Kill;':, I", lilt' Kill~i. \','lUl .. IIIII. !\ i.. 11,,111, thl' "IJ ,1 .If :U.,ij, I" l:ol~'lt IIl'l\lulL IlInl lillI' 11,\' IIrI.,ht \\j th Ililu I" ,"14 to PUII I,,',(alll.' 1\1. 1I1"11<"11li.~ _, 'ijh "U C Iklll , l" 1I,lIl11ill., 1,;'11111,11, til IUlllia Jlillll)o.U ill tl ..., Ilia, 111,1 nll,lill ;':l1l1l1i. nml 11.. \l 1... ,il,i't~ I ,1.:il" t.) I" ith, .. 1111 Ini.'hli.. ;111,1 Io!UIII"lt;~ 1I.,;'lltll1 I.. J(U'k' l:"I"I'l


iij ~, "\.I-iij It. "I'J tl.

dlil l,iII .It'I'lIlil1:.( fnl I.eilh,



l\t'ut, 1'1 .\I,e b,tlII'1I IIlall 1:,IIIil ,I .. tu.' ' cilll.ul '11I1Iill.; i.t I", "\\11 1lI,Il. ~UIIIll~, 10" lit.... "111)0:1" \"'111' 111111.1, 't't hilll.,h '"1'''II1\i ~ '1\1\1111'&

:",i, "

Ac{'or:-ns OF THE



111'111, t" tho



\,ikyn'it til(' 'Wlmir

(',,~tdl, 1~


1\il1;.d8 C'(.tuuuAud xdij it It"hl, to nne I'nl~th {(II :\\'j pAir I~m,lis til l.utbluaOOll. m, I~'lir xl'j 11.: IIU1IHW\ xxj ~. iiij 11. ILelll, {or U"'ij pi"":lChour 11f11C$: ilk c xx d.: IIml,UUI :co:l"j 1. viij II. Iklll. xiJ .\m' !lIlies: ilk huntlreth xx 11.: ~UlllJnn H~. ildn, .i" 1)(I)"Sl,iklll" l1;llcs;: ilk hmall"eth iij iI. iiij d.;: ~IIIUlIla xxxiij~. iiij 11. 11.'111. fIJI t"nl'ying of IIlln tolllliitl the saillllnk1l to lAlCh1lI.looli. xx b. Ilclll, I" JollII IJ1'1.lIulUoml, \\Ticht, ill (hinksi1"ir, iij:S. [Will. lu thl' FIll.I1CII fJ.\lhissillll.l". ;n'iij s.. it"III, to 11 0'';: lh\' jC~toUl', I.e the hiugiB COllIIIIIIUd. xiiij.s. Item. fOI' nne llJk to thu wllrdrob <lIlT in Lililithqw, X\'j tl. 11,:111, the xl'iij tiny of Ullij, to thugfLrdinnl'of I.illlithqw, xiiij S. 1t1.'1l1, to ~llil" Willinlll :\luh'ik to pas ltll :-;tl'i\'olill Lo l.in1iLhq\\ \(, I:(el' lLlend t.he Plnec ngnllC the Qncncg CUllIlHyll)!, Ivj !I. 11"1'1, tIl!.' xix dny or :'I lnij, to '\IIe lli!lll or tI,e Innl of t 'l1l1U!\i~ tllat !wOChL line hOI~ Lo lhe Kinl:(, (of bridil. xiiij it -;ih'ir, 1t"III, llil' '"I; ,111.\' .. r 'Iuij. fl'l" :IIII' III!!'!! to Dnlll~,\'t.flIlC fril ~t1'i\"eliu wilL nne FnlUeli \\rielil, . \' R. Ilelll, tf, 1);l\'ill, fll\cJllnr, to pus til QIII'lthirll for hnllds, xviij ~. Ill-Ill. tl! the pili' rolkis 1"'8id~ Dunbl!lllo, &hir '\l1d1"l1 Iwillg ,,1>1><'111 ix g. IL"III. L" thl' tlll'1I "f tile A\,bvt {If Cil1llbn~kinllelhiti grct IIOIA:, nr ,Irillbih-ir, xiiij ~. IL"1l1, LO the 1I1l'1I tbnt Cl\I",\iL th! I:(tC'L Lll'ill Lv Lhe UoU!, nf ,ll'lUk~thi1", . "iilj a. Itt'llI, Ih" V\;;.1 ,Ill., I,f 'Iuij, to nno c1l1rschnal', he tho I';ill;.:i~ 1:"111111111111 . xiiij A. l("HI. [.. ~d,ir ,Julul!' .'-'('1'111"1', ,.jlnl'ellanc, 'luhilk mnkill th., I!.Ll~lillL: ill ~tl'i\"I'IJil. . x\'iij <t

1.111:1. II Iii II
1tt:1II, lo,

na:.\ . . na.I:
I.illlilhq'll'. I.,





I": ill;;'11 .....


(,,(lIntIlHllll, Itull. 10 Oil,I01,: ('mtll'rnUIl

is A,

tlulI,,.I . liM' "n,:':1 {"lmwlno!. xiiiJ II. 11.(01 UIl' )(;(Ii.l ,Iu,\" "r )'I.lij, LH dll lot',l~'" I,f !'uud, 11, unlh"il<. ill l,(l1l1l'lI:il 1~I.nut"t "I lhl' l';ill;,!ill I,"k(' 1'!lUIlt:. 1iiJ I!. ilUIU, llll' .\~iiiJ 11.'.1' "f Mnij, to JulluI' 1:0.;11 .. \111, .'I'h~.1T, tt, I li~ \'.~III.u" 1\.I1~1." loJ l)uul"'lliUle til lIlI' :01(;11111 11..'te. I "",,mch (:I\,nuill ~ 1<'"1111111 iij n. x l hCIII . 10 ~llll 1:,11111,11. II lilt llMki. il1!' "1IJ~i"l h'tl, II, .Iriu).;.ihir. xiilJ A. hem. to 1'clIIl"hl1.l1I. 1l1I'''.ill:.;t'il. 1~liIIIIllJIl willi tl~ h:lh'l.'x of Ihl' lItXI "r Ikllhl;Jrk I" Ihu ~I,iritll.ll I' "dutill Iluhilki, \Iel' IIOCIII t'I";1t nOI M't nl tlll'lil'llt l.'hll" ,
\'(l'ilJ ..

1ll'1II, the xn lIllY of )'Inij, to 'l"hU1111l8 IIc udl. t" I"" Olt 1,111,1 (UI 111(1' -chip iu III\' mid Ilith ,Itt' Kin;.; IX '. I teul. t" ..,n,H1& ,lall~il (ill] till' l\il.~i8 chlllllir. ),. ltUU
hl'lII ,



X ...


11110 u~'n

uf thl' Erlt> (Oi ':110,,';1.-,. tl..1.t (:"111 I\ill.

\\l1.liIJ!l:il t" till' l\il1~.

tllllL ~1I,,1i1 in til<' IJ('I"~ Itt I.('ilh. 1,0 Ih. "111)0:1' 1'''lIIllIillUl, liJ FI1UI{;it (;"'l1l1il: IUluhl" \Jij ~. hUll. Iii .hw.nt r(t1."CIl. \\Iicht. III' tLt' l\il1lo:ill ~"~lII'IUII1I, u\'iij it. il1 urinksih-ir. Itew, to Ihe 111l'I1~trnlea ill Lei,h, . xiilj "Iklll. 1"I~iL 1(1 )'Ini~t('r .Jolme :\Iurnll- lhlll 1\1" 1'li,I (1\'1111 1", M'11.1i11;.t rlllih "f the 1','I;'I;I"J,lia "f 110(' l"111kktr. h('liI_ I" the

\1 ;
11'111. rUI iiij (!tll' tll!lllll"l ,,, II ~ Ilr.:h"IlI.,1II ,II", 1'1'01.111 1~lh'" the l\ill..illl11."'1 I... II,.' I\illl.;it K'I"UIIII"I: ill.:
diM' ix ;,,; "mll1l1a ,\;,,\;\"j ;. 111>111.1.'-' ""lllIi'l. ~I1UWU. ,llIn he 1,,1.1 ,I"un ~ hill \,ill \...,Ii". in Iltl' lil~1 t'l th,' 11"\"""" liloll Io" ... ht ,1>(: ra\c<,ulI 10;111111111 furth of till. l'a!otdl t" I'I~ 1(1 Leith. lJ ...

"II. 1~',

Itt"IU, ttl th" IWU"Ul'iM lhuL ~1I).;' rurtll th, 1 '"I11I~ml nllli ;5<'id witll hit, to Leith. iij II, iiiJ It. ItChl, f,," ,. 'lui IiI \llllti8 of im Itl l.oo eillUl,'('('ul'is. \. l 1tt"1II. fill I~'rill); (,f ~lle im to tllc Cnst.el1 I\uhilk IIC'l1 lh(' ,Iill, IIllli fm' bcrill~ lIf tlw 8/\IUyll CliR til I.eith 'Illilell Ih:l ,\1'1' lII:1il1, x"iij It. Ilelll, fur "iij IloMU <If mucht~'li8 tu he coyi.. ill the sehip ulIIlllIlmlin); gil tltH r011l te, Oil,\" !iq... ris: ilk IJ.~IIL \'iij A.: Slllllllln . iij It, jiij iJ, It",h', f(II' llicllting 0: 1'110lIl\11 of lh;"lilll, ij it Ilem, fe)!' cnryiuj.( or [btlilll (11\ "~lillIHu-gh to l.tilh, iij it Iklll, for echiPl'illj.( ()f tlillim.. iiij (t, hem, rUl' thl'\' Ini'l colis to mtlt It'll" LlllIhl).; guu pcl\okis of, ij'.iijd Itcm, for loCl'illft of Ihe 1('(1(' to th~' 1'101' (Juhni., it WI'S meltit. . '>;\'iij It Itelll. for cllrL'C<!kin;,l;nulil,jl'llIliug ot pfilt. C.r till' il1l dia, xij d. Itcm, for iiij Il.llt 1.II1-ellis Allli I iij '11l;ut.;.\r l><irl'dlis to pill 1.(I11lli.- in,. X\'J 1<. helu. 101" 1111'(' puw,\il 1,aj:'"(ilI,, iij '-. IWIn, '''I' th,,' lhnlJ,ll'(lIUis :<l'hnfti!l, iJ ~. iiij i, Itcm. rOI iiill'lm.,,, IIl>l1r I~!II'I\. I' i ij <I. IU'1U, ij' 8" ... 11 1I!l1(s, 1l('II1, II) ('III 1111 IS IlllIl Iln'lI tlln' r"!(>Ollil; AIII\ llu,' 1"1II11~ml to ["'111., xiiij ~ Item, to Ihu COIIIIIII tl,aL \,lIk).;it 1111.1 l.t"tIiL IIIC 1)(I\\tlil" 1~I1T,:lIi8.. iiij It hcm, to p)"lIllIlIia Ilml ",n' tht, "l'Il1"ll1r fUllh (I' Ihe t 'l1~t(lIlIll\lI,lrell' (ilith till' In~~ fn!t(ILIII, ij iI. I Lt~III, ,., \\'illl;lIIl, 11I;('I,t, ILi" WII~'C. IIll'mlnml the ~Ullllis gmilh. . xiiij l. l'iij It 1lt:1I1, thl' uI'ij Itlyl( ~JuiJ. to line cr<>pill WOman illl.eith, 1(' thl' l\inp;iH'''"lh),I1III, x,\,liij jl: 1l"III, tl) )oilul"" 1i,1I .. 1 ",-ik, I,, tlill l\illJ.....jJil ('/'lIl1tlluul, I F'~j,,\"h ''\'lInl". 1>1I11)"la iij H. '\' il:. 1t""I. to III1'IMI,1 W"II" ... 1~'''~'ll\Il with l>ltrt'l. rll" til\' 1"" "r " "Uln",L Fill 1111' ,r,,"1h lIlu'lit In till' 1',,llIli~ 'JlIllilk 110'1 1II"'ltt l;a'ill III llil' liI-,,~ t.I"II11', xXI'iij >t

rn ..

1,111:11 I1l4jll na:'\H 1:1-:1;

)':\\-ij or :U>4iJ. 1~'."1l ..... 1111'" I..-tl.,ue S/uhll.1I . ,. i .. 1I , 111>'1. ["I 1111<' ,1",,1.1, hdli. ("r III<.' II il .. "!s IlItilel. Ildiwl';t t .. 11.,1,1 ... li . II,." .. ,. I.J il lJ\iIIl ,,11 .... r .."I.Il,'I'}, 11I1I"IIIILiu!-i .... , .t::~u .1 : J t.clll, Iv :\lJu-till 1;';0;1,)1"- ill I':II'L ur 1 )"'II{lIl Hr ,II... ... KiLl~i.>. IIu." .. h"ill~ ). to. Helli. fhl I".:rill,! "i ,I",: ..ih iI \\-,.-<I. . k t .. L .tl. tiwi .In~ th" 1\111;': ']p.H in tlll'M'hil', I-iij l
lt~III. tilt




t ... I"hu

'1\,..J"~llIri. lu L... ith, tl4l1 ~m\ II

Fun,1311 he ];<.i( f"r Uln"'i:l :If the K,tI",.u ,.1:." III Iti",,, II~

toll.il'. ilj ... Item, t" tl.4.' II if IIIIII.l.lr :\"'lhI.11 .. il.: ill tLo ,"'\., riI,l.,,; Ihe Kiu;:ill l'OIUUl.11I,1. \' hUIIl'h {',"IIUI. IUhllua !ljli, "I. ItCIlI, IU lUll.' 114.'1'1,111<1 uf the UII~l' vf ,\U.U{fill M,n thut. i. in F1'1!.IU'I'. Ill\' 1\ lI.riM 1'11111111<11111. \'j Fmllth crolluiM 1111111111111 iiij II. lIij l Item, lo ~ilUl'" Xich",I'IY IIUtll,i!; ",m, 1'l'flIl.I .. Lclri"qllhcli th,l "",IIITIIl 1111.1 1"\.IIl!lt all II)" Ill' tli" Kingilll'(ouunll.llll,


Ixiiij tt
ltelll, t(l lh~' Imlll thllt heliL tho I.,~ h'lI: thilt- fell iii the 111111 of III1IYl'utlholllo, I", tl ... Kili~i~ 1"'III111I11t.i, \1i.j .. IINII , LoJ tht Fmlich fluhil>Silnl, 1M' tilt l\ill~l. f"\I!IUUUIII, :(:\I'iij ~ Itelll, til !:ol...,rt Bcrtulll., ,!tlhilL I.. I;II;f I..., Ihl: l\.ill:'::111 CWllullalllltq Wi1liH11i :\11r.lmllllllt. ,,( I~ilh, I\ill~ ,.f thl' &e\', :\ilij~_ Item. to .\mh-o, Iltichl, of l.iulilb'I\\ I~, thl I\illl-(i'"
COUlIlh"UJ, aUo.: ullicurll !lllIl a Do.: ILllnl. 1111111'"
:\X\j L IJ d. :\11I1Ii1c. I" III(' III 111.1111,. .,1 th, 1'\"l4.' ull.iulilh'I\I, Lc tl.c 1\1IIgis IIIIII.m.1 ,11';'_ 11<-111 . h) II1;:h. ('n,My IIIt.lf. 10(' tI,e 1\.1\I~u. ('(0111.".,,,,1, :\ij iI. lh'llt. t" .u.(' Iliall of th,' hr.l "f l;t!fo.LlIrij.::il, of l,ti,lil~lh'ir (.f 1 111" 1,11.11 gilhu hI I t,' l\il1~, 1IIilj"" helll, the ).:x\'ilj of )'laij, 10 liuwUl,.' (;11<. 1I1t ,,' Iii"


to ::,.chir



At 'COI'~1':-' 0," 1'1110:

Kill:::i.s command, Clllmonml fUrLh of EllinulII-gh to Stnvclin, ix 1 ItelU, pasMlltl to UunLcrLa n ~, to the Lote men I\~ the water of Annk, . xiiij It Item, 11<'11"11 day of )Iuij, to ane ooy to JlM to Uuuloertnnc wilh lettl'C7. 10 clulIgc the schippcs nocht to {lire the )Inisl~r 'IOlllglIIIIl'y tl\\I\}' eftir tho IlI1rling of the cl'Ownnr of 1)unbclUlUc, ij II.
Item, the tift day of Junij, in ()uuhl'rlaOC, Franc!! {luhiS8i1la~, be the Kingis commnllll,. h OIll, rnrit to I:obcrt HOl'wort he gni f for nile ql1helis ill ])uullllrLanc or beside Glasgo the xiiij l pail' of to lay guuuis on to the lIis, x s. Itom, lO the Sl it! Robert to 1>P.li in the l1is, be the Kingis coumlum.l, . xxx\'j!:'

item, to Johne Qnarroul' fo l' his


hOI'S hiro


Edinhurgh to iJullbcrlnnc ami his cxpcus the satuyn


Item, tile "j Ilny of JUllij, in J)uuhcrtulle, to (me Ulan to }lft8 to Ihe IIChil'd of nute with Ihe Killgis writing, iiij Q. Itenl, be IIIIl l":iu1.tis coulIunllcl, to Johnc {}UUI'COIlI' to pas to l'nsluy ror IIIi?' SCil-iiOC lUUll to pitS to 1.0011 lI'Iahon, ' xiiij S. [Will, to the LnI~1 of Kilmnwari8 lut-m', hc collllllnnd, siiij #, Item, to ,Iohne [jcrt.oun 10 fee lun IlIll1'illUI'iS of Leith to elliu to IhIllOOI'LHU, v N, Itoln, to ::iehir JOhll'~ HOUlC8 111.111 Llm~ hCII IcLU'C~ fUl'th of GlaB<Jo to the (-lllNIC, xiiij R, h em, to tho lI'Iusolli8 of UhlSfjO, of tlt'itlksilvil', xiiij S. 11011'1 , to ana I,il'm ill Cl)aI!g(), ij il. Itelll , the viij tiny ol,llIlIij, ill DUllhcrt.:II1C, to thc [';jug to Illll) nt tho cnrtiR in Uuuloort,nll6 witll ,Johne ;\lllrn,y lIud "'[liMCI' l:ohcrL {'okl.lul'lJ, iiij It. x A.

Itclll, to the bid of 1 .I.'\nJj,wyis (oulnr, be CflIIlIlIIllUI, xiiij AItem, tllIlt.IIlIIY" lIyeht. at. the e\"ill",n~ ill the kirk, tu the King hirn8C'lf ill IlIIe pilI'S, xl "'milch clollnis ami iiij II. ~Iuhit si ll'iI.. xxxij II. Ilem , to the (011 1 [llllieH I'ipuri~, he llie Killgi~ '



hCi'\lltli.s IlIUI, I\(' Ihe Kill~,'is eOIIlIl\lIIllI,



it('III, t1K.' LX d,u' of ,IlInij, ill DnnhcrVUlc, t( WoIUl

xiiiJ it

Item, the x Jay of ,lullij , ill UI.ml11i!rtnnc, III MU~i1llau, polillgnir, 10 lIyd \\"ith ,Iohlle tic Scuti,' Il('h~ seik tham, xlij ii, Item, the xj day of ,JlIllij, to nile mUll (of lh(,8Chil'et
Kinl(, '(iiij Ii IWIIl, w the homiR of the lJueir of ntn!;!!o,I!r ~IlLtl' ~il\'il', vij ii, l ten l, the xiij (lny lOr ,IUlli,i, 1.0 I'llto ~ihclni1' rnr to pn.~ ill ["gland, iJ,rC<'rtnllc ntl~l' lIig ~illn tro him be ,Iohlle of :HunTLY, iiij tt, '( iI. 11.('111, to .Iohne (luOrcolll, III pnr! nr lolI\'melll o[ hiK \\'a~>'e ill OIllIL>crt.IUI(". xliij!l. [telll, 10 HoleI'I lIer\\"l)l"t, to 1.1\ RIlIIII! I;l1lith rOI the ),;lUllIis (01' lO 1),<8 ill . \rrnn frol' to b<'!-.<e \rot II' Stl'\\"n.r~ in I.onl lI ~m millOlIS hou8, I' ~_ h <!lI1, to ,)ohne de :;cotin, hnnd scik ill Ilnnhl'l'l.( 111:, u,iij 10. Item , to the mnisLer cuke, he Inid doull 1'01 iJl'Ctl, aill, lisch, IiQSCh, tire, onel the IUQ1;nU1U; hins to I>M ill J\rrnll ill t he KiLigis schip cnllit t\if' ('(,!lumb, iiij n. xj A. Item, t.o Oal"eoch pursewlI.nL t,(I ~na fra O\ll.~rtllu(, to Edinbul"'gh with lettrt ~ III the QIICIIt~, :n:\"iij So II('m, the x, tlny o( Juuij. 10 Do\\"II(', fnlconnr, to pas in Anan formlki8, to remane on lhe tAkin:; tlf I"aim, H,iij l
of Hntis rom with to 1.11('

. n.

,\ C(,OU~l'S

OF T ilE
MlIg to the K ing iu Air, xiiij A.

Item, to the lUll bliml

ILlndit1 n i~

hem, to Patrie Sincln r, xliij Imgdl Iloblez, to pa$ in Ingl1llld,. . :(\j n. xI'j I. Item [the nj day of Junij], fOf ane blak hoI'S giffin to ll;lialer Pntrik Pauleir, vj 1 xiij S. iiij d. 1. Item, for nne canny cote, in Air, to Swnggnr, Schir Willinm l f nrrnr is [uie, be the Kingis oommand. xxxj I. vj t1 hem. to l'homlUl Foret in lJridiLsih,jr of lll.ll hora giffin to the King be the ThC'Sl\urnr , xx\'iij i. hem, to the porUtir of Anehle\:, be the Kingi! oommaud, ix l. Item, the x\'ij dll." of l Jay [I. Jnnij). 10 tbe man thnt
tursit the Kinga coUll' in thRi Well. pairtill. item, for

hars lind


XX" I. iiij d. [umiat. andil to t he Fl'flnch


. iij It xviij l

Item, Ihe xix uay of Junij, to the malone of Crngberll8rd, xiiij l Item, to aue fO\lilur be lile guil, ij ~. iiij (t. Item, 10 &!hir William lorah'ile to the repnrntioun of t he 1 '11100 or Lin lithqw agone the Quelli, cummyug,

iij 11.
i\l'Il\, \0 :Schir Johlll" Scharp, rhapdlntle, u\aki8 Ihe gnnlillg in :o,uileliu, :o:xviij 9. Item, to the enpitllne of ~t,"iI"elill lhnt he Ini" dati" 1(\ the LIlet! thnt helpit. wilh the gre~ tl'Cia in the bote, :o:iiij 8. L tem, ill StriveliH, for nne dngnr to the King. \ij l item, t he xx dny d JUnij, to Ihe werkmeu in Linlilhqw, II{> the Kingia colluunnd, xiiij!i.. Item, in I.eilh, to Jllent Terrell, sc hi pw ..icht, of d ,iuk-




IWIlI,lhll :u:j tiny of .fnnij. to nne man of Lord Gmyis ltruellt Ilin I"r1H"lis to the King, ltiiij'l.. 11"lll. tit II,\\'ill, hlconnr. 10 lin! to Blnbo fO I hnlki', xiiij i




1W'1I1 , the xxiJ day of Junij, for IIIIC hors w JO~Ule de 4-". 1!.oQG. Cowpnni., locht fro Alexandel' CMlalV, \'ij jo'rtlilch croll .. il: flLl ntu n iij 11. ;o'iij Ii. item, L U8\'ill falcunlu;8 LUlltl tlmt broch~ the halk of O Vntgollh w tl l{l 1 ,ing, ij!l iiij d. Item, be tile Kingi8 COliUlUIIIU, semi to Downc, falcollllr, liall\llCik it Strh'cliu, :<iiij !I. Itcm, the ~:l:i ij day of Juuij, I.oc the KlIIbti' C01l11ll311U, 1.0 J olme :\lcrchll lllll8l01l1l liulIll I(!ik. xlij i. h elll, to IlIiC ,rollln!1 lhnt brocllt Itrtly\.leryil to thr King, ix &. h CIII, thc xxiiij (Iny of JUllij, to the CJpitaue of Stri\c lini' IIIl1n , of bridil,ihil" of line hon he I,:aif the King, i:t S. h cw, the xxvj lIar of ,! ullij, to IInc mllll bc8illo Ertle em:,:- tl ml hC1 1 hia IIlollo\\" cti n, in lCCOrnpell8ntioulI, be the Killgi~ OOmlllllll{t, xiiij I. [tern, tho :<x\'ij day, to the willie fJ. ultail lho King wcs, Ihare lit Erne Cmg, lUll n)"chtC8 at lugeing, j}i' unicorn Ilud line Frnllch CI"OIIII j 81111111111 . .d j!l. item, to the nrmol'or Ihllt hed the Kingia nl"lll~' ng in Fmnce fo r IIiIliug allli llichti llY of it, 00 lhe J\in~>iA eoulllltllltl, \'j Fmnch crOIl" i,: ~ 1U1I11I11 iiij 11. i[ij ~. h em, t.-o IIlIe "if hrocht strnlJl'ryis 10 tIle " ill1:, v ~. It..:lU, pny it to ,fohll i"Ollimn thllt he b'llf (01' nnl' grnlhil stnle of C:8 in DlluOOWllle, h CIIII")" 1I1; uf tlla lepMis, akcn;so llll"cid nnll UiI'go tlll",id, ij buggie, line oo\'i1 hat to tile Hillg, xix 0;. x d. helll , the pelill1t day of Jllllij, to tIlt' Qllcnl' of tile ('tlllongaiL. xiiij iI. h ent,1O Nicholas AI,iruethy, be the li:iu1:is command, u\'iij , .

Item. the lint Ja~ of Julij, 10 Do\\"ue. f"ICOllar, to pal ill J(os for lmlkia, iij i"nulCh CroIl DI! ; lunlloa xtiJ t.

u, I~


Item, the thnd dtly of JlIiij, to ane mau of the I,Lnt of Dl\\1ikis that brochL quik heron. to the King, xilij 1 I tem. to WilliAm Woo fO the f",ueh~ of the Portugal] I' qubit hoI'S, tho IIIU8l cnt, a nd the jennet Bnd the lIoria, xij " . Item, Vllyit to lllliBter Dlwid T raill 101' lu.-sing of alll('S IIUlI towalea 1m Edinburgh to Dunblane to hallow,


for townlCfl .... C8Chillg and Illes bl'ed in Edinburgh, iij l viij 4. Item, for tursing 01 the chapell kyat to Strivelin, xxxvj A.. item, tor bering or lhe euchnrist to 51rh'clill, iiij it hem [the thril) lIay of .Jul ijl, pnyit to Henry, \oLT' mail', fol' allll "~'rl1e ;1'11 tv the Killgil 8U1b'gia. iij i. l tell!, to him to\' IInc pail' slemp irnis tOl' tho Quene, iiij A. Item, for tYllllyug nnd grnlhillg of I.iuis 101' the Qucue lind blll'naeaing of the joyukmris of th(' enlllJIl, xxiiij II. HCIn, rOl' I'Cl'UCSihg \If 'I; pa ir 8tcmIJ imis, \' il h em, the fC It! dny or Julij, \luyi~ to 11 0000 Galloway tim hoyis Wl\g\'8 kell.mil the ~ I'ct I I(I~ (I'l\ tho xx Jay of Allrilt' to thl' fertl day c.r ,Iulij, fjUllil k illluv dn~'i8 il k dny viij d,; 8ummn It I tCIII, to Schir Willinlll 1'Iulvilo, the lOX]'CIlS lunid loll thl' l'Cpnl'lltiollll of the PlnC(' or Liulithq\\', hJ liiJ n , 'l;ij U . l'ntelit ill this buke of b..rOI ~hc sl'iij IUl.1 xxnj lli.yis (jf :\[nij nuJ til t si,. nu)' or ,Innij l,il'.'I8t, ss n xi.~ .1 Il/:UI, thl' "j .II'IY nf Julij, payit I.() ,It,,lllle Lethnlle (or Um n..llmrIK'IIiugllI IInrl 'Ill' fUll' Imktlny &"Iil nnd fUl,' for
rtnt' t:rc ~ e ntMIII', xl ~. Hi'''', for III C II.l ill~ "r llm ()lIcuis litlnir nwl nut' bllli! 1.(, the Louui l Jlmlll v Ii. \'iU (t. [Allil otl'CI 8Il.ddlc ..y to tll(' :1II10U llt of .3 0,., 4d.]

h en), I",l)it t() ochir Ale)'.II'll..:r llll'a:ulk.cli ~h.. ~ lit.: gail to ,\lell'/ulil cl' I~\I, r h:ollilr. , .. I.... ill .\1't1I11C f(,r .. hllikis, \).\iiJ i!, lto.! Ul , to .Ivllu\' (,lulIl'\'Our II' f.. Imu ,"It' 11111'11 th I..cJl:II 'C III"oo nl' to IJlI, lhar\' W tll\' 1\I' 1k, l(iiij Ii. h"UI, to lIuwi'l lI,;>rworl 10 I~U< , .. IllIu llO.'rtlUl\' lit II('IIM lh\llU'tnil..~l)' IlOd 81i1ith. ;\\"iij ... Itt'lli . lh(l I'iij 1111,1 tof .'uli}. tu _I nUll- _lIlt'kll. chll'l to}J-u 10 IlI h 'f)WI fOJ \J go.haU,:i., hi Ii.



hCIII , tor nUl Kruh\;,k culc lhllL .tUl> II l~IIIC_

!\:\\'iiJ ..

Et!ill' IJUlt;h W !l:roith Ih ... pnl.ym~ IlWUlI.' the lmlltiu~ IIn,1 tv lie tll<lim, >.IIIJ ~ ltelU, fOl- :1.I"j 1.'IIIl' C,ll11l1l1," tu the J;(Iill I ~IIJ~JIlIo, '\\'j 5. HeU!, for coruil to thllim, iiij io It('lII, fol' UI(>udillg of the im \\'cl'k of thaill), \' Aitelll, rot, III1C bnrL.it hillc to th(> pllil~OIl' Dud wyrkillg or the 801m}11, xiiij &. Itcm, to tho Inglis lol,j,\'lir, he the Kingis co.tnllllllld, xx F IUI1,,;h Clllllllis; Sll UIII1II xiiij tt. ltelll, Iho ix 11"y of Juiij, to IIIC Itnlien IIIClultmles for thah' hOl'l hire fm l-:..tinLIII'gh to Lililithq\\ ami 'YIIC fm I.iulithqw to !3tli l'clill, be tlw Kingill-IJllull.md, xxviij $. h cm, 10 the t}ueui. lutnil', Ue th(> I\, insla ~lJIUllln lld ,
IL "III, 10 UI;1U, If.

Juhuc 1I1-l'tilth,..I.


I_I" 10

item, to lhe t fumpc tis, be thc l\ingi& l'QIIlIIIIIII(\,


'(Iiij ., I tem, tllc:c d'IY of Jlllij, iu Ulllit)HI", fur the hoot mnil quhail 111(' QucII;a g('rc In)' of hir lIal'ill, iij it Item , 1.l3)'il to .lohlll1 WIIIl,18 for nih' II..,.. hil'\: fUI 11\1' sihir wet<' halo fm Ediuhurgh to Lidithqll 11Il<llyn tl'



helll, to .I(lilno l"Ol1l1nU that h~ I"d (.\,1111 fOI tht II~TI.' of tua l)l:dl1ia ill thc Killgia chnmir 111 l.inillil<I\\ Ilk n)'cht xlj d ., 1511U1U1I1. ,,;ij ~ Itelll, fl1r IInc cirkil to the l\iug. l'iiJ (1

a .1).

A<X::OUN1'S OF TH t-:


itenl, for gAil to thn chamiljl, Item, for lun to the Quellis pclQ~, xi,i c1. Item, to thc &aid Johnc he gnU for rnschea 011 SOIlda.y ij L the ,oj dny of Julij, . item, to the U\niltet cuke that he IRid (lolln to the eulis in Cnmbuskinneth 'luhell the Killg disjooit thllte, ix 1 Item, to Sehir t\lenndcr Setouuis Illllli Lrochl aile stUte to the King, xiiij 1 item, to nne Ulnn brochL Ane fed ox fra Dunfennlyn,


I tem, to him be ,,'ail nne mnn hroeht pel'C hcs And ~rowtill fra Loehle"in, ij l item, to him he (,'aif to nile mall hrooht tUIl fed oxin fm Sit J nlllea Kineragy,. . xiiij l. Hem, to Georgo 111\1\1 for to pas in l uglAud, be the 1i:ingls command, xx nngcllis nnd iij d. llIAil" ; summa xxiij It \"j a. ,iij.1. I tem, to the sclawr of Pasla)" for to pos to l.oehUlnbnne, be tIle KillglS OOUUIl!Uld, xiiij L Item, to JOIIlKl J.letll\'en of Faukltllld for Lilli ItaggU lion to l- King, ho v. It Item, tho xij day of Julij, to nno to ha\'e tho keil of the ISChill ill Ounooltane ll1l Stl;\'clin to Cllrclros, xxviij I. l!..em, to Willinm Sinelail' of the cha.mir, be the Killgis commnnd, xx ". h om, for ono toll \.0 draw the I\illgis staggi8 \.(I byl'll, " I. Hem, tho xiiij dQy {If Julij, to the bote mCII ot Cam buskinneth nt the lerye, the Killg I!.nd Q.llene beinS lhnrc, xvij II. \'j a. Item, the xv dny of JuJij, p"yiL to Andro Aytoull ho laid dOUIl , be the ]{illgi8 cOlllluand, to ane 8C:ko !lUlII, ij .. Hem, to him he gnif for tllR leddenll ror ij cOnl'8oUli8, ij it II ~'UI, lhnt he ~I\if, he till! I\ingis com nlRnd, to the Fmlloh Hrmlin,u', xiiij F..

'ii l-

I~m ,

that he II,d ,Ivull W l'c~"" Il llij ":11 ('.uuhhnee h D.l~, Willontlny, or tclio ~'IIU'l1t to hit loeuaioon, viJ Fmnch Cf'OUuill ~"Ul1m\ iUJ t1. x\'iij !l Item . to Thl>lnn~ l'\:!.tlil pa.... unl HI l.oclunnt.o.u to till meall" of the KI:a1l \\IIHJui~, , ix ~, Il cm. fo,' nlll.: lml IItll\~' to the Quemll duuui,', xij it hem , to!' { U I iiJ hintingi" of maeh('l to th" i)ueuia chilm iria ill ~t li vdin III lhlers IJhll'S, ilk bU11ine; j (f. !lumlnll xiJ S. liij d Item. p."\)"il to )I"rllll Uoiisr fOi IIIr htil ung 10 I:lche 1b.1;;ee Autl hnc fUllliat I;ulill ill Ilun\(I}Iluc:, xlilij !. item, to! IJ dOlllIl ailkitl Ilt/ull,a I" the ~'II'licllll~ iiij It Item, to lhe lIi,1 ) Inrtin 111' gnif 1<1 lilt I'ure mall, I'iij l1. Item, ill ~tri\'ehll. to! 11110 fcdil' loed ,11111 RUl' !,ow8tiL' LO the gl'OUlel ill tho Q1Iel1i8 c1uuni r, xxvj I. Item, tor x cille &WI3U clnth to be ClChctia to Ih3illl,


Item, for VJ cIne quhi! to he bl:aneatll LO thailll, xij S. Item, the X\j day of ,Inlij, to ;\hlllll4!r Aie:<ander x 1'1. Muncreif, be the Kingil oolnmllnd, Item, to Alexnnder ~te\\'nlt, dClie of nUllbftr, be the Kingia commaml. x Fmllch Clvuml; lumm. \'iJ ti lteu"!. to :-chiI' .Tolme lIome w hi8 LIggLug, be the Ii:illgia CIlIUUlflnd. xl 11, Item, LO the \'000 of .\ uchlek, be the i\inl.'lS colDmnnd, u,iij S, Item, to nile lUau of lJuueane l'ampbellia broeht doggis to the King. ix 4Item, the uilj day of Julij, to allC mau of Lord Grames brocbt hdlkia to the King, \' I. ltelll, to the IOwtlr htt.u. be eomuliIud, IX ;. Item, tc Johne Camller. the QuCllet lut,lir, xuiij A.. I~, to the Killg hin .... U in hI' l)ut'S Ilubl:u ht nU~1 to DuulocrtAnt, xxx b"U \UUCOIIlI~ nl1ll 'I:\' i"n.lIch xxiill II. crounia; .1I11unl




l tolw, rido.nd to Duo\.lcl\anl', to tlUC nUl n oroohL eheryis to the King, iiij G. It~m, to nne mau k!lpi~ the deir lh(l~ bruk furth of the park of SU'i\'cliu, iij ~. "j d. h em, the xxiiij day of .JlIlij, in lJulIbcrume, to Johne BerWlIli liOllb'Ul', Illle monethi& wage uignnc, \' Fl'!luch crounia ; summa iij N. x a. Item, to Robert HCl'\rol't. to hia ~xpell& to pna to Edin. xiiij I. burgh. Item, ill Unnbcl'tlllle, to Jl\C4lt Terrell , \\riehl, ill drinkxX\'iij l sih'it, ij Franch croulli",. sumllla Item [the xx\'j dny of Julij}. in l-JioutOIlU, to aue hnrpal" thare. be the Kingia cOllllllnuu, xiiij &.

Item, to Simon <:nnnrughame. be the Kiugi.s Ctolnmnnd,

XX\'iij G. Item, th~ xx\'jij lIny of Julij, to .I:ich..- l.WI.il;;e to pas to Stri"elin ,,,ilh tllre tYlit h011l flU Air, . ix A. h em, to Pale. hallXll', at. Ihe Kingi. commaud, ix. h em, to aue !lChawmir III Ail', [I(' the Kiu~ commaud, xiiij I. itelll, lhe )<xix \hi,) elf Julij, to Johuo Rook 1111\\ John!) Bail;,eI! to f~ thaimlua hoI'S fl'lI Corsmgnell \0 (;lell)u.s,

Item, to IInl,)un.y 10 p." hame to Sln\'c\in a1,'ilne, iiij 1. ,'iij d, item, the pellult dtl)' of ,Iulij , 1.0 Ihe sanliusr of )'I~T\01111, be ooDIIIUl ud , XIIIJ b. Item, lo Jolme Fornum to his expeu, lO )1Il$ [l('fol'e the King lo LochlllnlJlLlle, . ~iiij ol. itcm, fol' lilkynuys of Sime\. Kiniane ill Qllhithirn, ix.t item, to 'I'hOlllGl, jcllloUt, aL the Kingis COIllIII:md, ix r;. lteUl, to Ime Er1ieh man hrocht halkis In the Ktng, i)(! the J';ingis commnlMi, u\'iij ~ IlCI!!, to line mRU iwochL lctll('/, rm ColdiuslHunc II' 1)ulllo:lllA lhllt COlt! in hnf fm UCI'IYik fm Ihe (!(IITemr "f lughll1l1, ix il. 1\1'111 to ,IRmes JhclIar IIIlNllll1tl \(I t:OiliillJ,:hIUllC wilb

l.onn HIliIf 1'11":'\:-'1" HEI:. collrt! to I.nng h.lln. th,' 1.,,1.- U!IIII' til



11"111. thc ...,l1ml IL1y ..r Augu,.t. 1'.\yiL to tile ('CllIll'lIo1hll' thM he g,.if 1.<, uiiij (',utill II :th IlIl' 4111('lIi" 1.:1111>1:..."-' frn .:"hllhllll;h LO Lilllith'I\1 uiiij ullil'Ol1li!l, 1.11.1111)'11 rna "':"lilll.llll};h It) 1..illlith'I\\, 111\1 "~II to :-'t,;,o.:\ill th:U"f'ftl1: ilL: (".ut "f xxiiiJ "drlll! ij I1l1iu'Wia, 'Iuhllk iI xh'iij ulli(;urlllll IUIIIIJW hiiiJ II. X\j i. ltell! , to IItiC lliall 01 tilt.' I.... h"l' .. f t;ull"ll/lyi" Lhl(;ht Ilia hlll},:;a nlld "IW hl)1" I" tl ... Killt-:. I.., Illc Kino.-\:;

xlij i.

Item. to 1111.., tI1ULI'()l1I1I" ill l 'CIIII,lliglllllnl', I..., thE.; Kingi~ xiiij S COIlIUHlUd, of ('1"1.."(". 1tCIII. for Lilli 110111 l.oocln 01 thl! willi!" Iij t1 11':111, to IUIC Hopi ttl l>ilill L.;hiu.l ..UI Oil\! tllIlk of tht"' Kiugil, xl"j (l. hCIIl, to IUlo.l IIII\U tlf th....\l.llOt <lr lIuliilltiholls, ill l'litlil~il\"il' er I\lIt' hers ~illlll to tlil' Kill.:, ix ~ Item , thc thriu .11IY Ilf AII).:\I"I, tt, 1111 hl.1II tll'IL I,rocht..mc hOI" to the I\ill<: 11M! IhUI\lIil 1m .., boy, he tilE.; Kingil OOlUliumd, :.:iiij ii. item, 10 Ane tn.lll or U1111 l'1\:t1u(ln~ of SlLlIrJuluU' Lroch~ lU;1 th)'A!:i~ tn thc "ing. I..., thl: Killei. COI,\IUnml, :':Iiij S, !tCIlI. 10 :lluisl,.. LUUl'eIICe Tniirt-ir. the' lilll uoctonr, be C(llnm'lIld. 'iiiij ,;. Ilem , for the IInl>l1 ('onl the "ill, olin.IltI.1I II-Itkin.,: xiII) ~ Item, 10 tho c:ntkit.- vicar tilolll;lI!,;i. 111 1I00U11n.:u., I.... the Kiugll command. ,..: 'Il(!lll , ill LiuclowJell. VI Ih\.: Il;I~,rit to I"ut IUlla11t: 11,,01111, be the Kingil OOIfl111A1II1. :diJ S h em, to the lIJ..I"'-'IUI t,f Linclowdcll, ,.f .lnu1.-1Inr,



Itcm, l14rlL to JCtlme }'ormRIl thllL he laid (loun for Jolme COUpRll1 chamir in lJrnmfl'Cia, iiij elne quhit. ilia .lo<.; skinnis, allIi for ij hON! hire fra DnHnfreia to LochmRoone, . xxij a. item, Ihe \'j da~' of .\ ugu8t, to Jaeoll &Imanstoun to the keping of the tlla dogJia l.ord ( ' I:hlol1l1 gnf And for tilail' mel, \. Ii hem, to lloyd 10 Ie..Je iu.me the 'dlllyn Ooggtli, . iiij a, item, to the Ull1&OII8 of Loclllllaoollc. in dl'illhiivir, :a:iiiJ 1. Item, to the wriebtis IhM.rc~, :&:iiij A. Item , to Jaime :\lmI';IJi.s IiInLronRr. Lc the Killgis command, xiiij iI. hem. for arrowis t ", lhe King-, xiiij ~, item (the ix day of AUgll"l~ Lv lht; IITOyet;\ 01 Edin l,urgh he laid doun for nne IIwol'd to tho,! Killg, Item, to l Ini.Bter Jnmes Wutso u to the bunleft t;..'qX1US in :)alletflndroia lor the lUolicthis of AlIgmil. :;C)ltellllJer, October, qnhilkis contcllis InHij uayi.s; fol' ilk day viij I.; aUUllM XXltvj n. xvj SItem, poyit to JOlnCll J:edhench, L'oUiptrollar, that he gnU I.le the Killgis C(!1II1118Ud to Thomas BOfillell, iiij FI'8 neh crouuili ; SUlllilla Ivj l Item, thllt be gaif fOl' ttil hlancl1lill to Corry, vij b. Item, for nne sill'k to Curr, . iij ~ item, for hOI and sehOllt to Curry, ' iij ;.. item, for nne pair of schclIlc to Xomee, xvj d. Item, 1.0 Ihe lUall that p1$Sit to fech tbe cartill to linIithflw 'luhen the Qucne com fro Linlithqw to Strin:!lin, ij !I, Itom, for ben L 1.0 the Quenis ehamir, "iiJ ,. item, ill Stri\'clill, for h\'c score ten brrdillg;8 of rosches to the ehRlllirea; ilk bynling j it.; smllma i..,; 8.. ij d. I tem, to mehurd Justice, IlIgIiaU1nu, of the Qucnis ward rob, xiiij l Item, to ~lni8 tCI' \ \' i 11 inln I I"" oor, II(! till: K i "Sis COilll nand,

""j ,:;

xlij "Item, to Johne Daddaol!, ('ordOllnr, fur sch(>Ile UtIlC rro



hnD lO I.nJy .\ieqtr'et tho Kinp;i~ \lCllhtir and l1aTJo!,)' ... 10 Il11.

I.iudesay luul the lUll lIMi. rm i 'uUllilln,

itelll , to him fur Lulili uud l('il1)I"II. t .. ('n~IVrfr.

h. till, x"j i. ij 11
11\.~'ri~ j'( ~

hem , to aile l!er\"lllld of tlUl Inrtl or


I\ (; r~


I\ ill(:,

Item , l'(l)"it 10 ,1011110 FormAn for Ano I..-JU('L to <:hri&tor~'r, lano ril..ou~ to the 1.11,1.\"11, IIlle ril.(lUl' t" :-... IUl 1'I,OUI31l Komeil Ixmtt. 111111 for turain~ or ~Ilru\:i" ,lou)'!"t v. Quhithinl n\lll IlguU(', ~i 1 \'1 d lI.elll, to Uall'\o 1)U\I!e 10 I,.r 1l1I~ h,lIk, iJ 1'11111. h lrounia, .111111118 x;\\'iij L lIelll, the xiij tloly of . \nl;lIhl ~illill 10 Inc 11I8h' iliaD of the Erie of Kentia th;ll \'I'OCIII 11()\li~ IIml ;1nl.>\lia 10 the I\iug. be the KillSis eOUJIIHlml, iiij 11. .~ .to, h em, to AdM U BOyll, lUlU 1l1l'1I~lll1le with hilU,
xiiij .,

Item, be the Kingis e(lllllllllllil. w ,Iohn :\108mnn, polingair, til IIlAk hi! ('xpena tilt' 1."111(' tilt' Kiug 11'&1 A~ Quhilhirn, xlij l item, to fme Ulllll thnt. iAud the Kiugi~ 'pllf I,alk, iijliJd. Item, to Ino IIIAIi bf'CK'ht. writing to tht: King rra the pro\'ealof Elhuhurgh_ iiij " \"iij d. Item, to Onnunct pnnlOw,lIlt 1<) loAl> 10 (':'I"Jnr with \\fiLingil of the Killgil for 1~'lIlir, iiij 1 ij <I. Item, til(!! xiilJ ehl~' or AngUlI. tl) Wyl), thC! IlIght JllCI aingeir lhllt. emil to Stl'ivchu to \\;!.III or till' cUlulllyng of the mouee to L'ol.liugluullc, xv Frlluch croullia;
IUlUlIla ,

tt. x

Item, to Hute pUl"8ewnuI that


hllll, iiJ


crouui., IUlUm3 .t lij I. Item, to CIIrllS that Cllryit til<' lUonl'C I", ("ol,JjIlSh.'Lme to




Item, the ;\\'j IUIY of J\u~:II~t, Ilolyu to tiM:' "",ilter cuke hI' lai,1 ,101111 '1IIh('\I Lhl' Km:;" .,t t~\lhithirll, ill the hl1lt to the Lckher ill IInllll(n-i. ).\\li,l'"



It.cm, to ane sen'and of tile Inrd of Cokpules lll'OCh~ an ... present, ' \' Q. {t.cm, for the belchel ill l 'cbl~lj. x:<viij &. I t.eIU, to II.D II C8l'iRge ILlIUI thnt tlLl~it nne hCl,t to tho! Beschop of Glasgo, iiij I. Item, be tbe Kingis colU n~LUd , h) , l oI Ul~', ",.nrtliu:lr of f 'auklauJ, xiiij ..., Item, 10 Gillepnl rik CUI' pnssaml with tile Killgis Icttl'C' to l Jakloyd, ' .\X\'iij 1. hCUl, to Jnmes llusch, IlICll!ellgcil', pn.6Slllll( with the Killgis (curet to UUUllltftlngie, ' ' n\'iij ,;. hew, to J ohnc Herlilhed, tnilbOliL', ImJ IlDilbOnu men, to his wage I)(I58Il.IIll 10 Edilll!llr,;h fl'll 8trh'eli" for the palJOlI1 IIlIll to the lI ulllhnll ami "galle, xx\'iij .., Itcm, to thc Colllptrollnr he gnif fO iiij o,;'II'Ulb'C hoI's WI l' the lI unthali \ritb pnilSous, xij l \'j d. I lClLI, LO 111m he gair the kch that belit h'cr J olme Litetuil' of Iymhin:;t nllli fol' his Il.X peIlS, I'ij n, vj j, I'iij d, tlem, to him he boaif, he th u Kiugis COllHllnud, to Lhe pur folkis hel.lthnir COl'll eti ll ill HIl'CthenL II ~ tho hUllting:, xlij t, I LCII1, w Ale:<lL uder, luupIlt, \)c comllland of the t.al'dis or t he Chekkcl', ' xx 1. I tCIll, pnyit to the IlLII U LtLa~ hed his coru ctiu n~ the lI un~ha11 of OIculiugllls, be the Kiogis command, 1"It. item,tbe xix c of August., nt Jnme Dogsis hOU8,Of driuk ia} sill'i1-, lie thc Kingis command, ' \- t. Itcm, the xx day of _ \ngult.. \I~ the JIlluthnll of Glen linglat, fir tl!illks ih'ir, ij it I t\!liI, to A ile IUtu\ lhllt !OncliL !tIlC spllubclI dog, be lhe 1\ i ll~is COIilUUUlI I, v i. Itelll, for IIl1e h0l1l ~1lL to William l lorhnlLlI.', l nglpmmu, \'j it lteUi. LO l IOl'i. 11l1lll1h]\11111111 jlulIII/I.lI ll to ElivutOLLII, Lc lhe Killgi~ COhllll,l lld, xiiij A.

h em, llll" ,nij till}' of Auguu, pRyi!.

1\1 IIii' Inaisl(:1 uko ... ". Iso.:. thaL he I"ill 110ull 1.0 UHl I\CmOIl (.If UI'unln,ith Ih"t j,roeht. talnlis RUt! bntir to the I\illl: at the II UlIlIIII\l,

xiiij it

Item, to Rile man or the 1 1l 1~ 1 of peri!! to the Kill);. hem. to lUll' IlUUI blucht. dis Rlnl lllcllllluhohnc. Itelll, to nne mall to pas uucI bride lI ullIhalll.O Dunbcrt.'1ne, ' ItelU,1.O nne IOIIIl of the 1'1 'O\'C8ti~

l:u1luhnullallis l'I'OCla iJ i. Ilikis frn thel'rior (.If

ij A.

Ihe Kingia IIC<! fr3.the xiiij 11. of DunllCltlille brocht. aile uX to tll(> King, . h's. Item, the x)(iij lilly or AUbfllat, to 1'hollll\' Foret ill lwilli! Ioih'it' of une hOI'll giflln VI the I.. illg he my J.ort! of Dutifo lllll ~'IIt.'. xiiij 9. Item, the xxiiij dny of August, to allo lIlan of Schi1' Wi1Iilllll :\Illn'flyill brocht d~'Hjll to the Rillg, '(iiij I, Item, he the 1\ i ngi~ eommnnd, 10 nne Herlollnr to hnl lettl'C3, ill Bertnll3," to the ton n of Conqllat. quhnir h'j i, the Kingia M:lljp i~ IMid, ' itell!, 111 0 )(lel .111,1 !If Auglln, tOI' tlliU h01'1I 10 Willinl)l :\Iorhnme, ! nr.:lislUnn, lIl' the Ii:ingis {'omnl!ul(l, " tt \'j .t \'iij U, 111.'111, th(' x:(\'j <lily of .\UgHlIt, to (.'nrnnl'nle, elClk of lhe QUI.'Uill clOSl'I, he Ih(' Kill~ill ct!lUlunml, \j Fmuch crau llis; IIUllll,1II iiij n. jjjj II I lnli'4t 1\I1 IH1\ he Ilinid fllle linus, .' Itcm, fol' nile 1011111 1111111111C i:IIl,1i\ ~o lhe 8fIl11yn, I' 11, 1\.('IlI, for hil (');I'lellft 1~'I!II.'1nd \" C'oldi nghnUl the lallt Lymc, ' :>Iiiij il Item, \.(I D'II'ill, (nlcolIlIl', tor his cXI'leIt~ At thc mnking of the hn.lk i~, ' ;ul'iij il [lelll , in ~lrh'elill , to 116~ [lIgli~ IUcII81mlC1 Ih n.t com thnN'. 1'Ie thc Ki ngi8 C(lIIIUlIIIl'1. xij IIl1iC(ll1lia: lununn x N. ;\:I'j ~, I tem ( till' xx,ij !lily o( ,\ 11J,lIlU), lO the "'pml;50.rt. tltnt mid
lite hnrll in the I'luk .. f :o;tril'l'lin , xiiij

~" 1~


OF T il E

hem, to Johne ,Uc.mnn t.o pu!I to Edinburgh to milk potingary for ),!astres BarJeis armc, . xiiij l hem [tho xxriij doIy of August], to Uoube Galloway his ehildis 11'R3'Cl1 fro the Ccrd Jay of Julij bipaSL to the XXI;ij day of Augus~: ilk Uny I'iij d.; StIlU!U3 xXXlij .s. iiij ct. hem, to QLlintin w pM to rois his brel'e!, xlij I, Item [the xxix dny of August], to Dunenno Riche, n...iub'Cir, to pM to &tnet Johne!toltll In proeilltne lite nir or the IIIIIl)'n, ix il heLII, the pc:nulL day of August, to Schir Johnc lIome, be tlte l':ingis commnnrl, to the higging of his plnce, uI'j n. xiij iI. iiij d. I !.e1U, on Sondny the last dnr of Auguu, to nne pllyntour to pnyllt 8nnet Johne of Dunhn r in the Castell, ,. Frnllch cL 'Ounis; 1I111ttllHI iij It x AItem, for gold ful;5ee Lluhilk I"\"es gimn to ), IOBltlu n , potingnit" x"j AItem, r.o Neabit, IICI'Vlllld to the Itnlien me Dstrnies, be

COIUUllllld, ' xiiij I. Item, to nne mnn thnt Lrooht qllik herons fm the Irml (If Dllwik to the King, :o::iiij iI.
~F. I'Tr.,\lnl"l.

hem, the first tbly of September, Slmct Jeli~ ,lay, to the boyi9 of &lUet ,' elis qneir, of spllr !'i1vir, vij 't Item, to l Iaister Luul"cuoe T41ireir to U)' him nne ho ..... be till' Kingis command, v Frnuch cI'Quuis i summn iij n. x I. ItclII. tile thrid W of S<!pLCmber, to J :ulte Tail30ur to ly 1"I3.!i in I>:&ktlnll' to the Al'mestmllgis with thc Kiugis lI'rilingis, . iiij A. hcm, the King: paSSlmd to Bih'flf ttnd llynyt iu LintoLlLl, to lho II if, uviij l ItcLn, ~ho (err! tillY of SopLCUIber, to lhe Kiugis dyni,. in lJun~ynt fit halkiug, . . xiiij I. \lOlli, for nile hors to lhe c...m-e~ Llu hilk wes giflin to

[),,\Ine, the OI'tlhLll,

vj 11.

nile tilltdllr, A_I' iij ~. Item, to nne daft \\'on1311 titan', ij I. iiij 1.1. ltelU, the "J tiny or 8cpt1:milcr,to Ihe hlie I)f (;ll\lIfunhs fuiconar, be the Kinbris cOllllllflnd, x"~~iij ., Item, be the KingifJ co_nmnlltl, tl,) the Duke of

hem, lile \" ILl" of ScJl~IIIl....!r. iu Uig.lr be the Kingis ooillmaml,


Glltlerill IS('Cretnr thnt Well heil' in .'lILt~L~~all, .'t!(xiij II \j;;' I'iij d, ItelLl, to lhe b'tmlinnr (If l.iulidlllw to Ly viij StlUes of 00", l'iij Fum",h erounis: 111111111111 \' It. xij ... h.!II1 [I h~' I"iij tln.l of ~1)toDlber], I)''Iyil 10 ,Iohl1o Fmlld. thnt hll laid doull qultell he In.'' ill 10'11111111,,% 1.0 nne nWI 10 pal to ~OItro D.-une to Ie nlill IlItlst to the I\:ngill eehip,:..: 9, grel, Iud thnrfor 114)"i~ in Scottis 1I1 01lCC, xxx it Ilelll, JlayiL to Andl'o BUl1'cll,lIIltlill(l1', be the Kingi. cOluLllalll\, for nne W011\/UI 811llill, gmlhit,tlHle le tbe I\;ng th", tYIl1C' of the hnule CUIIIlIlYIll-\" of the ql1cue, iiij It. Item be the l\iubrj8 commcllld, to the I'l'OthOIlOlnr of Xalmlt'S, xij Fmnch eraunis; lumma viij 11. \ iij i. Itcm t.) nne lIIall of ~hir Dnl'i(1 :o;i1H:laris in l.ritli:"ilvir of tlln Orknny tl"ollis ginln to the King, n'iij AI lelll, tll(' ix (1n~' of ~ept.elUber, to DunCAn!! r.iehee 1'1I8SAmi with lettl"l.'7. of .\lulluoll(l~ opon aui8('fl of l'rro'lr for />C11)"1! or J,J''''I~'II LlaudJC,'UJI ill the II1:hil"dJoUle~ or I nVC'I'IIC1, 1:01, Jo:lgiu, Fom.'lI, 1 ~III, and Ahirdclle, xlij i. Ilem, to :\[l1l1Cb, mel!8illgeir, p48i..'\ud \Iilh .ic1ike ")t\rez in thc IIChil'cfdolllc:t of i'eb\is, HoX"llIIl'gh, I\il'kcud !IITcht, Sc1kyrk, l:cnfrew ond Ail, xlij.t Item to Unlluud purse\\nn~ I'tlWlnd with liclike J~ttrez ill the echirdllomel of I'etth 3U11 KillClll'din, :o:\"iiJ ~ h em to bellir J3\11es Gorthy. J,e Ihe Kill;,,';1 eOUlmoud,

, "-

Item for ~\'in fICOre four 1>ln1ing of rflN:hfl (..) Ihe chalJlil'\'l ill ::itm-elin; ilk LIt"tIiIlg' j . 8UIIIIII;1 xij l. .t hem for uj hinlillg 1'I\8C1t~ (0 tht: kil'k in :Stril"elin, tx,i d,



Hem, for lIoting of the pannell of tho IOwm 8IIdill mu\ IwppinK of it, for flUO collrpnlo find lee to the 8Itmyn, Item, fOl' nne IlIlir hmals to coffl'e1. quhcn th;l pa8l3it to


CoJdiughnmc, .

xx A.

[.\lId other aacldlclT nmonulillg I.Il :; I jll. lid.] 1t011l, to Ilrngmflll, hnrpill'. 00 tho Kingi. l'"mmfllld , xiiij I. Item , the x dnyof &pt(>mbcr, to llobt'I'L 1101'11'01'1, that he Wfl1ltit of his wngca tIm trme he II"CI in Dum Ucr'wlle, . :\iiij a. item, t.o .Iohno Qllfll'COn r linnd seik, he tllo Kingil COIllmAnd, . xiiij A. Item, for xij cine smnll Ikll't.flllc cll';tll LO he schelLs La :Hniatree Elenol', I)C! the l\:ingil' conlllHuld: ilk cluo ij iI. iiij It.; sumUlIl . x:H'iij II. Item, to dnft .10k t~ fnle. be the Kingia coUlnul.I\d, xiiij It. ItOIIl, to Janie TllilYlUf to Tillo to nllll~11\.S to 800 how Lord Home dill, iij It. \'j d. Itom, t.o Willdcl'lIPUIIC, h(' the Killgil couulInnd,
xiiij h.. Item, to the Spllll6nr~ (luhc1L tho.! Kin;::11 hlllk hOI1l kClt hilll, iij Fmuch cronnie: I1II1UII\n xlij ~

Ilem, VRyit to the moister ellke he {!llr ror nliC hOI1l to the silvir "cechtlle, iij It vj Jl.. "iij It. Item, 11R~'it to him thll~ he gair to allC womall in Hignr Ih.:11. l,'l'nlhi~ tho I\ingis chamil tluu'e, ,. it Item, to him he j.,'lli r to !llle mlln hroeh t r.,...h rro l.oeh
lo,ill. iij it

IWm, 10 aile mllil hrocht pertnkil rm Willo :->Jlicehoul, Item, to aile mnn brocht ,'enisolln

rm Dllmh('Ttaoe to the

iij il


ltelll , tho ",ij (loy Scptc m\Jl"T, to Fergy (;mme too I'M to 1)\llIglulI with writingi.l rm lho Kiug to my I.ord Chnlllirlllllo, iij l ItelU . to lhe Splllly.rti. Ihnt wea IChip brokin , xiiij ..


I.onn ilion

" J:E ,\ ~U I;EI :


Item, to my 1.0r'l 1 of t.:raurnrdi~ fAICOlillr, 1.0(' th" l\iu>!i~","_If.,l, tOlllllllllltl, xiiiJ " Item, the xiij tillY of Scptcmh('l', fllr \'ii.l 1I'(("ltlli of glM 8ml xiij uriunll'fl ,If'lil'clit to ;\1 01111411, I'tJtill~llir, ~'fJ[iiJ i. iiij d. Item, to lInister W!llllr (}.;ilv_l for to I "l..~ iu Int;lnutl to tceh hia wif. Le the Killgil4 command, u fmul"h CroUllia, summn ~iiij II. l telll, for 1 domll hnlk bellia. \I\t' "iij iI. ltelll, to Sehi r 'ThouHl.!! QU)'IU'u. Lc th., Ki ugis coll'lnllllltl, ix I. Item, lhe xv ,lay of Scptt'mhcr. 10 the ~ 1~\n:;nrtilJ tbot. wer achip Lrokin, he tile Kingis eonuWltul, x Fmn<'ll eroulI's: l umUHl I'ij II Item, to Colin C'nmphelt, ))(' lhe Killgill c(uuUlnnd, 10 It)' him IUt(' IlIlll, . .u.\l-j!l. Item , to Aile )lIlnil', be tho Kinllie 1'01I1I1Inll,], xiiij Il; Itelll, to the FI1III('h (luhi.i llllr. 'fiiij ~ Item, to HrobAllnr, nne mcnllll'lle, be the Kin,,';"
commnnd, 'fiiij Ii. Item, At. 11irIIOIlIl. 10 the nU\lOlIa !lUd IlerkUlen in drinklih"ir, u\"JiJ" h em, the :C\-j .Iny or Septelllher. tu the 1II(II()IIa of th(' !:iteill ill drillkeih-ir, UI"iij;' 1l('1Il, to till' qllnreoolrill (If th ... "'1m.I'n in ,Irinbih'ir,

Item,to the IIIIl.~OIl~ anu wer1.:mell of Aytoull ill .Irill\,;:(.'fliij a. sill-ir, item, to Jacsoll, muon of the Steil, (IIr a.UI' 11.1,1 rest.
hem, the \\"IIJ .lnr


:o;eptember. lu tho


Hliij .. UUlI:.;11lt.1 Item, that nyehl. to the King to pia)' Mt Ih., tatlil at );,J[ ;. the Qubi~ K~-Ik. Item, to I.ord l:Ortltllilis fnk",."r, he til>" Kingia COUl-



'tiiij a. manu, )L('tn, the xx tta}' of Sepl.emoor. lA tllf' Kill:.:ia COIDIIlIlIltI. l-iJ ,(, lO the 1('11.: fulkla IIf 1.eith,

\,n. I~.


Item, to dill! llle5Singeir tv pilS to summond the InrJ of COrfJtol'phyn to the Kiugis illswllce. ij 9. iiij d. item, the Xlj dny of September, Im);t to ThomM I'eblis for xvij feel of nell' SiRS in Linlilhqw, . ;0[ R. Item , pnyit to .' ohllo Formrm Ihnt he laid (Iolln for nne felt hnl to the King,. iiij !I. Itetn, for ij spowllgis to the wan.lrob, \\iij iI. Item, ior lllC'oding of nne pair of schetis xij d. item, that he t,'llU in Signl for ij beJdis to Cowpauis for nne lIycht, \'j ~. I tem, for tlll'Si ug of gl!UIStls fm Edinburgh to StTi\elin, iiij~ Item, for ii crelis lu tUl1i thaim iu, X\'j 11. Hem, to funr 1111.'11 in I::..lillbm-gh to fH ld "lLd lay up the an-es wel"k , ij !. "iij d. Item, to four men helpit to tnk doun the arre!! werk ill T.inl ithqw, x\'j d.. Hem, to Rne ser\'and of Andro Halilmrtons thn t the Mid Andro laid dOlln On tlte fUl"llcssi ng of the payntOl1r to COlli ill :O:coltillUti, iiij n. x s. g ret, nnd giffin to him tharror iij It. :\ij l lnglis: Iluhilk is in Scottis mOllce, . xij It. xij it item, to the said serland he gaif the &aid parntonr in Scotland, iij 1t Item, In the snid pnrntoUl" h-j iI. Item, 10 James ')Ink~son to fUl"llis the Killgis Il8lt of the sehip callit the .Jdent to pas rOI" the r~schop of SnnctlIudrois, . !xxx ri. Item, to ThouHls Ednil', tnil;;ollr, he Inill d01l1l for titre en ri ngc hors (ra Etlillll11rgh to ~lri\'elill lIith the Kingis e]nthes dhcrII tymcs, xij ii, item, pap! to th o IIIl1ister cuke he gait of ooleheir at the Kyrk oi ::itcill, . xiiij it Item, to ,Alexl1nder Elphiuslollli, be the Kingis COIll'Mud , ,.j Fl1Inch Cl'OllIIis; sUUlma iiij n. iiij iI. Item, to lUll wcmen snng iu the Kiugis chllmil, xliij it it{,lJI, 1.0 Thom Cuke, mAllOn, to pas fro Edinburgh to ~Irivcliu, il iI.

1 10. 11 10 11 .0

II:EA ~ l"I;EI :


h.t: UI, 10 Ru\)(:'L Itullmau, lut.llir, he lb, KIU,;i,l.vIIUUiuuJ .. I~ ); iiij 11. Item, to the eolllllcs (or f'muturdil luu"}IlIr b.. eoIllUIIIIH.I ,


h ell), LO the 1U;l.tUlIllir J1 >11 J111\1I 1\11l ~, ix !1. heltl , to the I)liml hJl"l-'Ili r , Ioe t he I, I lI l!l 'I.~ '''U lUllJli , ,ij t Item, to UII,ill, fn.loou.:u. 1O I )("'~ I" Ilrr\\ik f"l h.llki.,
u\"I ij ;..

!t('IlI, to alh' lUau of .Iohu l lllrl,I}I' ill Iori.libiinr of ,lilt.: hOnl giUln w the King, \Iiij A. Item (the u:iiiJ tiny of ~ptcIll Lcr). to IIno I'UI W\lIII;\1I 111 l.inlithqw, xij It Item , til(' lau ,IllY of Septemher, rur Ix .n\\"ij Linli ug n..cb(>IJ to tho QuclliB chamili. ill Suil"citll ilL .Iinn. tYlUl'l, ilk iJil\lillg j II. : , UIiIIIIIl null. j II IW1I1 , w tho ),Illdl " thllt mnkia the gluli ij in ~t\"i\"t' hl1 , xxij i. Y 11. J

ItCllI, the urn Jay of October, to the Il"lien 1 1IeuB les liu IIlId the llore taIlLroIl.lr, h., the I\ ;ugil oolUllulml, \"j Franch c",ulli. 'IUI\1IIa iiij N. iiij &. ltelll , to 11110 f"lconar callit l'ate. !.oe oomlOlIlI,l, \U . item, to oue m.lIu 1 o)C ht tua Inill or glaue. tr:l blill'l ix a burgh to :-;~riH'l ill, Item, to J\ lolic lInkrory. he the I\ i u~. CUII \lUIIIIlI. h-j.t. ltelll, the 8t.'CIl I\.1 11.1 uf (,klohrr, 1M! the Kin;,;" oom )" xiiiJ .t uumJ, to line 111,\11 o( the 1h:no o( Ilolludia. IU'''I. he the Kingi. cull1maml, W .Iulull' lIe Cow}".. ni. \i uhell IM'O J !'P.lrtu to Fran,,\:. iij< .F rl1och \;l"Uunia ill Ingli. m OIlt'l.; It .x ". Item, thl' tllrid (1:\yof October, to s.:hir Johlle I{lJlI,C for the Quenil hon IChcnug din!'" l}11ICl, iiiJ tt. xix I. liij d Item. PIlyit to 1I0boo Gallu,,..y (or ij pn.i r atcrap ledtlt.:ris too tht' Kin ij, iij .. I Lem. to the Franeh . myth, be the Kingis command, xiiiji.

r~ l@.

hem, to Lbe plaiatil' luau, ' :ooiiiJ 1. hem, to Arcbe Ste\l'lIr~ quhen he lang to lh(' King. xiiij I. Item, 10 Widdil1lpulle, the 'oular, be Ihe Killgia com mand, . xiiij A. Item, to the gardinar of FallkLwd, he eOl1lmaDd, xiiij .t hCll1, to Quhi!8ilgibbonn thlll'e, i.-: a. item, iii FflllkLlml, to Jllc:ob Stooo, be ~mlllAnd, "iiij A. (t('III, to Ane tllbelnr ill Fnuklltnd, ' Item , to Jolmo f'oupani! I>M'nlldit .It hi! departing, iiij Fmlleh (,l'Oun;s: llunUlIn lvj ~ Item, 10 the mlt~ll! in FnnklnlUl, . . xiiij a.. Item , to lhe nulia in Fnnld,1ul1, be comlllllnd, ' xiiij~, Item, payi~ to ,\ 0111'0 :'ICnlhiaoli ill Fnukland for ij hors and iiij Ulell thnt passi~ 10 Slrh'clill fro Fnnklnud with Ilne 80\\'111, ' x,iij SitCII!, for the hlC!nding of tll(' ea~ IIntl Wetl~ plld, ~ctti' nll(\ nile 1 to nne of thaim, 0k ij l \"j d, il(>lII, the fen l (Iny vf QetollCl', to lhe IIOII'UiI' lutnr, be the Kingis eDllllnnud, U II.. Item, to the l'I~l\'C8L of :'Ilctlwcnis mnBOlIS, ill drink lIih'h, xiiij 11.. It-01II, fnr nne 111)'1' for hnl).:is,. " i. Item, to nile UlRn broeht \'clliNlu to thc Kill!:: h'l1 lhl' ix !I. Eric ot Ergilc, . Item, to nllC ',11lI1 brocht trowtis fm the lanl ot l,ochlevill ij~ Itelll, to thc mlliatcl' ellkll he gRir to nnc "lUll Ihllt Iwoeht nile cAring(> fro Dnnglna to thc QlIhit },i!'k 4nhen the Kiug W{'II Ilml't'" iiij So he.w, thc \' uny of OCt.lUCI", to "ncob Edmnll.lllo\\U for Illning of the Kingis t10ggis to Loch r.Hllllor. xiiij a. Item, iu ])111111 . . , I') Ille King 10 pl'ly lit lhc ClII'l i~, xiiij a. hcm {Iltt' \'j 1111,1" Hf ()ct,ther). 10 .\lIdro SI()wlIrlia IIIftn n\;1'/" CIlIlIlll halllc funlt 0' FrauC(!, xiiij if,




I a.:.

h em, to aile man uf the 1~r1c 'If Cmufurilia, of bl"idil .. Lo. I~ silvil' of lun hoI's b.jftiu Lv tho Kiug, . li.iiij~. Itom, tho \'ij dny of OctoUcI'. to Hnmmy, r"kvllnr, to reI,: him UIII,: hOI'S to Aloinlcllc lind tv l"elUnno tv the Killgis inellllllU)'lIg. . xiiij a.. I lenl, (0 Illie IIUIIl vf the Lonl uf IIIIIel111cithis ImlCh~ ano hulk Lo the Killg, xiiij.s. Item, Lv Thomus, clerk of the ehal>CU, I>t! the Killgi .. eOlllllland, xlij S, Item. to the ruulal', to ))lIS befor\.' thc Killg: t.o !Jeruwal' with hi.s lIettl,;, xiiij S, Item, for aile hoi'll Lv Al ex'lmle\' :\lllkeulluch. "ocht a~ Gilbert Cnmerollll, viij II. l tew, to [OUI' filleollaris to I~l'" to .\bil'llcll~ nml to remauo t.o tho IGugis incUllHII)'ng fm :-:r\llc~ l)uLhoi,,;, iiij Fmnch c)'ollliis j SUlUma h'j i>. Item, 10 the Eric of Ul'nllfnr<iis rniCOllllr, 1.10 tllo Killgis cummaud, xiiij~, Hem, tho ix dill' ('If Novomber (/. Octobcl']. \.0 lhe botmen of Loch Cnllluor, bo the Kill~iij couUllIUHJ. xiiij i>. Item, to aue mUll thnL lll'O\'it the Wlttl!' uf I)ou befol'

the King, ilt l Item, fol' tU1'tling of the Iloggis Lv IJCI'1I1\ uJ \'ij ii. Item, the :t dllr of Oclober, parit to Jliuiau.'l WiIlinOl Ogih)' Ito hed Inid dOlln Lc lhe g'lIit. nl tho Kingis commnnd, xliij S.
ItOlll, pll)'iL to AI'clIC Uikil'loml L1l11t lie Il1id donn in DUlldo. !oil lhe Kingis command. for le<1dir, wellu!I, and tn!l'cty to nlle "idiug cvlllH' to ('rititofef, xxv i, Item , pnyit to 8chir Petir L'rechtOllll lie gail, be the Kingis commnnd, to line blind IlIlln ill lroch l'allillor. \' Ii.. Item, to Jall1(l Dog he hed laid cJOHIl for uue l.r:idill to ij It the 6Owmo hors, Item, Ihat lIycht, ill SU"I\bogy. Lo til\' I,iug to plilr lit sliij Ii the eal'l;e, tX Frallch crounis: summll,

" .D I~




item, to Gilbert Cameroun for aile hoI" to here the Kingis aowm, xij "mneh crounia j ,lllmns \'iij 1I. \'iij l Item, plyi! to Johne }'onusn (haL he laid d01i1l for l"j pund Uokki. to the harnel SIIdill, ij 1. Hem, for Rne hOrl hoWl to thf- samyn Mdil, iiij l. j d. item, the utir balf o( an~ mail ot elMh tor the Kingia clok, "iij l. "j iI. hem, for iiij ~ cine canunel to lytle the samyn; ilk {'Inc xiiij {1. j IlIlIIum v R. iij d. item, for ij poki. to pnt I:l\"erokia in, ij .. viij d. henl, for Rne poir ,puria to thc luug, xij d. Item, fot ann cmmp to the Killgi. Inord lind grathing
ofi~ ~d.

I tem, lhat he gail to the Iilall tUrli, tbe mllil,

ij l !teUl, the xj dny of October, to Dn\'id, (nlcounr, nnd tbe man that cem (utlh of Schetlalld to 1)1\1 to Abirdeuc and to l't'lnallC to the Killgil CUlIllUYllg thllte, iiij "milch eroulli. j '11111111a lvj I. item, to Uichanl W811ns to pM fm BUilt w Abirdeoll with the cou linlUttion of the air (of .\iJildcIIC, vij ~ I tem , be the I.'fiil , 10 Hue pm wif Lhllt oom to tile Kiog with am.' hill , ' xiiij IWIII, to thC' (clyuri. of SlIoy of ooith Ih!' hotill, iijFmnch crouni, : 11I1II\l1/I xlij iO. 11(>01 , the xij ,Iny of I.Xtol.cr, to .::iclli!" Tholllns ~ornee, at thc Kingil COhllll!UltI, l" A. Jtol:III, to Gilpnll'ik Cor to llall with the Killb,tls lloggis til
I)crnwtlJ ,


ij Po.

Item , 10 Dowu~' , the ;SCUMII or stnbill, lO pili hall}(l, be 1h(> Kingis collllllllml, xx\iij 'Item , WI the ulnI1iuni. lhnl Mllg to the King II I ' pinie. xiiij L h('lll, till' xiij ,III~' ,,' OClohcr, fnr IIIlC hm"fl 1.0 Ihl' Kingi~ 8(,WIll bochl iu IIclII\la.1 \' 11. \"j II. \'iij (1.

I.OJW IIHjll TkE.\ .... un ... H


hem. th.!1 nlehl, in iJcn,wlly.tv lb.: "'1I1t; tv vIa) Il~ ll,e "" .. l:~ cHrtil, XX i. I"'m, tho ~Iiij d.l)" tlf Ocl.OlX'r, ridaullloI: th. \:1111, ttl I'ur XI'J d folkia, h em. the :1\' lift)' of QclolJi..r, to Wnllll TurnLuli for Ius t'x lot'll'. ,I"hll(' Ilc (.'oJl [11111 t:CfI'1.": Schll\\11 (':\I,,:nl, ij nychtlll lA;1,illll till' King. xiiiJ lItem, It,) the f<l\l'lllI iu Heru "li) Ill' tll\: h.IIlHIIi tUIIlIll.1Uli,
1 iiij


til'! Iloggil. 'UYj I. Item, the XI"J ,I.. )" \.If Octoller. I,, the Kllllo1:l l'<'U1maUu.,lo th, caW"tii in the hnll, X\'IIJ ... ltelU, the xi, 1m} of Octollt'l in ill;:nt'\\aill. w 1111(' hnrpnl , aul.: IP'nnnr, /tll\\ al1l' tftUI'I'OI14I1 , II(! \h. I\IU~~ COIIIUllll ltl , x lij l;, h om [the. xx (my of October}, It,) James Fn:.snr for the tnkiug of aue halk, . . :<iiij I. Item, for nile terselJ of ftlle b'08halk hoeht In H06&,


.IMlOIJ E.lmlIl1I0Un lu tIlt"

1.:('1'11I~ III

ul'iiJ .

h cm. for 11n(' HOIMlk lit the I:ooc Castell, \' Fn\lIch iiJ U xl. c"'ltllil; lumlll8 I tCIII , to thl' ))lIch doctour uf ~wl'LhlU, loe CI'llllllhllld, xI'liJ!. Item, lu aile mall of lhliaWI \\ iIlinltl U..ihps in btidil'ihir f\f RUl' ~I"fl) hOI1l qullil" lIi(- Killg Iyllt ftt Lhe Cftl'ti8. i;;: 9. Item, to nne IIInn or 1.(11'(1 Lo,'eti8 hrocht- lUll quyk wild iiij I. geys to the Kin,;, Item, ror msches to the "lII~i' chlllUil'8 11\ Ikl'uway,
iij . Item, 1),IYlt for the J''I:i(;I' lueL fm lJull' th. King l>:lUil to Tn) II Iluhill he evln 8b'llUI:, uiiJ ;.. h e)n, to Ill<' \\('men that kepis lli,- lo.lnlC III l)Cru\~ .. ~'. xuiiij ii. l!.em (tlie uij day of October}. 10 th., Klllg to play ilL :eIiJ I. the ennis in Spyn~, tho 100tl'lJIl"Il rol ::-Opey I!.em, the xxiij Jay of Octokl, , .. ~ )(\1) .t at the 11m h(ltlS.




Item, to tun norises in Strabogy, be the Kiulie COmmo.ua, xxviij 1 Item, to t.he n1aSOIL!I in SLrobogy, . xilij 1. Item, tor aile hONi to the Dneh doctoul', be the Kingill colnulnud, riij tt. xiij iI. liij \1. (t.em [the xxvij day of October], to the pipuris of Abirdcne, . .'tiiij So hem, for ane mantill to Joil1le, rule. of Abil\!cuc, ix;. hem, to ane man of Sehir James Crechtons gar Rne halk to the King, :\Xviij I. Item, Lo pur folkis, ridalld be the gaiL, iiij A. Item, to Fat.bnk the fnlcou31o, be the KingiB command, xiiij il. Hent, Lo the Ouch doctour, be the KingiB command, xijij it Item, the x:':\'iij day of October, La Fat-bnk, fnleomU", to pas agane fra Dnnottir to scik halk fedem, ix I. Item, to Jacob 1~lllIan5to\lu to till'S hame the doggie, :n"iij I. Item, the xxix dny of Octobm', to Blewuul.IIlill, th\! Qncnis pUI'8C\\"RlIt, to pns the IU.'ret!1. wily to Edillt.nl'gh, be the Kingis cOllllUund, \'ij N. hem, to the fOll'ln1' to ptL8 in Ull'Ol\' }o'ilf \\;th hls nellis and to tenmile lhal'C on fowlis tnking, be the Killgis command, xx\'iij II. ltelll, i.o the Ouch docLOur, be lile Kingis command, to pas the nercet wily to Edinburgh, ' xiiij It iteln, the penult dlly ot Octobel', Lo the King la lliay II~ the e:wlis befol' his 8Oupil' iij FllIlIch cl'Cuuis, IUllI cftlr 801I)lir \ii Fmnch cromlis ij Illlicol'uis; SUIIUM \'iij n. xvj s. tWin, the last. day of October, to the bowmen lit. the watcr af Erne tha~ fel'yit. the COllrt, . xiiij It Hem, I.a scik folk Ill. lhe port. of Strh'clill, ij Il. ItcHl, to John Ikg', Illcasingeir, p.ui8l'wII fn! ALil'dcnc 1.0 snlllluoull Lord KCI1I1C1,ly, .\lHltII\lcl' Kennedy his sOIl,1.onl l.cdngsLoIIII, HIIlI L.,mJ lIalkhed, n So


Helll, the finn dill' of KOI'~'lU\x>r, pnrit UI ) I UIII(: I' 1111do ,I,. 1:A:o. 1'mill for l'IUylUg of ccrtnut' kilk glililh fm :-;u;\,dill to u lin hlll}.(h. . XI] Q. vj d. Hem, the 1oI'' \.'" nd l~ly of 1\on:lllhcr, to Ilichnld Juslice, luglil;mau, fllr the IIIIlkiug of halk Imois, be the J\ingia colllluand, hj i.. ItChl, t.o nne uum of t he &hireff of );1.I1i, tlm~ lmx:ht. wrilillgi8 Ira the Mid l::ichireO' Ilnd lied the Kingia wri tillgis A~rane to him, . xiiiJ A. I WIlI [the tlll;lll1.l)' of )\o\l:IIIIIcl'), til I!Olx-I'L Ber\.(llin (l"llilk he gnif Ue lilc J"i n;.:ill t'OUUllam\ t.() ,Iacat. hj So Terrell , St hill II rid lt, IIml his \,,, ..111', Item, Lo 1l0Uel'L Hrde, IllCSsillb'Cir, to pili in Gnlloway ,vilh l(' ltrt'~, ' xiiij .. I WIII, to )laisler !JIlI'id Tmill that he Inid (Iloun] for nne cart. fl1l Slrilelin to Ediuburgh \lith the hale chape ll gmith, leleX\j i. h em, 10 )lIl.1 til! l\ailbc 111; guif fot heulli, 1,1) the f.: ingis hunda, X\'j 11. Item, t ill' feld lin)' of ~o\"ewbcr, for MC Illea bnlec to the chllpell11uis of Sanet Ninill.IICS K~'k bcsiut! H t rin~Tin, x:wiiJ A. Itehl, to :l lnistl'CII Elellor, Lc the Kingil; \.~JII\llIttud, to by nILe hUlle to ) Iastres Coklml'n, l'iiJ ~~ Frtlltch (erouniaJ: sUlllmn 1- It, xix ;;, Item, thl! \ \\U) or XOI'C'lIII..:r,\\cliwriL to 1I0hcrt llougl:U:i for rculi njo! of the d~i." xiiij i., ItCIIl, to :'I ioibwr .Julllb Wat&uu fUI' the b.UUCb e).llCus in ~"\II\.tl\l1(lrois for tIn! 1It0ilethis of ~ol'elllher, I)eoemhe, null Jtllllltlf, (luhilk nr luxxij dayil:l, and for ilk day viij il.: $Ulllllla XXX\'j II. nJ i. h em [the \'j day of SOlcml"'.-J, be the Killg"' COUI111;111(1, to )'108111U1I, potim!3ir, ptuMIIllHl to ~tlin:lill for the UIII~~ C;\l, I'J Fr:mch l'lulttll~ SI1I1I1I1;\ iiij II. iiiJ ~

I iO


I leU!, to ThomM Bosuell he had laid doun for glums 100 Ihe King, x ii, !lOin, the dij day of XOI'cmber, hc the Kingie command, to the Pro\'est of ;\ Iet!t,'cl1 to his hou, higging in Pen.h, Item, the ix da, of NOYi.'mber, to ane \\if of lIadingtonn bl'ocht xxiiij taym C\lml~'ngi8 to the Kiull, xx\'iiJ S. (lelll, to Robert. Bertol,lJ) t hat he gaif to JUaJ'iLUU lit the ia rosing of the Illast of t he Kingis &ehi)), xlij l Item, payi~ to Johne FonlUHI, tlltlL Ill! laid donn for himself and )lfIymeut of othir chillier that remaniL eflil' the King lit. the watir of S()Cy /Llltl mych" nochL ge... Ollr, for lIliC hOIlI, ane girth, Rne bridill to the Kingil quhit hOnl, RIIlI for IUle \lRir h06 to Cristofer, xlj!l. ij d. Item, he gait ane lUall broeht aile wolf to the King,

I ".


the Kingil bclcheir ill 01111116 Alld to thll len'andis ill Jamcs Hookie hOllS, xh'j l. 1k'III, that he Inill d01l1l ttl Hlle IU lUI bl'oeh~ ;lne Yele And Ioulir fra ])ll\'ill ])unbRr, I'ij ". lteID, tu him he gair, be the Kiugis commalld, 1.0 tilt' Illadilluis of lJel1lWlt) tiutL lQug tu the King. x:tl'iij t... Item, to him he :. oif to Lhe ,iear of TRYu I~, (,()lIlmoll,1 ; 'uI'iiJ ~ Item, to hilll he gaif to the lIU1tlinuil iu III\eI1ICS thnl &nllg. xiiij a, iteln, to 8110 111011 to UII1IIIUe tolllC hen (1<' lu\erllfoS to J)cl'Ilwny, ij l Itcm, to hiUl lhnL he gaif to fine SCI'\'1l1l11 of John OrulltiS ItI'OCht 11'01,1 lO thl' Kill); of tile hunting, ~ l;, Itcm, to billJ he guif, Joe the Killgi~ (,OIUlIlIllld, to n.'I etay, the Usehlll' or SLmhq!y, ",iiij~, Item, for thc [\illt;is l>('lellci l in AJ,cl'd,' ne of the Kiugis i nllY~ !tlltlt" tile IICrnllu\id of titC8IIlIl)II, . 'l:hj a. hem, I.. tile hdcheil' ef the tothir illll,I'S qnhah t ile courL \\'I'! :\l: \'iij ~

Item, Jl6yit. to the nJUisLel' ('uke he IRid Joun

LOltU HIGH 11ltJ.:,L:UJ:;lt.


Item, to him he gaif for ane ,.-ir hOf. r.o Som;: and othirA-, .. l!t1 unCOlltii mai,' (Ill him, , niij "I ~m, the '{j dill of Xovcmhcr. II(' tI,t' Killlo(i Cf,IIUnil\lll. to LAun:nce, the new cumin l,rUMI. IIIJ Fnlllch crouni5; lumma h'j 'IlI.':m, l'ieri5. tilt' P'I.IJllOIll" Ivj ,. Item, for deir lIeUie quhilk ~('id to FauldalU,l, \'J h. xviij ,. item, to )Jallt"r Le\'iAaY, In ~Ii$1U3U, Lo ....... to ""uklan,\ to uk deir to .nd to !:itrin~lin. ::chj r.. helD, the xij dar of SO\'eIllLer, W 11ft1 HI.ulIl.1l('>o ut the rualn~ of the gret main of the .hlp. in ,Inukeihir, iiiJ Franch erollllil; SUUlIU (t "'J it

item ,

to till'

King qllililk 11<"




'(niiJ ~ of the most, x\'ij !l vj 0.1, Item [lhe xiiJ da~ of SonmIUcr), 10 aile IUllll of the lunl of Oll\\lkilllroch~ herons to thl' 1\111101, liiJ 10. hem, I.() Weddil"8jJlI ue, the tillCh,1II, 1111111"11 ht,; 11i16Si~ tu Fllnkl,lnd, :\1IIJ &. IlCUI,tho x\ day of Xun:;IIIIICI', fOI MII(: eUIII\)O" to the King, l\'j ~, IlelLl (lhe XI'IJ 11,1)" of :';O\'eI11IK'r], 10 tAhllll1hl Allleki,; Until I.. 1111~t out his lIh1isu:lili ~1I"I,l, 10(' lite Kingi ..

Ilelll, to tile mellilmlee lit llll'



'(:\1 llJ ~

\U!m, m.llllO ,\u.\ro :\[uthcwuu llld( h(' f[;\if 111 FaukInud rei tnrYll1g of d("il" to Slnl"diu Ij t)l1l1'l, .llId iiij men Ilith ilk \iuar,\,) tho ~ern'l1l thMIOII sit, ilk tymu xiii.! il : 1IIIIIIIIa 111J II liij ~, \lem, fur -<,hOll~ 10 Ull' IiIUir h"T"I' iiij 1/ hUll, for II1:h"in~ of Ihe 1\1I1g1~ thre .I,'~'l. '(lIlulk wer Klld to t;..liulJII'l!h. Ij ~. helll, for t.1g,.<ing or Ilk Ileir {aid 111 hnklau.l, .niij L lWm , for IItl1kill;':: of Illle st.111) RIlII IIII' illl ~""Ith W lhe samyn, he the Kingi! eVl1l11lRIIJ, to sla 10SM 111 lhe park of Fllukland, '"i l Ij II 1t('II1, I~lyil 11'l th., \'jc,lI' IIf 1 \llgIJur Illl- t.e-,IIt[ 11111"1,' of thl' l\ill;.;iSII.';:l:i~ ill 111;1 .'r,~'rill. ~Ij ~t


8eX 5001 II111.1tl8

Item . payit to him for kepillg uf



Ltlki, lnir and hrocln fr.!. the :\Ionlh, h .. SaDC~ 111kil dny quhill Candilme8, "iij 1. It.em, 10 him he Initl dotl u l~ xJl:ltij men divera WI);IJ \\;U, )Ia ister Le\'isay at the deir tAking : ilk Ullill on the day, \; ij II. lumtIJa . xxj l iiij 4. Item, 10 him he gAif J ohn I$nllour pall8illltl \nth mchee in t he cuntrec to drif the deir to the park, nod ror wyndiug or the hay bArd for t\eir taking. . XlUJ h. Item, the x\' iij day of XO\cIU1.oer, pllyit to Johne Brolin of Air tha~ hi" laid .101111 ill JUllij LIJlRSt W Bne l:IertonRr in Air for aile cart to lhe Kin g, "uj it vj 11. Item, to Mnkauil Line 10('11 , of hlidil"ih' jl' ol thn! h01"1 gillin to the King, iij M . Ilem, fo\" iij hankis b'Oltl 10 Ihe Kilt~ 10 vnlmlil' wilh, bocht be John FOl1lmn, :0: ~ I tem, for \'ij IlIiCe sewin!:!" 'ilk to the &UII) II ; ilk IHioo iij &. vj d.; IUIIlll11l uiiij IJ. vj 0. It.em, fol' llifll:c threitl, . ij iI. flcm, for nedillca, ij A. \' iiij <t iloln , lor nne "nil' st imlllli,., vj d. Item , for lme collll', ix l Ileln, fur thymyllis, :~"\"iij II. item, for iiij IUlllkis of sil\'il' wpc, . ij S. iiij .1IWIlI , rOl' iiij e tne lyll)'11 claith, v It iiij 11. Ilelll , ror ij quair pllpil, X\'j.1. IWIlt , rOI" ij IIOMII hulk I.lellis to lhe King, . xiiij ~ Item , lor nl)O hllik glur, X\'j d. I lt~III, lCll' ac hulle to In[tlJy lln rgreit, th e hiugill uochlir ill the Caslell, lliujory l.iudC6:IY, an<llhe Moris, Inlle nt. dh'cl"8 tYIJlC8, xx l h CIII, IJe tile I{ ingis eOlulUllud, to Ahwc b lC\\alt of H1allb'O to tlll"8 III Fnlll(.:c to HoberL :-'t.cwnrt. alld ~ hir .I(lhlle Ktcwal'! for lnmkil of 1,,~lis moncc,




IIrlll l _ty il I.... thl! lUl!..8tll CII"11 hu gu if II I1Il acrHlIIl1 of

N.:hir ,Iolllle


I,rocllt plll l";"U;8 w the Kiug, ij A.

-.. .
I' .

C'II i ~ tl,.' b",\.Inli- :tlld l iI.\"\'1" :1.11'1 ~ 10 Ihf' Ki llgi, thamir, xiiij ~_ 1l('III, ti ll' xi~ tlay (If :-;" \"(,1111.-1', 11Il~'11 to !-'chir .J" hnc Ilam"'y II(' Inid U llll tUllllJlanol f, ,\ Nl IU.;t I!l tthoi , O ~i n i u nmang till' olliciil rlt nl t lil \\illi l' vi :-;II('~. iiiJ It iii} P>. I J " nUiloh crou uia; 1IIIIIIon tWill, to the rc r)1uil of Sper, %)(\'IIJ a. llnd t he AbL,,1 of COI,ll".uJtillll\th 1~1\'il Ihalln wilh

I Will,

fl '\




cJ1I11 1!1t-1Mi~

(:11111111;\11,1 :In.i ga n ;"'lll,tl. h CII! , 1-0 the fut el,iMir N l bc e"mt. xiiij;' I I.('UI, ({II' h it ('''1:1'.:111 nnd ('('l1ant- uthil' .. f liI(' (,,,un. lit.

the \\' I t i l' 111 . 111" n:viij I Item , that II\! g,li f the iJolNIInn \.( thl' Quelli, f.rye the '<ilij A 1M' day of lk l.ol~r, 1l('1II , to !leg, lIlet>ili lli:,'~ II', JIlINIII IIII 10 <..: lllkuu'Umu n Je hi", 10 J;11lI1 1ll<OUrt cerWIl!! 1)('1'5"'''11 thAt frlUli nne hu rd,
iiij Q.

O,ll1o\\'I\Y, t he Lop. wngca for Ix xxxj (J..l..\"i~ "i "Il~ I ; ilk dll~ vii] \1. ; IULJimn xiij It d ij d. h ell! . to IIIe uo\\' {'uUJin 1",,'<;lf. h 'j A. Item, to .Johue, l ll ll$o' U. allli J(,lmc Un.lUIIOoIIU. wricht to IN\! to l.oclimaw n t o the wc rk. XXl'iij Il. Item, thnt. M IlI)1I Q~ch t. to the Ki ng LO pIn)" at the clIItil, dl:: II CI,I, th.. \:o: ij dny of SU\"I:I1ILcr, to th(' Kinl;" Cluhilk he tyn l wilh T11C111la" 1 )0..11\'11 (Ill hOlll r~nnrllg. :o:x\"iij~. Item, lhr :o..~iij ,1iI.1' (If XUI 1'111 1 ', t o 'I"IlHlIIllIl I'cblis to 11.'1 hil e:o: peM to I~I~ t.) the l'l l k tit !:'t\,jJI to Ink t ho me~l\ l i~ of t h\, \\Illl llli.~, xiiij il. it t' m, the xx\'iij Iln,l of S"\Cmh('f, t il nne J('!oIOUI, be the Ki ngis colilmlllld. xiiij i. h elll, to leie h Cri ~lorl'ri~ hl'flt'. xiiij A. lte !O, 10 l'il'li. tht p3\lIt""r. I..oe Ihl' I-i. illt;is C01U!OIIUtl. xlij ~ hI' C"III1I1I1I1,I. iij Frn nch xlij I. ('1"('11 1111; '" 11'111111. Itt lll , 1 101li! 11"1 Bollt'll 1k!1 11"11111 f", 11.1it the .. hip collit jOl II. In(',ll Iv lho: I' ing.

Ih~ m , \0 Iloloert


.\C("Ol':\T;-;. OF 'I' ll E


Item, the first dny of l)ec(>mllCl', to Alcxandl'r Ke .... cuke, quheu hi' hout IJrynt, he tht' Kingis oommnnll, \'j Fmnlh croUI11,; IUU!IIIl\ iiij n. iiij i. itl'UI, payit to the COllllltrollnr III:' lnid IloUIi in Oct.ober biJlll$1 for xxxij em-lis wilh lhe Qnenis gel'{' fm Stl'h'elin to F'.dinIJllrgh. nlill for ilk CAl't ij 1Il1ie\lrllis; tumuUl "-ij II. xij R. lI,em, to him he g.lif 10 Rue !.lor kCllnlld \ Il<lIll11lis 0' the Kingi!! ln~j Iln,\. ilk d;I~- iij A,: 81Ullll1n xij II. iiij Ahem, to Ilim he gaif for iiij hort! fill :-:ITircliJl l\) Edinl.mrgh wilh the Ilnlicn I1Icll8tmles, xx.il. Item, for iiij bI\ssingis to Ihl' Queue. ~~\'j l \'iij (I. hem, to Beg, me8Singeir. paasanll to Ilisll'el1y! LonJ Setoun for v~ It, ij l lI.('m, to uue mlln ot James Slewar li8 in Al'broth that com to f(>eh hit ciluil('l, v t. itcm, thc (11I'ld dill' ot I){'CCUlllCr, to thl' Inpidnr, be the Kingls COllJlIlnllJ, x FII\neh crollni~: 81111\11\1\ "ij n. iWm, the fpnilla) of IJcct'miler, pn)il to ?l lnllin lhilce: In the lint, fol' lUll' pnir 8tem}> imi! to the King:, ij 1. [A lid other s,uhllcry nmouuting to 9&.] hem, for :OI:x\,j clue quhit to he hol'!l houee& ; ilk clue ij i. iij ft, : $umnm iiij N. xij d IlclIl, for tl111~ing of the Kingit <'l\priehlis fm Stl'helin lA, Edinhurgh, \' i. !tN'I, for /Hll' 111I~m si lk pointis nUll ij tlOl\lln 1llilir pointi$ I" cal)riIKlIIII. iij l \'iij d Item, \0 hilll ill part of 1~'Ylilelit of the Kingi! hoi'll schni ug fm Sanet :\lich.'lelis d,w bipasl, x n. IWIIl, IlO~IL to TholllilS ::ill\nt'les wilT ilL tli\'CI'S tyllles. by :{ " xiij ii, iiij II. Jl.'1)1t ill ]la\lll BClOn8 com pt III comp1cit 1)(\~'m~nL (If :{\I'j n. ancht LO hir I.e till' 1':.arl of \lo.r, Ihe K;IJ~i8 cnll'. Rll\1 p.:l~ it he the OnlY Fren8 lvon.llll and &OilStnCII)UIl, \.X'\:\' It \'j ... diJ d..

I.tJI:H IIIC : II Tllt:.\ SU IH:I:

IteUl ,til(l \'


,14\~' "f l)ec(lmt.cr. to the Kin~ u, I,ut in tit.., '-', 1!oIXo. elludill fit the It('\"i ll;; of lilll')" Bothutlc', 1.1In~, h:~, Item, lIt'ml hll mc with the .1;<1 llllntt, till' KiuJ;Ls COllln umd, xx Frnneh crou lli 1111111111 \iiii 11. h elll to the schil' 1'1'010;11 Dueh IIlt'lI, ho \'01(111);\11,1, xiiiJ A h em, tlit' I'J tl'lr .,r J)I'l'I'IIII,,-,r, U'll\ll(' 11);111 l,m:I,t I ,)'ln~ to th,' Kin!>, IU ;. ltt'tlI, the \"ij \LI~ of l )(oceml ...'r, t" S,\III'I :,\kh"lu 11CIt""'I" dij ;, [tellt , to Ibe di-blati. \lith him, I'iji, Item, lO aLit' Irlantl c1al'khaar, I' ~ Item, to JaM! Temlllll1i1('n ht' 1 "1Ml1 to the ,,(...tilia, ill drinksi h'ir, s:lij II [tern, the viij tmy of lJt:occmIJer, to :->elm J'Quik f'ti:dltollll, Cil pitnne of Edilll ,u l'gh [('RSIA.'II), for till' bnl1lis np(lnl, RIlII II'lth hir Mnrjory I.llltll!11l)' and the :\Ioril ,lIId ICf\'lludis, for aile loeir, j' 11, Item , fnr nue l'o l,tu~'llll 81.:in to he oK hollC, el'lffuI13t'is, and I"mlonill fOl' Iht:' (}lIene, JI:,'j~, Item, payit to TIoUclt ~n'F1.:, cultellar, for Itllf tall" fra him to th(' KillS IK' n F"Q~t('ril\gil e\'in h) this Ib~' at ,lir(''' l~1UI"JI. xj gilt ,I(lga"', " xj II hem, for ],~'ml;n~ of nne rilling SlI'onl all(' I'nIJIl~'r ,', fl ull hiudlllg "f \\'uil;la swonl \\il h ('OIuis of lillo, !lew hilt nnt! I)lum('!. new &Callumt, \\('w 10(']1 to lh(' SIlid I wonl , xX\'j S. itNn, for Ililtill li nd plumet IIl'W tllId gill 1() the K ing;s urmyllS 8\\'01 1 umlll\mlm".; of it Wilh ,ilk \ xxxI, Ite m, Ih" xiij (Llyvf 11~"I."'lnlll'r, to the (ll!ld;1I vf "tri\"Chn that IIInl.;\1 glulh' to tIll' KI\I~, Jl:iiiJ" Item, the ;(iJ (b~' IIf ])\.'C.:ml.ocr, to tlu: Ede of 1I 11ntl~es Ulell that lIl"e entalle retoelli~, I. tht: Kill;":11 Ct'WUland, x t'r,lIIell CTOllni, , IUlIlm. "iJ It. Item, Ihe XlIJ da~- of Tlt'l'{'lIlkr, GillLn to N:hir Johne HnlUMY tlut he ~r to the tel.tAr.. of l'Mala,' to pM to l.nchmnlC\l\. xx it 11('111, 1 "",,"ll to Wilham Foular, I)t)tlngnlr, for 1!i\'Crs &tnlt


I iG ",0.1505.


lane to the Kingill l;ruce fnt the uj t11l~' ot Fl'bniJ,r bipast to the .'1:\' t1l\~' ot Dcccmher. A5 hi ),ill beria,

xxix H. iij "Item, to the Iorom.l.51"-ir, he the Killh';" eouuullUU, for 10 p,"\! in I ugL.lml for to foch lIil wilT, n Frallch Cl'11lm;S; 111111111:1 xiiij It. Item, payil to the IAnllJf ArdgollAue for xxiiij I1lRI'kis of anuucll 6Cirly to I.e mait of the lInron" of ALir. ijxll1. nethy, Item, to WilIll 1 'r~lilnir, !...ohlRm~th, that milk;, the ... Ihnn;s ;11 Slrilelil1, . XlCdij I. IICII.I, tOI" RIll' ho~ lonne wriehl to 1)/1JiI \0 the wOCltli8, ij.!l. Item, to the ferYBl' of l'umbuskiuueth, ix altern, to Stlnet Xicholns lteM:hop in I.illlilhqw, . xlij 1 hem, 10 hi' dehlatis thare, \'ij I. Item , the xiiij tiny (If December, to the Kin~ Rlld to my Lord of ~nll('tRnch"Oia tJ) play nL the em'lil, \'j Fl"t"lI1ch Cl'Ilnnis: SUlllmB iiij 11 iiij~. IWIlI, to the 111l\n that kcl';S the doggil in :{trh'elm, to )'Y IIi\ll clntlli~, xiiij I. h elo, to nile mAll fnnd nile hnlk or the Kingis nncllJrochL hil' to the King, . xiiij A. Ilem, tbnt nycht, to the King to piny M the eRrtil, xx\'iij A. Item, the x\'j dny of Ueceml.Jer, to :\Iichael Halfonr, Innister of the cellar, lie the l\ingia commnnd, x It. Item, to Willinm Doug);!, of the 11I'('(leh(\lIs, be the Killgia

x ".

Item, the :wij dny (of J)~mbc>r, 1<1 tht, J)uf'h \lOt'tOUI' to his hnn IIll't. . xx\iij ~ Item, pflyit ttl T!uJlun!l Hikirtouu, Ulfll1!Clmc1, for ane hon~ qUllllk wes gifl1u t/J ,Jolme de l'nnpnl1ia, x FrtLnch
CMUllis; SUlIlma vij b. Iteu!, the U\ dR~' of DCCCLuhef. clu1e (l1~', to the hemldia in the hnll. x FhtUch CI"Ctunis; ~lll1 l l1n "ij ". Itelll, lhc xx'J .111,1" "r I)"'ecmbcr, to :<'wloois Lundin hrocht C;!Pllll!'l to til\.' King, 1)(' the I'ingi.. oollunnnd, xxviij ~

LUJ:lJ 111(;11 'l'IlEM;('J:EI:,


Ilcw, llit) xXI'iij ll,,~ or JklIllIJClI, g:illin tv tIle King l{,~.". I!l(.. the I.IlutUi, if F11IIIch cl"ounis. 611111111n . IOxl Ii. Item, to thtl Uuch ((oolom, 1,.0 UIC l\illgis cllllnUiUltl, xxviij t IWm, to Alnne COl[lIhcnm fot gl1l1llinl! til xij IInonics LO the I\ illg: nlill !;tuff to the &Imyll, ..~x\iij"ilem, to Jolml.l :\I Ooilllnll ill 1\.'Cl.lhl llo.'IIS.1tir,ulI f"l hi~ clulhj~, l}\l Illl' K ill~jg eommnlltl, xx FnJuth l"tvllui,,; !;UUlma xiiij Ii.. item, fOJ ij lX"his with i.IIlggis to t~ King. xl S. item, for thl! I..;ut hOl1s Uluil of .\lcrtyuwlS hipast,

h em, to
Dll e

PUI' 'l'Omlln, be the Kingis clJlIllllnlUl, callil

Llew kirtilJ, to by hii' elnthi8,



lWIll, the iiJ1I~ .lny of .JrIllUlu', to .IIIIII\!!' I-Ironn . of Un!;Siu'-lI I:.GH, 9il"ll, X n. I tem, for cordia to string bellis of Fl1Illdl Clolllli.5 to thir lodris dtil' wl'itil1, ij ~ item, giffin to Ihil' ladyis nlldi1\l'\"iti u, he thl! l\ illgiH comm:md, xj }'Jilllch crounia 1'(llli~ on (1IItllilLll1:;: il1 bedis: ill liul A I'St, 10 .\juistres F''fI'U.;i", xj FlUucl! crOllllis: 8UlnUlR dj It xiiij s, item, to :'l\nislres Howle &iclikc, \'ij It xiiij ii. item, 10 )Jnif;tl'cs CokbunI siclikc, l'ij jj :<:11I 1 ~. Item, to TJuly )lnislres lUuhlill, I'U rI. xiiij ;. IU 11. :<iiij ~, Item, to J nne the (jlil! lIU1din siclilw, Item, to the Lady ' "erneyis Lua UllldlLll1i~ .. jdikc. ilkulic :<:j f rn llch cl\.uuis: SllIomtl x\ Il Iiij iI. lteltl, La Doctollr Ogilvyis wif xv unicol1lLs. ilIlI1llUa :<iij 11. x.~. Item, to Wi!linm )forhame, InglilililDu. 11t eoulnUlml, x Fraucil crolluis; SUIllIIln \'ij It Item, ginln be the Kill~is timcc lim Sl'ct rillgis Lane fUl'th of the Thei!lllll' hOIlS, nile 8JljJlul" ,lIItl nne amel'll1lL ringis.


\(,(,OC,Ts OF
U', )~IlU, 11('111,


;rilliH h(' lilt' Kin:; xj ~hlall l'iu~ill hl-odu, hamr lll' ,Iohn F11InCiIL Item . 11111' j.!U'L \o('lL of gold and Itne pnir (If UNlis broeht
hll1llI' 1)(, I hI' 10;1111\'11

Item, \.0 :stobois IUlUiiu I\uhil" hrocht rlljlO1l8 In the "iui!" IX' lilt' (\in~il OOllllllltllll, xlij g. Item, to )hl' \' Innllpl'lil' ilk IIIltl1 xiiij L: !llIm"UI iij" x~, (11'111 , In 111f," fOIll1' (tl\li('1I 11I('1lf!t1'nl~, ilk nul' j Fl'nnch 1'1'011 11 nlHl half Rile lIuiooru: summn. iiij n xii!l. it('IU, tn \\'X nthir Ulcnflll"ll l e~, ilk anI' "iiij ~ ~ ~l1mma uj n, Item, to ix olhir 111111111111' II lId ;;Ollftl'r ml'l1~tnllet\, ilk nul' ix 1. Il1IllIlln iiij n. xij it. Item , the lW.'CIIIlII .Iny of ,l UII IUII', for alit' 1111111101 IIncl out' 1' el'(lSOm~ Rtok to the Collcg<', ' xliij II. hem, )(1 the fowlnr of n.1 Igony, bl' Ihe "ingil Cl'Jlnl11311d, 10 Ill' him uNI;I, I Fmnch CI'OlIlIi.: summn iij 1 x S. 1. Jt('hl, 10 tilt' Killg hilll8f'U in hill 0\\'11 pm.. , xl rmneh cl'Olmi.: 81111111111 :<x,'iij n, 11('111, th(' third Ilny of JIIIl1UU', rill' 'l:xij \.Jc(!i. or ~olll lfo the Kin~il .Ioohti l' in tlw ('IIIMII or Ed; uUII1'gh, xxij !lukomis, IlIIllmll , xix n, xI'j It. [If'm, 10 :Unilt'I' Dnrid Tmill fOr w('IJ(!hillfC of the kirk grailh 1<'11 ~ l u ltYllles, (1Il1l r(lr nI(,S l'I'Cd, find (or tlll'sing of th' ~:lIchnli81 fm Slril''lin II') Edinbul'gh, :<xiiij 9. \'iij (I. Item, to :--chir 'I'homull Gnurcth to 11)' go'" fOl' Ih' "il1p:i! imkc, :<Iij il it{'Ill, to D,w;(1 Bnlfour(' (If thl' 11<'1131',1)(> thp KinwsoommAnu, x tt, 1t1'1II, for aue imkll1il' to Ih{' Kill).:. xiiiJ II, it'lIl, to the hl'ollstnil', Ivj S. Itt'll1, to the pnyu(.Onr, 11111 mOlleth wn~is I.ipnsl , \'hj !'III11CI! t']'f!lllli.: 81111111111 \. It xij il:. h~lII, the fifl dny of Ik'Ct'lIllot'l' U ,fnnnnt). l"phaldy . l'l'in, 10 th' IIIcn that bl'()('hl Ih(' ~1I'OUlis, he thc l\il1l:>ill l"lUllllaIlU, iij Fmlldl croliLlit: IlIutllltl I' lij ii,

1.01:1J 11 )(: 11


I ~,.

Itt-Ill. tlMI. an my" uyeht-. to the I,iu;,: to 1.101,. at th~.,D 1',11 cartil, J f rnuch (I"uuill; '111111111\ Ixx II. h e m, tho \ IJ till)' of J!lllllor. to tho Kin,.; 10 1,1.,)" IIot Ih!;' cartis, xxiij hnuch croulli!!; BU IIIIIIII ~\'J II iJ lIelll, to I:ol.crt. J)ou.:IA8, or IJflll!Iill Ai ll ir. .'{ 11 Ilem , rOl /'L lle hon 10 .!(,hlle FI1'U1ci~ 'Iulllii. IIIl'Ilt 1lI01l(', throw IU(tlnlld, Ij 11 ):iij ii iiij t1 lIem. Iho ix lilly of JOllltnr, to the AMont ..r T UlIgllIIlIl. he till' l\iugiA commnnd, xiiiJ FI'nIK'I. cmllllu; ; lumm"

i.'{ II.



Item, 10 t he W)'it that ]lloyil on tb ..... htL"lIhs., xiiil ~ Item, betuix Linlithqw aud ~trin"llII. to th" Kill;':-I~ wridltis III tlrinbill'ir, ix l. Item , 10 lIIewlllolltill , plIl'8eWnnL to the Quelle, to I"" in IliglulII\ with ,fohn!! FlllUeiA, \. 11 l u~JiA; ~ulllm.

xvii 11. x >l.

itelll, the .'{J uny of JaUIIRr, to the Kill{.: to ]l1,n' III till' eMtl-lI, u"'j iI. Item, to the Kin g IPlhiU: he t)'l1~ II I the IlIUI ' with Georwe Call11Jbell. l"j Fmuch el'OlIlIill. ~UIUIlID iiij h tIIJ i.. Item, to the Illng Un eh ,loetom. IJl' eOnmlllll(l,. i:a: 1. Ite m, 1Jl' tll(, l\i n~ili collllllalll\, u, DnnJul of thl' {'ollq;c nt Sl ril'('lill, J ~~ llniCOl lli~ nml llln ~lllc.1l!1 III1111mn h-iij ""., qllilen In' 1'I'I1\1i11 t ill 1lIl-;lnn,1, Itelll, Ih" xij ~lll .\' (Ir ,ll\lIlInl", to nul' Udell'll nllli olilil' tlln mellstrn\u wi th him, ilk I'Ine ix ~ ; 1I111111U1i ":tI'iJ;l. Item, th e xi iij lilly of .JOIIMI, ill Fllllkl,mll, to) th" gn n li nnr, of d n ubih ;r, xiiij ~ ItCUl, to the nlllu tbare, I.e eOllllllnud, "IIIJ" I U;III, to Ihl' 111 ..-011. 111nrE'. xiiij il l telll, to the 1,l l\i~lemr tllIlI'I', \" .. It('m, 10 nn/! man ;tllli lion to 1II1II III SQuctllwlllli, l.. the ,\ rdlfk'ne wilh Iettl"I, iiij io Item, the ):\'iiJ ~\lly or ,1;111111'11. UJ :\1,II~tl'l Willi",,, Of!ih), Ihnt be la id 1101111 to tho Illeu IhnL IlI'flI;ht the scnlOllri!l in l.i nl ilhqw, xiiiJ~.




Til E


\,111'1.' UI:'III in IllIuo"s _ ~iiiJ II Itcm. to the 11O~';s thnt 1'1:'I~i. on the IIChnll11~8, . 'tiiij 1. [tem, 10 111(' 10('(\('11, at. the completing or the gret "orUlon._ ot I\rillhihi", lill'e Fnmch ('1'0111111 : 8umnUI :dij l item. In the Fmnch quhinilllu', Ix> the Killgi ~c::oullnR nd, 'tiii i ~. Item, to Wille the foulnr . II' the I\:ingis oommoud, to

Item. \.) .. lit'

1"" him Cl:'1lhi.ll, xlij II. item, to &ohir Alcxnmlel' III'UQ Bon, Lc tho Killgis cOlllmlllld, xiiij A. Item, t.o nnc jestonr in Snucll.lllth'oia, Lc comulnl1d, ix . Item [Ihe xxi d1)' of ,lnUlIAI'], to tll (' King to pln~' nt the rartis, xx it
ItCIII, 10 C:C01'b't' GIII.lbclt thnt he laid II0uII, he till' Kingis romll1llllll, to fInc fnloonar l.end (1L'!l~i. tllll\ rloli\'cri~ nne ha lk to Sellil' Aicxllllllcr Mnkoullo. xlij l. item, to J ohne FOrllLt\u he laid dotll1 fOf ,'iij baggis of powdir I'iolel, . "j 1. Item, fOf tua aand glnaaee to th~ Kin g, . iiij it viij d. Item, to him he gnif for tua beddi, for Illy l.ord of f'ancumdrois in Linlithqw tua dil'en t)'H1et, ij l Ittlll, 1)Il.f"it for the stahitl maill quh!lir the King;" hon uUlle in the Lyme of the Ses.siOUII, xiiij A. hem. the 'U,'j tiny of Janunr. to Ihe King to plR)' III the cartis, xl "'mllch CroUtl;' tind iij tt 1l\'j 1. iiij d. quhit sill'ir ; '\lI\lInn . nxj II. X"j 1. iiij It. Item, for pak thl'eid and lUll howstringi. cleli"~rit to


Johnc Fonnan,

:\:\'j (I.

Item, the :\:Xvij clay of Jantt.1f, to the Ring anti Queue 1.0 piny HL the cnrtis, in ;,ullall })Cnnyis. ij II, hetll, to ,\ mlro ~lnthC80n for the liunr pnssnllli lhi. wintl'r hil>(lll xI'j 'lilli'S 1(. Strin'lill WIth llcir, to Court! IIIl'lI pn ~"'111, 1 th:lnlith ilk t,\"JlIl' hy the ;)('1111111, ilk Ulo.11 till the Iln~' ,-ii.! d ., bidnnd flmil ilk Lyme thre dnlia nlld nne (yme fourc d8)'15 for the \\'Rtcris ' (lIppil thalm : SUlIllila Ij It, :\: II. "iij d

1.0lW II U'II



(Will, for IllRkmg iJ tiu.ano (vr Cllr}lUi:! of Ue:!lf, IIIJ ~ . . '" l~' Itf'm, to t he \\cllmwu ~IUll tukl' lhl dCII III lil~' 'MM, 111


dri ubilvil", I ". h em, to J ohlle Bully IIf :su1I"ehu, In CUlllpuliltioun rur the gndill or IIl11quhilc lilliater OUnc.1n, 11111\)" qnhtlk the I,illg luke, alleo't!llllli 111m bnollml .Ihd he(1 Rile leg1timnlioUII, ."<1 h ilem, to ' I"later Wllh.::am Dunbo.r, Uc lltl\ KlOgUi COIU mllnd, for eatla he wAntit hil 80IUl I\t Jule,. \. ". Item, the xxviij day of Janullr, to tht Kwg to ploy Ol lhe Ctlrtia, h'iiJ " Item, that. MmJII tlyeht-, to th~ Qllcne lou Vl"y III tho:
CIlrtia, in 11M1 peunyill,
~iliJ l.

Item ( the tint. day of Jo'elJnlar], to ,Iohll\l Form'lII he gruf IUIe:! mnn to leell the Kingis cloke 1m !Strhdin to EclinlMu'SIJ, liiJ .. l telll, to him he gaif to tlln cmi.i6 c hOI-","" EdilllJnrgh tl) Linhtlllj\1 wit h the cl3tIK't III El"Cull", iii.! a. ItellL, t,j him he f,'ilif IIlIe mlln to 1';111 with Ihl\lIlI I\n" fur
hij tlO\llUl IIc, lillil, I tem, to ::itolJoili IIl1u1in th'lt l,nlCht ClIINl'~
lLem, til the I"LJ IlLOLu' fO I' IIIIC llillill he \: FIlUlch cl'I)uni.: IIUI>III1I1,

ij II, I'iij It. III..: "illg,

x:\I'iij ... \'ij It

W"' Lu til< King.


hem, ll\l" lhri,1 d,,)" lif Fel,rlL,u, lO .IUIlUO,

,tLlhilk hI' b~'if 10(' Ih(' Killg:il C'lIUUlHlhl In th,' 111.1\1 thnt cO\ryt~ thc tleir 1m Fnn!.IUlul nml !.~IUL tl,e I~uk ,

Ito-hi, Lv

.I{,IIIl" l~t\'\n.'tIU1. 1'1' tit.: "ill,:-i, \lU1l1il1<1II'1, tv lJa~ tv l,.,clllIloIbiul<.', \~j .. h em, to the tu,\ tc:lllturill thill wi,k" ill I ~,..JLUI.II~III', t"
1 ~\5



it':lII, tli .\Intho Ancltlek, t", thl' I,ini::'" .r'lIlln.III,I, In ,u.o.l~ til\" f~ne. "f the lIell i::t"t t,r 111;.::", ... 1, IJ ~. 111.1 ,1.

... 0.



hem, the vJ lin), of Februar, to Maistel' JU UI C8 WlllSOll fot' the h(lrnis expell8 in Sonetnndrois for the 1Il0uethi.

of Felmmr, : nrch, lIud Allriie, quhil],,; nt' Ixxxi.x dnyi!; M ilk day "iij C,: summn XXX\' It, xij S. Hem, the \'ij day of FebruPI', for hn tis (a nd] &Chone to Cli8tofer a nd I"'uly llt'rgrct in the Castell, lind the lim;!, and to CUI1T IICII Alhnllo day bipo.18t,
xxxj l.

Item, Ihe \'iij dny of ,,'ebl'Uf\r, tor "iJ urYllales to quinta e66ellcia ; ilk llCCC X\'j ..t. : eUlIltlL.1 ix A. iiij <l. Item, to AlI(lro l:erwun, he Ihe KitigiS comnmnd, to help to pAy Ihe Bertonaris, IN . hem, the xij lillY of Feul1l..,\r, to the llore ta nhronar, be COllllnnllll, x:wiij ll. i Will, tht! xiiij!lay of Felmuu', to I:ich:m:l BroUIl, be til\' KiuJ,:is COItllJUUld, ' xiiij i. Item, to lhe nUn! that broeht the MOlie bnm e to see, lJl' the Killgis command, ,xx\'iij S, h elll, the X\'j tlnr of FebruBI', fOl' xxiiij m;nnles for qlliu lfl eMClleill; ilk }X'ee x\'j d,; summa , xuij ~, hf!m , to 1!0uClt BertOli)) II'llell he lJ.1SS.it in FnlUCC for to bJ' IIlIe IIClli\) to the King, be the Kingis comulfllld, xl It, l ugtis; aUlIlllIH , j"x\ n, Itenl, for IIno hr n t.o the Kingis halkis, ' xij <l. Item, Lhe xxij day of FcI.ruar, to nllo ))11)'1' man in nlmoua,lJ(' the iGugia COllllllillld, !I~ till'yi ~ inng fI ~ lhe Sc8&iOUlI, ' .liiij A. iLelll , to fl nc IlIIlII of :\lnistel' Cu th bert nnilbcia ill hritlil 8;lvil' of IIIIC h01'1I he g:iif 10 the l;;illg" ,xiiij II, Item, thaL (i::ty, rOI' B pcris to jllstiug ng:lUc Fflliteringis cvin,alld for IIUI iJowlitringie tane at Jt>hue 1'I1nYII,

v n, x 1

Itelll, LO Bobcl L, clIltella r, fOI vj hillS swonlis and sex /'Clinr\. IIl10rdi!! for jU8ti ng nnd tollrllaying IIUt! fo!' thc 1"' 1 ilk L ' ICCC x A.: ~U UIUIli "j n, It. 111. for xij 'Ilcre h('tlia fOl' jUBling, xij A. ).ij II. 1-111, (('Ir \'ymlc .. nwl 11ynmulI(h.. for juslil1~,

WIlli IIiW I

TnK\~l 'IIE I :


J[ ~ 0. 1:.0: ... Item, for tun 001.0111 HJ[('S of In.'(' , :tit It('m, fOI IWI Btdl hllklnris th'lt trUll', :u: sIWIII, (fir tIM ~uol\1i" fO I IJ\\klm Illn)" , Ilelll, to Julull' lkog, 1lIl's~il1e'Ci\", tn pll~ III the schil"('flloml'l> hf l) uII1...'rl.olllt', l :cufl~'W, nm! Air with Idtn')! fOI sihil', 1111\1 II, "'Innnc lll,lmlJ\lII,
xxiiiJ iL Iwm, the niij day of Fe1mlllr, pnyit to) Hobert. Sclkyrk, l"ultellur, fOI" thrc th;::arili tl pli\"cri~ til the Kill., OIL Julc ,Iny, Xcw dl"ir d,IY, !1m! ('amlihllC:!;



Item, thc :o:iiij tiny (If Fd'nlln, lO thl" !jI"hflllliJit; hoyis, xiiij 3l l('m, to the Ulllll ]"lC t is, xiiij & Item, the XXI' ,Iny of F('llnuu", hI (:llil1inlui" UUtll, ,;iiiJ il. Item [the xXIi day of Febnuu-], to AU81ci~ f'Cm, be Ihe K illgis eOllllluH I1I, xiiij i.

Item, to lhe 1\l.:rkulCII of the Xew Jl uviu in drink xiiij i1. sihil', Item, thl' "'XI'V dnr of Fe"mnl , fOI" ,ul lm ,"ile to the qUilll.1 l'$iCncin,

helll, the 1I('C1Il1i1 dll)" of ) 1,1\1:11, lu TholllfUL !'ehlis, gl;18

1lllI'hl, loe the Kill:,;is oollllllHml, XIlIJ >i. Helll, lll,> Iluil! !l'll (,f lhrch, til till' 'IIUII tllRl Illilid the IIIN'8 of lh' !!Chip, in ( Irillk ~ihl\'" xiiij So ilem, to :'I lni8(el l "IUlI' n~ Talifeil I~ the I\illgi~ C('III mAml, uI;ij iI. Item, tll Hol,he Vnllolmy, fur tlUl '"'.'"111 II"nSI""~ "il~l~t for
tilt! 1II0llClliill of I)ecelllioer" JUllnft!', Fehlwll, und to

tbis dny i ilk dar ';ij I t ; SUlllIun iij tt. ij ~ Item, In Hollelt SlIIeiair, he the I\iuc:i~ """I\II\1,lII!1" xxx fo'mnch crounill, S\UllDlU xxj It
itelll, to Hoherl
KinJ%i~ ('HI'll ;\llIlIereifli~ 1110.11,

to I,)" 'trlllgtli to the


:o:iiij S"

... 11.

_\rCou ~'TS


hem, the ferd doy of ) fnrch, to Thomas Cuke, liii'lSOlln, be lhe Kingis command, :-.:iiij ~ Ttrm , 1.1'1 WiI1irIH Lorymnr. golds-my th, be command, xiiij A. Item, the "j dar of l lnl'ch, to ane mnn of the lard of Bn\mo\\'tois hrocht pikis. t(l the King. . v Altern , to Jnmc Fre8;l r <lllhilk lll"OCllI Rne hnlk to the King, xij Fmllch crounis ; lIumma . \"iij ft. \'iij !I. item, parit to George Edwordsou for ij){ pund lUIur for the pnyntour (HathowyJ ; ilk \InC(' \' S. ; summR x It Item, fol' iU ~ pund bYl'!!t; ilk ullce :(ij a.; summa \vj a. item, (OL' xvy llllce 8yn(\p/lI', x\'ij A. ltern , for "iij pnnd reele il'de, U 1. Hem , (or nne quart oly lingent, ,-iij I. Item, for one )lund @ynnpill', . xvj S. l~eLII, (1)1" iij,K !lund "Ct"lllc!on n to him, xiiij l
item, fo\' "ij Jwpce .'C \iij tn 6e()11 1 sohlntio und t\la lower;! of glus of sindl')' plici!, bocht fro Simon UmfroY80u, v n. xviij.1i. Item, the i~ dnr of 1lnrch, pnyiL for xij~ JliInd mru;tiC(lt to the pnyntoul': ' ilk pund iiij S.: snlUHln Ill. Item , fOI' ix ~ IlIul(l qnllit lede to him: ilk !lund it~. \'iij d., xxv iI. iiij it. Item, fOI' iij ~ pllllll \'<:111iICI' : ilk pund yj ~. ; 911mllW

xxj a.
Itell), fo)' xij 111)00 8)'nnpnr, xij g. Item , fnl" ii.II1II<:(, nsnT; ilk Ullce" ~.: 8111111na, X\' Q, Helll, ror ii,i Ilnnd (lBUI" 11oc11t nt l'ell'l" nl'c\\"\tol)s: ilk Illi ce iij II. iiij it : SllllImn . \'iij It. Helll, the x <lny of )Inrch, to lIel\' ;\itIllCI"l'if, ho lh p xXI'iij 9, Kingis cOUllllnnd , IU'III, the xj d~)' of -' Inrch , tn ,IlIent Tel"rell, II"lich\. ill drillksih'i)', ,xx\'iij g. Item, the xij Iiny nf ) fnl'C h, 11) (:col'gc nard, l>iJ thc Kingi~ ClIlillllnlLu, iij It. x 9, 1\(-111. l)nyit to Illy I.nrll of ('nmbuskilll1cth 'lilhilk hi' hell Inid !l01/ 1l "e the Kingi8 COlli-

LOnn IIJ(BI TIt,,:.\sl'HU:

mand at. dh-en Lymetl to dl\"el'1l

. 11.


t1 \iiJ" Item, for nlil' htn to the halk;... xij It h em, for !trtnt' rilxlueli nud bil't-'tl thl,\ill to thc Kill!,; I'ot bl'O\tdennp:, IJ L \'i iJ d It(>m, to .\IUllullt'r 11m", fun'Our, w 1.1& \J) !-;nucLnndroil \Itth the KillSi~ gOU" of \\'('lIuI et"ftm mely for qulten the Archonkil nl1I.U com th.1re, xiiiJ J. Item. to nne 1I\lIn that fantillne goehnlk "f t11l~ Kingis. \'Iix(!. Item, the '\: \"j M~" nt llnrch. to the ~tiul:Olm of tSanet.nudl'Oi~ he c.-'lIllllllml xiiij ., I t.elll, LO n1ewmlUili ll, lhe Qnenett 111I~\\'nltl, he t'lIIl1mnntl , xliJ t Hcm, to lhe POliugnil' of N\uelnntlroil for lUll he deliverit to the King, -.:iiij ", Item, to the I,iugis plll"5UllnuL of ('IUitlllJl' dml cum fUrLh of IlIglnn, he the I-':inl=il t'OUlIH:Wti. xx uniOOrtl~" ~l1Innll\ , x\iij 11, l !.em. the x\'iJ dny of llnl'c h, to the mntOM nml wrl(hti. 11\ I'cltinw('llIe, IIf drink~ih'ir, X\'iiJ ~ ItC1ll, to nuc lUau of tllc .\rclulclIl' of l-il\lh:lnndrois III hnllillildr of (lI\e bon gilhu to t he Kiut:', xdij ,. l !.em, til(' "I'ij Iiny of llflrch, pnyit to .I nhnc lL'thnlle, 8IldillfH'. fot' A~'I'C tnu!' fm him t" I Ill' Ii:ill;.(i~ I>\111,ill n~ t]jI'CI'l\ t)'Ule!! f;f'n ~1ul" hil'!l~t, III til!' flrlll fm -.:U\ Hirthi~ for Mllill. ri,lilt:.! rUI 1'0111.,...nl'i- ,md r"l hllrllell hUI'II, ":'Ii)o,\"~. [,\11(1 "ther 1II,J,lI,',~, to 1h(' nldonut or .1 1 I:,~, 411.] h em. l~lyit to lIenry. lorl1n.1r, for 51\111 lnne fm him 14'11 Wit!l()ntlll~' l'II~'lil tn thill dllY 111 the hrllt. ror \'cnlt'6ing 01 ,-iiJ I~m' ~tl'mJl ;1'111", iiij i[.\ 11,1 for hit.. ' 1'\111\, .\:" :1 11<1 IV'III, lOI ij \lIli, helly, 10 ~I(\f,nnll \'( ,I





IteUl, INlyit. La the wi! that. kepit Curry xviij owkis and fol' his bed the Mid t)"lll!'!, . ix il Itent, 1 )'1yiL to GCOl'C F.dwUI'ti.soll for ix unce ;\.11111' to the p6~'Ulolll' ; ilk unce iiij s.; snmma. . XXX\'j II. item, for xiiij \mee blew 1\8U1'~ ilk uuee ij Ii. viij iI.; summn xx~n'ij ,;. iiij tl. helll, ror "j pund l'Cde lcdu ; ilk pu nd ij 8. "j It ; sumllia

Item, for iij poiutis of lily ling-cat, .

xviij S-

ilcm, the xix dny of l\lnI'Ch, til the \\"Iichlis lind nllllKlllI1 in Fllnk-luUl! 01 ,hink8ih'ir, . :o'iij $, item , to nile skillllnr of Snnct .Johnstoull brocht hnlk i;iufll8 ItlLtl othi ., gluflis 10 lhe King iiij II. x 11.<'111, ill FIIUkluud, to IJnyid Bctonis 11111;:;, xiiij iI.
fOl' IIlC



K il1gi ~



chnllous or Snnctnncit'Ois, be the


item, fOt, cllt'yiJlg of the !!IlUl)1l fm the lolln to the Abba)" ' \'iij It. Item, fOl' xij PIlIlU lICorcill'uis to thnilll, ' :o .l item, to the IIll~ 1 of Uynolls fnlcolHlt, 1Jc COlll lllllllU , xiiij iI. \;j i, Item, to lhe sOll'tm' !ulnl', Itelll, to I\lle lithelu\', \' il. H elU, to lIl O cn l'lH11S lhll~ ledls tlip h 1I1),:1~ ll"CIS, III Ihi IIksil \' i J", \' .Q. hem, to the well the tl iehlis LIn:! lreia, ill llrillksih-il', ix ii. item, to tIle );01 '\,01111& wif ill :-;1L'h'l'liu, 1)(, the J\illgis
cO LLLlllallll, to ph)' hi l' hllill', l telll,


the xxij day "r

~ l l llCIL ,

l" ,lal'Hl

'l'en 'C lI, /!ClliJl

x:-:i:-: ii, \'j It.

wrichL, ill driukeih iL',

hem, we& gim ll to the barniH of the quell' or Sll'iyeliu

"r 1;1)111 6ih<l', ItCIIL, to aile (isciLoir urochl pikis to lhe I';ing, H e ll l, to (LlIe oL1Lir C1schuir 111'OChL Inlll["H'l I'JiIl !Iud 1(, tIle H tnll);i~ " f ~tri\clill, .

v 9, \'!l.

piki& \' iI.

LUll)) IIlGll 1'IlE.\sl'I:U:

~." I~

11(:111, lhe niiij \b} of 11.1rth. 1.<, IIIii' lIIiII1 of Illy 1""'11 C'h:uuilbnio ill Il\illil~ihir "f nne Imu Hilhn ttl tl ... Kiut;, "jiij ... h ClII, 10 I:okr~ Ill'lwort. (..I Jltlll!1 \'IL' ("kill him, xilij &. 1klll, to IIlI<' lut""wgdl INlafo,ul<1 \\ Itll 1110 len,,,/. ,.( lonlli.. 1111 the 1".-.1 "r Thonllt,un .1111] with


t'O!!:uitibllil, .

\. b..

1ll.:III, to tlkt (tIr,.!errill of tl", IIUllll'l. in tilini.:llill'ir, \'1. IlClJl, to.1<1 I""mahl, falcunat, lo(' tho Kiugj" cullll!lauol.
ix I.
I tem, tiM" 't:u thy {If 'Ltldl, til .(,,1111'
W lwlol to IliMtl\'II~I' l.t'ill !'<ot.'tUUII

1II(" ... ~IIJ;Nr, . D.I""'"


f"r \., II .11111


iii (;,llkl\\ay II.. IIUlI1l11olld tilt' t.""Ii~ 'IaX\\dl and 111'1111 111111 thl' hu,1 "f l..oc:hinn.:1 ;IUtI ..'II to 1'.11> IIltb

1(>111'(." III the !"chil'CMoIIIC of .\11' ulj 1 l telll, to ~hir l:obcrL W(,llIis he b'tlif lUI thl' 111:'1 chil,lir 1mI'd thnt. pillyi.l!i 011 the IIChnllllya, iiij "-

He:lI, thl' U\;j day or ) 11l1"Cit, (or :\,"\ nuCC IIlonl 10 the pnynwnr ilk nm..'C! ij l ,"jij il.. IlIn"11i illj n. xhJ l liij il. ltelll, for , )I(.illlis 01)" Ii\l):(,:\~; Ilk jI"yll~ ,;ij 1.; ,1 L 1111111111\ Belli, for xij puuli rede Icdc; ilk I,ulld iJ a. ; SllllUilii :"uiiij l Itl'lll, (01' ij pmul ,cnue!OI1I1, xij b.. hem, for l\l;1 11111111 \'erngrcis ttl hilll, )(IJ ... item, tho xXI"iij Il:~)" IIf llruch,lo Willinlll l"'II)"III:lI' t..1 jllll 10 1)lril'cliu, ij Q.. \'J il. ltt'llI, 10 . I uhn~ 1hll'ch.uue&L<III11. 1~' th, 1":ill..,'" t"'!II1UHl1I(1.


Itcm, til., "IOix II!!.}' of lIal\:h , ful hj 111J'lt of l!Cut ilk \ltxijit IUrI ij II.; 'UlUlha iiij II. hem, for xij goU ballis to the King, ... , Lilt, bani of Item. to lilt' lI\,lI"!.t'1 ('uLc Ivl' K'i,li" Sllil"chll, :diij j. Itt'lIl, w th(' King him..eU qnhilk h(' hmk, xiiij II. hlllI. tlir l>\luIIll .I!!.)" fl' \lIlli'll, t" 1IIIl' 1111111 ,,( ~rhir

A. II. lSOll.

. x\iiJ:>'

.fohne tiOmil'\'lllell in bridilbih-ir of une hOI1J he gaif to

the King,
hem, to the KillS himseli, in his

put'S, of gold and

qllhiL sih';r, viij tt xiij l vj d. Ilem, for wesehinS of the kyrk clalhes nlld Lenternne cllnhes and mending of thnim quell lila wer riffill with mlonis, . xiij ~ \'iij d.

Item, the first. dny of Aprile, for xlviiJ cine enmmes to mend the ~rel pnlymn qnhen it I\'ctI riffin III lhe Xew HIl\';n : ilk clue xij d t lIUlllll1il xh'iij & .'o,:\ij I. iiij ti. hem, for ij 8teik blew Imkrnm 10 ii, Hem, for mending of the rn! Ll'ee of the 8Ilid l)aii,;otlLJ.

Item, for rede WOL'SI1it to iI, ij A. xiij d. Item, for thrE'id lll\(llJedit!i,., xij d. hem, for l:u:vj fnlnlolJl to tollis: ilk fuwdom iiij u. ; :l:X \' Q. iiij t1 smOWR 1tt'1U . for ;oI;X fa\\'uom ;amall \,,11, ij IJ. Itcm, f(lf wirkill:; of thnim, tu Lio\lu with ij childi!', iij

dllyis, \'ij b. ItCIlI, ror Ic(Mir 10 Ihailll nnd UIl 5CtlUlg (of the &UUYIL.
x i-..
ItCIII, rOl' enrring of till' pnilJolll1 to til(' X, \I 11 ,1\';11 fl,. the Castell of F"linh"1"6i1, ' iij il.

h em, to ,I ohn., lI('rli~hl'\l , wil.;tolll', l\ill,;11II1 at the ,,"'IJO at tll(' XC Ii(\\-iu xiiij <In}'is. llili " xiiij ii, 11.1.'111. for lillillg of \11;1 1",1111i, 1('1 til{' Qn"II~', ij 11_ it.<;III, for 1\1111111 to (ju iuta eso.cll(' i,1. xvj It. h eln, rOI \'ij ' 11\'11111 1111\1:1 ,'ile to ' 1111 11111 e~lI r in , ilk ' Iua rt 'ij .ol.; 1 II1IIllUn . xlix it. 11.1 '1 11 , t.o .'()IIII(' Cnll)llll', 11I(>",>III),(o.:ir, VI I ~'II I .. ].;l1mllJII..t01l1l ami to Olcnqllhfllli wilh IUlt' slIIulllon,li ... <lml
n(lf! ~ 1I ;tIOIiIl .




l 'n"t',(ct',

i ij

1.111111 111(; 11 TI: ..:.\ .... I ItU:


h,ILI. tl.o: ,,-,,'III.III,,} .,r .\I.ril r. I., II'l' (tll).;,',lIi .. '" llit) ... 1'- 1* 111,,11''(' . .... Iri nk-ilnr. \\iij;l. It t'III,lh. 11t,.,,1 111l ~' 1.11 .\ JI,i\, IlIr l~rin.,: 1II.III n "I the C" (llm nl fm thl' l'lIlttell 1.1' Ethnlluq.:1t to lhe ,\I'\ny, ij It h em, tilt' f.',,1 .(a~' of Aprile, h" till' Kill.:i~ ",,1111111111(1, 10 nllr j,"n: lIesehol1 l , xxvi iJ i.. Item , w llullMne l :iclK'. 1I~i1't-:til ,,, .....11,,1 ill the \10.:1'11 t;, N-Inr ,J"!IIW Home wilh lh, 1001111011-1 (Jf 1..1\\l."lir, i:c L Itelll, Ihe \'iij IU}' nf liard, {I ' \I ,ril r'}, .\ \exandl'r l ' h:tlllil', 1>.I}lllour. 'Iuhil!.: 1"O}lItil the- I"e~ or lite Kin;,;ill ..hip, " Fnmdl rrolmi., fl UlllinA \"Ij tt. 1t("1II, to the Al liool of ('3I1lhu14kmUdh, qullilk he laid ,(OUn III l.eith for tlmwill of un lI111aI18, ij it Item, (U the Fmneh quhiuillRr, x iiij t, h em, Ih., xy day (If '\llIi\e. I'uac h tin}', to the mais ler cuke. (,f l..oAAiiin I,II-ii, x t1, Item, 10 11..1:. f->d __ n,1 to Halllmiltouu with Ihe proct'l>L of tl~ ni l' of lanai!':, iiij 1 Item, to tit, h,-mldis ill the hnll. \' Franch cl'ounisi sumlna iij t1. x L Item, the xilj dar of Aprile, to Illle $(!n'fo ud of James E.imnnllonis lJl'Ot'ht aDe 1'1\.1 10 the Killg. ij .!l. Itenl , to nne lU,lII of the ErIe of Hu ntlYI' broehL tua llUkldl, ij 8, !trill. (he xiij tillY of A" rile. (0 Ilne &el'mlld of the IleIChoJi of Dnnkeldenig thllt brot'ht wild fowlis to the l\ in;!, ij I h (o lll, to Wille, fouhu', of 1kl lb'On}' thnL braeh t \\ild rouh. to the King, xiiij l (t(,IU, the xiiij Ii,,)" Allrile, Pnae h n.day, to the uu,-nltmles Dlldinll,tin In the ilrst, to TIlornAl II t,,,ri ngill eMir, .-\Iexftllder Cualaw, J'etc John, Johue , \ 11<1('1'1('11, TI,ClIllU lI oprill~;i11 301l!:Ollr, ttUIIlPt!liI, iij UniC(lnl18 i IUlnma liiij ~, It~tu. tu lhe (ollre IK'hallmiri. nml Ilmir iiij chililir, fourl! nni('l)rll is; SU llnlln iij n. :l:ij il;.



... D. 15Ol.



(tCUI. to thl! l ioN Lalluromtr, Gn illi.1ln, lAulirouAr, AWUl B(lyd. hi. IIOU, .-\usle, GlLiIlirunis mall, tau bronalis, ilk mun ix ~; 111111111/\ Iiiij 11.. lLem, \0 .\l);UII Dikf'M1I hllair, the ConnIe!'!


Henry I' hi lp hnllNlr; .!I1II1II1111 Item, to Sehit no.'OI},'t' Luwcdiri.!l fithelnr of Ht';\'c1in. .JOhlll!flt.(JIlII Jrllllc lilhchlr. Willilirspllllc fithclnria

iij n. xij it fithl'lar, nne tlie Iilh!\ll r, ilk mlln ix iI., BummA .dv iI. l U!nl, to lll6 lilA llipnlia Ilf Edinburgh. the Fl1Itlch C}lIhi~~i1Inr, thl! 11I',fliA pipar with the d"'III', ilk lU:lIt
B. RILUlIll,1 ,

Cmllfnrdil lutAr, l!oIJen HutllUlllI the sowtAr lutar, Lill.Ies..'lY lutllr, lloll4!l't IIny, iutarll,lInti to ilk Jlltln ix A.: 61111111111. liiij l hem, to Aicxmuh.'f hlll"}ltlr, l 'llte hlll1).'I1' ch"..chn, his 1011, the El't'Ch clru'lCh.... hill 8011, I he IleechoJl or 1:08 IUlrp:w, 111111 Ikll;,:nmll h'\\lX\1'. ilk mnn ix S., nOll

xxxl"j ;;.

Item, 10 HI"J1\1I8 11111110, IHh('inr, WnUI'lS nud Cuddy I!ig, ilk mUll ix !l.; IIUIllIllIl . xX\'ij it
Item, to the hliml hnrpll!', item, to H:mki\1 II U~ll\lU, 00 tlu'

ix A.. tUlIllllllnd. xX \'iij A..

item, tho XI' (luy of t\ 11ri\e. lH Seith' AIt':<lImlt'1" )lllkYIIOII 1(1 hiM "':-:: I)('II~ 10 11<18 ill CnitlwC>! tIl b'l!r en" l)'lilir r,w the )'ill"';R schip, x Frflllch ('1'0111111'1. SII1UllUi vij It h em, the :-::vj dny of ,\ prile, t') JOhUl" mlUlOll, RIlII J ohlle Dru!lllIlolI.l, \\nchl. to Il.'lIJ to L oclnunhllnt" he Ih(' KUll!i~ COUIIIllIll.I, J;iiij A. I Will, the xlij ,IllY elf AI.rill" til till' IUlhn! "r CllmlJUIIkillll('11i Ihnl lie ":llif tIl lhe llilch d"c\our (Iuhell he
I).wit R\\"!!.\", hj iI.
IlC III,l hl.' 'l:X t1.l), of .\ 1'111(', LO Il')\ICII :'I lullereir to 1.Iy holtill I" lhl' I\illgi'll~m"ool\, xiiij !l.

Item. to lI ulIlIu', fnk"ul'lr, to 11'111 to UJnho to kl'i p the halkilll'llld \0 I~'''' ill .\tholl'" Fn,"rh Crol1l1i~, 5111UIlIn i0 n. x II.

!.(lIW 11";11 rl:E, \ SUIIF.I:


dl~t hriu~1\ the tymir frn 11.('111. t(. the IW'II of Ih(' I.oCot('

'\I.rile, w IIH~ I"'k m"u .. r 1J.'ith~D the 1"'w, xlilJ Ii.. f>f (';lInhu~killllf'lh. v A. 1t('III, to till: \\"I:rklllCIl thut drew til!' I.nu;r, v r.. It(,lII, In pUI\' fnlkil, !:!tldl ,\IU1l0 htillg nlllK'nl, ij A. H I'III. tn IWl' I.olllhr()lIar, 'l;ij d, It/'hl. to th.' III~ U thut lire\\' tl~ IJmi r . III Hill hill Jmm III! Ih(' Cl.1,italie IIf :-ilri"elin, iij ii, 11('111, t/) ;\lk Ilif Ilf ('IaLmallllllll II.~I hia 1111,1'11111 dede. x So qultilk we. nne IImnl" in l..ochlualanc, . Item, th,' x'I;ij Ihl)" (If .\ plill-. Il1\~'it tu tht III<\i~l('r cuLe tllllt I... Ini.1 11<11111 to nul" IJI.. r\1tlld (Ir the AI,bot nf l'olll-'ir in .. \ 11;::111 IUYlCIII AliI' 0'1; to th(' '\ill~, ix l 11.('111, 111 nno 1I1,1U uf the I ~ho)l of (;n[]()I\.'\~i. loroch~ fom.... emllil it tn the \\;ng, \' I, Item, to lUll' ~rmlll i of Lady Liles 1)I'ucht tun oxin to the 1\;II~, ix It Item, to nil\: ICrmllll of l he Abhotof XcwlJolillCfl brocht tun fed O'l;ill to the King, ' ix i Item, to Illle 1110111 or tho 1 ,\I'u lit 1I0llilhe8 \.I'ocllt nne lAir to the 1\lIIg. 11<'111, to /111{' IICn11l1l1 or Ihe ALllOt of t"l1lllmtkiullcthis "roehl nne! 1'1ir W tli(' l,lng, iiij l hell!, to nlll' llel IflUlI of WiI\iulII EdmnuBlol1i, t hnt. IH'OCht dij I'l\i. I\~ I'a&eh, \. iL Itcm, to flllC !111m of Lord IlnuUlnoml, Iwocl1t onl' hClt 10 111(' King, " Q. itCIII, to Ane luo n or Lord 1I (11\l~ ifl'l.lI!ht \j wihl ~(ill nUll nIhil' ~"(,;II,. \ Q. it"m, \01 nl1e ",n'lIl1d of ~h; ...\IC\III11II'r :\ lnkclIlIoil lu'odlt. VI "iM ,,"'Cill, \'iij "hn'nrill, nlld ItltU~ heronis, IIl:ul. Ih., 'uj

ix 1.

hem, to 1111(' IUIUI (of the lic!lcllllp (,f Dunkl'M hl'fll..hl lIJa Iliid gcis and xij 11111('(' r(jwli~ ix "1t"IIl, to nnc UII\II lot(oCht 11101 fl"l nx;n fr:t Ih,' .\J.\_,t (.f
) Irlml,

ix i.
to pM III

t" Hlt'\\IIIAlIull. Kiugi. COlIIllll\nd,

lut;ll\ml. 1.It' ,h{O xniJ II

19 :!
.. n. I~

.\ t:cuv:'\ 'J':-; O F 'I'll E


lUe8IIillgeil', to pus to Lord Simpill "ith leltl"l ou celtane 1J(!1 'SOllis thRt weI' (lWRud mOllee within the ecbircldomc of Hcufrcw, iiij i, item, fOI' line mile tieir bide to cOI'il' Rnc 6lltiil1, xxiiij l item, for Ilnc 1'08 sk ill to bonet the Slun)'n with, v A, item, fo r ij basal! skinnis to it, iiij I, Item, fOI' the hdch !!Ildill to the SIImyn, and grathing of

it(>lu, to JO:lUe

it" xis. Item, for vj elnc Cll11l11lCS to me nd the (UTes wcrk in tIle Abllny, . vj s. Item, for mending of the 61\111)'11, vj C. ItelU , the niiij day of Aprile, to i\lnkculloch, t he lard of i\I)'I'lonis fllicolllll', 1Jc the King;s OOllllllIlUd, iiij ~, Item, riulIml betn;x Stl'in:liu (Iud OlflSgo, to ij j)llI' folkis, .':)ehil' ~\ml l'O Veins lihscu~, ' iiij d, Item, the .'iXI' dRY of AllI'ile, to the UillSOI1S lind wcrkIllen of GIMgo, ill drinksil\'il', ,xxviij a. Item, to Lord HOB llI1180ns in lIatkhelle, of drink$ih'i l', xiiij a. Item, the XXI',i liny of ~\ [lrile, 10 the mllSOllS of 1\18lny, xiiij ~ [rpm , In \\"ll.IiI Til I'll 101111, 'luhilk IIf' WRII fta lhe King nt the k~'lcs, xlCI'iij A, h CII!, the lC.~ix day of Aprilc, to thc Kiug to Illn,\' I\~ th<! kilC'S ill Glcnllls, ' X\' IlJ ii, Item, 10 the ,\ hbot. of Glenlull mall, d I,ri.lilsilvir oi nue gmy hOL'$ gillill to tIll' [\:ing, lCiiij b, Item, to nue Irlllllli fl'Cil' thaN, ij A. iteu) [the last dny of April], to tim wil tdlads :\\'iij d. Item , to tIle hII'd of ) Iyrtonis lllaSOIlS, or drinksil\'il', lCiiij So H CIlI , to the quarevur-is tlinn:, or dl'iuks il\'il', \' A, Item, t.o IIlle t!cr'\'ullu of thl' AbllOt of GI('Ilhu~ uf hd,lilsih'ir of ane loroull hOI'S he J,;nif the King, xiiij S,

I.UIW 1I 1l.1f TlH:.A:-.rHFJ;


Item, the hi'll. Jay or ).inij, to nne pilgrJlOc of luslaud . 0. tbat Sn.Jl(:t Niuial1c kJthit nllnacl,' for, xviij" Itcm,to pnre folki.a ill Wi"IOIIII , Schir Amlro iJcing at.ent, iiij '- viij (I, Item, to II.ne fitheJnir thair, . ix &. Itcm, to eertAne lugla pilgrynlCl in Wigtonu, Le the Kingil oomm,IUd, xliij I. lU'IP, to ane tilhcl,lr IIlId ane danchnar ill Wigtoun, xL Item, pnyit. to ).llI.i'ler Johne 1111my be glli' to Cllnoun" thllt hl'd hllth the pl'CCeptis or the eh('kker, xl L Item, the fenl dny 0' ;\illij, to tllf' mellllmlCl ill Lin dowdell, ' x\'iij &. h em, to tho 1111\&0111 aud werkmen thair, IX lItelLl, IN line prcist in Linclowdell , loc till! Killgill l'GIIImaud, \j I. Item, the \. day of l J"ij, to GCOI"ge Jo.Ahmnlaoli for Itur to the pRy"tJ. W III the fil'lt, for uiiij lmull red" lode; M ilk pnnd ij I.: IIIIUllln xh-iij L Item, for nile pumllUur; ilk nnce \" ' tUum!\ iiij U. IU'm, for IIlIe pnud 1}'llApllr, . xvj!. Item . fo,' 'eij pund m:uilioot; il\.: punt! iiij I.: IUtnUla 'eh'iij i. 'l: ij I. Item, for Lilli lllt,ul otl)(!Ulellt, ltel1l, fO l' vj puut! \'I\n,gn:i8; ilk Imnd \j I.; aUlIIIlI"


Item , 1.0 ~ l l1iater Jamea Wat !lOlI fut the llnrnia I.'X)X'1II1 ill ~nrtl1l1droit the nlollethi. of ~ l niJ, JUllij, nnd ,luhJ, tluhilk illlx:l::l:xiJ d'lyill ; ilk 111l) \iij l; llUIII1IIH XXX\j 11. :I:\j l itelll, 1'1 the pnylllOur, (ll,hilk he wea IlwllmlLO J.nllt.., Fel,}, aud \\('4 cnllit ill the 10iLuLh tharrol ill pMt of I)flY lIIt'ul of hi' wl'rk, \'j " xl I tem, to AIAnc Coqllhl"rnn for tiidlliulI: or 11.':1: .tl'il w1illeJI, nriij t.



Lochwaloaue, to JOhUil,


Item, the "j ILlY uf .Uaij, in

""UII.IIl, of dtink ...ihir,


iLt!lU, to Juhn!.' Dlumuloll.d, InicbL t Mir, ill lhi nksih i r, xiiij 9.

hem, to tlld lCialans iu LOcJUlUllALU C, xiiij iI. Item, t( Iolul<' I}uu,wur in I.....x!huIaLuut, xillj lO. Item, to tlio 1>;.111111;1> tllNit, \'~. Item, to the U~()II' een-lIlIlJi.8 and tht: L.,lvIUCU lhllir, \' I. Item, to the cntkiL I'iear IIIIUI', iiij a.. hem, to nne fitbdnit' t huir, ij il. hC!lll, to .Johu l"k'g. !JIIIlM!\\llul, to pal iii O"llowl1Y with lelllez, ix .i!. Item, the I'ij .In,' or l lnij, to nue \\011111.11 thu; I' lho.~ Wei fflil;;dL, 00 Ihe Kingis COUlIIIIIUd, xiiij l
ItC III, \0 nUll pili wtJlIlnu lIud nue Lome tliail', be the



ix 9.

Itelll, 101 Johru! ." ur my;s mlln ill l)!idillih'; r of nile hol'8

he gnil lue Kiu!"

. }I:;iij!.

item, to une ~I'\'ulld ur l h\llul'tI of D,llI iki!l lhat.. vrocht.. huron! to t he Killg, h: &. i ll!rrI, to ~hir ,h,hull IInllltny ho laid duulI HI Kilwyuyu to lun. !!Chlliluil'ill, ix a. ll~'m, ttl him ho gnif fol' l un tn~l1il, (mc peuhoru uuJ iukhorn, to LIm Kiug, \' .;. It",m, the "iiij ,In) of :'I iuij, gilli u to the I,iug himself in Jli~ nwn \1111'1, xiij It, x;, ltl'lII, IJC thu Kill!;is eOl lllllum!, to JnCfll '['('l'u11 in (\rink lIih'il, ,XXX\'j ii, ltC-m, LO :Simon J:llu(\:II, Lilli 00t.c 'Hielll, ill dlillk"ih ir, xiiij iI. Itelll, thl! h llnr "r .\inij, 1(, IIUC lUilU 'luhilk \I'll! nL (Juhilhilll for lhu Killj:. I..... lhe Killgis ctlluuhmc1,
XH IJ "-

llelll, fot UlW '1'(,0(1. lU'iuhlllU.I, nll,l nile IhlCHL of g illS, niij S. Ilem, II .... xj d'l)' uf :l lai), P,IJIl 10 till' III/IiSlel' \luke he laj.l,IO<III tluhuil th.' Kill~ t.1) lit ill 1);IIIIIIUllIl i:< iI.

I.tJI:II III (i li THI'.ASt'I:U:.


Ilklll, to bun ht' h'7lif to tho.' Kill).;j,j 1.'ldwlI H. tl ... ' .... IVol Frerill ur Wigl,(,m., . XXVIIJ" It.'h., to him he I.-nir to thl' I\ill~ill L.:khcir In I)n1l0l'
t.~ua. "IiF h elll, to hllil he ~uir to tlK' KiuWII I~khcir IU l 'chlia, niVI1 ILen., tbe xij IL.y lof l luij. tl, nu~ dMllOIUU "f 1I:llynlll. 11"118 1~\lIIIIl11l1 1,(, lStri\c1in LO 1II<'Ild til(' Ull..O:lIli .. Ih:lI'I.'. "'\'iij li, h"IiI, lhe xiiJ II,,~' (1/ .'faij. 10 .II,hll(' "l'rch:Um tnUIi. III.'

III<' Killbti>l ('OIIIIII,lIId, uviiJ s, hew, to tht nllliS:lcr cuke to ~if to :\lakmll Orrum
11111)\:11 II!' I)"ilit,
h em, to flnt!

\ It

Qm:lle of i\faij ilL tho Ahhw



"ilij a. h em, to nile llilln I);L88uml W L"l\\~'tlil' wilh nile hill.


thl' Lordi8 11(>; 11;': thnrc at mil' .rnllt.cu Air.


)'fuij. to tun III'd~liK lIRiti m<'tl to ll~' King in ~1I1Ct. Lcunnnlil, ij l viij .1. h Mi., to tll( IlOlingrur of Knm:t. Alltlroill, iiij II. iiij i. Item. to Hnt' r"lcou.lr ));lI\';Il.ud in 0,.1.11;\)', the KingiB ',;OInmlltul, xiiij i hent, to the tueu thllt. IJlI~ \\]1 t.llo 1II11~1 of the i\illJ,:ill

too xvj ILLy of

ij .;.




werkllll'n, (., dt'illksihil, xi;ij Q. II.('UI, to l!ich:U'd 111'1:11111 [to] p:l1 with tht' l'Ontinllnlionis uf the 1I11ill "r J..llnlll'k lind l'~"li~, IJ i. I [elll. lh<' xix I\.I\' of llnij,tll " ll'X1ULtll'" IJ'II'. f.lk,ullll'. I"........tllli in ~hdlantl for hillki~, I' FI'iluth l'I1>UlliA '111111U;~ . lij n_ x.t h"ILl, to !H1l' lleil.: IWIII, I.... th~ Ji:inAiA (~lmh':'IIltI. xiid
1k1ll. [II tlw 111'11111118 II! tht' ('h;\)I('\1 I,f lht X,-w 1I,,\'ill ill tlnnkAih ir, ),Ii'j It IttllI. till' \\ (111)' (Of llnij, be the KIIt"i" <'''lIliunll1l. til ~illlnll 1111Ifl.t~"'/II fnl' vij dOMU rlpil ~.lll1.lli., \IIJ;'

ItCIlI, to the III,;hip wl'ichtill

.D, l!\O1l


I tem, to the meu that maid the salis li.nd dl'yit thauu, xiiij l Item, to the cheild that kepis lhe Kingis eorsbow, be the Kingis command, for his hors lDe~, l'iiij I. Item, to Snnde Chami r, pnynlonr, for yarnesing to payuL the &chip ioolie, x!o:\'iij S. Item, to 'Chom Gonrlay, wriehl, that tn nlifl Iho schip blokkis. to lech his lumpl,. i:I: So H em, the xxij day or )lnij, to the welllen Ihat sang to the Kiu g, laid donn be I.o rd Avendnle, xiiij /I. item, to the new maiater 8ehip wricht in dliuksih'ir, xx\'iij R. hem, for l\1le h ors hire rl'll Cmnstnun (tlul ellttillg of tua I:olokkis of esch for the schip, iiij S. Ilem, to aile IJJnIl of W alti r Herioti;; bl'ooht, hm iloggis to the King, be the Kingis COIumnlld, ' xiiij A. Item, to lInc eheild that hure hinis to l)eblis to the Lordis !x-ing thair at the Justice air, ij 11. iiij d. Item, the ,tx\'j ouy of ~Iaij , J'IlIyit lor pn),lItillg of the lim sch ip botis ami of lhe roe 011 the bolspleit of the sehip, ,0; FrDlleh crou uis; summa "ij " . item, to RollCl't :\ Iyrtollll, faleonar, to pll.S ill the Ilis for halkis, iij 11 x .\ Item, to thc lUarinsris tha t f1)wit the botis to preif thaim, 10e the Killg is collmmud, . . xX\'iij 1 l tem, to the mCII that drew the botis fU rlh of the Kingis Werk to the II'n\ir, iiij 1 Itum, for ItlU! silvir quhissill to lhe King w('rand ij}4 un('f' of maid werk, ilk n nee xiiij I.; SUllIlnn
XXX\' 1.

ilem, to aile Ouch nlall for allil sclli p callit the l~l1\'i ll to lNlS ill the XOl,tllland foJ' t~lIlir, Y H. [Win, to 1'hOm:19 Hnthnwy to fllmis IliT in n os an ti Caithncs for Lpnir, XXXI" It I tem, to Simou Umfmyson for ane kistf"llofgiIlS8CS, xiiij It Item, In ,\ Iane CO\{uhcl'nn, a rmomr, fOl' .]icilting of \'j

&u:il sauillcs,

H\'iij &.

Lor:n 111/;11 TIU:,.HWIlf-:li


ItCIU, for ant quln);o;ill 10 thc Kill;,!, ,('YUIIII iJ ~ nUL.., uf of 1II1liu \\crk IXl)it be ,'\nd""\~'lonll, u:n~. item, 10 1 1)111'0, tl6!K'honr, hl' tht li:mgiM Cl.lllllll,Uld, \



Item, the I n~L day of :'.Inij, to ,\ lIdro A,'lOIlU lil IjII& to DlmLlAIIl' to h~' fOlll' Ml'l ho ... Lhlth', Hm\ ginln to.' thaim, xx It

h em. the linll dny of ,'uuij, to IIlIc t1UCII~ of \JaiJ ou thf' b'll.it I~ the Killg I~t \0 the ,\1I11011o( IInlyntdbonA ~'Il.rding, r ; Ittlil. La the \n'1U~1I IlIall>.lll'; \.. tlw Killt;: tlulL IIllht . iiij!. Item, the &ct'und day or ,rullij, If! the "nn' lunl,l'IlIl.1r I" the nlClJ(lil5 of thu hurtin~ of him, fUI tho l)I(>II~lmlea, x Frnueh crounis ; 15111111113 , \'ij n. Item, to Jnmes J rlclell, .;ongair, w hie hous mail pHylliS, xviij A. h em, tha~ nyehl., to the Kiog hi IIIit'll 1.0 Illay At the Idlet, ,xniij L l\.elll, IMI nycht, to Ihe weme" thAL "'liS \0 the King, be the Kingie command, xiiij L hem, for the Lynnl'ut JIIl!1 l';(Ilt'1115 111<11(\ 011 ltit; furlil bringing of Curry. deli\'erit 10 ~hir AllIlro )Llkbrtk, xhj I. \;ij d. Item, for ix cine hair elnith, d"lh'eriL Iu Johne F(lnnml, ilk e\lI(I xviij II.; 11iIDUIA xiij ~ \-j d itt-Ill. 1\.1)"il to ,' ohlle "orllum he lied l,lid doull tor t;1 , IlCnnler riolcl,), \'~lrk:ullell, IWllhornil, ill kllOnl il. lpoll lII!l;UI, nedillM, pn.pir. lilrl!id, IIIl1bL DIU! Int' nyeht t;lu. of 5illll ..), prieel, \ M \"ij " iiij t1 Item, pn.yit to Johoe Knox wi! fOl' kt1)1IIg, Y.-all;il>g and expe:DI or Cllrry liand &en:. xlij" Item. for iij pari& Koone lane to Xomf'. and lUI. pair lehoue to Curry, \'j L Itero, Iht' fen! da) of JIUlij, for KXX\'j lu", of hPlll: ilk lll", i.i I., .umrllll iij H xij'


ACCOUNT:; OF T ill':


Item, IJllyi~ LV J\llli"tN Illn;d 'I'rnill fOI \\~hi\lg of ix nllll!8 \'iij L ownlls, lUI'S IJl1!\1. and for feclling of the Kingis flrilit'l! frfl. Stri"elin n:,!'lIIe Sil1lct. U'lMlllOOis dn.y, xiij il hem, tl,c I ' tiny or ,Iuuij, in l.eilh, to nile boy, I.IC the Kinb'i~ conllnoml, . ~iij d. hem. th{' I'j day of ,Iunij, \.0 111\\'ill TemllilulIllI, HI~ingeil', to pa.1I with ,livel1l lettr!!z of s1II1ImoudiS nnd recc.gniliouis lI;thin the flChit-etdomc of P{'iJlis, xiiij Ah elli. the vij day of Jllllij, to thc Killg himself ill his aUII I'm'l, x Fmnch CI'OIIIIVI; 811111111a I'ij n. Item, t.o nne ch{'ihl t.o IW tAl IIn.\illb'LOUIl 1.6 the &hirelf depu~ of t.he 80:\111)'11 Wilh Icul'cl. ,If Illtnis 011 th{' lArd of Spot, . xI'j d. Item . thllt lI~ebl. to the wcmell th,'\L &11lg lO the King, xiiij L It(,lII , the ix .Iay of .Jllllij, \.Ie th{' Killgis colll1llftud, to 'l'lIolllfll'l B(,,\11('1I to pny for l!lutti8 to th{' King, iiij FI'II.lldl cfOllni8: 8U lllllla Ivj A. Item, lhe x !lilY of .lullij, l(l ltw Ki!lilis COUlmnnd. to William FOl'lIith , the (ll\elll~ 6e1"l'lIl1d, xx\'iij A. I Will, the xj dllY of Junij, to Fyula", ~ l nkll('iIl thllt hrocht. IAXMis nlld IJl'Okkill lO lho Kinb', ho colnl1l3.lId, ill:: a. ltelU, the xij dny of JlIlIij, to Andn, i'II nlhetlOlJ, ror iij hon vj IIUII 11AA8tlnd fI-n Fllnkhuul t.o SU'ivelin wilh litre bukk is; ilk hors iiij i, Rlill ilk 1111\1\ ij A.; summa xx-iiij I. Il;,olll. lhe xiij dny or .Juuij, to AnJro llortoulI , Ix> th" Kinili~ oOlllmnn,I, xl Fmud. c ..... lIlli~; ~lIll1ll1n xXI' iij U, Hem, ror bcryiM lo the KilLg aL Lho Noll' 1I111il1 thaL nno \\'01111111 hl'O!'hL thnir. I.IC lhe I\ingi~ 00111111:11111, xiiij ii, Itelll, he tllC' l\illgi8 001l1ll11UIII, LO the Ili( l'Jllhoir Cllrry Iny /lcik, ' Xliij Il.

1.01:1) 11 10 11
h eUl, to DAvi, 1 T" IIII,jI IlHU

TI:E'\:-;lrl: ~:H.


pm,Mlld with ll,,, I'; illgj,;~. " . wri lingill to the Eric of (hwlly, -:IIIJ!l, lt e11l, th\! -:iiij .Inr of ,Iulli,;, 10 ~ l lIi8\.('r D,wid TllIi1l, for iij hora In ~Irh'clill, rllld ~II \) 1I1nll \lith lhAim wilh clM1 ~11Lith,. 1C1l xiiij ~ [Lem, ('n)dwc]) tha~ kepis the fl1l'II()II. he the I-:i ngis ('onulHtnd, . x-:h II, I WIIl , tll(' x\ ,Iny of .JlIllij. l(l tho :.;nrdinAr fJf Stri-:clin III"fl('ht htm)" heryill It) tll(' King:. xiiij s. I\('IIL (tho.! -:vj of .Iunij]. payil to :'I lniR\('" I:iehard IJlu.:;()n tlu gAf to I){I II with the C01l1ll1Ual\(01I1i oi the .rustice air "r 1 ~lIIerk. xl h u lll , th( :>;dj dny of ,Jul1ij, to .Jrlllll' Olen IJ.UhL~r he pMllit his pilglimnge to Sallel .lu1l1('j1. . xiiij 3. Itom, the xviij Iiny of .Jullij. to Niuinu(' ,\nnstmm:, toe the l':ingi8 C011l1llnlld, . nl'iij ij, Item [xx'; Ilny of .!tlllij], to tire \\Olllel1 thAt snng to lhe
Kin~ ,

1)(' eommnncl,



Itom , to mAutnlld Arl:lln to lIAS to IJnnbertnllo wi th IInc writing (It t hcKing-is fo\' schipping fnt th l' omhAssnt of Oi lflir. iiij. Item , l he xxiij day of .Jllllij, to All'xnllci('r :\Jnkelllloc h, he the King1s COUllllltud, 10 pas ill 0nllow/t)' for 11.11kis, :>;xviij sHom, pnyit to D1Wid ;\ lnh'iLJ (\ullilk he Inid flon u f01' IXIxxiij pipes l11ul Ij PllllSCllioll1f IJl1lr;lk \\('1' hl.'d 10 the schip to emrs hil' to \leiL. of 1111111I'y prices, xj It, I'iij S. liij l1. Item [the xxiiij Iiny of .Jmlij ], to the mellHmlCIl ttlll.~ \l'e~ in the sehip fJ,u!trn sello \fCS ill lh{' Xcw II I1\'i ll , \'iij ~ Fnlloh 0\'0\\ Ilis: smllllUl \" It. Iix iI. Item , to th c IlIArinltris ;uHI tho ehiltlir ill the !!('I,il' that

hi, runh


of I.eith luwill ,


eronn;s: SlIllmln Hj N :>; is. . iLem , to the ho~-is tha.t. plnyis ou tlie II('hltwUlC)l to !ide to LinlithfJ,w to rOf' thai l' IlOrs. \'iij S. II('lll. to (tnl' mOil pnsllll nd to ~III1Cll\nrll"iK rllt ;\his tcr
Patl'ik PlIUt eil'.

ij il-. I-ii,i d.



Item [the XX\' tiny of ,'"nij], to Pate Smclnia', he the Kiegis coDlmnucl, <Iuhen he pasit in GnllowllY, x Frftneh crownis : summn vij It Item, to nne wif brocht. atmyberyis to the I,ing, xiiij II. Item, to the man t.ha t brocht. the Iieun to the King, xiiij 8. Item, p.1yit for henng of the lioun in his crndill fm Leith 10 the A blmy, . . \'iij!. viij 11. Item, to the maister cuke for ane gl'llthit s:ulill with hanlessing for the ailvir we!!Chale, X\'j /I. iiij d. hem, to ;\fnlstcl' Alexllmler OgU,,),!s ehlldet thaL kepis the funlessis ill the AlJlmy, ,xx\1ij I. item, to AndlO Bronn th:\t. kepis the liolln in the Abba)" xiiij , Item, the xxiiij day of Jnnij, Midsomirday, ill LiJ,lithqw, deli\'crit to Jolme Smolet, bUl'gcs of J)unhel'w ne, to pas ill the llis with the schip ami to meet Willia m P.mnnhnli~ f'('hil'. I ", item, to William Broun t('l pM with his $Chip to fure the EI']e of Huntly in the Ilis, lxxx iij n. \'j II. viij 11. Item, to Robert Her\\'ort., gnnnal', to pas iu the Ilis, tun monethis wage; ilk lllonelh I 8.; su mma v n. Itelll, to t\ne othir gnnllflr with him, j U monelh;s wage, iij 11, xv 8. Item, pnyit. ta ilnnnis, 811I1nnl', ~hflt he Inid donn to the !lynou!"is tuke furth t un Sllnnis of tho Castell to PM to the lIis, ij S". \'iij 11:. Item, ta nne wncht f OI' lIlending of nne gun (',1I"t, xij it. Item, to ane p)'llonr thnt. pnS!lit to Leith with the gllllllis, ' \'iij 11. Item, to enl'lmis thnt cnryit. thu 8Ilmyn gunnis to thll Ne.w Hn vi n viij 8. Item, fol' enJ'ying of ... )nid of powde r I\ nd gunlltnnill to the New Ha\'i ll , iij s. iiij (t ij 1 Item, for tun powdil' baggis. . Hem, for tun douhh' plnitis to he ehnrgeouris, ij 8. Item, for nnlis to the 8IllU)'n, . iiij 11. Item. for Ano ql1nrt oJ~' to the PIIYl1t(JUI .. xij s.



Iu-m, fot IJ Il1wd \'nnlgrci_~ JOiJ _~ .... 11. UO IWIII, (Qr llU. pUIlII 0T1j~'nl<'nl, \'iij I. Itcm, to ,\I.xnmkr (,hnmir, l.ayntl,ul. iij pUII'\ '1l111ll ledc fl>f Ih., I;(hip. \'uj L Ite m. for nIh' pune! IIUUltiOOl. ij I. Ite m. for .IIIC 1'1II1I1 no(l. I{'de xx d. l U'm, for hnl! IInl' "ullli \"llfll!!h... iJ . \'iij (l Item, hAlf n".~ \ no: lynnJlir dc \:'IJk, vi. Item, for nn'~ 1!1lct" bllr, xl Item, for RI)I" Ilf">PIl oly iij L Item, til(' nvj Il"lr of Junij. w till! Iilrldrur. bl' the Ki llgLlI lYIlUlU.lll,l, x'niij L Item, 11\ l.illlitilflW. for 1ll<'lI'llIlg of d ...,u. 11111 tht ill'I.lf' of tilt' I'Lll:c, hc tb ... I\11Ig!' OOllllllnll,I, xlij .. Item, the xx\liJ tiny of ,IUllij, for greL dAth snkkis w the QU CIIC cnllit hnnle!, "iij n. h em, for ij IinnlCII for the King ~iclikf:., "i ij n hem, thl' xxix d.l,- of .Jullij, to anc me.eint:er p.1Ullnd with thc Kingis "'-ritingis 10 the Erie of &gilo ftnd DtIllMue ('tUlipbeIJ. , xiiij i. I tem, to nob F0I1lItar, fol' msellN qnhen the King Well in SUi\"(!lin, ij l I tI'm, to Anc pttliMnd to Dunbertano with nne writing of ij!. tho l\illgll to the P!'O\ut of the saUlrn, It.cm [the Inllt Iiny of ,hlllij], LO the ferynr or Climb,,! ix ~ kinncth, Itc the Killgis OOUllllimd, 11.1:'111, ror hllif 1111(' elu(I tnllt~ to tho Kiui(i. hnl, bochL he Amlro Ayt(lull in i'lri\ellU, iiij 1 h em, pt.l"iL to 110h,.:r\. N>lkyrk, CIlIt..llnl, for ,. I;ilt Ilngnrj~ LO the Kiu)( !.mll' til J.i\"('fI lymf!A lell :\1111 Lellu-rnn~ ilk lll'Ce xxA. smllruft vl1

h em, Iht' tint II,t.\ of ,Iu\ij, to the WOlllftll 0' UI:akfurd I'rocht CAlltlllill to tht' KIhJt xiiij I

ACI.:Ol; ~TS.

OF Til E


item, to dcif AlIdl'O d lilt IIlIH'Shnlit fOlll'e hoI'S to the Ki ng, xiiij it l lelll, 10 l'nld\\'e!l l'CIIlIUlond iu ~h'h'rlil1 kepaUlI the f\lnl~i~, . xiiij A. itl"l1I, the tlu'ic! flny of ,Julij, fOI' ciny, petilj: and colis t.o funwSfli.. ill Suin'lin, xiiij S. Ite m, to the boyis of ~lri\'elill, of ~Jlnr sihi r. ij 9. Item, io the potiu b'8ir of Snnctl1ndrois to \'ClnIlne in Stl'ivelin to still wateris, ,xlwiij it Item, Lo him to by him stllf at uedit 10 him, x.i S. Itelll, to II nlllluy. frJl connr, tile \' llay of .Iulij, fol' J..:eJling of lhe halkis of luchkeilh, iij It Ilelll, Ihe \' dny of .Julij, to Ancll'O l)tewRr~, \' Fmneh e:ronuis ; Slllllma iij 11. x S. Item, payit to I:nll kill lIugou n, for x'" wYlldo nnl cs tane fro. him : ilk c \'j d.. : 8 11 1111110 I~, Itcm , for x"'gtelfIT llitles laue fm him: ilk iij it iiij d.; SUmmR . xxxiij A. iiij t1, Item (the \'j 1111)' of Julij). to ,Johne 3.lerchlllUest.onu , to pM to l';ingol1l, J)jS("rl , ond Kyrkn\n1y to scik mlll~'IHllis ngnuc the: Killgis passi ng to :'\Inij . xiiij ~ Item, 10 the W(,lIlen that SlIng to the King: ill L>llh. ix A. ItClll, (0 the gal,Iinal' of :':ilri\'('\iu Rml nllc womn n thnr hroeht I'OSCS to thc King, . \'. S. It(,In, to .Ioillic 1J1H1.<;01I of 1cilh ill full1~'l.yllI C ll~ of hi" frnlleht to pus ill Frnncc with the (,lllhnssot of Gildir. Il('l ll , for nue (lullit, hem nud :Inc cok to tIm Killgill schip, ' xiiij S. lWIII. 10 lIohlll,l Gnllowny h is tun l.oyls wnb'e fl'll th(' .sccund ,Iny of March l,illHst to thiM ,In.y, ' lu1lilk i~ sex score \'j dtlris: ilk (1 \'iij d.: J;,ll1lHUR iiij 1 iiij A. 11)' 1. It.elll , to the: boyis thaL pln.yis 011 tiJ r !lClhlWIIICS, \'iij ~, lieU!, If' the mnll th nt fell of thr \'01,1 of the I\ingi~ schip, 1>(1 the Killr,.';11 ('(llIl1IlnIll1, xiiij it (,Jl1mullIl. to It<'m. thc \'ij \ln~' of .Iulij. he thr l\ in)..o1", 1 here :1 \, (, ICltl'C (of tlK' l\illgis tM Dlili hert.il11C, "iiij S.


h Ull, t Ill' liiJ ,I.I~ t,f .fuJij. tn til<' IlI",ill,lII~ 1 :1t1~'11. ,\." I ~:I'VIIU., .... I'il' lur liij 111I~'il \I,'~i~. xij /I I LI'III, lit \111' utllil xx IIl!uilluri~ 1".l\.lIt fllrlll "I Fill I.



ulLiN W,I;':I' xII, ((l'llI , to \11<11'0 IIc ' lAtllll LO ;.:it tIll' lII,uilUHill III till' Killgili 8Chi " ill dlint.:8i1\'il', I'ij II
1\<'111, 10 An,h" ~lt'\\l\lt luI' t" I~lll hi~ WII)' ill FI1l11(;o.' wi t h t he l'hll.II;ol.'ll of \,lililil' x x Fnilldl (:,'(llllli~ uf \\l'Ch,

, I ullll~ .'I! 'l'l l lRml'~I(jIlIl, lImll'

xxj II.
Ill'lIl, I.. ,I"illio li, ~'li;1 .. idikc III I,i .. 11Il.AfI;.:., III F nllll'~" :u: Fwud\ (",,1111110 ,,' \wehl tlllllnl,l xiiiJ". h t'lII, til Ih., d"rk ul \,,10111 11".1 Ihl lll~dli ,Il",,,, btu IlUil'omiK, ~UhUUJl [:diiij tt
l klll. lA, ltk; )'rilll1r 01 ~:IIIl'LlIU.II"'_ III I-Ill III 1~1\'IU.'lIt II' the I,i<!,.!iut: ttl t he Illy III tt' ('!.-"I,,'n}, \'j N. II .. m, III J nhul' 1*'1;10 1~18 to :\iI'II~tt; \Iilh II ... hill;.:i, lettre% to the AlJhot nnd 8)'11' to 1 ,),1,', xj.;, ij ,t 1t{'IU, til.. ill: clay of .JlIlij, IIIl~it I.. IInnllil. ~\lIIIUU . 111.11 he \,li,I'\.)II11 for ltriw.(in:,{ of nrt<lil:\t'I':" 'll1th 01 Ih .. t'!I,t(1\ I.. II'l' " ill~';" ,,-,hip III til(' lil"l, til \iiJ

prllollrill aLit' It.!\" iJullLll I.r"d,l four ';11,"116 ntl.1 IlIl" Cltnu<>11 flll'lll the {'. tdl, i:\ .. I1IJ d lle1>" to .100: wrichl 111.\ dnn~, IJ 1. \iij it Item. fvl Cftfyilll-:' of Ihif till' gUlllli8 In lh" ",,1111', n ~ 1t~lIl, for e.nyill;':: doull to II'M' echip I"~ lu,. )",molli!> JlI'I\I'lhr. xlj It. h elll, to .tIlO UIoIIi Ihnl Y'i(1 doun with lho Mllil'. \'iij (t 1t'''!II, fflr Ij lot'I\,lil' Ill~i" ij in! l'I,lt i ~ 'ul dl,tl'~I..(mril<, iLlJ ~, !tI'IIl, tl' III<' \I"rklll{'u iLl th, (:u~lt'll ill ,hiul~ihll', I iij .1 1t<"'I1, r"l ult'luling f'f Iii", im I.,hi. ;111,1 .lllIlill': "r :1IIt'



u,_. 'or

tarYIII\.: ttf ",I phllllbrs ,,' ltd .., ',r f~I",ul1~'1 W


Iht M:llill. 'iij It. hOln, t" tIll' l'yn"lIIu 0' l .rill! 'Iulull l'''I~-'hg t1w IfIt l:IUII "" ti l\' Ioilm.li. tv &chill hir th.lir 1.,f,,1'1 II,. }\il1!!. I), ~ \'i iJ 11.


A (;(;01,;N"1':o; OF TH" :


I tem, to lUll mell that he1llit to !IOhllt tho S/lm)"n, xx (l. I tem, for ij pund br)"lltslllllc (1IIhil1: ;;ciu to the IICB, ij a. Item, for doun oarying of othir xl phllnbes HIllI half ano ban-ell pol\'dir, "iij d. Item, for ij cine eammcs to lync the tlag in the Kingis achip, ij A. I tem, to the wemen snng La the King ill Lc!ilh, ix 11. I tem, to the boteman pnasanu 1 tIle sc.llip, 0 ix S. Item, the x liar of Julij, to IIlIe wdeht ill :\laij of drinksih'ir, ij ~ loj it. Hem, in I\Jnij, to t,he bote lUOIl that lnmlit the men fmth of I'lOlnppcs, IX ~. IWIIl , th' xj dill' of JllJij, to Ihe botem('l1 that lalidiL the Kill g It the Blakucs, ' . xiiij S, itom, payit to I\larlin Bniloo he gaif botemen that rowit with the Kill g betwix his 80hip and the I.ionn,


Item, to the foure schawmeri! at the Blnkue8, . xI' iij l Item , to the preist of Hlalmce, be the Kiugis command, ix S. h cm, to l.h(' payntOlU" to ie him hOl"s to pas to Stri\'olill to wi(r]k thnir Klltl (01' gmith to him, xiiij ~ Itom, thl' xij day of Jnlij, t.o Johuo of Kuox, 1 the ..Ie Kingis eOllunnnd, to hy him ane hal'll, iiij Fmnch crouuis; alllllmn h'j 8. IteHl, pllyit to J olme Formun he gnif ror Illcndillg: fof tlte pil)(l! I;el"t the Kiubria 8chip licit ill the IUII'in of l eith, . xxx\'j A. I tem, to him he boaif 01 au.., 8tule or cs ill the Kinl;ia ' Ichip, Item, t.o him he gaif for Rue 10k I nd Rne key to ane kay in the sc.hip, xx d. I tem, payit to Hobert H erwort lor xl gan;;eis nnd gl1lthi ng oj the Rin gie corabow nnd lI'iudcs, . xxiiij ~ Item, to .'ohn Forman f(lr xij gan;;l'is, . xiiij A.


LORI) HUHI 1'R":""l'RFI:



hem , lUI illJ \.ohj,<., 111)1. in l.iullthqw, for line COte UI aile lule lh:ur, be the Kin gil COInlllu lli l, lCiJ I. Item, to the mnilter mnaon of the Queir of Liu lithqw, in drinkiih'ir, i't I. hem , tu I:ohert the In,;liamnn , lie the I\ilil(la t4umIlBod , xiiij 1i. hem [the :ciiij (lay of Jlllij), to Finlall )Iak neill that 8lni. tht' brokkis. he the Kin lZi. cOlllllland, xiiij I, Item, to Johlle Imwpet, be tllf' I,illi-';'I cnmmnnd,

to-_ I .

Item, the X\'J day of JuliJ , to Dnvid Tem"iluulO to pal to Jed wortl. (mil to ~Ikyrk with the eontin Wltionis of the nlrie, \'j I. Item, to William Fowlllr '01' potillgury tnne fra him to lhe \{illg fm the xxj tiny of l>tetmber bipasL to thia dny, . I:< X\j H. xvj I. iij (1 . Hem, pnJiL for xij nuce asur II) the IW"'y"tonr ; ilk IlIIee iiij tt, X\j 1. I-iij iI.; IIUUIIIII Item. fOI" I'iij mice uallr to him ; ilk IIIICC vj a. I'iij 11.; summn liij S. iiij d. Item, for xI'i uncc Rallr 10 him : ilk IIl1ee I' . ; llilUma iiij tt , Ite m, for ij quarti!! D to him, iy xx I. Item, for l"IIf aue Luke gold 10 biLLl , 'tu!l Item, to I)I1\"i,1 ('tnnfurtl, hI' commnnd, ij I. Item, the :tI"ij 00,. of Julij, II) l hl! I\ illg himlK.'1f hi hil nUll 1'111"11, ); I'-much ci"Ouuill x hnlr ullicomi" IUIIUlUt

II. ,; I.

Item, to Dande Oonle, IX' lhe K illgi. CODlIIIIIIIII, I.() pna ill the Xurlh wllh holk:i~ In :\l.Ik, "J Fntnch ('mull": lumUla iilj 11. iiij i. I tem. 10 jlure folki!, ~hir .\mlro b.II1): \It.III . ix . item, lu Audro ~lA:wa rt (l uhen he COlli 011 lalld Ilb'1l.lIe. ill !loltl of \\"he "iij Frnllch r rouu i.; IIUllImn sij t.




U ~'

Til E

".Il. ]500.

Item , the ;.;\"iij {\I\~' of Julij, to AIIIILC L'oquhernn forlllle suon] gl"llthit the Killg guif to the .Erie of 1I1111tlec,
xXI'iij II.

I tem, for lllllilig Hlul grathillg: (If nne stand of hilmes, to t\\e;.;auder ;Uuckcnllo, he the Killgis COllunand, xxviij iI. It.cm, to Witltlil"SPUllO fO I' illl"l"()]; noUis h) Iho King,
dij >l

Item [the xix Ilny of Jlllij], to (.\IOIl.) U\uhroual") his leich, Ix> the [, ingLs oOlllllland, ix ~ iLem, Ille xx dlly or .Iulij , to Cahlll"ell thllt kepi!! the fumes in Sl rheliu , . xiiij !I. Item, to the potingnil' of Sanctfmdl'ois fOI" ij gnllonis
lIem, for iiij ]Jlllld succou!" 10 hilll, . vj a. hem, the x;.;j dar of ,Julij, to the ICll"1:1 of OrUllllllYs falcorlil'S ill Ilrinksildr, xlij It
I to.:lIl, th o.:



tillY or ,Tnli.i, Lv T hoIIlU.!; Bathol\)" to fUI "i!!

the Kingia SClliJl ill tile ~ortilialld the sccllll(l r illge, fo r tr lllil', . x;.;x tt. item, the xxiij <lilY of .fulij, pllyit 1.(, Ruhert Selkyrk, .. lIltelllll", 1 IIIl C Ilnb'UI' t.o Joiluc ,Il' &:olill qllhcn he (lJ' ]l1\S.~ iL ill Fl1tllCl" ;.;X iI. l WIIJ , for tu n dli g-lIl"is t i l the Kin g tl.IIL 8<1111)'11 Lyme, xl ii. Itclll. puyi L tn .Joilile Letlllllle, Si"hllur, for BLUf tlllle fm hiUl to the Kingis !lwbill Sl.lll :'I111l'oh bipnst lit din!l"S L mes : I II th e lit"llt, fIJI" stoppillg of sex Fmnch Stulilies, y I'j ~. {And "ther sa,Mlery nlllollllliug 1.0 . j !JII. Sd.] II.clll, fO!' IIllO 0011' to t 'l'is tofel', \'~. Item, for ij golf {"\1I111.l<'.~ t" t he I,ill";, 1.1". item, to i\laistCI' J(1)1es " 'alson fllr Lho h111"l1iJ! expCllll in Sa m:tulllliu is fur Illp 1)1oll\.'Lllis of l\Il)!Il ~ t , ticI'Le1l1hCl', IIN"I.' r e1l11l , f\llhilk is l.uxij ,Iuris : ilk tla.1" I'iij II.; 811 UllI)a n:x \'j It. x I'j $ . Ite m, to Sl"llil' ,\1101 1"0 { ' IlIlIl ,\" ll~l nllll \l, IX't"M1l0 of J.oollUw, he W,if to 1'111 iulkil<, Sdtir Aud", loilillgId~ lIL , ij il.


1.II I:It Itl l ;JI

'J'la'~\ :"iC J :EI;


It,..:m, lit., )'~H \LI,)' vt .llIlij, \.II .Ivllll": Fvunan U! ,IISIMIU" .... L 1_ lIu th., hili,," 0.:"111111.11111, xxx Fl'uud, CI"U!WI MIIILIOIl. xxj H. Item, III<' XX\'J ,LI)' "f ,I ulij, I.U til<.' pVlinguir ..I :"i.oud 1III1 1I'Oillo, loc the Kill!lill (lOIIlIlHUlII, \' h,
1l":1II, in l'nt;"'(;nt"~, 10 lh,' "rheinlc IIf 1 :thul,ul'glulO !lCnu II,Ii!4. I.,: the Kiu"oi8 {'UJuulall,l. xxvilj" Item, til J UIII.,; Judell 101 th. h"'n'luli hl,IU;;, "'j A. IlellL, lhe X,\I'ij ILl) of .l lIlij, t" .',UUCII .\ICI,)" I..... the
1\ 1I1~i.ll"I1ILU.ILUI.

Item, to L'IlilUo \\if, 1/1.'



XIIIJ". Kil1 b llll,'UIJII.IIU.I. ij'" iiij II

lteUl [lit., x\lilJ UIIY III ,/ltlij],lo .I"IJIII.! FurlUali fvr 10

ItllI' UII\),I Voieh luI' I,intis II<' Ion...,hL tv the Kill).!. \j Fmllch CI'I>lIl1iJ!; 811111111,\. illJ It. iiij ... Item, w )lniloWI' I.e\isny, l ugliblilolll, be til", Kill~is


xlij it.

Item, lu Juhllt' do Scotia I\lId AIII,II\1 Bh,1I\urt, 00 the K ill~is e'llI1 hUIIIU, xx FI,lIIch CI'Qllllil i BI1IIIIUI\ xiiij II. I U:III, 1.0 lIue IICl'vHlI\1 t" 1M Abbol of !l lcll'Ol ill undil
lihil' vI Imll hOl'l gilllll to Ihe Kin~, ix i. IlclIl, to II.\I/CIL ,\I)'ItOUIl, f.loolI(lI, to p.\II IIU\ lh~ ) Ionlh fO I IMlkil, II j . item, tbl' nix lll.)' of .Iulij, to Thouml II nthowy t" runtis Ihe schiJi Cllllit the Il'l\ill ill tho :\ollhllll1ll fOl' t)'ll\1f, u) xxx II. \llilill of I.JCrol'l.', . xx H. Il":"l, \llIyiL to lite .. \ 1,1101 of <':IIIIIIIIIBl.:ill ll<'lh he !,'1IU l'1II1')'i8 wit ill Lililith(IW, iij a. Item, IlIl,} II 10 L IICI1IIIIIC 01 Ui.ec\'~ 111,1 hell Illiu (iOllu im Ji\'t! llI tyulI,'l, hu Ihll KlIIgis Co.IlUm'IUlI, xxiiij ..
lteUl, lO 'nlOIllIlIl 1:c.1I"'1 II" 1,lid ,1'/1111 ilL (:elt;lI\e 1)'lIlllll. IIC th;;- Killgill colUlUlIlld. hij Ii.

IICIiI, to! Willialll I.oryuldir,



I., the J\ill"oia

lolllJ ,.,

11"111, tu lhe Kill;; hilllllClf ill hi- nun 1'111"8 '1IIb"1I Itl' l~tJoolL I" .,;Iill. f h.meh Clw.\ui" . smUll!;!

II \n i.




payiL 1.0 Alexander Lawedir, P1'OI'est of Edinburgh, thllt he lA dOIlIl, be the Kingis comid

mAnd: III llle firtt, to Jncllt l'e~lI at the setting of the keill of the IIt'llip, iij Frnnch erowlliI; summA,

: ij L d
Item, that. he iaiu doun lhnt he tynt at tI,e k~lis in the schip \1'ith Johne ;UUrrtly of the Hnngi tschllw, iij

Fmncb cro\mis; SUIUIIIIl

xlij L

Item, to willis that 1);lMit in to the IIChip and wrocht efti, seho 1).'\5IIit hlllh in tli" 11m-ill of Leith, ix i. Item, to Jolme I~, lUeMingeir, (11)] IXII to !1II111110UlI tbe assls of Cl'rour for se r\'yng or bre\is of Netllir Demtoun, \' c. Item, to Jok W allRB tor cHrying of the sil\'il' weschail to ~tri \elitl the Lyme the embMsait of Gi ldir well re8Ilvit thai... iiij A. ltem, to the liIeli thut rowit the KillS 011 lmnl to the Khippl'l 'Iuhen he 5Illyt to :'.fAij, Ij II. It~IJI, LhlljX!IIIIIL uny of ,Iuiij, to the .. wn lhll~ I'Owil the King tm his schippc8 t.o )foij and to lhe scllippcs Agnne, I'ij I,

itelll, the finlt dll} of :\11&'\151. 10 the lhld~ pwist of Carnic, hc the Kingis C(1lOmallll, . xiiiJ I. iU!lII, to the hol.eman tlUlL rowit Ihe King h'll Cnnul to Unij :llltl r,-a llaij In ranlill, . xxviij it item. to ~hir SYIIIOU, IInc prcist or elmlill, of belcher 'Jllllair thl' Kiug \1 )'lIil, ix A. h l'lII, to till' 1~11'IIICIl !11M hrocht the Kiugis sluf Ilud tile IIUIu.lel CII!.:" \Iith tiM Kingill 1Io,l1l1K'I' rtu the &chip to )lnij 1\1111 fm :llnij tu Iii, ,;chip ngalK'. IX" IINIl, tl) the l ..:I"ClUit of lillij, be the Kiu\4is cUllltlll.md, \' s. iiij 11. 1lt;1II, tllc IeCllud JI\~ or AIIW15t. to the Lowluell of l\in ... O(,rllc to Ilrill)( tl ... I\iug fm till! ~hi ll to the land Ilnd to tile tchip llgnn.'. ' xiiij J.

Ik m.l~ ."it h,~1



til .\11.110 .\)tOUII ho " ..if I" Iho 1Uf'1l Ilult ~tSOd:. lile Fn.cluu<'ll fm :O;lri\-dill to bln,I,,"'.-," 'Inhilhi thl! bill of Jlllllily lul.", IIml 11II"'l II ... UI .... ni~ h<~I.

xiiij Il. ItI'Ul, tn him I... gaif Ih.! IIj,Ylllo'll. l~ thl- I\illgi... Cllill' 111111111, xniiJ ~ I h'III, f ", iJ I'UII,I MIk."{'oU r (to) II.~ I >Otm';lI.ir uf ~and'lIIlIrol#

tu hUlk e.'u ....'r\1\ or hor..1-,'C, iiJ i. Itelll. 10 ('nl,I\\",'11 IllIIl ket,i. thl' f,Il11<_18, :-.:iiij i. Itt'\lI, to An.lm T'I~t Ilu! tll'!.d'Ilur lilill \h.. I\WIlWI III I.illl, toe 1110 Kill).,oU COlllm:uuJ, nu,1 lolI)"11 110 hun nuw, XV;'J II. xix L \'iij II. 1t1'11l, (lIlyil to the (.'OIIlI'I\'Ollnir thllt he !l:,lilr 10 J.u:ou l:'II11'\U~t"lln to till' 110',;gi~ r,,1' tIll' IIIOll<'lI,ill (lr Fd.m,u, ;'I('lIdl, '\I'rilt, ~ltuJ, ,llIuij, nllil ,Julij: ilk 1II01I,tll ij
Fnllll,:h rruullis; 'UIlIIIII!.

liij II. liij &.

1tI'\I',I<I hiw for iiij l.ottrrrlli. to e.'ud lit Schit U'IIII""le ('ull'I,I~'1I to IsnlL VClli101i in 1.0 Il'ull ill :-;I~III.,,_-e. h: Il. Ih-III, ("r Cl .r~-illg of the anlll~'n til 1..(1l111,'.\, \iij l hl'lI.I,I")'il Johno Lellwllc, ..,.hilair, ,,,, t;Ch! 10 II,", I,iu):ill ~I,nl 11 Innl' fm hil1l in thl' '1"IlIt'lh tlf ~"I'I'III1...'r l,il~\.Il ulld 1I00'h~elilcril (luIIIIIIIU\I' In tltt' fil"l!t, lu. Rill' ('1,,(., eatlill 10 11.1' Kill;!, n II.


1.\11" utll!'r wldlNl to tile nmOllnt


20. h.

J I~'III, to the

",id Jolme lor aluf tam' lur 11,1' Qut'lI1s ;;!,IMI' ill th(' nV')IIt'th of ~Uh'IIII~'1 hil""! In Ihl' tin,l, 1111\' I'"il' ,(o"hl(' ~ll'l"IIp h'ddcri ~ iiiJ i.

(,\11.1 olhl'l'e.'l..hllcry lO Ih,' :lhlUllllt IIi" LS, OB. till.] Itl'lII, f"r IIlIe 1~lir einW"l;u'mp il-tl,\o>n", :\\'iij It


XI' 1,;;lIh...,

1t11II. fnr xiiJ hn.hlll'l; ilk 1)('C' hrj.. .nmlll.. Iij ltt'nl, f(ol' \'ij 1I"ulol, heht'riij iN the 1~\I_lIi~ "\;1101.' nnil. It.-Ill. fHI" \'J II<II"!H),II,uili. I'"'" l'iiJ.1. ~nItIlJ"1 i.ij I Will, for ij p~ir !!'tn., fOl' flllll.lllrU, "IJ ~ Item, r"r ,UII' 1J'!IllIlmlwt rur h"r'$ t,) LI'li' Ih"im rrn llruikin~. iij t, u


U. 1:"oOS.

It, hi, (,,' ,xj 1:11" 'Iubll to be h"r.. bUllSCll ror th\' 'In.'nil atni ill ilk ,II1t' ij .. iiiJ ll. ; Stuntu.t xlix t. 1t"IU, 10 :--':\Iir.l, " " f KlIlC"IIrY. til<' ('1'-,rki5 or the I:t;.:i-lt:1 1~\1ll1i ,11,1 (ll.,ulInl1l1ry (l.r tlJ.lI'C l;tu\.otui~, liij h. xiij ~_ iiij d.
helU, tv :\1.1;._"'1' Juhllo lll111,1 1\11<1 Ikury ll ir for Ihair

x It
Intah. l'x\,ell,,;.uulIl.

1 !'Ie rU'I;I1lI . ',1


x\'ij i. \'ij It.




\\-'Iiij'x.ui\ 11. H'ij


HJ d.. obvhus.



t: \\,illl'lmull ,\\,inlom'nsill.

\II!!I'I';I~ :\11,mriUIsill. I hI' i,1 1.i~luor"u~;,.

, I IU"I,u~ al.l~l!;

\ n'l1>'h'\I\ Ed <11 P.r..!}\ .... !It' ~tv1U1


il,n'ili !ll,I .. ,~ lil'

Ih'lHkl\~ ulol.,~

d" .1\.'(111'''1\11. iltmt,n, :-.clli ... \. 1 :;II11,Q.r ,hUll'" l: t~lht'lIdl, l'oUll'twlliLr.




Icro 1I \'J'~ 0 I' Till:

LUHlJ 111(:11 TIlE .I LHEH

OF(' OJ'J, .I~IJ.

.J AllE::>


.\l'G. J;;OI.i-1.l SEl' 1:,07.

,t.- Illlulo-nnd in, th,,,,,mr.,rii lI"llli.,i

E '1I1'lUd,
K'_~ t n

( "I.\ I I'IITI " I C II('n,l,il ill i n (',i~!>II~lt 'i" .r"n.l,j "M..ltill l'I"],(i", n>,loIilu'1I "I,ud



n~i~ N!1't<'U1ll1i~. ftnllll


111111< III'" 'luin)!.'nt'!iolln'J -"i,IUII". 11(' ulllllil,""1 1\'O'!,U1 !lis f'1 ~" I ~'lIs i ~ .1(' IInin"",i. t'l ~iJlj.!n 1i 'lI>CO'>IIIH' ,ullmli .., \l.lnh~ 1"l"rii~_ '1IIIrit:tJ,.'1if, c~:ll;1t'li~. hnil,u~. ,'('IIII_oIIi. li"lIi t.u_,. f l'm i~'il .ui I 'II~, ,'\ 111 Ii!! n,-d, 10'11 1,\ Ill!! t lUI hn""" 11< till! ,\ ,lip 10",\ \" IIIl' n ~i!l '\n~u,ti. nu n i II'Hllilli 111111\ illli ' Iui ng.:' lI t.'tIwd :W\ l i ll~p l l' in .liem 1ll1juM ""IIIIII,l i iUtlUMi\-O cu.-.'\Ul ;HI, h l<llihl1~ ~1I1 .. rl l'ti.i ,iT.. ",n'.,'n,ht in I'ri~t" , ,, ti l l ,,,, W ilIl'hu". ,\u.lha. \'1 I lu,-jll, .\ I,il'd"IWII~ I , :\1.c'U\ i.'II1'i. lt !.i1l1ll('IVU"i l"'IliC"I.iM. 1I,,1'llillll" cl I,re1 'h1Itit.ll~ ,lumini!l\l"('liil"lIJtl ""Hlite Jc bl=llc.II"ll1illo 1 '~IIII,I.I. tot L"n!, :\1:111..'0) (,,,mite d{' ({'Till,II .1"lIIill,' 't.fulLC', \"{'ud-:ll.ilil"l1 in l'ri~to 1~lllil,u. J .. hnhlle I'rtvf\' ,~I~ 1Ur-lf"I"~1ill.IP" :-;,Ulo:ti,111.h('{' ""'Iui ,,,I.I<.t(' ,I,
,I ... !lnn}:!.. ( ;",iUH Itup! If, ,lIdli.hae')IIO "~nt'li.llj,htC, tI.::rj.~, n1=i I.-i. , I ~I., l:e<i,!t,II,'h, (',lol",lol.tlll .."tll-

I..llul'\ .1,,11 1.lItI"') 1:.11111-:1.'- ,1(' Tr;IIII1~,ah l: oJl.... rtn l'1>11"i\l', Ihll'tlor(' ..,mc('IlUlio:

Ulilitl' l't



nr TilE



IJ~'m OnCl;l\ 1>,' ill I'ril ... i~ II. xx"'iiij'.'l,,:ix It. X\;j i.. \'ij tI. CIt., ,,,.-1' nn~'rll;.,'iA (u\timi cl,mj>uli] Ilt pat~t in

:"lIl1llll<l ntrel'le-ii p.lttl,

./ \ \'IO:COlIITIBt: .. , nUllo



h1."III, idelU ouernt

$(! ~'e nxj It xj J. j tl, ob. reecptis a \'lcl'euLUile de I:cnh-e\\ [UlLIIO \e_] teptimo; e~ !.Ie fxn\'iij It x ._ 11 ltllllivo (Ie Cunynghnllh" de: codem nnllo; eL 111.: ij'lxx[:o; fl.] iiij ~\. 1\ \'iCt'Ulmile lil' l.nll!l rk; I't tic box fl. xix~. ilij ~1. u \'icecomile II<- Fortul'U;

I't de :o;\ix It II \icetmito: ,Ie I'cl1h; let tic .\x It. II \'iCf'C(JIUill' til> \\,i~tlm; cL de h;ij t\, 8 \'jC\.'('omitc lk 1l.I[nr): H ,II! \1 [I. \'j ii \'iij It n S(>ncscnllo de ~\ndtll1."111\' ' I:L ,I, iil 11. xij ,. ~,n''$''.111o (k lIel1(ttlh). (:\ ~h' iiij' Ix\' If, xiij ~_ iiiJ It Il ,'it'l'coUHo de I'c\'lis: el II. h Ii. II \ic ....l)ll1ilt' ,I!, lJ.:'linb\ll;.;h] illfru bl1l'gum ; 1'1 lit, X.\ 11. n \i(:CCUlilile tie: Fire, H 110 xxxiij II. x\ij ~_ II \'il'(:rOll1jtc de l.itulith'l'l] : eLilo j'h iJ It iij 1 ij ,1..1 dc/'c(>lIliH' ,Il' J,iuC'l'Inlil1, l'l.le ijeh;\'j n. xlij" iiij It n \'icl'f'l)luil,' III.' .\I,il,kll('; "t ,Ie J:\:\~.i N. xiij ~ iiij II " "iCt't'''lliitl' ill' !"t'l1illk; CL lit' In 11. 1\ \)ee ,'Null" .11' [JuIII'!III.Illf' ; i't ,[I..' v Ii. xiiij ~, II \ ilX'Comite II. IJl"lllllhl"I.~; dill' iij.\.\ 11. xiij ~_ iiij .1. fl Iie{' COlll!lI' til' I:OX\'Ul~]J, I't Ik j'"n\ii,l It Ij~, \iij d_ II Il('eet)lIIih' dt' :->lli'I'IiIl. \'1 ,I,' \1\- It. iij.;, iui II. 1\ l'if'C('OlIlik lie 1':"1iul>lll~h ; t'l \I~' \-iij It_ n \'iCC<:<>Illitf' .Ie ]Jlinhul].:h infrn N'I>~LII'uIHI;alll tie JI",[inlullIh' ~ I"t ,t.' x~iii It :(j L iiij II. " l'in'l'01l1iIC 1](' Inwm,1l; d ,II' fl.'-;\:\ 11. xiiJ: iilJ,ta l"if't'("lUilt'.Il' ]~,,ic: rl,ll' ij'l.'(\j II. ~Iij ~. liij d. ,I 1M'lu.1;t',llIo rlllli~ . \1111.1110111.' in
III xOIn" llUU<'I qUiU;o'lIh'~lIlln N,'pUmo.

"Ulllion huju" r>u(,r.llillui"

lj"'\'ilj'x.\.\iIlJ 11. ilJ '" \j ,1. "I,

.\km"mwlll1n lllIUOI




de.xx It


1:j), ,

lJl,ii;.;aLil~llill (;"'OI',:C; TlulIl\,uli

,I,' 111I1I"ul(>

h.'(~I'tiJ; ill

l:o:.I"l1~.:h I't ,Ium i'"C'ClIl><'I"JLt' l,j:;..II'I". 11I'1II, hl"'''1 OIlCI'llL >-(' Ill lxrj II. ,\ii,1 , iiiJ II n~'(>I'lI>$" l'iC,-'t!VlIlih' .I" .\i,inli-ue ;11 i!C;lccuiu ult,,1 UIlUll.lm




rlll'l'illl (oIlCI~II~itni' CUIII

:-;1111\11\<1 IJlIcnlti<~lIi~ 1~lh't.



niit'iij<.\l Ii. :'Iiij ". xl .1


IWIIL, ;'1....111 one/llL dc j xuiij II. 'J "- "iij It. ll.'(!I'ptisu Cll~tlHl1nrio tie ..\hinlclI(> ill ,,';J{'('ltnq plt'SCripto pr" ccltis finllnciis faelis ct llIil>bb .lel'ol1imu d~ Friswbnl,l." Summll 1'"jllB nnt'mtionill p'll~t. J lCIIl, id~'l'l ollcmL 1>0 de t.\X 11, l"C<'eplis II Icc ... plorc \'icutulillill <ll' f) lllll~II' in !!C<1C('Hlio in )llll'teni soiuliuui .. oUiigliLionill Elli>;cul'i ;'.i(Jlll,-il:n"j,I, I'ir." '(1l'lIlrillg..hl.unllll I1,CI'Olll'l1n, pro CCI'LiIi lIoni,. ~IIJl('r gl1ll1btiis de IJnl\bnr (>xi~ll.'nlihu .. P(!f dictuUt TIll'SlIlImdl1lll, l:olultlIOl\'m, (It lJolllillO~ ~a(,(,;JI'ii ,lil'IOl ('l'iSt'ul'o l('lItiilit III luliu8 patllt ill 00"'1'010 dicti rcc\'I'Lorih nUllO l,rt'SCl"ilJt.o. Et lIie I~ttmt txh-j Ii. xiij is, iiij II., l'11I1l ql1ilol1l1 CUlllpolllils 01l(!J11ILlhll I'sl dum 1"I'l'l1pl'l'IIlr ftHlliuL :-;111111,111 II1Ijl18 "II('I'1I1iol1is l'aUlt. Itelll, id(!111 OlLl.'rnt 11\.' (I~' l'j It, .\lij A. iilj II. l'CCepLis II l'iceeoll1itc UP l:ox(II,,).\"h ill llI'net'lIrin ,h' Il11LCI"CiIl111CIlLU Andrctl RIOI')' uILl'll prills l"('tcl,111111 nl. ('OII(!Il1. SUllllllU hn,ills ol1Cra(ioni~ I~lll.'t,

OXf.n.\TIO I:F",T,\tl(JII 0U1.h._ITIO:\I1I



llIelltiolmt.ilnllll ill Itliiulu {'OllIl'oto (licli Thesmu'arii tcmpore 'lI\l1\1UflllL f),l\'ill 1:"lollll :\I.mlomn,lulII '111011 1'(JIlI\,oL;1lI1i lillI, "lIcr,,, Ih' J'-"\' II. .\.riij iI. (1~' n.,..ta C0111IKr.iIIWllIlUl 1'l'l1Ii~,;iom11l1 i lill('l;1\ Ill- 1Jnllil f rei>, teul i 1111111) I' bt"ClIlI'!U 'III i,l ,Idhl\{'




d icta summa n~tll~ non ,;.olllt,ll't UUII1 n.-cupemt~l rllt:ri~ onerauilllr CUIII t:i!ld~'lll, Xcc tic x n. n'l;te ouli\;1IIiollis ct COlllllOtlitiouis ilinClis 11, I\irkclulbricht tcnti (lnllO \c lenio "imililcr mention.lle ill {.'~ml!JOto jll'(UliC\(I, 'Jilin allhuc n:-at;ml ItOI\C!tUlI w lutc. XL'C de xlij Ii. iiij ;}. C('!IlI I ~"'l li(.!uis itillcris tic Hrumirc is ten ti anno ,,,mo Ijl\;\ I'to, qui'l ;ulhlle l\: bt,IlI L nondnm 8,)IIIIC lit. snplll ct mClltionalc in cOlllpolo [!rt'dicto. XL-e dc xiij n. vj ~. dij d. I'e~tc CUlUllO>o lionis n:mii:ll!.ivlI\lIU JtulCl'is tic J ~llb1ll'gh 1 (;Il11aIlIlO qUlilgcntCbllno sccllildo etinm s l'.!ciHc.llt: in d ieto COIllI)Oto. XCI! de xxiij tl. retlLe COIIIIKlSilion ill ;tit...:ris de Setk;.k nnno pl'L,(\ic:'1 U:l\tn, XtlC dl' \'ij n, y B. viij d, It'SlC com poailionlllil Hilleris tic l'ct.lis lcnti codell\ nnno, XCC (Ie 'i: n, c{:mllOo<itiolllllll itinel'is de WiglollllC tenti nllllO \,'-"'0 (Ht;O; (:1 110 iJI'C.lictilO ~1\1nlll ijj e.OIllVOl'''L~ OIlC I~lllllus ~l ,ll1ln !'('C1111i:mle. rUcl'int, J IclIl, i,1.:1II oucl'tll sc ,Ic xxj N_ vj 1'. \ iij d. iu 1 ~lrtcl\I solutivnj~ JVbtC Lluilulllllginill 11111118 lil,11\I'II1\ COIIlpOllition\1\1\ iliUL,ris 110 i'crlll lcnti nUll" " .. "" tCllio; ct sic IliIl;l\lt xxix It. xiij ii, Uij tt., cum qllibl\8 OIlC11tU lhu! l'i(. dl1m recuperalc iUCl'i ll L. Nee Ow.:nlt 8P. de XXVj It. cOlilpositionulll 1tlllelis justiciaric lIe Fife l('uti n1l1l0) IJuingent csiulII lertio speeific;It,'U'1H1l in COlllpotO ]11"1..litlo {I ILia adll\lC resl.mL nOll StAlIic, CIlIlI '1Ili\H1~ (meritl .illll' dU1I1 \'l'cu]lt,!rnt(' fucl'illL. iLem. idem OIlUl'lt SI' de xx It ill I'llrl"lIl 8011I liuIlis ll'~te llullllginw 8('pll'lII Jil>l1l11uU ~l'X !,.lid"ltllll ('\ OCt" ticnnri{Jl'llnl resIH\lli~ in co IUllLsiliclIlilllls ilill('ris .illbliciaric li'lILi 1\1'1111 ,1l'\\1ll1l'gh nl110 'Jllillg~ l1l ~hll" lIuarto, l't ait H'blnlll I;(XI"ij 1 vj ~, \'iU (I .. (' UIIl 1. (Inihlls ollel'abilur Ilt 1>1I]1lll.

21S I:Ult. ,'I)\II~TI<lXr\l, l:nlls.~I.,":C\l "Ira itilU:ro.'l'I;;-:a 1.1111111 ill COllII~'IO i'l'\'C('1.le,tt hue eo''''I'"I'"1I


\.m' .....




(011<'1,,1 10 ,1\, .\X\\iij II, !uj ... liiJ ,1. I" I.<

~'i'!lli~ n'llii il>lIl~.t"',.UIl,iM "I,. n~ ,111'1.\ InlnU,,\ ,III1Ii' I't'lllat "'11

.'t'.....I.j 1:1.. k}.(ui.1


... luL; d .hull "' II , .... rul.\ rtkllut .'om," ,I ",. [. 4IC~.11 <ittu .UII) ",1\1.1 hi \,,(, ,I xx r. ,~'iij ~. ij ,1. tcal<.. "_'lUloO!!il.JUIS h'hlisSilJm,. (.cOr.; i F1.(UI)U~ .Ie] Kilwaeo,lt" 1'1

.. 'Wllllll cHIIIIliel,uII, '111,'1 ,lwI;! IPnUII'l .,Il"'e h~t . t

lIull luluta cl (lIlllIl 1l')o,:ul"""\:l. fut'l'ii uUl:J".al.ilul l,nn {';,IIIt'l1I \" ~'r ""erlll I(' ,)f'(: i II flllllr",,, 011l'TlI\,;11I I [.I" j~] hHij Ii, I\~tll n1olo('('I",\li,,"i~ :\l.:dli )'oOIN1:Ut ,., "11<>111111 "UlIll'licilllu, ".~ .'<1 'llIlMI l'QIM.III.lli" [tliC'li] :\Ij,\tlh ddiIIl'L~!l4 ('II 'I'IU... IUL'M'iu tl ,h,llIs \i~dll1s Cf'1"l 1111\11111 1l'!<l'l,tII:ltiUIII'IH pHI {(:rlllllllil,"~] in pnm.\ C!)IlICUli~,

1:i..'I1[ 110"01:1'\1 [,nIArml;l'!


ill l'u'''l'ol\,

1'1l."C>Jl'lIli (11\1\:] \Ollll,..lnu, ll'l1Il'\.Ile 1111"'1111'1111 lIal-i,1

Iktou ...

\ec (l1l.. nt~


,II' "IIJ ,:. liiJ .1,




CSI:h'WI' l'Illhlo('rli (;"1\1"\1111,: IM .. ;ti lid n{nlll) r'1!1'"

I1U1ll ti,lIntl: \,1otH II!>U ",lut,1,



cum ll.'CullI.rnt.1 rll('ril, '\cc (,n',!",t It' ,I~' ".I II \iiJ l. iIlJ II TI'~If' rot.1il,o:'LIJ(OIlI~


111111;':.11""11111' I,r" .'!!I',h I, 'JOU[UlLlIlI) \i"r.I"I1l,t,. ill l"'I>I<>l.l 'IUI,I ... lIl11e 1\:~lal



'1>\11' ... 11 .,.IU



"IIC'TII\OIIIUIJ III eo'lIIl",t., 1111111 1--


.lC("QLTXT:O; OJ.' I'll E

... 11. l!Od-i.

ClIl'tarllLn confimultiollUllI Johannis Stewart de Aide, goyane Cl ='inioni Sten~r~, dcecomi tis de Uu tc, quill ndhne rcetflt non SOlllla, curn 1'\1111 Ollel'lllllius es~ IlL supm. helll, idem ollcrnl 8C .le vj II. xiij ~. iiij .t in p.n.rtcUi solntionis reste compositioni, 1I0\e infeodntioniij H ugonis COUlpl,.('le, \,;cecomitis !.Ie AI'(', de tenis ct baronin <Ie ) [t1rtnay; ct sic restanl f 11., cum I'\llibus compotl\us ol1emndus est dUIll 1'eCII!X'mto fUI'Iint. Xec ollcmt sc de xx It )1rO carta confirnmtiollis conjul1ctc infcodncionis Alcxnn<lri Keullcdic, filii dOlilin; <II.' l :n'b'ilny, et ::'. Inl'iote DlIlloor slIe S]XlII$r, tIl' Lonis 110 Lekill1yn ct CCttis aliis len;s, PI'() finn qllondrlln JOIll\Ull(>8 Uuubnl' de )0101lcllr1ll11(' dc\lit snMl ol>Jil,'3tiollcm. Kcc de " It. reste colll]losilionis cm1.e quondll1n
Alcxnndri LTrquhnrdo, vioecolllilia lte CroUlnrty, pro

terris sllis llc Fisc.hcrie ct Cloquharby quiu Ildhlle l'C8tnt non solnta ilL supm et cum qua onernndus est. eOIll}XltolJB. 1\oe Ollel'flt 81.' \le 'j N. ij ~. ,iij It rostc colllpositionis Cflrte c.oullnllfltionis \\'illt'hni C:okl,urne de Henner lnun<lc. :\'''Cl de I' ll. vj P. "iij it. l'CSte ooul])OIIiliollis eMltl confinuntiOllis )OIogistl'i Johannis ::-krim~,,'collr pro terns dc Lumbethaue ct Crago 'luin I'CSL'l.t ndhuc Don
801uta. XI.c lIe :thj 11. xiij :;. iiij it. rest!' compositiouis cnrte nove illfC!Ollnlionis ']lIolul!l11l Andree FIL'&(!r de sUlIliwodc de lerns de ::;tnnGwodo et l\.fulicllis quill ndhl1c rcstnt non IIOlutn cllm l\uil,lIS \,Iueml;ilill' ut SII]ll'fl.


)IAmT,l/ilOtm)l l'T xm. ill mnllilm.s I\''gi:s cxist'lItiulIl lklllpOI1' 'tUOndnfll Ual'iJ I:CtOIiIiC. WAlmAltU)1

tSl'HOlTtTJ! TV.l:IL\lrU~1

.J ... l WIInis, hili ~ui, \.:II,hte l:ol"'lt" Ik,I'i!t." tl" I.(IUo'I,ll,-iu 01\111\ .'lOlIm, .... \.1.1 lI"n ... ,Inl;\. ('UIII 'Luil'l~ "lIl'\:lII,II1>1 C!t CUIn l\'O.ulo('l,'I,' rmrlllt. X ......, ,it' \"j II. lIJ I. i\l ,1. (>"ml_Ol'.iII"m.i "Hull' 'luondnl'l AII~h~'C :-.tlinhu:( in Tnlulu\) nllaO'1I11I lu.uiL:-t;i..

ItH'" uln '1'1"lIlbIU .\ n,;lll L.l1Ji I!.1ulwuk,.11 H

~,D. 1:.oG ;



.Ioll;llllli :-;krim;;ooul"(' ,k

(:lll""~' 'lul.l ;.. Ihu(' 1'1>1.11 u .." ~llIta Itt 1111'111, (Uh,

'luil,u<I "1'l'i"IIJII l-';t. III 1-111'1'\ ('11111 .....'Cllioerote IIU:I;lIt. 1tl'1II. itkm "perlll Ie ~il' '" iL In C-::j.i,]d,lIn ...lnti,II('1I! C<>IIII"'II11il,"il wnnl0 'LU . uola"t W ,Ih'ri s,,'I.1 .1(1 1l1U1I1II1.1U1t' unarm.. ."ant.ld" I .... n Ii~ t'J1I""km. \"l'uotill' l'nlli~lv. l'UllIn" ,II' H..ilimik t,t ,1( \ 11. 1\ ,.. 1(> f""ll~llitllli~ lI"uilllro'IIII." Icn.llmu ele I-'lullllOl" ct. l:n:"':iCbau \'C'nditt' 1'lulil"l ('1111)11;;-

hllme, X..,.. ,1( xiij Ii. \j ;" \'iij ,1. rctIlo



tCI'1'I1I1111) flUt,ntLlhl h,hnnlli" 1'1 '111,,11111' (t


1...,,,:,li8. \elulilc .1"h'l11lli h'nIHUlW, 111' ....~li IIn,.til-It). quill alll~ul' "'Mlut 11<'11 1I"lnl;~ . I"UIII '1'Iil.u~ c'llell1l\clu~
esl III

110'111. i.I.'11I Ullt'nH

1(11uli.,ni~ ("'l1lmll

II" "X\j ft. XIIJ iiij ,I UI l"rtclU tTCll,l,'\\dU 1i1'IIInIlIl .... '" 1(,lhlon1l11 I't 01'1... ch:lJfll'j"rnlU I\~IC COlUI1 .... iliuuiS ""II'iIOi.,'1i .Iocobi Ih11l1~1 r .if. m"kcn\'.l.ll1illli" HII,Jili .1"1111ml tn:!ichlmIlH' III' :""'Il'luharc: I't ~if' 1~~LHnt hx\\"j It. "iij;' iiij ct., 1'11111 '1IIil>1lM ollcrnmln~ t'~l ""'lUll(1tan~ lit.


Uxr.J.\Tln "r."T.\l!l\l
11.1\I.l lltl"1Uh~


tl'1UioOl" '1"{'I"l:un

h.:lU. ilkh\ "1\"mt

51' ,I~ :\:ij 1\ "IJ '- ilij ,I. III ''''h'lIl ...hlti"lIi. \'i;::illii qnil"llic lil'IoIHllll 111I..tll. '1\ "" IIOli,I .. nn,\ d (1('1 .. t\c-n;lri"l1l111 1 111<: ~ml<IM>IIilionu\'I. .... TflU_".ltU1<1 iIi,,,,",, .J,. .h-,II'II\<;I. \,'I,LI nnn ..


.\CCOPXn-> llF r il E


lIono, d sic 1"~t.LlI1 !'>ij II, .uij II. iiij II, I,!LlIll flUiblll> uuernbitlll li t ~lIlml Xec Glll'rot sc lIe xl S, !"ale COllll}O."itiullili itiul!ris Ilc nnuuln;is I"nli ('0<1('111 Imll'~ :\l'C II, ,j"'iii,j li. rNI'~ ("I'II~JI;itiUl,um iliner;" 1\" .\ re lenti \-,{lIit'UI 1l1II1e', II.: 'illilmt I'Nni.\&' 1,,-'1' r.~o.:m Cumili Ii" j' H. d ~ic 1..-,,;1.1111 iiij Ii, nmu.,. lIimilit t!1 1"'\ lill-hl" l1.~i~, ;';CC ,I.' xl'.j Ii xiij.~, iiij 11. 1,,le COlllllOlli tiollllhl itiuO:li-i Ii,' \.. \lullk len t i ('tll\CILl :mno.
:\l'\; U(' X Ii. n."M'~ WWjl(;iLi .. uis it[lIl.'li~ II.., })uIlIJCrl;lIIt.:
t~'IILi o.:,~lc:1L .HlIl ...


Xl't: ,Ie \'J 11,


xiIJ~. iiiJ II r11-l" co.npo~itiolrlull itilL..,ri~ til' Nl'il"clillll 11""\;lIIli8 ~Hlx'l' IllIomlillll ,1\)\);11<, ,I.., (';\lUllU~kinm:lh d \Yilldlllll l .('\ing~tlln u., ICLUi~~ 1"'1' lilcl',IJ. 1j,lIl1ihi N';,:i ...

\.1.: xx~, 1\,'\'lI1tiluH ~ul"' I' l:o\oeHo XU!)" eo,Uopo.; j. .1., 1'~Hh 1"lIti "IU,,, \'"OI.lilil" XI:C lic xhiij Ii. I ~, iiij (1. n'~Lc c01up.,~itjolltlln 1\JIIl'flb lit.: 1111"\1'11>'8 U'llll <X'IIt'lI! ,11111(1. X('('; lie x'\j 1U,llti~ ,k Ic.. t.a CCUUIIU '[llill'IUi.... \'i;.:iuli loCl', ulatl;HUIIi t[t,[.ila ,["Ulill,' I'l(i Ill'I' l 'oJml \ el!l
1;"1111111 ililtl,d"


'\('(' III mallib

rt:~t,l\lIi[,lI ~

11('1 [t' c'lulIg-u1J Ill-

('Il l Hili

cvlll Ix,~iliClI1 i I111>1Xec 11(' lo:hij Ii, xj t.. iiij It. I \',k ","IIII""ilh'"1llU I,illl::!"i"



Ldlti allIl<> V1l'11icl'"

tll;j xh:i 1\.,.,\, n'IUI'''~iliHHH I ililll:li> ,k l'llj'l"" klili .',~I, III MUm. X,'e \1.., xliii, II. ~I d, I"ph' ('\lIUI",,,ilinlllUli lIilll!i~ lie l:AIiIl\'U!;,!\t, Icul i ;11111" \" "'~lll"I .. , \""c Ii.- hlJ II. xiij' iiij 11 110- k~la "\lIIII'\I>ii ti lllli~ 1,'",i>~i"lIi. IJa\i,1 1111111\' ,1<- \\\IJ.llilllUl"IIC I"]UII""" 1"'1 1i1.l'L;(" I",",i~ ' .... I"u~ns .111",'1 t:olrl[llltuIU. \, t: Ill' ,I 11. lII'C 1I1lI'I,lIi \J..l~l ill fnlLlntLU tI" j';l\lcltI
HlIllllt.l 1" ln,rlUlI ",.el',ld"IUIU '1111111\\:1111 U"I{eJ"li

Itix~OIlIlI'J lJ\1!"l:l~ll~i~ til' I'cl.lb, 1"1~I" ru t. l'I'tll.li\IlIUUI c ;""1 :-;1'1\ 1.1III kt ,k I ,tu Iii L"\,lId, 1!.I1i I I", [II ia ,I[fOlll lit u~



,1iC:I.am ~U\JH,,;lUl ,Ikl" t;I..~'I:!'~" 111 ..,I,lroOtl-;

11Iltl'l \,<'1' ~11iI~ Iiltl'ru! UHIIIl Mlol "IIIObCtil'I'~ "'UI~-I l'I.lIUI~ ,I lilli,
~\'(. dl' j'xx Ii. I<~tl "illlll' ililll,i~ I.,u"rlllll l'r...k'I"1 11m 1lug;IJ]i :WGilkcallulli f;ICh' ~mll ,\ II dlil~,I,lu]. L'ulllit.

:\('\., tI.,

II, l \gill', l't ,J,,{'l,loo l).C'';h-y .1" UIIIIIII,II.1.,'.111 iij II. ,oj it.. I'iij J. l'('!;ll' ':;"I11I"<1il .. ui!J ",'II\l' ,'nltallu;M I-:.:di... .1, t ... ni.. lI., 1, ~llIlIll<III1'" ;\N.' .1., \.\\j II. "iij .. iiiJ d. 111;1(' t;"I11I':-lli" I~ l'IIill' d IllaI1l;l ~i i )\'I,i,11I1 II,\!.I,II'I:. it l'lII. i.il-III "It, milk' ,I, X\'ij Ii \'.1 nlj ,I. III l .mj,ld:IIU 1I.. luli"IIl'1II .:;.. IIII ...... ill,,1I1>1 \\1\1"1 'JII"II,I:IIII Ila\i.1
~'IIIII' .1.- !".111,!funk }il'l" dl' i{hxJ It xiij~. iiiJ'1. 1'}O C1JIIII.co~II}"n.' lIl:1riIAj.'!il 11l'1l~hllll ql'UUlIIlIlI 11" llIi},i ,t.- Gilt1<,uUIlI' 'Iuiu wlhill' n'ollit lJ"lI 1<1IU\1I III !:IIIJll'a.

Xf'I' OIiPIllI 'Ie< .1, nix 11 ;ij ii, nU.' "."", 1'''lUi,o.;il iuni!l wunl., d IIIant1lgii (,: ilhcrti W nlll' .It.: :\ lllny l'ell\lil'lI \1111

1J:wid fj"IIIL :\rc Ill- liiJ It \-J'; viij II. Il,;~h' C<>IIII""'lti"lIilj lI'mit--~i<'IIi$ 'riUchui, (\'hliti~ 'k (.'aithlll-l', 'Iuil' mlhul' Inlat 11"11 .,Iuln, l'I cmu (I\lil'll~ OIH'lliUllus ('fl {1-iul'vl,UlS III

htlJl , i.It,UI lIU(-,llll

\\ ;Ir.\., ~,t

~ lit: liiJ h. \j;" \-iij.1. ill parlem aulllt ie>lIil ~'('nIIUlI \'.,::illti \il.mnl lu H'M" C"lul~ itiouis

1ll,IriiOlgii tic- :-Olr,.illlUHI(' H'lIIlilHllllu J',tltic:io CI'I:icht t '1I11t,; f't ~ie IllSWlIt Inj Ii ~iiJ iiij tl, 1'11111
quillus ClUC\dll t!ttl> ,1>1 ~., lUJiuLlIlll HI ~Ul't.l,
~ I.'('
ral'tan UlL

lie Inix 1 ;niij~_ "iiJ ,I II'Stt' ololl;':;lli"lllllll 1. 1,,-0 rE'(,lIi~ )lo~ lI i l"i:pll' Ilui;1 nillml.l 111<llIlll

Ihlll ~"IIII(', fllllt i}lui.u.!'i (\Il"1111Hlu~ .1 111.0)'1;1

).L1.' .It- xiiJII. 'J i. ,ii).\ Il'~h' 1".-Itll'\JIiiti""I~ .,tI\,' .k 1:1.'11,'.1111,' t. It'l' 'J ill fL'("lililll.,1 .1~,Ij,\hUl C:ranlll ,Ie
Flll l'h~-

).'L'l' "n,r,.1 toe

d. IL'I>t.u rVlul "",iti,<,<ho II,ui'1,i


"I .I;o(;"loo ~Ialtlaulltl,' 1'1" Il'ni~ ,Ili" lit' 'I ii,).-,Ii:t. };l'l.: lIl' :S;\Xl'iij lt. .\iij". ii i) u. H'till I'cul'ml,li"nit TI,vllt
.\I Io'lhHIIIl',


<'u l,liyi_


.\(,CUl'XT.'" uF Till'.

' , I:') ~~.

Itel.l, 1I1em onel l se J~ xiij5o. iiij.1. III l", ll.., . "llIll" ltI~ I"estc tliccnt.nnull I iU!ll\"IUlI 411 in. Jlie billi d Ol"llUl eL IllIin. IJlle dennrionlill coml'0sitiollis 1 1l1lli:lJ:;iollll l11 itillCrili lie I m eTlles ICllti aUlIo Iloun~esim<) scptilllO: cl sic \'cslan l lll'(xui:l; n. xU ~. j II

Hr ..sn:

lO.\lI'O:>ITI OXU)1


itiuCl'UlLl tempore

com pota III is. itcm, idcm Ollel'!lt se do " rI, ill ].IIIItCI\l solutiouis reate cc1l 11\IJ1 OCllltl;,.tinta Iilmll"mll couI!>os itiollmn remissi onulll itinens Jllsticin rie de UuuLe-rtane !.enti nUllo ~ qninl.o: et. sic l'eSt..1nt flx..n N. cum Ilu illl\s Clllcmndus est III SIlPI'fl; de !"Jllibns rcmisro per .. l:ec'CUJ Comiti de t:t,"llcnmy de sun COUiliOliitionc Iii. ; et sic re"tant jCx..w n. EL lie xv It ill )l311.CILI :i\.'lu t i'~llill l\!:om ' jlliIlIJ ungint4 octo !ihr.UlIlll Be" ~olidorllm et octo dCII;uiol'UIII com!,o~itiollis iliuCli'J jll~lici;ll"ie dl' l:enflllw lenti L'<IIIem RIIIIO: ct sie II!-,tolut xlii,) II. Ij II '"iij It. cum quiuUlS oueranoht9 ~l eompoltlllS ut Impl"!L Et do iiij II viij~. \"" II. oh. hi llIl!"lem solutionis reste ducculnrulll 1~ptungillt'l (l uiuqlle Iibml1llll Inum aolidorulll CL qlHluOI' IICILRI'ionHIl colllj'lOSitiouUllL remi.ssioLlullI itinr'li~ tie .\re tl'lIti eadem nUllo; el sic restllut iflxx It. xiiij !l \. 11. oU., elUll Iitlihtls I\~ lIupm ouer:lllll ...~ CS~ computl1llt!Noo de iiJ II. "j iI. dij It. l"Cl:ite compoaitiollill ilinens de Baur wnli I.'Ollcm nU llo. XL'C .Ie lu\"iij 11. \. iI. l"C8W oomposilionmn remissionUiu iliul'I'is jtlstieinric Ahi rdcnc tellt; eadem 1111110. itcm, [Iklll ouemt ~ de ;{\'j It xiiJ it iiij 1 ill oomph." 1. lam so\nLi"Ul'm eompo;,iliulIIlIIl rcmis.;iollllUI ilill ~ ris jH~ticinrie .1 Hl'n',r Leuli .:orlclIL allIlO. 1' EL Ilc i)"l",x:l;:-; 1 il. I ~ut-cm ~Qllitill ni s 11I1IIingl' nl;II1IlU 1. 'W .lll.lj!illt,1 'lui U,tUIl lil,!"nnuu It'l.:!l\l..-ci lll soliduru uI Cl 'I lIaLII"f .h.1Il11 i'1II111 1"Cl:>ll' 1'01'11 ~).si[ iUlLilJ iIi IIcl'is ju,.tici. 1


1I1lt: ,k 1.1",1<-1 I.'uli



allllH, 1:1 ,uuillle J,,'

I~W 111

lou .. '~


CO '1111 ~"'i I,,,uil.1U1 1~ 'r ,1."u; 1111 III

COllI I_..1l;'lII"


~I ~'II is

,)r,h,IIIUil! 'I ,~Idl\' l1l41 r, I ',.oi.1 i; J ,\I\lIil",\.1i I MIII), ,II "I "t' ",'laUI '-j"L\x'I'!1 xiij A. iiij ,I. ,1.llll1e 111>11 1I.lu(, ,1'11111 Iluil,'t~
KI1 ";';, cl

()nCMIIIUUlIl't<l ILt 51l1' 1~1. II" Illlil"u, cOIIII~lIIt "11l'1'll lie xl II ; el "je (n:."t,Ult] I'J III' It. lojlJ I. liij ,I..

!;111ll 'lui101l1 ().Ilt'mnllul CH O( ~"I.nI 'Iuil,", rcmill8Cl ,It'l [,l"llIiIlOIlI "'b,'m] J"It"II11j IIllllic d(' ;\1\1,1111, lUihti. h II,. Hanl 1I",ilCr .1., W('J,liJi'"/ll', lIuliti. xxxiiJ If 1'1 L I'iij .1. 1',1(11,'10 lIulI,o Jo!


FNltl;'lUol,'lI. lIIilili, ,III.. d


lI"I'I'l1n ..111 ole

:-> hlltluillc" x If. ; ", 'Ir n~t[n1l1 ,"Jij Ii, '1 L "iij ,I Et ,1,~ xx II il;m'd~ ju~tic;'lri,~ ,I" I'd1i5 ("(IIIII .... ;li,'"II' ..
h'l1ti ('<ltktn ,UUlU.


Io:ll1LI dC('\'1II

Ii, ill 1",,1.' 111 aolu liulIllI 1'I;~h' C" III UL11 JIj]~". lil'rlllllLll COIllII(lll;li'IIII1I11 rC II1;It'<;"1I11 1" ;tilh'ri~ ,!.- 1-:. linl.ulllh t"IUI 011110 I'H-di,v. tl ~H: INlu1i1 j'X'I:';'I: Ii, elllli quil.u .. ,.,II"m,,,11I1J I to III
;11 1~1Ih'1i1



Et ole lxi\ h_

J,I,lu tioluri 1\'dl'


.... ':lpllia ":>; hl''''1\111' 1I"'(,III(II,'('i1\l ",.Ii,lt,mll']

UU,,'1I111 '[('111'1 il'OIlIl

~'()l1il.".i 1iou 11m

i I; 111'1 ill

ju~1 i, 'IM\':

.\" LI1I.1lk k llt i,~"l"III:UIII": ('t .i" I(-&11I1I1 li{xh'ijlt xi" _ ij II l'UIII 'luil,u'I "11\'11'1111]11' \'lIt cVIIII.'t;m~

..11. '1IIil''104 Il.lmi !l(' I~'I' Il""lilllllll] 1(';,:,'111 \\,,111'11110 lu:.:Ii~.k :\1111'].... \01111' \ It, t'll<ir " ~t,,ut 'ij',lij II. "i" ~. [ij (I,].

,O)JI'fMITlO"'t',f nOIl"',""'l'),


lin 'r,



It"hl, i,l<;<111 tllh,olt J.e ,II'! iij<.\\:\iiJ h. 'J It. \'iij ,I. ill l>.:lr(c-IJ\ ,,,\,lIiolll. JCtiu:;it:l4nll, In~IDll (11111111)
h\'r;lmIU at'x ,,,\i,bnlill "I <)ell ifoll I; 11111 h ""'(""l >OI>ili"lIi~ It!l''IOIII,,,,i ~ '''Ill''\'ul ,10" III l :Cnl,ui,' "1
11\1101111 l'('Ull.\icillhi. ~,t flil' 1,'!'tHIlI \


'lIhl 'lujj,lI~

olllmn.hl!> Mol


1>11 1,1 '3.,

,\II'tlr\"']":-: "F Til t-:


Et tie ););\" 11.. ill c.Jlllpll'WIII ""luliou.111 t'l.'lLIissionia .J.)jlllunia " .lir)... lilii (;.'\;lIi Fnreli.', Soon omrot. Be lie bn"j Ii. xiiJ ~ iiij It. reste colUpoeitinl\UIIl I'W t1.H1sur.1 iudict..llUf'u\orum qllorundaul lim Ii in '-tilb: CUIlI quiotl! "lItTdloitllf COIUIk1lnna lit ~npl"", Ikl,l. ilkm (Ju,mt !Ie de iifl:Xxiij tl ,.j !\. ,iiJ 4., in





W.rnllliu tn:I\J.'t."(m 1<.li.I,.IIII" "L 'l'I.I\III,f ,it-llationllil I'ltl lict'lU.:itl tlhmill i re:~.-ja COIICI',"~U 1:,,1 ,,:1"10.1 l.autl,r de 1:'15. ,uiliti l'I ~ic 1"t'~t."\11l Y'tuiij It I"j it ,iij It . CUUl
quilma OIll'ntIllIIlS tst lit. supm.

II I:::1T




411 110


Item. j,J.'hl Hlwnll /1(' lit' xlij Il, ill lJ!ut r m bolutieJllib IluiwllW.illlli llillill lil>l'<I)"I1I1I ~"X solillonllil oNu


1"lIlll~)~i l j,IIU' 1~'II"llIm


e&; tll\l~ to rm"

IJ1H1lH l.lIli .L",,,I,i lUlu"



:o;j 11, \.j

llllll' wi C"nllI l'Xistl'lltis j C\ l"iij ,1. , cum (1'1jloll.:l o11l'l'lIlI(lu, ('5t

'"'IIIKlt,m'l III MII' r<I.

EL ""/".\\;iJ Ii, \j r. \iij ,\., ill p.HII'III ,w)ll1tillni, ICbt,., ,llIccnt:lrmu lilo,." til II I,m lilPhI lit 11111<11111\ l",mi,;..~inni!< COIlC..'S" ,\Il"ilil.a].lu, t '''lUili 11. Eq.:ile, lot lIugOli i. Il"mini ll,,"Li":'IlIl<'ri. tt ,~'run , Ilhliti&'\I.,.,nMlIgllincis I'm C"IIlUl lluit-ati..... ('lUll Iili<, ,Iieti ,1"Ulini 1I0111i;':""11'\1 N ,il,: h'.\;1111 h\J Ii \iij ;.. iiij (1., cum (Iuiloll.' "ucr,UI,I"" (~\ (~'UlllOlj\n.~ 11\ &1I1'm.

111'111, i,\'m "nr!,;11

w ,k \. U I,m Cl!illllO'lili"l1l' carle (11,1'"10'(, it,rl"NI.I\i,,"i.i .lot~lII"i.:l nbil 1'1 Ik;llrit'is 'I,rl"u ~\I,. "I",n;(' "(' .1u.tI!U~ u""'"'Hi~ lunl , l iml~h;1 Lnll'l"i ''I;kUIII~ tt-rlMlitII ,I. l li,IJili .\ Udl iulhmH:

EI. u"u un,ml. " ,Ir I li_ v.l H. viij ,I.. It'!!,," "oulI"o!Oili"'lIi~ , I'll It!' .\IIII,,~~ \1""1"" ill :"Ilill."lIu, <II' (I'ITiOi ,J,. 1).,w;I' rli.llt!'. ('ull1 fl'lilJ1t~ "1I1'11m,luII ~t Itl -11111.1 Il(n11, idl'U1 01l!'1111 "" ,t.. !iii.! 11_. 111 l~nl"111 ~"IIHi"lIi' 1"C'~U-' !I(.'l'tu;\~illl!1 (111111'11111 lil"anlill I,rn ""IIII",~iti"IH' 1111"111"" l'HrlI11'11111 \\'ill"hlli (""111ilill ,"" :\ll1l1ln,.,. d );ic I('Sliml x,-iij 11.. l'nUl '1IIil,u- !>lIrl'III,lu~ c.-I. lit

~ I~


El ,Ii- InJ Ii ..~iij ~. IIIJ .1., in l~nk1U ""llIliolli~ f('st, Ct'lIlmll 'p1J1,hn;!iutl\ sex Iihral"lIlU pro rtlIl11"",itioUl' {'-1I1.<' 1:,II'illi Krmll'lIJ' .1, J:!M'lnlulII ,t, t"111 ,i,' III,mluhllll; ('l ~i,' 1"I.'t\lJUI~ Ixxx II. ("UII' 'luil'lI~ 1'11<.'1 !!mll,. l""!lL rU1I1)ltllllliS lit 811i'1ll. N1!C .tr l.~:-::-:iiJ n. 1",1 1":. l'iiJ II., pl"(1 compll"ilinlll' cnrtc ,1 ot ull1tti~ {"lin rl I' dR, 111'1\" 1i~ "1 'I ~mlltis 1,,,1 '1'1 Lit 'hnt" tf-ri!; d(' .\1I!i~rt.'iltl", de 1~1I,'ni,. lie Anli!>[!'ldc. 1\cc til' :sliij II. XI' Fl. yii,i 0.1., r"lIIl"1O'<ili(lliis "111"11' Wilh-hlli ('{,h'il" ,h, l'!'\dl~1"I'. mililis, dc 11-l'I"i~ .11' IlcHII'rll' Xl'C ,I,' XI" II. I"j ; viij It.. r"1II1,(),iliolli~ e,ll'tt' ('"Ullj11l11'1o' illrl~"lnl"i~'Hill })I1I1\'I\I1; l-'orl ....'!<. ('~ ("Iilolinill' FfJrlll'~.u, ~1'''11''''. dl' h-"'is II" Ulilltt)nlh>llyi~. 1I,m. i,klll 011,'1"111 1<1' <II: xi~ II. 'j ~. ,ii.! ,I., in \"lIt"11i ~~lluti'Ju;~ II'RlI' "l'lItUII1 1I<-1111;':;lIl11 lIiul1L 11lmn-lim ('j'I11I~'sil;,'ui~ (:111"\, 1I1)11Iilli ,It' T~'rri!-(II~ 01, l"lI"i~ ,I.:-<itnulIlollllC t:l nl 111\"('1\: ('~ sic 1\'Ntalll tlxxiij It :-:iij s. iiij 11., Clilll '!Ilil,n:> {J1Il!tnlldl1s I'~( '-""1111'''11111:< ilL
I ~I

KIII"II. til' xXl"j II xii.i fl. iiij d.. ill rHlrll'nl a"ln(illlli~ 8('l'llIu)!;i Il tu I I i 1\ III )1111'llnllll !<'x ~lIli, IULlIIII t'l "('ll' Ilr-n:ui. 'niIU 1:"1II1~",itil'lIiM C"I-l~' {;ill"'lti Liwh"uy l"I (lj,-UlIIIII' l't .J"IHumi_~ LillllcAAY, IjllR !ilii .1.' Ipni" 01 .. i;)"II1I11II": 1'1 ,ie r\'~I'lliL ~I\'j II xiij ~, ilij 11. . 1'11111 'plil,n, "11I'1111trlll~

,-",l ut 101l1,m. Xt'C ul1l:'rnt 1If' lie n\"j 11. xiij~ . iiij ,I.. n' _lt ('''lUp,,~i I;oui, c"II.' f\~~lilinul: Xilli!!1li 1:"II.,r ,1" 1\1lt~, Inilili~.lIi1lli,lil't:1t;b h'rr.1TI111111t-1'~'I("lIlill N lhl111 ..'rIl,1" n~...' "11I"ml,il!n 11.: .",.11-111 loillllllllil ill (11111111111 'luiu diet.1 {':trlll I"l'un([n\.\ [Uil ]IfOltl'lI_

Al'('or~TS O~'




illcm oucnll &c tl, x iii ill jl.l.rt{'1II Solutionis n..'bW cenltllll lrigiulil trinlll lihm"11I1 1IC:t 5Olidorum l't octo dcuftriortlllJ (lI))UI.oOO.ili'JIIU! carle L""lllfritii l'utlyu~h&lll~ lie (;!!"ugtHtLok. mi',itb, ('t Iso{Lcllc], sue ijpOIl!!\!, ,I,' l('ni~ di! l'cillinnactlft)' l"t Killion)' ; ct aic I estflui. h:\ ..:xiij II. ,j ii, \"[iij tl.], (lUll l]uiLus oucrnndua

t'!I;L tit SIIJ!nI. Xt'C Oll('ntt M' tic xiij It. ,oj a. I'iij It, pro compositiOnc tnl"lc Uil1~'l"ti Turing: d 'El tllc Ch"I1", Slit' [apouse, de]

tJ'ihus (jllMrti8 J~ll"tillllS telTamlll Ill' l'ibwrww, i\(;m. nlem Ollerntsc II,' x II., 111'0 C<lUJpol!it loue Cilrte COIIRnllnliollis Olll"id 1111111(' de Wc,I,lirlJu{l'Ul', milili8J dc tNTi!! tiL' l;unuull'. I':l til.'! lit, in completalll &OIUliuuclll centUlll lihmrum 1'1'0 c, '1I1POl!it iUlie cal"te Ci i1 bert i 1Illy [de A r,lemll'llncb], lIlililill, ,I~ telTis ,Ie Cotht'ria ill burouill tic Oucie. Et til' I ll. pro CQIIIIl<Jsiliolll! ,\lcxfludd, C(lmilis (\e
I lundt." .Il! t ... rri~


El,I,' xXlj 11, xij~. iiij It., IlrOC011tpu>ililluc c,l l'te .'I lngisll'i With'lllli ".,:ihy ilL' LI'l'ri~ de 1;(\I(n)" in kmmulJ de I": i 11('11 \111 Itt, Et Ul' X\ II., ill cOlUph:l;!)U ,,,llItiolll'lIl co!tll101!itionis C,Il'lt' .J"h.lnni~. Ilomiui l\I'UHC.t." lie tl'nis de Coir, EI tic In Ii., ill cOlllplt'UlHl IWluliuucLn compo.siliollis c;ll"Lc Alexalldri lit)SlI'cll Ii!.' U~\I II10\\"lO, militia, tic lenis lIt: l'1isklllillllllC! l't {ll.'rLI \ 1111 LI' Icrl1lrnm lie I.o<.,:y IlJlpll'l.'!int l'Cgi jll\'ll'r octnl"llill dCllflrium IIOlulurn



lie hxxiij N, \'j~, \iij II., I'Cbie cOInp"lsi tiollis C.U"{o,) K"lIti).\""l'l1f 1I1l1111' de 1'1'1'i~ C~ I,MI'Ollili dl' _\\'8illollll' '[1' xx 11., ,'''IIIVO>!ili'Jlli>s (';11'11' .loll;<lIuiH l'ulll ~U" tI" :l.llIlldU-'JlII" <1,' [PI J i" .I . 111.'111 '''1,11,1, ~'l (1'lIllilllo;l'vd,). ~"'C lie xiij Ii. ri~. \ iij \1., I'l"Il et.lIlIJ"OliiLioIlC clirLe II curi d ILlilli., It. 'ldtH"IJllli~ til' t:i!rti~ tc('riB IIUOllll!llll I"llrid" 'IUIII" ,I" L'<lhl"rlli, Hllili, t...I'LiUI'lItihus ct .;il,i nl'lon"iHlili. Xc< .Ie \liJ 11 I'j~, Ijij 11 1'1(1 COllll'lOfllliollC Cllt'tc

~cc ('lIl'rnu~


Philippi "'esLI' dl' eotl"1!1 jlro ecru II!rt1S dicIO"I~ ,:.-.;. Il'lOurum l',\tli,-io II l1me pertillelltibu, el lil>i npprc l'i'll ia. Itcm, ill<'lll on('mt IC! de xiiij II. ij .,' in oomrll't.tl.11l 10111liouem cnrte nrJlret'iRtinllill,Johnnuill, dnmini 0lil'IInl11, tie I('rril ,Ie IhmllCrnr. I'clcnithlic, 1'1 Hil1:\"uII' El lie xxxij It , in 1 lnrtclll solutinnil Irll-'1l1l.1l tll"m htlmnlln k'lt ~hdonun ct octo ocnariorunl COIup<l5ilioll i ~ rnrte 1>:\\i.\ :\lyrtoullt-' 1'1'0 to.'rri" tie t'allllJok ~l .ie n:.tlun xnj l viij.t F~ de U' II. in plrtcu) SOlulU)JIis rtBU' qUlldlll:':IIIt;, libnumn pl'O OOmptlllilionf' OII.rl,' "IL.11i" rl,<loIilus Jolnmni., Comitil Atholie, et Elullm:. I"OUI(! IIH', N J ohnnn is, eorum primogcnili in hcrt<.ht..llC, d~ l4'rril lie ilrol.leilrome e~ KynninmollLh [Kill llllj(,]. ,.t !lIe I'l.'tlWnt xx It., oum qui bus onemu\[ul eH III IUpl1l. Et III' j'lCXxiij II \.j . \'iij (t . in comll]elillll &oiuliolll'lIl 111'0 U<l\'1l. jurl}o)tlneione raetA OOlllUlUllitnti lie l'el.li ~ ... ~ olll'rnt !W nM olll!mi.illlf ill fulunllll de xx It, c.>m 1>OII1iOlllll carte \\'ill('\mi Edmolllt(llln(\ do DUlltrcilh rt hohelle IIni l;;c, l'jul 'polllt', tkl terril til' r \'i'W'rlh), III ('('rtil nliil lihi rcmiMi. per JomiulIlII ~"tm I)('r litera. lua.s l uh signeto 0I!It(:1I1M super comlJOlum, 11('111, ide". onemt IC! lll' xxxij It \. i viij .t, in lW\rlem "'l\utlt>nil I't'lito qUll.,lmgintG lihrnntm l'Om\lfl!Iitionili \;<ltte Pntrieil ForllCl de lerri ~ do Kinemgy cl Con in IlIIronin do Onolo; et sie rcetnn~ l'iJ II, lCiiij iiij (1., cum quihul onemlJilur n~ eUJlrn, E~ de xxiJ It, x .... in 1),1rtcl\I &olul iullifl ot.'lnl\zjn ln leX iilJmrulil tn..lN.'Cm ~lidl)rulII cl quo.1.uor ri,'llIlril)tum ('olll]oOI!Iitiullis Cllrtt! IIO\'C infl!(ll l,u~~ivlli, rllctc ;\11\1\0 ('.llhl'lIlt de L:Mlt.oune d\! terl'is l"lITltllllllC ' cl lie ro.,. ... IUL h:iiij It iiJ I. iiij 11., oll<'IulloI,' 111 .. uprL :\t'C on('nll !t' de I:nj H, :tiiJ ~. iilj tI . l'{'!Ilc C<OlHI"NtiQnis t.lrl(' .\leJ::Hldri. l'''HlitiR tic 1I 111l11i, <11- ttrrl :\Il,'f!lIi


:-O(t'U,lrt, It'~i 1l.1'1"'Ct'I.1llR ~ t



:\('(' lie ij" It._ 1'<"11<' OOUillOliliOltl. (l.1rlf' tiende 110 terri. de Tulchfrea.1le per Comit.cltl ric IIl\11llil'


ACCOUNTS 01' TIll-.;

...... l~'.

Item, idem oueratac dcjl.o::n It. xiij I. iliJ d., in IJIlrt.U! solutionis duC(:utantlll 1l!I'Lt!hldt",,:em lil,mrmu Iluoruln 8olidoruw. et 0..:1.0 ,ll'n;lriorUiu COtnpoeilionil enrte liemle Ale.,'o;Rudru )IO\\,IUI do !:)t.luehoul ,Ie ~"Itil terria liLi l)Crtinenlibul ct l"'I!Cq;nilil et Ile dicta lummo. n!milae per dominum l-egem 'luillllllO libre; el. aic I'C8taut. .xxvj H. ix ,.. iiij d. J::t de il:diij n. \j .i. dij d. ill l'artclU IIOllltiollii Iluccntnrulll uonagiuta lritull librnntm fleX lulidonun et ooto ,lell(uiol'Um, reste collll'o&itiollili cart.c liC!ndo Hooorto, domino CI-eichtoUIIO ,Ie ::O;\l1IIulu,,", t.ll' certis lei ria I"OCOgUIIIS et. .,i iJi peltine"li 11118, et lie rt"ltallt I If., eum IluiLus ollemnous I!l>t. compot..1nl lit. BUVm. J.:t de xl It., ill collll'lelaUl solulionem L'Otnl106itiollis carte ficmle Johann; Forl~~. Ilomino lcodi lert'llntlll tie Brux et terris de Fec.hly. SchnUlUl\x,ith, et Onllllmellar,lhnll "Clleritlt ill IllnlliiJus regll rntiollc lolisfnctul'e.

HMlK WAJ:IIAIlU\1 tu:I.E\lonC\I

... ,. l l ,\lUTAGlORU,l.I llllll()

llreacTi 1'1". ;>o;cc OIlC!ml ~ tic h. n.1ote compositioniB wanlc lcr11If111O ex parte f\ ustrult Iltlllll Je Fortll j.acl'lltium ilt
IiInllil"u~ rl.".:is cxi~t(,'utiUlII pel Illorlcm IllWUUaItl JUluiH! Lilo "cuthlc l'olllili dc 1."I'ill(l":,

11CIII, ill.:111 olUmlL I\(' 110 l:u:o.:iij n. dj 1;;, xj ,J, ill com pll'l.ull ."hltioIlQiu eOlllllC)lji~iolli8 lI"ul'dc e~ IUllritagii hCIClli1 flUOlltlnm I:uhel'ti .\lnrllllr de Dulleir I'elltlilaruul IIcurico )ln1'$;II' de )Il'iklrhourt!'. Et t10 xx II" in 1'1111\'111 IIOlulIOllil l"I.'Si.c l'cnttllll tri);iul,L triuIII Iiluil11l1ll a.'x solidorum ct octo ,ic.lI.Lriorum 1!011J\lO>:lliolli~ w:mll' at mfu'itagii h(!rcJis (llIOlldulII ,h,h;lIIl1i~ 1:1(111' Ill' A,luIUIIJUIl I'cllili lurlllll Aile )1111 de 1I111i1i; ('~ lIic 1\.'IIlllUI l\iij 11. vj ~. "iij /1.. cmll '11I11'IIH II1lCrflllllu8 (\IlL ilL IUI'I~t. Il"m i,klll "llI'rlit I't(' til' I'I/n:xiiii Ii 'H 10.. 1,\., ill \1.11'1':111

LORI) 111(;11 rm:.\Su:U:


".lullOlli' milh' t!tlJlrum IiLr,mulI (0("1" ,...hJ"rum] ("l".1.o. I:nc-; oct<l li"Il;\rinrllltl c(lUlpt>!!ilinni "ank d m.uita;;il '1111>11,1.1111 lIu;.:utlill W,IILII,'" (\"n,litnlulII) ,koc'>IILiti IleAI"; lt .ie 1e.IIlUI. ij'l:criJ 11 xiiJ i. \'ij ,I., olll'rcmuo lit laullml t:t de th\j n_ :o<iij A. iiij U ill ('<'1111'1"1.1111 ..... lutillllf'1Il .. COlllllOflitjUllia wan.ll' ct mnriw.:.,'ii rJl!(NI.l.Jm ,I"hllnni. t.'u]n) u;:h!l.lllt' d. \\"cslhcrni" \"I~n,lit.\rulII )I.l~i"lris .1t.11I1I1II1 ~(K'IlI, 'l1CCCIIWli l[ol1l\-io:nlli et (Da\'i,l !:iPt"III, ,,'Ct.)ri] U' Fli.k Et ,II.' d n . ill ,''lrt''11I aolntiollUl quiUtlu,l;':lIIlll 1iJ,\Olrtllll CoJIlIll(lflill(lllii m~ri"l:::ii .11.hlnllllia {'mufun.h.}, h"n-"lis qunn.lam fl"iJertl Crnuln"I,' III H..!,II.III, \ln.hti Thome CorLY de Koid\\oJe. ((,I ~ic rdlt'l1lt x n,]. cum quihul oncmndul cst ('()mlw.tnnl Ill. ~1I1'n\. ::\'ec onemt 1k1 de lxvj n xiij , iiij d" COl'lp<llilionil wanls lennrUIlI de Snitco!til in Iloronin de [Dil'ltouu, rcndi!t'] officinli l.,I\udonie. Iton. i,I(,1n on(lrnt Ie dl' xlv n. \"j i, \'iij {t., in portent IO\lI111.uil oclnnginl4 nniul lil.mrum [eolllpoaitlouil \\ilrd"]ll','mlluli inlrn l"ioe(lOmit.ltulll ell' J~linl.nrgh t! conSln1"Iillrillm 1I(1 llalhintoullcill \l'llnln (l'XiltentiCIIll ]l"r) mortem 4)uolld:'IIn Alexnndri II nmlluitonn de lnnl'n-ie l"I.'IIlIitl' :'t[cl".;rete Kl'nnl,(\Y, (It lic I'eIItan~ xurj t1 xiij" iiij d . onemnlle ilL Inpm, ~:t de I-'(\'J 11 xiij I. iiij tt,eompolitionil wllrJe If'l'rllrum ,Il' \ruu.l,irneil, emn lIloll'ndino ('nrun,I"Ill, in wurda (t'Xistl'1I1i1l1u] Ill'r mortcm 'I'eolldntll Comil;1 de HuehaM. vendite :'t la~..it1t ..o de Erro\('. Xee ont'mt 1M! dl' if eompoai!ionil In:'"tllgii hertdil (Juondtun Ale:<nndri Iinlnmiitl)Uuc e~ 1I1I~'{nil )I.lm mil]wune dt lnnen'ie \'enditl ,\It'x'lIIdro. d(lminn H ume_ I lI'm, iri('111 Ouem! II' rie xl n., in comp!rtl'Im J(>iulionem eoml'''~lli(llii. O(l)1inlroilul INr.lrUflI Ill- )!(lkic 11ril'{l'i" cl(>ulino] ),!alt:\'ell rWl'tillt'ntiuUl. X('(' on",'.Il ~ ,I" xx n, reek coIIII'0eili.... i. ",.niUll'>'litul termillm d(l (" I1(li.ll'k 1.'1 C'aUlht:ltnun \,,rlml'l1IIUT1l Johunni CBflIpl~1I.1o l.owdone.


A(X;Ot':\T$ OF Til E
Ih:.~r.' IlOS0tt"\1 :-(':1I,\ETORUli RUllO preWClo.

I: ~ti

h elll, i(]l,lm onenll tiC j'xuiij N. "j i.. ,iij 11., iu l>nrlelll IOluliollil n:ltt' tlutenlanun t{uiuqul'Igiu ln llnOnJllI uehitl' uomino qlliml'le liumrUiu d l!'illm U..- U l"egi 1000r domilllllu LindcAAY; et I>ie reelllnl {:uj tI. xiij 11. \'i,i 11.. ouemndc ut 8UI1I11, XI'C onoml lie ue uij N iOOtli ) [nglli b-igilli reeumt.c8 BUj)<'\ tiomillluu de (,athcart \"iginti !ihru eL ~uper AndreRIll HralovURr IluRdr"~illt.n ~liui onerumli ut

Xee de ij"luxxiiij N :10 $. \'iij II. ffSte composit ioni! rElle\' ii lerl'flT1lm de Didtvlllle ct IIllliLurlou u ('I 1l1ial'Utll tcrrormu dvUlilii tic nirltoutl fnel e CUlil I'tHrieio, dOlilino ejusdem, Xec ue liij N. \oj Q.. \"iij J., resle colll~itionil rc rnill8ion ia Com1li8 do (,,"thuM.



illr.... hoc compo t ulIl in

it ine rihlli.
!\C de tb:xxilij It. xiij S. iiLj tl. ill pnrtem solutioni. oomp06itionuLLL n:missiOlltLlLL ilinenl jUlIliej'me ue .1C(luuryh ICllti infra hoc oompoLum, et aic Lt'lilo.nt fix N. xiij iJ. iiij it., CUILI qui bUB oneraloilnr CULU r~'Cupcrntc rne ri ul . EI UI! xx N. ill IwtneLIl SOluliolli. lril;iuln sex liuml'Uln 11\'./l<ll'Clh\ J(,lidol'ullI et Ilu,llllor IlenllrioruUl COlUllOIIili(Julltu itiueril tic :;cll.:lI1.: l~'nll t..-mpon' pretl ieto, 61 sic reat..lUt x\'j n. xiij II. iiij iI., cum 'pdl'UB ollemlldul est uL Bupm_ El lie xl) It xiij 1 iiij d., in p/\rI('m SOlu l iollil IIU c"nl~lum l[uinquD.ginlll liJ.,ranun triulU w lidonun ct qUlIlll(lr 11111111101'1 1111 oonlp<.o>itiouum itim'ril dl' l \' rth ' leutl ''{litem tellllKlrc, ('t lie n,l'i I "lL~ vj'\'i iJ N. xII.,

Hem, i,Jell! ollemt

oncr:'11ldQ UI ~tLllnl.

Xec Ollemt &I.' tie ill X);, II :\Ij' I'iij d, ('OlllllO ... itimmmlo.I', 1:,.1)1 rellliQiollll1ll Iliuerit; JIl8l iciAlie Ill' :-;tr;I'o:lin;.: Wllti telU l'IOl'C I)""licto.

0'111 1"1(11111.

UF;~III"-.. I(JXl')I


ilillCl'H infnt


HelU, idem onemt lie lie h't" in i~lrlcm IIIllulionill (,(,lIlulII \' ibri lili III'lI: hlmilltlu trcMI''\:I"1II IOlidonull et qllatuor J<'nariorllill eOlllllOl'llionlll1l ffmi.iomu)\ cc rtllrulII perlOllanllll C$trn itillt'm per Ilre<IiCt1ll1l
ICIllP" I: ct lic IUlllnt I\'j It xiij J. illJ 11., oncromle il L IIII'm (tCIll, idem onemt N' dl' jOlu)(lj 11 X'iij I iiij d. ill pnr tcm IOllitionia l[uceuL:uuUl lil>mnllll compo.ili()I1;~ rcmillFiollia b'CD cmlis wnt~ inh"llitnntiulil dominii tie I.itlililitialc, el tiic n.-at.tut xiij 11 Ij a. dii d.

CO)lf"Ot>lTlnSF..:I 8(IxonClI l'IClIAlrrOntll1 illrm h.!C l",m


Item, idem Ollcral II. "'J n 1I(I110nlll1 ~1~ul\1l1l\ .loh.1ll1li. Truml"llI ill HOitcotl el ,\ndret'

Item, Idel1l onent! lot' dt: fxniiJ h \j ". \iij.l ( 'UJlo(llI.i lioni" OIrle oonhruutti"ni" Willdh'; l:uthnll ,1( CO\l;:UJ.: mililUi. c1o- It'lnoi ll.~ ('"n.ltwtle. ::;U'3I'nnuII' el Ctlclu~hre . :! de x'( II, rol AI o-il ifJui~ CIlrlc c,," II 11IMt i, .nUo .\ Ie XAIl.I Ii ~t"lithll\ldlin 11(> ~' ''''lIislnll1 ltle If'rrill L.u(ouie) lie l'ul1l>\iyne
Et til' :\:11 ~ 111,1 tl IMnIJl)~ili"U1" t:ll rh' l ... unIIlIAtlUllioi

... 0 1......~;.


Rol.lerli Ilnu:e de West Deuy[ne) de IIna lOO\o.Ul terre \'Ol'IIUl lfigginlOxgang et 8midiClwdene, J::t de xh'j rI, xiij I. iiij d. in partern solutionis If'xnginta sex libmnun tnlS.iecem IOlidorum eL quatuor den ariorum compotlltionil c.rlC ,\\exnndri lIaitlic, filii Hcnriei de lfellOltAnil, de terril de (l leIlOlt.o]l1is el }'awnis; et sic reltnDt xx n., cum quilnlB oneranduB est compotans ut supra. Et de xl .s., compositioni! Cllltt> .ppreliationi! Georgei Ogih'Y de terris de Fergu8toun. Et de flux n.. compoe.itionis cnrte Johannis, Comitis C'rnufurdie. de terris et baronia de [Tlllihrnioch) et Tulillal,rok ali3s l 'chtirnlloun, que l't.'Cognlte !ucnllll, citra "igint; libras lOiut/II EpilCOpo Ahinlonellli pro BDO deeimo flenano. Et d(' Jl:XX n., composition i& elU'te confinnntionis ,Jacohi Cl'eichloune, filii e~ he!'('diB npp{nrolltil1 Ade Creich. toune de l!U\'lUlis, lie tenia et oorollia de Cmgia. EL do \'j II. xiij i. iiij d, in PIIrtem solutioni. duodecim Iihral1l1u oornpoaition i. clu'te Donaldi Spe{us} de terri! de {'amYl ('t Knel'lIlAk; ('L mttlllt \' t1. "j I.
viij d., ollcl'IInd(' ilL l\l llm.

Et de In., in IJtlI'tCIII 10111tionii duoenlnL11m mnl''CClnllll pro OO1l11Ml8itione em'to conJuuete in(eo(\ationi!l [.' n('ohi1 Sdltlll de S... nchquhy H Alisone Hnme, lue slW)n!lf', de l('rris de f:renok!ICho.w et residuum (\i!!.] lrigil1\Jl. Ires lihre IIf'X !l('>li,ii Ct O(:LO deunrii It'misse per ~m, ut p,u.ct 11('1' liteml IlInl I1Inl1l1 1..110 script..'U1 08tl'U&UI super COlnpotum. ~on on('I'Ilt ..e !ICC' l'IH!I'II\,i llll' ill fulurum de .u n,. COIU I)IVlitir>uil ('Arte C(lujllllclO inreodllC linis 1)1I\'id Hume et 180lx-ll0 lI oPIII;lIgili SII!' 11'1On8e, do t('rril \le I'oll\'olth lihi 1'(!lui88{' \)(' 1 Ilominum I'{-gem per con similcs Iitems oatI'lIS:tfllllll)('r el'llllpOllllll. Et de ix n, "j 1 "iij l1" COIUp08ilionil carLe conti rullltionis Alex/mdri L(':\'iub'1l101ll1 de DUIIYl'llis de biua Imrte If'rrnnUIl de Xeylll'!;f.lia. h ,I" j'\;;,i N. vi A. \'ii.1 It, HI \"'1'1('111 ~rllu liO\li !l dll('('III,

1.0 1111 111 (; 11 T la, \ ~ n I L j(

I, 1:.0011

,l ruUI hl,rn"lIu I'OUlI.oo:.itioni! o.:ark II Uj::ul\lf. d'-'mini II tic 'l ont;.'1Ilrlt~, d~ terri! de ).ou"hlclJO:.. id" 'IU' recv.;. nile (u("runt. et .i<- Il"Il.nnt h:UI'j Jj :{iij II. liij II

0 11('11111, 1(' II I 8111'm

XI' n" t"\lll'()'iti(lUl~ 1;.\11.' {~nhlll1l1li"niA :--Imnnh \1"Cristlll till Itrll! cI(' l'll,Illch ct Kius\,ur, Et ,It: I It 1'IoII11101iliunil cnrle c"ujunet(' iufooiali"niA Joh,IIIU1 ~brru'lIl 110.: 11.,\\al..- miliuIt, ~I Eku#> i:ll lhirfllnll". 'Uf' '1"111110.', ,Ie It'rria III! E.1.)n1'l1"Unt'''1 1'(II1:i~ nhis in did:!. (':'111..1 (,(,nlcuLla. EI d~ u n, ..'onl,_.ilionill earh' l~'njllnch' infeod IIl loni . \It'Ulltiri ~trntolln lIt" enlt'lII ct Agnt'li' Ogilvy \'Jllo( lponllC tI" I{'rria ,I, ,\rrinhnll el certi' tl l ii~ lerria. F.t ,1 j"'(i\'j n 'l:iij 1. iiij d , pro {'I)mpo&it ione carlA'. (1 ( ;C(l r~'('i Ill>l('hi num n, Illii ,t ht'll!\lis nppnnmlill .lolUUl n il lJillChintollll de ,\nlm., mili l i~. til' le rri. <In Anl rt* d 1~!ltiJ lllii~ Ii' t ris itl tliel.\ C;lrt.1 e.-,nlcnlis. El llc xhj It 'l:iij ~. iiij it , oolupoailiouiJi ('.Irlc .l ulllllllllS I\ I:IIUl!ll y (Il' Illuqnh:m, mililiA. cit h'rri, ,Il- tihouch t't J)u\lknro\\" qUI: tcCO'.;nilC (uenml ~:l tl<- j' II., ill po1rtl'IU 1<)llIliuui. dll()l'nlttrlllu !il)rn nl m l),'UlIIt",ilitl11t C1l11t' ,lohalll\i~ l.lIl1p1.1'1i tic 1.0\\,,10111.' Xelht'r <1(' "rri. d,' ')'"lbL",J,; C,Utll,ht'lI.qUQ ~ui l (l (IIC"\lI t . el 1'!'!It:llIll "-, (l1H'nlluk III ~\l1'11I E~ dt' 'I: It.. ilL jlarlelll Mllllliouis rig-iult III'X lillrnnuu tre", ieecul svli.ICoI1I1I1 ct (I lin I \llIr lit 1101 rift! 11111 ('0 ,m Il(')8i. t ion;s (,llrtf' (-'OU61'111I1li"lIi8 II;\\ill l.irllll1l\.- Killllllll de vnia et lrnrorr;,L \Ie Kml>\;ltlinnL' l't si(-' n:~t'll\l :<\'J II. x;ij ~. iii,j It. oll(-'rnn.,," III blll'tn El ,1(> x 11.. ('<'IIIIII",iIIOlli' (':I\rlt: I'unhlmali""i,, I it....TI.,'t'i l lureheli\l! de terril ,J,- \\';n,lihilli.. EL d.: ''j''xiiJ n. vJ l I"iij iI.. pm CC1ml..-.tu"nt carte .J'iCHl,i .\ rhuthnot lit' dlllel'l ,I.: 'flirt t'l h,1.ronllt ,III .\ rhnthwlt I'l nlii" tl"ms !t:iI,i , 11("- i';1( UI."ril'li;il ,h('l; .he....,.1 lI"uillln.ilus uniu~ 1\'1111;111 d rei"\'ii "'rr.tnUIJ "ft'JicltlnIlU, Ft ,le:{'1 pm ('<'m l~itiom' (,'Irlo' WllIdml ':()ftl"ull
E~ ,\ ..






.. ,~


filii J ohnnis CordonlJ (Ie l.ol1chill\ir, de !k!lltem,l<.'Cim mercMis tC'rmrlllll eUIiI dimooi;l oOlilinii lie Crnchlell" Et dc x N., IlI'o Impo6itionc cm te coujnuctc infeoda ti(lUi, I'rIl1itii .\;;Ilt\'t ct Knlrine GOrdOUIi ejus sponse, de terrill .Ic CI't\Ilnctunor. Et de \'ij It., in \131"te1ll aollliionis llllntuol'decelll )iLrnrum Cllrle lJal'it! ll'Culloch de Killlluler de It!rris de Cailgill l luud"'ell Non onC'nn se de xiij H. 'j a. viij It., compositionis earte confimmliollis Thome Welllya llu l'iltiucreif, de terris de SotltiJrllirfdll. Item, idem oncm~ Ie de .i" H., pro compositione c.ule Willclmi, eOluitis ."ariacnlli, de terrill de Bruiston, que l'\.'lgllite (licrunl. Et de bu n., in partem solutionis eculllnl Jibmrum COllI l)(lllilionis curte Willelmi }Olctn},11 de l.l.ol'roc:llQn de lerris de Hnroollllll'-', que nocognile fllcl1mL; et sic 1"C!Itant xx N., oncrnllcill ut aUplll. Et. de I It., ill l}llrt(>lu solutionis centum libmrUili COlu' pOllitionill cm Lc Goofgei Fnlconare dc IInlkirt[ 01111], de tenia cl hnrolliu de 1.Clliill ; et sic rcstnut In., onemlilic lit 11111111. Et de vi~i II., pro compoailiollc carte confirmatiou;s Thome K('nn~ly de Bnl'gflny, de lerrill de , , . doll', Gnl'tllol'El, .\uchinc1'08CiJo. Et de txxx 11., pro composiliouc ClIrto J ohnlllli~ Troupe, de tcms de Jnksl.ou ll C~ Cnc.h!nuch [lIIurequc re)cognite uoruut,. Et non OnCI1l.L S8 110 I h., pro compOBiliolic c:trto AlexRndri <':o\\ \is tie Ouchtirooule lie di1llC<.lie[tate l<:nnl'um de] Uclilirnmc. Itelll, idem ouemt II<: lie xxx H., ill INlrt.cm IIOllitioni$ qlliuCjuaginla li hr:IrIUIi COll1lOfllliliollill CoII'le (.Iohnullia Shuo) de al\..('m dilll('{liNlll(1 lI'rmnllll 110 UclltITllI,Ic: cl ail.: IU'-'"U( x[x n., UlIl.:rIIullo] lit supm. El do fxhj It xiij Ii. ii ij tl., I!I'O eoml'0sitioue COIrle IMI('rti FtimplC' lie FOI1I\Hl(lc. clo t('rris [lie r ou\\\"(){\c] c'L I\rikinhcidt. Ilu C 1'(-'(!Oo~lIilC rU'Iliul. El ,I ... ix It I'J A. \'iij d., C<)nlpO~ili(lllill ('ar{c conlinllRliouia

Lonn 1fI(; 1I 'I ln:'Ast: HU:


Aile (;ullJIIghame de Cilpril(IOUIi M1 1.e1-] carla 'il'l f'lela ~.D. per )'lulheuUl, Cowill'ln de l.c\iuilx . dc unif dumilli enliLul de Terl.....lI.o ull Et. lie Ixxx 11., in parlclII II(I I Uliol1i~ C,'IILUIII Jibmrum compoeilivnill carle Alc:o;a!l~ri I .. rwin Ilc l)rulI1 de luri!! cl hBl"ouia (Ic DIIIIII: et sic l \~1.;.lIIl .\\ Ii. "llcLl.udc III -Upt1l. Et. de j"xl\'j It. xiij .iI. liij d. ill \,.1rL{;1ll titlluti!ll1is IhlctUlanllll lilomrum compositluui~ carle licnlk [.\tu 1111":-0) (.'AIllI,hele lie <':ol1\lI"ell tlc tcrris III! l:alliuglIl, ct s;c l"CtiL,IUL liiJ Ii. Ij ~ \'iij It, oneromlc ut ~UIIIT.. Et 11e:d It pro colllpotsiLiolie lluillum C(l.rlUIUIU .\Icxo.ndn CONOline de Auchinreouch de [terna do) Auohill' roouch at l 'o~ti ll coNlulty. :E t, nOll onerat 8C de \'j N. li ij it iiij II, cOlUfJORilionis ('ullo coujllllcte infoodnLiouis J'hillpi Neshct. [de C(K\~IlI] et F.lell(! Ruthirfur,Je, slle spousc, de Jecem ILI CI'Ci.till tCIIarlLUl ..Ie lJrigcamcachcli". Nee d~ h:\"j N. xiij . iiij 11., ooUlpositiouis crllle Alex aud:-i, <':omi tig de lI unllic. do lCHis de ,itm\..us quthult,j$j, (Iue l-ecugll ilt! fuerullt XC(; de I 1 colilp06itiuuis ('alte {;Onjulltctc inrtc'O(huionis 1., CCOCb"Ci liordoull d!l )lidlOllr, wilitis, t't .:I.larg:cto [$tollllrt], aue sVOnse, ,Ie tOITis de \bir3clJ} ct Estoulle. Heln, idem tmernL 8C de j'tU:Hj N. "iij i.. iiij 11.. In parteul soluliollill liucell ttll"uln lC):aginLn IIIlX lilorarum tres,jC<:CIIl IOlitlOfUlIi eL tlnuluor ,Jl.'lIl1riOIlIlU C<liOposiIlouis earte J ohallll is (:()rdoun de Louclliu\'lr de lerns de Tror8Crnch:lll(' ('t n.l1bntr, ,\ue rl't!t.>gllitl' fut'runt. et sic ~Ialll \xxx N., onerande ut lIul,ra El \Ic "I II.. ill partcm IOlu:ivn1i1 'luiWltHl:.:int" tnum h1olll'lIIl Ie" IOhdol'lm et '1IlIIlu... r ,lellilrl<>rum CoD\pOliitiol1ili cnrt(' Jolt,mnis l\iUNiII Ill' terns de Ki,)\~UI:'OIII et.it re~t..'nl xiij U. \"j ~ \'iIJ \1.. Olll'fllnde UL IUl'm. EL II~ b.\J 11 xiii i. iiij U. Ct 1Ll~~il1l'nl" l"rt~ lI\'unci lindi!lll1o 1111 :\ hll l/h.1 de terris \\e )'Iulph~


OF Tin

... D.


E1 de jCxxix 11. xiij il. iiij tt., ill !J;lrtelu Wlilliolli" C"lItUUl qlladragint..a librnrum cOIllJ)(J(;itionia cnl'te Iloborti Crnufurde de Gilbimy tIe tcrria \11' J'i!tir Gwuilolme: el lic restant x n. ,oj ~ ,-iij iI. , oUC!r.lllde lit ~upm. El dC! iij n. vj A \'iij d., compositionis carte continuationis JMOl,j Wing:!.it de lC!rria de ll<lyiafcilclC!. Et de ije!...'-j tt. xiij it iiij d., in pnrtC!lIl sl)\uliollis quinl:,..jlltllrnm libll'lrull1 COlIIlXll!itionia cnrt.e Dadd Bruce de ClakmamlnllC!, militia, dC! terlis ('t bAroniia de CIBkmBnlHlll') ct. Hate : Cl sic restant ifxx:dij tt. "j l "IIJ d., onC!mlltic III slIllm. Et de x n., oolllposiliollis eMh.' confirulIltionis Alexnndri Levingstoun de Dllu)'pais de tenia lie rJane. Et de iil n., in portem solutionis mille mel'Cl\rum compositionia cal'te feo<iifirlllt' DI",iu Kennedy, militia, filii et hem-lis AI'I"11'tlllis .' ohnnnis, uomini Kenlled~. de ten"i.a et ooronin ,It' Lesllalt el nliannn f..Crmrulll ill dicU!. tlII.rh QOllICIII''''tuu; et aie Iwlnut iijOI:"'j n. xiij R. iiij d., oncmmlc lIt Slllll1\. Et de xl n., pro eompt~itiol1e carte eOllfinlllltionis J ohnnnis lla.ihile tie Ui&<lrt lie hinn. pnlle terml11m de HaldU"),. EL de xl n., composiliollis carte (lOllftl'lllationig Pall'ieii, Comiti!! (lc l.loithuile, tic terris (Ie FArnynlollu UHAllum 1I00IIi 1I11'(,i tu l'O.I1IIltICI1l_ Et do " tt., C(lInl)Q8iLionis el\l'te npprcciutiollis Dadd Knollia. filii et I\ssiguati fluoudnlll ,JO)iJnn nis J\uolli3dc Pohnnllal. tie 1I1lt< t.cl1"fI Johnllni I.ow p(lrtillcnt.e ct sibi appreeinta. Et tlo xii) 11. I'j g. \"iij tt, oomp06itionis c.'me COllfil"llUlI ionis Willchni M'l'\ellnuc do lIomllY de terria de 1'oI1l1ndd),. Et de vlj 11. "j A. \'iij ct., III pnl'lCIll 80111Liolli8 111l1l111111 cart.afUIII GilhC'rti Gm} til' Lenis (\(- BIIUirgask, extendClltis ad fJlladlllgml<1 lIlf'I'('tIS. l't sie I'CSl..:lUt xix It. vj s. "iij ct.,ollC'mmll' III 81l1Jrn. EI nou "llemt II(> de liij It. vj S dij (I.. comlJCl!litionis

LOU!) 1111.11




call<' \\'.II..1llli !')utiJirilllld, ,I .. Qu('rr lcw"Jr el, krro"" IW. el. lJultoo.~ cmll quil'\18 "11t-1U1,jIU" dUIn ho(:upentl<'
Ittlll. iltrlll UIWIIII I(' ,I!, j~lx tI III 103lh'm .0)UlI0Ili, InCelllMum IiI.mruIII C(,ml>0I'ili"lU~ I"UI I~' I:ul'l'tli

,lollUlli ('reic!llflIUl(' Ilu S,1I1CJul.;.m .10.; t('lri~ cl I.nonia de I'.lnl.ni,lt- (I"(' I"CCOl,'llil(, fll('lIlht N .ie ITILIhI {xl H ntlllipm Jo.:t de blj n xilJ I. iiij c.1 in parl(,lu ..:,Iull"uil (X'IIDI' J!inla lillrarum cOlJlpositionis Ci\lle Wl1khlli K('r In &Iif lie I('X terria Imshallcliis in "illA lit' l:Oilhill ('I
~ic l't't\lt\nt xiij tt I'j j I iij 11 " ..'rlll, III ~U"rtl. Et tit ,. II., romP'".itioLLi~ 1'1111", ('<'Illinll"tioni~ Jnc"l,i l l'XnchL 11(1 !nil lit' Coklaki .. ":t lie x H., ef'nlpo.itiolli. cnrte continuationi.!! Alexllndn I ntlc!! do elKi('1ll 11,' I('rris de Brrkmonl . :t 11011 Illl('ttLt II(' de xxv H., compositioni' cnrt(' l'onfh'lIlationi! ./uh.lIlI1i<l 'h'rloe~ cl(' Unl'C Ilc' dil1leJII'lntl' te rmrnm lit' edo ('I :\Ilikilhith. itellJ, idem Ol1e"ll~ ~ eIP 'CiiJ n yj. I"iij II.. rO/Uluitioni. carlt' ",ollllrlllill illlii. J 01i,)1111 is l.imll'lll.I [nlilt~ I: It lhl'en] d. lerri.lI(' Ihumllmne. Et til' xx n., (,olllpn'UIOlIlJ cnrlt' Aiexlludli Innl:s filii {'to .1'1'1Il'('lIti~ IIl'I"('tlia ,\Iunn{lii [lnu("I III' ('(Wo\I'Ul]. 11(' I('rria d(' UunlK."lIh. Una, el Salllisillt'. Et nfln flnt'I"t1t hC dt' I:nj " xiiJ ~ iiij ,1. cllml"lKitinnia carll' WiIIl,hni, Comiti. tIl.' ;'I lonll[u" II.' 11I"I'i!l.) 1\(' Cnrrn('\nllUlI ('I1UI Ineulllll. Item. idem I1U(,l"lIt. I<C \11' xl ~ cOlllpOItitionil ('Mtt' confirmalioni.. \\"illel111i C'uuyughnrrlt' III [t 'ni!-OZInle I\"ll('rrill dr llobi'rt\tLllllt\l'.

El d,' " It.. eOllll'llfIilionia t'3rtc t"nlirln;ltinnil ,\nJJ\~ M d"lul,,, Ilc It-rril tit- n.1rbc,~' .. 1-:1- lion (ln~r.lt II(' <II' Inj n. xiij I, itj 11.. ('(l1111Moiti,.ui. (,Art ... .\lexllndn Fliit'll. hll'l-"'n&ls (III' I.Lnli!h'I""}, de bina porto! tEonllnll1l ,1( Arkloull

1"'1\1 . j.\I'm oll"ral Ie de {'(uiiJ H lj i "iiJ t1 , III l~lrtt'm li"hili"Lli~ ,1nl"\'ut;tlUlIL hhml1l1ll [~"1II1" ... iti .. ni.) c:\J1e


ACCOUXT:) OJ.' 'I'lli':


6etlde Thowe Kilpntrik de CI0800nlC l\O lerris .Ie Auchinloo ct. Xewtoun: et sic re&t."'lut lX\'J H. xiiJ II, iiij d"OUIil quillu! oncmndus \I ~ supm, Et de jelxx iij n, ,j I. dij J., in parlcm 8Oiluionis duee lltanun lil,I11ruIU coUipositioni. carte ) l [it'hnelis) loindCl.1Y do Fnirgirth tic ternS de Fllirgnrth, lIuncum llonintroitu earundem; I!L sic rCtI\.1lu ~ XX\'j n, xiij L iiij d., oueraude ut supra. Et de liij tt. \'j 1. \;ij d, in 1){I)'tem IOlutionis octuagintn I'ex lilJmtnm tresdocim soliclol1UlI et qua tuol' denario rum COUll)(llitionis Clute Hendo Kelltigc.ruo :tillrmy de Brocillouu de tel'tis de l~i r(nC8] ot JJ..'\ hei l' quo reoogni tc fucnmt; ct lIie rest4l1t uxiij tt "j I. viij ,t. , oneMllldo ul. s\lllm Et de ,.c:o;xiij H. \'j 11, l'iij tl" iu p.'1rtem IOlutionis mille Ulercanllll l.:olllpoaitiolli8 Ctlrto fiendl' Johnn n; liomiuo 1.1nxwell dc len'is llc GorocalOuu, IluO rocoguilO {"eruul ; et. sic resL!UI\. j'"xxxiij tt yj 9. \'iij II" onemndo
lit BUllm. Itcm, idcm uuenlt se ill' li lt, ill l)nrtclIl solut ionis duccntnnLlII libl1lr1lul 001l11;08itiolli8 etllte tic-lItie ,Iohauni, domino Maxllci1, tie ter ris de OI'CIlIIM; et aie 1'081..1UL Itt., ollcl'tlnde lit !Upnl. Et de X\'j n_ xiij II. iii,i u" COllll108itionis ollrt.c no\'{' infcodatiollis bnllil'l)nllil el COllllllllnilllti& burgi de Killtor.

Et lIe xxx 11., ill pnrtelll 5011IIioilis sexngillltl librutum carlo fiemle de tl'ITi~ de C"imkheid; et sie I'CstlWt XXlI: " , Oll('mllde III 1111prn,
Et clc ifbxxvj n. lI:j~, Ij 11" ill IlarlclII sol li tionis sexC(!1I11H11U1 librnrulil COUlIMitiOllis CIH li' ) Ingislri ,10hllnni~ :\ (ul'luy de u;niJi el 1~IlNIiIi lie ntllkb"toIlY, II"e rC('O',;nilc lUCrllllt, Cl ikl.11H ~OIl(:C8I;t ru~ runt



:\IUtm,\" .If': Iltnkll;\rou~\"j II, oll\'llIlIdl' III ~111'1n_ I-:t 'k XilJ M, I',ll>, IIU.I

.Jffhnllili :lhum) (I!- ("onSt!IISIl .Iohulluis <'l sic lI'IItllllt iilll:iij n. I'iij io..
ill ,.Uh'!U l!*,lllliullij


lil,I;\\1, ... l'1'IIIIO()t.ilit.'III' C.lrll'



,-OUI) II IGII TI:U:-.n:U:'


)'Cu.J,gu ,t.- l"n.,,,, part.: lcU1U1.I1II .1. l'dt'IUourh~' H ... II iii) I I.itill)l"l:kilud,. l"l ,k rl.'"!'lmlt vJII. wj l'ncrtmd(' ut IUI,I;I Et ll(' I:nj" :(iij k. iiiJ II iu I.n.rtl"u ... llIlil'lIi~ I"'ulll'" ' jlUl.lm:.;illtA 111'\ Jih\"oIrlltll u~'.l,.'ill' ... ,li,lon"!! ,t 'l.uII"ur 11I'lidliorl1l1' t,o.nl".~iti,.ui~ ,"tt, h.' II'!.' .Iolinllui, F rl'i1l dt' Edit ,\1' ll"'I1~ .1. Imd\\ 111I~ l"Iocognilo' fncnml el aic fl"tant lu~ h ., '1Il'rII1l'\{' lit aUlln l. Jo:t dc x:( n., in partcUl ~ohiliolllt.\.I:.:int.1 \iI'Tanllll COIIIJl'"sitiolli>l cnrU' l"ujulltt.' iut,~"I:lli"lIiH (j"fll,.;d, .lolUiui l-4,'tQUII . Io' (;o."llis t('lri~ ill ,lid 11,,,.1,. cont"lIlis "\,ue(:s;Ii.!I sibi N, ~Ih' .1 ..... 151' ill l,ollJllurta illt..:,.I;otll'1II': I:t ~j{' 1I'111""t Ix 11.. "lll'raml.> lit ~ullr~ .Et tic xill., lOIUIII"'ltloni.!l ('ar[,' t'""tirmall!"!I;" 1:01l1.'1t; IJIlISOIIU de [{'rrill at' I..ollchtillo. Et . Ie ilH~iiJ II., in pllrtcm solutioni. C"lIlll()IIitl\lIl;~ CIIrt.. !lentl{ nide.rmanno et bu\li"i, ct cnml'luni[:lli burgi ,Ie Are: I!l ~ic ~Ulot illxviJ Ii . :t de iitu:n-iij n ix \, ill IlarlclU AOlutinnili c01Urx-i tionis Coule ti{'nd~ .lnhrHlni tioh.ino Hay (I" ,Y'~\o'r dl' tertia PI "oroni" III' OIi\I.'IU.~~11 , et. e I"eIItanL EI d~ x COII'llOroilionil earll' eonlinnlUiNli'S lut.nni.!'i Hu\'/U\p ,If' Lpni! ;Ie. Ardonaeht)'. ":1 non on~rllt M lie :I: It.. Co"lIll'oeitionil cart. ('(mtinu. lioui. GI'Orgt'i :I I n rnl\" lt .\!-'llel i. l.i Iltll'~~' , U\' 1'(>01151'.


.r. .

de LlCrr;1 de
h l!lII, id"m Olier.11 !J{' ,\1.' :\,. h. (,()lU("IOIII[;"ni. ('IIU,' .10halillil &1101\\ lill K.ri~ lit: ll'ma \t.. Ilul\\ ~u . E" ()e 'j It. \iij~. ii.y 0.1.. COlUlO(Jllil1,,"i~ ,.ute \(,,,Iin,,.\ ('iollm .J,"a;uu,,~ .\mlt"t'loun, lo.. r .... LI.-;~ tic ..\1,;,.\0.'111' .)" terN .Ie 'Ickill ("t1.'i('h~ EI .I~ iln;\\" H. 'j .io.. "iij .t. III 1'1I11'ln ...Iuli' '" cOlolJO&iti,'nis tartc .\I'lIldn dt\lllini 111111'(' Ie onmi\>tU r.uiA 1t'1"';' et 10000.'lii ~ r.lul.!al"ILC nn.~. ~;or\llll n.... l.;mllnm ill CUIII)h'\L 1m", d lIui I"'ltria; cl III,; reat.lILt \ij'xiiiJ II :\iij' illj (I , oILClnllIl,' lit



Et de xiij tt \'j S. I'iij

a., in partCiIi sollilionis quadl'ingintaruffi mercannn cOlllposilionis cnrh.' fiende Anr!l"'e, rlmnino II m"f'_'! Ie Tf1rregli!!, dll t e rri!! PI. Lnronia de Mrl'toull, que rccO'.;uite fuer unt i ct sic restallt itliij tt. I'j S. l'iij onernnde lit. supm.


CO)lPOSITIOXf}; WAJlDARlllr, l:r.r,r.nOIll"lr, .:r )[.ARlrAG!ORU~1 ET XOXI)o,'TIlO ITL' Ull

accidentiulJI il1fra hoc eOlllpotum.

item, idem onorat se de j"xsxilj r:. "j ~. "iii tl, COIllposilionis wnn:!e, llOliintl'oitlls, et rele\"ii, termnlill quOntbll1 "'altCi; Dempsu.u ue Ouehtil"il:s "enuilO\'I.\lII Waltera Darcla), de Tow)'. Et de iiillt., cOlilpositionis muritngii n ohel'tl Le"jngstoun de JJl"lIlI"LrY \'euditi .Jacobo, Abluti de Dunfermlill, compowllli, el. dOmino Jncobo KillCl'3SY ct suis

Et nOll ollcrnt sc. de iiyxxxiij n. "j S. "iij a., compositionis w;mlc et mnl'itngii heredis quoud:uu Alexnlldri Hruee de Edil!hull, l1liliLis, I"enditnmm Jonet.e Steuart, relictI: t:ju&iem, eL .Edwardo Bru8C. Item, idem Ol.orat se de Ixnix t1. x\'j !l. iiij d., in pflrtem solutionis CJuadrillgt1ntaruln mercarU\ll [compositiollis] pro otlieiis camererie et. hnlliutns terml"llill de Hos et Ardmflulch et custodia castrorum [de LJingwull et l~edcm;tcl1] collcessi~ Episeopo C!l.thnnellsi; et sic rcstnnt j"l:t"s\"j 11. x\"ij S., CIllU quibus onernlldus est Ilt supra. Et (Ie IN., pN composition!) warde terml'lllll de Crag. hOIlS, \elu.liUl ,Tacobo Logane et. Sills [assignalis]. Et Jcj"l"j It. xiij .;. iiij (1., colll]JositionLs wfu,iu ct mnritagii Jlcredis rll1OIl\I(uli Johallll[s [I:eUTC, imrgellsis] tic j'erth, \'rnrlita,'ulll Thome Het tre et suis nssigunlis. 1-:t ue \'j tl. xiij s. iiij d . in pfll"tcln solutionis \'igi uti nlOlC';trlHII C01ll1lO8itionis w{mie eL mnritllgii [hererlis] fjuruilla ill .Johaunis :\Tnkcw in , \' ~l1 dital'lIm domi no Xi(:h"laio Bar'luhnll, cal'dlallo. l't sic lCSt.."I1lt \'j N. xiij S. iiij d. oncramle lit slljlm.




Et lie U \ j rt xiij L iiiJ tl., III pilrl;;-III .... Inliollis (1IIiI- .... I~l". dnlHin lll llororuUl COU' I'OSilionis lII*illlr\lilll ~ lCllanlm

do KiUlul)", ,'clillill Iholllc, dOl1liuu Frct;(r dL' t l)";!!". I'L l ie I'\SUllll xiij h '.,j Ji" \'iij 11. , iUIU.'I'UIIU{' u~
~\l J!ro].

Et 11011 olicroL Ie uu xx"J It. xiiJ ,. iiiJ II. C'\lIll101!ltionill wmtle Cl. 1113ril;Igii Ioclwis (1lionUaIll (.I1IIul!i fii!OI-ulIlI] du Guldonestanis, relluit<1I"Ullll'lItlicio HCrlot, ouq;tnsi Ilc }-:JiIlLII~It. IteUl, itltm "Ierut 8(' dll I, tf COII'loOtiitionib wlU"ll.: h'rmnlm U..: BollillOill Cl UrumClIfIl(', 1II111;\ni(,"s n'll'il ex iSlcllli \I III l!Cr mor!cm (I uomiaUl ,\ lex IlmiTi II ,l1IULli 1tUlln d... IlIlIc' rvic, ,cIIJile ,J,\cobo 1\1..'11111:, 1 .1' Et Jc iiil ll., C('IUlpositiunir. \lnrue e~ IIhlril~j.(iihur (,.'(Ii~ qllOlld.l1l1 Georgl'i Leitht lie BmBis. 1'00UOlil,lflUli :llngislro Gilberto l.eithL E\ nOli Oll('mt Ie ,Ie xl n. compollili oll is wnru e d I,mrllagii l1eredis qllomlnm Uavi<l WnUullch (I\.t] IN)', ,enditarmu ,Iohnlllli llultrn de ;\Ia.rkinch . Item , iJtlll OIlCnI~ Ie tic j'xxxiij It 'j t. 'iij d., ill partehl 101 u t ionia qUlIIlri 1I!;.lItRntlU ml'l"CarUIII [coIII!,o!>i Ii. 'ui!!] mnritogii .Iace!"i lJuullGJ" de W~trtil,I~, l'id~1I1 JncuLo ODm:essi; et sic ro:;tan~ txxx1ij 11, "j t. ,ii) ,t.. cum l\uiLul onernlldul ut slIpm. Et de it It, COIllIXOo<it;o!l1!'i UOtllll \l'\.lilUS ti'rrnrum (Ie I h plig d 1'UIII:.:>luIIII, (uuccssi Willclmo I:;l.il;;, <ill


[Ll llltll}'lIgtOUIl ]

XOII ollcnlL Ie tic iiij M c(llll\o(l8ilioni8 1I!lllll' tllllIU! !l'n,' " Il\IslJnndil! JIIC(,1I118 ill "ilia ,I... t:I\ul"lnw in IIILIIli1,U~ f"t'j:lit eXi8l(1UliSI)('r mortem tluollthllil :\IUMlii TI"t:lro', UUHl:um IIIMit.ilgio \!('n.o(lilt f'JtlJtlll"1I1. CIl!ll",it'18 (titol;:io] l.ulI,ier ,It: lInltuUlil", militi. It.-III . i,lctn Olit:rnL Ill: de IXl"j rt xiij ~. iiiJ II , III pI,rlelll

.;(Iluti()JU8 (hICtll!IU urn merrorullI colupositioOiS \I artie cL nOli in troiHl .. lin-arum II, L-cluitll"lIIlf' 1I11:lCUIII D1nrilltHio hlrrdi~ (':lIuo,II'III, l'o:ml;I(>I"IIIO "llIgUlIT(! Will"hull O~il\"\ (-\ ~i<' r.""tllU\ hI) 11. xliJ" illj II "n.row1,' 111 ""I"n

,.~ \506-;.


Et de jC It., ill pal't('m 801lltioni.! d "cen ta rum men:IlL"U1I1 coml}l)6itionis wanle et 1i1Rritngii heredum mlUlCuiOl'um quonllam Patriei! Lamby de Duncan)", \'enditarum ,raeobo, Domino Ogih'r: e!. sic restll nt xxxiij It. \'j a. "iij tl., unel'8ude ilL 8upm. EL de xx It composition is Lalltnrdic quondo", J ohrum is HennCl1lOUU \'I'ndilt' lL'1gislro Jacoho U ('lI nerson", E1 de .: n' It , compollilionis baslll.Nhie q uomi.lm .l ohan ni8 Fi<IChllre, wmdit.e (il'Orgro Fischnro et lJII\'id Fischnrc. EL lie x It., composilionis Lrlluitagii Thome Ged,les de Akfeihle, "cmlil i ,Joha nn i Hny lIe ii"aid. EI de xiij It. \'j a. "iij ,I., oolUJl06itiouis relerii terro l'u m terti" IN'l rtis de Bonyt onn pcrtincntinm quondam WiIlclmo Huliok, Ullncum m31itagio heredis seu hCl-edU1n JnMCulonnu dieti qUfln,lam Wille!.ui. "cndili Th"'llC Hcnncl'$on nc (>( !luis nssignatis, Et .Ie xxiiij II., in pal1em solutioui~ Cjllodraginta octo Iibrnrum oompOI<itiunia wnrde lii midi('lIltis tcnnrnm Elltcm~\. Craghr:l\', cL ,Iunrulil oovntnrum terranlm in "illt'< fie IlUIllIIIlIl). 'cn,liw WilIcllllo nundas deeot!cm. milili; elsie 1'l'8Lont xxiiij ft, oncrn ntle lit. suprn. Et cleo lux ft, in parlcm $Olutionis ct'ulnm sexngintll liI,mnun cOlllpnooilionis propl'il'tlltis tcrmruru lie Dun !Unll)" ct Bcrnhowgillc et nlterins dituedict.lltis diclal11m lelT3rUltl ,Ie Estcm~. "cndilnl1l1ll Mogistro .rneoho :\lowl,my i CL sic rcstullt \:(u It., onenUlllc ut snpra. El non uilcmL IIC lic xiij n, vj I. "iij It, oolllpo!litionis l1<>nintroitliS et reJe\'ij t(>rmnnn \Ie AuchtiouchL ('t 'f.. ri\'ul(' jt'<cclltilltll in oon: Uia ,Ic Sk(>lle, cOllcessomm l Alcxll.ll,.hn :-;k(>nc dl" (.'oden!. ltelll, illcm nUC'I"L ~ (II;' j'1iij n, Ij il. \'iij tI., in )lo'1llem ""lll lioni!! tlIlCCnt:lr1lll1 hl'mnlill ('mlll~ilionis wn l, lc "Cltilrllm 1,'n""'111 h;:ul"Illi. ,Ie Ilil'lt,lUli C<lIICCSSC Cl'ibtinue, J)olllill' II ... ])il"ltolln, {'to l l n~islro WilJclmo \\'II\\,OIlC, o1Jici:lli i.nn,lllnie. et "ic n.,.Uml Ixxn'j rt. xiij " iiij It. UIII")1lutle ilL SlIIlnL I':L d... IXI'j II. xiij It iiij ,I , ill po1rteul soillliouis qniub'C.'.D' L"rtlltl mcrennllll COmll<I!litiollill wurdc ct lll:Jrit:lgii lleredi~ quon,inm ,JncOLI Lokn rt {Ie Lee, hlililis, "('Ilt!i-




L'I1l11il Jncoho Simontoun, fI(; 1)1'0 dilil(!u!"uir,lIc f .... r~I>ISOOJ.1. t.'mull iJoCn;otHll"Um pro eonlll1 el'1"(ll"(' in 11~r\'il1"nc I'rel'i! it1llUillilinllill dicli hcredie; u~ ~k 1"C81.111t ij]xlj H. xiij iI. iiij It, oLLOll11nl,' III 811Pl"n. Et de Ixvj It. xiij S. iiij d. in 1~IItClu ijuiUllouis 1!\1Celltnl"lUIl Iilmnum compositionia wllI'do Lcrrnl"U1O (te

"o;>u<Ute MngitMo \\,illelml'


j"xxxiij N .

~lc11llrl. !"<'Ctrol; de ct Alcxau<iro .\h,lnnnr. et sic rcsl:lIlL vj A. "iij d., ouenllilie lit 8U~1"Il..






III;,. .. "

E..,\ISTKl\"TIU"I per teml)u8

(:OIllI)o1li. N. xiij

Item, illmll


sc de


iiij d. , iu cmll'

I'lcll1l11 liullltioncm l\S8ignl\~iollis tCl"rnnnn de Glen

n~';il8 Lelllpm'll quo fucrnllt in \\"anla. F.t do xx 11., dc firmis riimediet(ltis tell"tLrllill tIe HUlll1flCh, ill mfluibus l-cgiS cxi~tentil1111 IX'I' IllortclII fjllOl1dfllll Airxnmlri Booortsoull lIe SlrOll"IInC, nS!JC(lnte Alex llmlro, cOllliti (Ic lIulllly, fll"O I'igiuti lilt..l, in nUllO do tcnnilli~ l'cnlhecG6tcs ct :O:llncti :\Iorlilli Ilimi (plill' ~utCllil1li SC);ti. EI ,Ic xliiij 11., dc finuiB tCITllrUIil de Glen&k~.. blll'le e~ 1I11~klJ;\ul'h Ilc !enninis !"llllcti :\I01"lllii ct I'cnlhCCOlitCIi infra 1100 compotum, oSSCl'lnhu'\Hll :\l ul,tillll"O Will(!illll) 1.e,iUl\): tlo Cnlr. Et de lixxiij 11. "j II. \'iij (I., do fil'mia tcrrol'ulll de Lochnrsehitc et. 1Ilil1rl1l1l lerrllrtnll, in 111 111libn~ l't~i8 c~islcnlil1111 mLinuc 111I1\lc. epCI.'IIllI[iulll domino ,Ie Dn11n1"Y ntlBCtlolm'u11l \\'iIlclmo :\lcnICh[ , milili, oil! Icrmiuill hllju8 compoli, at reatc t"I'll1inl !',nth('Cnstcs iUllllC"l'li.tlC IlfCCCticntis hoc. eoll1l"1('llIlll E! lIe h'iij It. xiij :l iiij d., de linnis !.errnnull tIc !'!'lconIC jneclltil1m in dicta domini" tin L(ln[t'hOl']sehil'c, nsse<intnrllm i\ndl'(,C I\rnnYll1noll th dtl (;r;.ghnll. 1Oili!i. E~ do h 11. \' ~. iiij ,1. . de firmi! t.crrAl"1l1ll huronic 01"


~_D. 1~,(Id..i .

DUllllllmy ('t nCl1Jbowgaic, ill [uumihus] I'egi~ existcllLimu ratione wnt~le dc lrTlIlino S..mcn :'I llll'tilii iuft,l hoc oollll'0lllln tall tu m qnin dict:mlm t CI'I'!ll'lllll vcmlcbaLllr flll t C prolCilUllln termilllun lCt\uculrlll, nt IlIlIct in Inwrc. . . E~ lIe xx.\iiij 11. xi ij ~ j \1., de firmis lcrml'um hllronio \10 [lI\'e l'kclhill, ill 1Illlui(lmg l~iil] existClltiulil mLioliC 1\~I\(lc p e l' 11l(,rtClll (IUomIIlUl I)al'ill :Howbm de Dcl'uUowgalc [militis de] tenuillo Snneli ) Inl'uui illfm hoc compotlllll. EL tic ,.iij n. xiij So iiij d., l'este linllllnllll tcrraruill de f'trowa ue lel11\ini l 'clllhc[cost(>z nUlli] <}Ilillg('ulesimi sexti. 1. Et llc ix 1 \'j A. dij (t , in pnrtc.m solution is fin unrlllu l'lInini Snllcti ) lllrtiui (illrru hoe] compolmn Itc L t\ietis terris de ~ trownnc. Et de Y>;I It., in pnrW m soll1tioll is trieclltnmm lihmrum (1 0 finllis IA'nnmm de ill warda exiswlltilllll de lennillis elnpsis flute dntruu "resenlis compoli: et sic tftIt."lIIt rlix It., IJIlC'I']nllde nL snllm. mIle Ix>;:.:ix It. iij g. x .t., tie finnis tcrm rum de GleuLony, l'.tlrl'ell., eL .lill1ediclrotis tcl'l{nrllOl J c] I\cmulIY de ttnn iuis compo!i, ulLI'O 1\t-cimuUl Ilcunrium 90111t.ulll Episcupo Hroohi nellsi. El fit! lniiij If. " 11., PCI' vt!nditiollClIl duodecoUl cehlmnml 5('>; !;.,lIaruUl "ictun1illUl de [wnis l,rc)dietis fie r.!ell1](']"\) IllX!ter l'I" ';IIl1iIl8 snperin ~ lHK:mtas \Ie c1'o\')lo anni l[ui nb't'u!esimi Iluiuti (bollu] slnnte 11(1 BI.'}ltclll 9Olid08 c~ sex d('.l);IriOl:l, ulull liecilllulIl IICII(lri u1\l 90Iulmu Episc-Ol;(' 111"f'chill('I ISi. Et (Ie llsl'i ij n. xiij it jiij d., ile lil'Hlis t('Jr.lrllm ("lIstnt.ularic ,10 lJull lic, in \\"Hn111 .!xisl('ntium de !.el11llllis ooml~,ti in 1.'U!.cm BOIII(iollis CC Qlllln seplnn:.:illta trium lilm1l1un sex lI<,lidol1t lll ct. OCW dcnU riOI1I1Il; et I'ie l'CSuwL iiij Ii. xiij II. iiij tt , onel".1l1de
III gU I'I'lI .

rt .h "iij It I'j it "iij .\., III' finnis Icr1111111)) lie

('n ntarl(jlJ< \,




.10 Il!l1ui nil

1.0110 111011 TREMsl.'"J:EB

I'('utl,.",,,,,t,l l"l
~,uttj ~ l fll1illi


fluni fluill'-'1nll..iwi .... " I:M-I.

E ~ , I~' xiii

KemwI}" lie

II x i.. ,1(' lirlUil IIlbrilll di'n."IiL-t"ti ,I" h'rUlllli~ (:utlll~lti, IIltl1l ,1'-"."iIUUIII,I,UIIllUhl

EI,ill{'O",I'u AI~nlt)II\'lllji tlU IUIIlUI. 1-:t. de ix II. de linuill{"'nIlLUII ,Ie (\.-i"",11 et. B~Ullill;l, ill Wfl.1L, u:i.titl'utilUll 11\;,' ,uorh'llI '11I"w!;m, HIII.'lli 1 ..c\iu).~II.'IIII. hlilitia. eL ('ri"tiMI. I'Wit""1I Bill' ~1~'Dae. l('fllliuil t!"UlI~'tl. E1. III! xiij II. \"j ;.. dij.1 ,I. linuI8 h"rmfuill 11(' Echlill lA'1II111111\' 't"<IIuIn11l 1),I\i.llh.\llm'.\" .1" l:CllIl.'\\""II~. !IIilili", ilcm, idl"" (>11\'1111. 1fI' llc iiii n. 11'{"'l'tia ul, Clrrh"li,u,;uilu S;\Ucli.lIlllll.'C de contil1l1utivnil,ul 1I1:1~U"nllll I. I.t '"t.'UtOIl.1II pel letlll"uIC(lIIII'0t . Et ,I" iij'\iij n. l"ij.s. lij It, 1'f'C\'pl~ II ;\Iu~i~u'O ]'.Ilricio, :\ l i,I,tilt"uu, Ill'll llilnri'J !';lIIcli,\lldrl!C, 110 \ icll1olliO!11 ,1i('li 1II'chicl,ilk.'OINIIIlB per ICIIII,uI tOllll'oli. Et ,Ie 'I\'UIJ II, x,i .. it It. I ....e(ljlli. nb (!(Jllelll ~!tI!Ci~t ... ) 1\11, iti! 11' 1""(oC'11nlti('11ihlll C~ .il1f1lbhl"1Ji et



CI.))hnllal'lllll il,ul lIIillo.\lIIl1 t(!f!LtlllH:lltonH.~




1-:1 11(1


tt. n 1):lIid l.cnl1ol1lh. calul'nH'io t".llldiuuJrec,







I,lll" lit, il! \l;lIklU IIniluiOlliM {'I'1H1l1U li\,mrnm COlli'

pllllili(!lIi~ tnI'll'


illf('l~ll1l;l)niM 11c!1llilll lie

KilillUlluhnh'l't 1111' IIJ.oOIIIIIC 1111 1('11'1 ... 1., 1\iI11111'1111'l1ir N "ie 1t'lllll1L I II .. 1'"eI1UI,!t ilL Mill'1\! 11l1l1. i.lf'lII ullelalllE'.le flxX\\\iij II ix~. iiij ,1,1\11"1'\111 .\ ,1<>lIIill" (:11'1',.:1~1 ~.'wtnllil. rI'I......]lI"n .ul ..1tlilt , .... \ t.cml'u~ ('vllll)()ll. Iknl, i.tem I'"lnlt. lie 11f' xix ri. \'iij ot I"j ,1. h'H'\'l1~ 1\ ('ri"n' tit Plu!II'l\nly Et II. x If. h'l'I'pllh a ;\IIl;.:iNtHl ,I(lli.llltlt' !tN.lr, .\rt'lu .1 ;;I('f,lIt) 1.1111' IUII.I i,' Et II~' l"ith"\\'J II \ ... i" It., 1l'C{'I'I;~ nh ,\\"\iHl,lro Frl'''''r ,'\ 1"j:;;lli('I1I' (1llIuilli H(I!<l<I.lIlIi~ IIltimi ,\.'(1110011'1 IPIll' 1,"mlil.111'l'ju",km.



Et de \' n ., r<'Cl'ptis a Hol.Ierto BetoulI , Ahbo.te lie


Il..m, i,I~1I1 onenll lie de fhij n., ({>()(Ii :\lagni Sigilli , IJer te mpus OO1l111(11i , in pArlcHI solutionis ducen t.1lum '>igl11li dunnml li\lr/u1I1'\; e~ sic retll.ant per

ol,lig:l lion(,1II llngistri Alholhl Ix 11.. onemnde lit


Et de xXI;ij f1 ., rt'tClltil IL Ynltero Chcpmnn de toodo Bignl'li 11('1' 11'11IpUI oompol; Et de:u It, l"I.'CC ptil n domino d(l l..ovate, in pl\r\.(!1\1 SfJI\llioni~ l;.u:tc de Dellmnrk. Et de \'j 11. :l"iij ~ iiij it.. reccptis 1\ I'ntlicio Gnl)",. :'I lngilll'O I'jIlBt\CIIl. in ilillcl"C de l1cIIIIl
El do U)(IlJ n, l'('C('pti!l It .11100ho Oli"hAlIl, 1'1'0 l1ndccelll pet'SOllia a1l1cl'l"ilt l iB in 1I(ICIO) itillcm c~ l'Cten till de dieto e:<tI'Acll1 nntc'l"rml exlmClnll lniL

Illodifienlwt Et de "J It.. I1!C Plltil 1\ prrp06iLO IJUrgi de j'c rlh , ]11'0 t ri hll ~ l'I(' I'lIOn i~ I i III i I(i V'I I'Hell! is) de dicto cx t mI'l 11. hom. idem Oltcml It' d( xl A l'('I'l'lill 1\ "icec,1mi te de . Perl h, I'l'r lil'Iilo('mriOIlCll1 1I"llIil1i Telin IH'O nlllrrcio111\'11\0 .Iohmllli~ . u.ollliui MflX" cll , JlI~1 h'n;~ ~\ti6 tic ~tl"llilhfll~liI1 ihiriCII) Anno ,.... fI(Ill~imo. Et df< I:<\"j 11. :o.: iij II. jii,; 11, in jl,'u"lrm ~oll1tion iB c1urclltnrum lilll't\l'1ll11 Ill'O [A llIl'1-eiIlIlIClltO) ftuil1gell' tU111111 111111"('111'11111 I'etri J 1(lIlBtfll111C ell' eodcm, militifl, 1iJ,l(,'rciuli in ilill{,I'(' (Ie \'AlillhUll!h, tClllo nllno \.... !I('xto <'t illllcll tJlL Ctlill 1';Cl'COllIiu' do l:ellfl'Ow, lit jlllt('L (ill Il lilli i n ~ltIlUill: 01 sic l'l't'lll llt j"ux iij 11 \j l "iij d., (lllcmwll' l!I ~1I 1' ..n. EI ,I" xXlj II. xiij A. iiij ,I.. n"('('11lili A :-1'111'19('111]0 Y"llis Anflmlic 11('1' (1I'IillCmli(liwlll .\"ll11l1l1i8 ('rlmlh('ri~ II,' Ilhhlll'lHlili ill ])(Illem fI;()jn tionill l"'\ellll'lionl11 ter11lrtllll ,lieti '''Ihnnilis I'(".:;i AI,prcclf1 tfl ruhl . 1-:1 III' X\'J )1, xl"j d., l'('<.'Cplill a domiuo 11(' F(lrl)l':tl, ""I1>lult"n' I Hilleil~~li ,iC('('<lIl.itn llllll ,Ie ,\ ll'lI\l('ucl 1':1 ,II' l:oj It, \iij .II. iiiJ ,I . 1\,{,,"\,tilll n ~:Jw.ill l ln('kullOtlch f"t /11IiIIl"lIl i ~ Floti,entinn) ,\uchmo\\t)" \R1llpt.1I1l

W IW 1I jl; 1I l'J: l.\SI;HLI:.

1 'l,,; nU.:IlIouiJ }(;1 l'L"gil

l' .. wlum . D, I:.QI;.~,




Niumull Ul, Ilc lll, idt'lIl UUl,:rIIL IlC til! j"'I"iJ'''j II, X\ a. \-iij ,I" 1'1'1" vcuienlill11' ex IUCI\! lI'in'uln llllll \'L"lIlli '1IIIIIIIu,' liumTL Iil!:( Illlcitu uUl u ll iu~ ~H ... ii t't. lIiIU\;.\ji Ie llu troi3 \I ell. UI{!;Cll ll] CWJlli, um' ILIILL, 1.111('1111111 cl ex l.le'lIIis ulodul:tis, oollclati 11<'\' ll.:1II1'1\~ CUhll~lli.
EL UC i iij' l xx1lJ


x II.


prUI'l,:llidltll'UIl \;X 11l~''''


oouuilnl illucm tlllill'IIlC

lIIillilllli '1'Iill'III,,:,;illl.1 ""pltlll CL1l11 .li lDl" Ij;,1 \<OI'OIUIIUIII ViI., acu!.-'nlill II ,tlll-it, tulle-

tfllo r um ,uuililcr plV tClllpllll,:<nll\'tlti. 11('111, ill. m uuernt. &tl Ilc iiiJ Jj, illJ i, ,\ 1',Llliliu ~III..:1l1r silli lII ul Ultti. 1:1 l.el' CIUlUCIIL IUluh~ (>l uliuwlil iu expell ill illfl'l1SL.;l'i plis. ::iulLl mn w l"lis onernliunis III'Cter nrl'l:l1I!;Ul, niij-xhiij tl xi ij II, j \1.


::iunlL nn

Cll m IIITcmglv., x li ij-iiij' btxxI'ilJ II x Ii I'iij J. ob.

T t.\EJ'.

lul,lli~ oncri~


thu x't day

or AUC;\I~t, rllr \.jJ

('h 1'.1L1,

Lo ,me

g'LwLc l l hi

Ihe King il k du<' iiJ

UJ II, I bm, (ur xij elll<' t.lltcli lO Irlll,: 11K' U\U, ilL. duL,! ).:iliJ ... ; SULUllla \iiJ h \ iij ~ 1tl,:00, r,>1 Ij quurlaria wdlus to 1'1',\'11 Ihe .'IU~". tht! cluo \lij , .lIIlIma iij Ii iij "1t'1II. {vr uuc '1lI,lItur UtlCl.: Itl~IIII'" lu II. .\1' II. 1t<'III, ("I \IJ '1IL:lII,t1i.. ;~llllv C'II"-'.\ 'lululL. Ill" l'll:iki,.11J the l, jul:: Ijl1hcu hu lI<ulit IH~t to ' l "ij, \'IJ ti. vi,!.1

~. ". lOlA.

OF Til E

ItClU, (01 aue hIlt. t.I.> the King, bocht at

TullllS, xiiij B.

Itelll, the :\:':j 11.11) I'f .\ugust, for tun eillo 1Iollllno dnth to II\! courchCl to the Kiug; ilk eluo \J ~; SUltlma
xij It hem, fOI nue h OIl; to the Kill:':, iij n. [Will, lho xxij ,IllY to! .\Ug:Ulil. (01' xij due KenuLoI ... to

00 uue CUle to the King : ill, cine iij .t: "l1l1lma xx:nj i. ltelU, for allO (cI~ hilt. to tho I':ing, . iij ~ \'j It. I~IU , tho xxiiij .lay 0' Angullt. (01' Illto hnt. ttl lUl~ to the :\l(ollth 'or Iho K in~, xij it IteUl, fol' allc clnc tnlT~ti to bu line 1111110 to the King, xiiij ,ol" Item, (01' IIIIC h<ll" to the King, ' 1\ \j fi. \'iij.t Item, th~ x:w IIny of AuguRl, payi t to Jlooort. H,.'l'tulHl
(01 tull )1II!l~'CI of gold to tile J\.in~, 1III\11111C mOlt;I1'it. '

lIet. with ~tancs, 'Iuhilk COtot. uX\"i ij flm.kis xj 00118 !lllli h (1. , ilk fMllk x ~., '> IIIIIU(;I xix ti. \ ~. x 11. lib. Itom 'lijl)it tv the llUi!l Bohert. for .l.\j jlet'<''> tun;"ti of 1I;lIIhi he\\ iI!, ilk 1X,.,\:o \i,i hl,"ki~, nllt! fur ilk fnmk x io.; &1111111111 h'j Jj ILe m, to tile Mi.1 1:(0114:11. fOI' -' 1'111111 \j III1CO iijllllUli.1li" \lUC(' of lOwing liilk o( FnUl('('. ilk puud \' f,1mki. \ 110\111, ami ' 01' ilk ("1111.: x it; 8l1lUllI.i xxvij 11. iij R. \j ~1. Itl'ro, tho niij dll~' uf & 1,tl'lII1)I.:', fv' ij chHl I:islis bllll.: IN I. . , III. to the King: ilk elm:! -,-,\j t.. \iij It.; ,,\lUll nil liij ~ iiij d, Item, the kOC:III1,1 lin)' of OclolJt'I', for iiij 0111(' j 'J\lnrlor Hisli" Ma1.. lu 100 ,111': d uke 10 tho Killg; ilk l'lu,:x:n-j ~ \ iij ,\ , ;,\lmmll \ Ii. -'iij ~. ii.j d, 1t00III, for nil" t<'pnt. tll/fcti It, the &alllyn, . \iij !l It{'HI , '01' x\j~i dlle \rolJn~ l" he an~ colo 1.0 thl' I\iu~ ;
ilk cine xl .,: MUIIII));,

)o::x iij "

fIJI iJ l'I'l~1 quhil huge to it \" It, Ill'lII, fur lIij chw IJI1li,1 ril~III1.'K t.o it; ilk cine' ,I. 11111111,1 iij k. iiij 11.

1.0110 IIIUII



IIAtll, ror IIOIU 1111 UlIl,\' ~u"lli rt!1.lIIia til it. ij \'j " .. lI_ 1!oOt Ile ln , r", \. dllo H"I!!lL"l d .. ith \" I~ .lIIe "'11 k It} tilt! Kill;.!: ilk rillt l'iJ Ii, , 1111111111.\ XX\\' iI. HCln , rOI Olh' r~'U\! ..... /I rk . Itfl. ttl th(> Kjll~, :I._\iiij l.

Hc"" ror onl.' I~lll('l III till' I';: ill::, 1iiJ '" liiJ (I \lC'1II, Ihe fenl doll of Octol;('r. (,'1' xix lillO.' jij '111.111.11111 nf tit. UI\~'C or 1';11-1& sih'cr, to III"'''' I>ul Ih{' Killi;U
\1'(fl1,..hilll! l ....ingillt\l,1 allC' (<tll-C lI1:,\i.l


(\110 \'!'I,kill

hi',, 0,,,1 ,111C' "H,kiu erll'*.'<.; I,r tl ... Ill')lI.llIl :tniij UlIl~ j QIl.1rL1f ilk lHort"

I.. ,

l,,~>hl ~iij

II nj luI."

Ilem, (lOr IIIIlldng "f 11 11' -:III1}'1I

il'" 1111('" ij _,

\' II iij l I'j It. I h'lIl, th. 'j Ilay of OcLOiJer, for \: !.'lilt (yIII.! ... ,till lO I~'
!l1I0 OlJle 10 tho l';:ill1,;; ilk

\:niij II,

xi iij 1 1.

I!(IIII, ror \'J 11I1! si lk lleli'-eril Itl tho unce iij'-, .~l1n lln,\ It..,III, ror lI:V linn!;.i, b'Oltl. deliH'I1t ttl the

IU'(j\l((hlllr i


niij il
111\111,1 II 111.111,

iij It diU' 111>11:1",1 d;\lth to I.e t.:lrl;ia to Ihe King, ilk l'hll' ix I.; ~IIIIIIIU' hIt IH!), fvr 11111 b.llle!ill to the J';:illg in, \11."1'(' 'iij~_ lumlllO X'iiiij i;, HelU, the 10:\' lin) of Octob"l, fhl ix dill' .. "lill to 1_, nno ('file tillite I\ill~; ill; I,!tll' "Hiij ~\llIlIl1n 'i ii II. ).ij i'.. h elll, for OLIO dill' PoIltiu, to lA, iI1lC pail \.If ~Idlia tu tll\' Kill!;, ,niij AItcm, fllr ij }~ nlll'<' 1,\\,l;ill ~iher to ;ut'ml !IIII' l'I"l;ill dl.1mlelnl' of the Kiu:;ia i ilk IIU{'C \jij~, 'IIIUII,1 'i \\ij l 'J lt. ltt'lII, lor \'}i dne &-Oui, 1,1;t'" to I~II(, ;\11(' ~~,t(' tu lit{' King, lll1hill; Wt'll 1,,",~I;ttit ill; 1'hl<' \iiij Jl; 1111111111(\ iiJ 11. x\ ij ,:; Item, f(lr IItol hm~ 1('\'I;lIil IIf fJIH' Intld i, \\ij ,1,

Item, Ihe x d<l)' o( Ocwl,o(,r, for


Ill-III, Ih(' ni\: 1111)'


0<'101",r. fUI


.,lllt' I",t"th tu II\!

Allocolo to til\! \';: ing; ilk

l'\lIl' "'\' Il.;

aum nM


"U':<,:OUXTi) OF THE
... 0.1-.

ItC lU ij clue SCtlrll't to be hoe to the Kiug- ; ilk clu<; IU, I'

\ a.,




item, (ur x I'hll' salin cm mm~y to lit! aue cote to the King; ilk c1uo iij lL X\' J.; IoIlUUJlU xxX\"iJ tt. x Q.. itl'lll, (01' ij elnc j qum1nr InfTetl (If Florence, to thc .Iem. o( it ; tho elue X\"j it.; IlIumln. , xXJC\'j A. It..,m, fol' j elue iUllf qusrltlr welln! 10 H!yn it; the elne xliii) l; summa xlix i. \'j..t itcm, t he llU1~ tlay of OetolJcr, for iij duc SIItiu to lie :tlle douLlu~ to thu King; ilk dllo :U:\'j l I'i ij ,j.; ~IUllJm\



Itelll, for Illle IlIlil of 'JllelltlS 1111.1 Lilli !JIllr glnlhll of Ilirllt to tllo l\ iul-: Il'lhell IliJ lilill to J(lt!WOI'th, hj L I!.eUl. tho ICCllud dn)' (If ),'O\'CuILer, for ij clue J:islis Oink to be riding hll8 W the King; ilk elne :'l,t\'j i. \'iij a. ; .umlna . liij il. iiij d. Itom, for j}1 'IIIO-rlni' satiu to \..oc .111\,\ collar to the Ki ng, xL Item, fl'l' 'ij 'luUllnl'i>t llultit to b.: ho.rullSS hoe to the I\illg, \. i. iij (1. [lew, lur r <jlUll'lJl\'i>t lulllolti to lhe l':illgi8 u-e\jij; the c in e _t\'j I.; 611111111n J.X i. helll, for \'j~ e[uiJ tl'!li l30 to it ; ilk clue iiij II.; 8umma l:X\"j i1 1telll, Lhe x !lny of XO\'CUI1JcI', forl"j cine I:o\\"on gmy to I.e anc colo! LO the I{iug ; ilk clnc..xiij 11.; 81111l1Ll(l iijll. :'ll iijA. Itelll, for \'iij eille Ii ollumi cmth 10 I"e tlllI IltlllJ ug iIfllki8; ilk ('I IIi.! ,iij II.; MlllIIlllll " h'iij i.. [tCIlI. fnr ij ellll' rilJ/llll.'"lI to lhe J\illgis hOI"8 cholkoond, ij II, iiij It Item (Ihe ~o(iiij I[Uy uf ~0\"cIII1)t,IJ. IIJI :w elnc I5mr tlHhH:r LO mit) b'OUU to the .J\iug; ilk Ci llO: xx\'iij t...
xxj U. I" the 8cm l('1 Iliul5i llg of tllO K in~j8 ehnlllcr ' jllhcu lilt, 1,,1I11~ "r it \Ice Blolli n ; ilk cl l1<: xliiij ".; 8UtlllllJl . .xij 1 ij i. 1. !telll, fill" M!lI"illl: "ilk lo il HII,I 1 ".,..,lullI;1I15 l,r Ihll sa Ul)". \iiJ II. 1jllll1lJln

Itcill. fOl' r}:i clue

\\"C\l ll~

LOIl l; 111(; 11

'f1:L\ ~t: Jt E I :


Iklll (the funl clay of DotE-luber), fur hill II" ... t.o thc.,u.I:.tJO. Ki ll;';:, x\iij i'nm ch crownl.,; bUlUlWI xiJ II. ltiJ ~ Itelll, t he u tiny of I)CCtlnl~'r, f,.1' i\ dlle J 'lu.1I L.u IlCllllll, tu btl 11I11l (,'<.lu te t he I\illg wilh IIl:l10lt bldlill; ilk ti ne l.liiij g.; SlIllIhln xx II \ij~. ILl!Ul, it \Illll IJ IIJI willi looP,lItlili I,l"illill 1,0 TII'!1iHIlII.IIIII1IL~btltli.

I Lelll, rv l' 'i iJ.'~ cine batin W 1.00.: Rile cule 10 the KillS; ilk dill! lOx"j ~. "iij d. IUlllmH ...I tt vj 1. \'iiJ tI, h cm, the xxiiij ,laJ of DL'CcmiJCr, rOI' Que cine J:isli. u.\'j ... \ iiJ d lolll\.; to Uc 1108 to the King, Hem, fo r III1C ellll.' 8Carl,'t lu loe ht.. 10 lhu I\ill~.


I\cm, rur ij cine 8(;I.lr)cL

w lJO,!

hoe; ilk chw I a.. bllmlUa

\ It
h cm, for iij fJue oonetia, xl 1. Item, fur :nj ellll~ alluu C3IUmet to I... IJotlll'{lUS for douulutis, hOi, Illid otber th ingil tell\l ill i"rnnce; iU.: !.:In... ij I.; .,UIIIIIIII xuij .. hem, tho xxviij tby 'If ~'lIlbcr. for xij due Bertone cL"th to be fuUl"hetla to the Kins, il)'; elnt' ij IIIIIIIIUI. uiiij b. Item, for \'iij dlle 11011011'\ cloth II> \Ie halt-..:h('til to tl16 K.ing; ilk olne \. i; SUlllll13 xl ;.. It.em, for ij cillO Holland daHl1 to he rolln'I,~ In 1111' Kill;;, xij . I I~IU, (or xij cine Hl.tllnlld dailll to Ill' ... rki'i ilL ("]11(, riiJ i;.; Il1mmn , iiij II. 'nj b. Itl'IlI, th~ flrtl~ ltl)' (If JOlltl.ar: fill" nn.:l cI"'u:;e 10 Ih,' KlUi{ hilllli\.'if, \\e)1\1II1 j-'. ,.; uuilorul." "'110U'" \liJ h xJ it h.Ul. the fat! dllY (If ,Inlllwt for I'ij dn\' l:l.\t.111 ;;t.-.y hi ht nne IDumm.fug guUII Lo till' Kill~ ilk dlle ~iij A . . MllItlll. iiij II. :'OJ ~ hem. ("r \1011 to tho IChulti('ril 'f II, )"\j t1 I t."UI. fVI \l(IlIlu1IIilll,; vl il \Iitll l"tldi", ;oiiij __ Item, for)" 1'llltJ \,In'' gmy 10 1)111' it. XJ ,", liij ,I.






Item, the \'J dny of .JnIllMf, for iiJ t:lnc j qUllrtaf IIllin lo be nne l\ulllJlat to tho King: ilk e lue ;()(\'j!.. summa iiij N, iiij I. \'j a, h"IlI, for IIIII! qual"U1f IIntili enlllunellY to tbe windois of the kin.;il dnul,lat, x"j ~ iij 11. itcm, for "ij: ~ ..,Ill" I.JL'Olill 10 be 3ne other lILumlU}"lI:;

ilk clno
X\' Jn~'

Item, thc

xx l!.; aUILl1ll3 "ij M )i. g , vf JlIlluur, fOl' iiij l'lnc j (ILl:u1nr J:ililis

\'Il>UU 10 he nile e1okl' LO the Killg; ilk elue xX"j ~ \ iij It. : IIlLJ1Uln \ N. xiij I. iiij It. ito,) llI, for "iij dlle ".dlns to be nile cot.c to the King; ilk elm! xliiij iI.; 1111111111\ :nij N. xij iJ. Itcm,forxliij CIUCblIli llw be lI.uogoll1l10 the KiuS , ilk clnc xx,' s. ; IIIIIIIU;I xxiJ N. x is.. Item, il Wei l ~'u~'I\;; wilh ioopnrtiis quhil!. \\"e8 briUiIl be TholllAs LUUlIlIYsUCU . IU' LII , for IItLe 1I1AiJ cote of kcitir, u]Ak gray l~nyt. lind Illl maitl, . xx,-iij it IlCIII, fol' \j cine iij flllnrtmis I>IIti1l to be Illle cole to Ihe I\ ing, ilk cine xx\" A.; summA ix M xiij~. i .. It. . it l'LlI, for nUL' hnm'L to t htl Kingis kUfI\l6cnw, " ij iI.. It em, rOI' UII(' fYllt' CIl]' 10 Ihe I':ing, xiiij"Ilcm, for 'j fllULrlll L"is \H'lll1S 10 Lc llln t(lwk echet hi.!L IIIl1I fOl' Ih(' hlll\lli~ I,f Ihe Slllnyn; Ihe ellL' xliij il.; lJumJOII iij N. iiij ~, \"j tI

(,r )flail;;." iij g. \"j d. Ih'm, f.)f a.ne qu nrllll' 1 tllIC lI,dll wellu.s to the fr.)lIsca 1111.1 of the LUll lo\\'khl, \ij 11 xj II. h rlll, the xx doy ( If Jlllluur, rOL IInc elnc IIltiu to t he I\ ill:;is 1~1.IIS IImlsldll!! Hr umils!.'\', xxiiij~. Itcm, j cllle Iml r j (11I1IrtM laffeli to \", huwia to 111{' Ii:illg. :n- b. ix d. It(IU, fur xij !L;\ukiB guld 10 ll"lim : ilk Imuk ";..; BUlUll/n i ij It. hC11i ltllc xXI"j ,IllY .. f .Iu llu;\r), fllr \j (lullrtnrill ,,, LI'e Ii:iu~ill irn l.clt. h'h., fur iij duc i Iluilrlilr ;\ l c l ulI~ lu,..li;1I1 t.n be IInc

I LCIII. fill' \ ij (IUIILtllri!! ~m (lll eanunC!! to IILI"l J\il1 ~is r!ll~1

LOJ:II Ill li ll
h.:lru\20 .luut.1:lt


2,' 1

\'iij It . &I1IIlIJ),t"'~ I:.QI-l. \'iil ". \'iij ,1 Item. fOI" xj cine J quat1;u ;\Jdilllt! rUt.tillu 1.<. I.' nm, luu, ues cow IIm\ ht,l.:i.& tu 1101111 . .-. IUl,1 1""11 aud ulutl, \,,:.:1:. b(i,,; ill.: dill' iji.. l iil ,I. I<IIIU IWI lldU . (UI' fmc dllo.: l".uumCill tu Iy lle nne hallll:l c"te uf fUJltiall, ' ij 9.. II.<:m. for j dU\l iij Ipmrtaris 1:.1HllUca 'luhill.: 1I ..... I~ltr"'us t" the IlIi ...1 oute, iU ~ l-j tl 1t"IIl, the fenl ILly (.r FeLm.U", '''lime rlill' Il-d .. I.. tlm .... for lIue how t o the K ingi! IIO.:tlal, 11 IJ J , Item. (,'r iiij nn~ 1'"11,MtlII to lhe .llIIyll. i1. d. the King, ill.: due IJ


for 11Itl! IIlle duo \"II.rj<IUL wlldi 1.0 11111' hl'll {(,r till': Kil'g, IJi.iiij(1 it"" III , (til i~1 clue IIJ}{ \)llIlrtflrid IIOllu6 lu Ot,I'cr lille IItJ iII Ilith 1i1l0 llIlfllCbin),l 'Illhilk WI'S giIJi li tu the "'mllch krtycht; ilk elne ... lij 11.; IJUlIIIJlil I' i i,i It. iJ i . IX II

Itkm, fur 1l1Il.' hllrnuaiug to it nml coleriuJ:!:llf the lI;uUylt,

Itelll. for l'iiJ luml.:i" g(lltl tl) it; ilk h.lllk I '. ; 811111111:\ xl , . Ij ;,. h Ctll, flOr i1 nlll:<' L,III).; ~il" t(l fl"f'Il.')dt of it, til<' Kil1~. 11,,111. tile xix ~L\l of 1 'c!'I"II.U , ("I "I~ 11",1-. \<1 ).11. 1~1('111, Itt .\ k'llilll\.-r :\f(lkclIll". [tem. fOI aile In;liJ CI",l<' or l.:dtH I" th., Kill;! (11.'11(' hili lUIrIIl'fl. ' .\iiij it h cm, Ule Xli tiny t,f l eblulu', (1.111.\ clill'" ).;nI} '[UIII"II, tu be nne cot(' to lhe Killg; ilk dUll .. \\.. ~l\InlUil \iijl1 \';'. h l'"lIl. tllc fI",~ ,lay uf :\I.m:h, fur iiJ: 1 I"Itl<' j 'ItWlt-Ii' Mtin cntlllm~y to I..: 1I1It,; 1II1Ilhliit til thl' "in;.:. i\I.. due iiJ It ),,, tlUIllIU" :\ !j Il , ~. held. the lenllL'\)" oi )hn::h, f('r iiJ ch,. lobI.; v:ro~'. II he an.' Il(\lnmn r"r al"! ,\lillaue J{lm::iu;t ""IC ilk til,, nitj II. ~UUUtlH uiJ l Ij ,I. !ldll, fur iiJ l,III, iiJ '1lInrwriv "('tlill til I~ .\11\' ,\II,l:)ne 01>' ilk dill' xliilJ l. .. mUllin liij It. \' A.




'.11. l~i.

iWIll, for iiiJ clue fluhi" dliUtilS, W Le "ne Almfiuol COte tu Iht: ]';:illl,; ; ilk clue ~~Niij b.; 8Ulllllla ,It :dj i;. ~tclU, f"'l" tll.\ 81ei!.i8 clMIIII(lt. to IJol nile gl'eit .\huallc COle 10 Ilti! Kiug; ilk sleik iiij N. ; 8UUilLUI . viiij N 1t(>IU , for ,;ij ~10&311 1)(",illli8, lIot:ht n~ l:;wkill lI ugoulI, u iiij l I km, fur j 'lu,ut.1r (Iuhit LIITeli, to Uc the Ii iu~..ill W'l"t;\uill, iij 1 \j ,I. I Will, f... r lu,\ 1"I"IIIICII b:llklilea 10 lhe Kiug, Ivj ~ h elll, for ij due lICIulet to Uc h08 to lhe Kill;';: ilk due Ii. ; 811111111.'\ \' N. hew, for iij '11I"rt..ui8 gn::uc ,Willet! to 1)I"\,kil the hall.! &c.1r11'L h,toJ, . x\'iij A. I t.clll, (01" j t'lue Hi81ia iJl"k to IIC lUll II,,)! piliI' of h(UJ, t ... Le 1 ~,rll 1IUg with nul' pail ICaricl, nml lin tim 1 )"1il' I)1Uli II()I!" ,;xvj I. viij d. [lelll, for iij '!,UU"rori8 salin cmUlulcsy to umik lhe blnck 8)'l1i8 of t1K1 parti hOB; the <:in(: iij It. \' iI.; 111111111111 xh'iij ij. ix ,I. I t.(!U1, for iij 'IUlU"Luria L[nk 8Illin t.o breik tho scarlet. 8ide of tho Slti,[ lua pnil" h08, . x\'iij il [tern, for j elm: l1i81ill oink, to he ilue othcr [lair of hOI, ,;,;vj I. viij ct. Item, ror iij quart.nrill CJllhi~ dnUlCl lo brcik the samyn [Ielll, fOI' x:I:\'ijjj" clile Imli,[ l'ib.1l1CS, I\-"Ie nnd gt'Clle, l<.l tILe 101ill hoe 'Iuhilk wel" eulti~ (1I1 tIL; ilk ehtc xvj d, ; 1"llIum . XXX \'j II. viij ,t !te"" ror ij d ill' fluhi t. tu !tc IUR I"til hOi! fOI' till! Kiug lo hia my,IUll'I'. . \ij ~, Itchl [tlu.: \'iij ll"y of Mal"ch], r...lnlLe hOI"l LO thu l":iul,l, lij A. J t(:m, tor ij}/i elllll I ttAlis 1-:\"(>111' to) tll .. lu\,,1 ill tl,c Killgi" c\()8('1.; ilk .. lilt: X\'j ~; "UllIllI,' si A1lelll, thc x ,iay ,,[" )llIl'ch, lu (:iiJht: l..',l1lLerou, for !tlhl h')I" 10 IIw l":iIL!,; .\, Flau ch CI....UIIU;; 8U ,IIUUl \'ij 11. xiiiJ ~. IIt)u, til, x'(illJ ,111.1 .' llIl'ch, for \xiij cllIl." iij (jllan,'uil> lI"ellu~ til HIii' H"IIII lU lilt' I\illg; ilk ,hll' :l: liij i;








I.onl) IIIG II TU EAS t'IlEl!

Itcm, the
8 11111111<1

'J' .,




elal.h 10 Lc lI;Iil'Lilillil

e,f lJ.m:h. fur "J '1".~It'1I1 tl) thl' Kjllg Ilk

Ih,]lan.14.... I:w.'.

X I'

ItCIII, till' Inst ,lay nf \larch, fOI' iiJ IIMllllil! 1\tII"1 , .. be nue lj()\\l~ 10 thc l\iu:;. . "xxiJ . IX,1 ItC for nul' hors t t) tile Killf-(. Iooch~ at .\J<.xnml<'l III, Nnlhlil', uiiij Fmllch crou";8: ~IIIIUII.l XIJ II. "vi ~ Item, (nr \. ti l l{' j ~~ 'lIUlrt,1r \\!'lIu~ 10 I~ IIIII' 11;111 I'''I~ tf'l tlw gmy dnlut'II Ct"Ite: ilk chi' xlij ~ 811111111:'1 XJ II \" l. iijd Item, tilt' uj da~' flf AI,rill', fl,r illJ 1'111(, .... '111 10 II(' "nc grc:t. 1000ill dOllt.lnt fnr thl' Kiuol ; ilk duo:> niiij it . ~ l1l11 l11a iilj " :wj I itc m, tor one cine Hislis hlnk tf'l 00 11<11 In Illc l{i1l1;, x:niiJ ~ h e1ll , fnr '(i'C ~ ~ r l m~ 111Il1 \I;IU 11 11(' 'lunllnl' 1\(,'11111 1<' he nul' g01i1l to tile l\; l1g: ilk cl llc 1'1,- A.; llUllIllfl :diiij II. iij 8. j (1. oil. h em , for ix clue Wl'lI ull to III' lilli' roll' 10 Ihi' "illlt; ilk cIne xlt- A... Inlllllltl x:t t1 \'!l. I\r lll. it. wet \yu}" 1 wil ll til{' Kiugill 1\~' I ~..~li. ltel1l, for IX eille "ntill 10 be lillI' 1I1,I!;'r I~'W 10 tIle Killg. ilk chw :>;'Ciiij l; summA 'C It. 'wj ,. ! wu. the uiiij ,I,,~' ()( '\l'rik fnr syiij 4hl,' j '1l1,ular 11:lIut'! 10 \1('1 nll(' tfnUU 10 till' Kill:,!. 11k {'h., "x:>;\j;., SlIhllnA , :\ ,('l:ij II. :t, ii ~ Item, for ix lII'Ullillll flllt:;;"I~ Itl !l; ilk '110'"1111 iiij It. x It; I lI 1IIUln xiiI. "" Item, ((lr ix clue \\dhls to II(' flnr 1'1)11' to Ihf' Kill:! Ilk
t' 11I(' xl\'~., 1111111111'"

x, II

\ ;,

Ilem, fllr,; t lnc II hllnnd dJllh 14'1 I.. 10,1 lI:\r'a~ I" lit.' Kill:.!. ilk thlt' x A.. ~1II11111:\ \ 11. 1t1'1n. fur iiij I."uka I!"'ItI tIllhnim "'I:~, Item, for nne IllIce Ll.lJ,; .ilk 14'1 Ilullnt. Iii "Itell!. fur ;II\C la\,il o( ......1.1 10 till' l\ill;:i'I .... I>O'I. :\'C~_ ItCIll, Ih, fenl da~ of ~ 1 .1iJ, fl,r liij du,' 1;'1111 1,1 I,,~ 1It1li 11111' e<>l e for harue1I: ilk ('h .. :uiiiJ l . "lJl1m~ iiii 11. "'j i>.



hem, Cor iij Yi l"lne 'Iuhi~ 11.1mc5 t.o be tlie lothel' half to 1111" So.'\ 'Il~n. ilk cIne x:n'iij ~.; sUlIlma iiij N. xliij~. Item, for iiij I,~ cine cammes to tlte hut ling of the S(lIIIHI cote; ilk cine x"j tl:. ; !IIIIIII)(I \'j S. Item. ;0" l'j eluo !lislis Muk to be (llIl" entl" to the King: ilk cine xx~.: snl1H1Hl "j tt h ttn, fol' kcll t.'ring of it , iij A. ilell}, (()t. lUll g:l'el "ih'ct, joyu wu ris to the Kingis hridiH, iiij" Jij A, hem, for I stu lites with rullis cnlliL nl~(Ilis for lhe Kingis l:oan8C6 nud I1lni l~ei8, weyand \' nllcc j qn:u-ttll', iij N. xix S. ij d. hem, tht' \' llny of i\fftij, for tllft sleiki! sey, rede lind grene. to l.oe cx>urtingis (or the KiDbris 5lRLiII , ilk steik iij H,: !-UtUlnu "j tt. IWIlI , (or ;,,;iiij {n,w,IOW\lI or LOll, for the hingyng of thahn. ilk (,}lI' dOIll iiij tl:.: lclllUll na. iiiji. "iij d. Item, tor nnc pully n11l1 ri ll:..'i . for tb' sai,1 eoul'tingil,
Ij II.
Ih'm, for;"; -' : l'hl(' damlllC!! LO be nnc 1~1tronll for the

tor the


hots j ilk eiue xlj d,:


%iiij 1 !trll ', rur "J 'I u{' e:lIllIllCl to be patrous for lil{' lonnlis,

"iij .i
Item, to [iiI' Io,,,n,hiln r, iij 'III<.'C iij I111nl11lrill "f tit.

Kin;:''1l1lilk. ItCIII, th,' "iij ,1.1,. tlr )/;Iij, for }z Ullo! ehh' hlilk s;ltiu I,' loe ffll't'!llellili (01' the Kmgis baml'S <lonlll"t, xij ~ I\,',n, f!or :11,,' ~lu'lrI;Jr !IIlti li to ti KI c unil of the Kiugi,. ,lelhlJ, ,j il. htlu. the Xlij (1,(.1' of )Inij, r(,r tom' fylll' Ot.1)..'e skiuuill to [hI" t"lbr "f til, Ki11j.(i1J gt)\1n of "dillS erolllml'l~, '111t.ilk W('II lrtlU~I'I[i~: ill.; I~'{' i.\:<,; 111111 ,"11 xxx\'j i.. Il"III, fhr ['!.1 ll.lllki! ~'Old tn tit' h:illp: ; ilk hnllk I'A..




(01 haU nne ('lul! )Iel(lll f"stinn


the Killgis
, XI iiJ 11

IlI'tn, fur haH ""I' ~llUut;lr Mli ll tf) [he li:in).:iH pe&;m, iijA,


Itl'lIl, for "111'1'1111' talleli, fluhilk CO\'elil till' l\ilL:.!i~ hAt .. p 1:.01,

x,oj't.. [11.'111, r"r \. f'lul' l'Ilmmes, 'Iullilk \\t1l1'.It!l,IUI rut, l'llllill, \. ;.. x d. tt l'lII, rur nut' II"mtnr hlak IL11U1II{1I to the Kill~ill Mlin ~, tt' ~Idlil, \j I. 11\'111. ftor 11111.' I ~';r gilt hllkkillea to the J"in).till 11.110111', nUll 11110 I ~lir (;f ~Ih,'r h'oru,!!! to Iht, !.;ing. \ lij l lilj 11. itell!, (01' ;iij ('IIII' iij Illk1rtmi~ \\t'lln~ II) ('1hl'r 11.1]( aile ,~'\ir "f h:u,lil; ill.; ~ll\e til' iO,: ~lllnhl" t rt .tiij L ix It. I"':m, fur iiij due j f)1I:'lfloll '1IIhi1,illll"'i to") t..,I(>r the totiwr hnlf of tlte ""III~II. ilk clue,o, l!;tluj ; aUlLlinn

\. t1, xi:c: i..

I leLlt,

II lijll,Ii!, ij a. iiiJ \1 IlI'IU, fill' l'OICri"g of tho 1,1111)"11, xilij s, Itelll, fOl' the hord ollring of 1I1l1im lIi t h CillJlllLl'I, xYiiJ J. l teUl, for h: cine Ijuhit Ilmnel to ooler BUf' other pair of hardis: ilk I'htl' nllij 1\; ImUllin xij It. xij 'Item, (01' j Illli.:e gl'cuc ril.m~ to Ihi " lUll I"'ir 11Cl111il,
('Ille camlUCS 10

for ij

\",mlour tilt


'" l Item, (!II illlaic. to tIle '10:'1111;11 or the fIIllll}'II, xij il. Itelll, Ihe ft'l:ullIl tl'l) of ,Iullij, fOl' )'1' chIt, j 'lUMIa!'

gl,I,I' dnUit'S tl, he nnl' ga't ltmwmr to lUll' ~rrl 11()i'II: ilk ,'IIII' ~"'iij;", IUIIIIWI '\i It. \'iji:, h('IU, ful' lrI' Illll'e ~llk. 'Iullit nll,1 1>1.1).;, t(; IIH' 101"'')1111,11'11' for coni is for 1(101ill, hOnslhllli~, 111111 I,tlll'r Ihill~ ilk 1lI1tt.' iij ~. i I5IUUlllil iij Ii. [ lrll1, ff,r nnr dill' :ytll() dUlh 10 I ... hi'll to the I';wg, l.ocllL 1~ Iht, K;II~ hilllli<,!r niiijo. I U~III, for XX'HJ 1'1111' ~lIfl /'Ut'W) , I" I.., ix 1101" 111'1\111'" ilk clue iiiJ iI Ij tI &1tI1I1I14 \'iij II. Ii It~u, for Xilj due rt'(ie elu'SI~' lU 1"-'::,11) Ihailll 1l1,,1 10 10f' kTl"I'I"leB tu t!l3im ill. 1,1no" liiJ fl, Ij.\.: ~nllllUU
hlij~ qtl. Itl'IU, to 1 ( Ulllo ,\lllhit'\.;'. nne dl{'u:;;,' "I tI.r I\ingill 10 mak SIIl'I;~ glullill of 1,];lil Alltl I'ri"M (,,1' thl! " lot


Acco r STS OF Til E

Item, LO the ARnl\'n. to mak out. iij~ Fmuch erowuis. j unicorn, j I~. ij s;\lutill, j J1Uar, quhilk mRid ill the hnlc ij!4 unCt! b'Old; summt\ iiij It. I'j AItem, for hnlf nil clnc u tili to the crcsseu lis of thc Kingi. hamel, :lij 11 Item, the n dny (If J unii, for iij ~ elnc satin crauulIt!1Iy t o IJe nile douhlat. to the King : ilk cine liij l .
Slllllmn . ix It. I' l I'j (I

Item. for xiiiJ hallkis j qllnrtllr hnnk gold to bonlour lhe said tlonhlat.; ilk hnnk \' a,: sumlnn iiJ n. xj~. iij n. lu.n, bochl in Flandrez, Ue the Kingil COIIUlL1 ud , ll:t
elno FI ('\I1~" of tnffeti, 'luhit. snUo, purpllT, grelle, anti gnly: And ilk cine COII ~ iij iI. \'iij It gre~ Hem}"1 monee, extending to Hix It. vj A- \'iij d. grel. nnd for ilk n, g l'eL iij n. Sconill: @ummn IxxxI'iij H. Item, bocht xl pnnrl weeh ~ hf "'nlH]I'I!Z th reililo lUnk pail~OUIl 10llis of the Jil ill p~il~()ml : ilk l'und "iij 11. gret: eutumn xnj l ,-iij ct. gl'ct: ill :X-Ou is lUonee>, iiij It Item, hochl in \.01111011, ellle l..ce<l of pUfJmr dames clalll of Itold cHntf'llnllli xx duc iij (jllart.clli 6; ilk cine xl iI. Inghs: 811111111,\ in !-<coltis monee, j"xll' H. vi. It em, tlwe peeis fluhit 111II11e cOlltrl1.rns \xxij }~ ('lue; 11k clnc ,.j f:. riij 1 . 811111111a .'.xiii; fl. iij k iiij <f. 1. [ugl[s: 11\ ~otti.'1 1II0n('(! h.uiiij Ii. xj A. \'iij 11 \t rill, J IleeC rode 1111111(,11 I! ug rnncll contenrug xiiij ('IIIC, I\k dlle "ij l I'lIj \1. 11I;,!lis: snmmn I' II. vij ii, iiiJ II. 11I~liR: in :->cottie 1110111"", xriii II. XI' .. "iij,1. \telll, xij .. Inc iiJ (illI1rtnris gl'cnc UIIlIICS; ilk ('Inc \'j iI.. ,iij .\. [ 1I'~lilli eUl11111a iiij It, I' fl.: ill ~C(jll[s mone xiiij II ..~,'ij .. vj .\. t tfOUl. xiiiJ cine Mlll1 c\nml'fl : ilk (111lt' loj l I'iij <I. I n~li s; 11111111)1\ [iij n, xiip. iiij II. Inl!li~; ill f.\ooltis monee, xl'j It "j l l'iiJ d. [(I'm, xiiiJ f'lnc pllQl1lr !'.1!in: ilk (11ue "j It lugli!!; in :"t"ui" 1I11'lH.'l', xiiij n, xiiiJ!l. h,I\I. fl.r ['('(vj h ('111f' 'lullil LliT('ti: ilk dne iiij,ll, 1 1I:.;li~ 1I11 ll1mn xvlt Ijil. [lIlo-: liJj: ill SMI1ie moncc,

liiJ 11. xj ii,

/.0 /:0 II/ G /{

TI:E:\~VJ:E I :'

ilk dIC",D,l~oO;,

Ilcltl, fat' l:o:ij duo iij


'11I;\I"I.oU;5 gWIII' \.ulfl!tyi~;

iiij~, I IIg:li,~, I:iUIIIIIl1L



Inglill: ill

If, xviiJ ii, "j'l, Item, fOl' \'j IlCec uf ;;Ililo t.!uU'OJI, ilk Illle COIl\C'IUllI.I x

e11l1' (II" thnd),\"; ilk I'~'CC xx.s. J 1lJ,!:lill; SUlIllllll \j It Inglis; in t'cC)UiSlll{llle(J , xxjlt. ItC1I1, IIIIC O~hCl' I,,-'Ce lOf ;;11110 IlIltl"Oli COIlICII),lIJ,!: ~ix ch ,.., j 'lu(Hln\". ilk ..,1",-, ijil, "iij'l. 1 1'g:li~, &1111,,";1 Ij s. iiij d, Inglis: in Scouis 1110111'(.', ,iij It. xix 1I. "iij II. hcm, Ina mlcc dalllCs golll 10 the r;lil<'llC : ilk 11IIl'C iiij it iiijd,luglis; in ~Uill nlOllCC, :.:!I:.~i.. iiijl1. iLcllI, for iij-' iJ)lI\lolL I'illllis, \j 1I00l1lc of l'oil1tis, 11m/ oillm' sUlllJllliingiB \' ) thc King himbo."1f; "iii il, luglis: ill ~'()ttis moncc, !ix\'iij ii, ItCIII, fol' tun \ukl.:it IlIulcs t,) I'ltk Ihe SMIlYIl gel'C in to ClIll1 fl'll- I.OUUOIl, X ~, Ing]i,,; ;11 Scoltis IlifllI(o(!,


/tCIII, ftr Lila mcnn;s cXJ>cns and (hre hOI'S pllll8lll1li to 1.01111011 ami rClilantl.l1d 011 Ihis l:oOCI"'C !l1I\1 011 tillil' colitincL viij dllyis thm'e, 11IIt! r\ll' hors feying: clIlI1mnnd IUUII!:, I' Ii, Inglis; in :;COlt;I 1II0nC<!, x\'ij 11. x S. /tcm, hiij chlo' nUll nile Imlf clll! of IllIhit llnmcs hdol' \\1;1;11 (lull;lk lI"e~ IIQ(:i1L in Lowlol1l1 g;1Ii1l LO Ij 11OI"S
1I01180111'i6 IIml Ull0 ha1l' hOll ...(mr.

/telll, fO!' lij ell1(' h\nl.: (tUIICS \0 be uno h'l1f IUJ11<;Olu' fill' the hnlf llUlliL for the llnicllillc; ill. clne xxiij i;..; summa . I iij II. xij (I. Itcm, fol' xlix cine slIIll l cummes 10 Iyne Ihe sam)'n; ilk cillO ij S.; BI1I11I1I(1. iiij 11. X\'i~ .ii. ItCIII, tl.rc holt>Kturis Hlilid of tl.e grcne dnmC'S lind jlllI'Jlur fI,'\till odor wrilin IIml of lhe Kingi!> clatll of gultl. Item, fc,r xiiij cillO cnmlUcs to I)IIC the tlln hOlll;(.ouris of 1'111'1''''' satin lint! gTello dnlllcs; ilk eill(' ij il,; sum n3 xxI'iiJ ;;, IIi-ill, for xv cillO iij qUllrlm;s CllmlllC8 to lYllc the housol1l' of elnlh of gold and to be nne i~(Ll'ol1l1 fOl' Ihe salll)ll; ilk cine ij :1 iiij il.. SlllllUln .~xxlj S, ix It.




ft('m, r"I' nUlkiu).! of \' hOUSl)ul'is l(ml()lIri~ "ilh c1luh of j,:old: i lk pt'('l' xiiiJ :1.: >;U1HllIn iij tt x S. 11<'111. f(,l' 1I!,\kil1~ of olhN' \. 'Iuldlk Ihe Im.llui6tnris I(h' B. 1.'l\louril _ilk 1'(> ix !l; summ u [1I'U!, fur iiJ \111' ;5;1110 lIilL to tho unllll\tltlll"iII faJ the _.1111\'11. . i'( A. hem, tun hnnku. gold for the III'UIIJ II, ' x~ helll, r"I' j IIIlu' :5-'1110 tim::i' \ 10 thllim , \j 11. it(,lIl. ui;ij clue 11Iffdl fOI" tile ChUlf 1Iiluu\ ,ho]e for tile 1'].lk 1,),ly, 'lul1;11. t..'IlTcli We! of the lolllmlrcz tiliret; IIt'for \niliu. 11 1.'111, f(lr xxiiij t-Iu(' ('I\IIIJIle! to 1)'110 the IlIIInJU ; ilk elne ij"" !l1I111l11.1 , xh'iij a. 11("111 _ iij ,'~ ('hll.' "l\l"innt Inrfl.'ti nlld 11110 clile l'edc tn rreti t<l Ih\ n uriii nncl I ~Ulilk'll for the aR IIlY" ; ilk ('inc .. X\" ;:..: SUIIWIoI , iij 11. rij So \'j It Il l'lIl, fnr lIIal;lIg (If the SIUlIylI, . xiiij it 1t\'III, iij ('Inc hnl( olle ,\um'U1r clat h of gol,] qllhilk We! 11n. in 1,..'lIdo\l to co\"er III(! hnlf of tho quhit dam{'S



11t'IIL, fur iiij ('lUll woll1l8 to \1(1 half nllO colo to th('
[{ill:': ; ilk ,,1111.' xl,' it: 81111111111 h It. [kill, rill iij '1 (,lilt' (ILlll iL ,lmlll'S to tl lO 10lhcr hllJr of it ; Ilk clllO :(nilj il: 8111)1111a , , iiij II. xI'iij it H"m, rol' j>-' IJlHtl'lHl' ;;alit) t.aflcti to title how to thc Kin:,:, \' g. iij Il Ih'ln, for i ij hlttLkig gnltl lo ii , XI'ii Itt: UI, ij dtLl' ril~lI l t' su llo In it, \'iij d. h rlll, xiiiJ d uo j I) tlllrllll' I')UlliL ,In Illes of ILlgilllltllO tlln h"H ('nli8 In " "il\l('r Will inlll ~i\l'Y IIl11i A]c:mmler 1:JI,hilJ~t'"111 to lie liI[ll(,1 ill to tile IJ lljk IIIII)', atH] sn nil thlll 'Iullli f[nlllt'K II pell,lit !I"m, ij cllle iij ([1I;lI'tlri" or LIlt' tt, th or J,:'<)],I IIf JII~I ;lm l tu 11(1 tll l~ hnlr ,1"LtIIL'Itis h) ,101m Dunlol) and .\If'xIlIlI I('r .\Iukcnllr. nllncayis to the wild kll ycln. h'In. ("I iij ('Illc j '1 lI illllll' wellLl8 10 he lhc tother hnlf ,1,,"hI;lli~ til IlmilLl ; ilk dnt.' xliiij iI,; SL1IIIILln \-ij 11. iij B.

I.OIW IIIGIl TI:l-:.\st'IlU:.


Hem, fUl iJ I_Iii hUll t" IhJ.illl, h,,]( :5-1110 h..lf I.J L.

" '!fr;.

1l('1II , rill III" t"-lIl,li>. VI lh'lim. 31111', 111111 I"I'IL. X);XIJ ~ ItC IIi . fI.lI' \'J '1\\.I1I ri" \\IlIul III "", thl\' hiM ('01\11, 1m Ih~ \\"lIill~ III', \.I. ThlllUl\!I 1\0l1l11:1I, I'utrik Sill(htir, HIIII ,11\111('11 Stt'lllln, "'Iuire. tor lhe 110\11\'11, I" thn' ('<.Ii" Sitlill It. 'hailll he til\' I-:ill:':; ilk dll(" );liiJ;:., MIIUhlr1 iiJ tI iiij II, IJ d. 1t,IlI. f"f IJ' j 1'111\' ~IIII half illh tll1art;1r !I.III1I1II tlmlli!

\Iitb sol,I, 1<1 ,~, nile iiij II, XI' _ IIUllIlltri

Item, fo. ij I,


r<lf til<" ,,!;,\.; h,ly; ilk dill' ~\h II. :l;\lj dol.,

;IlIo taff,'1i I.. it lo,hl ill l'I,milrel,

lIud tlUl lIlI'\ nm' halt J..'11'II1: t,.tfdi 1",.-1,1 ill nuudl"\'X to th~ h,'n]l,uriug or Ih(' IIIHIIIII Item, for ij \'llIl' pleAAIIL~ Itl 1", ,,1..Ili..- 11 10(11)(\ hir lola\. iiij i. &Iem.. , 1t('11i. fur tln(' pni .. of 1,lnL ~ I ('IJUI !I\III )::"ll1l1ill 1(. hir of iij ~ IolnL N',lm)". \(.<1(11', 11.'111, ft ' i\ dill" 1,ll"fIII1IL'" 10 hi, C\'l\ll'th nholll hir ami!',
X\'iij ;.
it t'lIi,

r"l xj dllc IIf Srt'o'\1 Intreti or nUllll\'l to to(' SU\\lIi~ 10 hir lu,t 1;1I1~'ill: 1\\1(\ limo(> dill" ~nllil Inm'li of F\nullrel In IICIrol(lllr 11K> Mnl~n. Itt'lU, to III"\. It"''' cia,!, of goltl lco tilt' Kill~i~ I,j ......,., "J ullit'lJn1i~, IIlitl f lltltkill;:: of il ,iij';' ~lIIlJlII;\ xiiiJ rt XI"j i;, 1t~1II , for fi"c tK'\II'l' (hUf dm't-'Wllllt'" In 1~' Lh~ I'l1Inl1 1~.il~ollll fo\" tll(' (I'ilt! ilL dUll xiiiJ d. "'1111111\11 'J II \\'j II 1t.'IIl. for ij"\}:I'iij (,"wl'lImntt.. Itl tilt, gil I !t,idl 1.\jJ~"tUl for Ihe ft:ihl; ilk ch.<, )OJ II; MIIUlU<1 \iiij t . ij Ii. iiiJ II. 11'111, fflr xiij ,t~ik t,I('\\ Lul.:nllll ttl Ilk: MIII~n: ilL: III.ik \ij N. );\'.1 ~. xij I.: ~l1Il1l1UI Itl'm , ftor \I(.,fII.il Ilu,.j,1 141 IiiI' l.... rol<,\1Iill;.: nf il. nnd xx 1'.1 i<. Ilm'i.lln tilt' -aitll~1il""'\lII, hUll. (or \ul'I',"tI to Ih;lilll. '.I l viij 11. .1)1.. ijtl 1t\'III, fm' inl \It' .. L 10 tl,(' lIOit! 1~'liIS"lII',




Item , for live score tllclf fnwduum 'If hl'tle tollis grot 1)1lil.)"ulI: ilk fawdon m iiij .1.: );1111)11111

rOl' the

xxxdj 01 iiij d. h {'III, fOJ' ix score teu rnWttoum of 811mll toll lO the aam~'II: ik f/l\\"tl')11111 ij <1,: SlImlllfl . xxxj l \iij (t

h ,'U\, nil the FlnllllrN: tollis hefore wdtin \0 the SlUnJl Jmil;;oun. :'Il elllorandnUl, th nL nil the wOcli l.nch~ in 1.0m\nll nm! tun Iit.eikis of lI ohcl~ BCI'tonn tntreli oovcrit lhe :;reL pnil;y)UlI. Itcm, hocht rl'll E,\wnnl Lilill nnd J ohnc lrllllllllxj clne j qlUHtHf tn fli:li, grent', l"elle, hlew, untl vnrifmt i ilk ...1m.' x\" ~~ nud Wj}{ clne Hum,r eutcrit on the tiOl1ri8 of the d)~i,. II;lIlllpim\(', 11m! AA IIIlW tf) cutel' lvj cine iij 'lu~lt.adll; tho SOUIC th!u'of xlij It. xj ij. iij d. ,\ 11\11111 Lilis \0 the 1~lIll1riS !\I ld the liliH plln~O\1U. It<:I11 .'){ Ihe InllCli J.oc ht in Flnmh"C1.1t1ll1 of thia," gillin t.) th t'lilill I'l1iIS""11 I:..\:. ,iij dill' UI lim!"!') ; il~lU ,or the ~m ll~ II t(, tlul 1,lnk lally om! hi!" 1IIH1linllis, U8 is .. 11(111(" \\ Jilin, xix chH' W"(,lll.' m.. 1 SlIIlQ, oml to the cut" H1"l1J(n ris aud !',IlUl!;! fOI" !~lil ;tjlj\lII ollil the feild \:>(\\'1 ,. . 111\' j '1'101101' j uoil 111Itl til tho cilliir llilll11l,hnie \\iij l'lllC, nml 11/1It l"elllllllnlLlI 6i~ lImlia J1f1llll , ('X l('lliliu;..( to ix ill" "I: dne <)1" thurby. !t('lIl, (Ill" iij ]lund Fllln, ln'7. tltt!';l] to /!I'll' the \lflil:5O\lI\ uf ~ilk: ilk 1'1II1t! v ~. iiij It. : BU1U UUl :\\'j 11. Il"1I1, f (Jl' llilikill~ of the tun ]I;,i1:~OUll (,r ClIIIHlU'S nlll\ tim (,r wn"'li, . xiiij 11. xiiij is. U C'llI, (/)I' !lInking of tiro 1IIIIIIIIIIrtis to til<' Illcklc pail;:;',,1I1. xx\' lJ.. itelll, f iJI' Hlnkin:.: nf xj 1~llIlIris r"l 1 1l('\Istmles nntl for the ft'ild (111(1 tIll"(' ('ole 111"11),,)11;8, . xii ij;t Ill" ... rut" lhl' Ih l,I,'I' t., thl! Lila 1':liI~/)I \U nml 1111SCttillg: I,r lllp ""lIl.l11, xlij iI. 111'111. r!ll \ /~ IJilIlil 1I"\'('I,l flf silk, W"('lIC', n2111', rpl hiL, Iokw, t" I~ fl"(' I1 :;"'i~ lu Ih(l Illlil;;'IIHl, IltiUl{irlltis, l~llI;toi~, 111111 ('(lte nnll,m li!l, ilk wlce iij M.; s ummn .~ iij It _iiij i

1.01!1) HIG H TW;,\Srm:I:,


1t(>1U, for \\clllllg of uync 5001'(" ('llIiI; of frt'u;;;till L,o til..., ",. 1>. I~.f); .

.... i.lllu(; ilk cine I'j 11., i.IlIUUI;\ iiij It x ;. Item, 1UI'III(lnu"lulII, of 111c K iu<!is /Iii k 1.0 the 81dll (I clI~l"ill Hiiij UIiCO. 1tC' IU , (01' l 'I\'III'1i !tll lu;' 1"111i I3"1I1I RwlI1P'""'ltiu:,.: IIr ii, \ ,I Itcm, (ur iiij! ~ r lue IIH til1 o.:,',Ulllllt'l<" I" 1M' HIl~' ('''ll' 1'1

thc Kill;': ; ilk 1'111 1) liij ... _ HIIII IIIl" tullll'l II,IU (,f clnlh \I( glllll, . XI h.:o:\ iij';'. \J 11 Itcm, fOl xij , 1Q6,111 hankis gold to it.; ilk hi mk \' ;..: ""luI' XX'I:\j 1l ho:m, for :n hl\lIkil IIlld nllc hair LO Ihe /l;III1YU: ilk 11;\"k \' ... , IIIUIIII,I I II ij ~, Ij It h em, ror iiil .IIIC iij '1IIRr!;lIis w.-llus 10 IIIl 11:.11 ,IIII' colt! to the 1\illg: ; ilk clue It:h ~. 1\1111111111 x It It:iij ;.. i:f U. Item, iij 1'1111' jij illlnl"Ul.ris clnlh o ( g:ohl bocll L ill 1.0111.1011 10 Ihl' loll It'!' lUlU or II.. h CIU, fOI :f:.:iij duo of sey, of simII')' 1\(,\,18, fol" to ("OI-er 1IIltlil1t'll the lilly or the baITl.'t!; ill.: dll(' ij ~ iiij d.: 11IIIIIIM !iij ... \ iij II 111'111, the X:otlj Iiny nf ,1\lllij, for iij!~ 1'111(' ulIIlI(,8<ltiu to I", ""l' douhl,lt to the Kiltg:; ilk c1l1l' ~:f~ A.; 1U1n1Ul\ \. H. \' ;.. h em, for iij elul' libk Stlliu t" IJ> nile' nnnyill:': 11"\1I,I.lt to the KlIlg, ilk c1l1e It:~iiij b. ; 1;IH11IIHI iij II. xij ;;. h i'IIi, fur liij ol lie lkr!.llllc clnlh 10 l~ rLlt J;ChNis, xI'j i!, item, for ij l'iLlC li alluml dntl! 10 he Il l'tlc oOlln.'I1\'~, :..iij ... iiiJ 1 1 1 \.(>111, fm' l un lopnlil to the Kill~ eoutdlltLltl iij chI\" x\ij ,", Item, to the 8tlm~'\l col of cmmUl""y I<:llill, \h-iij h.mkis of b'(lhl ; price of the h,lIIk \ A.; IIII1IIUII xij tt. item, (!)I' ii ij duc w('llus to eol'~1 Ill':: h;ml,~"illl! f')r :Iw lIluJ.>~ ...,IiI; ilk dill' xli' ;_: ~1UHl1Ia i:.: II. .\:f ~. Item, for tilt' 1I'1i'll.'~ill:; IU tht! MI1I)"\1, 1t('IlI, fill j l~lir COllpil' jo) nl.HIl1iij nllll I1m.! IIHi""ille~ ,11 u \j A, liij It. (''OI1\1i1'' gilt,

ItCl'l, fnr iiij,'': cllle w."lIn~

to cowr !llle sawl



hartl{'!liu;,: tn the

ilk ('Iue iiij

n. x i.;
It \' l.



it(,hl, fur nne &ulill lint! aliI' lunucsiug fol' the 5<111)), 11,

iij tt. I t"lI1. r"r X\:i hukkil ll'1 Rml pcmlC8CS to it, gilt ; ill.: pecc iiJ it. .,nlltlll:\. xh'iij 1. It('1I\, tor 'j Ullce ~ilk to be frclll.eil to it; ilk IIl1ce iij A.: sunuml . x\'iij l. It('hl, fill' w"Jhll.~ or the 101m) II, XI' II. 1((111, fnl" ,. IlI';1 ~1I1; lI l'1; ilk IK'CC iiij tt.; Silmma xx n. it."llI, tll(' IM'Ullit ,Iny of Jnuij, r OI '1 eIue hlnl.: to Iyue ntll' COle or \1"\'11118 qullilk wcs tmllslnlit; ilk elnc ix iI.; IItnllllR Iiiij iI. item, rOI nile {'I lie !!Cal"let to he hoe to th" Kill~, 1 ii, Itl-nt, tht, thrill Jny of Julij, fOI' I elnC! gmy ~ui ll to he half nile COle to lltt,! Kin:;, ilk ('Ilic xxnj ;.; 1IIIlIJIIlfI ix tl. h em, rOI " ,,111(' 11llk lI<I\ill to he tlJ(' tother half to the 1 11(1111),11 ; the clue XX\'j ~.; 81111111111 ,\j n..'(!I. 1t"III . for xxiij elm~ ~lli ll lu be nne slckit b'Ollli to Ih(' King; ilk elm' :o:i iij 1.: 81111111111 , xx \ij tt. xij l. Ilf'1II I,} ThtJ!1l11s 1I 0prin;;ill f(1I" ij 1,lnk honN;II, tua 'llthit 1>OlIcti~, and lUll 8C/ul('l toolwl it! hoehL be lhe King hilLl!;Clf or 11111(lri prieil. \' n, Itcm. (or nll(, hOI"I to 111(' l{inR, l.ooeht at JIIIllC l'ntcl'8Un, iiij tl, Xl"iij S. 1t.'II1, tht, uij till)' hf ,Iulij, for iij ('luI' j ql1 urtll.r Nnk l'.ltil1 \01", nile .1011111,11 to the Kiul,(. scml to Rltir('liu ; ill.: (!tll' :\\\'J;j.: 81111111111 iiij It. iiij l vj t1. ItI 11\, rnl' 111:\ hO to I he Ii: ill;':, ho( II t 1)(' I hc Wli t , CII ulIlIlmd ls fm Qnltilhim, nml f(lr ~dIOill~ or IUle of lhuill1, \"j ri. ij I. It.tll. th, l"j d.,)' ,,( .\II~UI\\. rOf :oIj,\7 clne KCllt<lnlo 10 Iw' ;lIle l'It' to the Kjllg : ilk ('In(' iij 1. \j tt : 8tllUWil xl" iij d . h"III. fnl' \"j d iU' 11;l lf line Itlt.llt;u salill to lie aile COle to II,, l(in.: ilk dill' :\xiiij it; 1111111111;1 \'ij II. \iJ '-

1.0 1:1) 11 1(0 11 TI:Usrl:n:

1t ~1II.


ft.r i iiJ d ill' iij ql1artnri.! l:i"lul Mak hi ',lIe ""to,.. ill !.'iL)C xx iI.., MIlIIIII.I iiiJ 11 l\ &. 1t....'III, for kdlt'lillj.( vr the .... un)"lI, lOX 0.1 Ilnll, fur IMIf ,IIII,' nlle< I'\.ll lil~llll" til thill "(jh', iJ;' \"j,1. IICIII, tl,,' , day of AII.:""l, f"l \'J I' ,Itw Ildh" to I..., h.1It .11 ... l',t.- III lh... Kmol" l~'t,. "f I,iruil .,Iill. ilk chit' \ Iiiij ". 111111111.1 ,iiij It Ij" Item. fur \'ij dill' ;;.r.lIv eM'My to IllIC ill<" "'UJI}D. ill

cine liij ... \j It


,uj L \j


Item, for 1IIk' l-j~l 1II"lrlel htl~ to Ililll, "'j i. Item, for J pllir (.f .. 11"1'1' louUillt.. II itlt 1",UtI... ~ilt fur ti m Killl:l:i~ 'h"IW, s: .. h em, fOI' fUIII' "'Illllt'll IIIIt1i11{'1! to th. Kill;;. ilL loI'l-.:! xx I'iij i 'Ulll1l101 I ft. :o.:iJ Ii.. HI'iU, the 1 )I;IIU11 ll.t} of AUg-tl81, for HIIC jaL Itl the King, 11I1l;.1 ill S l ril'l~lill nml Ipt)"l Wltil rll~lilln,




i. iij


Item, 101' ,"ij (lntll"lAl"i, wd hll 1II.ICIIt til :-ittl\rliu I,) III.' nne ,,,,h of ",h'lIi~ to t he \\ing quhcn ht 11tj,1 . the \'lul'
xlv t. i
Itelll, for

iiJ 11. ":Iilj ..

Hi~Ii.s M.I\.;


to l.oc hUll to til!' I,in;,:, liij at. iiij It 1(.(:111, x chl(' j IlIlil dlith "f l.'Ult1, loucln lit Cf't>'l.'C lIu\'; ill'ltouU, (.f Ijllhilk ill h(ulf of !1 nile d'litll IIf ~tnit


(Iu.llluris: ilk clnc Ij II.; IIIIUIIII' h: It [Ii.i G. Ij II] h em, I" iij I'llIe iij h (IUnrtnJ"i1i \\"el1l1~ 1'1 1111' tnlh", 111111" of i ~: ilk dill' xliij t. ijUlIIlIUI \\iij Ii ... 1",111. rOl' j bolt lI ollII.\' (ullli.11I til 1)'11{' it, HX ~. Item, rn: lI;;e1l or the Killgi' SUHlma itiiiy .... \" II. xxj al
Poo"", tM pmod IIIChMMd '" 1M ,Iton _ n I 1"- 10.."4

"iij ('111('


~"" Iht

........'''-Th.... _uolk."l<t..le,.h.,I "',......... ,4 .,IU.. IWO ",kelt , two II( IllMilio 1oIIotI<, ud _ af C''_l. "'........, . ""d


_ _ II ........ ti".I)". II, W t.-"hAII .... t .", \fh.1 -'" ....... 0.\0;, .... of -.I..........oImlL .. t~, . U.. aDd d.,"'1r. "-' .. ~ It"'<"f" '~", m_... ,root .k.th ul rv\d, I...,. "",I blark .. II ... .0.1101 t.-a .. f n.\ d",b of

rold; thl'ft .. ~I""a." _'-'- ." ....1"'.

"",iI~ d~,,,.,k ,

""e!, ....101: two ..01


',1>, I~

h cm, thc xij ILlY of J\ngu8t , I'll.yiL to .Jolm D;lddsoll, t<l.-.I,lllfir. fUI liiJ :;rct. I~'II kit hid~. ilk RU of iiij grct. O l1It1.1I, co cuH"r Ihl! tjUl"'lIill Cllrlill 1\III... n &ClIO ,Kl&Sit. to LiulitJI(lw: ilk , ....'CI! \ n,: IInUl1llR :"\:t n. Iklll, Ihl:' fir-.L 11.1)" of OctOIICI', for x:tiiij Imllkill gold ,1('Iirc!it for tho QuclICj ilk lilluk y 1.; 811 1111111\ "j H IICUI, (Ol' xij Ullt~ J>iJk fl'\ the t~l\Clhl: ilk UIICC iij B..;
1Illllll1lR , :"\,\,:,\,:,'i jl.

Itl'llI, to thl' 1}IlClliII IhCl\llnml. 111(' Qncllis loC.llsiilllll of Ihll lel'IUO of 1'11'-1:11 hil,1.81,. \"0 H. h<:lII, the f("I,1 ,Ia)" of OclOl!CI', fOI" uJ IllllUlIU1S 8nt1l1 CI'IlIllll1C11J to he nile SlOIllO for the l~l1ell('. iij n. It....... the ~)(V dny of OclolJCr. (OJ')(ij hallki/! b'Ol!! to lhe 1}1ll'1Il'; ilk llllnk \. il.; MlIl1IlItl iij H, Itelll, for \"iij illite tlilk to hil'; ilk 11iltC iij II.; SUl Uhm uiiij Q. Hem, rO! i)C QW\1t.llris Wl'\lUII lo lhe tlnCl1C; ilk eln(' diiij II.: tiUllllllfl , iiij II. x[i)( it) 1t,cIU, Ihc .,,\iij dUlt" UctoUer, {Ul' )(iij ci ne !"I.I\.; \\',,\llI8 10 IJt.\ nne gOllll to tllc Qnclle; ilk cillc :diiij iI..; 811lJ1l1LI1 ;,\)(\iij [II. xij it] ItCIII, for IIllC clllQ ll11kmm to the I:!HlIly U 6'OIIU, ij tI. I tem, for ij dul' lJluk gl-ay to it, ij! It!:Ul, (or IU,\kill); or till' 811111) 11 ~Ol1l1, XX II, Il(IIl. (til' \,}~ I) IIIC]' of lnnyn:,,<l!l to it: ilk tJ mcr iiij tt; Bl1IlIl,H\ xxij H. IltlIL. fnr \j fll1I" cl'lu.rngis 10 the oollnr of it; ilk 1 "Il"U'
ij b iiij It.; 111111111111

xiiij iI.

'~I~. ,..." .. I.... r d"" .,ulc. 11".1 (.nolA """; .. "olelci! ro-o (0' _1I1l, n.,,1 ._" .... _ ...,. ,.,..".;' .. ha..- ~.1. I""",,h ... 'M h_. """ to I j.nl ; I.." , ~Iao k ,.wl..I, '''(0, ~ ...Ic .. "K oI""lok II '" .lin "..f>I ........".d. , ..... kIoO.. """""" I .....".n .. n .. "" ,1.,,,101.1. 0' ... tin, 1.,'lr~ 111'1"0("" ~~l

1...... 1<.

I.I"' I, I ..........................,II..... '-I,. ,,~.

lal.-", I~"'ili. loW\ "'-. _loll ... u,ll .. o I.ni~. '~Ii ............... ).t,.c,; d, "",hat. MIll ";"", ..,,, l...,..nGp' I.... ldl

""''',0ClI.1.1 .....

II('hl (t,r ," 1I0wJcriligiB II) the &u,1 goulI; ilk hun,IN'III .... 1:.0<:. iiiJ ,;.; I\IlIuLli;l xx ~. helll, for 1<Rl"fonnll}lIg of tho said ~ulIlI witll III~w'\"cr. ... 1II. Item, fur (nnlll;': of Iho Mitl guml. :u i. h em, ("I" \iij 1'111(' i;ltin to Uc anI.' WMIII 1<1 th(' (}II('IW ' ilk dll(' x~I'ilj i> smUllin . '(\iij II. iiij ;.,. IU'lu, r"I' ij due 111.11;. ~r:ly to the I'Iili8 of it, ij j" l"iij II 11('111, ((lr xxliij m)"nkis to lite rollllr IIml f~'nlitl .,f the goun, I'iij II. h elU. for 11111' 1II:lUliII of cnll!ll~lr In 1~\ff"llrlm: tht' ", id

xh ;.

h em, tIle Hnij 11.1) lit 0..:10111.'1. fot \"i) dill lIlaill to he nntl kirtill to tho QU~III; ilk 1'11lex!':l"iiJ i.; RmlllllU ix II. xvj it 11.('111, tOl' nul' qunrt", \\"('\1118 to tiu.' MlIl~lI, !':j ii, l telll, fu t \' l'\unlt(uiB 11011"11\\ Clul ll Iv iI, \ it 11.('111, (or ij cille j fJ.uart.1l' l'ioouis Illnk to 1)"lIc till' 1;;11II}'n; tho clll(' x I.; Sllll1l11ll HiJ i. \'j d. x A. Itelll, (or mnking o( the IIIlill kirll l!, It('lU, (01' \ij (,1110 tlallllil to be nul' kirlill 14'1 tile QUCIIC: Ilk 0111(' X)(I I.; SIIIIIIIIII ,iij 11. XI~. it(;1II, t(,r j il"ltrt.lr \Idlus 10 oonlullr the toalllJn, xj il Itelll, (or ij "]110 lIislis Mak to he 'j ]1Il1\! IIf IF. III thc Qtlen(' ilk ('Ine !':);\j ~ \iij \t, hmUlnn liij l iiij It. il... m, (or \ ([l1flltnris WOllt18 to 1111' <,lllClIl' ((II (nunl;llis for hlltlis j tho ('Inc xliiij iI. , IJIIIII IIIII II"!" Item, fflr \' Il'ulrial'i. snlill I;IC like; tllo (Inc nliij ~.;

to Will inn) Wc.I~h , Ii\il~hlll, lor tl1UlIJLlliug of .\1(; C,)UII or lllIliil, ... iiij l hC'm, fOI tnuuJaung or nne 6'111111 (" pUlpur \\l'Ilu.~. ix i. . h Ull, f(.r tntllsiAling: or nllC' b'Oun Ihnl IH." 1''''II,II.ril ,



X'lt ..

11 111, for IntllliliHiug Ilr aile g01ll1 (I( \\dln~ , ... \iiij ~ Item, IIIl)'il 10 1~'\IIcc]u t Fcn~'. furl"ur til tll\' 1,1U,I .... rOI runiug (.( nlll' g""11 or lJiil),; ~Itill \Iuh IIld(l ~Icltill fllniL \\illl enu)!!g, iij h.

ItClll, fol' iij'"

.\('COl" ~T::) OF


the 11(1111)'11; ilk" xi I..; Hlllll llln loj It Itl'1H, f(,I' fUlrin!,; of :Ul(> pail' IIf 1111gkiunis to thc {}ucuc, 1111(1 stuf to llll'lI3l11)"II, iiij ~, !lClll, rul lUltki1l~ of UIlC hOlll.:t of crlu)ngis null lYllYllg (lr it I,f tllC <,lncU;II slur, I'ij ~, item, rOl' nne new boncL 1)[ cl'lIIyngis, COllli!IIJI1I:: .~xiiij l>cstil:l: ilk peee ij il: summn xl\'iij it [1i!Ill, for bj" 11011<1('ris to iL, xij S. [11'111, for lIlnkinot; or lhe I:IUIII)'II, xI'iij is. [lc III, fOl' XX'I: 1J("Ct' or c lillyngill rycht gmle to lilc collnr, Cllm~, lIml f{'nt or Ihe <lne. I(:lI lIyehl1,oull of wcllus ; ilk Ik'CC ij it iiiJ d. , 1IIIIllUm iij n. x i ltNJI, fQ.' rcl~'Iling (,r the s.11l1yn ql.hcll it wee InLll~lntit. xiiij 1. Itcm, for iiY H pou,le riu g 10 it; ilk 11I11l11rcth iiij i: SIIIUIlUl xiiij L lteUl, f(JI p':lrfourlilyng of the t.oclyis of the lIo,id gouu witll CI1'I~ ugis nlltl quhit lUt'u{'lcr, xx 1. Item, lite 1...lllllltllly of October, for I'iij hra nkis gold to the 'lUdic, XJ i. Itclll , fHr nllc due I>;IIi1l 10 he ll"t1C8 10 lhe QUi!lIe. IIdil"", ..it to John F01"ll1/1II , xXI'j 9.. I'iij it ItCIII , tIle :It;euII,1 Ilny of I){'(;cml.er, for xxiiij hnukis ;.iI!M to the (..'uenc ; ilk hank I' i.: SlIlIIlIm vi II. ltelll , fllr nut' oomr to the Queue, xiiij a.. Itt'lll, fill' xj ehle iij~ '1lIlIrtOl;1j 1o,lill cmmcsy for the I'ul (If II ... Qucnis lINI ; m.: eluc of I'iij clue C08t iij N. :\\" A, IUI\I iij cine nllil hllil nile 11"llrlnr the cine iij "\1 r., nml iij 'tu'llt,lIia tltt' ('Iltc liij tt: .!lummI! x liij N, iij I. j II. IU:m. for xj duc iiJ~ Itlltllt-uill wellua 10 it; ilk ('Inc, 'l:1i.ij ;...; 81l1l1Ul:t xXI'j It ij JIt'm. f,.r :n'l:i iij cine lnffcti, It'(\{' nnd J!I'I:!LlC, t .. he ,,,"11111,:111 to tile I<;II"J"; ilk duc xl'j it: SU Ulll1a
1\'1'1 , (." .\.\Iiij l' lile 111';1111

l'il~lI~ (If

:"n:l'ij n. iiij 11 ,1I1'('ili l<l hUl11 lhe


1.0111) 11 1(0 11 Tm:.\!-.L'I:EI:


1tO:1II. fl"\'U3l:11 ~,II ... s.1In~u ..t tl .. K;II;.:;,\ "ilk ~.D. 1:.1)1. 11<:1 for ,. filull,; to lhe IJ ..... um cll.luR'r, 11, I' Item, for j IJolir M1lrl"i'3 to Ibo t)n<l"cl Willi llUP <"lill. "j It. I Lelll, 1I1(! :(\" (1-1) IIf ~t"III!I, fut :o..hiij (1110 Jl ullnud c1nth In 10(' tIt.1 IlUil of achetil II) tho Queuu; ilk (Int ,iij ;... 'IUIIOI,I ;>;ix 11. iiij; Iittn, nx clue .@mail 1l()I1:ulll cluilh to he Ilull.i, t .. hir; ilk rlue xj 01.: S"'IIII\II x'j II x ~ I ICIII, Il!exx ILl)' I,f llecemlll:r, for' iii ellII' 11,II.IIlIlrI.llh to IIC cu..l1oeri. f"r the Qucu('; ilL "1,,, ,itj ~ ; I<U .. II,,;! lij n. iiij i.. Itl'lIl, (111' .\uj 1.'111(' lIull:uul clath III Ill' 11m' IlIlir ()f 1I(:1I('li. iij clul' lolt~ nUll tUIl h..~Ii., ilk "llIl' \. i;.: ItlUIll\n iij tt v ... 1"'111. tOt b:~ I'lul' Bl'lintlo I'lnth \0 1'1.' rUlII' pnil pull''' IChclili of ij}i l'I"t'(lilllllli iij}J du{' luug; 11k dill' ij S.; IIlllnmn lij II. itcm, lor lxxij clue Herlrulc clalh 10 l..c leX 1~1irul I.criuJ.' schcti8 of tun I,n-dis "uti I llr~ (hl, 1.11I~ i ilk d ue iJ L IIltnl ill" iij It. xij ~ item, '!lr x;>;x clue IIIWII 10 be Rllf' I ~UtI' IChdl fl>r lhe Qucl1i. hl~l; ilL dll~ lij i:.. ; B1I111U1R X n. x ~ Ittm, fur l1Iakil1;: or the &l.myn of \. j.n'lli". iJ l 11'111, f"r1"j J()ltiN fmtillu to 10(' tua I~Linll fnloli,lI1is (~'I Ihe QUCllil I~I, IJf I' I'rcidis 111111 iiij~) dll,' 1,,",1(. ilk hult xniij 1. i ImRmR \ iij II. ,"iii 6Itt'III, f(jr ij 'C(hlt'l u..:ddia to th.: !.JlIUliII \\"(tnlrol" loocht ll~ ,Juhn "nmci~ i~ n. h CIll. fill tUII ft,Mtl t.c..1,lia IU the Mill) 11. 1,,"""ln at CiliA'lt 1-':':111I"1I~ 1 ,,01l. iiij ". Item. nile ~r\"lll(mn 1.0('0.1 ... r ,lie KingiR Ilul.ilk eNIi h:l11l" at. Ihe Kil1bris mnriab'!: nu.1 ,1,.Jinril II"'" I'. lhe QnCIIC'II wnl"ul"Uh. ilCllI. r"r iiij ;':I"\t II"WIi ~l<1i~ 1k-IiIt'I.tln Iht ',111"11\'. ilL 1"11'0: x, liJ~.. U1II11In iij Ii. lij~. Item, for tu.. &IIIRI dO\\1I I'Ut.ltli~. xi. itrlU, )1O)"it. 10 lilli' 1:01'1 ...... lUi :o.j I,nil .,f I~h" \iiij ;.,.




OJ.' TilE

.... 1:( i ,

Ittlll, (I'r f gn:l h.1kitl, ' Ij So. Ittm , 't'r liij' s,11lnll hukill, xiiij!l. iiij d helll, 1~1~'if In the luill limy 'or the Quenes wtll'l1l'Ob .. tui 1\l ... llIUi!. . . ~yiij ii. Ill'lll. (01 iiJ du... iij {)lInll.llris wdhll to the Queue; ilk chI<' xlii iJ ii, : MlIllIUIl "iij It \ i. itelll, the' I'ij dny of ,l nnulU', fol' x\' clue ChitUllol , to he ,IIII' uycht gOlln 10 the Queue; ilk cl lle" !I,; 51111111111 IIJlt.XI. I kill, fUI nile furring (of g-my 1.0 the Imuyu, ix n item, fur ~ij '),IH.' ~ki u llill uf gmy to the fe lltis nnd lM,lflloUL uf it, xij!. helll, (01' 1 Ilunl'illIil Inwil to Iho Queue ; tIle elne x b. j bUl,llHU xij 1. Ij It Iltlll, fill' tlln ~tcik Imk11lIU 10 Ill) Ellie cowch t.o the
l}ul'tI(,, ' xx\'iij l xl h l.'llI, fOI nnc bLlIIC of woll to it , I klll, fur IIlRkiug 0' the lIuill cowell :lJld cnrtling of tho \\011 to it, x[~J 11cl1l, (01' \ij ('Iilc kil's]! to till,' Quclle ; ilk cine iij Ii. I'j It.; !'1111111111 li x A. vj ..t.

11l:11I, ("I J 'l1l'lIt~1' I'll rpm \\(' II Ull IIIIIC ror tllo Queno he 11ich,n.1 , 11I ~tite, xiJ i. ltNn, fill' \liiij <'Illc bey LV be oourliu;j:is fOl' the Qul'uis e1u.huer \liUIdo]; ilk eh ..! ij II, iiij d,; 1I111l1l11R \' n. (ij a. \'j t1.) Itt'lIl, llll' I1wkil1g uf the 811111)"11, IlTiliu with liMy
1:0jlCI'ill I,ill.

Item, niii,i dny of ,T UBUliI', for \'iij \umkiR 1-'(\\11 to tho QUCllI', clrlin'l'il ttl .Iolm FOIIIHlI . ; il k hRllk \' 1l; 1111111111,\ xl ~, 1l.'III, to l11r t~UCIl(', hil' J1!'.'Il~iOlili Iff ;\ lichcllIICtI bipaBL , ,ldil','I';1 til till' (,III{'lIi!! tltCR/IIII',lr, \'" II. 11"111, till' x\\' \In~' {If Fl'hulll!, fvl' ij clue IICI\rlct 1.0 hc ;\11(' lK'I~ \,(,1(' I" tit(, t}ucur, \ 11. itelU, rut \IJ .111<' '\111111" lu I,, 11 11(' kirtil! til the QUClle'; 1111' \111!' ";nj~,; 111 111111.1 ' ix It. ij ii, Itl'hl, tIll' x\iiij \Iny of ;\l nl'dl, Ilrlinril 10 the QUl'lIe

xii lJ cluo d.litll or ~"ltl, SCL1llmUl(' IIll ,!erlllU Fri>oco~," WiGl.

11(11 til" ,1,

III tl H.!

re llmlU.'II~

or the IIll'ik




nut! cr,l!'

I'ij duu j ' Ilwrlnr
\\'cl1u~ I" tile IIoli,l I,;0U II :


XI' II. )(j i. Ix II Ite m, lOl' Ij elm! L1\Ui;Li to Iyue the II/I"'JII ; ilk dllll x Ij I;';
hCh! .

il k <:I lIe :I:!iij K.. 6111UIIla

lor lUi" flllMlilr ot wdlllll Cr,IIIIUlCSY 1', alii' Linill of Ih(l QIII'UUL, uiJ'" I'J II. ILelll, tor x'{i'( '! 1111<'(' ot l!Iih{'r W 110,; Rile 1000U for th" Quelle' \Iith IUh' 1,lUg IIlalk ;111,1 lillI' 1.1l1J,C "I'"IIC: ilk 1I11{'ll xiij i.; IUIIIIII;( , l.i, II dJ". "J d. Item, the thrill tilly tit ,!ullij, tor nne '11MTt;11 11\'11,,10 rflr .... r. ur. ItUl.) Lirtill of til<' QnllllCli. );j ;., lij II. 11('111, Ihe lij dlly or .!ullij, rill' lij ehlt' ~my "'ltill W 1..c nne killill to the Qneuo; ilk clue UIJ A. liij \1.,81111111111 i'{ n, Ij~, I'iij ,I. Item, tlltl xI'j II;!y lit .Iunij, for Hj eluc lI,tili cmllllll('o\:Y 10 be nllO gC)1I1I to the 1~I1t!ne ilk 11110 liij i.; llUun!;\ 'hj n. \'iij J. lleU!, tlK' XX\'j 111I~' of .Jnnij, rtJr xij H ('111(' l,;.IIIIH.' ~till W be lUte ",""'11 to (till'] Qnl:ue; ilk rilll' XJ.:I-j'" liiJ It. ; III11IUl;I XI'j" xiij ~_ iiij d. It"m, IIIIyiL I') ).;lIll" FI:1'Y, funum to lito (~nHIt. f"r xij elluJu~i,. tn '-UI(, ;;01111 bt lito ',IIII'lIiA Iluililk \\('$ tmll~lnti~, Ilk 1 '1 ij A., IilUtiUM ...... Hiiij i<. 1:111, f,,1' iij" i'O\l"Ill'liligilto Iho "tll1~'tI ;':<>1111, ilk ,'. iij i:., SItUJllJa i\ i. IWIII, tor tile wCrklU;!uschil' of till' sni,II,:'IIIII. V)~. Hctll, 1110 l;uot 11,1)' IIf .Junij, rbl fllIe 111'\1' hal'lll'll ICt II1\' (,IUCIII" iiij 11_ Item, r(lr .\110 &ltlil to the 1.'111)11. xx\ij~, ItcIII. ,(lr iJ killia to the Qllcnill \\.Inlrolo. iiij It liij;' Item, fur l;(>rin;; of thnim to till' .\blu)' xijll IWIII, for /1111' "'1.liI to the (~I1(>III', Ik II Clit. r,.r iiij {'Iue j Ijl1ftl lM \\,dlli. to 1'\\'1'1' I he M11I~'n i'{ II, (\J 1" iij (1) ilk rill" \11' it; I!Ulumn


i'U 'I 0"




hem, for ane hnrllClliug 10 iL amI covering uf the Mill

amlil, iij It hem, fur l,ukki11t'f1 and pcmlCS$(!8 to it, xx a.. I tem. fur glltil1g of the saln~n, xl !I. Item, fur fl"ell~ei5 to.1 it, xxx I, Item, f<>r nile ,.. ir sternI' il"l1ia to 8ILC aadill for the QII.:nc, ' iij it Itcm, for allc h!'ich Imtill (01' the Qucue to lide be(<>1"f' hir, cored! wilh I"llll00cil", ' iij n, Item, fOI' j 'tumtlu' wclltla 10 men,( nue &'1I1il, xj it IWm, for Rno at!'ik chal11loL to hc nne cloke to the llucne and nile IlIIde 1l(.'ll1le hi!' pnS!la~,'c to QI1I,itilirn,


ItcHl, fOI' j Ill1artal' wclllls 10 til., l..iltilll"$ of tht' Quclli!, . xj Aitem, for vj cluo j I[Ullrtar grcuo tnO'eli II) the QUt'IIC! Ill1hen seho mid to Quhilhirn : ilk eillo xij it: 11111111111 iij II. XI' II. Item, tho xX"ij Ilny of JUllij, Ilcli\"l:::I'iL lO Ihe Qneue, iiij uucc goM wpc &Cud hnul\' lJ[> J\!I"Qme }rillOollilltl. item, [Ite :uriij Ilny of JUllij, (01' iij ell1(' iij!4 qnnrtal"is lI"elln8 to be HIlC JlilYIll to tIll! QuenCl ngrlllO hir IWl8!11lIHI to Quhitllirll; ill.. ehl(l xliij it; sumillfl l""iij 11. \j 1 \'ij d. ob, it('lll, for iij clull iij t~ (1lIlll'ltuis dlllllC!B to be :lIlO other pilJAn rol' hi .. ; ilk cine :>:n ~: 8UlltiUn iiij 11. xI'j A. x (I . oh. IlI:m, IN' iiij cine hnlf Rill' 1[11:11"\/11' ehnmlot to I .... Ltllll'] tluilll'ilNlII; ilk ('lite IX g.: 8t11UIIla .uXI"ij g. j II. 011. Item, for nne ~tcik 1)lIkl,11II to 1)lIe the ~1t)llrll tim: (lil3flIlS, xij \1. Itchl, r(.\ iiij:{ i'l ilc :'t ldnll fuuinll IlJ tho tlll'c CQ(Mis {or the 8:liol pilS-1I1is: ilk ('Inc ij ~ \'iij (I. ; 80m,' xij S ILlllI. fnr xxx pund (elMeris t,) "tn{ the Q:'Imyn tlll'c v)(J.li~ x K. II('hl, for 1I1;lkilli; of lhe thft: Ilil.yIIl!J, xxx A, Item, for t.1{;Sis, hukkill,'S, lIud ~ma ll Sl1lith h) lillliltt,
'H ...

1.01':0 III G I-I TI:J-:A$UHEI:.


Ih:m, the Ij Ihl)" of AlI~lIst, to :"iiiij dUl' LUlue I\-dhlll-"I), to Uc aul' 1:. UII to the quem!; ilk "Ill'! iij 11. ; .... I1II111mn drj It. Itell\, for ;(iiij due Mak II"cllus to ho Hue b}lIll to thl.' Quellc; ilk cIne !tliiij~,; SlI1l1l1ll1 ,);Xx II, .wj~. [tcm, rOl' I'ij cluu !'nllIlC dllUll'fl to ho nllO kinill fo\' ~ht.: Queue ; ilk elm.' :"iniij So; suuunll. i:"i It. :"il"j S. It~' m , the ;( IIny of ,\lIgIl51, fl1l" :\I'j cine gt'fl~. satin to he rulO gOUl! hI till' Queue; ilk eluo XX:"i.l"j s,; 811lUillU H\'iij It, xvj il. [!.ern, tlelil'I.'t"it. lo tho Qnelle, ij hankis gold lI"yre IK.'mll~ ,J"'I"OIII .Flisoob.'lItL Itelll, )Jo'lyiL to WiIIilllll W(.'I8(:h, tnilSOIlt', fol' mOlltlillg of allO gotllJ of dlllllC8 elMI, of :;oM, 1toll1, L him fOl' BOeting of nUl' hcml ... ul' nlltl 1~'nYllg: of O nllo gOHn of 1,luk wolin!!, xl'j il. Item, fOl' seeling of lme I.>onlolll' IHltl Iyuyug of nile goun of Lnnno wcllus, x\'j i itOUl, fOl' l1lnkin~ of slollis ami IIIcLIIling of othol' 1:.'()wuill ulli! kirtil1es. ' xiiij So Itom, lhtl );Xvj Itny of Allgust, fOl' 111)0 redo\" hed for the Qllcnia ehailller, 1 (S.] JlCm, for xij t>!lIe l ~lt1tlle lyuyn to he scholis for Llit' sumyn; ilk 0.111(' ij!l.. KUlnmn , xxiiij !l, Item, for ix elll!! quhiL LO 00 Lluucntis (01' il' ilk olne iJ So "j II. j Slllllmn xxij;:' Ilelll, fol' nile \"!!nloolll' to tho snlllyn, xXI'iij it Itom, rOl' bering of i~ to tilt, ;\I,hn)" iiij (I. Item, to the Quellis g111C>': in hi1' llC'lIl:iiulIn ill 1)(\1l of pnyIllell~ of tho tenno of I'nach lnst hipIISt, deli\"(~l'iL 10 ;\Init.tel' (:m'wUlt;>1 in "I...cne" ot hi .' litesnu l7\l', iY II. ItOIll, for I' (1lwrwris grJ.y !>;Itiu \0 lhe Queuo (or IlIIllis: the eJne xxxlj g.; soUle xl\' S. ~1111lUln ij"'xxx\"ij It. xij a. xj ll, ob,

ACCOUN1'S O.F 'I' ll};

, rl. I:.''''..

X .IIIY 0' Febr,UI. .., ftll' )!;\j cine j quartar of r,f Flon'lIce, fOI' the Mlms ' 01 tho llrinCC8 Clntlillet1, thi! IllIri ~ l.o('( ldiB, null before the chillumis, \,ith th\: heo;lis of lho 8Il my n; ilk elne nj~: su mma )(iiij N, t Will, fo)' tUII 81.1.'ik Inlkrulll to lYllo the ...uuyn , ilk .. Ii'ik )(iij S,: 8111ulUn , , xX"j il, Iterll, for \' stcikis of the tnO'eli hocht. fm nuiK'I't Bertollll, lO lho 00111 t i n~i~ for the said 1 '(lUis Itllll fur tho font. !lelll, rol' \'j clllo I UIII\1 rrUlllUPij to lYl]o the 00\ or fOI lho fon1 ; ilk cIllo ij II,; 1 1111111111 xij ii, l(('llI, rm' ILIIC ~i,th In tho fHut cu\'or, iij a, Itom, fOl' gil~ 111111'1 to it, Jo: ij a. Item, r(ll' li ne Imu\, to it, xij d. helll, fO l' mnking of tho CO\'O I' 1<1 the fOllt, wilh tho cOliltingis, . xiiij 1 t tCIII, fUI' j 1IIICe j 'jllllrtlll' 1II1e(! greni! rilxml!tl to the Cvlll tiugili of it, ...j il, iij.t lICIII , for III11\"ill1; of lite lUll' HlIll courtingi. fol' C1'1l1lil1~,

helU, lIlC



fol' IIlllkilig (If lilo Ilif of tho chimnny, ~ i iij g. tho fl'IJlIseis fol' the 00\'01' of the tOllt, tho rum. for' Lhc crcJil101 Hlill ('lliuIIIIIY, of the Killgi!! si lk, COIItcuYtlg )()(' ij Ull oo, 1L , fO I In,lt\lIg of \'ij lillie fl'clI3Cis for Lhe covel' of the CIII fOlll, ;ij s. . .j .1. i Ll']U, fur' n iij l,III O 'll1 li iL .il"IIIOI lo IItCllt lho lIai d rums ,
[ tO IlI , [ ICUI,

IJ iI.

I t" III, ror \'j i.!1r,O tuM nl]o qlwu'tM clnilh of golll LO 11011110 1 ~'lH' fur Llll' pl'iuco 1 [or'ro him to tI,O 1i)'1" : In.. dno .1) \' II" !lummn SJo:X It. s ij i. 1t~'1I1, r"r 1I1;\ki "g: "r 1110 MillY" , . : \'iij iI. \ Ih'l11, fV I \ l)'m \' I' loj oc'8lil of \: 1111)' 111; to lyll the lIa '"),n , ilk l~lIwr iiij II. ; 811IUuIrI xs II. xij >l. Itt'llI, fur siJ Rt..i lllli .. \.0 the huttering: of tho r;lI id ("'11)"11":,



l.()Jl l! III W I TI:E.\SUU FI:'


I WIII, fut iiij" 1 ~1\\<lcL"itlgi~ to th~ I;:un~'n; ilk c. iij ;!;.: .... n.lr.nr...

1 ~1It!,


Helll, f,u- Iynyng of the snitl

iiij n.
10\' 1II'I'iug !'hC\l 8 fur

Iklll, fur "jij ..1110 l \(ortullc I~ Llyn

the I1Il1i~, :nj it Itelll,IUll' gl"cL gil~ IICCO Qf tho I\illgi~ ~ittill t', nile 1 ~1U with nilU 1 'lUg IUIIIlI (".,thl' l"inC\! ulI.I HI",) )UIIJ.( ~puno. Hem, for I'j U11(.'e I'uris sih'il' lH m'lk lunll the lIi11nyni ilk 1111(X xiiJ i..; SIIlIllIltL iiJ IJ. XI iij it h CIII, f(I\' nne kil'L f(lt 1I1<" princes dUll! 111,,1 aile other to the IlUri!!, iiij 11. X i!. h em, fur Ioeriug "f tl.,lim to the Ahl~'ty, liij It. Item, fur ilj }{ 01110 scarlettu CCtlcr lilc lilill omclln, ilk ,ij tt 'l:iiij l eilic 11iiij l; SUlIlmlt I W ill , ror iij IIILCe gl'cne rloon,,8 to the IInlll~'l1: ilk 11IJC!! Yii, ;
811mUla xv


1t.'11I, tnt ('n\'('rillS nf it, Ril tl ual(>!l \,. tll(' IIIm)" n, xl . ltOlll, fn!' iij.'t ein(' !'CInlet, to I", :'Ill" pHilO for till' lilin cnuljll: ilk ('111(\ I 11,: summa \'iij tt XI- fl. IV'hl, fot X 71 cine llc\all rnlitulIl \ .. I)ue tll(' MllIJII; ilk

ij ii, I'iij d,; IIlIlIlUIa xniij R. of the II;'1I11)"n, iij;;, 1t(>1JI. for x (' ill\' en l'!l.'I~ tv 11' 111;1 1~li. \, ll"IlIellti5 to the s;lid cn1(lill. ilk dill' iiij';. \'j t1.; MtlU1U;1 dv ~, Itcm. fill .'(I'iij !,~ .'Jlle Il olL'Ilill d'lith III IIC 8Chdis to the "'Di.l cl1Idill ; ilk dill' I-ij It; (illltulUl Ii H. ;x;::. I'j d. IlOII, for v ('Ill(! lIollaml dnth t.) lot' hcdcfI(;h{'!is for the Item.
{for IIltlkillft


prilll'O; ilk cillO ix iI,! 8111111UU xiI' a, ill'llI , for iiij ('IIh! j fjJ1;1I tM clath It!" !:Cultl !'! ('"n'r tILt' gret x:(j n. I' !I, cmlll! 01 flllI;t; ilk due \ n ; 111111111111

itl'iII, fnr\ij ~.~ qnltrtltris I<nrkt t.) t"",'!' tit., I;li.1 ('1~1I1i1i within; ilk cine I tl. ; .. 111111011 iiiJ II lij So. Ij (1.
item, rl.r iiij !InC(' gl~ne rioonl'8 10 it xx ;.

1t1.'1II, rur iiij 1In('(' lIIai,1 rnm;;.is I.) it xI'ij ~ It"m, r" .. f~JI'erin~ or il uII,1 fO)I' ~ih nnle ... tn the ""mYIl, xiI. Item, 1'01' xx el ne lI oll;tm\ clnilh to 11(.' 1U,lwti. tn the j:!wt \iiJt1 l'1'nllill ilk d ill' viij ~.: aUlllllln

. ~. 100$.;'.

1 ~II1, fur ... ell.equhit Nll'8lly to to;! l>lanentis lO it, ~ h'~. Item, for nlllkilig (If tile MlII~II, ij it [(,'m, ror iij !'h,.., ('luilh of SOli! to ("o\"~ r Ih!' fmlll!' Ilr ,hI' emdill of ~Init; ilk el ll!' " It ; Slumua . ~,"lt, IteUl, for I' qllulnris scnrlC't to COI"er the ft' i ~ nud pn rt of it: the cine 1 a.; sunmm , iij Ii. ij a. "j (1. Item for nnc ltll'~ ribomcs to it , and ,.j cine riOOl1l'S, \"iij lItcm, lhe tlli! of rihnnes were left of the tlla eradiJles. Itl.' lIl , fat eo\'eting of the SIlUI)'1l amI for nalCli to it, xl R. It(>ln, fOl,the bow is to th (' tlla CI'I\dilles, \'iij d. item, (o!' \' qUal'wris scarlet til co,er Itlllim; t he cine Iii.; summll iij N. ij l \'j d,

ilem, fOl' elfl.th of gold 10 he the PUll\) to the &Ljd el'f1l1ill, quhitk \\('s (Iyuil] \Iith till' martrikil of the KiUbrtS gOl\ll wcs ILlllid ill Hn!~ h in the Kingis (pUl[lIarJ of compt n1l(1 cost., xx It.
ileln, the ctmyugi" 'luhilk wcr in lh,' pan" nf cll\th of goltl put Oil this I'fLtlC, ItCIlI , (or ij t,nne' I' xj hcsUs C I'IIl~1Lg to the ptme of the Ihill clTlllil1 l..cfore writin, to 1Ionlo.II' it. : ilk poco ij II.; SUlll llla ix N. ij 5,

Itcln, for j'" pO lI'deJ'ingis to it. ; ilk c. iij S.; Slll1l1nn xxx A.
item, fol' the hOI'tlolll'i ng of LIIC Mid paue, xx iI. Item, for nne cllI" [lllrpOllJ' 11'011118 to 1~ nn!' eusching for Ihe [ILiIlCe, I ~, itr 1Ll, for \' qWH'tol'is fustian to it, . iij it iiij <l.



f(',llk'ris to it null (01' IIInking of it,

\' R.

1t{ "l. f!lr t\lU eUl'oChi n g i ~ of gl'cne sey IIIfLld fol' the 11I11'is, xxj ~. iiij (I. Ill'''', fOI' xli x e loh' I'I(!,'" to he ('olll'lin),Ci~ (ill' th, l'l'i llCC \\'illll(,i~; ilk plno ij lI. iiij It. , ~1ll1ll1H1 ,. n. xiiij .Q, iiij d.

It''III, for nile elm' lmknllil l<Il~ m,[ [\<'111, f(U' 1ll:1kin~ of 11loilll ,
i t"III,
1 1 1I'''~ ,I;o~'

tl)\~ 1I<1I11.,n.

xxi.) 1 1 iiij rI.

mn l

of FpJIL I1nI, fol' fll1(" 1';llle fOl' the pl'ill('<'.



11"111, I"r IIUI'

;{ It. 011, \. ~ .

1 for ",111,

A..... \\I.dull. iJ ~. liij 11. Item, tur x I)OC(' (.of arTeS welk tor tit< " ri n..., chllh)(:r hillgin;.:, of f)nhilk nut' ('(10;1. \'iij 11., iiJ t"l!<t .\\iij 1t.,nuJ \'iJ CI ... t ilk I){.'(;c iiij II ; IUIIIIII3 I It. II.CUl, f(.or x.lij chw t'nmuu.'t; to l//lUlI the fwIl1L~'n, ,"xij A. h ew, f(.or I.. mlin~ of lilotim. x II. heOl, for xix tine Ikrlaut' clllilh to be IIn(! caMpe f',r U\'iij 1. tht' nuri. Lt.) , ilk cine ij.i; "11111 iliA (!kUI, for ij eln~ C11I11UW$ Ijuhilk \\d tilt 1~llrolln lM Ih. pnne (.of tile CI'8.1il1, ij ". illi Il Ite m, tor x!J eille 1IoII:llld clilith t(or lilt! jlliuC\: I ilk e1u<: \' l. \"j d.; summa " 'ij 1. ix d. ItelD, for oue gret fedder bed tu the 1'1i~ dlluuer, iij II. xl. hem, for nnc fedel' lJ('{1 tO I' the chiMer in Ihe chnl\l(lf, I I. Item, tor xij cine lIerlnnc elnth to Ioe schclili to thaitl!, xxiiij II. Item. for nno pRir of MaueRlis 1.0 tlmim, ' uij 1 Item, fur tun \'erdeonrill to tim lUll heddil, h'j 1. ltelil. for tnn fetler lJc<"'i~ lO the lIuri.llud I'okbria ; ilk 1100 I l.; aUnll1Hl \. n. Item, ror xxiiij (!Ine Ikrtmle clnilh to 1 schelil fOI' thnim, '! xhiij l. Item, for lun pnir blnnc.Alili to lt1.1im. xliiij I. Item, fol' 11111 \'enl('Ouria to thnim , h 'j I. Hem, for viij cine ilcrtnnc cllttlt 10 he fllIO othe1' )lllir of bering ecilelis, X\'j 10. l!.em, for xij elne &rtanc clnith to II(' fut sehetll; ilk clue ij I ; 811111mn x:..iiij . Item, for xiJ chiC of the S'\lUyn to be C<11'1~ml eJuthia fOi lhl' prince, uiiij A. l lt'lI1. for \'j (Ino fyn<' fluhit ctU"8II~. to I..... IK'h"rl I,lancntit, xu ~. Item, fur \' h clnc Fr:lDch lynllYu 11'1 lwl tua coudlt!!. for Ihe lun c""hlles: ilk clue uij It KIIIlI II);\ IX j... ix It I tem, for i~ jlund \\011 to Ihe (111;,1 c(luch,... \. ~. \iJ fl. oll.

iJ dn, canlllws 10 dicit'"





lIem, for lIInkiu).( "I lll(' Mifl



lind c:mlin::: "f th('




helll. 'ur I" l'luc ilJ qn;ul-aria Mc1nn lustillll to the tllli Iioun IlillowiM {hi' tht'! tun ct:\!hlks: ilk clnc ij Q. viij d. i 11111llWI )1:\' ... iiij d. ItellL, (Ol' Ilownis to the I/Iill pillowis, xiiij it Item, I()!" IIlllking; of tl\'1ill\, ij l It{'lII. lor liln 1;1I)nll C(\Ildill fOl' the Inn emllill('l, with

down ill, ix I, iiij d, Itcm, {OI' xlj due Mmm(>8 lO be pcL1tis to the IInris bed nmi l'-lkknri .., x\'j R. hClIl, thi' &(.'<::111111 tin." of :llnrch, for ix cine flurponr wcUnll to IX' nne pn}'n for thu plincu quhcn the Iynyug IleA Inne fnrlh of Ih(, 1.lIUIC of <:Inth of gold : xxij It x A. ilk ('hl(' t h.; SUllIllIa. ILeln, f"l lij cine quhi) ,lfltll('1'. 10 11 , '116 the sn lll~'II; ilk clne xX\'iij I.; &nl1l1)11I ix )t, XI'j .l IlI'lU, for \. ~ 1,111(, redo lihlllle8 til the pdnc:e: ilk ellle I,i i. iiij iI .. 111111111)11 xi.i R. x <I I('UI, fol' iij elnr j qunrtnl' 11 011111111 dnith (('\]' IInrkis I.Q ',im; the clnc vj A. l"iij I' , 111111111\11 xxj l viij d. Itcm, p.1yit r,lI' xxix nrnl('1l for lhl' I'linea Ihe dill' he well criSlinnit, xl I. it('UI, pnJ it for x dOSlln ringll I\lul tIll\'! I'o<lis (If im (01 ' ,'onrtillgill in the pl'il1CC'8 ch:uner IInrl aYII{' tllll tu kc 1111'11111 1I0clu , X S. hell!, fill' nlll\ loll\\' lo lht' ~l"eL cmdi l, iiij d. 1t1'11I, for j 'll1nrtnl' lI(mll'). tt) ii , xij l. vj d. Itt-m, r.w dl"'ll('lI In it, 111111 to 1I1l'lId th(' emchll, ilj l x il. 111'111, iiij cllll' 11 1)11111111 cI"ilh (01' l'(lolhrrill fnr lil(' I,rju{'l'; ilk (llnc \j ~; .~~ iiij ~ Ilt'lll, fill ix I'lue l]crl:ln ('failh tnl\(' I'lll f ill the chnlL1ir, :niij 8, It l'lI\, rur lilli' ('1 nt' ~mn lllnkrfllll, ij 1 h'-III, for ,(Ij -'.J t'llw I,mlll 1"11,,1nCII; fhl th. prillce; ilk dlH' ij ii, . Kllllll nn xxv A. Ill'llI, f", v 1'1\11' ~II1A ll llllhiL ,.. \' 1\1\ 10"lllrill('(. ; ilk cIllO ' ,j ~. iiij II 1111111111<1 \Js, \'ii)II


I.O I:n 11 11; 11 l'HI":A:-.I'ItEIt


h.,'IL!, tilt: '\Xlj iL.) "r Al'l'il\'. rUI iij 'luarLll1' 'I uhil .,'~ 1:JJ;, C;' l'ltay lu Lc !!11e ootc fO l' Illy Ion.! I'rilic~ , iiJ ~. i).: 1.1 ,

Ilkll', fOr lull! 11110' dill' balin tu 1,l'ut till' '1tdfis or ~h\J
I!.!U II) II ,

,~.i ~.

item, lile x Jay of .\I.. i.l, z".I1' iiJ 'jLlUnJiru. IWolrJ.'t. 1<. 1.., lllLe colo.', ).:):x vij ii, \J 11 h elll, fill );iJ dll, I,uqlllr wdhllS lO I", ;Ull other l'ute 1<>





I I>..:




It'''I,I, til" x'-ilj Un)" .I{ ,Iuli,!, rvf ij ~~ "lUI' 'julut Jalllt'S

IJe 1111(' l"Ot.8



ilk chI<' "HiJ

~,; "UIUIIl"

1t ~ 1I1,

ilJ Ii. :c: it.. Ihe xxix Un)' ut Julij, CUI hliit II"" clm' hulf nile qUrLl'tnr ).1olnll tUbl!all 10 Iyllo lite l,rill(;1'>1 I\cllug )J1l'1)11r lvtc quhell it IIC8 1l,m~lalit , xs tt l Lelll, till! x);iJ Lilly of Augu~t, fOI ;ij due Hen.Hul' !'I,llh to he 8(:11,'118 fO! the 1\111;$, :c:;.:iiij'" I t<oUI, fili i",!! IIllO ullce rede libnllllS lUi' thl: Iwiuds clnthis, ij "'\'jd hem, the Io.'Jt:Ulul tiny uf ~plt:Ulbcr, IVI I- dlle J II"urtar ;;atin CIIIIlIUlCI', LO Uc 1\1Ie goun 10 thu jJlincr, ilk due h- &.: 8\1 111111a _~iiij n, I'iij So ix d 1t~1i1, for iij}S dill' srltin to I ... 1I11eenlo: 141 11M' ,'I'ilJt't' Ilk rille :\):iiij A. -' !,IIIUIUH iiijll_ iilj i=-, 1'muum tut;llitl iiij"x N, xij' (Iiij J,]
Item, Llethcl'il 1" till' L'oUll'trlllll'l, ~cn ulll'l'l.:>t l'''Ull,tHL tlil'(>j'l! t)' lIICS tv tl'l' funll,,.'lII\l "I' lit.' l\ill;':1I1 lIoll~ fnt the LlIOIl~'lh uf .\II;!Il:>t ill Ilw ,'i\,i, L,I I;~I nil> tIIllU ... w,1 li,'e hUllll rctll sc.~ ;;t:111S tu 11Lt' dll)' ur tlli~ tOlllpl, iiiJ'''iiJh h. xI',i II, x t1 Itelll, rUI' I i tt 'iJ l. iiiJ It. gl"t FlcuIY" IiIOil1.... IIItlitl ill hUlluel' 111111 t1elhcril W ,Ienlllll' "'I'Ca~)I~1II ill Bnlgl'8 "iIILi" the lYIIlC Itf tllili culnl" ill p:tYlUl'ut of l'ij" If, .\iJ :0., iiij II, 0(1"1 ", tin' ~"i,llI,ulln' "t tho: 11',I,ilk "f n, [xiJ" ilij It.] IhMe ib IIl1vllit III HI~ ",.,\ tOUlpl j< It. ~I\'I, IlUti art Ihnrc is 1101\ 101 \.10: til!' tt.Ilill

UL l !oOi.



\'l H. xij J. iiij d. gret in Seouis mone f.w ilk It grot liij 1 {iiij \1.) ; SUlUm..'\ j-"';-j n. ij I. x (t. Of '1uhilk \'ij" n_ xij &. iiij d. grcl the compt of the . :tid J[I'I'Olne] FnloCOlnld follOllis plllticulllr{l]y. ilew, iu tho first , for ane Iteik clll.lh of gold, yxxnij n. . [gr.] Ikm, .Iclil'crit be thc Mid Jcrome w Johu lI ammilloull t{l by p:rcit hol'l 1.0 the (King), . xlix n. . . . [gr.] lteUl , to .101me ,FnmcLs be the suid Jerome, it Fnlllch CroUUil, extending to lx(ij n. x gr.] item, to Liou!! hemld. he t.he snid JerolUe uiiij It IWLIl, to CttlTik pUr&C\\'un~ and fOt' cerumo uukil of iIluntin)'n goltl. qunil3eil, fCIl1U(li~, alltl othH Slllnll Ihingil, . . iiij l1. xiiij a. Itelll, fol' tun dispenl>ll t iun~ to JIIIIICII St.;!wart. nllil ;\ inisl\lI' Lnu1"Cnce l '!llifeir, . xx\ tt. gt', Item, fol' the expeditionu of the bullis of the denr)' of .-\ birdon to DOCl.f)nr Hnbiugtoutl , xxxix 11. gr. Item, for nno mnll 1);1161111(1 wi~h Johne flllllCil nnd h~UUIll (\ nd in i1IlU Urcl xj I)wkil rellll\'IHltl the Kiugis monell ixltuix fntJl(:e IIml F!:ulI!re1., to his CXpCUI,

tt. gr.

ltelll, to the Archbe&hop of !!nuclunurOfi C j'" ducalia of or finllncc mnid ill Venra; for ill.: duclit "j &. viij t1 grct ; Immmn , iij"xxxiij 11. vj 1 viij It. (gr.] Item, Illlolli~ to the soid Jl.!l'OlUe IIC CII'{Iur of cakuling of W h n nllh c1'0llui8 dclil'crit II\! lIim to Jolmc of II nlJllJlillQlI nh01I1.'\\riti ll, l"loti lWlt be Ilim to ~lix 11, iiJ L [fiij ,1.], thll 1 11Ihill.: cxwml is IIC just cnlculing to hiJ It. x[tI.);" xij 11 x\'ij &, Ij ,J Egret) SIIIII(II(\ CX ]lI: IIMrIlm .Jcmnimi Fri &coll,'\lIl, \' ifxiij n. ix l x 1.1 g. [monctc} FI,ulllri~; et IIlIlJCIXlXPOllllit iJcllt JtrotlilllU.!I xij It. xvij ;. Ij (t. grel, (soluhls] cillelu lA't 'Illt_.... nrnriun ct sic l"llue (jUt(.:l}.IthCLUIU .lcronimILlD_
SUlIlIUlI ),,It,oris a ltoona Tl mlOllr:lrio un:lCUIII tlllotl~im I.Lrili "1,lCliuleci lu >;(lli,lia ~'X 11"nllrii8 gl'ct. ex~lId"\I'
UI,I.. ill mVllcLi. Sculicuull

;.,1 trii-!.'lIln 'luntn"r lihraa

LUI:l1 11 1(;1 1 1'IIK\sUHEt:


tIOllI.lOIS vt;h.. JCII;II;OI:I, I,IV ,In.;li, ~UP"'I\'.\I",n~ili u" gO;. Jiell JCl't)uimi liiui soiulUll'cr uictUltl Th(:$UlIl1InUil, v ni:t<l:o:xxj Ii. I"J A. iiiJ It 01" Itcm, pn), iL to di\w$ LlIC1'thrlldil (If Edin1.U\t;h 'luILi)k


Jul.no I'l"IllLci& hl!1.1 L<.'I'(lwiL fl.1 lilnitll, j~' iij" fl"llnkis, :md fu)' iiij"j fmnk ij SOIl& I'ij II laid dUllu he tht) &lUU .Iol.ne, and for ilk [mu);; x &,' bllltllllR of fromkis j"'iiifbj frnnki& ij 80111& "ij delltli", 11111111111 ill &JlllJ; InO.ll'\!, \'ij' \Xx II xj j" iij t1. oil. Item, to tit,. <IOwl Juilue, .Icliverit to lk.... I,,;.. 1I"\.;;1'I>16UII, 'Iul,ilk 110 hOlvwit fill. the &;11.1 l; ..~lI'be. Ixxx rn.nch Cn>\\I1;& of wecht, anel for il\.; ('WUII xnij t Scotti!: lumina. luij n. Item, ttl the said Jolllle in Inll'lil monee, Idj 11, x b. \ ilj It. I n~lill; in :seouis !Conto, ij<j n, "ij I. iiij tI ItCIII, to tho 8."\id J oimc, fOI JWl'XIICILI moiu he hiu ill Scotlnml, dtet he com haml', 011 Iho nrmO"Lr nu,1

lxxxij n. Xliij l Item, SIHin 10 the Fl"Illlch un.10I1U l.y the IOWlOt'S aLonewritin, Cluhl'D he IlrllRrtil , iij< Fmndl erolt'lL. of wc<:hl, um! ilk pt"Ct! of j<h eo.;l x\ij;'" \J 11., lind .',iij crol\'uis COIIt, ilk "ere :t;\j >.., nlltl .\xxij COl\\uis OOI;t, ilk pN:(' xiiij ~ ..,11111111:\ iij"xh-iij II. x\"j a. t Will, tu !JU\III,, can<l;llIlnknt, I~ tIl!' l,inl!18 (l('lllmnnd. to It) tulloun {ILLhilk ;t;it ia l"\'m,mJu,l ILl Ilis hand. t ti. h cUL, to Amlro Iklrt"uu, I. 1111' I,i llt-tis coullnnnd, to 1L\(l.:c hClillg to !;eLlCI ill FnHlcc for \I'~ LLc,um!IQ fllruis thl' sl'll1 \J higgit ill UILuhcrtfllloJ Ll) lIu1\II'\I\lII, .]"Ij n \iij c. iiij d.

c'\) I' IlS uf tiLL' LIIclIstml<'8: of ~otti.


Item, the

llll'it\ J,I)" of _\llgLl~t . l"I,ll to )la,ster ...... Akxnlllil'r (~il\"r tllnt h(; 111;.1 JUU\L to Ihe h": iug-is xiiij ;,. otl'~IlUld in 1.",t..,lri:t.



.\CCOUX'J'ti OF TilE

ht'!lIl. tile f ... n1 wly of August, b';tlin tAl ::-chil' .lohllO: l:nuu;,IY, thut he laid ,Ioun be the Kill);iS cOlllLuRml fol' xxij I>;lllUund. xl hl.'lCh kd) ng, tiM h,,,-relli. l.ei!', iiij' IIIC& 1.1\:1.1\', ami (mucht of the I;UII)'1I to ::;11';I"elin LQ the Gr'l)" Fn.!ril lhill\!, l"j It iij s. llell!. to Sehil' .\uI1ro :\lnkLl\:k, 10 di>lI)o)II.... iiiJ t1. (And eighty,sc,en &illli\1I1' entries, Billollllting in the aggrcgnt~ to iijCx t1. xi. 1] ltelll, to the Kiub';Ji olr",l"(ulIl in Lilllith{IW, ):iiiJ l h.em, the I' un~' of .\\Igtllt, \.0 the preistis ill GIllS'.;o, iij II. item, the I'j tLIY of Allgust, to the l;:ingil ofro:mud ill Our 1..30.1y Kirk of Kyle, :t:iiij A. Ilt'hl, \.0 lhe .....eria of Irro\I;l\, . xiiijil. Ik!m, 1(1 tho Fret;s of Ail', xiiij i. ILl'IIl, the I'ij d3y of .Au~'U.81, 1.0 tho Groy FI1~.ril of Ayr,
xlij iI.

h "'IIl, for xx .. iij HnlX' iij (111.;11'1011;' ullca lil\'CI to ho RIIO reli(IUe tl) :-:tH)(:~ lJulho . lhe unC(! .. iji. ,iij ll.; IUIUIWI . xxi iI. IlIJl. Ij <t.] IlklU, for till) uUlkiug of thu 1I1111l)"U, v t1. Itl:m, tua FtTlneh ol"oll'lI ill lIull tllli uuico)'ui& quhilk wei' 8d on tho &yment rytlll 1.0 sil t the $uil1 I"di'lIlC, iij t1. iiij a. hem, lltc i:t d;IY or AugU8t, LO the IUngil olfenlllil

flL the

\:udo uh.. il", nt the rerler, in

thll 1I1i., kyrk, n~ ~hll I'dilIIlCll, ilL ~hc hye hair, u~ III!) I.. uly ull.;.lir, 1II1l1 in ~ho chllpdl ou tho hill ; ilk I'Ju(''C xiiij a.; II Ulum11 iiij It, iiij il l telll , Lhu :\ II",), of August, oSnllCL IJiI\l'Clloo uny, Lo t.ht: li:iuf,'ilollCI1I11II IlL LIIC rcliqul'll iii Quhililiru, xiiij !l. Item, to Sehir Alld", .' lukLl'l'k, to IIi8POil0 I\UII~, vj It. !lelll, to lhl~ I\iu~i,. o/fl'rlIud in :-iullt:l ~h:d,lIIill kYl'k, ):I'iij .t 11.\.'111, lilt. )oiJ till) "r '\III(U~ I, , .... MlIi~t..:I' ":"hlunl \lIUil', ll) UlJ\k ,III\.' l'ul'h.t1i,;t r'Il' tho: 1 ~1I1) Kpk or 1 \0, xij ;:.1 l'IJ\lI,1I {,I .... lIlIi~ ,11111111;1 \'iiJ II. \iij iI.

1.01111 111(;/1
hl'lll fur :l.vJ h..lnki ..

TI:t.:.\~n:Eli, udll,'ri~



r"r .lIte

"tauu he



~1 ..




lliluk \' ",

Itl'tII. tht.: '{iilJ 11,\.\ uf .\u~tI"'l. 1\1 IInul"IL.m,, . \ !IIho ) 1'lkIJrt:k, 10J 11i!;IIOII'" h elU, lhe X\' ,1.')" or Allgn .. t. die .\",IIIIII'liOlIlIl

,II St.:lur
xl b. Uur

liij tt

tndy, W lhe l\illJ..1\1> orr"rnllll, XIIIJ Ii. [Ami Ibirty-l\Cn:u siulilar cntn, .. or IhC' ..une IlIuoUUl
ut &lII.'h iiI ...... )
I';:iu;;i~ olkr.mJ. 011 lit., 1..... 1. '(iiiJ 10. ltA:lll, th. u. d..ty of .\n~u,t. t.1 Ih" h:1I1~i. off,rant1ID 1.-1.II ..i:.!. , xiiij i.

I tt-hi, 10 111<,;

{Au.1 (01"1.1"-')11(


\'l1lrih or :1.1\' 1]

hem (the uij lin)" 01 Au,,'U6lJ, 10 the Kin}:i" 011\:1.111.1 ill Saut-t Xicltol,18 ChRpell lte::t!itw l.eit!.. . )(iiij b.

lAutltlm..>e Villlil.lf cUlriea.] /t"1\I, IIII' :<'ciiij Ihl~' o( ,\ltg'llIt, ill AUlho )J"llm.:k tll J.i~I"'IIt', Iteln, til<: \\\. \Ll) of AI\~u .. l, 10 :)tt1\elin. heD., Ih,' U\] llily of .\U),,'UbI. to til,' ttl<' I'I'\~I ill the J,;)'rk of l.eknt\\, IWIII, tllf' xnij t1fl~ of J\ngu"t. 1<1 Ihe

NI'i\"C'lill, III ~hil' \' It.

IIII' la"" F""i" or

uiij ;..

KinJ.;ill (.lfcnllnJ 011 ij it \'icm of K.ilut.thug .xiiij it helll, thl' x\ix Ila.1 or AUl-tlUll, ill N"lr{'lnll, In tun pur (n.'li" xiiij AhCH!. toJ the l\illHil oU"o:rHml1ll lhe ~l\Ik tlt.n'll, \' L ix 11. Item, thll 11\JI~ I\II~' 01 . \ 1I~'11~t. ill ~I nl f(.' JUliO, t" till' 1'11'iHis, .\1 iI.


Lite \'iiJ



lXplcllll":I', t" tho


Fll'ri" lIf xiiiJ;"

htlll, tilt x Iln.l" 1,1 "'<'I'hulu..'r, III IU\l'l"m''', to Stllir AlIlhv :'I lnklll\:k I.. ,li~lJOuo.!, xl ...

.'\("LutXT:, OF THE
item, to

Kiub"i, ollbntm.l in UeWI.,,",

.l.Ulj Il

Item, [he xj dn~- uf ::X:Jltelliber, in rayu, ljuhcli the Kiugil ):nlOO lichlil, to lUI> offcl'ulld to the relique,,",
xiiij :S-

ilthl. the xU .lay uf :o.elltelllber, in Tayn, to thc Killgia olkrnml ill the chapcll be en TUYII, xiiij 1. heln. to the Kiugis offtl'illJ(i at the l'~ljlluC!l in the ~\-('8tr~'_ xiiij l Item, to the Kiugill oflemml ill the nok, xiiij l Item, to the Kille-ill offcronci on the bred, xiiij 1. It"w, on tIolldl\Y, the xiij Ilay of Septcmher, to the Kiugis off'ernlld ill the kir!.: of Uie"llewai l, xiiij 1 Item, the xiiij day of ljc]ltellloor, the HUlle day, to the Kingil olfemnti, xiiij !, l!.eul, the xv day of !-e]llemiJer, iu tbe Chauoury of jt~, to ~hir Audro JUakLrek to (hsp<me, iiij tt. Item, UI the Kingis offernnd in U06man}lle, xiiij l lIelll, for xij hnukis gol.! to be koolll>eS to the IU1,.rcalL"fI ,.f l,ulllnr well us ; ilk hnnk " i., IUIllllla iij h. 1It'1i1. fu\' \'iiJ uucc silk to tiwilll, xxiiij s. Item [the x"j dny of SepleIllLeI'], toJ the Freris of lu,-cnJC!I.
xiiij l

Jtelll, the x"ij day of .:ielltculber, to :xliir .\uch'O lInkbrck

to Ilis)lolle ill Forl'l::8. . xl l It(,IIl,lhe XXJ Iluy of ::icpl('ml.oer, to thc Kiugis uflemud ill the kirk of Logy, xiiij ~ helll [lIlc xxiJ Ilay of ScptCIlIOOI-). tu the Freris of lJ~ill. xiiij I. lItlU, to :xlIII J\lIUI'U )JukL,,:k, tu the I,m folkil!, Ut';,:illunllli 011 .!:iou,i:ly the xilj dny u( ~1'1"\LIl.oer, for \'ij owkis \0 elllll, uj It, ;1II11M IM}"it LO ~1Ulny th ... tilllL , JH~' of Xo\'cmber. [.\nd ~ix ,uIUllar t!lllril:!l, tho weekl,l" alms vf tl1n,"t: ,;hilhub'lI Lcilll;:' I~tld I1p lIJ l:!th N.:ptcui1Klr

Ill-Ill, til"

\:\\J dJ.~'

roliu\\illg.] uf::;cptclnllcr, tAl

~he l-'n~L"i~

"r )IOIlU'Oo;,
xiiij ~_ ,\ II, 1 , ... \ j It.

Ikh', Ilk x.nij lilly .,f ~q'It.'lLIl,",r, to ::;chil '[.,kl'n.,k III ,li~It('lH' ill ('''III,ir III \lIglll.

umlJ 11iI:!1 TI:E,\:-'l;JtEH,



to the Killgis oncmnJ 10 ~IiCt. I-bgu~ hetlc in .1>. 1!1!16. Scone, x\'ilj i... ItCIII, the xxix .IllY of SepU'!lIIber, ~Ult~ .\licli;\elis d;\y. tu tho Kill:"'-is oil"cmnu in :::itl"il"(:liu. xitij~. It{'ut, t.o thl: FLcris of Striveliu, xiiij h. [~\nd six tiilllilur cUlli~)


It tlll [the lIOCund day of Ocwber), to tho Kingll om:rand in Linlithqw, ' xiiij il. Item, thll (tlrd day of Octobcr, 10 the Freria of Lnnark,



Item, 10 tho "'rHis of Invcl'kelhin, . xiiij A. [Alld roUl' similar Clillic8.] it cUl, 10 lilc .F rcris ur Qllcllis Ferre, xiiij So (Am} t\\O similnl' el1lriCl:l.) Item, lhe I'iij dnyor Oewber, ill wLLlirig, La tIle Killgis offcl"alld 011 the 1)1"00, )o;iiij i. hem, 10 the Kiugis off"mlld to UIII" Lady welk, xiiij BItem , to the Kinl,01a otTemnd ill Ihe chnpell ot lIalyrudhOns, . .xiii; l [AIIlI eigh~ lIimilnr cutriea.] Ilem, the ix dn)" of Oetol.oer. 10 the KinKili ul1'emnd ill Snnct ,\nlhollil', . xiiij~. 1 ~\1i (the xj dill' or October], to th.- :)ctrt:'tllr he lold doun tu the Killb'l:l QIl'I"mllu, . x;iij s. Itcm, the '''';j day or Octoll{'l, to the Ilt"t'1 8ti8 or J.inlilllq\l', xx ~ Item, the Xlj Ilay of Oelol.oer, 10 Sellir Alldru ;\Iakbrck to ,libl"'"C ill !":ilrh'diu, \. Ii. h eln, the xxij d.l)' of Oct....kl. III the IlI1'i:;tis in ))"nUcltQIIC. xlL h elll, the xxiiij day of OctOl.oel, 10 II.J~' Fieri .. of I.illlithqw, . xiiiJ i;. (Aull Ilu,"" ~illliial elltl id.)

.,... ]!OII.

z\ CCOUl\ T~

OF Til E

111"111, to lh.., Vl'e18tis of Li ni ilhllw, . (AuJ Il.lJl,lthur simil,u I!ll lIY.] h em, tht: xxv Jay (of October], ::hllC~ t.;ri"V nml ill l'ri!-piU1RL1~'S d"y, I\) lhe Kmgis Olrel1 ud 011 the ltred, xiiij a.. Ittlll [the In:.t llnyor October], to the K.illgis offt,:l'1lud 0 11 th.., u]('u in 1.lSUilrig, ' xiiij iO.


It..,UL [thl.! Ii.... ' Jlly of :';o,",!lI1oor), to the FI'(>LiIi of Ed in. xiiij 11. Imrgh, h em, the xx dIll" or November, to the I\iugis offcmuo in ~U ll C ~ Allthollis of the emg-, . xiiij 3{And three similar CllHics.] cl;U\d ItelLl , the xxiij (IIL~ of X\)\emloel', 10 Ihe l'illgiJ1 ()U xiiij 11. ILt the tllr \Icll,
[Ami tlu"CC sillliiul" tlillic8.] IleUi [the lust tilly or NOl'emool'], to the K il1gis Om )111Uli lit :)cilil' 'J'honu\S Hichnnlsolls tirs\- mCd, \ Fmneh cl'Oll!1ia: MU!1mU iij II. x ~.
iJ ECE)lm:lt

[ICIII , tlIC li]":It dny vi IJ\>CC III 1.oel., tv t] 10 1 Killgia ollcl"nll(i tv :;\lII1,: L 1-:11.1.1 i~ 1.1cl,t , :..i iij ~. ItCIIL, the Ij day uf J)eeewllCl', til the J\ i ll~i .. olli:l1lnd to nne Iwciljli~ JII1;~ Illl'~ ill llulYlml hol1$, . xxv iij s,
cnll"ietl. (.11"0 of the ol rcrill ~ lll'i ug- of 4 ~s.J Item, Lhe xij 11:l~' of iJl.:Cl'lIIlotl, ill Lilll il lhlw, to Sehil' AIIJl"O ) Inkul't:k, xl H. itthl, II Ie xiiJ Ill) "r IJC(;e uillt.'l", ill (jlo~IJV, to thc &aiJ ~chil" .Alllho 10 disI'OIH, v It. I lt-lll, Iv till J:II,k Fu'riM 01 GliI ~).:V, ' .\iiij S.

LAIliI :SCI'CIl silililm'

[lew, th ... x\ till\' ,If I fl~lIllJc r, iii I'ni~ti, than

110-111 fill<" 1,.\I J 1';'11111.1111.'11.

If!I U ~I\II IIl' ,

lu llie

~'n: li s



~iiij i;.

J l~'ILI,

II:\\' (>1 Ikc<'m)ol'r, 10 Ih(l Kill;.:ill ()ni.:l'llucll<'I :-;11.11('1



~wct Inn'ICN1ti~.II1I', lnn(l'."lIti~


x).:I'iiJ ii.

lU'm [111\' !'clIult dnr f)1 1l1.'I..'CIUIIl'II, lit Ihe 1I1,uul FI'\:ri.s, xiiij s, h em, to Klnu lJulhl'ili Iyd.t in :-;'III('t lidill kil''', 10 the l{in,;iI vfl'l'rnllll, xiiij i..

Itt',., Iht' I' IL'\)' of .Iunnnr. til{' the Kiu):'1s off"l"flu,II" 111\' ('\,111

b-in, to.u>.I:M-;. ilJ hnnd. ITU\IIIi.sc I1lIlIIm. :dij ... It('JII, the \'j tlll,l' (.l .JIIIILIilL lilt' LI,luJlh:UI' .tl\\, to IllI' 1\t11giM "IT\,.,,,,,) 1\11 thl' III't'Il, xiiij ... 1ll'1n , LO IllI' Kill;:i6 off('1"HIl,1 in hOllOU1 ..r Ih,' thl'w kin gill, xlij i.. IWII , til Ihe (-'nli, (lr LnflH:I, "iiij .~, Item. the \' ij dny vf .Itllltilir. for I'ij ('Ine l'k'rtllllC daith In he (1116 nIh to thl' QI1l'1I16 dON't Ilk ('in" ij t Mumma xiiij ;._ h em, fOI IIlnking I.f the "ul~"n. ij b. Ijd tte m. for \'iij "Inl' dllilh to he IO"'llt>tI If) Ih(l .!tllir to tl)(' l]l1<'nt' dlll"'I. ilk due il it 1',1 (j, ,11111111111 Xl( s.. Item, (ur 1Mkil11l I>f 1111' MUlJl1, iij ,;., Il('lll, \()I l'iiJ ('hw 11 01101111 doth I.. ,~. 101\:\){'1 to thl' Il lt"r ill tl,(> Killbri~ t:lOf'('I, ilk ('1m' iij L ij d.; InJUn", xX\" i--, iiij jt. ilem, for IIlnking "r the )<,,\lIIYI1, ilj it Item, for iij dut' iij,l~ '11MltllliM ",111111, t" I~ 11111' nutel'clitl to thl' "ltllir ill Ihl' I\il':,!i!l dON,t ilk 1,lu.' \iij It " ~ Ij II xhiiJ $..: lImumn hl'lII, fl'\'I(~f'i. I.f the 1--1IR)1I "r Ihl' I\w;::a Ililk :\11.1 Iynyn\t IJl the l.nkralll tllolt [\wlll I.ft ,., III(! Kill~is ... l hem, (or makin!! of the sal.1 nl1l'"1",'uol, \' 11:. 11('1\1, ror iJ.\-'.I (lIne In~h. ~n;n(' til 1"(>\'1'1' tlw qi,l nhair ilk elll(' Hi i1. 1'111111":'1 '(I ~,


' ...

OF Tin:


IU!m, for giltiug of fmc chalice w the Gray Freria of Ai r, iij t1. iiiJ L Item, the xiij (l.1r of Jannllr, w the Kingia 011 1 e 1U111 u my lord of SAuctandrOl ~lILle !Uet, xiiij I. hem [thd X\' uJ.Y of Jan nor], to the "'-ingil olTcmnd w SnnCl :\ l lIn~i!l I)'eht, xiiij I. Itkin [tho xx dny of ,Iannar] , for Ane mes huke to the chapell of B:llll1obunl, Xl( 1. l U!m, lhe uij dar of Janual', to th!' Kingiaofllmmd in ~:\Ilet Anthonis, III Leith, . . xi iij "


hem, the Ii I'll dar of Feoruar, to the Abbot of Cambna

kiulleth thot he laid d Oli 11 to the Kiugis ofTcrlI ud in Lestalrig, xiiij I. Item, the SCCl1nd lin.)" of Febnlltr, ('anuilmes Imr, to the Kin,;i! om;ntllli in hi! Cllndil, xlij 1. hem, lh{' \' tlay of Febnmr, in Linlitlul'v, w &hir Andl'!) ~ l aklJ1"ck to di.lipone, x , ,. l tenl, thl' \'ij dllY of fcbrllllr, to the }'rcris of StM\'elill , xiiij it 1t~1II, the \'iij dny of Febnlnr, La Sehir Andro :\[nkbl'ck to dispone in StliH~lin, iij", Item, lltn~ dA)' ofter non c, to til(' King;! olTe rnnd in Duublnne, . xiiij I. Ilt'lll, lIw ix c1ny of Feilrunr, to 1111' Ahhot of Cu mbll!' killuH h ile gnit Ih!! Omy Freda, ix g, IlI'm, LillO xj JIIY of Fcbrunl', ill Stthelin, to :5ehil'

,\ullro 31nkbrck to dispone,

\' If.

Jll'lIt,fornn('clwlicl'uf I'nris wcrk, boohl fOI' lllt:' I\ingis I'I(ltId lind 8)'110 gWi li to lily 1.01,1 l 'I'ill('(', WO)'III1\\ x\'ij 1111('1-; ilk uncc xl'j II,; 'mllmn , xiij It. xij a, ItA'llI, for nnc uLill't' I'lwliet' \0 tlw chapel l of the Now lIu\'in, ",('plII,l xij IIII~, ilk 1111('(\ x\'j h., ~lI mntlt ix II. xij K,

ltelll, lhe

~iJ thy III Fehnlar. t'l II ... KIT1;i1 ,u"rruul ;!lA.O l*1. th,' Qu,'Uo' flf luc:,l.lIulu. 1.1111, Ill' liiiJ i.. Item. to the U1uk of E.hnLul,;h. ~iiij ~ Il('Ul [the xliij (hy nf "..1,111;\1"1. fur ,\iiij ';1\\,1,,11110 ....11" hin~ 11\(' I"nil fur 1 lIh'rlm!.' in th. d1J1I.l1 ... ij .~. )It'llI, thl' H"j ,Iur of Fd,nl.lr. my 1"111 I'li llt(' \Poe' oorn(', to N'hir ,'11th.. 'l.lld,l't'k In ,lilp"111'. \'iij II. 1[('111 (til<' 1:liiJ ,by of Fel'"!.1r1. Illy 1,,1,1 I'rill'''' \\('1 cluililinuil, I.) till!: Kiu:.;i, ofro-tawl 111 1I . irllhU">LU4, 'tiiij '.



lU'm [tl.o thntltlll} "f 'l.m;:.h1,




hllkt' to


1"....1 l'nnl"t' clHlllier, xxiiij i. Ittlll, the ix dAY of llareh, NlIlCL Dlltll0U4 dny, to th e
Kill!oli. offl'mml in tho chapel 01 Dillerl, '(iiiJ. IldU. til s"\nct Bnthoi8 Iychl. in SaiKI Gclia kirk, xiiij A. 11("11), the x Ib~ of ""reh, til til!' Kiu\:iJ nfft'rlllld in xiiij I. Bi~nr, lteU!. tilt' xij ,iar <I{ ll nreh. fOJ AIU' ("(lui. to> nlll' Ora}' xxiiij l ht'I'I'. Itt'm , 11,,' xiiJ tla~' of lillreh, \0 the I\ingib (Il1t'mlld ill "II thl' gllil Aile tll"I",-1 "II Ihe Wate. of Jo:iiij .Q.. 8i(le, Item, llic xiiij dny of llnrch, ill 1\'npoIII, III the l\inSIS ix ~. ofh!rnnd Oil th(\ l'I"e<I, niij s. Item. to tIll' Fl"l'li" or lJrulllfrics tllIlI~. hl'lII. till' niij ,!.I~' )llIrth. 1u tlil! r"'lill flf 'rigtfllll1,


xliij ~, nfT('rnnd in th"l'li,tl""! nn t!1f hill. xilU 11('111. ill tJuhithim, 1<) Ihl' 1\;IIl!i~ .,II'I1Iwh .. 411 th"!;l'l'l lOCI iu Ih., nlil' Lil'k lit thl' lind,' 'llt;lil'. III tJ,(> hie RItAI' , 111111 nl t 1111 LII<I~' nll.lir. ilk 1,lan> xiilJ ~. Inmma h] ... ;\"\"iii ..

114'111. to Ih ..


,",I'. I~'.

At -U)ll XT~ OF THE

~.I>, 1:"1.

Ilelll, lIh' xix tillY of llnrch, to the King-is offemnd 10 Ihe I't'lillllcs in (!uh ithinl. . . xiiij S. lte1ll, to the Ki ngis ofTermnl ill the IItil' kil'k qllhllir he henl mes, . xiiij 1. it('lII. ill Wi~tOUll. to & llh' Aml l'o llukbrek to diSJ)O(Ie, xx s. h em, to the Freris of KrrkcmllllJcht, . xiiij 11. Ito-'lIl, the xxj Iiny of :'Iln('(' h, to the lrc.ri!l nl Dnuufrei!l, xiiij AItem, the xxij day of lInl"C h, \<) the l\ iugi8 offernnd in the kirk of Loclulliloolle. . xiiij.8. lteU!, the xxiij 1 of llaa'Ch, to tho Kiugi8 ofTemnd to 11l) the l'OI'g rof " eLlis, . liiij l 1t('Ill, If) lho Kingi! ollemod Rt the oil' \l"cll , . xiiij I. hem [tllc xxv lilly of ) lare h), to the Kingi8 uffl'nUltl in Vm l.ndy Chnpell l lr Ihe Xcw Ha l"in, . , xiiij I. hem, thnt {Iuy, efter nOlie, to the Kiugi8 ofTel'BllI1 in the . xiiij a. Kirk (,f Fei ld, IU,'IIl, the xXl j clllY of llnll!ll, (01' Ij cille Iit!rtlluc I)nnyn to be I .. wllies 10 the IIlt11 r of lit\' 101'(\ Prince eloeel : ilk elm) ij i.: SlIllJt1l1l :-cij A, ItelU. fUI milking of Ihl' IIIlUlyn, ij A. \'j d, lINII, r"l dj piliP 1 1t'rwnl' 1~ lm )'n to 1)e Hue nih to the 'S, IllrlL, 1 :-ciiij!l IU!IU, fOI lIluking (,f ii , . ij ii, vjd. h CIIl, lVI' V}l (]uUI'1;u'is Llc\\" tllll"cti w ho unu nULCJlClltl LO the fI;.li dllltnit'; tiLe elno X\'j I.: 8UULma xx ij A. lI elll, fM ij clno iij q nnrt.'lriS (lls t inu I{J 1)"11l' Lhe .. ml)'lI ; ilk dnl! ij il. Wj II. : SlIIlIlUn vj II. \' d 11\'111, (UI' ij ullce Rill. iii the fll' u;Sci8 for il, I"j &.; IIUlllh., 1l.'UUUI('IIL n( the Kiugi"lIil k. Itelll, r"I' \" '1lIlIltali A 11 ,,11,11111 daith I.lJ loe L cnrpomlo IlIl! II) I II(' ,,11111\ 111111,11, I"iij~, iiij II. h "IIt [thl nvij ,Iny "r .\l lIrch], III ,\luiHlul' Will iam 1're-lu!l 1I \If (lil;l>lUH !. v It. ''''In, Ih,' ni", lln~ nl .\lnl"1'h,IQ lhl' '';iUllill "lfl' 1 1111'\ In
~i iij ~

UJIlIl IIHH I T I:t;.\Sn:l-I:


. \ I'UU.",

it"'II, tlic first 4111)" uf AI,rilc, l','IUI lJulilini, [II." usual_,D. 1;,0;, alml tt) :~a poor hien ,In.' 18 ,,'1411' \1 Ull."n 1 h l'lIl, fur c;lrying of the <.,;.1 Iw ...h,ll(, fm ;U\'nklh l(l utin 11011 rgh, luut tUI' lUll' IIl.lm" IIl1il \\'(lMt h,III' fhr ,r \'0:111 lilT, ,. , iiiJ d. h enr, Ih. te"IILI~' uf Aillik l'l\!<'h (1.1Y. t., llw I\ingis ol"'mu,1 ill II", dl'lI",II, xiiij s. IICIll , If.) Ihe I\ill.;it olh.'I,lIulm tho .\bl~H' "i.k III Ih. hi(' 1Il('1ll, xiiij I, itPlII [11ll' " tiny of '\I,ril('\, 1<1 ,1I.lm"" u..blll~'lh to ,\ill IM,me, 1.00 Ih., Killgit C"UIIIIIUlU, nn,1 F",n' I'utrik HnnlllkilJ, xx II. ite m, to the .F1'I.'l'ia nf Jo:dinlmr.;h, xiiij ;. h l'lJI, Iu lh" 10'1'(11'18 nt TIII~'luUl, xiiij ~. Iklll, 10 the Freria of Irrewin. xiiij s. Item, III<' \'j .I.IY of "prilt" 10 ) Ini"h'r William l'r,."Umn, to the l 'rim.'CIi " hu Oll8 for I'ij owkill \0 ('11111 \0 \,lIre folkia, be<,;illll'lIld on 1'11&0:,11 dn~-, 11Il' f('I'(1 ,IllY of " prill', iij It. x I.; 111l.1 .., I,,'yil 10 \\"illowIIlY, Ih,' X\liJ I.L'Iy of " uij. Item, to Ih(' Ff\'ri, of [.11noi8, ..:iiij;l_ 11('111, II) tUll Irl,u,,1 fn.oris. '(iiij li. It.'IU, ,IHI:I:I' tillY of .\pril(', in Lin lillu,lI'. In !"chh .\n,lro ;\I ,lklll'tlk to .111010011(', xl il. 1t('1I\, 11.(' '(\'ij ,\;'1)" of .\ plilt.. in CnmhIlMI.:i11llelh,loNilir Andro to tiiMIIOII(', iij It 11('11"1, to Ih(' (:tl'Y )o"n'l;' of :O>lli",IiIl, ).:x ~,
lIelll, to tI,, 1,'('i~li. ill til<' (!1.~1,'1I of Nl'il'l'lin, \'( a. ih'm, to IIII' I''''ihtil ill lh, lOlIll of Nrh-"Iill. iij 11IIt'lII [I Ill' xniJ I.L,)' of AI,ril.]. to .\Il'\lIu,\,'\ 1:"Uu"r to .lit-pont:, ''-Ih(' Kiu;!i~ Ct,mlJlOlwl, in ~,UI.t ,1.1111,'11, :'C Ii. IL"m, Ilk Xl.j I.L"\}' (,f ,\ prill', in 111111""11.111' lu 11K' pn'I,11JI

11('111, the xxiJ .ll)' of Aprill',



tho: l'"'l>olia of sU1I'..Jm. \1 ;,.



OJ.' I'll J.;

ItNIi, til ,hi' ell.iUODS "r (,;nubulokinuetb, 'iX l. 1lL'''I, th );'nij '\;l~' "r ,\ prill', to '1Iti~"'I' Willi." .. I).n..~tonn. 1111 .. ... Ir to my lord Jrilll.... 10 11i1l11OlJl', iiiJ


It.... m. till' 1.'1.' ,Iny of ' \IJrile, to 'IMho .\ucllh:k to IImk (ut'lh thl' .'<1", uf 1'1!1,1i i x lidari8. W"'~llll\l j,t) nUl:e,

" \ 11.

lteill. the S<'CIIIIII (I'IY of l lnii, N'iIiCt. Kntrillil 114~' .1 ...


to th(> Kino:ia offctllull to tlk' lIlak


x:niij I.

Itt"lU (th .... \'Ij

xiiij I. helJl, the xil' day of llnij. tf) tht> Kin:,';s uffl'r:Jn,\ nt Ow (lly well. ).:iiij . Hem. the xxiiij day of l l l&ij. to thl' Frt'ris 1');IiIiIIUllj:h. xiiijll. ItelD [tIl"" :(XI' Jny ot "niH to thl' Fn>ris I)f Liolilhi'lll',

.la~ of .\I"ij], to the SrUICL ~illi,U\ct ('llIIpd of Leith.

KillglB ofl'traml ill


xiiiJ II, It.-Ill. tbo n ix Iiny of 'I,tij, to the Kingis ofTrmnJ ill Sauet



itl'lD. the !o('f1nlt J'l)' of lfllij, Tlillill'e NJII.!ar I" thf! Kingis n!TcmllJ ill lilt' lir\.: vI IIBI}ru ,lholl~ xiilJ l Hrlll, ti) Ih.' I\in;.:i" (,fft:I1IIul .It the hie Illl't. 'l:hj _~

Ill'm [tht, thri,t dny vf ,I ullin. to the Kin:,.:is off~\r'\IIJ to Iht' 1I111yhhu l. I,\'dll, xiiij {. 1(j'III, tho Ij Iby of JUllij , to th' Kill~i~ IIm'nulll nl II", 1(>I's"n" .,f Di.."':-rliA lirlit UICfI. xx Fr.lllI'h "1"\\ ui~

"iij If ulh'r'Hltl nt hl~ r;"l..,r ~11I1, IU. ' xiliJ l. 11"10. thl' xiilJ ,l"y "r ,IIIIIIJ, till' ,ICtlicatiollll , tl", kirk ,,( Slril'clin. t.o tl ... I\in:,:ill IIth-mn,1 xiii,i;'_
.. IUil1ua

1t"11i. the xiJ ,In.r of .Il1l1ij. to til!'


t.OIl I ) HIGH TW:,\sn:EI:


Il('ul. l h.' "(\iJ Illy n( .Junij, to tl .. Kill;.... ufTl'rDnd >It II ........ 1:.0; Il.ilyhh,.le 111M! in Linlitl"I" x[iliJ ~.] h em, I,) th,' Kin;;i. 41lfct'flud Al the chap..!1 of 1:1111.11.... xiiij ;t 1l('IU, the xi:.: 11(1)' (If ,Junij, 10 th( I~in;.:i. uOt'mne\ in till' (.'MtC'1I !If EJiulmrgh, in S:\lIct 'INYI"lli' ('ha"dl, u\'iij . h em [tilt' uil" (L,), of .!unij). to th~ Kiul&i3 om. rmlll to Sallel .!uhlll Iycht. in tht- Cannugait, \. it Item, tn th~ KillgiCll.lfli:ralill iu L11<: .\Ll..ny ")TI.:, :.:iiij 1. Item (th,' u,' II .. ,. of .!UIIY), 10 till' ].;.in),(i. offeror,,] 10 ~lItt :'1 11;>111))'111 Iyclll, xliij i.. Item, thl' xxvi tLlJ 1.1' ,Inni). In lb. KII1;;i. 1IU','ml,,1 ill the Kirk of Feild, ' :.:iiij l

h em, t he tillid llny of .fuJij, to t he Kingi. offernud to banH ;\iuianl8 (If IIlnkne<l, :.:iiij it Item. th .. \. d'l)" nr Jnlij, 10 Iht Kill~" offrmnd in s',nct H ~,)\\ki. chapell. xiiij a. Item. 10 lh(l K ill~till oflcrand in &mci :'Ihl\\/lrml.:i, I.:~ rl.;. xiilj ~ Item, tn lun Iflanel frt'ri~. ~iiij l Item, the \'iij dn~' nf Juhj, in GI,,~o, to i'ehir Antlro ~ 1 ,lk\Jlc" lO Ili,pone, \"j 11. 111'111, the ix (In)' flf .Iulij, in l'RJlleY . I<I lil(' !I.1ill ~ehir AnJl'fI \0 ,\i81 11'''I', iij It !trill, till" x IhlY fir .Julij. lo.l 1111' I\ingi~ (lfl(,''IIlId til tile rt!iflu!'I in Kih\~'nn~'n , :>.iilj iI. Ilem, W Ihl! FJ'rri, lOf li1\'\\;n, ,;iiij I. Item. the xj d'l~' of .fuJij, II! IiiI' Kin;.:i. nUl'FIlll1 ttl .lIIi! prt'i~li>\ lint n,CI in +\ir, ilj hnndl l'I'lIl11i~ ... tne :dij ~. Itelli. \(1 Ihe Frrri. of .\ir, xiiij ~ Item, Ih. xij lin)' Il[ .Julij, in .\;1', 10 ~rhir Allfl,,) ;\Iu\;.bn'k til ,1i~, ... nr, hem, Iht' :.:\"j dny Ilf .!"hj. in Qullithi'n. \0 the Kin!;ia

,. "

\(""C()U:"TS OF TilE
. D. 1... ~

0l11i>t11!1,lb in the ntir kyrk, Iho:> UllIle IIIt;tir. Ibe hie nlttu, 0111 J..ru:h- nltni!', lile tl'lirjllefl, Hilil 11m dlilpCll <111 t he hill, ' "'milch c t\lludij ; sl\1U1un iiij tt iiij S. Helll , I" thl' Fl\: l'i~ of Wigl<lllll , xiiij S. Itt'lll, Iltt' ~\"i.l dl"l.' of ,fulij, !o lhe Kingis (lnemlld lib his
1II001l' l !)I1 1111' 1U11'.


1tl'1lI, III" xl'iij 1111~ "f .llIlij, in the Kingi/! olfernml ill Kilkh tO<.lnne, . xiiij ~ l!.em [the xix tlnr of .Iulij], to Sellit Attlll'o ;\[n);:llI"ck, Ijuhilk W (lispolliL in ""igtOIl Il, the xvj dny of ,Iulij I'S inslnnt, . \" II. II t'm, the xx rht y of .Iulij. ill At~ll!lin oluu, to the Sliid & hir AIHI\O to lIi3["1011(" ld A. Itcw. Ihc xxij dny or .Ill lij, tlte :\lngdnlcil uny, to ~h il AllOho :'oJlIkhl"ek to ,lispouc ill Ail, xl So. itt'lU. to lhl) J\in;;is olTcl1IlId in ,\ i,., xliij a. /l('m, I " Ih l' Fre ris of Ai r, :diij~. Itelll, tbe x:diij Ilny flf .I ItHi. to Ih l! pI'cistis ill I)UII lle.wlle, xx i<1t'1I1, tI l" xx, Iin y or ,Julij, in 1'1181('y, to lIw Kiugill onfoll,,1 111 the I'I.'I;IIIICI\, 3.iiij !l h ClIl, ttl lilt' Kil1gi~ ofle."II ud til Lhe hit:' 111t'l'1 , 3.jiij il h em, till' x:n j till Y or .1ulii. ;11 " u!lIt'.I", to ~ehil And ro \I nklll l'k to disl'<"U1C', iij It. I[tom, ::;:111(;1 ,\lIllt"!! '\.1 )" In lhc Kiug:is ofl'cr:ln.1 nl IIlc HI '~ xiiij SItelll, I.. till' l,illgi ~ nU" !""nll loll Ihe hred, In ~'l11ct Aunes Iyehl, xiiij .t Ill" m, III(' xxl"ij !lny (,r .Iulij . in (ilrl~g{l, to ~hil' ...\lHlro ;\hkiu'ck I" disl"lill', xl a. 11,'111. I III' xxix (ltty of ,111Iij. ill CUllllll1skillll Ct h. I" tl tl' "<lid ~(; h i r .\IIII1"l) :'o lnk"n'k to Ilis pol1c. \' It 11('111 ( t he 10('111111 dn.'" "f .T .. lij], I.l lh(' 1)I1';sti .. "r the FltwkYlk, H A. Ihlll, II!;II " 111)"11 \l ycl,! , tn t he I';iugi;! O 11ml 10 !-;;lIlcl m'1 Xiu i:lIlC>l tl mpell ur I\I.lkul'.~. ~iiiJ ~ Il'tn. tll<:' l;j~lll :\y flf ,fnlij , in U nlitl"lw, t'l i'r\lil' '\Iulru ' I'lklll',k I" , l i~ l " 'II' , iij Ii

h cw. tho.: . . iiij t\Il)" uf .\U;.,'1.ht. tv tilt: I'J\I'U" lOr J.illt,(lIIII.~1I. 1:00 .
XX " .

itelll, tli ...



"t .\Ilh,"-,I. :0-;1110:' H"wki...



l\ iu;,;ilun"IlIll,1 ill :-;';1111.:1 Hh\lkit dUI".JI. ,iiij l. Ih:lII, til< !l:liij II"y o( .\Il;;;II~t. Lo, t[~. Kill"':is "n~I.,u,1 ill thc Kirk o( r ...iltl. ,iiij i. 11(:111, thu . . h iL,y ..,r ..\u;;n:;t, to Iho KIII;';I' ,,1tL- 31)11 in T.illliLlillw. )'iiij il Item, to the I\illgis oifel"lllltl .It lilt 11 .,1) 1.111'[, IoICli, xiiiJ !. Itcm, (lUC tlie!ICb nu.1 11luicfllc::I II).\i.1 IIr III<" Kill;';!" 1::(,1111 of t,IIIl1Q IVcllu5 (lull the eUI~ vf til .. Mnl)"11 uf Ihn l\ i ll~ i8 tlUlllet 1 "(!t[C cngmnctl. (1111,il], \IL~ lIudl! III 1.lIIlIluli. 11 1.'111, rUI" hUl bto:ililJ blew Imkrutllll} 1)11' th, Jl;HU.rU.
uiiij ;" ilCIII, fur ij 11111.:0 grcllo ri btllJe8 10 Ih, 10>;1111)"11, :\ A. helll, for IIlllking or th'liJlI, :1;\ ~ ~. Itt'lII, ill T .inlithlJlr. 10 Iho Kiuorill olICIlIII,111I 1111l thIJ1~1I or Hlnlmea. xiilj ~. Ilt:11I. tiM) :u 1\{lJ of AU:;II~t, 10 till' Kin::;i. UttCll11111 ill Lilt! Kill "l3.hll". );1U1 ~ Ittlll . till' xxij d1l)' of .\II;';IISI. ill Illlllrnllllyu, \II Ih, I\ill ;.(i~ utkrnll,1 tit the Illit]lll'~. xiiij A. It.elLl the xxiiiJ till) uf .\\1:';\1101 III '-lIlIklllllll, t" the l 'ICbliIlI11iln.'. \'\: ii. h('m. 1111' \". II,,)" Hr .\ U~'1.lSI. In th, Kiu~ill "tkmwl III ~Iuii. ,iiij "iteliL. t" th. Kiu;;", ulJ\o17i11.1 tu till' l\"Ii,tlM' Ihim xiiij .... iltm, h. 11" 'I'I'l'illt.or llnii. B Ihw. till" xnj lb.)" of .\u.. u~1. 11\ (..'lInll. 10 Ih~ I\illl-ri" olh:nlllll "II the bl .... 1 xi'IJ Ii. Item. I" Ii,, Kiubrijl oD~mllll VII II, .. 1;\1.10, alt.n. xliij .. iiiJ Ii.

.\{'COllKl'S OF Till':
Item, the xXTij u..1Y 01 Augnst, to the JlN'iqtil of AIUI\ro\her, Kilryuuee, and l'eUinweme, xi I. Item, in "'anc! '\(ollilnes, to the J';:ingis offer:md 011 Ihe hred, xjl "jd. 1t('III, 10 Ihe Kin~';~ o!tcntnd to tlla N'li4jul-ij IllAre, xiiij I. 114:111 , 10 lile ,'I'\'illil duue, xi I. item.lhe xxxij dar of .\ ugllll, to Ihe KingilofTemnd ill lhe Chapell of tilt' lI il1, hesiue Fnllklnml, xiiij i. item, lhe ul'iij 1Ia~ of .\ugusI, teo Ihe Kingi' olTemnd in the Chnpell of Camul18bnroll, xi iij Q. Itcm, the I)('unit llny of Anguli, 1.0 Maister Dnlid "j tt. DonglltJ, to disponc, Le the Kingis 001011181\tI, 1l('11I, IQ the i"rtris of Stril'cling, xiiij i. item, the IIlSI dn~ of August, in Stlllcl JoilnCtlIOUIl, to 1\lai8\er lJ,uid DOllglas, 10 11isllOnc to jJl'eislis lhoro,

, II.

Item, lhc fcnt tiny of f.:cpt.elnl)('r, III ('0\\')'0, to lhe PI'<'i61is off('ran,l, xiiij B. hllm, for nile tl(' nlnlo lU('SS lhur(', xx A. hem, the \' lillY of SeptelllUer, in 1i1'~ h in, to the J\ingis

offel'Rnd on the 1.1I"cc1,

ItCIIl , 10 the .Fl"eli s of i\[ontl'08, hcm, to the Freria of Hervy,. Item, to :'.Iuistcr Amh'o Mnkbrek to IlispDnc

xiiiJ ~,

. :-:iiij" , xliij a.

iiij H. ItCUl, the IJ 11 IJf Sepltll1l)('r, to the Ki ngis offemml nl :ly lho llrig rlill of ~mCL ,Iohn810lln, xiiiJ A. I tern, II) lliepout to 111'f'illtilS tlllll,(', Itcul, lO th4' h-cl'is of In\"l, .. kcthiuJ,:, ~iiij ~ itcnl, to tile I':iugie oJT('tmul in Niuet ,111111(18 Chnl)(!11 of lhe QIH': l1t'S Ferye, xiiij i. ~U1nmu totlllis, j'''lxuix It. x 5. ,.j tI



1t11II . till' 11ft 1 .1.1 ,,' . \ II~Il~l. t .. :-,I.ir Willi,uII lllll\il,', n. 1 t" thl' lk:hil,,,,Ik. J 'l( 11 (.\u.l l'ixI)" "ix SHuii'li t'11l ..i,., l'h")\Ullill~ ill Ih. lI~n,;.l\.{' 1.0 ilix<b~J h. I"j Ii. liiJ 1 11 Itt-III. to) lilt: Iowl ~hi,' William . Ilull;11.: 1\C8 licliH'ril w .\II ,IN .\)"I"UII III Ilu. 11;11111'. xlix II. x ~ h C11! [un :-,tlenL'~ III.. \iij I\.I~ v, .\U';l~~tl, 10 .\ n<iru l\.llh"""IU I, I" Ihe \1"rL IIr FauLLt ll<\ xiiij It (.\Ihl Ii\(' l ilOi\"I ('uln' fl1n' 'ULlin;.: in lhe Rb1{I""l'W\tC tu j<ln II) h CIlI. for Ih reo wlill full of Iymc tIl Ihe elU\1'I"\ or Ilw Xcw III\\"in nmllhe Kirk or ~I('III. x ii) U. Hcm, the xiJ dny of Augu"l. til JRml'~ \\'il&01I (If llei\! fOI Ih, f mueh~ of till' wilh Jll nnLi$ Illltl treii 10 the gl"e~ selli)!. . xlij rt. Item, 10 ,\I ull'l) AI"WIIII . III 1111' \\\, .. k IIf :Slrin'lill. :.;xx [Ii.] 1.\ 11\1 /Ie\'N1Ill<'n .11I11hu \'Ullll", IUllumllin,; in the n;'::"<reg:lt<' to, h"~h II .) item, 10) i'chir .Juhll" (iuillinlLl, clUI!,c ll lllU", to tlo,' wt'rk of Il,e r; ~'l"k of Sldli. x n. Ilem (tllc n ,1a.1 I,l .\II~U"tJ. 'u\ j 'l(liij ('lilt' C'IUlIIlII'li to the 11('1111' e.lllil 111(' ~1"I;!n'it f"J" hil' ~I I , .. : ilk 1.'111(' l( II ; IIUlU lI1i1 \ 11. '(I B \;iiJ't. 111.'111, 11](' .ulliJ lb~ II( ,\ u~'\'~I.. lit,lh'elu to) ~,cltol .I(I('30lU . uj;\~"n ", II ... KilL "f St,ill. (01 t" I,,,r lo!"<'hir .Iullll(' (; lItllitlin tu II", \\ el L o( II,t, lIO,i,1 LirL. ... \ 11 Ittill. 1.rO)it Itl Ilobcrt 1:CIl"ulI. 'lullllL I'l' 1",,1 11"1111 ill FraUl'" to /!ertallC I'I.'lIill \\liehtill 'luhilL I., Iotl"\ l!lllue ill thnir ft'ill t>cf"",han.} 1'h:o.\ (nauLt, ..m,} fur ilk rl',lIlk l. 1. ~llia . II111UIII.. lunij 11. x ... Itctu , til the sni,1 IIvll('lt. rur\'iUlllin~ "r II ... 11'1(1 \\""Ii( htill III lua ICIIIPI .... ~, Io.iJ fr,.nki"! XI' '''U' III. {I 'lUi. ,L; ~lIUtUlR \j II. l'lj i. Ij J


,.P. I'-'N,.

.\l'{OUNTS OJ- TilE

Item, to the SoliJ Rooort he gnif to ane lUan tllnt l)(l5Sit for thesaiJ 1\richt18nml brocht furtl! of Seyn to Deip, \" fmnk;. : ilk fmnl-. xl; SIlHlma 11. item, to the &;liJ I:ohert for ij'-ij" fLIt of plnnki8 fLud 1\1.1 bnrrelis to the W'CL IIChill ; xh'ij fmnkis len son.; ill-. fnmk x l.l'iOOlIill; SlllUlllfl , xxiij tI, xv l Ilem, fo\" &eX ICOI"'!! \o:~ Il.nne of tollis to the gret schip; ilk ,,!.lule v it vj ,t.; SLIII\ILlII "xxxiiij tI. xl iij It hem [the xi ...; lilly of :-:CpwlllbcrJ, to Jolllle l..okhert, in his t.nsk of tile (east part of the) (orewerk of Sterlin,

xl It

[,\nd se\en similar cntl"iCII, Al1Iounting iu the aggregate to iili lt. XI iij ~,]
hem [tho vj Ilay of OclolJf'I}, to Jolme of (5ork8tOllll, ill part of pnyl1lcllt of his tilllki! in 1IU1IOIUI, Strilc\in, (.\nd scven eilllilnr entries, 0111011l1tilll; ill the flggregate to l:dj n.) hem, fvl ill:ux rUt of glas pllt lip ill Fll11kllluII; ilk fut xiiij II.; 1I11111 11Ul xix H. v 9. ItOIll, the x dill' of Ocwhcr, tn Amlro ,\ )tollll, to t he wrrk of :-)trirelill nml fUl' tho treis dl"l\\\illg,. Ix H, Itelll, lhe .tiiij lIny of (klOUcI', 10 ~ichol JlUlIOn, IIlUSOIl ul the ::iteill, LO the welk of Lhe Steil!, xxx It Hem , 101 ij~ Eatluud burdis 101 the Kingi. wcrk, ilk peee xxiij d. ; 1I1111lllln x:o.:iij II, Item, the xdij uny of October, to the !-il hh' WilIiAIll pill hoi lc) IJlllioll he mill 10 UUlli.oerl.illle, to the welk, Ix It. IW for .... :o.:j'" il"ll to the Kingill 1I"<'l"ki8, Il()('hL II(! Lhe 111, {colUptrullal', ilk'" I'ij II. ; 1511111111;1 ij':nij}to IL<'IU , to thr wliclllis INI8sa llllio tIle poll of Ellh fOI tile IIClii l' enifuLillg LlulI"/!, thair 1\I\)I\clhis Wllh'l': ilk IlInll iij II. xij Ii.; 81111111111 X II. :(Ij "Itelll , the xx.i liny of OCtOIJ(:l, 1\1 Lho l 'I'Ol"lllll of [Jullbcrt..IlIt:, tu lhe aellill w(>rk. xxx II. [.\nd lIiuI' Si lllillll' clltn,,., IIl1lUulltilll-( ill lIn'o:!1:l'!.,'III,' 1>'1 iii'l H, .\l lij .t)


LQIW IIIG" l'flEt\Sl'H EI :

~!)i l!oI)t~

hem, lhtl $X\'j day of Q,,:t.obcr, to &hir William .i'IIllh'ilil, .1o, uclhcl iL 1.0 Ilim lie ;\lui8lilr AICXllllucr Gullowny, xliij Ii. ilcm, Lho 1K'Cllllllliny o{ No\'clllhcr, lo ThomM l'chlis, !;\o!!\I'\;cht, ill p;lrt of IlllYlllclll of the gills for till! Kirk of Steill , ' l'iU II IICIll , the till;.1 day of ~O\'clu\.Jcr, 10 the l:":lIChop of CnilhuC8, '1l1hilk he luiu doull to Ih,' \Hichtid ill lh..:

I unu, to ::i<:hir WiIIi,lIu :\ll1l\il..:, Ildhc,rit 1.0 Uil\"iJ :\Inhile, his l>nxlcr, \'iij ", lteUl, to tbtl lIlid Schir WiIIillln, o.IeliH'rit t<l him be Alex(lnder l.n.wedir, ' U\ n. Item, the \-ij uny of ikccIUlJc.r, to Schir Anul'() (.'humer, 1.0 the werk of l.oc11l1l3LauC, ' !x\' It, xiiij 11, HCIn, {or iij'" \'jC fulOf pbukis {Ol' the grot aclli" , ilk rut vj 1 ; SUlIIma 1. Inxx It. I LeUI (the xJ III.yof IJcccm\.lcr). 10 WllIillm I:roun lllll, for \f Llm.!is to t he [, illgi8 \'I"cl'k' ilk IlCCll ij iL iij <l; :111111 111 ;1 Ixxxj tt ... 1>. Item [lhe ix .IIIY of Jnllunr), 10 ThollllllJ l'd,l i~, glafl\nichl, for Ix fuL of j!nyntil glflll in di\-'I1I I,IUl.'(;fI, iiij tI x.l ItcliI , the xiiJ <lny of Jallllnr, to :-.; iellol JU"""II, II\JI"01ll1 of the Steill, in lwut of pilylllCllt oJf thl.' kid. thckillf;, xiij It. \oj ii. \'iij !l. 111.'111, tho \ day of Fcb. uar, to the llIn!:l(lUH of l.inlitli.lw, ilL part or pllpllcnt of pltylhm~lIt or the chapcll ill l.iuIiLllll'\, iij It. h cw, tho ix clny o{ FehnJRr, 10 ~chil' ,Inme. toW}, clinpllllnnc, to the said ,,;chip wei!.., \'ij II. item, the .'(Xij ,lilY tof F..l,rn31 tto :-.;'iehnJ .11ICf<IlI, IIUlik!lI ', or the Steil, assigllit La him for t\ n.:hl~ll,l, ::Ilml.:. IUIII ,J:UII~ C08om;1i rclllisHioUlI, xxxij tt I'CII1 [lho &e<:mul d'l)" of ~ lm1:llllO .1\.Ihllc 1:"'1111 \.If Ail' th.lt he Idlll.lol111 for j' hhuul l!\1l'1lis lO tht' Klli}! ill l)uul.oeri'lIIc, lIt1d for c'lI'yinJ:t uf ,1);Iilll rill .\il' W lJun \.o('rtalle. \" 11. x it Hell1, l ilt' Ihri.\ tiM of ~ I fll"ch, \.(I,I()lull' !.okhtlrl, UltlBOIl xl Ii_ in hiB In/Ik of tile (OI'eW..,I'k,



.\('CUUXT:-i OF TI l E

." 1-1,.


[tl1l1 \'iij day of lliucbj, to Xichol JaCl:tOII, \Uil.iUUII of th .. ~tei1l, in 1);lIt of payment of Lhe Kirk of Steil
tJ.l'killg, xx
~ll1rch), tAl


'.D. 1:.0;.

UolJert BC110uu, for n:n 11111111.' !If \Hllt":! lO lhe schill, deli\criL tAl ticbir , x It x !. William \hll.-ile; ilk Itnne "j i,; liUllllUa 11(:111, fOL' ok't SCO!"\' IIC.'(lI.'ILO lIum e 1'08C~; ilk IUlne Ij ~,: IlIIlUHa , :.iij It xij i, Ih'lU, to the suid Holoert he laid doUl' to aut' wricht. he luoC'lll !tnUlI', ;X\"~. Item [the p"lIult ,Ia,Y of ~lnrch), payi~ to the C:omptroll:lI' II" 1:Ii1l,I01II1 fIJI "it roset, ami ij~ gret unles to the lICili p ill Dunioellllne, ' xl'j It lIelU [th e 't\1 \Ia~ of Aprile], to till' nUi&Ouis of Lin lithqll', in colUplcit payment. of the INlilhlllcUl or the chilpell of Lililithqw, iiij n, [lelll lthe x day of :l\iaij ,] IN Andl'O ~lBlhesull, to thc \l'erk of FnnLlnnd, dclh'clit tAl I',llriek DuuennCllOn, IIClnl.uil', xij n, ix ii, [lem, to Oooll;c C:orllWulI, fOf ,uij- Jlllmi of LOllis to the !!Chil'; ilk lumdrcd xuij.1,; IlmlUl,1 , XlCXI' It iiij i. ItCtn, tht' .. iiij till)' of :l\Iuij, to the l'I'OI'()ljL of HUll1K'1'tlille, to till! Bcllip Ileik tillll\:, delhul'lL tQ his $en'n IH.! , l'elir I1cYllstoulI, ' I n. [I e m , the \'ij day (If Junij, to ~hil' Wi lliam ~ l ah'iI (!, ,il'1i\'erit 1>(, Lord LilHlC8flr, liij II, \'j a. \'iij tl, hrlll, to the Illio Hehir Willilllu, 'Iullilk weB dolin' lit to I'ntrik Bigholttw, in hil IInnH', h: n. II ('HI [tit" :-<ij ti ny of J Ullijl, fl'I' iiij Ulll'rcllil LlII' 1.0 the -;<:hil' ill Dlttthl'l'tnllU, iiij II , Ilt'll I, I~\ Yi t w ,101 till' ~lUol c t III 1III n11\." III Ill' fUI' I ... i \ ~I ~:. ~ 1'1IInl wceht of oon11tb'1.', IItt(:OlItili of the I<IIU)' II, X J IMIIlIs "",it l'ntnlUl.'8, jlulleis, ;!iuug fn.wil, ntHI (lliIl'I' gmilh f(ll the IICI.il' of UUII\.o(>t'L.1Ile,lI ml rOI'lIIICiR;lIJl 11I,1\'Ilr, I'.\ll'mli tl).: to iiU'ii ij frnnkill xij 110111: rol' ilk fl,ll1k :(, lHlIlllLUi j'liJ ri, I'j N, Item (tit! xxiilJ uny of .lullijJ, fV I 1,1' I'~tlnlto lllll\lis I" lit, I\ille;i!l \11'1'1.: ilk 11(>('1" ni iJ ,I. ~tt lttuU\ hiJ 11 ~;.,

Item [the \'S.1'iij tiny of

LOlln "'flll TflEASl'HIW_


helll [tile ;1:\. ,lay of JlIlij], to Alillro .\ytI)UII, lIdi,, .. i, \,I~ 1.- -i. to hilLl IIC }'lnilltcr J,UI'('Ij ~iltl&Q11. ;l:iiiJ 11. iLCm, lilt' ;I:;I:iiij In} of ,Julij, t.o ::)<:Ili. Willium ;\lahilc, llclivcrit to !:;chi!" .Iames lI)\\'~e auJ Johue UrlllIHIIVlJtl,

. xxxl'ij

n, I'it

Item [the tlI"S~ linyof Augll"tJ, lv tiellir \\'illi(u1I .\llIh'II"" ItClII, the IX
~x h, J,.), of AUglliit, Lo Xichvl .Iuno", 11I(\80UII of the :-;tcil, ill l'.1rt of the k)"L"k thckill;;, xn It hem [the XI' d;lY of AlI:;ust.], fo\' xx wnl\ of ilu, Ilclil"l:rit to ::ithir William )1(\\Iilc; ilk wn\\ xxx &.. IIUlnmn xxx It helll [tile! u:ij dny of AlIgIISt.], for XUllj wnw xx PUII(t of 1m, tlcliw:rit. to the sai..! ~hit Willinm; ilk waw xxi:!, ~.: 111mlll" liij n. XI'J s.. tl.elll [the xx\'iij dar of August], to the COll1pl1"0Ilnl", ho IlIi(\ d01i1l for j C lx r:tllelitcris, IlcliYcl"it to Sehh' Wil HUlu ;\luh'ile, iiij II xiij So Item, the last dny of AUb'l15L, to Anllro Clull"JIer, to the werk ur Lochmahnne, xxxj 11, :.:: So vj ~1. I leU}, the tllrill dn.\ of Sellt.emiJ<or, to Sellir ,rohm! Scharp, to the dl'}ing of the loch ll!.side the Abi.lny, ' iiij It Summa t.ot.nlis, viij"""'hij It, I i. j d,

delivcrit to l 'lltl"il; Higholmc, in his nnUl\',


Itcm, in tho Brllt, fOI xl'j cillc clll\lI1lot, ql1l1ilk WC8 gitlin \,1), 10 lIe\l' ~luneroH nt. dl110 l)ipML nud uochL cnleril thnn for cans he wes uocht. in 1161hnrut j ilk cine b: !!.; SIUUIll:l , \'ij It iiij i. Item, to Schir Willinm ;\Iuhilc. \ I'lnc ~tti8 blnk; ill; dn X\j So.; 1I11lLlllln iiij It itClU, for iiiij cine tnllllC ttl ,Iulllll' Lcthnu, 81l.l1illar, dcli\orit. at. Jule bip-,st, Hud lIocht (,1Il.erit. 'Iuhill !lOW; ill, ('lu(' xiij l iiij It.: snmmll \iij iI. iiij U. Itelll, j qllnrlHr lI,cik chamlot to him, xx it


fl'l' \

At.:tOl'yr!) UF Tilt:

1 1Il<Llt,nis ellflJaY lu him , (A similflr lher,. to Jamcs Callar,] Itell!, fllr ij swik eh.lllliot tA.1 the Quellis Inlnl' IIICU; ilk sltik iiij II. : summa. \'iij ", hew, r"l v!~ chll,: :\lel;lUe fuslinue to lhaim ; ilk elne ij'" \iij ii, i sumliitl , , ~iiij l \'iij (1, Item, rOl' iij cine Cl\1$lY 1'1 thailll, ' xiij &. Item, f(>t' nnc ;;0110 cote to Crlltlofcr, mnid, ux il \j It. l!klll , for fInc honea. with nne rilrltne Rnd (me t('PilL to hilll, x\'ij it iiij II. Item, fOl' nue ;;0110 COle to litill i\lmtill the SPQ.I@l"t,
xxix it

fOl' fInc IIIlIill

\IOll bln~

nud nile poir hoe to him,

niij &. x { 1. itCIU, the xij d/t~ of August, fill' /tile pair hos to \\'nue SU'i\'c1ill, "j II, viij 11. Item , for flUC pnil of hOI! to Riche Rllil~ , Ij;" \"iij t1, It('tll , r"I' ij cine iij flumtnl'ls wcllllsto Jnmea Wil80n of Ul;il' t1111t. I'rocht hame Lhl! tytlllllcr, the cille xl il.; 6111111111\ I' t t xi. Item , the u (lay of AUSU9~, fot ntle ke ltir cotoe to l~uilltill Filelll l, xX\'iij it lltm, ftll flllt! I~!il of hOll \u him, xj l I Ll'llI, lor ij IlIlir of hOtilo XOl'llt', x\"j it
item, fOI olle (lou1)lll(. nutl I\UIl I'nir


h08 to J Ollie xix ~. nj d, [::'iUlilUl' ('Iolhing lo) J lltUO BOllnl [Iml Archc


lteUl, lhe xnlij (IllY u( J\ n~n8t, for l'ij clUB l'nl"is 1,lnk 1(1 Lad) ;\ l ni~tl'\!11 ilk dill' iij II,: 811U1111!1 xtj II, 11-10. for lUll' 1);lil' nf It 011 tu ])' JI\Ul', flllL~"lnl',. \';;, Ikm, tllc X.-: till) ,.j $c]Jttlll!Jer, (01' lua dill' llollill ttl loe lutC donhlnt to Crih\tJfl'r Ilk due ';:(1' ii. j IIIIIIlm8 Ill, 1tl'I1I, fur lj (' hll' J '11I1I1"\,'l" fustiall lo IYIII' till' 1'II1I1IJlI , thc d1lo ij ... ; tll1 hllll,. iiij;" \j It. [U"ln, f"r wnkiug or it , iij~, 1t"IlI. rlJl iiJ dllt, FI',lthh glll~', to Joe ,utI' l'(,le to Cria, \(,1"1 ill, dl w xiij .. ; 81mlltll1 xxxix jI,

1.111111 111(:11 TIW ,\ ... {' I: EI:


Ill'llI. f,t! \ dllt' 1llllK :;::my t" IYII' il. ilk I'h ... )IIiiij ,t . 4-1.. \ ... ~ d. ~1ll1l1U;l iij I. hem, rtll ul.tki .. ,:: "r il . ~",~ijit Ito:m, fur IU" I ~Hr IlIlI! to Il illl. h('lII, fUI" \ rill<' h -.wdl lalliII', I" Ill' 1111(' ('Oli.' to 1\ It'~.111,h'r \lnkl'lIll,,; ilk (1 , \iij ,_ iiij il; lilllllrlm ... liJ M. \' ~. \'iiJ II. xiiiJ tl. h (,lII, fill' .',1< ,Ioulollll "' him , Ikm , fnr rm, I-,il ,., Milk h ~ HI hnll. "iiij ~,

l(cm . the thri,1 day of XO\'l"IlIh,:" rcor ix f'htl' n'Cl(' ('ar$\\', to 10(> Jlllt: II"o,:t...ur 10(0'111 1Il,t! hiit' Im'l.- HIIII 1111" pnir of h(ll til Joluw (:u\r, ilk d ... , \' JllllllUli "I II, ... 11('111, for \'i.i 1,lu.1 IoIHK \.'"')' to \),11(' Ih,' g"uu ilk ellio xvj ,1 1111111"'1 ix II. iiij It h('lII, fill' lYIIYII& "r his IHull) nllli IXlI""lIIi n~ of his g01t1i witll 'Iuhil ~Kinll~, ' dj $I. !tl'II,. for Illnking of his ~tOlIlI ullIl hll(lo. iij S. item, for j ('Iu(' half-flU:lI LU' \\1l\1io,it. 10 his douhlat.; the du(' "I", S.: IlImmn xnj~, \"j .t IWIII , for ij~ {,Inc fltltinll to 1.\111.' it . ilk I'l uo n: ij f1. ; SIUIIIII;1 ii;J 11_ \ij ,I. 1 1~1lI . for iij II,mrlaMS ('-4111111('011... il xij tl. Itl'lII. for nmking' of hill gOl1l1, iij !I. h em, r(Jf IYIIJIIS nnd L1J.1kin;,; of hill h~. ;J' iiij It IIcu" fOI HilI' pni .. or 101'('11111 It..~ 1<1 !ilill )lllIlill, \"ij!t ltf'ILI, for (lno TllAA('t hUlII! to hilll, ,ilj' iiij \1. 1t(' IIL, rnr (1111' M.'nril'l ImL 10 ('rill,,,rC'l', xij S. IIt,nt, fl nile It'l~ll LO him, \"iij i. itcw, tile (1'1l1 dnr \)( XOHULiJer, r"I' xlii,)}~ 0:1111' \\,lIu3 lu 1'.l'ko II., b \l ni r ilk dill' "Iij;t ~ummn "I>;X tl. h. ~ h em, fur ill:, pi LiI' tnITt'li t .. 1.l"lIl tllo' MIlI~'n ilk dn.' xiiiJ 1.; ~U1Dma "J M. Xilj t lte lD , for buknuu to it, CllId (.., ",.Iklll: r il. :.iiij .. h l'lII, lW\~'ill6 .1,,1111(' I'mn.j,; f"r iij 1ln.' Il0<l\111 thnt lu" gaif hi the l~l}III"UI' 1 thl' ";n':I" i'''I,IUI;\lId 'luhC'1) , III' ('(>111 h~L: Ihl' 1.'111(' x,(\'J'. ,-iij II ~1II111/1!l iiij M.

Item , the \'j ,Ia,' of ~o\"elllbcl', (01' nue COle of k('lli1' to WnUE.' 5tri'-elin, xxiiij &. ij a, item, fOI' ane doulJlAt. of Mclane fu!!l inue nllli,1 1 him, 0

item, rOI' nne pn,ir or 11011 to him, 'j S. \'iij tI. 1t.,..1II, for nna cote kcltil , I UI(' lURill donblnl to him, nnd nUll IXli1' 01 hOI. :d i. !It a. h elll, for nue doubillt. nnd nno pair of bOIl to Fergy
Gm_,.~L ~4


(or UIIO poir of Illnid hoe a.nd nile Unil;;.', ' item, the s:o; dny of ~OH!lIIbe ... tor nue ~Inrtin the Sptlu;;llrt, itelU, for Rlle cole of Keutdale to 1\l'('lle

h~lI ,

(\oul')al to Jok , Xl-ij A. viij II. pnit of hos to \'j s. "iij II.


xxxij s. ij <I. aul' cote of J\ eutdnle to Jame Bouar, xxxij s. ij It_ Item . thl' u\' dny of Xo\'embcr, for ane 8Cl\ r1et. bolUl~ to Cristofl'l', x"iij &. Ilem, lor ij pail' hOI! of nislis clath to Cristofc)' nlltl Andro I lomc, _ , :o;xxj l IlE.'m , for iij ('ill!! blN\ nnd mle talrel; to he nne COl(' nnllonr In 1 1I('1\'mnnlill ; ilk elu(>- X\j S, summa xhiij S, ll('m, for llInkiul; of the &;\1I1)U, dj II_ It('m, for nne bnke gClitl a nd iij qunri!! Lo it, iij tt sv S I V'III, for \'j clue 611110 ('tII'SIlY to IlJgli~ CueMy to nn(' rot!'; ilk (' hill iiij ll. I-j d. , SIULlIUIi :>;XI'ij iI. ItChl, (0" t un 8011-\';i8 \0 ,Ioh n!' lluw, lij "It l iii, iiJ 1Jl'C'!"ml~' r , 111(' ~I"r (,r GOII [1 11(' ll,oul;lml fi\"1! IlILlLlh.'LIi ",X 6,';Ll, ngnU( dulL', ~HII IL La lhit )K'l's(lIIis 1II111I1'111i lili l hll c!tllhi,. in tho Iirsl, III Behi l' I'clir j"lochtuulI, " ni~ I('j' t'( \\"n"lroh, ,. (' hll' Wsli!l 1,lnk , jlk ('II\(' :o;nj iJ 0.; SUlIIIIIrI \"1j II 1It'l11. for ij~.f pille \\.,11 11"1 tn him, 11k ('111(':-;111.: I' lIIl1l11n

\' )t.

Ikllt, rHr (lU(' hl'(',1 Iou).:e lu Ilim,

[,\ ~ilLlilnl' nIlOlHLUf'(-' lo \: .. lM'1I

I' tt
{,,,II'ill', 1

1.01:11 III!:" TI 1E.\ Sr m :I;_


ItcUI, (M iiij 1", t-Iuc l:islhs hluk 1,(, ,\ml ro \\ ,~ I . ilk r lue 0,11 xxvj &, ,-iiJ It. 1IIII1IIlil \j II. h cUl, (or ij Y. ('Illc \,cllll!! to him ilk dlle ... liiij R.;

II. ~ ~ xiJ I, it('lU, (Ot' iiij!--i clue Ilislis Link Ii' Willtlltll ~iLLChli l': ilL: olLlc U\'j S. liij II. : HllullLUI \'j It ll1'm. (or ij}~ eluc wellnl to him, . v 11. x b. [Similar al1owRllccs, and aL lh(> sallie "rices, 10 Hoben U OUgl:l,', .TRI11PI rk>g. WillinlLl
summa It em. (or nne 1J0UI!t LO him,

S " iceholls, .' Rl1lllil ::;tcIl:lrt , (;~~lI'J:::e I':"ml.]

h elll. for \' elnl' n i~ lill hlllk to Ami", _\yIOllLL ilk ..Inc x:n"j Ll \'iij It I"milla '-J II xilJ L iiij II.
Itelll, rOl' \' due His\is i,lnk to Ihc II\,litMI' tll!.:e: ilk eluc xnj l. "iij \1,; 5U III IIUI ,.j 11 xiij 8. iiij ,I. item, for ,,)4 cine welhls to his Il0u]'lllt nlHI hi. j"C'aL

11k cl lU~ xliiij 11: 811m Inn . xij 1 ij A1. Item, rOI' iiij J{ cluc Hislis lIlaL: to .T mdf'lJ, LIl1I1.. Ij Ii. h em. ror ij~ elno satin to him. iij n. 1l1'1II, (01 iiij M clne flialis hlak 111 Th (\lIIa~ . )I;;Oir. loil' ;;our. \'j n. item, fol' iJ I '. t-Ine w('IlUII 10 him. \' n. x ~ 11('111, f'lr \ t-I nc TIislis hJllL: to Flol1' _\ U Chlllowly he th,' I\:ingi!l command . ilk el nc xxrj ~, "iij 11. IUltlma \-j It xlij '- iilj ,\ It(,lI1 . (or iiJ eln(' :.tltin 10 him; ilk ('1m' xxiiiJ i-.' :.<Ul1l11h1 Ii.! h, _'tij i.. Itelll, tor" cIne Hisli&l1\ok 10 .IMlIe~ :->1('\\'1111 in _ d'l'Olh, \ l'j Ii, xiij l. lIij II. h('lIl , ("I' ij ('111(' iij rjllltrt;lfi" ~"Iill to Iliw; ilk 1'1111' xxiiij~. 1I1/11IIIn iij n_ I'.J ,;. It ('UJ, for iij H qllnrtaris 1,IIlL to hi~ hOto. xj L ,iij ,\. Itl'm. rl,r );ij eillt' 1IIlIILCfi t,., _\ ' ex"ntl~'r Ell'hill~IOIILl, 11k ('Inc xxiiij ~; I;lImma xiiij tt \iij ;
Item. for 1)1I)lIg of hif;

lIilh ],I:1k 1>1IJ;l'

Item. for ij '1 ('1nc


\' M. x ~. to him; ilk dill' ,Iiiij i.. HIIIIIIUI


. D. 1!bI


01" TlH;
xv ll .

[tCIll, for iij ItlHlrtllris I:islis Link to him,

[A similllr a llowance t(I n ohert :llnllcreif.] itelll, for \')of cine FrflllciL taune to .fnmes Douglas: ilk cIne xvi it: liHhHllfl iiij It. yiij it Item, for ij}4 ('Inc drmll''' 10 him: tIle cIne uiiij l; 8HlUm;\

!lem, for iij qnartaris SCOtliil hlak to him,


xj II. "iij (t. Item, for viij}4 due 8.1tin, to Oe nne cote to CListofcl"; ilk elll(~ xxiiij S.; ilummn . x 11. iiij it itCIll, for j~ bl'C\1 of fJ.lIhitc buge 10 it, iij n. XI' g. Itcm, fo r milking of it, . I'ij it Itl'lll, for lyllyng of it, . vij!l. Item, for ij cIne weJ[\lK to his (louLln!.; ilk cIne xliiij II.; summu , iiij 11. \'iij i. Itclll, for cnmmcs !llld fnstinn to lyllO it" \' R, j (t. 011. hem, CUI' making of it, . iij A.
J tCIll, tor fine bOlle~ to him,

xij A.

[A similar allOIl"Il11C'e to AnJrow HOllie.] [t-em, fOl' I' qn.Jrtnris 1Ii811s hlnk to be hOI! to Cliatofer lind Andro lI ome; the d lle xx L; 81111111111 . xxv i. i tcm, fur lynYlIg, mnki ng, !lud I"'oilltis to tlmim, I'll. viij (t. lL(,lll, for iiij cine lalllle, to toe 1\110 cote to Jflcob Jo:Ql1IallSIOUII,
\jjJ So iiij


Item , fOl lij cIne blnk gl'l1.y, to l..rlle the 81'1111)'n ; ilk clue xiiij d.; summa I'iij i. ij .t. 11('111, {or mnking of bis COte, . ij ~ I t{'lII, for ij ~~ cine Birgl' 8l1tin to him ; ilk clno x iij I!IIIUln n ItCII1, to his duu1Jlnt !Hill mnking of it,
xxv i. I' it >:. v d.

Item, f"r aile puil' of hos U'I hilll, Ijj {!"imilnr lil'l'ri~ \11 ~\i'ch\' IkI111-:1:I/I. WaUe ~tri\'(' lilJ , ,III Ule Ikuuu', Fel'~Y (;mlLle, .'olm ~tri\'elill of tho ,",('ir, klly('ht, (with :I l~ml('t), .Johllo Bi1il3e, and ,IIIII1C '1';liI30llr.] IlI'lIl, fur iij eluc iij (I"Rrl,uris t.'llme 10 l:iche B.1i13il'. llll ilne :o;iij Q, iiij ,I.; 81111111111 l it Iteill. fur ~hHill:': of it., x",ij ,I. oh. Ill'IU, f,.I' 1) ".l"lIg and 11111 kine: of h is cuto, , '" ". ij .1.

LUI:D 111(;11 THh.\SrHt:H


Item, to. Anl I.Ut (,f h08 tu ILilll, \ij ~,A.U. ItNI!, for \' l'ine French l<Ull1C to \I. ,rtiu ILLil;;i!! ; ilk dUll ,'(iiij 1. _ "1I101nll iij n, x i. Itl'lLI, fv" ij~ dill wL!Hu~ to I,illl the clue ,'{liiij A.; IIIUlILlR I' n_ x a. It.:m, for iij (IU,mllri Scouill \.ILll til him to Ilil hoa, x Q. (~imillr Iin:riCll to Dam]" Doule. Wn~ Turnl,ull, 8ml QuilLti .. Focart.) Item, ("r \'J ... hlt' tmllle to ,John(' Fonnllll ; ilk cloc X\j;' lumma iiij n X\-j" Item , 'tlr ij...., dno Mtiu to him, Ih~' clue xxiiij t. smUllln iij n Item, tOl iij~ quartoril IJlak to bi~ hUI, xj .. \-iij tl IWUl, \'J dlle Fmnch taulle to JIlLLL~ IWlllucll ilk due xiij I. iiij 11" lunuml iiij n, Item, for ij cillO iij (Iuarttuil IIltin to him j thll cine iij 11 "j I. xxiiij I.; BunUUII [tell), for iij~ qUlIrtaril bin)': to hil \108, . :tj 8. viij d, ItClIl, for \' '" cine tonne t.o Hook; ilk clue xiij L. iiij d_; luml,11l iij 11. xiij L iiij d. It('m, for ij clue iij qMrtmi. Uit'},'f. latin to him; the dne x _.: '11111111/\ x:wij i. vj d Item, for stufT to hi" dOIlMRt Rnd mllking of the II/I.mpl,

, ..

helll, for line pair of hOi to him, Item, tl/r :X'"j clno dl nmlol 10 1I"w ).hHlcrej r ; ilk elnc ix l; Imllm... IuniiiJil. I-II, xS, I lt'IIl , tor ij ~" ('ll1e \\elln! III hllll, h em, fot i st"ik iij 11U>U1uril IIt.:ik chaml!,)t 10 Colin vij n. Cnmphell, Item, for iJ ~ e1u(' wellll! to him, " It x Il. hem , [or ij~ qll!uuri~ St-I'lt~ I,lnk to him. 'IOJ ,. 'iiJ d helLl, ftlr \' cillO Fr:loch InUIIC 10 Ai('x:mdcr Wardlaw.
,Il rlnc XI'I ..,; SlInllua

Item, for ij ('111(' iij 'lllllrtlllis ""lIin xxillJ I.; IIlIlIImll

'I) him



ilk pine iij II. \',1".



11<-111 . Fur iij 'IUll.Itari..

~'l,ttis 1.lnk 10 Ilis !HoS, x 11. [Similill li\\'li ~& 10 AIf'XlluliC'1' ~ltlkcull0, A,Lull t'ukhUlII. ill!!] ,\1\;[,1' Hiki rtfl1l11 , the ])rioc of I I.e 11I0( UIII!!{' U/:>ill:; xiiij"1
\, ' ,

"lilt, Fnll1 e h t,llIllO I n tli{' l"( ]lIi{,T IlF [th{'] {'hll' :o.iiij ~. i .UlIllUlI iiJ N. X\ij A. Ih'lIt. fvl' iij "lilt! lIillll! Mli lt Lo him , ilk (1111(1 x ii, i 1;11111111;1 xxx A. l ul1t, flu iij" flll'll'loll'i!; l']ak La hi!! it08. xj It "iij (t , [I,'m. fIJI iiij' J l'In(l 1,IUllt'to . l lImes JUci{'1I (lllil'r: ilk dnl.' :..iiij A 1011111111" . iij It iij ii, IWHI, ful' iD. l'ln{, c hallll,,~ to him i ilk dill' ix it i 81111tUlII '(x ij iI. "j (t Itt'm, FOI iij r!i '!1lllrlllri .. RI'oUi" 1,],lk to hi1ll, xj ~_ 'iij (1, 1t1'1lI, r"I' iiij 1'11l ' tmlll\} to DOWll<l lh,' :b('m,m i ilk ('l ilt> xiij .. iiij .1.; '"U1 l1lfl l iij i;, iiij II. 111'111. J IllIart.lII- allik dultiliot tv hilli. xx it [[I'm. rur ,. '1";1I1.1I"i, 1';11');:1)" III hillt, \" ~" il. [Th, ",11 01(' fIU'1II1itil" I,f Ibl;: '!oOIIIIC clot hs 1II1t111t the $..I Ul I' l'l'i,,-~ II11111wd In 11" ",111.' (;.LlloIt"III, fOI


""1)", J"hlW ]\IW't'I"'II, (:,l\\iU Itlil~I', . \]{';I:-

"mll'l' GUllloULI. Willillm



,Im'II'1I lIllLlIg:('r, .It,II1I(' '\',~I, ('IIULI"." I"~ till' t ]};\lIICI', Jollllc Lethan, ..mlill.lI", ,I"hn.' U ,L' illllOlI_ {'UnlOIH! r (ii ij C'I!~ l.LIIII{' Al xiiij il.,

hj it) ]'llIi,1 C'n1l1rllr!l(, t'lIl1 t.l\lII<' lit 'uiij '<"; uj II. ""'), \\"IIII:LIII :\1.1:0.1"1111. f'lJ.ult,,, "lIxloLlIl. I'ulli\'; :\In'(I''III1 . \u,lru .\1"I'lJ.lt, I.lIl.L~ T,IIILr"it, Willi,ulI Onll.tlll>l<UIII. Wilii"l1l FI't... ilh, ,Iohlll' :--11"0-.,'('111. ('"uk .." ,J"lrlh' .\ 1Ii1 ,11'1-, .J,till.' \ \ .'ry I'" t 1ik ] tI~lill, :\ii,'hcl ')o 'IL'llll""UII, J:"I.'IL i'un-.", Xidtn[ II.Lllr',"'IY \hx,LlHll'l' " 1'11' o;lIk .." :\lalclIllI ( : 1 ~IIIO'. \ U~ k, t; ILLI ,roll,Lt_l 1\1:"" . r"l X ,h ... talll .... 10 lito' filLII' ILLli\"1I nllu.<irnll:'ll i Ilk .,111,' ).iij II. ~'111lLWI ~ilj II.


I Ii_ '\ ij l. I-j ,1. Il'I1I. fUI l'lll1r I" lhil .101I1,1.lliI. ,lu.1 1110\1.:;1111 "r Ihllilll, \\\"iiJ I. I h'm, fUl r or 1 ~lili" 11111:1 to lll.lilll. ilk 1~lir lij l. MllIlIIl,lI ..


It. III, fur \\. ..III' s.,I1ILI>; nl~'t 10 the '''!lr ,\"":': ,,,,h,I"lnen. ilk 1'111., lij iL ltulll,''i I II. \ it h"III , f"r :LXX dill' hLIl.: I,::IU~' I" Ipw Ihil ~l"ui. ilL
d'll" ,iii;.1 11111111, 1H.' ln. r"r i't!. dllel: 11I"\lall \"
);).;X\ ..

11.1 Iii : ilk ",.0 ij .. liij 11.. IUU,IJJil :L\ij S, ij ,I 11":111, r", iiij ,,"ir Ui.li.l h..,., tlf ClI''II,1 to tll4llll1 11k ,"Iir \ iJ' \'.I.; "umflll' ' . ""i .. Il liij.1. 111hl. r"r iiiJ l'll,.. 1,lIl1le \" Th""I, I ""1'1111;;;11 d,I.!'. U'n'UI_'l, m..'Iue ~ij ';; 10111111\1;' xhiij I. 1t,-IU, "'f ij!~ d, ... \-11,;.1111101'" him ill.: f'hl' 1.\ I.. l'<\l1\l1l1l1 nij .'_ \ j II. 11".,1 , tnr \", J 'IU:utMi~ rnl"!v\\" In hili' til<' "IIII' iiij l iiiJ ImUII!.:, ,. l ,1j 11 bU. [:"ill1il:ol Ii'-rnftl III .Iohn \11.1. ..... 11. Inl1I1I',.. 1 "1'1,' .1.,IIl'f', I rUIIII.-l. \lc~r""I<' (""law. 1.-1111110('1 <lU.' "'h"I1I;\" II"i'llugill 1"I1I1~,'r.] 1t"II\, fur ~ ,'hK' d"'.IlI,,, ," flll<' ('f,It, I" th,' Frallch I.n~dll'- t,l",'tm!;lI. II,'" ..]u<' i'\~. mllll.,\ iiij h. '\ It hUll. (ur HI (,I"", 1,1,11; ).,'Tn.'. ,,.I~'II" !hl "'lU.\II. Il,e .-lite '(vj \1,. UlIIII,;! i\ ., iii,1 II a.'m. rm 1lI;I).;ill'':: "f hi_~ ('<.t.,. iij .. \j .1. 111'111. rul' nll(' ,1""I.lal .. r \:il'..:(' 1;"111 1<1 1'1111 "M;,I, hnit \\itl, fl1"lian, xuiiJ Ii-. iij II. 1t"III_ till' 11,<' I".ir f IIr rlll'N\~- til l,ill1 '111<1 10000illili In thllilll, ..-j,j il h It [:o;.imil,II 1i\I'\)- to lilil :\I.UI;11 Iii "1"11 .. ,,1. "ith II. \.nnll' to .11 \"I,]

,',ir .1.

I' .



ilk , 1111' ~ .. , allllllliol I"l n .. ~. Itt'lII, fur 1II'lkilll<: 1111,1 f.. r Imkrnm III !h, ':\111.1'11 "01" 1t.lu, f.. r 1)'11.1 1l'.l .. f i( with flult;1 tkl1lni~ "ii.( ~-

r.. r

\\' ('1",,1,1 11 11111.'1' ..... lill \"'"11 I;t0llil III X"ru('

. !~



Itcm. for ij elnc iij quartaris grene Biq;i! IIltiu to hit d(lul,I.lt; ilk elne x b.. ; 5UWnla. . xxTij 3. "j d. Item, f(ll' l."IIU!ll(,!! to it, fustiau to Irne iL, and mnking of
l~.~~ riij'~ d .

Item, lor nile pail' U1aid hOll to hilU, ix. II. Item, for nne benet to him. ix iI. Ilenl. for xl"j I'lnc c hamlot to J ohn Ilute, to Le nue doctour goun with nne hudc ; ilk elne ix l i summn "iij tt. iiij II. 11(1111, fol' \'iij elne I>).Il.: gm)' to Iyne the 1.1m)'n , x a. "iij d. Item , for making of his g01l 1l and hnde, ' ,'iij S. IlCIlI, for Iynyng of his hudc nmllJllrfelling of his goun with skiuuil, . \'ij I. (ICILl, for ii ~:; cine fuatiull t o his uouula t ; ilk elne ij iI. iiij (1.; 811111111a . ,'a x 11 [tCIII , fOt" flUr to it, and mnkiug of Ille SIlmyll, iiij S. ltelU, fol' nuo pltir of 11011 to him, vij iI. \" d, Item, lOl' /1110 gmy ho nct to him. iiij it I,em, tor iiiP~ eillO russel to he aue suun to Spllrk, J ohn' lIulis Ullin; ilk ('In(' "j A. "iiJ II. ; summa nxiij s. iiij d, item, 101 j dnuulnt of flmtian and j pAir of h08 of CIl I'la)' him maid, ' :wij A, 'j d. Il(>lll , fl)l' ,-j{ cIne cn l"llll)" n"d(' Rnd bf\1I0, lO k nnl'rOle lI ud h". ttl ,lOlhnl;l nourh ; ilk elue iiij iI. ,j (1. ; S\lllll1l;l '\"uiij ii, ix..t. IlCm, for Irnrug and mnking of his cote" \'iij 1. Itt: m, fur ix qunrtnris fustinn to his 1],'lIhIR[, thc eillu ij II. iiij II. ; SUlllmn , ,. A, iij II. ItCIII, for sluf to Ilis dcuhllll Rnd IIInking or [hl.! I3I11~ n , iij I, viij II. 1t11I1. fur Ril l' p llir of 11M to him, ' \'j ~, Il'III. fm nne ~ltk 10 him, ij s.. "j It. !telil. fOlr iiiJ due wllne [0 Dl\vid. fu lconnr; ilk ell!!l



III1IUUl/\ .

:l. h'jij t


rur.i qmutnr "If'ik chmll loL 10 h ilu.



LOUD 111(.: 11 TI!E.\SrmW.


It,em, fur \ 1IIlnrtmii C::IniaJ t .... him, \ o.l ... ISOC [Similnr hh'lil'S \.I) Hul.ocrllkll"III1, 1~'1\IH:,"1I<1 .\I('XlulIllr l..all, la"'''IK'I-..] Item, tOt nUl' <:t.le IIf St'<.>tti.l tnUIII' til ErIK'h HoWl",'. fnlcunnr , 11\;1;,1. !('I; 1. Itcm, fvr I\lIe IUllill II.. uLI.lll'! C.IIH1.I(1I III hilli. , I. vj d, Ittll!, fllf Bile l);Iir or mai,1 hOI I" hil... ,i. iiijd. (!.tm, r,.r iij)~ clnc J:61i. "'"k t<J II,. la,t~'(' ill 1"lUnnil101111 , ill. duo' U\'J to, I'iij d, : S'UlJllua liij Ii, xiij I. iiij It !telll , lvr ij ellIl: j 41Ultwr wc11w lA) bil Ih., dill' xliij '-. 11I1IUn:\ ,iij II. XIJ I. ix d hem. fur iij ~~ duo' "!;Iud, 1.\\IIIt! 10 hir , ill. dill' ,\iij ;;. iiij 11 , I Uhllll(l , xhj~, \'iij o.l Item, fill ij H cine :st.:ulti$ lJlnk tv lut, ill. duc xiij ~ iiij d., IlIhllll1\ xuiiJ A. iiij t1. item, lOI' ix dne lIull.1l11l clatll to hir; ill. cllle "1.; bU1lI1II1I xlr A. Item, fOI' \'ij cine .lames to lie III1C b'OUII to I .l.ul~' ;\IC11lI'et, tlte Kingis llothter ill the Cruttdl /Jf IAliullUl).jh; ilk c.lne :o(xiiij l ; BUII IIUIi "iij Ii 'iij lI. lteu.l , for I' olne ,1,unCi 10 l.oe nue klrtill to hit; ill.: due x'l:iiij J,; l umma \'J ". Itelll, rvr iiij clnl' Mal.: I;T\\)' to l~uQ hirs,mll." i.. iiij It ; lij clue IllIhit III 1)'111." hir kirlill, iiij 1; !lnt! Qne cine Luk-mm t.o hir goun, );l: tl., &ummll xj ~, hem, for iij Ijllnrlojri& j uflill \l'dlu. to hi,. 1-'' 1111, u n I. i.'I: ,I. Item, for Ulnkillg' of Ilir !!Olin nUll kil'liII, I'iij ~, item, tor iij dul' lIi81ia1.1.I1.:, 10 nu{' ~(l\m u.lIIII' ; Ille dlle U\'j L I'iij d,; IIIHIIIWI iiij ft, Item, lvr ""h"l'iI1J.t l,f it, 'I:"iiJ d ilj! J dill' \>I,ll.: .. r.\~' to Iyuc it.. iiij ;. ,iij d J MIl' \\('\l1b to h:'lml it. ij i. IX o.l; AIUI fur lIIakiu,;vf ii, ij;, ",UUIII" x .. xj It. Item, tor l;j qunrtaris oroun It) .tile I.iltill tu bir; ill. :o('x:o\'1. clue xx J.; lummn Item. for IiChering or iI, x tl. oh IIJ due I\Ulnl 1<1 I~III' ii, iiiJ , .1Ut! 1I1111.:illl; of it, XlliJ ,1 , tUmllla "J ... iiij.1 nh.

_,,1', 1:,Qd.

1)'uuYII tu thir :lI!1).:""Ui"Hlhi khtilk~ iij i;. itelu, I", ij eiut, kil"\, tu the ""ililo/illy ) ll'r;"::l"l,it. loj i.: r" .. 1I1"iI~t'i~, clll~llfil, 111111 1~I.Ullia to Id. C(lI\luil> RIIII I.:i, lilks., ij >t.; iJ I",il Ih'" tco hil_ I' Ii_ iiiJ It ~'II\IIIUI xiij i;. iiij It 1t"III. f(,r J,'~ 'Iualln! 1\i"IlUlIliI hil" uII.III,,,l.:ill;: (,' it. \I ij .. vj (t 11\:lu, rn! \"iij dIU.' 1I0llnllli d,llh In Ill' ,,",uki.. 10 ilir; ilk du. \" ~.; l:mlllllill :.1 ".
helll, rUI nllt' IWt~' liI(IU~'" tn hi l -, I ...

Il~'ln, It,' iij ... 1111.:


(IIr iij dlh


lallile t.)


SVUII 10 )larj(u,1

Limh:NlY. "nix;" hew, rur~herin!o! (If it :\\j'J.L iij!. dll.~ hluk ~rll)" . .. it, iiij ii, J ,t, .III,llll"kill); uf Iii, ~oll II. Ij "-: "UiUII!;! I-ij i lij .1. 1t"III, r l-iJ 'IU:IIl<U;>I 1'\:llc t'U1:-L.I' tu hir kil'till, Iii.l ~. ... i..:.1 ij 'i l'iIll' 'p,lIil I" 1.lut!' tl.c !l.L1i1~ n. iij ... iiy II.

1.1 LLIl~1I 1<1 1111 gull .. ,,1111 killi ll, ;>;1' ,t, IIIIIil"('i,, ltI lb,II1I1 nlhl 1l"'Kiul-\' IJf ]'t'r ]dlliil, ij ii. iiij 0., IIt\1tt"U1 .\\ ... I iij ,t lklll, i"r half 1111.' dnc IH'lIl1~ til hil' 10:"1111 111111 to 11\.' .11ll' ('ullnr I" hiT, ;>;1o:j i;. Ij tt il"III, fur nU1kihg IIr hit' cullin, sij It 1\o.'ul, f..r ij dnl' l;cllllu dalh ttl I... Bnl"kis to Ilir, iiij i.; h"lf :",.' dll,' Hulllll .. 1 .1.. 111 l,) hil' ('ulllld~, ij ". Ij ,I. ; ;11101 j 1~lil' hi ... tu hil', 1o:\j ,t, ~lLIl1hlll. I'ij h. x It.
.111<1 I '1IIIIIwli"
dlli'l'l... 111111

IIl'lII, r"r lij dill' !n~"l't til h... lun 1,(0I1'IIi8 LO Iii ... IlL;! 'I"ri~; ilk "lUI' lij iI.: ~mlllll;\ xlix .1 It...m, for IidH'rill:,.( ..r iI, "iilj ,I i\' _ 1,llIl' 1,1111. ;.:m~ til IYILI' 111.LiIIl, xiJ ,,_ liij \t - 111111 LllukillJ.: .. r Lhi, ~"\\lIi",




'" II

11t'III, J 'IHHI"ll(i IIdlu"

](('111, \' it



Ihir ;.:n\\uis.


.-j ,'hl!

rt ... tt l'II""IY I"

" \j ,I 1", thir kirlillis, ilk dll('

~\lmlll.1 xxx it ILt'!H, I", I-ij ,'llIl' 'Iulllt I" 10 Ill' Lhulln, j", ;. iiiJ d. , I)J'lkllll:: uf thir kirtilk~. iiij iI. 111I'l' dill' l"'III1~"ltll" til Ihif

I.QJ:Jj HIGH '1 'lmASU:EI:

;; 11

guwni!.' (Iud kirlillcs, iij ~. Ixuulis to lilir Idllillc.~, ..r,. 1-.00. chapl.,!! !lml Ulllil;seis, ij g.: SUUIUW :niij~. iiij II 11.1:111, fOl' I' t'lut' l:':n..11U' duth to thil" .arki~, )( ~.; j chI\" }[ollnlul eI'ltll fOl" thil" coll,U"J~, iiij ;.. 'J 11.. Hwl r" .. tWI I...,i ,' hUll to Ol:lilll, iiij s.; 8IUlIW:\ 'I":"iij i<. ".j II. h em, for ,j~ clno dmllc..~ 1'1 nUl' ,,'1HIII til till' Eli..: "r :Uurr.1Y; ill.: clno xxiiij 5.: SUlllllhl "ij II. xlj II, Item, fol' iij eluc nislis lliak lu Iym.' lh{'" ~;11I1yll, iiij Ii It'''lIl , fUI" scllcliut; of h, xij It. Hem , rOl J ,Icik challlillt to i...cml !.ill' LH hi!! gUIlIi. iiij It. itCIIl, fllr iiJ dne Hi~li" 1,luk to IrlJ<' the S:lm~'II, iiijll Item, for 1I11kine: (If Ihillu .... c:"wni~. Ij '". ItCIII, fUI" ij;~ due salin t,1 Illil" ,luultlali8, hij' vj u. Itcm, r'lI" iij cine Ihlln{'~ t'J Ihil" jM;lti- IIU' "}lll' xxiij .~. Sllnl111U iij 11. x "ItOlll, for \}<5 clne q\\hi~ to Iyne thi. dunl/lllli!; ,111,1 jUClllis, xij ~. x (\.; j Chic C,11H1I1CS lo Lhil' dout.lnlis, xij u.; Ulllking of thir uouhlatis mIll jilt-litiS, I"j it: sumuU\ l<il< ~ l< It Itl!lIl, for iiij.!j chic rede C.lUM) tAl hi.' hl~ l" lhe rtleof "nrnl~' RIIII 1.01'(1 Lilc. uij ~. \"j It. Hem, for iij cllll' 'llI!iit tf) I~'no,! illl' S.l1l1yll, iiij ". I"j It. Item, for IIlRkin~ thil' hOI\., ij ~. 11A.'1U. fO!' I'iij!;; dne Il olhlllU c1nlh w he I.;1I1i" III thllilu, xw';. \j It Ill'lIl, for t.UIl II()UI'li" 10 thaim, xsij S. [wlll , l'ayiL lv ~1l\i~tcl" . I nll!~ \\'ntH"", (" .. nUt d,.Ii1I\IIt. or 1I"... \lIl ~ lo th u Erlt' of )\1111'11)" "I III tU~ti1; 1Il;II,inf! of tl1l1 jllcnt.iR LUll 1lllnl,hlLiIl "f 1:',,1 ill to hiw .Itll\ 1.<11',1 Lile (liid lyllyU": of tile ".11I1Y". ,111.1 ("I' ~ij IJair nf !!(:luolll' 1.(1 thnilll ,1 sill,lri l,riCCI:!, ix ll. x\iJ;'. ii.llt. l u~m, fl)l" iij ..Inc 1,lnk to ,J:IILlC :::it.CII"arl, Lord _\\"(~u<1:llcs 5011 in Rllnctl\l\(lros, )\I~,


Hem , (')1" nmking uf his


xliij d,

Item, fur UII!! tloul,lnt of I'lnk rnHliun IQ him, \ iij :i. ij ,1. \"j ~ i,l d. Ilcm, fOI' III1C l ~dr uf CHI'Sily hll~ 10 hilll.

. 0.



fUI .xij eille tl,uues to Goorge CIlUipooll c.f (;callok j ('Ine xx iiij I. j summa . , xiiij tt viij l. for ij>' elue wellus to hilt!, . \. It x i1. for \. cine Riali, broun to Anura BerwlllI; ilk "llIe xx,j l. "iij d., 8numl.1 ,.j n. xiij .i iiij dItem, for \" elne nislia Lroull to Jocat Ten-ell, schip wriehl, . ,.j H. xiij R. iiij 11. Item, for ij}4' cine weilul to him, . . , 11. x l Item, for \. clue Hisli.s bln k to Seh;. Willinm llahile, moister of werk; ilk eine J"Xvj I. "iij 11. ; $UlLlmo "j tt xiij .i iiij d. Item, to \' quor taris worsnt to hi8 dOllblat, xxx I. ilem, for iij}{ qunrtnris Soonis 1llnk to hia hos,
I telll, ilk 1Win, Item,

xj I. viij t1.
item, tor v elne }'mllch !tHUle t.o Schir Johue &hnrp, clmpellnnc j ilk ei ue xiiij iI. i ! lUllIna iij 11. x s. Item, for iiij.J4" elne laliliC t.u Jollue Urummoml, wrieht, iij n. helQ, fOr ij el ne ij qUfLrtillis lii'b'll aoli1l to him, xx\"ij A. Yj It Item, fOI" ,.}~ qu urtaria cursa." to him, \" Q. xj u. ob. lteuI, fOI iiij~ elue Inlllle lQ ,Iohne )Iasoll ll , be tho) Kingis coUlmand, iij N. It,,,m, for ij due iij (IUarttu"is Birge satiu to him, u\ ij iI. "j it. [trill, for \" ~ fjuallal"is ClII"SO)' t() IIim, ,. iI. xj 1 ob. 1. Ilem, for iiij ..Inc tonne to Wille :\fnYII, ",richl, ill Stri\'olill, . xh iij &. helll, for j quortor stcik dutlllll.lt to him.. xx Q. Item, fOI tho: '1Ilnrlari~ ClH"SlIY Iv hillL, . vb. ,. II. ILIlL, X\'j clue Jamtl.ll LV Sellil I'nlrik lIamilt()un; ilk 0 1110 xxiiij K.; Slllilmo xix It. iiij iI. hem, for x~ J4 due f1uhit bey toco\cr lilc b'Olin of e1uth of gol.1 'lullilk the King :.,'nif to tbe Fronell kllJclll. ilk rltle ij I. vj d., StilUIlM [iij S. x d. tl(m. fltr xij clue 5.'It in, he the K.ingis colllmllml, to :\ll\lStrea I:oule, iH.. cine uiiij it; SIlLULUR -.:iiij II. Iiij 11.




11,,111. fur

-~iJ ellle frne tll'OIlU chnUilut lU ~ l nil!l ..t:I.I' 1:410.<_ t'oHunl I ilk rille xilJ A. liij It., ,"I1lIlI;, \iij II. )(' Item . for iiiJ doc Hi51i1 hruUII, 1 IluJ KiuW' CUmlll'lIu.I, 10 Xicholw. .\llimclhyis wir, ilk elno U\j i ,iij 11.: SUIllInIl \" n_ vj a. viij I!. il('m, for iiiJ .1,:; chic Ja1l1C1 1<J 111<' IIUOII' iii lJonlllliY, ilk dne xxiiiJ ~; 811\111011 V II. "iij i. Ilem, for iij \1 tine chl1111101 lu 1111 ; ilk dUI: ix Ii. i IUIUIWI xxxj 1_ \j 11. Ill'lU, ror \ elne Fmuch lnllne to the IIII}ulollr, ilk I1Il1e xiiii r.. iiiJ d. ; IIUlIlmn iiJ U. vj I. 'iij d ItC1ll . for ij eluo iij qllllrtliril IlltLn t" him; tIll' elne uiij I., Inmnll)' iij II iij b. iiJ d, Iklll, lhe lX' nlll~ dny of UcccII11...r. (01 )"n,I'J oln(l J,;rellc !Ie)" to 00 livc dUlIsing cUlis. \ Il0llbllltil, lIUtI \ Jlllir of hOll ami allC kirtill for allc womnn fOI" dUliainB i ilk elnc ij . iiij (t j 8UlIUnn iiij n. iiij A. h em. for v cIne cnmlllCS fOI the 611id hOI IIud 1cirtill : ilk I'ij l Ij It. elll x\'iij It.; lumma h clU, fur xv goldin akililli. tu Itumois for thaim. llud K:hakari. 1\1111 Uol'donril tu lhe taik... uf lIil)llri "rKet!. iij 11_ :niiJ (t Item. r,,\ making: of the fin~ eor.i.. \. lutir of hell, amI tf,, 1\'OIU.II1Uil kiltill, xxiij~. l uolII. ror \'J I_tilia can-lIu;)Cis lO lhaim iiII.-: l13il \ iij It 5I11UI1U~ iiij D.. Ittlll, "'Ij II 'mU~IIIg: coti~. J kil till maill III Thvlllall 1 ~1Ic1 nllli hi, colII(1licil "lid !leX Iloublntil of Hukrt lkr

10111 InlLl'll 1t~IU, for xxx due


1,1.11.-: gmy t"


lh. "\lUpl.
XXX\ "'.

for vj ('tile ~1l1.\1 caUIIII(S to I) Ill' tI ... duU"':llil \.IoU)i. l1u l l .lmllJ"~ of lhe l".IU.; ill.: duo: ).\iij J., 811I11n,,! ix So. h CIIl, (or ulllkiug IIf tile! \lj <:Otlll\ud .. x dQUJ,(nu6,
uxilJII Item, for alit ('o..lc d fres dnlh til lh~ Fmnch boy, \'iij ~ h (, nl , ~he fil'1~ dill of JannaI', for iij ('tne \\eIlUI. 116 Ihl' u,_ 1!o(II7




comnulud, to l'nis1cr CIL-g, IIIg:li:'UI.III ilk dill' '-J Ii. -:ij >t, ltO:III fOI jlJ clue II<,nll5 to lr.lislcr lI unl, I IIg1i~lIlun , Ij 11. ",ij 1 1t"1". fVI' iij du.' Il\'l1us 10 Willi;,,,. l ' urh4l11l, In,;liJiluolI', l"j It. ",ij &. ilt'III, r<.lf iij '11I<I"I"rI5 IIIit' half 'l,uuLur .....ul..,1 In the Sili(1
~1iiij ~; smUll1ll


_ x~x\'ij t vJ.1.

item, the viij lilly of Jnnunr, he tl~ Kin:':15 C"\IIIII.'IIIII, 10 )IO:l"gl'l:l :\!lllt:r for ClIUS kho ll ;lll~il, four elue sc.nrlet ; ilk 1.'1111.' I ~.: <lIIIIlIIU\ '" 11_ Item, for \' "lhU\.;I'I'" 1.... III1S to hir" II' 8, hl'lll. tIll' ",xI'iij ILl)' vr Jllll1l.1r, (ur iiij (,Inc 11111110: I .. l!l' ,m,' ('ote to th., h ;\ueb k\lyelLt nnd hoy (Iululk hl'ldl 1.0:1111111 him: il1,; ellll' xiiij ~. iiij 1.1, ; SUnlma liij 1. iiij II. Ittelll, f", ~llelin;.: of ii, ij'" l"-'ut. for lij cine hlak gmy to 1~lHl i~: ilk l'lne xiiij It ~11I11111!1 \"iij a. ij it. 1t1!1II, for Itl .. kin:; (If Iii" ..:vI. iij S. h ..... , {u.. j llIlU!I!:\I of Hil}.~ 8.ltin lUlli.1 to hilll, xxix A. xj It \I{'UI. ff,r ,l ll{' ]lair f'lr hI. 10 him , j, A. iiij It.
1l"In, tVI' till\' "~ lrlN !JOliet to }';III, ' X"'IJ s, iklll, r',r un!' 1"lil' or 1108 vr l:i~lis bl,lk 111,tid tu ('\i"lof\'I, .W ij. iiij II,

1t"III, f"r uno: 1',lir I,f 111,.18


l:iJis Link 10 .\lItlro 11 0111(',

'I' it iiiJ ,I. Item, f',r tin{' !~ l iI' "f h"!J I" \j :1I 1111 II ... :\l'flu;S.n1"1 \j il liij II h"III, II .. Ij !I;II' lof .\,hllial rvr iij!.4 dill' 11lll1ll' \I) be ,1\1" I'Uh' I" I} .. illliu r,~',u-t, ilk t'lln' ~iij K. iiij it..



iij II III'hl'l-ing, nnlking. ,IIIIII)IIY";': of tl16 1tI111l)"U, xiiij'- iJ It (Silililar lil"'riL'fI I" lIaml(: 11,)n1c 1111<1 j\rci1('
1iikilllll1 l1,]

h"IiI, II"

,\ij ,Ia)" ',f Fd'I"II,!I (1fT ,\ iJ 0:111(1 1I"000IuIIlo my 1.1,1)" "uI" th' ~; ilk i'hll' "l:liiij.. '-1111111111 )');I'j 11 viij;.,

LVJ:!) Iill,: II 'J'HEASL 1:E1l.


It('III, r," \'iJ cine sutin t'l IIi!' ; ilk clue x:wi.; SIHllln;! ".I~ 1:.w.7. \'iiJ Ii..'{\' ". IWl1I, f'J!' xI'iij elue Hollau.1 daitl! tu IIiI' i ilk ,h,c x il

h II

ill.!m, Ihe xxi ij Ilily uf Fl'hnmr, rut' nue

10(l1l<.;[ In .\lIlh" II UIIII',

nnd nn('

Itetll, (ur nul' "my bOl1cltu the Frllnclt I~ly. lItJ "Ilellt, th,' lil'!,I,llI) "I" :\ hm:h, lUI \'iij dill: IlcUI\.:i t.) 1"" line ).,'UIUI tu L..ldy :\lel'gtl!L,lhe 1\.il1:.:,i5 ,IIO.:IIlil" ; ilk dill' xliij i.: SUIUI ' I" :1:1 iJ 11 iiij II. il('Ul, fur l"j dne lolak ~I;I)' t" trill' the !lUlU)!!, ilk ellII: .Hj It . ~mnuHl. liij ~ It.CIIL, (,,\. mil' elm.' t.tlki.LUi I" the ~Ielli!> uf ii, ij:; item, fUI milk in,,; ur it, . l"j I., I Il' IL L, fCIl l"ij Cltll: ;;1,1)" ,hUIIl'S t.. lot.: UILC \11 1m o;"UIt lu I,il"; ilk 1'llIc :txx il.: SIlIIUM x It. :t~. Ill.' tII , ((11' ij clue w...t lu.s It) ii, iiij II. \'j ;, iLOIll, fvr x duboUl vf grey ski]]]]i!; II! lym: iL: ilk pl't..1! ix It.: SlIUlIU;1 iiij 11..'I:.t J teu l, fUI' lollik gray lu the I'liti5 or il. ij ~, [ tCIIl, fU I' l,uk l'uu tu it, ij';, [tem, flit' fU1"lin~ .. f the 8:1i\1 ~OUtl, x il. \j ... Helll, rUI' ttL;,kin;,; "f it, . h cUl, f .. r 1)11)"11 l'Iailh III Ihaitn, x\1ij tl helil, for iilj,'J dill' lnUlIe g;'liu Iv he lUll' killilllO hil": ilk dul.' ~lI:iij;'; summa \ Ii, iij b, \"j It. hem, fill' iij!:I ehle lolnk gmy to 1}1I~' lhll 5111IlYU, iiij 9. dij 11. "j .1. Itcm, rO!' j cluc 1-."n.'lIe l'ilJnl!<' 10 II iiij b.. [lI'lIt, fill' 1ioC1lt"il'1 I" 1.0\"(10111' ii, xij It I tCUI, (Ud~llyll ,'I,lilh In ii, ' iiij ~, IlcLLI, (Ul' IlInkiu)! or iI, . \"iij It Ih'm, fut" In<ll;;('" ,\1ul (;\'I>-I)C'; t" 11m clnLlI~''', Jiij ~ iiij ,t Itcrn, fO I' ij CillO ni~ l is [,Ink tu hit clok(', :\ ij .1. Item, fV I IICllt'riu\! \If it, Item, r')l' 1Illlkin!-\, ur ii, ' ij::O. [ t"II1, rul' IIIIU 11m: cine Blliin 1,llmc :11111 Imlf (Ill" dll<' xxii,i .~. IoI'Ull l1 alliin 101 hir Sldliij, '

:.11 Ii



hem, ror Iyu)u clailh lolylle hi r slcms anu ror wnking , of thaill}, ij ,;. Item, the "j dn)' or )Ial'eh, tur iij cine doubl!' \\'Ol'll<1iL 1.() l.oe aue kiltill to llniatl'C8 I\.: ilk elM xxiiij 8.; Illwma iij 11. xij II, itelll, for aile cine Ildlus to hiI', . x liij A. Item, rOl' I'j cine 1I011ulld cluilh to hir; ilk cIne vj II.; sumliln xxxI'j A. lU:III, the x do)" of )lnl"Ch, tVI' xiiij elnc \\'ell u8 to Andro Sle\\'nrt, the lIno of AILunyia 6011, qUllCIl he l)l\8(liL in Francc: ilk clno xliij l; ,"Ulmn xxx n. ij A. hem, for ix cille t.1f1eli to Iyue the snmyn ; ilk elm1 xiiij I.; IUIIlIllIl I'j t1. 'j II. Item , [ur j pair llOs or !:islis IJlnk lO Cristorer,. x"j iI. ItCIII, tOI' j pnil' 1108 of tIle IflLlI)1I to Alldro HOlllC,

x"j D" 1t('III, rOi' I'ij cluc j qllartar Holland dailh to be sarkis to Cl'istofcl' ; ilk cillc iiij S. "j It. . Slllilma xxxij I. vij It. ob. [ICIII, for h.ll( ano hank gold to !hnim, ij A. yj (l. ItelLl, ror IIl.1killg ot ttulilll, iij I. helll, {or j pair qnhit hO$ to I,illl, '" i. Item , for j pair schorL qllhit hoe to hilll, xxj't. l!.em, fOl' aile lICllort K en hlnlc cote to hilll, "iij A. Ilchl, ror j lJIIir &Chor~ h08 tl.nd nne litil Kelltlln le cote to the Fmnch I ~,y, ix';. i.'( II. HeU!, tor nllO litil COle or Kell tdnlo to )llIltiu 100 Sp.111Ylrt, "iij Ahem, tho X," liny vr .\l nrdl, l)il~il 10 Mnislt:r Jnllle!i \\'alllOll tor lua lIouLi.uis or Birge Mtill, mnid ill SIIHCUUlII ..ois to Ihe Eric of ~tlln'll}' aud 1..01\1 Lile, xxxriij .1. 111111, fl'r tun slcikis Cllllllli(>L to loe thnir YOI\uis nt. I'~h. ,iij ft. Item, rnr '.J clll<' 1,lltk If! lytle the &am) II, . iiij ft. 1t.('1O. (vr lIlakiliH 1.1' 111111111 , ,.j Ah'III, fur iij cine 1Il11111 11'1 tI~lr 1100lhinlia: ilk elne !Xlj It. 1I111llIII.1 iij N. \"j';'

LO"I) m GI!



Item, ({,r all" due 6uMli ennUlk'1 tOl IhllilU, ~~ ,I. &.1' 1:_", Item, for iij dllr OOlUel!I to tlwir jl,(cjIUS ilk ,]u. niJ summa . ,iJ 11 "J . ltelll, for 'j clll'" quhit to Iyllc thmr Uonl,lnti,. nuu jucati.; tl.c clue ij 9.; 'UIIIIIIR xiJ 1. ltelll, for mnkillg of thnir \ IOIlt.J:llUi ntlll j;lI:nli&, l'j l 1lJ.'III, f"r iiJ})t!uc c.,I1o,\y W tlluir II",,; ilL; cine' ~,; 11111111113 xdj Ii. \'J d. Item, t0t lyuyng ant! lIIilking l() thAim, "A. Item, for tint' Iluhit .chort gOlln Rlnl .111.' ptIil 'jllhit h 10 ~onl\.'t' l.j,uJWII IK' pu_."it to Qnhitlnm. :l:vj ,. IWIlI, th", X)(I'J JolJ ,..f )lIll'd., for iiij elu. lUIIIIIl t",,I>.I:.o;, l 'ltlUllhcll of I.he {b.llnir, 1.IIJ the "illei~ ("(.,".nllll.l; ilk dll~' xij It ; SlIInllll' xh--iij i: ItelU, for ij 1,~ clno Birge Illlin 10 hill, ; II,r cIne x S.; lummn . xxv iI. lIenl, r,,1 \" (IUllrlaril C{l1'bO.Y to h il11, \' H. \' i1. Item, tilC last day of ) Iarth, fol' ij l'hll' Mtlll 10 III! Rill! douLlat to l 'I'iltoC!.'r; tbe dlle uiij ~; 1I\1111111R xh'j II. Item, for fulli-lI11 ami ClUIlUICli 10 1)'11 it 111111 fOI nmking of ii, ';j t. x It ob. Item, for j I~l;r (.t IIlI8 of !'couil hl"k to him, xj l (:->ilUilnr clflthing f"r .\ndl"l:\\ 111>111<".) Item, tnr tlln ",,"{'til to Cri~wf\r aut! ,\11(11-0 1I 01lIC'. niiiJ ,. Ilem, for IIIIC houet amI nu/! lilMIII' ", it I" Jilllllll11>1u..;, xij" .'f d. ItI'UI, for J IItl'ik c1'111111oL to II(' jill/! tn ll' 10 till' Fmlldl ~, 'iijN Ill'lll, 10 Lljlk ~nly lo IYIII! ii, 111111 fill' Illolldug of IIi. e"l(', :-;iij Q. viij II Ill'lIl, ftot iJ dul' J qunrulr Ili",..-e '\/tliu 1(1 hi~ 111111\,1,,1. lilt' elUl' ~ f,. ; I>1I1UlllR xxij l ,oj d. Item , for fustian And cllmu,c& to hILl' hi~ 110111,1.11 nil'] for lUakillR of ii, i,j A. x d. oh. Item, f(lr nUl' lltlir of hOI W I,illl, \ ij R. \'J d. ItI'UI, for iiJ:3 dill' 1-'rullch 1.111111(' 11'1 I.- ,1111" ('otc to lilill
\III!"!!-u th,' ~1"II;;!ll't: tl1l' '-]UC \;J -;, . MUUml11 xlij ~

'.0 1!.t;,


or 'I'm;



\ynyng to his cole ami for mllking'\'If il.


i:o.A.:\ tl "f lldnll fu&ti:UI to hilll 1I111it!. xij &. j d. vu. ht'lU, lur ane I)l\ir <If hr..! 10 him. IJ ~. "iij oJ. Itt'nl. fll!' nne \J01lt.'\' Ilith I1Ul' lilo/\110 to Ililll, iij l :\ It. !trill, for iij "Inc liill,'C !>atin lu i),wi,l ('1l1"f",,1 , ilk 1;'\111'

11"111, (.., nlll'

;( ; . ~lIm\J\1I


IU'III, ("r I'J clne 1:iJ>1i~ I.l;lk 10 Alexl1l111t:1" St.'w:U"t, 111'11"

xXIj:'. \iij It. l"l~'nc 1\,1' I4IlIIIYllj ilk cln\! xiiij ,:;,: ~utnllHI. rij It. [tt'llI, (UI' iij cln(' well", lu him: ilk cine xliij it: 11.11111111:( loj II. i.~ ii, [LeUI, tIle Ih1illl"y or .\pril(', ful' UIIO rll~liull dunlole! til ,1011111 DUit'. , .~ 11. ij.1. ilt'1I1. fill '111~' \/0111' (InhiL hos t(l Ili1l1. \" l iiij 11 ltC'lU, ("1' I1Ul' tl,,1tJ,la~ rll~ti.1I1 [" .l llIllt'" DotHit'll 1L);li.l. xij It iiiJ U. It\'m. fOI" uno .1 1H11,lut of 1'111111:111 Illul mil' pi,il' of hoe lIIui,1 to) .!I,k UuiIS\!, . " iiJ'" ij It IU'III, f'1I" IIl1e !lOllhln~of lid"" fUlIli,m fl1l1\ j I~l.il I"", \0
\IUlll><1l. 10: el lll'


lite hillgis COIU1II3I1U; ilk

\ iij .1: ~lImmll Ileill, Cor, cine lIlrr.li


"iij,;" ijtl.

[11,,"101,'11111111111(1).1' RIIlIi~lltl.r \"I"~ill~ jlMCt'1lv FeltO, Olllhnm. Will !"lIiwlill, ,1.1I11l' 11<lII/H, A,,I,f' I)IIU;;I,18, lliel,,' 1\;lil.:sc. IIwl ,1(llil1t' I:ollcli,]
Itt'lI1. rur \ I'll", F"l11ch 1>111111' lO ~hll' ,111l1l1'!< l:vrlh,' I~ Ih,' I\ill;..:i~ {'''IIiIlI,1I111 ill.. ,']u(' \iij~. iiij ,I ,1'1111111111 ii.l It, \'J l riii.1. IINII h. t Ill' 1.'11~11;': "f Ihl' -.;ltl IYII. xiiij ii, h"III, til!' ",dlij '\".1' "r \I'I'iie. IIJ l"\n,' j'llIi\rtar W'li~ l'\;lI'k I.. I., ;111" ,"1"1,, l'li~l"kl', Ilk t'llh' :0:;; i ij Ii, \. ii, ""'III'"II! 1lt-1I1. ftor I' rl1",: I,I.I\.; ~III.' 11'1 \lI'" tIll' "llIInl, ilk ,,!til' ,\ iii,i ,\ "IIIUlUa \' ,01. x ,I iii,i ...


J.()U]) 111(;11 "IlE .\SI'IWI: It"m, fvr iiJ I"In.' J 'tU,lrLu'


r." I' du. I,L.!.: ;;rn~' I .. I~-tl" it, ' it )\ .1 1t{1U, fur iiij due ril~lIu:s to thil' tua I"II~ , ij 9. itl'lIl. (01' I l'l nt ii.! '\II;\lt,1I11 I lIgli~ 11l '\.~1 I" 1M' unl' 1,;0101 to 'I llilljo~' the Frfllll,;h h(nl!.I: ilL dill..' :>;'(~~.; !lUlU II UI lij Ii. '( I . 1t"IU, rill' 1I1;ll.:in;,; or thl' AAIII~n, IIJ ~, Ill-In. r,.r J I~'IIYII;; lOr ,'KI,Ii" t,1 it. xij IIlIicOllli.. MII,WHl
"X 1t('III,

An,h" 11II1IIc,

101.,1.: ttl ;1110" cui" tnA,n.I:.ol iij h. Vil

It. X\"j.5.

.. r tl.e MIlI.rl!. '( ", ltelll, till' x,(lj E1.I.r fir :'I 1,lij. r"r "n"1~1il "f h", tn ' 1.lItill Ij ", thl' :-::l'ill1;;urt, ' ..... 111, (I'r RIll' ,lvuJ,llIt (() I.im, I'iij;' iiJ.1. 1.! ~lJ;" ItCIII, f" I1U1 1~1ir of h08 to (~nilllill ,""w'lul , itl'lII, rur 1111l' ,Olil" "f 'WI; \., /vll1ll' "r IInte. \ jj ". v II I leU'l, fVI' 111,1 ~'I rk il to him. IIJ ~, 111 '111, lhl' 'I\'j Ill\\" uf )Ltij. r", nne ~ll'k!L ,11'ul,I,1t "f (1I"lillll to ('ri.,tufl'r, 'Iiiij ;,. It('nl, for J \'I\u' ur II~ or I:i.~lifl I'mull tn hinl. XVJ; ilij d. It(,Hl, (nr j ..!l'ikit 1II>III>IuI 10 .\Ilth" II nh\\" xiiij $l. It"III, f"r ,trW 1~lir Hf 1,,-. \ .. I illl "r Im"lII. 'II' ~ joU.1 Ikm , .... I X:l; dill' Fmll<"h lalll_' lO til\' ltali"111U,'n~1I111\'~ il1.o ..In~ xij~, _unlnllt \;j 11I h'lII, IIH\kin!,; "f th .. !!l'Iwlli~ lij .... 11\'111, r",I )n~lI{:l 01 tlU' r"II11' WI\\Ui.1, ill; jlf'f.'" x~~. ~IIlI Il IlHI iiij N. l ll'lII, (,,1' :\j cillO" j 'pl,lll;11" ('h"IIII", I .. tiulll' ,1,,"1,hli~: ilL: ,111.., h iI.; "1IU11\l1l I 11 sv Ii. 11('1 11, fl,r ~llIt to ilk doubl,lL unci making t,f it \ij ~ ; xxliij s, I;III.IIM IU'III, r"l iilj I~,il hOI to tll:Jill ilk pail' xiJ ~ "1I1I.lUiI






ItE'IIl, lh(' :\:\\'iJ .1",1' (,r ).Inij 1"1 \. "]lIf ' Fldl ... h I.WII,' Iv I., 1111' <"III' \.I) .\In;nml('I )l.lkl'lIlIo . ilk .-111'-' xiij s.; 1I1111111lil i.t h v>., h rlll, /OI'lClwl'illg".lyn.lng:, ;111<1 lIlakill!! "r hi~ ,'''1(' \iiij S.

.. II_ 1:10;,


Itelll, for iiij}{ clue Frnnch w'llne lo l.M! IIIIIl cote (lo] XOI11('otl; ilk cine xiij"A.; .. unulla hiij l \'j It. It1"11I, f,lJ' !SCheling of il, Iynplg and makillg of I.il COI~.

);iij" ijll. hem, for x clnc IkrlllllC Iynyu to lie schelis for tho :,;rolll(!5 ill the Queues chlllllir, xx!. Item, fOf nue pair of hOfi to the Fmnch Loy, \'!. Uem, for nue pail' of h06 to El'IICh Dow nc, falconaf,

Hem, the xviij day of l laij , for xix eille YJ llo Cfl I'IRy lo be !hre COlis to the lh t"(' ehihler of tile stable; ilk cillo iiij l. \j d.. ; 1I!!1I1II1L iiij n. v. l. \j d h elU, for xxj cine bIll" gnl.r to Iyll" Ihe 1;1 tlll'C colis; ;11 Ilk due :t:iiij d,; SIlI1I1I1I1 x:t:iiij I. \'j d. heu" for mnking of t l1.1hll, ix \ Hem, for \'ij}4 cine fllstia n to thair dollullltiBj il k ('lUll ij A. iiij (1. ; 811mma , x\'ij I. rj d. item, for 811\( to the Mill 11.1'1' dOllulatia ami making of thaim. xiij;' \'J d. Item, tor Hj pair of hoe to t haim of 31'110 Cftrllll)',
xxij l :\ 11. ob. ilem, Ihe xxvj day of l laij, payit 10 l laisler Jallles clue III'Itill to Lo3 Inn dOllulnlis to the WatlOn fol'

ErIe of ) l nM'llY amI Lonl Lile. ' iij n. It~lII . to Itim fOlr iiij rille tlam(lI to liI ir jacnlia, ilk ('I ne xxij A.: SUlllllla iiij n. dij A. I Will. for SI11f lIlIt! Iyu~' ng to the sait! 1I1>1,hllis /lutl JdC<ltis nll\1 IIInkilig of l"ailll, \;l( A. 11('11\, (or iiij 1 )''Iil'lIChQIIIl 10 1"11illl ,. ;j So \' iij 1 1. Itl'lIl. rlor iJ ';,ling coti~ of Kentdule maill UlllmiOl, l(xj I. It('lII, th. 1J('1I11\t da., <If .l lIlIij, f(ll' \' eille t..'Innc lo 00 ,lltl' e<ole 10 .lame BO$IlI.'II; ill.: dne xiij i1.. Sl1mlll,l


It. \.


11('111, fL'lr I'ij cine blilk !;m) lu 1)'lIc tho SIlruJ'lI.

IIIm. fur nil/' mill,' t10nbhll to Jolmc of Hut('. 1t"III, (fll .! I,air I.,,,. Il' Itit .. .

\'Iijl. ij\1 '( A.

I.I.WIJ 11\1:11 'l'I:t-:ASUIlE I:


. 1\.C11I , for J I~\ir h08 to Ilowlle, fruCOIIIU', . v 1:.... D I~. itt'm , for iiij ci ne ;;allo to 00 tnn clokil to CaWIJoolI nud manl.lllld Adam fur to I~ ou ru~ wilh the Quclle to QlIhithirll ; ilk elue iiij l. \'j II., IIlUlLnu , xviij 11. l!.ClIl, (Ol l' \II lIking o r thnl" clokis, iiij So I\.CIJI, fOl" v t'ine j l} ulu'lnr l:irge IIll ill to UIIU liou\.Jlnt ill: ilk cillO !'C A.: 811 11111111 lij II, \'j (t 1ll'IU, for j clue ClIlI1lI1C1i to tlu.! &1I1L1ll,)'U, ' ,Xlj II. h O for \' ~ eillc fllstiull \.0 I~ lie 1I1.OUlU; ilk cluo xx d.; Ill, SI1UlIlIOl ix i. ij d, !lO fol' Ulllking ot th J.illl, lli, \'iij "I\.CIII, fOi Ina. pail' hoe 10 UI;lilU, redo mill Ytllo, Xloj 1. itl'lII , for lIta hOllc t ifI 10 !Itaim, \"iij &. lt~m, fOl' j J.lIliL' uf 110$ 10 CristO!t.'r of Hillli& hroun, XI' it iiij It, [AIIOUICI' pai l' to And ro 11 01111',] lLt.'UI, fOl' ij Slcik chnmlot to Will le i' I\\I!-)')', nwl .\ chisoll, liU.uir luen to the QIICLIO: ilk sleik iiij 11.; 11111111111 , "iij It. lu"., ror \' '" cille i\fCInIl fllslinu to Ihu illl; ilk cluc ij 8. viij II. ; IUlII UIl\ ' :<iiij A. viij d. l\.CllI, lor ij)4 cl no cnl'8:'lJ to tlmim , ilk ci llO iiijl, iiij (I,;
IUJUliln ,x i.


Item, tOl' iij due FnUJcilc UiIIlJ" lO auc goulle lo .'I nrjory Lillflcll.:ty : ilk elne xiij it.: SIllUlun xxxix l. I I.{'III, tOl' iiD~ cine lol;lk g:ray to lyul! hi .. gollU, \'iij s. iij ,t h Olll, fOl' Ilinkiug of hi. b'Otlll, ij~" h cm, fur \'ij elm! rUS9(:t 10 100 ;,:0\\,11;11 to tlll! 11111 :'I rons, ilk c lue \"ij ~,; IUlllltlll xlix it 1\.CIII, fur \'i iJ M due hlnk 1;111)' to lplt' lImilll, ilk cine "iiij It ; summa i" &. xj tl. IlelU, for making of tLc S':llll,)'11 gown is, iiij il. Itelll, fOI" ij clno Iyuyu clalh to thil' Lhre 6-'Owni!, xx d. ltelll, for half line IjllaNr wdilis to lhaim , \' it iij d. Itelll, for ix cille I"(ld(> eurBtly to loc l.:iniU .... to llo.rjory Lindo,"), nnd Ille lila ::'Irons ; ilk chiC '"1l., 811111111a

. 'I, "- Il.


hem, fOI )( elne hlnk b n~- to lytle the aH Ul)1I , ilk dill' .. xj L \'iij J, xiilj d.: 8111l1Uln itrnl, for \j ql1Clrinlill IY1l)'1I ('Inth to thllim, xva. h~u\, for iij clue gl'ene litnnr to tllRim, ' xij d, Item. for III(1k;1I1-1 of the till'" kirt illis, iiij I. "j J, Itl'm, for ~iiij r ille H crUlIiC dlll h, 10 IIC "",rki, 11'1 lh..: )' l onB ,\llt\ I" )'lnrjol'Y I.i ll,l~l~: in, ('Iu(-' ij il: 8UIl1 11111 u\iij ii, 1t~1II_ thr \j .lny .\111;;118t, fol' viij rIm: ,\(1111011, to be /tile eole to tlH! Fl1mcll ooy; ilk cIne xxij L: 8UUlll1n \'iij It. x\'j II. Item, fOI' \ij cIne hlH gnly t. Iylle the 8II111yn, k "iij It ij (1. Item, COl' 1II11king of his ootl", v i1. It{' IIl , for ij cillO \\,e U11H to his ,10111.01,,1 : Ilk cine ~ lij L; /lIII IlIU U iiij 11. iiij 8, [trlu , fOI' aLllt tu his dOIlIJ]a~ nUl] lIlakiug of il" \'ij Q. [Will, fol' Inn I-'lIi l' hUll to hi lll nt di\'(!111 trmcll" xv R. [[CIlI , the Ij .IIIY of .\lLgl1st , for:n cilic InUIiO solin to IIC HII(' j.(01ll1 10 Muillt l'cs n : ilk elne xnj 8. \'iij d.: IIUmm,\ xx 11 [telll, {Ol \' dill' well ns to IiiI' : ilk cine xlij A,; 111111111;\


x tix&'
Item, fOl' xij clue Hollund ('Inlh 10 be scheti, to hiI' ; ilk clnt! iiij s.: summa , xh'iij i. [ II'm, fVI' \'iij dne 'luhYL to he IIlnnClitis to hil': ilk due ij 1 I'J tI. 11111111111 xx 8. h~lIl, fill' mp,i.ing ....1 11l,lilll, XIJ d IU.'III, fur nue "('!'Ilou!' to hir, xx\'iij i. \(l'III, for 11110 f(',lir 1.......1 to hir, iij n, iiij i. l lenl, the xij tillY of AlIglIl<I, for iiiJ H (-hit' I~isli" Link w hi! nne b'UU U tu Criswfcr . ilk !.'tlle xx'"J" "iij d. IUlllmn . \j 11. hCIlI, fur IYII} ug of iL \Iith Iluhil huge all\l skillllia, iiJH.xB. h"III, fur IIIlC loouet to t'n..tufcr, . xiiij ~ xv iI. iiij It. h.'111 fur j IltIi l' ho. to hilll of Ri ~ li 8 IIll1k . 1,\lIuthcl 1 ~llr to AII\ll'o 1I 0Ule.]

ht:lu, rOI \ b clue Fnmch tAlIIL4.' to !'ilUou lLtkculiu , ... D.11IIn ilk cllIe xiij l iilJ It 1IIIIllUa lij II .Iiij g, iiij It Item, (or iij clue IJInin lD hilll , ilk d ue niiij l IIUlllll1n iiJ n xij i. Item, fur j l:lili r hoe 1.0 lticiw I ~ \il~c, \.jj lJ. 111'111, llilyit to LiOIlU, lftil30ur, rOl' mLl' dOIlI,bl nud j I ~ ur ht. to Ii muih.aus IIlnll of 1 ,mun'" Ihal !itlil thc '1 h OI'l, .Ivj i. x II. 11(' 111, tht' XI"j tla)" of '\1I.,"1IIt, for I' I'luc tAnllC ta II(! nnc cote w J(.hne }o'onllll ll ; ilk I'luc xiiJ l iiij d .; ,UIIIIIUI ilJ n. Iji. I'iijd. he lll , for ii.! clue Willie 1.0 l.oe IIl1e hn\l..in;.t cote 10 ))nude lI:l '" ))on\e; ilk dne xiij iI. iiij 11.; ,ll11l1na

Item, the xx dnyof Augnst, fOl' nne ,\oul1lnL 10 J olmo of Hule, x AI lCUl , lor j jluil' h oe 10 hil ll, I'ij i. I' d. ItcUl, for \"ij}~ cluo Ylilo CHI"IIIJ to lJC nllil OOW alll\ hoe
10 lilil umn tllll~ COUlO \\ilh Jullll

cllle iij A. I'j (I.; aUllInl30

lI ulIl1uiltoUII; ilk . liXxiij i. ix d

h em, for IJIlJug nllli mnJdng of hi. eohl nud hoe,

i Letll,

xiilj L x II. for nne t10uhlnt to hilll, xj L I'j It. item, the lI:X\' d'IY of Angust, for nne d(Mlhla! BUll nile poir III hOli iu :->!lh,Jiu to \),lIl1.le Houle, )o;X\"iij ~.

111'111, th{l X){\"j tin) of AU~IIIII , (01' xx\" due Fmuch t.nIllHl to John Fl1lllei, fhe FtUIlc\. IUtnslmll'l, ilk d ill'
xiij g. ii ij II. , 81111tllt.l X\'j 11. xiij I. iiij II. IleW, for IIChc ting of Lim salll}'ll, . .~ij A. I'j It. Itcm, fOl' "Iaki ll'; or tllir fil'c gowui.; ilk I"-'CO iij i.;
RU IlUlln


for I) II) ug uf lhir Ih'c b'Ownil Ililh


v tt. Ilcm, ror xiiij cine Dirge IR ti u to liti!' the t1oul.latil; ilk cine x ... ; RUlnifiR vij n. lu:m, for luf to thir fh'e tJouhllltit oml !llllking or Ihe I:UIIJII ilk 1)(!(l(l "ij l.: 8ttllllliit ~\XI' l

.\I.;cor.xl':-; UF Til E



tOI \. pnil of hoe to thaihl ilk pni .. \'iij ii. , bUlumii


xU. j"\,<!:oondx 11 xix (A.)

Autio Domin i mill('llimo IjllingclIlC8ilUo lK'3:to,

Itelll. {,rlcl' 1110 Cltekkl'f pnyit. to Ihe Inglismcn nutl hullis 111m' feU. or the terme or LamUiCII in lhe ;;roil' ,ll.oollowrilin: Itt tho fil'!it , to ~hir lliluf \'en1t~y, chnmodnne to lhe Queue, hie hnlr ;;eris ree, X3: \' N, 11I:;li8 : ill Sc~Uis mOliN', . h:XX\'ij Ii. x iI. [Alltlllllothcr aiimilar hnlf ycul'1y l'11H'U1l!II t..} Ilcm , \0 Ed\\1l1't1 BoncslCde, thCll<IlU11f to the Qucuc, hi ~ half ;;eris ft..... or the t(lt'me fO l'8llid, x"j N. xiij l iiij (I, Inglis; ill RooUIS mouee, ' l\'iij n. \'j II. \'iij It !lcm, to :'IlnislCl' C:mmvcll , olcl'k of c1osct, his hnU ;;Crill fee of I he 8;\itl tonne, \' It. 1ugHa: ill Scottis moncc, x\'ij II. x A. [\A'm, w IIUlIlIil't Cieg. ilK'hnn.', hi' hnlf ;;~'ris fC'C of tho said lenllc. \'j II. xiij II, iiij d . luglill; ill Scott i6 lUOIIC(!, xxi ij fl , l'j fl, l'iij (t, Ilem, to i':<lulIU\d Le\'isny, isehnf IlLldir him, his hnlf ~rorill fcc of the $llillIOrll1l', iij II. l'j iI. \'iij (t. ; ill ~Iis muuee, xj n. xiij iL iiij d. h CIII, to 1'11011);18 Rchorl!lll', i8('hnir, ~ic l ik('J his ImU ;;Cds, (N' of tll(' SHillyU !em u', iij II. rj Q, \'iij 11.: ~num lfl xj II, xiij il iiij <to Item, to J:iclUird ,Instil'c, IIU~ :5(' II UIII ill \,11 ... QIICIIC6 \I'ludroh, Ilis linlr :5<''';s rC(!, x:>o'(i ij~, iiij <to Inglis : ill R4'Qllis ItlOIiCC. \' It. X\j A. \'iij (t, 1\('111, to II nl')' I:u]lper, .V'llInn ill Ih(' 1I'1I1'I11'O u , lIit'likl', hia hair ;tt1'ia (...(' /.If tl ..! 1lI1i,1 tCt'lUC, x'(xiij il iiij <t , Inglis; ill Rt'UltiA lH(lIll't', \' 11 :>Olj i. \'iij (1. 1U:11I, tu [l[1'1'"IIHllill, 11111'11CW IlIlt to til l' Qtl l' IIC. hig Imlf AI'rig fl'C of 11,, l('nllC rUl'llaid. iij 11, \'J R. I'iij 1.1 . 1lIlotlis; ill Scrottib IIWIU..~, xj It }'iiJ iI. ii iJ it

1.01:11 111:11 'I' HE.HW1:U:

ho.:lIl. I

fl'('," D


n. \"J iI. viij It

II IIUl, cukc' In lhc Ql1ell\', 11I~1i. ill ~ollill


II-IU ,\(,0'



:cj II. xiiJ ~. iiij J. Ih'm, t.o ThollhU lIa ll" gn'llIc pOItnir, hill h;llf ~I'rill x:o:ilj I. iiij it In;:li.; ill Seoui. 1lI011li!, \' II. wj f" I"iij d IlNu, lu n1cwlllfmlill Ildi\'t'ril. I", til(' Kin,.:i' M IIIIII f\I!II. (or ('amnl'r,lular" hill half ;';crill fl.,\' of lhe "litllCIIlIC, IIJ Ii. \'J"' viij \1. 11I).:1i. in !'irouia UlOIICl.'. 'tj n xiij;.. iiij tt h CIII , !AI tll4' I ~IIIJ \'f'nU'y lur h:11f vn. fl~' of tho aaitl 1.('1'1I(' ..r I.HIIIIIIN, \\'J 11. 'tiij iI. iilJ II In;.:lil; ill ~,ttil monee, hllJ ft. \'j iI. I'iij (I ItclI1, to Uilly :'I inistl'(!i Iii" h,llr J,1l111> fL~' of th,' "Iiel le nlle, \iij II. I'j ij. I'i ij (1. Ingli~; in SooLtili lUOU\.oe, xhJ II xi iJ iI. liij d. Itelll, to ;\Iniat rca Elenor hir hair 3t'da fee or tile lMIili tcrllle, \'j It xiij 1>. iiij lnghs: ill &'Otlia mouec, uiij ft. I"j 9. I'iij 11. 1l<'1LI. to Mnat l'M llnrl('t, hir balf ;;eli, roo or th(' sn.itl tl."nlle, I i" lugha; 111 SeoUi, lIIulI<hl, \'iij If '\:1' i. h elll, to ;\Inilll"t'$ Frnlleis hir hlllf~o. (01:, I ij. 11I~liI, 111 Sooui. lIIoue, \'iij II XI' i. 1t<!I1I, to ;\ lcl1!,,'L Ihe eh,ullin.:i r hil' II,IU :o;eria fN!, \x,iiJ R. iiij 11. 1II;!'lia ill &''Ollil 1010Uce, \' It. \lj I. \'iij 11. [All the /lOO\(' IIIClllbul'1 of Lhe (,llIe('n'. houauholll b<eL 8iul ilar I~\lll\t'ul. lit L'lIndlcIII118, I.'xct:pL Canmer, 1111(11'.1 Item, to Schir J:ol...rL W('lUi! Fill' Illc lltA hlll"lIil, of I.el1uea of (allrlihoes and 1J."lwllc !lipan. \';iJ ri, Itcm, to him (Of tbe [l;lill lila \ll1m;I, of thi8 tenllC of IAII1I11t'A tllar 'pUlrtor fee, . ;iij h. Itelll, tho h~L .by of &111CII1II1:I, to I'len.thc p,'yulou r, hia \l"a:1' or thi~ mom'th, hj ~. 1~1Il . to l.uuhnCf the brl1S1lf, hi. 111I\..'(' or lh,' Uli,IIIIOlicth, h-j I. flcw . th(' hrst ,LIY of October, l() til>: p.I.\'Ill.<'lIr nud Ihl'


,H:t:orX1'S t)F T HE
(;rolllli~ fur th"r of the s;un~'11 monetll; lumma \' n. xij /I, Item, th(' IiI'8t dllr of Xon'mher, p"yiL to Thomas Clerk hill quartol' f(l{' to cum, x n, [A lid llm16 OtlU,'I' ,illlil,w (I'mrte d ~ l.on~-Ulelltll.) ItCIlI, to Xiehollill Abirnethr hia 1111IIrt" I' lee, \'J n.; amI the remanent be ukill of the ClllltUIlle15 of Edill'

hrusair, ilk nne of thaim iiij Frnlleh



{And three otller !!i111ilal' qU1111erl~' 1 )fl)"lIIentli.) to ,Iolme GtHdllUythil (I'mrl.:\1 fee of the Mid ICrilIe, x n, [Ami thnoe other lIimilOl' qnnrlerly paymenla.) Itdll, to :-.:ehir .Iohnc :Unrrny llil qllnrl~r fC(, x It, Item, to Sehir Hoben WClUill (lII, the tlUI hnrnCII thin Illllulal' lmpuent, iiij II, ItclII, to Ihe fO'IIJ'C Italiell mcnlllrnlCfl thill' fjllllrtft r fL'O for thl;! monel"i" of Xo\'emhcr. l)C('(>ml.olor, and ,IlIlIlInr, XXI' Fmnch crowuil; 81111111111 x\'ij n, x A. [And three similu l' CjuarLCrly 1 )l1),lIIellta.] ItclU, to Auth~) Ilocrtol1 u to the rOI1l"e UilllinAI';8 that kCI,i8 the llCilil' ill tile pnl1 of Erlh, for the llIollethil or Xn\"ember, I)ecembt'r, find J"llIlRr : ilk owk xl A.; lIU1iUlUl , , xX\'j II, (Alld three billl illit 'luRI'ledy paYIllCIIL-!I.] itcm, the thllL Ila) ilJ of ~o\'cmber, DcC('mi.onr, 111111 "1II1;lr, gitlin lo tlu' pnynt..our hi.e \I'nb'e for ilk Rne .1 I'f the 1Io1id llIonethi!!, \' Fnlllch croWllis; SumUlti x 1 !( A. 1. l:--imilnr ClllRl"terlr IlRpnenla (1011'11 to Oelobcl l,i07,) I tOll, to [I.nnn:moo) Ule brnMi r bil'lik(' fOI" tIle snid thre monelhil; for ilk lIloUl;!th (0111"(' Fr.lllch Cl'Uwtlis; 11I1I1)Ua \'iij It \'iij A. [l'illliln.r qua rterly 1 :';'}'Illcut.lI !lowll to October \Fi07 .] IlI'III, t/o Glli1Jiam, tnuhmunr, his (luol'lor l ~llSioll ll to 1'11111, iii" n, \'ij il. ''j II [/\1111 tlll"('(' l>illlil:1r 'Innrlo.!l'I,\' I ~LY lll ellul.]

LOn" 1TI r. 1T



lklll I.h.,' \lJ tlll~ (,r X,wclllhl'r, I""~il. VI ,Ilir I",p,olli~ .... I.lIOl UlHlin\nlin th.ire IUllr ;.ni... 1_'II,io'lII .. r thi, Il'rmt, lor .\lcrl.ymN III the lil1<t If) ~hn ,\ In:' \I,lkcull"

nl 'h;rlollll, Imycht.


1 1I~lmlll ....


r 1.1 .. Nlllllt'nlll',

" .Ii~t.,, , I UIU~

1'; 1;,1 klU'"

I It. l,r tilC IIl'lIri"'m hit 1""II~i ..nll n 11.


UN", to 'flti . ter Willia nl Uuull(lf hi

or the lIo.'"Ii,1 lcrm., 'V Ii. It(-,III, to :-chir ThOlua, \lcnoo.'h,I{'}, dl"I",II.lIn;, th:\t
th,' Kill;': :uIII (llltl'" in lit1ul,uskclUl('lh. 1_'II~iolUl tlr till' ... ,i,1 II'tlU,' \'J n, ,ilj ~ (ilij 11.] ItA:1I1. to selur \I;.>'tamlcl' \l ukp,('11 hi_ JuU :\('ri~ 1 1(:1I~iulIlI "r th\l 1-.1;\1 tenll(' tlr 'h.tJlII(",

.. ill;.:i~


hAH N'lill

l tel ll, lo \\rll itir :\Icriiollll ,

xiij R. (iiij ll.]

n the



,mid Ulrme, :1::1: It. Item, to ~,ulllik, hroutlstair. his ImU 3('ril pCII~ionli or lhe Mid h 'nlu', \"j It xiij 1\ (iiij t1.]
It(,m, to II.IU,"i8, gl1IlIllU, Ilis 1I('II1ionn or the Mill.'"!! It'rllle, i~ Ii. \oj !I.. \'iij II. IAuo.1 lIihlillir p.lymcntA to till' "how eight 1"':""'1\'" for till' .. c~t hnlfJt'I\r.J IU'III. :\1 1\1~t.N Wnhir O'..-lh-~ plt~'i~ hi~ hll\(' jlclUIillllll a~ Wi\.lltuul.ty I,ipllllt and ~'I lie uki", lIa thins ilL this

Itelll, to AI (':l:IIUdel' FOClirL hiM 1'1-'lIlIiollll ot th(' M.id :<xxiij i. iiij ll. LCnilC of "'ertYllleA. 11.( ' 111 , v, !lnullay, !n\coll.II', hi" pl'll~i(O'1il of tht ",nifl

lcrult, HCIiI. to, till' ",[niN ...;llnyll t"flllt',


:\ It.
t '11';~"h hi_ ,_'II",i"IIO of the

\" II. \' Il,


f~jmilar ptlYIII('nLS to tlil' aiM,no three ''''1"I'Of1

for tl.,.. next

1l('1lI. to ,I ohue :\lrn:h.'"IlIK'tlLOull.


JIi.I"II~inliti of

UI(, lUIill tenll". xiij N. \oj J. \"iij 0.1, Item, Th(lll"t~ E.I;;OIl, 1M Ihi' krill!' 'r,"",i.1 .lll.1 for till'

A(;COU~ T:)

O.F I'll E



tothir ~un termcs IJcrore last. bil'llSL LhnL he wllu li t , ilk tenne v It . S\llnlUll xv 11. [And nuotller term's pe usion.]

hem, to J ohuc IIcl't.scid, )ll1i16oUII mnn, his btllf 6er is

peusionn , I I. (Ami lmothcr simi!ur ha lr-rendy payment.] It"JU [the fir'lL (In~' .Fchnml], to &hil' Hoberl. Wcmis rOL' roure ooruCll qnarlnr paymeuL; ilk batne xl l; luun ma viij n, [Ami two other silllil;lr rpmrtcrly pnymcllts.] Item {the lirsl lin} of )[nii), to MaisIeI' UtIl I'(' lIce Tnitirei,' Ilis halt beriS lX!usiou n, . v N. (Am!111l01hcr similar en t ,')',] Item, to ) Iaister WIl!lir Ogilv)' his ha lf 3eris pCllsiOll1l or this tel'ml!, am! nls Ilis half ;;eris pcnsioull of the t('l'mc of ;\Ier,>,ncs tocunl, xiij n. "j s. yjij ll. I tem [tho xxiij clay or )lai,iJ, to ) Ialilo Auehlek elotlr, his hnlf 6erU pensionu of this lenne of Wilsolldny,

"D, ISOoi-;.



Item, the xvj llay of August, t.o the v Fmnch mcnstrn!es thaI' quartnr fee sid ike liS the Italienis. xxxj .Fmnch crounis ami iij A. ' j a. : summl!.. xxj n. :nij g, '-j <I, Summl!. J",,f.u:ij n. xiiij A. iiij It


1.01: 11 HU HI n :t-:.\ !o,lIlW):,


II,um, I I.~ rlm l \Iny of Xo\'''m' ...' Iho ;)\il Ilf God t'\' I'J All. 1* ;;cris, llie ,J ullti~ Hlill T liSI"lJIIIit I" tht' ,1 11~licc lIiriK .o" ut ,I ~~hnotlb Illul &>Ikyrk .11111 ,,,uUluil tll"I'C tbc X\ij Jny Or tilt !ll\lIly n, quhilk is xi..: .In),il; to the .JII~til'\: to his e:<PCIlII, ilk lI:.y xl ii.. I""""a nwiij II. ItCIIl, to'L1Y I",nl of .\J.,i,,1.;n(' 1111.11",,11$ Ilith IIi,,, tl ... SIIi.1 LJlIlc. J\\iiiJII. \ljA.I'jt!oh. h OIl. to my Lonl l.cviuII't Lilt' aai,ll}IIL(I ilk tiny \u i.. ; ~I1I1lIUo I xXliijUxi.. h e"., t.o ;\llIill('r J:iehllnl IJ\UIOII the lI;\i.t Llllit', xil: 't"ij It. ij ii. lIuicornia, In llUlIl1 itcm, lhl' :<Xlij day "f .Iullij, till,' ;;rir .,f God nile thuu ....... I!.O', snutlth'c hl1utlreth llel'il' SIriS. thIlJI1~til'I' IUIlI l.onlis prlMit. to till' J"ltiCC niris of l'l'nl, .11111 ~t l;\clin, nml rellMlHt Lhll",!. Ihe xxij tln} .,r Juhj. "ubilk i. 'tXlj ILlyi.; to the JIDIliC(' ('.ltJlcn~ till: lIliti l)llIc. ilk d,,)

It"",. to my toni or Aloinlcllt 1... Ibf' "Ii,t

'tl >l.:



lij h.

liij h ..Hiij g ii).1. (,b. Item, to llnu.ter ,lam.. lI"n.-iSt>uis ('XIO('IlIl tile I.titl tyme, X't"i,j n. \ ~. 81111111'" ij' hxxI'j 1\ Xtj R. ;( It.


,-ij tL1,1" Ilr ..\u;'::\I~t, 10 H.I"tlo1u th. ~1l;mMlrL \.IL 1:.06th,lt l>rocht hnUlC the ~wn. jO fmnd, Cn'>Ullj,JI '1IIIIII1n

ix)( Ii.

.Jnca~ T01TCIl, !K:hip wricM, ill urinksiil'ir. ;dij i, [And fourteen othor paymcnt-s. (lmonnting in nil to xxx It. xvj ii] Item, 10 :-;i1ll011 Itnmlell, boLe \\'licilt, illlhinksilvir, xiiij B. Uem, to .Iulmo ;\iorciul1uilIItOll11, In rlriuksih;r. xiiij II. [AII1Inllothel' I'flytllent of :.:xviij i!.) flilln, the \-iij duy of August, t.o (lnO lUan h~1 his lUlu hrokin ill tIle schill, . , xiiij II. item, the ix !lay of ..\lI~,'lIst, to Unlriwell that kopia t he fnl'lHll! fl' l ln ill l~1 e!!SCncia in SU';\'elin, ill his wage, xXI'ij s. ItCOlIl, to ;\Inisler WiIIillllJ Ogilvy he gu;f nne tJJntl that OIl)wdit unc gw u uf tho Ki ngia schip, xiiij :1. I WIlI, rO!, iiij kistis to the Ii:illgis /;Chip, ' iij n. x\'iij iI. Item, t.o the Jlyuonri .. that om'\! the ailyil' wusclmle nnd copblll'tl fm tho Abba), to the Cn5wll, . i;ij II. I tcm. to Oow1Ie, fn lcounr, he the Kin~.j8 oolllUlalul, x.;iij it [.\1111 throe OUIO 1101ymel1lS amounli ng t.o I' xxx\'ij ~J ItCI11 , w .Iuhne I:ook, IJe t1ul Killb-is conul1n1ld,. x;i;j It [.-\ntl six utileI' paymel1Ls IIlnonl11illg to Ixx;wj il.] Itom, tile x ,Iny of Angus!., to the ) Ioro Wl1ht'omu' lmd to I,is leich '11l1'(l1l 110 was Il1u,t, . xxxv iI. Item, 1.<1 the Italicl1 mOl1straJ6I! I", le thailll hoI'S fm "iij It 1 ';lilllml'gh to Linlithqw, f Ul11l, to nile hoy to pas t.o l')Lrh-clill to t;O I' Ini(l alto schill with Lymi r, ;<;;\'j U. Ik'll1,lu lhc Kill).(i~ ltf'lc hcil' (l"hu;I' ho 1 1yuit aL I:nlloch, x il. I Will, lllll~ n)'clll, lu tile l\il1g to playaL tlli\ ClIl'tis, in (1l1hiL silvi l', X\'j AIL(lIn, the xj day of .\llg11sl , \,(l AIt:xlllitier \\' nl'(l1l1l1", ixiI. !lOlli, to Uu\'id, falcoJ1Rr, "idlk, xiiij ti. [And lhirteen other payments l11110IlnliuJ,' to x.i ft. x.i,' :l.) Il"III, 1II (lilt! IUCIIR;ngcil' Illlss.111tl with the J{in~i8 lettrel. II) 1I.1.liugtolili lIJl(1 1.1tl1:l.rk, xiiij !!. 1L"1l1, ... ' J11ll' 1l1a11 vf the III,.'8(:ho Ilf El'gilos, ill hrillil ~ih' it, of rtlle hOI'!!' ginln to the J(ill~, ix. it

Item, to

I.itlli. 111(:11 'I'II":.\:-.I'I:EI:






.\u... uat. I"



i............ I!.OII.
IX :;.

to Uil"l.o 1I"i1;;t'. IU'III to the nUlAAus nnd wnclltt>< III (; 1 .11",..'0, iu


h"j &. the 1 ~lylllUl'" \If OI:UIb't . III tl,illkMih ir,. ;o.:iiij.~ Itelll, to lh(' childi)' ol the ' l" I'U 'Ir OI.II-;':u, ill ' pllI "ih'ir,



i:d. Item, lor xiJ hall. II('\lil, '-J "Item, to ~loalll"lI , pOllllgnir, (01 \\"YI1('. col. ., rmllli\, m"l jlurt hi, cx}AII4I.ipnsl, \"IiJ It_ XI'iiji.. Item, to I)("nll', fnlNlllnr,lIud )Inl.rull,. (:Ikoll:lnl, wilh till\!" (I.ur "'nalllli, for I' duyU! 1\'1IJ.:1' 1111.U.l luul x\" Ilnyi& locum w,th I'illki,. ilk lin) .iij ~ \"liJ.1.; lIummn


iiij It xiij ._ iiij It. Ilo.!lII. LO UiI,'id Teml)ilm:'u 1Il108&1111\ to Melt"QII with tit<' Killflil wl'ilitlb';e, \" it h em, (() !Jl\m\o "oule. xlij it (Ami tllcuLy th'c uther IH') '"('IILB, lUuuIIIIUUg to xxxdj n. XI'J S.] Item, 1.'lJlL fur xij nx{'8 to the J\ingil1 srhip, iij n. vj il. hell. , to til:' \\"1'IIH.'11 thot Mllg w lhe Kin~. . x"iij '1t""III, t.o lli(' Innl or l.nlll, Ix! the Kingi!! 0011111101111.
xiiij I.

I tcln,

"nilll('I' \\' ill i:un Un nbn r, IoC: Lhe t\ ill~1\ N'llIIlII,Iu(.I, \. It. Item. to nile 1111\11 10 p.u to I!j~ I\ill~ill II'u,,'~ [~ir) Ilith IIlUl'1'1., iiij ii. It('llI, 10 Hi.,hi.' AlexulIllcr )lnkclIlI"i& tllllk"il8 ill lll;rlollll, in drinksi lvir. ... iiij iI. 1t(,III, to the I~,tKlto l j ur (:0110"".1'" UtilI! in ltri,liIRih'ir or ,m(' hOrtl, \ I,tij .. Ilelll , f(lrnul' 1.llItem of qllliiL in, 1011.r I\.ill ...'"' ~hil'.

lIem, rOI nll("

IIHltld ,


iiij .0\. to .Iohlle l'(>I1I1;lII. I..... Iht' J\inSia ('(IUI-



IIl"1n, lfI Willi,lm FOC:trl. ht' Ihe Kin...-i" fOIlllo,:lnd, tWill, 10 tliI" Ilif l IUhtli,' lilt' Kill": tli_junit


~;Hj "

Item, to ::ichir Alexander Mnkcullo to I.y hAlkil, iiij 11. iiiJ .. Item, 1.0 Aiell:autier WnnlLa\\', be the l\ingil eomultUld, xiiij i. (And lihceu other ila)'1l1eDLS, II.IlIOlllllill8 to lI:iiij N.] Itelll. to lnawml\lItill, be the l\iugtl 001111111\11(1 iij n. lI: i. , Item, to JI\m6 ,Iucleu, ;;ongar, i'l: A. [And two other p/\)'luenl.l of xiiij A. eaeh] hem, to the Queue of ::\Inij in Air,. \. ~ Itt'lIl, the xiij or dny J\lIb"UIt, to Hnunay, faloonllr , ho the I"::ino';s coulluand, vii 8[Anti two othel" payments of xiiij II. nnd X'(yiij I.] IteUl, LO Aoom Cokburn , \'ij A. (Awl he other pnymC'nt.s, nmou nt ing to xj n. njl1.] IUlm, f(.l' xxiiij eluo cnUlIlI1l8 to be powdir cl'Lt llie; tile xXlIij iI. cine :wj tt: 8U UIILU\ . lIeuI, to tho mnrinnlill Ilf Air thllt com to the King, x\'iij .s. hem, to .\Ilflro l\ ylOlIlI quhil k he laid donn to tho casti ng of tho dok t.o thl I,iugis lIClLip in the poll of Erth, xij n. Itcm, IXlyit to Hnn nis, gllLlIltl r, that he I(lill donn for the !llj"ing of the gwn pow,lir ill the l:nlltell of Edilluul"gh, for mending of the pO~l"(liL' e1ftlilil, xx (1:. IWIIl, fol' Rue mik for tho powdir, . iiij Ll. 11111, fOl"rlilOgn lloLlIl nf)1IR \iLe wit, . niiij l IWhl, for mending of the 10k of lhe Jlowdi!" hOIl!!, lI: \ j d. It.cm, for Ixu llL1nd s.'\l~ peti r ; ilk 11111111 iij b.; ILlIILUHI xij N. helll, for nne Jll ni~ or qLlhi~ irll, \j 11. Ill-Ill, for:\ dO&"lIi iiij girlhis l}\I~ 011 the powdil' hml"ellis, :\ It iiij (1:. Ilr,lu, to iiii 111(!1I wirktllltl 8(!\'in 11.Iyis at the powclir ; ilk UL.m (m the doy 'l: It ; Sllllm l /\ xxiij R. iiij 11.


...... ......

ItcUl. to the said Hllullis himSt'H, be the Killgi9 com ....... l!.Oo1. mnlHI. Cor gl"luhing and memling of the saki powJil. 'II: FI' lIIcll crounia, allllllHll vij II. Heul, to Quintin Focm~ lo foo him IIIH! 1101'11, I' il. Itelll, to tile masons, wl"ichtill, nlltl welkllll'lI ill Inch ilHltIlI, l'j Frauch (;I"onllis; 611 11111111 iiij II. iiiJ ~ Item, t.-o the nntis thart', xiiij b. Item, w the mel! rowit the Killg UUI" tilt! walir, iij ~ h CIlI, to MOIIIIUUI, lIOLinl,'Ilr, for coles filld ~I!\.SSC!I, xhj it Item, to ane mnu tllke nil!! hrllk IJI tht- Kingia fm flne heroulI, . xi) ..t. hem, to the mcn l1l11~ rOll"it the Kiug '111 lucllinnnn to UmnberlUlI, I'ij i, l lelll, 10 the IIIII'C folk;s be tho gnil, . ij II. x 11 Item, to 11110 mll1J 1'1"ocllt qllyk IlIUro 1'01\ Lis to 1110 King:,
iij it..

IU'III, the xiiij tiny of Angust, 10 r:nlhirflll\l, IIl1!&8iug:cir,

to IN to the Hchircf or I:enh-cw wilh 111m leltl"e:t of Inmilloudia t<.ol' the King:is !IInlCt;l, ix !. lteln, t.o the mOll()lIS null wcrkmcu in llr"1tghl.'nlard, xiiij it Item. to the wif quhm' the King di.lljulliL. "ii ij !l. hem, 10 nno lUali i.l'ochL qllyk IllIkis to the Kill';.


item, IAl nne ]1111 mllil he UIC wny, :dj d. Item, tllo xv tlu), or Aug:uSI. IJ) filii Wolth. full'Ollllr, fOI" nile lelltlll of rulconu to he gilflll LO nllc In!!lil lllilli. xlij it Hem. t.O nllc IlIglismnll to 1 1ll ill 11I;,:lnllll with the ),' aamyu, I' }rtlileh cl"uuni.a; 11111111111. iij 11. x 1;. Item. to Lord Gnlyi5 (,110011;11, xiiij ;j. ltem,loJohllc Mllkcnllo, fnloonnr. he tho l,ill;,,'11 com 111:111\1, x:l.I"iij.s. ileUl, 10 Ctiswf{'r. iij't [And eighteen other 11IlyUtcnlB. nm"untillg to

11. I'iii;;,]

... 0. I (.(I ~ .

the xvj

.H't 'Ol'XT.... Uf TilE


h~n1 ,

of .\ugust, to Quintin Focarl, xI'iij i.


l.\ud twellty ..wo other 1),"lYlOcnls, aluounting xxiij n. I'j 11.]

I tem, to the II"cmCIL ill Liulithqw th;t .. snug to the Killg,

xiiij &. Itl!m, thc xI'ij dny 01 August, to the gnrtlillur 01 Slli\'cliu,
ix Ii.

Itcm, to J ok Wallns, be the ]\illg;s COllllIHLlld,. ,. it Itelll, the! x I'iij 11.'1)" of AuglUit, to Jame TuiibOlI1", be the Kingis COIUlIHlUd, xiiij It LAnd Clght Othl!l' paymcllts, amouutlng t.o liiJ n. x 9.] item, rOI" I'ij I)!lir double 80lit &Cholle nml j puir of butis to t..:l"istofcl', xx iI. itcm, for tlll1iug of nlLC paL't of Lhe Kingis cialh to l,iulithqw, ij ~. I tem, t il the ~I\ici' of Clei&ch, be the Killgis command,
xiiij c.

[Ami thirt.cell othcl' \)!IYIUCUt.s, 1lllL0llLlting to

xij It. xij II.)

IWUI, the xix dny of i.\ ugust, to the 1)0le of the Thesnmlu' tlm~ illlulit the folkia qllheu re ho slIlil with the
j\[cr<.;reit, xiiij.!l. Itcm, thl! xx tilly of '\llgIl8t, to Dnlie! Cmufmd, xiiij~. [J\lId SIlI't)1l othl!r lWl),lIIClltS, nlllOtmtillA: to ,. ft, xij iL] h elll, the xxj uny of J\ug\lsl , to ,Iohn II cl'tf!('ill, pnilsouu IUIlU, paS&IIl,i t.l :O:ll'il'clill \.0 ~\"lIiLh lile pililSOIlS fOr ilUlltillg, ixl Item, to the KillS hilllself, qllhilk \\"~s Sllt Oil the sy lllell ~ finl\ Bmi IJ/u-t ClIlIsciL ill rinlcs tlult'OOf, :0: Fl1lllCii

et'OlI llia;

8 11ll1llHl.

xiiij It

[telll, f'lI' ilj ilOSllll SP0I"-C hcdis fO l' the I'Ct!C ape lis ill t ill' !!Chip ; ilk pee<! I'j II. ; Slll111ll11 , xI'iij iI. h 01ll, to Adlllll <':okl.ouru, be tho Kiu~is OOItlIWllld, xX\'iij il, lll'lU, t" ."ell!r TholllllS Gahrctll, hll th,' I\illgis COIllIllUlld,

x N,

.,., ., ,
I lo:lII, 10 ItOlocl t Ho~tli!l wi!, IK' cormu!\ntl, 11.(>111, to tl ... \lCrkUl1:.0 vf tht; Xcw 1I1I\'io the tin)..


Itcm, Lo the


XXI'iij r."" 1:1.1... eru;til XI1IJ io. thnt fillit the l,ulhH:lk. in urillk8lhir,

xiiij ~ ItCIII, 10 Mnllin Lenni I, IIcllollur, I"ij 11 Itt:IIt, fOI the llt.. ri .. !.owl,rollil to Gilillilllll, xXlnj ... itl,;l11 Ldle nij U.1Y of AIIguI>l). I ,\ICXUIH!..:I ioJl\\ ,

xiiij ,.

~'n:lIll"'lI ollM'r 11;\,)"111(;11\..1;, UIUo\lIItill~ LO xJ II xI'iij iO..] h Chl, 10 1:llll1irflll\l, 1I11'!15.lllo't'lr. 1O p. ... III IIl nllll to C'mgrergll.8 (01 relll,\'1 or Ihl,; well lhn~ ,,1t'II tlH' (olkil in IlIucrmc.RII, ill luglil mOI~ . I"j t1. xiiiJ [l] h cm, to TIHJUIolIl 1'('I)li8, glal \\rkllt , II> pu. to till' Kirk uf Rlcill, nnd fOI certallc emill!.!l' lIitll gina, xxiij ll. Item,lu MOIIIIUUI, pOlillgair. . xlijx. [.\lId Lllcnly-oue other I"') IIH:.II18, niliolintill~ 10 xh'i) n. xij I.) ltt:lU. to .Iullll!! I ~, ml!l'!lin~ir. ,(lNtOnl1 \Iith the Kil1gitl klHez within the 8Chinf,I('H1t't of J(OXbl1llo\h, J.uweUir. Selkyrk, I'cbli" Forrni!'.nml K;IlCUI'tI;1I Ilith fft:ugniIlhlll, xxiiij l it('lII, pnyit 11) H Ili} nopper, luglif!lIlttll ill tho QUelli1l \1111111'011, (Ill IK'lIilllot (I( tw. l"d r til'hetil thl" l'I'(Iidi~, j 1~lir (If lila l'l\'i,lill. 111111 (UUr(! cu.l1.etill, liij ~. lIelll, f"r 1I\'\I"illl\ or II('X 11I1i! I'n];'11 ~\'hcliH vr ij I 1''''';IIiIl, tlUl 1 ~I;r IJI'f'iI I<Cht:.li~ o( tim.' h,l'hlill. 1I1l11 tnn I~,ir bering IlUlwti" lOr tim l'I'I.'tlill, x , h em, for x:o.:xl'j rlillJolII1l of tUl'lliug rl,,,li~ ill rl\\\,I"1II iij d. 011.: Ill1lUlll:I. :0.: J1. Ij !.l, item, for iiiY IlIlnU hnkkis. ill r ij i. iiij d., 11111111111 Lx S. iiij Il item. fOI' pill thn:ill to the wlln1ruh, iij ,;.. Ij It Item, to All':talllier EIIJhiultoUI1 , ljllhilk III' Icutlh. I\ill~ to the ClI rli a, 1(1' ii. h elll, to the I:I;tltJ AlexUlIlilJt, (jul,i lk hu IAni' tu nne to tUrI! the KwgUi hOlll1ciiH to ;\lcnt1:.th, xiiij iI.

( ..\n.l



M:CQU:\,1':; OF TH E

iij l [Ami &Olvcn other llOymcllta, fUl10llU Lillg to iij N . X\'j it) Item, 1)'1yiL to the Abbo~ of Cnmbnskillneth tpt h;l!.: he iuili don n to t he lllellS1l11ies ill the l\ illgiB schip Cjllhuu scho IICS Ill, :lfuij , xX \'iij it it.CtI!, to the l<'l'!lllch (Iul lissillnr, . xiiij S. itcm, the xxiij dill' of AlIb'ltSt, to J ohn Bal;yml, Ulllllnar, bc the King:is COlUllHllH.l , iiij Franch c\'ol1uis alld h..1lr uilicom ; sumnm iij n. \' Ii [[.CIll, the xxiiij llay of AuguSL \A) the lmrnia of the , I[lteir in :jlriveliu, of iOl'l1t'Cllih'ir, \' A. item, t.o 1:ul.oo::rL Ool1oway, xl A. Itcm, t o IInc chelli tllllL kopit 11Icll<'8 ill 811';\'01;11, \'iij d, item, to Mnidel' l.'1tlt'Cllce Tnli feil', w the Kiugis comitem, LO Fcrgy Gmme, .


hem, to ,Iohuc Oavillsoll for schone to the Ifilly .:\ [ergrcit ill the Uustcll, the tlUl M OI'ill, :\Iarjory Li ntlcaay, liti! :\1:l1'till, .Johu DilLe, am! NOt'ne, di\'('tll I.ymcs, ,xxI'ij /1. iiij d . 1l\'1I1, to tllC 84il\ ,' hhlU! for schow,:, lmlis, nnd plll1 l.OlU; to the King fill tho IirsL \Itt)' of Mnij bi\!!l.SL t.o the til's!. tiny of }\lIgllst, . iij It xl'ij A. Item, to J\!exftmlel' :\illkclIl\o. be the Kiugia eOlllllltwli, \'j 11, xiij ij. iiij d, [Autl twenty-li\'\) oLlieI' Jlarmcuts, nlllolllltitig 1.0 :xxx ij II, iiij s.) Item, tile XXI' day or Angnst, in ~ t rh'eli u, to UlIlIti nu the :-: 1 ~11I;s.~l'L, xj It. item, tho Xl.;l'j till), of J\IIg:11S~, to the men ( Ir ALirlCl.l llach tll;IL hc,i Ihal' (.'Orll cti u ~llIh cll the Kiug WCII lit. hunting, ' iij li, Ili'III,LO :llIe \flail or ,Juituc :\llIn'll}'is hl'ocilL Lun dtoggis to the Killlol', X:\ ~, lli-'I", to nile \",nUIII iJroclt~ kiLtis nml clu~iJ, ix A1l..,I,), IH lillY 1I'00unll tm)c1I~ ki uill 1.0 lile Kill!!; ([ulmil' lie 1,IY nL LlIU ~I,.c, xi iij il.

IWIII, t11~ xxvij llny flf .\ugu~t, to 11.1SlilHI till:! ~11:'I.1I,~urL._I>. l!.oo.l.. nna hl)l"M cl'lhilk ('I~~L iij Ii. 1'.1 s. Iiij ,1. hl'IU, to PILI" ("Ilii!! ilt 111(' hUlltlll)l, IJ ... 11l'1lI, I.. 1:CO..: 10 111l!! wirh tho Kint:"i~ It'tLrl'f. II) \Imula

IIml I-'m-f:li l, 11 ,'111, ttl {'ulill t 'U!upl.l'Il ,

(AIlII lIino olhC!!
1 ~lp\lOIlI};.

... Jl
xXI-iij s.. 1I111C'lIlItiug to,

xiij It. \'iij ii..] item , ));Iyit to Rchir An{\l"O \\'011 he Ill"d Inid JOIII! I.e tho Kill~.'is cOlUlllnnd, xlij i. Item, the XlCIiij Ii:,), of August, to the I'klll IIf liUlpillcilir II"llllir the Killg IIIJ!cil, xXIiij it ILCm, to I)il,ule S!lulli]nllc]is calli[ lIilltolls, XIllI!i. itom, for nne c\nke [0 tIle King ill i:nl"jllhellil", xXI'ij iI. I'iij u_ [lelll, fOI' nml cOle to CIjstof(lI' Ibul', \"j fl:. \'iij tt [tem, pnyit to ,Iohno 1-"01"1111111 IllHl I.e IlIi.1 doLtLI rol' tllll h01"9 1"1"11 EdilllJllrgl1 to Unlithf"[w with .tlTClS work, j hOl"s with oollioc?, Lilli 1101"8 fl"ll Htl"iI'cliu La Liulilh![w find rl'l"I Slril'olin to Edinh11l1!ll, ;diij it hcm, for iij 1Ill1lc]gl"lIIoCtI, nno 1>0\111[, Yj dne ('nnlis, '1l1liCIl tho Killg wcs in !<Chip, of ~illlh; \,rit,&}, xiij ij. iiij u. It!'Lll, fnt xij fl1w,\Il1t1 smnl1 eonl find rinl!is for (,1lI1l'lingis fOI" IliB l\iu6'[is) I)C(I ill I>Cllip, vA. iiij [11.] [t('lII, fvr IIIIC tlln llilh the ]":ingi8 CI,n"i1!l! tn I.(>itli, l1u\1
to )l)"llolll"is rO! Olhir gmiLh tlll'"in~ AII'\ ror tl1l'::ling of tl.e Kjllgi~ ~elc frn l.ciLlI to til!' iiolY 1I11\'il),lIml fOI" nno I,olc, to thr. SIIllIpl to,llIlf it OU I,unl, xIiij ~. I'ij d. 11('111, to th!' Mi,l ,John he gnif (Inc W.11I lmlCht quyk wihl Illlki~, \' i. x It heU!. for the roringc bors to Liulitl1tlw with gr.tilh lind for aue creil to tlln; t[.I.'"I] dll'~i8 anti flo' tllI1jill~ ul tlmill1 to 1.inlithqw, _ IJ .. iiij II. I telU, for LUn 00\'61.1O\\'i". tun d08MI ~'fIIl:t;l"i>l.. ami for iiij"

" 1J

Af'('OI'XTh OF T il E
".0. l!iOO.

Item, for tlll'l d06CIU of hnil t:lnth LO the King!s coy Xltlt\'j II, tlure, Itenl. for Illle IJllrn:!1 tn hlll,1 fl'e&eh II Iller fur the IIChip IIIHI IlIiC CIIn, fillillg 01 t.hniw fUU! llllffi ng ( I ' lhnim 011 I.olll'll, \'j R. I'iij t1, !l'lII, to IIal')' Ilol'llCl for \"l'IK' hing (of the Q11ellil 1I'1'I1'{1I\}L sluf, ' . :o:iiij R, hCIIl , LO him fo r his ('XI)('116 llno (Inyis bchililitho <)lIl'lIe, vij 8, Ilt'llI, to him ht Il'I irl 1101111 for mending of tho Ql1cncs hingillgis fl f Ul'rcs II lld scm'let, nllt! ror powder violet nml nne spalluge, "ij II, x It Itelll, in Ilu!)uhedir, LO nne 1101111'111 III'0ehl l,util' 1.0 the 1\ illg, xviij R, ItCIII, to the r()"~11Ir of GIf!lIfi llglll!J, xi iij H. itf!lIl , to :'1 11'1101111 ;\lnkfcd ul1, 11(1 oolllml'lllll, xiiij II, Itelll , III tll(' nilin that ImlCht III1C flmh [0'1 th(' deil' to the l\illg. iiij~, [ti'II\, th(' XXI~ Iiny of August, 1'1 the lIl:'lll bl'ocht nne rnrth (If !lilt' iloir, iij it Item, W !IIII' III/til that C(lm to lhc "irlg wilh tilhingi! of the 1.t'llill, . .x XI'iij ~ Itt' III, w til(> King to (llay nt lhe (-nrtia t'ftir nOlle RllIl dtir &':lUpir, iiJ It xj A. vj t1 Item, to OCO'1,'e ('orntoll tl to the 'uHll'&I'ilig I)r tho sclli" ('lIl1i~ tlH' TIII'''-wrlll' in "'lIl11ir('1." hxu n. h ('l11 the l ' l ~ t Iiny or AnJ.'11f~l. to the Kin~ to lht' ('llrli" i ll InC'lk'111l01l11, X\j S. Ite-III, to lila 111In' 111('11 , . iij it

Ilo'lU, tilC lint dny of ~Ptt'lIli.lel', ill Illeile;d lollll , t.. nile
11/'\11, til I'n t(' , hnllK'r, hI.' Nl1111111l11l1, .

xiiij it

J>iiij it

III-Ill, til" IIOCI1litI .I.IY or St.'I,u'lul.cr, 1r,~1 ,-"I II I' till t lln lIychtil1, ,

l/J ;\1I1" g~(lJi'IIICIl

\'j Ii_ \i 'J II.. iiij II.

1.111:11 111\:11 TI:f.. \:-iI I:t-:I:

1h;UI. thaL ilydn. ror nu, (100& 1.:'OlIar
IIlId .... x

;(rruw bl'J.i....... u. I!<OI. :(\"iij t. \"j II

I tt1U, t o lhtktl re-.;t>ns 8en,UH]l' I!nda tUIi rllrth~ t" the KiLLg, iij, IW1II , lit OUt ooy thllL fplUll!!il) to l.illllll14ll\ Ililh mho
~11 .


1Will. tllc thrill lin)' or ~1.h:IIIIIlI. til ll ll).;lll Ui ~ cl'''1I("1)l1. ix ,.

llelll , til alit: lith"\af than... iiij i.. lIe,", till rl, ....l i14y of :-",\,tI.'1II1ll'f, I.., nil" 1'l1r I~\I~I r,,1I0. lij L ilelLl, 10 UM' Elltl (lr Elyi!.. rlal"K I... :<iiil3 lte1ll, w the Erie (lr E1btilC. atal).;llr, xillJ L h t ... , to AII.ll'O tnlll th 'IL II..,. hllr1.. xlij it h CIII, to J)\lnO\IlC Call1pl..ot>l1i. 1~lnl, W till' 1\111glS COllllllll ml, I' iI: ltelll, the I' unr or Se,.tcull..ot>r, to tho ";1 1' ... r Elyi l!!! '1 stnl).;llr tu IJAA t.o Fultkl:tnd, xi ilj A. I Will, to 0.111' 111.111 W tu n tllo. rutth.. tlf tleir lollie quCnt~ to l.'Ullitllij\\ , iiij l Ilelll, to l::I"8Ch I.)OWIIO, r,tk.olkir. ij il Itelll . u. ane tule wllllr. lAo lht- KillgiJl ('OIUUlltllti, iij;'


to Alisleo, lanlon,nnt,

ix 10.

h (;lII, t11.'l.lll ydl l , to the Ki u;.! 10 1'1:1)" lit the tnrtU,


xx"ij A. the \"j (111)' (.f ~ple.ltIl.cr. w the IH:lkIllUI III the thnpetl t.f Ihe Xew II m'ill in Ilriui.:Ki h 'i1', xvj ll. Itt'LII, l(, IUlo:lie ('Utilly. >;iiij d. It tl,lhe I"iij tiny of ~ 1)h:lLLlour, W lhl' AAII writhtie 01 l.ochmnhlllL thnL tit" Illlll lit olthnir \\",Igt"ll. x\vi ij Ii. It(,lII. to )l flk~n!gOLis m.tn . of L,idil"illi. 01 un ... 110111 simn to the King, iiij l II.CIII, lO line 1111111 of Neil )-.tewftllis thaL I,rwht. 11M IIOUlllh, to lhe K illg, xiiij t 1lt:1Ii. ~o IIlIe m:m brocht 11111: hound fm the InnJ of WeJul to the J, ing, ,iJ il. iteUl, lO ane 1'111'(' 1IIt111, Joe the Kingil Cllltiluami. >;iiij .. i tem, to nnn womnll broc.llL butll' to lilt' K ill~, \ ';.


.H:COtXT.::; UF 'I'll E

to (lilt' m(lll to 1~1s to noloCl"l 11111lCl"ir 10 loy wimll'$ l'Unlis .11ll11'1ri.ngi~ nlUlllng; colln l"i.\<, x.n-iij S. ItO:'1I1. to the ~Iill m.1lI t-. Ilis ,Iun \\'"/Ig<', . I's. .itl'llI lImL 1I)\'ht, \n the I\in;j til 1'1;1)" III the cal"ti~, xxyiij S. Ikul, fOI" u!w ~t~r w the King, i.~ It Item, to nUl' man 1'''Jeht nne huk t.o., the Kiug fl1l Soil !SLewurt, . \'ij S.
Itrm, to nile l,lnn of. the heschop of Dunkold<!n bl'ochL wyne 1I1I\lllill to Lil.:- King-, .."l"iij S. Jlem, \AJ ,luooL &h".."1.115101111 1.0 pas Ill'torc with thcKing-is du~i8. . I'ij it


the ix ,hly of SI>Plt:lllhcl". ill Hullw{:11 ill 1l.1<1:5C'll(l.eh, i" ~1~lIlJjarli~ (!Ilhilk [lI"pr] wne in tim Lewis to hllr Ih,lim tu 11ln~nlC8, . xvij is. itew, to the Erh- of lInntiyis son, be the Ji:ingis COlIllLlIlUd, dij is. Il-CUI, to 1histcr .\lex(l.ll{lcr Og-ih~' he gaif John Gl'Illltis mau h\oc.hL llU1 hOUUllig 10 the King,. . xxdij St(l


Item, to ,1111' nmn of thl' Erie ot snlh('rlallilis urC)(;M nne

hmmd w the I\mg,

'diij it


tnil;5oUI', gillin to the King:,

\0 Li01\Il,

l.illo nud lIluk nuo oote \" 9..

ilem, ror lyn.l"ll elMh to Ihe ..nid COlC,

xi t1

Tll-llJ. \., lUll! pnre mall lJesillc 1..o\"l't in nhllOIl$, I"ij!l,. ILl'ln, LhnL nrellt, in lJignellrtiU, 1.4 RollI'rL i-Ienrol"L, xiiij i.. Item, (hilL nycllt, to Lhe KillS 10 piny at the c[ulis, xxj So II"m. 10 :'.Inrtiu Ullil,;c in part of the I\:ingls hOI'S IiCllOing, . x 1\.1:\11, ll,,-, X ILly of :-:l'ptcmloer, to Thomas Halllnwy til lho ~hil' callit the 1:311ill tOl the Lewis,




for xll"iiJ 1nill of lilies to Caldwell in Stl'irclin for firc I.. the I,\lim;\ 1'hlIl\ja, . xxiiij ii. 11"111. r>oJ vii.i I"id cl;\~ al1ll 1,0000i.i flllll tlour fUI" l-.:'lLtl'Ting,

xu, 11

1.01:1) "I GII Tnr.\SI' ):E)t

1tf..'1Il, V.

OIl 01 I
~1]i1.A- 1~q.

(,aMwcli hi'

~U ill hi~


IJ 'planll b""I,1 In tI\l'I.1Yllt"m, S'{'I; I tem. rl/I' j 1'''~'1I1 Hly liu:~'t\I, iii,j It ij ,1. h Clll, f"r j 1'1111<1 'pl hiL Ildl' In Ililll. ij iI. Item, In tht' \>I\plll'I1I' hill1~c1r,1., till' Kin;.:i~ {'III/IU:u,,!. IIY hill \\"n~c, iij It. x ~_ lteili. (UI iij itoI'M h"1I114.'II to tlf..' 1'lng '1IIh,'n II .. I"VII<il t.. the )("11111, .. iL \'j It hem, 1~'1yit fur th, IIClu\, t'lI-lIit the 1'111,"rll, 'Iullill.: l~1 lit Ill' liOlt hyilll{ IX' Iiij frnll ki:.., :'111<1 gillin ror iij'1 it',III,

rrnnki>l {'I;I II.

'\ ~_ , '''llUm"


fvr Ij'iij r!"'lIk!", ilk hlllk iiij' :dj tI. x It

for 1111(' cabill 1.0 the &'1111)"11, \ Ii. Item, to )(mlin 1.,('111\11 of Chl1Ol'llIl, lkrl"l1f1r, r,u' till' C"C I'l'111 of til\' IoChil' calli! Ilw '1'h">'IIIII.11 dlil ,,:h!} ('om in Nullalll) or adlO \\C:-I 11('lin-I'Il,. xjij 11. IJ ;. Item, gitlill \{J lhl' RIIl.1 )1.lrlili fClr ilxI' (uUlki!! xxj II. in I'''\"~ of l'nylllt'ut (,' the:' enid 8('hil' {lIl1it ThtSlillro.r (lUll nf hir expt'1l8 of wittnks nllli hiri~ t'1I\11I1Iaml fllrth uf U.cltal~. ilk fmllk ,; L: ~UUlllln l\'ij n, x ... x d. ,,10. and than rr~tit 811"1\11<1 nf ItJ{' ""i,t ~hip. j"'i fnml;j .., Iltm, gillm 101 1:..loc\'t. 1':"'rt,,,ulI 1.1 I>.')" thl' l4ill n.~~I, nl\l: ill 1~'1't IIf I'n.rnl('u~ I.Ir tYUli, 111111 ~Iuf flU' lht' (:(I('t ....-lIil' ("t('mlill;,! lu iijrxx fmllki!!, anl1 1;.'1. the TC~l I.If lhl' I<aitl so.:h,p u1I<l til(' t,lmil' ex Huts til j"'iiJ'ixx fmllldt<. nml gil!!11 to !1111"'rt n~rl.Olln ill Il,wt (l pllytUCUI. tharof j"xllt I lIglil!, 811111111H in ::;C(lUil! 1lI011l't', iiillxx'~ 11.; 'llIlI ilk 1~'\Jil. ill Ft-IIIi(',' .i"'tlxXlj fnlnkill, nllr' an It''!lit 'luhill.: lie laid .]olln Hf hill aUII UlfoIlt'C, fhxxxiiij '11IIIkill, I1ml giUm him rm' ilk f.-lIuk ~,;.
IIIIIIIIWI hxx\\ij It. (Will, 1~1~'il ~J lht' Mi,1 Hol"l!. (Iuhilk hi' \ai.t 1101\11 for

Rllt' Iilill ('''1'\111111 If! llw ]\iug, "j Ii. Item. In him 'luhilk he gaif \<1 (lra~ Fn.'ri~ 'Irhilk pUIII;il ill Flullth'C7.. iij fl1lllki8; ill,. fmlll,. x l; ~\lmJl11\ xl ~.

ACCOUS'l'S OJ.' T il E
... 0_15OG.

h em, to hilll fo[" iiij IlllUschions !lineaL brei! to the Kin~';& IIChi p, \;ij fmnki!; ilk fronk x I.; SlUllllia iiij It Item, to him he W'if for glas&eS, belliS8('8, Rne hoyst of conf<'ctis, ;\:\' fnUlki& \' sous : ilk fmnk x.8.; lIumma \ij n. xij ~ "j t1 Item, to the lItIi.1 l:ol~rt he gni' to IIIllrillllriS y-i(1 to )Inij ill the l.i"UII with the Ii:ing, nnd for \'ittalillg uf the Unicorn III) to .\Uoway, xxj H. x II. Iwm, to till' 801ill I:obclt. for nne Ilukir to the &chip enlliL the 1:[)'v;II, vj "_ Item, to him he Inid donn fOl' n n6 pl1l1schioun of wyue !.O )l onljoy, Ivj ii, Item, to I(oher\. Bertoun he guif ill I:OIIall for the writ ingis 10 the ollieimis of Dcil' for the Kingis mnU!ris, xxiij fmllk;s: ilk fmnk x iI. i IIUUllml xj n. x !I. Item, t.o him he laid dO for )(ontjoyis fmneht I ~LS&lI\d M to lJunde, xv A. Item, rOl' xij quhiL plRtill to he Innternis to the Kiugis ~. Item , to AlIllt~ A)'LOIlIi (I"hilk rcstit. u\\'l\nd for OO!ting of the dok in the poll of Elth to the schip, vij Frnneh Cl'O\lIIi8; sumlLL!I . iiij n, x\-iij i. item, t.., .Jolme Beg, ULl'S.~ing~il, 1.0 pM to tho Juati(:{l to warne him of the cOIiLiliunlionn of the niria . vi. Ite m, the xij day of N!]Jt.I!ml ~r, to ane mUll thut IJUre , ~Ilnct Dillhoia cnhok, iiij ~ l telLl, 1.0 the iJclsehop of Caithncs hill']lRt, , x iiij 1:. ILt'tn, for the I\illgia hl'1cheir in TnYII , \x\'iij s. Ili'lIl, to the 1"11'(' rulkiij he lil(l gnit, ij S. llt'lII, thaL nychl, in lJignewnill , 10 the King to piny ilL Lhl' clwlia, x-i It "J It ILeln, the xiij day of September, ill Digllol'ail , to Lht, l\ill~ to the Cl'l rtis, . iiij It 1\('111, to III(' holrulC'n of I\irk:t\\'dy thaL Iwocht lho Kiugi~ hnrul's nl10nt rm Kirk,Lwdy, . xiiij s. heill. tn thl' IUlin thaL hpill tllo Kingis hors in , xxviij Ii.





I LcIll, 10 tl~1 UII'1I 1~'lM;UI\I l<l hIHn .... 1I1 It)" d,lllli ' W~I! I:b\ the SI~11~Ut(i8J "llhill.: \\"('1' wile ill 11H.1 l..cwill,
~\'IJ ~

h rlll, till' xiiij IL<ly of St.'1.tCIIIIJCI, ill [U\'N'nl'B, rnr \"ij~"i elm' 1 )lnk fU 8linll Lo lhe ""lid S I ~IIlOOI'li~, nij~. vj II. I!.CIII , for I' cillo :lY to Umim ilk 1'1Il!' ij A. iiij II., ~ 11111111" "'J ~ "jiJ II I!.CIII, CUI' ijH elUtl gT\'11C ClII"IIIIJ W lhailll, Ij A.lij II ItellJ, fOI' il due :)oolli~ dlllh \.t' lliaim ilk rllll' iJ 11. iiiJ II. ; 8U IILlua nj :i.. I \.CIII, for i:o:}-l clue \,nlid J,;I"\:IIG til th.lim; ilk elu(; \.... , "tU UIIJ!! xh'ij i. \j It l LeIll, fol' xxiiJ due Ipl)"u elatll 111 til,ur "Irk ii,

"xj il J It. dJ ~. \oj ii, t lrlll, for 1\1;1 Loudll to thnim. vy it IlcUI, to tilt' 1;11\1 H!l.11161UtiI1O tlll.lir l'XI)CUII, hem, for x}i cluo J,;rctlC hod,t to lhililll iu EIJ,;ill i ilk lij .&.. \'j It. clnc \. A.; BUlU1U fi Hcm, fOl' v clue flllli-III III lh"illl lharc, "j 1. I'iij If Item, fOI iij;{ clut' datil W llanr J,lOOlu.: ilk eln~ \' 1.. IUIlIUIA , niJ .... \"j II.
(leU! ,

lor nmking of ix do}.;il VI the ix

::-;II\I.Q3Ilrl~, j", "-

hem, fOI" lI101killg .111.1 lyuYllg Ilf ix t1()Uh)allJl W ,1"lilll. :ullj A. :0: ,I IWIII, for IlUlkill~ ;\11111)11,)"111,1 "f i:-.: 1_lir (.of h(lt;, :o:iij 11 \j II Itcm, for \'ij due fr<.>a cluth hi ll!llim 111111 nile clue 'Iuhil nlld making of tlJ;ir j.1t:ntil, xviij it \"j d. llelil. fur iJ I~,i" IIIJH coll'lr inlul 1.0 til.., Kill";. ij ... liij ,I. Item. 10" Lilli lIulutilh. to lll. Kiu~ ill J 1l\'CI1\~, xxiij ~, Item, for "iij urro\\C:IS to CI"U!wfer, \iiJ II 11,.(;\11 [lht' xv lillY of N!IJ1.clllloer], w the :-i,"'II.;"UlLa,
I ll'lII, fur "'llItI

the Killo.(, It..,m, hI thl.: hi_hop of BOIl m.'~I1", iu



iiij &. iij A.


"iiiJ io.



IlelU, to .\11.111> )~rtn\ln w tile marilllllU \\;I~l' IIIII~ k"I,is tho ).!rH -..::hiJo, lind l"illaleoo of the SllInyn for iij

owkilO l,i;.:.Hle, hiJ H. x i;.. Itt'nl. III l:"lorit Falc"III1'lr. :tiiij 1 It"IlI. th~ :t\j ,I,,~' of Sq.t,m\o('r, to tlk' ::i))(III1,;U1.is quiit'll Ih" com "'ilh II,e I\illit to hl\'eLlles, h &. 11 ....111. tllt1 xvij ,lilY of N,'!,lclllix>r, In Da,id DWILnris UlaLl lhllt lu.chl HI". kidclil:l. pluvnris. blltir, rbeis. ftnd bl1tir I', the Kinc.:. "ij So loj tt. Hem, for lICll' Ila(j\t of 'IIIM \ilC (!) the King. \. ~ Item. Ih"lt llyChl, ill J.It,nI\I;ly, to til{' "ing ttl plllY lIt.lhc xiiij ~, Cllltis. II{'I". till" :niij clar of ~' I 'l\:IUlo(' t, to the Il(">(.liop of 1:08 lL,al1 tll1l~ lundll ;111<' ....Io-h IIml oYblelis to the l,illg, "ij !l'. h,III. In "'ilIiml! Edm:lIIslolin he t,'Rif aile mall cof ,Iohu\! ('mnlis brocht alii: l,ich LH the King. xiiij ~, hCII., for thl' childel'l!!>l'c~ns in I-:lgin hinlld the SpanJIlrtis c1nthill Lhnro, ,. it 1t"III, lhe ~ix clar of ~'I'llmh,.'r. 10 lho nl)Uo\ of I\inloa 1111\11 hnoehL Jlpill~ lI utl l,h)11 LUCB to the King:, ix it 1t~11I. t.o nUll lI'ulllRn 111R~ 1II,lill Lho ix R}lllllJllrlill &1 rkis, ij B. iij II. It"ill, {or ij I~lir hOI! ttl LIlt" lll" SI"'ll~lCrlis, '" r.. 1t.lI!. thall1)"c!Ll, ill Ikl'lI\\"'l~, Lo Lhe I\iuf,\ l(o piny 'IL the cflrtb Ij j..
\1(111. tu lIyull}lI, the Bc....:llOp


NIlLCLIlHh"is o.:h,I,1.

II<'LII. tl,,~ '\:1. fill.\" 1'( ~'plA.:ml ...r. tv .llIel)h EchUMtl>l."'UIi I.... k'I.ill~ (If thu Kinttill clf>';;:il> fm tho "illS:: 1~1",~iL (r,1 T"Llll~I1C" '1llhill he cum tu Llpru\l;t)", xliJ AI I(,hl, Ie. Ih. ix SI"m:;Ol'lilS (-"I"'lIs in FOlTes \ .1'1~is. :otX\'IIJ i.. Ikltl the x:tj Jay l.f N,I,["ml . \II til" \\(1111(\11 Ih,,~ r, \':'Ij, till! ill !)"I"U\IU)', I.. lhe \\ill:.:is{'f'lIIl11.ultl. x:niij L 1[.c'.I . II, tl,e '.ic'Jlr H( lU\'crw>/I CII,111 illl'lj,IiI~l h lr .,f :Cllt"


[.01:11 1I1f ;1I TI:I-;,\:o.;(' [:U:.

h."'" III ti l<' 1U,1Ol.Iinis ill J":lImro~' IIM\ 11111,,; t. III~' &.t., K jn;,;. 11.1.'111. {" 1..1""11 . Llil""UI', Iv h,I( ill\' :->1",":;'nIUJ "til I h.
~IOI .. lh,



lij II.

IICIII, fur fl.U, h.1t til ('ri~t.)rl', I.. oclll ill H Ili , \' II. IIA.:Ul. In II ... \\CIII"lI {1,.'{IIo,\I1;": ;11 tilt, I\ilk "f I.(~.\, \ .... 111'111. til Ih" 111(1:11,,1111 of I'lll.~'InI~. ill ,lnhk~ll\'ir , \jjij Il 11A'1II. tl ... Xlij J".I' "e .\II;!Ill<1 1', l"t.1.ttlul.11. rur lilt h"I" to lI.wi,I, r"ln>l\ar. 100d,1 ,II Wahil /I"'I'"lali. iiij II Item. HI EI':III . 1 Lh, \\~'h{'1r that lUll; I .. till' Kin,;-. .. \ iJ l It('lll, t.o bmm , t .. il.'t;,.m. to (" . IIUt' II.)", I" UII, :->1~\II:,,"t fl'I' EI ... 10 Linlithqw. rin i\ ;.. 1tf'1II . In Ih t ,\1,111)1 ror l'I\I"I,ulIkililldh h' I.. i,l .1"1111 I.. ./ohll 1:0"1.:, viJ I Item, Ihe \\iij ,1.1), "r ScI,Lr:'ml",r, (IU ii,i ('111(' Iluhit I.. 11(1 tlln h"r. hOIl!II,'II. ilk dll(, ij ~_ I'J \1, IUlmma \'i,1 it \j It 1t~ '11I, for 111:1 111I1l1lill;': ~illlll'S. x:c 11 IWIII. fur alit: IlIlir lII.lill h", w ('I'iIlI.<,(1'1" in nn~hin. h .. iJ[11 ] I !A.'IIl, t h(' x xi iij II,,) of Sl>1'lt>IUloe r. to t; 11 i 1h;lnr, Un 1>1\.lInl . xiii.! H.

it4"". In (;lIi1linm hi!! mall, \ '" 1t'III. lil" x,\l'ij 11.IY "r S':I'I"llIl~.I'. I.rt 11111' mall "r th, Erll' nf l'l'llIlrlll',ij~ I,,,,,,ht .IUi' Irml"'! til I IIl' hill'" ix S. 1t.4'Ui. t.o nlHl Hum \'IVCltt nllll lll'l'l fl'n 1 ~"It"jllllll"I' III the I,illl', \. "IkUI , till' xXl'iij ,h,,- "r ~'IJII'IIII,,'I', lu Iho III,uUIIN "f
1'IIIII,il' ill AII;"'11~, xiii,\ 11.< '111 , (fOr IWI 1, .. IIl~ "I\lllll;r.h~,; t"II"r lnll~ to.) t11~ Kill~. iij .;, x ,\ 1.\ i. IlI 'lII, In .\.Iam, I_I}' . it,m. I" tile IOW'tnr 1111ar. ix I. Ilt,tI1. III _ '\.1101 IIlkkl$"II. \ Ill'III , In " ,ur..- 11<'11,.:1"'1, I", III~ hll''':U~ JU"u;!"oI, :n.\'iij 11.. [ . \""tJ~' 1 1~ I}'llll' lI t "I' xi\''')


... I~ 11.



it.clll, tl) 1:1ld. th o lfllhcn:uis "laWn, h('m, to the Eric of Ergilcs fltnlbr,

. ).;n'iij iI..

ltelA , lo the IIUUIOI16 of $cOliC, xiiij iI.. it.clll [thl! ",xix \Jay of Oclobel', I. !:ieplcml.oerJ. to aile man of 1.0 ....1 CrochtOliis of Sanquhnr COlli wyth writingis rrn th(' ool-douris, ... ij.A. Itelll, to the I)reistis of DUllblRoe tllnt sillgis (or Mcrgret I)l1lmmolid ill l)ullhlallo, thair (lumler (ee of 1..11111111011
illpast, v H. helli. to l.iOlll1, tail~OIl", to the l:ipllU;;nrtis wages, :diij S. h em, that 8a1U)'11 dllY dt.ir none, to the Killg to 1110), at

tho cart is,

... ij


Itell!, to nile 11"01111111 bl"Ocht hone IICI;S to the King, x

l!.em, 1.0 Sch!1' '1110111116 Arson, be the Killgis collliunuu, ijti. I Will, w tho "nmcb smyth, l..c the Kiugis comlliand, xiiij 1 ILeIn, lho JlUt dny of Oelo1Jer (I. September], to nile 111\111 of Rchi r William :\l urmris tJUtl ke pis the dogbti8,
xiiij II.

Il<'lll, the first dll) of October, to nllC l'ortl1g,dl pn88it ill Flandre... , 1Je lho I,ingis command, . xiiij A. Hom, 1.0 the Spnll;5artis to IJlUi thnir \\"ny, iij H. x SItom, to nllt) man brocht pertrikill fJ"a lhil InN of (:lcl1b'urno, . xviij d. I\.cOl, the ~11U1J day of OcWllCt, ill Lil1lith'lw, lD tho Sl'an;;nltis tlHI~ bait! with the Kiug, l: Franch erounis;
III1U IIIL1I ... ij


It<'UI, UJ Liollll, t..ail;;,jllr, tllnt ho wnl1ti~ o( the Sp..1I1J:~rli8 wuge, ltelll , La JlllUCS , I :~clell, . xiiij l. Item ,1.O llnister Wultir OJ,,tilvy, I.e colll11lnnd, . xx\'iij A. Item, t'l the dnft (IIICY", \'j l1. Item, 1.0 tilC g.mliuar uf Strileliu hrocht. pens to the

, ..

iij iI.

h.,!IU, lO .\Luf(; ('OolilhenlU rOI hilM,,- LaIiC fm him l.ol ....... 1:;00;. Lh" kill!,. \"j n. h CII!, the fel\l (1,1) of Otlnhcr, to \lllrtin 1.1'1111 11, l\(orl(>UAI", Ih 'l~ bnJ(,ht hU1II" tl\l' ~h il) c<l]lil TII{'!>jIlIMU lL\ tt 11.('111, for nnl! hOI'1l I.. the . ..ni,1 \J,lrtin, x I'rllncll ('1'lIwi,,; IUUlllfln nj tt. ltelll, to Alld.-o Bertonn, to tho 1II;IfIIMlill Wil~" Ihll~ kepi.& the .. hill, xxix II. Item, th(' v day of OC't.oher, t.o nile mnll of !:>t,hlr .",hll~ :;olllncn:l.Ics, III bri,lilt;ih'ir I,f nn., hOl'l gllhlL VI 11K:

I WIII. 1.0 the ftlnn: It.thcn 111C11I11AIe. rl'1.! lli;lilll h"... fm Lmlllh'lw t.u "~linlourgh. viij Hem. III Linlilh'1w, f<ll' the hOUIIUAtllluh,m Ihe l!nclI('Jj ehnti',I, pl l,yUlca, IUltlllLdill('!l In) no ~, lte1ll, tn Willium HOIlIICII, W the Kmgi8 ool11111;\IIU, xxvi iJ 11.



[Another pnymenL of xiv &oJ Item, llt;!.t llalll)1L lyme, to 1'hol111111 IlrltlJO\\Y to thl! fnrnc.ing uf the tch(i p) C<llhl the Hnviu ill the l.e"ia. Ixxxj [li.] I Will, for titre Itnlle Imnl1 wllillllO tho Illill acllill. xj tt 11.(:'111, for lUll! cnbtll to hir, huelll (rn\~) Tholll 11(>1I(,lIlill, xxiiij H. IlA!LU, {(.Ir RUI.' COl'pit' cauilllo hir, iiij tL ); iI. 11('111, rot, Rue nmet to hir, ; tt 11.(>111 , {(II xxxlj cltlelJlLil cnmlUCil lu hiI'; ilk l'IlIt' siiij!IL



Item, lO JlII \ld I..'YRIIC in III"

in tilt, 1,('11\11,

Ix tt,
Iti:m. Iltt' \"j ,lay of (lelullel, 10 .Iok \\'nll;\.Io ror llln h"l"" fro I.inlilhqw to ..j,lilllJn ....;" \\illt lhe lih'ir \\ctdmlc, iiij ~ Item, to nn!' 111;"\11 of .John )[urrnri~, in IlIi\liI~ihir, of aile liiij io, hOI" '.,(itlill to Ihe Kill;;, HCl1\, ( n (lull .\nue of l.illlillupl , I... Ihe Kin-Ji' \. ;. COllllll<lm l,

ACCUUNTs 0 '" Tm:

IWIU, to lua ~1),1usnrlis for to pas La Edinburg h fm LIII_ Iith'I"" xiiiJ i. 1t('IlI, to TholllflS Uu,ul'li to gill' fOI' hnlk Sluliis ami othil' glums, xiiij i. hem, I1)'it 1II N:hir J(.illll' Stlin'lin Il1llL II<' laid dOll n fur fnnh j,lillging of ,10k Oouglas of the Quenes iiJ n, wylie sellar, helll, to him he b'<lif for nne 1 to l he Queucs cllillllir 0k ,iln' in Lin\ith()I\, xiiij So. H('III, t.u !lIlO 1,\(111 thaL 1':t56iL to Ollu fcl1i1liu fo r lhe II,llllyn, ij it ILI'III, the rij dny of (X;toIJer, in Kil'kliatonn, to t l~ wif il'lhnir thl! (~II('nc dmnk, xiiij it Item, to the maisll')' cllke he gllil II nc nm n hl~lC h t cmllnis fl11 til' 1..00rti of IlI uerllll'i th, ' \' A. ht,:IIl, til DnnCUIiC r:ithe, lucssingl'ir, La 1 wi th the )l1a Klngi~ \pltn,u: t.o Urllmfrcis nml to the loo"loll ris,

Item,1<) nllc

of L Al,hut of Clclllu$ liroch t wi ltl hc lIIet to Lh.' Killg, vij it Itom, tho viij day of Oct(lhor, to nm,' lUall of the Eric Il ' II nlltlyia, in l,ridUsil,,!!' of LIUI hOl1l gilli n to the Ki llg, xx\'i~ S, 11A'III, to nnc 111.111 tlltlt hrocllt IIUC 1.l1I k fill F!luklnml, ij a. 11"111, lo ,101111 FnmciH, Ilu hil1.: WC:8 rc'!I.:uulllw(lnil to him ",f the IlulllN;ill clll'll3C (Hulli ngis thllt he vrocht hrunc, Ixij H, [IoCUI, ttl WiIIilllll iII0l'lllllll, '":,:li8"11111 , ~ Vl'IUlel! CI'Olillia, !;Ulttllla "ij H, 1t~1ll, for lila thy II'U ;I' pipcfI ttl pnk the l'lyut fi ll"" clailh gl'fllhing ,1ILel t'II11illg of thnilU W 1 -i'lth, " iij a. l!.elll, to Jacoh EUIIIIIlIl;tOli1l ror 111B doggis Illllt,

xlij it

hnx:hL I l ll yk ItCI'tl1l8 to the King, ix ! Itt'ln, 1.0 tho 1~'I"lIICIl of Kirkllwtly lhll~ Imx:ht the I\in;,;iij ltarl1(l1 fr,l UiglJO"lli! to LeiLlI, ' iiij II.

to nne

1tl:1Il, to tlit

AlJI.oe.t of XewhotiU('IJ 111:'111. ill I,n.hhihir .. r,p.l!.or.. nue IUII1I f;ilhrl In the King, ix il IU'IIl, tIle !II: I'ilY (,r Oct,;,locr, tu ,Johnl' F.,nllllll rur diH'I'II ~UlAll t;:mith 10 the I;:ing hoch! hI.' llilll, iij Ii Il('UI, IIII.' xj day of OclfollCl', rOl' hmill!; .)f tlw c{'l'hlll\l {m lhe CusLI.'lIln till' ,\ 1.bn.1 quhl'n MOlltjuy Ilyuil in the "1.ooy nlll\ ut!lIl1e, viij It. ilclU, ti' tIle b'l'lrdinnr of Fnuklnntl, IWI 11K' Killgill {,lillilIl.mll, ~iiij s. h.eLlJ, lh,' :oI:ij d,,} of OclollCl", 10 1111,*i8 th,' IlI:uinnr Lhnt JI,hlll' Fmuds hrodll IU\III(', hj So. h('m, the xiij dny or 0\;10""1', til WI\I 'I'lIIl1hllll, j IJlII'S <Inllilk CO&t ,iij Frnnch enllmi. _ IIUIIlIIIA \' 11. :-;ij s.. item, to Illir 11C190ns 111111;l'wnlill for I'j owkis, tlMir wage to pna ill the Lewis. tll:lt i8 to filly, ,lolll1c ~ C II lI1a1\ I I)Ill$OlIlI, \\'iII illlU llrison man, nllli AlexlImlel' Col;5ail' j ilk ane for vj owkis, iij It. :w ~; II\HIIllla :oI:j n. I'S. h('lll, tu .\lexnuder for ij 1lI(111('lhi, wng<'. iiiJ n. :nj it itcm, to TholllWl l'eyrsou, gtltllllir. to pM in the (LeJllis. n111.1 lor it 1,0 wantit the I&;t \,j,'ge ho \\,('IJ thare, !II: It Item, to .Jollnl' l:cllh('lIth, wrieht, to IXI& iu the lIis. liiij ~ 11.<'111,10 Th"uHI$ TIathowy to nne schill \lTicllt for to pas with (itaim, 'j ". Item, to Julmc l.("S:lIl(, that k('Jli8 tIlt' I\;UtciS h~I'II{'S ill tho 8C'llijl, :0.: [il] It('llI, t.o :llontj ..y, th(' Fl"nneh 11(,I'ul!i, j' \l1lienn,;!;: lxxxx It sumnm . it('lII, t<1 nne meuill~ir of FroliC(! Ihnt 11t"1 with him, '( 1I1I11..'Orlli" l;\lImn,) i;( It Itcm, ror x thd.lir Ipnc and III1Ct16ti!; (,f til<' IIJ'~"II Ini.l ill Ir.wid l'(I',;1II1l"il SCllip to pas ill Illl' 1 .("\l1~ un ij ;.. Ij 0.1. Il(>!n, the ;(iiij .lay !If OctnllC'l", til .\I,IU(' ("rv}lIIlf'I'III, nnn(lI'(I.I. ror hlU"uCli 10 Ibe !:IChip. vj N_ :oI:iiij a., nuJ I!.. 1 ,,1.I"it \ij 11 \j a. rOl' !1,,"Ie!> til thl:' sc:hip.

.\CCOUXT!'i 0" Til E

I tem, to 111ft SIWUI6l\Iti8, be tbe Kingi8 COllllU;md. xiiij 1. 1t(,1II, to ll ailtel David Tmil for tUrBing of the kirk gmith, l'u('!lllrill, amI for mending: of gmith di"eMl t\'l II l'1l, xh;ij &. llel;l, the X\- dn~' of Octohc. r, p"yi!. to the COlUlltrollul', 'Jllhilk he l:lid 11"nll fOI l:~(\'ij curtis with tile Quenes gere fro l.illlithlJw t.o E.dinhuryh ; ilk ClU't. x\iij So ; 811111lUn . xxiiij n. "j A. 11(~ 11l. UI ~Innllill, gunnnr. qnhilk be lnid dOllU for landing ul the gunnis qnhilk \\er ill the Lewis., carying of Ihnilll 10 thll Cl\lt.el, and mending of thair cartis, nyj 8.. \'iij it. ltelll, pnyit. to the CltecutoUlis of umquhile rotrik Hedheuch of the rt'8t. of iiij II of &nclaudrois lmllis of Arbl'olh, xx n, h em, to ThoUlD8 LlIlUmysdclI alilUl beylnud, hen.hl of OI'III1U\lk , >.1 F"IUloh crounis: SlIlllllm . xxviij It. Itelll, to Pir,is, loll),ntOllr, hiB hOll8 luale of UI'It.ymcs to cum, ho the Kiu{;is cOIIIIlHmd, liij S. iiij d. Itom, to Peri8, he tile Kingi8 COliUlUIUt!. ill l'CCOIllI)(!lI&n tiO (Ir his wage l,ipIlst, \' Frnncll e''Olllli~; SIIIIIIIIII llll iij ft, x 1. I telll, to ,Iohul' 1Ieg, llIcsailigeir, to 1),'18 to COl1lmgwcll nl.el olher plncCII \\'il1l writingill 1.0 warllfl of MOUl jO)'is tUI'lm~'Hg , iiij~, 1l" III, Lo Gl1il1i:uu , tlluhronnr, :tiiij A. h e'lIl, Un~ n iiJ dllY of Octulll'r, to Call1Jlhcl! , xiiij ~. Item, t l) ,' olinI' :\'"l'1'nyilllll'lII , iii I'rillilsi lvi\' of flue hOi'll gilhll tQ the King, x\' a. \-j d. 11('111 , the >. ix Iiny of October, to NUllllik, l,rolld8l1lr, 10(' thl' I\:ingia COIIUUIUIII, \'ij 11, 1l1'IIi , \.A I nile !lUlU Cum flll'lli of Elllilc, he tl.e Killb.-ill 1~1I1 h l "nd , ' n 'iij!l. !trw, \.I) t1l:1 1"flllgnl{,. III fc Unlitll 11(11'6 fm Edilllmrgh tll IJ ulIl l('lt,mC', vij !1.. I ll"", ll,e u ,br ,.( 1k;t.r.lll'r, W 1:l1ll.ir(llI\l, IIlC88inl.'Cir,


1I1t.;1I T I:E.\ sI' J:I :1l


1O 1"\1 ttl ~he Ju,.tK:e to wnrne him of t1.e ho,ltling 0("'0. I~,

Ill<' uiril, ,. i. IWIII, to Iht' Erk uf .\ rrnl~ (aleuunr, ttl' C"'UIIJ.lII(l. xilij il, Itt'lII, to All'xnmler h'IrIIUI, xiiij ii, IWII, thnt u)'tlll, ttl th.: King WI,lul at th., (;Olrli., u ...j ~ It('UI [lilt' 'I.~j ILly or nd.f)bcl'], 10 Willi;Hu Spi(~'I)/ltll, lou
Ihe Kin gil oolHlII.m.I, uI'iij ~, Item, 10 Arelll' Hikirtoun, xiiiJ 8. [An.1 \'ighl "lllfOr 1 ~IYI"t'ulIlIf xi, p-, t~lth,) item , tl) au.. - Turuj,ull, 11111J Ii. [An" hIe htll(;\ pnylUclIl.I, a\II ..\U\tlU~ III liij It iiij I.) IWIII, lhe Xltij day of Oct{ihcr, to {the1 IthiJl wrkht III f) uul ll'tta ne, 'l:lij ~ IWIII, to the Inir of the werkmcu, xiiij It llo-III, to (;col'gtl lloyd, :l:iiij 11. !l\!III , III Alluway iLl Stl'i\'eIiLl, xij d. Item, the uiij .In)' (If Ocwl.)er, to Alane ('Otluhentue, !lrlllorar. xx\'iij 1 IIclI!. the xxiiij Ilay of OctollCr, 10 Hol.('l"l lIt'rwul't. gullll,II-, for j~ mOIU!lhili Wll:','C ho Ilnnlit flull.-n he Wei in lhl' 1.I.'wil, iij It. xV ~ II"HI. 1l(I)'i~ I..iouli. IlIil;;"lIr, for umking 01 nne C<Jk lu Ih" K in~ ill l un'ru(>. gillll1 t.c till' ErIe of lI ulillie, oml (UiO dol-> fluliil" WC>I !locht i ll UUfluh(,IiI,lIml 1\11'-' t'Otl' t.o t'dlfIOfl'l' t....cltt. ollll lun pjl'l~m{'II I'L'Ilt! lIill.: rUl' the l';illgi8 SCfI rl cl lit'lll. I'i. I'j d, IUOIII, for j cine call1 lll~ t.o IU('UU th.' Killlo(i ... d,llh of IIwit , xU 11 Itelll, Ihe X'l:ix II..y vr Octol)('I', to nn\-hl "cmpilmnll III 1 wilh the Killgi~ wrilill~,,'ill to nrlllllfJ'('~, )1\1 \' ... liNn, the l"'IIUll ,LIY or Oclol.cr, to aue Jln~l'wnllt lOr IIIgl4ntlilliit brodn Icttl'Cl to II .... Kille-';d (;rne<', ~ij Fmnch '-''"'IIi.;; ,umllln \'iiJ n, \ iij i. Item, to Ibe lh.rid llrooJir of t'1'O.,.ft,t"eTUII fflr t:ulhirflU\lis c~ I ""II' III In-lou.1 the tJllle lit 'lil......it to the Erlt' l'f Kih,l,lir x 11. x\'ij i. iiiJ It



.\("UllX1':-; OF Till-;
. 0. I~,",

.} Ulllll' FOriMll 'plhilk he laid ,IU\III for ,lh"ltI \' Ii. ::-raith tu lhl' I';in,..\" lit. ,liv,rs 1~ml'S. 1t1'II1, tlll~ I,bl II,,)" of {)i;lOlot;'r, to c'risl"rl'r, iij i.

hl'm, to

Item. 1" lila 1',,'111;';'111"8 or ~1"Ul3l\\li"', 11.<'111, to l'yke ,ll.' IJ. :\Iair. I~ tlw Kill):,"s 1:1: Fmn,h {"i'olluie: &nllllllil

\jj ;,.

:.:lij ".

IIt,Ut. 1.0 fine mnn of lilt' I1l1e of Alldnyia lOlli', :.:.:.: Fro.nch (;ronnie; 8111l1UHI :.:iiij It.


of XOl"eml>l.r]. 10 th., F'mnoh 'Inhissillnr to IIlUI hioti \Ill)", x }o'l1luch e""llui~ SlUUlun \'ij It Item, to ).Inisler ,Jnlllell Wnlson for the lonnlis eX llCns r\lf tho U1(1I1l"this of Non'IIIOr-r, lk('1'lIIl!('r, .Inlllltir. Iluhilk ill h;,;xxij linyi!!; ilk day "iij a.; SUUlma xxnj n. X\"j l It"m , w .Johnl !..thane, lWlllilinr. f(lr 6'Ct"C !nile fm hilil for thl' Kill;,;i. 'tnhill fit. ,lin'," t)"lll<'l ~n ,July t.il~'1"t: III lilt:' firflt, for }:!>"iij ~illhl". :.:).:\iiji [ ,\ n,l other MIllner)" &\\'onl hdt.., hnwk IUl"eII, ,te.. to thl' nmollnt. of xxi n :niij Ii. \"j ,I.] Itc'hl, th l tllrhl ,L,y or XO\lmlocr, to t.Ill' h}.lIl,1 111\'11. h'j l h"III, 10 I'dt.. 11111]', dmWol; ha. \'ij II. 1t~11I, to ,I(,hlll' Dn\"ilbr.lIl, ollnl(1lli1r, 1(11' $('hOlI<', IIUlis, 1~'-' lu"'i8 to the KillS bl'n LnIlI!lW~ J.il~I&1 10 .\ 1hallo\\' ,IllY, iij 11. 'n i. iiij ,I.
Itc'lII (thl' IlIl;L .bJ

rl)l' &<.: IIOIw



i;. iiij.1. t" ,\1Ith" lk rtllllll. \0 lilly lilt.' chiMer hilis nnd 'I.!II.II~ tllll~ I.l"]li,. Ilk' I<;I.il' 111111 rnt" tlmil WiLWI,'S,

lo (he QllI'lIl.', \x,,-jij

xl 11.
Ikill. tA, )'i,.J!i . ,1.'/1111' )-:illduir', I".. thl' }\illt;ill cOIU,,!:\,"I, \! Ft,llI,h t."u"i" 11111111111 x:<\'iij Ii.

1.0111) 111011 TUE.\sl!HEI:,


!tA:lU, LIt< f'-I'! ,I.IY of Xon:mIO(r. to Johu(' t.I\I!"lIisI> ISOI. 'lI'Ci~L. Lc the Kingis colmll.,u,l, x\ FnUleh lI"Ounia _ sutumn uI'iij II. Hem, fot 11110 hll... to hiLlI, 'ij II. IU to IIU('Juhno Bnlllyrll)" fVI ko.:JlIIIJ,;vf tile fUrtll.. for :rn. flnintn 8IoI'1I('in loe the II"III('C of x nwki.; ill.: [owl.:) x a.; hUILIlII,I.l..ir] iij II. x ~. hl:1II [th,' I'j till}" ul Xl)l'cLulll'l'J, to QIIlI IIlIm or link)" .... , 'Ciiij 1. itcm, fur nile II(IS: tIl tiLe King. xx II. h elll [thl: "ij tll~ of XII\'ctullCrj. t" ftl4,:ll'" ('noMy, ij::'. hem, t.o (;,.,rgt' J(.hll,..tQIIII. 1(' lh~ KIII!,;i!! CHIUIIHlII<l, "iiij 1. hcm, to .\,111111 t'okl'lll'11 to fl'C him nile h')I'8 ttl Jet!worlh, ,- !I.. Item, lilt' lilj lin) of Non'IIII ..... ,, to Lortl II nlllmilloul

fnICOII((I,. . xliij S. Itelll, 10 i'iJl.:lrk, .Iolm Hntis 1111111, ij S, Item, the i~ tilly of XOICIllIIi.'I, ill ,1Ci.lworth , WI till' King hirnat.'ir tl) plar IIlllle ('alliN, ""X I' I. ItCIII , tht' )o.iiiJ II;I) of Xon:ml",l', In ,h(' I\ill~ tn piny fit tlr(' c,"'li. in Je,hn..>Ilh, .\hj t. helLl (Ihe :>;\' Iiny of XI'Ieml .... ,}, to hlill ~Itlrlill the !-iI.tlUl.~lt, l"iiJ d. Heur . tn WiIIl' !lillie, ix it 111:111, the .wij (hi)" tor XOI"(1U1~I, t" A,lalll I ~,ytl,

h elll, t ..


h ~. ;\ 11I1I'I)'il ImUl, 111 l,ridll~i"'il nrllnl' hoI's

b';Olrt to till' !'iLl).!. ix jj. Itelll , tu ,juhlll' \\'nll ill fur c,u)illg or the toihil wet>t:hnl
tOJ(.. III/lltlr, I' ~ ItCIlI, to th., ooyi. of the kcchill. ij ... Ilem, the xI'iij IIA) of X ol'elilher, to Tlronul~ ,:u.lll'h" ILI.III. in I'rillibih-i, of IlIiC 1001"1> hrilllll to lIl(' hillr!, xiiij'" item, the xix dny or XU\I'IIlI.r, to lltillill ItlL" :-',,,,n;r..lrt , xij .t. Item. loll;litlII'r('ulhl)(,lt 1 :'lil~d. 11\1111, inl'li.hl.iil'ir of nne h"lli ~Itlill tu tilt l\itlJ,!. \111.1 /0,


hcm [lilt! ;o:ij uny Or XOI'CInl>cI'], \.() tho King to the . niij 11. cart is, HCIll, for the :\lnrlYIII('8 ULnii of the oolllllOU8,. x AItem, the xxiiij lIar of XOI'cmlliH', to LO'e,'llllo thnt kepis the l\iuJ,ti8 IUIl'nea, in his II'nI;O" . Xl'iij it liij (t. hcm, lo l'yke lie la :\lllir, Xl( Fmllch er'Olmis ; summn xiiij It Itcll1, to tho !IOwLur Jutnr, ix I. itell1, to I'ute 1In11)(1r, clnl'8Chn, ix I. ItcHI, to ,\usicc, tauloronnl', xiiij a. Itcm, to J oilne l4.'1Ine thnt. kllpi8 the h l1nlCll, Le com lIumd, :l:iiij ~. Itelll, lu ,Iohne Ik-g to pos \0 llUll11l011(1 the Indy of UidtOIlU, eltlor, 111111 Ihe LOid UirltOll8 niril to tho iij iI. I\illgia iustnnce, itt'lII, to nile lllan of TholUlI8 liuthowyLt brreht Iltilillgi8 fm :\I(lkky to tlill King, l(iiij I. 110m, thc )(x1-j day of Xo\'cmv.:r. 10 John IIClUICili pail;;lIulI man, to IICUi to 8tliwlill 10 f;.>(;b the loni~on8 ng.lIll' till' f\.'Chting of the Lortl IIl1lUUlilloun liml the FUlIleh kuyeht. nlHl fOI' I-J CfuiBb'\l horll wilh thairn, xxxiiij &. Itcm, to tll(' 8nid Johnc he l:,'1Iif to p),lIomi8 wi rl.:lllld tlla (lnyis III the )lnil~<)118 IlryfUlIl fllltl gmth:llulthnim, ,'il 1trill, fur \' d06/1o fi llhit plntis to be Innlc.rniB nnd 1.IO\\!ltill: ilk )JCCC I'j It; bUluma, xu il Item , to ,1<.lme FOllImli thnt he J,del donn to :x men at the lI"il:;on8 nile tilly, tUill fdr 1I111cs to put 011 1.1<.okki. IlII thc Sllmyn, lo:j 11. ij d, hem, to Ollt' Ifli l,;ollr m{'nd,tnd liM' fluil~lms 1{lIll IInyis, ij 1 Itl'lII, thr xXI'ij Itn~' of XunltlLcr. pn}iL to Willirull i:1,{>lIuhili he Inililiolio to LIlli ct1\llli8 for to J'(IS in the Iii, I\uh"n he Ill'S th.ue, Ix It h, III. to tl .. , 1II1hl William he wantit lIf his frolll'ht aliI! (,l(l"'lUl f]1I11t'1I hu Wei ill the l.c\\ia, Ixxx n. It, 111,1<1 the ~ l lIil'I' of ('llIM II lu quit IIlIt Ilia 1,lIul, be tl ... I'in;.:i ")\11111111111, xx II.

uum 111 0 11 TI:E.\Sl"ln:l:

., .,./

-.. -

Itelll, fUI lij ('hi,' ("llllltlle8 (J111111L WeA 1.;111<" II) tit.,,, ..,l:M 1 );\;1301111. ilk du>' 'tiiij.1. 1111111111<1 liij i.. iJ .1.

ltelll. tha Hi't .lay "r \"nn'llIlo"r, f01" 1"( 111111 IIlul. ill.; tUrI! ij II.; IlunUM Ij It. Item 10 I\ U.lt'O AJIQlIlI 'luhilL he i.(u if 10 thl' 1~lyulour, he tht:' Killg.1 CIJWIU;llItI. . 'txny il. Item. to III'; 1I1i.1 .\lIIlro lit" 1.,i.1 ,hum to (alflwdl, Ll!pGml lilt' fUm('S- ill Stnn-liu, Illn 11I"ll<"thu. \\.I:..,"t, h'j iI. Item, for luij 1'li,1 eulil I', hilll ; ill Ini.\ \"j .1. , .unuu.1.
:":'Oo:.j i.. Item. til 1"h<>I11'" 1\I,IiM, ;..;lw II'lichl , fur CArpu):: flf glM werk lu FttuLlI1l\11!i'l'l'!l IJIII("I\, .\".ij ~. 't It hf'Ul, Itl \lnillllr I),,"id Tf;.ull r"l lilt" l,n'l"lc c1'lIhi! '\'I'I\(lIi11;': IIf th(' hrk awl caryill~ of 1 11111 nf btur In! ,..tli ....!iu, 'tiiij iI. ill!llI, 'llr;U\1! pUmilUlUl' to the 11l1}IIII)Uf, ;>;hiij it Itcm (thf> lnat .lny of :-I"o"('lIlloer], 1 ~I)it til Nhi .. Holoert i!nuLiu, \icar of IUH'rtlCH, t!l;1l lIt' Ini.l .tmlllo to wric[htill] ill llo.'l"IIlI'ay "II rcHi u).: of th ... nlthir 1\1111 belil1~ l~llkil ltJ the Icllip, ' xni ij iI. 11 ('111, to hilll for nue 1,01.. tu nna lK'ik ~IIIUI;t,.lrl. I iI. 1t1'1I1, fur IlIlP h'l" to (;Cfll"gO CalUl>locll ...t t'l"'1I0k,


Item. the fhllt ILly or Dcccmlll.'r, \U ,h,t"h


;>;j iij iI.

item, Ihl' tluid 11.1Y \If " "Xlllkl, \0 tIlt 1~1~nt.)I1f 1"l.IYlltit thl' nne of nnl\,ll"t'~ nnll!'lI. U ,;. It('m [th. I' dn)" of 1lt.'Co'mlltll I"~ " III' I~,~ l,t"... hL writillgia to till' Kill':. iij A. lto.'lD, til, ,ij lLI)" l>occm1..w.:r. 1(, '1.11.1.'1) . !,If (..orhl)!,).,. t ... the Killgll c"mIMnd. for" ,ih'i, J"'ft'. '(x'( Jo'r.IIl(h


cronuil; .mll',,;1 Item, to n..,loert :-...:lkYIk, cuhl'lIl'lr, fnr xiJ lK!CC \'iij 1, ~l\lIt11l:l


XX,I h h.,liM, ilk iiij " x,j ,

\, ". 1!iOG.


h elLl, LO 1m\! man hrocht nile 11M frn FuuklalLd, ij So iiij It. hem, tile ix day of UcccUlbc:!r, poyi!. to William Foulnr, I'otingnir, (Ot stllf tnne fm him to the King scn the xdj Iiny ()f Julij vipnst, . xuiiij n. v s, Item, UI the l;,miillnr of Fnukl nu,1 vrocht pet,!! to tho
j,illg, xiiij l thl' x day of Decemhcr, pnyi!. to :\Intllo AlIehlek fOI IIlcmling of the clas]>;s of IIII! Quellis 1111'S Imke und gilLing of it, viij g. [tCIll, I.) him fot nile new pemles, nud gihing: of a ne l)(1il' hukkillCfl to lim Kingis schone, iij /I. \"j It ilem, to :'I innin Uail;5c in pun of the Kiugis hoI's li<:hoing, . iij It. x S. Item, \0 lMdd, fnicOllRr, to his hOI"! met, . xx\'iij S, Ite1l1, fOI nne loonct wiLh nne ri b/me to l.Inrtin the

vj it

Itelll, fOI lim "''tdilles 1.0 tllC Fmnch knycht, Item, fur tlln J'o.-tugale skiuuis \0 the QUCIIC


xx\"iij S.

Item, fvl' Ul4king of nne pni! of huski uu is tn hir,

ij H. iiij It. xvj It ItCIII , tlll~ xj thty of l)occlIlix'r, to Ihe IIlnist-cr cu k(', be tht.l I, iUbri" COlIllUnJu l, x It Item, lllOt "relIt, ill I,inlithqw. 1 Sane!. Xichn!as Ucschnll, 0 xx ii, It('lll, tile xij .Ia.\ of Ueoomhl'r, ill CUnlmi l'Uuld, to I.onl Flt'l1ly ugi .. 1,1111'1'011(1.1", X ;:. lllJ il,'Ul, t(lltlle mall 01 LOl"\L }lCII1YUOis, in [/l'idil!;ihir or ;lllc 1'01"8 gillm Lv tllU Kill~, xiiij it 1t,LU, \.(I Qt1\. 1111111 l1iggi~ aue hri:.: (1111' I111C 111011, lte1l1, fur \.j 1),lil schOlle 10 hi!", L IlrJ
lhat 8.'tlllJII n,rch1, W th(' Kill:'; to play at th' carlis, x Fmneh cronnis; SIIllIlU:'l vij 1I. 111'111. l ~l)'i!. 1n Mni~ IN' Willittul Ogt"Y he Inul dOlln


,linl.... l)"I1I~'~ IJI.' 00111111111111, . xxxvj i 1l"IIl, ,I ... :dij Ilay of lk'Cl'Il1 I",'r. II) A.lum C,.kl'l1 nt t,\ 1~1" fm t:tIl ~~I' to [':,lilll'UI}:h, .x:wiij g



.xiilJ day of lk.\:cmU!:r. in 1 31;\/V.;",10 Ih.

UL.l"'I~ I.-p.l_

. lij iL h elll, (ur iij horl h"UH'8 10 the 1o'r:U1eh kurdl!.. j'( i. lIelll, ("I iij hill" cullunll III him iu (iI .I'II,.;". ij 1 \j ,I. h em, (vr tlLL U );i llhCII to hill IM ~, Ij i. Hoi \1. Item, w tho Im ,1 vt Banlu\\yiIL fult:tlliur.. x i,ij ... It(,llL , the xv J,,,y of 'k'\'~'lU""'I-, ill 1IL1111L<'IIHII,I.o' !lil' ',":hi" \\I;cht 1\1 lll1ukllih ir. l>lij ... h (;lI1. t .. 11U I'urtll;.:.llc \lricillill Ihal'l.', nviij ;.. 1t ~' IIL , 10 UII': m,U1 u~ Ih'.lloCL vI "'ll"i\..IIII, iij ~. h elU. f"l xiiij dl1~ C,UI1IIil'l> t(t Ih.. 1 "III6"u'i ilL: clue l>ij It 'IUlIIIIW, x(iiiJ .J Itc uL , tho X\j lluy ur IkJl .'CIUl..oo.I ,1.o th, l 'l~i"ll~ "~I IlullloI.IlI" thnt ,;illJ:,oill fur 'h~I'gI"t"L I) ntlUluoml, thnit 'Iultrt,u' icc or Alhalhxby l'l l"lJIl. ,. n. !lulU , tho :\I"ij It;l)" of I)<!CCUl Uc I', 10 SubiL' ,JItLUCli Gurtily,

ill tlrilL"~ihir, .

he ~ho KillgilJ (:ImullltlUl,

xl b.

ilelll, (f) .hulll'li Juclell for the uwlo of the hull' 'Iululir lin! KiLigi. h"1'fi1l8 wer, \X\ iij ~. i WIn, the luit! J Ulue! for ""1"01111 UlctW'n 1_~l h lllh.,.l>il"l~t, xliJ a.. I km. to 11ll' \\ ....1111111 of the HlaL:runl hrodn b'C,I" - to till'
Killg, xiiij ~ It .. m, lu FI 'I);l' UrauLl' 10 !ill\,: III till-' \(lU Il of Ail , xiiij i.. Iklll, 10 LIM li....:h!lli.. lor IhIlIUh;UIlItLII \.Ilwht fjlt('h It) the I\ illg, :uiij >l. Ilum, 10 nile IIHUI of ~hiL' l'olin l'incl.lLih, ill lri(Ii1~jhjl or 11M lIou 8illin lu lh" I'. Hlg:, 1\ "-

1t1'1Ll, tile xix Iiny o( llCCCllli)l'), r..... nil \Iclt illl,Jlhl t" lhe ]-\ illg ILL the ttt.:hil" \ l lklll , to lho "",hip L;el~\li.Li ill Llrill\..~ih;l, I", tl .. I,ino;" eOIUILli'Llul, xx\'iij ;.. Ito'lII , ~o JolulC FOI1I1:ln to 1~1" to E.lilll'III~11 for Ill<' Kingia el"tLlIllis, )'iiij :>, Uem, th o xx (14)" of IJuc<:'IIlUcI', l .. Frr..;,) f;nllnu Iv [1M "ilh l cll~l to tilt' achircf 1>( J:.. \I'IIIt:h. ).:iiiJ I. l\A;m, 11! Elellc (; llIulI!,Y thnt lll"ochL I"'lill I" the Kill!,!,
xiii) "



hem, to Hobert (33110w3Y fOi' wyne to buis the Fmud! knychlis hor8 leil, iiij 9Item, the xsj day of December, to the feryal" of emubUllkilllleth, vij 11.. item, to AI(luc COoluhcrtlll, Rrlllonu', xx\'iij .s. Item, the xxij duy of l Jccemlocl", to the oonles of the Iluel"C ill !Sui\"clin, olsIIurcsih'ir, I' H. itcm, tu JllIne l>00'; to Ire four IlOl"s lin l'lliYclin to F.clinLurgh witll the King-is gt'1't', :\\"j A. Item, to Johno )1a~' nc, lJO\\al', fill' .~iiij sperl!; nlld lun cluLbesqullilk ;;eitlto 51Iin'lin, ilk peee ijA,: ilk tlul, )iij d.; SUlll1llll xxx~. Item, to 1)lIte H lll1JRI" nlld the SOlrlnl' lu]ur, xiiij lItem, for iij PIlil' gluftis 10 the King, . :..,""iij t1. riCIlI, for the fn"l1l eh kll)'chtis eolllLtiolli~, lIcJchcre, servnlldis wnges, fra tIle xj day of n~elllbcr iugum!. to this liar, i~i It. iiij II. I,d. Item, for his folkis CXpCliS ill hlinLul'gh lplhilk l"IIl;lIli~ lIchiud him the said tYUlt',:\j l-'mnch Cl"OIHlis; SUIllIun I'U rt xiiij ;;. ltel1l, llle xxiij d:ly of December, 10 the Fl"IIl1ch kUJcht himsclf, j'b. Flllllch CL"OJ1uis; P-IIlUllHl. . txij N. ilem, fOl' xij Stllf sclmftis; ilk 1 X'Ce ij s.: summn
x~iiij ;;. Item, to Schir l'ntrik HumUliltOUIl qllhilk WCII ;;iflill w him of the lnrd of Lethingt0l18 monce, xxxI'iij II. xiij g. iiij 11. Hem, 10 Dllude Houle to his chLthis uwking', xlij AItem, to .\Jcxnudcr :,!fakcullo ~ielike, x.~riij .i. Itcm, to Qnitllill FOC~1l"t to l,i8 dnlhes llIlIking,. xxviij ;;. h elll, to Willte Turlll.ull sielikt" . xxviij il. hcm, fOI' j clnc l:i8li9 Llak lC) Amho \rod hl:liL' un 1 1i9 lFenl)" . . XX \'j it I'iij (l. Itcm, t he xxiiij d.1)' lOr December, dille Cl"ill, tOL" hcdug of the coplmrtl to the AJ.I~\J, iiij ii. Hcm, VI \fichel 11<,1(0111', IU:LiSLtlr of Ilclh.r, Ix: the I\iugis COtlllLLUud, x N. Hcm, t" ~'lIilllcl' ,lmul'S ,rnlOOLllL rO! tun hurs lIlel fm

LORD 111 GB TllE,\Srm:u

:\lichehul'tl ill lilt' ;5<'ir

:; .-,!l

,.,r (;, ..1 &l'

\"'v M'I1S I" lhe . P 1!M.

Trillitl'C Uay nut Ihnrcftir . ilk


xij \1


xij II iij l



111(' gRrtlill;H of Jo'lIl1klrllUI h,,,dll

1 .'Ii~ III



xiiij i.

Item, to tI.c I;ml uf 7I lerlOll5 ftl1cOturil,I_, till' Kinh-i, cOIUIII:m,l, h'j l Henl, for nij puki! I'l.Owll,r \ioirt , \"j ~ IU'III. to till' !lC1i;unl'ri.!\ awl trl1l11prtis. u\'iij l I U'III till' XX\' .L\~ of !)c,.,'ml.r, (3 nl .. IIII~', 1,1 lhd 1J('ltll.li~ ill thl' !",II, :\ Fraud, ' I"ollui.; Hl1II1. \'ij IL llC'lu. 10) ~. hir .\ Ihlro )hllll\'L; III.' .,If 10 I'n'i-li!l 1.,1,\ IDes to tilt' J':illg, 'J l. Item , th<' xX\'ij Ill~ of Ul'Ct'mlocr, ~.lIIt'~ .r"h u~ ,I;!y , I" the Kill:; to the (,(1I1i5,1 Fnmc h Clnullis, .II I I1UlIi

Ix:\ It.
Sl1mnHl hx n. it("m, to nllt' IIIMI hrotht wilJ lIIet fill ('IIl1 l'ir ill .\I.gn .

Itt'Ul, Ih(' xx\'iij day of lJccemlier,S,lIlct 111111')(;"lIlill dl1~, to th. Killg to I'\"Y n~ the CoUl d. r FIlUich nO\Hlis ;

iJ lItem, to .II~ ehcltl to tIllS with :me leuit to lh'~ cllpit..,n of Strh'l'iin, xij d, it('1.1. lilt' 1:'I~t d:'ly of 1ket"III\o('r, fnr x:n: I\I~I\I or iocllia for t\;UI'I;ITill; dl'liwril to TllfJlII111i BO 1h.J!. iiij II xij t I lC'1II , I'"y;t 10 the .\hl ~,t or Clluhnlll.:imU'th h.' hc<l Inill .Ioun din'l1I t.l'lII~ t il cli\"('llI IM 'J't'I}U' 1~ the Kingi! eommnnd, xiiij Fnmch rl"llllni. IIU1U1da i~ tt, lXJ I. Iteill, tlmt II\ll\yll Ilycht, to the King t<1 I'll\~ nt tbe lu n, l:tIrtd, f Frrmrh (,l'OwniJ;; 1>11111111<1

l lC'm , the Ilnlt II'I), "f ,Innnnl,gilllU \)(' th. K111~ In Ihe .. QIII.'lI(, l\t(> grrt 8(' r('lIt LOn;;: with nil the et.111~ lind ~rnith tharof. wllh the eoml it. WCIi 11\ .




ACCO[Xlb OF T nt
'Jll ro<.:\\ll n~


ItCILl, un\!

lLlaid, and g'dir him aile lIe'l peee


Ihe 1111.".,1.1\1' hOll~.

itcm, [,lr lllll' ,"Iir of Ix'dis vi goM 10 ;\Illistros 1 1\rlee llmlillJU 1.'Or. Ilith thniUl, \IC}nlll.l lij IIIl<:e x,iij [dwt.] dl'l'ling: iI\., \IJ1U' 'W flTllllia XI' !lOUS, IItlll fot ilk f~nk x;.; IlIltltu,1 of fnmlilllx:tiiij [mllki!! "iiJ IIOUI Ii (I. : 81111IHHI in :-.collill mouC(!, . hij II. iiij i;. iij {L Item, for thc [1\.lM)t1J\ of the talll~'II, ;<;I'J ("mlds .:d j sous; in Scottie monee, liij 11, vj b. Itcm, [or nne )'lItnge of S!"IIICL l l idu,:11 wilh Hilt,! t1imu;uul in it, giflin to Illy Indy ;\II1SII'U, ' niiij It. Item, for lUI'" chCTISc of gold 10 ;\lnilillC>; EkuOI', Iht. at. Joltne Cmnmr, w~rnlH l XI' 11I1I.:e, ;<;1' 11 Item, fol' iij lillgi8 nnd nllc helt of guld to the King, q'lhilk he b'lli( Rwny, iij 11. Item, t.o :\[ai8tel' Alexandel' Dbril\")is Ili f, xx FI':\II("II cl'Ouuis; Sl\lJllila ' xiiij 11,

Itcm, to Thomas l:).cllo)"ll1l1', I nglia mlln, XI" Fnmch crollnia; 81\J\I1HlI X 11, x~, Item, to Ellnllmd, Inglis man, 8iclikc, xv Fl1'llIch el'OIUli8: 81UII1II11 ~ N. x ii, h ew, to ;\ Inisler ,Iolino (,'/II'I)('1I11Iil", I ~ the l';illgi~ oommallu,;"; F111nr.:h CI'OU ll id, smllllUi I ij 11. Item, to lhclllpi(ltll", xij Fmnell l'roUll i~. SUlllmli liij II. liij ii, Item, to the quelll' of t he CllllongniL, .~ Iij it he1ll, gi!llll to llil'cl'll IIlclIstrnlat<, acbtlil iherill, Inlllll1CLiM, 11I\l1)1'ollol'i", lillwhllis, IlIlnl'il, h nl' I ~lris, cilll'SClllIli", l ,ipllli~, c.~t('udillg: 10 Ixix II{lI'il"IIS, nnd hriJlin III
llillilll xxxiiij!4

CI~'lllIill :.i:. II1lico11lifi 111111

I"J i. Ilullit lIihi l" 8111111111\ ,

\ Ij It. xj it.

or I.J.:o..~ill sih'iI', .~ 11, hl:1lI [the bt.'cl1lHl l IllY of .Iullllnr]. Iv Thvlll,U Jt ojll1llgi tl fhl'lIlIt' oouct he b'llif X'll1ll'. XI' ;:t. I'j ,t. Itelll, tl,l l:oUcI't o[ the l:lnilinir, xiiij i. Iton,
ItCIll [tIll' thr;,1 lin)' or ,'111111;11)' lu ,Inlll \'II 1l''''lIdl, ~iiij iI. Itcm, l" ,Iohll<: FIoI"III,llI to 1 t .. heir l:uOrlt l"uhdl,II'is )(11 1.\TIff (nr thl' I';ing, xliJ S.

tu . l lIlIIl'8 1~1I11.

Il\CUI, I..' lloa "ill.. i~ l:OILllUilml, to IIUUct1I1t'11 \Iif "C .. I'-I:06-; Kill;';"rIl, Lt~..,'IIlIt'I> "if nllu l:a\ll!lll)is wil iu I...,ith,
Ilk lu", "'much ('Wlillib, IIUIUIlI;1 , iiiJ Ii, iiij', IIrlll, 1(1 nll(l 1110111 pn"''''111,1 10 lh~' 1I"':ilup tof Cuitllll(lI \llIh thl' l\illgiH Idll~;t lor 11Xhlill~ 01 lltuilll IlI."il ill lito l.e\\j, Ilith ~Iuky, ).iiij 1,. Hem, 10 'r1!nmwl ~J.l;snrig dli\.lir, in .hiuL"iil'h nl tht piny culls llUlLillg, "iiij it lU:III, to ThoUlIUi Iklbu"" bo, 1;1111 cl"UIl for lna l:;uM ,k;lIlII. I., til<" \,1.1) l~lti, ... 11('111, tit.' 1,'1,1 tIM), of Jilnuar, to ,Lltol, ~l"l00, :.:iiij i1t'1II, t 'bIloU'r \\'il!Lalll IhmlMn, ill n.collllofu.\ali"ulI r"l hi .. l!O.>lIIl, I' It. Item, IIII' \' dny of Jau UIlr, fur I H i'lIIl1t \'"rn;:h';'lotlll' \I.1)"lIlollr, ix ,. h cm, fur I H 1)(t)tL~ vly to him, ix 1;. lIUII , [or '-j puml 'lnlli~ Icdc tu Iii III, xij 1;. iwn , rur ~ij boo1tl rul;;cis to lIilll, iJ bIlclII, to tht! c!ll'illtlle ol I Aliul'Ul1:lIII"~ wil fUI I.ut} ll{'lj:fdi. 1,,1\111 nu.' ~dl, ulld lI;th Ilit ::\larjol)

l.illtlMfty nntl the (M



I Ii.

!lCII!. 111.11 "'I1i~'11 nydl\. 10 Ill<' I\ill~ to I't.~ III III,

f l"mul"h c,,'un~. an.1 I') ,'n~l in hm",); ~x h. Ijuhil ~ih ir; SlIIUlU3 Inn It 11'-'111, th~' Ij tluy or J.HHI.1r, I., III' p'"I'.,,.1 of 1'~liul.>lIll!:11 Ijuhilk \1(' lu;,1 dOllu to .Jllt'at '1 \'ndl dnd 10 lilt' IpWUt' III Iho l'nll!lnL,fJlil, iij It. ),;\"j". Itl'''I, to I:ol>(,l~ 1J0uglnl>, to!l.,.'KIU ~ihil', .\ Ii. it<'Ul,lhlll 1i411111u n~dl1, l!J ,1.,1. l )oHt:llI~, 01 tl .....dlul'
ht.' COIIIII)llII(I, l;iiij it ltelll, the \'iJ '\;I~ tof ,1;11II1.1r. t~l~il lu ,\11111-0 '1,1111"""11 tlut he laiu ,1"1111 ill ::'i'l'tcl1ll.,-,r "i,~""1 I... Iht., KIII;!i~


hj ~

11"111, til

. \\lll m






:O'hlhl",ul, ~iiij ,. Iklll, 10 ,\101111' C'~llIh.-l"II, ~iiij~. HUll, Ih" liij ,In)' I" ,1,mll;lI', 10 1,1"1111 IWI.,M j'"r I" I~h lI'ilh Ihe nellc ()f Glu~oo, ill I~I) IIItlll (11 hi .. e);Jlcu~,


A(' C OU~TS O}'



Ix Fmneh crowuis Inglis lllone!.!; Sl\llllua xlij 11.; Ilml the l...,nHlllcnt ho luko fm J elOllle FriSCOWI!ll. Item, the x day of JallUo.r, to aile mnll of tho IIII'd of \\":mis Lrocht alle mil. bilk to UIC King, iiij !I. item, that 8I\1U)"U Ilyeht, to the King t.o piny at thc emlis, ill fJ.uhit 5ih'ir, xli;>;: s. IteliL, the xij (I[lY of JflJiUlI\" in uridibilvil" of nne blnk hOI"8 giflln to tile King, xiii.i Ii. Item, fOI bcrillg vf thc eOllblll"d 1m tile Abbay to the CII5LI.'I1 I.'ftcr Juie, iiij ~. Il ew, to '\"llliaul :\lu1culIl ill g(linulugh fUI" sLli llgis to the King-is CD bow, windes, eOldis, aUll gmthiug of l"8 . xxiij S. thnim, Item, to ~\IlIll"o :\Iath(!son qnhi ll.: he gai f for mending of the deir fal ..1 ill Fnllklllml, Cfll"yillg 01 ;>;:xv bukkis shue for tlHl (,1uene ami llile dan slIme ill December, ami vij liWlt1s with deir to Stl1\'clill divers trlllcs, vj If. ix ~. ltell1, to the eU l1l0Ull of l1 alrrudholiS thnt mendit the ol'g[l uis iu Strh'clin nnd Edill~~.I1'gh, x }'mlLeh crownis, . vij H. Hem, to AIIII\lI t.:okbnL"ll to pllS to Snnc~ Duthois Oll fut, lvj S. iiij FrrlllciL cl"Owuis; SIHlllLUI l!.em , Jluyit Lo the I\)lIbtc)" cukc he l[lid d01l1l to Ilivcrs pcrsous lit divcrs LYIll{'8 urooht wild met to the King, . xxviij ij. it em, to l\lalho A\I~ hli'k for llHlldu[; 01 tho Lull crowntis LO the Ql1CIH:, weyulld .".,vj 11IIC(', .>;lviij ii, h cm, Lo ).llIrlill I.;lIil3" ill tllC hnrs srhoillg, xxj I<'l'llileh ero\Inis ami 111ft tluicOJ'lli,; ; SlIIlllllU xvj H. x ii. [tom [1110 xiiij day of Jannu]"], to Allsle, tnulJrOIl:lr, ix 1$. ilclll, Ihe XI llay ur JUHllur, tu Culiu Call1plJcll, be Llle IGllgis ~O llllll[llltl, in l"CCompcnsatiollll of aile dUllS mnid ],e Ililll, \iij Fmlldl ci"OlIl1is; SllllllUIl \' 1 xij 3. 1. I t~'Ul, the X\-j lin)" of Jn ulHll, llllyi l to J OltllO FOrlll[l1l

1.0nn lII(;lf 1'In:.\ Sl' 1: EI:


dliit I,,: lai.1 .Ioun (or

;II~' )"ltLa;;c to lilt: Kin~ u( t)l\rA'~ ,:.0-,,;.

I...mly. xhilJ Item, h.l him rUI" \ij 1 11\\(10111, ....( emil, l'iiJ !-lIM... \\J IlHI!I.('S, xij 1~'g).:i8 lltJ\\ui. ,ie.llt't, I"J pail' I-tlnlh ~ lUI\> P'OI' knltw, 111111 tun ()lhh' \.;III11CII, ur lIiml .. )" plift'll. iij 11 i:\ io. IJ d ItCIII, Itl hi'lI he ;;uir iij Ill"l ..i8 or IMI,i. , iuk, Ij 1 ~lir c;lIti~.lli., j 1".il" tlr kuyrCl'. all(' '"'llut, u,',lilk" lhn~l, rUll' 1~lir So:iIIoMlri~, (.If Ililldry I'n..~, ~\;. ij u. IV'IiI, th., )'I',j ,L,)" (If J;II1U." t .. :\(Ullt'nr, IUluur:U, r"r lUll.' l.on,ik of pLlit t.) the Killg-, \tj fnmd. n"I11I1~ : ,II h,,:ik qullil\.; ht' g-.tir the Fnmd. kll~(ht, f..ur FIo" ... h Cl\Juuil; tiM 1~llr "r tuunl.')' ;;Iumll a ... 1 IIIL,' ,olir inllet I;luilll', iiJ Fnllleh l",mti!l. KUU1U1;I i" II, .\\) i;. II tl1l.lIlIe gilt (,,>eO of Ihe Thl"",mr houl :.:illiu to 11Ink lutC p.ll1 with Rllt' ,hllUtI rUI ;o.1~ I.o')nl l'liu.-e, hem, the );'1: day uf Jauu.u, I...1..1111(, '",,').:.ille I'm~ \.;"I,i' till' Kingis h,\nH.ll in lhe fiI:hip, f,.. tlte Ut(,nClh (o1ol\[lml, xniij a.


l tenl, lo J\lc'I:Il.n,kl :-IICWlIl"t,

tI,.1/I "r

lJuul ~lr, Joe Ihe

Killi.,'iR CVlIlIlUlII.I, Item. f".' IIU(' 11011 .111<1 h'I~'t I... ('rbl"!,',

\j "

:lIlJ 1 IJ .t Ih'III, tlte \\j ,1,1,' of J!lllll'U. I" :'II.I)"I;IU~ \.It J.cx.hOuJ . Xli: Fmudl ch.,;ni,,; i"lIIm! xiiij It. Item, the ;",iJ ,III) 1'( .I,wullf, It! lInc 1'"I\' \II,IU III lotith ,


10 ('uilli:llu, II , Ii'H lOr AlI~,uyi. "" lI i> 111;111. to It"f 1111,' h"lli III his lI1ai~tl" ill F\'Un ~.. ,,); Fraudl l<r"uui.. mum.1 \iiij Ii ittl1l, lit Willimu 1:,,1\, cult,Il.lr, f"r 1111(' ).. .. )f \" till' Kinj!.

Itt:m. thl' Hiij ,1.1) "t

:\iiij ",

to Bchir .Imm.,; Unllhnn-i~ ill/HI, 111 I,rillil~ih it" Ilf anc 110111 he gilif 1\1 the Kin~, li.iiiJ ", ItCIII, IU 1"1101\1,,1 J"'~uell h(' !".\If fur IInc l"J; III the )Ox ,1. King.
It elll,

. I~ Ir.o.I'

.\Cl'lJUX'I':; OF Tim

I L!.'IlI, the U \'1111r uf J 1I1l1UII', til III ill -,IIlI'till, Sp.:lU;5U1t, xij d. 1t"IU, lo the blll.l th qllh"n the Killg: a nd lile Fnmcll kU~'d lt tltlllik Ilt the 6tcdllye, xiiij S.

ito:lU, !U :U .li~ lt'l Willimll {}e::ihy he gnif tlll1' pur men at Leith. iij';' Ij U. I h'lI\ (ttlll "",ij Ilu) or .I,umnr1 n~ the cri:ltiuu) ng Qr .lalllCii l...gaui>t u.mH." 141 th,' King to \,1It. in the c.1Iulill :IOiiij AIktn. tl) the glltll~ II"I\(: girt UJ the WillI!, xx Fmuch
8 11111hll\



lklll, 11ll' xXl iij 11'IY or .JlIllI1ar , to J:oloert :-;elky..'k. cullcll,w, (Ul iij Hi lt UII.,<ari.e to the Kill;; ,It din'll; ')'IIle><, iij It. item, tor lila l~\jr kCITi ll';: 1.IIytlls t il the King lind
QUClIl'. . Ij n. ilem, (Ill' xij \';m!es, X;( \'j llinUHlJl{\is, Ina 1 01ll1lay 8UOI'di8, fUIII' tuul1l;.Y h,...1;8 to the tOlll1laY ill Strh'i!iin, xij \"i11l1l";. n iiij Jimlli'lmlis to the last tOUI1I11Y, or s indr)" pritill, l:1 A. l \.('m, the XXIX lIlly uf .lfllIllH1', 11 11(' tln('ft~ Or w\,"C ht to~.jlt
tllc k llop of thu ~o lJlu li 8 lh'IL W('6 the Iwscho}l or :\[n r1'llris IlIlJ ~i llill It! AlI t llollll {).II'llCe, :",11, ," t1. j Itcm, the I',:uuit (111)' I,r ,Inlllllll, l)(l the Kingiil cOJUlU i'l ud, \H th lla.;lili \ nLhollu, the FI;1IIch kUlcht, iJ{' th e Ii: ingis C()IIIUlI\II11. iiij' Fnm(h CI'Owu is iu I ugh ~ monce;
toIUllh l 1
11.<'111, tOl

itlxxx It

xij llC.o(~I' ,ih'il \1I'fM: hnll' U('II lIIllili ill nnutlrez., \l"cy;lwl _~ij \,111 111 liij IIU~': ilk 1I1l('\! :IV il. or lLIaid


Itelll, nne J:Io,111 fat UIl' 1 .l.u,I) , ,It W,ld, l-\illl n Uc the Queue Ull ~('\I' 0" il' Ila.\", till' ,y'!l' or GOoI t'U:. ," rOllr :;eris, Il ml gilhl1 t.o the baill kll )( hL [t('III, 1IIn' 8tol~' Allli nil.., II ,ICllt ... i1\'il' hlUl;hL Imillo Ill' .\ h i~II'1 ,IMUO"" :\lcrdO:lIl1c.:stoulI, \Iith tho1ir c.'\S('S, ~imll I.. hjlll Ilqu, tIll' .~ ;.:"J.I.lth "r 'Ih il' ;.:illi n I~' lII" 1:c."Cllr!p nr \ l un')I' ,," \"cll 3dl d;I.\" Itlt~l~t )::illill I" him, lIi'hl, fHr 1'lIl"u,"j,.'m;; ,11111 !.(IIIU11 m.: I" till' ~I I"J II. xiiij i>.







It4.'llI, cher th.. Fmn<:h kllrchl tlo:p.l.ltit.I<I.II,1 til 11 :"liu~- .... I~T. Wlln to.) hi' ,...n<llIuis I Fmllch ni ... HlIIlIUfl xx:>., h. Ly ll ...' dllthill 10."11\1 to tiwilll.


!le ll l, t o !Hie dKhlcri8 t'lq J(' uI pilOn'lIl1i \\I!11 IIIl' 1111)"11



item, }In};! t'l J"lmc '\IIIYll, 00\,,11. (01' \V 1I1'l'l"ia, .\'(x iI.. 11 1.'IlI, to him (01" 'j 1I\ I!ChaflilS 1I1111 .1111.' 1'llI<l0I1II. xx .. llem . tI.e last .ll)" <"Ir Jnnnllr. to till" FnHld. knychti!o (''(111:1111 iu 1I 11,lill~lOUll nml 0\1 tilt )nIIlll t" hi$ .1)"Iu\I", Ilia h"I'; t11<L 1I11.11o,..lclun, ,II )",. iI. \".ijll. oL. 11I;Ul, fur \'ij I'rnuch !\iuli\k~ to \11111; ilk \"'Ct.' xX"iij "-;
FWI:t .\11.

i)" h. x,'J s.

Hcw, the fil"llt li lly of FcLl"IHll", to thc I":ing hiwl!Clf ill hi$ pnrs, xix FLlIuch crowui!l, 11m' lLa]( nui(""lru, ImU1LUL xiij 1\. :w!litem, to )llIil:l(('r JULill'S W(ltSl.lI1. fur the hlmi, eS:!lt.'llS rCII' th., I\)<ml"lhili or "\'I,n',lr, :'III\I\:h, 4111\ AJlIil,lplhiU: ls !xuix. tI:t) i8; ilk WI)" "iij L. ~U llilnil XU\ 11. xij .. Heln, to .\ 11111-0 .\ } 1.,1111. IIt.lt 1.. lui,1 dunll tt) ('III,h\\;1I in :--itrih'liu Ihat k"J,i1; tl.., hUll , ("1' ilj hlllll,tlliM "-n~I. \j "mudl CI"'fIUIlt:.; t-mUIlHI iiij II. ilij" \tCh!. for Inxiiij 1;\111 col ... to IJilll ilk lai,1 "j ,\..

:o;IiJ ii..

Hcm. for lun 'lLlnd. f.,'U1t1 tv ilhlllllllJlllhl' !II Liclt],.1 ,..u,1 ill Fmllcc fill" tht jlt.LiLlI-( of Iii" IIi\(! l.n)cht fur Ihe'

hl.Lk 1.1'\)" ,


1tl:11I . the lI<1,:tUllllllt~ IIr J'd,m,tr. In It" I ,t. clf E1!l:ilt'S dl\h-<:h.1. :>'liij . ltella. to PCI,,"n of IIi lit I" :,';f Lho l~\ll\i ... (Jr til<! ~"W ill ill ,\lillhihi,. ix It IlClil. to 1101,1 .... (;lllh'\T.t~ for 11l"II,lit.;.! ,.f ,no:! ""lill II ... Ki\l~I~. ij ~, !t(,.UI, tLc Ilu;,1 ,by o( rel'nl.lI", a\ th ... ""itll'}i ,.t ~I.u-lt'r Wnltir ~ihyNlllllrnc, (II till' Kill:;: (.. ),ut illlh,." ClI1I<lili.



\illJ ...

. 1' lS-i. Itcm, to the god!};tnlc gift to the Illw)'n, x rl'l\llch cl"Owuill, \O H. ij Itelll [the fent W4Y 01 !.ocbl'tlll.r), to Mnrlin the :-;1~lIl.3Brt, xij !.I. Item , 10 Quiutin r OO II'I, . xiiij i. Ih'lll, lorAne 1 to the tUl1Igreo dllr in tho .\uhIlY, xiiij.t 0k 11(:111, to the mCH kepis the J.: iugia schip. nml OO~ mCII, ill dl'illk"'ill"il', . xJij l ItNn, the \' dlt)' of "cbrunr, to the sdk folk Ill. tI~ port of Sll'h'cliu, ' :<iiij d. item, thllt. lIycht, to the Killg t'Jllhilk he plnyitnt. the prop. xj A. \'j it. helll, 1.0 lIu' \,111" {(likil nt n,llI llobum, ij Il 1t('III, 1.0 J nlllCS Aykmnn fill' the Fmut;h \myduis lUl:.'Cing (1'1\ llichchul'S to ('nllllihu\;Il. cluhilk i.~ x\'iij owkill ; ilk owk xxiiij OZ,: SlInlllllt , xxj It. xij A. it(>III, to th e 6lli\\ JIlIll Ci\ f"I' olhil' slIlnll exp(>lU~ IIHlil1 011 Ihe s.,itl Im,reLt. xlij A. hem, to .JulLIIl'8 the "much mnn Ih,lt l..'I"~ tlw SI1.1 hon, xiiij &.. Jl(>m, to nue mnu "rodlt I'crtrikia to lhl' King, iiij l ' ...111, to the \;Iil of the \I"'lkml'11 in lhiIlMih'ir, xiHj l

to Allnw lloyd,

v S,

11('111, to Johllc J)1l\ id$Ou, 001'\101111.1', rOI- &chOlI,', Lillis, allli l~lIIlll nl to l h(' J.:ing !I'I\ AlhfllloJwdny to ("IIUhhIlCl, liij II iiij g, Itfllll, th(' \'j d'l)' of F('hnMr, tf) th(' l';inJ! to pla.I' nt. lhe cMtill, xviij It Ill'III, lor J llilil >ll:lwtlc W tIl(' Fmnc h ''''.1', xiiij d. h .,IIt, ,,, .I"hlll' rill' to !WUI I" 1':"l inl,n ll!h, II(' th(' Killl;il tOllllwmd, xiiij it 1l" III, IIII' I'ij dny >lr F(,I,nlnl'. ! ~Iyit In 11 1'11 1')" 1.oI'Yllmil "1I xxiiij pnil' IS I ,uri~ tU IIC !II \liI'cl'8 lymlil. xxiiij it I U'In, ror iiij I'mi!' 1 '\II,!! ~plU'iq nnrl,i pnir nl111) II).: 1!11n";~, X\'ij ii, Ilun, IlIr j IMi!' brlli.l fll"m p intil!, 1'('I'IIl'!lin~ of rj pHil irn;~ l}IIII)'II~ fir llllt' I ~lir onny n!,! ~ 1('nll"'II" ~ A, IU'I.I, for MIl' J; 1 ~'t I!it \\ith IIl1l' IJi WII,!j!', JlII Il olhil' grct



hit. for t1", IolvtIU 11011>, tun lIe\\ lillll' lritli'l, IIlllldill;; ...... 1*7. of xj llltti". IIlIe by tol aile Coi.I;.;..I1, "iiij \'ic-l u:l.ll:t nml Pill' 110", Ch"'113\~', !of aimhl "flU.. I ltelU, to tiKI tim IUt!l.oIti.i of l1unlJl,uiI" II1IlL lIill:.;il fOI ;\lcIW\:t. i)rulluuollIl, th,li l' '1lUlllm r..,I' uf t,.;IImllllUc , \. It. Ilem, 11l3t. day dIll" none, to the Kiu~ to IJh.\" at till' ennIS, uij l "j tl. Item, r'I. wellu" to corir the Kin:.;illlfIltl uf It.'d,' h" bc.ra in hil ham!. xi l Item, fur ...,itlillto till' 311nlil in !-.uiI"tliul\U11 I.iulilhq\\,

xiiij l.
Item, to .\I""l' ('lIlluhenili. IU'"Ohlr, f"r hiullinJ; Il( :lI'J Iwo.,1 lIall,hll willi si lk C'lltliA. 1\1111 :n, 1I(,,.III.,lil to Iwonlil: ilk SIIOI'\ gmlbillll; ij ~. \ iij .1 ; IilllUmn "liJ ~ ' Iij 11. Item, (vr rarying of xij eolTre? to the .\\.bn) nlill fro tho .\ hl",y llil'cI'8 I)mea. nnll lor rnl'yinu (If t he Kingis harm'S to Slrh1!liu nnd a..~I11(, to Edilllml'gh.



him tO I' nne pnil schune uUIII.;u IIml nne IIIIir of glnl1il of hnrlll:" 1,lalt. to Ilk' Kin;:, .nii'j i. h elll, fo.' IIl1e (,Ilit 10 EI1IC;\) clnllM:h.II;1I h'ltll CO\,'111 llith k'tl.lir, xlij ~.

\t(,IlI. fUl llighting I1nd nu:ntliu;:: of tile Kiu;..';, h,ml," in Striwliu, xiiij I. 11.('111, ror tim do~nu IInlll("I III.>,.Uli6, \"j ~. Item, for iiij Ioll"!'t. ;:nnl .. tor jllMlililol; ilk 1)('('(' xiiij "In m lllll h-j ;.. itCIII, fllr nuu H'oI(Ir to nne j.(l'l'l ht'l\ 1111111'\ .. nd PM htill b'lm' th:"lt I.l('til Ihe gwl ;':,11.1, hj ~. Itcm, fot nno hd"':tdl"l1l) Ih,' Kiu;.; ~if IJ'fll lIuu,," I1."ll1l1e 1,ln8I"111I1II I" II ..! "01".1"1'. iii; II. \'iij' Item, Ih,' l'iiJ II.n (If rdonl..'\r, t" II ... r. kNIo"ltU Ioj,wl!!1 Il('hi",111I.' Kill~ in :-;t.<r1i'l xiiiJ~, Item. to JI1l~,h I::iluUIIlR10IIU. liiij i. 1 ~1lI. thill L1)tlll, in Ihmh"lI,'IO I" till' I":ill~ ,.\ Ihe
~iiij ~.


:\ CCO[XTh OF Til E


Itell!, the i); 41,,,- of Fdlnll.lr, ill D nuberwne, to nne ,'I"l'i.lll for his ~nd 'illhair the schip wes biggi t,

Item, til nl ll' litlldnr I1n\1 nllO Mnurou:'Ir th.11't, itt-UI, til thl' I:'hi" \lrilllt, of dli ukaih-il', ItCIII, to the 1'0IlU;':III(>jJ. in dliuksi k ir,

ij S. \ Iij i. xx\'iij l

item, to nll.:o mnll tu I ~UI fill OUU bcl't./lIiO LO tho tOtlll of .\ir \lith nllO writi ng of the Killg;s, iij ". Ilelll, thnL uyciJt, ill <':11t;,;Ucmnl~l. to the Killg to piny at. th{' (,lInia, ' l:xi;ij it
[!('IlI, thc ); Iiny of Fellrunr, to the wcr kmc ll, cuki.f!, aud

t('lTlIllIli,. in ('m),(\II.'l1Irll"ll , ' l:l>j ~. 1tCII1, to Wille \\'lIll, Ix> t he I\iugil oollllnnnd, . l:iiij i<. It{'ltI, to tllll tnloonn ria LO p08 fro ~ t li\"cl ill to Edinuul'g h, xiiij ~, IlcUl, the xj day of Fl'bnml', lO nll(' pure WOU III nL U Cnmbuskilllleth, xij (I . ilelll, to RIle rule than:', ij ~ [tCIII, to tho fel'ynr of l:nmbllskililleth, ix i<. It{'ln, thl' );ij dny tlr Fclwunl', to ,Jomes Jacl(' ni8 mn n, be tho King;1I coulIllflml, ix s. Itl'.II, tn thll :Hlli"lt'I' of El""ldu llia 1111111, ill bridilllihi l' of 1111(' h01'1I b"lhu to tho Kiui:l'. ' xiiij~. I I{'III, i'nyi~ to T homn8 I'('blis, gl n,~ \\"I'ic h~, f,JI' iij cudngf' 1ff g ina 10 tho !'ito-il, ' xxj i<. hew, to Ihe EI"1(' ,If ( 'l'f1urHl\l i~ InlcoufII;s 1.'liwliL t1ln 1 hulk;1I 1'1 tht' l'inf.(, ' I S. Ib'lIl. ttl tl'l' \lllKlt of ClIlnbU 8killlieth h(' guif the " fll"i~ Ilif HlII I 1~11"l11'. xiiij i\. ! tl'm, \4) lilill .\ I,'lti ll t ill.' 8 1.:lltN'I't ,. jjij It. ltl'm,lhl' :\1 fln~' uf Fellflulr,lO Ihe K ill~ 10 1,1",- nt
thl! eMI j~.



IIl'1n, t41 nne IiLnu flf ) llIk lllltill Imocln \eUCI"f'I ttl II ...,

IlI'm,ll'e \jij tilly of l'e1'l1l11r. for .1011110 i\ lcl'd l:. IIt('ljt.... n" fllllhl,lill~im.:, hj 10. 11... ,11, til th, I":ing him ~U ill Ilis pnfll, \\" Fmllch 1,;10,"1111 1:nIIllIIlli xiiiJ Ii.



It~m , th., X\J tby or Fe1.nmr, to Anslec, tauLrtollar, xiiij i ' .. 1!.4C-7 h em, thAt nyelu. 10 WalltOlIn"" that -ang tCl the King, xiiij 1 hew, h) \\'.lIIt(lIl11(..11 thnt the King leo:!!it 01111 gC11 Ilir xiiij II. silll:{ in the QIICII('I dmlllir, Item, 10 MOIItllnll, polillgair, for W,I'IIt', cu\u, cHudi l, nud otltir ' 111all gmith, ix M. " L 1t('IIl, the :nij tL'l)' of Fl,!hrunr, t'l thc qu,II..: of the COIiOIlt-'llil. xiiij A. Item, tht! '(\-iij dar of Febnlnr, to nlKl. Aid mall IMI hed lh(' ItaliC!, ix i. Item, to ..bft .\lIlle, tlllr)!1 \\"if, xij (I. Item, the xix day or Fcbrunr, In U.1Iule DOllk, be oomHlRlld, xlij II, IIl'lII , to thl' Fmud myth, be till' Kill!!i. e<>nllllfllld, xiiij C. [tcw, to Ane Ulnll 10 pas to 8tl'l\'('lin with tbc contilluntiOli1l of the Aire, iij S, ltt'lIl, to Alnne l'oquheron, fll1nOmr, xiiij ~ itt'III, pnyiL to Jolin.' Broun of Air qllhilk Ihl laid doun for nllc IlOtl' til 1111111i,1unl (luhl'lI \Ie I.......il ill Irlnn" 1.<. CI'I!olrl,!l'J..'lI~ xliiij I. iiij d. h('IlI, the u: dny ,., F('lInlnr, to Ihlllcnnc J:iehe, IIH.'l\.~i\lolir, to 1)(\1 \\ith thl' l\illl,:i8 Il'Ilit'l to the EJ'll' of Armn ollli thl' .\I.b()t or Pnsley, b: l. IINIl, w,Tolllll' Ikg, IIlcuingeir, pnllo1lal 10 tIll' Ik,<;chClI'I'8 of J)unhl nnc, Unllkel,jclI, lhe Lordi. OJiphaut nml thUIIIIlIOIl1t. to cum to the CllilillllYIIJ; (It till' l'rillCl', , l Itcm, Llic .'(Xj IIIL) or Frlorullr, "lIhl'lI my LOlli I'linC(' wtt hOl"lll', tn ThomtlJl Schoril\\\, lIlRIi~IU:IIl, tn pM 11\ IUI;:I.IIIII 10 \\nl'lI llll' Kin~ or In\!Jtllltl, \'ij M_ Jtern, to thl' LlIdy .\lnlalM!, l'I'(.o..;hl tithill~.j, til the Killg ('Ir th<: Prince I,irth, f \llIicomIS; IIIIUlIIII\ lun n, 11('10. to hir thllt lumyn I)'rn, a grcl.(' tOUp of ",h'ir (lur gill thlll the lIi~:hop of llurra ~nir thl' Kin.c: It elll, If) .IlIhlll' lll'ummoud, wricht, IIf' III>' I\in .. C"IlIril mnml, \hl il;,

A(l'Ul'\TS OF 'rH E n,

llo.'ru. to )'ulliLi Ih(' ~llOn,y.lrt. jiij ,I !tcw, l/.J Thonw.. l~ItILIdl ror tine ,,,Iir gluHa alltl j dOlan \,uinti!l (01' Ihl' Kill:!. ;o;;xij 1 1. ikllI. tim x\ij II.;IY of FcI,ro.1f, fOf \'ij VJ'Cut'S of ~'Ohl 10 the I\illl~, ilk ,,"'!Ie 'O(iiij it; aunUlIa iiijII. w[iijl] lt~HI, t<l ~hir Thuuta. 1'Jmliu. ht, tht) Kiu;rif; C{)mmlUl,I, \. h'1.lIIch cn'lmi.; sumhlll iij tt. x (Ii.] Ilt.otU, to the muia, he the Killgi.i I..'OIIIUIIIII<I, S'O( Fnllwil ernullig; ~nUlilla x iiij (n,] itl'W to AltllIO CO'1uilemn, nrmol1lr. xiiij #. ItcIII. tilt' 'l:xiij tla~' of Fo.>lmmr, t lli.' Pliuce Wc8 CliBti nn;t, tu 'Iui~tl'r Juilnl' ) l urnlY n~ t ho I'rin6.i jll~lru nlCll ti.i LI1.iu\t. xiiij i<. h"IU. to thl' An::hLeachul' ur f-;,mrl;Ulllroia Il'lhilk he ken iii hDWOl,;, xiiiJ ~' IWUl, to \. Inl\'II!('ti~. \' Fl1l11ch erouuia; 81111\11111 iij lt x l IWIIl. I') ronn.. l"llitu IIII'u8lmles, fourc Fmnch CI'Own;s: ~\ullnlll iI'j l It''IlI, If) .\.LIIII nll)'l!' .\\11<11'\', nlill 11K' aeh'l\ueris childer, xlij K 1l('11I, to (lUiJIi.1lIl, t;lullt"IIIH1I', Jlml his IIlllil, . xx iij j. I Will, 11'1 tlil'l'l'8 lII('n8tmll'tl nt thl' ':;"~, bt' tl l(' Kingi8 CfllIJlwuul, ix 11. I'j ~. \i ij d 1\.('111, tAl lhl' t.:lm/imu' or ~tri\'dill ((If half Hlle )lll ll d nll.V' 'II 'I<.'ill, Iud r nIll' (Iulul 1.1011'(:,. iI llei,l, ij 1\ U('I' 1>('1111('1. .,,j,I, of ,m.lly pricelJ, \'ij:t iiij d. /ttUI, I.) )lun,ll\lIollll Ilel'll!.' nllll thl'! luir of Ill'm].]is, xx Fraudl "\'OIHIi~. ItlllU111n xiiij II IV'III, till' .liX\-j .Iar ur Fl'l)l"Ilal', 10.lohll ('''\"Innll l h'lt. hI.' 1,,;liI1l'1II1 rnr I"J hOI"!! (I~I ::>11;11"1111 to Eoliuhlll'l:lh lIilh an'('<'l d,ll/lill, ij" /mkifi. iJ'; ~IIIIIC IIr loll is, llI('ml;ug "r IIJ(~ li;lfi~. II(HIIl (..ll.ill'; "r the 1I1'I'l'S elalilill, iiij k'lIIlt' :11111 h'l'iUJ:( or gl'n'. or .lh'OI'S l ori('ill, iij It. iiij A. x .1.
lVIII, 10 ,'ullll<' 1),.ri,l""m, "" ... I')IIII\", (',r setH/til' ami btltis
1" (" Hur,,\" dil"<'I'!! tlllll~,

h"III, w thu


nij'" iiij II ,l uhlll' fUl IICh!lll(\ to lh.. Inlly III t he

LORI.) IIl tJ lI TIiE.\"'l'J!H


L:ustdl, llnrjory Ijllll(>'illJ ,',Ii Ih 'I( ..m, X"n.f', IUI.I.I>. tho.; SI"n:;<lrI ,,~ Ilin:I'5 1,-11....... X'l.iij It. liiJ ,I h(:llI, (IIr nUl' 1','1"" "r IIL(> Kill"::'" I" yuu,1 Jlj', ItliCC. Iluhilk \\'t'Il-<ltlim til 11\,y 'lulll'll I", \\I~ ,,"11.1114'1,11.1, xII. Item. II ..! \\\lj ItlY!lr F\'I'llllll. to J!IIIW 1.111111). till' 1;,,,1 ur I. lInllyi~ lkl1l, IIC th" Kin;;i. ""111111.""1. 'pIIL"u IlaI$i~ ill Fnl1wl." \\ Fmm;h ('1"11111"1; ""!IUII,I liiiij II. Ilt'lII. (". ij,' ~ dill' 11l~li5 ~h:U{' I .. 111<1 j,uf'li in Ih' KiugU lilit lihlc\OI('I lit'". t" Wille B.'IlflHni. \fir. 1.:l tile 1'III:.;i~ 1001lT'lllIIl'1.


u\iij ..

\\llh th>!! 1!1I,'n,', x fralld, l!'ullllil, IU hlhm \'ij 11 11('111, In Alallc ('Otllihemu, II.nnfll"1u. t~, Ih, K\U~I'i ,NIIUI.'IIIU,
liNn ,

Item, to th .. h1\~k' wif

Ih.l~ wu;



he tho! Kingi. commaud, I.. Unltllll"'lhl III('


111311, \ij Ii. /tNn. In tit" AIJliOI Or C':lIulm!l.kiUllclh h., !;aif til th, \,('rL:UIl'II (lr till' I..h.'pdl locllli'l' 1 ..{'5lnllig 1I1ll11A'ith, xiiij I. It<'lll, to Willinm FI.e\rt rur ttl IMlI ill FI"\II<' '" FI1U)ch t",unil; 11111111111 ,-ii h. l\l'w, ttl th e Frtllll'h 111;111 that k"l.i~ th .. l\ill!:iM t:rI'l hOI'S, \iiiJ l h l'''I. 11t~' x\\'iij Ilay of Fd,nmr, til l Iinl",I!! 11."'11..\1 fl'l' I;!ullil til tllf' I\ill~, xniJ o'l. 111.'111. to lluilli'lIIl. t,l\Il>l'IInat, ("I' 11I.lkillI; ... t .111" II'liI>! till' ~llll{, uf till' l'lilicilO \'Il'IIt, liij II. iiiF_ ht,lU, Iii .. lns~ IIJI~' of Fdlmar. \11 HOyl1 the "d} ,t"hill; Ilf\liIil ill Fldlll.. '. ... :tX\'iij S,


111'111. til IIl,'II"I,I.UIIIII . 11"\\- t'<IUit l:"thll'r r"l" I" I>J~ ill

FnlU('I" ~11'I1\1'" IIItlII'"rtug,IUil,.. l":iugil "IIII-li"" \\ 11. III;.:lis; ill ::-"~IUia 1II!>IIQl', In 11



hem. to Ai llue Coquherau, be thE' Kingi!! coullnnud, xniij A. htm. the thrid My of ) Iltrch, for xv cine Cftnllues to be
1 }(Ild! tn tUI'lI the pnil.;onl in to Qnhithim: ilk tine xij 4. ; !lIInmn xv II. Itcm, for line wRlInt. to John of UU~, xij 4. item, to WilliltlU Dullr, be the Ii: iugis colllmand,

"0 l Itcm , for l\tIe gret spere quhilk t he Erie of AlTIln urak,

Item, to OliO \LUIU qnhilk the I';:ingis hol'l hUrL,. xiiij II. ItCIll , to frere Dominik, priour of III\'emes, be the Kingia comlL1nlid , xiiij I. Item, the yij liny of )Inrch, to .,.,hne I.ngalle thIn kepis the I\ingis blll'llel ill the !ehip, nnl' 1II0nelhis wllbte to
CUIlI, '

, ..

xx\' iij t.

Item, to WnntOllel lind hi\' tun Ullll'Owi!! Ihllt &ang with



110m, 10 Alltne Coqnhl'nm, Itl'tIlOl'llt, be the Ii:iugis com

moml, :xiiij A. item, the ix un.\' nf ;\ lnr'Ch, 11Il,I-il IQ ~ h ir .Johne J:nm8llY for the wriling of lire nnic nlcs thnt the Frunch knycht. hed in FI'(Iuce for the julting,

.. \ij A Ilem , to ,l ohue Iicttsci(l, pnilb,l'Iu n man , . iij A. IINI1 [the :xj day of ;\\IlI'Ch). to the Ilif of 11 ;\l nre m III holl8 I,uilair lh(' I;;illl{ di~junit , vijil h eld, in J.int oulI, to tlw l;;il1f:;is i.orkI1l'il, xiiij A. item, th'lt. nyeht, ill DolphiugtoulI , to lll(> lw('U!t (01' fiff', cnntlill, nud hclcheir quhnit th(' I\ illg In~',
xl"iij It

Item, 10

1111(' \)\\1'(> UlIiU

in n olphingtoun lle(\ nl1(' kOIl

"iiij II.

,Inllc, x\'iij II, h"III. in !lisnr qnhair Lhc KinS dynyl, in 1l('kh<'ir,
IhlIl. tn Xornr. llC 1I11' I\in~is colllmnnll,. It,u!. In th(' \\'i( in lJl IUUI)ugtonn Cjllhnil ;.11 lIycJll.
\ij A.
t h (> 1';:;111{


. XXI iij ii,

Lonu H IG H 'fHEA:,um:H


tho wif tlf CnwoJeil(lpd ijuh.lir the Kill;; JYIIJt ... ,,~ l:.v.t.l',
\'IJ b,

ill Uclcher.


tllU~ lIych~.

LO lho wif of Cl1ll1ful'd (Iullllir tllll Killg

x\'i iJ

ilClII, 10 nl10 pu re WO!flIlU L hai!' ijuhilk


he.l hir

1001IS il'!,t

I.II'O kin, ' \'!l, h em (thu xij tt,y of l lfll'Ch}, ill I'Minton'llh, to th.: liij :1. qneue of lhe (;'lIIollgait, . h elll, to tht' lard v( ltYItOll8 r,I\OOllllris, ,U\,jjj ~ IWm, (II the clUlI'''' vf l:mufllul llllrc ililhai .. the Kill;; dYII) I, to nne 1'1U'e IIUlII, (>f helchcil'. \-ij ~ 11elll, w ThulllM lI u ll)" grum IJOUtWir, COlli fr,\ Lho

h'j i.

11CIIl .

I~'yit to Jmue8 Homyll for Rile yLlULg~ lakin ha hiu. ~ the King, . XI iij ". Item, lht! xjij day (,If liru-ch , to the J,iugis hdeitcl'e ill Jluriilldert"!, xiiij ~ Item, to Ihe vical' of UurisJere (J1llmi\' the King lay nil
pUll! 11111.11

IIrcht, item, to nile

xiiij ~ laid t.11 Lo lhe King, l'1 \'j ... I-iij d.

Item, lo nne wif thnt hal bir sih-i r I lollill l\I\a~. lIP the



!It.'III, to litre pur folkis lit the wnlir



1- ~


t.o Willil!lII

l)ou ~tlS

ij b. (illhil)'; he WILli ha the King: III

schilling with the cul'sbow, ' .\XYiij it Ite\ll, the xiiij tiny of Mnrcll , ill J\: nl,)()Ul, tu the fOI\1'e Itnliell wellstrolcs, be lhe l\in;;11 CIJIIlIllRUd, iiij FI'ancl. CrQWlles: sWllum , hj j; Item, to Alex4l1i1er Lnw, fuJoonllr, . \-j l h ell1, to tille woman th:lllOng to the Kino. x:XIiij il. Item, lo !Inc litlw.i,tr, bo.l the I\in.,;i!! cunlllH\u(l, xxix .;. It.cm, to IIno pure cbepnlll.lI, he lhe Kil1t:ill Cllllllllillnl, xiiij It. Hem, for aoling of nne pair 8(:hone tt> tlce Killg in l'en POIl~, \'J II.

..... 1!.OII,j,

OF Til E

hem, the :\\' tlay u( llnrell, LO the \-icar or l'enpollt in ,Dxiij A. 1000lcllI:ir, ILt'IU, tt' .I"hllo :\laktnlJo, r,.I('Ollrlr, ' \' Aitem, to 1Ile wir .\L tI.e kirk Iluh.1.ir lhe King di!>jllnil, xi iij i. Item, Rt ('Mlt,n Fern quhair the King uynit in belchere, ill; A. It('1I1, llmt n~dH to the- King qnhilk he tpll Oil &chuting 1\ ilh the ~'l'lIl>o\\ \\-itll \\'illi.'hl Donglna, . xxviij 1 ill'lII, for uue ""11.. to the Frnlleh boy, \' 11 Item, the nj uny of :'Irn",lt, to the I\iugis lX'lclleir in UnIr,I, . xyiij ~, Itelll, to QllhyuhoI'C, U\l1uronl'lr, nllli his 1113rroW, I'j ~ heUl, for the I\ingis l>clcher quhnir the King dynyt loe the Wlit,. ix h. IWm, thnt nyclu tin.. Ki.ng SOII'llit at :\fenegnuf, ror the hclcher thnlt'. ' ill; Il. it(,llI. tho \:\'ij linyof .\In!"cll, in I'ennygh:nuc, to the King" tpillilk he ~rnt \Iilh Willirull Honglna, , xliij iI. Item, t .... nue I'UI' ),UIII thnl'', I'iij (1. !tNn, 1\) nu(' lIH1n that lum.: NHld Niuullcs 1Jc1l, ix ~. Itl'1I1, to ,h ,IIllC FOI1L1111l he hell ;;illiu IlWflr, he ti m Kiuf,tls cOlll ma)lIl , vj ;.. It('lll, tOI J,leIV lhrciu to 1-0 nne llC't, xliij .1.
It('lll, t\1 HIli; 1IH111 lhnt SAllg 10 the Kill),!, ' iiij i;. itClIl, the xviij Ilily "r ~In ..c h, in WigWllll, in I){'lchci .. IJuhnr 11u"l 1\illg Iny, xxviij Ii. IlA:ll1. In ll1L\' LU;lU that g)'llit Ille Kill).: rnl WiglOun to Qllhid.il11 II('fol"\' II:\\"_ . :l:i iij II. It"III, tt Iohnl: " nk('u\l". rn1c"tHll", . >;iiij M aNn, l'l Ihl' l,nln.bl-1ir 10 I~... t Ililll !".tliLllml"gh, xiiij R.


It<'IlI, w.Jr'\IIIC ill'rt'IC.'id, pntl;;;OIHl 111:111, r.... r iJ hoI'S wng<' :11111 IIII'll witll l!.nim ror f'IIlJing of nne }"lIlil':;OIlIl t" 1]1I1.itl!iLt. ,11111 u~ltne. ,"x'(\-iij A. 11.('111, t., .111e 1lI1ll! ,If tl,(' 1:'-oj('l!op ur !:nllown)is gaif nn(' I,,,. I. tilt' Kin;.:, ..\iiij f"-l

LOI:U 111 (:11 TItL\ Sl'IlFl1.



Item, 1(1 II,,' I',;"or (>f l~uhithimil!o 111"'11, in I,ri,lih.ih'iror .... :.cG-7. allc I}<)I~ . xiiij A. helll, w n.wi,1 1:i\lf",lI . i"l-' II.1I Hf til' II nll. II!J Iii,' I\in:.,'i!l (0111111:\11\1, xiiiJ II Ill'lII , to .\ ~Lull ('nklmrll fOI iiiJ IIl1lklll Ilid . n jl ItCIII , Itl CMlik th,' IUlal', j, iI. itelll, tl) :-..,:hil- Th"ma~ Xonll"c. 1_, l"VilllII_,u,l. uj it. Item , for J IJilil' of ~h"lll~ t" ~l:allm. I: II. 1t"IIl , In ... IrI.ul.ll'i1;>"lJl 10 hil11 I" I i,l. NI. l1ij 11. Ij ,1


Item , tlmt ny, h t. tu tlw 1\ 111;.\ to III< \,.,1,1,

\Iith I :,~r... 'C

Call1pl,,'II . "iiij i. Item. tu tl.1' 111.1 1',i(olll' f l}lIllithilUllI ~'lm"lj,:lln. xiiij J. Itcm, lIl(I \ix .Iar uf '1111"11, r"l iiij 1t"1 \ .. \1113 ('''In' Iwli<"ll h.cn~lml t,. fm f!lIhi tllim t'I'l'II";':\;III.I, \' 1. Itcln, to) 111116 .Iok tllltl nil olilil' die-hi Itl 10-\1,. \11;1 IliUM til f>:"huI HII-g:h. XII .
ILcIU, 10 l}uh )' lIbol'C, Lmioronar, IIml biN 1l1!l1l"oW. o:xliij

h t'lU. II ... n '[;')" of " i1l't h, to Al1Ill'o ~ll'\\Ull. the I1lIc of .\Ihnlll i ~ 11011, for to I J(I~ ill F IIUll" xl FI'OUl'h

l'n)Ulllt ill IlIglil! mouco' , 1I1I1U1"'l XX\ iij Ii. item, for J hol'V to hill1, \"j II '-iij!o' liij ,I. h (>lIl, pant to \rilliHIIl " '11!"11111 r"l' \j I<tlil1t:i~ 1111\ r"l~ IIhiu#!'. \\illti{'8 l",~ii.,. a\lll 1:"':\ iliu):: 11m "I ru, tlll~ K illhoj~ CHI1Il.,\\. '-xiiJ~. iii.llt 1tt"II, to 1:lIoI'unll , lut.it . xiiU':'
h l'1I1, I" I.onl Fh-m~'n;,.ojl t,,"I,n'ILIl \iiij ;.. h " III , to l'attl 111It 1'.11 , t\m ....'lta. ...iiij iI. ItllIl. tl) lun lnlll1l ~li. II~,~ lit'! IlL t~ uhilhill' \lith thc Kin;;. """iij l 1(('111. In n llt' mOil I" :'111,1 fr3 f>~lilll'\ll;.:h lu I. .. llld.II~'llI' lo lUeit the Klllt\' \lith \Hiti,,~i., x ~ Item, tn IlIghl! ('\lII,I~'. 1,,-, Ihe KIII"I& C"",m:Ill<I. '"( ... 11('111. to RUt IlIt'lr ~'I ('; :'111"",.1.1-. xiiij :.. il l'lII, , .. HI\<' lill ...lar. IJ(' tb, l\ill~itI "111111:'11\'1. ij i.. Ikl1l , tt' .I ..l,: W .. lb~ nJ'" 1t(,1II. l\1 nue fl~d"lt, loe Ihl' Ki ll].!i~ (,<'I,lIn:m,1 iilj" I1J ...



01- THE

15<.oel ,

hem, to ane mens-tl'llle, t.e the Kingis oollllllll.ml, IIJ .. hem, tor the Kingis fl'lllleht cumnnd Rnd gnllgaml III the IlutCI' of Bladuo, . xI'iij' Itcm, to the rreria of WigtoUll quhnr the l\ illg uyn)'t, ip belcher, xiiij 8. Item, 10 the cuke iu(ldit be the gnit, Le the Kingis colllllutnd, "ij S. Item, in Wigtoun, to tho l\ing, quhilk he IJnL Ilith xlij II. })(wid Cmnfunl III 001'8 and IliIe, h em, to aid HoLerL J:oo, t.n the Kingia commaud, xXI'iij S. ltelU, [ill] Tnnglund, 1.0 the fome itruieu menstmlea to f8 thnir hOl'8 to Locilluillonn, xl'j B. lIeuI, lor iij blidillos bocht. ill Urumfreil, iiij;. Hem, th e uj day of Mal'Ch, to the bo) i-, or the kedlil1,

iiH. vj (I.
ilem, fOI nne Imyf, LO the hillg at kelying werk, xI'iij (I. IteUl , to Alexander I.aw and Johne lInkcuUo. fnlCQnnri8, . xl'iij S!trill, ror ane pair (If scholle to the Franch boy, xij t1.. Item, to Alexander lionloun , qullilk he gail to aue mnn ij 1 lei t. the KlIlgis hOI'S Lindo, Ilelll, t.G the ltutien hl!)USt\'8.i es, be COIlIIllIlIIlI, . l\"jiO. Item, tvane Ilure man Ll'ocht IHle pyke to 111(' King,

Item, t.G aile II; p01' plnyit Ilith Lho schaln!leris,_ 1-' h em, the xxiJ tiny of ;\lll.rch, to the foure ltulien me nSlrnlea to lo ~llIlilll hOnl rm l.oclulllll.oo.llc to I'eLlis, . xL Item, ttl nnll Jum eheld thnt kClliL the bct in l .ochmo\.'"nc, xiiij Q. lteJu, to fOIll'\! mcn~U'alea Lhll~ plll)it L lhc King iu O) LIJchmaOtm, XI- L I'j J. it(-III, to thc lillll cuke lad,lil>, xij d. Itl'lII, III l 't1.l;1, for IIUC b'<lll l.IOk to l\l ~ nnc gcd t.o EdinlHugll, iiij f" I'j U. Itt'lll, to nllc mnll of .Iohllc ,;\IUlmps l'l'ocill the 8IliJ ged w I'euli&, I'ij '-




h "w, IhL :\"iiJ ,\;.)' of :\Iar\:b, in I'... uli!o, W Ih, fount _.u. Itahl'u 11It'IIHmlo:ll LO fo Ihni!!1 hOI'll W 1':.J.iIlLu~h, il: ;.. ItCUl, to th.., gude wif of the Kiugis lugoing in 1'cl>lill,lIf b::ichoir" ~\'ij J. \J'1. ItclII, (" alill mall of Juhlle :\lurmyi3, 111 L,iliibihir ur lUll! hOI'!! ~iI1lu tu tht: King, ix~. 1ll:IIl, to FCl)tJ GrnUlu VI 1'-.IlI to :-;trhilill wilh 11110.' Ii'JI" gillill lotJ ,loll11e :\Iunay. .\iiij 6. ( Will, to J(ohll~' :\t.IL:~ullo nlill Alc"n1llk .. I.aw, fnicr'llIU'is,

Item, the n:iiij dny flf :\Inreb, \.0 wir 1111,1 his \jaMIe, ~IIIJ l>. Item, to J:ith;ut Wallas to 1"'10 tn ,\ !'II,lclI,:;IHlct ,Iuhus1.01111, U'llkNh, and <":o.lul'i," ill FyI!' with IiiI:' !\iu.;is iHtl"1!l r.,)I" the euuunyng: of the l'apes (,1Il!)lI~.I, xxj "h em, I" Julinc Beg, II1cssillb'Cil', to p.u 10 Cohlill~h"llI to "an! the l'riom limre, ,"j it iWIU, Ihat s;\1II)'1I nycht, to ,,",,"WIlIICl and hir maro\Ii.s Ihnl llAug to the King, xiiij i. hem. Ihe xxv day of )'I(ll"ch, to F,'I"':..v Gmntl' to"I'" I.'.oi" lide to 'lanle tbe Erie of Botlll1iic nwl the \;ml or Baa lor tIll! CUlnlu~'n~ of the l';lilC:b cruinH,
\ i;.

xdij ~ till' 'I lire tnu\"lIl1l1ris

\tenl , I,) Jflmc T.li\J,our to Pili, ttl Lui'll BortlHlik sie like. \' r.. it<'1U, the ;(X"j d.IY of ) llIrcli, W lila chillier thaL urooh~ Lim ~rCL Jliki.s to the 1-\ ins, ij ~. \"iij !.l. ItelU, t'J TClnl)iltn"n 1~"lSSlIIlU to the Inilli. IIhout ',;,lillLII'll" for lUl"tillg of the ClllbnbSiit. iij ~. 11,,111, t o l~ l'ro'"e.st of EdinhuJ1!h he inj,j doun L., the KiuSi. ('f.lIUIU!md 10 the lUell thut l.Ji~iL the L:II'gl. iii .irink3ihir, xiiij ~ Itelll, 1~1~"il LO Ihc t.:ollll'lroll.ir that he ini,i d"lIll (to pcnuusJ lh.'t bed th.,ir ('0\1\ clin '1111\, n tl" Kill>! \\"l'5 nt hunting, ilj tt. h elll, to him he g;lif to flue IIIAn:LO pas to .::chir !l11l1'


,\U'Ol'XT:; OF TilE

cane C'runpt-"!II Jur cl\ryillg of the Kingi:; m>bli. 10 UUllIhcrLlu<;. \'J ~, 1t~U1. to "'ne UlRII thnt lJ<llil,it to the lanl of UU'lnh:Ul1lilll for pLln!.i'. iiij S. Itelll.to him (the loml'tnoll"Ij. ho gnil for f1l.l;Clics in I.illlith,!" Ihe tym6 II~ Qm'llo Wl'" thnlo." iij n, x;.. (tclll. to him he Illi, 1 110u1I fur the Kingi!> .lo-,;;i. DleL fro tho ti ..... t .Iny of .\ugUM, lu the fh8~ 11n~' ur ).I&I'ch. fll1l1ilk ilS tell scvro xij 1I.'rill; ilk .lilY ij;" .mum" nj II, iiij ~ I kill, 10 him hd galt nile m,tU I" jl.'U::i to Ihmibertll116 to ).lurtin I.cunlt, for t'06Ct IUI(' nillCli 10 the schip ill UnlOl>CI'1l1ne, x\iij.t It~m, Iu him he :,:.li( t" .1111l 111:111 that 1}''b>il to th ... KillS 1<1 Quhithim II ith mom"', xiiij ii, 1l"IIl, Ih,' xX\'ij lla~ of :'.ll\l"ch, III IInl-i.! T('mpihuil\l II) '~I~ to th., li1.'&dIOIJ uf iJnnkehJC'1I (or thi! enmlllyng of Ihe 1'1IJ'K'S ("JUI~I~'<It, . dj~. Il plIl, I" 11m 1'U1!,! 1.U1li~, .~Ij d. 1t,,1l\, Ih,' :\~I:t 11:1.1' (,f ).lnl\II,II< the ,\1,1.)1 ,,( GJclllu~ IIIIIU , iu l,ri.li1"ih-ir 01' 11110 11!)'" .:illin to Ihc Kill!;, :-.:iiij ~ hem, (Ol" the i!1II00Wllill e:\pI.'1I11' ill U;uliu:,;lunu '" ht! rom III Edin\,ul'Ah, lAid donn I", :x'hi!' .Jululi' n ,1111' ..... y Im,1 till' l'n)\'C:'I1 or <.'l'erhUlim. \" Ii. I'iiij iI. 11':111, IIII' II1.:>t till)' of linrch, 1 :\fnknd;luI III rill~ \0 0 1..".. 1 Olil,tmut. L.mlis DnllUlllIJlul, LOlli 1:1111l\'~n, l., 1'11111 I.j I'R~-ll, \iij it iJ ,I,
IW'''I, ltl .f(,hu III';': til 1"llI \\1111

Il\lllw I.. Hurlh.

11(\lk('lh, iij';" hl'I!!, to Thomllll lI Ulh,,\\), I" llll' 'Ull1\',,~i ng or the t1Chip l':lllil llll' I:alin ill F1,"UIl,...: \lil1l ll1CldwllIlis, HX 1\,



111'1" (Ill(' lil.'1 .la,1 III .\I,rill'l, lo :O;{'hil' Hoherl Wemislo

hy "tllall'l"1'8 lu tIle {'hi1']i!", IJ


c",nuis: ~lIlUlIlH illJ rio iiij ~,



ltC-Ill [tIl" Ihri,1 of ' \ l'til,,),I" .!"h.t ~1(,W.lft, ,1..,:;I.t,r to" ..... 1!007. \1,..: bk .,l UIUIUlldll, \ haudl e~lIl11i~. '"1111.1 iiJ Ii. :t ,,_ Itelll. au (";uuphell of tlUl dll\llIir, xillJ Ihm, tho r~rd '\11), "f '\I,rile. I'lIi~rll J/;IY, to 1I,,' :\Ionl, of " "thllil. \litl, tilt, b~"l, '(x Fnlllcil cr""l1i, ,\11111111\ :l.iiiJ It_ 1t('III, I"yit to ,\ I.. lro ,\ .)'101.111 111.11 I.... 1 j,1 ,1"'1Il to t 'ald .. well tlUlt \.;"1'" Ihe furlll'!> rCIT '1111111'1 1'NJiC'lId" ill SI('rllll. hill \1.,".,"1.' fm Cau,lih,,( 10 the fIC\uII.I,I"y ,.f "I,rile, '11I1Iill.; ~~ \'iij o,,\.;i~. h"J 1. Item r(lr Iq Iili,1 ('uli, IQ hiul Ih<! IlIi,1 t~'hJ1"L , \ \ iij , 11('111, 10 Hol.('1l 1I ~'r"N't. ;':1I1I1I;,r, x:niiJ " Itelll, to th,' lIL:li:;t~r cllke, IIf 1~1~'1Ii lilrir. x 'I. h em, t h .. \'J tIny (.f 1\1'';le. Pusch Ti>w\;.l~' \0 thil' IIl1.'1I81mle. IIIl<iinn ilili III the hl'"t, to the r01l1' lta l iL'lI IIIcllstrnics, iiij Fmnch cl'(\ulliI; 811111111.1 h'j S. I tell!, 10 WX hllllllk.'lis, \'j Fr.mch Clvllnis i IIUIIlII\tI.

iiij It, iiij b. to .\ 1I8\(',(;lIilli<l1ll ;1IIt! hiM 1111111, In.1I1,ronari_~. ,lijiL I !.em, to A It':l.umler. l,llrl.,r. Ad;11I1 1:0)'.1 111'11 QlIllllll.ort:. t.1tII,~'"al, ",lij it 1t1:1II, III J: ..I\.m,j, clarsdl.!.ll. Hlltl Pnte II M,.lr. c1ol"8O:ha, x:niij ; 1t"III, w \x,iil "thir IlIcn~tI"lcs. \.}4 Fnlllt'h ernwllis
1\'('11\ ,

U\'iJ Imll LIIliclIl'lI!", HI tl. IleUl, W Ih., Ilemldi, in II", h~\ll. \" I"tlUlrll C\'OllIli~ ~lIlIllIIn iij I!. x "Ih'lII, to the fOlll"C 5dlU\\liJir buyis, . xdij~ Item. t(J ,' tUllles Ihllt. k",IiK lit., I\in~i" ,:rrl 111)1-:; :\Xviij lo, Item. 10 .\11111(; COIluhcrnn, IJC th" Kin;l:il CVIIIlUIIIIII, xdiJ i. Item, 10 Wllillonnt'!! oud hir m~rrowit xiiij "Item, tllo lij day 01 AIJrile. \0 ,\udm l;mri& Ilif flf Halll~alilo. Lc Iht' Klllqis \:0111111,111<1, u\-ii.1 ~ ht'I.I, 10 .I"hue 1I f1Il1UliltOIlIl lor 10 pas ill tl:llllirez ror to j,y hOrl! to th .. Ki ng. xx Fmnch cro\\'uia 1'11111111(1 riiij H.

Al!<':OUXTS OF 'rlt l!
. D. l~i.

heUt, the I"iij duy of Aprile, to litill U llrtiu the

Spall~rt ,

\'iij J.
helll, tv the Illnf lual;ar for glums,. xiiij R. itelll, to nne 1111111 brooht writinb-is to the King fra the l'r... " .I>1 of ))111111...:11all, ' xiiij t1. Itcm, 11m ix Ilay of Aprile, to Inglis Cuddy, lie tho Kingis cohlllllln.I, . J[iiij Il. Iklll, to Thomas I'eulia, glaa wriehl, to his espells to 1,;\11 u, the Kirk of Steill aud to fee fiij caringe 001"$ witll Inaill gills, xlj R. Item, fur le:( acorn tUrI of bent. this winter Lipast; ilk tllrl ij A.; 1I\III111a xij It. Itelll, to J oh ue lin} IIC, Lo\\(lr, rur !lCX IIpcria, lOlJ A. lINn, 101" Ilnc grc ~ rede spcrc, uud gmtbiug autl uumyng of \'j sporia, xij A. Itelll, the J[ day of Aprile, t.o Jnmet Sinelar, La the I';: inCis commnnd, \'ij It, itcm, 11.1 tile hon I1Im'lchnel that IIltlt8C.halit the KinSis lion, xx..-..:\"j l ltelll , the Ij 1L.ly or Apri le, t.o the I'upcllcllllxui.sntqllhilk

IJrochLlhe swonl nnll IHlt, j"' Fr.mch ctownie; sumllla \'ij" It. Item, to him, nllc gret gilt COWl' with lite euis, hroch t. halnl! Le Ihe Beschop lof 1:06, of tlto lIew coplJllnl. Item , to him, tua s l.ope8 \\;Ih thair CMCtl, IJrochLhtllue be ' Iuil.l.el" JUUICoi .\lcrcluIUlC8wllu. Itcm, 10 AII':mndCI !-i.el"a, cuke, LO hell' hia hOlls biggiug, I.e the h': in:;ill Cj'IIi UlUlld , x n. 1(..;111, t v nne m,m (Inhilk culln)) It flllIl gydiL the emllnssat tv 1..01111011, " It. xij Il. 1tt'1II, for j IllInrt lily tv thl' IIIl)"otollr, \'iij I. lI.elJl, (lr iij (IU:"I.l"is ~olll to him, ~ \' ,l itl'OI, (or \J 'I "al"is J.:ultl fll16("I:, ij i. 11(;111, fur j ~~ i,ullIi \';H"lIgllm to it, \oj S. 1t"In, t., th., pVliligair u f SanCl.l1ulrois rvr 111'0'';111')" tv till! Kill;:. \' It. \ji. 11"'111, I" lh,; l'nl>l.'8 cUlI_ lill lIl't\'mul tlUlllI.lUg t.o the h':in;.!.); Fr.lllch cl\mlli~ SIlIlIlU;I . dj It.


lto.'1U, lu


th"l Mill With Ihe ".Iill- D. 1~7, ('1111.111<11, hJ ". 1l('1II, to Jilill lIartin thr Spnn3Rrt. !l.iiij d, Itelll, t.t> tUIl pur I.IdJis luillc ~t.nc" Nichol", ch.llJ<'ll (,r L6th, ~ij d. Item, the xiij day of Allrilf', to l:eg, llleuiugeir, for lo 11M with the Killg:is leu ret in the &hil'('rllt)llIeI of Iloxhlulth nllil Sclkyrk to Jillln'ltY' Ol'lt.lur 1'I'I.olUi lor IO\\'I~ of 1l1OUl'(' nneht to the King, xiiij it Item, for au" 1\0.>1"1 hOIl! to thl' hol'l !-!ilhn to tht' QUC.llf' loe llnUot('r .J(llme H~tle. iij l. vj d. h em, lo Johne 1.('1111'\1)(', 1II\,lill.lr. for \,;I're l,ulC f"r the Kinb';a lIl4hill nt \hl't~I" I}luea Ik'n .\ 11I,lilo chI) 1111.4&1 ' In the firat, for XI' Ilriflillt'1, I,IJ.L IlIulll1lhil. tn;) rt.. \, IlIidillCll uilil nue reele lee, . ilj II. :1:\' II 1tt'1Il , ror h:nxj gil'thCS for IIltlillcs tlOl'JI hou!lill~, ilk IlCC(' xij (I,: IIUI1IIllR . iiiJ n xj!l. h em, fll" 1I1n alldilll'lJ ('()\'rnL wilh nm6 ddl', \. n. \ iij ~ Item , ror /\/1(' l'etie "'11IiinU111'i!l1~ hntl\('68illg U1l'n!ltofer, lCuiiij I.. Item, for gnlthing of nile Ileil AAtlill, nj I. Iteln, fow Xl: hOi'll hou8eI; ilL 10('('\.' iiiJ .. IIUt! lIue of Ihnim dij d. mnir; ~nUlII1:l. iilj n. viij .t. ht'lII, f(lr nne cnia to Ihe Kiub'S grcL 1011k, '(x II. Item, r'II' \'j I'oir 1C).;lmrnl'fl ror 1llIlIl1l11l1is. XIIIJ h. [.\,111 " lhN' IIIllldlerr VI Ih(1 nmount or X\'ij 11. ij II. x d.]


t=:cotl~ lIlau

h elll, th(' .~ii ij dny of Ajlrill', CCltnlllnud,

Item, the

'tl ,Incoll

1 ':"IIIl!lIIlltI)UII, he '(iiij II \:\iij


tillY or All.ilc, to .'lulIcnl', nnll"lllf. ill


Item . tn Iliehnrd Wnllna, m('f.~i\lg:elr, If! 1~1 tn th, Erie or J"-\'iIlIlX with Iht' Kill1.';11 It'tII,., . \ij /l. IU-n!, to ,h\;lIn CokbunI, be tho I\in,;il C't'lIllltan<l. x\'iij I. 1tf'1lI. III f'n1llJ1hell of the eh:unil'. he II\{' Kin;:i~ COIilIlIll\lII.


1\('111, to ,IIIqll.'1,lh(' ""raneh


thnt I,a'pi' thl' Rt't't. h!)l'I, xiiij l

... D l!.Oi.


itelll, to the lIlasous of Un!itht']w, in Ill'inksikir,

xiiij ~. /tem, to the seik fo lk at the !J01"t of Strh'eliu und othir pm folkis tnare, ij S. !teul, to Pate Sincluil', be the Kingis C(ImlJUlud, iiij n. iiij .s. Item, to nne lann !.rooM nne 30ng otlil' to the Ki ug, xiiij .s. I tem, pnyit to tlte ::iccl"etur lie gnif l\1LO JIll\1l hrocht doggis fm Jerom Friscobuld, x .1Item, the xl"ij lin) uf Aprile, tu lhe fe lJllr uf (;amu\l,. kitlUelh, x :t item, to Sehir Willilllll ) Iulrtlyis Illllil. ill bridilslh'i r of ane hol's giflin to the King, xx\'i ij S:. Item, to the IIHISOIlS of Stri\"cli n, in driuksi\dl', xiiij it Item, to the \\'E'Tkmen thlll'C, iii driuksi J\'ir, \' ~. item, to deiI .AlltlJ"O the hoI's \llu\'sehnell, . \'j iI. Hem, to Jitill :\Iul"tin the Sp"l.ll:5I1\'L, \'iij d. itClIl, the xix day of Aprile, to dcif AndJ"O fo r mil\, seillliing of .llle gl'et hoI's of lite Killgig, x~. lte1ll, to .Jmnc$, IIVCUllr, lO hring the I\i ngis meris anti llnkbllll \0 f:ilJ'il'clin xiiij ~, stllggis fro 1 Itcm, the xx lIlly of AJll"ilc, for be:'illg of the Ji:ingis ii ij d. hardie fro the toUll to the Abba)" I.tcUl, to \\,ilIill1ll Si,iechol1s he laid dOll n for /l uring: of lhe I'linci8 rhnmir, 8tm)' to bis crfllil1, a ne ke~' to his eolcitous tlllr, Iyme to wend his ehimnnis, xij s. \"j 11. I trill, lO wriehtis ill IlnmmiltOli1l fOI' to cum to thc I':ingis lI'C1k at thu schip, in paiL of tllllir wllgell, v iiij I\. x il. nnicorni!!; snmma Ih'lll, to Cni,lwcll, IKltingniJ', \' il itrUl, to the :\ Inister of II nutJk, xvii. \'j (t. II<:JIl ,th.: xxj <Iii)' of AI,rile, in nllll1h~rtnllC', to 001 (111 , 11"1' ~iji\,WI icht, ill dl"illksill'ir, xlij it Itelll, to lhe olilir ~hiiJ wrichlis. . xiiij i

LOIlII 111 (;11

It~lIl .
1t('II) ,


J(iiij I,,,. I!II' ix l

10 Ih,

lila L'Ullll:,;"U "iithli.'I,

1,IIIIol\m<ll' :.mJ nll~




In tU,1 \1,'111('11 tlloll 111111{ , .. Ih, 1\111~. I", II.!::

Ki ll;.:;1 ('o'UlUI,IUtl, I-ij A. Itl'lIl, I.. 111;1 I'III\' r"lkis loe Ih(' II"Y. "IJ.l ItCIlI (Ih,- xxij ILl)' .,r "I'dk]. In 1:.. '-' 1'''''''~I'1I \If !itt1ld ... 11,,11 ~q,i~ thl~' h"111 !II Nliwlill, xxxl-iiJ i.. It,,m, to tI,I' ('apllane of Slnn'lillB nllm, in l'I;,lil~ih'il "r IUIt h"'"$ ~irlill to t li(l Kill!!', ),iii'; iI. !t('t". I', lilt "m~lh "r ('ruuhll~I.;iIHI"th r", iiij ~1"n,'h~~Ii. !l1lt1 ;"'... '1,1' h... I.-. xx ,I,
Itcm, l h~' Irl.lUll IIl1'ullnlll'nlll ha (I,J,'II ('h, \ Illli('I'rlli~ III.lllllla ix 11.


tCllli~ IUlIlII,: I'\nn.!iH, iiij Jrnlldl em" IIi, hj ,,_ Ih'lII, I,) 1111' r,orpr IJr L'alulm-killlwtli. iij .~. Item, L" lilt' 1Il,I.M)U8 \lr Li nlnh' I" ill tllinhih"ir, "Wj'" It(lUl,lO l :idK' 11;li",(1 I I) ltill(' in Lllllilh'lw willi th ..

K ill~i8 h011l, It<'llil 10 .1n~ C"lm l~ln~'

"ij ;..

Clr wI'men

,nct.- th.,

"i"~ ill

\\\rtl) 10"1'1, iij L Ij l1. it('m, the uiiJ ILII' "f .\I'rill, III .11,11\1('111"" 111..11 heol his kl hl'O~ih with III<.' Killgis ~I\t I,")n \j Fr.UI~oh c'I'..11I.i'i 11111.1111\ liij n. iiij ~ Hcm, 111 ""~ IUtlll of ~(ril('lill 1'l'uel,1 Ullo! nwn: fro
:-'1I;r..,Jin I.. b.linl,"J""t!h..
I' ...

Item, In tIl!' \ hl.,t .. f l'SlIIh""killlU'lh Ill' 1.1i<1 dnun 1<1 1 1IU'l' r.. l1.:is Ji\'cr8 t~'II~, IJ~. 111'111, Ill. ;(\iiij II,IY of ,\1'1';11'. rur ,.It.rill: tile 1);li l ~ul " '1'1 ~tril'l'lm 10 1':'linl,ur~", all.1 t) fUll m,mni, ('XI"'''' 1Iilll 11",illl. uiiij~. 11'111.111(' X\V .l,~ of .\I'ril. I",.,it If) tilt r..bnp of ('"ilhn.', It..U he :.:;l.if t" Willi/un Ilnllt".1U-t..... ,i~l('r III 1);\1 i,\ 1~11"" .ohil'. 'I'lhilk \\~ ill ,ILl' IIi... Ih.lt ht' 1I;\IIIil ,,( his C~I :1I8 m.;IiJ ilL till' Lewi.. xx n. h"IIl, til 11M IUaGnS.IIL.1 Wl1elili!l, .111'\ all '\I'rk.~.111 Ih'll thll Illmlit "r Ihair \l1I~"" in till' I.,'wi.a, n:iJ t l'llllch cmuni. ~llIIlma s,. h. I IIJ;'


A_n. lSI"

Item, 10 John C.'uke nlld his fnllowi~ quhi[k \\er thare, nl\{\ gillln be the Heschop of ClitlUea, . :'C\iij 8. Irem, tIle xXI'j day of A)lri[e. nt thl' crislinnyng of D'llid ).[nhiles U.tnll', put in the etlllliill, I'ij 1. [til-III, to the godoome gifL La the 3"11il~J1, xij Fm.llch crouni!!; SlUnlUn ,"iij ll, yjij 4. Item, the x;wij <lny of All!"ile, to Sehir Alexander . xXXI"j S, ;\Inkellllo to hig anI' gallory for halkis, itl'llI, tt) Moister (,'"tlllX'lt l lui\3ce, ~IC the Kingis COIIIIllnnd, if It Item, to Ainlle Coquheron. Ol1l1oru, be the KHlglS colLlllloml, . :u:viij l. [tem, 10 )[ulleUl', IlImomr, he the l-i:ingis e011l111311d, xiiij i. ltelU, to 11111' limn thnt duclt on the Bortlour, be the Kingis coIHlIlnud, XIIIJs' Item, the xXl'iij Iiny of Aprill" tl) I:nthidllf<l, messingeir, to pnll to Oltl~gQ fOl Th rull c: .. kl!, I1In8(111I1, to J,rillS him 10 j\[OlJtjoye, \".11. Itl:m, to OUlll'l\lle I:iche to pas 10 /lnlis fOl' Ihc Mid "l'hom Cuke ill n,"elll m gil he Wct lJocht. ill Glasgo, ij i. [trm, It) r ed" the pnyutout', be the Kingis eonllll:Uld; \' '''mnch orllllllis; 8UIIHIUl iij II. x il. It1.'1I1, to Th"1IL GOllrlny, \l'dclll, 10 1~18 to ~ll'lt'OI! to he (limy] till' tOUl'11yt gl"(lilh tor tho !'Chip, ' x:niij ,_, [trill, 10 the mosons of tho oorrcll, ill drinks-ilvir, xiiij I" h!'lII (the \HSt dar of Aprile], to 1111(' nlnn brooht hel'(JIIs amI lI"ihl gci~ fl1flh or the " "estlomi, ' vij 9, 111!1I1, It) Tholllll!l N'Ot'llL'C, be tho Kingis comm(lnd, x B.

ltl'lIl, thl' I1I'8t day of ~ f nij, lo /\111110 Coquherun, fl11" tl111 annyng swoldill to the [,illg, . xxviij~, Item, 1110 SOOUlll.i dill' of ~ l l1ij, to WiIlllUIl 1l0Il,e11II<:11:1r, for (111(: kilyi to the King, " xiiij b,

1.0lC O IlIti li TnJ:::.\~UItEt:


lteu" lhll llln.1 tlilY of l laij,


W :u~



twn.. nlA-JO.


t l"" t\il'~,


Ihe rl!nl cl..'\y vr .\f aij, 10 lh,~ lanl of Wt.lirl,vrllia uwn in l'ri,lillihir of Ilile hun !limn w the Kiu,l:. xiiij I. Item, to lhlllcu r, armoror, Lo th!' Killoi. COlUmanJ. xiiij ~, Item, til .\ lIul<' l'OIlulwmn, xiiij ~, 1tl'11I, \(I l (..illef ,lalllCS \\'flt~"n. fvr the 1~.. nil l'xpem, ill S\llIcw,IIJr"u, fN tiL<.' IIWU,lhii of ll.uj .. lulliJ. and Juhj. 'Iuhilk is h:u:xij ,1.:Ip~ ilk d.l) HIJ ... bUllllUa :cu', II. X\"j l.
Itt-Ill, t.1 W .II ..lIu
~lC\\:\rl, IUlli.l~r

tl.t.! hil' Cdllit tile

\\'nlll"11I\. r"r hJ I~II III Iklll)J;uk lIith ll"uljOY, and (IIr hi, t\I>('Il~ 114" I,,, clltuil t .. hir, . :thiij N. h eLU. tv (;uiilinili. t:ll1l,HIUlH, I.., Ihe Kill;':;" c01ll1mlml, ,iiU FI;ILI.:!I tlnlllli$: t>1I111111H, 1.'1: II. xl"j ~. Ito'llI [til!' \j lilly (If llaij]. tv the hO"1 l.lRrldl(WiI,Lo1 th\.'
Killgi,. t'Ol)lIll;lIlIl, XIIIJ ...

Iklll. lilt! I'ij d"y or lillij, 10 I 'i,ri. IIUl pnyl1l"ur, Lo tho Kill~";' CfU n Ul(lIId, iij II. x "ltelll, In '\,Inu. CokLunl to in I:~ ror hJ.lkia,


hj ,.

IU'IU, til .\kx.\ml,r lLlkcI1110 that II!' luit\ dUI1\1 to lua pur {oll>ill, ij I. ' lelll. tn Iii" LntllOu\ Il,al tunlit Llpilll" to 1111.' I":iut: (HI th. tI1l1ruall1,1lt. 'iiij . Iltlll. l ilt.' I"iij d;ll ,.( )'Ini.!. \1' ll"lIcur Iht nrll1t11.lr. III! Ihe Km.:iII \.'ullllll\lnd, :"I.iiij I. ilt"lU, ,h., i.\ (IllY 01' :'.llIij. ttl lI"UlI~y '<1(" kCi.')lill~ or til!.' 1,.111.1'" "f ilwhk~ilh. iij It [I .. m [Ih~ x tiny "r l l.lij]. r"t I'tlll"ill;! of ht)rl hOrllCl fm TI11~I" ....1i1l I" l:.lilll,uI"'Ah. . \j ~ 1t<:III, '~I~ it tn :--.:I.il ,1 ..111," 1:IIIU"'Y th.lt I,, Fad in drink~ihir I" the ecliil'IIIt'U (If :\1""ljllJ " II hiI',

Itcm. 1" ItCIII, ttl


.l\I~ l!\If 1II;Li1. 1I11~' hlllll thnt.

liJ I. liij ,I

I);.]..il I'l






A('C'OUXl'S OF 1'1-1 1-:


and Schir William :l1urrny for hert hornet! and SU.I"L Ikinuis for lht! wildmen cotis fOI' lht' hanes, ij I. "iij (1. hem, to IlIlt' Ulan lh.1t pQ.9Sit to thc Schiref of ,"'ilf wilh rlllO Imnruondil of ermu r 011 tho n158i8O thnL 8('f\'it the Lre\'eI!I or till' ul'C\'i. of 111"CI" kethi ll , . ij R. hem, to nno mlln that. bl'ocllt leUrez fm Schir \\'illinlll Xo!"," nud hell leltre~ Db'llue npoll nil persons l,,!,)ond the Month nwnl\ll monce,. iij A, hem, 1110 \iJ .IIlY of 1Ilnij, to HoJ.x>rL Gnlloway. be the Kingia 0011l1llnll(l, . xX)C\'j II. Itelll, til :'Ilartin the Spnnonrt, iiij 1'1 . Itfilll, to 1);1Il~'lnnll the cuke, be lhe Kingi' collllllnml, xij d. Item, to the Fronch IIllIyth fOl' tho Kingis hora 1IC110ing, xx,iij L liA'm, tho :o.:iij uar ('If Maij, to Doc:tollr CntliOIl, he the Kingi. tXlmlll~Ll\l , x Fmnch crounis; SUIIIUla I'ij rt (tl'lII, to 11111' IlIIIII of Hc"'hil' ,rillinm :'IllIrrnyil that COlli witll nne tI~. . xiiij I, Item. lht:' xiiij Llay or :'Ilaij. t.o \\'illinm Stcwart., lUnister of the Wnlllouli. for lhe chilucr expcnl xj u.1Jis lJllhcn Ihn remanil 011 llontjoy, lor com P.1MCI and Imtlll thingie for the &chip, \j h. xiiij a. vj It Itt'Ln. fllr d.llh bid in lhe &.1id IIChil' lJuhcll !!ChI} anilit in i)':lIInnrk, 100cJIl be John Froucis, xu It. 1lC!1I. for xx,' chclLli r &nIl laid in the .. 1id IIChip, ilk ehddir xXI"j l. dij d.; sum lila xxxiij It. Ij I. "iij u. ilem, 10 ~hir .\Icxnndcr :'I1,II;:Cllllo for h.111;: mel, xiij it hUll, 10 Jllhh' 1 ~lIcll, he tllil Kingis colllmalld,
xiiij So. lIem, Ihe XI' IIII} of )Jnij. to Ilichnrd Wnllall, UlClihgt.'ir, pruIIII'I",J lI"ilh tbe I\ill);il ICUI'('z to Lnll.,rk, viij L



lleili . III .J ..I,IIj> O:Wilboli. , .. "I"f\;lr. tflr 1.lIlil, .b, ~. QI,I." . I..";. l"Inl<'uUt au tilt Kiug IK'"1I1'ml,lihut" l,ip3~1 tu l:"h.UI~ iiiJ 1\ lij d. Ilem. to till' Mill .Iolme (or ICh"llt nml ultti~ to Cri~tnrlr. Amh" lIowt', lht' Frllud, boy, lilil 1lnrlin. \"r)l1lc. ,Iohn Hlltt'. 11!j> 110n., Qwl lJ."Jury I.ill<h..,.".r, iij N. :t ~. Item. 1(0 1lAisa('r .raHll'"'l WIll!-"1l rOi' "j hOI1l f"a ~.IDCt nn.lrniJl to Kin-..:"rn with tla... 1-:1'\" nr 11I1r...... y nn.l
I..on.\ fjk );Xx I.

Item to Ahlle l''''p,h'rr'lI. anll<)r"r. rl'r cert.1U6 1>1111 .... ue 1m him aH tho Kin;;. \J H. IlNll, lu .Iolm<: l.-l""lIIIIIW. uhUnr. xiiij ... 11Im. to th{' l~yutour. he til, l\in:.\I' ('Ollllll'''').
xiiij i.

Ileul, to llUl' !lUUI of Lord IlomC!l hrochl 1\11(' ht' t hom 10 til(' K i n~. ij L Item, to the mall that brocht the qU4il.~l'i~ and fCl!l\l1llilt fm I.cith, iij , Item. tl H' x\'ij dnyof llaij, to '\]"xluuler rAW, talcona .. to 1 ~1' in <:.Iith1ll:. for h"lki!, rj )'I"l\u<'h cn.ounill; t1ll1l1n.L iiij It. iiij ~. 1t"IlI, 10 n oritl. falc:onnr, 10 1);)1 in H,:.a for IUllkis. \'j

iiiJ 11. iiij~. till' Mit! n!l.l"id for his IUlIli lut'l.. x"\l"iij ;. Itlw. to ])OIl"Hl' rtlleonar, for to> i'1\~ in Jhhok fnr hn.l};is. hj. llolle .. t , fnlwuar, fUl' III I );'~ III lhl' Ilem, Ilia hallds. "J Fr:lnch Cl"(lunia ~nllllllil iii.1 It. iiij l Ihm, the xviij Jar of linij. to tlk Killg quhilk tu! I~'nt .t the kyl, .. with I'ntl' :->iucLlir. x:niij" 1t"1lI. to .\ I,\.\ntlf'T Clwuir. 1~lyntllllr, ill ,!rink-ihi,', xxnij l It..cm, to .\Iexanoler lAW. f.liti);.ar, to I,i~ Ii.. mH.
r nlllch CI,,\Uli!; 8111111111\.

!lULl, to

xiiij -t

TU'm, tll.1 xix day of 'hij. to I'leril, I'lIyllV,ur. III ,Irillk

)(X\'l1j ~.

. 1>.


OF Til E


JIInli that ke}lil Ihe Ilil1ki9 in Enle Cmg. xiiij !. itelO. At the OlrweU, lor t il(' J\iu g IIml Queuis belcher thar, vj !l. ,-:iij l1. Item, Iht' xx liny 01 )Inij, tn tile lnpirJnir, be the Killgls. Item.
comm~\lul, xx,-iij 8. itl"lll, in XCIIll(ltill, lor AII(" el!l()l1 to Ih(' Kill!!. iij l IklU, the .'o:j !Iay of )1,lij, to the wif Ilullall' Ihe I\iug

w the

11)lIil ilL tile OI~\\ell,. i't il 1I00In [tile xxij da.\" of lLnij], 10 Rue 1IIan \lnx'ht tllR r~1 oxill rm 111(' l'ro\'l.~"t of i:otlluil(', iI II. 111'111, 1(1 IlIl' )1"111 Ilil li nd hi~ lonnle, be colllmnnJ, .'l:iiij A. [\('111, t,) auc l'ul1' lIIall,. xiiij It. Itl'tIl, t,) l:uillinm I:O\\"dOUII, UI'OII,lsl.lr, j 1JIollelhis


xXl"iij I.

ItelLl, [0 r:ol~1"t tiulUc lee, \.o"mdsUlr, sichk-I:', ul" iij So 11('111, to Ilnft Aline, CI1ITJis wif, iij S, [to:III fth<: xxiilj d,IY of )Iaij], to lu:!lia ("lIdy, be tile Killlo:i& eUIllIU:1I111, xiiij ~,

[t'III, the xx\" dilY of .\il.ij, to TholURlI i ~n eil io 1~lyfor giulhll 10 tlw I\illg, . :.:lij il Ill-Ill, t lh(' snitl Tlloillua 116 ~nif ,jllmc 'fU II,.;Ol1l Leo the Kingis ("0111111:11111, xiiij Q.
ll"lIl, 10 IUlO:



ij I.

Lh(' xxvj .Iay of )[nij, ror tUIl 11iInd g-IO", iiij 11111 .. 1 \'lIlk, iJ I,i;.:gill fOI" COiOlll"iM, ij 'IU;lIil! sill-it, iij 11.'6<111 fnl;r;"i~, IMII j l'llll, 1 lp,hiL lurneYf, ij 1'1ll .. 1 \"IITIIl,.rt,is, 111,,11111(\ 'lWlrl oly, uf lIilJlli) I'ricis, \ 1 iI 1t"III. lilt' :,:xl-ij J".I (lr .\IIIY, to 1I1t,m;m l'l'YJ1ilon, guunclr, Iplltilk l\~ in the Ilia, lhat he 1\llIIti~ of IliR \\ ,' :,:e, iiij It iiij I. 110"111. lh, x;\\-iij Ilay of )IIIY, fol' the \\' ilsondny Ulrlill" LI.e 1":111 Il(Ius, X >1_ 11.<111. \0 Th"m,J.lI 10'01\'1, of hril\i1sihir of nile IImle ~ilhn I" Iii.. Kill:,:, )(iiij I. 1\-'"111, 11K> Hix lIlI.l nf )(.,iJ, lo lhe Fl1Iwh I'11I.l lII, he 0:"11111\.111,1, lx,iij iI.


111(;1( n:I:..\srm:l:.


1l4:1II. ttl .\udro AfLOUU Ilul,iU. lil 1.",1 dUliU 10 (~II,I",dl .. '" 1:.ot. fnt. II..., 1j"U1H! Ilay of ' \J,rile rur :I o\\l.;i .. t""lIIII. \.

FtlUwh cl"Ul1ui.~; ~uuuu,' lij II l Kitelll, fur lu Jai,1 (If Ullt~ the Ioli41 l)"l!lO, ilk 1.li,1 \"j .1


ltelil. U\1" 1II."IIIIlL (\.1)" of ~t.llj. t<, 1:1~llh" <.'.11111'1 . \1 "f t('llllOk. 3(111;;111, IIC Ihe l\:in!)ilI (;0111111,11111. x II. ltel It, 1I.1Ima)", fail-ullar, for tl, I~IS ill Stltt'II. Uti fur
b"lk~ ... " li. IttlII. \.<, UIt' l!uclle of Fmnce I'ltl"!\('wallt. II Fran..'1i eJ\)ll"IltJI. 111111111.1 l:nilj It h"III . 1~\)iL tn (;''''I~' '",nt()!.111 ,11111 .\I.UII!! Wilson for llcI~ talle fr:I tllJ\lIll I~ 11111'1111111,. ~1.li~lcr 1.-.:on,II,1 100)0' .\IId lIudll I'lyit 411111ill 11011 , lljli. XI it ItclII, IJI J)ullcllue Biehe. 1111"'1illt;oJit, 10 I~I~ lIith thl' Killgis Icltl'l'': ill tit' :\ll'IlIi~, ix ". Item , to the King (Iuhill.; III" I'lnyiL nL thc k)I<.:.

IX ...
Item, In JntliO l:oeu'11 fluhil\.; he linn fm lh. I\ill~ <ltlhe

1.;,1('1, xiiiJ I. Item , til ,'(litIlC Forman hI.' 1;li,1 ,1111111 tor .ml! hat, ~me Lonel. ril~III'" b'1"elle nil" "1.11.;. nlll i din'l" MlIl.lllo:milh, "liij i. ij 41 xiiij A. 1l('1l1. to ,Jrlf}l1<'S tlml kel,is tho ~Iot hm"
1tl'1II, tile last
1 1~ln,



:'olaij. 10 linilli.lhl. taul,runar,


III lho l 'IQI<.:aL or I:'lill ililll.lh .(ubill. h,' l.1I,1 [llmlll] to thll SP,IIt:;.nlliR lh<lll"()11I fill lit thl" 1.t'II;" ,!uhlJlI tllol IIIUIoIIit IIII;\J xx J'l'i.l1Ich I"IO\ll1ill SlIlIlIlII\ xiiij 11.



Item. til' Iil1lt ~I".\ of .J!lnij, to th\" ...hil'lUtn tlml n1wil the I\ill(ot 1'111 bu,,1 VII till' Ijtlill 1,/< ..llt li;lll1' ,'lihue .\xliij I. l!.t;rLnnu hOI,., !telll, ttl the 111.111 lh,lt kopiL Illc lion 111 thl ICliip, XI t. Ij II.

A.I). l~i


lteill. tl) the Killll" quhilk he I)"ut ilL the kyiCtl, :l:iiij ~ Itelll [the &ecnnd ILl)" "f .JlIllijJ, 10 tht: B('.ch(,p OJr :l lnrl"lly for nile IJUcat to tho King. ~lij A. 1.'111. to Alane l'oquhemll. nl1llOmr, for cerl.4ne gel'C Wnt to l h(' Kill(;. h 'j i. hem, the h d.ly IIf .Tnnij, for hny,com, hors bred hed tn Leith for the bnl"ll.JlIhut! Hnmmilwun I.roclll JUlIlle and hatllug of the SilUlyn n1\ J/llnl, X\'i iJ 1I. hem, to schip men l,nlCht h'llIle the Lli,1 hO!"!:I, ill dl"i1l\;,;ih iI', xx\iij tl itelll, 10 the hole IUcn thAt Io"'l(:lIt the ""ill hon 011 111111\, xiiii Ahelll, ,Ilt ::-;\IIC1. Xich"lns d13I.c.II, to lila ladllis, \"iij It It('hl, to hull ' Inrtiu llit' SpRn;;nrl, xij It. hllIl, to the rwuch "myth. xiiij t. Itt>m. the \j day (If Jnnij, to .\lIsle, 1;I\IUronllr,. xiiij~. I tt>nl. for am' sa!"k to the Fmlleh ho.\" iij~. \.j It Item, th(' vij 11;a~ cor .Jullij. for tUR nrm.l"IIg Inonhb to har 101 ~tri\"('liu \0 tllC I'ing. x"iij Ii 11A.'1I1,lo t~ Frollch 1i1ll~ th I hatlclu)l.! the 1 in!ril gret. hors, \ ); iiij j;. hl'II. tn lIil1 tll;11 hnodll Ih l h;Htil nllli gmith to llll'


Kill;;:. he the 1\inhtill



Ix Fmllch erounu.; :dij ll.

ht'lII. for fUle 10k to Ihl' ThC6.llIr Ilon& in till' 1\ IJl..a~, ~ ;.. Item. thtl \iij tll1~ of .I"nij. 10 thl' Innl or :tlyrtoun ror

hulk UIl'I.


Il('IIl, tu 1:(,I.,:rt (:,llIo\\"R.\ hI' j...'flir to Lht, mUll t hat kepis the KI'I h"n. thlll ,lolll1c 1Il1l\llllilt"ulI \woeh L hallie, xiiij &. 1t1'1II. th~1 ItJdlt. 111 l'mgbcl1lRnl, 10 Jn1U1' Tnil;r;on r, xiiij AItelll, (L01 tbl' 1Ua!;OIl~ in I.iulilhlj\\", in 11I"illk~i l \'i r , ); iiij 1 ltl"m. l.. 111111111' 1),-)111" IIl1 gnif to til(" wlf '1IIh;tir tla r 1\in~ .Imllk. ill Litlllj\\



Il.I:m. 1.0 the Mid H:l.Iulc quhilk he laid dwn 'lulmir l!.,.A.o. l:.o1. King fin'll!. at. the lJ,nr Woo, \' i. Item, to CAmphell or till" elitUlm. iiJ;l. the kir!. of Item, tho ix Unr or JuniJ, to the WOlnAU


~ I UI"{"



Itelll, to the gnnlilU\r of Crngllt'nlAT'!l. iij ,. Item, tl) .\mlro llertonn, be the Kin;,;iI ('(Imhltmll. u:nj l. it4'ln, tl) the moister wlicht in Dllmloerlnn, in tlriu!',ih-ir. : ij J. d h em, to the IAil[ of the \fer);ul>'n at tit., uhil} ill Duwberl:\n. u'ii.i I. h (,ln. to the lua Portugak '1"ri,luil, u,iij I. Item, to the men thAt. rowlt the King VI the (''''1''11 An,I



Item, to nne womau IllOt I."lll;:t: to the King, ij A. Item, the xj dny of ,Jnuij, to the \\ omA n of th(\ Blnkrurd brocM cheia to tho K.ing, ' ' xiiiJ SItem, to the lal'd of HU'll1hnunnni. IIInn Iomellt tisch to the King, . xiiij I. Item , to ,Juhn 1'011111111 he b'l\if tor ,oj quart:\ri~ ret!e to covir the Kingil tasletia, U l. Item , tn him he gnif for j quartAr Ilcllnl in ~tri\"elin to el)l"il' tho Killbti. lternp Icd\leria for the 11"'re,

xij iI. \"j d

h em. to him he gnif for nne knnptlrn.w to the I\ing. iij R. ItCIU, to t.IiI' preiSiia t!m~ 'ill!!;il to\' ;\lnrgITit IIrII1I)1IIolid ill Dunhlnllc, lhAir 'lunrlm' fee of l!eitllllC hip..,\lIt,


It('11I, t<J the Fnlllch IInJlh 11101 dloi. the Killgil hon. 'l:iiiJ litcm, the xliij IL'l~ of JUllij, to Jl\lUeII ,In(']'11 rhklr. {or th' h{'ron~ t11i!t. h'j R Itelll, to Aue l-.rmmoll IIlt,llM' \\:\IIth hi, 11"(1;':;1'. xij;' ,ij d. ItCIII, to lUI' lIIall of the lord or luullch brl'lt'ht nile hl'IL to the }\ iug, i>. Il




item, 10 J:oLerL ~t.nllcl/!C, Im)U(btnr, be the Ki116>1& comlIlnud, xiiij K. Item, to the "if thnt kepis t110 II!llki~ of Crn6'Otth, ij ~ Itelll, (0 l'ntc IInl"pnr, chtn,dm, J.iiij &. ltelll, to Alcxnmlcr, harpnr, . xiiij A, hew, to Alnne Coquhcl'll.n, nrmomr, t t till,: Kingi!! commaml, xxviij it It<!m, to the ~m)th or ClllUlmskinucth for Jedwol'th IIl'Jis nllIl BII(;I'C heJis, xxI'iij SItem, the xv day of Jnnij, fUI Ilm~id to be ileItis I.ollik hllikiB nml for milking of nnll eOI'lliB to lll;lilll, "ij ii, ltenl, the XYj day or ,Iu nij, ill l.inli~hqll", to llaf~ Anne, CnrryiB wif, iiij it Item, to allc IIlItIl of Ihc J ~hop t.>f Gnllo\\llyis Ll'ochl iiij S. Inmper e1is 10 the ... illg, Item, in Linlith"w, tt.> the II ill;; quhilk he Iyllt ut the rowbilcs willi J olillc Dunlop nut! Aicxnmkr Mllkcullo, xx\"iij A. ItelLl , the XVIJ Jnr of ,JIIIJIJ , 10 thcgnl'i1l1lllr or Lmhlhrl'l', xiiij Jt It.cm, the xviij Jny of ,)11111.1, (UI' ij lokkis, ij keyislo tho 1\"l'l'khollS in l.illlilllfPI', x it Ilem, the :">ix Iloy f,f .)lIlIi,i, ill lhe> ('astell of Edinl)llrgll, t<l the jlail;sollu ll1Ukllri~ ill driuhill'il', I' 1<. It'::nl, to nue '1lHoilln 1>1'00111 slmbcl'yiti 1,,0 lh.:: I,illg:, ix;;, h ela, to lili1l ~Inrtin tho Spnu;snlt, I'iij <l, Item, to BiehnI'd " 'nIlM, mcssingoir, passlHul lI'ilh tho Kill~is lelhe!: lo the Ikschol' of Dunbl:lnc nml lire Al.JooL o( l'(IIIJir, fli t 1'01'11,. \'ij i\ ltf'llI, to JOlllll' uf l';:il'1-;\\od ~hot ire gnir Lite BC<lCilol' or (:nllownyill IIlen hi'ocht. tUII lllll~ill to Lhc l\illl,(, xX"iij it 110111, to IIl1e I,u r m:ln, ' xij (t. 1\.0111, to Jholl l.cthnll!', smlillnl', aud Willial1l Dnlg:leisch, lorymnr, ill ~rillkl!ih iL, xX\'iij,g. Itenl (the xx ~In~' (If .!Illlij],lll ~hir William Nor)'is 1IIan bl'ochL lcltre;: an.1 hOO lettrcl': ag.lllc ror tho Kingis dClli~, iij II.



1t.uI, l" th l, Kinl; to Ill'!)" at the kill'.t xiiij ~. ~.D. I~II] , 10 lilt: U csc hOl1 of lJuu\)lnlll'l 1111111, in III;lliLsih-u"

or nue



1\.('III,lO Willi nhl Hna, euhclI nr, for IUlC kll)'f Iu the Kill;';. :o.iiij I Item, 10 the llcJK;hol' of Mml'D}' is 1111111, ill vridi1sih-ir of nllc hoI's , ' xiiij it ItCIII, t o t un mCII Iha~6f'id to IUl'hkL'ith I', tuk thc Imlkis, :dij ~" Item , th!' XX\" \Lly of Junij, 10 William lI "nlur the 8(;hip ~Ulythill wif, Uc cdilimauu, iiij It iiij 11 h e m, 10 Ihe b"lliIlaris qulJilk kCIJ~ thl' gUIl!!illi till> d'IY IIf the jusl in~. Xx\"lIJ i.. Itcm, to t ho llromlatllris, . xiiij a.. Ilcm, Lo Schir Dnncnnc l'nluJlhcliis man, ill hridils ildl' of uno lion b<inin \.0 thu King:, xiiij it helll , tho :uvj ,In~' of ,Jul1ij, to l'Ii nl"e h(:llIol1l1 hel'llid !llltl hi ~ !uno"i.. tOI" Ihe lijm [;sc of tho fdiJ, X.'I: Fmllch 01"011 11i8 ; 8m1lm3 . xijij It HCI D lO lim \'j tf1\lnpe~is nml fOIll1l lCiulInntlis the (Iny , of jnslill~, :0. Frnueh croullis; !ll1IllIIn \"ij It Item, \.0 J ok Walli\8 ot the \\ctCha le fOl' ('tlry;ug of sih'il' XIIIJ !l. \\CllChnlc (livel'! t)'IUCI, Item, to Seh; 1 Jolme Home of .\ ), IOlln, kn~cht, fOl" the QIIClletl hOl"8 IChoing ill EdinLnrgh (Iud ~IClh\-cli j}{ l.Cir hil'asl, \"j Ii. \' 8. Il('lil, for nne hour; to Ule Kill~S 111111", iij i. I'jJ Itcm, for ij clllc CnlIlIliCS 10 hir, Ij i. Itl"lIl, ror \'j lll1kis solt! \(I Schir 1'hC\IIfll (inln-ctlJ nml Picris for tonnel;8, stuuJ"rt;!I. al!!1 cotil III1HlXlnll rOl" hcrnldi4, lUeu8lrelca, the feild, nncl I'ail;;ou~,



Item , to tht: 801i\1 Schir Thomas for milking of tUIl cote nnnO\lri~ lUlU RIlC omlllr; ilk J.lC('t' xl II. , SIlI1I11I01

\j It
Ite m, to ,!runCl :\~klUl1u fllr xlij riuc to II(> the wild hlcn ~UlUllla col i! 3&1111C the jn8till~ ill ('[nc :o.iJ ,1


... lI.




Item, for :\X\'j gail ,kinois to the samyll, ilk pace nlJ 4. j sumllln nij t. iiij It. Item, for making nud haring of :\\'iJ colia; ilk pece iij I.; SUlUUlIl lj l item, to the said James he lllid donn in drillksilvir nl dh-erl tyme&, . v t, helll, to Silllon Glufm'ti, buklnnnaktlr, for honlyug of fonre lergatis, . iij t1. item, for aue buldar to the King, . . xiiij Altern, for xxnij peris to the tree of cspemnce; ilk l)OOC ij 9.; summa . . iiJ n. xiiij S. Item, for nne aeheith to the King, . xij It. item, the U\'ij day of Jnuij, to Affine toqnhCTl!.1l for iij 11. g'l'nlhilig of l'ij Iteil smlille., ltem, fol' if' pill til to be leills It) the l~, of si ndry pricis ; lUU) "iij d., IUIII "j ,I., Jlllrt iiij t1.; sumlna \' H. ij .. ix It. hem, (01' mnking of X\'iij dosnn of leifis to Ihe ti'C of l'$1)CI'8U(:t, "nd sex dosnn nouris to the stlluyn: ilk Ilt'<!e \ J II. ; s umuu\ \ij n. "j A. \'iij 11. ltelU, for w)'I'e to hiug the Mid leilli", ij II. ,-iij \1. ob. it<'.Ul, for \iij~ uRies to the anlll)'!!, iiij it J d. item, for ij ..:.stlollli bln'llis to be l\e)' ugis to the> lK'JI t il'l. iiij I, iiij It Item, for ane collnr to the I';:ing, ,xx\'iijlt Ite>m, f(.r Illie Il)nit to the l\iubtis ehomfel\lu, ij l lt~llI, f"r dij f) lib ,<,rill 10 the Kiufris glnUi8, iij i



Item, fOl' iij


ij I,\nt ll t.o Hue Slltlil "f the Kiugis, \'iij ~ (\ ,08(1 11 \'iU cmulUC14 10 AIe>xnmlcl' L'hnw.

IIllJnlour, fo t' lll( 1~,Ul'rillg lIf the best hcdil fll .. lhe> fe.iltl : ilk due. xiiij ,I.: snUlinn lj a. iiij lI, [len,. t(, tlw lIIIi,1 Ah.'xuuucl' f\lr mRking ur the Mul ixoHis nuo fo\' 8.,.nll /,:l:peU8 on t1milll, nud for mnking of hi. part o( cote Rrmouria umJ IJanm'is, lxu.: Fmnch

h'j t1. 11I'n , til .Ihill'/, ~Jn~'u, 1101\111', r(ll' iij Sl'eiL rt'de speria, Ina '1II,'r nu\1 lun' 11.,11; ,Ik \.......(\ v i,; Sllllllllll XI- Ii.
{'rouni~; I UlIIIIII\



Ilchl, for Blie Low LO Cristl)fcr, nne LunlOtlll nutl thre"'ll. 1m 111('1il. xj 1IINII, fur x ~1 ..'riI for 111(' li.~lill 1('11.1 to !-itrjw'liu, xx 1. Itl"tl l, fot \'J 1\.... 1e 1IICIia (II the I",nnli. IlL the l.onnUl, xdij L ,L h em, (01 In" grct \"\41(' Illl'ril;., Item, for I,. 'II1'"ri. (fli liI(' l illli. , ilk I".'("(! iJ ~ I<nlllm'~

\j H
Item, fur grnthil'S::: o( tnn ape"" (I.>f tile larree., iiij ~ h ('111 for iiij l'unJ mmgll'iIIlfl 1~\~1It lilt.' \lRii.S(,nn cordill, xx l. 11l'IU, ("I J qUllrl (II)' to thai II!. \iij &. 11.('111, tol 1I1,l11Ui .., ~'tIllU'lr, It<' l"i<I .I..un (01 CflI)ill~ ~,r xx iiij lfllllUill nlill t1min:hAlIllrU fm L.-ilh I.<l th,loorre., the 111'1)' of the j118ting, .. iJ ...,
I tcm, for Cf\ryi ll~ of t h(' "'111)"11 tu Leith I1l;ilIIC, x t. I t(,ln, \0 hilll fOI' fOIll~ 1I0llhie wikkil I IBIlIiI 111111 xiJ linllill ~I'o.nil! 10 th(' III11"n'';, \'ij I. ij 11. [\('1\1, to him for tnkinl,: of the nrtnilzclY furth (,r the t'Hllt('1I lind gmthiu,:; of it. tlu1'ul for til'(' bollis, quykli hir. nud Ol hir InJ.\1l 'Iuf, xix . ij (I. Itl'lIl, JlnJit to II I' nr~', IUr)IIIAr. fur Sluf till"" (11\ Iii III to tia<' "illt!; 8('n \lcrt.nm" l,il~\IIt: III III(' til1it. for iiiJ puil stemp inlil fill' AMU)":';. Ij I)lIir hulU irllill, j 1~lir ~ll'ml' il"1li~ io!" Ih(' IJlIlle, of l illliry I'riti~. "hiij~. I h'lII. for Ij I~Ii .. 1"'hl~l\~ SI'UMII. j pnir Il\n~ '/,IIIU. j pair g,,'t \ol1lill 'l,nll11, awl "iij 1~lil" .mAIl ,(,mil 1(, Ih<' "ill)!, ('rillllJfl'l'. ,lIlll ,\udril ll llllll', hiU iI. 1t1.'11I. (01 xij ~n'L ]'illil, ilk nut xiii.! ;1." J ~Icl bit \I ilh I,ihi., 'CXvii.i". j I,.n 'lith j()ylllmlli~ rnr l.-ri~lo'{'r, I' it.. ix "ittil .. f llilldry falOlIH, ill Aile ii)" SllhllUA xj fl. \-iij ~_ IIlnt, for All' \.1.'1110 Iii" Kill.;i! ham!'!, I\ilh ('h~I, ...llili. thl'\' mlilO. '(iij ..tt'n:;till. o.f ,indry 1''''('8 : .umror \j Ii_ ij I. It.'m, UI hilll ""Il.hug of lUll I'ill ia, tyllA~lI~ tI( I'il hitti., I~-nll,-nt; o( fOIlR' I",i .. 'kr.11' irlll" I)'nll~'nt( of


nnr Ihlil j:1"l'1


111111 ftll llllkkll1f'5 to Ihailu, \,11'-

A_g. 1:.0;,

ACCOL'XT'l:; OF Til E PlleiS,

po.ir lItt!nlp imis lind IUd l"lil' al'11I1.1>, or :u:ix I. l'iiJ d_ Ilt'III, payiL 10 1:01lcrt, enHdl.'lr, rur tUIi Inng: lul,]';i!, ilk

nH!llU~ of I'J

nile Ilia oUeil ,,1.:InC! "1101IC! the scbdth, ";Ib Irm;; ehaipo:l ;;ilt; ilk 1"'-"'" x Ii. ; bUIlHlI" xx tI, it.:UI, (VI' .111(' to;,wk with till"", e-CJ.l.yia, with hilt and iiij H, iiij ., I'lvmit b-ilt, Item, for tun lowkiauf fyu,' stC!ill, iiij It iiij l Item, for tua blUale axel gi lL anu aile 1I1'I1I)"lIg Iwohl "ilh hilt lIlIlil,lollll:t gill, ' viij It. x;j~_ liNn, rol' iiij J.tilt Uagaris Ilc.lil-.:ril to the Killg lit Ili'"('I'lI lymCl, iiij n, Item, for iiiJ un:.,o:uil tor the 11IlrI'\" with 1'0111111 11OIK'II.

item, fOI' t;illin~ 1)[ the plnilis ot the hafuH "1u il IIml \' H_ gl"fll"llig tMrur, item, fOI' nne IIh:i1 lIIais gilt, with IIUC! ..L.lb'llr in il

xlij a.
111:111, rlif \j 'perc hed;! tor \\"!'re nml (oure swill hetli8 liij "Iunir; ilk 1~'\:f' I'j A.: IiUlUUI-01 iij H. Itero , for Ij j:r..I\ h'ltcli~ :.:.wl"in, hj il ilf'Ul. rUT Ij Il)urn.\.I" II<..'Ih8, l'j I iml~ .lUd d.\nm,lIlllis, tlnc Sl"il ma.!oCa fUI hOl'S]"],;, xij ,-ira1.:8 I\nd dimlUlIldi8,

xxiiij $.
Item. f(lr am' n'~1 It) til<' Kin;;i!; u';lis. Ina \ll1I11,li, I... fl'Chl (III fut \\ilh the Itlf;;;U, lUI,IIu.n dllg:Hri~ 10 (.'tiLt "n fUI , hj A. IIl'UI. for glilthilli4 of tUA auoillilt wilh 5(:111'[111 nUll IItll' hilli~ :I: ~, 111'111, lo.lylt ltl ,)Ohlll\ l.<.:lh'Ult, 1l,.'ulilhr, (or ~milh 1;\IIl' fm him fur t'lislnfl'r: J 1"'11:1 hUII~, tUII girtlll'''. j h,,1'1i coll.u, tun binI;; /llIl.Il\l J,dliM, tlL;1 dnp :;'1110 d,lIh l(l mw 1lI'IUI, ij rtu3\'ill. Ihl\' haLLlli~ Lo ,,n~"lw. IIr l'Illllhi pri,.;!;. xxx A. ilij tI hf'ln. iij looll_,lng girlll('!'. aile I,m;!! or l'C,I~ blir. Illn st"I'l'it Ih<"i~ for h'lll]jll, l,l~').:illJ.t nlJ!l ImkkilliuJ.t of ILili IULTI)(-s "ndil. J _~II"III l"lt hI ,\Iorlill, . xiiij[ ... ) 1t"III, r"I' lilli' I'elic brithl ,Ulil 11111' Ll't' lo ,\ uIII'O 1I0Llle,


LUlU) 111011 I'I:E.\Sl!HLIl


J \1I<.lo;l I.il, IJ ,.!irlh,, j n.~ll -uI,ld i>C.'h, j I.on '.1'.10.0, ('oll:l,r, !I:. IJ \'jij oJ. 1 ~1n, for lila li:irlh~.. lUll] j i'llir ~lC:1'II1' 1,~1.I, Ii", 1'1 I.ill,. iij l \j J. Iklll, 10 William J)"glcilCh, l(>r~III!U'. fur ~r"ilh lH~ ,,'roeh' (I" tl... IlIlm'l. ("r '\ij 1"lil IIIIII{II .-:irLl. l,uLl..il1 ,m.1 Ij llilir .l"ulo],. l,ul.l-.ilk5, niiij,;, I U'III, f"r xix I~'ir IH11..killo-. rl>r 1:1II1~,I, I. hi, nn,IIII'!';'I' 1.~l<1t'm fur ~h'il 1.1.lil1.",. !l:ij L riIJ'1. Itelll , roll' '\iJ 1",ld.:ilk.. 01,,1 cI.kt, f". II ..." lullkl I,;IT' item. for iij pilir 1(\11111.. f." "I.<il InOlilJ"s, i ..... Item, f"r !l:hiij I in... nu,1 lIuti.!l fUT h.11 "''ll aaJill . . x\\ij L liij.1. iLem, for IIII'wliu:.; uf Lhl' QUi'll'" l.eiJill Uilll I,UUIII;;
JIJ)U\.I'Ulis "II It. xlj II

(l..,nt, for 111l' IIUllel hil Rnd j"JlIlhUrill, Ij iIh'ln, for mdiut: nml grathill;; uf Ibtl \"j~, .., iij ~ hem, lu Thol>I018 (IuT.. tur 1:lf"j.,riUj{ Rud 1'\lkkil1ill;: "t lh" I.,,!ilk. or tin- 1"''$li8 au.1 11.'1l,5\'i.8 \(J thl' 11;\111)11 ami gr!llhiui:; f IlloIilll , uxiiij", \'iij It Itt"_' for 'iij dUll :;nllo Cl\1M)' 10 1", Ilia 11,,1'11 110\1111,.'1: ilk dill' iiij~. Ij II. i HIIIIIIIIU nx\"j;,
Itt'lI). fm liJ (,Inc
n~I<' ",II'8:I) \')). 'nl)" tl .. ~'III I)n.

xiij'" \"j \1IlJ,m, for nll\kill~ nf the Po,1myll. vj Altern, the xXl'j tla~ of ,runij, I~.yill' ) 11.11',. I:nl'I~'r (" .. C(')urliug 1'i11~i", c"l~liK, LIIUkiliit tol l'''II\'L1I1;,( ut H\'~' r"l th.. ' IJl1\'IIC, \\i"'!'I!.i, ULI'mlin h t.t l1iuitlU,.:il, IIULIlII ImLill, \\\,,,,-'l1il1': ,,( II ... L~Ul'lII~ 1\IIHlrol, Ilnf, quilil liI"'i,' alL<I 1"1.: 111I"i,l. h'J t. l"j J. 1t.'I1I, 10 1:,,1"'1\ ~!., n, I.'!t'. I.routh'lili .. , {"I n..-mling of ci>,*,Io, n.. lillt'l, ~lllQ 111tt'i.l, !';;Lr.llu;,; ", r1.lIhii rullt ~Ln;lll .,'r\', 1'1\1.; 11.n:i.1 fur . ICIlIIII~ . ix l :I: !l. 1t"Ill . 10 :\I;Lislcf .!.lIIICS W.lltl<'" he pil for _DC l .... nl!L l{I tl.e EI"I,' t,f 'lltrnIY. IX I. HCID, 10 hiUl for th Lllnll!5 fr;lIIdu our til I{alir IIlld

.. g.



Item, the XXI-V Ilay of Jllllij, toThOili t'on!t. in bridi lsihil' of thro hOI'll gitllu to thc K:.ng, u\-iij It hcm, La the Prol"illeilll(ltl 1111111, in ur.dilsildr of line hOl"5,

xiiij S.
[tem, to the bnl or Scl"llliugis 111.\11. ill urilli lsih-ir of nile hors gillln to thc King, . .'(iiij~. Item, to anI' mnn hrooht strnberyis t.o Ihe King, xiiij l Item, to Sehil' Ale.xamlc>r :Uakeullo thaL he gaif to the lIIen thaL luke lhe hnlkis of inehl,{'ith,

Item, to William naa for IInc kll)f 10 the King, xiiij is. Hem, the xxviij day of JUllij, In (inilliam Bowdoun, br(llldstail' Ilis 1II(1l1ethis Iingc, xxyiij S. Item,lo the So'lid Guillinlll in pUl"t oj his hlllLnllr w)"ocht berOt'e Wilsondny, xiiij il. hem, to nne mall of ::ChiI' J(,hll( :'<1\lsgm\"e8 hrochl xiiij il. IcUrcl to ,he King, . [tCIII, \0 the Auool of lIulYl1ld llllllS Illl'n, ill bridilsih;r of all~' hOI'S, . xiiij S. \trill, 10 HoberL ~lanelee, urout1s1nil. in his wagl', xiiij ii, ltelll_ 10 the ~nl'(linal' of Strl\"elill hl'ocht slm,-\'cryis to tlte King. " AItem, to Lor'll (:I'I)"IS tlln fa1conal'is \!I'ocht tun halkis to the Kiug, xXI'iij S. Il<'lll, for IIIlC 11111"1; to lho j'mlleh boy, iilJ !J. [lOlli, 10 CIHl'iu Bnil;5o fOI" (lIlO h oI'S t.o l>Cl\d ill FmllCl', xiij It. \j ii, I'iij It. Item, fOI' glllJlill lind F11mch lu~ Sl\111gis IIml olhi .. gl'l'e brocht IUUllo lJ\l ,Johl\(1 1iummilto,m, liJ .~. J lem, for nne 11[1\ to (111' King, \ IJ h Itelll, for LInD hnkllily bittis Wilh jnYlltollrill for lhe Queue '111i1ClI Ilho mid 10 Qll(dlJ.iI'U, . XI n, Itcm, fllr \"nrJ\~ill~ of fnl11'c I",il" stemp irnill, iJ ~, Item, for nl<'I~lliIlA of tun Lillis fOI" th(' QUllnis Iwntesilll; of datil r,r goltl, ij .~ Item, for onc SICI'I P irl! 'luhilk II"C!\ )'mkil!, x\'iij .1. ItC!m, fOl' 011(' SOI\l11 snllill fOl' the {~nCIII' . xxxij S.

LO Rn 111 (: 11 THE,HoW!:E I:


Itcm, (or (lue beiell quhit &'Illil for tl,.. llu!:'lI<: 01 nnet," 191" l,il;)l\II(>, . . xxvj 9. ,'iij \1 Item, for Ul(,lIliing of tun welhlll 81uiillcs, i;ij il. Hem, (ur nn(' !lew IMlltwle to :ute of t\milll, iij it Item, (or lueutling of t he he;eh slI,hll thnL ndis herOn! my Lady i\{U@l tl'8 rilSllnc, ' xij 0.'1 ,

item, the lirst liny or JlIJij, the King Illul I~II('II " luke ,j:\ge to Qnhithil1l, gillin to the AI)oot of Cllml,UIIkinneth hc b'll.if in hlillilsih";r f,r line hoi'll, xiiij ~ It Clll, fo!" ane hnt t.o .\mlr"O 110111(', ,IJ i11\"10, to Willinul Hila, c\thellar, for lilre "nyflut,!lex @ PCl"{! ~~ 'ijH Ilcm, for t un slIwll coffrez find (01" girliLn ami ],m8C8 to the 8Il1tl,l"1t to turs the QI\cnes chnpd gl1lith to Quhithil"ll, . xxxix!O. Item, to the fOIll itulil'n meustrnl('ll to feu {haim hOI'S for ix da)is t.o Cnln, . XIn(j Il] Item, the If'Cltnd dny or Jlllij, tn the I\in~ himllClf in hi'Ruin V"i'll, xx rmneh crollni" $lUllm,L xiiij tt l telll, to hir ,\ Iexliuder :\rR\:cnllo (01 hnlk met.
xlij i. h elll. to niche l1ail;;e to ride to Stl'i\"l'iil1 (01" tnking of nne hotl to tllll Killg. iiij !l. I~m, tho fenl dny \If Jnlij, to Ooc::tOIlf Cndiou, be the Killgil cnmmruul, h'j 11.. h em, h) Down!:', nlcOllnr, to btdo in l.inlithqw with


;:0: I.

h('lII, to l'etcr Ikru8tOull, the l 'ro\e~L uf J)umhertn;II'" m/m, La pnl til I.('ith to ScIJir \\'i lli:\111 '!.LIIlle, iiij ~ helD, to the woman or the BlnUmd broc.ht grene ~ys to the King, :o:iiij 1;. It(>m, to \\"ill;nm Oull\' to pns to I:obert )Iuncreif for nile COtlOOw 10 the Kill!!', xiiij ~ item, to litil l " I!lrtin the Spllnsnrt , :o:iiij 0.1.



Item, the I' lillY of Julij, to Ime mBll of Williatll Urounbilles Lroeht npill ol'Ullbeis 10 the King, \'j l. hell', to the smyth of Camuuskinneth for hedis to sIn tlte bllil in Coulinl/dd, ' xiiij!. 1t/'IIl, to Ill-if .\ lI(lro leit. thl! Kiugis hol'l blude . v1 ItCIO, to Holll:rt Forestnr in Slnn::lin for rMChee to strow lhe Illael! of ,";lrill'li n, xij iI. h em, the Ij t1B~' of Jnlij, to J uhn lI:nmniitoun, 00 tlil' K(ing:isJ commanu, :dij it Item, to Xoruee to fe him flne hors, xliij S. h em, to Umy, tIle gluIhlnkm' of ~1.ri lclill, xiiij A. Item, to the fonre acllnwmir bo~'jg, be commnnll, :>Iiiij l. Hem, to Thotll Foret. he laid JOlin fur iiij hon hyre the uny of jU51ing (Jultill tnl1!i~ t he bestis 10 lite cRIIlel! Bnll the bmTCII, iiij A. ItCIIl, Lo rille ',Jlronur nlld nile rowlnr IllIIt T"CIIlRnit in Strh-clill, . xiiij l 11('111, to Bol ... rt FOI"'Cstnr for the Kingis hOI1! kClling ill Htri\'c1ill, ix it l telll, to tho boy i. of thc (JIU'iI' or ~It;\dill ill SllUl'll lIih'ir,

Item to :l lnstl1!ll I)olllleti. lUlU! {or his hora hirc r1"l\ E linlmrgh to Stril'cliu , .. \"j iI. 11('111,10 him fOI' hi8 hors fin )-.Irilelill to CUllllnirnnlll, IIntl 1.1'11 hn thin 10 (;1Iu,,1:.'O, \'iij A, Ij d. !leln, thl' I'ij Iiny ot ,/ Illij, ill l'umillirnnld, to Lon! 1-1\'III)'l1lo:i.ll tallhtUIII\I', 'Ciiij it Il\'ln, to \\'n~ 'l'1ll1l1!1I111<1 I,y hi III nllo hore, xliij AI Ll'lU, (or nne lIOn I." : I!IW't.'L Dellul'ti, llllLU, U xliJ !\ Item, for mill SOlJi1I wilh nil tile 1-..'1(' 10 lho &;ml.rll. .


111.'111,10 Thomns J:OSucll fOI glnlll>; t" 11l1' Kill~, i l.elll, fur III1C [~Ih' of Lillis to Inng T lwill of t he .toliJiIJ , \ ij iI. It('tu. for \' fl'l-1r lUI'is tafr.. ti '1ubi)l ("1>\"(,I'it ;\11\' Il;It to tho Killg. xx~ 1t1.1I1, rhr ('1)\"cl"ill:; nr IIII' mIl'll, ij S.




(telll . t he \iij dny of Julij. t.) the UlHlIOns "n.1 wrichli,_ i n Glasgo. in urinksil\'ir. xlij l (t(:IlI, w . \ !tm8 Coqnher.tn, IInnOlur, ~iiij" Ilell!. UI GCOI'gC ClItLll,!Jo.1I fur 11It'l1lliul{ fl, the Qllt'lll'1l cowp. iij ~. h elll, III ltulIb.:l'tnne, to tit. lIU\i~tel' IIt'hil'\\rkl'l. \lij g Item. to lhe calf,llmill aDiI the I"if of the \\t'rkm"II. u\'iij J. 'tiiij J. h em, 10 Ihe l'Uflll)!O.lc wriehtls th,u, II rlll, to l:uLc1t lIen.."rt au,\ Thl'lIlI., I\'i",,," t" I'al h.111l1 til l-~ill\."'1,.:h Ira lhllnlon1j1lw Jlnj j:., hl!m, to1 tl.e m;tn Lhnt hell,it I" \ollllg ,I"UII 11" 1",!>oUS h) Llum!Jo.'tI.;lIIt>. "ij J. Item, I" AII,lm 1I"l'll,nll, I.. till' Kin.,';, COIIIIIIIIIllI,




Item, for j pair !l('h"lle 10 lIulUtmul A,I:IIII, f"tmoll to lhe Qllrlle, 'l:liij It Item, the l't My tlf ,Julij, W 01l~ 1It1l11 tu 1"I~ fm S.mct ,loh,"101l11 to :::;tri\'l!lill Ililh 1'10. 1,l.I.ir of l~rn('S n)!!lU8 the air ,I' SIlil"i'lin, ij l. \'iij d. l telll, !oJ Tllnlll 1'"",1., in j'rirlibihir n( nnr I,nn IW'lId furl h III Stlnct Jvlmet.,ulI 1.0 II .., I"inl,(. ix ~ I Will, to :111(' IIInll 10 I':I!\ fm 1', ')"," to Illlnl~'l Illne Ilitb one J.:ltir to .\'''\"' Bertonn, ij il item, to .\11011'0 11111111 to I"~ IllIhll' lur cnll'" hI! \I,'" ~ick,

item, In th,


01 I'm,I"y



",-xllij :. 11',

Item, to tlir wH 'Iulmir 111(


:l;I'jij l \;,hi_ .hun).: 1_, the

n!;. fOl' IIl"hOll1: to Ih(' hm,'h ....w )"iiij d. !t,'III, tht' xj II,,}" 'oi ,h.lij. l~lyit to :\1..i"tl'r ."Ull,.. \r.11,;('11 i"r hay tn the };rlc of _\hum h" ... Ihl~ \IlUh't \'IIUI!t, .Iwl l .... I'J \...lIi" Hr ;lli" quhilk I... "It UN'ht [n. Ih,. gmnil;lr ..! ~,lIJct.111th"i", \. tt XH; ~ Item, l.o.lollno Fonllllu (or (('('hin;.: lor 1"(' "in~ie cote, ,Inlij, in

Item, till' x .L1\




J\ccoexTS OF TIl E


IlUb~' sword of hOllour, hornyng of pointis. j qunrt.a.r fu'linu, Alld othel' !lOnU gmith, . Xl'l.. iiij Ii II{>Ul. to the 'oure Schnll u\iri~. thnir hors hire for il: daris

In cum, .



Itcm. the xj dny of JuJij. II) R ile 1I\0n bl'ochL nne fed 0)1' nml n'IIC!!OIl fro the N:hil'1!f of Air, xiiij ~ itelll, tht' xij dll} of ,fuJij , (n nnl' Idami 1111111 brocM 1110 h"lkis to the Killg, . xniij 11 Item, to lht' IIChll.l\'llli ris, be th e Kingis oommnnd, xiiij g, Item, the xiij liny of Julij, to the portnir of Hargany, iiij l h (lm, thl' xiiij ,lay (If .' ulij, to ,Iohlle i\lnkcullo to 1..'lk hnlk is in tlm!k, xiiij A.. It(llll. lhe XI' dR of Jlllij, in G1(1111111, to CnlOl'bell of the " chumir, . xiiij!. 11<'111. to lhl' IllI1SOIiS ill M(lrtolln, in lirink.!li h,jr, xiiij !l. Item, the xlj IIR.'" of Jnlij, in Quhilhil"ll, for nile hors to 1tl'IH, ror lilli' J'OI tugflll skin te he Imlk hllflis, !tI'IlI, to nul' mnll hroc.h~ nne Imlk t.o the I,iug,
v H. ix!l ix &. item, to \I.e fourc [Ialien mellstmlCfl, iiij Fmnch el'OlIlIis: snllH1HL h'j lI. [ICIII, to thl' rome tl'lIIlljlt>tis: ilk Rile ix it; summa xxX\'j S. item, the xI' iJ {lay of .JlIlij, to J ohno Wrich t of Leith for Etmit h In"! d('lilwiL lo Pic';. tiK' pflyUtolll': ill the line
11\11~', :'I 1 .1 I'J.:r(>~


lil1'l. f"l \' 1 11I1H1 xij Imet) redo 1('\10 : ilk pll11tl niij <I.; 811111111a . viij ~ vij d. 0\1, fI~III. f(\r v ~ ]llIIul nU\!llicot . ilk 1'11 111 1 xl'iij 11. , ftn lllma viij Q. iij It !t('m, for iij 11I1Iu.I l'i1"i,lilcr. ilk !llllul iij !l.; .IIl1l1l1l1n ix Q. hcm, rul' v ~~ 1'l1 nd 1'('l'ml!iiOIi Il ; ilk pllllli iiij il: 811111111a xxxij iI. hem, f,,1' iij (1111111 x IIn('t qllliit. leo:lo; ilk ]lllllli X\'iij d.;



,. It

1.0l(J) 111(;11 TI:Jo:.,\SI'J:EI:

, ~ .'" 1:.07,

IWIll, ((lr v \llIml :<iJ nnM orpt:lI1euL: ilk jlUn.1 iiij :i



IWIlI, pnyiL to 1l0lJCrL HcrtolUi IIUII ,\lI(lro IA' rtOlIll for \'iij nt/ni nAI'm !llonelhi, II'll.llc to I ~'d to lIullbcltuuc to I ilL up lho et:hip IUtI$L thai', X\'J 11 xij tI. Il('UI, rOl' 1U1(' hcll, Aue flnent, nml Un(' O'Oll'll.t for tlu~ l'rinCti elUtll-'l, \' it It('hl , (01 iij ,1 I>;U1C l)Oilltill to thc QU1'nCl elmriot 'O iij l Ill'!;!, to thll l'ulUplrollnr Ilul11lk he Il\id .101111 for \ittliling of :\Iontjoyill IlChip III IIclllllark Mil for l,oC(ldmg to hUll , bl,t1. xij K. ,iij If. 11.(>111, to :llfli ~\.('1 J uhne Mllrm)' ho Suir to AlexLllH.ler Wardl,\\\' IluiH:>Il ho plUMit to RnUtt ,Inmes, vj "mllcl. CI'Ol1l1i.; 81111111111 iiij It. iiij it item , fol' xij LukkillCIJ to II,c \\iu)I;ill hnrnl1l I14dil, vj it IWlfI, for nue r<!Splnil to lho l\il1;':, 'iij it Itcm, fOl' tlil'u vis 111\1\'8 to thl'! anJi llu, ij ~ Item, the xviiJ Ilny of ,/u lij, fur ll.e &Chip fI'tIuchL tll"ocht IJlIlIC tho l111nOI"III' and hanlu, xl It. Itcl'l, to Simon :\Iakcullo uroch t hallie IIItH.:ij furth of . xX:CI'j ~ l Ol'knny, I t(,bl, to Ingli. Cutltly, he OOIUIIIIUld, ,'s. Item, 10 l'aUl II nl-plil', clJU'SClul, \')1. IIelll , to Lo rd FlemYlIgi>f luu\)ronn l', ix !t ilcm, to An8le, ULuUrollfll', 10() the li:inj.(iil COIlIIlInIltI, xiiij it ltelll, to Hlilliunll, hll..nl, ix )I. ItCIIl, to tht! H eschop of ) Ju rl1lyie lallUI'OIHu'. iij S, \tcnl, to AtilUll Oiki'!>OlI, Jlltnl', IX i-\, h ew, Lu Vuddy Big, " )I, lIeul, to (illiilimll, tauiJronlr, alltl !J ill IIUIII, x:.:j it It CIII, to n tlC El'scli O\cll~lrnll" XIIIJ '" h ('QI, to ,\llIne C(I(lu hemll, urmOlllr, xiiij i;_ ltl'tll , to th., Fmllch 00)", xliij It. \I(>m , to Ih(' 1111'11 of LtUlll, lot thl:' I\illgia COIIIIJI'\I)(I, xiiij ii, Itc'lI, t.o the chiltlCl' of tl,t' kl'f.'itill, "it Item, in GI!'nillll, to the 1I111 )lh qulmil ll,e I\illg" blnaik n the 8t~lr LO the smyth, . xiiij ll,

.'\l't'OU:"TS O}' THE


... _ 1;.0;

11('111, to ane llIall 1>1'ocht stra)i.leryis to the Ki ng,

11,-111, 10 1I11~ IUIIU ul'OCill Ilykill to lhc Iklli. t,! the S'n\lilMr nt GI.'lIlns,


v A. \' S. iiij A.

to the _ ulJvt of ::;"ule.ctis 1I\(l1l I>rocht wilJ IIICt. \ \j ,. 1t1.'D!, to (:nrcoch 1'1I1""l\\,mt, _udij L 1U'IlI, the ,;i~ ILI~' or .Iulij. In Alexander Focart. liMnl S(>ik, ); Iij ,. hew, 10 the roure Ito.lien mcnstroies to fe thair hon ix ''''Jill to l'Uln, .uxrj II, IICIII. till' :00: tlrl~' or .IuIiJ, to nne rOllla r and o.n8 rn1COilaI'll) l;Ik 11.'1lkili. ' ,;i iij l itl'lU. t'l 1'lo:li". 1~lynlollr, rO l' ij I;, )1111\1\ gil'W, iHj 'I'Ulri8 It.'uti ~1)1,I, j I'" lid ,anlgnis. ix '11I;lli"l p:l pil', j pO~-111 ... Iy,-,. 1lales, I"II.: tlll\i.l. ij pl1ml 'l"hiL 1001'. U1l1l111, cad,ic!l, f,'1I1I1, \. Ill'ltis to t41"".;ei"l, or ai1ll.lri I1l'i('i"l. xlj it I' iij (t. Ikln. I" l1i1l1 for nuc 1I1Rl1 ni"l \\1l~,(, within \'Hj doyis tll.'fOl~ th.- Jl1~tin~ tn h('lp him, x A. I'J [(t.) Ilp111. (Ill j Il1IaltJu- CRIWlY 'Illhilk ml'llllit 111(' QUCU CII littuir gnulh. xiiij II. itCUl. III<' uj '\11)" nf ,l ulU. ilL the kirk or ;lll'neooyll, quhnir the King dr-wk, ill IlI.:lcheir, xx,'iij " Ittlll, to ,Inc hlnn hrocht chel"yi~ (0 the Ki n:;., ij ~ Itt'lII, (ur j 1~1ir ~hone I" the }'\"lIlIch ho~', . xiiij 0.1. Itl'lll, tl1l' p;iJ '\'IY or .Jl1 lij , (01 \iij wi ld Ilul,;if; to cllter Imlki". xiiij I. 1t"III, I .. .It>hnc WOII, lirll1ll 8<:'il,; in\ir. s iiij', 1\<'111,10 thu d:IrtW'llllr thar, I'So it'm, t .... Ijli1l l'll\j,t Home! 'l"hilk 0.1ill '11 Air ix .i'lyia lM:llill,1 till' King. xiiij" ItNll, ("r IIChoillg of L11(' grct hOI'S in ,\ il' nllil fOl' MillO t<l 1.li~ tlulim, . iij.t ij (t. Iklll, If, bn,; 'I'hom 11m' lil ill :'I f,lrtiu ill .\ il" I.~lli lld thc KUI~ ix li"ll!" :o.iip. \'j t1. hem. ("I ,me ~nlk IIIHI IIIIC jlnir of &,hollc 10 tho lIIIi,1 :\Idrliu. \'.:1. ii ij ll. ""In, t'J 111(' ~luJtl l thnt UI(:I,,c>ilaliL tile K illl:;i~ gn't hon, xiiiJ So
to thl' Kill)!,

l ORD III UII THE,\:-;rnJ:


h e lU, l(.o Alane Coquhemu,lilu .. 'lnr, i:o: i1." IWIIl, fur Ihc Kingi! hclchci .. in ,\ il !Mlh ('l1Iumaml !lIliJ g!lu~n lll l , xlij ij:. IWIIl, tht xxi iJ Ilay of Ju lij , 10 ,JotUK 1:"11(,11, lJ I. h em , to the f(,!'Jade of 1)11 111"'11.\1\(' 111'<\ IIII! 1\ill~ our the wlll ir, xiiiJ I. I Lem, to .Iuhno \\'nne for bllln,,1 to the 1\1I1I,:i. khip, xlij I. Item, the niiij dny of .luIiJ, to lht' I'ro\"(:111 of )JUIil-Crullili 1('I"'11I11Iill oma.n).! thahn. xniiJ I. l te ln, 10 t ill; lIaitl l'IUn.,,,tilpnliulir. ij L Item, II' Ihl! Lote lIleu tlun tOI\l~ til<' 1\111;.:' oor Ille wallr, :.:iiij" Ite m ,to t he \\el'l.u\l'1I ill 1'1I"ley, ill drilll.:~illir. "iii.l,l l !.em, to I..v nl An'ml,lil ht hill.IIlIIII 10 IIU'U th,tt l'll,,:ln

$lmy lIer)" ls nutl othir \.M:IYI" to till! I\in,; oml l.IlII.'1Le,

).:iiij I. Item, the Xl:\" dny of Jnlij. to IhI: lord uf l:uflUII'1I1U8Uis ma n olOchl (' h(,l}i.. "ij L h em, the ););I'J Ilay of ,JlIlij,'" lilt' .\I,I~'1 (,r 1"Uoll'~lIi men, in J.li,liL.ihir tU;l b"lw j::iUiu to the }\i"~.


",\iij i .
item, the K ing l~u..it 10 Indl{'hcnn!lll, tn tl.. I...t<, men rowit the 'King our th. WllUr 10 I ILlllloell<mt',

It"lIl, to IIlr n thaI lollllhl l,l1r Ihe l\:il1~" holl!<.. Ill; A. 1\.('111. to Golll'mlll, .. ,hil' Wridll ill IlLml...:llnm:. in think-

Item, \0 the cntrn t liLlia ()( tlw edlil', Hem, II) the "Iif of Ih\.! \llil'htil, ill h em, the :t::1(\" ij L1.)

xlij S.
xlliJ A.

"r .J nlij. in l HM'~", 10 1:,,\O('rt, (;1 k(O!I;lr,


xiiij &. Hem, to nlll' Uu\1I of the Uekhop of th" lIi~ \'Il'lht halkil! . ' ~ ' i". item, In Ihl' I~hllr t)( (;la.~:,,'(Jll1 llI"i~I"1 ('ul., \iiij ~. Item, u ~ 1 0Il(l(";ll,rnlllt', qllhoir the I.,IIlCIIC .Imlll.:, ill 10(I1I-hrl, \ iilj i..


".0. \~,

ACCOUK1~ U.F 'l'lffi

Item, leut, lie the l\iJlgi~ COlIUll[lIld, to the AbboL of 'l'nnglllllllnud cml llocliL 1c goUin fl"iI him, xlxiij It vj S. "iij it. Item, to JUllle Vog COl" tua dO!lUne poilltis Lo the King,

,'iij U .
h elll, to Alane Coqnherane, (l1111011H" \.Ie t he Killgis COlll11J(lnd, xlij S. hem, the xxviij dlLY of J ulij, to the }'mncli lIrlllOral1B Ullin, . xxyiij S. l!.em, to the Ll"ll1I1 PCtiS, Le lile Kingis c011ll1l(lnd, xiiij S. lLt:1U, L.... Jollne CUUII'lod l of lIn", l"tlwluJlui", ill recolllpensati0I111 of ciathis the King h.'1.d gif him, "j Fnt1lch iiij 11. iiij ~. et'olluis ; SllInmll Hem, to lhe pn)"ntouris nU\ll for j donLllIL lIIul j pIIir has the King b..'1d gir him, xv ~. Item, to the puyntollr himsclf, the W ltsonduy mail for his hOIlS, be tJle Kiugis COlllllluud, liij S. iiij It Item, to the ferYIll" of ClIUllmskiullcth, ij s. Item, to Johne FOI1l1tt1l to brir the wif quhair the Fmuch IUAll suk! hnf dyn)"t, \' S. Item, to 110b Forcstnr fOI" l'IIsehl's to the PI(lce of

Stri"elin, ,. g. Itl'llI, th e pennltuar of Julij, in Sh;velin, t.o the v f mnch 1II1.l1lstmlcs, iij H. x S.
Item, to Willialll Forsilh ull(ll'ntrik 31axlolll1 fordichtillg Hull gmthing of Ihe ehamil'is in Slrivclin and I..inlilhqw, iiij 9. hew, t.u UH.J llHlsons of the queir (.of Stl;\"diu, in lh1nksilvil", . xii ij S. Ilelll, to .J ahne Jl nlllll] i1toun, be Lhe 1\ ingis COllllllfllJ(l, x Iij S. IltllU, 1.0 1.(11"1.1 J\\" cnJllles lllllis, xiiij ~. l lelll, 10 .-\rche n ikil'\OUIl to bide bchiml Ille I\iug in ~t.1"i\"cliu wit], nllC halk, .'<iiij ~. ltClll, to Inll lIIen brocM tisch to the I'::ill:;, ix !l. It cw , to till! &'il.: folk (It tim porL of SII'i\,clill, ij il. IlCIII,1.o thc ,Iif of the F/llI"kyrk qnhail' the I'::iug drnnk {llIhl'1I he COlli lo Lilllithqw, ,. N. ItcUl, l" II11C rule, 00 the I';iugis COllllLl(llUi , xiiij d.

1.01!0 H IU Il rm:.\ s nlEll


Item for Itroy 10 l'-I,ly ;\1.3.61n, 1......1. \'iil't. l (klll, tho 11II!(,.lny of J nlij, 1,0, tilL' rtlUl" h.lli.:lIlLltII~lnLl. tlwir h0l11 " .I:';l"li ;\"iij day i,: ilk Ib}' liij "-: 1I11I1L1IJ.t IiJ' 1'111, WIL1!t. Alille, ('u.-ryill \I if ill 1.1IIlilil'l W,. iij, h em, 1 Jnm{'l, nl"i.'LHlr, for x\ij t';u in:.:" 1111"' \\iI IL th' 0 Queue. :,'(>n' to Qnhi1hinl fOI' x:uj IIaJi~, ;1Iu [ ilk ",,1"11 011 thl' Itn) :t.iJ < ; IIll1lH'ln , I. J()( \'j II, \'ij It 111'111, for j IUII"I wilh 11011. of tilt: li.1 :.:.,,,, fUltl1 "f E~.hul 'lll1,(h to L'uLLlluinHlIII, nlHI .... l.~ (mill \j 1 1 ,I}i~. \"j ,:: Item. to .JollII(' Fonnrlll for Ihll: hOI~ 'Inltil k tl1l~il tho.!
I\i nb.j~ d31h l ~. ha n\l'8,CU8dlilllli~,


1\1 .. \ IlI l\il:;,i(' rur xx:tj

,lnYla , ilk tillY iij L; 1\1111111<1 ii'lll .\iij "h elll, ror tUIi hU1'1I tlllllilk llll'.. il Hubell nHu::lu~ l\.tllh and .\leJ(unu.. 1' }.Iukculloi. to .\il", "J dUpll, Ilk \In ~ ij a. i "IIIII1I1U :oij it It.cUl, t.o Ihe taitl hOl'8 l,illnlltl ill Ail xj JIIY!II, (JIll' h,M \\llge, xj A i t.clll, 10 the I:lll1yll hot'S rOJ' ilt dn)la furth of Ai l' to 1J..linhurgh, ' ' niij iI. It.clU, for aue hUI'II to 1 1111", Tholl\fltI to lur, Ihe l'iIL;!i" hOJ1l houM!I und hnnil'1I15illgis ror 1110, Il~1 IWI", n.~j Iinyil, ' \ \'j a.. it t'LlI, rVI tllli Ia"ra fm Edi1lw lr,.:h lI.I I..illlith'IW 1111<1 11)11" IIgalie to "J..linl'llIllh \\ltiL III{' I'llmlillto: (lr lit" QlIl""''' chnmir. \'iij ~ Itelll , to J olme l1ummillolll1, 00 lh,' I\ill:.;i., \',)IIIIII"lIli, 'I.iiij ~ Item, tor nile 110 1"11 fl,r xxxj tlni, to tm1llh, Kill;:i .. 1"11'(1 .... 11 gel"e to Quhithiru nwlluLlutl "l:Inuc 10 ":"'IiIlI'III";;h, " lij a.

h t'lII,

tilt, Ih",- lin)" lor ,\ IL~IL"'l. L"~t'\1"11Ut" f"r Cd'UtIl(' iij H_ 11.lnl('t /lm l !o.'\J il\,~ .lightiu~, itt'UI. Ule ....>llIuj (L,y of .\\Ls:n~t, for 1II,n.lin::; flf till' Qnelli. c"wl', "i ij a.. IlI'L1I , to :xhir ,ft,lme !:'ch.I'l', .,,,\oI'[hlll<" tOI .Iilhlill'.! "r U,\ix ~ \ II. the 1,1.1("1' IIml ~.Iruiug gr.llhiu;.:.


At:COU , f ti OF TH E W


u:!dj (lira bent..; ilk


ij I!. ,


iij II. iiij S, hclU , to J:uthirfunl, lIJeasingeir, to j)fUI t.) tllo Schireff of 811;I'clill wilh tilC Killgis leltrcz, iiij 1. Itelll, to ane lilllll uroch~ an\! hert to tite Killg, xiiij 1. lten" the Uuid dny of Angnst, for \'iij clne y.1I0 C(\rsay qnhilk well hOIl$()Ul'i6 fol' the Quellis led 1101'11 ; ilk cine iiij R.. I'j 11,; summR xx.'\lj t. held, the fcnl uay of August, 10 .\lexnn,I~I' I.aw, fuiconnr , fur to COlI hnlkis, xlij !l h cm, tllc v Uft} of 1\U<4tl8t, to i\Iaistcl' James 'VnlSOIl 10 the ilnmC6 eX]lcll'3 in SlInct(llldl'ois for tllc IilOllOlhis of August, :;C),tClIlUer, Octooor, quhilk ill Ixxxxij dnJis; ilk Jay viij it; 8UUlmn xnrj n ..X\'j l Item, the I] lilly of August, to Alane Coquherullc lo Ilu)"t Ollt rlllU ste\l~' 1I11lI Que 1"1I1ir vf 00lli8 li:Ill\1 in wed to ane smylll ill uith. iij "_ ltelll, to the gardinu!" in ::ilril'clin Ll'ocht 8tnll>eryis to the King, Iij S. h ell), to lhe Kin!; hilll6Cif in his pm'll, xx Fnluch croullis: snmmn , xi iij II. helll, tho I'ij lIny of ~\\I:;llst , to 1I11'C gUllllada, ilk aile Llln 1lI0liothis \\'Il:;e (,I]" \0 I.'~ ill the U!lliR, xI'lt he'lIl , to the samyn gUllllnri!l, in tiL"illksi\\'ir, xij A. II NII, \" Lllo pyuouril! nnt! CIIILal'ia thllt j'roC'hL tIJl.'glluuil! funh of tlH! ('n~Ie'\1 allli IIl'd thaim to l.dth, rm' bnrrellis nml Ln~i8 rUI' jluwtlil" . xl\'j ~ iiij d. II CIII, thc viij .lflY of August, t .. tho Fmuch :mnom l', in dlinkilihir, xx\'iij ?. hem, to Johllc Beg, ml~lUg\'i l', 1111i!S:m ,j ttl th~ 1 ':1Il! of <.'nmfurd, Nhird printipnlo of .\1oil'llcue, h) \rllm hilll to lJ\llk hia compt , x t. I (em, t .... Ihc Fm1lch 1111111 llmt cum be IlOlIt, I... the I~i\lgi~ (,(>llllllllnll, xl Frnu('h Cl'o\\uis : SUIUl,\3, xXI"iij ti. Item, llll' ); ,IllY of AlIglI~l. t.o Hlllhirfunl, lIICSIIllIl;cu', I" !'ItS "Ilb lelllc.t L.O tllO ::ichi .. d ur riff, . Ij l.



Item. to nlll' lIlall to 11Wt" itl. the n.~ugnitiOlu6 of ll('utdh AD. 1:.01. LO WiIlUII) "~IIU"n6tooll. iij-'. Itern. to Jolillt.: DII\jllllOn. ("0 ... 1,'11,\1, for .... 11"11'" Imli6, l"'UU"lnl. ('tln'lIu6l'i" to tlk' Kill!,; '1,1 1I" '\Un(' 1,jl~11>l t./ IAllllUt.. iiiJ II ilj~_ hel1l . to hilu f,'1 IIoC hOl1l' utili 1.lut"n~ , ('.,Ihm;t,ti" to lht \.\111.:11< ....... J\ UliinO ,lilY hiILI"!. x \:\IJ i. I iij.t Item . to th .. ",if\ Joime for '!Ch"m', hutil to tli~t"tl'r,
' \11111.... 1I0ul.... Iiti U \Inrlill the :-'1~1nYlrt. the FrrLhch \1fJ.r SOl1lt"(. Johu llu(e, lh, ~ )Iori.'l, IIUU \lfOljo-,1'!" Ijlluuln~ ...,,, \i(o\tnue l,i)"Ult. .liij l uiJ U lI.('1n, 1 .Iohll< lI:lIIuuihollll, I.e 1I1f" KItI"i. \,"'lI1l1lO1l1d, 0 ) 1"1,lIl1h cnlUni,; InUlllHl. xxn- h_ ILt'lII. In AIl,lm ,\)tl)11I\ that M l'lill ,IHUII to c..;ul<lwe\l, IIi, \"l~ fnl till' uvi ij \I:ty of MuiJ to t hl.' tilrid day of Selll(:IllIIl'r to 1:11111, Iluhilk is xiiiJ .,lIIki8: ilk o\~k dj e.: 11ll1llma . iiij If. XI iij il. item, LO him for coli8 the "'lid ~y llie. ilk dn," I'j 11

8UmIlU\ ,

xlix i.

lWIll , tor ix elue enmtU('S to I"y ullllir tI lt, I\.iltgit hl.... I. ix I. Item, the xij tiny ot An!,;U6I. 10 Il1glis t luld), 100 tlte Kiugi! \.'OIIIUHU1,1, . xiiij" Itkin, to Iht Kin~ hiula\:lf, tlulli lL hI' I~IIL ilL till' diN lIith J ulin \llll ln)"'6'lUf\ar, );iiiJ!I. Item, 10 th t' l:lnJ ot !)1\wiki8 U1I111 qnhilk hl'tK.'I1t IJl"l'Ons

to Ihll KinV. I); ~. It(olU . tlHlL l1)"clll. tu the King, (JlIhilk he 1) l1l ,'llll1' eflrtis, .\i ~. \J tI h elll, the xiij Un) of AU~lIBt, to \)nml" Dunk 111I1Iilk he Will) fm th e Kinf!. xiiij ~ ilem , to llit:' wir ill Bib'l\I' ror iJ lI}"thtl~ I:ldl." ~\\'-j~. 1\('111. to aIit' .Inft \H'hlao that Mlljt t" th~' I\.ill;;. iij .... Ittlll . Iht xlilJ d,,~' of Au~u~t. In tl'" I-jear of Lmtoull Ih.'lt sait liach ami ail La till" lim):,. uXlj AIttlIl. to Ihe \\it III Ijntoun qullnil thl' KWI! lu~'\'il. in
\l(.lch .. ir, xXI"iij IL Item . to alte IIllIn of 1}"wiL to gt'r I,.rul~ 1"'",11- 10 liJ t. i-~inll'"'Gh to the King,



\iij (I IlclII, the:>; \1 (1ny of J\ uguSI, t o tlu~ nld /\ l!l,()t.of Luudorill mon Ll'och~ p]owlUys to the Kin::, iij S. Item, to oue UUlU Lrocllt IIIlC 1.11k fm FllUklnuu, iiij II. hem, t he x I'j l.hly or AUb'll st, L ~ l akcowh.'a mUlL, ill o Ilti,!ilsih'i!' of IIlIe h OI'I, . xiiij A. I Will, w Bol.x!rL Galloway fo,' the l\ iugie hon IChoing sell Witsollllny, I' H. xij It ItClIL, to Jolme Murl'llyis mULL, ill l>ridiJsih'il' of IIlIe hore gilli l! to the King, . xiiij 11.
Itelll, for Ime heu 1-0 the halki8. i\el n, tho xvij dny ol AUgH5l, to 1\ lIcclmus Ki ncaid, c1I11UOIl of Sauct.nndrois. quhilk wee in the chnpell, :x

Fmnuh crouuis; summn vij H. ItCLll (the xI-iij dny of August], t.o !;chil' Dl\vid ' Homo's IIIlI.n , in \lI'idilsilvi L of IUlO hora giUiIl the Kill~, . xiiij S. [IOU), payit to tbe oolllptrollul' he laid donn t.o Hulhir. fun] to 1)(18 to SUUl lllond thll Inn! of I:UqUhRUIIUIJ for ix A. the lamb of l..ochkclhcnI. ' ILCIlI, lC hilu hc gili l t.o nUCI\lR1l to pM to lIndiugtoull Rilil ('oldiugh.l.lUll. to proville fO I,tht: luglis chamirlullc Bud his Indy. ' \'ij Q. h elil. w hill! he gail fol' xxx ;,.(lIiLlkilluis for the \\illlllll'n cOlis ngaull the jU8Liug ; ilk pero yj <1,: 1II1111111n
X\' II
!lllil i .

iij i. h (,lII, to hilll fur tlH~ Killgis tloggis 1U1l\. 'rn the Iil1lt Iiny

for Lrillgi llg: of the ItImyn to this tOUII,

of "larch hill!Ult to tht" hn.t day of SeptelllUcr, ' Iuhil),; is Ii}Lle f(juI'C Ilnlis; ilk <lay ij 1; SIIIUlWl xviij It liij _. Item, for tun llllkis booM !.;tIIO to till' 1'11.)"1110111 ~'OI"C the jllstillg. ' I'j n. Itelll, to IIIU' "I"{list of thc l.ew;" hl"UCllL ]MIL-is to the Killt;:. iiij l'1;luch croll uis, 811U111111 J\'j it Itt'llI, 11) ,\]11111: Cfllilihero.llc. anuvnu', he the Killgi!!


1t1'11I. to 1I,'I' i,1 T rll1 lli ll ll;II ' P(";oI\;1I1I1 Ilill,

xiiij ii.

the h:lIl\.'J; for the \IU I'W,.dla l\iut-\is fl'l Furl]1 Jlol,II., ~X \IIJ ....

LQRU IIIGIl TltKM:iU ln:l:


helll, ttl J ulllll\ Beg 1 1118&11111 with ei<:likc il:tln:J. frnu " I:.o; Forlh lOuth, nm\lellrez ot pnnil Ililliin Ihe achil\'fdome of WigtolLlL en the IChi rcf amI hi. coml,lici", x'(nj bIlcul, for nne smlill lo MOLLIJ")', xxviij il He w, to nue UlIlIl LO linS LO ])uu ferlLll) n willI lite stR IIII or tan ne w('111111 <Iu!lilk suld 1 I" N!.Utt " "II,I)i., 1M aud to fae IJlm IKl", . I ij i;. Item, for nlll due C311llUe8 to I'ok lIU.lln1rn lItJ.IIltI iu. xij ..t I WIIL, ,1I'}'it to .Johne l..eth.'Ul(,. wulillu_ (ul HII! tunc LA) the Kiue:is .....'lLilIaell )I.L-reh IJII .. I In 1M lIn.t, for xiij ainlO"i11 helteri., ilk 1 )('Oe iij i.., J d""I," IKltt'r lij A..; BlLlumn \hj i. {And other 1IL"ldlery to the vnllle "f u It. xj ... I'iij It. tor the I\ iug's BtJ.IIoI<" 111111 IU. xiiij.:t. vj It for the QII(,(,U" etahle,] 1 ~1lI, to &:hit' JlllUCS Coti. for the unCOlltis of the g-rc~ !)('Ilnis tlmt COlli fOith of l-lnllurez, Ij ollki., nnd tor lImir 111('1, \ iiJ 1. "iij d. [Will, to AIl(' lUon In"OCht :Ule hnk f,'l"l Fuuklnnd, " .i. lt(,l11 (Ihc xill: da)' of Auguatllo unft Aline ill Linlilhqw, ij Ii.. 1 ~1I1, rill' glume to the KillS, dclil"l'rit. to 111"1I\M llolneli,
u\'iij il,

Item, to till.' m,UIOne of Linlithql\'

clmpdl, in Ilriub ih iI,


pntllit the
xlij it

itcm, tl'l )(ol)('l't, faloonlll', :lii ij il, Itcm, t(J !:jellir Alexauder )[lLkcullo tel' hll.lk met, xlij II, Hem, t l'l l' nlLo hi'll'! to J ollLlc FOl'mnu, ' Oll tho l': iugi8
l'OlLLlunu,I, \oj " . Item, til\' :u IWY of Aug."'!. ill ::-trin:'!ill, fOI anc cortlnan. ~kill to IIll BU(' ,1I1ir uf I"rtklikillUi8 to the King. ixi. 1t(,III , to auc lUlU! lu 1 to DUllfl'llIll) II Ie wnntc ef the l1li 1\ ing;8 Clllllmrng Ihllr, ij Ii.. Ilel1l. 1.<11111('111311 hf UigllClI,lil Lrocht mCI'trikLo. til tILl! Kin;;,

..... l!.O7


Item, 1)/1)"it to Johue LaUSOUII of Leith for j'yj !"authleris, \'iij gl"Ct lrei" "j 5\l1nll Ll"dl, j mast WI!! to tho Kiugi. werk 1.00 lUlIllllhile :\[aistcr Loonnni Logy, of limlr)" pnci., "j n. x\'iij So

hem , to nno mtlll of Ihe Inn! of I.owlloll' t>'3if 11110 hnlk to thc Kiug, xiiij l hem, Iho xxj IIny of AUb'U8t, 10 the Frnocluuau thAt. cum fnl Authon Oarsce, ,'mncil kuyehl, to p:lI to
EUiulJurgh, xx\'jij I.

h em, to I)n\i(I, fBlooM\", to fE'C him nne bors tor "iij dnyis, xiiij I. 11<}Ill, to nllO Illnu of WillilUIl EdUlallst.olls broc:h~ nne hert to tho King:, \'1. hcm, for lun hOI'l hire t.o har tbe IIlLLl)'1I helt 1.0 tho Queue, . x I. Item, to Hollett. FOl'ellt.'lr for l'asches to the clmlllir nuris in 8trhclin, ij ~ Item, to nne Ullin to ~IOp the Killgis Jil't. ij ~ 114m (the xxij \Jny of AUb'l.lst1 t.o nne fulOOlu.lr of l..oru Grn)il Ihnt gnt nile lml" fm the .Kiug,
ix I.

IWm, to nne toil tellAr in I)unfcrllllyu, vl Item, to the IllIUlOUI n11\1 urithlis in DUllrCl'lulYII, of
,\rinksihir, xxriij L

11 ('111. 10 Wille Du110 be til(' gnil, ij i. IteIU, thl! xxiiij ,lay of ~\ ngust, ill .Fnuklullrl, to UIlO IIIltII of Waller IIcl\.'Otb t11!1.~ Ill'Ii\'CliL aile hnlk to the King, xiiij AItChl, 10 nile man llll!.L ,,('itl ill tho loch of (Jn l'IIO nJllI

puL ru"th th(> fOllll's w the hnlkia, iiij i. hem, to n n o IIInll IJI'OChL pi"ia lO tile King. ij il Itelll, thl' XXI' !Iny or ,\ugI\8L, to lho 1\111ooL ur (.;u1II1.llskiullelh IhnL he g:niC rnr (lIll' dill> ulltl 11110 IUfr, Lr the Kingis <'Olll1llnnrl, ~i ii.i II. Ill'llI, ill 1\ltiuIII'IIIC, W ,1"lml.' !Jul1 lop Lo ]lila our lhe
\h'lllh to l,i.ll' lit 11(IIIL l;dort' Lh~ Ii:ing, It''In, I" .\1\J~1I1I(1!'1 "nk(,llllu 10 11M lIiclikc, 11~'lu, t" WIIU" 'l'nruhulJ 8iclik(',


!.OR II If IG Il

'l'IlE. \~Un":l!


h ew, to l.iulUliu FOCitlllO I)M to Iy III the 1'01-1, 0.I',151l7. IJ8.\jtl Item, LO JOllies Oonglos to IWI Jlithk(" ~IJ' item, to J\ I'(:lIo Ulkirlouh lIJ IW~ sicliJ..c, ,"x"i~, Item, to J olme )o"orl1JllU to 1)(18 to UlO .111),11, x~xiil a. \j II. item, tQ :llichell UaUolII'e, t!luistl'!' or ('dlnl', ~idikl',

X'(xij fI Item, t.o Mllilllcr AlIllro l lnkl'rck 10 1l11li I... ror(', xlij ~. 1tf'1It. to l lnBler .I1unes llerl'ilot1tlt'sl.,lIn, "lij ~ Ill'm, to 'f1lOUlaJ l ....to.'\l to 1~'IA "'I,h)';". xlij l Item, to lhe hCI't'IUil or .Il<lij, : xiuj ItCI11, to the hot"III('n Ihnt. h",1 III tho t\Ul"-t. ,1~'llllr :\ml Ihc tuLia to didll his [1111 iu) ll:\iJ~ xiiij R. It('m. to tho 1.,tl'h)(,l1 thlll 11.. 1 tht t\inj.( tQ :\Inij IIlItl n~tI1o to tamil, xlij I. llt'lJ), 1.0 uno olhir Ionte hoo lh(' "inJ.:i~ folki. to _' lniJ :lUd tI~'lme, i'( . I tem, th" U\j tin)' 01' Allglllt. I" the IH'tiRl of Cmil qullo'llI' thtl KinJ:: Ingeil, in Lckh('it', x:niij j l teili. to th(' "ri('ilt. of llnij, in drinuihir, iij l Itcm. to nn,' Iitl,,'lair in Cmil! J,ln~ It ,lll 11)l:ht I.te:fore the Kin. lu~cin!r, . iiij I. Item, Will, \H>Ul4n l'tlilit Cllldwdl. I... lll(' li.illgil Chill111.11111. iij. l Item, to Rile pil'nr, xiJ d. itelU, to Wi1li:1Il1 llorhlullOi l'ollnU'mn Rllli 1~'lrlll'ir in

emili, Ih'111, to nnc mall l'lll the hnlki8,

It ~m.


(Iukis (urlh

or .luLL!... 10 SCITC

iij I.

:Hj {I. i'( 11. ItPIII, III ~ '(Hij lll\~' of August. Ie, IIld .11,11111' 1l;11~, rlllI.:OIIRr, \1(' lltr Kingis commRnd, xiiij II. hf'm, to r~\\'icl )1.1.'101118 11111;11 III I'lIul.-l,UI'1. \ Ij II. Item. to L"Imp\'dl to hi,le he'himl the Kin).! III )o"Rllkl,1111l, iiij t. 1t('111, 10 Rill' 1111111 10 l,nt. ou~ dukiM of .Inbl>t>t tl) acr\'c iij ~ hnlkis,
10 lho nUtIl()U~ lI11d \\'I'jehll11 in H.-.lhill,




Item, tor William ;Uorhnlllcs collaticun Ilud lugcing in F:mklnnd, iiij iI. l teUl, the !(;(\'iij dllY of I\ Uh'USt, in Strivelin, to 1I1le fUAli to Imf Rile buk to t-AimbUl)(h, \'. s. [tem, 101' Aile IlAi r schone to Ihe Vmlleh hoy, ~ij (1. item, to the King himself in his ,,11111 ((I' hen he m id nlono Lo the :\[onth, . . U\'j n. Hem, rOi' ane hoI'S to Dande DOllie, v It vj 11. viij (t. Hem, lor uno hO to Da\'i(l, faltonar I'8 v 11. vj S. viij d. [tCIII, lor tIDe hors to Thomas BOIIIICIl, \' n. h lllli [tho l)(lnul~ dny of Ausust), to Wille Dllllye, be tho Kill bris cOlllmand, vij S. Item, to llInnlalld Adam, vij 11. [lelll, to "Fllrgy (;I"flI1lC to pns l)(!fori! with the Kingis posl
110111 , YR.

item, to Pate of the wAn[rob to pus to Edinburgh to fceh tbe Kiugis gere and to (olow on the King,

I'ij 11.
Iwm, to J)l\nue n onle he gai f for schoiug of the Kil1gis Ilo)"s, \' ii. llClII, to the fcrynr or CamlJIIskinneth, xiiij A. [tOlll, for ij (\001111 IXlintis to the King, I"iij d . Itelll, to 'l'holl1fi8 E\16I1i1'i8 ehilde1', ill (lrinksih'ir, qllililk mnid tho Killgis jnk,. . xiiij!l. Item, to TllOlrutS I':d;;nil' for ij hOI"9 to SlCl'!i1l to his tlll1 I,:bihl<.lL" fUL till:) ~"ill .ink lLla\"iug, . 'iij >I. Hem, p.'L)'it to \\'illitl.lll Dnlgloisch for nno g rct l)1"i\lil bit to llie Kin g for ll,e gret joyntomis, I"j i!!. Itrl1l, t o hillL f"r iij I"ill 1I!11r~, ij pltil' bukkillcs to IlIiO

or ,Iohuo IIl11lilUiHoll9 hon., iiij iI. to fllle 1I,1I n Im)ChL nile ],lIk fm I'ullklmul, iij~. ltelLl, to nile lJIossil1geir to 1"1118 witll t'IO Kingis l\Tilingis 10 tho lom-ghis fOI' tlH.' Stflpi1I, xXl"iij iI. Hem, for aliI.' hili'S hire to the Fmllch knyc lilis IIlnli to Stl'riill ulhil'('Ul1I11lllUI th:l1u tim chris, \' iI. itChl, to llu~ SHlII)'1I I1LUII for to I"IIIS nlrn}" ill FmnOC', iiij It. lnglill ; ill HcoUis mOIlN'. );iiij It.
[lellL ,




Itt-Ill, to aDC man hrocht. aDe othir hnk frn lo';)ukland,."

\' to.
Item, Il3yi~ 10 AlIllro Ayl.onn for Oonn!!1 or Ih(' lIill Upens nutl clnlhea, ): \'ij II.

Item, for giltillg of the Kingil IIl"et. joynlonris of the hit. before wlitin, . , nij .~. \j (d.) 1U!IIl, Ihe 1'llIt dn~ of Augnel , for Id,ning of the Kingis hort II(! the gniL, xij ,I. It('nl, for J JlIlir ~I'liris to Crist."lll, xij II.

[Will, Ihe Ii"t Iby of Scptt'mher, in nrt.~hin, for aut' poir echont' IKlillllllnull nue lICit 10 the Fmnch (,oy, RUfl mending of hil gmith nUtI ('rilltofeli, tlmr, iiJ I. ILCm, for j britlill to the King lhar, nnd 1ll(,lIding of nne ..,tlil of the Kingia, . ij I. \[iij ,I.) Item, the fenlllny of Sclltemhcr, in Cowy, to fi no lI1all to 1),18 to Al,lI"denc to speir of the Killgis illcullIlllyng, iiij I. item , fOI" aile hun to the Ki llg, hocht. Ihnr, \'j It. \j .ii. dij [11.) Il-em, 10 t he Kill;;il bclchci r ~l1h,'il" he tlyuit. oud dnluk ill Cow)" xij H. item, to (lIlC I'III'\! Ulnll he the grlil. nl. the l:('cle Myre, iiij ~. Item, to nne Olhir 111:111 ho thl.' gnil, xiiU 11. itCIII, loe Iho I';ingi, colllulnml, 10 1I11C 1'111' I'rt'i&t,

11('111, Ihl' v II:ly of Scplelllw, in Bn'Chin , 10Jome Sco\\"gnll, xij d. h em. (or aile I'ridill \0 the Kiu~il led hOl1l, X\"j d. item, lhc \J IL,y of ScplCl1Ill('r. 10 111(> l"ililli,'r of the 'llwir of ill"N'hin, ill 51,nll..-.;il\"ir, . item, to Ihe \Iir qnluar the King luld Illl' 111~'it. xiiiJ it xiiij B. h em, to tho Erlo or Crnufurdil f'lloolln r,


vij 1.


I tem, W !lne wif in -'liggill quh:ll' the Killg drunk, iI.eltl , loG Jolmc Dunlop he !..,>aif for the Kingis rroueh t at




I tem, to Alexnllder ~ I nkeullo he Inid doun divers t~'lIles be the gnit be the IGng;!! couilunnu, I'ij iI. vj d. Itew, that uycht , in =,anct ,lohn~tolln, to the Kingto pmy at. the cmt;s and trut, x1ij AItem, to Jolme Forman he laid doun nt. the Kirk of Keith to noe menslrnil lIud nile womnn thnt sang to

tho King,
I tCILI, to lho
XI' A.

mC lIstl'Ules in Souct .lollllCStouu,



Itcm, tJ) the ootcmcII of the Queuis r{'!~'I)l"OCht thc King ol1'r the watil" xiiij ~. Item, to the lnir of the botis tim! rcr)it the ooWl"l. );X 11. ht'lll, to .5chit ,TUUll'S Cotis paSSllucl in Flallilrez th rough [llglnlld Le hlllli for the KillgilS II1l1t~riS uml lo hill (l);pCn9, liij ~. iiij d. 1 1Igli~, in ::.icottis UlOII~, ix If. Ij ~. viij It. ItelLl, to the ltnil6c of .Fere his tun lUen deliveril the ~rct hOI'S to the King, X); IIltieorni6 ; 1I11\1l11lR ,xI'iij "_ Item, for anc hOI1\ to ::;Chi l AnlhOlI D;Il"S(!ia Ullin, I' It. vj A, \'iij It Item, to the lIlell thut lle\herir the 1\in~ the ll(ll"!l com Crn the King of Denmark. xx: Fmllch et"{luuis: 6UllJUln
xiiij ". helll, to Ihe tlueuo in hir pensionu of the t.ennc of l'nscll(, bipMt, , f n. , and sa i'lly i~ of the suid tcrme, iiij~ It, Itcm, to lhe ehnpcllnllll or II,e cun;;e wnytad npon lhe sl.Imyu (01' the lyllle of this eowpt, I') his expenll, xx n, helll, of the ftt"l'e<JC of nIH-i,1 Beto ulL l'cnunf'it Uc th .. Kiub';s ielll'l!7. 6ubscril'it with his ililud to Schir J ohn ::;Omen ill', xx It. Itl'll!. lo till' cicl"kig of itl'ltis('r, 1I0llSdlllld, Ch:lnC(>lli ri nud l'heS;l\Il"tlrii for thair !.1l1011t'is, liij It xiij S. iiij d. 1t~!Il, to) :\ [nistcl' ,l oilll ;\Iurm a nd I1 c1U'~' .\l uil'. x Ii,

LOtH) IIWIl Tt:J<:MiUta;l:

n'.~ n, l~',

""'hl to :\l''''lL'r.JrUIII'S 11.1) fur hi, lauloollrill f"l tlIUo;l;. bnmlll:t tol./lli! lonrsc 111 11I1'lIl'I

\' h.
1~lrcialiuus con tiucll tilm s lri j"oi nul .'1 (1.-1,0) folia ;1111111:1.11,111' prece<lclltill , \'Iij-" Ixxxiij II. xij i. \'J .1



CX \_ 'Ua.U1 1111 hUJU5

hilli, xuiiij"'j'h.nj It xv II. iJ'1.


".laic Nltaut,

Ix-ii/xj n. xv i. \j It. .,1,


J ,nu:s I:u.
Willielmus Allerd otlN) RiR. A[mh'1!H'] MO I'llviclisis. David l.ismorensis. A[l'ChilxlillJ Ed of ":rg)lc. lInlhow Jo:dl uf {1.A'villllx j, J ohnnnCl ["riorSelmti Aut!t f,\'j. Hemicu. IlhbiLi tic Jedlol1l'!..:h Ott\\ inu8 l)uII1~u. Sehi., J . IInlluln}" I:. Cohilc.


G1 SS A R Y ,0 .

,\ nnQT of UU L "t'SOIIIl, E!7 j n C.1l1'i:,l.! Allt('(l('ml, 80; nn 1'111.,'\1' fr-out,,\1.

1\~'.'1 lli~II'iuJlic

c! IOLllCh.)',


A I)ilg:LII~lti~,



W!\I"Clkr .xo\"('ll, " 'I'he J\ bhat," Apin OI',1I13ei><, 400 ; OIl1ngcs. l'hll l,ll' I' :liv., nll'\ uote. Apillell, 385; I\pl'le~; Pl'l'hnl" ,\il, pl. nid~, \;jS; II, Cil"\:uit. ('curt. wooo.len ~ l)here~ for bWO"\ PI'tlC
1\ il',

137 ; 0."-,


hei lx Akill, 8 Lj onken. '\I,\el'lunn, 137; Z1 L nyor. ,\Ihon" 3;2; :'I\aliOllbll. A1!nl\~ll y, 120; ouly. Allegl\lnd, lSI; nlll".;ing. ,\ lIocnrill, 2.~R; lackey...
,\linnI.O, 2::'1; (lClmRu.


ApOll, 38G j 11\>011.

A([u JI vite, 183 j 81hit.>o of nlly I.;in(]. AI'lOl'Ii, 276; nnnorini helllin!,,, di~j!lnyed on smnll lings, !intch


.\hnelli~, 49; \11'(>""1',,, or 1'111,0011,1,.-,

,\hue,,,... i1', 119; nhlloncl'. AhIlOU~, ISO; IIh,11<, Alwny, 135 j .01.110.1. AHlcrnllt, 177 ; eme nl!.1. Angell lIoble~. IIG i F.ns1i~h guM C(lin.", mlno 23,.. k1. ooch . .\ngelli", 36: ~..olJ eoin.., I-al'),il S iu I"1I h lO fmm G~, I'll, to Ub<. ~t~llill~, nntl 1~.nriug t hI.' ligHt" hf 1hI' Al"d~,lto'{'lllKh;u:1. III N."llulhl, 1600, ,,"oltll uiiij ~,

AI'myng, I ~ i ; nrlllOIll', Al'llIyng douJ,lnt., 261; n t\oulilct "'Oni under tile ~rIllOUI. AI'I';!ge, II G; 8et'\'itutle ,Ille IIY tenanl.l!, in men nutl hOi'!>Ctl, to thei!' Inn(]loltla. t A I'I'C~, 7'J; 1\ l>Q1 of I'ieh l"PCbt lj' mn,le nt Anus, in Al tQi~ in .10'1 11 1 1 .... \,11;,' Al'tni;CL'Y, 133; nrtillcry, oOim ... iI'c \\ ... nl'0u~ of nil)' kind. '\~~i~, 127; D ~i,.c. ... ,,,",iM.' of l'l'IUlII', I ~!l; nil nlll.i.e llilllllIIWlIl,J


C(ll'Ll~t nil



vf lUI inqucbl.


,hur, 18 1; bill..,. IU.Lwe. At. 182; tllllt.

Au., 401 ; OI\t.IL. A"enar, S8!!; au officer (of Ih. royal ltablet "ho pl'O'ided ont.. A,entu.... 289; coonce; fO'&,entILrf. ill CAM o ( aoeident.a. A.nree, 203: ax le tl'M.

('Oml, jll_I'e.L, hili. I:u.uli, eryt.lnl, ail"er, Illld gold nJ r&ried in Dumoor (rom teu to oue hundred Iud Iif~y, or ~11 11\.,;et IIUDlb.r. Boeh tt'ntll btn<1 wu fol1owoo by one L'Iiter Iml 1I10rc oflillmeul&l, mill'll 1\ "uld\l, which

B.u., I!H ; ~ benl'. Oail, 3118; probnbly to luoilltcl1, I.lII.tbe, or bnato. SaUlt, 4S i Ixtcb. &Ikit, 88; enMI benPl .... tBulb. Bar, 182; an I\Dde"t. Scott.i.b puthne. &nt ("Uo, 33(1 j t1n,illl' 1llM. Bnrdia, 211" i bone InlPI,ings. &rkit, 149 ; taUDf'd . n.,rne, 103; ooirn , n.,tTl'tI, 2G!I ; 1 :n1,1LC\', ..,nciOl!I11"(l, mniel'l. &tTOtia, 2!l6 ; 1)J'OIbly lJOOle 1011. ur beulU or lLnulk of \\000, U1wtn, 110 i . heepskin Ih'elllled likll alJllDl~h lentILel.

!M!I'\'ed to rtdc'OIl ~"e polcniOroten, while the COIllIl'lOD '-dJ coun\ed the 1\\"_ U_lIy they were in ~wo l..,ngthA, !!IUI of Iif~y. tbe other of ten 1&1611. nlc .horter Wfli 11'0111 "L' JW"lI\lell by ring from tbe finger, ti,e IIrpr wu . IWlg

O1'er the lthoulJer, h\llll' OD tbe or the girdle.




to adol'U,


' 'lI liL 'I.'1Itt'.

nelc:l,eil', 131; good entert.'\inmeDt. llilllie, 3:\9; bell.. IJellyllt ISG; I pair of bellow.. DeIUl. ne, 37; 1l feet i~1 h~kl on Mlly I, 0.&, fl'f({Ulfltly u..oll to denotA;! lile tc>rw of WhitaunL1ny. Bent, U~; CQllI'l(! gmea. 11e.1'Ilrla, :160 ; bft"~r1J; llIIId btl" f!' Uaai ngLi, 17"; ba.iIQl. InOOurers (U' IUlYliet, i.baIuaih'ir, IS2;. Il"tulty )(h'-'Il to ~rtniD .Il'n'tI.nt.IL tiLe I\i ng'. Bent, 319; bent'!. hOllliChold, OLtOh, CtlllnL 'men, (lor. Brwi ng tchctL.. " 4 ; enl'l'ying a11~U, len, aud otlH.'l'L WI'DPI~ IL'IwriILG." I ; btiflt,ning, iUpJlOI1.hl, Ikrtane, H ; of UN!t.'1gne. Delu.n ~~ IS6 ; IkitliUlY. llatliug, 25" i ~. "lerillg. 1w.,li., I'l\ir d, 3G; tlllJ IJt-'Il!i1ll fttl' neiL, 1,l. bcslie, 3!14 ; hcnl>t. MyillR lilL' I"Otl'Iry, II~L~1I1y ~[lok{'" !I.Ai., 2;2; ~ kin .. ,of "" ... 100iI of ' -I, PI 1\ I",ir c..t 110..1110", 3~~; "mking, .UI'lllying, 1O..,,,dllll(. 1 1"".It,,.11.( TIL,y were d \'.UIOLl- "ult"ll/Il~ - \\UOoI, n llll.o.:r, Ilo.l'il, liD; \.toMV\'I',



mall.I, :IH , I",) iug,

l:OY"piknr 111\1, .. ,



Bilh, !JH; 1\ hi",1 (/oj .., I'ie/le),ol'

perb" I" " hit(,h. Bigging, 151 ; "lIil,lil1g. /lOY~I, :'II ~; n oo.t. Sikynit. HO. Sttl ' '''b"llIY. Bn.r,., 118; " futl'lIing. Bil l, 16G, ID5,I\ It<'titioll oll\l'plicn. Ilmk, 187; bl"()I".', ptlhar . tid" lion; _till ...... , in &old h I('~I refen. to tho J>r.,clice ClC di\idin.: nOlnt'll('Lltlll"(', Lot'll 01,1 illnl,), 011 ' 1\ coiu with nuod,el' poe...." ru. 1\ Iho Hill.....t:('. keep!lllko. Uil'dingi" Hi! , bm'(\('lIt. nirge. !U : IInl8"Ilrn... I ....
at n'\f"'.

11........1 ill ~"iI'IHliloli ..g. /)ulch hui;;, n "hlull ~hil'; ~ryk~r, 1'1 Dmil.


DiI'>oC;\t, 3H ; Mw: uiL.

Bbk, 3G.5: dArk.

Iked, !jg; nu ,,11A.r: the ",olll !.I..o

UlClln~ l\


nLUl/lhJ~nu, 1(1:\; nominnl reut I:I'I!<I, 1:'11, l.ll~1 Itltid Ly n 1':lS$I.I in u"knowlcdg' JlrOod, ,11. hredditl, 38; D. l't'rttlin nmnl)(,I' of skillM l)tIcketl beLW('t'1l II}cut or his ~Ulll.!I'iO' nnd in rull

of nil hilllel'\'~ Ulell'lIlnlltill, 113; 1U\lIle of "

II-uhnllt. Bol.-pldt, IDG; bow~]l ril


OO"nl.... A.-S. bred. 0, };"y. bretl(', " boanl Hrcdis, !SO j bretUllJ.J.. llreik of I'lnte, 363: 1'1 piece or

IlI'UIOIII', 1~11, 2G3 ; 1\ roll, Bou(' pt'l"i.r, 3~G; 80011, I>t'llUliful, Ikcko, lIl'eile, Dreclc, 262; 10 DI'eC(lh: in doc et\1C of ]'lIrti!IOIU,>,; or ~ .. hnl\Jj tbl' n.1lne of " coloul"C<l liOiC Ihey ...el .... !'I'(.'oI'('hL... l '-' ""ill, lhe 0l'poo.ile cokmu; tllU~ Honet, 19:!: peI'h"' llII \0 top 01' omn IDCIlI, when Iho J100t(l c~lIll1h;ted or one I'(!d "nd one blnck leg, Ibo 1:0. bittill, 135; proltAbly emIJI'Cet'hing ptrl of tb" 11.-<1 leg I....:......' Liu, 01' IlI.!rh:r.l* hiLI won],l hi' blnek, IIml fice m,r.. lI'illL IllI'ge pOIIiI. for lDoUlhiug

u....... 396; o"MIIl('llttll 'Iud..


J]n!ki ... !II ;


ButUlil ....... lil, 148; l~'ck .11:\."'11.'. n ~hc'ri1l; o,..ll'riug him to lJ(>l{ornl 110"'/1.1',3.53; D"lI'mnkcr. n ,,,uti(,ul:r.r dnty. nowlIt, 33;; " I~'I~I Lmtt'l"n. &wt';\;I, 370; ",.101.(1 .. .... "'111 1from nd,liI~il\"l"r, 127; 1\ I'rebCnl ginn ",; to th(J!ot ",110 blnnght ho,;ee to 1.11<' ('i,t'ullli' f"nll or III; 1'''1111. 1:0,,;-. :!7 Ii IOC"i;I'I .... tIll' Kin:; Uri.,. a.:.G n. Itn.l., . ... Bow.til, 161 ; " bohkl.

lI1'1'n..., 129; "lit.! j","ing fn,m CIJ:\ul't'rr. in the "ing'" unll,e, to



Blipntiui&, 90; j;oekeho OODlpo.e<i of rlnp or .mall pbtell of IIIctnl,

\4uilted of CUi.... or hllt.a WOl1) by Ilrdien 1100 e ....bowmeD; thoee"lIn! by men t.\1II'MU fold.

_wed OD I",ther or

of raDk were co.ered with rich 5I.ul1.. Brochit., 108; atikhed, ","rite'll.ted. Brodilrinm., 411; bu;;kina or l1li1(

th:lt il ItlloS tu.'\Ilc ul SOC''''' IINI. II _ _ \0 1l4\'8 bet!n orIJilllllly .. fill4l toUou IIWIf "'CM" ouly b,. 1 _ of rank; "fttonvll.rd, it. AIII_'" to bln-e been -.Ie of Ilox IUlII to b.we hMn 1_ HteeulI'Kl. Sir Robert Cooke, lirol' of HAgley, Hi3l, beq uenthll "0 hoernm shert" nnd II n fGyer


or boenl1O WIU.... (Bury W illt, p- 129, Camtl. Soc.)




Broudaur, 36 i


Bnaar, 32j; Iwbroidt'l't'r, Drowderr, 81 ; llI1bl"Oidery.



I:nll~, 2j8; IJllpal ed-=ta. 326; Bulllt-t'I-k, 335; bulornrk. BUUlbal\l, H2; nu ilucient piece of hea ...y ordmwoe. BUI', 142; bora.

Bryn'tilne, 20~ ; brilDstOIlt'. Buge, 38; hu hoen \ '!II iolaly deltribed at the Ih'ene(l 1", (,of lawb. or kidt. 10 tile WANrohe ,\CCOI.IntA, 28 "~II\lInl I., It I~ ' Jlokell of ... j~ ..e", to hi old tinguilhod rl"OlZI Inmb - .kill "Pro palu.m dirt,.. , 1"1'T"~i. a

Btu,l, pl. bunlil, IS7 ; table, bonnI.

UUl'dOOIlJ, 2j!l; Dot'dfQux.

IIUI,lolll1, 3G::i,


brge IttI.ff.

Iklmrllg, 3tjO;




or jlel'llnpl bUnllnR in O1"(ll'r t.o 1111"11'11 the \"00,1 BIl.-kinnis, 2G6 ; It kind of half-boot.. But, 3!!; without.

d, Dutil, 134; uull.el. By, 207 ; in IUldition to. iX'rllll~ bbek Rheep-.k in imported Uy, 8'; buy. from Lombanl,. Anti l'UElia. Dyn., 100; t.o bmlld. I'l\lllgrn ...e upL"iIl.6 thu,-" 11011'" nyrllc! h 11, 148 i 1\ bnllding il"Oli. INrT' I"OlIllIIeai. Pf/'N:Il d, t.... Uym, 184; bli.tleJ.

Mpucii" tarn de






lIardi ....
U,.k"i .. IS!!; IMlek.. C.&IIOIl, 342 i 1\ eheeae. lIukl.lil, 3j; a budd,'r_ Crul,*. 3i, 4(11; kiuJ t.tf ....oJOlien n'lh,m, :14; the hlll.'ic knOlln by doth, Aock~ of I\'IUolt .ilk, 1\'1'111, Iili,. II~DIC in til" lli,ldle )\G'''' or >!.to n ; 11 100 \\'OM\tl'-llao, ,Ii lr, roJ lIiJdy r,,,m 'ooolcl'lL C'1\.1;~I, ~Gj j 11 tll""~'l_ I,ul'knllll. It'''I~,,,r''lt (/"f(lUo"lirc,l~n'UIl;o.,j,..Ij"; 11e1!./II ... ",il..,.... de l'U/!Ju~ '''tHA'li. ) .\lI'I""""CO' C.\lil~ SO etljle.




(lldculing , ~ 7 S; Cll lc ub ting, CrufnUlr, 401 ; a CIl. ulkel', Gal fu ling, 29G; cnu lking, C:dk, 3SB; chalk, Cn llnb'U', 2G5; n kind of ,mill , CnmmOll, 35; cau\'aS, Ganope-, 275 ; n ca nopy, C"PI"l'is, lIl1 ; cup ooarers, Cnpl'ichl, 34 ; Clila rison, Cadis, 138; Clrlls, Cnrtis, 350 ; CSl1:!, On,,,,'I)', 35; kersey,

Ch l.'n.;cc, 41 ; chaiu.
Vhelllnnn, :171
j (j,




chnH~ ~lc:\ler' 01' 1 1O,1Iaf.

Che.-<cL, T8; II d,a~uble, fl. l'rio~tly \'\:._tnH'nl, formerly of a drcllln,' fm'm, with " hol(' ill tho celltro for the hend of tllu II'cnrCl' t.o go throuHh, \10\\ I~Ol'1I "lit up at tho

Childur of l11Q sL'Ible, 320; "tablemen. t: holk-bmnl ,

~mall ~tl"iJl




Cnstatyo, 185; Ca.,tilo, Casting, 332; mnkiUf(, digging,

bl"i,Ue i~ CnHilt, 347 ; n kettle; in thi~ eMe of ... 1101...0. pl'Obnbty fol' hoiling pitch ill, Ok kil, 140; Chai]" 3!lG; the mota] tip of II. shealh, (;lnl... dl":Il, 131 ;" plnyc .. on lhe h;~h ha"I). It nlso m"'"\n~ thc Chnmfcl'On, 31) I j M~" O"" TOt' a horse's h end, in~l l ulllent iWf, Chmni r, 3D5; lIut pnrt of ... gun Clath:>4 ()f fo;I'Cule;;, 181; "II alTliS in which the chal'ge Ii!!.. ... on which w ru; deJlictcd LuI.' stOlT Chamil'Cil', 325; Ikdclunnber w~mnn. of th~, Laoolll"S uf ll cl'i'!ulcs. It C1mru]ot, 35, 40 j c Ulllet. A fnbdc wtH; hunS ill the Ki no'~ gl'oot

of Ie,~thcr by which a fR;.tcuf't! ''0\," ,1 tho jaws

millie odginally in the

Clmelll' 0" ,o:\t;;'

.& ~t,



at 1I 0:yrood fit the time

Il ~il'.

Clolh of

W%lure \\'as aflcl'\\'nr'(]~ IU-, de in "~ur'Ol'o of ~ilk, and, ~tiJJ lawl', of 11'001. Chn1'l;eoUli~, 142; lJOwdo, ' lL'sk", 01' In,tlOllj iUl>trnmcnts fo,' lo:uliug
gl1n~; l'aml'Ocl ~. C1~1I"gooul'i"


of his nranin:;e (LeI:lIld's eoUect.1llca, 1"01. iI'" p. :!%), nnd i~ melltiOll(!l.i ill the 1111'elltOI'), of \o'ul"llitlll'e in [] o]YI'OQ<.1 ill Hi/H. Robcl'L<on'~ C:\L'Iloguo of the J"wel", &r, 01 ;\lnl')' QU('CII of


URlluntynu Clu b,


t;('ha ftis, 142 j hll.ndlo~ 1" 3(1.) TIl!.'l'!! wore nl>oO .,ohl. elUbl'l.,i,lcleO hllo.l-h.1l1gillf-":l of tho for I'nDll'ods. ""Ule . ulJje{'t. l!.id., 1'. 31. ChanlOlis, 395; hinge', turning Ulcki~, !l(li; hc~,k,.., joint ..... ch{'kk"l', 3:!4 ; tl1O' Exch~~lum. CI"ut l'I"l.'lIi,., 114; II I'ill-('u~hioll 01" cn~hion "f l,illb L:lwlJ, 1:lu: child, .~nnnt. lJluld~, !:IV j c\;,w", talon ... IJueldil', 3-HI; chald",',

of Un11'o Sli!); n cup. COlwelll!lI, 31; k(lI"I'hi,f ... Coffl'@.), 00; oolle,'I. Coml~\Ic, I GO; n (:1'11)11101'. Ool1l"liugi,., 51, ':!GG; Ilm111;u>I. Cogis, 57 i wooden bow" or (UllI<. ("ou~iua:, 10; <'Ou8il1. Cok, 202; II coc:k. Coweh, 2GB; A colld,. Colllll, 3:11 ; ooall'<. Colhel1('h, 87; tho 61U\ft of 0. cool-pit.. (Joy, 111. eo~ 338; I\. ("bill, from Ihe Gerr>UI,. koje. J)uM, kooi. Complic~ 313; ooUlpmions. Confoc:1ii, 342; ~'~ootmt'll~oomfiUl. Crollri:o, :\~ I ; OOMting I'CWI(!b.. Copbunl, 330 ; n bidobonnl for holtl Ol"nis, :I!)G; pol"lll\l-"" C1wt, lhe " rest." lJeinl; tho wlooth or ing (nJIII fir 1,1ato lind otll,'" fi llet which f:l.llt(!ne(\ it to the l\1'li'lCII of di..plny. It '<Ii'll the moo.t OOIIJlI,i(1101lS pi_ or fUI'Ili hcinUlt. tn.,. in a bn.ruuin l hnll. Cn,\mDllllilY erimliOn. Cl"luuoitk-. eolbolli., 88; eol'beb, "'OOlI('n I Uf'" porta, Ittl)"" Crnmp, 166; tho SUlml uf Lhe Conlona.r, ;1", ; 1000mliket. Mmlle of 1\ ~.".onl Cordlrnne, M); Cordoron, S,lIlnilih Crnnni~, 14G : emne&. nr foreign le:lthcr. Orrl\'it, 137, A~ktld (oa, or l'erll.'1p" Co.-porall.', 2f1S; Iinel1 ill ",hich the t'!Ilrl'cd. hOM. WM wnlpped. Crt'Ii-, 162 ; ('11.,1.., cmt..." t'1'Opill, 112 ; crilll,le. Co'''. !i j ; (fO;o<,O. eol.,.I", ...i..., !k); trOllolho\\"Jl. QIU01I10 '10k, I i8; the Iiuie 16II&t'1 Co.." IIn<l pile, 376; heads lind 1."\il... oontllining tohe ),01)" oil, ClITied hy r ylo nud eunoel\ il II tec:hnicrtl tohe l)riN 101' !.be ..r;Iminbtmtion "hrMO furmec-Iy 11501\ in the "-liut., of CSll"('me miction. npl1fII"Cntly ,1~ng the hnpl'O" l'l-...nli.\l, 256; CI~nts. ~ioll mndo on t'C&Ch 8illo of II piew UI'Ol'iling. S7!i; loOl-n.'1I* c:t'llwo11ing, of Inoney, equh"fllollt to Engli~h lrom 0\",,1. fine two-thro.'1lled
Cutlberis, 35;

1'i1J0,,'~ 00\'1.'1'>1


\\ol"lltN. Cril>tiullil, 27G; ohri.U'lIed. vJk'lrw(M...., ~GO; :1 \(I(Io,I! I'\'~tnll'nt, Cri~tiuuYllg, 3G!I; dll'i,IClling <'H\ I,rol,ltn~1 ...-itl, lllmOti.,l loro,~ Crodl.'ltli", 18 ; b'1.'e hook:<. illl!~, worn ]'y klli~hl~ ol'cr lhdr Cnllll1, pl. {'I"OU"u-, Vr:UI.-!J, 3G; II. J,. I,I ooill .... "'Itlily (IIn-ont in 'Irruollr. ~'ll.tlld, \"11111' l~ .... Unul!', 2Sj i "",,,1 I'uUlIl'"I.I,,,U,,;; 1 j 'I I'''''''' of 1I ,'hIOIl" l~ .... ".\ti... ;\ij2 , I,\I('L, Crukil, 130; cl'OOkl~1. fOI ]llulA\:ling" 100''''''' C\lUIl!.<:r.
troM and ]>ile. c..... 10il; to lxcilflllgt'.

CI'UJIeC, 247 ; a & lIInli l" llIl' with Il Im' l\11c, 01' one rOl'ln",1 or t wo tl'tlys or metnl, 8OIlletitn(!ll trio Ill1goL'II', ""ith tho eo.lses tu rfle.J Oi'; in L 1l1'1 bo l\l1' ",'('1'0 ('In~ the oil ami wi('k, whilo t ho Jo",<'r CII\!s: h ~ the ~u q)l us oil, Cuke, III ; cook, Ou1tc ll'lI', 128; en tlcr. Cun llyn",,", 170; eoniea, fauMa. Cun.;e, 54 ; th e l\lint. Clln;eit, 334 ; coined , CUITOllris, 193 ;colllieni, IDll8iOllgCre,


sorllC Dli\li~leI'iJII dUly ttt " jhed

timo. I)jb, 13G; iron mi!ll;ilo> for g"'II~. J)i~jon it, 150; brCllltfl\&t.eo:i. Uj,tn,II,;(', 1,4 ; I.e uisll'llill.
J)o"", .., j; ; UOUII,

Doun, 2(;7; down, soft l,lmn:l.ge. Drift 172 ; (hive. Ddnk~i l dr, 130; 1'1 gl1ltuity, Fr" Ijl)'lI'lxohe. IJrO!;IlL-y, 380; d r"gs_ D)'OIIO, l!iO; Iln"C(! fiJ:ed long ]lipC!( in Il hagpipo i"lll1ing fr'Olli the hog, ruOOCI'' ' wbich l'mduoo " .iuSIo note, CUnDuri", 136; COIll1lt't't. tnlll~ 1 to the ehnlltel'. Cusching, 21'4 j cushion, Dry wait, 348; dry SoooJl>, $ueh fill dot.h~, bilks, &e, Ow.tllmlll!, 117 ; ell~loms, !)uubl.'lI, 413 ; 1 1Onds, D.u., 306; doe , Dnrn~, 143; 1\ gold coin worth h.,lf Ortf~, 346 j ha lf ... itted. " u\I\fk EnSlil!h 1I(X"()I\lillg to lI olylmrton j fl'OOi I :i!<, G,l. to 18s. D nk ir, 89; n <i_do, a )fleaslll'" of teu or t w('h'e, u8unlly applied to .\I,lVut thia time the ~'emi6h hidCII. d"m~ K'(!1lL>< to Illl\'O !Jc.cn worth Onns, :lG~; &:ll1('e, ne.'I'I~' thrice till much u tho D:lllso d s, 35~; d:lllC()t&. Scotti.'h. Dall~kin, 85 ; Dantl.ie. Duki", :J33; tlnclt~, Our, l.J0; 0:1001'_ DlllllCll, 3C; damnsk, Da Illel;, lloIiV!57; gold of UllIl1l\$CUS. D)'ullr, 365; diune,'. Onun5l1Till, 381 j 11n1lC81'11.. i)(oblntiB, 175; imps, devilo!.>! who EI"I'EK NOXI:, 281i; nflcrnooll, attendod the !:it, N icJlOLu bi.,hop, Eg)'i~, 3!lG; edges. [)(>if, ~O~ ; delC. Egiptinni.;, 13!i ; gip"i~'f',. t:1i~, Hi;; {'('I~, Deill, 29!i j CierIX'. Dbma rulll, Dyamnmli~, 182, 3G4; EI1i~, 1\7 ; .It'(!, blullt d~'ImollO l"haped ~11(':"lr h('ll.lls. 1':1><011, SfilC; All owl. ~:Il,IJ;tJ,."lt, :ISO, Em1.,.""it, 15(1; Ilicht" 1 ~6; to l"'l'I_lI." t.-jlli. ('lObn ..."y 01' III1L!ofUo.",,,lo\ Diet, II!; journey, " me-'tlug, t:lII", I ; :llillucle, UIiCJ to ,(cuote t.he di.5cbarge



GI,Ak):).\nr .
1:..,,' 11.111)11, :!!l6; 11)('(1 II i ~h grnin' or kl;11U.'" (lWil'" emilI', CfItD(M. dici.). 1"ho t'O'ou r lillu prod_ I belllg l"Olwtlc",,1 of lb, IliglH!'ot qlL... lity, tllo ",.., ...1 . ingraill crunc to IIU':lb -iml.1y ra6t. tI)8<I; ALIo dyf!d ilt O,e rnw m:l.l.erial \)cf'011\ l1\li011'

Fa.utm 10 haM, 10 ; tu , .. _n'y ,h ..



~'illnnce, !!jt!; 1110111')', GUilty . Fi..d,~r, ::;57 r..bel1uen. ~'ilhcL,ri ... 130. 6.kll~,n;, ~'UltlILi", IGI; HAI-'on" FI.. il. I !I~ j to 'Ioot, "',,Ltcn, 290; ~'II(lit, 70 i f/lliter. ~' l ..dlour, 197;" 111I1.<:1t.. ,'. "'/lilY"it, 1!11 i \\'1\& infirm. FI"kki.. IGG j 1.1_ of wool or l' Alr. t'. it<mn, , II , 1>1, f ~ 1C(ln i.., ft\lconn Y" ; ~I"',(!llini., 55: nl'l ~u ... ntly 11"",1 nl! " ",,,1111 I'i,'('c of .I'tillery. " f,'('lIcl"Il 1I,'IIIe f01' lW1l1kl'l", f;.IoI, 102; to roM Io'IOlill/l', 1GO; perhnl'" Hoeing, r,.J,J (,( lI111.i 1oit", ~,j() j 1~rl"\ I'_ Willi" "wiling" ill, Duck.~ of wu.>l, I,illlo/ for nr mOIll'. ~'Qllri.. '...!58; IIOw1..... f,ll.! "tl'inp:, 375 i l>IIrt of Ih" {o(l'flr ,101<111 d., "I:!; IICKII'II, tor II cl'O ...-how ~'out, :!72; I' lon~ill fur t.'I'lt.m. 1""101,11:1; r"'I"'1. 10''''1;'' II i... 11i!1, Jo'o"g"11 i~, I d7 ; VIIIII/lIIII, 6 1 ; .. ".hl'IIUIt, n linen n",",'1'>1. II:I".lkN1.,hi. f bolnt" un1' tl.e nrlll 1'000000'",rk, !~G; tl,,' 1'.1.i.ic:ln ,.r ,,t' .. I";" l"t rn ..... rurtil;,~1 ~.L.''''''.\' tor n ~Ih " :111111. ~II!, ';':1, 360, '",I.i"", ,.,_ .'.,.. l~.nl"" ~I i I.:lm..... f.of' UIO 1-""", 1II,,"ill,:, f. I.",.. ill:l' 1 ,diIW "Ul ..... of " t(,,,,,, ...

.;nter, 010. i to illilin te. .;11nyl, !SoI; p('rllll l" "nolel. MI, 10!l; belonging to Ib, lI ig1l' l~o,l~ 01 Scochll.1 &0.,11, 196 ; ....10. .:"t, !,,! ; ~t. .':";llIln<l blln1i$, 83 i bortrd. rrom lhe l.'OI.llltri<- roz.t or tho GCI'Ul.1n Oron.II, chid'y from T >anWc. }o;tin, ,.fj; flnWII, "-; .. cri_t, 139; EudWirillt, II tAber. IIM'I, f(Of tI.e rooI>loUon of Ih" E"<'!.lI. ribt, 1\ I'YX.

F'Ultcrih4:ift e"in, 1,5 tM e.-eniro, 01 ~'lI'o ..e Tt,eo..by, fl,w.Wm, 18A; hthom. ....dltillg, 3:l4 ; lighting. redder, {~l"t, fedir, 2'S: '(lAtlier. Feie., 358; ret't. Yeld, ~~O; fi('kl l"eUing, 305 i eutling, hewing, Fent, ~GG; all opening in a uoove,

/O'r., f('IIIt', II al i\. ~'CI""', 1M i fourth. . 'crttll', :!tIO; n d.(>oo, ill .. hk h I1'Ht'I of .runt~ M'" k'l'\' . 'eryn r, 3M; ft'nymnn,
FCllllII,UlI, ~78, ph_nUt, ~'cyillg, !!57; hiring 0 ,' bll),in/:.


I'OIH, pou.~t,.k.e.


(:I..Q..... SA nr

t'''rp:'l,83; hontg.u....

G... S~J;I"':!O~, 3.',; 1",11 ..... "' ........

'<>obir, 1'\6: foubr, H6; 'I f~'k-,'. fm' l":IO'aI","'", .""'.\nk, 1.2;. t'renc:h ,ilH' coin, (''''I , ....,.(:. ,.. ulO!. r- , .. '" . """'..... "'"lUg, , 0 g,l",,!!II ....... ... ....... ~.~ - ,'.".
Frnu"lu, ~:! . fl'l'iel.t

:11;., ,1.I.,nt", potolll\lII)' ~JIf\'r Ut ~"""I IlIIlOtl1uA. Fl'O:'u.;t'ilc, 34; fring..... "'Irt.lI'~ :!1)2; ",rt~'n.. r,,-.iul, 3S; the lnioing or c:ri~rin", l;~ir,.1 i gave!. or I~,tll ljail, j W!lJ. Fr.'I, :!:/OJ fliD",""'" G"I~'ly,~ pll.>!')', t'l-oillllill,64; It curt.lin hun; befOl' O""eiuJ; rot(", 21i1; W1Ilkill; (il lUI mllar. 11'ln-lIm, cont. !-'nolltlau-, :.:65; _II I"'n't.. '" '}m.I~" L, 6:!, O'''\)(>I't, 4!l , gllbo:r tIIlttA. /lillI', II. .hot"l clmk or mll.ntlc. I t~ Fu],;ee, gold,pl. fnl3eR, ]58; ;otdfoil pl1l('i-.e ror.n I. unkllOwl' !-'unseill, 41i; the (m of the 1 >cI('CQL ' Il:lyt, 3fi6; J,'tln t .,'UI'C, IH ; to enrry. lleol, 376; Il ,>ikl'. f/ul'IlClo, I~!l j fum"ee. IJCI', 1'\0, 330; k) cauJOe. Fm..,:lUr, 3!l; furrier. fit'y 167 ; 1,'\_. Futth.3'8;lI.rOtll'lhl>Mt,Il'lu.... I~rj lillI', 157; guitle. or, I~'h:ll" rurth, whicil,n.cconi (lillin, 7Z j gl"(!Il, i'l, to Tnwo. Ace" vol. i., lUl'D1\.!O ~:ildir, l!l!l i (lu('ldra.. tlla \wo lIiml qU!\rUI1o of ".It.'er, Uiltiu., 3.sG; giltling. ~l1r\.hbl;nging, l!li i Ll'ill{,<ing out II Glow, 388; glue. body fOl" LIlli:l1 'llum., 134 j llo,'~' OIl1f1i~ of 1)I ~iI, FU.tUIIl,38iCOCl1...etwilk.IooU.oII,OI :!48; ; 1 0\'0.0' IDl\i1. cottoo Illld hnen ('Iuth, with Ihon 11oo1hlM1C, :16" ; ~"O<lrhiIJ, .-eh'ety pile. GoM of ...('('iIl, ~O); SOIJ u\' to th4,t .'~li:Ulia, ~6i ; bLmkeu. stnmbnl weight. FlIt 1.I1'l.ntill, 103; II. IIIlllltl(1 fOI t , "milh, H; fm'uitu"" equil'mn,,",,, hOlM', utendi,,; k) belo... IJle fre lriulIllinS' 01 ,1M' \';U(I' to ktll."p hi~ Itg. f1'OO, Ilr:l.DilU .01 i lin ollirer, bclon.ing beilia .,ilN (,r chaftll IIgn.iulIl Illt to" n1ibrion~ hOIl'l', "'ho ".111 .,io.1", of hi.; 1".1",'. t1t:1'l" of tltO gl"llIlri",

I G,mJis,


t'1"I"i., .'), ..." .... :;1:;, ftiac.


". i ,-"on"be.,t... ~IU1.....1 I irew, 3!lr,; rrul:k<I>lJ Croek. tho , t of a I~I. m:ul" 01 01'Ome 1~)rtAlr, 3:!!i ; lI.U ofti("('l'oIt~ nl1VU>1 mat nru,.., 1'0)'11 COlllrt wh_ bulint. it W"Ilo. t'yll""'o 1:-1; 6",I-,lju.,litJ. 10 _ thl' King'. 1"'lgiTlg~ fut


ni,Ju)(\ with L'\bles, chnin, .uool., HOI;ug , to m8k, 279; t{) CIlI'O filing, l'uBh~ fOl' atroning tho helTIng... Hurt, Hi6; "I .... t. lI eH, 360; n 11001'8, to pro,ido OAI..:I~, di<;e, .I.e. heru1.. OUUSlnni~, :!OO; ILOilO mi&:<iIOi fOt" 11(";lIg, 176; holding up 1\ child to 4rtillN'),. bo.ll~ism by its g{}dfnthcr. Own, 32!1; 1\ gun. lI owia, 2"6; hces. Gplit, 3N; guMed. Hewmond, S67 ; a Ilelwe!.. Gylloe(\I', 51; ginger. Uingingis, 4S; h:mging.t, C(tvering.~ OySlris, HI ; mummeI'll. for tlle "nUa of rooms. JIlrls, 341 ; wnges, hlrlngs. 1I01l, 394 i hol\()w, cc,mctwe. itu,365; have.
1I1\lr:i ~,

268; hooks.

Hnlr:nny, 398: hnckney, II nlk, Ill! i hnwk. " ""d, pl. h1\lHli ~, 273; 1\ IInD!!le. IInnk, 56: II wil, Il skein.
IInrill.l:, 391; IXI{,oing with fur,

Holmys, 263; 1\. kind of fustian, prooo.bly from NOI1Vich, and wade in lOme one of the plnCOll nnmed Holm, in No.folk. 1I01"I1<'lI, 2:)ti i pIll'hnjlH to wenl" on
tbo hcnd ill tJ6 cllllrtLclm' of tile

IlInking l'Ough oud ~11..'\gIJY. II nru(l8, 46; nl'mOIll', Hnrncs,201 i CO'.irflC,applic.1 (,Oeloth made of h.'II"doJ, I-dU/;(I of flax, Hawok, 36 1 ; perhnps SOOIO gnmo p1nyed with (iice, FfebrescltoulI, 367; ho.bergOOll, a
picco of nrnlOU r for I'I'Otooting t ho

Wild Knight. Uorllyug, 39 ~ i (IL"Ooobly pL\Cillg melal studs on tnrges. 11011, !lO i (lCl"h/\p!I/\ socket or ('flee. 11 00, 37: hose. Honeing, 131 ; enpn rieoo for bOm;>!!. Ilonsonl", 'Jriri; enp.'\ri80n, CO"l'l'ing
Il hONG,

HolY, 2ril ; n hOOlI. lI edcachetie, 3G; nal'IOOW eheota lindo, 39; hoo.!. aprcn<i acrosg tho hend of a IInk i~,"8; hooks. lIu l'.I, 173 in. hOnn\. lI et!is, LOut'lmy, 3G~: Iipertr.hCl\(IB Jl yng:l.lis, 49; pendn.nts. fOl,tilting, lSG;O U)(, 129; onion, II cich, 192: i';gi,. lI ~ifing, 3M. ,~ 1I 0\'11I8. JnllYs. 110; lIlllS. II clit, 143; he.'\lcd. h lJ;u'LI1\enti~, no; ll'ga l Urit;r, 113; n I,nltcl', IIIcnt<!. 11"nll i~,II I; h('ruI, (&ch.tl', II !); Il ~her. 111-11"111"",9.0{; 101'1I1'h1ll311. I I, 3 1!l; lilM. neck nnd bL'eMt.





.I.u, 263; 1\ ~ t'OC\t or tuuie of K ,,",I"ocn1l', 2541;" "lIIud IlIlII.. II"wu ~t.out lenther, or ITUlny foldll 01' or h... lmet of irou fitting d .....I)" cloth quilted ami coI'eml .... itJ. to thl! hCllfl. ImtheT_ K ,I(II~ to, to put on " "'-I 0' . Tb..,...b ""dd ...J ,.dr .... ~_ knoh . .-J.. -" t.y of LIto 1M............... Row, 372 , "row. Joh.ortb bedis, 392; hend. for Kor, ~04. &c Cor. JNlburgh axe.;. Kyl(>$, Hl~; the 1.'318<: or nino-pill'" Ky",p, kil~p, !H; el'llllO 1>1' ., Willi Jed.--l"." ....... bow." IA"II, Jenct.u.. ~6; the .kiDS of II. kind Kythil., 1!13 i IIII0"ed, prOlJuroJ,


....... or


Jennet, 148; II. Spnnish hone, II. JXllfrey, II. hack. JesUs, 8:1; joills. Joyntolln., 50; joi nts 01 joinin.... metal ftU.teoi ngL JII"'it., HI; tilt.!.
K 1XIIIJr, 353; kitchen. Kelt.erios. 25-' ; trimming Keltir, :\8; pDNibly kf'1t, a doth ,.ith " nrl p, of nltti\'o black 1000}_ KelyiDg-....erk, 371i; perl!!!. .. Qulin ,.ark noll' C""lle Dougb.&. Kelrng, 280; brge cOOlilh. Kl'lIl<We, 37; II. ~~ of rriese or II ~I colour, lR.'1de chiefly At Kendlll, in \VmUlorebml. Kerving, 3G I; cl\r\'illg. Ke.;t, 160 ; CIUII, lh,'('", 00, Killill, 48; 1\ cIOM:'-Gtti,lg fCDlAlo It'1lrnWllt, co"c,;ng Lile whole ptrIIOn, OI'C" II'hid, the gown \\"1'1 1I'01"fl. As W OIn hy men, 1\ cloeefillinG IIhon. tunic. A.-S., cyrlel. Ki~t , DO, KY'I, 1 18 j II. I'h"t. K itt.., 33G; 1'1"U1~llJly kilA of lIulter.


Luo, 130 ; 1 1<1. 01' l..'1if, 35 1 i th e nnuAinder, the l..'!.Inl'cr eli.., l ar.; t..m llrep. t.phlnir, 114 i ft I"pidll.ry. LaI'<lnlLh, 3GO; Innler.



116 i tuo.. Llthcnrlr, ~3; one II'ho ,"""~h('f; linen, &l'. [ A tI()UII, 00; 1\ ... bito mizt'o.l mctlll. UlI"crok, 166, L.'II"rok, 2M; ft lark [.nver, 173; ft \\'fIAhing.bAsin. Lawclis, 184 &e l.nver, Ltt.yk, 201; I:tk~, It. da\"lC','Q(1 colour, Lech, 1116;. lee,eh, liocto., l .eddil', .. 3; loothCJ' Lcglil\nlett, 381; equi pment for the lel.' I I)f IL. 1lCi'1"I. i..eieh, 173; to .loctOL C C. ', UL' lA!nternn". 34 ; the IK'MOn or I.e"t. Lao, 25G; IIfObn.bly Mille ftS the IeII', wort h f,"Onl 17s. Gd. to


r..enulIl, 117; i('(l rnin g, t.ea.chinS. I...eLroUIl, 139; n k'''lCIn, 1\ ,l,...k

1'12 1;('1t de t'Ilrur. IG

j ...

(': I JlSsA It Y

tIImp W.

p,.., lit ,Ie ew,mr.



llnnnn.lo, 17R:


hook of th"

01' I.hn/ing to a Liar, 3~ I a tIIrl~' rllg. or JDl\l. Lokkit male.. ~:'1; trlll)b "';tL mayor. locb ut.&cbt.1. lLwow'-. 31':! ; fellowa, tomp'ni"n~ I,orplau, 135. 1\ maker of bil..ol n.nd r..t)l ........ u d w _ .~I.~ ....... _11orM.~ __ ~"oCt. m"",,1 6ttill~ for hrilll~ II.n,1

Chnrch. llaril. 3:11 ; "f


1....lIin, 253 j in th ill ('()nn(!C1.ioD prot.My


l lll rYlt'hncl fn rt"ior.


I i 6, 3SO;

.IOOlblet ,tikbo,l or em ab~lAlit, ~02 i laded llS fnmer. in " 1000D~-..h..'\~1 )111, till. 11'2 i ,tatUJ1y beutl f~tt.ened, kill",l, and ""'ted for winter UH. l"'tt('m. In Ihi. ('ft.R' the 'fOrd ~m. to Loua, 12j j to 100000, ..~ '\'rly to ('I'Ittle intended for til. Lu~ing, ,",7: JodginS. Lu.~t, n\)n'oe. 337; lodged.


:'I lcrtrikis, .1I i fur or the m1rten. l lMtioot, 18~; uuaie, a kind of Lpe. ~G7 . I.in.r. l'f'IIin, ('hie8y UJed for ' l1m;"I. Lpel"&yil, 104 Ihme.. rocxl or dothillg dlllhft"ft! (p,.., lin..) to )1"1'1, (,f " hone'" OI[11i.eh t, 3.; Ihe middle pru1. of it. anI o~. Med. ~if. :1i l ; mid ..ifc.. Men.h"ftlt'l', 108 i minpt l'O lA. M41~ 300 j rc.r..ly mndo.
Lump, 196; toob. 1.Alyr, J53; n lure

Mnltriki~, ~il,


Mnil, 132; rent. lliil, 38, I GG; probnblJ II wmppel' or bAg. ""i1;l'i", !l3; ring., IItIt"'ln.., O'!lll wenl,.., 0" fltt.tcnin," Mill, mllM', 3911 ; " m;I"". l lAll!Ol, lnmki or !'('o.'l't.\rll. roo I'IInying clothOll or olin-I' IlI"tlch. WIlI'1I t"lI'elling. :'I1'lIItnnd, 1!.1!.1; f,tamlllering.
:U~ntiJIi ...

M e,'t, 383 ; n mtll"(!.




JlCn rl.

Merly n, !II; n.... rline, smnlili nN of

unlwi.,ted hl'mlJ.
li N.... ]:I!!; ti,e round top, fonnill II IoOr~ of I'lfltform ~l n'Olmdillg the \.) ...(', mn~t h@Od, from "'hleh it l,roJ..:tc!<\ 1111 1'0uml lib 1'1

lfafl'oltl. /JllkA," mnnr.," M"" hnke. 3::16; ,ntWI book.

,\.IN, l:!j; mMt.

43; ., (,(!"tllin IlUIIIIll', of ~in~ of f"f )I<I.,.lil-l "I'I-r .., 1""'0 I....... of IWI) ~,U'><. I}h" ,.r iZly ru .. 1 uti ... II thirty Id ..

MHIIIJ/, 1!!7 ; mcnl!nriug.

) 1('111.,,, 2!J:!; mother. l l olkt bit, 135 ; p,'Obnbly n light bit. Momh, 10.1' the (:n' m l';"I1~

Mo.., 3~G; Ii m:II't<hy I 'b!.~ 1Il oti~ 113; M oori~h. Al o.;II LI. ttG; mi7oUn
Mlllol, 143; n OI u le. MLlmmy nll', 249; ncting, 1,I.' \yin,.

M Ul~ l!tIwli", 333; young grollllt'

of in thCll'lnrnl nllmlJf'r,~I'T,II;o' un p,i, of 0'";"'" (&. (;I..,...,ry t.o 1',,1, I.) Oqo('ml'tlt, 1!'I3; n y"UoW' lO'IilLt, 11-'\11 or .. ",~ni('. (),.hul". II I ; I~ ..I" r~ ,\ "S-hIUl:'


;\111,t, 1,)7 ; InUII<. ''''nnl''''"J:1t 1l1u.-t<>M,!l63; p!.'l"hn"llJo'tll~cont.,in (hll' I.. J; 0 ing Ir\uhk. g('th.... 1lt10A Celt, 148; n mna" C:'\t U"l.;ho, I SC i wl..b.

JU yd tllee, 2:i!!; mi.ltbigh. Myln, ~03; n mill. I P.ul,..ou~, 118; ~Tilion, lent: MyuOV(l t, 2liG; rur of the Siberilln rill ... 3li7: wllght.. IqUirl'('l. P"i:!(:h, 370, Pa><h, 35; &'11'''' Mynkil, 266 ; n nllmo of &CT('.-nl Pllk, 132 ; fl'Il;k. I peci08 of l'ulo,i1l1 CIItcrnleU rOt Pnh..!, 4~ , f"Iill~', 18; 5tri p('<1. the il' fl.,,', PIII(' ~, 2(1, j n Itml\' bed, '" mnttrc Fr., [IIIiU,' N.uPKr.!':m, 34 ; Ilfldr;-kcl'('hicr. 0,' Pnmpiliol1l1, 13 ; ! d Ptlln(1l'ltmn. JIl\ndbrehicb. Pnn<-, 5U; dmpery !Lnnging r"':lIn tl.o
Noble, ll nry, 73; on Engli.,h rol,1
coin, mloe 31.. Nori Ul>, I (j.8; nu,.... N Ul;" 137; I1U~.


r..nme or n I.oetl.

1>L111et<, ~OJ, l'llni,., 187 ; pennlti\t. Pani""", 2~S j , ...Ih"pt 111\";o4o,,&, 1111'1'1..... 01' Ill"", from Fr., 1~1n, ploll(\uly drn]>(lril{. NutlJl, 3!.lT; nol ... pit>'B <If mMnl to rn~tl'l'l on t he (lUllaof IICreI\'~, PAIlI', 2011, 1,1n ,2M; ~I'erill" for tht' kilN', klloe I1rmOllr, Nyeht iilnll, 197 ; ~ night gl(U!8. " !II1 ~' 31; I\('lhl\p~ pi('Ce.~ of metal OOONt:L 383; O'OooneJ1. &, mnlie in 11i(' Hlinp' of n IY'n. Of, ~02; 011', hom. Pnntoni~, 36; ~Ii\,pen Officio, I., 207; the tlepnty of n' Pnp<', 3i7; tho f'o~. W5hClJ', chief of n cumrui.o.~\rylrIlI':'lJillg, 142; tll'pnrt'lling cquj. eoI1M.. 1\'1.1:\'. rmlliture for .'lIIi",.. 1''''(,.... Oly Jin;:(':I.t, 181; 1itlK'e<1 oil. I1ltion fat n . i,og(e 01, Well, &2; oil well. PnrrOllrm,,"~, S'Gri; mnking "I', 01',30; bl'rOI"l', <'1'0. h'OtD Fr., I", ..foll,oir. Ol~ nk, 196; d,(! urgnn 1I"IlS till n Pnn'O"i~, 7S ; l,j,'CN of rich ('mbroi COIJllUmthl!lyr(I(:CLltpcriodsl1()kcn I (\('n.J ~tull :lltndllJ ton Hl,tm"nt,



In the Rfg_ EI'iic. Abenkm.,I Pbitet'Oun, 361, AI>I'ea&I,Iate. J"". , ,-01, i., P I:: u:xb, .",'I~ Fut-, plMli'Oll. n"ann,. lunn"", froul thc Fhm.-i, I'L.lil4, 51; phlt'><, trenchen. P.u1.i,IOI; \!lIi'"i',t,-J. Piny t~,ti~, 3GI; tola.. ror th(' I'I"y, P, ..hl:..t. 3", Pntht, ~;. II. kin,loJ rulf. I'rol>:,My (01' .,l/I,' .Immntic CJlIl'I' P U~IW, 34; l>ClUCrll. loIinmellL Ple.nmll, 2Ml, n tQl1. of do!.h , iIC'V:o.thit, III; (Wl.ved. hl\l_ n.'.,wed [1I.>tIl Pinct'lI tt1 (Fr., I'll.} tbDleut, :!!l1 j ]"""cmcut. PI~i!lllnC('), in h aly. Pece. S:;:' i II. piece of l,htE', linch II. cup, &c. Pie)" 13J; plen.. Pcge IUIlbt, S6, the t.ol.'wn~t or Itnn' Pllti&, 265 j folds or 1)lnll& to ,,-!.iN! th(' pt'ollon iI rlll!tcnt'(\, P\olllet, I Hi; piUlDlDet, put of the IInmlle of n I1IH,lIll. Petl dikl.., 51 j fOltilio:"llioll \\"nll" Plowulell, 3-14 ; plUUlI, l~b.t, 150; II. IlIIlIct, 1\ -mnll .....>d. 1'lumher, 203 i bullut&. P"IIoMi~, 136 j lmllct&. I'eud, ~63; pntt ('( :t. bllckle, pf'r- Pl\l\'nril, I i2; 1,lo,crI, 1100II lI'itlo hal" the Arch OWl' tlie ill..~tel" A Pointill, 252; 6l1ill~ 01 1 ullotAl ti Jl~, rl'CCjueudy ffindc of I,,'mbint, nlX'Oruing to ,'''1. i, libllon, P~IIIWt, 3;0 i Jl'I'!"Impl 1-.;lInet, "",-bt, ('''lwlirf'', 01' (")01'0 Iwt. Thi. hub Pointi" IIiG; ,,;111&. 1Iru; of nl'lIll' nmuug hCl"""Ii~1.t h~ Poki~, 3Ml; bag... b.'iut: ~tl"inb"nt, tonit, nnJ hl'\l- 1'011, ~!lG; pO"", pool, 01' wh~ll matic. Pompe." 13.; Jmmp'. p"ri~, 15i; 1)(lW'I. Po.lul::~l~ 340, P"l'llIgt1lO!1, 300; 1\1 ....111<', ~06; 1':u-.ou. POI tllguese. 1"'1 triki~, I GO; l',u'Ui,lgos. POI1.no'lII, 131; n I'(wtloliutll 01 ' }"'-IIII, :.!04, Pi, .. ..,u, 2$9 j 'l (,oot'b'i,'l. bl'CI'jIU'Y I'i;.;.:i,\ 3SR; o:IlIh"1\ \'I_,k J'oL'lUO"I, 135; II. tia~ of panora illPihi~, 3D3; 1"'\Ibn!.ly 1,.iki .. 1>1it'b. dictl,,1 to 1I1'1)(>:\t hdol\) th" jllliti, l'ii',",I, 370, Pii,~ul', II; 1\ I,illioll. ('inry 1\)"11', I.'hen t.o.l tho rortJuer in o,,\el' tbut ho Illi,h, A l"O&l r l'ilo(!11, 318; t'l. _kA. Pi 1'1"'1,\1"<, 31\, l'n~"ll"".O; 1)(:rlu'II" tl"'III, PCIloI, 112; 110 II.I\1ion 01 llOII.ingrulh<.. holhl<.', "il'lIi!, :!fi3; btrij l .. ith dilli:l"cli t I'n\'''I1 .... int.o.'I"\I"O\-,n or bl'(l('fUk~L Poling-nil', 9J; nil Apothl'Cl\l'Y, I'ln l!d"JU" ru,iL.., 1,10; Ilooring 1'otil>:;"\I'y, 2{):i; dru(,os, n.lil-... (). ;:"", !,In.ndh'r; Fr" Pow, 191; "'1'001, I'''''hn[ .... in this 1'1:.".h", II. 11(1'>1 ('ak', II "b,ur,


o LONS.\ ny,
P owJt'riUIo:IJI, 11 ; 1 ''''lo.\J.ty 1.1:....k tn il til"'- (&. j'n.:f.,N', \'01. i., Inge clxXXl'ii., uiX~ ) I't-cif, 1!l6; 1.0 1"'(lH'_ Pr('nca, 26 1 ; I'i,,!t.

Had,!:." 1,2 i 1l(>1II,,1~ tI.at Ioll"~ I.y


I'n."" :l3G;


H:wllkd., 8S, ,""fWIlI. Ibi,I, 296; ,'Oti(o IInlk, :U:?; n ,,,1.;'. i!ai ., I ~8; to f"i,-t>, I,i{'k
H"ilI, 1!11 :

P" isit, 1~ 3; Vl\lul'<1. 1"'01>, 179 ; :l 1ll:U k t.. ,IKI'"'L" t , Pur, [iii; poor. PUI',,,,I <1 3; f\ll1~1. I'udelling, H ; trimming. Fr .. [loon rlikr.

1:""0 Jdl', :hl; 1.,;",I'cr. 1l:lI'I'YH, 17;,;:l 1-:"IIi,r. I:'~ .... h"", 1:>0: 1.1,1" ... I:,,',.,, ", 188; I.. t
Hn\l;I1, ::~U: 1'":1\"'0.
l: f"~,.:nkiulI,




12i; the a<1. uf .1 reelllill1jll~ )"liLnl,I., prol,,'rly I>hl'Q it 1Lu; ["lIcu L .. QL'ioll.yn:l, ~7S; qn nilY. him hy the r'1lI1~ or hb 1:~'1I, Q,~"\il', 1,2 ; 'Juif!! or I'np,r. nl'd, 5 ~ , In I)(\Y, el(':'\I' 00: Qnill'l.', tI:J, ,II, 'lIla!";';' :I ll ; A hook. nl.'<le, 8~ j reo!. QIlIU,\,Ollris, 1.11; (1":uTyrnCln. I,HdiCJlIo, 250; mil(' 01'1\ rt'lic. Qucno 01 ~],e Unllollgnit, 11 3; 110 tLtr~ HeD}""!.' 3!J6, milL wl)m:'IlI frtlqIlQll tl)' I"C'Iic-ved I,y tile 1 RfIfIlJL,il, 403; 1'lkl,.. lbJ,,:.H
""j"lior ill

Purt,m', ~:i6, I'"ll,k Pynotll'i8, 14 1 ; -1 looIlrt'f1L



Qul'yn, :H6; a JOllns allm.uriet.i nt.,..t, 311 '1lmllilt<l, 1', t1ol,t. ,"'OI,mlt; 11""..1 Itl., Em " \l'om:1II or; 1t1'.~Ll~, 3905; 8nrl~ I'rohubly fol' nny ItJ..'\', 'n."\rri,~1 or '1II11lllnioo, "I""''''', n('ulillg, IG!l; ruling, 1II1llll\ging, Q"II(,li .... I-II; ".. h"",llL Quhct, 55; whenL bfl'l1kinll_ Qllhi loJCllnit, !IS; \\hi~t1I!", new~lry, ~R2; Ill" \'t'lry vf a Qllhi .., ilI, 41 ; II hi..tlt. {'hlln~h. Qul dl, 5 1 ; lIulil, nil, l, 334 ; nil 1Il1dt'nt Srotti~h ('ttl,, Quik, lIS. QII)'k, 333; li\"ing. .\ r)"nll of F':luCfI \I,", worLh QUilltA E~,,'''~, -iG ; DAllie or "II Gil. fltI. iu Ihe tillltof JIlUl .... I of alel,,nl;"t, J ohn I).,mbn. Sir 8Itl.m'l. The tenll 11',lS >I!\\" rn..f';o(\', 1,)1, ii., IUI'i., lrnii. tilne" :'I'I,li"t to sih-er ooilli. Quit OI.t, :15 1, Qllyt (lilt, 171: to Itbll, "6; ro)'nl.

Itu, 132;


II. I'Q(',

:!~,G: 1\
:!~ ..

f.;c.ottL.h ..... i", ,,,111

to:! ...

H,llin, Il:lS; ';I"t'll. torn.


of J.. lle, the DULch Mtne Sc\l'ki.a, 33; ~hill>;,. 0/ "'lIkll i. Hij~lI. 's.'1'rnr, 1:>1, nll3wyer. Hoh linl, II ; Nt'll 1'0)'111 3rt)', "y, I'!l; " kin,\ of wooUeli cloth.

I:j,;l~ J!!;


\\0111 .. "

~:"il,... ,

14.&.; roollng aL'\t.c!<., "toile

"no Ikl' I the CI'II.l!.

HOt<, I'JG, 1lC, in tbiA
TuJclL n._

~hip Smlll~ul,

8e:Ulso Ul."\o, n ,.JnU'I', 175, SenWWIU.., lG1 ;

em tho

Isd~lfti~, ~ih-el',

from itJ h.willg 1'l"(!1l nmual 11""

.lJurgtl..-d nllm- the Qllt'('n.

368; >\h(lf4
3 1S; thin I'L'l.tc11 of gold, .1:/:.., banging do,.,-u fl'Olll lhe


ROIl-I, !1S; I\)f'ill. H<t'I ~kin. ) :I:!; L\Ie ..kin. noulhi, 3:J; Cortl.,;t', M Ojll'Olle<l to


109; I'ip"', wind

10 ItL'\1-

M",JI 01 lIue dOlh. Inn'LII, IlilUillll' to cI:uioTlet& HOllo dath, 10: CUI\M: doll, .I:I1' Schtll,iviJ., !lO i II. hud of kl.l. Fr .. nvwftut,21Si l,rol)l\),ly l:ou('I\. clitll"clIu. It. ...LiL. 3!.2, Ho\\"loo ...Ij,., 13~; Schll.'I\1Ui., I r.:! jono who IlL'I)". th, the &;,IUe of ho\\lB.. f;h~"m. J:n,\t', G.l; II. "'0IIII, &hering, 38 i tIrea.ing tho i,ilo of I~ur, 51, pl. :.!~4, roof,tup. wooll,'n dolh, BII Iit. to; II dull H."[ or [JI"\.>wn ~[I~,thi~, 260; .henth". roluur. O. P,'., In. d. &'11,0 .. 31; .Il\l('t.. Itll' hio , 3:i1l: n I'(\<],["r. !Stohiru~, 80; -hccweI of tl loch, It)tlll,ir>.l, IIIG; nlplu",. GI'OOH:I 1111 ..1110111. Sdlip.bl'Okin, 100: .hillwrccke\l.


).;.I.un, 201: "'1('Itc, S:1\t-S, 2911; "'Ii 1M. K,ll f;\t. ;J1i1; 1\ ""Il('('I1:w. &lluti 2,jG; FI'Cnch SOhl coin.., . ;11.", fl"o;'lL! 16.. Gol.la 10

St'hinJ, 133: ihe';(f. Seho, 1111; ihe. &111>11(',36; .boe.. &Im!,ll'ri" '1 I!) ; ~ho\lldol"8. ~lull, '103; .hoot.

:\kht>IMl~IIOI" Ii';;., boy !xwdll'lti~, I SG;IIlPllOft('(llo t.1enotA.o

t iaj"'I' ("1(',1\'1\

loy tht





,101),1' (11 1'\. Nid.,,L..,, .Kw, the t{oclillg, 271 ; Io('dll\l~ cutti ng. :d, "f l.I'~IlrIl>(cr. F,.r,," nOl"()uu11 !oI'gi"" 11'1; ~it'1 , "I !oj"," in"('\"crcnt tntlt!lllic of So.ld., 3H ; n. bM1. ,\il'ill(' N'l"Iin'." II"hkh "'enl (III ;;,,'ILu, I ~!l; rdlfll'. tn',td '" I,,,,," t ... 1},JaIO'Orr ::!S, &!lbl, ::!,jl; n. h('(l,ll'i('('l) ... r " _ I',dnt, lv .-..,1. i., 1'1'. l'l'h'j J.:l ..lluhr fOl1n, wilh 1\ lIockl'it>cc.
\ II

I F,..,


Sene.;, Ht Kntl'in l! ,Ie, 200; St, K~ thCliua of SiCLlnl\: II tOllh'llt

or S;. K"UII':';ULI t he /;L\blll-11Il of

::;I~U' h~lk, \\ill,l(~~l


n kll'.! (of



rULlmk l ill, BIOI .. ;,., 3~~ i lun:; I'i",,-~ (.r 11'0011. \';'Iinbllrj!h \,y; ljl'flwlLj!r, 338;:, I'"),,.-r," hl"~". Jrmet L:I,ly Seloll ~h(lItly nftc .. Sp'i .., 115; tv ju,.uin



Sen sotllis,

of Jflm Oh lV .'" rdh"1,. I T8; prol,,,I,I)" CIlII ... "'.



243; nnllmr uf



Bete, 33G; soot, orlJOju\<>< \I ,b oo;


huntill;.( 1001se. Seyis, 55; woollen cloth. t ~\;I\'''''SeyUl)'1, 2!i9; 110m!! kin,\ of Itsllhm', ~I.,~i~, 135; yourg (lonocs perbaps stitched. :SIal< , I 5:J; hill'S. SCyll, !l9G; tile rh'el' &-illl'. &nlp, iii; nl'l~llt'lIlly 8<>UHl ki ll,1 Simollt I;nll, 4G, Sytu~n~ 1)'.1 1, 280. of t l~'p. cement 1'1))'111. CcmNlt w:uo ljtmd of hnl1lC~, 39; ~I\it of annoll.formerl)' 1""Ooonncl)<l "~imnll;on" ~1:lIlki', I~,~; pom'" A p:n1.icullll" m.1Il1U~I of "mifri ng ::itc<ldyl', 3GI j nn nll'vi\. r -K, gol,l SIMk, :t!i: n ,..,U.r ~l .... h Sk('II~ie, 1 17 j :J, skain. ~t iCt'(', 1\ piece. l'edl ~JI' so C:ll!ctl SIcilia, 3t.; ~1 C't'\,CII, ll'Om killS \"Ollod on n. blicl:. Slieht, SO; ~light, oNlin:'l') . Steik,:.I7; to stitet 0\' cII1L.'O idcr. Smytis, SO: 1n1l.1111"OpetISkill, !! 7 ~; to f;tl'~lch, to l'Ot",itJ, Sokkit!, 40; l"*,,iIJly I'.Xh'rL piec,"I of to til'. liuing, The phrn.110 j_ I>till U>\CI\ St~u lil\S, 397; tieing 11]l.

tl,(> :li1ll8 \I" 1,,1>' is \u,I ;C, 393; ~I"il,-(, I SL,f hl'di~, J5.:. j ll,a 11I(:(.,I\",ill\:;o(



:)tcl1),oi", 395; pCrbal'8 ~lin~, I,ikc,,;.


17-1 j "."lkill'tion, Somil', 102! bUl1uncr. Soucht, I fiG; I:OlIght, SoIl PCI', 20t!, Soupil', IG8 j "u pper. Bowdit, 330; wldc''OI1. SoWUl, Hi7; n. loml, n (Xlc!::. PHhn. re; here tho word" hon-a" is omitt ed_ Sowm Mllill, IGO; n. ~UIJ1(1tel' 01' IJ(lck 1\.""II\lc. :SOliDi!'>, ::Ii!!; ~ulUa. So"""il, 3T I; s nppeo.l. Sowt.'U', 132; ~boouUl.ker. Spoidi:!, ~55; ,1IOUIJc", joint.

~ J >e;II'~ ,

Stim"",;" 172; &tifi'cncl'lI; pel'lJ"I'~ poking ,tick~, iu,tl'lIfllcuta u"",J r(.o\' ~tiUclli,,;~ lio>l.
"I'in' uK! polli ...."<b <>l "cd.' -" W;"IO" Tato:," ACI iL" Sc. J.

; to (1i~ti1 " \'".,.<'1 fOI' roub ining the huly oi J~ 1I",'(I;n th!! "c, r,-iccs of the HOIUtlll {;Ili.ll-cll. bloUin, 373; stOlo.lL ~toulO, pl. ~t()moi~, 100; ~l.olUllcber,
~till, ~02



StOJlllb, 51; !,ileil('I,. 1L1j:(QIl<>, "tours.

i shilling. Tnrtl'on, 2n, IlI'obnbly mri.:u', ,... Stl':\beryis. stmyoo'Yis, 141 , RI':\.Wdeh .ilk _tuff I, routlht h'Om t he berries. .Et\l<t, or IltrhI\J1'IltH'tnn. Strakin~, 203; gl1!Millg. 'I'n"I('li" 391 j prohnbly thigh Strny, l::!j; ._Imw. I\ ... nour. Stl'l'maril, 59; IIag.. 'ffUlfl(\l<, 184 j C'UIMStruiking, 200; 11l'01.1I11>ly.lnking. ThutU'OlIllr, J O!I j II. player on the Stule ea, :!O~ ; 1\ night. stooL moor or drum. Stumpe!', 313; end . TI,\-nIJll, 42 j 1\ mla or pR.rt<!1 CiOn St.u'e, I ~; lL stnrgoon. t/lining fonr .kiDll, ouet('lI t h II. Stutba.. 2,;.1 j ftmll\. tymmir. PJ'ObAblyfroll1 tbe l tn lin n Suctour,!IOGi lugnr. ta.\oulilUl, n "-IlIali beanl cor Illallk. SYIl.'1p:u', 184; cilllllllAU', " ''';II<'ml Trut~ 138; t/IX. OOJDIIOlelll,lf mcrcurYlllH1 .u/I)I,ur, Te.ldl"ri", 160 j !.ethet'S. 1 in oolonr. '00 Tee, 1" teis, 1(;0; .. mota! hoklfru,t in tbe 6hnpe of the letter T. "'.l.OKLLIi, 191 i tllblOiJ, .....ntin; Tep1t, 3(i; n t il'pt' t , IU1 I!.rUc1e of mIllets. dreg ,worn bOLh by wen nod "omell. It \'Illied in C orm I\ tI.1 ";\Iy ubi ... Ill, l.ablN-moe~ it HI ' _ it d., ...... ~ lin, Ut-ing .olnctimM 1 0tlg lik(' 1\ _" 11.l.1li1,11. ~ Art I" s". 5IJUIII\J(O, nnd IOmetime.like [\ cnpe, ('()\' ering only the Jl!lonklel'll. 'In !>em" kill, 81 ; " ,wt'\lt.llde (Ol'llifl oon6CCI'I\ted Ilo.;t.,nlld t ho cibol"ium '1'cIS"ti", 39 1 j t..n:,-e<, shields. Tertnl, 333; tiet'O(ll, umle fnlOOIl. contll.ining lilosmnll(>r 11 0IiW. Tnhil, 253 ; R 5ll1ooth, bimilio om.'l.- Tf!YIld pil ... i!', Iii ; ti the money. Th', 2::;2 ; thilj:h. ment. Tith ill gi~, 3 38 ; tidl n ~ TnLiII, 181 ; It Iliclurt'. Tnffeti, 31ij lrlffctA, n ~ilk stuff of '1111I1i., 1,0 j "1\1\1'& nlei~, 300; JlfOuOI hly t hiSl1 pi()OOl. port textui'l'. Tng~i!l, 270; nUlIChmcnt.. to sn.d!ll"". ,'h('king. 298; roofing, Ullltc!,ing. fll-'>!!I\hly rO!' OI'lamOIl I. AnyUling "IC..;.'\.urnr, 20 1 ; tr(\.'\OlIl'(lr. n,..~l fO l- til'ing. Thir, :l:!j ; these. T4kyn).'y"o 16!? ; tokcu.a, m:U'ka, T1uif."jlleo, 261 ; thistla .,i:,'lI., 1'hYIll)JliIl, l i 2; thilllblCll, 'j'aIlOUIl, ~j9; tnllo.... "uo.loli..... 219; fOlct<, fol' !'kit .... 'I'''"lIe, 12, TnulI)" 11; cI"lh of n 'l'ulbmh, 193; n "d ........ \""'"Y eol",ll' l.0u4.h \,If I:iootII 'I'ol1,~. lolli ... 110 i a 1'01le. t'I':I,ch !Unke. TOilS'. 119; tong ue.

'" Stopping, 206




"mil '

'l\il'l~ 25!1; to'l' I 'fUtl.r:n"I', 3G II. ~1~n,1 ..troirw. G; Tourn:ly holL., le i ; 1,,'OI~'hly Illul,t, Ton", llil ; ~ lru. bew.l,; 1.0 be .... ~ I lit tollli'. \'!n~il'j:, I J~; C't\1I)'illt:,

m<'l1 tll. l")'Iuir. &:1; tlml",., 'rolll'llyt. j8~; t'U"1,,~I , r" . hiou,~ 1 by Tpnir, U; 0 l.u:k;,,,'1' of rUI' ~ Inlbo. ",juiu, forty ~kin", Towk, ~2 ; II. br;e liPI><'t.. J'r" , Tyuit, H); .....1


t.oquo. TOlI"k, 2(i{l; 0 luck




Tyun) "g, 3GG; tinnin,;. I'r., Ty\"\'IUo"t. I !li I intenn""t. Tyl"it, u:!; tin~1

Tour, 85, TOUI't, &t; III wwt'r. 'rr-ill", I));. killd of d"tll, 1'1'0' t: .. n~n\:!M; cy"lct& Fr""illct. bRLly chockt'<.l Fr., tn:il~, Un('o.... ti ... 8.; ClXpen-. l'tnu~, U7; U11.t l"nil't)rn, 88; 1\ gold OOill, lir.c. Tn'\II"~, :!O!l; Ile,11A11a II. kin,] .t"lIck in tlo.o f<,igll of JI\IDC>! III ., f)( net to prll\'en~ ho .... (''0111 \'411111 IRa. kicking, Uniecll'ne, :!(J1; tile (oblllou'lInim,,1 'l'ro.n.-I"Ung, 110; I\ll4'nng, lurning., 1\0 l'nllllOl. 'frent.ak!, 71 II. feriet of ll,irt)" Uno('ulng, 188 ; l>rObRhly ollllCtting, , ,

m _ ro" tho Ilea,\

'Uoll;.,lIy '

ce\('hmtal on tbil't.y 'IMICCI.!f>i1l0 U),hlllhly, 178; :I,i rMny.


,cllmg " I',

Urin.11<.., IGI ; \.i:lltc.

'l't'I.',' .. 51 i (lClitition; n .ere<:llt UM, 211!1; \IJI('. with tllrt.lill"o 1I0.c01 in cM(lt'loo, , Uti r, :!O:l; outer.

h.,II_, IlUoI 1 3rt;1I nrwutllu.nt.sj '" CIIno).y with CUI1ai!IR 01' dotu ...r

0, Jill/ifill,

trn\.cn;. ... n

\ '!O"nk, ~r~ 90; \":IUutlol1lC<', l,iOO(l fir ftl1nOUr fH thl'! nl"tIll<.,

" \" "


cminin_ Troll", 151; )001110" 'rt'Ollell., 00; ~nWlll l"O lIn,1 bloek, in which lh. Ii,. . of " ~hil' n.lll. TIle r"lIf"ninp ()f ...hill'lI Y:II"t fA) tho DIal! (T. . -.....' , j OllOII,u., \'ol.i.). Trum('l't., l et!); lruml'ctc-r, Tuoyc.l..... 71; tonido.; 10UI; IIl1dtl1o":U"IRent.. ..am by otHcill.tint:

bot ~ulI,IOf'l<'O of 1N"OQl be~" -'-Tbe Jo:~, 01 fl. JoI, ... \'3ri~nt, 260; or lI~riou, oolou, .. VIlI'''h..-ei., \!l:l. ,.Clngn:&., 167 i n ....hwi Vel ljOi 1I~llf, Ve ... l,iO"n.. ~!J i t.:It>et\1 ' ...1...... .... till, rillen or ,TVOJl:tn,t : foC!t'r t'ty, I" e.l IV eurtllin... Of

btl, ... t

.... I.o...t.

"1 ....Jack n.


_1><1 hi.


W,1'oIlJ o ""

o LO&:iA RY

Illl, :\ hh", ri,l~mt!l1~ pre- W~ling, 13~; 1\lU!hhlg A-t.linJC f~,lk Ilf wliilinr WeYllpi., 3~.; wing... to. "Indo, of COI'l 1\1\01 nil", Wir, 101; ,.-ife," WOIlW)", midJlo

\'","t!h'leoh, 181, \III1AiliOI1, \'l'I""II,"",II,.11 ; ~ . ,J" loil 'l. \\....v, !lGi j \'I Jt. \"'lll,.sG; to ~llir" \"i.IVoo !lOS; \Or"g" \1~"" ,,:UClA, ~6i ; ".n.~'" 1I.li".

Wikkir, 3~j; ..kker. Wi!.1 md, :J I~: the Il~ r:J ,.-ilot AIlilu"I ... Win" .... 20 I; IHllloy,,> 1\ ilH'I, rs. WindClo t or..1i", 340; eor.-Ift r OI l'ullcyK.


"inl.,.. 361. V)ral'"" I~Ji rul ... ,oirioJitt'r, -to!!. &, \l,~liloor.

for Wiu,loi.,


opminr. .. b.ab-.

Witt.1 1 ~ 2 ; ,M:tuab:. 1lot, i WolI, !l~~; wool,

WOtl:lh, 3."J; wONted.

W UIUl>O. HH; ".tehing. Wyl)'I'OIII, I O!); I1ml", wnu.tAlORt. W"lh', 3i2;" II'flll"t. A IIOno('Wyndil1l:, 1;2: rc--ihly m"J,,;ill l;'
IoIII"'1Ii1l1l' 100g ,,,ith 1\\'0 ,Iili _
Llan~)\1' touh"lUltc\l or

" lIlly"


Wyndo, !!<r.l; window.

,,"'ynnyng, 8;; workin,; 1'1 DU IK', W.II'OIlIl.". 369; Wnl.t<ltlUo """1. gh"11 to R ai ..",, "ho iwI "i~in. from II. 'IURn1 .te. I_,nnt.., A t!,,,,,U'(('f II rillt)" _..,I.JlOttivtll._ YI. I_O, 1!3!l, a k itcl,e l1 g1Il'den , 1\
00; nil ar,neol YllnL Ydd, 8 7 ; pl"d. 0' p, wo nt.. mu<ttr rO)' Ih ill .111<1 ill>I"'CtiOIl. Yell 11111, 107 i nn omcinl n:t: ~ in \\"1111, liD j ,1'1 bot,It'I'. ,-auk to n gentl t mn n of I ho "'_IW, M; n m"hure of I:! .. tonei', hou..-loOIol (Stt TI'(I(UI<rn'" ,Ie ,;wI .,10IIl' ... t'i~l,ing (ight iJOt1noJ.. toaI.u., \"(.1. i.) .1. .'). 1\- g.1 W",I'"'l', 128; ;\ """g,t. yf'Ui~. 3(ij ; rIo. \\',,1", 131, II. ...i.!" .... YIIl"P. !'iG3; ilun!;,:" IikePl.'''"' Wl.... h, 203; w..i:,'i,t. dra ...ing. }.'nll;; (row. .. 81l; olond lill'''t... , Irong W('IliIl/l', 261; \1l"Will;.,'o W,'l1n", 31S; \-.11'1'1. WOOo ltl1 ,hutlfor.i ,)Ia~...~ 1 0\'1'1 cnl'iu '




\\'n-.I'~'I. 3,

\Vwe, ~!l6; .:\.1.

"I, ~'. W .....01 II-J j


Its' '... Vl'I"h.oUl;'"

ill 1'OII1: h wMtl .. r , l. l""k. witl,out "lohWlt r"rh1ill,!: l ,,,tt ur th~ ti;.,';ins; t'Oi'III'(.WtI .. illl tl ... ruunt! tOI' ih " ,h ip _
y\,,,I,;,IUII',, 1!li j il-Ol)" tuml ..




Anl<tJTS. Sc~ 11",lcr t~clr roIIIJOCti ..., ulkto. AI>e"Ice", niH, unit, COI11Jl"""'ilioN 01 .}"ro of, S, 11, 220; mn",u l';t<:hMI, bu~ of. :!O; (:illxorl Men1ico, bu'1._ of, ':!~ 1 .lnl,I". 00, 6i; Kin:', oIJ'<-"1"l"K in. G7; expcn_ of Lord. at j ... tice ... yro of, 91 1 NinilUl 1I1i",1.
.eheill ..,,,\ to, l:!fi; t/IX for uroeW1;o", 10 lkuIn.1.k oollectOO frorn, 135 ; falcone", .",1 10, l(l:j, 100: oonti " .... tion of llyn! of, 100; fJIIymtn~ to pipen Abernethy. I.,rony
I)I<!. I'{I.

<>t, ft""UJll ... n~ Ir(}",

Alotrn<:thy, 1..... '""K'e. or>ml"",ition with,


- - l\id,olu, I"'yonenu lo, Iii , 118, 121, I~, I~. I~ 14:,:Ll(J; i11i. bmw" Clulh for hi. "if.., 313. Achi ...." , . . , hnu,nan, d~lhlt'G ro., 321. A,I:..", .. n'1nland, ~ ,..,\lnan to Ih~ Queen, ...... t to Onm .....!on, IfIOJ; ~Iolhinl: 'or, 321 : ohoc. for, ~Ol ; p.~y.


of, ( till; ,uanllu for.Jo1n,. fool or, 168 : J\hl',.loelcho!re [II, 170: J"hu Ander. .an, "~'lI* of, 231; Killg'. ~uc" ..,nt 10,:r.7 : In_,,~r ....1lL 10, ~I.;. - - Ililt"'j' of. Wllh~n' ~:tI~'ln stOll, 2Ii, ~, Z!), :10, :!30, 2~~ 3:..'9: \ltli~, I. 211: ~ign. 1I1'CO""~, 210: "" _ _ "r. Qt j".ticc"yret, 91, 3":!!l, - - dc:uIC.y of, tho 1..,11, or tht, I'"y. mell~ ((IT , (i,j: do. 1C111~ lo Or. lbhIngton,

"..."t 10;>. ~H , -_, I",y. f'Ilymrnt 10, 31;;'

A"nmlou", .JDlm Jlbi. of, :!I, 2:..'0. ,\,Imirnl, 1.,,,,.1 t/'I:b, in.lg"in ~f. I:", . ,\lIlock. E<1muIKI. 1111 ...." ..<1 n.I,-enleoi,
17 1. .\'&"0"", l'lIInck, ..,ml.,.ition ,,-ith.!?'t;!..

Ahn"MY, Alennd"".

Aikman (Aykman), JOIllOll, p"pnclIl t<>, for Judging th., French kniliht, xliii, 3flU: Zi8. do. far tho "ild ,... n'.tonlJ.aini".t tho __ tM!rl1T of, Jl'\y,,,,,nll loy. 2, !I, !H:!; jnl\inl. !l!):\; do. for twenty.ix ,,00(\1 JICIymel1~ 10, 1)3: _ ,..er ten~ 10 akin., 3D1 ; dri"ltll~er lo, 391. Aktleld (.Uf<.Ihll, TlwITlllIC::CtI<ICl d~, 2~U. - - .h~riffdnru of, a ..iz.t, of ""0' l am <\Il.",y, J)ukt' of. ~h': hl.lOIlJl" bu,>!I. ..aned In, 1;')9; I'ri ...i ..... \ DDn>r>er of \""""ili; {JCIIlriOJl of hi ....." And~', (Lord \0"01'1..), 2~~. 121. 316: t<l hll mil' lII>n:alll in ~'","co, U3, 3i>!!, 3il3; AbcrfoJ'1c (Abirfu\e), .. Inla to 1"";81lo of, Amlre .... Ste..,.,.l, bi. """, !lOCI 10 Ah..... ~lUJe, Innu. of, 233Fntnt'O. :r.;;. Abcrlodnll~h , I"'J"lCnl \0 'OICII "f, IIIR~ ,111_, <If IlertAno duth, 17, 'is. SO, SI, ~'i,j I of Ucrtuc! 1"'"'11, 'iO, :!~8; bdllo fllf. h;ul 11"". eon' C'l\lC.', 3:lG.


~, Dr

Crn"'ford, lhcoilTprincl ..... of, AII'.

.~u ()~r.



.: :!



01: 1>:llT(lkiJ '0<', ~ I : OCIrriIIg~ 01, from '\ncbor for tbe . hip R"u"If. :U:!. .:.Ji>1b~rgh to u..nt.\II.IIt, I~S : p"rmcnl ,\"cloe~n, Jobn, "ntge*O of ALe.dccn, .... 'mp<wili.'" "i, b, 2:17. k... "'1I.hing, 131, 139, 19.'1.
.. , Dum""l'Ioll, ,... llil1lo" ..... 1 _ . __ to-um"""",,. ,...,.....,."


to th~. 137. \I. (4ill). 1~'ynIC11 t lor, 191 : Mnl to tbe ""'II"Y the 1111110(1 ..1 I)nlll.;.-'.I, :1-10 : I.....lIgII\ to t lte ":in;:.t lh~ .... ;1., 3..;: ,h-ff' to tho l\lnK II)' tbll "'<:or 0' 1.in l~n, 100. "'''looUI'l, the mure, lloi\y mellt to ""'e of,

!i,-try lor, - - 1.,.",,,,,"1', JlUI'Ilbueof .kiMr""II, ~ r. .'rod"'.......... 1, t he hoNO! Il",.,.)ml; 1000yme",. 10, !.!O'!. 38"!, 1 00.


Ib, ' 89:

__ , 1I... Iol:r, paymclIt "" 197. - - , ""'Isht, of Llnlilhpw, ,*)"'De,,' 10,

AII"..-lllIivoII to Pate Sillclai r by J ohn of



.\I ...,,,,,I~r. IIntl'..., 1")m~n"" I "'. I:t:!, 1!IIl, ll,,,",,)'. IU. 100, 3,(1, lIf1'! . ;\"gu.. lax for e""lCdition 10 [),:oll"",!k Alu .. o,lrio,,', ~uil'l! to t ho I'opl!', collcctolilrolU,l3S. l.nlbo.""",lor. llc.\", iii. __ Ulfl lLMt~r (>I ihw flail. allCll, ,\1: Iln!~,w llily. tILe King', offeritlg on. :11. G7. 100. ,\ IdU\nllAlc ! \' .lli, A"" ndic), th" II"'~I",I ,\1 f;Ai"t.' 11.'.\'. ,~r All H~ll<l'l' It,}" of, l>Ay,ucnt.. l'l\:I, 21:2. 214. ,\ I.,,,h,'. t. \ IIi "lul, .J.. lLn, ~ !'01 ... n " I the AIIIIC, ,bIt, pi L,,,litlogo" . Curry'. wife, 1 1,'"~'<!""II~l<le, ~k'lhi"!I for. 1 08,:'Kl6.1 hi; I.'y,uenu to, 141, ~j, ~~i, :l(ID, AII.,,,1'I)', in !-.tll'hn~, Pl'ltnCut 10, ;\.;1. 3:'8, 3~!, 107. ~ 11. Alltrl'''', 'rhon,a., 1':lIl:lioh I,,;...,..cr, It! \,,,nll"'\4t 1011 of Onr LlWy, Kinll", .IC"l llIlol) (.I, 10, 21~, offering On thc .)II. , 2, All,,,, (A I" ,I,'), timllc. got lronl, 11 iii; _\nI iI., wlI\!"< of. pnYlUcnl to the bootmcn !\i"g'~ ",r'II"go lent to, l!l.i; hi ro of nl the, 141. 'lOiIt 10, 13';; "iet",l1ing of tho . hlp " ".IDCI(,\.,, lcl, ~'1l1bronM. clolhins lor,

t',u'rorN In. :11:1;


"I 1I"(!eI( to

100, 300; p.'1yrocnu w,

1 3~.



C1.lg 01, 1:17. AllOO1,I-I. ( I n~key.) 01 the \liLl k"iglll, ,~ymcn ll{>, 2:.8, Al,n~rr, ,';'e AU lllry. Ahuollcr (QlwC!IIIr). :.'00, ,\lln. (AIIII""~) 10 ... poor lI,nll, 180, I ~:I, the l'rineo'., :!S!l J 10 11 roor nmn ill 1","'t,:I-IO J to ... IIOOt' u".u nl I'un "ing' bnonc. :IN : \ 0 "IHiC!(I, 410, AI,un. IlN. ,J(U, ,\1",. , fnnli,hlUII' for, for Ib~ Kirk of ~t':il, ,!l: for lh~ Kjng" ~1OM:t, ~: I.... til,' ~"er"'. 01000, :!!I.l;: If>\' tho I'nuce'. dl'llll:l. A.,; r",l<I, I:nt.c't C!III,I.eri' "I. IG. ':!'.?:t - - 1~",01'Y "f. Hl, !'~. '\"j,II"", .i\'"q,:ill.3 1.


:1,;'1, :162, 3(j{l, ~i{l, 3ill, :1OO,11l.1; I~'J' mCllt 10 1';ll<lU, lB.'!. ,\". 1rill htl' (Au,lroU,er), .\" ~ .\",,;, I"'YIlIC"~ 101 1,0 J'r'uu d, !.'!l4. ,\" 1011(',,,,- f"r altn .., 80: veh'ot Inr, 2M: ["fTcly for, 2SIl. ,\polhooM)' 01 t:iL AU<1r<:l"", I",ymcn t l 10 the. 111.:0. 1M, 002.!!OlI, ::<07,:ISO: .ug.~r 1o,', '!OO. StU wOO I,'oulu, Willinm, Aud \1 Of1 n'~II, ,Toh", '\1'1'1('11 (~I'illil) IOn l 1(1 lh o KlUg, 3.11 , ~OO; \Hj("I~", Inrllc~1 for the tourna oncnl.:kI.'i. '\ /'I'io;o.gnmc!. (a:,ilga.rHali.), 1M. A'l"" vit~" for 'I";ul,, _'lIli., 1S,1, IS7 , ISS ; r.)r g1l11 IIOWJ"r. ;I:t~: 1,,,' th, K,,'l;. 3~:I, :I ll



--w.... _I""n>ll1of.~1
.\n",,,,~', ~".

I'IrLlUllh , UII. nih, iO~. !!!II. !7~ ,:103: "f FI"lIlrl'O". ~, .'it> "/<0 (.;<.011 Arll,,,,,r,, tho .bbu~ of, 30: .1",. ;11, 00, 07: 1,,,HI 0/, 35f\, An",. Ib~ K;'Ii! .. I''''''Ibl f ...... !oo, 1'''10 I" ArI",lb_. t:n.bc-Ih ... Ir,' "f 1'.. ln. t;'I ... i.ow.r,:to, Ifill IlArc.. ) oIl:"'"I.U,-. l'1. A,_, 1~''''l'''1. p ..,w. ai, In Iroll. 01 I.... ' tI~, _~I_ _'I.,x.~'i,11 r-,....c. f ..... 1...." "'lh,~1 II.. 1\,,,11'.. '" ......... "1..o.;,~ "'_

I~; lo.l) ,\l'1 bch, .1 .... 10 IhI! ,,",.10 or Iho chapel _nl ,,, xu. 117. 1 _ " "I ,", f".11 of, 03 . "broll,l, 11'l.1. \l'1kr>dl'lluch, ~I~ OllLett 11ft)' 01, 0001- - - 1100. t" lI<h. xul.; I"rmmt to, Z79ldri,,~.ih" 10, -IUS; I.. y....., I" JI'lIiUon "',Ib 18, ~~4 A... lotkr{AnJ..... rl.lt" II, uni!; I 10 ...., 1'18. .~aJ_Coch ....... Al..u. ...1"'1~_r. "'t~!ft, I"",h~ to. ~I" AnJao'orIn I~.""" J<>hn SllIAtt of, \""'...,.. (Ar~"",,1. u.-. J<.>IID. ~,I. _'Mal 01, l:to 6: _.-It"- wilh, ~III. the ..,td 01, ..,.......1 to, 176. -- ~.,,\.oa, hone 11CI ......... -oJ f ....., ~ , Anlm.na.;h, omc.. 01 c ..... llcTl4ln, MOl ....'..,,11' to. IO'J. .\nun"",!:". Ihl! Kin,,', IeIltR "'fit 10 bllllo of lb,' I..!~" of. 23It. A... ~hl)', bu,," ol,~. tloco. I:;'~ Ani"*" Sir J ohn l>iM: .. lnlOlln of. '231. \mot. Ould. ,"hot of C...b".~etllM.'th __ larlll.0I.231 ..... ea"'\'lIIk('lIlr<',h. A.u.tiQChIr, ul<,i; .1 . . 1a. ~l. \nsn ..... u aot from. I-U. 119, lho AnllRe, lIndl ol, 20. .hip 0l0I-.6 _ t to, nil. 1.11. U.s. '~'1J''' U;,..Uo, L"---'I. Ili.aop ur, --I .....:...1 01, .ui; r-r-~t taolo;, tal. _ . " ' " , K, ...ku~ .. I .... tl ... _; 0 ..;.\ Ihmilt.on. IS, ...IIWI'. I, ZII J .........,..O"U, 21(1; Ii... I """- 10 "." .. 'I~ broken by, 3~;!' .\rral, alt.u lronlll or. for 1M I\lIiI of Ihllo.:i",,3lO. ~lCil. ~9: r~I"_ of .... ~;"iI ,I.o .. n. - - Cohn, t:'rl or, I .. hlor, I, __ ArcblhAM, E.," 01, O. 13, :219, ~I f"M"'iI, Inti la),"; Ill', 10'1: Orri.oloo'" (If lbo, "ria''''''' <.>l E'~'"I,OI" lSI, 1OIIDCb. .. nllnp 10 Ihl! Iii.... I~I: ... ~'" ",~",h"lIof, III'~. :tl>l; for lhe 1'Ti ....' ."f!nifQII 1.0 HI",; -..nee' r ... ml ...... roll 0 ...... 0I.:sr.. ...., 1.0, ""Ih "'nlin~ rl'OOll 1M Kilo., d ... .,.,1 ........... oS''l ';!QI; l i p _ l i t .. :!UI; P'r-. 10 A..... ,", I",.. iol r_l4II. 4111. bill darwrhl.or, u,~,)Z). B I do.. hilltllk..r,~, 3UI. Mn',I\.1I1 ......1o <>t. ::11, - - pIIl_nl to. own Ihuo ...... 1IOI1 d, .\ rtodw' (.\mlI, ....... roo) ....,..... of. !!Go .\rro'''I,I1,d_.\' 1.31; for Chri.,"".... ". 3~:!' fIIIm,'nl b). 3 MUdl. S-to 01, '..!3J. .\rtow ..""'-l"'f. . . . I. 339. ArUII ( ......,..~i1 bar.";nlt"). llooo Kin .... .\mlll.""", ."", Jh,lt_ f1OI1 I .... c.... 01 I d, ..... w.-. \rllll,''1 II'" f...,.. \\'f.!.Iorbum. 1:t.1: 78, for 1_ ('lorial",,;n;; 011110 1'Ti...... I_I" "I,~I d I .....rtna. I::~: uhil.IIo~1 ;?;G; 1-')' .... 1 lor 100inl,,,, ,,- I),d... d d..... bh, \ l~uQ 10 Leith. I~:

.\no,,,,,,,,, '1', "",I 10 r_.



Ih" K,,,,.

r.o :


-- -.hmlror.


"" ........ lOO: cluth i" for hi. "On (Jll rn l!l Sle"MI). 1i)1, I I I . 11 9.311. \ ,... ,1, ... tb." KI"gubil'. hi;i. 331. 0""" td,,,,.... ~I.. __ l.. uko. Cilt. :4I6. A~<, ".ioQ l1a.r. King' .".. tiul 0.1, ; I. ,\n.~h;r.f\.A 1 1OI"'bao.><i, 36:>. .\.11 I_b). t.b:b 01, for l bel oJ,;;>, 100. A~kl"" (Ul.n... ). otr";Uos of IUl, '.!Oa '\""l ,of t.II, ....... lfTU\t ,., ~;"M;b..~I. lSI. ,\)T (,\11'). "Ulii. XX". """". XU", .\ . - ,1 <tTOr -."... _~l, I!I), I,:;.!l. .~nl, 41)'j: ... ,""";Iion. lit jutioe. ~~", !\'.U. a),., "I, s, II, ~I ~, :!!O i J"bn .lIlrh". A"~''' l tli .... "I Onr I...,y. Ki"i', Ofl'.'ril~ I,,~ilh... from \h" .yre 0;01, 1:1: Jobn .......... d\ Ilu'llt...r">I,. 11'1; III" Ib~ KillS " I~ I. 1~,;!.:!03: \.111:111 01 ~:'lin1.u"Kh C..tko, !l!\i, .'V~ "/00



, .. , (1.1, ';!SI, Ih<> \I"'I.<... ,,'.1~ 1 __ J,oIln. ~:,rI ,of. ( .. 'nl .... lIl .... .-il h. 20.
\I ......,

"dk,,,,,,. and eu'l,.""'" n, 13;

j ... ti",,.y ....

e~ l"'""

"I. 31 ;

lkn...n;an 011"_ at

lor uJ",.litl'lIl

__ tl< ...", Count-". 01. 211. !!!;~ __ I,"".u .... ~f ... n'. 1~'.I!lII, ~i. Alllia"3'. Lorol ..,-....... ~t."4rl.lJtomllnl. ,\"dll"l~ .....y, L:II~I. "I. 21.
,\". hi", ,,,,.,,11,', L'ln.I. "f. !!:~!. ,\u.hi,,,lrtlM, ~';'1,1I 1.,,~1.. ,,'. ).;, 2:!'.l A, ... hlnlC<'k t'\""~;"kk, A""hinl<>e, ,\,,<-hl,II:). ~ _ 1;.. ,,1 01, Z3(). . __ ) 1\111"",, .,~,I .. nilh. ",~)''''''''I loy, :'I!: 1",1n""h I", ~6. lSI. ;':'iiI. 2!10, ~,:\.-.r., :1I.;::!; duj" ~i l"" "'. :!"\,.~

1 In, Il~ I" mori",," o f, 3.'t!; 1/1) 1<) 'I'" n of Mny jn. 3.1:!: r.'l:J' r:",I ... m ..,,,1 In, 3..,; Ki,,,. ... d l h'" ""III In, 3Gb:; JoI,n \\"00.1 1)''''11 filII: In, ~Ol; C\;1'\.Il;U ......1lII1.I __ XI-iii 1 11(I)"iM,.1 I" lito 1M .. '" "r, IIG : I, II I.'llin,] nt, \1" ; h...... ,."OI:I,,1 in, 'h II' Ibe Mi,l., ... ,.1. 1;;1HH: dOllhl", "'"'I;II( in. 101, 1")''\"rhi""...."d., _\1,~,,,.I., \i""Io., "'. :!o1. ""'nl to R d;,,~"h'" nl. ~Q.l 1 Kin,', :!l.1. 1.kh'I~' ill. 1.(l,"I __ t.,,<l~ "I, 2.'L'L Hinck }o'rl~" ..r, IIh,,~ to th ... 00, fro!. A".I""" ... \y. t'l<,",""', ~H-l , :l(l:L 0'...,1>1', "f, I orlo"", ..,,,1 tu. I :L"~ .\",'hll,,"cb\.I.oJ.I ..1.2-1(1, ]l";," ) n"",\.o wlbe, :..."4, ~I \ ...1111<>...",1<-...\I ....".\.r (,,,,, l" .. f. 2:~2. ~,.!_ , .\n.'r)'.lr.... il ..."t)' f,.,. Ih. "on- .. 1'1. __ Cora, ~nm .. 01. al".. 10 110". &:!, 1:1 .\'....... , .Ia" ... I"rltle", "'. j 're!; Lin: !l<;(l. \'t""UAe!lll .,.1 ~ ""Iie<o ' ...... 110,


to 1" ' UI",.II: ('tJk,,-~1 1l'0III, 138; l,h",1 m.'li,I.......ni '1, l..a: th_ ti~1 L" ......... ,,1 fro.!, I_;:!; Plyra,..,1 .. ..... w ... i.' io. 1&2; do.. ,,,. I:..... 'QlIII' in. I,:!: ""'I"",il;,.., "';110 m.~I>;" 'rat~ ~",I I",'l:~ of, :!J"j: King'. o""r ... '''i' in . o;.~ l , ~'!l'1 ; I"YIIl':ulA \.0 .1011" llro,.-" "f, bl' iii , I.~"'ii, m, 300:


"I. ,...

.ot h......... I...,... -l',;.

..\w.y, .1 ......... , )'.,..hO:lll "f Iho QII""U. __ . I,..,iff . f. I "''TI''~IU J,), . 2,!l i w~ ..1 ~ .1.1.,. d . tI,i":1 f"r. I{);I. ~: I~'l" .. n,I"~"dA~('"I\\AII:"'''<lICr1oiili"",,I, 1 _ .. l. to. 1:!7, 1 ~ 1 . ',!I'7_ IU.:..!I ~'i '.1>I~.ilio" "ilh , 216, \\;Jl~', hlb"-II~'''' <;),tllmg IIII', .. ,w i ~ 1, .. 1 ""(111.1":111101\ lulhe "''';;' ::..!1 ~,'o!. .\"",,1,\., f .\,..".1.>\.-1, J"I,'.,.."IA N.c-njf;l_ of, King'. l<'I tcro .. at 10, _ ,I. ...... 1!Jtj. I'~'; l'4ra....1 1,,1... 1..... 1~7I a .... ulefl\JC" IQ ......, ... I,,'.



1'-"1 __


I Nlmx.
Aj .......

J,oIIn. dUlbUllO .f"r, DrS.

,\. ,,' ., .....J....,,'.

11: ......

_al"".ti_ ,>1, ..1 I."' ....


J,,"'..,. .,' 1"'....." ..... !'I. It1, :t.!:l,


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c""hq f, .... I't;'. ;10. I~I. IIJ!I,I; I. J _ .,u".;.I .. r tloe. 311. :\il. ~JI, 3"1, :SO... i i;! a.>;: I~I IIUIII,I_.I. '\Y_', ~ir11''''''I.) .. 'tI,\",~:)40. (.\'1"10"1. ~Ir Jul'll 11._ "'. II. --Iarll.lr" (Ill,h.). tlull,,"11 , ...., ~I" ~ I . I ~!l, a91 00, I"~. II J, Ill. 3<0', ~'I. ;II , :11", - - ,Irilllu,h~t Ie) Ib,- -..... a"'I. .. Io.. 3'.!l; '''I~'n'--ll''" 1:;1,.,1111... ...... ' aI, .nii. llil, ,,,,,I,,,. ,.-itlr ......... I-'c!, :l'1!I; I'"' ' ,\,I,,,,n 'A) .......' ...1. "",,,I,. .. , "'1'Uin .{ "-'" "" 231. 3...:a.. S,lrli", c..I\o;, 1x"1i;; _,_IWn __ W,U ......,. 1.... ,;",,-1 ... , '?30. 'ilb. ~'.:!:t, I.;r-:"V. Ie). 61, ";1',,~. __ "I r_, ,'''IN.111 WI'" _ . " ,t.... 1>7. I .~.o. Ir.. 21)], :.!I1.l, ~;, :!Ill, :,."j!,. <I. :~~I, :tt~, :u:!,:w. 3Il1. Toll. Sl.ll, t<.l, fl,o.im, 11,.-' ~I ....,.'., .'/I;~_ Slo~ ~Il, CQ'~ .. 1K>rb ,1t1o,,'"~1 I, ,,~, r.un" Ih... III I"'n." .)' t1.}llo",- I,.... dollhl"g 'I>r, IIH: ...... ,1 1<) ll~u1.l,,,~' 1,,;>, ...1>-, 103. 313; ... ) ruH" lurk "'' 11. I,.,. cuI 1 . - . 1!l7 I _,. ruf. ~O!I. ... IG7.311 .\~"''(O (",u'), , .... Ib<! t-'''U;I'1I, I S~, I ~, iJoun ... Ihe, IIH,il-h~\V; ul""_ ufo I.... 1U3, 21:11, 2i),j,:w:;. al ~1. A' .. I......, l:n, I,j../,. lUll, 1~1 ]?3, '.~.IIl, :Lj:!, 311.'; .a&.:i, 11., ,,~ .11....... _ fur 11", I ..... :t!.: &1",.1. 1.1., Til E )I .Wln,,;!!, I.1nlo <4 ,1onlJ .. I ....... _.l;~1 ch ..... unSof, 3W,;"'1 .'oral.<'ll Inr. :U~; "Ch'N I, .... 3141; I::oll.o,n,'" (lblbY"'1), JuI,n, 1",)' ...",11., 1Io1"'n,1 dllll, lor. 31il: dull,1,,' .... 1 lot'Ih li,,1t lOIt. 3-.1'1. Utllc~""""'I(&lk~nll""I). ArchlboJ.J, '1, 21i. l"I~"It<"', IJoct" . lb~Q .....,,.ah,,_rt __ Jobn. 7, :!17. "'Lit)' .. I, 11 0. I:t!; 1",lL. "f tl ... Ibldu,'y, .... ~I ...... III. ~31, 1Jw, ....,ry 01 .-\b,.!~ ",I \.<l, :!':~. I'-!four. pII)"" nl \.<l, :L1. 11co.1I1?'1'1IWIII. h 'i. __ Aln:".. \M'.,n)'m' "Il<>, 'bol~ (l.roLki. _ I 10 "llrh.., 1!Ii; __ , ...... .,'. of tl.o oll.or. ,.),,.,1 .... ,lIlylUeal to }'i ..!a .. lobl"""U lMl .lap 1'.'9, l"ill. , ..... !.\I.l. ____ aWr of tw' ....11, I"',. ....... ' "" u.p. U 1, 3J.3, 3G3; 01 '11011'. 3.J; f,.,. Tot. 1""llOwder. I~~, :"'00. ~~.oS, I I'~ I ,,'ilh _ _ ",Ir JIU.to. _ _ al "I a tor.I .. , h,I', bdl<l, ]11 ; 01 ,-;<>1.1 "u.,I~r, .;('~1. xhi. Caill!e ( ' bol.'" lbil,;.ccol. \lr Calhbc.l. __ J,oItn, I",)"",nll", ]3:!, l"i'!. Jli . __ 1.0 II... Klnll, 13$. I~~, _ \lId,....1. _.t"r "I Ihn ttllAr, I\;IJ ....... ~\.<l, 17G,~; etQlW Im.""....... :JJ.3 ; ."'1""'al W. ~, __ Unin. eloothins 11),., :lOG i <11 __ \\",11., ...... ,....... 1 .... """"",... "I. I..,--L''''&' __ .... bcll~. W.. h.... bl....... 13iI.,,,," \-.\ol... ,f,.r.I _ oWd ot o..nl<alh, 'll, ~ __ lbe """I "f &.
I ... ~-_I. '"". I:,,;. IU,

l)hri"", ";0; ..... ., I .. "'...... ]9J; . - r'* OIOf ... ~ J I........ t ... ant 1.0 Ib.,II'" I"", lbe


-- J"'.

3C , ...... I"n 1.

"if. __ "..-ti...

d.,11I,iu;l f ,

:J.>. :r.,

"">"'' '




".f. ..,

lld.""" .



Ilolp,., .lhOClr IIIIIk 01111 ...1, 1\11. flOI~r1. OanlT, .b~.urol, f"lyl~u" b), 3, !!12. Lomd,. 01, !1 i 10f' Ih. '-Itr <;0(, u.nll"n (baraN), 193, 39-1: Inl" l~e 1;8; IW'YII!<'n~ VI the I_I.<... <;0(. il!l9. ship, hi, I$, ;0; fill" Ihe 5..!01, '2IJ'l, J!I"II lor .,..~ ':lIlO, 1; 1 1lI". 1l.&1la.1I1IM (l1a1l;III"'L u~ of II", Kin,'...., .......t 01, 19.4. I~I.1I.&1la.llly..e (lldkntill), ~, CIII,Ie u.n....... bnno. ~I. . 10 pri. . "I, ID I to. the .hip N~1Ta Lou,ht from, tIII)'-' W ]_1(11" fO]Ult, 300; _ S~1. book " ... e.... ,,1'1 ~I, 2S(I. fvr Ihe Ki ...'....ll'.l..yment 1.0 8ar, Ibe, ..,w\l. for, 182lohn W.ne lor .o;.. n..l"boy, \&",J. 01. 23.'1. llaIl~. Aftll ... w Ilno1 of, IlIIflll",1 "-rday (I~rd")'). the fish 01 Slra,b. to b'-...u.. 3i9. bov, r-y_ ..t to, Ijo. __ Palrid:, of C ....... t.lIJ1,. _~tiooe n..Ucll, IWbort ).I~.- 01. '!S, 2'lIL __ lull. <;0(, I$.. witll. 19. _ W.IIer, of To:rrie (TOW)'), l!3S. 11ro1l1nbin. bW of, 239 l\alli,..t. bnrb of, ~'33. fbnl, 0t!'Olllf. ,-..rmPtll to, I!!. 181 : I.I.\lkoc-h. ,"" XI"". bcI\'1>M-e &1, 110. cllKhh'i Icw, 14)1, llO1;;O-1O lA,!t\&,w.!,



llalla, pI, IiY. 187. &I_loclhn (n...ll1~klelan..1, l'IIOOC"ilion l~rdOW)'. . .r-"I to "_ fo ... I, I" : of I~ fll, 127. do. 10 bl. 1,,1_,3.>7. Il.1.1_1. R<.bert. n~mIIll 01, -p.&ue.... for, 2$-I,~"I.): ...1 U.t."IO (n..... mo .. to), Sir AI ....,,..,I, r nlnluro<l .. hiledamuk. ~ ;01 ... hiUo Bon-cll of, I!). !r.!1 ; ... nW ,,;Ioao lu t.l,e ,....."..10., '!."1.5. !1I;1"!'"" ribboruolor, 2.'o.1; t\in.g, lSI II:I~\& I ......"' .. of, '1S5; Il:lrr\a.a(! of 11olol"loirld..,. (J3.... I.. Wi~I . ...-cuil, hi i tbe "'i",'., to Holyrood, l'l2; "'1 boII.,;btln, 3,j1 ; ___ 01, brI...... IW'O*,!>pIII'tIIllIOf.a9G. ... ,11<'. t.o tbe Kiol. IS!I; r-pM1I1 t.o U:>rpny. no... Kenlllldy 01, nnl. the .,i~r of, n.iiI . I dc.k to tho G, UI, Z32. Kin, III. 337; _I 'orCI,,;"lorll(!ut. __ Aiox. Ke-Ilned,., .on 01 tile lA,rd of,




1.1&,,'" ........


J\altcir, laDll. ol. 2311

Go 216.

UAl;.nl, l<MIII, marilin',

1_..-1 .. Jot I Loeb_Ma, 1W I I.. INt ll.&.rJe-. \I~I_, ~~h'el IOf. 112; rlotl,i", 1...1, ~larpftl. 1'"'".... 31Q; I..... Ib<rOf, lUi: .... ". 01. I~. 12:3, J2:i; dnt&" \1,, k,.tI .... 111 ; I.. Iloel ...wI.... fOf' brr m, 1;;5; '--'" of p l lUld II 3':11, cro. for, :\00,
I~\", I,... .r:;., m~~n'~"II . l}(lrnl.1.tl"O<.h (l\(!n,lKt.ub), l'l1l,klk ndQIJ, laG \ ."'''1_,11".., II~ 1110 lyre of, W 01, 2~ ; ."'''UII'-, for IC!r Ail. . , 11, ~I"'~J; "II'" bo. .... t Yinllof,I'l7. j~ ... pe ,.1, III; J, ...... Ilu1.on ",",I 1I,.. mhll~l<- (I:m.~, C-aloOWpl~l, In. Itni, ISS I tA~ I. . . . 1 1>1". to .... II ... b, .. 1 of I~. l)Grid ~l o'd"")I, 'l7. 1... e<>lkd... 1 lrum. 131; ..... 212, ~u.. 1>1 1"1<... '''DI~ ,,, t .... sherillJ. ..... __ ...,,,1. "I, ~ 10 ,of, 1 ,~I.




u....., driftl<lIi1w to the _

t ....

_l.ltTY, Ih~ port~.ol,


tn),DltrlUO,-tO!. lUI II"UI



Utlrnb"Gle. t..",1'I)n)' "r, ~ i~ I~m.,. (H.m,i,), CoorG" LoiL" of, 239. 8.'"1"....., Nicltolu, ..,10"1'1.\110, Z-19.. Il.."cloo ; fu. l;u"l'u'''I~." H 2. Xl1, ~O$, ,irlN lor, W; fOf' a] t; "G ''ttIi .. ,,,, 200 carrio.go 01, 1<) l.nclo ']ay, 200; W'!\1tJ', 10f' tbe aloi", Xl8. Un""" (ilI'Irn"'J, b .. "I, .-of, 211, 2'1~ /t.'mII', 261; Ii,-fty lor "'Ililru t;l tloe, !I.}(I l"'y.., .... 1 10 """"'"0 of tho :1St, ),,:m"" .... sJlC'I ra, ote., luI' tho, 3Il~, :J!l(l, ~97 ; CIIrri.lgo .. f "1",tI." \<1 t h." ~OO. II,, ,",,,,,,,,,,, Willi~", nUll,,,, v',!!:C.
ll:tulkl (I ..~lk I~l. l,urdlaoo IIf, <lR oot I11:1.

10. tl", ,hll>, :~"'l. llea,lIg (I .... ldll "I St. '\II<lre,," , 1>1'<)'.
"","l lu II",. 19<.1.

f;C;Ub (b.,U_1 ,.f Frt ...:h en,,,,, .. I,,; .1 g.:o~1 '''r tIK: 1.:"ly 'brlrtt, la: I 1",,1. "f, !l6. 1;8; "f gukl I Ir ~1;ttI'"
~X\', "'il, ttl!. 1\on"" .. (hcl'lltl,) of Ihe New 1Ia.on,
I~,.k", :100. lleru- (b.,lr) II<!M to 1," Killg,

,hiuJ._ilHr 1<1, 3(l,)

1 :CII~Uo

, .... Ih" l<o .......... e"., ..'in........ 1 h_ l, for til<', h,:n4; _hUe.. r.... lloe, Uurnl ill 1(11' lho great ,hlp, 200. :IT.' ; ..... r!:'3e III tbo', ~oo. CalTO'l'mcll aL I..oLh,mahell, 1 ><I1"11.1It I,), 1",ntQn, ihvl<'. of (,'locich, the bte lrut. l!ll; W'&geI' to, 391. llllre., liii, I U~I\'. :?, :r!, i~, S;!, 1301, 11n11.011 (I;c,rt.oun), Andrew, i",I''''~] 1!l5, 17t, 213. 21G, ;!17, 4 tG. III Lon<l"", iu,,'; flIIl"umli 1<), r~;,, - - - _ J>I\"lncntl to n"...., for, ISO, 182, 19S, 20~, 27!l, 301"', ;J.17, 3o~ :r.II, ~I!I. 101 , 103: clothing 1(11', 312; lctte. - - J.1H)eo, AblJot ',f l)"nfermli"" ..,., 1 10, 01 ))omh.. rroh, 101. t"'u.".... , xlii. ';", hrui,. I. '.!11. !?:t.'1 - - JI)I,n, Ikipper, In:.:i: ,"ymCIIIl t(l, l:.obu~, ,\I.obol of MclrI*. pay 1:18, HI ; h is hone brought b<!Rl(!, IIIClIt by, 2H. 3S9. f'_"I,. (11e,.,ly, &.,.. I),n), nii., zu. King', Otfcrinpll, 136, ~. - - - - yom"",., lOll menu t", 1~I, I~.!. __ Robert, I"')'lllt"lll; I", bl'l, Inii, ilc!okoanen an,\ bc.J.:>; ...""",n, at<Oll, clotb. b l.~, 83, Ml, ro, l 'n, la..;, 143, 169, ing. ~",llOau~r to, :'7, 7!, 2S!l. liO, 1;3,2-10, 1';:!, ~.;, 200,~, 3~ I, llccl8, 11!l, 102, ISO, ~'1l6, Xl, Zi~, 2ill, :''W; f"",hl'f, 3;" SO, 161, '2(17, 271, 3-12, 40.1 ; oJn. I" "'Q mMin.-n of hi' .hip. 203 1 W- In ~rn",.. In ""Y " ~.1. :I-:!2:: carri~a<' or. 1305. 157 ; In tho , hiI', IS'!; lalrel,. bought from, !!f,/). King', -hi)", 3;17 ; CIlm"U to b.r u",l~r Ua . "oo<l, the I\inll d"nh al th~, 3(11. lh8 Klu;:", ~O!l: fiH' a, ~07, &,,..,,,.kllli fOf' II ....J,Il.." 1!12. IIcH (\"..i.j, 1"0 \.oaI' ...... of, to the fr!~n I ~'sitl,(bftaltlo;i"), I;~, 2~7 , 2'71. of JeoU,,,'lI" . .$tI: do. to the ~rn)' frUn



of f'ti.tiull. 2SO, Iwillaih'C., 132, 177, 1'19, 18!l, :IOC', 3Ot, iker Got ror Iho IP"lcn ~I Un\;lbgo"', 37!l. th~ lnird 01 Ihe, fii. Robert I"!llkr, 12. 2'~~: waffled 01 Iho 1'01'8'. un:),,.,y, P.cg. Jnhll, ,"_ngt', pnyment. 10. 13.~, Ixx,i il.3;;. 1GB, 1;3, 17~. 183, 187, IS!!, 1112, 194, [l;uotl'ln. tllo ~",'''i.nl, f'I\),mc"IIQ, tj29, '103, ~,3J.l, 33'1. 31:!, 351.1. 3.H.3OO :t:1G ; bone 1(11', 337. !In, :liil, 3SI, 108, ~ I I . i4ttlc, Anlhony de 1:0.. &. ()'Arof. Ilc!Ichc"" Ihe 1\;",'.. lit Flndrk, !:Ii' ""ulQol1ze.,3'J6 : of II'IIIl, 18:\. M Dumi"","" 155; II P""hb, 100 ; nt A1.>or.I.:o(.'n, Ii(!: nl Crail, 20$, II~; C;~ Il.:Ily, J oI.n, falconet', ""Y'"""~ til, 1L3.



n.Uocb, 330; .~ TIl;n, 3-12: ,,~H~<l Ilerune linen. Set T .iIJeJl. dinglOol, 3M 1 al I.inlon, 3j2: n~ Dortonar ....., ";th leUen w the ",wn Iblphlnlo", 37:!: at B1llilar, 3;2, tII(l; of Co"qu.~t, I';;: ~brlin Lcmah of
.. t

d Dalr), :r.~: III n .. ni .., ODII'llCIIIitima d t oo j_i~"yrc "igtO..:n. 3H, :\,0) of, II , 2":!o; I!lI"l'Cn_ of t.he lo"b aL 3SS1 .t ~bybole, Ju.tico-yroof. t1) I","YlDen~ 1.0 fti,"" ~(I.I ; at Ayr, 40.1; al eo..io, 'I;:" of, '.!!I~. I.Ield.e", for tho I-fonc:h knigkl, 3.'>8, Ue......ne.k , I~: In for <::Ipedition to 0-. 3(l.5.. QUIrk oolloctoo him, 138; ha ....,. got Cell, 51.. Nlnio.u'., 374 ;., ford>e Princ>c', from, 1Ci3. .-I_t, ~ 03. __ (Itoo'"'";"', .h... ift" of, t I,>" IMh"lnl lbo:llya, bcolliuet, bellll ), 18,5. 2123,1'1, 4OS.. J3est1a. Sa Ski ..... lkUs ror h~ ... b , 101, 172, 33 1: for Ikuon, Robe.t, p ..."h~ ... of tree. ll"OPI. thn=1, 3.)!). 87. I.lch, bGlu, 101; of bl",," 'ilk, :1..'1: _ . rIeI)'''lo"n, l)"tor ....... 'u.tlo thCl l'l"(l\"OI'I i,..i lk lor, 36, :;2: [llq."" ,hre"d 'or, of l)utllbArton, 1~1yloonu 10, s.:t. '!!lS, jQ: 01 broad ribbon, II-! i ... i1I bcIga, 3!)!1. Iii ; 01 gold, 1781 \\"111"11011, for t ho Bitch I>ilnt 10 tho King, 31-4. Nnll', iron, dl.e;'. '2.JO: fn,. Lh~ Bi lr.~rt.onn. "rohib.'ld. JWlymcnu 1<>. IU:;, King'. bl\m_, 39J: lor ur~'~ ; 3,j1, 400, 113; clothing for, ro, 107, far tho lironch boy Ilt I)I"II/Ihin, ~I~. 300, 31 ~ . - - Iword, 3,;'2. Bickerton, 'l'honuu. lU.l\n.lw.l, P'lyment to, - - - - for th<l WIIl~ce Iword , 1711. 127, L7V, - - - - for ~lartln. 396. Bigsn,., :<xi. XU": ; p.,yment '" WOmen _ _ black, ~OO . In. 168, 1&.1, 100, ~OO; do. to"" fiddler - - - - 1<1, 397. In, 1511; hed. in, lor John lie CoWpMI, lkl~'Dc, 387. 3lJ1, <109. 162; "ing'. off.ring Rt . 287; King'. Iknlochly. OCO'1j:o Illnir of. 13:!. boLchcre ml, 31~ lkMSlotl<lc, .\lr, tho QUOOU'I INallllre'!", Bigholmo, I'lluic k, 1''')"mOOI to, '.!!Is. ELlar, of. xe"i, 11 8, 12"!, 3:!~ . mil, It, pt"CIGnled t o Iho King by;l. poor Bennet, younger, l"ymt"lIt to, 13"2womun , 100. Dent., 154, 187, 197, 3M. 380, 40~. Bil~ KIl t t.o l'cob~ jUltl""'"yre, too. iknl.-h(lUl>e. rental 01, 3.'i~, 3S8. Ulnnin!: (BYlllI)1'), Bishop 01 St.. llenm", Wen, Robort IInKllL of, 230. J\!I.llV1\.... ..,rl"l\L t, pnymcnllo, !t.u . llering !hecl.l for d", nmBe. !!73. lIinning (!li nny;n&), L:uL<U 01, 29. :.!-fa. 1;"l1\l.o<In, Nether, ""'ini of hn!,'eI\ of, BinllC'ule, In.IMb of, 17, 20, 2"~. ";". ., k""l'lng 01, tan doth gil'en to 1 ncmt..urk, 1,,,,<1. of, 9. J:.n ..,. .' :oI;k.. ,b",hICI"I for, 100: I :"'m'd~, I","lot .of, If.. 17, '!23.. hr"ughl to tho '''''g, 20;. I:.. rr;" (t....-yiA) l,run;;I'1 to It., King, t:orkcnhd<l. b"daol, IS. t I:,rtll, Iho I'ri"oo~. t~l;n", ,of, brougl'l I.kl1.,,,o tI"u,. Su Clo~h. to tho Killi, 3(;9 : 1110 King of 1>d>j;Ia"d

Ch&.... t, 3;3) III C..til1fem, 3H: ~l1nllllo a, 3H: at ... a t tbo Oit Well,

Duri .. I",,~, T,1I! .. ~ c",."f",,1 M..C,'''I"ml, 3-11, ~ Ii. 1'1:'1'1I0Il1, r,~: at Ce-rtOlI&r1l, r..,ment to tbe. 182.



",.. ""d of Ihe, :!6l': A d:,,~ At the ti",~ of, :171 III"'-u L (Lirscnt I.oml) f()l' the Killg" ahi p,
/>IlIrlo"g, !hI; "hik d"lh I"r. I ~, I~l, 27 I. :t:!"~ 1 rur ('"n,-, 151 , t.r '~.t;a" f ... the 1"(,("11', I. ,I, ~I.~: rtor th~ I'.inco',

::112mahQ!,IQn, Thcmml IJ.;81.,,0<I Qr, 2'2nit., I!IJ, hlJ, 367, 3!).),:I'JS; II,Q!1Ct, I :~i, 3!17: I..... , I~J; tillll', 13.>,,'\(,j7:gn'll.l, 300, 3%:110u;08'"I, WI,:;().;: hll"kn~\', f()l' the Qut"n, ~!l8. Hbck, Ih,' l:llh(lIa.r, p:1rQl~'UI 10 h .. lI1aill('l1, 3~6. - - J :UIICII, COA' I_Iiol) .. ilh, 1, ~IJ. 1l~~ckl".U'l')Ily, bll'" 1ll,,1 ""'rony 01, 236. - - John )1",1"'1) of,:!3G. Hlatk\:"'lI (lIkt.ktrn), tiir JIlItIdI u..llkI.

CTa.II ..,

2;~, :!"j~ ~I"r ,h~ """I.ler


Ihe 1"il""" rh,,,,,,,,,r, ~"j~, UI~bo (1II"Iou), 11",,"1,. 'll;nl f,.r to. I 'Ii: JI~", ..,y, f.,k<)O,,r, ...ut 10. 100. IIIh'il ""'", Rl",~ IU~, 10.;;. IIhn.l.<I, (IlB",1 (L''lI), ~;n i~n, I"'P"flt\ ,,~ I~; tl"lhin!: 101", ~~. U"'-_'L (1.Iokki.), .lIil', ~: ,,1 II. h. 100: f.w \h~ 1.... il~M ... :....... J;\u.'kirtlll, d,,\hc. I.. r II. ptIv. "-wn,,,)


muemantlt, l'UI""'~'"t of ,h, 'lu"',,, of, 7, 217: lorioJlQ!lih'cr to II .. nLUI, :l(i.1. nili, c: ,n),"cn:. 10,11(1,12:1, I,. 170. l!1.i. 101, :1'21 . ~, s:t!, :r.I Illaeldonl, JNlJ""lIt.1 \00 lhll ,,"ou'an "f II"" .'I.\"i, 131,21,1, :1,.,-;, ~nl, ::99. dOlhl".,: lor, 11.1: coal IIrmoUr I..r. IHock 1..."ly, xh'i ii, xlix; ''0111111110 of, M :10"2: C/llt. ,I n"lh<"MY hem"l. xxxii, tho IQllmnnlClIl, dlx; IIlJlli)-e. 1.1.1 Ih", 37 1. ~; m~hlc". for Ihe, 260; ".tl.le. for (Iml~1i.), '2D7; 1';',\"11<.1, 8.1, 10:1, the JOIII,lIIg for the, ~ &I, 88. :.'00, '2'JS, 3DI; I rlll,. 291. UI,",kn- . XU", ,,"'ymcnl \00 "bye... on S"'Cd,.h, 81. SS. ,1\11 ..,,,,, at, 201: do. 10 the l.riO)llI 01, I~' ~''''ildc:r, drin .... 'cr \00 A, I~ I. 2().j: do. \00 bonlmcn f()l' 1 .".cU." lho l\ottl,,>!!n, 111\)'nl<:"" to. 3GG; 01 th' Ki", in, xnii, !!OI; King-. om";ng A"I>OI of Ca.llIbuy'""",,,h'. greU hoctt. UQ: M Ihe ..,.1 ... olllnrik, IH; Q~ H ,he dl:lpel of Sl. Nininn i., 291,



2!C. 29.1m.,dJ.o, 1!l1l ..... '~rof,,~ King'.lrI'lght


Illnlr luta ..), IIle:tnn<kr, of llothlok. ZJ. - - ) \ r ~:'hnt.nl, 21: I,,",ymen! 00, 00. - - r:OOrgl:, of Ilcn<l~h,)', scn<lj a roc ik't'l'td ,ho "I"g, 13-:!. - - -i<lb1l, COm l,,.iti,,,, ... ith. 15,!'.?"2.


- - J ob , "f Ad~nllo"n, :!4. 2'~

UJa'''l"h~n, Sir ( vi" }\ern""'y <If, 15,

- - Land. of. I:;,!!!:). - - ,John l\cDlH!(lyof, 17. - - J "'", " .,,,' ..... ly, I,i ."", Ii. __ 1<1101", K.'n,H!<iy .. f. 2:11. B.;'U,kN. (W~ll<";Iti In Hani.) lor the (,lurtu', ,,"II .. lrow. 50: 101' the 1.-"," 01


<.:.omhuU.eml<:th, ISO; a\ Loth Co,, "".r. IGJ; a~ the f;pcy. Iii; ; lit II.e WIlIer of tArn, 16S: AI Queensfcrry, 113, ~lO: ... f l .... iLl'. I !II) , lor ,,,,,i"l0 ,hll 1\illg toJ Ihe .hip L'II, 2Ot; nt Kill.,:I101'1>, 208 i er }\i.kcaldy, 3-t~, 3.18; rOT ."wing the King from !tlc";'",.. n 10 n,,",barlon, 33J; (_hi " , n'CII) f .. r hrillgi1l11 home II ho, ..... :I9O; roJ' n,,.-i"; tI, .. KillG ~\ t>u","'tl<ul. 3lI1, l~: III II,, I.... of )by ..".\ Cro.l.


.';"c "h...~"'r'lICfI.

110.0>10. hi..., "I, t:U, l a.;., ST., aGO i ....r "i_"illg 110" ..toi l'" 1!lG. 1h.1il'<' ('A~I~'i"1 I". II" Q"C'<"n's nlght_

1:.".;_ .\","it..~ld, "",,,,"';I;"n ... ilh. I:!. _ '1"1",,,""\11. C<JO!('.-itioo will,- 12.

1:"" ", :>

vall\ .,t. "C.IOn""ly~ w Ilia 161 ; .... _1 ollhe Po.,e'. en,"-). _ " ....yof, xc,-Hi. 3;7; I"DI-t 1<, co... 10 l'Mth , Jj~ t:.-J_ tl!ooq'.,.I, 131. ,"",,\I,.i.o ~. 11-.., of Coli,).. .... 3(l. i'toItl p.ftill (,,.. .,..,....,.. t.... I~ 1'1 u..",,". 3CIIL (' ......., I'"Q, ::of"'- Uj, _ I of 1I..... n (',-,U,. ~'r .\11" of in. ~-.tSl f>f fca\."... _ $,: of U.11IIIl"C9III,......t. . . .n.h.I~.:!!1 ..u-....~ d",W,,;; for. 301l, 3U. i:!Ol 1:...,-"llbq",lar>'I. u,'riqot oj lbe. 10 paS . . . . 10., 200. N; ";01 1.. 111. hi.i. Ill. 1l'0III \hOI I\.j",I' lba k,.-. 380. I~""b)', Wd' ..m )ladlllllllll"", 21. 23, __ _ e r of Ibot I\.ing' ~';I ....... Irflbe, KI,,;:'. dotl';1I1I ~red. IkIII." J,,_ dQlhilll f~. ~. tll. 100. ' .... 39, "'), ~1I1 clotbina 'nr, 00. 112.113,300,1O'~.~1.31!\' fl;. 110, 2.;(1\ do. far danotilll> 31S1 - - ~'T X ........ of ".IL), ~".liGa ...... f..... I'" Ii,", on ~ -'lb. 1i.;!".!1. nring. 113 1 P"l--- ...", 170. 1l1l'i. Ik.. ~111. ~hr"" J," l..i,tola.o,, .. i(e, !.'lr.'.31'1.:lGI, _Toll, Tol. :I.~. 4'"(\. dot.hin,; lor. \HO. 413, ...",1 ho_ to the Killi. 3.}3: I~~. 101,60, 'I.l, 00, 9;, fI'I. I".!. .I~I", fnr lho bt.~, I. 2..:.0: dl~'. lill. 1M. 1'.111, 100.111, II:? II!!. 1\: ....... l1.dd,,.""I~~; honefor.~a. 1;.1, 21;, O:WI. :JI~1, 311, ~I,i. 31~, 3~1, - _ \Yim~"" l~rlDftlt to, 3H. :Il, 3i.3, a:.t>.SGII. 39;1 ,h. Q_',I Il<.olt,i\1 {lluilhlU),'-iIIol ,I... 6.o:!3l. nl.. ~' 1_,. -CI; ~ li"il1e, I"r .. arneu, 1~>I ...... Il. I'alr!.- k, Eoilrl of. i: eom l~ .. I. ~ a; ,.I 'oh-el. "'I. :!.".:I, ''If ~IO'I" I;" .. 11.b. 1. ~~, :117,2:11; 1""1melll .,::\\\,Z,",(I;I",kluw"""rt ... "",, .. 1 10 bill '.1,,.,.,..,, lSI: ...-arnc..1 of lb. Z',J: )"elk>.- .... 1 \ _k. 110, ~k. I"" .. ""I....,, lu,""I. 3;;. "hit ... ""'I~r"'t.:!G;J;I'lfl"lu,.t'1""" _ IIlrt)'. dn111fti1lj: of 1111 (bll,l, :.1110, 3I~!, 301. 317, "I I.PlII ... I.,... II,. 17.\ QIle>'U,:200; 1"'1. :lUll, 3111, _riot, __ lb.I'M)\'.. ~of, 3!lS. :111. BO"lIll. /L,nlnn.), 337, 3,;.1, 363. I:""') Iolln, to",l. or, 211). 111o'lfClil ~ for ,hllll&""l.."... al lSllrlillg, u."", ("'Ill~l, ~~..r I, 13!l; ,lIy"''''1 ToO. r"r "-ntilll! tlot Kia;".. III ; r-rn'enl f(ll' 110....1000... \\" illl~m, hrooo.but. r-l_1Ol1 ........ IW; .... I for 11M I\.;",.. to, !t<.~. ar'~ U.",k~ ch, c.... lto-... "~:Ib<o KiOli paa.,... 11 LUhllo" ..... l:o..u (hqliaj, r.. tr.'. II~, I-.~, 1 ~.:I34. un. )'''!. ~ 3.i:2,)6G, :r.U.1.;. 100. 1"1<-4-_11, 1':Ilrick. _10., <II, 11 l~ _I II ... Kina. I.",J: for I~",ka". (11o!-<~),IhoI' .,,,1 I". "ilh C'\IrI .... 'pller,:l)G,:J9,,>; lor Iht n'I<lln, I, e..."". I.... 'OIne, ;';"1. Zi4. I:.. ....... ilxonl.nrio)" 1"'1'1 l'!i.<h!ton !If llo..... prit IboI.pIcoitl. hil. 100. ~"ko . . . . .10 wriU.,. h_, .116,1 &..Mri~ 1.1. 1"'1. 1'Ia 1<1lcq_1 to,!US: Itt ),4,,, \""'" 111 _ IIId dnlt _ 1"0. :bl. 01._.".11.,. ... bono, 1 ~03 I ..., . . , I~ ..i; It. Will ..... ' .... 1, . _,-Sti<ln \0 .... '':! /.,.(-ull, I'IS \ItftL ',.1 .. ,,101 . . . . , ... ,0 Ie.!. 2!1 '1_)_11<>1\10 1. 1 _ . :t9Q.










1 ............","'_"""".:,1'-1.





,,,,,._1 In.,.. .. u....,...

no,. , ... f~"cb 1oI>t1o..'I rw, 311, 315. IJ, n.. I~, .. HI, 316, 3Ii.:t!Il. Sti.:tIl6, l;~. :r.,;, :N7, l:r:I~ .. I"., 1;6 1;11. AI,:1P4 ~11, , ...... , r"... :l."oI. ll'.'; 301).1(H, WI. 4!H. -400, 4'1, 4 U I ...y. 1\",U...l~H. I:?;, Il!I.I~1. ~~. rill. l-kl, _nl ttl, "'03. U:t.II'1 ";.1."0:1, I',;, un, 10 110)',1, '~y. hchiuol I, ... , . KiPS" M"~, Ie;. ,;~ 1't;.!.I-J, 1'7, ... ~, I'>". WI 1:03; p") _M 10. for
4 , \ ,

....... 11>1.

''''''''iI ""'"
:r; 1 ,

- - lilt I .. ), iM':.1 ,,, }'",1Il'C,

- - AJo.-. ~"I_ l""'y.......lIl... I.t!. 1;;';.100. So...:\, 3W. S;U, T.1l; do. 1.0 It.i.

:1:1;1. 1-11, ~:::I, 31f. ";, J.t~. '!!t, :l.4'I. ",to. J.7.. 2m. 3f.3, r. JS'.!.,..".:IU, _ , _ 38S, S!IIl, fUl,



_, 100.

4uol, 4'lL 1:ricaD&l_I,1I' lM Mil', 1d,.. !IO.


M\' Hr '" J, ..... _ . .,..."...u 11t~, e?1 of. li3; 'he ....." ....'....., I ... 'l. .o.:t; of Ito. I"t,d.,o, 3.503. :r.G. BriGi-........., par-' 1'-1.1.. ' ''"eM (b.-i(h,,, .10 I "r I.... - - ..""'.. &~ 0000. I;"y" lloy.R..ld (80".rc.kiot), Landa of,~, dl&.I ...., ..1M)' ''', 11~1. )"'pl. ('''''''1. ..... 1:2"t. lI.i,.h ..... nun entr1 01 \1" to..a. "I, 7. 1Jn1.. P"P""M In. 1Il1. 21i. lJrab.M, kolin 10 It.n!.."'.....''''. nt, IlrIklnbd.... 1 ,,1. of. :!"t!. b:ui, un .... IN". (br)nt ta".jlOel>t \ ... 1"" , .... , 1: \"" .... !lltt,I..,ni.l. A"d~.::O, 2:l't. Ilra~ (braIN, ........ ), for oolTe1w, lGO, .". TIl_ of I:.. bn"" ..,l!'l. n..dy, ll. JoIIlI, Ar"C'lodc:Kon orI..(JChiAn. [;ri"'n), llkrt~n'iHl.l"Y_'\ f, ... " -.lUI' pIIp"~"I. by.;, 213. I,all~ in, l:J,..l, lellen ..",I ''''' 1:,-; I I~ .. n, lbo, 1.1....) .... " ..... l"ynOC1'~ 10, nJl"1l_ 0{ 1i00i '""'I' T, ....' f ....... ,

- _ ("""~"'. "'~"I I ... :\.;L __ Roto<-rt, )MY_III t.o ... ,r~.




".r, .. m",,'"-",



l3:!. 100. 100.

Ul'llidbYdl'lle, ox;o."I of, ~!30. nuodrkln" .. of {Om....... ,10111 for I'" lItal>J _ _, W.lu, Sn>U of, orud of, Kil".4 11. &. n..dll""7.2Ii_ U...,ln'O!nt> In''.IC~roln), iNIoI, Qf, ~'U, Ilnutu. $f. c...cu. lI~b;n, lJialOO(lof, 2' !!' Croll,to'.r ("ru"-~r, Iorou.I~lr. lo,u ..,I.I, - - ftoI~n I ,'I.I.. ~. cit;'" 0', I~ r.IIMtr\O I" II",. I~, I~ I , I~'G, li:l, -_:nil. xu. :ne..-ii. U5; Kl ..,'. 1;", 3.:otJ, 1'-~. 3')".!, :\!!;, :l! ~ I t .... , """"lIP "'. CoG, WI; 100.... \"""11111 ~ 10 }~ ph.1 r.... I ... "if., 1;6, In. :sn; '1111 .... 10 ,be clooir bora .. 01...,.1..... ii~ ......' I... ::17_ ';!ll ::.; ... 0' . ~I:;. :;-'1; 1rorou;ttllQ r,U"' ....... :r, I IiH 1:.--..... ,1...... '. _ of )YlIo... k_y . r..... ,k ".:\i ....... ~I.,ul .... I:toI.". ::;1,'2' ",; ....-.'2.;1. .",II;""',L"n, \\ ,U.. ... 11...... _1. bt.)~ .. r. tt~ Utno"-. J't-4..... ~ boapl ,,.,,.,. nc-...... ill.... I_I. LI lAiN ,.t, I:?; . _ "'..,UI"'"' ~r"",,yoI,:!J(; IJ..., ... If>~ ~ 01, IS!!. ~ 1:IG, 1;_Carll.... ~ J1rid~, "",W..,. 01 O"'~r a I I - , 3.:JIj








r .........1.il1, Willi>.m. (XIya,elll... t.o,lIJ,

I'~l. r. or ,;1'1 .... :I\Ii ; f~ ..... ...1 Ie< ,29,; rot flto ..... (tmlla},.\MI"t\O', .,.'YIMlIllo, hi mul".' un ....., 391. 'XlII. lloi.kn.... ('" ]fuh'i. 3~, ~t1, II, 3', ,;, -_ J"",". I.... nlil..." to, \,7. ''',71), 110, 8 1, 9:1, 1111, 1111. ;!lH, 270, - - JobII, ..... \yr, J>o'}.. oonu 1.0, 1x,;iI, :t;:!, ~'>J. ':"13, 301, 307, :109,31:1; fUll" In,il, !,.!, 297. 3I;~, _ to u.nt~" ...1(01.11 .. U; l..Iae, far - Ric:hl"l,J_,._nl<ow, '~,I oo. It..: I'UI];...,., 1$8, ~J(); rud, f<>t. \1(,,.. - - WiIIi3_, ..... ' _ith lh.. oblp IOI!&n:r to . . .lade, 2.:;1 : for IUCh to the lbe F..ul of lI1U1U,. to the 1010... ~ ~. !N18: lIo,.cl, 2'G. n.-o.roc-h, 1a...k of. I!>. n....:kt th"kki_) bro..;;h! to lbe lUng. I!!'I,

Iluck\,... ""'hr, ~iD_ ro .... f..n!. ~I 3,;1; bla.obil' to 10: .... 1 ill 11K' 1-1... l1uckles(I ... l<ki\ko), I;L.>o- _',U.,II.:!i". heni, ~O'); oenJl 0<'Il1IJ. 10 I"" K."" .... 3!1.;, 1I1~, ' 1~; f"r .10<.... !..'o.l, :l:l.1:


II..,,,,,, (lJ.rmJ. Sir AIe"" ... la., of Earl0h311, :UII, 302; .. ut (,,,,,, }'alkb",I, 1!IIi,3111, ,,";:ri.., 1 t .. Whit. lit" I,,. 3(k!. 110, III. ~ II. 110, ~1I1 froo. III ; Kin,_ oIJ,. ';"li a1 I0Il1 II.... "f, 61: ~t;tli"., IIJ. I..., ..... 01. 117 I ~).hf'l'l I" hi. _ . 1:1I'1.~ 'I .... ..,). DIi, 101, ~~2: f,,,. j;"ip):, I",,; '.... nl .... ,I ............. .. fhl. !.',;r,:!::'\. Ir., 10", .. bile. 10.1, :!~Il, 301, :t.!.!; !'ir I ..... itl (.of el>, II ... """''', "231. Lwk, lO:J: fOC' a ooll~t, 2.:;1, _ ~:..J ...""I.:!3S. lI"dl. ........ Robt:'1. I >lI'~el of, II ItoI .... t. hurv-o of b'lirli,,, :!I. illlll, a, .lain In Cnmlicmanld. 100. - - - - r1l \\" .. ,1""')"1>1'. ?lO. nolla (l,oUi.) of the doallery of AI.ocr. Dtulo~~, money loUd toJ!;r_ FritOUl.o:lW ,~, e;s.


1".:!i7. Ilrui"""'l, lanll. "I, '!3::!. J:ruJ:. J,,1ut r", I.... tof, ?J,
- - tlo" '.'';' .. f, I~.



UoU""k Cnotlloll). WUUam. 210, IInlly, J'.... n. "fStlth"i, l""ymN.lto,llIl. _ llr l)nl'lea", .n~~~1 I.....uul. 1111. Imlurk. dri"luih'er to 1l1 ~t1 for 6.1UnlJ"

- - 110,

LII~b of, II 33l. )1r J,ohn. Chili. ' - 10 LI,e Illunluu.na, 3li."i,:IO.'i.

QUI'<"U, ;\~I. I ltll'l""o.IJ. Charllll Lho nOlld. [)gh of, I:"'y ,m, William, "'''~ to t"e Lewl_, :Ull. 1x'C. HII< h~n (1;"'luballj, th~ Elfillf, z.:>. :.I.'. Ikln., .\laanticr, flltriel', I"'Jnl~"U to, :!'!j: ~"nlw<... wn\.'Ol 01,.127, 1:1:1:1 ~L.';;; ..,,1 10M. ,\",II'fI'I", It;..>.
1~.yn"'Tt \" hi. '\IlGgblel' .,,,"('\, !l7'l. HUtl"tI"o.lll (nu'lull.l.l""lIj,llot !dlnll>f, .. ",I. 1...... 1.<.> 110" hi,'i, "', 1:;1; l'b"" .. ,t floO', Jill; ."ul. B...... Ih,' Kin" ~ "JI, .''',], d ...tT, .... 11l.i: "'lnllllJ"Cl i, I W.

\1"rl . , 1,,")'I""n~ Ill, IroG. -[>I\l""""I'n. 1>\.\1, of, I~; ,1'1. III 11.~.IGl). ,,,', Ii he,.. " f, ;::;7; '\0. to R "'~Il HUI~, ,J.. lou. l ....Lhi"J: for, !\1}1, :n~, n, . ,\1.,1, :I~'. ~I!l, 3'.!fI. !l;!:I,:tIr., !l~7, L(1.I: I~')''''c''l I:",",,,. (1'0l~1 ,., \, ".', ..;~. 1,.;1. :;!M. I" hi. 111.1" ~ I .uk, h', :~;:I: " " ... 11, ~ );",.k',r 111.,y, ".",1.1, .... 1":1. f''',:17'1

__ 100m.... 1",)"Iu~llt 10:., 3(17, r.lln,,'U, Hul, .",t,,,f l~lIIllRII, 3.1. 1111,,",11. _,dd~r, In) m(""~ 10), 1M. 1.l1llIi,,_ fnr 110" QI1I'<''', ZtlG. \lule 1."r."h~"I, I.'ynl~"~ l O, I;'l(i. __ .ll('tUr "I, KIlIj'. writlnr ..,.,t 10, III, I IY', 1, wriliu".,.to Iho K,n"

l~n EX

llun..-, ,1... 1." !'... ~III ..1 .. ,10" n. 131, I.;;. Ii". :L'~, :1:1(1 .-tl L
llu ll........;.......


' '''. t8!l, lOtI. :!117, ~""'. :01l.:H\ :C".

."~. :r.L~:m.IIZ:ri'l\"h'_"

'-1 ....1. '-~.


10, 110<. .,.,... ttl


....... (,0;

lly" . . . . llI"l. ,L J'.f I..,...,....

11)'''- f .... 11" 1"';1>1.<:" 111 1

fu..,. f,.. 1 h<'''''I,,~i "or,l"


I ......... 31; f ..... I,L,,,.I,~'"I"'. lOr. ".'1'!. ('.1<101... I,.... ~o"'".!17 fo. "h...... ~I i

C.fl iool. I"~ ......... )_'10 10. I:!'I. :'Ili.

l"' ff",u,.i~

fo. m.MII'!'II, ll3, I". lhe 1 11,.01 11.1. x.~: ...... 10 ~ ....... , " .... ,'''' " i"C, I' M: I... "'" ' l i~, 4'~'. .It, 110<' 'ID"I. 04 .110, :ro:? t'ailhM ........ h !r.1 I..... I:r;, 3>(, I'"~ Ca _ _ If'..... _.,. ,:ill",," f. ti.h-. 1''' f..-. hi.;, 1110'. l~ --I"" U.fIh.'p ..(. f"'J"'" .......... , ....... "I ....,... I ...... II. 11.111;01, ::1'1.2:'1, N. 3l:I1 ; .I.~ ,., hi hurrr, :!,;:!: '"'J,,,.ntlO,,' ll 1-11: "",,'I kll,""'" " ... 1, 0. ..'" I h..UldoIl.!I:\ '.It.. 1)7. Ira I~ _ _ W .U~... , .:..rt ,f, _ ...... '..., lao. Ilt,~. 3"'\ 1M. 31'7. """ SI'!. 3'2. 1"L '17. 3J!'. 2:!1 : lev an .. _ _ wilk, "'. n. :!I,. :!!'i. _to '.!.s.!: fat- cllVh ....... n.:tOI; 1<11". C.~bar. "''' ' '~ 0I.:!'G-"L Co....,.. ' I. J '~I".:! I <1..tk t. II~ Qt-n. !ill; f,.,. _'" 1~. e.kle-no,..,u, HnbeM \1 . , ...11 uf. ~ 1<1. loj, f~,t",h""',,!Io-. 111"1.11.1 fnr (:,,101 011. ,.,r .\....." ... to '11. ~"2Jj ... ......... !)'i. !Ill. LIt. 3118,:llI (nr. __ Iii. w.n ..... S3. ".,I,t il""'''' 'b,,: """" d ... _1. __ k,t I~'r ,.( tho f.ma<!!'. I.~.' aU. ff. ".hl"l, ~ 'I; "' ....,,\ In ." to. ' 110. ~~~ ,-~II)._~09, J.111, ~1I1, 1',Jo.~. t:,,,I,........ ,,', UI. J6.1. r,{' . :,~. :l.~!'. II'}, ..... 1. "<I'. llll. c..._ .\', c",1TaIo l'....... ~. h ...... ..,. :!G, :!l<I. '!'D. !I:'!. '.!11 _ _ pII) "" tot 10 "'"",-,,, .,.\1,.. 1, at 1"."1<, ('.... n,u), ., ,~"'. ,I,,, t!, ........ Cn n , 41 3. Iplot. G; "O"~ C[I'Im t .... ~!l: pIl~''''''''1 I. ( " lim!.,'" of the .1.11', Iot\~a"."t '''. at l ilt, ! ;!;l, nl. :tl~l'- to .... ~.1.


I",,,, lor tl.e r",,,I.,,.. ~O-I

f,. lhoo


llIo t\1I,,,. 1:2'0;; ,"}.I"'I'<'Hn'~'. '!'('CY, l il: .. ,~ I , .. 1..... I.. tho 1\,,,. l<iI. 1(11: .... Aft'<iUI., .. :!I ". l'.... I-t<.,."~'II,. 110 .\M.,\ ttl. I.-j.,
f ......

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I 'U'I'., hni~ .,)",. at. ~,j. :!'o(l, ~!,

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,_'''''" ... f' "."""''' '1. Ir~l. 1,1;. WI . ~II. 3I'.i. ao<-1. "lEI til _ ... ,.


,lM"a"._."'. 29<1; ....

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101 ....,

I~ I.

C. ly. tI.~ ,,".n! ..I. 'II . "'.IIi,. I ..."".. ~. "'I,i.--II.....,... ~nl t ... 3..1, 1111 eluch. 26.29. !!I I. 10" f, .... :t!1. o.a,bok, b",'. <>f, ~U.:l:]J.. __ ul ,''' rhan,I>. "')-"~ '.,.,'', :t;fl, c.".,I... lo/UTOO, 010.&,,,,1 Ill. 1\ [",1'. "If, 3.'1. "I. I"!; .k!l"H'~ f""lIOoi, :lIi. ; ... ;!!I t _ ,\I......ler. ,4 C..-_II.;;:tL Ca",I. ... t_Io. 'M ., -u,.. ) AM ... of J"h ... chitina: f .. ,. 101, I"~. "01 ( H enn' An",,,. II. '3 .... 1....1---.' .. I,. 1111. ~", ~ __ I"": .\101.... of (11.",1 Arn<,\l. )o.i. Ilmoma. I,,;,; I _ I . 1 .... ,''' ...101... 1\ I"'~ _ h I", 1:1, 00. j:!, \ 1. ...... Ki." 1:'1, "nto"........ ,




,,;..,11 "'",-Iot for ..h, .. ~ '1n'c...-..(~),303:f"Uu, ...,31,i!I. ,,' I .. ;.'1'.); 1,,._1 10 b.. bani, ItIl, ;.>q.J, ~ll, :!S', ~ !7;!, 3011, 3.1!I: ... _1"._11 .... :r;1I1_,\.o1 :t"4,3O'I,311,313,3Ij,:t!I:tOl:pfbta, ..... 1<11 ""." 111 J,'l :'0: f. . . hiler coal, 10: fOl: ~ ... rt I:".-p plor-"llb. pl"Op'lrillo ...kit ,I" .. l.k-I, .fJ; If. p-ld _ , tioo: )\1.'. ,iT, I"': I"'~'h to. I"" liII : fOl: QI\ ' "., ri,,~, .'11): bat_ 411' , .."..1 tht- I.,w.. .ill, Ih. Ku.c. 11_ '''",10k I, .\.!; fo ..... alLvccnwip)I:,



1101 t", dOQI,leI., 100, II. : for Il

___ "I c...oll:, dolhi,. t"" :U!l hone I,,., :1..'... ____ ,.,.....r. Gf CeMoIo . . .r - I


____ p.h:nor 11 ISlidi"" .-:r-nl I,>, L'9. __ I I . , .brntT ul .\)T, oomJ""liliI'IQ ,,ilb. 1. ZIG. _ .I,>h... ol LoII,I,.. :\crtb"". - r 1_ .. ilh.!iII. :!!I, nl _ _ _ of IM:\' lO"m,'brta, r-rlllf!rlllO.

('""",".Jt"" .. ,,, l&ll<taaf, !!<l, .'i.

U. .., .... I.....'.of.:!:Il.

1....... \1 t, far 1M Ihlr, :t"!..;. ('..",11 ..., K ..",'. "lfar,n.. in 1,\.0. 1:3,~.


t.""Uen.. k,r, Uo ..,Ie, tbe,


a.u. 3/i I,

I"'YIUfItI~ 10,

I ...

1!lO;lar Jlayilloo .... 119, ~j; f,.. -till,; ........ 19'1,!;l; f .......It4In ... 24', 2.;1. :!.,:.!SS: fnrllM~bhlo' lIIAil3t. :!."W): f", billi.D1I _I, 2.; for bon!l'Ii"lr ba"l., 2~: far ..II., IIi ... :!9.';, 298, an I fOl: po .. ,ler dOlIu. 332; lor _li""lbe KInt;:'a d.,. .. ol,tal ~I; '''' poJ._lnea.rry 1M ..... lIma in, 3':!: r", I .... '-II' bOlll,ta tl>l' It.. tnnrnaatrJ\I, 1I941 to lAy under tha l\i"II', 1.,1, 1001 ,,,, ..cki"i. III . Col" a.... '.!JO: of -'''tel''''''' '-Ib ~ frocn the Pope,ln;': C>I'U;IOD Ic-prkbl). b<ne, 1;,b.1IIIik lor, 'I ; I'; ..,... f<Of, 3-l; eDUnlnopaia 01 11 3ee for, 31; Iolt ...,la for. 31: 01 bbc:k Ibmuk, 136; .ilk pol"" lor, I.~I, 1,1, etIIria.... of, fl"Olll Stlrliui 10




'100. 3.lJ.

("'11'11-., Klnil "!I".,,,,'A ou,:!lIG. 38.

.~hnbll'1b, I j~ t 'ULI~t"I \I' ...." the arodl<l('lll)'. "'11, C. I'" (elip) of i . .n lli'io .tin, ft . lor Jfill. the lriIo... ,,11>Ulllfri-. 80,

CAn .... >I'(1, l.o> h, UII\ Iht K'''II' U"", Ll.J.et:\t,~ 11011 dm'IOQI~Uldm."at, 1M I .....1"..,1 to Ib,,"'~ .... nf, 111,.. , 1 ,1 . .,110 Ib.o 1\;",1,",*, 3l.\ ... I_a,;ht II"OI~ t~lonl,.. rgb 14'1,1010 Ih'l )\I<~ hll', ~'~1. {'~"""I~t~. ).;lIllI''' "''''rinll \" 1-1. J"h,,. h;:101 In 0... :.~II. __ II" 'I"'''' "I lhe, 1l1'UI : 1"r-I< ''', Iii, . " :1111. U, r.~; d"lbi .. ~ hr,ll3. (' I' '1'1 (=.,,,,) I,,, Ib~ n",..,'a 101, :'>l"l. r r""~'. '-Is "I, :!I:! t .., e."u..J. II",,!" h."". 01,:.'1

<:,"11_. ..

CallOll, Woo"bl 10 Ib .. Killl, liO, I'S. lSI, ~I. .~, Cup I~ CarrinitOll, .\,WIt Olltn"'aballJ< of. IS, :!I.:!XI. - - Ihe IRlnI 01, CO<'ODet' of '\ )'" lhe 1 101"\.1'<1". "f Ayt 1Ol'" 10, 13.l. o.ptain of Mlrlmll, lbe, ",ylD<:f1~ by. 101; .. II ...... ~llo.;LYl.. - - 01 .~I",t.vp. pnylDOlt \0 Ib .....,f.. ot I"". 301. CanJo., lbe Kin,,'a At, Iri. 138, 111,1111,1111, IG 11l!I.173. 176, i ii, 170. 1)1(1, lSI, 330.335,338. 339, 3 1 0, II:!, :1H. j,jll, !Lil, s.u, 3.i l,1.jG, s.:.e.



1111, !IlL'.




Ifill. \10

C~tt . Un"M f.... t<>Tfli"lj:,:;" i hi.... f.

S""Y 1..- ~ .. ~ loy the Kj,,;{ at. 16'.; PO,I"( 1 _ ol, 36.1. C.nl ' I ,Ia}'in~, . ,...,11 pClluje- fur, I"", 181, C. ... I...,,_ (C~ ... lrrnc-J. XllllAn ~llt, (.'ullllO" uI, I~, _ X, ... t.,.." .k, 1a.,.1 of. I~ . Coni .......1"r':1 k.... t I...'n~hl fn..., !'t;r I'>, hr;l. I:"'~ c"r1ik, It..b<-rt ...' I'ctlnunc,~. Carll.o>n, .\Isn Cath<.-wtof, ':!I. ~ __ Lu,oJ. of. ;!I. ~ Cnrmldu.-! (Carmitoh..,I." C.....,;t),..!I), John. 'J(IIIt!J<lllili<on .ilh. ~ __ Will ...... lfll" ... "')' """,hi 'toQ!. 00.

1M. , ...... 1m. 1;1.:tr..:u, 1_,1 ,,, \.'r.I;~. 1".1<.1,.. """.. ,I

la, ... t 1.~t\"""). II"" I" !';till I"'Y' ,.nL ,,, III. Isr.. l'... ,,,.~ I",h,.. ror II,, Kin" ,I ff' ....." .


('a.,. ".). a. f.... ,1.,I,I,t_. tl'" 1;;1 ,.... 110""" .1"7. em..,. tC!l,I;,.'f1'Iq, kC:l' ' .. 31.0;.
CA kL ~ I~",h" .... C..l ..... ,\lo. ,..",,1, r. I,om[o:"~t . I >thi"l11 I,,.., 111(1. :t,;; \, '"" 1.....;;111 I...... U,;
I'" I,l~ (r"ubl ;el, J'b,hl' .J, Inl; I"l "....,\ 1<1 Ihr I"'"";""'" ,j. 1...:1. l'a,tl,,, t;'l;nh'''llh. 1M- .. Ii ,I,w.;;h, o..U., ,,1. - - tho .",,,Ir, P.'l''''Clll,,, tbe r,_ ",~t 1""~ITIt, 110 C"IIo'!"m, Ih~ Kit'll', ,..-1, b"N;'II, lulii, 3H It.t. I ... "'"I. h'ii; f...,.ght ,r, '1'1; bf\J.!jItot F ,,,, 1-llrll"lI. 100. .. c;.UhG-otl. AL," .... CtrhOll. :!I. ~ .I,obn. I~"'I. I.),:?-!, 1>', o!.."I . Ki'.' "nt;"b" kilt to, 1...1. r ",1cl."pl. 1,"li: u1""""'"' ,,f ,be 1\..",'1 ~.I,,'1nb 01. 3,3v II, r. 1.,.1 I:..U.... r. Dr Ih ... Ii~; .1"" I~IO);'" .J ,h~ lJIICt',,., 31, :'1111 lh<~, ... 1 11.>1I"lIr, mUI"r of II ..



'''fII' "I to"


Ut.rruncol (C........~I I , ("'"~"'.Io, CM...

"dl/, 'b).ltr, d.,.k of Ih.- Q,,,'<""' d.*", ,,"': IUl"'"'''' 10, 11 0, I!:!. I ~7, 3"2~ ; Q.-,', """,10" ,nkl 10. :!' I ""n"B41e<1 Arcl"loo.coo. of lJuuktl, l,
{".nMl< '. kodt, of. r-~'1III'n1 10" m~r. 11.1, ~ l:!o enrny, A ,~h,'w \\'_~'~. of, 2:l.


Cooorp."kr {("''l1C11t.\trj, rEt J..I"., f"IY' .... 'M I". 3GO. IUIIn')' .h_ k I ...., :I~ : 11..-1 lng, lI;{I.

c.." ....

1.".1. ~f,:!3$.


a, In''''bht I., th .. Kino;, 1&. Otrri4<1c m:..l, 11A","'~'t 1<1:1, 1:iI>. CUTkk l'u... uj ..~nt. :!;'~ - _ I..ilio "t. p.'rm",,' I,y, 3: Ion"" sot f""III, 4 1~.!.

tbool l......aht Ih~, 17:>, ,;0, c;..rtickrrrau, ({"'P""''''). """"""11'" c.._. I:.~ Can,,,I.,ll >I, cl,,,,,,;,,, IClII 10, In,,;, J3J: hi. u~ a" f,.,. 'U;, ''''''"''' f,.,. ;~'.;, 3.31; " 1.... t I"r him "hC'n 1r""3 t", .Y""".~. "t, I...,'m,nl ''''~, 3G!l. LlJo"n.I!'~I. lor a 111... ,1<-, ~1. :US; I .... Ca.nllht' ... J"," .., vl llol ..... D<h. ':!H t:.rI 01 UlUltiy'.. ddi .. ..".j I., J<l/tll (lanlr.,,"fwn, l'<>CIGI. il ..... of lbe b,,,", ... h.m"..,~: 1 ..... I... Il~1 fo" til. "'''C. 01, I':!;. :?49: IJoe Ki",'a, "d;'~.ro lo, l l"""",,, CoMer ((".UI ... ), J~_. lin,,. In :IOO. .\ ...hldt:. '!.;'j. 1,",101. for ~h II'< C... rt~, ... , d,;"kAih-er 10, 1116; paJAK'nt~ E~. :t~) . ... th a burs<: 1.01 . .'Il.fl V'. 1~1, :!1M). ,-,,0:1, I...... ,1,'1 ... :t-:7

!c..', ..nl.'_lIri'I.JI"ym('t'l.I"tl"'n~n


C'lWpeo ,.,.. _I>IOjI.nl .. !I9G.


0."",1. (O\rt~ of fllrniabiup I&..il&) fur 1M Qu~n' .. 13, ~y I of, 131, 199,399, -Wi; t .... bet.~n f.... tbe <:~Ir 1';lIlDpbaJ, lllix, 2J8; Rstal';I1""d LeIth.... to wo. k. tI-u .. en 1,,..10., m 1DnI&1, :171. Sa ~mockbum, IlIKk, ('}oJ,", .".,hrr f,,.. II.., (:~y 1'....... 1>1 Ma'. Ounh.w.ron, t.lkb....I. Tail>. A) r. Sll: , ..., II", h~I~'I. ~I , ';111,.. .,1 11,,1,.1"0 1, 1J"litlo.. , !,\""" .. ""_,, _ '. lot t ',..,,' f ........1 ,\.lr,:""'Il I "II~ .... I .... pl"ll'~., .... ,MI of. Ii. ,.....1< f, .. 11M );.1"i&ftua.:l, 2SG: I.... til" 1,.~I'III~n (C'ICI' ...~n), Wahn-. d .. i pay. :lu[.1 0{ lbo: ~n' II&'~". ~ _uta b.... 30, !!II ; h_~bt f""", t'hAlk (aoJl<), '18.~ 31.5; H..... n'nl(lnd lhe. pooynHInt '00 l'balmer ,et.amir), Altl<lLrllkr. poUnler. Ttl; .1Il111K'nl to" llOaI". 3j1 ~a,: po.i,,~ th mcn of tbe Killl', t."'b"1"g(!I""" (<:hm1N"'rU). ..-hi", pIa\.el 01 .~iJl. bl. I't!!, IlIlinl' 11..- .hll). bollia, in'" I"" 142. !!!Xl. ~;.n.uu lor, 1 r.!1 IKil, 1116; co,I,,"n f"T, :..'01 ; ... k.... 1.,1"" 200. 1..,...1 .. ~1oJ.. I .... luu " """"'n!, Ii. l,.'b:IriUl, QIICe"a, boule I'UI! loor 3!'I1; .I""k .. lur 100!l87, l.inhlh ',,",31;: looinu I...., 103. _.\",1", ..-, n ... h'. I"r Ih, l'hArl ... \'_ I~l1r"lU.I .. ,i. "',l1"li al I.... hn>:l ..n. 8.1, li(l. 1iIJ, !!!Ij. l'luu""h .. :tIl.l. ~I. (.'hlul.".;-' .101>11, rom)lOli l ioa ,," Ih, 16. l1Il1-n,I.otT. ,h~ I,/'ooon ll'.. w fur, 1:lS, I.ll; ~ be"~ 1.'11", 1';1; ruolle. ror, I ~I: I)('<J,\",,,, Rob.. n. "I '\m;.n..... , 16, '223. 1(" tb., G ......... of. 1,.1. :tl'1l1 01 ,1. t'I~,.ul.1o: (t.",...l,j "I loL,ek .... kl, "; (hl7,' ..-in'lo.,,- <,,,fUil .. I,u'. ':!\I.,i .Inlbc. ,,' ;<>1.1, 7~; "I whilt' ,t:"IIJ.Ik,cro. for 1 1 '.)r,?:I: l""k f"r .he .h)r "f. :II~: \, 7!1: "f V'.'n Illrao .. thl.!;O; 01 !'\!I I \\"m'\o~,". '""S"'II In, 36{11 tro;"'!:. '!allll", 'ill; rll,hOI1' 1.-. ... , 81 ,"'~d"~I . "I I~'mlin;: .. f, -1-1>7. 3!~'; F ~'rt\rn! I". " ... ntH"",&, :197. .. _Ih .. );'1"1('" 0,... 10., I!!;, 1:lS: lhunl,lc . , .. h-etl"n-..-.I"".ill;two, '"t'htl ,," II, ..... ,,~i,,!11 "I, 21R of ~ , .... " ,1~1!I,1.k cloak, 711; ~.'o, of n






__ th .. l'ri,,...., II.,.,.

(hnml",l.:tlll, ,"~ lJ:m1. Ihe 1\11111'. IIlItlnconl.1S;ofwhitc.Il\rU.'\.o-k, j ot "'riti"tI. "'''' W, 100: ,he- " I",,,", 10 Ch_l<:hi.) '''''11111)[ 1 tu the Killll, 33(:, !he);.'''II, 1~7 :I II , :191. __ I .... . :",liob. Sa Vernuy, i'ii. l1oefin, h"I'" 'If, 10, ~ I ltal l,h . CI~kkl'r. s(( .:lch"'pI\r. h""'lIh~ \Q lho Klug. I ~ ~Ol . Ch4",ilon. ruoh ... I.>! Ihr, lui, ('hmn!,,""', lltU\.C! I ... Ihe Klnll' 301. illS ,'["",1. '1_ ,'i l~,alrl. (;1 ...... f(l' I"" Q'I\'<'U'J "1I"'nll"" 60, 200: Ch.ltml~'"'~'. ,I,"''',:t..t camlllr' "I ,h~ c!\l,I'I'i, I I~ 1 f" l1 I Clo1J.n.~'.y l~h~\I",,,"'I"I"Y), tkrk. ,,' Ill\", gb..... l00;!..... Ih~ I. ;u<-,<>, "'01""'... I'.'~ Ul<,,( tn. 210. lin.. '2';;11 f.... tl", 11",.,.... ~~ , lor ,"" Ki",,'. {'I",... I,h':r ( ",,,b.),. L.....,k~", n...,,lur.3:lO:(1_)y.I)"fc(lIl(~h\l\l .. 3~ :!' .hl. '.!17 n'l'"r"', Ellcon ... I!~ of Oill",rl Til';",. Ch.u ..... I;, ... I"&IO.11bl"\'). 173. Ii. ~ I (1<1".",,)' 1 It. ... .:tl .... A' th<-. ~:!. __ ((' ...."1 /.,bn. '"QlU lli.l lio" .'i'II, ~ , C. '1""".,0' h~,'" I. ~ 'lUI.

lit, "I,



,'dr,, "'"'t, 78 ; In:\lle 0{ &lob.'k

It'. . ,;"

CI,;m"",;hi..,.io). !;~; 1111",1"..., ",I l;,. ~ I,~ II", mill,,' I............... :to:'i. tl. :to:!. n ..;.. II I. tl .. Q'_Il', IIO:l.lt ,..to. c, Cht>i .!.:,y .. 'llCtrl',IH' In. "I ~I. I:i.... nl, II!!, IL', ::!I ; ,..I", I.... I ..~ t 0( ~li.L,,II. 1:t.I., 1sn.!:!Ill. 3).i, JL '1IIr.,1II ,1. "(OtIf"O ... I.~ I". Ic~,i,. S:.a :.,f 1;1c'!:,ow,:t:1I : "I ':~"i", 41", CIrs'......,.!'1o III.toi,,,, I.d" ..rt ,,(. ~I,


_la., t.,,,,

l'~"'d.>...1 tcl,.. lk

, ....,,'), "ii,I.,. IOf I",



I\Lnil', ___.... 21~. l","h. II ... "'" ~ d. d ,,' ' . I",. ''';. U ,rh...".;''tl.... ~r".I''.ll\j.II.. ~,1\, .. l1~ 't.i(lII")'"'' t.o, II, ~I ~;, I:."' ... I;:... 364.:Il.>, :Jl)-I, ""I.l.>in, Jif. ;C;, 3:11. ~.il. II I, l S I . . __ ).,,,,1. tlf, 29,:!1"l --11M: 1'riI . . u~j,; 'HiUlli,'" 1<" 1Oori<. '''')',,,....1 l4, '.1)", J~l. ud, 300: u,~~ AI, 3;", Kin(, (.... k, Ih~, r>I'~ ..d,'reII, ~'tO. oo<."';"gal.~1 (.k,".: ,01 lloe t'~'I~1 !l'pl. ~Ii,li,,~. ('hrilll.... of I)"nt"alk, roo","",,, loui. I ,01 II." nlli.~r. :!111. ~H;, 01 oal;.".I....illo, luul. b ... II", 101",,1 .. :!I", nt lho ",=,,, .. 1,,,','. Chd ,Wpblor (Crin,A<r), xc; dDlhi"C I, .., ~1ti; ,.1 lI,. ,1_ll>r,. 'JIO. I lL, Il"l. 93,%- I03.Iu.;. 112, 111, 116, I:~., ,,' ell<' (" 'OUIY. 11(1.


n,,,, ......


IG:>. 1,0, IN.!, 3(10, 301. 30'~, ~. :11 .. , 1.:1;/."". "-'I""}' 0/. 16. 316--.119, :;21, 3:!"2,:p.j. :).1;, :u.j, :).iI, CI, .. kt: "/ uno!.,. :!ill: "I yell .. ,, d"th. 3(;3, :nll. 3:;;, ~OO: t",yrneollS to, 1I0Il, 3:!1 ; (lr 1\,. m .. Wa.t. ~H1, :II~, ...1 :133. 3.J:!; dn., lor k'IIChh'K hi. bea<1, mllam;1 I'''''''n, 2JIJ: .;.1 "cI"~I, "0: 173; 00 .... I...., 200, 3!),;: II.trow. ft't, tiloL.>o,. r",. ft,:r.: _ 1D:Il1.A" ke ...,y 10.313; IIlIMk!.y 1.,,', S.~I, 3!HI: t.1t.a f"t. Iht I\tng' ~~; 111.11 Df 39S: his pttl' nlc,we.l ft~ 111'1.1". o.l<!.. IfoO; tl,.. 1\;,,(.. l'I"",:;bl Il"Im ~1 1i. Mi ..II"1I In ):Io"b"r.:Io, I" t 10"'11"1 Ci rtll pu ...""... t! ro. tl, .. I\;,,~. 149. al 'lAI'I,,;,I,"" I,,," Ih" ]o\i"l;. ""Iii, CIuIr.DUI"'''''. "it lh' ~II:,'_"', !!:JI. '-'17: f". lh "f'!U'br.lo, .~I'l - - bnlll .......... r"n~ "I. :.!:'II. 1'1o'1J"~"w, 1".1. .1. I:, - - county 01, "-'ll"' ..,,\ 10, 1;3, t: .. ~M:". 1;",,"01, '!:II. - - I"'y""'nt 10 ft "'IIn",,, ai, HI!. CIoI"h"rhy, 1 I.. f. t;,:I:I. 21G. .... C1.an 1;1111, 11"\l1uug,,m..... 21S. \,;h ..... oom \I..'lo_b&nwl. r ........... "ilr->lli, It C~n. l"'y.llC,'rtU 1.. ,131. 1l'.!,I3.;, of,23IL IT., .,1, 1;':;, 11lII. 103, Xt". :)'.1. 1.. 1\,' .. .. I.,.ebf.... Ihc~l ..... in, :r.... T.9.3!I"l. " (\. ... II:t!... ,I.,ll .......".. :!lI.;\ c",."i.'i f,. tho I.... nl . ;,'.',!. :tIO:do.. 11'II1,~ ~:"\I'I." AI'iJ'''' .,J3!l .....\, 1I; I t "lllIt .I.~I r,>C", ~1; lui,"" leal ...... _ fur th' .... rt, ... I'~ E ..... h j "I h"....,t. I"., :;...1, d ......... 3(ij. ' I~" I~"., , .. ~.. I,>C" "IUlr I.. C1up, o(~. lor Ih. I\i . . '!.oO; I .,. :,: .....,; ... ".111 lot'. 3. lIarjocy Li.K..... y. 3111, I... ,"" I ... I'n_ 1<...,'" f." 11 ... all" 01'. )1'U'gII"I't, ,I", ";,,,., ,t..... t.or, 31+1, 1 11. ft.u,t.. an 1 ~"",I lot' .(l ~'l .. SIS: fur II", .\IOUll', 311; """"lill!! U_'\<' -I,"II an LUoIiII,,,,. the. ,.1 th,. Qu.~,,. ba..".:wa """,... ~I CIa ... I,. \bo 1',;,)I'oe". heir _niav "'llb 1.10.,111, ~1T.u.:t.ti, !;'I. I .... I)U tl"\"iO,OQI, In''. ~'n', - Ikr1.&lM" H, ~;. I~. ,7. ;~. "II, ~I, ('by ror lun"'.~ ~I'l, :U>I 101, HtJ. 1:,1. IliI', ::~9. WI. ~,,;;. :.':.:l..

do," f".






Clolh, rDWl'" grn)", 2-1-8, 2~ 9. --,..,_1,101,10'2, lUO, 113,310, 311 , 321 : S' ....y mUlCt, 49: &au r u..d ,

'!IB, '1,;, '185, 310, 311, 3~. &~ ll/iOO Linen, CI~th, Mark, fI, ~ I, 43, 49 , !)'i, !)G, !1'i, 10:1, 101, 1!l.5, lOG, iOI, 113, IIG, 301, 3~3, 3011, 3(l(j, 311, 316. - - \,Jad. gr1ty. 38. ~ ,j, 49, !l~. 93, O~, OS, 90. 106, WI, II~ , '14!l, 'lJO, 2,il , '!tH, !hil, 301, 3!H, 307, :10:'1, :~, ,~IO, 313, 31~, 3111, :117. 318, 3 19, 3~O, 3'11, 3'2'1.

94, 1(1;), 110, '!~i , $i, -.?!l!I, :lQ.1 ~;':IOO, :100, 312, 317, - - _rlct, 30, :I..~, ~I , (j:!, 100, 10:1, 2~S,
Sco~ hln~k,:I6, I I~,

3i/'. __ Sent., 3-13:


101), Ito, 111,

24[1, 2;;-2,


274, !!";O,

2 ~ 7, :Il ~ , .'I~,

3:16 ; Bngli.h "",,,let, 60, L;!, 11 0. __ (rimoon (cmmmesy), 10.', 2,j'1, - - of "tIIt<l, '103, :J,}I, __ .:"gllol, greer', 25~, 285, 3; 1. __ t~n, 03, !l7, 00, 100, 101 , Ifl,j, - - Fl~",j .],,~, I~, IW, III, II :!, 11 :1, I lli, :IVO, 308, 31:?, 31 ~ , 317, 3'23: French - - Fnmch hInck, :no lU, 1>6, !)S, !\!I, 100, WI, IW, 1(13, IN, IW, 107, lOS, 9~ , 00. 9S,!I!:l, 100, W I , 103, 107,

307, 1.,n, lOS,

109,110, 112, II~. 100,110, II!!, 301, 3(J.I, 3011, 310, 31'1, __ F rench gray, 300, 313, :n;, 31S, ~19, 3!20, :121, 3::!3. __ lriC<'!. ~9, 313, 343: ycllo,,".lo.,::ta, __ ,,]'ite,W,4::!, H , ( S, G3, III, 11 '1, 36. 113, 130, Iii!, 161, IH, 2.S, 2S1, 309, - _ of gold, 11, 43, ~)('J, 257, 'l;o!l, '161, 310, :-111, 31i, '1':2. 'In.,, ~1l!I, ~I, T,~, '1'i3, 274, 2jB, '],8, __ yrllo\\', r.o, li n, '155, 321, 300: yell" ..... n,1 ,,,J, !!!Ii , 31!!, :ma. __ a mnillll, to! th~ King's doak, 100; - - hnir. , 197, :;38. --lIo!lJ\n,l, 34, ~,j, :'Ill,lI, 44, 4(;, 46. ""rring~ of the King'$, 3.~I: lxmgbt lilt 4'1, 51, 1i~, O~, 0';, IUD, 101, Ill), III. 1110 ,hip W<lHI.lI, Slio. Su ('/N> Uneu. 113, II,;, '116, 21;, '118. '141'1, :1;3, '161. (.10Ih .. m~.. h""d, 3;~;; eJ\rrin~o "f, ~7. 2(J~, 'lu., '1j~, '1;5, 276, ~i, ~, 3OD. Clolh ... for 1\ IlOQr woll1nn rolle<1 Blue :11'1, 311, 315, 31B, :l:!!. kirtle, li7: for Willie the fowler, - _ keller, 4;;,100, 101, '1J1l, '2.j1, :lOO, ISO: rihbons for Ihe Princc'~, Zij: f", ~; hb,k do., 31\.. the l:ip,Ul;nnl. L:lhn III th~ Le..'il, :U:I, __ K~"l,I"I~, 37, :;fl, OG, 0:;, nfl, 00, 3JJ, 1m, ~IIJ, W), 31)2, 3 1G, :~~. Cluh, l'''yol0,,1 forn, 358, ~ 1 '1.. -Ijn~n, n.~, !I:J, fI.I, 100, 101, l lIj, 17'1, Clu],', !.I'~lf, 200. 311, 311l, 3:!1 , .'1":2, 310, 31.'1. s,~ <11'0 (.:11",snll, l~. Stt Ginn Gnu, r.;1>~n, lkrtnnc, ~",I Clolh, r.ertlUlc. Clyde, the King rowed Mtc>a llie, xX"iii, - - ~rnrch I~n~k, 17. xu";, - - I .... t;. bln,.k, 2t,;, 300. Ow la for tho Cr.y Frinrlof Slirling, ii: - - r>:>1 391. "inning 01, F<tl kbntl, 87; III ",d~ - - l:i..ilH . !\fr2: T:i~,ilIiw hbck, 3;;, 3.~, h:.,d for Imllc\.<, I ~!!: IlIr tl.e furll~c('>' ~I, ~~. r,.). ~, 00, '~l, 100, 1ll'1, 1O~, "' Stirh"g. ':''~, :un, 355. M:;, :Ii!), :is!), 10(1: for \I01;l11nn Ihr RllOlh",,,,ry, m;, 110, IE!, 21G, 2l!it, '1~!l, 2,.;;1, 2;;:1, Z'il, ~.3, ~;, 30'2, :111:1, :I().I, MPII, 311, 331, 3:1.1, :W;~. ;ll!!, 311, 31:', :UG, ~II\, ~~, ~;oS: me Goot, (:<>.~I" ,\ Im~ne, of ",'Ivct , ~,; I ; IIr white <1a"'~.k, 2.i2: of cJ\ul ld, z.',~. "illi.l.rD"n, 36, 11"2, 00, 10.1, I()"], 110, II:;, ~-.o, 31:.!, 31~, 321. - - ,L~ncing, gr<:"n >ley, 3 13,



f K DE X
~I , l~' l', .till B,~1 "h ilD ,lo""", k, Cochrau (C'''I"I>t'n''''J, Abu, IIrm'lII~r, 2.)3, :':.,1; "I "ChH I\nJ .131""'1<, :!.;~, I''''DI'~''' I", :I'.!, I I!, 171, 2.>/1; 0' \"eh'l'l, !!.;(l ; of '-ehe\. "",I \!tj, 1%. :!Iw;. ~17. :'119, 3,;1. :I.>~. :!II I , (1,,1. "I 11,,1<1, 2!l1 ; .J! Ii"') "",\ 1.01." ~ a"" ;~I'I, ~j". :1,1, :n:!, :l,ft, J-~I. a~.i, 3~i, :;:.', :r_,.>, :!!II, ~'!I, ~I).', 111.1, ~I.;, .A!I~, :.'Ii:.!. __ h.\r"~"', of \I ib ll lu,\i_'II, 2.:;1. 11)7. lo.~, 1111, - - h, wk itllO, of hili".. :t23. c.'ocl.,~, fur tbe Kin~" .hil', ~2.



- _ 'IUtl,, . , til ",til" !?-,:l _ I~:I)', b~'loI .klo .. "'r, 36' _ rlo li llll', .. f ": oul,IoI., ;;~ __ "". of ""\11, lil. _ _ "i l,1 " ' <'11'0, 0 ' .. .>u.-kl...... for Ih"
toumn n""I, 3!l'I, :f9..I, U tI.

C<l<'kLunl, .',hln. d,th;II': "<1', I"i, I II. :!loll: I".,...,, hi,... I"" \" .J~~ll",td,. :l'-~':
_ ' , ... ,,.. ':Io"!!.,,, \< . . ... hlllo",~h, ;I,-JI. M'nt 1... :-;, lI"'II".... :;r;:!," "II'" I;. , In. 11.,,~ l~_i; lQ!meIlUlu, 3:>:),~.

3,:,. 3:>1

Con or )ellow dod ., I Ii;, 3O'l. __ o! rnm lct. 3.'i. la, 2.:;:!, 3Oi, 3t;,
__ of d nl h of llokl,!?O!I. _ _ o~ ,bm~u:, :l~!

__ __ __ __

of InI)' ,l.' m.... k, 2.'>1, 2.>3. of g l'i!('l' ,lam Mk,:IIi. of white <lamMk, '!i.. of Fre nch gray rUIIIICL clot h, 19.
J!ow ~"

sn,., 2-Is' 100, 101, !?iO. '!.JI , 302 ; I>I,'\(" :IS. __ of K ~ n ld'll~. 3i , 39, 00, 0;, 98, 99, II!), !!~6, !?&2, :n!, 3 1 G,~. __ ol k~roey,:l:l, 9.}, 100, 116; 1'0;\ 1",,1 yr llo ... <10., 1M. 3<)11: "hilo 110., '!Ti; ycll(" "0., :tl(l, :J:..>:t. _ _ or lIi..illi. 1.1 ..... k, 10'2. ~,263, 3 1 ~. 3 1<'1 nl,ln I......... n. :Ii:,!!-2. __ ol .... l ln, M, 3':1, ~ O, ~ 2, ~ ;, ]16, 2~7, !!I!), 2,j/), 26 1. 3IU; of criruOQII do)', ~ I1\. __ or IlCarl~t , 2n. __ 01 1.0.11, 07 , ()!), 100, 112, 30-1. 311, 323: French ,h, 00, !l~, ro, 112. 31) 1, 317, 3~'O : N'O tlo. , 300. __ Q \'rh et, 3J. 39. I :!, I G, ;;0, 103, f I I a, 210, 2~7 , 219, :!,j4', !!.)3. __ ol ... hltelra.i4e, II!? __ Wullht III .1;I."'k.... 9,;: f"" fool in L hhtb!:O\Io'.:?OO: for CIon..t<:!pbcr, 33;, ~I ; G."CII 10 too Kill':, 310. lJ l . COon at lllOlll9, 2(;(1, 3!13, 3!)-t : fOl' Dlot'"",nile, 3\J'l .
__ of

__ of

k~ltor, ~J,


__ \ 1. I:"I,,-rl, 1 ,I,y' .,., .. 1 ..-;Ih KlnC'. IH __ \ l i.11'(: ,.hoodlor, Ift!l; t.ea,I."r Itre'th eM\Io-n' ~.;,<:tl 1o, li7: /inc In-o'm eamlcl lor, J13. __ John. .,'", ~Iill, J ohn ,\ ... __ William, of Ihu<ierblld, wm l'OII. lioo, wilb, B, 21a. Codl,..,.;.. ~ 1'i110.. oli ",. Coolll (c(I<ld l.t. ~u Cuahiona. C,n., (>Omlul. .r;., ~I;ire Thnnoby. Cc.rrcrtr 01 En~h",1. Ih<', Ictte" lrolll, ' I"'l. c,m" (cofr>cz), 1,2 :\59: Inr ~I "'I""" \::>rlo .... , 110; 101' lb, QIX'l.''', :;'1, :!tOG, :!Iii: ..an-uti0 of, ]~O, 33., 367; 1<'''\ in Cold.ugb,,,,. 1,j2, 1:;3: 3 bm-'II! (...th~, I,.~, Q~tt'n'o





1m: r.....


chlpel 1I1':1(1h, 300. COl f, b.~ 1. nf, 10. 2'.1"


S,,. 1'0I11<'~'

nf, :?:u.. C,kpu!r, II", 1,;,,1 ,I .elida ~ 1 "u.,,,1 to th~ KillY, l;',\j. C<.Idm;h:II.\, ~X, If~): Iollenl>l'OIl)litt Ir-olll, I;,:!; wIT, .. ~nt In, J J;!. I ~03 I Q"""'h'. d"""l ., ....,,::Ia f ... h, 10 t:.J;"log'l.:h, I,'l.;: c.,rM'~l~'. -,~, ... _ ml, L.:;-;; n" ..... ''II'-r . .'1 I", III) __ lhe I'ri,,.. of, romed of th, !'<-'pe'.
C"kl~ld., I~",I.

~m""")" T,;.

C.. ~\i"g.u.1U, Jm",,,.C; ib.o!, of,~.

... w-r 10 IIIe (all' of May. ~; clotb O'llIcllih ....,a"'.. (>f. a. r .. Llo.bnd, ~7. illl I.... IW, 303; buiMiI,""" 10, 132, O,ils .... 3111 ; of Mlin, 36 .,.1, 2' )j; of IS!', 3i1l. ~"!MJ IIl1nl. 0 .... ~ki" 7.1; "f '-rl ... t. 0.1, 11-1. 1()tI, I LIl, 3Lt1; ul ,kMot..la lri"'I', IH; Dr Cook .. \ C..... ~l'" ..... n l, :lIN; llany""''' II,~~ l~'IG; t.ho-lo,.I",p ,,fr;L.ogow'a, ~o:;. '''.11.1",1 ,">lb, PI. 100. 1111. 311; a ri,th" ,' ,-.ITtl, .n,l l.a/Jrty, 1..,,",1..1.0,1., r"'ymelll In, 3IG. Itl.j; .,f I~ ,ltl"", :!.lIt vf erml". Coot... at Camho.k~"","lb, 1:.0: a~ lhe ~'(ri. !!06; (,{ mill"', '.!6J; fOf" d .. .;s. I L. "I \I.)", !!OS. 339, 3-I'\' 3U, 31J; lor loor-, 3.1 t'>! ... t 1<'<>111"'.), ""'yltlCh~ to., ill Leit.h, 13-1: do.. 10 for pkltinS (lilt ;r.n, Ct,IIoILon for lIMo F~,'h kniilh!,:us. po'II"Iler. liZ. Cutlolo ... (t'colkb.'), 1"bom.t.l llorth...-K:1t Cor. (;il,.trick, pay ....... , 'a' 1M ; .,.,~ "ilb tile KillS" dop to n..,.... ... y, of. '" <'vll,~ftk ,(:.110""10.), 11",11 of,~, 2.."'7. (""lll~r, ,\le.o<lI,I.,.. Hnt \0 tILe I.... .., Corbell tC(lrben~). pardaue of, 88. 3-1'1. Oxd, 3-11), 3G3: fOC" I~!I, ~, 10.- ItrillJlug '-dt, li1 j I...... a eMpel CoIolllb, the ship, "pllenl rOC" ",1<1'''11 of. lH; tent to '\l"r:I n, nii, Id~, U ... "~il, ~; for tIIrtoI,,,", :'137, 3!li; for Ct~'ilk. Roherl, I.Iireeior of t~, croo.ho ..... SQ:!, 3IJ, for 1101'110 3!)'!: 1,,",lng. 3M; lilk, fur ",lil",, I. 21 1 1 eiOlhlulI f~. 11)1, 3(r~ , drink-l-ih'er 10 hi. _,n_, 139: b."dl .... 36;: do., lor banII, ale., '2.iJ. 1i1P'- ."""onu, 2 10. CO..tIl~. 2'.lS. Sir \\"111; lin, 01 O<bllt I'M, C!UIII~I CON"II ... 11.:111, lorod ikinn;' of. for Ibe K1nll. 111 Il"" with. IG, '!la. 0."01. Ibm"'), 30.1. :\,0 I bf h'<W1 {porI. Corn, ,.yn~nta I...... l.1m~J;:_I.o. Ir.a, 100, 19i. !IU3. 338. 371: for 11 hone lorouibt from nltro."I, :JI)O. ColDpUSN for the Iblll, b:lli, 011 for rlto il'uln".!I:j,(l. ('ornlolln, (l~, Ilruult".al 11'......"11_ ConJI.tro1!u. the (J ~ Iledbt\,~b), 'lith, 55, lay_nil to, bdi, ~'OS, 33'1, I")"mtnl. l o, I,;!!, I.'H. 1;06, IiI , (!rl!), :t:l9. :!ii, :!'.Itl, ~'!I~, ~'!l!l, 3:i'1, :r,"i, 3-;8, -&03, Cumncr of Arr. porll!Olll Hu t to Ihe, 11O:I'riiln",la1l1totM,13 1. 13;;. C_I'II"" (>1 Our I~.f, King'. om'MUa Curpoml (OCItI"pWIIle) for "lla. in Ibe _ th, 6'1. , l'linoo', cit--I, ~>.;.s. ('(NIl.. ti . d,Nt nt, 3~"!. eOll"" l1,ro.lj IMy, Kitl(j:'. tlff~rlnll on, (;o"']o.ll (1 CoaoL ....-tl hip hullt At, I :.9, ;.i; ~hlll ttl il.i~.I' on, 01. .0 I~"l: kIt" ... "'n~ t') Ihe 1.0""11 of, (;..r""Jonr.hl"nI, 11. I:., , """tin I..eftlulit of. 311. I t'.,...;~ (Curl.f), Thoma_, fA Kd_l, ~ iliolt. 'rh,-..uu, _ . I"'y.......t to, 102, '!!7_ I~I, :1>11. ('...n-., 1~,,",ltl'. 21, 2"~ - -- J""",I_r_nt to, 3!U. I ('nc;1nol.:lt (C'.. nt.u.kntl), .\leur><1 ('''''''. 1'''- h''''''''''.I'',''-n'' In. Ili. I:.'D. 1.,... 1~,. of, <'<""I ...;ti.~....illo, U_ 131. t~ I, Ir., Iii. I~~'. I........ 1,".1, If\". ('....-10. 10--.1.:,,) \LC! ., ...1er e:ord ....'I", I/;~, IGI, I~". I,c!, I~j, 1!l1. 101 IfO, ft<"hcal "f. '-" ~I~. :!I~I, :111, ill 0"1; 'al. tI~, l\i '. CDnlurI'J,j",,, _II"" h' II", rri- oI,lJ.I







('.;) .. 1......1,,Il0l. II", "'InI


('"t .... !-, .1 ........ 1"'-_" I". ~Il ; ''''\ (),.ar, .... nt t .. I"" , ...... 3.;1. ..... ~1.I'~1,_" tL" ..... h E"~I ..,,1. ~1G. L:r-rW. ". '"nl,.J"p "~to ~ Q.,lhp,',. It_"'.lI1oo.n.l. \4,,,1 ..t. b L ...lk,or. Ioun, ~~'I; of ..... te. llel&d :t!~. f"f',"!;I: ",_ .~,:t>;:.: I..4\Id" I, I.... lbe I.~. Y.~. (;"",Il (<" ..,,,1011 ) ('N' 11K, ''nnc.;, :!;~. Coud" .. for lhe eno,n.,., ZiJ_ r.3. ;:;_'" :,:.n. ('.;)uk, 1",,10 01, IS. :!31 Ct''''h''lml.)', lmol< "I, ;!I') 1'''''1I1>o1le. b,,,I. eo!' ~ C(Il,nlI'Cl,,"-h 10.- '" II<>~ .. ,,,,Ii,,,,!, 3-1

0', ~nm-..-.\, I COW,. ~; .T,'..... "'I'~"" I"'pn"nl.l. II!. :....-,:.:!!I\l Corn.dl. ,\If'uJt\k.C'o.bll,I.-ll nI.:!33. ';"'y.I '~ ...1 I"y ,.' ., :!I'I h.ird".I. Cu.. J .... ,. .If'. .'<# :-'~>l"'. ,1"1,,,.k "If" Iho fl....I I.e: "1"111'" :., {_.un ...\l'd';I.,~1. \I.r~, ",,J ,I_oio !:o,-ie .. 1 \1,0 1\ ., !"I' n... ,n ,. ",,,,i ion of. '!Ir.. I""."'a:,~!'; "',. IoIf".II;!'

st." .. ,.,.. , ....

c.,,, ,,,,r, JDhn, "" __ ""'" 1 "'l~.\ 1-0. CoaIn;" ,~'.... O"ill",.,1 -"') I l!,~. (;1"\.' Lu"l .,,0.1 IOUOOI)' or, ;?:~~ C"",...hn, $., ,. ....,hld __ "It ,\,I~I" ll'I'1""rn vi. I:t l"onn' ... (clIl"ri"drill ",ll! III Cn...... L,".I. of, a, ~If~ th~ t'xchr'luc'r, I"') """ut 10, 1<)3. l"r-.ru< Ih, h.... k l'rouJOhl to tL. Klo~ froo", Cou'1"1. ,,', e".".o.I,-. I~': ~ymtlll I" .. koo.I.ln.; h~" k. "" ('.;)u .........d<ll.. loc II 11"". 1-&::1. 3It! eov.l'IMl",. l"'y""'1Il lot bo~', kCC'pilli' CniJ:lotn.. nJ, niil, ..... ill. "'HI, IU;", 1:'lG; It' lh~,.. fClt", ...."'... Rd, 150: lti,.Il,. "",."'....10 10 Ih~ uf, 116, ;\,1:1 : '''1', IS:1. do. In IL" "-Ork'"fn AI. 33:1. :lliII, .h Court, Iho &0\11011, I." ..-lii- wi,'. to lit", wok at. :ili!I; <1, ... 10 II", "I'. Cou.ln",l, la''''_ ul, :!~'O. U,,\. III, X~: ,10. 10 tl", pnkDJ r COlC. ro. II. 101ot, 2"::!. II, 3!JoJ, .1!'I1 , II", liu,,-. t~I_" C.o"ln,,"\..,n, 1~"J. "f. 31. at "I. ai, 36S. Co"'g.~.L, hi. WII],,,. 1:1,1"",,'" "I, ::.'0. ~",ill"rouk 1(/"II.~'-,'Ul.I.I, :..Vi.



Cu"'io (U,,,tc, C,,"y, C ,"~ ). uu;: Craia ,1 ('t~ .. ..... .;,,;..). I\'illia", (,,,, "'1 .... 10 Ihe l,rI,.to "'. a., ~~I; I.oJ IW'llll" of,:!:Li. ' ....111 to" mAn ;n, ~I~; " ' - bouo:hl Cn>'~b<>n. Sir .\"'\,,, ... 1i"""),"...",,I!! I,
~I,j; li;nll'~lodd",,-..'




c.,...1 (co"la) fur a lI ....y


Cr.\l;:" 1('l'lIlpl, 1111;;10 \\',1"'<0 "I. I j , C...."."i. (C~,,'J'Il"")' .I"l,n .h f\:ht :!I, :!!7. !.><I .....m. II.n, l bir /',.,", If lhmlll"n, ("'''bl(JI kl~\t1 jn.,;I"ht1), I.>,,,l ul. 1,1.
hoNO ~hI I"... II., far_ Cl'lliltl..... l. Omo,h, u'ii, XU';: .1",. nioh .." ('"" hi. d,.",,]xr .1 Ih,.. ,fti-. I" I~~ ,I. j7, :,~,,_ c!l13. ~I: 131; bt<1~ fur, In n,~~, lIS.!; I")' '1'm,K' III,"'. :..'!I.11'_1 .... III"'" \Jl, 163: <1eo. I ... I" IIt'n'aIJU. It,; t : 1.1, ~~ '_', U:I . Ii, I 11, r .t, h'. 4\.1: t., I bone gi'-"'" 1<>, r;a; ,,,"-)..,,rnl 10 h,~ 100.111, ...wl ....! bo..". II, :"~', ~IJpn.:.I, 3Ii3, 100'''' fur d ... , ll3. ""lb,. , .. W,I""'" \11'1'1,_,." .1, II: Co-.-II_, Alnl",l.r. "Andol,,_"', ,"",)nlrtlltoll"I"'" III. ~I:t; ,ID., I .. ,' t>OIIl l_liofl .. hh. c!3".!. 110110.1" f*lko\ L'al<luli .1, ~I:t. 11'1,

fri ...... ~~..

f.,I.e. botl

ft.r, J:i I d'>l.hillit


Cr.ik. lul<1',

I"'''''' "I. '''. lal, S;;;.



Cricht on, Oool'lle, ALool <of Holyrood, IIndilor, I. - - lSir Peter. ru"M~" of tbe "lll~lrobe, clothi ng fur, 10-1; IlIIyntcnt. t{t. 16.'i, 30'2- _ Sir l'atrick, ""plain of }:diuLurgh Cutlc, b.n,; p:t.ym en~ t, 175. - - Patrick, 10, ~I!l. CTichton, ~hc pro\"oo l of, <m lcrtniw tim Pop<:>'. nmbCI&aall.or at U"utlingwn, iU"iii, 3,S, Cripplll (en::pill), ~Im. l{l Il, ill Leith,
U~ .

Crnis, 1'1 relit to the Killg'~, 300. CTm:lomi (C""""1IloOlI). Sir Aluandcr, of tmt Ilk.:!.l. CroI'lP, a. for the King'~ a.... ord. IGG. Cmnca (e",nni.) len~ to the King, 1 ~6, 191. US. Cmufu"'. the Ellrl nf, .heriff.~rincil'ai of AOO"'II, flI'Iymcnla to hjlllliconflr, I,]), 101, IGJ, 41 J ~ letl{i.B I 'H' lol1lCll to tiM: Kin;;, 11J.5 ; WmJlO$ili~ " .... ith. 230 : Ilenda a hOIl1ld to Ih~ KinS , 3t;;: Bnll t""o h;",-I<&, 80s; moasenser orent to.


- - the Camden of, ptI)"IIlcnl 10 her hLrl'"r, 1M; uo. to her Inter, 100. - - ~ Ir .Archilnlu, ,iat.r of Enkinc, camposition wilh, I~. - - 0".";,1, "lny. al croa 0.1>,1 I,Ho "'iIL tt.c Kin", .1;6: payments 10. 200, 334; cbthinll f:lr.!lJ, lOS. 300. - - J oLn, 2;;, '.!..~. __ Robttt, 01 CilLimYI composilioll wilh, ~J I. - - Rol>crt, 01 Redimll, Z5, ~,. __ T1,oDllls, compoo;iti"" wilL, IS. - - xxx;;; nrpenec. of King'. in<I,,<ing

CriHt.all, apUB 101", ~ I (i.



Look. ..~lIed, ~s. :lIlr Alexa"uOlr


sheriff <of, ~, 33. - - Inn.b of, 'n. Cro.mg"cJ (Car&nl;ueU), ",'iii: alms 10 the monu (Of, 6!; borw biro lrom, t{l Gionl"c", 15:? ; "'Rruing of )I onnljoy'. cODIins ","nl to, s.:.o, C,....... KiuS'$ offering to lho, 2S5; of 1'""hlo., ";['11"'. offoring to Ihe, 2SS, ZOO; II goM, gi"en to Mi.treaa n.~rlec, 3l1li. I'll, ~;3. Croosloow.. for tho,hip, ]);i1i,OO; purchaw Cranfu rd )1"r6, alms nl LLc chlp<:>J of, of, Iii, 337, 39); holt", (gan,oi.) for, 3;3. 100, 2().j; [IIll'oenl for kcepillS the Andraw, pIIyment to, 339. King'., 100; slein,a ami 0111\'1' smith - - Jolt". 1)1ns .lc k at J)UII1.J,,., 1 ~. lor, ISS, 204, 36Z, :;75; "inG loses Crc.'e, wal~r of. xix: LOl15C:1 oongLt nl '~,lger at shooti"g ,,'ilL, 373, 371, Ihe.I53. CroI;a nnd pile, tbe Killg pbya Ill, " 'ii, elmOl'lIt. (cnaenl i.) of lite King'. bar :;i!L u<!lS, &/I11n for, 2.iG. CrOSSCll of Imckrom lor Lenten elotbs. :W ; CrCfi<>me, Itok, purchased for Ih6 collCb'C forcl.."." I>II1", i 'i , i s, SO. (kirk of Stirlingl, l'S. Crllcta (crowat) for Iho Q1Ieen, 36"~; fot Criu'IOI>, RoIK:rt, I.ottl, fll $'''''1"har, the P rilloo's 01 0l<Il1, 403. xi.., 7, 21;: rontpoll it;ou .... ilh,22, 2'26, Cn"i" (CI"';I"e); n broken, 24 i . :.!~: ""n,h u"~ to Ihe "ing, I ,~, 1:;.1., l:mloly, ~:".:;h~h, I"ter, coat lor, 30"!: "",,,I~ "riUng_ from thllllottl"r, :lIG, pa.ymcuu to, 14;j, 3:19. 3.>3,37'>,330, - - ,\lIam, <01 l{uLhvc",lIIYr, G, ~3(1, .'l.~, ~ 03. 400. - - Jalu~'., "oll>[I(I$:il",,, with, 2.10, Cuffs of ""till, ~I ,for lha Quccn', _ch'eL --Sir J am ... , -.:"II,a it:t.wk to tbo King, nighl gon~l, '26(1. Clllbrloi.., Inmb of, 233,





Cu llc,,, 1(;,,11... 1<'), ,I... I. inl 01, ",-,,,I. (',"~u,,, '". ~It WIIII4'" !-.t, U',I, to o."" \" Ih )\i,,;;. H 'l "I, :!IL \,:,,11 ,.1.:., ({'"U'.I)~"'I. ~. t ''''I ,I, IC",,!,,,I), . f,,, Iba _ I !.II (;" .. ,I,.""3uki, XHI ; ,",YIIIl'" , ... I~,,,I Iv,. )o1~ u""I.(' 14"IoN...or .. I. n1i,:l'lO, -I!", - - , _ 1,,,, U f, ,,!Il';, ;bl),i"l1 "I .. I,ull jll, 4 .'l h" .... h", l'"m"", .I.m ~It&!,~ .... sui" ""'''CL (r.. !oolitlill' \", tl.. tJ~ ...' (...... , ,;Go~ ..,,\ lo.'r.,", bl;"I"",b,~';, ell,.,). :nn, h-i, &<-lii, <~.'I''''II r"., It' (;,i""I., ..., ({"~''',n;;:t.&.o._ t' .....;" I~', I'i:.!, I";, 1\1l!>. fAy .....1 \., I" ila,-,nc', l""~-,,.. I~UII') . \.l..... 01 ('"". "ile, HI. ~...,: :Il.:I, !:)~, 3'.1:, .,,;. rinitt"'" l~"U I ~ .. 1,-,1b, 19, :!1.:!:l3 I"')'II~"'''' ~ ...... n f. ... k" ,;, I" __ !'ir .\,~I,, ... , 1"'--' of 1'"""',1 I !.Ii , l"uM ...... , ...1( ..1,1\1";", 1*, ~ .. "I I". ~J(i. ( ""tnmo .. I I..lft'), ~ I.:!IA. :!';:l; ,r ... - - lSir Hlln,pL.""y, of (a,~., "'k ,,,) ~"oI, :.~;~, :~_,;; , .. to -, I,.:n,)""'.', "".... L.al..-lla, hi. lIife, ''U~' I ...... r~~, ",11,. for, :!.H. :<'0, )"j, 17, ;!.'1 l:u I,; . ,. ,.I,1i I. ;!;OI, :!';~.:.'76_ _ Job", of W~'l\.o;ln'., ~ l , 2..'7. __ I'lIn 'I" i , :) 17. Il.UT ,\Sl<z, ('IITt)'. 1I"if,'. 10 __ I",nM" 1 "')"11><'" I", I.i"l :100. :,~~, ~!. -.11, __ \\" 111011111, "f l,:""'I.;''''' ''~:J.j, -I""yn'''' I.... I.?t, 10'1 C,,,,,,;,,;,:Io&,,,<'. Iwli~ "', f-Cy",,:mt h)'. ~ 11a~~""" ('Md.,,*, "I, I~~. H',. I"". ""'" :1 :!I:!. , 11,1 1";-,;, :'~'" :kH. ~~I\i, ,,-it" C."",yn;i" &. 1:,,1~,il.. 1._, :1!'Il ~ to helot .", 1,00(. "~th,:!Oti. Cu",i.,. &.t )1;,,1 lr.\u~'O<Ib'm<'. 11M.' Du(, I'mjccl>:o.i C" I' (co.q,), ~ t.:ll't ,ill. I .... " .. hi 10._ IMrr.v"J, .h~i. loy rh.- 1 :,..bI.!, ..r Il.... ;1!jI'1" ,I,.., 11.\"'1 11_.. ), I"ir ,\1111,.,./ I,,. t.. ~".'q;"1. I., lIMo I__ I~ ~Ii '''.... I ...... cl. 1110 Fm.cl, kll-';;'", '""'''' :lVJ; 1".1-111< 111.0 fur n~",\'",''''' Ij'~I"" "Iil-Kh; ~ .. 'i 01 l'lu~ ~'U, No, cj,," \', at;t. "I'C-- ..I. :u~1 Cul"~' AI,I ! 01. _ _ I"" . .,I 10, S~l "lID"" f\.\ 1f.1.1i1l4fl ". It<.;; I".' "" ,v, 01'0 (;nl"u"\,,o:tn. flo, It'" 1,.I;h<;, :I(jo; 1 _, U><'naI",r fn '111, __ """1.(111'\\01" III I.. a).. "", II, t'! I I"'~- __ '.. I.> hi. 1I'al,. 41.1 ~ ",_ :)I!t r"r,h~, 4W. C"f'"lIm....,..., '''''1'1",1'1, l",y,"1II .... 1G7 Il;okor 1.,01, ... Y'. C"rI-.1l 100'\.I"'nll, .... m '" ,101.'. I ~'1. , 'Ln.-all i, ,11.1\0", ~'l, laII'\' 01, I:?;. ;!3.1, !!";.;, 319, ~, :W 1 a hl\I~. f .... ,I... )1,,1<:0,1, J . Q . . . X,' .. t .... f, ;.'-1. Klnl>, 311 ''''Ig~'i'h, Willi,)m, ~"-"'.r, ,lti"L ih'~' Cu i_ (<VI'1""'), I.~rt-ha"" or, I~I '<J, :l\~.!; I.l~-m' nh ''', f,,," 1o(>I"W luor ClI ll.ltA"lI .... ",Imt ill, :!.~;.'I .Iofl ", ... d",,;m~, III AM.", of . ..,,,,I.oan"~ 10 11o~ l\i"I):, I!H; 1!.Ilk. "b, !n'_'''i''r 10. I<J 3n'"'''''.... 100l'ment to .......,.. ai, 34.:i: "ilol "..,.1 Iho ",'milill "f thf I'''I~'' ."'1 ....,<1,>1,













I.rull,'" fru .. , 3.>9.

Cllfio1,-.,(e, Ih<I Ir-Ucro t , 3.1. CllnJS brotoght to .ho K,III/. n, I.;,



I:r; ...

_l.o"I, .umnounco.ltotolll" I" I'~ ..




Hcur}, of Wl;olr.l.l.;.'1



Dairuslamc, land" of, IG. King'1 c1mmbc r al, Ifl,: muidc',. Oal')'. the KiDII'.lJelcn..rfI I\t, Knill, 3,4. lin.: 10 Ihe I\ ;ng nl, \,U, :H5 : n tnme I)"'r!mpic, "\1.0.'" c:<ImJlO'lti"" with, 16I~~r~ bro"lIh~ to, \,0; llarm,,"l 10 lhl,~". bud. ,.f,:?17 wrighU .1, 3<>.). U;l.l..t.id (D.olttll), Roocrt, of lJudhou.~. Iln,-iu, fn]ronet, clothing for, H,9, 3()S, 3tJ1!; ]"')lntntHo, 110, 141i, Hi , I.:;i , nun.,I,;,lo.;, III, 30.', .m, lIl"! 313; 163, IW, 330; (o)'mcll~ I.Q hb IIInl>, for l,~r<h, 1;;.;; for bJ-ee<:IUlI, :o!:rJ; for ] I, 1 ho"", for, 31':;, ~ q ; Itunu Ill(ll\t n carpet, 3 1 ; ror " chiISUblc, 78; ror for, 3JG, 38,: h01"" hiro for, ~ l1. ",,,roliia for B do.. ,9: for roo.u, nll>'!<lBo:m, John. C<.Ii",l","intr, 1111yrnonlll 10, for boou, sh0)8, lcatilcr, etc.., ~7, 36,2.)\,1",3-: 2 ; for ~n AhnAllll coot, 2;;01 , for half <'OfIts, 2J4, !?,jS; for I~ , :!GI, 33G, :L;;::!, 3136, 3iO, 3,1, 3~i , c"'"""" to" chAmh]p, 77 , foruDIlblct., 400; ~lo thi "gfor,!106 . 9"1, 0.;: for gmrn., 3i, 9'2, 93, If'3, 1m, DnWlIdlD.rte, Ia"ds Gr, I':;, :?'.!.1. lOG, Ill , 113, II J, 116, 248, 1,3, 3OIl, !)amek, the l.in! of, """dll " hounu 10 :UI, 31,j; for Loril1!t c"p.o..i;ons, 3.'. 136, the "-ing, 131; !lCnu~ herona to t he 2.i.J; for j.,cket., 00, \0"1. 111, II::!, 311, King, 145, l.:;s, ]71 , 1D~, ~09: llll.)'lIlClll 31;, 3:..'0; rOf kirde~. 43, '2W, 2138, 2, I, 10. man of, 4lY.l. :)00: for fl'ltt~ml. !?.;.t: ror I'illio"s, 1.Io""80n, J ohn, oi Leith,",,1lI 10 F,.mce, 20'~. H , 2;0; for slce"u, 1),1, 2;;';; rDr " liu'co.l, ;9. DcMn.tie. Sa 11111'& - - ,\nck. 13(;, !?,jJ,:!oj; : blno ar.d mil. Debts (detti~), Ihl! Kinl:o. 39-1. 94: nowcn:tl with gold, 2;i!l; gmy, Dedication of tho Kirk of Stltling, '2IlO. 24~, 2.:01, 2.>3, 2.lJ, 31.3; grocn, 3(;, Ike,', p:1)'1II""1 to 0 ma" for keo!,ing ro, :?ojl, 2;;<;, :!,;oj; r,urp]c, cloth of .Iny, I~; uo to n,cu ;>.t ~he golJ, 2.:iC: !'ell engrn;'I~'], 2:'<;, m: laking 01. Ii:!; ca.rr;III,'e of, fron> ~'l!lkbm] , ]S], 300 1 lakil>g of. in tho ted mnd green, 11.:;; I4wny. :?II: ".belc, ,0$, ,Il, 2.32,:!,j.j, 2':;;;, 2,j1j, folu, lS I ; fnrch"" of, """L to the KinS,




2,;; yello\\', 2.:iG.

!ker.fo]d, bnihl il>S of the, il> F.]kl~"d, Iii; Incn.!h>1I of, in Fnlkl;",d, 362. - - Htter. Su Litler. __ n .. to ",,"I 10 }o'o]kbnd, IiI. Dc,upiter, \\'alte" , ~f Oucblir]CII, '.!3S. UcniN'" (dcncril), 2';0. Ucnmark, I'I.'L~tio". orlbe &otti.l, Conrt "';Ih, bxiii_]u"i: letter to thn Cl~~n ceUor of, I n;"; Cbridopher bc. r nJlI~,re"l of, xc; t.~x fot lIle upcrl i lion 10, varmcn! of I"wl of, 10, 32, :U I ; 00I101:1iol> of, I$S; do. from th" SI'I..(ln3.l pro]nlr!!, Ill; L.yon somt \0, ]u;,', \);;:1';, 1:13, WI; Thoma. [.lIm. ,Icu, "i'"",];>.nd h.r~]d" of, I:n;,', 3.,'i(]: lito I hip l1"Q.I\IOIi sent 10, 3&';;

J:l.lmian, JolU! . &. TOllg]ami, l\bholof. D:wc;, & prn)'cr of the seribc tbnt Crln",,,rl should m:.kll n, :lhi, I':;,; po.rru~n~ fOf n, !j(l:!; ~, II~ tho liTua of lhe I'rince',l,;rtb, !I'1. &nc;l'II, clot hing for, 313: t..,UI for, h', 3.'l.l; ]~ h"">,*,, for, 381. I)nnYlllIIn, the cook. l'''yme,,~ to, lW. Ibrn)WIlY, xxiii, xu; clotbiug for the 1>:IIn, ~t, ]ux;,., 10.1, a 13; I'lynl~nt l\> ~lJd clolhing for tbe 00I'I1II n, 13" 10;, :Ut; lowliug nets 1<:1>1 \0, Iii':;; th~ I~ing. doo,:" ~sken to, Ie.:;, 100 ; 1,,,,,,,e fJnteh~..,d, M, ]G6: Ihe Killg 1,1.,y' <"I"b nl, a l~; ])l.J"'~"1 I" s row let nl, 1Il7; rn.],,,s (<or the


J Nm~x.


na ....III11. '" 11,,11111;0,.'1 0.10'1' iu, .fI!3, 11o,,1\'''i'''' . . ~ls a b(".... to J ...... lo~, IIG, 0..,'101"1, )11,\,_ l/"'pnl, u~\': 1Ior., lou",,bi', BII,1 .... k1kry 1",1' ber ",all. 100; horl/! Iw h~, ... lf, Ill'.!. I'k'rik ..... , Nnunik, 1,,,",,I'ler, ftl\st /1"11I~1 "I mrru 1~,ul:j,1 I........ ;11: I"Y I...,"" ttl, ~ I , Ihl, lis, I~I, I:!.'" :,;" :L."00; h~"k,'" 1',1,1 ,I.lirc,,"] 1<>, ~'I. IJ"'''TIM' !IJou ..m~), .u~ of, l!l 1Ao"''''MI 1(If'<'<;vUI - J ;n"'" i..... ~ of

1)11-1<-' , 1",,,.k,I.I'" 31,:!.. ; ...

.... ....


t '1,n.I,"'''. .v. 31". 3:.1 hint",,,,, l.oI'Otloi~' """ ho.,j, JI.oIII\ Ili.. !.;.,Io.,,, ,,' ,\ .. ]" :!:II. - - '-IT .J,""" ,,/ ,hoi... :.:;U



]1, )>CO""""""I",),,,,,,,,tit,,r,
Hl>t,U ,I",.. '" ,,,",. !flo!







lSI- .\h~bad. Jljl,j I ... "'"....,. 1.Ii.,,,IOOI<i. (ujanlA,"ht, 'Ic~r beoo,!s). Ib~, II,, lJulcb,. '" S.'M.rt uill, h, XI, l:J6.. "", ',,,.IUl; .I..,...f,.... 1':-11 Ilie. (." .) fur ~BrtI, lroll r, .... 13li Iii'''' lo}":.Ji"",",h.h.~:bo .. -,,,lin; ul, II! ; fa.' a=1, mni;t", ,01. JL1),"" tv, I!;i, 1";;. 1:9, I'IIJ, rro", ~:Ji,, [ ....h t'ulle lo 1ilh, II~; lloc. (oJ 'I rou~h\ I.... l'~lI,tu~I,

1,.}'1DClit 1')1' "",1.1",;: , ~.I ... ,~", 31:.\ .... ' ......... ,,,,,],, L" '1I~. T.u IIr 1">Ct.., !I,. 10,0. !;,




I "")'n,,'''~




- - 1\["111,,,,,&

ai, h'H, ,lull. l}i rh rnulII , "nUl uf, IS. Ui< I.."" (l)i~k ...... n), Mind A,bn., f"lY' men'" 10, 1:C, 190, 3.1';, 101


0..;, .J...,.., h".." ..".eb.,,..,.' lro''', ,t I

doth;"" (\II', 1111. :111:1; I"ynl~"h I'~ 1311, l{;.1, 11)(1; oJ,jlll! ;h','ra\h"l~ 1.14; h,,... hit1l lor. 3:08. 1"'1; chain, JG" _coI.l....,., 339, __ "..lb. i,,,no, 343, 31..... _aki .... l.H. I), ...... _ l I... lIMo Kin;, 1:,1, I.il. 1'10, :ti\;, 3'>1, :l::IG; r<1"" '" "f 10,,'"1-""" "I hl ..., Ito',""" 1:.1, l(i" 1M. 1;11, ~'IJ!I, 311, :IIB: l"y,,"",1 IIIl" "n,lirq. I.. 100: t3L"" I" I,ud, IG I , I " '''' l"'n .. \lay, 1M, 11ioII; ,,"lit I" 1.If UI~oI"\\' 33"j; ..,nl 011 1..:/,,,','110,' ~il''''::. :110: It'a I,co Alld eulb.r ""''' r..-. 31.;; rout f.... Ilk, 3h, 3i~, ~IO. I ~,I.... S" h:.lb .. I~'III''',!. n. luii: \bo 1\i",', t.. hl,tn:'. ct. , M, :t;~ I al .... h' I poQr II " .,1, X.!; I") ",~"I 10. I" 1Il!~ tb,!i.i<, ,,,,kl,tre, fi<'.. ai, :I,:!

- - Uhuo\ln,,). 1:"I",rl, of I'ed.~ ...... Ianl, _"~I 01, 9, ~I!i. 1),'1'''' (lkip), pay_,1 W Wil _ ai, :!'.j.'t: do. to r.ot.:i'l IJoztGn at, :2'(lij; hili''''' hroa~"1 'n.,u, to,' ,1"""18 W,I... hiii. .I: 11M: I\''';:'a writi"p .,;-", In ",r.,ca "r, :U2. l)j~ ... , ,low .... , }'r\.... h .~jl'.'ri::l>l, li~. Uilrall ([)i.,,,,,uil). uHi, ~U. 11);, 3!O: II.. fILI\1a "f, roJ''''~''1 f .... ol11.~,,1 cU5l.oilillll "I,:!;kjl Iho Kiug', off,'rin.:





al the kirk 0(. :!II! ; th, Ki"o: l,by.

luI' Lf""l,j"" lhe Kh,,-' .....n.o ai, :113; the Klltg' o h"rn~ w,'''tI:bl 10 l...rith (rolli, 3ob; IIIfrlnl!i. t...nr;ltl frUII,IO tbe l\'Il(. III. Oi nlMr. t-' l\in.'1, at tho hi" of 11".1',

CM'II. AI, 3U ; l",ynoe,1

Oirlct ...... uii ; "r, :!."i. ~, ~~O; ""II.r.,"1a.,~1I " f, l l , ~; driuk.llr,'t I" lIun, ,I", ... Ie' "r. 1 )'''''''''\ for .. _ .. . IMl ....... km~n A 161. I, ,"tI, 1~ii, Iw.



I~".".i ..



I" "


00084 ~lrJ'-""'l'n\onl

!');maid of the 1.1.... c:onfi_1 in ~tir!ing

__ Jam.' .!.oroth.... of WllliJIlU, Earl 01. Cud... buii; dothing for, ",IS. - - oW, bleontr, poYItII'n\ Ln, U'; . flllh~ 1 ' ..,....... and "~C<I " ~ I... hln, d, ... - - ~"' .. " of the auh!t, c[",bipS for, - - - - cloIb;"1 lao', IO.}, 3tH; pill'I07, :JIlIi. m"nl 1<1, 113Don,M...... ~hd, .d, Y"""~'" 01 tl,., __ J",k. olth.. Q"""n'. "1,,~.,,,,14r.l~l' Q,_n". ot.,h)". dolhl"l tOf', l\.t<.;JQIl. ",eu' f"r hi. (urlhlJlillgiLlll. 3~ S; p"Y",.'1\1 IU, 31>1, - - \\ ,Lli~/ll. dothi". lor, 3W. Doo~. 10'" lor 1110 Q" ..,,', dsamlM'r, ;0 - - ll..'O:4n-l, lrou- ", t Johll, Lom LmlnL...." 3h: .10. lor Ib~ to",.",". ('alh""TI. IS. ill tbe ,\~y of lI olyroooJho.-, 300; --lIob'orl, tlf Lo,:bleTcQ. i, 217. ____ Uii: clol.hi,, (or, 104 ; loAOi ... key ror a ro:.lb ....., l>oolhku (douM.uu.j. !.ii, 300, 301. ~ 0.111 .... 10, 1;9, 301; .lAyrLlonl to. 100. :Ito" 311, 3111. 3...'0, :1;.':'1, :It}, I!IJ. 3113. ~Ol'. - -ofc;ualrt.t .100, 11.5- - Willialll, of t"- ,....dholl". pay-

"Y. 30


- - 01 ""',.... 1U9, JuO. - - 01 clull! .,1 ~okl ,'00 ... I~I.

- - 01 .LI __ , !P.!,

-- -- ,,'w.
3i ~ .


fl'OlQ the King,

--of ("alu.n, 100, Ill, :II'lj, 3OiI, 31!!, 310,:t'1Q; 01 M,lek rn'l~n. ~Il; ol IIfII)" f..-... In!; "\ ~hbll flUti:t.a, '2, !Ii, ~~, !n, 11:1, lIti, 2.>1, ,')f.!, 3L~ - - of .&atin, 3.l,:r., ~1. ~l. Ij, 'l.l, DG. 9-., 101, Ill. II!, ~I~,:!:~J, 31I,:'t.'U; of 1;;'0' "Ii", !til), ", III'!.. 112, 111,30. ao.\ 0;, 3OlI, 311, :116. :11;, 32 I,.l..'31 oIl.1.u\ .Ii,., :;J, ~I.:!ti!; ,,( cri",_ .ti"" 39, U, ~I, I IG, :!.ll . :.!.i6; of hn ".Iin, :l)l. - - ullllWU My. 313. __ !If 1~IT<ly. 313. - _ of b.\;I,.. 9'l. --!If HI",t. I'.." U. 110. :10.1. :III . ~; !If ,-th'ct a ..l docb ." "hl. ~.... -- m. ......., !If .Iill. ,".:!; 'loLA" rlllli.lIi. 2:,1 ; "I I~~di .. tin f~.

- - - - of Mo/I:al, el

bn," of. Z;. [);,nl,., I>.u)(k. d.~bi"i for, iii. 09, 107. )0;. :11 1, !I'!l.:I:.~ I po.ylD~"u lO, I:!;, J.iJ. 331. 300. :tM. 3t I, ".,. ~ II : .rio.. 1 ....,1\'1'1' fn .... lb. KiDI. l:!!t .. nl t<l I .... Nortb "ilb I.&.b. ~; II hone fo., ~U, I"' .. bro).,.. I~ndt 01. '.?:II, I"' ..... (do ... nl , '" 1,;11; .... , H; r".. I,Hkt..... :!j6. awdlcn~Ir. ..... P"'J'lMUI 10, :!;O. - - .:.... b. d,,{h]"a: f, .... 100. - - okl. f,dOOMI'. fkotbini iGr, 1m. __ f,'I~., d"t~;u~ f, ..., II:\, 300, 300, 3"_'). :1'11 : 1"') .... 'PI. lo, 1,,!7, I~'li, Ul. :13<.1, ~1 1 . 33:1,:tOO; _~ 10 An-an for Ian ..., H.i I l}'ina liock. ' ~i; .e,,~ :l, I to n.... f,.... h~""k" Ili; .ell! to Alb"le - - alln:-.l\ I"o;n. ol .... lln. ~1. for 111".\.. 3lii, - - ,~.. ri"JtI' lor "nll"~ 10 "'IIII!!... n. - - )-,~)IJl.,n of 110 0 I laLlc, p'l'lPeut I.;';. I"'U"T'" :!!il, 10, 100; bl)~ gr"en 10, 1J:i 1~'~111 ..... A" hi!'nld. b.,,,,blllil .. , dolh lng 11o...y. lb< Qll""U., ..,,,\ (I) ColJi"ib~m f.." !l:;, tI:I. lOt;, II:!. 113, 3!),I, a.}~, 1\11<1 ~~lilll,u'1;:b, 1~5. ""1. :JI~, 1I.,.~,,,,. hI' Ih. 'OI"'ln ''' ~III.1i, - - \It I~"i'l, I>:I}""'UI to, ~'91, l)nuL-ill'cr, 1:k.I. 1:1I. 133, I~. J3J.I30. - - II", 'l', 1""1<1",,,1 I". 1~ 13!l, 110.111, II I, I~(l, lold, l :it, 1:10,




1IlI, IIJ..I, 1, 1, I,';, 1,9, 1111 , I'U, I .~', 11;.-;,1'\6, 1'1" II<'J, I~!, 111.1, IU , I!IJ , 10>1, ~,!l., :!IJ.1, 201:., ;.!I)(I, 3;;\1, 311, 3:IJ, ;\;tJ, :k.l, 3-1", 3.lj. Jlil, :JG.J, 35(;, a. ". 37i, 3:"-;, 3Io1,;},!, 3-;.3. lSoI, as,-;, ::~1, :!lOtI, 391, 3D"1, ~, I, 1 ~ .f<l,j, 4'00 ,
"'b,411,",I::!.II ~. III .


O,,<h..,II, 1.,,,01. "I, I';, n", 1..1....,,,,,1,1' I"" I\on;::, "'1 (., II..:

- - ",101. a,1,. 1"1

U .. I,I"'F'''






..... pbm.

'I' II

1.,1 .. f,.,:l.j n, : .&J"""I~ ,..,

l)"; I'I,il, 'ld;;I!, ",,,,1.. "f, ::0, z.;. I ~, 1100 ElI!:li ..... 1"loIlr ",tl, I"~. H....

1)Olly. \\ ,I" 'I.;H I




Urlli" (lootll"I'II)'), I,u!"ch:ue of, ~' ::;, :;-;<1, f<ll )11, \I"('l10 1;.,.1" ,,'. ,11 "" \.~ ... D .... m, tho .. iN .......\I,.. u ... l~r l .. illO, III :!33; I\lnjf. IMIW" In, 13.1; ,Inllk,iI,' 10 hi. f~I, __ "" ~. --la ..... fIf, 233. D"II:""'rlMI, 1IuMI. cA, ::!::19. l)rundr"<>e, h'M!. 01, 2:).;. Dru",Jul"', Rol...n (:<II'd,., ",, 0. - - (I)rumlus:mi.). Inll, l~ of, G. l)rnmmnhilh (I)'''"IUM!.CI), JnlUt' Oo"i1v) cA, 9, !!19. 1"~ I~"~I~oeo (Onll...;I"',,,), I:!A"~ ... , I.,,,J,

J.,,, ... ',

X",I, HIli. ~.i, unio. xu . "i, .~'''', an,l, ;17,1-1, 1.'10, 111,11-1, ~, W. ~IIJ ; e.I"I,lli ... r



lIu ,l,htllud,

I.".'. ""'!,

00. I);!, G3. !!SI, ~~I, ::!-9, ,h I., I,r!eal. ill, GO, ::';'; II,. lu HI~ k F." ..
"I, G!; '~I\""It!.",. "" 1"111" .", l".1 i .... II, ~ I ~I'\.~ ~I ,j .... II, :!c'; "'''''''1;'01 .t i"";"""""" ul. :11: 1"'P,,,, 1 !u \hu ""1''' dlOl'I' .. I, '"', 3.;1, :1.1" 3G..~, ~!, 391, 4UI, ~,~}; u l"'li_ ut lo.-,l.oo ,1 ;"",i,,,,,,)"1''' ,f,

art'!"'t,j" AI, l'I!i.. II. \\"~I""" .".,.-.1 .', ,,;: """. In,

"J'" "f,



- - , he bird of, . u"''''<xIiIO I, IT" I)n u:nllO"'., lho "hal>"~"" raYllll!ll l 10, I
Ti l.

--Joh", .... ti.hl, cl.Jt lol"l f''', II' ,! 31~; drink . il--cr t o, 1:'10, 136, I~(),
I{,~; ..,.,~ 10 I\ln(.", IIo'1> wOOll for .hll' ti",\)er, 134; ""lit to I",,-I'm a\,,,,, J;3, IDO '1'~yll""'I " I", ~'OO, 300. - - Sir Julin. <II Inurr," If,.,.y, '"lItti".

tit. tod)

lblp~l ,


- - Lord, l"p",,"ll,y, :r:!; ..."Iolllo:lrt 1 0lh~ K1II8, 191; ..... ltIc~, It) Iho 1',i,,""'. dlll'l~n l"l, :100: OUIUIQOII!'<\ ,~ C<>m1l [ to I '~ ... b, ~""i", 3j-t_ - - )lA'ljIl-rCI , I"'l" 'n"nh t l.! I.rioll Inr .llIlllulll'l'Julem uf, :;6. ;Al, :I II;, ;).j" :110;, 39L ...,,1 ", I ~ ,,,IUIIX, hui', :.'jill Ilrll'lry , Ibe 1:11"1 01, 1:'AA:rt I.;,-",!:. "., ....i "'''' "f -',;p li.,',.y 10, ~~I~ I ,io;:.;"'~ .",1 oth"r (IIrni'h'/1", I..... I .... ,to>,~. 235, ::!'I. lIulob, 0..,,,3,,1, (';Ire"", .. I,ln ... ,',il' at. ~"', :Ii': lbe };;i"a: N,",l , .. "" HUC;II~, :.'j$, 3ftI, tOO 11>.. 4,,,,,,,, 10. 3:tl, "<5; Iht " '''i l,h1'" ai, 1"')'I>1""t to. ai,


it,,,. <-f l.elll....,,' I< l'tl,'r. ..... , tu IhcQII"'" ( .. ,aI, 113; _,,",I ul Nil: I.nf'<:lwo.o.l II'. Ii, , IU,,'l<'Y lUI 1M" wi,,~, i. ..... 1 1<1, .. l.ilI l\U'IC'-I..,.1 O\,~ ... ,I r....,,, II. I I~ b~ll I", I J,; ,,,,,tOIl ".ar"! fro .. , 100 ; l",)'n,~nt I" J"h" ~ .. ,. ,~t. 'I, 1,,,r;;t'U ul, luiil, I nd, ~I', ~,; 1\"'10-' !. (t, .... ",,,1 I, 1 ~1!l, :'~,t! I 11"1' 1'''lll
aI, 11II ,.. a,
I~I ,

9J; frelld. 'lftl~,t I~~"" lu "",1 I".nl , ':1, , 110} l 'lililo \'.u;:1I1 .1, I:li. !'"~r 11'111 I.. tl" 11.1""",,, nt, ..... ; 1:OL. ,t " ,r ...".\ ..,,,, tu, 1:111, 119; I" ~ (, ~. 1'"",li"n \<1 11"""",,,1. eo,lb I~,I r""", 1.1~ ; J"hll I ::'rl=, Y""""''" "-hi It> U,.- -10'1'




lV' l'to_n. ,'\iu.,ldcr. Imrn~rlon, pn>"'" 01, I"',~ol. 1(>. lor __ HI, 131; .llIlIlo lb. pri ... lIof. r.i. 'beohip.-ork.I .... iii.~3,"I,~\~Z'~;, 12\ Ir., I..iolm, of M. Job" 01. acudaAIIGI: tlllh. I\in". 1.j7; -"Ii:"~ !.;!I. ... nll<>, trilb "'t\~~, ~l: loll"" from, I)lI.lIh~'nlr(Tlnn'><TIlJl, Lt. ..,I'of. 17. :lJ, 10lhe ...,,', 3'0(\; ""JIM,,' 10 bl~ ....", !!"!l, :!".!."I. 3110 I do. to hi. ~t'l1U1~. And pnl~n".., llu"hedh, 1"",1, "f, !'\."I. II).-~ 1)",,1,,1II111', m.I'''11 of, biddcn 1<1 the - - .I... riff of, I'o.ymellu by, 2, 3:?, 212. rrlllt'O'. chri'lcnln,,3G9; King'. latteR --Nla-iffdom 01, leH,l:l'I t.o lbe. 131, ..,nt to, 39'.!;1"rldlc.dher \0 Iu. ma.o, 183. 313. ~~i,.,.ymcnllloprloouof, foninpn; Ilumh ~h;~l, 1"'~lDCol 10 a, ToG. Ihuof';. (I)ru.mlrne), Xl, ~b", uli, 'I~rprr~ 1)ru ... lllOII.h requiem IIlUI, xuh', IU; _1""11"111& tH ~Y'" 01, ,)0. 69, 3UI. 3,;1', 367, 39 L: aln .. \" 3,1,~.213,!1t,21~; .. lm\lOlbc frlan 1,"~.lI al"" in, UI.I; (Am.~g~ ,,1.ru.;3,z...,i,2s8;'ullQ{'ol.IOI''''~. 01.11,. .."" 10..-cLt. 1<1. I LS; ..ddl, Il00: .,.,._,\ \(I Ih. 01 1M ""n 10....1 In, 1"1 ; (lI.I'l. horvs bought Inan uf, 1:'Jo1: Un. 10 lbe tl'ook81 III. 10;; Ibto Kintl o&';og III, 2S6. 01. n,II~, 13(l.I~:t:lxlo"'p"'H\..OIiIII i)onaan. WilliAm, ...... <tu of Ihrld 10 Lknlllan; -'hIed from. lJi; fllrL.'!I:~0'. Ihip, r-y_nl 10, 3S3. "[''';og lor Job .. Ile Couraoi. malllw , O"OQlA', ,,ife, or KiDQ:hona. peymc ..1 to. i .., 151; N<I ~kbe~ aI, I",'" I!II. 301. Kin.... lellftS 10, :U~, 3.>1; bri<II... 'hu-..I ..... , I'.u)tok. wtcr. ~ bn"OLLta" 3;6. I~ny, l'Atri~k lAmby of. 2to. - - ."~lI"of, by, 2, 3, :.!12. I", .. ,h Sir \\',IIi:om, of IhalUk, 210. I)"mlobail CUI ... .us. ~ 01 the CoI~, Ki.),; of Stirling. g~ I)unl_t. 1,.. .... 1. _I. 'f..u .. nd L.,tl<-r 1<1 10 l:u;I>'III. 1;0. the King, I;U; f'lymtlllt \0 hj~ III ...., Ih""kc-, uil; '11 ......... fi;pil<l'ng, bu'lleos 311. of, 'l,;: lalllb of tbe oouu.bul4:ry 01, - - Sir J.,m." of Ubkcng,ooml ..... i';"" !,:, 212; King'. olknng 10 :0 l'ri,'.'" of nurnll;;tI of. 7, 217; bridl""ih'cr w fots~ ma .. II, 00; .10IlS 10 IIwI lriara,,/, hi, on;'", 3G3. 00, 0,; I\1"jI:'. uI~ H conlf ill. - - JanKO. of WII"IIi~I<J, T.IO. 1G1; Klu,'1 hcl~he . .. III, 170: Kill," - - John, of ~I<.o<.htum. o1"lIgation lIy, 0, 1,0(1(I",.nl to. 337. 210; COIlll)O'itioo "ilb, HI, :!"~~. Ihllllll'l~IIl.'n (Ilr1ll1ll1"nn;lll). xillllllna - - \ I t (:lI\m, Arelo.1c."<o1l (>/ 1St,. 10Ibo.lIIonklof,C:!. ,\",1"""'11, cltrl! 'tI"lfr, ,,,,LitOt, I, Ihlnf.,,;., 1.\",1. 01,:1'2111; ""Il'l lla;(JtIlIloo. :.!Io. lh1nI,""IUI~, .]'I~,I of, nc:.1C"CI, - - .\I~n"I" ,I." ,,if. of AltulMlcr Ken' l l.noo..llrrr. Jiii, I, Ill, ~l, 211, ~1,:!3S: ",.ly, 6. :.!LU. . gi"'s" h _ 10 th, Ki"g. IZi. 157. .'It \\"IUi.m, I"""'" "I, 01, tI,~ HtU'i; __ UJI. :un;: K;o;'_ oa<:ri,,;;: .t I ~ I), ~h . ; 'Ioa., .... , lb.. I\".g'. c'>Un' l lit<- n l~ i ... 6.'i, iI, ~l. !!l:I; ~1 ... I.,. hu,, ) I"l -.It 1.0. I I" III I". ~'; ,,., 1.0 W pi;"",> of, iI, I~ 1,,1 hi, J.!7 , lJl, :101. boo"" ''''''';0, III, l:!i I"">__,,l VI
$:i; do. to .IIMd...1 lot. 36.~; tbe Kin; f)u"t. 1 lca4 of.

I'OW'W \00 aAIllrom tbe autie 01. 39].







I NDf.~X.


1I_loer "f, 132: ~ fOlio" lllOO1glol' 1I"rn..I',,r, th, 1\ Lo-Id""c .>1, :r;:i; /1"101, 1:;0,: ,n"""'''g''"' .... lIl to. l",sm"lIl \(J Ih,' ,;,."."r. r.... lb' Kin):'" :II~. ~II, 1~1yn" ,a \.() I"~"l' lit> ... in. 1,.lgmlfo ~Hiii. :r.:l. II;!: ,hh,k,Unrlom.,,,,,,.Bn.1 ",,,101 II>!' I, p'"I.<"', II,,. ,,,- 1~"'I<II", III. ~1 2. hilI Itm,l", '\' I' ') '>I"n, I" .1"1'" '" I., ,I. I;~: Ih"~hil'I:".,~I.",.:l,lh ... , I~~i, 111111l1li1.....1111>. ,h.I",. uhlil:MlolI \')'. D,
!! I r~

1 )(1"1;;1:1., ",-I, al"'l 10 Ih" 1,,,,..10 uf, .57, 0.;: lut",. h.uUllhl I", Irum C"kli,,;;h.l.III, 1.52: Ihe Kin8" "",,;u"o" ""11' 1.<:1, I&), J~,,,,.. "I'n~'~ ......,,1 lu, 100; d""k,h-o. III th .. """'_ ....1 ....... knMIl1 '1, 161, n C"ltri:l~ loruu;;ht /rulll, '" \\'bit~ki .k, IIH. Ikonil"tot (1 """n.. II), ..\1,'04"")..' U~i"i' II.QOD col, ~. ~'3'1 lJulli<l:'Id, A'"II.hd~neoo of, c,,',,~nl IlO1IliM1('01 ai, ~C\"II. - - t ho IUKhop uf, I'Rymcot 10 D II<!rVD"~ of, ISO i ~~,,<l~ ,,'U,I f"",d \<1 th~ Ri"lI, ISO i Au"d. willi 111111 muir f\lvol to th\! ['iug. l!ll; 1IIm.1, ... in~ .",1 .Ie III (h" i,lng, 310; '"nlllOUOICtl La th", Prlll~e'l ehrlitenillil. 3il!l1 (of tto" co"''''1l el Ih~ i'up:.


lIull", M_, II;.. III.

lip .. , 1 (11o';rI, .',"crtl.1"!,,, \ld,iIJ~uf. I~, :!::4. - - f... i~hl .,f I..,.,. w .....1 fr .. m, ~G; Irc, .. I"'''lll,1 ;".!.~: "u" '~"8'" frum, !!IT.!; Ii.i"l:'.oif...--;".: ill It 1,.."",1"""

"n'Il', urr."'I1i"

I h,' f'~""'''' of. Il"J"'IIIC"h to,:!ui, .'\G.i: hi. li~ mUll, '.!!IO.
1~:"1i ~,.

bs1ll. Sir


"II'nt',. III, !",puenL to tht, OOntlll"" "I, 11l.~. 1':0..1"''''1:10 (t:"crnKrj, I.. mls of, 21". ~:.ccl<'l (I':""lill, John. colUl'l"'lliuI) wid" D,2IU, ~~chlh', 1a1l,1~ of, Z';, ~"1. Echl, ,1"10,, rur ..... 01, :?:r._ ',AbA_d<.-, IU"[jI, !I,ll 1':,IIl"r( I';'I:_:ul'j, 1'1I01l.;U, Il;J..r, 1'~yll"'II1' [)ulIlop, uliUf 111111110411, Innd. of, 1 r td, I;), I;';, ~'I, III~. :t2~. :tb! I d"thl"<1 __ C"",UlIli'>i!, of thaI ilk, II f\>l', 1111, ~"3; drillk.;h~,' I" II;' ..... 'anU. !kil, III, ho"" h'r~ fnr dn., __ ,John, In' key ,0 th" "'lId bight, I, I II. ~: Ihu King 1'!.1y' \,o"'\s ,,,th, l\t Lilllithgow, xn,', 3!l"~; IICnt Ioeyolld 1':'IIl~tIo\O"II. 1~1I"-' of, :::Il. 1'~Ii"hur8h, ~"i, nli, nill, U, ,,~H, xxIii, L lI Olllh, 412, ]);lY"K'nt 10, 410. bo xn;, ~ni;i, :,,~, ~,~l, ~'t;,, I)u."lophili, In"d, 01, I!>. XHV, "t), 01, I~, I~ I. 14~, I~\!, lJu"mmn,r, b"tlq uf, ~IJ; 10"" 01. !!IO: liI~, liill, ]M, IG;:!, ;!II, ~S!l, :l~~, ~:,O, bcol'uuy ul, !!,12. :1~,Il, :1:,;, :1M, :1:1 !Ii.i, .1711, St13, 1111, Dllnolt.ar, ~I\tt.nk. 14lrollcr, lenl I"",", 11:.', III; .11". In, 1;;,;\1: nhll.tu 111l' ' OS Id"" ~, .'!J, 01. j;!. ;~, ;!~~, :t-;!l, 1)",,.uo.fTnO\jJo (D1I".uofTillgil), Kin,,', 1001 ~""'I,I". 1 10" I\h~k }'ri"\'" "r. Il~, Ii,. ... tcnaentlo, I.'IO. tiO, ~,j, ~-u.' .In. I" ~h~ I; .. y Fri'" .nI, !>una)'...., IDu,,.},,,.). Lh~ King dille ~I. j~; '-''''~l_iliomo a1 .100 ,,},-e ..I.!l, II, nile ,,,,,,-king, :ui. Is.., ;III, ::I~, :!"!I ; '~p" ...." .. f 11ot" (.... I. II Ikml...".,lll (IItuulreilbl, '''-0 """,ro uf, 1,,,li,, ay"" "f, !~.!, II"",,, "h"";,,~ " . lorin; curd. ",''' I,glln to lbe: Ail'g, ]:.';; 'amA,c:'I' ,f t"b~I>c1 lurtlilurc t ... I.",;. 1:11, II.i:J, d .... ,I the' ~ud,ul'l \(I AOI,I __ \\"111i~ul t;,I", ..". 101, of, 2 1, ~
]':.0..11, llot,

IIr,,"' "I,




"r. . .



Iron 13!!, 17S: ,h of rtlf\Cl'II from, F.ui ll bn'"llh, tho officinl of, 1>l)"lnc,)! to hi. H:!; <II), of 1\11 .. 0,,,1 to,,~l. l rom, 149; IICn-ant.s, 207. <10. of .ih..,. fWIIl, UO; ,In of th~ __ pm ....1 of, Alex~l1<1cr La ",ler, poy. ,,,e,,t.,s \0. I:i-I. :!n~, ;)0\, 3..~; Ie-ttel'll Q" .... ,,'.l>aZl:1Il. to an'\ fr'"ll, 1;,3, 171, .... 4(); : ,\0. of J,lb ... eII from, IO:!, 1G:l: tlo. to Ihe King fr""., 1;;5. ollh~ l\ing'~ doLh .... from, IG-:; '\0. of __ .ho";!T 01, Jl"ymcllU by, 3, 2 12rnl'ari"o". V), Ii I: do. Ilf RCI'M Iu RII11 - - .hcriffilom of, 2,;, 2".n 'Mm, 181, :"IIn: do. of Iba Kins" ~~,l m on~t"" If:'lmnnBt,,, ,,,, ~~I n, onlltou" , 8tlm"'''\810lluj, n;lbcr~. 1'1)" rnollU! In. I",rnc" to, 30,: King'_ bod tok!'fl from W, 00: bello 1"'"o:h1 from, 26;. Folk",,,d to, 13J: t".~ for c~itiou I~ Dcllomrk collcdell fron, I:;IS; - - J lICoh, kl'llllo\mnll. 1'~y mell~ to, IGI, WI. l ti7, 168, 2fI!l, 310, 314, S 18, Idlel'll to the Qu~n Relit to, " 15; 3.)3, 367; clothing for, 100, 11 3, :l()~ . Qlccn's UO"ry L"lUllht to, frem CoM iughrn, l1iJ; 1l1l1cuII",tle ""ilL \0, 168: - - JnIUCO\, !lel)(h L roe ~o the King , 189. f I],e Dutd, ,Ioi.!tor tent to, lOll; hone __ "'illin"" D [lnn t ...... lb, 2 1, 2"2.,;. him to 0"'\ from, 11\), 1, 4, :l.'lO,3.17, __ W illinm, sends 8Il~cn rOCll to Ibe King, 101 ; n1cA!euscrllel,t to, for hnrt.' 31i, 3;;8, 3,11, 100; Ki"g'scluolk folci,od hon,", &c., 38.5; r~ nition. of Meu fmm Stirling ,n, l SI : payment \0 1'IJ:""'8 of, 1001 IrishOlen tilt!'.n to,~; teitb ""n~ to, 100; Beud s II hart to t be l'ltrick Heriot, hnrl."I'SII of, 230; French Kit'g, 412kni g ht '. cxpen_ nt, 3,j$: ar!lon Edmmlll, i-:ngli.hIl3n, po.y ,"e,,~ I", 360. Il1Cwicd in. 3G~: In\coHe!'l!I >.Cln 10. &\wo ruoon. Oeoqe, pnylUcn ~ \.0, 184, 3(.8; n ~1 Lron1;bl from !'ethlca 10, 186, 103. 376; Ih~ laird, neM, '~m"'ouc<l 10 F.el8 hrough t to tl .. king, xx, 157, 39"2n!loct the I'ope'. 8moo._,]or, 3Ti; n EgimOll, 11111'" of, 236. nllll'O hrong ht from Stirlins 10, SS3; "Sypli"".. &. GJ'p8;eo. I:<Irrin:;e of I~willona 10, SS,l; hrt.s' ElCl\nor ( "~I~"orj, MiBI"""", cii, ,Inmnsk pillow for, t l : ohceh of 13crtn.nc fo,', horn. bl'<U'SI1I 10, f,'Om 1'ullil<>ruinc, 100; I'''YDl<lnls 10, I G ,"J2.j; a. ehtiill il, 31;:;; huck senl 10, frOm Stil']i~S' 385; 10, T01'~ 1'(',,\ to Iho Kn'll nl, 100. of gold gil",," t o, 360. ~:tIinh"f'.:I" Cvllu of, 111Icg~<1 i.' IIM""n i':lgin, :n:r, u:r\"li; con'J>OI'itioll o~ .. ytc of, S: olm' in, (i6: do.. to m uck III"'" 01 1)0"111<1 Ij"hh in, luxii: Kin!;," o[eMu),,,, 11\ St. :'Inrgnrct'.chnpel ill the, I'rb ... of, 66; <10. to fri::. ... of, un, 75, 2!l1: r~'\dy }.lnrll'll'e~, the ~!; In:< fo. exJlll<! ition to Dc1,. I\jnll'. <1l1nghlcr, in tile, I~xx", !):l, ro, ma"k collected from, ISS ; clothe. for SprminrJ.a \).;oug ht ;u, 3 U ; II hat IU, 17n, 178, :lQ{I, 361: Cll.ringe 01 g~l\lI 3",1 nmm'mition 10 nn 1 from, 1,n rclllw:llll",:loU 1 "")'mo,,t to "'<mLCn l.Jii, lu~i, I ~ I, I I:!,:!!XI, '20:1,~, 408; "inS;"g III, :l lli; hol"liO hi TO from, 34:;. Sir l'Iltri.k Crichton, CI\]>liIin "t, 1/;;, __ Bheriffilom oi, MailLe of eITW 'U UL mOlle,l jn, 1:i9. :11; c.uriA::" 01 I~..,.ilion fr."", ISS: 10"";"1:0'0 of Ih" CII I",o'lT<l 1'1 na,l frolll, t-:1;IIv""L, lnnd. of, Hi. 1'9, :\:\01, :1111, ~~; drin k&.1\"(r t.o IWoUt"", ""iii ; I"ymenl to u h~rl'er nt, If>!!; Mn,;a Huchnonn n ""nl to, 100; " .. ,kmen in, '.!I~I; do. to lcntlnlkcl'll ,", :~.'l; dryin" gunl",,.-,Icr ill , ,13'l ; KiI,S's olfcrillg in t he now collette ,,,\l1lo-ry la k~" I,,,,n, :\9..;. or, G:!.

)0)" ,11('110,

1 'r!III'<,"", "r OrIn""..... :1(' Intl.l, <If, H1 1::11,1 ,;"""", .\1' ,,\I.k"... ,",.... "f tl"

Willi.:"" \It>rfu... nu. !lIS: '11"""u S<"1,"I'J.... ~". 31" 1, :/ij!l: }-;,Im",,,l "n, ...


('1"lhlllll f...., II~\ ":"~lr'l, " I .....Yn'~"1 t .. \\'~I) II... , I:.;. 2.'.~, :10:1. :10 1 : l'''yn",m.alo. Itt!, :1~oj. __ .1,,1011, 2i. I~I"T ,.-,Ih tl,o d"~,c, [I-'Y""'''I I.. __ W!l1 ;nm, 1 :;,h~[I of ,\litl""'CII, 11,,. l'~l. "",tit"f, 1,211: '~~1" nc('<m"l_. :!I". E,,,, " I, ();""...-l,), Lh. hi,,] .. f. 1'('",1. ):1.0"", ,UI, I",r' "~."'I f .... tbo K',,~. :1"'" h.l .. , Lo th .. l'i,,;;. 1:1;: "" "I... :,"11",,1,1 1,,;: \1'1'I>"""rin:;), ribt..,,". a"d ,, 1<>lh. Ki"~ :roll. tI ,",",d 1 1....;_ 0f', P"l. rkill l'~ .... Ib.. ~u;ii ):nllrro~ lefy !t,ro"~"'ry), ~ h1>crll"d" 01. t:I"14L~ny ,ll,h~I).t.~). Kin;'. ,",-r' , ' ' ' . ~: ",-,0 "r. Ihe King'. a/f~ri 'i> M til<- C...... LI,,. ~; . :ult'","1 !.""-r:lnl) rin&:. "", 117. E nGl~n, l , Ihe t' ing of_ .~, 1I~"ry \'1' ~:""inc (enny,,!;i_] for II,,, ....'" fY>~'nl, __ QII""n of. t'inl:'~ oR'orillg at ... ,~l 411 f"r Ill .. Q"...",o SO""II, U, ~'r'f.): f',r m ~ .. of t h~. toll, j O. tdmntlllil" il"lnl. H, fr.r I",ing. 4;. --('h.lIe"b'\' 10 knighl. ill, xln: IJ\.11t :'!j':'!: r". II ",,11"1'. :'.'IH. ~; f",.JL~''1I of Iht K lnll" Ilrl!, ['" ""IIIu..:o1 in. S"J: of" g0,,"II, ~'tJ.l; Inr" btmnt!t, ~16: I". " m llcnrRnllu" '0, 11:1, \j(l. Ihe Pllno "r n ,""UC. :)7_1. IIl I : hRWI. "1'(I"l:lh~ froll1. to tlrv f:rn')'t, Ihe K'";:,., ~filll.n f".tllI" fur. 2,;4. K ing, ' ~ I I \\'11l1~", ~lorll/lm ....,.,~ to. 1U ; nile !$illcln Jr .... n~ l<l. 14:.; n,,"1;~ ":'"('<.""'g, IlI\ym~n to 11 HInt! lit. IH: I:.r.nl ,,'<lei to. ItoO: klt.',. Imlll I". 111\.)""""1 lB. 1h~ Killg. I(WIgillg lit, 147; coITo"," ... r, I.}:!: .\lr \\'.ll~r (111;10')' I\(I~' ,I"~ III 10 k"'p"r of hllwk. 11\, :ISS. Jl('IIt In. 1Gl i Iho hropd. ... r ...,,1 10, r , g,,,,,I. Ih. \l~.h"t .r,:!I>.~' .. hi. "Ifd. I,ll; II~""'.' eo1lTl",l Ih .... Ullh, I:...d, dnr.haJr, "lY",ent to II"., l!Iob I jll; Ihllul"., of II", CnIlc.. Kirk "" ,h . l'l hi. ""', l!lll: ....... 1". hD'I' !:;tlr-ling, Il'M'III", Ij!l: Ib~ ",.... g:rMt "'''f,,,I,.;I'' Ir~lh'."r, ;1,;,. nf. U "F"I, 1111 ; nrtinl ,,' the 1\1"1( of --I)'",,,,. Ink"""., dl!t!rj"K f, .... ;!0!1 CutUol l,u,.. nh4nl Irom.I ....~; l,il~rlr"" g ....I",,,'"', I"')',"~"l' LQ. I:I:?, 1,j2, l/lli~" 01. I"'YII,e!!! In. 1~1:11 "'b;l~ ,lnmn-k "I. ~I[r"ng to ):Oli"I"'1"I':I,. :..'110. 2.jS; lelh-ro 10'''''111,110 Ih~ ";nJl h~ C," ,,1, II,'"olr.l, pal""'''' La at!. HI:!, l'n ,.. "hn lit Ql. !l.; I ; th.. K ;"11 "r. """'''''01 l'~'"lhm,",', IIln,l. nl"! lrnn"")' or, 1~1. :!::!4. " I 111)' l l',~l I'ri",~'. birth, :11111 i f'ifr I:",~h". II". \1.1.",r 01. ""n,1I ~ 10",." tn J nmoa Col'" goetI 10 Fln,,,lor~ rj.,. Lh, Kin,. :II\~. 4 11l. th, "k~r "f, \10- A ....hl!,~M Cr.",. ~:nl:lI." CIItI,I). l"'.rn".,.,1 1,\. ,~~. 4"!\. fa .. l. 1t'<>"'I~"'lli"n "itb, ] I. __ lri". , II ",,1,,1 rur ~", n... Kr'h. 1"",.1 "f. ::!OIl. __ "..-,. !:,. C.,. ... h. ~:...hiln',""'.1J",I, Dr. ~'r!t _ _ _ [.:,,11,-. P'" of ,chCI. ~t"', 10,\, ~:"l.lrl,', .I.m''''>'','rlnr- ,nl h .. I . ,. Ill ....k 1.n.ly,











III. .:t[oerana Il,p II'I:'C ~f. F'.nglishm"n.fUrQ'C1'~ 10 "", 11..'S. 10;;;;\ h.l:'~

Ii' .. IOU""",ImI,
I.,r .in,l:' 10



for b.in~i"g

"'~It.lx, It I : f"Ioo"Si .."" toliO. :1.1:1:


~:'IIA,,,I I~""I., ;!!III. ~,.

Iht 1"",.1. Im... Lit]. :l'Jl.

1'4'1011 ..... 1.>"'10 ..1.2:'1.1. ":.. ch.:uiOl {.....:ri.t}, cnrri.~ 01 the, 139.
1;S, a.:;o ; II, lor I he LodJ K;, k 01 K_'Ie,

E.-ell00ng, mOlM',- K;, .. n 10 It.. }\,nt; .1 U;,.

F:t~hcoIDCr 1n.~kJ."rl, o.'l~"~

of .~,,,Iinll

01 Ih~. II I .: coudel'S II:nl out 'IIL1lb ,10... IOJ. OUI


__ the LordI 01, onler f'l\rme,,~ 10 " Imrper, 1i>6. K,:K:ul.CIr:I "f P~lrick Redb~nd'. p;iLymen~ \0 lite. J.:iI}. EJ1!nlo~lh

(Aym ,ulh), I"";,htollimn&,,d thobet-Io, ~

for I~ .,..,..k II', :!'l , !!II.;, 298: F llnnd llOILnl. for, l!3: !;In ... lor. 113, .... 1>..1,200,3,'..1: _I milling in. S7 : ..... r,.r,;';: .\In, L"ell for ,a, J ~.': 1"IIlI'" 1,,1 ~"I f .. I", 1M: Ki,,~ 1,ln)," e.nI. ai, I:h: clrink.i1vrr "lid 1~\)'Lnr"l~ ,<> 1Il~"""', d .... ai, 13!1, 1 6~ , l;fI, 18(1: ,John ~I eth "en of, 1:;0; I",Ynltlll. to ~nI""er of, 156, 1&1, l i :I, 3-19; JI.. ym.,.,~ to , Ad(lI~r 111,1&1; clo, to Ihen ...... in, HH , 171); jlBrkgatelmendcd, 16 1; tIIpture 01 deer III, "qd ~rn.o'O of M-mc. xxi", 171 , I,:!, 1~1, ms. 31S, 3;;6, 3G2, 4t O, Ill ,


F.lllwnnTII (F.lrpTth), .\liohnel IJ'KliIlY

01. '!:J(l. ",llrHO,John, OOflIj"';lion wilh, I!:!, !:!-~; I,,"Y-III '0 1);".;,] 1)0::0.1011'. nlU'W ill, c.. h.'~~ol.ll. __ (in,';", 12, !:!'.!:!. FDI'luboILr, John , knlgbt of G.. cldn.. F~""h,lI (l'ftuiobi11) .Iobnllorruy 01. 7. t'dcon, II I~retl of,:t33.. Ixxn". F.,\cooer, {'C<lf"'","", of Iblkirtoun. 00", ~'~ruooun , """king of &, SI. ~.rotltla, ,'Mil... , p ymM~ tOIl hi .... ir~ ... "",iboll "'ilh. :!:l:!. fGr the .hlp IIwk, Sa. t.. I...."" .... pay"'""" 10, 131. Iroll, 161, 19.1, IIli, 1'\0.186. 1$,. 19.;. 2fI'.!, :.'00, l.'ftmymo,m, 1",,<1. of, :!:I I. :13"2,!l33, :J3.i, 3.10, :\JI, 3;03,3.-'7, 3j(l. F""'luh"., Joh .. , l"'llMll~ 10, OI' gain.: 10 Fran('e, ]:!l, 307. 3IlS, 3,3, 3.4, 3;6, 3~" ;'18.;, :;,j, 3.~'!, :19:1, :I!l~. :I!I!l.4-00, 104, .. (IS. Fut~t1e, Sir Pnlrick Home of, II , !:!-11. .fll, ~ I:!, ~13, 4H, .fl'::;.: Ii". lor, S:.."'{l; Fuum'~ t;~n. lilting "mct,-<I G , IL "-'or, :11,;,: h""" hi.., lor, II:!. u,,;.:; II-eapoO' 10f' 110.. jO'l>ling ai, ~,.IOOLI., 4;"'''), carri,,~'e' Gf, lrom r~];n I!>:!, 183. hurgb C."II~. bhi, ]41, II!, :)J.1j ~'/Llhak, l'IOOber, IMIIL~ lroo! '),"'OHU, "mmuni""" for, 2O:l. 1',,1tI 01 n'3il, ('IIm'no for~, 2jO, ~'j\"I(>, J olll!, oIllu~ Ilk, 2:l . 'alkirk (t'~ ... kl'rkl Im. \0 rn .... l. in, Fawu;., bom. of, ';!3(l. :.~, ;!!).!; I"YI>lt'nl fur Kln;(. ,,", .....1,. 1"c3~he ... J.,c.u, '.!Iii. '!j I, 2j ;,. III<UlllI,I:t1,IOII. ~'~~lh~1'S lor c",bkJu,., 270: 1 11M: 0f' r"n,J""tl (~-~\lk\t",I\, ni, nil, In', l'ti,~.. euollion, 214 : ~n "'k, _'alit nXn, 11i" 1111, tn, 41:!, -Ill, JU; far, lboot hh'lfl "/f,'ri,,s in ,10" L.>tly Ch"I'''' t'~'CI,ly W~",LUy, ~'i<-"ly), I~I"I. of, ';!".!, I.--~I~ .'i!J: ,tn. \" Ih" CI~'I"'] "r 11K ~:!, .'/.', :!'~'tI. II ,111..,.,,\,. 109, ~'!lll "In... to.t..: I... ~l. ~"'lIt of lha QUOO'II ... II Woi, :ll6. ~ S, ~!I. tt. ~l; 1,,," f<ll', ;':!, 100}'rue,,\.' F~nl ..", ,I"bll.;, 21;.: abuglla.... of, 31).


4 11. ~ ].;: 1.oulhlllllll' deer lold in, Jjt ; 10J. Impl>er] in Ihe IlArk of, hii, IiI.: Joer 11<'1. 11:,,1 t.o, li I; ~::'rI of Arg) Ic'. tI.,lJr.rr IK'lIt t<'>, l3!l: peArl fro,.. , 3.'lii, 3.i!l; Kinj;'~ ll1"retl broughl from, 3s:! .:



fnll.oll, (;'''1)1(:, (lOInJNM,lIon WIlh, Is..



tho 1...ilic of, I"'l-mcol to bi, mell,

F"'lt'I'(oU", )..",,1, <of, ~I. F,")'''''''', 1"')'110"" Ill. ,II l',."I", ... kent"'lh, lili, :..~'I, :~"', :If)~, :t.-.!, 1'";, ~II ; of nu",I""\",,, l'~", "I si"'Y, IGI;, 17:t s..~ ,.1100 I~"l""". ~\'Ty, J~,,,, d, '. f".-ritol' 1.0 lh .. IJ"'" II,. ,10101 I~,I I.(>, 1'l.1 i I"Jm<"II" \'. :..'W. :!G!l. h .M...... , Il.IY'H."t l>" 130, I;,~. I5'J, 11>1, IW, I~, 100, 11:13, 1!)O1. :tl'l. ~;". n."ko (11:0. ,no, of .. hc" :II .11" .,\ 3Gll, To3, 37.', :l!'.l, WI. \:IA'" WI. 1')1 i '10" rn h t,id.1 rfrikl). Uo".II"S IN.). I.. I.",~I",:II ... for ", I'ri' '~ for Ih,. ~, I,e"pl"', Il'u],-;.., .. f ,... IO~ . -r.l3: I." \ I.. "" fur Ih .., :\!l.i ~1, ",Ins (r4-,,,!,,. n~n'~l'I:) . ,:""" ", ,\ {lifo, In fur ~~IIl',lIll(L1) to 1I""lL""~ Klhllaloom, ,,,nl{,,,,,il"lI1 1I~lh, ",,ml;. eo!l Il(>te<1 fr"m, 1;1,';, n. f.,,,~'r .. nllo, I, ~I,'I; ~.d,,-alo/.:IO. with not" I()H! w"IlUl! \0 ,,,~,iUl'L"" "I, __ Willl!!.n', 01 11~tn>ch..l.n, ctllIIl~"ill"" %;11 oompmlllon! owing /roOl Ib~ \I~lh, 2:J2. uyro of, I, :!14. __ l.orll, I~'r",cul \., hill ..,,,I"'''II<,r, _ _ 'he .hunO" of, ,nymoll\ !>y, '.!t:!; ~)lXI, u .... , ;(11), :17.;, ,100, 41).1: lIi"~' n m OlllOD~'~" .~1Il t.o,:k>U, ,lOS, hol'M In Ih@ King,!I.1Il. k'i mihom, tbe, Ifn. ~I,ml.h n..ll1, dnlhin<l for .1, 3:.1;1. l'hIlJln.I~r (F;n{~I~rJ, 1.1I,d. 01, I~. n'..I~,r 10.-11 ,at',1 'YIII""U h\l, II'~I. FillB"'r. for tlie Kino;"l !l11l..... ~. ;I!II 107. 1 ...I\{"ry, 1 'i 11",1. "r, 0, ;;:), :?W, i'li,k, \1.\\"1<1 :'>'''"'''' 1"<" 'ar of. !I. :?27 f'i~h hn>ll.bl'" ,he KllIg, 100, !l.;i, :t!)I, nl ~,,,l11all", 1,.,,,1 <>1. I~. ~.. , ~~_ 4oo, 4f)(1. .'<c I,ke.. , t'k. k"rll kl.i.) r", a h3m<:'DII,,"II~, 1M. Hlher fl-'i<dl~n:), I)'",id, 2~u. nU",-n",', Vlff,,y "I, f", tho I'rhl"o'a _ _ G,,,,rg~, 240. ..,~,II,,", :!72. - - J ol"" 24(). I n"ur. :110. Fillo~ra, Imym~"U 1<>, 1:2;t!. ISU, 3iG I "f' FI"",,r.(lIullri.1 h'r II", """r Il'iUhlj,h"l, 8tl"~lbhoglo, ]70: of Bueli""AlI, W.;. !!,1~, 20!l1 111, 't<"<' "f, I_""'e, 3!l1. Fildlnll" ClIII",,". t,,,'S I of AI",,I''II. ,..lmIIlY, Llnd."r. j, 217. ~Illp()",tl,," 1\l1],,:?fI. r'XMI, ,\k"""Io'r, ]"",,,,,,11 I' II~. t-1"1f, lhe . r"n\", K;n~ .hil' li,l<''' ,,.it,, I~I, I~.;, :;~j, 1"1, """'-A", ~'tI1. _ - Quto,!j", d, lloiu, f"',!II, 'Y.l, III::, 1'1;o.",jr,' Io'II<"Tlo 11... 1..."I,gt"'c"lOI""f, Hi.. 113. Ill,. ~'. ~.;, :114. :\I~I, ;L,~, luii; nlo"C~ 01 h,,,,,,,IIo>J~"'n'c F.u. ~IJ\ :;0 hire fur,. 3, l'l3"111~1 0, 001"1,11,,,".;; <,bi" u('kl~I""'ilo\ ;n,I...... , &31,;u. 3Oii, Inii, ~.;; " eolfll I""'gllt in, !l.'i: J,,'," \\'!Ii I. .. , ... 1'-", ~, 1U~rehamc><",n ... nt tol, 13G: IIILY"""'\ 1'")"Il10

..,,1, I. "'l-!Iol "'. dl~. :!.',r" ~Il. ?OI 110" ,loll, '.>6, :"~"'; "'1'" r4.:...oal; '" ,. Ih .'.J", r ... ., (l,u 't' .,... " . ~~; .1' ,,[ c;-. I'n 'II '''I :III: ,h n"i'"u,,,,,.U" ,t ,.:11';: .iI ... , 1,I~w "wi,: "', $1,< ll" fut l},o~h;I' 1,"'''111 In, hi~, :1;,. It ~t 'row, Ii,', :1;'1, ~r,,' Io':L ""'.MI~I'l f ........, n I; lr.J3,,,,.l,,( "'''11''; IW. ' 1'1.. ,,,1,"'. Ib" lh1l:e of, I'nym"'" )1 1"'",III'g II"mJ ' '. 3:;-

.,1'1 , '""




~ nmll

ill, for i"",,I;og 111""\,





fuut, eo"er, cu. , for I, :!;J,. Foml)'lI , Joln., of tho IIl",lrubc.>, :tS, H , Foc.l, 1~~Ylllllllt to I, :/G,~, ~OII ~ _ t lor n, ~ 9,.:.:!, I ,:!, 197. 266. :!68; 1~~)"IeU'" .'11', I.... tH, U'i, 149, 150, l :t.!, lS I, 15J, 162. 100, \,1'1, lbO, l SI, Hr..~, 2ll7, f\",IIllllDli.' 01 I btl! , 1"lh, Io;! F""uu~ .. (Cui .lon,I.,,) ." Ilia l'"" ..!. Vo, :l.I!l, :l.r~, :\11, :\,',7, 36:!, 3G:l, 3;"11, I"Y"" 1<>, Ij L J;~, 3blI, ~I. ~OI, ~11Il, -iU7, 413, 416 1 F.."twoct.. ',. SIIteta. Ilulhi"II'"'' 107,!IO.i,3;!3; b_for, F...-I_. CIu"l.IoU>, .-il.' " n>.inean rut!.., XII, .; 1. ~ II ; ~ .. I . 1000U.lather lor 1(1, ~ th. 1\'''1.3(10. __ l.onl, prinoOpo.l ~r (II , .... - - Sir J,obn, of I"knrarloC', _'-;t!on ''''!I\ly (>1 ,,'*'1_. Kh.,'.loll.a'..ml with, ~1. \", 1:J3; I-y-'I loy. :.!H. --Itobert, d(All of Glut;ow. R<l~ to __ U"_,, IIC." .... t.ic)o with, 16, 2.,..,. ~, ....... k, IU'"i, 361 ; gi .... " doaMat __ JII""'t, ~..,. IJ fI"\,,,.,t I ionloan of to tlie .. ing. 4~


l'lrv..mllj, ...... 8.

- - Julon. CII"' .... nion

1......... xu; 1

wilh, II. - - - - oJ DnI~. ().Wj,,-ilion "il.h.:!!, 22G,!!3.1. - - - - til F,d'l, eoml_ltoII ..... Ib,

- - of Pil.lligo. com[>O&iholl ..~lb.


__ 1'~lrkk. ('<'11'1'001110)1, wilh, 21. 2:!:1. - - Willln"" 1000J'm. III~ hy, 26, :!::I,:!'!I, 32. - - - - 011'0111., comjlOiilion "'ilh, I I. Forclgu cou .. lrici. nla,;' of th' St-otll.h Conr~" ilh. lu-huii, "r, 232. F",,, " Th"lII~ ....J"I<'t1U!G. 82,83, iH __ Ialllb uf, 2.'e. ~\" ,-.a.,.-. Alc.~.~ 10 f, "l.ii""lioll loy. :!. "owl, "ilol. "",,,,bt 10 11... Kinll, I:e. - - ..I I~I"""", p-'y",.,,1 I ,~. i,'.,,,Ie.. Wo""". ~'IIL,r), Thom31. tailor, - ", l:\en,l"b&, l"lnoc~~10 Iii<" 3."8. 30. ~I ; drinksih .. 10. 1 3~_ - _ 11 ...',"',,,( !.I,rb"" l"y..,.,.,lotu.:!(\I. __ WII1I3.... ~pothllC.1.ry (polu.""ir). :;..." "", II, ~Il. I 1>.1,111''''1.11''. !is, 2OJ, ~ ron-I, Th'~nu, !.. ~I~:siln. IC, l;n, un, ~C.. ItH (,,",IH), ~J'mcull 10. 14:;. U6, lSi, 389, ;n;. ""I ; I"'Y'" nt 10, 4110. l ilLi, 167, 16$, I;~. IliO .0(1, ~. f .. r...... j,eriifof. P'lr-IA loy. !I, ::!I:,t r.~_ (1,.IoIi_1. .. ~\&11) lor 1<ill;"08, hii, - - ."'"ifl<I,,,,, oI,..,.nl '" 1..1. in,:!:I1 171, ... ,,~ t.) 1100 Killg, W8. tu fur, L t ,1).,.._rkeoJI",.to:l Yr:o ..., I,,,,lo"rp fluln, h'iii, 1-43; KI",'I ft,.n, US. - . : t r m,1 t .... 33.'l. ..hiot!< _Ie ill, II; dotJ,of,~!); Johu - - Kill'" leU.,n ... ,1 "', 3-17. C""I.hll'" (ala I"<otla) 11'* 10, liS, :.\l3, ~', ''11 '" "III KIDI:!},. '''wk'I!''''r 10 Ih.. ';!'(ld I .-\&11'C'''' SI(.'lrt """ 1<1, 116, '..'U3, I .... I~'I, !lIB. To';: 'UI ~rm''''l'C'r got frorq, I~; r 1"'.... ,0;.-.: ~I"my, lli.!r,,1' ~"i''C "I l!a.. liil'll'._r in, IH ; J .. I," .I~ 0."111111;' u.:1...u f .... 163;

till lor n.pOOlt;'" \0 Den. IIW'k 0:011.0<1.1 from, 135: ..;~ of f'rmr ''''lImo~ 1ft IhI IMtilLJo1II of, 1:i9; .. IIII~ III, 2!:1:!; u~ of Iho !" .... ni.m'. Ill, 3.14, Funyth , W,lI~, thea Qu_II', ~r''J.nI. 1,"}mea.IU t()., 193, 406; clothi", loll', XI6. furth, la.ulaon lbo-.lh of I h~. 23, ~; 1)'1";,1 TCIAJlihllo'" N:IlI nort h o( lhe, 410; Julin Des 1.ai",,_lb from Ihe, wilh '''tI~n ol Plill" ~II. 1'.,,,1,,,,,,,, (},wl,,-oldo), Robert &:,01 )10



II."" .\

unnlol A,..I"...- "'!o."n._ frr. ..,
101 . AIM S""_rt <I l'lo.:;. ._ _ 1 In, Ii:! 1 ""1' J"IO"'Ia ....1 In, 1><'1; .J.~'" n....... c.l I..",to ... ,! I., .Itl 1_ 'IIII_l af 1'.d,I"" ~.!; ,.ttt..... '. . . . I.". 1.1, '11'); ""~"., - " l I""'........, Fl4ll<1,'n .",1. ~';ill "'rrin; -.1 h.,I", ~~ID... for ... lne., r.t; JIIII.....ip.t. 1'" fl"<llll,. ""'~'; I 4 tvnlJ ....lvrf>f.~, .. _ _ I .... t ..... L111.100 of ,\II_y .., In,

I",), ,',.,.
~7. 't):,.~ '1.

M'I, II~. U:.,

":1. 2:J).

1",,.....1 "" tn.1.

.-... '-I.



~; ... rlod" .... "'" jou""II~_'1 to. liW. '"'liacof"'~.3'j:!:I"'_I ...... IJ .... to. 171; \\",11_ YOQI.rt fIUI'I VI, Tol. no,~l. tbe bo), .r- til. !jl, 1:hJo. _It.. ...mainll~ (1..,,11"'.>1 __ 1<1, _ Ii, ,.2'j.\. nIli,:I7I; thoro ~ 01. ~J-- to IlIte .trlll,..:::tI.. J"II.... h ... ' 01. ~; """'"" ....." I'~ l!lI5; f"'_.f1'WI.....1I"d J""" \ ..lnall. 1:111; d.,...rtur-o of tb<o ~r.:n.:b .... ~MI:III.II ),;, 1"CI"..r Ib, "'III....... ' 1oorM. Tol 1<> " I". J"'IJ, ...I t .... Ibll (llrne I" I"I'!, I..... F .. nd., Jolon, In. cU, 39. 41 ; I"....'''..... f'",,,tb 4Udl". ,110, l"p"cnu I", #.I. Jl:it;

)'. Ib,. :l1:l A"t"- 1,.\,.. 1;"'""" '" ",I II' I "' '1:1 r. ~II. 4 I ,10 ... 1,!Rlc NtOOII. 11&3 p<y.... .1&" ,.......ulllil... '.latr 1It,11 :!till ,~""' ' h , :1 .... 1 ... hi Jt.t.~1 ...... 3W, ......... Ju tIGlII" _ IIL'II ~Q"" I... I ""."'-:or 'JI. ~ &. a!.oo:o I" A, 1.

lie. I 31, b!atI,I. 1'"

lrom, 311, ~ ,301 : l"'l"tUCIIl"(I, .'IIl\.1,

11).1, 1$, Ziti, 3.fB; lillian rin;;.



__ ... billl'f. t .... J,',;!, home li8; bo.,"" \..uu~t.t (or. liO; ~I ... St, r.uer, ;00:. to) f'.a;I".,I, 1;9\ Il'" t.o. nuorlwo. '"ria.n, I,a) IIOCI,!' 10 AI-okwD. fA; A ,r.



r.S:\w,..,.ho,,,.lInt'noncl!m .. ,.ud
27D,3'!3: brill" home 'I;"~ tl~ ""'rl",.... ~ l: ID

00. II:!, '!!O. :?l1.:!!t2, r ........... !!,II;

"0)11'_ to





t',.,.., .. ~n>'tI'DI C''''''' l!'.


'ra_ fFRlUM, ff1!lJ\" F,_, rri 11)

AI ....""<I" I"'ra- .>1 Litolilto..,.... 01IIII-

1_'h'."illi,!!3.J; p<lY'_thf.2Il. - - A... I.... ". or ~:anl"'.. CIOOI. G. 2Ul. - - Ja_. llll,..,,",~ 1< U)7; I, ..,. a h.... k 10 tho "i.;:, - - M"'I;tI"", ",,1,0( (~ Lo. Ii"


- - " , _ """I, of [":'I'4I,:!:IlI, __ !"Ir WiU ......, .. 11,,_~ _~ ,,ilh, l!l
r~ 17 FIUI<" ~.-rer. 1"') 1M'IItt. to , ..,

llIomII,i,., 61. m.~, Iliu GIl Gi, .","t'''I'J;I . CI. C'iI, r,;. ~.!, ; I. ~ I. ~.~. i!JI): .:! ..... e . .!'l!1 1:,,),401......,;1'11'.1.; :'"',H; Ion,, k,,,II1,,1o ~I. G;, lIS, &J. iI, ~.:. P3 '2'J1. 111...-..-, (,0. D.!i Inlh. t:t ii, i:!. ~"4.." 1, '1'JI ; I" 1n, , ~:I. Z!lO. 2!l11" J,\C".I.)". r.i, .J, \l''''IOh.,l., "lng""'~, Vlolt 'll<il.fI.;IoI, S" t.M'~. ~I. U"I.:I,.--. Col. 61.'.... z.t,1.,~, L<.1I'fM ... IiO, ~ Gj, 00, i:!, ~I :"<1 ...1t ~ til I r..rtl ~ 08: (,l_""": ny, GI, (,3. lli. \






(""""IId'" _' ....

... ..,; .... r_tlD ..b "'. 'II."lG.

Z:-'" I'."rtn"

1'1 AI .... , 71; tilI""'It, :Ii, 6l. 4l, ~ :1. ':':T. i3.,,!oU, ~I .. ~\I ~I , Tnll,I_, -5, \ ' . . . . . .3, ~ I. "'1<) $'I f..,.


11 of

Ie. .




tbllftonl,dofAn IIIt.v, I>l: '..-theoh,p'. ~rmyl. :!.}I; f..,. tu"',I.,.. ... Z'O: for IlI1lll_n. S!l: of ",011,,1, lI9: of l'iIlow., '.!i6. },I.,-k .ilk,!!JI: tit II""'", "I,it ... nd, .'" IU",L .'"'. I:hlll...,., and lIn" InT the ]''''ili",,_ ~~~I: 1')';0 fri.'c). W,lIlAn. M,,\,\rl1l\l of, ~ ....... ,,'11: "I, :!Ol: or ~ilk. :::0:.:, :!oli'l 2~,', _ I 1m II ...,\,U., '!ill: for UOlI fCflI _ . :!;-! I to, 110. hi"o,.', (;,u,.,."u..:\h")I)""1'! I~ L 'Uu1. "I, !?3!!. :r;s. (:.Jbmil.h ,t;,\Ilnth., Sir Thoo'III..,I;. Ki; }'ritoeoho.LI, .'''Nlne, ~, ::.0, Zil. .-]Olhing f, .... Q6; "",,-_tll<!, Ij~. 3U, m<lllC)' olch"'n'/ 10, i .. l'\llnoLn., ~ 3!l3; gold ,;1"tn to, for OOIlIlC'IS. ~It'., !I.l, ~<). :!;7. ZjI:L n1. y~ of I~ ... L "~I "et for, 2.:;1'1, ... C.U,"''''" .....1 for Ibt tll,.ml","_ I.W, 1'1'011,\.,11., 26,':, (hl1cry 1 h'I',-k., /",IIoII"g of II. 38 1. Fro hi, (t'rnrh,.l. Tnh" (:,...", .. f, 1(1, "~lft\l,.w, IlUwlaof, U. !!19. f:~n"wIlY, m_. . . ..,nl. 10, lG!'I, 1 ~7 : 1',,1"-' .~ (: ..J.lloi1. Idlen ...1Il t.t, 10-1; b,n,b Sm. fn>m. tv ....;aU ("" I po. ~Il, 2J.'l. 109: P~lo Sj,,<ia.ir If'" ln, 200; ..y . ur, J"'"" 1"'.1'. -&3. 1Dt0t l-CIa la' .... 01, 37,), .."",tIN 01 . - . I .. ", brougbt 10 the - - m.l",p oI.:rtii I.e ...... ba...kt Ind Kin~, m, 339. ha ..II: InNl-CIII ... };illf. I~'; I'<'nda loar .." ......., I"'s_nls 101' keeping I ..... RI cnI.'- 1.0 Ille K;nll, 1111 j brl, ik'1\ih'er SlirUn;;. Ill!). '20'2, :!'IG, 33(1, 3.'jJ, 36J, 10 h;~ 1Il..,n. 331 ; .'"lilomptey. too tho 3;!l; ,1 0.111 1I,lyrotlll, 20(1; 1.... '1.11"1. KLng, ,'fl2j 11"""1 It",,,,, In Iho King, "'_'ICIlIi.\, 3.>.1: .\IIy, rantA, AI"I ~b 3;1. IN', 2'1'2. 3....;. aas, m. -- AIl'%..",lt., I"'YIO<11II.O, '291. }'"mi.hh)tp lor Il.<r Kin,'. 2";1. - - lIob ..... 1", ~, ' "'~, 'um.,. '('1<._1'1. f',~-n'lnl .. I llo< !lot. L G3, Lsa, :!O'2. 363; c1od' ing for. Qu",,,'.. 3!1; l'.u~ Ir. Hill, "0 ~:n;;Lioll l los. 300. J(U Hilll; ~IUIoI,-L,t }'eTry, tboQu._'. - - R"OOrt, In,-"","" "" 13!l, 173, 3..iS, (oU !'t,.ry). zro, -110. }'un-itt.,: "I I"" no. '2G5, 268, 315. I;.' ..... )', M. ,\I"u",l.." 13. J'nrthhrlngh'lI of Cur.y, 1!l7; rn Jobn (;.,,';':11, IlQYltIont for, 20~, :1..17. M~ ... bllIttrtla", 38,q. (lard,,, , L,nd. of, 1\1, 2:H. FurtbN I.,.ouhhl '0 Ib, Killj.'.:t:r.J. (: .rd~, .. ,..., 1"''''''~''Uo Ie, (>, C<'llllbtrtU\nl , }\,.liAn, I:;, GI, lit:', III" llj,:!fI." 3!l1: of thp pro.-.... (>1 tJun,bclrwn, Z;I, 288, '. 301, 1111, ~~. 317. .t'\} I ,,' }'alkl","I, Int 31'1, 3.io6, :t~I, 1"1; I,., IJ.,.,. ..." . ~L. 20" JJO; ," 11"'"lu<o, IIU; '" UnhlJ,sow, for ",,,l,t.u. Wo!, 111. 3117, 1~,3!l'!lor I'luh,,~, 100.~, 331, :JJIS, .1'1, .1'~, :\1'1. 3::'11; 101",1.., :U,' 316, 3,(1, :J!lS, 10!l; 00., tloa ~'l'I!l'ICb, !Ill, :113; IT'lY, 111'1; ""1m),, 26l;' 130, 1:t1, l:lS, 100. (lo !,unl, I II, \V101l~, H; :\liLul, :.l~, 41), '{:"rio<h I""'''';''II,>!, f"I)'I.~1>'" 10, I!'!, ~'2, !i!, '.!,.~, ,!,:j, ~<O, :1'11; r,,,. II....'1 1_ ,Io..hldl, 9-1, II., 'l'\, fl'J. Ill, 110, (;.,.1 .. I I' ;lIrn,ko), L~ .. d "f, ~'!l. :111; r.. r " " ....... Iooalolel, ~"oI', ::,1 '1.1(~~rtlll" ) "r .. bit. "''''-1.1'. 2,j2. " .. I"" .... ~I: 1,,1' AI Itbrl.lr.i.nt,ll>(!I,;,,' . ',:t!.











G:lttb,,"-'. bl"l of, 2::1

tJ~t .. b~lll'),


' :t'". ,,,e-..nR

mCQ,hng lhe ""L ",.I 'I 1,_",,, I",..., "" ..L " 'eoll'"k, Fnlkl:ln,l, 1"'''' " ftllrt"",r '''. 1"-'. II, '<.r II, (;.,,1 ... Flet,d,~f.I) '" \,1(1, lor ,I".,. I l' "r, I ~ .,:U I t, u 10. ,ch. t, ;.;!; I'" ,'1_ 1,1.1, k. ~ I:,. ,\ I,,,, hlr"-111 "f, I~:!. (;~,I. II.' ,m ;.11,'" "I, J',-,I,I, I', ~~ 11" C I, :,.".1 :.. 10, 'I' of, ~h, : ., h". I : : I h", 1!1!.~h. "Ii,", ~;!l. J.-~j, ['''f''' 10, J ""Ie, ><>k ~ .... __ I~"' ~ , :l';li II.",,, .1. .v. F "1IIa". ,I. t.





Ce<IiI", Tho"",",

"r ,\\'.lid.l, :!H.

':L.I,.". \\' ... h~r I."

r"""giol It> the Ji.ll~. \!ll. 3,jj;I"L, fuc the ,i"L, bl.:;:!j,,~ w,~I,I", ];:l'.ljj;, 1'1" '>:;'1; S" n.h. :U;~. fur LI~'i.h"'''. II~.!; l'"l




1.""I,I<;:,:!9Ii;" .... "I, ... '" I Jlle_ ,of t",H""",~", I 1,00.111 ,I...... I~J '. ICI. (:iff"", t ....t. "oJ I." ..,,)" "r, 1(;, l~~, f, I'q , I",i, , 1, 'r, GiIl,!!",I1.",,, 1;o..II'\I"101,;~(1I, SLG. :I~', I,ll d, "tt '" CII. It;:!, II;, ,,01. '''''. (;ilb;",)", 1:"1,,,'1 (,.,,,d,,,,.1 tor, ',!J~ :~r; ..~ d".. l It,ll "r, I~" ;"'. "I. IJikbri .... """ 1... ,,1...I, Ill. iii" 1",re\olL"" of. l:t" :II~ .~;:;; Cllle.tQuII<'. Ihe l.Iinl 'If, 0, '.!10. 'II, 1)"'1) 11,,' ;t1"'I~~~ry, ;1;~1. UIII""I'I<" Ellen, Irdnll"IIIlnt'1 to Ih. Kill:;. '11~ ...1I'J' (iiI., J"h" SOI'1l"!,!""" :m7. "f,7,'.!17. lilu:;~,' !i;:r,,;C:tr). gl'~on, lll1 reh1Wl vi II Uln".O"h"', 1",.,.1r "I, Iklrrel "I, (II 1'~UH\\'rlllhl. ~< lhLl~~, Tltn11l,' j ~ir\h., liO, :190, :107; I~c I!\I.{:JI'. UIe", ,'''lie, In}ul~"~ t<1. "" 1,1, 1,,1 ",ul<llc, 00: ' u'OII,hllCII, 1:11, IN, ",lum:.:~, 1!I!l. .. I,M't to,e,', 2~;!: for S'U\I~, .. ,I~t 1:j"III...,,.,y.l,uil,li,,,,,f II,~ ,,,III (of, ~G:! 1>;1",101, :t:l'!, fur 1,"ne!,!lJ7; 1""',;1)" 1,,,,01. "I,:!li, :!':!. :In,:oo 1 1~,d..I~ fut, :til,; fu, ""II,,... (;LC",.lilll (1~1'~""'n,yl, 10. ~l'!, :,!)'), , - . 1':.,,1 of, <..-.n'I"';\'"'' w;lb. ~.!". runl"i~, (lM'1:~' 1"""I,:!:1. ':lClM',lthm. bn<l< ,,-u,1 w.rony vI, "'. __ !':Ii""Idh (;n>~', 1.",ly. !!.~. I',!i. nln. fmu, ~iln(l". bll~klU' n>nkcr, I~'.I' 'l:k,,'!~lt~~', !n,~I~"f, :!I,;!S. "'u,,~ 10, l'J,' 1,j"Hen!;k (I:h " ..",. '. 1.,,,1.1, "f. ;1:;,:! 0. fnn"b'Ow, ~"ii , >;:n. ~x\'li. xX\;, un, (;i"")]"lOln 1I1,,,U,.,1l of. ", 1,11, I:,,,, xx,.,-1; "~J,I <"1",1 Pnl,." of, ,II', 1""""'" lu 110<> r",, '" "I. :I'I~. lipl'CLI hOllgh( Ill, .1;; ~I"" j", 1iI1. I:lt'"~,'ru,,,'k Ihln ,;n"" II,, lti,,1 "I, ~!!f1. !!9'!; <10. w the frh ....,r, 11'""I'hr,')'I..,,,,,,, .. I~~,,,,, I;,'!-..'I ,3, H; U(l. W Ibt (:""r F,b" ~f. GO ,,,I 1~'tll"'I,, , .. 11K!, ',. :;1 .. <10. I" tb~ l!t".c,1r. .'riar. "r. :!SI, ,I" '.k,lIn.:... {I,I,,,h,,,,, ,.; ' . . . '. 1xn, t(l thl! I,ml' of. ;:!SO; }\I1IS'. "lTniua: "t!; ,,1m- in. &1: to...... 1".0. I, jll, ,3; ,Iri"hil ... r 10 ..... _ ... <I~.. lit, C'~, ..1, I:d, p.'~ \" h~ I~~, 1(1-1, :;;)1, 3,jj, <&01: ilu. t .. II "ill, 1"1; "!.: .1, I. 1";"I"" ... r.1Lii,:tII; Icl\~n..<DI I,,,,,,. 1>1'. 10 Ihe Q"~", U~l l ...lm~lIt t" II --,I,,' '\'.I~.' ,I ... l'illOr ill, IHi .A,L"" t.,.,klJllrh oe,,1 K'I>I.:I;~."""I.",I,I 110,,1., h.., r""IIl, lD~-:'lu,btlrgh, 3,j6: bu."" <'<IlL, ... [ :U~ I"i.JII:I>(h'ct h' b.ht ~'" '" 1'1.'








QI.I ""


- - lau.lInf, 11.

3'iu: .killl of, for B m3Llicra, 313 ; for to " by :Ull; for ..., .....,... He. , 393. 1;0101 1 (M;i,,), I ;~'!, :>6 1. ~, ti't 0;1

Olenmuro, (;j Ibe. ! LindA)' 01, 17, 223. - - J ohn, hi. """. Ii. ~3.


olertqut.,,",. "'~ ..,ngor .0;111 10, wilb "'111Gk:n~kJTllllm

rn(lr"&I~1 I'<'c:ol:"ili",., IS~ 1;1<-""",-, lint!.. 01, ~'(l.

- - b.>nku,l, Ivr thoQlIoon,Af>l1 ro...~m l""'i, L~rI"ll ,arion. artlcle-,:\iI. 30, 4 1,

l'l,.;u, ~~, i{l, SI.I, ~ I . 101, II~ , 2.17, 200, ~ I , :!.\,1, 2.H, 2;i(.o, 2.>s, 201. ,-'tW, 200, 200, 2I;1,!!s2, 316. {iokh rnith, John, ,oaymcnt 10, 3'16. .. ;oll WIA, Ii ", 181. - - cl ul .., Ii\", !:.'OO. nood Friny, King', g/f~rin:: on, (;7 , 7:!. 1:01"<1010 {(lonl(IUHI, Al~XI''''er, in Conok, eac:hCfl I of, I. 2]J. - - .\IclUlUlkr, YOOIIIW, cloth ing lor,

jGk",krYI 1.111'11). land. of,

26, 211, ~ I . (; JeotlVj,lllk, 1~1H1. of, III, 2":!t. (;\enllltk, bnd. 0(, ~. (1\(11111"1111'1,-, Sir DIlDaln C.~mpbell of, b,iii. (;Io,'.IlIIlket. JIiIynlOnl ta, ;Il ISlirlinll. 400. ( lk>,'ea, 13 1, n tl, 1:.1.1, IllS, 3 111.M8.3j(),~i I, 3W, 3s.'l. 3l)S, 400, -111 ; Ill<" 1.:I'.... lu" li2, IbG, U~; p<ll'mellt tQ Iho maio1<-n
that ","k.., 16, , 17(,;; of pblt', 21<1, 1 "l.5.>, :lGi; toll nwy 11m] inner, for 1M l'l1mC.b knight , 363 ; Iing<'1S 1.0, 39-1. ( .10'0 Ist.'''") for tho [llII1ltH, 3S8. t\. GOCIw.kinl Ig:\lt .kllln is). (:(lOla of, It'!' tbe wild IIlltll, 38.>; ",~y_ 1 for n.-only .. i". 3!).1: tbirt)', fOJ 1M " 'lId

100, 300: I"'Ymou ... to, 13!I, 3iG.. - - AlUllmler, 0 1 Aud,llU"UOth, 2:1, 233.
- - Cnthoo.L, ClChCil~ of. 5, '11 5. - - Coorgo, " f TO I',lIll.1o, ~
- - Sir (l1lOl'l,>e. of !oIidmu. 233. __ Sir J ohn. of LoclllnITr, 232, 2:13. - - Jobn, Lord, IUlU"riM lhe 1.:oJ)' ~Inrgllrol , lu:n.

m,m'. CO'lf,h,

~ IO.

- - J oh n, 01 LURe"'r, _ .re-I t lou ....il h, - - KlIlherin", ..i le o( Patrlek Ajp1()W,

Goblet-, .. elllII for. 173 1 pllI'C:h... 01, IlW ; .'lver, given III t he Fro""h knigh t, 3G-I. Godb.,im gift t.o JnlOOll Logan'. mim, 361 : to WillIe]" Ogih-y'. bairn, 3GO ; to o..,.hl ~Iolvill o" .... irn, SSI. C"hoeF..U tho .hl''''rigbt, I.,iil, clri nk.

=n Ooor1 , of Dru millgm., G. 26.


- - \\'ilIial" , '0.. of John O Ol"(\On of

0<.111, tWlh of. S" Cl"lb of Gto.l. (l0l"JU~. Sc~ r..an. - - ch.inl of, 4 ' , 300; fur t ile 11111 (111 1 r;orthy, Sir J11010ll, clothi ng for. 318 ; ' 01'..1, 46; f ..... II>(! l)o1.inkr, 605, 200, fll\Y01Cill 1.0, 3Si. 2\),;, :141,3&0, 41)1, 4 111; lor t ho CrI*I G........"k. pUI'l:'- of n, 1(l;; Il ~recl of T'e<lblc., GO; fo r tnniea.la, I!(I : for 01 ", lG1 , l'eWil ro for fi nding 1.]"" K ln<l'., ]SJ. . h"':'I4,D5; ho'~of, 1,8: boodJ.of, 178,
XU: fo.the l\i"g',book,I ' 8; f<>l"tlm KIng', pU"", 1108; ;map of, 2 16; II 1IIl.1llof, f.). Iho l':inl:"', I)1)O"'CI, 2.1.1: 1""1' "r, (Of the 1\ mg', 1 "'''''Ii, 2JO : fvr il1u",i"nti"'II, 2711, 3(r.!, 'Go;: wi re. M, 2711,271; ." ... uf. 3GO; .i,,~ of, 3(;0; hearl 01, 300: ""II bt uf, :11>1; I,i n. (.o f,
(loslin -" _ IRlm


m, ~(),j.

I.ocb imm-, coru.,..it ion wilh, 2:11. (lol"\l.oJ\S1o\I.n (Gonl..tounl. la nd. of, 127,


'"'''nn... 110.

f ,oorby. T ..o........ wright, I~'yroent 1.0, ]00: iI<:"I,t w !llel....,." 3~ 4 . (low. " ... l hlll ...l. xedit ~

"f Ill ...u.

~l"lh , :11 1 ; 01 ~''t'Iocl,

!.Ilkk d<.ol.II , 10'2 : of 1I\1.mi. "I;at lr d .... , fIR ~, 100, 11'1, :100. a2' : o f 'b .. ~

1.I kJu.,I';l)wC.ol.la,kJo.,III,1If 1;,..,.\100&1 ... ...,' .. ,10::01.-:: )'" 1t.i..m.1 ,......,., I{I;I, 110 I ..., 0:-.-"". .......... ~.I/, 11&, _ lIll, 'IG: ,,' r" ... ! I ..... , " " ; 01 1';Uo.b..U" loldy" ""l. ,Iootll '" ....1<1. 1:1, U,:tU: yl ,la_I., l;,il .. rt, ~I III, \l"J. 11,\ 1']:1, 11'1, hill, 111,11,\ lie, 1.",1, ...nl. \Ii,1I Ole :!n.'!...l, ... ...,.:al,~I.;"f.h, ,.; l:t'l, ,.. II ,1ooW' ,..,J .. iU 1",101, :Pl!: lOf i""'" .... I.n, 14,_ ,. 11;: .. t ~'_y. :lijll .,f 1In.~" ...... , ~'I, :l.o, l!i.'o, 111. .. I.e ..t )'.llvw ,"~. '"', .,f "" c Moe ;no, S"', !'~I ; '" t:n,;l.b r.....-t. 'I~: __ 1"1",,10:, ma.' i, p;lS-:



2,;(1, !r1o!.:X.l; .,f t~

~'(4 :U.1, ~, !U.}, eo' ;HI ItL...,1. ,10., I' .:lG I, :r.l : of ,,," .h , <1:1. 11~1d ...e, 1;"1.. , .....,1 .':11. I~, :..!j I . .,3, "r Cf"Y .Iu., I.;: lor ,wi nlbl:~ "r. :'::::1 ""'I'\u, ul_ , .. h~1. ~tl. b.'. Un, ' ...... the 1"",1 "f...,..,,,,... I. I. 1;,.'01'11." ,,, ...,t,j~'" "'i,h 11.... 1. :~U. ~ L.~ .. "OI"y'" H~ ". I.II~ '" t: I,L"..I \~h'l,

1;\11 ...... 3'!.! I 01 w. l;j~ .t. .,,: l.r )',11... IIIre 00.., 100; 01 }r.,,'" ,t.u 'M, 01. Sill. 31!I, 3:1], .T2J: 01 1 _, \l1tb. I~ lI, ;,.. 1. 1-101011.11 .....' t~lkty, 'l'oI), ... I:.."., .... I... 01I~ '" ~' I

....li".'=' fij, '\<" 11:'"


,."',.. ..... ,.........,! .... K,

1:'1,1 II ...... "'~n Sti-l,,'C.,.., _


-- ."" . .,m;""

<of r.oW;lll any. '211); I '-"b 10"..., &S. (If I""",,, do-,ll. :!.~I. 1,"",'....... 1Iuto1. "I, 1!7."!::G. __ ..... 1110 of lol.l.<~ dulll, 103. lmlllb..M ..... kl'lo~of. ~

--I.u.1dlll" ...t Itl.....;",. II. ~.i. 1.1"1.''''


_ ~ wl"I. .bort. :U" __ ,-nl"""'1on f..., Wilham n .... ,'"-'.:tel.

n..)". IlkbA. L 8u
~ Ir I~

1....&..,i.lII. 1\,"tI.... ~:'d n. ,~"'-"l. 'llor _I.U luwr. '.,....... 1

~A). tho



01 r


U","""y. la,,,1
I; ".h~".





, ..... 1.111


d",thllllC ,.~, Ill, ~, 11" !l:I, 1u.1, /'''''' 112, 113. III, ~.~, 3U1. :11'. l' 'rlu~"'.1 III, J 3.~, I GO, DO, 3,;, II I. __ Urnt}', IIf \'''IIIi.)" :::0. __ )bkulllllf:rp'" )hleL""J.dotIL''', fur, 3uO: .....}_'II, ' . Uoih,.. 1~;. __ 1....-.1, woJo 1.1" .... I III. 1\104, IJI. (:",.otllnll.... 1'''ln.-1, Jl.>",b,. ". I~ (:r..nitnnl hi..h,b ...... 1')1.


,i t:<.\"nu




,1,.,. ...... '"", \\"h~l, "II: In 11: . 2: '.r) ....... ,-0 (;'~'3"" U".rdl I 'nl..). 1"'_' M..I h I"~.

nllCW... II.il,l.rl. II", 11<\k, ,,f, no poaIoaco,.tJ ........ L,I,.I.~-I~" , ..,-..t tu II _ I ) ,..,;,s.,. t " . _ II ~L ,"-I",,,,,, I" ... '.",,,1, J.4." .. ,1 r,......,. In. :..!I' 1 -., ...yuf. IT ~" I!'-'. ~: . _ J,4",. , ..,.-..1 ~ _". I;" I ~'UIi ..." \. II... rio ,., Io..ljjlol

_:u,l. ""\II~h t. I.... h.i"IL ;110; Lild, to 11'0 h."'Il. :UI

"'1"1. ~



,. ,


I, ., I:;,

Guillilm, 5ir J"hn, ~hnpl">n tu lbu bini 01 &.m~J.lo", l)ol~ "wuh to, I,,,, ",',>fit at tilt Kirk of !:ill'll, f.:l. ~'J, ;!l).'\. - - ,.,., [)uk~ "I ,\11.",,.-. "",n. In~'\I.I_I" h .. "ilt. :1(;,1. - - I.. c1.othinlC I" 1M. II.! I I"> 1!I>n' __ 1.0'. :II' ;1. t 11, 1~ I, I Jll. Ill!. I:t:!, 100. 1~'O. :'11.-,. :t.:o<1, J'O. 3' 1,!fi{l. ~'\, 3::.9, 1,':1; " Idubron I,,~, W: ~r-too to ~ _n, 1"3. 100. ".13. GUlIOn, paYlIOCII ~ lor """neinl ill lheKilo.:"_ d ...... ~.... Ill, ('IUII for IbtI ~nur. ~f)I. (;un. \.he Clan 10-.,,11). 8. 2\tI. ('un bootiu, ""b Ihe J...-.n, ., Lei' ~: .. """'il" hon,e hI 11.ul;~n IhI" ~p:!nio.nl. s:!!); PO) _ I lor It>I,J~tJIlI D, 330. G..IUcart, menUi,'i!", 200 Gnm~", palment. to. I~I, 10., ~, 3,1!I, 3:10. :UI. 3-.'\9. 393, 39.:i, ~os. Guupo",I", top "0<1 !,,,n-tl. f"r, H~, 200, 3.'t'!, 4()1f carril~ 01, '.llO, ~; lor 1M .blP. :.n1: t~"t.. rDr, "orl. 011. "",I ..,ndri.,. for. m, :t3.'l. r:"". r",. tbco wil', I~ii, l>liI, 00, 2CI:I: rllIThll~c>f, 'rom Ib" __ II~ I" Lorllh. III, II!; ,J .. " to .wl f"'nl Leith, ~. 3!/.;. 4'-", I 00., to N .... 1Im,'en, 200; ,10., from lbe Lo...-u 10 thoea>on&, :I."j(l; a pair of 1I"b..,b fOOl". 14--t : .....-.11 llrailb foc, 101'-;; - ' ; 0 , tM. 39:1. /:",,,ulll~, carri"", to N~,.. I",~"",:!O(l, I ;ll.... ,Erg-rtiaAI.), r-P'"",'IIl, 1,.1. t.uoy ill, 3,8; do. ~,( tho t:'liliah dlllnlbo:rlaiu Ami hi. la,'), in, UO; OUI'I. ,t.lloUl.'fY of, 2,-;, ::!:!7. 1I."I.Ii"",IO". ahl1'il( of. t"') IH,,.,1t hs II",. 1. :!I:!; m'_l~tr ..", w the .herin, ,I 1~'I~ (If, H"'. 1'.,1, 11I.'g), I"'""" l"')lISt<lIt to. 1:;1. Ihi"toIb dcli,~"'" 10 Johu }'_n, 1(1. ; 1,,1' lhe King". ooy 1Ioor, 33S. 1l1li11;." AIxan.kr,oompooOlian,..ilh, ~ 1I1!\U'~. 01 .\1..1J..u.i..... COlD ~tioG ",,'h, !!O. ~~, 2.10. nlhnl<llln. s .. lIalliinlOCln. Ibkb. I~. b .. ,1. uf, 17. 1I.akb.De, N,ni.ln, w:lrtI ;111<1 ....rri.I"'of. 9, 21~1 - - !'ir I;W..,. 1"')'lIIm~ 14>, IbJhill, plI"""'" 10.....,... .U.OJ ..-right. in, 413IftJiburloll, Andrew, ",,),malt to " .mnt of, 1112. --11Mb 31 . 'l';?s, 11,,1., UI~ .. r I('ut to. 381, IllllbM<1, Lw.1. oumlUon..u, los. 1I.lkir.tonnUl"kn"loUlI).GIOrat'.cl"th .. f ,.,"I)""'&i,~lrom,2113: rwo.rmmtlO,!!1f1, Ihlkirtnull. OI'O ..... I'.IOOllrro',::!1!. II~I, u..ic.I, 1011 of Tb"mu HaJJ of :S~ke. o:C>IIlpwoilion witb, II, __ TboIDo. ... of is\IIIdoo, aJi<~ u.ch. land, II. IWIi,Ja, (IWyUAI), clothing for, 1I:i. os. 1011 J4Y~u 1.0, l.;s, 132 1f. II), ~ I;rt>OlQ p'rtu to lito Qa.o.... ~_ ... 10<>. 119, 1:23. 3'!l, :t;3 I ~I nOlI&" t'n.>IJ: I'1lnlli'1U>t, J:<h I "",I <.1.on........1IJ: 1,,,,.: 01 A..... , ... 11.111", (helli.). I""'l,~, pnre"-"l. Ill. !b.houo. Sir \:,..,.".., L,wlcr of. 232Iknuh<:JII, 1,Ao1}' 113fb",ret in. 110: 1"'Y' n.,-ul 10 1 ;hl_ in, lS2: )lnlCCl'l .,f II ... "Y'" of !.A..,"l "'Ill 10, ISO; .-I"I"i,'IO fllr Ib,' l;wJy ",, 300








I ,-"".R': DIll '11<-1.,..........,,). 'I."l'<>n bllb~

Ki .. ,: 10 Lord 11-. :llS7,

It", luwy 14t. Ill!' IIu: QuN'1l. . .

II" 101,,,.:\.011 (ll.>.,Jill;:touIIC. lbilinw.\n(, 1I.,lh"'I'""to:), Ia~ lor C"PI",IiIIOli I" I~'IU"M" 0<.0I1oc1 ...1 from. I.'l!:i; " ""1""" or, l'ri"5"1I1,\';1o III tbe Kin.., IIII; Kl"II'. 1.'lt~n .,"l l". 3.10: .,... of l"',,:hl anti IO.:r - - illu,u~"'r, of l "IICM'i~k, ~, Y~"L' ~I. )Ii .., :IGJ; ,h col 1"'1_1 ~n' '..>:1!1






11....,11... 11 . . of In ....... ick, !.... ~



- - J~",", IC~"""p o.f A~ Ie, iUIIIl"...., 1,

1.;&. I~'



Juhn. 1.. )n::~1I1. I,y. I. f _ ....clJ, 1!Jl, ' ' r,,.: ,-\..lloil,' r IIi, 1D~71. :l!::: I_ II tP~



i,', ..,. I,

I.,,), I,,,,,,,,,. :J;!.1 Lc', """'" ,1,, __ :D); 1") _ .. w to" 3IJo....... ' t!. ~"j', 40'); Imd:lca, dol f .....

r1o",k ...



buna .. .,PI,1I4 I.oed, Ao:;iA >I ......... ..:l An .... 11. II.S; ""~... I,l. I". hi ,.., z.';3; ~~ul . ..lib .... ',_h h .....'" I;U krupa, <II, :II~,I &c." . \rrsn. 'I, III' "I - - S . . . 'lInd., ''II;.t;a I ", l:_ Q.,. 41.1 , ........ ~h; P")_t J.SII; ,1-If.utl ....... "

"', "", ......".

It rt ..




II 1.1


.,M ...
I, ... K.


'<I, !II;!


Hun'~. 3'-.

- - ltob,-n, :XI. 11.....1 10 ;I I"" fu, Illy IunI 1',,_.


J:i. W,

1I."",~ro ,1o)'''IC'''''),l'lIrd ..... I, 1'.1.

llo ngi"o;" 1>"",1.,./..... 1'1; tbe f!U", 11K'",1",.~ 01, fur II, QI.eo 11 '"

lI,tth,,,,.} flh!! )"I.~, ...... Y"-"" oj II 11" ,',.uI,It-" Iu'.lina: r Ius,

ilGbom, 01 l'",b), .. - - po. I<T, I I. -_f.h .. "u, ~.al', II., 1~1, 1.3. ')G, r;. ~,.\; r-,_t. '0. :.'O'.!, t;: I ..., lOG !In,:J.I '. ~1~:aC 'J. r. 10.\1, ... 1....,., IMi ....110 I' 1'10 1I.u.. .II, 'lIl, I, II I" M', ,I, for ..... n,.. I:, ,:au OJ, tci. 'J1. 1''10,1 'I, I' I( 11\ .,,\ I" ."II~tl.m.llat ""-!l, 11loll.i,lIr;. .1 :U-; "3.:to: 11-. " ... oIll,: ...... If< l'e 11:,,",,, I :tOO . ,I'l\ , ~I, '10, II; - - (Ii~"ni.). ,L1n"..-, .... ~-IlICbU I I L~, (.I, II f . ItJ, .~,'.!. ''''rl 1;!1.1:!.l,13II, 111 .ZI,:.'<1J, 3;!" U, :1;, !f", w/!'" 0, ~;, 33:1. 3:~J. ~Il.l t 1.1 JI.n-..,,,,,,I_9f, !<.or IH H;, _ ""n....:.' 'nIh 11", ,;;0, It"-'I ...,,( )'\ I' Kh" I. I ~9, Jllh Ai, '" .'!-li. 81,,;" bdl f,.t. :I!l.l; ,i""':1 ~,.... ."bl 11 ... 1u Ioh, 1.:1, IIIi I, "'.... II 367; -I',~nh,)G;; -"'''C'''''' '1'O\I;htll L 1:0. 1,1,/ ...,. X7, lUi, ;.up:ort;.i.an <>'. 43 ,1,/1... 3i!lI6; ,'ltu"*' ,,,.,, Wr .. , 1 ;0, 1~. 1 ,I 1, 3:).01 .J97; ,.... 10:0 for ..........l3. ":J.II",II,1 .:rl-blodcllu .), ~ .. Ii I Kill, Ihr .......... 1",'0""'. II'; lor ....WI :!"II , ,,1.~1 , .., ~'\o~, "Id,oil '" pi, .;111 k 1 .. "'I.'. )1,\' b,

'" _.t





II. 1I1.",IYJ JoIN.


,---. . I"'''.




H.lr!', ca.....n ....J ...,tl, I,





,\ I

' .... ""..,h .. '11,

t:;;, ... ; \11,,1' "', ,11.1




"" IroII! '\1"""

111_ 1:17,1;,

I ~, 119; Old",. I~G; Roso, 147,3M, 38,; r_riek, Inl Sf\el1"11,1, m;";, 3~; the Itl.., 100. Ui; (Jallo ..... )'. 100; ....,orwl ILe ~l o"lb, ]U, ~i": o.nick. 40'2; OrL:n~y. 403 ; ]>ens for. 12::;, ]38. IGIl, 182, Iv. tIO; e~pI'U"""f "_king, " 1:t7:1'")"


,uenllor 100,!!O:?, :ISS. 39'1: at 'l1cbkeilb. 2'1'2, 3SJ, 300, 3!lS; III




:IS!;: pu""h~18 of,


Lolhling of" g~llIlry for, 38 1; nula for taking, S9::!: Al Unlilhgow. m; gh'en 10 Lord 0.,.,.. 113. Sa 11/_ COloba'llu. Spo.rt'OW" H"wk. Un'" bells, 161, 172. 331 : Ile. glo>CI.

];<1, ISIl, 34lI: Ilo. hOOlI., ]M, -1&1; 00h........ 11).1, 3J2. lI"wk ...... l, John Rou, LonI. of.!!::!, 2~. - - (If.lkbcJc), uriuklih-er I.<> ,1I:Ia)lUI _ I.. , ~"". HI.!. Illlwk ing "I Dunsyro. l(i8, Ib"ok.II"III1C.I"il, 301, 3;0. llay. Roben, '"ler. J'Ily ..... ot 10, 13"~.
100, 390. 401. - - John, of S"~iJ, 210. - - John, J...."I. of Yeller. rom,uhi"" ..-;Ih. !!:Ii. - _ Sir Gilbe,"!" of ,\ rdend ... uclo, com l'C'Iilion wllb. IS, 2::!~. Jlny.}...... I, w;II,I"'1I ...r I~, fo[ d.,.,[ tIlking. 1,211....1.51. FerguI'. at:iaooa, Klo(1 !llTer_ jug 10. 283. Ilead """",hM. &e Ken:hlefr. - - sheela. Su. St.IA. - - n Jed"'QI"th. gilt, wit" b.~ads. 00. IICI'I,l., ehimll<lY, r,2. lI,,"rl 01 "old luI' Ihe King. $00. IletI.';l1g. SCbriolening.

Uen<kI"Ion. :\Ir J .. mea, 2-W. - - Mr TbonI4l, 240. lIenri.o... , }Ir ,\ Imrandcr. u...,..- of, II. j".ll~~ ... y.... 3-~. __ l lr J~nlf!O, lJe".iWl of. 117. 120. 121: \>CI}IdCtlt to, 32j, nellr)" nl letl ...r h"l)m .'anl("' 16, lum; Inter Iron., 10 Lubo<:k, bin;: u.e .... " I I.bo l'rinoo'a b;rlh ""lll<.>. "-,,xl. 3(19. Henry. lorimer. po.youcnl. 10, for .nndry .. <tidCl, 13S, ]H. 1S5, 3%. Iftno for the hwkc, 128. ' 38, lIi1l, 182. I Is:., 410 1 g rel.!, fl'Oll' "'''001.", 4 L ; II whitc, lor thc Kins'- Ibip, '1()-! Ucpbun Sir ,\,bnt. of Cngi., 13. __ Jl\I101, ""Iiet 01 Jobn :l.lontgomvy of TbomlOll, 13. __ Pa t rick. &1. &Ih"cll. }o~~rl 01. Ue!, r;g, IBUlla or, !!39. RcrBhb , I"'YDlC>lU 10. , :12.1-;11. ISfl,3.J!), 3,0, 3i9, 3!l3: taboo"'" for, Il, 200, 3D:!, 39~; LJ'lIl, ~8, 3(11; ~ 1 !lllm Joy. IIIe ~rcncb, 3111, 349: l'..cboxl, be",,]d of l~mn:r.rlr., .:J.)(); IIby, 3,1 : .Ma",hlllorn. 300. U~rc"IC""I. .mIII clot b of, emrTied frolll )!.Ii".... rsh to l..Inl;lh8'-'''' 181. lIirdllllllllllon (lfol"llm:o.t,"lonu), J ohll Siuclllir 01. eoDIP""iI;\II' "ith. Ill. Heriot. Andre ...., CIe~t of,.'i, 21(i. ____ of Trabroun, :lG.
- - l "lrick. burpr; "f J-.:.Jiubursh, 239. __ W.llc!", IlQl"'Ctl~ by. !l; ...oos t ...o d ..... to lit" 1\11"" 100; ... ntb" h~\l"k to Iho }Un",' ,! :!.

lfenult 01 tho hlo of


plY_III 10

lhe, 208. 4 13. Heronlltelll to tho K illS. I~S, 158, Iii, I~, 3IS,:l84, 38.), ,109 ; IUYOUtlll for k.,.,pillG t he, 207, 3.:i', 391. 11IL..""<:lIoII,,. S.. 'lAbc ..goou. U~rri<lI (Ir,'ri.). CC\I!l(e, 2"2, '!7. IIcdd,<>!,~, b,~" "f,l l. -_ ,\II<I,,,W, r... r,l, ,of "'~rrrgks. 27, Ild"JaI (I.",.........1), 1"110,- for II, !lGi. II ~," krl.",,1 t U~"".,rbo '" I), Willla,u Cot.k:.!.1.'>: '"U'U'''''t.J. nn. L1c,"';,,:: (hcrr",,) 1 '",,_ III ,,~. lo"n, uf. fj; ....."I_ill"" lYilb, 2 111. 111,Kic,"",,1 (ilcnnersouu), John, 2-10. d",,\&'O fu[ wille, h:uh, :?i9.

."t ....

to I~,y II, lh, !.all ul, Ii,', It:l; I'.)"n ilL I" IhO) "" _ 01, 11)3; ........ ' I, ''I'' I~ .... I "f I'::.t to .. "I I, . " 1'1'"1. :'1:111, ll'l, :t.ot"I ... "r .1.,.", I"':!GO, '.!,1, ,I .. "IQ ,-"th,,I ..... lt .. ,!";] ,,,-,,I."()ff,,." .... ,j , .... ",. :~;;; ,1" ,,' t1" 1\,,,,:. I_I t", 3'-1, ''''f"li";!"I''I1,,.',,~k .. l, ]!O~, .I, . "I"'T" 1'.1' of, I!"" :~;!; hun \,ro,,'ljOi,\ ''', ].il. '.!OI; I"rlll,."l fu.. ~oq,il" Ihe [un, ,,~...11....V); "",I ~"'I; rci<l<l""., for ~"Ilo, I o-~, f.... lit .. ~],"I.l 1. 1'" ,I,},;"" r Iho H ho(i, .... xll'Ull-:.blMt.wllc<I.:!JI1. l<>th ,'1, ~~~J; ~1.,""li"'- hon,l,1 ,Ii ... IJiIl, 1'IIlri"l.. Ih, Qu"",,,'. f"n-ier,l'lIyM.ll1\". ~I!I. IlI, .. L ", lite l"rIl;ttw m('''~to, iI , 110, 1 ~.3OIJ. ,10"" ~l, ;"";, ,I, 1,,1' IL, T" ~"I\:' ltilllo",1IC j ll ilh""'j, I'I)""IC"I to 1);,,,,lc b, "1'(: ill,:!!XI, SaIlI~ILuIU8, calll, 3Ji. IlvIJ',oo,I, Al,I~" vi. (;'-"'b" l"rkhlo." --bmll "f, 15. Iln,\i"W', ] ; I"Y"'C11 \'Y, 31; a:i''. lI ill.o, $\\-,.,,1 . 17:j,390. "orae 10 Ihe \,il,!:, 1,),1, !1!1) , ,he ll illGJ!IIh.;hllW, Jwm llurT.lY of, In ;:lnlon 01, 10;. lio.",1 (Imn]), 1"'l"IOlll Ihtt~ (ou~,1 It, 1I"I1l~, ,\!i'01l. Wife 01 JaDle' ~h~w ,I &'Udlk, :!:lO. 'IIIn mOl IC<I, 173. Uobbe. 1~1t"",~r, f'3oynlC'" to, 1:lQ, - - (lImll~), Ale'<~IlI,'r, Lon!. ~.j. 21,; II"!:. jcslOJ", l""Ju'~II' 10, un. .eml, hOI"llL'~ Iv III<) Ki111, 1:11 : ~uqllirod 1I01l\ud, I~Ucr 10 tbe hcuI'-lIv"cl'UOl" of, for.~ 1\"'GI.,o, hlO; 1It",I. , .... to ]uij lho Inna, HlI: ,-""'Q I",,,il"'1I wilh. ~;r.; It olm...:.". (Holmemli.), Johll Cctrnlhc,", Ihe Killllll;"efI A ~n"<""'''' I"', 3G,; of, !!II. 1IC11U' 1t;>.,lo ho,-n, ,,, Ih,' 1';1110' 3,;". Holm).. fUlti:ll1,!!G3. __ '\'KIT.II", dotLi'~ ("", ."lIt~, :~II, ~ I~ , lI oly 1ll00.1 (Hilly lllml,'), thl' Kj"l( mnull 315, !UIl, 3]" 311l, ~~i.!lIY.]. IWI "I"'''' A brulher of 1101', 3\) I lh~ Kin!!'1 00," ~ml MtlJkry for, ~!l."l, 300; \>,)'nl<nl ill, en tl,onlUtr of,.n l'c,th, (Ii; 11", tlf. 101. KI"lI'o off",inll 10 thc fmlolUil)" <>f. ,,; ___ 1.JII,;,I, hOlllle, rlhll<ln for, 31" pill'. __ --light (linly IJ1l1tl~ l)"dllJ , 1II\'ut la. 4UI Khl,," offm'illli to tite, W.!!90. __ - _ 01 1'"I\\"arl\, t"",!'O."lioll witb, ____ mtlAA, King'. offcrillJ:: at Ih,, ~30. Ilf, 00, (;8. ~ I , !.'!l3. __ Sir \)<l,;,I. 01 \\".~Ll~.\-",ru, .... 'wlfolyroo<lholllO (Hilly Ru,1 ([OilS), Hii. \,..It;on with, !I, 1'1, ~ I ~. ~:!I, ~ I : xxi .., u";, Il~ii; fonallll;t at, nller' Ii",,,, .. ~O"f 10 lit' Kill!;. I W. Il toul'llalllcnl, dd: Iho K(IlIL'. --II/wicl. 01 \\",hl ,r1..UlU I,1,,!;htcr ,,' ,,/Tcrinll AI, :;(I, ~, OJ, :''1>3, ~"Sl, t),t .\nU"my 1I.\"'r hr, d, '2::.7, 2:>!l,~, :."31 : H'he~ fo,.lh, hiol! - - Sir Johu, of .\.11011, ,",ll._it;on nhM ill, (I I ; covering au ultar III Ihe ,,'Ib, ~'~I; 1")""""1., 1", P!). 1:,1, t:,,,. ,,,,,,. (h~l'eI ill . 110; 1'OI111,]"u .. t 111\' 1(l,1. 3'l::, ,h~ t" I,; ,,,,,,. I II. huihlillil of Ih~ t Oll or ~I. ~I, s.'\, Mi:' hlt..... "I>" .nll.., ""h,It\I_"I""u.,,( ~hlll In ~ VU',( tl~'id('" Ill. 1 3'~; at, ,,1.'111 L.,~, 1..... 1~!I IIc.tiobe<k:. John , 1"",ihOIlIll.111, XI ; 1 '~Y mell:" to 1111, I ~I, l'!:i, I 10, I~ lloti. :I29,33I.:LH. l':!. 3,1. II,n.....-I. n ....."'rt, ",I""". l""y",,,11 'n. Ix,";, 1:::.1. l:~. III , II:;. II~, 1 .~1, IW, Ib7,!!OI,l, ~'OI, :!--IIf, 3.i l, :tiff, "II, If~II~", Tbom:u, .... yml'nl 10, I~I. lI c.... o ontl .s., lkh"~I. lm ...... ~"" of, 113; 1".\..1, r.... 1"'~i:iuI .. , 11'1; ,\., fur C,Vl e,,~e:illti '




., - - ;\1""1)';" .......,

Honto, Kotltigo'lro, compo8ltion with, 10, Honea,

Qf U'e< .ummoned

purc~.ueof, 3(;, ~t, ~~, 1 3~,



17(;, 17!J, ZOj, 24{l,

~~O, ~t, :?'-/~.

Uprlll the .en'illg of~;" "ric.. ~, l::!'!l. __ SiI'l'atrl"k, of Pol",,,".!h, com(lOlli., tion with, ':'0, :t~, ~24, :?'.!";. ____ of }'M!ClUtlc, 11, ':11. 1I0myll, .'Rmell, [l.,ynlen~ w. :I~3. 1I00da. 4:1., IG!'l; of e~,,,let. ,?,~, 3OS; of Ri"ill" Iwow" clotl', 1(l.1 ; of ,.,,_1 cloth, 301: of red k""",y, 301; of ~"; m llO" oM'II, 3(1, of g""'l' ... lill. 271, ~r IlLfl'ety, ZUl; ...:IID~ frontlct4 for, :?!hi; doolor'M, with gown, 301, 303. &< w> Hnwk 1100<1.. lIooka (hki., hl\ki~), 21>$, 33:;, 3i O, 397 i ",,!lllll "croch!l.llift," ,1:1. lloprillgill, D.I,"i<l, of Srn:lilholm, ':!":? I. __ t a:>!.ellA, wifll of Dtwld Hom a oi 1'0hfR'1.Jl,230. __ llo.riotA, "'; f" of n.,1,.".t [.nu,"'r or U'S! Ilk, 10. __ Thorn,.,., !!Ider, tTlImpc:tor. pure"_' of c10lh fto'n, 41l: 1).1),wUl:JI to, IW, :wI!, 3GO; ciothing: for, 100, ____ YOH"g,'r, II'IIrn]I(:\(,r, clot hin8 ffor, lOll, 307: l"'p'lH')Jlt to, BO. Homing of t.""t::c~, S!).I. lbm~, ~ih-cr, I, 2;);;. __ h:'l.rLo'. 8," H!t.t s' Hom.. HM1IO bOllsin<:B ami II'COI, I, I:MI, 100, 170, IH , 2JI, ~,j.'j, 2,"",7, 3H, MS, 3.;7, 3.~I, :r.J3. sn{;, !197, lOS. - _ rlleing, liii; King'. 1<IIBlII at, iii , li3.

:!.:"i3, ~2, ::!71;, :1.'\0, ~31, 3.17, 31i. 3.>3, 33.3, -WO. 4 t ~.!. ~II , 414. 41.;, 4 Ill. __ hit .... of, 1:13. 137. 140, 1+1. l ii2, 1.j..I,

15G, IG:!. lli4, \1iJ. 1,4, I,ll, 100, I~, I !)!], 201, 330. 33J, 3:17. 343, :U7, :rs.1, 3J.I, 3:;S, 370. 3,4. 3,:;. 3,(1,377, 3..'10, 3'l7, 39':?, 3!17, 300, 100, 0&0'2, 407, 412, U4. __ I"'ym<mt fn. lOOl'ing th .. King'. greM, :tll' \ olha,., 1!!9, ISQ, liS, 3-13, 300, 37\, 370, 381, 3S0, 390, 400, 400, 407,40<1,412. - - shooing of, 127. 143, 1Ii3, IiI , 174, 310, 3J6, 3(j:!, 386,:l!lO, 3~1, a!l3, 4{14, .110, .111, ~15. --lIIoodi<l<: of, 370, 400. __ hron;:il! fro~, ;\1"tL,'Co, 130; ..."tlo St,irling. I.'I~: 1",,1. by tho. "i ng At card&, 107; sent W William llorhaD', ISO; Ii,lden by /l. i:il'"uio.rtl, 157; .1....blo rent fIX', ISO; m:"U'>lI",l\in8 of, :!O'l, :I!I2; 8 D,mn "nTt br, 3i::!; got from ~1011'h,n, 371l, :l!lO: ..mt W lho Dul<c of AU ...,)' in Fmlloo, 3G3. otCn t to I'",nee, :r.r.I. - - F,U.:Hlb, 3Il. black, 116, 160; tho I'orlngnl ",h ite, hii. 14S; 1:r",.. 10j: whlto, liO: blO"'II, 3!j7; rarrinb'C , lS I, 407; CM!, un i litler, 171 ; sumpl<lr (ftOwm), 1:"10, Hi;; .lal:", 100. H~, 43, Il~, 1)3, [lJ, 00, 07, IJS, 0!1, 100, 101,103, 107, 1M, 1U9, II :!, 11 ~, 11.1,


TIonoeullL""bnl, 1 ~'n~"L to Ih., :185. .. l[",...,~ Lrollllht tn tho Kill!;', 127, 12:), tH. 131. las, l.ttl. 1~3. 110, li7, UQ, 15.1, liii. 1G3, 11lJ, In, IS':?, ISJ, 1~7, IS~, I~~:!, 101, :"~Ii, :l"'.O, 3:n, 33iI. :1.11, I :07, :;'18, :I I!/, :l,;d, ;~;;j, :j.i;{j, 3.;7, !\():!, :~;3, 3I,;~, 3i l , 3;7, :r.s, :\.S~, :IS:I, :~, :11) ', :l9a, :!!)S, :rog. 401. 4{1,;, 110.


3I)..j, 307, 3011,:100,314, :110, :117, 3 1 S,

",'Y,'."', ', ',

- - ,,;""" to

Ihg (,lUC'CIl,


311J, 320, 3"~ I, 3'~, 3'~, 3"24, 3 ~ I. 400; of hln.cl< dll\.l . 41 . J9, fr~, 9.;, 00. n, 100, 10J, 100, 107, Il~, II~, 116. :;01, :~t:!, lIl!!, :100: of ['''''neh hl:u:1;: ,'1"1 1>. :17. 10:1, 10.;; o f Hi""illi~ hl.,,1< doth, ~.s, 11 , H, I>:!, !19, II ::!, :!~ij, :!I~, :?19, '.!,j2, 2,;.:1, '!6.1, !lO1, :114, 310, :l:!:!: of Scali LL,ck cI()tb, 1Cl5, 107,

I Nm ;x.


III , 110, :u':;, :IOU, :u::!. :n, ; < Io""n. 1""'i1l,,,,~ t'" ",I I..-m,. 1.'01\ I ell"I .,"1 :101, :till; of Itim.illi_ 111'<''''0 lout!lrl'N,,~llllllllo.'I';I'~~ltl .... I.-,; cl"II1, 3]!l, :t~1 ; "f .'rj"teno ("I'I>IU"" 'Y) 111,1\111" 1.,,1 t:",oI,'.I/,." ... tu 1',,,\1, duu ,. IH.1; of I:i il1l_ "),,,1,,3;;, :~tl; 1o.1I'1"".I,-,j', 01 _rl~l dolh, ~(}. ;!~, I I, r;:!, Itlll. 11"10,1,1){, 1""'11,,,,, !''''I'"nol r",' II", 1O~ , 2'1 ~, ~Wl , '.!.i::!, :?tl~, :1.11: {I] 1,:",.11,/,. I m: \\'IJ"I1Jmll~I'1 I,' 11,.. 1\1 .. ~ ,,( II,. ,1<1 .. 11 0; ofwlolterl,,!h, 11l'!, 11:1, '~I", "VI I"'''i' ("lI",lL III'.I"Y""JI! I',. :I:li. 2.)~ . 31G, 317, 31 ~; "f )"'11,,,11' "'"Ih, 2.;';, ' lhln!!}'. Ah'un, I, r, F,ul "f, """I ,,_ 11 i. ,,,0 of k"no.'y, 0.1, 07. 0", 00, Hl'!, 100, l(ln, with, 10, :!I, ~.!I. :!:.'.i, :.':1:1, ~~I. lI D, I I I, 113, :IOi, ;IlI"l. :tI l , 31,: of I ",ntU Ielh ... I" ,I,, I\,ug, 1:1', I ,1"1' gn.:'o kcnc~', 113, 31:1 (IIeY): or red .~nllo ]:Alltrl"l', 1\:01, U~ 1'~)h"'''1 kM""Y, !l.;,00, U'!, 100, III, I I:!. 1"""'''01,1''''0''1'101' o[ ','....1" Ii,;; 3 U : of ..-~;'" kt''''''''Y, II!?, 11.11 01 ""~" I\\'n I,n b '"II 1\, I~!J; RlIgH.!l ,,-10(1.0; ke, ~y, 4:;; 01 S... ,I "tili, .... fit'''' 11. I' ill llo~ wlo iw I;~, .....r, '\:>: ,f .",,110,,' kc ..... .1 10\0., ~~III: I" ....,'..1 ,,'ttl. ., ,,11.y :I'2O,:l'.!3. 11., KIn!!, ~'OO; 1 nt It> 10.. '" H~, p.'U~n" lor, i',t fH,m }'nuCC', ~ Ill; ';~O; ",,,1 two I, I" tl.., ", 1'11'1 ""''''' ofl'C'.1 ,Uk {or. 3,;\. :.... ~: pn WI1\ '" I" II Kill;: III --l'~rti.DOIIIIII't'(I, of red "",I ydlow IIn-em ...,,3.l1. k!t~y, 0:1, !l.'i: (Ii' blMk lind IIilr]~' - - (I""l1!", /:nrl of, 11, doth, 2,j~; of hl""k Dml ycUow, '!SO; - - EIi, .. h.'llo, COUIII, .. "I, romllOlllllulI of red "nd yd.I" .. ,:E1. ..-ilh, IS. U OOItCOU , J ohn Turnbull, in, 229. --11", \1.,.1.-0. nf, I~~l'm("t 10, 3.'i!l


Houndo brou;:hl to tho Kin;:, 131, 3:m, :1-10, 3 ja, p.\}IUClI~ I~. !u!rplng, Ii~: ""rri~go of, 10 )Tmlcilh. 3:1:;, Il oa.. h"I,I, d~...k'" Ihc. 416. 11"".;"+:1.,10,,.... , 1311, 1I;f,. I,U, 1,1, 2:~j, :!,;1, :!."o$, :\"',300, N'" 11 <'1"0\.011, Rir I'd"', or IlIl! Ilk, ~14. Jlo. ' III red 1Juckrom r.... a 1l.1btlc, -!:ill of I"m ly, 2JO, '.!.;S. n o'~is. Su. Night..,..[ .. lI11SO"II, RlIllkin, p.lymcnl' 10, 51, 1~2, IOO,!!O'1, 2';~. 1J"",bi~, Rirhnrtl 4'01'""" or, 1\. !l11lll , " .\L,l~t<!r," Ih~ Qn""', m.,lo'T conk, ~ 1,,""':lIt of ""htt SI.rn t~, III. :\ ,~ : I'\} n'cllh tn, III, 110, 1:!3, :1'2:.; _,I.. kocp,,'r of <':h~'mli!lhl I',rk, ll< h, H UIIIU, \ \'llIbtn , Ib~ "'ip'. ~mill .. 1~1r' IIICIlI 1.0 101_1 ",Hr, 3:1:1. lfunlhall, ali"6 I),IIIlnl', h'l<I~ "f. 14, _ _ of I:lCII/i",lno, n:; .-<I"'I><,\,..,ti,..,I", com conaun'ed lu, 1:.0; uttlal:~ "I




I" \I' J~. "IS"ld, 1",,'1:1.,... ,,1, ~lO; of SI. llichad, .. Itb ~ dl1mao...-I ill It, 3IiO; ,,1 0"" L"I.1', f,,, IhI. K,"g, 3G::; 1..,-..:1" 'no<ll J.""r! H"myll, :t';:t. Imp" (tkW.ui ) .,r SL X;(bo\.H D,ah"p,
Jj,7;,I;O. [uclo",!1lo..'h U .."II<nl1"IIn), IiI; 11111 Ki",

1,1")'10,"10 M, ""iii, :tIS: I"'ym~n< '''Il,hrh,ornt,:l.1'l. 1I1.-1,I"11lln, XI"I, X~l<,'1 i l"'Y""'/II'


""'_, wrillhh, workn .. ", ~'~I a "u ..... lI, ~13: I"'Ynlcnl {, r ro"'PIl,I" KIt'i I. In llr'lT., Ilu'nl..:u'lOll. a:Ll, -11),,_ [""',krilh, It IIlI"\.;' un, 21)'!, ~""-" :r.l.'l.

In, I",ul,oh" ... ,I,.. J'n,)~o'. &cIHI. _I ,...,1

1"ke11" Ih" K1lI.!I, "l<, 1'-,;,

In-:l"" ,1,.1"" IAI,,",l ... l. 1'..."m~nl 1"'1<;01;, )t1'~"n "I 11.. 1.'" II' I"hk d"II1;"1I [tor, IU~, :alli.

l uSU-, Wl1lbm , 01 ~IUrdlltO", !!2\



~; Rlllh~rfQnl.

Ink, pII.r"'I'II~ lor, 363. n~ In, 3.11; II bc.tlar RlllhcrInk ,hOrtll, .... n;hu<o of, IO~, I D;, r",,\ I'jna 10, 3G!l. In""Dkilb,IM b ,,\ of, . ",j4 ,,1..,.1r; , ..1.1,1,\ (lrLo.",1), Juhn, u.llty bcla&b~ 10 I"" Ki",. II!.; I ".t. ,..n.. to IJo. from, .:'<'\11

Ki-.. Jil>..

in" I.bn, "h

IlIAt'r.. _ . _::"'" ...,,' to JnL>ac1 2:IA, '.."<1, :!DI. for I"C<~ "r .LlI~hl<'r I.', l uvii, ,n..lun.m, I-"Y'"' 1\1.1 1.0, J.l2,:I.'I3, ...,!,
Inn. rf'l'l'rnr, L"IJ~lo of, 3:! IIIM......,k. ,'k:..UtJ~t lIiuul1wn of,25, '!-!i. 2311.
I" ... tim) .'nl to .-.lklAad, IU;

I" ... OfI, 71, ;:!, 73,


pOI .... munltlon, 136, U2; .. lul<' I'~"'" 01, 112; " ""YrMo" for ,lie Kina" .~ US: .roo,b forouuina, 27G: 100' ... - - Do... Uamlltoa IA,!!:I. ~'1. Kine', ..-orb. !!!II, ~I Itirruj'l __ 1UtJ.O of, 2!l I. --. '" StirnlpL I~ .Uu. ool, 01 ,II", .Ik, !. u __ .. Ill"'" II WI,"" 01, lor lbe Kln,'. _ _ ~"'"'. lOa Id .....1' of ,lie I .I"p, ~II plat....., D!. ~. _pc*t>oa .....111. $ f AII ... grk ..,t 10 ' .... I I , ... __ J _ .. ..,..... , 01, 13. 22!. , .. ,,11.-. 149, ~. __ ~ t'OIII;-itiCIII will" 21. h',-one, . 1 leI , . . lriOln of, GO, 13, !!IO. __ 1101"f'1II<'Ilt !~rnnflu,l) of CtII'TY, n~ I ~', !.'!II. 01, 1111. --A~IIII"1", "I DAm, c:om ..... 1.>nn It..........ithin" olnao w the IriAn in, ~ witb. 1,:!3:I; Ki.. iet~ t o, 133; 6!1.... 6.l, 61, 00, ,I, ~ ; . :bl.. 29t d<i:!,kail.". to'" b.IeoMn" :!OL """"",,, tb~ brY..... 01, . . lola) Ilk)") "'r~I,J, prtVII t 100, on



__ hIlNn,.ol, 2~2. ) OI'~tlGt..... Tol. I.. ~ n,;i, UI; _1_1_.t I"" W . . !hr, hnlo~ii I ku.II ..... , of. 8; 10, 21~ ~; al.. If), 1J3, ........ ~ UI. 130: in, OIl, 281; 010. , lei tbc. Bbu:k art.i lkty rn'1>U'fd for, 1M I Jobn l'non of, 00: Kin". oIferin, in, &rl.oll WIlt 1.0, 138: ,.IIC'l"" lor


0lIl1 ioU lor ....... Iilion 1.0 1)ewQ."lrk o~'1C'tt'1 '!'(1M, 138, p u... k. p ." ...., 11(1: ..-he ofwrw l1li111.1_1<'<1 ill tloll.l"rill"d'lIII Df, I": "w... b.>.rt Iorouo;hl ft~., 1;0, ...... I.lI f.......... h', :1#"2 i 11"....- ol .h;p" ,..L,~I Frallh/"ll. Iu. 3111, ~3, 3 11 ",,,nl!.,,. pllrch<l8Od fot t.h~ Kill' ,", 3-13 ; U.n"r, ~<:OOt'"1 In, ;LJI : 1M ';l"6r of, filr "'"i'IIl'\lIkin~, ..-..,1. a hQI"I<! to the I Kin!!:, 3~ 1 ; "')'IIK'I'I lo'l(~, :tl.;: Friar

tbtll'lII for, I~I ; Robert II_ or!. I .... IU, !!OOJ IWbttt 101)rtQIiUI 11M! ..... f,. bnb, IOO:JoIon~ _110, "illl, ~blp, 200; IbD ~Ml of n..nll)" C&rt1(, 1 I.O.~; "'III Il'fIt f...,. F.lmb.lj;h ea.1'" to. 1.,.;"," ' _ 1 1(1, 001: Jolin R" H~b, "' ichl, ""t I'~ 31(1: n .... n. Il'fII to, !I.'H; 11'''';,1 LogilU" III, 3'1:


n.~""I. f. I"",,r. ""U~


_ ", h


n'(JIJI" I'.,.~,.o",

'(Of" loa", ...,

tlunll("r, "-"1'11"

W. ill, $.-.11. II, Itnp of, ...1M1..o ...... b '"'" ILe ",,"', In.;; Don;.)d 01, .looUl&g 1 12. ,..-, Ill. Ir.] ,,,.1. ,. l..ot ..... N Iho SQ"lh.h C<:oIu~ 11'01"1, _bI nt, I"'l--... t '-, lin, .... Ih. In ..; h:nill I hctn/"ll..o e.'. !'.r,; :I{,.J,
loy. 2, 3,

1~,u.I"I" Ior!..- 0', To.!. .t~.,1f eJ, ~'*,-U

.. J...cu; ,.. ""1'. bUt , I~,
10l .:.n


, , J ....'.e'''.,-.l'.. IJ'",rd."1It,,1 ..... I h Ja.:Ii;(-1A 01 d " tb, 3131 '" ~. '" 1< I ~ ..... i; ; '0. I~,
1 0'!, 11 1. 1 1:1, 3 11 .3 Ii, ~ :0I"Clh ",
J ~ck.


'''1- . . .


J ...., . . . ,~'.. ~ tIM ,Ito (jak ) f.ot lb. Ki"i/. 26:I, 1\1, ~. ';Ill. ~I, J ..k ...... Xld~ ~ . ",...Llr ....... , N I I ,I.~.". , ,. ,.f ,\1,.. "," b.A,," r.~. K I. I< 01 1Il- ',I. I" P '''' '''- '<I, ICI, 1>., 1l;M. 1tI. 1=. 101. ~. :..'!l4, :!In. ~. - - ,,_ . ~ 10 1..",bm"I<"". 1,3. 2!ID. 100, oltH.k.. h'llt I... 19 1 J.dtn. J . ...... ClI-,",'r. 10..,,,,, pcorrt. .... 1 --IICI" ~ ' .. I :.ld,..... q:b, 301" .. ,....... 130; ..,,110 I n.... '_ ' . . . . . h, __ ..r. "' Dt~ "' .. I ... If!I; 300 ; do. for . . --lIu"'Idft', rloA.... "., "-JI ' ''1' t wo .1""",10. . . 1(1); 1",>..-,1. 1'1. _,1,1". l!itt. 2'Jl. ~. ~ 2$7. &I I I olo. ' 0 b,' ..... - - !'oto, InD.",,\, 1 ,._.1 tt, I~:I; .. 3G$. (Intl,l", I . loJ.),a'i.

,1-"' .... ,.....

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- - J a - . ,.-,..r, t lo4.hl,,; ' OO", I ' 300 I I.) "'"'to \0, HI;, 3,'l'.l
J AN!,.ln friar. &Ira
I<) ' .

J."'''I,_. ll<'Wt:''. 6<lo1kr. I} ...... ' , ... l!ln. J,j,,'j, hi~ It>; Wok.". ~


ajD,3lI1. 3.'Ill. J <mN. ~11.tr, :Iowoor. ~1i; l.ii0i''')' ul, J .... IOIIM. l..I.nd. ,of. 2:12. I ~ I, L:!3, 3'.!.\ I'.JI Ill. n ,".... r, Jmm(l, 6.I-II'r. P")"_ llo, 1!Xl. \I .. l r("& __ l..IIoilocr. t - ' ''f. 31Wl J._,nW, 'U, I'<'.!, 153, 1Ir."i.:I03. 3!}J. J.~, to. 3S2, 10i. ~l.IJ 01. 110. J anlOl "I., Kl ... "rilll at _I ....., 1.1,) "I'~,rto. ,,' b it"'''', .00, 1.,miIol.ln: 111.00. j:l, d. IH, .11""r. f......... 11... :!.).I; .1"...... r r ull't'. 1k l'r;"... 'I'I<Of. ~ I . "il' wilb, 39.1; f .... 110 .Ian .., th. lm l-, ",~,. I ..... _ I, of I.'rt'" I, 'J_~I~~I1,' . 3'31 ; f tI,., 111 ..1 biuo, ... ~f\J .-n. ai'~ I', 1><r. Ii,. %Ii; .'"b h.ok",,) bill f.,.- Ibr Q", ell, J.m;'.... t::i r .\"'n' I.. ym~n~ 10 I, 1 31)1,1 of hri.JIc-bit.o. ~1 4 1 at' 1.D;j" ",. 1\o.I,1l0r , 1:Y.l. I I:), Jodt.urgh (JoolwofIIoJ. 1.101"" "', 11. "f) .1"h ~. 1\., , ', , .., ,,1ft ,. r tIIl, ....l, .. ",,! .y. !',u&itln. A ,lil '.... I, :? Il l &;)(,,'1 hi; ...;;! '-0;,,.. 1IOtO~"I., '2:10. .1 .... 1 .. ,,,In... ,1 ,,,f __ lUI ~rl4 lh<:< fmn"' ,MI P" !II:!, ...,",.:-1", 1,.JJ1"1I J.I, RnFr ...... , 10. wilk _1111lU1llon ul 1:, 1 , ... &)'1"11. :..~\l t ......... ,1,._111 II" ,'...tlo.~r... nl~_ of ,Ioe tur.h at, .)'rt of. I , ' . '2:14. :!L; .!- ; an,~ ". .... "'''J. to.. "" ".Iv I", :':1"1 ),.. ItJ;lu"l. ~., ,be Q"OIt.... UI _ oI U.. ~ ~I juoti......'rt. iambn-,~, I , ...)"Iftall II'. of, U; Iwne 1,,1'11 to, 1; l lac Kill' I!!, 1.,>\ 100,:1'11 ,h,1 ... plap o. rdI A', 3J3. llil nor I,L,I, Qworn lak~n ":t-, Zt;s. catT;.,.l lo, J.;.3. .1,"', ..... .....-,,, ..... "' j.I ,.. Je.,!..;rtIoI_ I.. 3&.!. ,"""til.

J ajUOl, 111(1 ......hlnlUl. ,l.IIoymon l 10, , J ok. , I~ft, Iho f, .t, p.t.) I'IIoC"lIII '. IDO. k'l.i"l1 Ih', '1'OIl~ 1>0. .. 3GG. - - I.,,,;.:, \'~Y""'nt '<>' :r. ....

J"".'. U",I I.), I" ........ "f. "'-'. ~



.,roo,I"". II'",,,,., ". ",..


I.. ,"' KIo" . .



l;'en., .)u,.... I...,..,M from tiu,lmg KI't'M(Ktri.I, S,r wm ..1II MOllkl, 1I of, Canl ...... I~'-il. \.iO; HI],,& oIlh ..,;,'1)9. :!'I, 21\. ),'-; .. (K.',T), U" 1.",1 of, d"ttil,,~ /"... .I,~", ;;b~ ... of. 2'Ji. 00: "',~l .,nn 10 100 K;".;. L;":" Keno:o) (<!.~r....,), ~'1, U7.~. II)!, lOG, lOtI , __ .J cobll :-" ,rb",. ~ n;lOhl uf, Jo) I I- ',I, I "I, Ill, 11.1, '!::t. 3()11. 300, :lU7, Kdth. tIlllllinl'. ~Ilh", UD. M,:III,:Il:?,317,:t?1 l<lll lokI; ~r".I'. K~l-to.a"""",kof. L:; :,:.'01 hlu~, Kill V"-'", O~, 11 :t, ;11:1, I'clter...... Clol.h. ~1,"',OI,D.l, 00, 101,111'2,100,111, Kdh-ri"ll of a OOIll, :1.1, 1G.1. I I:!, ~;,\ :101. 311~, ~ I O. :UI, "~ l . :1\17, K~]ty. 1';, Xinian r"ma .. IIf, 1i,~:!3. Whll~, ;I:';, ~\l, 112, 113, Z11. 27,1, Z17 ; K~Jw"",1 (Kd,I\O'OoI~. l\drl~\",I), Tboh'-'" l:"gli.h whiL<', 4!i: Sco... whlc..." ~~: 1'01'1' c,f,Zl,2-!T. ytll.,w, 41), ~:!, '7,61,!Ill, 113, 101, KrJ}';II'1 wark, " ktoifo (1)1", !liB. 21.~, '2., 2G~, 30"!, m 3'10, t!3, :l!)7, K~lln!t. , .."II, f",. tile On.. )" Fria... of I 10!l. Stirhll!f, :;<;(1. : K"I'>I<'y. l~rI.I... f, ~ Kem,,,,y, ",,,,101 GI, 21~. !!I~, I !\,I'\our. .'io-t (,':0 ..... ,.,.. Ii:,nn.-.ly, ,\Icnn.l.., ..." of I.:Grp'Y, K~,,nu., \'.t,, (\"'1,,"11'..... I I I oomf'O'itloa with, ~, :l11L 1'L"llle (c.uill), c"I'I'or, rw thQ Ibl ll ____ Inmmon"d, HiS. I II'I/'u, :J..Ii. __ fI;~ !.b,ld, tllil an,1 b.. ir 01 Jobn. MY', for II 001 In 'b~ KlrI, .. Ihlp, ~ I Lorol K.",,,~ll' ~o*"I'... jum "'iI\I. 23~. I" R euk .. l. 3Cl7; f..... _tbol.l~door, __ ~i. (:uin, of 1I1"L"'Iuhan. oo"'I''Jlli 3,.;2; for "orkloo.... ilL LlnUthguw, :tOO. lion wllh. 15, :!!3. __ J" ....., l>:Iyrllfnlll til, '17.!!3:I. Kid_tlti,!.h.), _I W \.be Kin" 311. --J.,...I. bum. ; Kill.,1.y, ..... Lout, HI. - - .J"bn, Lon!, IIL>nIjoOaillUU witb, 10, Kill .. 101." '-""'101. II. 211.231 ; ~UQIU""'''\, IllS. ' Kilo "'''IIII.u IKi .''luh.,lr), tho laird 01. --. Rlr.' obn. 01 la.o.in,,,IwI, oompoll" 213. 11011 ","h, li,2.1\. --lanol.ol,~3, __ .''''m. _, "I tbe ;01>1)\"(', 17, KiI.1are, tJ:.c, F.vl of. lxx"I!; nre- 01 __ Th ..mu, of '''r.'lLaY, <:lImpoouholl m_";;<'t lo, 3J1 . ..Ill 1ft. 232. Kil,I<IIII)". w.a nI. Ii, ~ 1. KClII. tlHl I':art of, rcll<l. bo:nn< .. ~llIrro"i Kil .. ..... o1c:>r of, Id""l. r-i<1 1"""' 1<1 tl"" KIIlII. irK. Ir..t. 171; ,>A)'Io..,l. to, 171, Ii;!. Knll.I!ak. &( ('lull!. KlIDubn; (I\iimlh,,~), \-h~r 01. pay-.nl K..., ');,.";.1, clotliino; for, 100, 113.. tv, n ..ili. ~ I . __ H.~L,.b, 01 ." Englioll KillD&lo:olm.l:.or~'1I ~'~mi"gof,eompDli" h"""" I.,.. !\II. Ii.....IIb, I, ~ I ':;. - - l:u,1 ,11'11. of i'rr-i.llcQ<h, ;!'1. Kii="... IK;\""''''~liol. t"- bi", 01. - - \\',11 ..... In \".,r, tLllll\ __ ;II,," wllb, 10 hi. ]ul.<'r, 1-1 I. 23.l. KI1I1111.I,,(. huiol )]<lM'uUocl. "r, 23:? K.-r-.l".. I~ {OOIlre....' oJ 1"11.1,,.1 d .. l},. Killl:"", k, 1I0000r)" f:'Om["JIIU. .. with, '-' Ill. 2 trt_ 2">'). l!el I "I.M, I.. , :. I. ' ~ I. 1(1, ~ltI. K_ AI. __ "". (Ie_, I"')'~ norna .. ", (,I--""N, _pod.


Ii,," . . .



I '_Y."'"

L.'7. I, t, 1II d.olh ,rIf".:I01I1.


II,,,, .'Ib. :'::\11.

1\.,1 .......,. (I\.,&ryu_). uul; I......... "...... "' ~ .,. 'l':'6. ID pieol' al. ~. K'I'I ......... 1...... ..,. l\.il.iIlllillAIK.I.,....f/I1. u n ; '"Y ...... K,,~ ,,[ 11., pat, (11i.:-... il), Ki"..... 1'1 ploy~,. ,~, hI, l!o..I; 1"\;"1:" "'""'~.LII .......... ! olkri' .:ol .. 1,.. 'u, 291; . . . f," .,' 1 ...101. 1\1' ,otI'mn; III, ,.. 1100 ..,....ill.,y Hli. ~I,~ 1\",I,blh~. L> ... I....IJ" ..... y 01. _:I " /'il. f; ,I. . ""~. ~"'7 l\i,oc ..!,I. " .... 1 ... !,\,ph."...., . . - 01 I.... IJ III ",,,, SI.. \"'1 ...... f"'l"><II1 t<\ un lAo, "i". .




_ 'J"ho;...u..


';tll. III.

..... i " ... rl.l."".~


1\1n,.""UI....-rill'....c, ! ....,.....I.o hy, 2. :t, :!!:!.

- - oIwmlT,J_ ,.t, ~ 01 fl'NI .... _ 1 ... , 1:59; -";rer1lOll! I",

(If lIo1~

I.... ' ...... KiIII:' o&.1'iq

I'~l"""', :!!II)

"'"h l'l'IIIGpiti...... :no;. .hiph.l,.,... aut ,...... hill. 1.11. 13,;; _.t






I .... hlloabo:u, KI .....




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, ~

- _ 1...<wM:. III<> K,,'e" ,""rillll II'. >11<-<'(01 f_. 138. KI .........i:! (I\pu::r.\glp), !'ir .h,"'"~; ~~:J I l"'l1''''u 10 .. _en ,'" "";''''': ",,",.1. f~<l 01pn to tb .. Kiug. j.-..,; I"~ 1'1. :II~ "",,,110,210. _ "I SI. \lar",,,,,,,~ Killil' .. nll: __ h",l. "r, :!I. '.!:!.1. in. "..'91. Killji 01 tho 11(\.', \\'iL!i ... on 'kni ...... lh. __ Ilf .\hy ..... !~II'1'rlta'lI). tOt __ ,1 \lUll '~I....,I, I\;n,. ..n.-.h" III, P'")"Iu""~ to. 111~,: ",YOI''''' 10 a . _ . at..:t:!I1 Ki"C',t....nl (J\llIJ<lwart), '''runy vf,!l. - - ol5li.:II, 1"'''_ , .......... 1;. III, 1Ic!. III, 1!l, 1.1. t!l. "'-'1, .. j ..........n, ~OG. :."17. ~. ~ l\.i,...... '\I, n .... b,r~"'t.oo, I""" Leilh _ "I 1'1Irt",1Io '1,~Iic: ,Ion I ,I ,hoi. 1\;"11' I,., 111 , nasri..n ,0\ f ...... 't! : ..... ,. .. ,fI '""'till 110,. ;!"'IO. ....,' t.o Ih( I_o.n of.:)"'; Dull......' K., k pilI! '11o.~n !.<JIIl "'-II Ii"~ I .. r"",, Wilr N, ~1 I h_ hi,,' t,'. 1l.~7 he'l!". 100, .",hi"i of Ih<>. 17_ K 1,,10"0 I b.. Ih ... e, ,'''' '""".:. oll<.-r.;{" d"II, .. tn,I".... ...... ....."01,"1 nl. hon, ... r 'f, ~~.~ K;ngu.rie (I\;"Ii,,_l ''';;u'I .. f, P.'J1~1 l\'rkOt\~I." (K'.k .... l)'), mr'1C'1"I '0, nil, ~I KhlinI~, I......u .. f, '.!:!.;. h-om. 2'.J j 1""-'~ III '-~" "II, I~, lIl'( Klni,,,h, .1,010... """,,0', I"'~--" 10.. IT.' Kil~ Ih~ .\I.l.x 'f, 21'1'1<. _I I\irk""""",,, 'h.ld), 11,,,1 n!. 1aDt.. ~f,






II> 11.0 h:,.".. ~ I



>f. ~1.

l\.u'l""hri6I, ._ .... , - . . ,.. Ire-



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I\,rollnophsir. Ik~ l\ik.-o,uNI 1\1 ........1""',"",,J'1'II"ki- .ilb. nJ,. ol ..... trt>f. r-l...."'" by. 1 "1*1"'0', l\AlkOil'. ;,!.,I.

1... ,..,10 a.nt.1 I h_ 1:11> ., ....

~..w.ol.S ",",",0.1 ' ... P',--u



oMrillkrior of. uoi ..,,.,li,.. 1:,<1

01 _


Kjr.d~lo, 1 .",1.01, 18. Knokq"haroo. i!J'~t KnokS"I",ne. K;,.kl;I\.OI, (KirkllllOunl, IIIY",8U1 W a Knoll;". o.w;d. IOn 01 J ohn Knoll .. 01 "ll~ al. !H~. l 'ollmnllal,2.1-I. I~lrkn,,,,ldl!" 1)o\lrl.;.lI'",l"uo), I\ing', offer. - - Jol"" of !'ohnRllal, 2':, 2:11. I~OOl'" (IUloPfl1.j 01 SOIll for \"nlO\ I_, lllg in, xx';i, liOU"U, !.".l2. l\i"""'OI)I, J ohn, of, I"'Yllw"~ 10,!l9".!. SO, ~; 01 NIl kcncy for llOO"IC 11011'" I\i'''I' (kynp). 101, 1I0, 1I 5,!!6S, 31 0 : """,2-)5; for .. font 00"1.", r.21 ,'f ",,:,:ie, 9-1: !.Iou!.>le, fer eolln..... 9-1. ""h"',,", gll \, .:hU. " inl"" (k"t,ltisl, 313: mC'Kli"8. 40 : of, I\1I0or, Jo hn, p"y_M t.I) hi. wife for ,lamlUk. ~ 3. 2G,j, 2GS, 300, of 1.;1." do. , , mltenda""" 011 Curry Iy''',: Iil:k, h'l, 2; 1 , " f Rihi ll ll. hlnek doth, 93, 99 , ni i. II17. of &011 bl ...k ~Iolb, !H ; or ,1)(1 I.;.....y. - - ,Joli n of. ~ !'l1rcbtue<l lor, 9-1, 101, 310 .'m: 01 Mlin, " 3, 45. ~. III, of In" !.Io., 31';: 01 "_,, 1Iil) . - - l'III,iek, II , 221 . 313; of "Ch'ul, 2011, 270, of <loo,l>1e Ky le, tho lAJy ru rk of, xX" il ; a )",. 10 " ....nll!d, 31G.. prielUa of, 00; Kinll'. (\ffcring:a nl,ll2, Kitchen, II''''YOWlllll 10 Ih boy,of lh~, i 3,!!SO: cuchn-. for, 280. 3J3, 3'1 1, 376, ~03. - - balJl o of, P.~}n>elll by,:! ; nlOMl!nger Kinill bNUsht 10 Ihe King, :136. felll 10 Ihe, 20.1. K"" .,.. ... , " I.,.,,,,,t IOF II. .. K."II'_,!!.:;6; I>:ylno, K ."II'_"~ I _ _ .,b y i"S ~t ' he. 11. r,,~the KI"g, :mI. I!l'.!, Hr,. 21.0\ $ , 3S!l. 300. 39,1. """... lnk, Is",l. of, !!:lO. ',y"nindiis, b," I.oI, :n "n;~h' . tile I',.~nrh, Sir ,\,,(ho"1.) Arc)", I\ynnynmouth, Sil' Anol ,~,,", of Crn'gball ...1<IJ.o. 101", :!.J r, s.:.G, !W;i; .. .,....t for 211. lIi.IAublV'lRr, 30;; 110"'" 01 doth of - - --of th3~ Ilk, o:om.-iliOll wi tb, 8'lltl for, 312: clothinll for, 3 t' , jouol. 17, Lortl H ~'ni1lOo Slirllng, __ L~lIdJ 01, '20, 22.l. ing ... 3.H; ",!l,ller)" .. ~ , fOf, 3.ii; ';110 for II", hor8cA' f""t, a.;s; ~" lcna'lI""'nt of I.... UK ):'.... ."'-t AlIlICIIyil. ....1 IU'\'O!CIIU \.O,!>,j8; nmoor (n., $.1; ' ",.I ,CI, .. ....... honelll tn, ~ O 1. er JlrlkCl nl I h~ .lIlIhl)",,ith Ihe King, 3G-I; 1 \., 1" )"lDmt to t.I"O, M St. Nichol ... .... d,nl'"I,3!lO. c,f "InIAl """lOy to, 3G-I : c'I"'""" uf, nl 11",lIlil\;loo, 3(;.;; elf /..A.ly, 1110 blACk, IOU'M lllcu t "f t he, :d\', Kh'j: !nrkty for the I"' '' nt l,},n) .. h.~ir I"'DIieII "f hi. loo.lging, :100: I"') m~1I1 ul, 2.i.i: n ,,,...,, for, 2.:o1l ; "art klol" 1,... lllu''''"I\1I''g Iht ""'lld." fOl" hi. .i"".ti"g. 3UJ; '\01. for ,,''';I;og'\o., ,17:!; lur ,h .. )<H ... li"I: I"... 3il:i. III...,ng"r fr<)fO, t 12: lwow: I. i", (01' hi. __ "lilt rat of the, 31H. 1..... 1~ln, ,]:\COI'......Ie, tllI" l iJet\\'DeU, ,,1101 lIIan, " I~ . I n,,,el Ib.!:I:.., xl. - - Ihe, of (:"ckl .... ,lIIpncnl1<>, 200. - - th" wild, 2.18, 3W 1 1O".... "'clll of Lamb (l...,mJ, JA n,e., clolh;,,!; lor, I<H , the, xlv. 3Q.1: 1"-";",i\1er to, :IOO. K.n;'-oa, :W.1, 3!H, :l(l.'l,:l9S,:I99: elI"'lng, L"",by, l'alri"k, of ))Illlcn.ny, 2~O. :101: !"r hlyilllll'l"Otll,:no. 1-""'\"111011 (Lam,,]i"B!""", Ulmmyng-. 10"'1<1), Xlf1(II: m~ IIlIor ...m to, ".i l" K""k;"lmnu 1I\ ... ,I"IIII03n.ol. In'nll vf, R Il,UUlW,,' R,III ' C!<:I>t,'nition, 188.






1:-"01 ';':-'
WillIA n' It~lIli ool, 239; u I~""hc, Hul ...,t, ,,( th.u Ilk, eoml~ilrOU I",....,..,f t he I\i"g', r",IW"g '11, To!.. ",';111. ID. LlIa",... l"Io.y. I\j"I:'. ofr~rillg ""', G.'I, - - ~r, It"l.c~. ,,111,~ 1~,lu ..llIl I"'Y' -1-00. 'n<"u loy, I:!, ~~ 1 ,,~",,~l "I Ibt 1 IIft)' (La"' I~ ~1I.) 1."<lIljOIo, 10 Iho I M'II111g OJI ll,,' 1'",_I'II,I __ J. To;. ,o''' I lnnk. at lSti rli,,!:". 1S6. Lau.oJ...,,,, tI~t]It'''&r), I.Y""'o~ ~o the ].,...uk. fOIIIfO"I'i llonl> a t jlloliOll"')I"O of, \lIlI'.,, 438, 12, 2U;, ~ t ; eX IIC,,_ (If II", lo.u. '1 1.~"n'"' (I.ou"'I11'''), \h~ Lroull ln', nl ,II)., ~!; I'I'C::]'~' of ,10. Itnl 10 l"yn"'nlJo In, 1, 1, 3:!.'i, :t.~~ II nlllill(lIl, 189; roll linualior'l "r tlo., - - , II,, .I,il",',;"l". ,.:.. r~"""L" I!l.i, III!I; tu for U I""lition , .. 11t-", [.,"'0., ~IMl t , .... 1 of.I .... )'I"'~"I.I". 3.1 ' . 10:1. ""uk <:01""" ...<1 '_", 13S; I"S'''C1,t to La~,;, It ' ...... I", ", 1,3; 1I.1,o"k,", '.!17. f, iBn of. ~; Kills" lenc,"" ..~' I to. I......t .... ki. .,'f' I... rkllo ~30, 387. l.ucl'\ rtt".,",o) ,,/ ,I" 1..- , _ ,h~rlfl" 01, r-ymenU hy, 3, 31,212. lAW, AI"x"'l\l~ r, hlc>.lOOf", (j"lh;,,; lOT, !.Anllt-m, ,lelI lh 01 S .. An lhnny 1)"\nJ' 100,:JO!"l; I"'yn'~nl.o, 1.0', l:n, 128,33,;, at. xl .., !'\;3. ToG, :lS1. 4M ; "'M 10 ,\tT:In for t .... nk, OuUermua, (~rtc of r.ucldroo. h... k~, 14\1; wArr.lI1, I!I';; tOe.ilh. lull n. ....... 3,'\;, Ln.utCl1" ("""" I~J. 33;, 3,->1 , 3G3; lor --.John, hlCOl"Mlr, r"'ymen\ 10, :rn. ,he ohil" !.iii, 00, 331,3.11. f ..."" f.,.- 11,.. Q"~'<"o '-.I, $ , ; Lnpkl.ory ( 1~I'ilh;r), t"lotlung for Ihe, lh(" Quem, 21.iS. Iii ; l~lymcnl 10 lhe Engli.", 149; JeoIlI', of 1.:lth, r""Jmenllo, IOf Iny"""nt" 10 Ihr. [H, ~ I, $0, 3S!1. milrn, Otc., 412, (Inttl,,,,;r). Ro1x>rt of II",. :100. - - Ilk l"'"" 01 Ihnlbio. composition l,II.rk" (l;,,'crokio), IlOkn for, uii, 100, ...hh, Ii. I"Ml ta lor, Iii!, '2OG. __ l lrllid ~, .. ], 2,;. '27; ex,IC_ of. al t .... lhen:lr. J)1""k lho, [... ymen~ 10 hil jUIlice-IIY""" !l1.~:1!1 ; 1 ",)""",,,110, 1ll'1, 1lI~lden, 310. - - Robert, rolul""'i~ro" with, '.!.l7. __ 1II!.,."",,,n ~ 10 tho Queom ... 41. Lc.t,1 lor gun ,M;tUok[., It!; ,,,t 1 11.01..., jointuf"C'llWd b"d."'" 0/, JO. ... ",U" '.!.03; JIIlI. or .... "ieh Ihe I\m,. L:mder, composilion. nt , .... jllqko.~J"'" ~itlThl [II I". han,I, 3t:i7. of, II. ~I; ""I.. n .... of tJoe 1.",1. __ /'CII, 1114, 1'-6. 19,. 103, ~ I , 4ro'.!., :at jn,lice"yrc or, 0 1; II trill ..,,,, I<'hlt,, lot the lII!.illlcr, h i , 3-11 , 10 t .... jualiecny", "r. [OJ ; ,,,' .....,"..t'r ;!G I, 40;.!, 11.14 ; lolr ~hc ahil', :1 .. ut 10 Sir John IIwr~ ,,',(1, Ih, 1.ca' ] lH:tle.(I~I.. I"I .. t),.T(>hll,1ulc""pay_ 1101'1001'. of, 159; (10. 10 tluutu:mlr.Jo,,, "'c,,~ ~(>, 13'1. ol,3M. l(,n<1hill., tbe, " ,n i,i. . _ \Ln"'dir), ,\ lu ..",lcr, t>rtn-Cllj~ of I [...,atn'O"IIo, I h~iJ, Ih~",lo': ,bln " I lSI. l',di"bGrgh, .... J~'H"" I 10, !!OS ; ...... )'111((11 AI1t1tt''', f'I',,,"'nl I,y , 213.


' >r


L ,,,,,,,,.


by, ~_

l..cmoh'" \I('hio, fn. ,k'io'" 3-1;).

- - Si r 'oeorge, of 1111.11011, '.!.3!1; poty. r.c~(h~r. II. cue .. I. I..... :a 'I't'IIr.hClllI, 110: n>C"~ to IIi. fi<i<llct, 100. for .. n,li,,,, !'(.lbr, IG.i; t .. r 1""'I;,~,", - - - - of Whiulnitl , II, 2 1S. t~, :!CoO; Wad, ymy.,,::!.Y.l; (Ia'oJ

- - Job.. , - ,110111 {Of, lao

lot' II. h~Tl'. to\'~",, 1 wilh, 3(;7.



M cI,",l~ in , 3!.I'J ; art!clK rerll!('~ from l'j lg.o in, IO~; I'Aymt'M 10 John l..ee, ~ir .Jam .. Loo,'lbut cf, 2 1 0. I.a .. ~ cl, 112I"""'h, P"Jm<"nl to II. 1:06: elo, IN' III. Ltilh {I,oeithtl. (;to'llt', of ,~. ) 1 .. 1.II~r.~. 3-'lO. "" __ ll. (li l fwo.l, :!3!l. l..eg. l"~""'f'nt , ... baling 1\ "0'\'" 113. Le"ki'1~'" 1"'... 1.01, II, :?11l Lo,:- b~noea h .. ,I.o"ecra. :IS l. Lekn~, 1\ Irk of, tho ](In,'. to!f~rllli ~ t .

U'II to. for t ho l!'\le 01 391 Lbllln<l, oIiMSlllndf<', lami.of, 14. Irol'" .r;,


to, 390; IIl5scmger IN'nt lOS;. WiIIi,u ll



1,(:;.1011. tbe 1111.<1 of (Lockloart), clotlo


inS lor, 113. l .cill!, uri, in, 12, ::?'~:

il : 8: of haDl from, 13 1 ;

Lerl'llllt, l larlin, fll CouqUII~. 8ortQn.D. \b" 13(1; l>re<rc:ry I n';, ~yrnt'nlllo, I ~ 333, 3H , 3iS ; .In 10 1'.;",,1, In, bon" 'Qr, 3~7. HlIrr /,,,nl In, SO: l,il1' (..,nllln U"' .... nl\x), ~:.rl of, u'i ii,luxh',





!!3. !!-26, 233:

cXJ'C"Ull' cr, at the

cooper in, 131; do. to oM \\'m~m I J""IIcto ... y~, Ill , :t~; l J.a Tothrik in, 13,; e&('ri~ge 01 Arlinery, l~ttr .. leUI 10, 39 1. gulla, an.muoilion, etc., to "!I.l r,,,m, ; - - Mr Wll1lnm, 01 0.1,.. !!II ,


139, Ill, 112, !!OO, 3m; Jl'lly.oml I Lent~n


mlnot",l. in, 1.1 1; jon.li..!: in l~

,-.,il, !?'<7. II:!; ,_ylllenl 10 tril'f1I~' I...,." n, gin'" to Mau ll"'" Anelli "lock, wOIIlIIn in, 1~2; I \('ri/lgo 01 ,.;I\c" ~ nnllWUl'I', ~IC., In, hi;, 113: 1"""l'lIl'd. ror IIn1 ..", !!~ !... !!.;o, !!S3. Willi:lm "erri",(tIIlh 01, 113; ["",Ill', 0eGr\'t, or til'll Ilk, con1IK>o<iti,., IIlIlrinfn of,..",t t" llQml.r\on, Ill; IIlth, 17, aIm. to .i<-k folia in. IIlL ; ,..... t. I.k~" Lc.n,nhn;o", JoI.., 1I~.' Ie In, 13. I" , IS!!; I"'Ymc,,! to I_to..,., of, 1(11; Lc.lnlrlg_ ,~" R...ulrig. ,h lo n hoy in, I~; do. to Ih~ I Leo,,'ail (1 ...... 1I~1I1t). Io.",b " "d 1H\l'Ot\y ..... rillt! .. ,,-hen Ihe al'll' I_lout of of. ~:H \~ lut.nnof, 199; to WDm", at Ih.un",e l..Clhnne, JoI"" .... \d Jer. J>.'yruo n ~ I", .lo!e,:.!O'l; liol) \oro"<i:bt from, 10 Holy. 131, 143, u ~ ISJ, ~'Oii, ~, :!!l!l, 3,',2, """I, lvii, 2110; .,,,hI, l la ..... ,,' (II, ~tl; :~~1.:1.'17, 3(l-1,:r.l6, ~ Il ; clothi ~g lor, laymtnla 10 "'(Imt" for ';"lIinll to the :Iolll. King in, :!O-2, ~; _hoo!.io,oo Ihulln'" ,,.(h;,,, 1~llIb ....1 1 ..011,1" of, ~~ "' lit, \x;ii, ~1; .~iJl H"..I"'\ in Ih~ 1.('I1>illat"", 1\.0 binI of. :1.5/I. I~w.. n 0(, 2tH: SI. Xicbv1.o.. tho!,,,1 kll'OlUl, (1Iorri~~e of n, I ~!I 1..I,lc, !lSI, 381; !oit. ,~olbolll'" "ellt".. ,,( ,Ct l on tho iai"1 IIr 'h~I>('1 io, :!"G: !oit. Xin; ..,,', rhopel 1'100mI0ll, Ilfj ; ,10. 01> Iht L,lnlof "I, ~JO: ~rrir.;;~ tol KIU",', ro!f<'n, 1"1..1, Ill!!; SNit 10 .'ilid;"!: for 110.. ~\I'" 10 an,1 lrom, :137, KIl'Il'.luHOC", juotict:.f!yr..", 401. I'no"l(hl from \)i"if'I"l'U In, 31~; nlm. - - of W"Dllno,,' I .. n~ 10 the ~lM'riJl". 10 I " ,n ... " . :JU3,:)fl.I; 110(> rh~IM"1 ,1010 of I'cehlo., lUll. l.oet"('r11 1\cSI.. lr,.: ...,1, 3i l : 'IU4;\ot 1",111.,1",..1. of, 20. nn,1 I"'",,"'nla \,n>l,,,111 fl'olll, 3~7;' Le\'t'II, <hill Io.lill ,>e:<f m(MlIh 01 tl,e, r~rr"'SQ uf Iut.)., oono, amI ho,...,-bn.... 11 bni;'
1_1.0 01, ',,-ii, I II ( "".nAsa of ...11......


~'oth.II.('''I~''''''16 dM hi'l,e~ r"",3~ ; "... bl"g"llI l mtrKll n)::"r, I ~'\



E.I"",,,,I. ".h". to II", Q\Iet".,. ""..1 'Y, r....~ k.., "'.u ;;...,., II> tbe- K'Q; loy

..Luy,.f. 11 0. I:!:J, .1'! 1 1""I,y. Mr. E"~Ii"I,,"~,,. u"iii



r,.or d,'(r. Iii, Ii:!;


",ent 10. 21'7. l..c"i III<', 1,<1;".;0 from,

hi, "i'~. lUi ._1 I:i''''' ... ltu, 1/"",-'11 I.} ,I"., I:,; I.,l ... "tl......." ...1,1:111 1..... 1, ~, :!".:.~. :"!!" \1;"."..1, 'If t'"jr");lrllt, lth,''

'n ,h.. wll h ~;;tl. Kin". 33.~; SI'.,,,i~ .. I, .,,"\ ' .... n'. I, - h,\,". 1"~"""1I1 J '''~nlt .., :1-111, !It:!, 3U; u," .1,;1' __ \hoju,)" 01"11"",, f' :11, llil, II \, I:.;, I;!, :1\('. 3~1. :t.!"! LV., :;'1, :j~i. 1",". ',11..1,.,1 i", b'~,:tli; ....... k"",n j.I~'; C'I"~l .. - uil,,,... I .1'>1 iu J-~JnI' ",,,1 I", ll~l; I:u"' ...~ '..0.1 ''', :01", 1'1Ii; III... "'nl 14, :11:1; 1:"''' ,... ,,'a;t., 10",.:11 "-"'I),', I;':;. :~;':I.'~'; It,,l..ett 1I, .... ,or\. ,.,,~. (l'''~I, ,"",U. I..,. 11Ie.hil',!IIJ. " IIIt ..... III, :\.;1; Will;"", ';1"0111",,11' W'~'''' 1;':'10'''', n, j!t Ill, :!"jl, :;':1, U ,,,,I>t-. in, :\..~ ; 1;';"11'- 1"'Il,u I" II" ::"'. :!,~, ;III, 3:;,\,. .... .. ('1"lh. 11..11"1' ofC"lIhn~ .. n. I... IAlI; W,I l~rtn'" 10,.,,, nun..'",,,, u)il""~ .n, 3..:.1; LiuhLlo"o,", :l", un" IJti, \t:l. ~~". ~IH, :1:1'), :lW. ';'~'. IW; .. to .. "", ul"'''_ tor "''''''''', ell'., ill, 3!.:1. 3~; do. of Iho r.!"'nill ...... rom."1t \1111 1."'l:Ihl Ill, :Ill; ..hWl I" "ti~ \ i .. , :~J, ,I, ~.':I. :!S--I; ,I". In II,,' of, 3..~9; /I "l"i~.~ of,IIIII"I .. hawk. III the "'In," (Ot, 6,", ~~, ;,:;, ::!!~; "' ... ,,,, lu "g, 11 11. I.inr, :)r' Unq>Qt. jll, ill, lH,1,:!!;G,:!.~; Ki",,. "m'ri"~" ;'" '>ti, IJI, (;1, Ii'. W, 7J, ~"o\I, 2:>:!, :!!II, - - (1,..l.'I, I"'J I"eu~ fur n, %7. 1.I1..ol'lon, U. ~jI'.!,:!\13 i l",lIr,l"'1 d,c'I",,'1 ,Iykl:& "I, SI: .et,,1 f~ tl,. ",,.,le,, all,1 ~'",tl "I, I.i"!le.. lnl~, llIf, l<hil' of, ~:!!I. 1~'tJ, :1111: I~~ tor OXI~,1iI;"" I" r~,,,. li oOl) lur lh~ K'l'k 01 S~I1, K!. ~>!~; i I'll) ,nn,k "0110<-11.'<1 fr"In, I:;~; Iud' t,,1' lh 1_,- of, loehRI'd nl th~ S~".lhnll, I>i, :!!l.; I 1<:1\l1" tho \","';0, :H!l) (,~ ... ",d .. ,,\>ct u. JI"; !'''~I''~U(I I.. ,"" 1:"nl,",,. 11, )1", ~~~; ,10.. to Cun.\ _INI;"" Ihe dli""",)'I, :IS:!. u,i,' I,lah .\""1 i .. , 1~1, '.!ui, :U;, :,(1-1, LI"d",le" (Undo,,"," ,,), .(,~; a1n" 'II, ,~; l"'ym... ,1 u> thu 1';\"''' n, 1:.3. tlll. lu lJ I; oJ,o. to """.".. ,~" nn,1 ",n" QIt'. , in, lit), ~!O, ~~:.!, :!!o3 ;;~'n, the mR'oOn. of, 1,,3; ,\0. 10 d"., nnd wurk",cl1 M, 10;1) ,l,~ 10 ,,,i".I ..,,,, ~ 11 \ c~rr\abc of ",j'"'II<!\' II) '1",1 r",,,", '~(I; .tnt,le 1',,"1 hi, IlfI. :1 r;; n t, IOn I 0.1". III n ""1,,,,1 RI, 1!~1. l'n.,.;QW" (of .tI'I' '0 n,,,1 fl~''''' II~I: I,;''''''rl)ll, Ihe 010.1 ,\111.01 of, ... ,,011 ]>Iu'll' 10,,,, of '.,1 I,>!, lire I\ill:'::'~ ""Mulot'r;", to Iho KillS:, 110; l/'COc"", lOIn! tn, )17, Lind""),, Alex"",lcr, Cu... L:uk~l, 0""" II!I, ,ni".~,,,r 1>" I" ~",I h",oI, I~I, 1,',1,3:.,: !... c r~ tl .. ~ill"" widl, Ii p .. I." al. I~~; 1"l',,,,,,lf I, ~, - - .\ gnn, ,,;fo of (:('Orb'" Mlln1I), '!:Ii. X,.".,.... ''''''''1' in, 1,t;,:I!oIl, .r" tu - - Si r I).wki. xxi. _ _ l : ill"l't, IIf tlk."qql't', c<>mJlO~lti\ll' "''''' 1m! I,,,,,,~hlll,t I". I;!II u.~ <;1 ...... 1<>, I~l; 1,,_ I"" "'it h, Ii,~. __ J ohn, 1010._. 17, ~ to /lwl i ....." I!~I. :tk', a:r;, 3,;"0, ~I; ____ tloth;,,!; for bAr ,,-if<, 100. ,\l<~,,,kr !".'O<" 1."r~'I''' lOr, :'::;'; - - - - (lIfw I:ulh,..,.,,, ro"'I'OO.I; .... ', e:>m,....' ,.( 1\,,0..;'.. dull .... I", ;;:;1, "'i,It, :.!.'lS. I"Y"'''''\ t;, ",'u'''''' ~1"J;:i,,<, '''' !IT.

c,,'''' .....


''''''K: ,,......





T .id"g"\one, Alo~~", 1<,,', of D"";I"'\<:e, C(lolp<l4itloll ,,-ith, 231), 234. _ _ Lot<I, iummoncol, lGS. - - Rohert, of Drul1Il'l.!!38. - - Sir (101)<)11,~, ~,IJ. - - Wim"m, 8, 213. Loch, drying of, k\ Holyrood, I"'~'u,cnt for, m.

do,", ",ul to, liii, 3,1;: SpnniM1:ls OCU( to ~;.linbulllh {,'(Ill'. ~S; look for the Quoon'l chamber (\001'" ftt, 3IS: ruwe. \,ousht in . 3,8; p.~ym""l to n '~<man ,,'hen the King dmok io, 300 1 King play. oow]a III, 39-!; lock Iml key for workhouse al, 392. Linlilhgow, weriff 01, pl\ymcntl by, 2, 3,

212. _ _ palace of, building dyke d, 82; rep; ... "n. 130, 143, I~ G, HS,:?OJ ; pllt in order lor \100 Queen, I~O; gla. for, 162 ; Rna. token dowlI lu, 162. __ Ihe ohoi r of, pnyrncut to tho ",,,,ncr m~8(Jfl of the, 205, __ chapel of, 1~~YlUent. t.o 1M""'" fOT pII'ring, 29. , 298, ~II . Lin-.d oil (oil' 1iogu~), 3-1 1. Linton, :ui, uIH, II ...i; 110ft Kin!: .\loe!! nt, 158; (l;'Iymcnt 1.0 (lTie.Uat.. '2!ll: th" Ki"ia bclche.... ai, 3,2; pay,ncnt to tI,e ,oj.,..r of, ~09: ,10. to" wiie in, wbere tho KiuS IOO,!;",l..mo. Lion,., broutht 10 the Kiug, xx".'l, ]di, 200. Lion, the aliiI', payment to boatmen for

Lochbnie ILochooJ), Ml1<'ICM of, pay"'(!II\.Ii


w, 3,;" 3G3. b.~ Catlmor, Loch,

Loohhwc< (Lonehi,wir), the ).'il'd of, 26;

Ih~ King Soe& to the Mlly in, lxh:,3-t2. Li.6ruore, mlhopof. 8 Argyle. Li.t.o (li8111), ~ ... for the, 395. Lit 110 camp (lett de camp), purclJue of &, 46. Litilbmlmucb, lamuof,:?37. Lilill, t ::"lwnrd, t.~tTdy boug:h~ frot:!, 200. Litslair, F'ria.r J olm, curet! of r)mbirst, 156. Lit..llIro, Robert, c;li ..o" of I1n:f'hin, l;"j. Liller (lilla;r), tho QUOOII'~, U"'"'\"'!:' 1 1~ 1 k ~"",y for mClldons, ~(H. Lilt.r.n",", the Quccn'y, clothi,,!: for, !I7, 3:!1. Lilt( .. for olecT, iiI; cx]",nOdl of C.1r. ri"il~ol, I SO; m&klngof, lS I. J ";Ulcton"'J'i~ (Lilml"u"clcy~, 1.llil .I,~", l..cbl. 1..",18 nf, J(J, 2:!:1.

' "mmoned, l Si. - - J ohn Gonion of, 232, 23.1. Loch Katrine (Loch Ked'ern), ~ IO. Lochla"cn, the lairJ of, Robert ))''''SI08, 7, 217: I\illi_ wriu"S* !leOl to, 13Il: oc,,,I. trout to thQ King, 16~ . - _ )lib hroul:h t t<I the King lrom, I~ ; prlreh brought from, 131 ; ]loruh nllfl t rout urolll;ht froll!, 100; ii.6h Lrougln frou" Hf '. Lochmal ... .", Xl', ~ix , IIIi,', 82, 133, I ~O, 1:;2, WI; "hUB ill. 67, 1!l 1 : I\;IlS'. suhliCri],tion l.(I the kirk huilding, 67; Ihe wort.. at, 83, S6, 89, Zll7, 2HI, pnyment toO the 11lll.llOUS ill, 1:10; "ll"ril:ht. sent to, l :t.!, li3, 1!lO; carriage of King'. blil:S"SC t<I, 1;;0; u'on work .... nt 10, 13:l; ,hllcr !lent to, 141, lJO, t;5, l SI ; John, '1l1.arreour, ""n~ to, I~~, l SI ; wiullow. .1, meo:!u,CII for gina, 151 ; hOI*l hi,,", toO lIud from, 1':>1, 376; drinluiih'er It! rull6<.>lll nlUl wril:hu. nt, Hi~ , W ( ; K.i~g'. orrcrinG" ill th\! kirk Ill, 2lI8; wIIge:.. of law)"c" lit, 33!1: "'ceRngor to, :r,:;: II dum" child thllt kept the g"1<' nt, ira, J '"h.... IretM at, IfH, :Iih. ' Lochore. ,..;" Lod"" ..!oIl"o l..ocloon!hirc (!..oud,01">il::hiro), Inmt. of, 2:!c,::!11 : !onJ.hil' of, ::!4 J. r.UCbOll, Sir .\n,lro\\ Cnnninglon"l, , I.~""''' of, 1~~yrnOllt lo.~. Lodln'lI.o"u~, Inn'~ of, 9, 219.

u...c ("*)

fUI .. "."lruI~ oJ ...... 1.~,_I I~~ih.t.rt l""~_;'I.W'Il"'_ ',I ru;'. " ..... ~I, II'J~ 10 U'" l.uk ;,,10::..1 1"_I'.c"I_I.~ 1;5. I"I.I"; ~';' hl!.II""I. Hil: f ..... "'Y ill II., ,",'''"'. 1",10",,,.11.< ...11. M,I I, \\",110"" W., ..."", lU I" :..oq~. nM,,,Ii'J; <or Ill", ...1 1110 .!.\ :!-!7, :!I". 1 ,,,1.,10....... ,. :l.'tl: f\lf' II,e (:" ... ,,' ... .\ .. I~1o ,~",d, 'IrJ,,~u 1;""ly.3u, ch"' ...., ,I< ..... '" l.illlillo;., ,. ;11, :!t:l I,,' tI,., I""'b"'" <I, .... ill 11"1,-.,,,.1 I~"" hIo, I. ,Iu. \1... 1. ,f.:!:.I1 h'IU-IO,:l!iG1 fur Ilk 'I"""".n 1,. 01.-'''' ,-"",I,hll,.. "'",I~.!, 1.1;. I ... .\1,1",)' ,.f 1I'~r ...... II""'"," ;to.,; I,~ r ~ ...,I.", tl~, ... l'!lK), Jo'", (:'''1.1..;-11 "'. ,.."1.10._,,, U""tl'auw.~t.!. -:!Q.:!'!7 I...... h.~r\. J..I",. ~ '''')'''''''' I'~ ,~. :';,Ihu, .f .... 1'.0",\11 .. I. :::ll. 1I1, ~ "~I,:.'U6. c!.;. bu.' ,,{, Ioa.d I" II ... ,""~no


- - , ' " I.d.. \ ,. tI ... 1.:.. ,,1 ,,'.


- - II-,Ib, .... I~, .......;o "I ~~lrul, .....". LoMti. ~II " ..., , f lh,... ....,.... _1 ~111 .. ili,'" .. ;110. I:.,. ''''" .. ,II,. ~h" 1\ ''': ..... ,to. ~ - - ~ir ~'tl ~'''''' of lI.,;:Iol>.", ~I. lu I~u K'''I ,,f ....."u'ul.. In ... _ _ l'Iir .j~IIIt!~, uf ~. ~I". I....... ) . \"I,il ,1,1. II, :!.!I. l.oo.bll'~IIr. JoIn, "'J"... "t I", :!.'>!l. !,.'-a l, ~11II' to. a ,..... rnau ill, ~.l'~ I ~.,,,, 1)"d.l, 1")'''1(;,,1 lu. 317; ...~,t I.. 1~ ,,,l,'n....,,.... fl1l..,r,:!3!I,..,,.I.,,,I., Ih, .... ,,;., 31(1: l.. y"""n~lo tlcIII.l>\I, ~""."" 10 Ihu hl'l:, lli7; 1".ln",,,\I,; of hi hil', 3:;3. :!Ij - - JII''''''' ~; d" u,lcui"lI ..., I" 1.0."', Jul",. !3~. I... lrlll.-k, l~ll.Cr "1,1 to, b~'i. '''1m, 36-1, - - J oh n. l "'y'DC"~ 1o, for 1.1.'('1""); L"If".... II. .. fll"'"~ \0 tho I..;...,. of, t ,e " Int_ Ir.......... 3~ 1l, 3.H, 3(;.:1 r,i , !;~. ill'. (i.l. Gj, W, '!, :!b.i, :!I.I 1 .1I11.",lcn (1,,..,,,,,:-.<1<1"',, Th, ......, "I.... Lop.,,'. wif", I... )'rD~nlID, 361~,) ... ",I, hel'llld 1>1 [11:'11"""1., Inio'l ' -'l!;ie It..oclel, th .. ";"11'.... ,r~ri"l1 .1 Ih, 1.;,'\1 of, xu:, :,!:j;!; 11;1)''',,-~1I t(o .....lIIt\I 1"'),lIl(;nl1 10, I~I. :/....); .I.:i loll ..... I., lar linUi", at, 34';. 11", '"''''III.) . 2~, :!.id - - (I.o.:y), M. Laona"', 3StI, ~I~: 1"')'- I,IIm) .. ,.;.. ',elln,..


.... " 1. w, lI-.t, 83, 1I. , 8.;, b1l.

Lllllbc th..,,~, 1 1. of. ....



Lou, laudlof,lll,2'.!1. l.un,ll', I~O I~i'" or, I"')"'~'" I., Iri. LoaloI"I, Loch. ,i.il Lt. XX"iIi, h~1I ho "cui I" l ... "r<', :'; 1li, 339. __ J"!II~, IIr~ h;,,1 ...1 Lllu<iy-. '''''. Lo..doo, SuM for the palnle. """ilh~ in. 1"')'I\I~"t 10, .... Ln' he ,"cUI \0 FI"I"'co:. 371, (i.:; i 00'11 1""'llot in, I,:!,j(j; lri"" r ro,Q. 2.), : 1,,'1<'1)' 0"lIbl in, '!GO ~ elutlr of -_ n"'.rl. 1.:.1.......;., :t.! ~,I '-.ht jn. !!:ill, 258,:!Il1 ; ,1.0" ...... 1 ,,;&'1" (I_liAr', .Jul", ( ..... ,k ol.:!oj ... .... !.au.b! in, m; til(; 1'''Ioe'la.. ~ IAIII), I~ \1 .... t..I"'.. :. b .. t. ''', 10.


""'" ./""1'1 . .


, ....k-I.o, llrO.


(IlUAl .. l, 100. La.-Uny"l. hI.l;. 1'\'1. !G.-I. 3.i"l. II:!. ~, John, Frtnch Ihij>"'righ, lie. J..llt~ !.IIt<b.oa<l. llil; f'o"".... 1 I.... -. 1on.1. ..... PJ; 1'I1'111~ lI'\:,.h. lAi<l!C'1', d,;uloll.-.... 10 .. 392__ lire,),. payrucllt.. 10, 01-6, :1(;0. 3(,;, 1.1>\<'<, t ....' Quot-,' .. , ..,-=l. tu, 11'1, ;9._, !lllG. I ~I, 3l(l : doth III: r, ... '1'-" 111, _


Luter, the wuUlr, J'Ilymenl' 10, 186, 3-Iu, 354, 3,jS.

1~ 1 .1G..1, lr"~Cull",,h pla~k "IIO"cb ),

Elo.iu., p.y.

IIH'nt by, 21."

Lutera, payments to, l~, 13-1, 1+4, HII, - - John, f .. lCOller, pay",ent. 10, 331, l a;;, 100, 360, 375, ~03. 333, 3,~, 3,6, 3,;, 40"!. Lye! (Lieli), ",.mmder, rent for to the - - Niuinn, of C"U'dcI"llU, oom]""; \ io"

King, 133.

,,;th, IS.

Lyle ([.ile), Lonl., L",xHI, :!?, ~1G, - - Simon, e\olilinl lot, 323 1 ]~'rnlfil~ clothing for, 00, 10-2, Ill , 311,3111, to, 403 :11" 3-lO; gooo fl'O'" SI. A".he ..... 10 l l"",lonoll, ."En""". ~mbo._,I"r from

Ii:i_ghorn, 38;. 1",lnml, h:-:,;i. __ Lady, """,15 two oxenlD Ih. King. llncElVnn ( Mnk~";u), John, 2"'...5.

Macf"r1 .. " .. ,


(M .. kferlan, Mal

culm), llRyment t~, 338Lyon herald, Ixxiii: ""ot to Denmark, IxId, 1".13; p"ymclll ror ,iel .... ]' to. llncl:i1I"""lIU1ll, Om.gal, e.cheat of, !l,2W. 133; JI<,)melll to Iii, man, H o; [lilY- lln~.:rcgor, p4}meo~ to bi. m~1I for DOMI ealen, i -.mUI rurlhc. to th e King, mcnb 10, 2,8, 361. 3.'\!); gke" a 1101"90:' to the King, 339. - - (Lioun), P.o.,-;", 10,219. ____ 01 Kinnell, 23 1. Mudmy, [l:IymcnL to. bis mnn, 3.>3; writiog' from, brollgbt 10 Iho Kin:;, - - tailor, p"l'lIlenb 10, 101, IO"!, 3J.1; il11he .e,.;., ~Ill. ISS, :t.:!3, 310, 345, :U6, 3.'i1. __ Mr ..-E. J 0., I ~xi" , lx,,,,' , d. Ma.cJ.-\ehl&lI, ,\I"(:hibalu, com})Qo!;ition M.o.CAD.\)I, JIIIrmclIt to, :liS. ",ilb, ~. McB.'xter, John, """heaL of, Il MacColl (1hk .... wle), acnds .. hone to th. .\l&CI~.lln pfRklnnc) ()f Lochbuie, p.~y. menU to, 3.'15, 363; do. to bis clar King, 4 10. IICbllT, "xi"" 339; lette ... from, to tho McCrbtin, Simon, com~t ion with, King,3CS. 231. ~ 1"Culloch, Alenudcr, clot4ing lor, !)S, )rRclcnRan, \\'Hlin." of nolllby, ~: compctflitiol1 with, 21, 23-1.. 103" lO'i, 301, 300, 3J!}, 3.iS; payment. to, 12';, 206, !l36, m , 4.1~. 4.16, ho ... \1",,} ..... 1 (\I .. kloy')), l~!tc .... o.,,,t 1.0, 13.~, 156purehll8C<l for, 1M; ",ot 10 Gnll""",) ", for Imwk., 199, hone purcltued from, - - T"'"'l"il, sic," of his <)IUI11", 1!(..~Ii. 2~ 1 ; lackey to tbe wilu knight,l, 2;;8: ~lcNacht, ,fameo, coOlr-itlon .. ith, 2:3.3. I'lnj'$ bowb with the King, 39'2: Macneil, PiulR} (Mnkncill, Fruin,,), hrinG' b"u]gen n,.1 foxes to tho King, carriage ()f hiB harne .. t(l Ayr, ~o,. - - Sir Alexallu~r, ()f )1}TtOll, %ix, ]00 1 r-pnellt 1.0, 200. bxxix; paymenu to, II" l~, Mn1<nnc, John, 01 tho /alcB, bxx: 12~. 130, 149, :127, 3.'E, 3..Q I, .%6, cloothil1g for, 103; <lo. to hi. fln",,{, :m 3!lS, :100, 4 11 : .. IIft"k ,1,... II"'. 17:1; Idle,"" from, to Illn Kinp-, I:!S; lieU,) (l,re" hor<'1C8 tu tI'e 1;:;11:;, liHrC<l ' '', I~O; """u~ "'ild g_, Ii:!. ..IO.CllO, "II<I hero". \0 lha l\iug, 13G, l!l l ; ur!nb,h'cr to I,;" Ill ......,"., l lnld"."k , i'ir AnuO"<:w, 1100 Ki"S'~ :llmo'II'r, .-011, ,;~, ,,~, r.!.), GO, 01, (i:!, 19"2, 331; p4ymcuU to hie fnIoonu, 186, Iflo2, .'\.;9, 373. (l:r, r~;, rot;,6i, M, ,I, i.'l, H, ifi, iG, -lIa,;o.I,ol KilnmlnT, 2:1~. ].40, 103, Ill" 2O."i,200, !!SO, 2:>1, 2S2,



!!S:I. ;,!S I, 2PiG, :.!l;j. !!>S, ~9, 201, ~!, .\I.'O:-'H, '-'ul.!', 3.Y.\, 41:t. h " ... Innl: Mnkml'y. AI~", I~Y''''''~ to, IlI3, I'.'. IUl, III. Mnkpnu, !:ii, At"JAn'l~r, ,,1"'),01.11.., .1"";"11 I "11' 121, 12.\, a..ry; 0<'1,1 to C. ill",,,., I1ft', "".1 I",... r"r,
~'!I. ,

the Kiug'. mu:;I,!.r, d"lhin~ fDr, ~':I. ~rJ. II~. ::'-", :U". :11:,; for. II I~' I .... "'.
),ii, 1,1,


- - J nnK'l, 1"I~'''K'"t~ t~, 11.1, IG!!, :I~II: ~'!" ,..,,~of It.... I .,... i. I~;;, ;~il - - 'rh~m;l" r lLrt'M"(: of Ire,., r ... ,m, Ii;, \ldr,.,,1 1\1.,,.;,-,;1), 1(" .hll' 1 ... ;i, lhC(l (mIls), "...,1 ~ill, witb a ,Ian;'" 10 h". I.\lil, :CU u .~ I, ... ( i ll it, ~ll for ho,) ...d ..... k, :1!lIi ..II .. I,I\h. ~~I.;_ ..... ~a 1'~'I' .\1~gWlc"Q I>.,y, I\ill\:'. 0.011<-1 in:: nn, I;:!. II" I.'""u <h~DlI",,,,,,, ,10. 03. ....Y 1:.". 1~4. :t!,'" lI ~i,I"II "'1, d""~ t"" I'''u" l:t! I fIIIpA' li t to I... gl"'~.n'~ki,,;::. 1G:l,17.~: - Q'I"I, "f J",,~ .. m. the K .. '. 1" _'111 tn lit,. L1II,1 'bi'\I'n', 1:7: ,J.. 01","1'1.1\ .. ",I bU\' f"t, ' I, ,I>. I...... "l..;,,~ III Ihe 1\.1"", 140, U~" I;.), \1~1\:"~'il'" I'" r;nc;t), Itl ";110 ;!.I :t; tin. tl) 111(1 10\""l1li,' :1-1,1: .1""",, ::!~6, talk ly to the hI:u:); '~<ly'., :!6(1. )I~r;"c ..... I")'''''nl' .",,1 ,t, ",,", .Inr 1". Mail of .. loth, n. fQ' tho Kh'II' ..... k. I~.\ IjO. 1,1,1')(;, 19!1. ~~'::, :1~'1j. J.'t!. :Ill, :1-11. :11" 31~, ~'OI r....m "I~~[,''''n, - - pIIyment Inr c"rringe of, 100. Ily'''''1, "," 1 Iii rkt~loly, ;!o,! l ,,( 11"1",,,\ - - <'Mwn' for thll liinll'~ (,,1,1 "r, :!oi... l:':lc",,'~ .hi", ~~':l: 01 !.cill. 00'" I" M ~1l jd, for II'lW'I~ I"''' klnl"", !I;I, 100, Ih""h"rt"II.IIL Hl I, II. , 1111, :ll(l, ~1l, 81 . : In.tia" Ibrlo.,h"l, w,n;~m, 1':.11'1. cnmposi(j<>u 1 ~I ; III iCnU Inr, 2M. M, Illth, !!J'~. Mai r, Ilenry. l o:.)"'~nL In, ~10, 116. "~"klmh, J"hQ )Iuli., Ill, :!3!l, \1" .. 11111. Ibt II,," , ,,"YIII,,,,I, 1<>, 360, - - P)'ke tic h. I~\y'nent t~. 3."i!. Mniit rH. &. ,\lioto",. . 3-..1, )'.lBilbnd. J ,'lllc" cnn'l"'"itiO<l ... ilh, \I~ ... h"n (~'Dr "h",,]]), AI~xalllkr, 1'1Ir 10. :!19. ella". of t ... ," fr",,,. ~;, l l llcnlm 1.\lnltulIlj, Willi""" ]lII)'n'~~h - - (.\II...-1I,''''J, ~'r I'h"",~., <'h'I".i~, '''' 3Il:!, :176. ~~lory 01, 11'.I~I. I:!,i, 317. I.,klllt. ',2.17'Inrc;n, An,lre .. I....yml"nlln, :t1tJ, l lrumering (~ l nh,crY"I:) l'lotl, ",:toter 01 I __ 1:"I.,rl, ..,,) '''I'bl 1'.. 2~6. 1110 Qnll!>n'. wnrdmk, J:t""'; ~In.l' ~ "nll.,1i fur. :rou, of, Il fI, I ~ - _ iHlIl~', Ih~ li'p.1ni~I-cl, d')I},;",: ) Inllllel, I f,~,~, au, I fo ~"O, :\III, 10':, :lI1;, ,'I~, :llIi, :117, lbnu''Il. a, pul'....,ued for I ~ ColLe..~ Kirk :u 10, 31t1, ;136, .1,'01>. 3; I. :r. '." ~"I, ~\"l ; of Stirling, I '~. IU('I,I. tn, 3,'0,}, 3G.I. UIi, 30;<0, :;:0, .llnny, (:iH"lrt \\'allo af, ](I, 219. 3~~1.1!'!. lbr. 11K' l'Arl nf, .l~hl .. wi".: la, 1~I_ 'IMt ..... ("","1';1.;'.1 '1,,,1 I~ '>i,,:-lI ) lan:bu>O<l~ hcn."I, ,,,,,,,if,,,,, eball"'~", I..... ,(., K ;''11. U I. ~"H ; 1",],!i.IIt.Ii",. ~h Ii;: I"') la. "I' 11,.1,.." ... i)t." ... yl, b.roo'roi ", ~I' I", 3i'I),:t!la, _\J~r1' 1.",,1,\ ~I !'I. T,I1k. , I~~: )btt'll. Ille 1 (1"11", l'"JDI:h~ frohl 1'~lk, C , '" I ..",tn)'" "1' >1. .. \:Inl} t.n $1;,lJ"<i, &;!: ""'\lgl.! ("'' 11_'1.>'"" }""-' ,,f 1':',~lalLd. ,,""Stirliug II) ~:'hnbu"llb, 3lo.'l. \]....,,,. J " ~Ijtl"" .. rut II~, JI~




- -



~In",,"., [~\Ju,cnll


130, 139,

;In,[ w";uk,ih"cr 10, l.Ja, lii3, I.H. lGl, 163.

u.ilcd 10, 00: "",rinc" go~ fur Iho King'. "OYR!,<e 1<1, 2IY.!; dri"bih'ct
to " wrlSh~ in, 204, ~ 13 1 l .. y,,'~"t~ 10 I""'I'ULU in, ~,208, ~13; Ihe 1''''1> ."p" in,:hlS; ,")'I1lCUII \0 Ibe hcrn,;~ 01.208,41:1; ",i""Irt'b on Ihe 1\inS'. Mil' nt. 33a; I"'Y"''" to ,na,lo",.. goi"" IU, hix, j~ :!; Iho King tlinn "'I,

HlI, 179, lSi>, 1M, Il}-J, wa, 1[I;;,;n:.. Wi, '2%,3.11,343, :J.I:S, 316,3,;7, :lS2,

:lS:[, 38-4, 300, 401,102, 100,


~1!?, 113. JWlymenL ror n, 1(19; t.o tiL. dllll"'J ,,( ll.~nlluckL"'rn, :!SG; for m.' ~bn",ooT,

]""[ I'rilloo'.
tlo .. rhul"

"r th~ Q""",,' r.tl

:!S71 lUCII<li"l>

).Iutico\ for Lbe l'nintcr, 184,1\13,201, ,\luy Qneen, 1~'J'",enla 10 Ihc. u~ 1I01y .JI1..!. 1'00d, XXl"i, I(lJ, Ill,; do., in ,\yr,33!!. "lasLo, ""'-olUOl'Y n "olel'l'ins" .1o 'I"" , Mnyloolc (MellO!) II), uni: Kid, of, 1\ illg. \>elelLe,'e at I he, .\{).1. 1~, n.; ",iten anJ IK1/C 1,u,d.~""I, SlI; brought home by nil l;;"HliBi".nll . 14 1 : !lIn)"", for ... bol'll\: ""]ladoun, :11. i"""""I .... l At Xot ... Onm", lW; Ihe ~lnYII, Joh", howyer, oo,,"~nl"lIB Ilur. laisj"s of the ship'B, Lx, 170, 17 1, 195: eha~1 from, IS:?; "1'001'1, etc., pur. eh:ae<l (,'(Iu', 3.:8. :lI);i, 380, 3!H. blo,,:;h! U) Leith, 189; for the Bhi]> iln.'t.N, 3-17: 1.lI"o"ghl 10 J)"mb.~rton , - - Wille, wrillh~, clothiull fu,:, 31!!' a,s, 11)[ : 11IIt lip at tlo., 403; l'"rd,nlMl !lle.",low, roromp""1C! ror ,Inmag<l to a, cf, _ J:?. I 147.
,\j""".I ... erul,
1~ 1 .



1 4~,

Ii!!, 1!1l1, 2,qo,


m<lOlSCllgo'r IC!nl, In

Ihc, "itlo

38(1. MathuoII, '\11<1rc\\", I"ymcnt"w, 82, s.~, !llea~ (mot), wil,I,.cot 10 the king, 40~. ~j, 1&4, 171, 180, 198, 29';, 298,361, ~ I cillio (.\IO@llill), I.. ~)"'"c"t to tr. wife ill,
~. )Iu~imilinn,






Ih" Eml"'ror, I~~i, lx~,1. Mcikili.>ilh, L"mlAof, 2:1.';. ~ I BX lun PIR~lo"n), CbarlOl!, olothlng for. Mciklon. Plcki]]o","", MciklchoreJ, 300. lIcnry Mcreer of, 15, 21, 33, 226. __ ro.lrick, dot hing for, JOG; P.~J''''OIlI l lcldrn"', Willia." of lo'ple. 5. 10. ror uichtinll o.1K! IIrnitJolnot the - - Oeoreo. yo"neer, of Fy,ic, COlD!'Olli. hamoora in Slil'li,,!; runl Linlitllgow. lion "ith, 5 <00. )lello''IIl3i". (lielloot.n.nill), Henry "'II;e - - WilIi .. ,n, clothing for, lOS, 300. of. '.?O, 22~, 230. Muwcll, John, Lonl, 26, ~'7, 23(1, 2.14, __ Inntls or, 2:10. lldroac Ahh"y, [b" Roy.. 1 .Arm" in, !!lUlnlOnl"I, 187. __ Euphemia, \\'11<) of Jlle>:nntl('r lxix. M clt~, Ahbotof. Hol>Ott J:.c..tOtl, IC!II,l. Li ....I""J' of Cors],nsket, 14. - - John, of NClhcr.l'oll .ek. 11. oxeu I<) th .. KiuS, WI ; Kinll'. lulle.. __ Itot.cn, ofCulderw""'I,~, so"lIL to, 20::1. 3.>1; yi"~" .. hone w the King, '.?07 i payment loy, :?H. --::ii r Will inn', of Tealin:,;, COn, loo..ilion with, 17. - - " wri:,;ht .. nt to, ~. M ~J', tho 1.10 of, xxvii, xXHi, Hr.; M~h'i llc, O:l\'i,l, "'l'Ol h",' 01 Sir Willia""
]\i,,:,;'& olrurinyg ill,




AI ""

to I',.;.". ... in, 70, :"'9.'l; ~roIIII 'bows to Ihe ..hip .. hen U,o 1~111;;

1"")""M,1a 1 0,~, lUll, ~O; ; ehri~l<' niug of hi. ch il,l, :184.; 1\'"1;'8 Iloxll.o.,in, .:ift to ,I"., 3Il4

M ~I"lk

S,. W,lIoa . ,..u',"I>1 ..-uth I ~kno.........,'

\I ).1.o""~

I"')"""'t.. 1.tI, '-.0, 11.", bG, '7, btl, 110. - - I:....I.c-'L. lal." 1m IU, 110, 1~",~,;..'!IIl. ~'9'i, ~h.~; ' I. rink .... :s. 'I ... e..... lIotS ... ' ...... ' .. ,,' 1.0'. to kllh. \I"", .. ,. ,b. 1'"0\'\0 I ,of, .loiak.lI ..... ,. tI.."I,""I I... SI:!. I". II'...... llil . 1..,-....',1 "... I;' )I~",,"'.)II, l\..-kol."", \I . _ I"h". J } ol"laol. I"r-" I< loa. .. lc.' .... \c,oo...u _. 1"')""<110 I.), . loc. . 1:.oJ 2,), ~I:!. - .ui; L ... _ ........., 'NU. 1.:"1.

.\uLIo. """



~9, ~OO i louw"lo .... ,,1 I'~ I:to, '1"',. ,,'x ,,_ II. :.~~! 33.>. \I"pill..!>" 1i.o ..... I."l.u..... "I. oN, I"" --):),. Jolon, CO'. W~ll~,.., .....",1. t"1. .l)or W1II ..... of ,, ~, .". :!!I, ~II \J" had, II.. I. -'0 ~'II. n .. ,. 1i.,I ..., 11",11.'-' (;,U ....... low;- of .\ ....~, ,\h.ltlUm,u.t. acq:'I'.... 'u,," 110.

- - .'Ti,i,





(lol~. .t. Manar), ,\..J.-. __ Janol... ..low d r.iftctl "",lit,",,, dud"'" for. 300. _ I ~', __ Ik....,.. of lld~lour, 1~:!3. :O,:!..'ll \I~J.IiIt._, \1, 1.t.rit,'II. ,..aIt.'r,,,' ,of - - P.obert,of 1l<>Il~ir. 2.'1, '!:!Il. ~l .\,~I,., .... 1.'1".... ' )',..:u. )1"",,10._(00'. JA "''''' brillfP loon.. '\1i.1L,~. 1 .... f, U _",1

IIOU I....... :ISO; 111l) ,,,,'n ll<.l, 1I1 )J.1,huar, !:II. ' ..... '" I :...... ~, "I.~' - - JulOII, mari,,,, l.u~hiUoD of .ob'I' I .\1o,].utUm~r F,,,, ", ..... "If'rinll 1,,1'1 ....,k], '" }'1,,,><I," I,},~: .. bry uf, J"]",.h,,b'I' 1\'t'\.b ... ~1I1. 11"1, 121. ]2,;~ I"y"... ,ta t...o. 1 3' . 1~ . \hd.,f, ("f't l" 0. 1.0 ,10. 10.;; . .,t to 131, 3;.!j I ,""y "",~u' .... ~Io. 3;1.

_.1 t.u, .. """ IkL. II;; _,I ..... l"I.~t< .... \n\<"",,., ,h, 1'''1",'1 ...t... ~''''' ~.!: ... " IIIUI,.,.. ...1 1uYl,l ..... fro ....",,,~. dri"L" hn "" 331.1, ll,1I ! .. )Jnl A I;kllwni,', l"oL~I" of hu1.h1 .... "'iO'''Il: of. lCko. II, .. , :''11.1. - -1.1\e, ""JIII,:nl \.l'. "i \liII"u. ,\,,,1,,.,, ) I.,.a", ,no I~, ~.?:!. llt..u..",. (rue~han,h.) ,of ~:'Ii"bu..h, ll""",n (~I"'"'P .. fl, tL" "illl:', JUI,] .. r ",,.-.01.,.,. :':'9. ". u.I". r,I, llcn.loea....... (of. G , . loll", ...,.. I"~.k " .., rOlf ,"" q,.c.,m'. llcrliu I_rIm) fut 1M ""I~ 'I. "~""'. U. ~I f.,.. I>ct ""bl Wc.Ia..... ", Watl,',. IaW.on, I,,_i,. 1"'1i"""':.!tiI. _I_ III, il. j :i.... IW, M. II~. I~I. )1, ,",Ja. ,''' 1..&.1 nsh-, II,.,." I2;\:. :t..'7. I "}""~'u 10, II . 1Ill, 1:.'11, I.!I. I!~, llrfri ......'lh. W;n ,a,., uI 1.. ,110, ",II L!I. I~~ .. 163. I;", 1.'0. 3;". 3;~. :Ii!!, I..,._nllo, Jl.'\. tIC: I,i", far, h:l. Iii II, lll!nl uI the Ihl l' 111 ..1o.. 1~. '" th, H . J;.\. :';,;, 10\1. 1"1. I"; l d ..., IlUnU"""lIIoOiu Ihe, 11)3; 1.'i .....' I.~. to"'~, lII';. 3111; I"')'U"'!" Ihc.I,,; , I~9. thn ........ _ :->iM<!. I:i.:>. )lc".bi'Io~ .. kt_l.futlJK,""p.l'>9. --I:~. I ~; I,*,.~'~'; r :fa, ih-. "..,..'''~ ..,.., 1. ''''-'. I I>~ :t!:l. b , 1'1Ii.. .'I.rWoo, II.... I~'nl ,,J. ..... ~II,.-";alt.. ... --I"".....c. to, h, I~. I~I . I~I. I.:':;' Ii. ,\ku,"Ic.. loa I'~ 1;11. I~. IIIl, I~r;, I'''' ~tI.






3'i9, :193, Il(i: ~I OIItgon ... ~- O I"l1lgnmry), 1I 0g;' ...... n.I, 1'OII1r-ilin!\ "~Ib, U, 10, ~!, :!.'I I. )hllt (tuMie), tbe ellnpllin 01 the, pIl)" - - J"I,!\. 01 1110",100, ('>\ChUl 01, 13. XIII,


I.'n ...... 1'lI',!?tlO,

ment to, 116.

MIAJ; (onJnld.1 for follarw the QIIt(:,,'. I:0wn. :.!tP, )Utl.<l~ uf "I.. ~I"inn, 1fl.1. ) ' t.lltI.. Ih. (1'''''''' ,wMdlt>l.,h I:~ I~"I~ ll";'II'''"I. ~I; U~lla"d doth ,kli,tnoU tn. 3!J: _,IIUI to priM. far, &1: I"'y. llIenU II), U), 123, 32.>, 3lJ:I; he"l. of French "M""~ gh"" 10 h~r 1DII;.lc!n. 1/7: l'llrill hL.... k doth lor, 300: .-tlnt. "'Ii", ~n,J Hollan" r)"lh r.....



-- --I(It,
2-~. ~Iontlt.

lIrl'l""n. \lid"" of. 13of 1.Qtl1 )10111';;0111\")" 13,


, .. ~, 103. from, "lV; ,.".


tJ.l, 3~I, h.,,-i<..I b~ ,L, ""p..li'ioll '0

l.J<.nm"k 1111_",1,,\ [r01ll


I' .... bl~.

nollb of. I~:!; Ibe l\;o<l'lhnt ,.,~en to, ~46: Ihe ~p."lIIiIl"u.o in lx-.\.... KI. :'U:;; I\ing'_' .1~t.I.on 1"')"on,I, S'>tl: Job" Hutll"I' ntld lMl~"l"!I' Itol ...."1 "')_1, I]:t: 1\'lIl1 li,le, a!o,1C In lIre. :lit,..;. (,l.lounIJ"y). the 1'l'I'n~h Ittnll" . clothing for ,31' ; p",,,,beQll " f wit .. for, :H:!; l"'yme_HI to. :!I!l , ,l il>(' t Hol)'rool, !II!); .-nger ""n l 10 CnlMJ'agud. "'''', tn p .... Jl-u"- ror hi. "'ril... 3.;0: .. ItIUOIIllronMht 10, 3:11 ; ... il. for U"UlU&tl: in ~").. II'fI~lo~, lu, b.,-, 3~: .....MIl' for. l it llolltl'Ol(', \\'iI!ianl, .;'rl of, WtII l>Of!\ioli "'jtlt, t.;, :!"".!.1.:!:J,j,

SU, 315; In S" of :-il. 'Il,,"'~l gi.~" 10, :\GO: P"''''HI~ 10. On 1111nglng II""" of tho I'rlt..:,. '.11'11" uXi, :100; 1\Ift1.1. i"oI ..,hlloror, 3!l!l; .IMlwtoherl,M,



Mp..hrum,. lnhnI}IInl... or, Il.



Willillm Oougw. or, 2~. ~loICIl>;"., 39;, llor>cotlir, bntl. of &. l !ootroll'e . )lonc:rI .. .:~lu,,~rI .. f), MT AIQUlld~T,



I", l,jl.

- - II ....., 1"')11""t 10, 181 ; tlot!\i" for, Zfl'1. 30.\. - - Rob.n, eMhing ror, IOJ; fillY' R,enllo. 11;.3. ]00,304,340, 3f19 lloneut (liulKllr), '\nd"'.... , OrtDOlI ..... , iril1libih-er 1o, 3l11; P"JUlcnulo, 301, 36.1. :~I. 3!;;i. Moncc:al"""",,, Ihe Queen at, xn,i, 4'U. ~ I olloy tArrhd Ihroo.;,:h l:ngl~tlll, Ij!l: Hilt to Ihe KiJtlr nt \\'I\;IIIOI'n, 3; '1.

- - uti,
2!H .

X:llt; W.ller Ogih'y. Lul'K"' of, ~I; nhlt.lO Iho friln of, GO, I!.

.\Ioot tnubron.u. Su T."bron.lr, tho lloor. lloarith h.im "might to l;'e King \0

I __ la..;u, xlix, clothi .. , for the,

11 3, lt4 XiO<>f'l. the, cllllhinl: for, 101 , 3 10. 3:.!1, 3.<;([. 3:2'1; f .... l::ht of, UII, h...<>11 &n, ) .h08 "onlm~n. Cit tie of, Ji... fo., 1.5.:l, 172, IS!.3.'IIJ. :1"71. :I~;, ~iJ'J ; '\h"'iuh'('. xulii. ..~pentol"l of tholt bmtd, 17';, :161. ,\I"ilk of 1'~lnt'" ";'11 the \,eM.I, Ihe. llono.y, l;i.h~I' of. ,\tIOI...... }-om.an ,
t ...~ '''eM 10, u~i ... T,!!. '!.huto. J\ 1II11''!"w, i>l lliltOIl, COlllllO.ilioo wilh. I';, :.".?a '\IoM,t.nfl"c.OhM",.mr),bu,h ,.f, 19. \Io>ntl> ... mcry. Ih,- ll.u~r "r, u~\oI:lItl"'l (If.

.. nno Ing .... mllM(!l', .. xh'l: ud,tOl", I, ~ II : ghfS II lQir of Jt:Irlct h",,~ 10 Ilw King, ~I; .;...... A(C!OllLlllo, 21Ci, 1O"t,I., of &iher ginn tn Ihe Kj,,1t 1,.1'. xIii', :lU I : CIII' gf ath'cr ,10)., :r.uii, :JG!' ; I'II)'Ulcut \<I, 3110; ; " 'e!I II

li'TIII' i ... ~ .. '\I "",~'. l;i.I~'1' of. AIc~a ... lcr f:tunrl. ''';" ~-,: h" . !O" 1.1r .... "\.' . f .. r. yo;. hudf '111111;1, .I'~II'. of \1."~I,,rh. ;!.-:<.I. _ tho 1':.,1 or (.ltI'",.. f:t.\\"altl. \I""h ""'. \\"111",,, 11>,.....1. :."!1. hx,f,,; d"lhl"lI ' .. r, !~;, f'~. I f I, ) 1"", I ~1", I. ~;r .... d_"" .. ,/ (',I,lwdl, ~4. ~_'\l_ :11 f. ~ I G. :117. ;~lol' g ....... hUll, l'L. ,\ ",1 ",'.-' III l\ i,,~I."n :l~;, II 1"",,,~\ \I",.." ~blll"I't "'Ie,,f _\bn 1"']'.1 ",pi.., '''1', ~!li: h.,~ I"r hi' \on,..'. ~"1. IG.. __ .f"hn .. f. '111:,,1, g;\"tu I,y, t., l~l.o EllULI..,tl, ,fr III Willi."" )1.1 .... 1-o1 ..I;I.o;r, II.', I Ibn< "I \:.,,,,1,.,. :!I. ' 1.... hllll .... \\",II1~n'. ~:"fih,h"L>u, elol.b[tI, ",,"" h,~-h. ,," ... 1. ,.f. III
4 1~'L

h _ t.o.lh. hi. Ulul ... ~~u,


;n\: . "',.,..".. ,




..'I .... " I' 11,"


:I'i-~, I".""i"~ ..



I" .., U"'.

:II ~ :


'" You,,!;' ..,I,]:tl

\I"lTh""I"I,,,',, .... r:c,,.."' " "1'''' ....

1.....",. ...\1:" ..... wi! "I Xi",," ~h, ,,,n,,d, of c""I.m< IS. __ I'm"-..,,, ""'fDl''''i\io~ ,,;\h, ]~. __ /'<'or;c, eollllv,_jlion wili" :!:Ii. --J(~m, IIf lIl:orkl"l'm,y. ~ro. ____ of I'alnhlll,:. __ - - 01 ~ho 1I""~.I"'!",,h.1.w. gin 1\ boro.. to Ihe l\il'S. l:tl; IJ~y" Ilt Il, k~ I, . ,nth ,II", Kin~. ~>O>;,. __ i'I,r .1"1\,,. d'~I'L~in in tbe I\h,;:' Ch3f"'1 ....lllly"l. I'!:i, I'l(;,:eo - - ~Ir ,I.']'". I"y""'''l< to. 1~1. '11(1, I 3.11, ~f.l, I III : .-tlCnI_iti(ln "ith. ~i __ J,d"., I"l-m~,,~ to, t.I.. 1..1.." ........1', 13!I. I.jl. 1.bY" ;It "3 ..10 w,[b lloco Kh,~_ I H; gh'''' A botu. to ,lor King. ]03, 1111. SIi, 1:1:'.11, 3.'i3. ;/~., 4111, .".1, "'or t) 110.. I\,,,g, :~'16, l"') ""... t 10 " .... 01, fnr Iorl,ogin~ " ~"'.I 1.0

\1(1""1"'''11(1. I:>tl: ,I ... I,," ..;;h\ for. 1.\;; I",)' .. ,, .. t .. In. \" :Ui; UI"""'" u f. ~ICOlil. Il a; oJa. At "'"Ikln"d. III, M ~'l'l",)' (~ I "'1,lol~). Ik,,!,)' G",k~"." ul. 2:13. _ b",l. "r, 2:t1. ;),10 "",,,,, il<:LJlrb, wif.. (Of .Iull" L1lnlr, I:;,

__ I'ttlo, lo.'h"o,. p.'Y',,~nl to. 13.i. ~ hMunlll, J "lin. IIp<'II!I'.uy, do(l,ing for. U~; ]1.1)"""'"'' to, Ir,. ] I:;. I.;~ ...-,s. 177, :m , ~:L'. :1:~j.!IIm; ~lol folllP"~" 10. 1.-'~; 1I1n ... lb.okll, ~tQ ,leI,,",,",,1 1.0, 161 1 ...111 10 SI'tlh'H I..... the nll"~ <:Ill. IG'J 1 bell" .... ,",, ]So). ) lnlllOt PI"Wlllc), Aleulldcr, 01 51':"'''1,,, ...... ~ :!-'tl. )I ""."-~I<l, wII,.,1 mn<l n'~rri"~'" of, . ~l o .. l.m)" P I"..-bno), Sil' l)~'-io.l. of C~r""'"'glr, :!H, :;!!:I. __ :lot r .b,,\~., 2W. I'Q,:IJ~., :r:a. :\hwh.\II. Ph,I;k"II,"), h",I. 01, G, '110. ____ Y')III'l,;~r, I'hy" ,lIfle ",~h ~h,' Mlltknrl hj,,. ~he IMI"nt~ of. ""n>e<l I';"~, ...... "".1. In ,,,,11' t.o <ir4", 1:lIi __ I\NI\III""TI. of 8"",::1>"",. """"1".1 "",r.loh,... ..,.lh,.,.~,.n'N'lln";'N.. t.:r::!. tI'", "~I". ~ :lolair.'.,.. I\m" .... I"'"1i.) ...-111 loy 1li.1~~. -!-or \\"t\ha., \<01 Tuiliha,.I" ..!, M. uI D~nkd,l, un ; \,o-ou"hl to tl,~ l\Ju. f.d ~ .. _'''''''''. hoi, Illi ,I. ''P II> 3.1.1. t"~ "hog. 1.-,;. 1.... : I"~' . 10 Ill \ Inir. Kie-It .of. Itin~. o""riUJ; IOllbo. 2!1' 1M" Irk '1,ln" .b.- '~'.,;-. :lIt;, 1:'" r-yn"'''t til" "-0111311 al[he, 39]. to .,.... I.. ~I", 1\,...:, ;,;,~: Iuo,u' )tnk> (makljl.o,,,,,ght f,.,... P,,<;I,1oo., I~J to 'CTIII ft!"1 t: ..al .. ki_1:' u.-. Ii. ,,~ . I..IILI .. MIltI' I,,,., 14:1; 10.:1.1'",,$111: f.. r )Jurroo, 1.:0",1, "I, II.




lfl.-ch, JRI~CfI, _n~r. l"'~-Nfnl to, I N~11cM (,oeoi ;lkll. 1;:2, lSI, ISS, l!l'i 1~1.Y.l. 363. 3!l7. ll<O8 .... '., Sir John, ~n .... \It. ..,nt \" "',-h. I~"I .. "nllo !'';fe. 16'01. lo,.... ;nll. 1i. ,..lfc, 10 1 ; I)(\fluon~ 10, 1)0; ICII,h 11\,,\. I ~S; ,Ioe........ nllo..II;.111n'l. IiI; IlIltc", to tho King. 396. lM'rrok ., 200; bllk :t!I'2; blllolh"",,' __ 1A,ly. d. fo., 3i4.

Scwbool'll, SI, Serf, C1,"n:h at. s.;". Sowbnu'" (Xewbolilll.~. --the Al~>Ot 0'. ""n<l' hrofed OJ~n 10 tho King, HI!; ....,"1. 1\ bone 10 til<' In King, ;1'9, \I)rIOU", the ).,\rd of. .~t J;ir Alex . Xc ..' 1I....... n. trellll fo 8~ : freight of anller M~ceulloeh. trw. ftorn Hy*>.t 10, SO; H_ for Ihe __ Dash!, eo, ~. chnpcl of, 8i . !:!l.i : ,l.inulln\' W Ihe __ h"oolla, wife of Gilbert IlildlllU, " 'o.kmcn, tl~ . of the. 18.1. 19.1, 339, !l6,;; ~Brrial.'e of t he I",,ilion. to, frow 1')1;11' ro. __ ROI)cTt, fll]concr, ICn~ to the hl~ I"'lih Cl1llle, 188; I. WOfIIlI" 1.1, brln,' t.errico 10 the ii:lug, u"i. HIS; min. lor hawb, 100; do. beyo",) tl\(l Month UrclN in the ,hip at, 1(9) aw,,, joT do., 207 ; clot hin!! lor, 300. __ P loJ101.u\). L\nd. And I.. rony of, po ...der. fIr .. carried 10, ':.'(l(); dullioo ror tll(l ch.'I'e! of, !!Sil; Kln~. (lffcrinlC n'lIl. ~'3S: IHtymcnt to 1I3r<kmcr at, 11l'~ J ,ldll~.il "cr to clIIRrricrl nt, 11)-2; in U(I., 258: 1>')'DIe"t to men "'Aking n dock ~",I lmlnnrk ~I, 33J: m.r;;t.!.'ll (If cl", to nllllQll' AI, 3.1', 400.
lku,l!lj. .\lutCJI. "",.ment for.!IG.'\. ~1.\Il~., A,wlrew, ,mnter, 0;'.. ll~!IIOO. h~rpc., \"'ymcnll to, I.ti?, \1)"..,0 . 8u \Jinh"t'r.

I\ln"'. Mggtlg.'l to, 33;.



little, l'nrehRIIC of, llil.


20(1, 27~,

.'IS' . 3i8,

:r.I~ i



2 72,27:1: hO)'Il'lknr, UQ: door,

14Q; 1,lnnllChour. 140, 112; .",nll. I I!;!; ,1",10,,", 202; grmt. 20'2,!!98: for '1 "101.. of hnf\b. 2.>.i: \'i(ll), 307. 31)7, .;0.'. ,11 4 ; for the pa.into., 101 Nniru (Nl.md. D:..viol, (If SR~,lfo.,l , !l.

Xn""lk. Su IlIlriklOOn. XIII,ie. (NIII>II;.), A IeJ:nml~r, ItOI'lOll 1"'1'.

d'IUIe,1 from, !;!J,,'),

__ ;\Ia.garct, n ,Innoe., doth(ng for,


XewlMn, John, InlLtOll, IlCI)'mcn~ {(lr, to /fI' t.<> the Lew; 3~9. NIl"'lIIiI,n (!>o'o"'lIylnil), John OIml't.eU of, .11.~ N6\l'ton, !Sir Gl)Orge, 30. S6; [1I'I)'lI1Cllt by, 213. _ _ JPfllC~. of 1'l&1<'Oi1, 2~ Newton Stewnrt. xxxiii. N"wlOun, 1r1l~1~ of. 2:\6. N;d,nll\y. Simon. AmI hi, .an. liromlttcrt;, 1"'),lIIen tA to, 11 7, 1 ~ 3. Night (If lI \l1Lru,,] cloth, !U. --Il'IIIMCI. I~Hi, 91, 107. __ go~nl 0/ ,'c1 vct. 2GB; of (;IIm lct,


Nn"kina (na.;"kiuni_j of 1I011a[>l1 cloth,


Nlnc pin o. &r KylcA. NnplcN (Nap"I".), t~ (I 1'l'I)lhcn(lIAr of. NI$\)cl (Nesbit), .oerl'ont to th~ 1t~llft" ,ui"'lrdN, l"'l'uc"l ln, l r.s. "'Y">!'''~ 10 Iho. 159. Nnt;,,;I) of Our 1.o.,ly. K;nK" 0ll'erl1l8 __ I'hllip, "flhlll ilk, 20, :."2.';, 2:13. N;lh, wnter 01, :ruIU; nllill to POOl' on Ihe, G~. {"Ikl Ill, :17:1. X"";V. thv. II'l;; In.



,',' ,::,

J!i~!<,or ~ I... , n,j; p;i.\._,,\.I'ljo,hT, .1, I,,' O,"'dl''''"li .. wi",!!I' tu, 100, T,:!. :fiJ. ;1.,1: ill ...1 I~"c IoU ; - - II' I.d,......,j ~I, ."" .11 ril,l.., 1 ... I,j. 1,0"\'.'1. I .'\..-,;(k~h;" .. - \J'\\~h"'.I"'M"'''hl 11,\ I:!I, I",.. \1.1, tlti, J.L1. 11.0'.!. 11:1, III. I .~I. 1;Io,~. :t..... :110.;,..I: .. I 171. 1!l7. ;~.l, ;,,7, :II~, ;I~'O, :nl. :J(~). 1, ... ~i .,1". 1111;, I.. , , .. , "It I :17 1, :\"7. ~(.-I I ",,,,,,11111' fur. ~(. l I I,,~J, ;m, ,1", 1\1".(.... 11 ..," North l ion II". ,I.. I ... """" ..t,:t.!. , ... :r~l. S, ...,"bo,.I. ' ..... 1:1'.1, ,I, 1"1' /:" .... omt ", Will,~",. _,_',,,,-, _olio. ,,~ hiI. it'lL 1'.1. !:.!I, I",. ... nlo ,,~ t~1, I'".~ ';". N.", ...) ..... ~I pt I" .... hiii. 2.1" :1.1. ;1.'.0. !II, I """'.'" I~orw N".-y, It,J ..1"l ..~.21' \ 1\ "'A pi , r,I., 11.71 -10",1



__ S,,. Wo1lo"",





1......1''''''.' ,"" I.L," 1..:(;1,. l



No".. 1__ _ I " .. 'lot Kong'l ob,1' H,I. I.. ,"'" 14'''''<, _~., _~'I :..~Io\ , .......... u-.I.'" h, Illt ....,. ~. .\ ",I Nil,.. 1 .-). I"~_' '''' t .. ~ II ... - Va_I ,Ill, haa; ,I I. I"'. I I, 1~7 MMltbboor. Ie;..: ,loa. mt hll<bn,l, I;~I' Jol \\ ~II ,\111 Wdl,. l1,al_al ...... &"1. ,10\ JIM \I, ...'. "'Im. il'O:l; ,,,," 10 1_ .... ,.., ...!J.ri,'i: II ....... ~. :!!J:I: "'1 Un,. 1 1\0111 .... .. 1110, 413; broil f.... 'h" ft' .... " ..111"Oto'. l ...l.h(:N .... :t-.~ \n,I<>o :!'::.'. !7l: ntbt'l<llor ,1 . '!i:l; 0 ....')rn. "I 10 a ",.1.. 01. :\~~ 1 ><:1.00101 for ,10., :!71l; .100llU lor <1 ... , UlllobA"l. ("')lin. t""'I"' IIi"" ,,illo. I:~ ::;1; I"',.noml ... ,\.... 3;0; .Iu. tQ,.t _ _ I:!i .>tl.tb. hi. ",I., I:,. l ,och,",l&n. :133: ,I", 10 Lonl ,h,,., __ ,1.n"'1.1~rlQC.t ".1', :lll ,lnlc -lOG. - ./ ....... 1....1, '_'I"';,lan w,It., "". Nil'" r.. h....-_ .. lw. 387. .~, 1 I'0I0....... to titu 1'r,QCO. I I., _


10". _, __

, ....d!. ,.~u,.:r. ... 0111: 1..- (ol".ln"'l. I"'R""" ..I. IIi Oar ,.Irl. I"'~I t, ..,...10", 137, Oll\~dl. L'\IIIh.nd I..... r ". O.Il& l~tl'II'", tAr!" ;\Iony' ......... HI~ ......1 ' . r~'. U,-...I. I),S, lot. 1_""1 of, I~. ;;01. !".!I. ~l 401. Oclolllreo( lh hU'n-I. Sir WiUiam Cot-'lI" Ur,i.",._lt.'llWl, .... ., r".. tbo .... '~II'T at "',",n,n" :r;n. .. /. 10. :.e:L .. O'!)onnell (O'I)qntl~l, IruJ'r lrom, II... ,~i : n,.,,,~ 1 ,.,n.<lI) ... ,,' to III<- .... Iri.hlllen ct'>nM ''''... :t-u. <>,:i\v)" (0tOiII.)',. ,\~"" ... , .... f~ ..1 AIe."",I, t n,~ _ , ' . fII. 1l1J. ar,!. /Ir I ,,), . ... f"ll"<~ of ITKII I...... \:. S'",lo,u, ..' I~I 11 ... 231. 1.1 _ _ u ... I!~1; ha,'" "",,,,"~ __ ,\I<ln","", , ..,......1 , .. !ai. . . ih 1m.. 1'4. __ M... \lou",,,"t,::.:>.:?7; fI'I)~1 I,. ,'1<0,_1 \.10_11 , .."..,j'AI,I, ..y bit ".1.11,\,";)))\ ,00y_u tQ, :!iii, _ , I'" 1!!9, I."I.~. 1111. 3lO. Ilrl~ ...'r-n1l r"t thoo! I' <t, __ lloclor, ,"1_"1",10" wir~. I;;. ":0'1 .... a. --(;O<>I\,"'.O<'.. I,..;t ......... tb.~. l'Ia'. a ~"-c...... ,.1\ __ Ja"",,, '~ ... 1. :!1'1. h ,I. til. ____ of \)r......... k~ilb. 9. 219. 1,,<1,1..,1< .. WWu 110 "I' \.<r .>1, :2'30(.









O........ k""i

bull. of, 236, P"nni., derh of tile, ...ymell~ to. :210, l'II" ...... tl" lor tbo l\i",'.. '!.:oO; lu~ti nn Inr, 2,,1 ~ "b'''lil r.... 2:i~ , I'~ u tcm", Inll,1a 0(, 2:1.1, I',uller (L'nlll<"ir), 101. "'trl"k, tho KillS" ....:I'olnry. l\x~l~ I ,,",.iou of, Iii. 120,Iz.;;lKnll.'rw!;t...\,,,ll'Il,,... 10Il; ,he- n 100. . to tho killll' I"a. I'nnl<lll. loaughl , ...... J ohn o..'~'I""". 31, 352, 300. 351. 400; of \,ch'ct, ~; 01 PU l'tu8'l ' ~ki", I ,,;. I'R!"'I OH' ........}'. th". l u'~ii-b: n. I'8~r. 172, 107.363. "Q.I,. ['01'11,.1,31. 1""l'I liligl. for Ih,,"hi l" so.. f'.rI~, A Im, to .. J lIOObln frw of, os. - - , ily~r, ['''rroki~ lot' c""-uL..... 78; fOf' ~11>o. 81. PILT..", " r BYIo:I.rl, Ki"I0"- ofl'orlllg A~ Ii,.. t ru _ of tho., '.!DO 'I"Y"'on~ 10, 30..>, rRl1i goi<l lor the (loUntn, 401, 1'~rtOll, nx:torai, \\',lUuIStcwMt, 7. l'nrtndgGII IJ.ertrikil) bovught to Ih.. ]\ln8, lBO, :j.jo,:lOG. l'Allnh 1~1)'. I" h.. n'... r to Ih(l ,,,lUll'll' cook on, I~(I ; Qa<xll" (1011.,011 l~lid ,1.1,

O\'~l1rth1 (U'irguthy). I"mb 01,21,


to the Ki"ll', 1:11, 13i, I". 3"-S. 11)2. 0Y'I~" "lit to tho King. 3H .


. .,


".'CKTunt:'D h...~k Ih""hl), lSO.:I;3.;, 401. P"il;,.uDL Sa Pt.,~liOl"" I'IIIUII, "'t~rs of, HIS, 4111, 411 . 1~lntn.l lll\IIIl. fl'IJ'lIle"t lor, !!OJ. I'.inten. Stl Cb~hn(lt .".I I'ie.... 1'~lut..... , P'},IIlT"U;tO, 121, 1~1, 1:21, 120, I';'~.IIY.!, 111, 17:), I is, lSI, 103, :l'!.;, :1;."6, SU , 3:.0, 3M, 3111, 3,. ;, 38i, IQ.I. 406 : ... 001 ...... ele. , fOT, Ibl , IS6, I ~ )', 103. 200, ~I, 200. !!Oi, SU, 3t1l. SSO. lb~, 300,:100, ~re, 404, 41 0; horte hi", for, 001 1 dotb ..... for, 301. 3131 Ih.pUn;"'" 01 fa""1;0"". xcii, 3:11. 1~i. or leA<1 "'hieh the Ki"l: boars in hi. hnml, 361. l'AI_1<)', thn """ot of, ":ing', lett.,... ... nt 10, ull, :l(J!l; fOeII'l. t ..o banco 10 tho King, 40J. __ x,; i, XX" , Ul", u:ni ; .Im" 20<1, Zil, Ull i K'III1'. olT~ rhlll on, 6j, to til" pri... lI of, j 3; ~btnr got 2S9 i C'Cft!\in Ionb ,u'''lUonul to 00/II11 fmm, 141 ~ .laton. 01, .en t to 10, 37S. lAthmahcn. 11iU. Ij,;; 1UUOI1' of,' --}lo...lII,., King'. olTerln!: OIl, 12 ; JIIIl'm<'n~ to, III'.!; do., d ritlksi\'I'or oO'OI',np .",1 n\,... OIl. ;;7. 10. 401; alml in, 2(/1, 2!Y.!; Kill/l:'a, l'~ lC, f~klonoor. ""ymen~ to, 1(1.1, olf~rin. 10 tho I'llliOJ ,U. 2O'::l; .JrlnkI-- hal'Jlf'r, P,\}'IDCtlt. to, 13'2. 152. 190, .l h Cf' to "'(lfklU~1I aI, 400>. ,I", to bl,,.,,,, 100. . l'nltl4\ (t"'tLa.lt) IIf lIfIlln, ~, 4i ; Df - - of IhD ,...." Irobe:, ~tl L to F~lmburgh lobck th, 3~. \.0 (etch the Kina'. 81r, 414. l':tln!., ....lyrn~n~ for, on 1',11", S"II<L1J', I~to,_,. Jan'e, horse boIlght fl'OQI. ~::!, 1:11. __ Juhn, d"tbinj{ r...... , IOS,:lOO, P"n, .iI,cr, Inr II>eQ'lt'O:n, '.!!6(l; for the PAl'"'' (I'.uba,..), 'hOI monk nf, ,,'i llo l'ri",,,'. :!i':I, 36.1, the 1IOlnl, I"Y lllcut to, xu;", 3i!l. l'~n),ri'I,', Inn,l~ amll)O.l'Ony of. 23.:i. l'atroLtn;', !XIn'.,.. for, 2-19; 101'. ooat. 1':It.... l h.~""nl,) f"":t Slllollc,;l()!l, 2.:;1; f ..... holno; hou'inS$, :!.'i7; for I'an r"r I...~l. amI c"",lh' . ', 273, Zi I. co""lIo 1"'1Ie. Zi.i.. :!,;,1. ~jtl, I'lul II'nu h,e) of the:! QmC(ltl'. cl"""J.o,r, I'.,,,;,,,,.. f,)r Ih" ~hlr InlUu l'''al, ~.s. clC>l.bhog I...... 0.1, :JOG.

l ~nEX.


I'"yi li .. u ,ukc .. , lbo _tlQ (If .:'lIn . 1'e1A1 18.11: eMU" I'll'. f.. r. :P. I ~. bUlllh, d "",,"jh'~r I .., :t!IJ. :!iii, t<>". f..... nil. ]'OI.v ll io... h"'l o~",,,.) : j."'(I'I .... lloJr 10" " , I Od ~ ,k l'" 51 II. 1 ,,,,,1 for, I I~; ' ...... , f, Inll, ~I_IIIIT","d .. ur lr. """ 149, 331; 13li. ~ 10 ~,"1 1..- S tirling a,,,1111I' h,~u._, COil, I,,, .... ,1 ,11,,,., ;~m .!j.t f,,,. lf unUW l, 1li6 ; Jo.. to ~~ ....."''' from . k,,,... !103. !I.'~; . ~Jjltbu'1fh C.asu... 11>S ; .10. 10 and t"'"h......... 10 1, II" frooa Whil hom, 1; I ; <1 ... I" ..., Stllit",; 1'I:"' II'"I,-.eo1 I,,,. II~' ..r'k.~ r a1 ":.Ii . to . :'11,,001"110 , ~~ . :h .,: "",1o.roa,l I." 370 . "d rei........ (ttl , I $~, :ll', :.!l(I. :1,-" ,:1.>.;, 1'~"nK'" 'n 'RIl , I....., ... I'l'h~. , ' );11. ' :1.17 I 01 li]k. 'XII : ~,yU ......... 1<>1", 11;1 3;:: ; 10"'" fur 11 .,...,..,.\i.,,, "'. :l'JJ : l '<"1,,,itlll h~",. 01.. "" I...''' ..... ' I< I~h'tlnl of or....... 01. :100, IIlh1.r"'.~r .>1. 1 ~~1: ,I",. 10 . i'..r ........ ~ .... broullht IQ 1100: h io". I~w. I:;j, Ill .:r.1 :UO,:!:.G, 3:;;,3:011 : f..... 110, In... "I 1'en 104"I,~ .. ",.:r.:I: 11, 1\,,, "'&-''''11 CIIIloer.IOm. a,atooomaulI'nl , .)91 I a'. 2!o,; 1")11..,,,1 \L> the ,i~",,,,. :r. 1 l'e.a._, ('cy..-.). 11"'It>Ao<. ",one. . ...nl 1"'..:10 I..--s:hl ''''''111 I..,. h~"''''''. I:11. IroO to th~ I...... ja, !l ID; Il&yn>eot 10, l hIM .1 h"'h'UR1,I.ij . uUi ,ji; :I:t;i:I. COIIII_"'''''''" .yrc "r. ~ ,!I. :? I~ . :? I ~, !'eat. (1'('111) lor l" ro ~"\eU, 2O"l, 310. 2.!S : Mm, ~ In ... i", 6.;, Gi, ro: Ii i",,'. l.bLea i1'~lolil), ..... U"i , uxil' ; -"1'<'" utrcn" lIllt I"~ IIn"-.:,,,1 01. IN; do. 11\ aiti_ .tI1yl'Sof, I , I I , ~ II ,~~I J Ki"g" 1. . .lIl1r ,,1 11.00 II nly IU.... 1 .". vi' oircrlup .... th~ of. 67, . 3, ~ ; loone .1,.,..;,", Ill, 127 ; tou I'll" tbe ..... goltllO IhftC...,. 01, 90, !!'JO J 101,1..." I" l ]wn." ." ",JI.",ta/ in, I:I.. ~ lion " ';Ib thoooaa'''lUlyol, :!I. :t2. ~.!,>; !,....,b ftla1ion 1>1 . r "' 0/. I .-.~ : l<lUkl"':I: KI .... oll"eri"l .~ Ihe KIrk 01 , " I II... l'r<>nool of .).1,lh,"",, 1 _ in, G;?; I>I'fl_ 0I111e lonl. " Iileo ju. l iec1;0,. ~ """" r f. I.. """ gl'''''' I.. \h 0<illi .'8 1I",11Ill' K jull. 1M: .J"Io .. IIAUm).I ..... _ ...1, Y"' " I, 91 : KI"g', 1 JIe,,_ Ill. 131 : mu le I,"""h~ (''0111. 1:11 : ~; I"' Y""'''~ II)' I"r ",'~I' ,1 I; "'." M I,U few c. ped lll .... 10 ",,,,,.uk eoIlfC'I('I1 t byrto "I, ~ II : d o.. Ly Lh. i 'N" ,.. I 01. Irmll, I ~; King. LI:"'h~", .. t, I ,'~I, To .; '! ll 01<1"''''' 01 Iunl _ ~ I" t""'''.I ' .......... 111",1011"'\ r....... ,376.:r.l : ' I'i k~ 01 . 3:1'J : K Ia,'. Io-Ik'" rq:II"U"1I II.. (gedl l.nNih~ , .... , T.6; OOII1 I" ual lo" 1'\1.1",1 e... hua) "'.", 10. 01 ')"Hof, lro; ,"u. Itnt .... the I.." .. - - hftlll" 13$: 1 , ..,'","",,1" I'J" , l, .ta,..~ 0 1, 100. 3, '! I:! :! II . leI!. n I ... I::'. - - llohl:r1. I)icbon. 01. II. ~Wi. __ OIbcrill',I<"" .. f, ..... 1 ..1 1"",1 ,to Ihf. _ &/' erifT III, ~ynlc"u b)', 2, :I.:t!, '2J ; "I orrnr """,,,,,I '''' 159. 2 12. r..u." I I ~""") ..I U'; l:l"H i',I.l d " _ _ .h ~.iflUom 01. m_ ngt .. .."L 10, I.... 1111' 1\1",,'., !.iO, lilH, :\,\j 1 _b.c 01 ~rTOr I\Im,u,)O .oo l ln, l'ctottu., I.",]" "I. ..... I'"o~ .. 0139. I', lulill, 1..,,1. "I, 1i,.!.!:1. __ 'rlxIInw. 1I....... 1;lIhl, P"JlII<"1 1'~I."th.r, In' ..... il. 01. Go ttl, &3, s.:;, 100, 183, 2\17. ~, X~ 1 J'cd"r".r. L ~1 f. I.~ .. ,.f"Ii' II' Iiii'" Kirk <> bleil. 17io m. 1',1\"":'"", I:ot.-I f ' ,1, ...... 1. ~ '. 3....0. T'uli ...... t .. I. lur It... 1,.'.... 'fL::!I"" 1~


' I; .







"'' 'lo-


Ldlh ,~.


Ph"".:UllJl (fCM.,lis), 2i8: bl'Ollgbt limn I'itmitbllo ]i>eu:"ilhJilll. b"d. 01, ~,


Philip fl'biljl). Henrr. 1 1I\11K"., l"'fnwnl l~t'.lOnK' (I'<-t~nnlt), bu1 ,I,:!", :!~1. In. 100. 1,lf,_t<l... ( 1 '~I)fOt"'H.. 1~II,,,I.lh.J.

1'11;101-111, ""rony of, I), - - Sir Wilhnru 1" 1'110<}, of, IS. rilllltl (.,.....,). ;1U1 gilt, z;a: ~ _ih,.... 3,';.1; 01 tbo .......... roho".... , lIilt, lor my lo,nl p,.;~, 363; of til.., Kin(l, 1.';,-, ... \0 bl>y ... h~n he ",NI' wad e h~ral<l, 371. 1';",.. (p}'en.) the ""im..., Ii, xd: I"'Y'"CII'" to, \,1, 1,3,325,3'21), 3.'iO, :1:;.,&, :!S.', ~Ol: drillbih-~r 10, 38,; gold ~ ... l colour. f ..... 39:1, la::!, ~Q.j . &t t".o

Andr.:" Bcid of, 26. 32.

l 'ilf,lU r (Iclfonr). 1....1.1 of, 2 1. : I'il oligo, John Fnrl)llfi 01, ~7 I'ill.:l.lloolelly, 1",,<18 01, ~. l'iUetly. Uwitl W"ll~ueb of, 239. Pin"""ridf, 'I'bon..u Ill. 2.'t!. Piu"n ....,.,ILI. XX". x=ri, 112 ; I I"," 10 tho ,,,,lab of, j6, 201: ,lrluloilr 10





A".,J " 'Mj!h lf; It, It..;. I"" fOl'O'f\lI'f III thll 1I''00I1

I'.i nten.

01, l as,

I'bub (pla"LiA],~.~, $ , :r,$.. j',<I" "ik" t.1"UIl.:hl to 1M u, 12S, I3=:!, 1'b-'ICh'r (pl"'ltern,Au). the, At FlLlkL...ud, II.;. 17.1, IlU , ISO, 3i6, 377, "Q.l, ~E! ; 1(0.1 ; ]lCIrm~u t to. 17'.


Tbon, ... po.ynlcn~ \ 0, 401. for ~'OI.", ... 3M.

T1allCl, 1 .",I,ot, 23 1,


1''''''5''1 WI' ... t.oonb At i"rirllng, ISO; l'laatcrouu. I, ", II )onbell:l"''''' 367. (':U"ried in" l><.Ike from 1'"",1,1"". 370. 1'l~I'" \,hite, rar mlllern ;~~ :1->4

I'il.:m , II grut bil mth,:m.:i, - - breik uf, (Of' the hend, knlglll, r i11o'1i", (jli lgl")'Iue ) til EIIg\n".I, fIl'Iyruc"t Nll:I: j;~)Y~ ," :IIi,: fur II lOG, : O', un n c.. ~mfc"'". :!!I I, l'ill1'~18 01 "dH't, U, '270; or 'hlll .... k. I'lItOl r"r ellllrlll'O"rl., ~, ~,: for 10 Ih~ tn,'(J <Jl ,"\.'1'3'" ", 3" 1 , 41, o;a",l<'1, :r.o: 'lum"" of, t,,,.. ""Itllc. :1111, JOO. 41, :2;U: ho ..., r,nl for thD QUoet" I, $ 1;'; "" Irloh, :r;$; ...,hllCll for, ;)!1,), 1'13".-1." m.~"inll of, :ltJl ; fl<>ltl l'ilJo'... for lite c .... II~, IIIlki,,!! of, 2~(i, for, 3nl. 1 ~lIow,~]i]l1 jood1.eri.) of 1I0Hlln<l doth, rtcuucc lor .. ~,.es, :!',n. ;1,;, 1,1, -~, Zili. l'IOIIltt lor 1M \\'Allllc(! ''''01'<1. 17,;: r... tho King'. Gr,,, ing 1101., Ij;); g ilt, Pi,," hlroJliA), I 0-100\ of, III; r""" 1",,,,lon, 2,:,,; f .... tho , ... ,-ilion, ~'6J: f .... " 10"k,:'I!l6: lilt. "r ntlning ....-" ... I, tlr 1.",1<1 rtlr 100 I\i"~, l 'il'tn, !lOO. ToG : 1'"1<.11 hiull lUI' \1", It" lUll', 1'1",,<'f1I li,ln,i .) ""Ill to the Kllli. Ij:?, IDI, :I II, 00, l W; 1 1II),,,.elll to ,~ . II.;: I'~Y' oncnt I", .t Ih,,"t........ lao: do" ;n I'hllnt.. of 1=1 for "'k""l1 g llll ", ~'I.': c:l 1':'liuh"'IIh, I:I'!, 10</ ; ,10 , in t ...... go"', rj~gu (,' do. , 201 , ,]0 . I" l.i, ... I<,,](,n, 1M; tin,. in I'hm" (j,lo ...-n.J") IOent 101111' I\illg. 3 14, AJxonl('lU, I G.~: <10... 10 the E"lIli.o;h, 100; d"" ;" l,'r:li], 113. 1lunIOIlIl. hullt. ar, 2:1, I'il''''" 10I'n'lIIli"1I!.he -hi]', 100, 204; flrr lhUlCa,.,lIn (Pl",....,,.,I."I, the I'riul' 01. Will"(!. for IW-ki"~ .'m, ill, ;II~, l~l)"1"""1 iI!, 2 1:1. " . , ,Irul k., h -cr 1" IlI.'''-,,' III 1"1'1' '"'-, "r ",I "ilL f .... tl ..- hi" !,,' "," let


roo: ,.,

I,,,, ..





" .



. l:l
4.16. -411, 11:'111'"rt"""". ., (1"11 -..oJ r Mrni",<>f. 3;01, ... ~!; fo ........... 3'< 31 , III II 1.0 10o 1 NI" . lUI' I~ II~ H : fOO' ...I .. ,.~I" ,., II """'rio 1l1,17 1 : .. ln' ..... ,lR'i:f... U..,' ......... K" I I .. j ..}t ~. oIO:l. 1.... '. ' .. I""'.. ft.. lArk .. I Go~ I u( , .. .It ~ , .....It r, ' "II !&.'Ill I U""'''''' ,..... '''''',11",... 3,1; , . .Iu,," I .. ,I.. s:.<l,

T'uNou, "!:<!. :.!.>7. ;r.U,



K ....


''01''__ .

loih. ToO. 1"'0.1. lill ' 'oW, ~:oJ_1 .\0- b. .... ""S,lk......, oil. h..... h ,I, I~-I. __ ":Iru"c" -,Ia.oI""Ij,"Oto ",htoll, 1 ;1. W,II ...... )'oh ..... 01. , _ . _"II. ,I: .~,._ " ..jl l iun ,..;,10. Ie. 1'.., . " . - 11,n .....' ,,~.. It, Nlon. X~I""", ,' .,hl) \h ... ~11 uf, II nu,I ..... :ue: "",.... ,,,,.., '''' ,_ roa-dd,., bu<b1lf, :.. ,,:!31 . I"....:.1, ....... t, , ......... ,""', 1:.G, PoI_~. U,ui,1 K ... ~h., ..", 01 I.... 1"""""'" to' ,I~. :it.!, ,trinlt,d'l' lo
Knollio 0I,:/:U,

__ JohnK ,IIliUlol, 2'.!. 1'oI,,","h., o.nd II ",,,,, (If, 2.1,.. - - lAnti. of. 2'1(1. __ Ri, 1'4'n"k II\)IIIG 01, :?fI, !t!.



romp" f.... II,, ..,I I', CArril'lgo 01 I .... , lroe. for. 137. 1'wI11'ul1. r _l of ~:'I Io .lht, "'nlllou..,nl 10, 200; IUY-'" for 1r.~"'I';"1I the til". In, 3215; & d, ..1e lor , ... in. re. 31~. .... ,,!.., I.... I'Dor, . 1,.. I,) Ih~. ;'" 1:.1. IG'. I"", 1"1, I ~l.~. ;.Jill, ZS!. _"'9,3.13, 3.1;. Li,~:!D . .:u. 3 ill, 31:!. 3111. )&1, )ljIj, 1Ii-~. 3;:1, ./1,:1, __ \\',Il;.,m, Iln_. z,.,. ~9. ~'. :bl. :tI:Ill, 4 t.); OII<III"' ...... t .. '0, , ., 1'1"11'''-'1.19 1 coro len, l 3G. 1'1',,"'. I.... rnlttll. '0, ~;. 61. l.'i9. 11.11 1'011(', n" ,I.. _I,,.. lro .. II.~. to"'in.: ,.1 "' lI,ml.L"", I.". oIft11"iO .11 1'\;11", , .... :r.7, Toil u .... _ 01, nl 1f 1 1w..111"" .. ~I'. fI"lwl~........ l,ol, :"1 " ;"VIOll , r.~ j 1 )1....' .\1'1<1 &il\. I,.. .. :U4, 3-:0;, 30,.3'11 , .1 1.Ito"I .......... "'. ~ I .... ",,1 ..,1 ""1 I." ...... ~ to, I'" ... Wlul.Ir.IlIo:, 1",,,Iou, ). I ~I 10,.. h ... ui ....... ; 11",,\,,1 ". I~KI;:L... '",1)..',; "' r ......,..... .w.~! 1_." Mt. ,<> h;. -.aal "' 'oIL,..ouIuy.",; at I'~',. GO. ...... .. ~. 1'oI./;.t.>. lG & i'.DLon\.," 11'10 ;:II "' I"".I .. "I!II, (iU. ~ ;.:.~. ~9. _ " ,!blM-.:t.. 1 :!t!: ulloc Ki .... ,,, "~if..G"1 all' ~ 01 Cup",., lilt, p").eullo>, lo)!. CbIt ....1 otI ,\tdoJrh. &3, It c.r- II 1 'wt,,",'n'lII, ., )o.t.onnol,!~. .....6.11.1 , __ "" _, ~ &, 1\..u_I'ol,). Wool. N, '!33. U";UI, fIG I St ~I_".": at I'''''' .... . ,,11 ,,, .\tT. I'l';, ,,, I.t,.k-r, o..y.6'. :t'lll al .......1&-.1 .",;1 I~ :tort. ~, I' ,"""I 7\ II I



,..' ....,.,....UI 1~.u""arJ. S.I II., .... I'.... l,u,loc, 1'N<,~hl f"'~1 ,"e, 1(1 1 '''...,k.. 8" nuul'O,,.h,., - - "i"IN, lin I ("011'" of ,10., 3,)~, 303 1'u .... oJo.iniP h"' ..,h...... f ..... 110" ..,L" royal. II . I.., ~3, I!\. 4j, :.!6J, 200; I., 1100 III"nll 01. 1>UIOo 2;3, 27 1 . I".. '-MI, '200. rr .... 'I ... of 11o~ ar" od 1.\MrIc, I~. I',. ........ IU , ..1.......1 f.- I". 111 , II:! 1'1"'. l', ..... la,o" .,r~ <II )'0.,. Hob""



3, . "'





lilhp"', j i, 2$3, ZSI: al H-.lrig,

dothinG 10t,:IOl


o.t Lo>ilb. ~~,' jfj; .~ I'iIit'uWllI!n,. alentllO. :t,-.'2, 3."~. ,Ii, ~; a' liar. i 6. ~, at ('rail, I'Y'M"''''', '''~'''K'nu In, [ ~ I, ii, :!'1.1; 1'~"lc., 13] : 10 )1.1u~ ~~'3, :10.'1'1, $Ii, 3,j1, lOS,


.. t Linduden, 193: n S~ \..ooonulll, 1M: al r:Ja~,_. ~; 01 Stra,hlllbn, 1'>1: ~t Slirli"lI. :.!S1>; 11.1 ~;.nt/m, :293 I a' An.truther, ~;


\\'orklll~" QI'."L~

Kiln!l1ny, ~; at r~rtb.!!IlI; toJohn . Q""""'lII', JOJI,n, 1"'~,nenU 10, 144, 145, t,3... h&wkl>rO<l<,:ht 1: 100, 161, 181, 19-4: 1IOnCII'il"\l for,


~ill', 3Sr,

('I,,"ib.el_l, ~S; "rouShl from

eo""'''.'l'ri ..

({...,cr:lle" ....l~J, Willian, vi, 23S. Prin<'<'.th,Jnlllea,xui:hinliof.Z8i.3h Q""ni~ ... ('I',nroGl,rI.) M he,Ll, ,hink. ""MU",h<> ao.\ nu..or)" ~xJ"ln_or. r.~ .;her to, 1:11 : dn. a, )11"1(11111. J!l'2. 2,i; "lui" oIfcri!l~.~ hiteh,;.ltning, QlU.'el', Ihf', oou<ehold (If, lIcil-cii i :5;; n...... \"",k fHr hilehaml"",~, ; Ilen"lon C.r, 3i, 411,:!6S, ::n l , ,116; II.llJIr rnrouhin o for hi. ~IOIO(:t, 2SS; " 1';lIllIlIgo,," [lCIl~.,., n'f'Ii .... [ ' or, 140; lonu,;e. (t>r ,N.., ~03; 11m. of, :!S!); INleR to, I.H, 1M; . .loIler,. for, US, l'anfor,!a,3G3. jO)" :lI'IS; 11.\ Whi\h"",, 3'.l1, 3fiS, 1',;zl!6 for th~ field, 2.'>5. :l(I'J; upmoeo of, ~~~.n'" lS I ; ~Iolh rrop,lbtKin;pla~"1I.tthc, \\"itllCeorgo ;"11 lor,3!)-I,j, Ii M, ISS, ~~i, 21l1Comph"U, uh', Ij!): the King'. u 2;1; .bl""u ("I' 1\0" iJO'>"I (If her I'~noe. aI, 1;,', :\1"06. ~hu,b(r. 3~\1; p.~ mm.\ t.o her n,io 1,,",,1\11>110111. vI ,,~,,1e>, 1I>c, p[lym~"1 .. if,, ~;I; meurliu,t ;\ cup of, 401 ; 1.0, I.':.!l. 1",;,,1' ([I. Iho duu;,., 01, 4'\1. 1'tv","cl~I, Ih~ .<f!1\t1. 1\ horae to lh~ - - of tbo.' c.'ll?nG'at~ Sa CaJlOI"S'lle I\;"S, ;I!lli. - - tho ,lalt, I'''yment to, 3411. IT) ,,,,,hllent")., R,,,]oIl'h Ke. 01, 23. - - of F."Sbu,,], t he, thl' "ing'. om-ring l'Qll ey. h",llei.). ~t, '-'!a 1ll.,.,1 mUll ul, ~~i. I'n"cb,,,,,,~ h'u'IACtw.Ju.) lor tI'''''ng 11.(' - - of f.. neo: I'"rl"[""u' ",, :L.i!I, .lIil"I~iii, I!l!), nl I,t.<:uiu, :l-I:!: ul whl<: - - ul liar. ,-.:" \l~y 4,'lIf'I'n. f"r \Iontjoy, ~H2, ,i')u''t'n.r~rry, RIm. \J) III. frian vI', (.~, I~mtic.,';"~, "t Our LI"I..-, Kill/.:'o ,,"<,ring r.~, 61, 6.1, .ll;, ll!l, 1~"I"'c .. ,." Ih.', ,0, I,!t, UG; ~t. Jnn' "" ..1\31'<1 "f,~. 1'" ..... Ih~ l,h'g's, llIOI'\("y for, [(\1, lOS, QlI('kh, t.",I ...I, I:!i , ~~ ..;, ~!n;, :1(1." 365. :1'.1'), ~os. 114, i')Uhl"'Kon, !..lu]""",,,", 1,')'nll'UL- to, :r. ~ , I'",.,, ,,( 'cl,ct, H; for Ibe QUe!, m: 3i5, To!!. ,,, .ti", ZGIi. Qubu.;1, ..... Whilt],;:. I'", ,,,,.,nt "I Cutile, ISo;; Carr'ek, Q.. bi.~j]gibl...,,,,. ''''', \\'hi,IJe.,;;I"-",,,. :!;'i uf ~:"!lJB"'I, 3.31: crnat;uo, 01 n, {tuhit "1.1;.. ,.. , \\'I"trkiok, :liol; nl thu Que"h lor f'~'Il"', :1S!I; 1!.. hft11I,1. ,~,. Whlt .lAI,1. ,: ,,'b, ~!lI, Qul,k." ....' f". 11,,,,,,[., ~ .. ''' ..... !ID.'. I'... [:"1,,,1"1., J"n",~" "I lb. II"'",,'. ",1.1 .10[1"..... 1 j..~ ~Ii; ,1,1 d,,(I""II'or,\')S,:rJIJ ["')'11>'''' tl>. I.;,; ur[",t'. l<or, I!I:!;
!1./, 00, ,0,
~,'.'9 1 . ~utherla",1

Ily. priest of tbe Le",is, 110. f'rieot '. fino! Ol&>" KinS'. offering .. u,:06.






',I",,,,,, .' """"',








&0. 11'1. 1:,..... <1



~.'l;.;h,J ... ~ .. ,.

I.. ) .... '"


;1. i3, i . i.>, ill. ii. Z;t.:!:il. ~"3, :2SI, :!:06; a.I I... &.1: d", 10 II... l)li~.U o'.;~ I .ltill.k.i,,", 'n mloooo 01, 1331 ..... W ... I..f. "'..... b"rte 10 II .. '''nl. lU: 1")",",1 ., ,het "'urI.",,", '1,~.d"''''1 bl'1"_ .....1 t...lth, 3il. khl".' (II)" .... ), ,,,.,.. Joha. baM.nl. ~.,b.1 uf. IS. WI.I ....., II9. 100. 11'.310: ,,,.. \:IOIIIk. 37: for )'KIinl 3S: fur _lao H, 2'0.

_ of ,I.. L.l"l~r. lay",",' 10. 3tiO. ' R.dlft'l'IIIU. 1111,11 01. :!:IS.

RoIln't"", Alu,"der. of blrOl..... n. ZII R,k ..n (ro ......ri.), 2i~ Z76. RoW (roclk) 0' iron. Z76.

2H. 263.319 I for. collar, 47: for boI<l n, 01 I ...... _'UI '01" Ihe KIn,', bod. un.i .... ';1. 206, '.!i2: r"" p .........I. .11 : of n i _ ... un for ,,... Q...... .... 1 _ _ I. J), '.!l.i: r.... d ..... IJ".. '''~.!.'GO: "I lII&11 10' II,. T'n . . ii, ib. iD. 81 f Z93 : , .... '._flIU. '10: ~r~d"', 2';';l for !,ell .. (II, 101: f." 1IO(1MU, 10',], 1~""f'lrec- of Ih<' 1,.1 .. "lioll, m.. ntlill~
1:'-.,:MlO, 31;.
31~, 3,j(J.

r. .....,......,...Alif. ,,)'1Il.,nl to, S'ii.

Roe I"", .... bukl h,.....,hI '0 'he "I"I.IS2, 189, Sir.!; ,I..... I>f. ,.... I\I''!'



~ ... LI,11 fur hflrlll (!I~. 130.

'or 1,.,,,,1

f"r tmbroi<1NIIIII, IIIJ; 1Qt' Ih. ehuke hr. .. 1 vi "nne. ~ '8; for I....... ~: fox 1.. ,,1 .. !!:>J: I(lr. bu.., 2,)!; Iv". I:rad~:?i;!, 2i3, :?iI, 2:;0: 1.... the I-n-', ~I<.>t""', ~7: fur I.irt!ft, 313

.. " ....1.11, Ih_.I, '-'00. l!l!. ~' .!n8, :l!I, 3.'U,:s:ti. U1.I.v.I..,.; ~'r Tb"p"u, Ih<' .. ,..... 'Wr'.'".A.k1~ _'~I""'''lb.~ "'rin,.1 .... 1Im ...... ~"II II . ("_) 011 11M" I_-.prit 01 d l1il', 1\I'be. I~ - V , . , I"'~" ...'n" I..... II". 100. 131. 1:0/>, 159, , ...... :H~. 300. 3lil.3,g. lI_rlt", (Ro." ... ",I>C!), JIli'll" j Kiol'_ lIi,lari.. i,'iII, ~. ,,"rtlIlJl''', 00, ~'lI:! kill, C:'MI,I~, tk).lIu, l"l"lI:oti I". Ilk', ~ bto<lllhllO Ih~ Kinj\.~.!. 100. 11t. ..." 1,...1). 2 . 3;li. Kill", :11'. J'.-ll 0 1(91.1, ,,11...... 1, R"- , ... II ..""" of. I_)_nl 10 W. 10 Ill. { , _ II r ....... OOJ, 1114'1,1'1.. iu'l'ft". 1\10; lope}' by. 213: drink I _ u l l 17~ I;~. ruin. _In/' 1,,11. _ , 3'3: ~ a - ' ',j, .r.,~ JJI,:tr.. ..t "pw.:o ,ho. Kin,. 314 I !.riar R It. .1 (.. .b ...n _-. .-n. I. " ' - _ .....1 "It 'tip, ~ . .... II. _ I_ t,...,ry 01, >0 1'-' I. lH- Ii> K,,] ... I I'~' A.Ilfl..!'L "'......... ........, ..... I" 'l_ll M I " , 1..or,I. ulllnU",.,1 n . :!!, ." I. ", ... lho 110... [,rr ~I,.!n ,!rmk.,J,u 10 h," ''''''......

-- Woo... :lIP, )'9: ."''''''. ill :.!.12. :!-'03, :.'i~. za. 2!)3, 31J. 3'~. n.I. ,0. :!'o:!. r. ... 2';" l~"""'.



I'>l, N,

Ihe, l !;l!. Hook, J.m .... D.. ndeol, Il'HIllHl'I:haied fron!, 8,: pa)'_lIl 10 hi, .an'lln"" Ijo. -JOhll lotlol",fOl', 101. 3O.i: hnt'llll hL",101',1,l:!'I""l ..enlllo.330,3 ' 1l. (10I1i'1. 1,fI), 1:.1), S'iO i for I ........' ... I~~, l:.&, 21: tor cw.rU1M. :!.)I , fo. ab,l'", 2IIG, 2!16. 3n. koi'I"" II ... .,.. ) _ ofla. Qu.. Il',
"INI.,.n,,: l"~_"'lo.4S.I]t,







.. ) ..... 1 1



1 ..., IL, ('"",.1,' .... f. :~ ,. (, ,I" In II,,, ,!,.nlt ... 1" i I'., t II", ,Io ip /.'" ... " "1"il'I" ,1 1_'. t. I :;.,' "', II" h.,w'" \,'\>! I,..", II :l~,; ., -II' /,1 1:"11,,, , .. I~ '. :....,. ~ ,.,'Ur ."ntn~,,,,,l i". I,',!I; "III.. ,,[ H,uh", (1(","-" ... ), .'''h", cl"""I ..'rl.li" ..... II.. ni" "f, 2:1~ 1 t.nd ,,;,1,. :!:r;. (II g<}.hnwh In'''' ''~ ''', I I", :I~:'. SI, \\',llJn,,,, "I r,,\If: k. ~:.'9. Ho~j"10 ([(()s.~tlo,,). Ihe h'l'll of, ".",.1 .. ,I (n IL',I,',,,,d,, I~'~'''w''ll" .... (.. ",,,,,,.


Ut.'IIt' t.1 1~lnll' 1111. [("Ih"",)' h~I"IoI , f"rnoHI)" UI"~","'HI., ""'" lu " ',,,,~, 1'1",i", ~o,II''''t''II~I.



U~. :II!~

lui;,:lil. fl",H.Io, Jill"" dolh;~;: for, n.;. 100, 11~. 113. ~~~, 3h; ell ........" 01, '" 1-:", bnd, 1:1-1; I"'ymn'l t), !II". 1 1<>u~" (nn ..... a). ''I~t~_ <If 1:,,1... 1 It" ,I~, lb..."" lu, :II:.! ltouu,h., th,' I)',,,,, "I, ]~~""",t \0 I".,"

\\'itlL"", T",'.r, """'~"'li ""/" :.~" :tl; I ~' ...n4, I" "if, 'I. ,,,,. mOlle,1 'n ",1',,,,,1,., "':';.'1 .1"lInl.11,,1 y, h.' Ji1:,,, '~'-ll.\o.,,,' I:':u...... (,,, 'II 01, :!.11

.,/i.,. :.::.


""""', I,;'.
.,~ll) ~n.\.l :.~'I.

", .... IIJ.1. 11" .... 11(1" III. lto e ]';"g III..y

sn,I,I"',}, at. wi,1o 110,.

131, ":1.1 I'. I;~. I~. :.~.;, :!U'J, :;.-,1. 3,1, l~' . ~"
~',;, ~ II



"".I,'r of I ;mJ. 1:11.

n"wle, 'Iin'lll<II, hl'"d . or I'",,,d, cn.. ,"""I,ll,,". ~", I~~, I.,;, :.'t;j, ~~J, ;1.;1:, I'.', g;"~" 10 bCT, 177: ""till ror, 31:.!. "I;, Ill: 010,1, I~'l, lI'G, ~~I~, :." .. 1:".1""11", .'",ritf (If, I"'~~"cnl. 1,y,~. ~~' I . :10;: I"M,ioh",I, !.Iu, t.~I; I,n"k ~I~; ku~" .enll\1. :\J'. 1i"Y' I t ~: 1~,IIt". II~: tady", I~\l: __ .hmlf,lulU " r, t~'< for ~][I ..~lil".' '" """"", I .... '. J:l~; holM ..... IGI;, !I'll;, ]Io!n",~~rk ... "UM>lod fron" I a.. : n~l\ t .... "d" ;,1, 201), 2, :.'i;'I, : .....1: ," ~1T(l, "'n"",,, ... 1 "', 1;1ll: "". ,~ 100 ... \0, 1:~2, 2;0, 399; I~~<k. 210:. I .....110.3.'1,1: "i"!>'.. I"!!" ....'ul h'.:I."!. 0:",11011, ~.': Inn""";. . [",, ~"I.




fl ... ",,,.. ~,,


fu,I ..-n, 10'11",

1'-1""'<'f\'~ '''. I:t:.!, 1(';.1 100,:J7.i. ~"3

1I,,1~, I:,,,,,,, fi,l.1I~r. ]",nQc~'t to. lOot fl".h,' (tIl..,""'" f. r 'h~ 1100.- ,,1 1[4, I ,,\. ].-". 1.1.>. I(;:l. I ii;. :!'I,].:r;' 4()11, 400, ~ I:.!. H".kh .1"rh.I.u"I. 01. :!l),:!!I, :!II. Iluclirlf""I. H,I,,,. "if~ uf I'i. ,I"u ",I~~I1.,,,,boh.nr.':!l'\. Furon~" "I II""~,,. '~31. ,,",I ,<ub,,; alit! ,frying. I"'i t<Jf 11o~ ,,0:, "f 1'1"(;11 X1;I><'I. "I I .1"1' .I/,,,,,),,nl, I~"' .~.; 11oR! Ilk. Z3.1 ~I A,~I.e .. , U" 1 Ii;"o: u/l",n"l:' __ \I _.r~nn'. ",f" .... UOll" \\""n, ;,,_;1 ~Inl H tn..... :".:1 ',f l'r~g"', 17. 1",-",,,,1. 1" Ih. h~n.Il,' "I. til. m,,&!u",r... "I I" II,, ,1"'1,11 1'''1 I"" "f "II~' I .' l:,"f"'1I. :<:t11\" 11,-\3,.1.1"",. ::. I 1::1. I.~I. "'1.

~""'I. :.'ti;? ~.tI; {ri".. ~& ("t. :!.;! I h "!t,1 f"r tl,, Qu,~,,'.~<it>1: ...,\. '''I - - ... ,,', d".:~ r" ,.,.1 ...1. ~~. ~,1, :,";1, :.~U. ;.~;!I1 '"m,I ... ,,,h;'],, I:"!, :!;'!I. --"~',,,htl~,:IG.;.:\9!l,~I:;;l'bl ... r, .. II,, "",~'5, ;r.~ 1 '~Y!1;"g ~n,l bu, ~I"'; .. I, :\!Ii 1 loAn..! f .... , i!!)!l; fot, III



"'I"''' '""

,10.... :~-,I: I."" hi" 3';:': ",'''I I.. II". o!It'l1ll' of !Iii" "'~





,.,;., ''':. ~,;. ~"-.


I' I.

" 1,,-,;


I',willl !I ...

K;I1i',,'OWII, I~; "inC, ~.~" fcr .he ""om. of, 1~6: mf'Qf'(lger ""n' to, 1!l9. SI_ Anlre"... , lIiilllQp of, J .. mel Steu",.t, Duke of ROll!, ete. (ob, 1:1(3), two rilll." which belong<lli to, gil'en ... all offiJring to tbe CI"08II at P eebles, 60; lOll] IllI1M {If, ;0, 2S6. __ A",hl,i.h"I' of, Ah,u",I,., !,,"'"'UI, nat"",] 0QJl of Jam"" (\'., lxxxix, renu of the I"",]s M, ~, 30; tho .hip hw,/ lKIntio., I62;pbyoeard.,,;lh.h.. Klllg , J,6: hew. for, ISO: pRyme"u II>, :!is, :\70 : do. to Bym'ing hi, Her"lInt , s.w. __ JU"eI !3e:Iton, xiy, __ Archdeacon (Arehdean) of, eM'in 1)"n1Jo.1", 1,210,211 , 2~3, ~17 ; lotl.en lent to, iiO; gh'(lt II. hol'110 I.e the King. IS;;' _ _ ar,oth""",,)" "f, ,aymon'" \0, IS5, 1!Iii, 2(,2, 21){1, '.!07, 3SO; lu!:>'r for the. 209, --c,,>,ou of, i,m),,,,",,t to .., ~IO - - l"",de of, xi". - - cbambc.lIIin of, o.",ill LeAr",Quth, 213. __ gr,,,,il,,,. of, ~Ir I'"t';tk Milldletou, 213, 401. __ Prior of. payment to,:!Q:I, !-it, Anftc'. Day, K"'g'. oifer in,,_ OD. jl), St.. Catherine'. l~t, Kauino'.), Kin~'~ oO'".';ng in,~, - - of .he Hop<>, Ki~g'. oiferi"ll" in, OJ, - - 0lM:S, l\;ng'. offui"g:ll, 68. - - of tho Oil \\'ell, King', offerings in, xx, 61, 6'2, 68, ; 4. St. I)utbll., "XX";; ; King'. offering. o il the altar of, uiii, 69: a '"ftli'l""ry ffM', xnii, !I I, '2l'IO; u' 1>el1oe8 on the way from, li3 ; offer. jng to hi . light In St. Gil ..., '.lSii, 287; ,10_ on hi. day a l \)yoart., 287; ""y. tIIent 10 a m.~n Iht bore his cabok , :l4'.!; ole_nger !;ent to, 36:!; ,wid of wn vel'-at for, 4il, SI. Bloi (SI . Eloy), King', o/Teriug 011 the .. lt.u of,68. SI.. El oi'. light, King's o/Terius: 10 th...

- - light, Kin!!'. offering to, 2':l'l. ~t.. Anthony of th .. CrRl:, Chnreh of, no ; King'. offe.illgs ill, (ii, .'>8, I)S, , 0, i i , i2, iJ, 74. 283, 28~: antel)!)o,) for t~e Ita. in, 80. - - I ilh, CI~'pcl of, King'.o[f~ring. in, 58, ;il, ;~, 14,7:;, 2S6. l't. Anthony'. light, offering to, '.!88. ~I, &rnaba, IJar, King'. ofrering on,
(1), 19!I. bL ni allC lJ:iy , Klng'l ,Mcri"l1 011, ;,>, lSI. 1I.;,h/.'i"lIt, Ki"g:.I'rT~rillg: to, ;0. Jo-t. C~JI~rlll" ,,[ :;;CIIII"'S It.'~, Ki"g' o[fcrulg:_ "",5:1, 290.

St. I"crg,,', Kiuif. oltering to hi~ he.~,l in Scone. 253. St.. Giles {Sanct Jells), xxi; King'. offe r iug \0 the work of, M ; <10. In, Wi, 6;, 68, 70, ii , $5, 287: <10. tOil", Frate. niLy of the Holy lllOOll ill, 75; .pllt' .ih'e. to the choir boy. of, 158. St.. Innocent'. DlIy, G'l, 3,59, Uisholl, Ihe Kin,', offering to, 28.). St.. J,m"", King'. o/Tel'i og al ~Iu. . of, 6'!. _ _ Day. King'. offering 00,,6- - ~h,,, diurihtoo in, 289; Alex. Wardl .... 80e110, 403. __ Chapel of Ihe Quee".fcrry. 2!l~. 5t.. John 01 DuuMr, painting of, ISS. St. John, WIlli""" LMtI of, 2-2. __ the n.'])ti", l\ing'. offering 011 t he nati'-ity of. 75. St. Jolm'. Ch.~pel, King's offering in, 66. __ Ony, ofr"r;'", 011, m, 1)0; King .. carda 011, 359. - - Ugbl, ,5; v[fc";lIg 10, in Ayr, GO; ,I.. nl I'crlh C"""", m ; ,]0. ill SI. !Jilc.,;I; >.10. i" lhu C~UO"SIltC, ~"91. tic Joh" . to1lll. &G I'~rlh.


WI< ...... ; ,,~) ,I ... 1\, ,~I II, ,.. lSI. 1.........'fl<'II 11o.y. I\ ",!>" ,,11'''-;1111' un,!~, I'"lti' k 11;.)", 1\,,,11" ""'nll" (,j ~, )<.1 11."1"""'" lob..). -1.a,.1 ., I1M' lwIli I", , " .. I 1 :'>111 low,;. "o!I, 101, ~ ~I I ''''''' :Sl, ' - N ' , u...po; l, li lui', ofl'. 74, ~; ""'" .... iollO the Kin" ,n, l !~;' ~:'I""'''lIh, ~.J:t lSI, Luk o'. fA,r. "",rll l ..... gh ~ .I, J;:!. N-1411.\II', II..}, 1\, "iul(" SI. ~I Bt",""I " (.'bal'cl III ~:d ("lo"'~h ;.... C~.,\., .0".... oII'~..-'"1 in. 110\', j';"",., :'>,d. 'h~r't"h d"Ii, .. I.. \ "'" II :.:~W, 2111, .. t.'n, ~"'. __ III:I oll(,r,oglll, ,I.. ~,l-"I'''r,," l lrIy, 1\'''11'....... ' t' .... &! M. Mary ~i~,bl"IO'1 l1cly, l\il1ll'" .,IJ.'t "1, Tt1ol"an~, K,,,;::', I~I.," . ", II ... 0)1" 29-.!. allOr of. GIl. SI. Muy'. \\')1101 1\,,,,', ulr"""11 I" l-.I&<1, I II~I). II,.. . 11<>.-1... !.-;I 10000' folkl of, lI-I ...,10....., ,... 1..",,,11 fll' Ih (;",~I ..u. ,.I bl, M.wl\.rroki.., Kirk "r, 1\1",,', off~tlol!: :!N'_ I.. , 2111 , ~.'I ui., II St. Wedallo, >'It'd i Kirk el, s..11 (....-Ih. .!"i' 11',,"'0. 1"'''a1'', 3~, I, u .. h, 2'0. "~h-,_ .. (!'" ..... ,I\;.), 1.".1. of, !.. :17, !)t. M k:h~cl, Ki"II" ofl"eri n, 0)1' Ihe I"'"". ~llf~I, ;01.1 , 11' ...1\ L, 11,0 r .. ".b L.I!OI' of, ,3 i 'III~. of'lh~" 1o Ih" kll;g"1,361 Lady )"111"",, 300. "~lt l ol'l", (",' 111('11.). 3J~,

N_I\'~'I"",,,- U"'I",I,.., '",h ...,lk.h,ll"! :-;,'"u.-





1\"..:., ..


utTO""" ..



2S3. Ll.k, :!:.o. SI, Mulloy', IMY, Kill," "If.:""11 Oil. jG, !-mllu",I. c..". b,,,1 of. 1 "~'InL'II' 10, lor II~ --II,h~, o/forh!" to .:!!I1 I, I.k 01 :'>1<, .1, ~.!; ,,,,- 1'1 h" Ih' IJ!.o.in, &, MOMn xu .. l, $1,-1: .. INa , .. Ih~ h3 1 ,~,. 10 .. n,'" of, 1~3 rrl. 1 o f, 00, :''!ll 1 I\in,,', " II',ri llg "I, 1';.,'"010 (,-uci .. ,\ Lbt" o f S" II<,I),,,,,,,\. ~ h,],II.lfo>rd. 11o.\'ill N;J,h"U of, V, ~19.


Thly, )\j",',oir..,I"i'"".IJJ, Salul ..,


lI"cII to .\ lAllb," ,\ .... ,II"

~l Mu"go.ligh~. ~t..

K,oll', o/knuC lO.::'>"a - - \...,,1. "f.

I :~

Nichol ... Ill_bop. p4)""mU ,.., 1,;1, "-'lid-Will." . b",31j. ",,,",l iln,,,Z.. Lklut.k. tDlIo,1 1~6. !l.:.G __ Chapel, l.ellh,l\ln', "IIorl".... In. (il,l b"",', 1"')""_' I.. , 33; _ ;.s. 60, i i , ; ~ . :!81; I "'}"~". f,r "30,11.,,, L~II,la .,f'11, ;;00;, ~." _ _ in, ~61 Q"I~ ..",,,1 r.... Ihe .hAT "",1111". 1"",1, .. 1. ~,. S.\I~jll"~I, 1.... ,1, R"i"t1 ('rjd'h~', ~j., In,!IO; .1",. In twelAJ. ai, l~1. 3!~1 ;, ~~, ~ij. Z.'I1.:,'3.;, I<'!MI_ ot,,,,,,, to Ih~ S . Km ..", rtl~lu.\tY 101-, ~"-i l, 73 t,ok_ Ill. ~IX, 1,;21 Q n,lnd., ]\in", IS3, Ift!oJ ''''Ilnl' Ir"," II", J:u'.Ii3; kUel,3,., 1I.~.Jc' .. 316. ~l. NI"i:lI", CkI~I, 1lIatk ,~ Kill..-_ !o.'I1SI>II, ,J~n" .. ~~O\I olkriop II, '..'91 , ~2. 11'al'l'hi'" I~i. __ - - I...;tl,. ]\;"1;" 011".-;".:, I", ;_\ ....101. ,~, 1'1"11, '..'9I.~ , ~ i,.. 1'~1, I'~;. I";. II", III. ill, II:" __ - - l 'l "ii,'I, "".-o,I ,k to ... IH;, ~I..:', :kI1. 3<,1, )10,;, :U:I. :II';, ;~23: ch.>I't. .. ' .... 109. for I, )" _, :!:i2; I~ ....... 1.... i~;


'"',,,,",,1 "r, '""I.hi,. ,;",.




IIIt., :I7, 39, 12, 17, 19, to the Ki,'lj of .."J .. ,110 II...." Ilf I IG, 217 , '21.9, 2~!l :!.j(J, ~I, 2(j~. :?ii, tbe l'rill<:c'l birth, :'169. . 31H; r......, "~ If ...00', :'!";:J, ~l 2&l; lilt' StilleR (~l""""rll) .....yal" .. l f...., ;'1(1;1. 11 11('\1Icr d o., U3; for coUnl'l, 3G. lfl. '~CNI~, .\1>11(1\ of, JAIl'i!S _ lIudi. ~d; fOl' C~ LO .....11III'n". 'tIS,' I,,,,. I, 27: ~ii''' I'alOII"IJI, 210; &l: for Clllft. 2:H; for ,I!/III.leu, "rili,,1P ~I1L 10. 13~; "1"u.Il,I~r 3;;, 37, 39, ~I , 4J, 47 , 1>2, IU, ~I ~INI'"I, Inni ii. 00. fl:,!, IfIO, II'!, 100, l!'lb, III . __ uS": Kinll'~olfcri", 10 1t<.... ,1 of !oil. II::!, II", 116, :?IS, 2.;0, !!.~ I . 2.\3 ~,' Fe'1l'1S nl, !!:;3: l,,"ysnelll to "'......"1 :..'tlI, 300, 308, 311, 314, ~16 31)', I I', :l~G. 3:..10, :t:!l, S!?J; for' gowtU, 37, 1(1, ,,~, S..:""henu.,ISQ. 44 , 46, 109, 2JO, ~"6.;, 2OfI, ~i . 3'~ ; for &0.:, Harry (Iinry), paylDllnt. 1.0, In;", ro"cri"l a hat , ,,(I: ror hoods, 3'J, SS, 1:l3. .. '1l:i, :..":1 : fl)r krrll~. 13, 114, !!GO, - - Wnller, of Ura.."bol m, 7, 217, 31:; 1 for linin!!, ~,'l, j ll, 277 1 for Jll'i~ !iootia, Jobn de (Jolin Cockburn, Juhn
lata,38, ~7 ;



.1:!' 1


furll l'ooan,2.H ; for roof.

.. ~ l:oo), clolhmg for, 02, O;j,OO, 97,

!)g, W, 100, l Oll, II!!, 11 1i, 11~ , 115;

ofbethi,.5I,200; ror.Jtle~2I7,~, 2JI; for tu"je\I~"Il: for '-..tDl~11.S, SO: for til\! "i n"]"" .. of II doolJlel, '2,jO: for lbe cresoenta ~f Ille Kill;" lIanoe&ll, 2JG. :-;"Iio. I,bck, 3Il, 40, ;:>2, .s, 2;~ '!.:iI, !!O1,26-2; crimoo" (cmnl1l....Y), :m, 4:1 , ~.l, !;I, ill, 101,116, 21Q. :!.',o, ~I, ~2, ~, 201, _'Gl, 2(;6, :.'G!l, !;'i: loro"'n, !JIll; gl'llJ'. 21'(2, -.!ro, 271: ,Gn:t'fl, 1( ; 1'IITpl.. , ;.!5Il, 2:i7 : tIUI, ll, 116, :.'111, _Iff.!, 3 15, ,.:1: Ui'l...., :'1, ;~, 100, lOG . I~, II:!, II~ , :IIH, 30:;, 300. ~ 12, :1 14, 311i, 3 17, ~:!3; blue .10.. 3loj ; groendo.,~, 308; roddo.,SII; yell",,' .10., 100: I',rllil, ~9, 2G:L ~ud,Lo !S.~uc:h'l".l\y), Jn",ClSh.o. ... of, '!.10. ........ )e ... (""..-el'l) III [.ochnl~ht'n, I"'Y' ,nt,,~ to, IO~; do. to" ,,ido .. of, 181. bcnhl.nI. (_..-]x,rll.) for II", \\'",lImct'




'""1 _

of, 1IJ7:

K oL 10

~'""'Ct, ~ :

.....:;oor for, :.'00;

I"'YnlCl'1 10, 20';, Seou, 1\lr John, c,n., e';i. - - \\'illbn" 2~. li<ot..ICmn (Scotti,toon),


~ull" lI, ,I~ nle, 1 1II)"lIIlnl 10,

!'i.: ... linill.,

\I:;. Iht' ].ai ...l of, ,,;""" n hone

to Iho KI"" 3!lS. J<>I"., ofm_r~,6, 2},27, :-..::,.) n'gI)O"r, Mr ,Iohn, of UL18$Ore, CXlIU. f'O"IiI ion 'IIilh, 6, 7, 21r., 211. Sml. n, It'nl \'ylbe lliohol' 0111<l0l00 to
:-"::r; m~lIr.

tho I~;II'" 3U. s""""w.ry !Rcrt'tar), l .... y"'ent. to the,

~1, 3:,i2.

'..-onl, 17:; : for

r"r,39Ii. NoMlmiri..


St'OO.ls fvl tl..., pr.1 QI StlrlilOg, 129, I..... !lIii, 3iO; .."io". I;!O: l~k , I;.!l) ; ~n,~ Il, t., Xi; eMi"l.. I~ : I"'''''''', :r;O: lor Iho )'R1,1 nt I,.;"
IiU''''{IW,36;, Sul"e (Se)~,), Ibo ril'i'I', 200. i't: lk hk, ""II'I_lt;oo, M ",yr.' of, I. '::!U , till : CJ<11Cl'","" or t1 ... 1,,,,1, nl ")t'O of, 3;.!'J; " ........... ,,~-er ~"I \.f) IIltio ",ll",,, t i"" "r .,~" ...I. :JIIJ. l"riU,~ ..,,,I, ,.,\ I", "11""lili ... , \u
1><:""",,11 ,,~k"'Ic<1

S,f f'ha"' ....'. ~lIanna""ilh, b,~I~ of, ~ 1", h"]>',,I.. 8u (:h... ,(:,1"'" ~b,<i"", JlI'.l. 31!J. 3'~~~ hlo",,,....... ' ~I,,~" :-"'lo,,,la\\, Th"lIla_ "h" I"

ra, "'~"l 'n.


1111, 1;!.1, ;t~~ .

3IiO; ""'"


I :I~; .' . i/.




"f ~.", .. . "."",,,",,I ",, 1;f.J : ",. """6"r Sf""""".-,~. I"',"'WI- I ... I:t!. I.";:!. 1';:1, . ,,( I", 33,.: I'i".:', kll' .... ",-,,,\ l'" 1:.0,1,:1. I';. 1"1, I'JI. I!'~l. ~,~, ~I, 3.i'J, JliII, 3;11, :I~, :l!l.1, 11<,. ~,,~, ""Iki.k (/;el k.,- ), 11..0.,,<\, cUllur, nil"; ~IQlhi"l! fur, Ir.l, 11", S(lj. Jcd" o.tlo hen,I",,,,I,, by,!!Oj 1"~"'~OI.il SIIA"'n"" l<unJIJ\Io< of,:t7. 10;>, 178, 182, 183, 2(11, '2OG, 3,..:;, :lIJ.I, Sh"",).., .... :!."~J. 3mt :196; ~hri.u,ning of hi. chi ld . 3Il41 Sl"",. I"""". I'''rchlloc "r, hll 'iclbt. &. s.~. Sbl'('lt...r 1I~lb",1 d ..II,.;4 It I~. ';1. :;CmpiU, Lonl, x,-iii :Joa." iJ<og,"oc--.l~""', G:!, :!Ii;, '!;3, 3'l:.!; "f I~'.u"e I".,n

"" .


,... ~ lO,



1:;1, 100, ::71. '.!":J,

Sc.lSIIo,n., Bu. Ce""",,"

&rpcnl.lon;l:",", Ih~ g...... t, gi ......, loy tl.., Ki"G to I"" QdN'l', 359, ;;e.;.,." tbe, 136, ISO, 182~elan, ::iir Aieundu, III!Jxh .t"'GCOII I" tbo Kit.8', 160.


n, 30,



Sty (oa)') far n""KL.nb, .: ""1' ll"Om, 100: 1~, .. k.It,,~ lroo". 1II,'" :;'9. Ute;lAoeno of, 89: blllI', lor " "hi]" ta"n"., S9; I'ftl, 101' the ]i"n on lite :;b'I>, ,,,",,,,rilli. for ~'MI ~yon"n' I" ahil". llaodo.nlo, 00 ; y~IJo ..., I"" .hi I'" ,,"ork '''' Ih~. So1 sn, ~20~: f1aj,", ,tn1l<l.tnI., 00: lor lining, Ifr!; far .un,l:onlo. lulll ("h~r fll"" 1,I"g' f.-.r 1M, S!I. fII.J, 91 : Ib, Kin;; .lil~ ,," thco, ""rlail", 2IH , :.'6. 27~,:an: 10' 1IatIo1le , IZ'i. H3: tin,bor far. got. .n !-o1,"lh,,,,,,, 0lI"l".... ;"1:', !!(II 1 gtHn, lor .....1.ioI.. , r,~: wl,ile, 312; gn>I!n, for .b"ciuS i~Z: a. Imilt III I:"'"~u). 13.), I~:!; dOlhe-.,313. IlIa'l Ih", I:~, 1%, ~'~1: ,Irillk .,ilff I" II.....",Ih "f c..... 135, tif,l"~' 111",10 of,:!3Il. ::;"ybno.l "', La", .. I... , n.v.'~U. "m ..... 'u!"'l f", 1o."~;I1""'" tblt, I~~:

"f 11"11",,,1 ,I tl" 36, 51. ~j3: 1001- of Ilollo",l 010110. H: ,I... "f Il('rlM", ~o., j7, :!~!l. :.'11I,:!iS; boa""g" ,,! ikrt..",-. ~1. I", $ , :;,~, :!iJ: ,..1,,1, .,r 1/(,113",] doth, H; 'h "I llo-,t..,., '.!(Ii I 1.~l>O uf I~\\',,. ~\i;: ",.",li"l:, lIIA'n,,~. AIkI .....-i"l:. u;~, %7. ~ SllfI"tt:uMI, p:I)""''': lu ~ 11.. , ... ~,c





I'"' ""


I""t 10<-


.... 1~'fI' f"r



__ 10;>. o!.1tr.,



1",,,,b,,.,.I. ;16.:1.


.... 1~~.(1'O (O<"b:tkl" I for ,1iI,1 .... , 31: M"'111~harp). Si. ,]"''''' ]".I~"<"I. I" 119, :;0, 13'1. i:I";. HI). lIB, :.!Il'J, ~I); d'lIhi,,~ I,~'. 11\1, 31~ ~Iw ... , l;e<qr", uPC"_~' '.1, ]0;,
- - (~I"\lI, JUII. ,,f s.....ldt "'m plII]L;O" wHh. !?lO. __ Johu, 01 liNi', ,..,"' .....;1\011 "~LIo,

- - ~It Rul~ ...!, l"f""U!!u. I:!-S __ \\",1I;4'~. I' ,Ik ....."'1, , ti .... '\llll. 10_

n~~k;"11 \I,,, me,..o! lhe, 1ii31 Illll"Iio_ ,I, i':I; ,;,,,I,,,r f .-, bol in taill",_ 1!lIl: 4 I, 1,1,.,1 f.,. I"~, '00, i,il'" ~."I I""" !~ ..". ,p, 11001.,'10 lIMo, I'~I, ,".In, .1 I ...,;rnt.,,1 ..,,1 11<1)" '" 0.. ,I"" I!l'J: .. h.t, k 1 (.,r lI .... ~~}I, iOl\Ylll~llI to" 1M" Ih,u .... ,1 au ~~-"Hlenl .., II .... ~!, ..... k a,~II ..." I.., I .... ~,r!: ..-lill,"), .,~I .mll"'n'U,," f r. ~">:I 110.,1.,1 '" '"",II> I.y h,,:;,"Uot., ;1, .\nnl "f et\'" ~).I ",I... r I... Ih,', ~,,~: ,jn,t.rr lrom Ih., nOl1I,la'MI ! , cl, .., :)IG, ~".; ...'1;"6 "I ,I ... 1",,1 ,f II" '"'," I' II I"" k~I


..... 1,,,,, ai 1I ... '.'v' ; """






'''I' "" u,~



I"ult '" lJu."



OIItlon, r,g! ..."J.en'..: .. j 1M, "h~I,:t.>. 36, 100; vi 1,,,,,,,);.,1 3.'IO;."."Ul<>rllw.330:a,nf..,.lbe, I;';: 1~"klH 1(W,:!.>.l, 2Iit. :1.'16: 01 :1.'1: 1.,,1_ r.. 110.., 331, 3.r., 3-1:!:. .-11, *l7 : 1(>10"8 of, T.J. doek f~ 'M, 33:!, :,,~ I 'l'... r.Ioe-.l. :-.b<.orla.. , n.oDl~', ool.er. ....... ~ ..... 1<11" II. rod .,....,. 011 lho<, S3-1: and. :-"I~ ...1o-1. ' Ir Anol ..... , '!D. J:~ (Unl .. tt . , lor t .... , 33j 1 :-"ck, .1 ... W , .. ~, 1.loU. llo..~. 1I);i, 3(111, eurtain rinp fur lhe, 337: ..... ,1'1' ~. l,.rnI lor, XIS: limloc .. 'aI', 3--11: :-.,110, SO, lUi, o;!l~. :!:oj, :!GI. $ , 2~'.?, 1~",,,ltI foe lbe, 39-1: Iuon'_ for 1M, ~,~: for I~llll"", ~,,"I ""ndt, 3--10; nd,...q for k('(lllt .... of lilt, 3-, ' ,';,36, : frinar- of, 3-1, 61, 2.; I, ~. 3.i:.!, t1r1I1t...ih~r 10 .h, 3..;;, 3(1111 _ '61, :..'tU, :..'117, :!8S: l>l,~k, 3.;.39, .w, 1.-110, f.... IM, 30),): Ale "roullhllUlhe 31, j!l, '!oil, ~'I., 2:03: ph"" 200; Ki"",," I .... , 3.>1: I"YIII~"d..... k""l~n;; ,l.~", ,!I, 260: ""I, 111, \/110, 3.>1 :

Ii"" .


"hlte, ;0, II .>,


200; ,.dl.... , 79,

y.nt for a, a, OIlmloarlCm. 3611 : \""I(!II 2.\>1 fnmitl!in" 1<>1" Ihe, 8$.1 , .trink.IIt",. __ "",mg, 31,36, 37, ..0, 13, ro, 1>3, I.. lile DH'n 01 M o"tJo)~" 3.W; KI"II 7. , 'S, jil, 1";2, '.!-l!j: lobok ,1..1., 31.62 ; ro..-td on .... rd .... 38t1: 11_ brongbl ml ,10., I i : )tllo.... d).., .j:!: .. bile do., bo",o on I, ~9. ;\00; pay,,",nl I... 91 ; .'rc,,~h ,\0., !?16.. ... orkmen on II, ~I ])',mJ.non, 3(11; Sih'er, Iml'h...u d 011 ..... plate, 31: lor dCltlftll,,~ ' 10,,110,.'., fIX" J>en ..... rk, ,. chalk.." l!O; ... bit", K"-':II to Iho ~; II"m01.rtr ~""I ha~ lronibl Kinl:, 1:10, 11>.>;, 361,:iG2; earn_b'll of, bu",, on a, ~ (l.1 : l.olll.ol f ..,. Ihe, .j.O.'; 11:1, II!), ~~, :"~9, :130, 3-17. !J.j.1, 3!13: I"YIlHll"lI\O o:.1fattan ullhc, ~o.:;. II boo", f"r .10., 160; ..... t,lIe fordo., 1'11,1 .-, Tlo. a. . m .IIl'hod, :ull, Illl '/"A, :..'00 I lou, .... fur, ~ .. I hI l)11U100l"\<Hl, W_I" ;.-.11, S3, 113; 7'.( UH, ~1(j.1 : llen l ,,"'W, ~,,,I Art, 11>.1; Ift ..., I".. 'flu .1"""')'<I'r.I. ~.l.}, 3.1 1: T.t ffla/'f>!, "'~U1I"'1I ,nUl[n aHld"", !l17, :!"ill: 3~~, 3 17 ; TA, (.,Ni~rH , $41, lI-!21 T"~ Jo[,,\ul'l" of.:!,j.j; ..... tI .. uf, '!.lo,; i .hoo Trw'II"" , S:H, 33lI, 3H ; T"~ 11"""'011, ),,,,kle.o 01, :''\i3: 101" uf, :..'!I0, 2;3: ~,31i6. ~;ln.u far ,Iithting, :!"i.i: R ;'10.11")' ..,1 -"hl"wrial,t.I, ,hlnkelhtr tc>. ISO, 1m, "f,;!:>(l: in f t",dc'", :sG-i: 106, ~'95, 330. ~ I , 3~', W, l!>l. 401, "lu"'I', tbal!, ~",1 g<lt.1"I. of, Sli ' ; ~ro.. n c" I' ... f, (O\'er'II,It, ;um: II",'! "f, 'ibitu (Arklo), o.~, Ire. 100, I~I. :10"1. usill, :r,3: 'lUll_ " I .11, ~r.:4S!!.. .Ii:.. :JIb, 310, :til, 300, :I9S, ~Oll 01 HuU",,,1 ",.. I ~ill,ihu. Ud.. Il" ,UVN, I:i I'H' rloth, !H, 30, 46. ti l, 9J, IOU, 113, I Iii, .Iht,. ~7. 2d, 210. '2.:;3, 007, !?;Il, 310, 31 !:'''''''''' brou.hl.U, ;1([. 316: 01 roundo:r dolh, "6; ollkrt.ne __ !::i.r, ""'-.. , '" er.l[, 1~\yulf"l I'~ ,.]oth, 101, 311, :t:!2; 01 Hom cloth, :.lO!I 31!!: Mukl of .,0101 rlll",~, 3 16 1 lobe" 1:';"'0111 ",pi I'~ hll'llt rJ~l1), 16. :!l!O. lilk f"c, :l....'l :til. ~""' " (..hone). To, 113, 00, r.. 11'2, 112, :-""~~'\"''''. ""UI< .:.!II II:I, I I . , I ~I, 1 ;;'"l.1~1, I07"'11,3~, k",,\ .. I,Lj,:!'.!.":'


:\.'11, ;/:10, J,'.!,




:"u. :lil. :r;.;, Il<o'n'I'~" Il,J"" I, .., "'JO, Ill, lIn1'" h .... , .. "J,.~!.



~IIIelni., ~, .1011 11,

SI"",v,., 101''''k. :,. ~! ; ,I."".,.k, fll: I.l"k ,I... , ~', .., li,,,"I: ",. I:,. :!;;. :IL~: "'_111. 1"'".,,,,, "f, IIi, I~>(), '2.';11: ,,,~~;,,J.: hr, '.!'j\: ..I I'" _,... ",. I ~~, IIi,..,.. (jrl<,.'y I .. ,I!. I" ,I,.. :'.-,!/; ... , "', ~ I, : Mark "'. '!i> I. :.'Il.i 1 vi Vlg"-III;", ta!k-t~. :!I": ,rl.,, :\I;, K["II, ,r.!i; 1"l"Q'~II~ '''';~ :.'6.'1.. __ ~ ' r 1'.1"... nl, K"'ll'" "'f,,,ill!:'" -."', II ...... ,of. Ii!l ~n'31Il'"",, Ilim,I",,,,,), 1l"'~III"I'I'rI"l(itI _ J"/oll. of lI enl"':IJ"'.......... n'I.....'"I. :.!'~I, liD" ,,-i,h. 1(1. ."ml1h "I C'lIn,b,,"k'''"''ll1, till'. I"S'-' .. , I." ~..!. __ .1n"'''''' ' "'J'"'CII' 10, :\,.,0. __ I',,'nck, J"Iy,HetlL I,)'. :!~.;: ,-'"" fGr. - - Ih~ 1-'1'\0,",'. I"r,,,,,,t. h,. I:~'. 1IJ!1 ~I'J. :vi!], :I~(~, :11>" :r.lo!, ;~!l : d",-loh,; "" "'Ini " ~ ,,' R ">II.II"n".,,'. I. 2'1,1, __ I'al~, cl<>o./o'''11 In fI~, 00: ...,n! ,,, r" . Ill. 1'.n1;1 3",1. II ~, U fl:..,II' W' :nll"...",)". :!I~I: - - ..II :klll",,-. 11,,- _,,,),,,,,,,1 "'. ~1Jl.
Gin"' n I"".,." ,,,
~I ...

K ;"II, .1..7 _ _ I'll, I ~,,-~I,


.,b).. III 11,0 kJ"" ..-,III Ihe 1\"..... 3$';, __ 1I,,00r1 ",y,nelll '''. 111.1

__ 11>1' 01,;1', ,.,,,,k,,"-,-, I". 1:J.:i, t .. y-

__ \\',II;a,,,, of Iho d,n"',""., dolh;"11 for, 101, 3Q.1: ]<'.\m'~"I". lJO. __ 1.. " ly C"U",,.hM. budl. S k "t!lrl~'" b",]~ o.f. III,:.!O. Sk~,,"ch, ':IIHI. 01, :!:IJ. ~bit".'\l iIIO", I""d. of, I,. likc,,,,. Alcxn,ukr, of II .. " ilk, 21fl. --I......",)' or, :!M), __ .l uI ... , """'1~ ..111011 "';110, !!.'l-!. Ski,," \,,,,,iol, 3!1. It. T,:!, :lOS: I,u;:<. :'b. :1'J, 4.... ~1. !l"1, Io.i. :!,j~. :CJ; .. \oil' , 1:1, IO'J, 11:1. ;~I1. :lo.;, :t.!'.!., .,\,.!'I: 10"""11 ~: IC""I~Il,~"" 4 ~, kll' ..... ~','~: J,"<-I. l'i I 1".,,", !il!. ,,~!: Ilr~r, r~l. :.'li~,:lt . : \'""1",_,,, \.,., .. 1\\,.,,,,,). rol, Lbek. I'~"\;
,h~. 1'.,.t"~oJ. I;~,

"'cm 10 Toi .... :lII:l Su,i!"., 1"')"01(;11' In, Hh. :101, ~')I.
:-;..,ltll'IOII M S,.II" l.n<1~"I. I~. S,nolcl 101",. 1,,,,l.'<I1P' nr /)mlll.,H"".
oe'" 1<1 th~ bl" hu ~~. : 1"'Y""101
1.0, I ~dll. ~!I'>.



(:0t'WJrI'. e.',i. ::;n,y'i. fur 110.. ahir. 110. ,;no.i.I, ,J","II Hay ,of. :!-IO.
~m)1hc, \I~



NolU"',ilh' (&IoII'n'Ale). fiil .J,~",. ~ Ill; ""n<h 1'1""t '" II,, Kn,::. I~'!;
j,~"<:!l G hone I.. II" I\in". Is::!. 31; ~",'Ioy. n"I.',1.lI"",o:,y ufo ~.

- - 1"",I ...f, :Ill.




3JIi, I{I'~: ...., 11l'!; :11:1. :lm: :<:fIt. ~ ...\, ::!l-I:


.nnllle, ~iG. ~i~,~; I ..r 1\'r\I, boi,,~ . 1... ", 1';".1I,ISG. :iki,.., nll'1'IIIhr. nl"'~, ,-tulhi .. ,!, nwl lIlo,,~y to ""'lc~"'NI ~,,,I 11('<1,""'''''''''' 0 .. , .;7, 72. ~1" I C'- \!kbl4r). R"I1(l"I. I"'Y"""'( lu, ~j S"'lc"'lld~t .. r, .",,1,..., "'Oil). uf I'ni I~ ., Ih", IIC"'~ to Lot:I ..,~,I.-"". IH. lr,(J. I'.i.
I ~I

"""I """. ur t!it Q.,<'tn 01 ~:"~lg,,,J. :01). ~'1; ,,, J~"..,. roO. :9), tbe Kin, m... th~r, 111 1>, ~!, rtf)'l1 Altu'~"'r I:,,,,,,,, G-t; oJ ~I. F.iI ....... 1 I" II,. "'i"'-I~lt, r.~: nf Ill< 1;;.10"1' of N,




.\,MI."..... ;(l, ~ ~ .....


I~'"'I~.',I.I ...\101.,1 ..I. '~h,l<

1~-I0"",,;,I.,,'II). I~n'!_

WlI,' moM '"


"'c "'''ii, ~nl.

of. ?2_

:-:""'. -1;1',

: I"'JIIII'II\ 10'. 19 .

I'>!r;'l, I.....

...."..,. . :!!tI.

,...,u\I,I..lrl,-il1. I."of~ "f. :!.~ """"m, 1"''''''''"' /.>1' .1. 1.'0:, So .....t III"'" _,-,. I",,~ ....

. ')20


"f'Jin 'l<I"n,",l. fh.!_ .. 10 ","",hi- il\.1 ~I"''''' P"",u.e 01, 13.1, 166, Iss, .U.j 1 ~h. ; II , .,1 II.. b.'-Ioa 1>1". ~.o: .. II. lon,. 3G6; IInnina. 300, 3%; linnu'l! .... nllon ......, to. hulL ~: ....... 1,11 ..f. ~: "iambbiull 01, 3:),S. 306. I<~'I IU, JUU. 3;), ....." .... Ih ..... 1:4. 11-\ 1$.11. 11\6, ::!fr!, :;.31. S(llll(li,~ ("p.,IIi ... " TIIun ...... I,nr.~ ,f I n. ;t.,. 400, U.'\.. IhuMlee.. ~ i 1'>1, nie (1'>1,lnl~). nil. n,,,. -wc.n. i<l""'kii. of blnb. 11&;1. I, ..., -;!.\l. I "<>gin, u. 1(;(11 lhe 1-\11\11 ph) .. Colnl. "r..,i,ml. little \I.rlll\ tIM. 100Ioi", for.' a,. 1(;";". 300. 30'~. :t01, 31', !lID. 31i. 31S. 310, ~ ..;...,ol Cirish ICleiao:h). a.H. :t7I. 3Sj; p"'~m...\o 10, lJ.3, 364,300. "'10' .... ISolorril) 101M- bUck wly. ~G8, ljO. - . :0.1, 3{12, m; Uaolian. I r.a, '!.iI, ol l he bUTlII, :!JO. the.33i. "uble,...,.,t 01 ... ISO; furt"u,- (or the, ;'p.:t.nian'o, ...)"_nl_ I", ld, JU, hi,. ;!'l-l. I~j. 100, 161. 313, 3-14, 3-1.;. ~G, : "l..-tTl,,. th<l 1\10". :Uo. 31~ 3.)0, ~. 3S9; clot hlllg (or, U3, "lalrhe . do,3.>J. N; ,10. slWts, 3."iS. 3H; bone- hire f, 31.1; 110,..., for. I<I..'~'" (hot"""" \"1' f..... lhi: l\iI,,'., 13.1; .Id. ~f'&'IJ.anl. 3,"j,j. .. loyrne iron w 1M Klnt", as; !sl'.ulld ...u,101 lor, III, 15a. brandinll of 11>(0 Kint 1:10: I)"'" i<r-rk,J"hn UUUI" nan,I."IIwlIl,'r,.1i.lR; chm8elt, 100; ah.oe>nJ of, Iii; l.ci'II\ ....'Jllknllfl, 3.i3. .U,.erof 1M, \,\; brooaht from ...... lk i<p.trro....lo.1\ k (1\lIIrhdll), "''''lInl for L.nd to Slitling. 3.S:.!. tlndlllillbo: Kloll'". 1.jJ. lll.:lll'l of toce.. 1,';(1. lSp.1 .... , wkller, 31\':;, ~\;Il kh". 11<1,."",,,1.0 \Ollie ~;""I of J\rgyk' :;~rhe'I<I., 182, 33~ , 333. 392, 39(1, 39'.l.. :L19,31. __ "'t, "~h"Cll, !lnl ~IAlp, I, \0 11m 1"",,, hil, Iii. "JW"I' .... biii, 90, 3.l8, ~, 3:10, 3!1.): ...1, Stulllbn,ll for the .hl l" tine It'h' .. I~ 00, :1,-.0,31\1, :ms: joolOl;ng. Iitl: for. o1.'I;embrokl<rl ' (>r, 00; ofotl)" ,OO: broken loy lloe ~:"rl of Amln, 3i:l 101 1)I.,m"" .. I, ~; lor Ibe 10Uma,.. "I~. 0".,;<1, r~'''''' of Fliok, 2-1, ~, menl, !l!l3, __ llotl&1.l, >n>I~ ... ItI"n ";11,, 2.10. *""cliouiC, Aleu.m1cr ~louM 01, '!?, __ .\1 .. 11"\1". JlIIy"~nl In. 1'2!l. ~!6. __ 'Ir Joh". ou, . "1 .... of )L<)r~y. 21. "1.:l1~loe .. l..etcH:",,1, 1'ho~ lhtl ~. of, 14 i<,,1.'1. 110, Won"!' "I. uil. ulli; I'''Y' !;'.. nlet>. RoLen. I>roIH1.11I1", ,",YlOOnl





lI, lliG. 1G7. 110. 173.

\O,:bS.;II)2. 3111,~.

hl.i ..... I"'"IIC. Willi.,... ..,)"""01. 1<>, iI. l,jI,!lS:!: dot.l,inl f...., 10.., 303; ..,,1<1 ,101.ln',,,," lu'lo,. l\i,'I' 100. :<J,I~nL". I \OIi .. of, -;!4~ 'f.'''I'.... Jr,!, 1111,33'-. hIO""'" ( 1"1""1. l(>n ~, ~'W, 27!1. ~I"". 1\,, bini of. It"...... of I'''' . ..tlL I .. , W, " I" u;" , ..... "",ti"..., tit" l~ml ...I. 1:!7. !'I".II .., ..I. ~~h ~1. I I. ,-,"!I

__ (1'IabC'\e). 'Thlllll". 1~\)mI'llL IU hb .,ff, IH. St.'nlcy. J;11IIII of II " rolTOlly';1I Iii<' lII0I'''''",' 01, SHiH. 1"11".... It hl,r]ing, bllll'"'''' "", I I,ill'" UoUU,.(hll" the, lsa.

..... ny .... 1.


"r, G, :.!16.

- _ .\ll<ln.. I'l"Uf'r G, 216. ""I.I,.lh, li.lng, .tili" -...t 1" "'~ ',nl"J:h f"r .h,, 'I'


l:\....Jy ...... !;Iithy. I Kt.cw"rt. F . 1..10.". I!" ! !';I r ill, 1'1<: tiM" vi, ,,'1, ,xh; ~; ' , nil I, 1100 1i"" 'I,,,loIrin.. in. lill' ~ ..."I,h' 'or, ~~; \1,,, 11"" I, II, 1.... ly. li t ... '''''u (~ 1 "4', 70; m~4r,,' .'". __ ... .'1. K.'-I\..~. ~'j),', ~'9!I: ,!oi". ,h \1~IlI.rd. IIlf, "f I'i" t;, r&"':.".I,,, 10 _ _ ...... 0.1'1""""'110 hi. '31 ; 11l_!' g( 'h,lm.r, :!.'l.1 ~,il. 1,'",I~ 1".0],0v. I,. Ih.. 1\11 IBr tl ... "", .. II, 133, 101; Ki" I1'" l>e:l doe,,, ~I. I&! : ,,i .. ,lo\\,1I mN,,"... 1 :ts!1; ",~I I",~~ I" ,1.~. U" 1,3: ",L, .. for, 3.'\,i. JG,;, :IliO. X,II' I. n"I.II, "r. l. :!I:, lo",',

"'","M .. :


..". I,


. ,,,

N,"....... ;\\l.i.

I'1.<:".,rl. .. rl''''IN''WII''.2~ __ ,\!Au. " f (IIa&jl"", I ... I,..

Ii:!' __ ,\I"""""K-r.


"-, I

~1I".n. !-1'I,t,1I <If n, 'or,"" ,....11 ..", .l1h. II. '! I~ , It"I.-rl, ",,,n'.I"" ,,' 10, '" r ",:_,,,,,

,\ nh l.' , hul'


""'I""..... S(f :0;1. .\,.,1....,, ".

- - ,\k-~.'no.lfr. J)".. n \If ])\IIIt.., r, h~Hii: I"'y..,,~nu 10, 1:11), IJI, 3G3: cloth,,).:

I< .

I",";C'.",I ", 1...",1 II ~,I


1.'"' ... I II ,\rr.,,,.



W,IIo",,,. n.'lor <It 1'.>1<>1" i.

fu.,3!!1.. ' ""'1'" 01 Curl'''........ :!~I - - A I", ... tl"th boll,o:l'l fl'tlm. iI'. W. lI~"". "''''l''r ot 110.4 ohip II'''~I'''. -- _ Ih~ l)akc 01 I. .lo")'",,,n l - 1<1, ::'J. S-'iIl. 1~'HiI: 1".,me>llt III. I ~I, 1 ~'1o, I!II. 'i"II,,,,,,,,,,, lVII, "'. li'.l. I;I~. ~~t.!. :!Ill : tl,oj,.h'l fu lt.!. OJ. IIG. Sli,li"~ lSln .... '"). ~" '-i, .viii. u. ul, :UG: '"'l"",n' I ~ I". m"". IG~: .._ \ .. .~,i. Ixui . U"', '1~. :n t',;I, IU:. "ui, ."m.~, ~'0J7 . 37,), ",i.', nn;i. \'1. :rli,. :1'1. III. ~I, !!S. 10.1, I~. I U , Ill>, 1<1. P'l'''W:''~ to, Iii-I. __ Iknwnl. Lonl '" Aubl",,} 1\'. II;. 1.. 1. IJ2, 1.'0\ l a lSI . 15. ,:.!. ~ 31:1, 32;1, !Uti, :1..'0 1, ;s.:;;. ~!, 1hi.

All.,,,,'. "....

-- 0\.""" ....
-. ,~ ...


__ 'lttnQ". I..',....,I. 10,


I~, 1~;

I';~ I ,-j"tI''''1I ', .... U'II, lIN, :::;;0, 3-:1; "I'ur, .~ Ib~ t.."n.. I; ,u.pmoallo" I"., :!;~. ..... "I.., \I<......t :,,1 of, __ __ .....1 .\ ....... t.Je . ,,,", dullli"l1 fot.III,II3,311 __ ., .....1. ..... f" "kI4~" 1)"01.1,",, 110"0, 1.1.

,,, ... n"nto .J.


,,~ I ~'!I,


~ I . ~,.). l"li. 411 , ~U; Ila. ii, .jd, !>!l. iiI. ea.1, 6 r,!I, II :II'~1. :i';:!......


Ill" .. \.. III "'k r.iar. "f. :... c.,. 71. ~I Ill .... '''\;'")' 1'11.11. b" Gu.~, (W. G~, ~"'~I; .-.10 f", rho ;; ; ';.;1""..... , ,kl ..1;. luor ...... :!'-IJ; ,,1_ I.. \1. I ....... ~;.I>l. Ii:). ;:1, ;.',. ~"3: t ....b ,1.o"1r.,,,. ,J , r':l. ~;, :!'J.I 1i;'~.9fI'TI"i. in, II ~ f.w ....,


____ .;r~

\\.1; "I I I"i,,". ,10 . '1.1

&1 S\


S" .'''!10",,1... 1:,_"

____ <4"chl'" ,A Ihcll-~"I "I n,,, ....

T.!). __ J,4m of .\ .. 1;,. ......."~'I''' ,Ii "il'" fi, :!1Ii. <),1,.., " ~;"tI ',f .\11~4 ..,
;"\1, ~:.

t~1r1",.U. ~

It'_I_UM,.II ..-;.I,, ;;0. (i.>. _ " ..... I~~ .. &1 f. '. ~I~. :.":!!'i,

"",I;. at. '.!. ". :!I.i; tM f, .. I1'"'" .,1. '~. ~;. ", !<!t.~: 0101 ...". : ...1: ,"" ".1 t""~, ..t, ~~ l_
ror thetd . . . . . .

Itn ... ,

It"'"' I..'r,..- ufo

",-n' ..


... ~

tI...,!. I:':~: ""'I ........... 1 In.'',,,


Mllkr' f.

.... ,"";

menu k-p h 3~" .Ill: ,_,.. ,,", , ..;, 161' ... ~ ,,' C""l"'" fur. ~l to OI~. ImbaNy II, lun;, ftltll" VI an,1 f....... UI. II~, 169: 3'!3 1 ..... ~h' 'rom, to F..l ....1.., tnt pm... I'. I:t!, Ilj, U.), l-'d; . he m.aidalIU\ _I.- ,10,,-. It, loarp. :O..:J: ...illl_oro. _ t 1.0 d_ "'III II. J I ...... 101' IN lis ... Milt 1)6, Iss, I~J; .1"'.....t~t1' lotH "',o!Iir W. Sll 1Il00 1Io-"n.ktr ift,400; 110,.. 01, 1$1., I 2l'P!.:as. :u.~. lOn: _1"'...,1 lO, -401 : Klt,,'. lot"... ~"",,,b ...nlht '-'""';bt to ",.1 '''-. leolw .btrill' 01, 11)11 1:I8,IS;.110,arriar of li ..IOI'!'f,,-. lr. I do. 01 1M f'Kh,.,;.\ to anti fro.., "1'01111, C.lIe 01, 1.Iolna1,t o..w.-s-l III, luxii: Kin,'. oa"connc In, f11 1:19, liS, lid I I~ of mlll.ufi. to .r>d from, I~O. 17'; Ihlp"' kl'l'l ,",II' from, "llM'1lt for ~..ir of tbe old kl ... In, 1:"'11, 1,)(11 "...... flW ",-.m""", In, 1M, '>l; <h 10 poor ......t tbe, 138 ; . . . . 10 .,.....u III the, 28i; eaniaae of I.~', UD, liD, ~'I, l')(), 1110 I a ...... 01 '-_ ,<>, ....lU. QP ...... ',..:- 10 .",1 1l'0III, ,,,,,. ('~I.

,'ll" .......


Iii; do.." ,..-;Ioon.


"",I ,,.,.., 1M, -ODI. Klr .. I>f,....-Iaod~

:\)1, 3U: .~,liol! IIIlnlll'd, in, 1$; 110" pun:u-I ,.... th, IN; Dudal "pllnj"nl ritkoo ,. bono In t ... park of 01 IlIf, liD t J\il\i'. ollmlll II dedicah,-, I ~; I Nih. lor Ib, kirk In, 139: lion 0' lbf, UU'. 290. maooa .... ~ to, IGo!: <;arrla", nf Kine' __ th' ul't.ah, of, pa,_IU lO, 1.&0, doth ... ' .... lit.!: 110. of 11.1., 1.0, 1113; 191; Ih.... Il bone to lbe- Ki"i, i47, t.on. an. L, 1\<'11 . . n~ to, 11).&, 1(11), ft!; .Iobn ~IOImall Hnl 10, 100, of - - Iho IC"nl"' ..... of, 202, 33-4, 3iO; ply. ..... r 10. Ii I, 1'\f1, :IO:! I va ... _.1. in, .-"t t.o (J-.. o.ml"""U, I:.!'J; ilo. to Ii"': 11M! ''In(1 (kip III, lili: J"bn tbl . ......b, 1*1; brill", 1-" 10 lhf Hnll)" of, 181 : 1""11\1"" I. 1M ~r KI"II.3, " " "ta"'bo-nin 10 ,ho '~r'. I<"\f~ in, I'!G: b.'.....)' ......1 1,'~e Kiu., n", a&I.~. 1""".10\ \0 llof dQH" It, 1100 I ,_PI""I __ SOl Johu, of ,'''' Kfir, e""hi.., for, 10 I 1I,I,Hrr II, 1110: tho cal'l-lin "f. 0-1, 100, 113.:101 ; P"l "'tn t \.O,!lei. 101 : orp"~ rufn,h~d It, I I/.~, 3!t~: ____ of C",bemo.n l, com l,trolkor, KI"II'. nrm. r~ld.tol froll1, 1981 u n,-!il; ..yll....nt by, :l'l: nU,lllt,. 116pw' ,,' lh. ,~~ in, ~~,~, 21")(1, 1"'0",,110,;;'&1 .. 10,Il3. D'.lU", 3:!..1. :lU.l.:roO: I_n,''' ""~ 10, OJ, 18, 99. 21i4 ; c.rrio..;;~ ,,' ,dn,' 10 ...,.1 f_n, ~I:'>: __ \hl ttr, Clk.l.h"'i 103, 108, 113, 3O(I,:m, 3(, 31S, ...... of t:.tb _ ,~, ~'IJO: 1_7>PCIII ),y ohcrill' (of, :!12: jak ",,"I~ ... ,:!G;I: __ ...... In-w )IcTnlilhll'Y, ; , ~'1, Slirn>p I"""., I!l.l, l~iI, I;t, 111.1, !liO,:MIlI, 11m. to I>f'irea of, ;!r,l: "'1""_ 01 S9.1, ~, .I. Ioftlill ')'R of,:t!9: Ihl" I_den with timllC"r It, 3.'10 I hllMIPM 1'4\-lliona p~. __ klthcn, 10.1,391. :t!l7.




,._nt01'. '

1""",1 I~, :I.\.I: "f Irru In".., !:ilHllr (1 ... lo.Iyt, .ll:'<ly), Ihf KhlOl .tn klnl ,., I, 361. 4I\.1! I'(ltIHIIIOd pkoltr:~, :L17, 3m: .1... of "Inti lo;IllC'lI" to 111<1



f, .....


_!II.o. I "tt~1

\ .. Iheo .'Iot.. ,,,

!If, U . ", ~'" 01. :~III_u"",. to .. ".ynllf.,IIJ), ..... _"".ro;,



'''''1~' lIt 10 h'

- "... n, 1.6, li~ ,





.1"0',. I) In; ... k, I:'~. "11 I") _"h'''_ 1111. a;t


Stok , n ~1'I!IIO"'l', for th~ Coll~ge "i,k "I SU''''I' I.. r d""nl~n, I'!';, 13.~, l.jl; fot StitlluJ:, 17S; of Stt:llhr.lbn, Kin!:" Ih~ Q""~""I~ Inl, IJI; (.. r tl".I'ri"'.... orrm"S t'. 1I,~, ~I; "I Tai", ''In,H' ~,,,'Ih :JS~; I", <I", 1.....1) ~I"i.\n.... I... l,
alTer; .., nl
Ih~, ~:!. ~lJ7.

Sl()lc, nmk ;,,!: tlf n, 8 1. St<l1" .eher (.Ion,.,) nf "d"ct, ki no of &,,,,1,1,313. !S t ono, 1'>')'''...,''1 tu IU' ,,10.1 on~", fro .. , :109. Swnno, pr['<:iou., 101 ill &,'Oltl, a,..! [081 of. 4!l; purch(lSCl of,

.:,...,h ~ln"'~Mr,

Ki"b' ""d, 1-17. !!I!l, 2l~1. 3~2, 3'l~, I~, ~'J.;, ~I"' . M.rMnH''"'' (.t,~,,,:ui-t) f.., II" >hi!" bi, ",,/forill)! ti!l; (,.h,,,,,,, (or, ~9. Slri,,;;" I"r tJu:, King'. eN I....... , 1~3, 1I..'Ch~1C :!.I'), 31;:!, 3j.j; l'l't'''~h I~t~, 3:ki. from mil SU'q;~lh, Joh", elulloi,,;,( f.. t,:I(}Il.
IrlO; of
!;trow.. "c, .\lun,,,I,, &1"'....."."

l:Iu.1wl"'n'i~. L"lllH.1 \Q tho



!! LI .

Stool of _

(8tulo of \Ill), '" ,,""'Ihil, __ bn'ls m",1 ",rony ol,:!!l, 212. IH ; for th(l I\illg'. _hlp, 201, Slu,l, (slutl,I'1I). :!.H

(.tuli~) to tloa Queen'. ehlUnbcr, 1'111"'1" tor eOllt". 311. 267. Stnrh'<)()11 !"turu) l.rou~ht to tloo King, Storoom\j", li"ge o( i\lncleot.l'. cNltl .. i .. , 150. bui. SuO'olk, 1'-:lr1 of, dUlOlld ol, I~ r"It, Slou~ (lltopell) for tho Kl"g'a boN""",,,,! lui. :lull QU(!ClI'l ""'J.ca"'olllcn, ;)j. j~, ZS!l: Sug.r !.ucoour). ZOO; fur the nllOlh~,...d',mr,ioll of ll,a Ki"S'" 1",7: .il,..,'!" .... ry "I Ill. A",lta"., ~I!I. g;wn to Ihn I'rcndl knight Lrouobl Sulher\nnll, oompOliliou 4t the .Y"'" nf, hor~e by JIU"..,.llcr<;Mm<"ltoun, 350. S, 218SIO\\', ~:?!l. - - Wilham, of Qll:llTelwood, eoml>Cll!' Stn.c~nn (Str.ttMudlh,). ,\lexa'Ricr, of tion ",itl" 23J. Soot.toun {S,..otti.toun), ~'9. __ Iho E..r1 of, ."nll! n hounll to th" Sttll"'~' \\,ilIilIm, 1.,lcon~r. P"YlIIJnt to, Kino, :J.IQ. 131 i IICllt 10 C"ithllC'. lor uwlui, SW:lQ,'lII', 1:iir W;lli",", )lurmy"1I foul, /3;. kcnt<;y I.'0Il1 purt'11rl8Cd {tiT, Ull. f;1r:ah..utlio (StTllittl!l.nlm). Innll! of. 11, I\woo"" (S,,",,!"in), l'''l'rn''n~ to the DulCb 2~'" lloctor of, IG7. Stmtbboglo, uii, xxiii; the King l'I~.r' :>I\';nhol'. 1.>",1. ul, 19. (Il\r,b 4t, 1(1:;; JY.Iyment to nil ..."" nt, S\\'ortl~, 1:>1, Ij7, 3%: .. cro.mp for the IG:i: II .... WrM.a'''IIl, lli:l: tlo.lothe Kin.:'_. lliG; nrrling, li.j, :l'>~, 300, 3'9G; "tI,,'l:. li.j; Ihe W~llo.,", 'w~rtl, fisher of, li("1. StTllt.1Lmn tStmLmune), bnll! of. ::>1'J. ~_~h', C", cd, I;';; for l",<kl~r [,la~" l:>lmlfralru, 1\o:\\';lrU of, ll:Iynl('nt. J.~'. J, 1S3: give" 10 Ih< '",-rl 01 11""lly,~: !!I:!; \\'......u gull1'um, Il-iii; \iml~'ru"l1 10":: ""I >'burl, IS~; I"~"my, Jlhl; ~nL I". 13~: colUpt:IHK,tion f~~ eon, bl",l;,,;.; "f .. ",d. "J. 31).: """"1"'1 e;llon Ilt th" hu"tiI,!:"" 1:;1). ."IIl hy th~ h'l'" '.U Ih~ lu"o. hn,ii. SITllthfilla,ll (~tr~ld.,u), ~niii; I~Ylncnl 3~1); '1",nil'I;'~1 nl ,10., In;,; 10,,11. \.0 fr"' ... a,,11 I'd""ts ~t, 'lSI: lur,:l!llJ, :W.; Ki,,;, .....o .. l uf houu~l', olf<r;,,!: Plllto <took of, ~I. J'r~. . St rnlbortlo (tOt"",ilhurtleJ, 17, !I!l. Syrucnl, rynll. Sa S,mon!. St "",t""", AIc.nnll"r, of t~lll ilk, ~31. Syn,lngWn, J:U1)I:t, :!~I.




SyftlOpIl' lor tIM ,.rnl, 18', ,\13.. - 0 . iI1yll, ~l.


TJ.l1ifflr, Lue:uo.dMhilll f ..... 306. T-,ILatwM.QlI1II,bell, 'AtlIia of, 2:11. 'r.II,.... (ullom" bomah~ by Down.e T.~n .. ,,<1..Z of On. Lel<ly. pAymrnt for a ... tk_k,'f". 2;{i. a" <"11,,,"",1_1.11' 'Tn ,.... lho> ~loIr III J)lItQbanoa, :!!b. T.bl" llfoLkt f, ... of .... ,1. fo. th.. K, ... T...-I~dl'"-l rt'~rI>l>It""l. ~ t. .. t.. "f, 23.1. loonllfl.:U3. Tull". II,. Kin,'., Ill:!. _ (I.""tn ....).!>.;'.., to 'ho KI"g. 181. 'hr;t'<". I.. tt. 101", to Ihe 1"';111",. an.. -r.bl.. IIfo...,i ... ). 101 Ti&tFl.O, 3!IG ~ loom'", of, ~. __ Ihe (\ooo(,"rn,tQo,,), ,"" Kiu,', Tvl",'" y~llo .., 2:ii. Clrl'.. n_",:n:;. Tulrtl... I~ Kil\l' .. 39' . Tarkie, Ihip, bon.;ih~ ill .'IUI<I~.... IxI.8.), T..-, lSI.

136. T,"\"""~'" Ih" )Ioor, doth;nl for, lOS, T.!I<-IY for .....1 cllrtAlna, In, 2611, Zi':!. I M I I"pn.",tJo I... lUt. I'!I, 122, 121, __ f<lC'a ..M",,,ooIL,., 10.1. l:!tl. t:t.!,1lJ..1, I~l. 100; ('OII1~,. . \ i,'n __ ..hite, lor ",.v,., !!.1.!. to, (or Injurfao, 10.: I..... h~ __ fo. trimming hIlt .. 37, 3S. 41, ~~, l(l(I('h,:''fI6, 3:1(11 do.. 10 hi' "If~.nd 20'. -&00. child, ~77, 38S. __ 10" hood, '2~6; fo. """'" ~. T.uhroM ... poy"",nlfo 10, 191, 300, 3S3: 2.:/1. Cuilll.alll, lui;, IIi, IZ,I, ''26, 12D, 132, __ lor Ion;nl, M, :10, 31.:19, ~II, 41, 4;, 100,3!!6, :W;;.350, :nO, 3'/1. 379, 3S,j, 49 .52, MI, lin, 110, 2lli, 201).1101. 316, 3S0,,I03; ,\n'\""', l;e, '00, 331), 3.'i4, 31R. 3&l, :r;o, 379, 300, 403; ,Iohn ~I"tray., __ fo. II~'''', 2,18. l :m, '~I; It 1'<'''n'''IIMtAIl.I~; lit Ding. III'(M:~" 3S, ,10, "2, M,210. '!17. " ..11.107: ,\,I_m 11,,)<1, Iii(). 3,;'1, $;0, 370; Lonl F1~"'Y"I'", :tiO, 37', ~(l(I, __ 10. troy'-, 51, 2-19.. ~oo: At Otlllll"'flon, 3GII; Qnlt) nix .... , __ 101"., ~9, 200. 283, 30"2; P'" !?OO I !l71. 3;,1, 379; Ito. n,.hOIlOI loiony'l. p, n, ,1 t, 'l.i6, 2:i7, 2:i!l, 200. !!GO, roo ~ 103.


__ "1.

I. Q .I'I.. , '!,jQ I 1'011. '!.!5", 200. '..'GG,:IO'2: .. hltf, 'l.'I'2, '!,jQ: l'~n ....... :I7. ~,o, '2.'lS, 2.Jn; o( IUIIUr}' I" ..... 213\ ,,,,IAnl. i.;~, 200: l'l01'Ol\11f>f. 2~S. 27'l Tr.iltdr. \h 1",,,TOtIICI!, 111& Uttl~ dOl:IOr. 1"'),11,,,,,,.1<>, I,,.,, I::;S, 1113, :t.!!l. 3.'10; dill>CI' .... f, 27~, 'n"l, f,>r<l1ndng_t',lIl:\ T~ilnr, lh~ Qu_'.. p.~~'1II"nt. I.... 4(1, 13. '1'."'" nhi, 'll,I071 Kln;':"olTM'l"/I'"i, 11(1. ';"'2; I"'~~I 1<' tbet yit~.I.I, l;fI; King" I.,kll"", in, ;"':1. Tn,' (TA) II, An,ll't' .... ItslIC ""y,,,,,"~01 A ,kbl 10, ;!I~.

__ eMhing for Anll<'e. 100,306 : GIIII .

li"m,:IS. 1'2: the }'r('uch kn;ll:h~'a, 3(l(l. Tn'lhmnn, ""lnt;IIg "I tlto ;\loor'l, 1:12; 1\(\) '''1'111 10 C;niUlnm lor Iho )loor'., 33.}. TI}', .Im_ to tho print. 1\1 tho nti~"(:nd of,60. TAylor (T.II ....... ), JnmcI, clothIng I...... fl.), 97. 'loI. tr!l, I'~l, 100, II:!, 1I ~. 3111 , ....)''''''''10 i.t>. 1M. IGO, lI3l, 3:\.1, 377, ::," 3')Il. 1'111 f" .. C'l<c<litillll 10 Oenmln wtllC1d ,-.rIo>n. 1,I.oct'., 13a. T""'u,, IT",t",. Tel ;,,), ,Ioe bini of, ~,r



TIIlottlief'>l (I4iHclltol1o), l"'yml11U It>, I~, 19'2,:m. 313, ~12.

Will;'~1 \I""'~lI, 17,;!,I~ T~ (tl~ .. )

', ....

L~,ldJ .....

100. !lSI, ~

TCI",L"hUtifIJ" 1\ 1"1I"~r. Ij\ T ,lh"""llr}" I1'III),<"lu__ ). ~I.".t" I,n IItI "f, ,.\,!. :,'1. l 'CI"I"""" :1-4 1 1'~'"I,k,u,~, (T~p'I",I",~,,), l ,,",yj,I , ""... Timl",r r,," II,.' Ihil" "'-1, ~" ~II .,\ "'-""cr, , .., ,,,,,,,1,, 1<>. I:!';. 13.i, I~ htt'lll .... n'_ I;t!; CO' I."", \..... 1 r, 111 , I!I'I. -.AAl, 3:J I , 3.;1, ;\7;, r,t. I :~;; ,1u. I ..... ", K.--.nlu~ \\'.0.1. la-t. 410. I;~;; 'h I",,~ ..\IIoQ. Ia:.; 01, f 1'"",1 (I<.r 1II1...,..k. 3:tL C. nhrtOli<l, 1\001 r 1.""bM ' .... ~h I' ,,. 1'unchl, 1.1,,"1. tif, ~ l" l.coIl],. 191 ph."" (.... -oJ,II~I, Tcn~ .. I, .. fr~,nilli.J. .\,,,).,,.... J.u.,1 UG. ~~lIJ, ~";; d ,_ fn.ou h'CI1.o, :. .. Ilerriu.,f, 16. :!'!l,!J.~ - - . 1"1' Lui,,,, .... Ih, :.1 ~'idi,.. :1), '1'"n~lI, Jaeaol, .bil....... M, b .,J, I, T,nru"J: "I >lm"I". 'I',""" .:le.. 3'J.... I~ .....'" by, "I; p.1)_to I" Ti]'I",I .. as_ lG.::r, 3'J, ~ I , W, 1iI1, \Ij, I:);). J.l.~. 13 Iii", ~'Jt<; .I .......... il\'<:r I.. Ot-. 11"-'. 1"1, m!, , ..... 113, II:. :1.1 136. U I, i~6, 15'1, 175. 1"04, hG, I~ 3u1. 36J; 01 l.'""-'T_ :IS, . " . .!, r.;! nr. :1(11 I dUlI""1I f..... JL!. :!~G. ~~,_:X;I; I'-~)'_.l r..,. bta.-' .. 117 (t..u.!.o.rio) for _ n .... cl:r.Ja.-.i, IYI btxb or, 33. l~"i .. Too, 19' n'co.~u",r. ."'''' T~~r. ,.......1, ~lf Tb..-, K"'II'.otf<n~i ,n 10.. lin.t _ , -;0. Thim!,l,.(tb)"'ylliol.l;<.!. T .. ',1i.o. ~. to, " n,'.II>!i ltb.ri.i1I~'1 ot "')'I-.r. "It. :!GI, T h _ 1,'"'1 (1 11.,,& n..III-U, 1;11'4 Thul" --11lI" t..nl.r1 ...... 10"'"'-, '!4!J: Imill;: ,lo., 319_ uf t he .u.1~c). looulol f...-...00; I"')' TgoJhu,,~.,.., Jobn, II, ~l. ....."u 1<>, ~UI ..07. - - ek<ll ... f lhe fIII.~I~ I , l"ylt1ffih t ... Toke". iI"kynny") of ~t_ XIIlIoOo" 4~ \\-bltb.,.u, I:.:!. lli. II ~. 1;!1.lo!:!. ];!-', I~" ]G;;.;b1. --)0- I,'r. 1 ,. ..... \ \AI, l<1~.I.-,:!. .. T .. II.IO<>1.h (T..,JLulhl. the J..i"tcr "c;Uiil,'''ull>MNl. U(,,,}', Ll';Q K.ns ...r '\'111\>., In Ihe, 1!J3. T"lIe.. wm,~", .'vrloeo 01, ..."'I....;t'ull __ ~Ir ~1"'Ib.n,l. 0"', wilb, H. numto", J ..t... ))'O&<'#ilI<;t)' <.>f. _fIt..>l TolloL S<c R.,_ uf, 13, TVIIgL""I, tho A1.oLot of, ItUI\', lus\i; I",,,metal 1<>, li9, ~1J6. - - T\ouJIIa" "lllo.. t oil., ~ I kn~" "I 1\~i"" .. r\-OoJ "t!, I~;_ - - hOI'OO 10,1": tor mi, .. lrd. (0, U~"', Thro~", Ik~. HI., :!t)Il, 3IP, ;r.l'.!. 3!l1, :r.05. Iii, , .tI, II;. 1;:2. I-..i; l""k, I"". ""1'1"" I"," u.o !';lVU" .... :!.\It 3r., "..H; "'\>1">1<.1, ;!;,U' ~1, ",i,h, :!5l; 1""'1"1"",, I :"M'ti~ ~ ;,~,,,,,, ,f, ~'3. ~"f))1 LI",. 3;~, "hi(e. 3'.17: )'..11",,', l .... dotil.:. W,lhalU, vf ""'Ih. ' ....l_1I1 hJ

IL" '.1<0".



s,_ ,0aM"





3Ui. """',1"'6, lor .. 1'I,....t.<,...


37.\ Tour". (on,,!;,,, I 10.. 1 '~,u"I,( front. Zit; Th,.., R",.'.. lIlt', tho Kin,'. olr"",,!: it< '1',,~"~t<t UX~," h-ii; ......... ,., h",.. ,ur 0.>1, :..'l>,-,. fll" Iloe, 41 !.IIlh",,:II:., 'I'I~'" tUtl",' Thy,-i.("".,. 1.11,,1, uf. Ii f.'r the, : ~':'; I'n-I ...." 'II, a ...... T,I,!"' n . I.\,~I. ,,1,10, :!11l, ...old"'r),. dc., 101', ,,,,,I uI""'- .t, I~ 'fi~n.., I~"J.~. Ill, :.:!"2 ~ W",lou.-.h. :I.I3-S!r..



TD.....,III .... the lria .... 1,11 Stirling, 63; for Trnmpulel"ll. p"ymc.. t8 to, 131, u n, 178, a]ta,.... ,0, '1S;i, ~; wnahlng Df, ]3] , 1S3, I S~, 35<1, 300, 310, 375, 379, 31)3, 1119, 14S, ]llS. 4&1, -100: clol loi", 1 S07. 01", 1'n1.h, lorclo.hil' of, I ... Tn '", tTD~Yl, "'I\lt~r o.rdllY of, 23S.
Tt"d,r"h,~l~ (T "oJtlfrOM.' ), IAlIIlI of, 1'a"'\( (tl ]iopOIt) t;lIr"~l" ' or I, I:.!. 1'1,1"11"1.0, . 1_tb"Qr, 2JO ~ /I CUll 'D :lSI 1 21, 2<~:;. IOQg. 39(J~ 0' fin... ~lOcl, 39G, IIu-eo!- 'l'IIlilt!ftlneh, 1aDlI~ and baror')' III, !!30, TlIl ill~"Y, And""w Stlrli~ In, 7, !!17, eclgl, 3!111.. 'l'rll.hrou.n (Trabnmo), Andrew Heriot of, TulinnLrok, 1.. ".1. of. !!30. TulliLlt.rtIim, (Tulylt:anl illl, Im rt.o' bllmll b roDght from, to ~:.dillburgh, ~. T".m , l l r Dand. I"'"ymcnu to, fl7, 131, 139, I ~S. 169, 178, 1M, S1iO, 3.'i.:i ; doth Tu llyl",n, Ill atll to the (ri:us of, 70, H . delh-emi to, ,8; ]'OrM hinl 1 100. (11", 71">, !!SO. 1'mU.. (t l"lllu!) ID linin" 61, 101; f", 'f'tnIMJ. !"if IIllin, 7n ~ 01 wblto ,hmw, r 70: 1,lJ\ek, SO; of gt'I!CII\ nillle II.lln, a Uoub~t, 00; " 'hi\(!, 101' a OOIt, II I ; 80 ; of \"011"01, 81, '!!12, 283. 10(" trimmlo!: II t l"l".i ,. !!4S, 1'teamro-bouole, 3GO, 3113; lDek '01" tho, Tnring, 1andt of, 15. - - Wlbert, t'OftIpc>altlon 11;111, IS, 22~ . TreoMu,..,.. (Tbl.'lllrnt\r), t he Queen'., 26t; Tu rh'~ lo, lal)ll.of. 2 10-



IK!r penolon delh 'crcd tD, $I,

~ ~ I,

T untLuU (T n.t"' ..... lI l, J "h u, I" U .... looU..

3-I1,3n , __ tbo, 2iS, 279; "~"OI twu t.or.. 1.0 - - \Yaltor, clothing I"., 00, 00, 103, tbe Kine:, 14U, 107, 900, ~; paymelltll to, 127, 167, lIY.!, 3J I, ~12; _ _ lor, 341), 400. __ tbo ' hip, lxvii, 334, 338, 341. -r-ry, derk of, l"'lnlOll~ to ~ho, 4 16 Th mgree .Joo. (t un'il1.le <Inr ) in 1I01y_ I"OQIlbou.) ALI>e)', .. lock IDr, 300. T ree 01 lIIIJKft-n08 at toom.t.mont, D,at!!rl&l for, 3!J,i. T urnar, 1"')"1111'11\ to .. 38.:1. Trow [for IJuil<llng] fOt' the lOrk Qf Steil , Tn-eedie (Two.ly), J Amea, oontpotliLiou
II:!; OIIk, 8 ~ 1 for Ihe Ne.... Haven, 84, SO ; p"reimMt of, l\t ])ysI.I1, 87 ; for the "Ing'. wDrkl, 8S; 1. 1. fDr dO>! "bip, ...... 135, 137, I~O, ~$ ; 0l1Tillb"CI wd u '.amlna of, ISO, 200; I,"n:huo of, L) L<:o>Mn1 1.0Q)', SS9, ' 12. &~ aJ", ThnlH!r, 'l'n! ..h " f t3lfel )" GI, !!4S; tmiWc fllr


wit h , 16- - ~:I~bel h, 2l. Tymlll"ll oftrnninc, $I, !!7':?, 274. TYI"lill, Sir 'Thom;y. 1)!I)' mcn lll to, 1M,
~7 n.

Tytkr, ~lr~, theoriiit of, l"CG:anlin;:: Iha King', Iron Ilctt , eiH.


Trium(lhal chltlr, 200. Trulb, two Ork ney, given to the KIIIJ: 1:.0. TI"(.oI">.(;ra('hlLllO, lIu"l,oI, 233T.....- 1,,1' U,a ,hi l', 00. 'l"r.. ll.< r ('l'r<lUJll'c l, NiI,bn, 2.'19.. 1'r""I><, ,Tohn, "''''I""ltlo" ""I U" 2:l2.. "J"I"t>I'lilNIIW hl 10..... " u",ltloVl:lu, 1.:.0, ](14.

S Ochiltt"fi\. UchtlraJloun, I4nJJr or.!?30. Uchlirl'lrn<>, L"U,<lI of, 232. U~htinn.~~hny, \a,,,Lr of, 17, ';!;!4.
Udo, h,,,b of,23.\. 1J1Y<1"li~ f .... the "in;'_ !'WII, etc, ~I_


UtIlI.ay ..... , Sil\lOlJ, tUI"', ok.,



Is-! ; 1\1I11\o>gan",lo l "uJ:lt~ lronl, 10.:;;; lib,*- \ogllSlll 11"0111 , 100.


I,':., :.!.jG.


W 'I..nbe," .\lId",..
far " . " " " . _I,';

- - h ... ~.

r,,. ' ..... ", .. """' ........,..t.




- - th~ ~h'j" ""101,, for, ~ I : ";tlI~~UI"'~ <If. hh:. 3.I:t UI!\'lIUOD. ~lw ,\t.i.o&. .. I. l:?j. Uj..,la. k~kr 10 IJo., ,\rcbt.ut"'I' 01.

:!U:l, .. ;u

- - f". "


I I, $Iij.






I1I1TlIl' \. ;allor".

Uri ..!_. IBI, It! U"'I"l\.lr1., .\!. u.n<i..", ...... fJtof Cl ..atl! O,2J, U, ~IG. UIIli,... ,..,. laJIJ. of. :"''\i, ~ '.?tI.

I" " 1:<1 --fur_'

. .It.-..joj.

- - .. , "\nhl' .... ,r,I,

- I " , .I..ut.lo.t., 101, 1111.

I II . !'.tI,



- - f.,


U"ilakheKi. &r O,cI"llkhcH.l.

V.....a( tlmni4) i'QrcbMctl in Stirlnll. 1;6 \'lInt lcu_,OO. '-~I'l.ll",i. (I'emlll";')' l IS;, 193, ~'O I . WI, 300, 3'1S, 3OJ, ~(H. \~n'.h . :1&1. \-~rn lti''B "f .ti'''''I' 3ru. ~g.o, m; uI" ,u". 3!lJ.:JOO.

__ I.... " ..... ,.. '''. 41. 1.1. 4 . S. r..!. e.;3. ~I, ~'IN. :al, ;!71, "'JJ,31.1 :11.;; fur ,I.... ~'lj.J.


- - I,,.. I""",,,,. I:,



__ f r j ... k,'I.<. 101,3\13.


- I.., .1"'''. r.D.

__ I.,..

1"" " k,nk, .!J!l.

1""""''' :1/',

- - I", .l'illl"l>. ,./,. \'Cl\l (~tl\l) \.orull,h~ 10 L Ki~l;' 1, 0. __ I.., \,11'_. 41 !", _ h' ,h,,,,,Ilaa, ~:.c . e.-,o. - _ I,,.. uac... 3;;. 3G. 103. ' -rll ' or tb", ~b~I"'\ et 1I,'lyrooti,:!'Ii_ y ",luai l , J uhu, n",-"lilllAl1, I"'},",,,I ., - - I,,.. .,......,., 3(..


__ for _ "olh",L: Ill<. 1!9. " eildl (' .,iI;b), o.."i,l. I,nna.. lIi,J4 to __ for ltullmw. IOU, 101, II". II I.

' P\ .... l r..... lh Q ..... n.I~~I.:!OO. - - 1)-1, ro, 9~, 10tJ, 103. 11,H, 10.:0, \Uj", 110, I II . 11G, ~'\i.~, 3UoJ, 301, W'!. ~II!I. 3OJ,3OI), 310, 31~, 313. 31". ~I(>, 31~. 3:)1, t.!'J. _ _ fur .Itol'l, (il. ~~. - - fot lo,Il,Ji"J:'. n, :)111, 310. __ ILl!' """I. ,,' h~ :.!J.:i. __ I", haQ'~,L .. lit'. ::.:;..1. __ I<lI'I~.)J.:.~. I", "'.93--~. __ I",' ,b ...lwr '-".1..... 'U'l __ for ch......,I,I".. :1> _ ', .... do. ... k. "9. - - f,,,. _t., 3:>, I~, 40. ;(I \fI:J, ltG, :!W, c.!lj. ~ I!l, !:iO, 2.>1. :!:oJ,:..'ii; , .... half .111.. :!;..1. :!.O~, :?:.!l, 1(11, M

tk };;,ug,


_ ,.,. \',;u]"I. 3ll, Ill, ~~, Ii, :!1.1, :! I ~, _ Iol3ck. 13, :!i J. __ Hlin ,", 10. ~r;!). --].lIll'lu. ,;:s. ~, ~'t>.> ~;~, :?';'O, !!;;,
~I, :!~!.




V. u1ce(\'jI';.l. :!;'I.
, .... h . . ' .... aabl I~ tIM Ki, \".!: lil'ut loF"'n,I',~ul.:;!oJ!l \ "-nJ.ou1'l L" li3.. 1\" c'O}'t...I <h' Kllla L'I'. l!t; '4tT1ap of. UJ I" I I, ~;I, ':;.\ J'~'!' (,., 'l<Ii. LLc \.. ",1 ... ], I, \' ~,.I'1




," .."Ii.,." bl, ..... -. I'.r~


for lbo, "10.
W . "lln .... ,\kumler, 1001.

'~eme)', thll lA,t)', xev, ~;; Alary of, W"llpilAthaWI( WI I,iu:ha.. iugi.j,lcll<>ft

I ~'Q, 1!!3, 3:!J: I",,"I, 01 . 'nmc:b elOwnt 10 I..... n... idClla, Iii I l"o';,Iu~ fer, ~t IIll11dinlltu", Ito. - - Sir r""ll'h, d"lIlbc:rt.in to tl~' QII('~", xcv: OII11or)" of, lIS, I:!"!, 3:H: pre,. ,ioll r....., . 1 U""lwnll\Oll, "IU ne.u, IhoCl"(lOkool. of l)urnlrlc., 130, 153. 19-1 : of Ki !"~'hulI' '2:>1; of lIo.J.t"iJ..llr, :t.1j; of IU'-"mQIIII, :U", :J.j.5; "I UnIN', too.



fur, 301.:\; I""JmenIUo, 330, :ttl. - - Ait",,,.ler, of \\"orr;"l"o, 14. W,utl .....lIC'. II"" Quo.:"',, bo),l. for II""

,,; .J,lug vI the, 2G::I, m, I", 11'11, ~9. - - I'nlc of the, ~H. \\'aMiltan (" ""mIOlo,,), \V"rdla,,' of, II.
__ lando of, 14.

:r.!' ; elwata

$, ;

\\'"lao-I.omel.no.! CIIoI\ for the llol p. 338. \ 'loolP'" (v;nnkir), !!OO. \\'nloClrmeU. for Iho Q<.oon'. g<J"'", .:1. \"I"lel pow,ler, I~, 1!l;, 338,~,:Ki3. "'mua", llr Jlmu, rayaKlII ~ to, buill, Virg;n, tho B'-l (Onr L&dyj, Im:!!.'O 00, 11)-2, II;?, 133, 15-1, 16l), LS2, HI:!, ~ 311 , 316, 3'.!O. :J,j;?, 3.:.8, :IS.}, $7, "f, ~&3. \'iridltm', S,c \ onlilcr. :1Il7, " 0 I, ~08. "id, (rl .... bj for irnl.tin", 1S'.2, 3(1.1, 300. \\'au., OHIle .. t, of Mony, wanl and n,:U'r;"go af, 10, 21'. Vi il.'II<o" of Our I.uly, Kill,," 011C,",,,", __ l 'nh'i~k, ,,( Tl.'n't ........."h, . , on l\w." Ill, 1;'\ \';lOt for" helmet, 3(lj. - - - - I'rh.>r of \\bllh~uJ 2~. \',,110", llaro de, SiCUT da lIIo CalonLJI<ll'II, \\""u .... lnlol .. landl of. ;?:;, 2'1;. ~ I iii . :rh'i, xl\ii, Ii, "'nU\, n, of Hi",i1h, ;oro"" cluth, 115. Wmwauc, ~h lYi\li"'III, afllclnlol LoI.lIIM, \\' ,tW. orr, .101", (\\' nllna, Jok), 1 1IIl'1l(1Jlt4 2~0' to, Ill), '200, 33-1, 3 17, 3.)3, 303. \\'ot1d~r"'" rn, "rtillory sot frOID , 133. - - ll"lolh, of r.:niglo, '!4, :l'.!j I corollO.';. --Sir l)n"ili lIumllol, II,IS, 22. , l ioll with, 17. - - \\'jllin,,, 1\0011101, 0,21S, a ho ..... 10 1100 - - !lieho ..;!, "'_"::~r, f"l",rn'A In, __ Iha w.il'll 01, 12;, 1 ~3, 142. 100,381,381,392. 1'ing,3.sJ. - - (i,l,llor, p.,yruelll to, 100. Wooloo, King 11. . wngcr On I, IZS. Weir, ~Ja rl::"''CI, will! 01 I!ollcrt Cnrlilo - - ~"'u"". Iho, nil'. 0", e'i. 17~. of l'oue, ... uII, eomlJOailio" with, 00. - - Sir William, ~". """,bllld,, l.ln,-id, 01 1"tI.,.,y, 23!1. \\'d.Io, \\'min"" Inlb" 2(l5, '.?71. W"IlN,II, 3;2, \\'cmp.a(\\'amll), A",h..,\\, of c...n IY,;?3, \\'lI-Ile', "'<1, 1,~ko"ol'.I~,ymcnt 10, 333. - - Sir RQbc:rl, I)(\JIIICIlt4 to, 157, ~2.:i. \\a,,~,.Jolon, j,'YIlIl",,1 to, for bcl.ll ...1 for 320, :t2tl, 3;d. Ih~ "illl:" . h,." . ,1.;. - - bin! of, tJC"'~ II. hOllnt! to lion \\'dnl<!" lh~ . 1011', '"'''t 10 nOllm"rk u ilh Ki ng. 33!11 ICUlIa I roc Illicit 10 do., lJoodjoy, j~ix, 3.".; f>'ll'mCntlIOihil' 3G:'!. '''~" of, 3~:',.:k;O; run,pabIC!I, I'l"(> __ 11wm., .. of I'illt"tricfr, OOUlllOIIi tiou "isiun<,cargo, etc., 101'. 3S(l. "1111, 2:t~. \\'1lr1.l.""08, j>.ll''''''''b 1.<1, for ""J;in;t:, \\"~"IJ'loIU\\', tho KitlO; IIIC~ ..." a. OO lllll;u,y :u.~, 3':!, :17., 3j!J. "I '.... III~" at, 3::13.

\ ';,oe ,.. Itl, S<c ",.. nl. \'jet'll. Set Nalla, \'kCh



W... I'-'.nljWc.lbomf.j, J ulon l"lIInYUII' ~i"'~" IuIm. 01. ~I, '1"~'1. rv 1."",k'QI.!'I. ~I" \\C.II,i.... i"lO Uk",....I, ft,,_t Hn" "I, \\';,1,1., ,......., II ..... f ... 1eT. Al,.1 80\.110- ". ' >C)IIKC;'II t:t!, Ir.o, II.\. l7I. I~ . ~~.J " .... u ..ld, .fa........ I"Iunhct.r 01. ~. W. '~r l'''n~i~I:unI, .I"lou F;t,p:blr ,J, If. W;,I'U.I"lllli"'.~ 1_ 1:11. \\'. ,"""I, II.., b<"~,, .. ~\ \likl ~_ IIif,. ' ...... R".. ' K;1I bs",cn, :viI I... ,"~h l f, ..." :tS1. I"on'-. :tol, I'", ",.. '" r~j!l WI",\. h"h,.]i.),,, , .. it"'. ror cuu., 141 ; ~,t: " f If..... I ~'" ", 1:.lj"l.ur; ;161: I),,, \, ...,... :11'" ;t\!~ \\",11.. , I"\lIhll ... n. J'UrthR" " f, N:i. WI'; .~I. t'l ubi"UI, 11.., \\10,,,' .. In .'W~: I~M.."r'I, .1, I Ie"".' .. 3!l'<; IV, '-,Il&tl~ in FT. " ..... r....... n <Min nf .,,1,1. lI"n' ~f"'. ,be ~,il' ... ilb, ~. 41 ; onnt. for IhQ I\,"C' .. r.r ; .il<~r., "'~ 100 , of" RI~~ ...".k.lIl'i. W,:,\"." ....i. n.",; .. h~ \\"i .ll"pbl"",. ""ynK'''1 1:1(1. 161 "r. Ill. .3, -r.. :.!r-; 'oU I.". Wbi.\I("1' {'labia-db,,.). tbto fnonrh. ,I"U, r~ 1""'lionn 10 I .. ",,,,,.k d~"'I1 for. (l'!; ra)"'"'.''', 11<1, 1~.1, IH. I, 13~, "'!UI' ill, 1<rI :!>I~. l li l . ISO. 1S9, 1!1O,:\.1G, 3J!1 h" ..... 00:1 :!<t!; I"""""'. I"~ 1;'\011,,", pilli'" ..






..,1<110 ' ,.... 1411.

,"~ l ln"""'i"" R'. l'l~; 1\;1~. bd, h.,o

W hltll",.n tQQhlthim.C,,~II,I,l Cr>oII). ~il<, mlh lit e Inar. ,.f, 11\;. ;r,I>; "'''''1 I .... ~1. &J'n' .,f, l. :to!. ~II; 1\, .' :u", ""i" n, ... h, I:r.~;ii, un. 1.'.1, :In; ,be Prior of. 10,. 1','lri~'" \\'~IU, 1.. ld"....:. &t. 3jl: SUidct I..... 2~ 1 .hM ill. re, ,;:, l\iui"olJ.,.,.",O' Wloi~hnn'. :t;~, .',02, 2I>iJ, '!S7. ~.!; ~h.. to I''';' t. - - ,l,..rill <>'. 1",,._1,\.& by.!. 3. 31. 'Ii!. Ik'm ..t, _ ..~ .... ~ 'n ot. II".!; .il~".. ~1;"l:i'~n ,n, jll 11.,,1. ...,1 fnotl1. un : \nk., ... bl fit. Xi";",, ,\.: II,,', 411 152: "'<'" ... ....-10, IDol: b _ "'.'~1lL IV,~I 1.....1 ..,"1 \ .. 1110 KiuG- 1\' 1

IQ, 3: 4 : 1"".petOlft .1, :r;"J; llot 1'.1..... I ~ Ill: iIIIno' h >nil f.... 1. ~'<I' (If.ri"" , h .... ' .\1.. , 1\1"" :r.:'l''''' ! \\",II~ Ilro (.... h. 1.)"~llt ...,,\ ,., \b.,cbroha Qf ,I .. :r..l; "...... d, 110... 1..0. \",.., f.,,' tboo lui"", .. it.al,.,I. , " l:~ I \\",IIi,,,,, """Iihl, 1"'J'1 "', In, II..!. '''.. )" ..... 1\ 'lh .. 1\la';'I.l:~,.,.... I;",m..... ....1~'I'''I'' .... ',I Ii "'II."" Qn"" r ..hnif \\" ,nYnl' ,no ';011 .. rt. In, I" ..1!1~.l!t"l; h' .... ",..,hi f,,' .\1.\1"10"''''\ \\",J ,no .\1"1 1_,.1 ' ,\ t ... f.,.. I,<IC' 1),'11... ~ .1, ~,,!: . "n~.. ,,., '" : ';F ::-';1. In,1 m~1'"'1 !:tn,tI, \. "" I......... 40';, .r~'nl'" ~ til r~ '1,1. h'"I \\,1,il~ln" I.~I'II I\.,.kl, ,. '. n,i: _Io". Pi, IiM"h' .... :!'\.'.; \d~t , 3<0. \0, \IM:- 1~. <>1.:Oi' "" 00"."';"1 \\""-hl,,,.... Y I, II. In.5;.el,.(l;41.... ~I' ..... r.j:I\'n; \\-,,,,.1..,\11\,. I... ~\,'. "bJll."I. &1, 101:. earriaF lit! fT"l>lll 1.k,~t.. 'I' llit 1)01. :13'\

un Ih~ ,u,' 1...,IIt, $2: t~ n.l l" ..~I. __ k"illht, Ih ... ~:'''. :11\.1. pill;"" I",. 'I.e Q"ct"u P"1iI ''', !?j(l; -- ,,, .. ,, 11<'1>1 \0 ~he 1,\,,. ~1'1. 3G!. Q1t" ,,"? f,ool"'ttI :1!1 : ~o.; , ,,....ht f",. ,'''I"r '\''111 ~,I p~"'I~" 1.1r~" '0:>, :l'~ 17l:" 1,,,,lc __ D,e". p \ .klt, ~ 'B., ti.\ ~.

""if \'..









\\" Inolihilli", IanW. of, 231 Wootl (Wed). J ollll, elotbi/lfl "'r. 1(J8, Wlnolo ... , t.h~ ~' ... cu rlAh. "HIP .1Id 308 I rlCl),nlrlll to, 401 ....y lor, 391 - - WlniAm. pay"""'lI to, '4", 168, W;,~1 .... a;lvo. _n .....1 .t r h W ... ~ , ... "11) f", tI,, .11",,1,1.,.. .. f ..... ....... , 1~1; Uo. Il Kirk ot~tt,l, 17S. ZI III f"" _'M&, Wi ..... .. I'n~' .. f. t. r II _ of _, '21': f'll'lih'lor, 271. SL .\J...u.... 11iII; ,,,......... II<4lt VI \\"orlo.lI, ..... ,1.110_1. hlot .",1 "e,I" in ud ....... fer, ,,,nil, Z79; "o for, AlU"lithr"w, 39'1. ."nl 10 the King. 310: "1'''11.011_ of, \\I'rkll ..." , 11ri"l.oil~r, ... 1 p"ymnnu VI, f"" )Ihfltj,). :112; fn. 11.0 }'m.cb IGI . 11I~, 1(1'2, lro, 10... ~\ 333, 3.l I, knlSht', bonoo'. :lJ.q I f r l I _ 300,368, 3..'!3, m l , 4O I,.jOJ,. t .... potMfM) , 331, :IG9. Wt)nIltd( .. ",... it) for frinp.!I!lt ml, _ ~JI .... tho Q.. _'I, 3t'l lor 1110 "...,., parilina., I'l.~; for 111ft WlDpt",WYI\PII). J ........ ('< ... po.i~ Kin(1 ,tOOl btl!.. !!MIl for .loabk.... ,.itA.23.l. 301, 3 1'2; I,.,... kird.., 3 11. Wn,bI, Jnhlt, of 1.&,11, 4Q! Wiap C"fr.-I, 1M ~ 31U. W, ... , ..10.... ban ... "r, 1;2Wnjlbl-", lill, 1M, ''''-. :m, )31, S33, __ 1'>1.1. 'l;tl: b.u,lu of, 271. 3.'l.'I, 101, 4i2; in LndI._bo: .., 1:J2, __ r"" ltee or e'<J>enlIlee, 1191. 151,:139; _114 1M wonda, 131. 1M, WoIl. ~ . bro8t;bllo tbo Kh,iC. u,;;, lrii, 1;(1, ~7 I P"}_I 10, for mendinl I ",ncart,~i d<. in'Ioe IJ.. (lf~lay, W_.'_lMftlt. to : 2\)..1. 4i3; ~I f... V ......, :!9.S };.r tllll 1\1,.', dl_. tw' ~ 21111 Jolul 1'........,11 ... ' UI n .. 31!i, III n.r..W.l,.,W; J,oIIn Kltk '" 'IIU', 3011 f~ em-. atl; U.. _ I . _ I ill lb.-ill"". 3It!; I<JI' u.~ haw,," J8'l; for _ ..boo ....... , 3f!"! i ..bent lhot ,""h. d,~ rn/IM.C'. ""rlf:ht III 0..1-.,,,,,,_ au l ,l..uk 011 t:.. """d, ....1 i ,,\won ...... l"un,opI, l!S7, l:~\ "1, 4Oi; at 11.0.1 ............, UIoul<l bATO .li'lO'l, 41lGI II hllI,41i. Falld.t,4OG;.t lligpr.4Ile; al J.,U,tnn, lSi, I ilL @I ".!lnc:hin, ~I~i )J.,t.t. 4115: W,,_, John, 1M l:hIou of OAtIoIrn' lor .......... , NOI'I'IeI', IU; ."I;~ "'~W). bx. 1e.,1!1G, 1!'Ii, 1M, 100, ~ 104, UI. \\.,1 .... lbet .~I,.""" _ ' Yr, flCI. r - t ~I. ''''. !S-\ 391, 1'1\1, 1'0, aJ_ \At \\'}Iy,*,-" 100. .... 0(". . . . . IIH, 3;3, f"" I.... , ..... Ib .. lUll.t Puna"',)', ~I .. r .... "'iIlboli K"" '''':!jJ. 1" ...1"" ,knlb, 'In t lot, 1RIrId"1I I'lOn')'. ... Il!I';"'~lbKlnli,h~II,331 m~ Ylln i, l't'1o<al'l, 1", 1 "' Ih,n,l",rt ... " r, ... h",1 ... " I 11GJ'llIj,ld,', I". l,all<'r, :a11 lilt ",,111"1', 3.19, for ,-.. ltG, .. '" ~ III(' \ ....""., J"bn, ",....1 11,,), of, 237. \ .... ,11 '" ...... '''".. b.,...t. HIt, 29/l. d "k, ll': I,ol.--. X:.7. York'Io"UII. J"bll, nuoun. 11II.l''''O''t< w, dotloJll&. oU.., tor. 8'1, K.1. "-I '>5. >n.1OO. W_t. iii \,"1",..,11 ...1.." loe ....lo [III" \." ..... Gl\, S . " ..... 3.50, W. '......... "1. bl i d ....iJIi for. \('1. 31h." P I "JIII.,,1 I<>, IT.

mil""",,,, 1'1""'.





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