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Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 920 13o andar, Market Place Tower I 04583-904 So Paulo, SP - Brasil Tel: +55 11 3048-6800 Fax: +55 11 5506-3455 www.trenchrossiewatanabe.com.br

CONAMA publica padres de emisso por fontes fixas

O Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente CONAMA publicou a Resoluo n. 382/06 no Dirio Oficial da Unio de 02 de janeiro de 2007 para regulamentar a emisso atmosfrica de fontes fixas.

CONAMA launches standards for air emissions from stationary sources

The National Environmental Council CONAMA enacted Resolution No. 382/06 on the Federal Official Gazette of January 02, 2007 providing the air emission standards applicable to stationary emission sources. This Resolution aims at promoting sustainable development and improving the quality of the air in particular in the metropolitan areas in Brazil, taking into consideration the best available technology and related environmental and economic benefits. The Resolution provides for criteria to monitor atmospheric emissions, as well as emission standards applicable to specific stationary sources as indicated in the Annexes to the Resolution, such as activities concerning natural gas, oil and petroleum, sugar cane bagasse, wood, paper and mill, lead, aluminum, glass, cement, fertilizers, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and iron. This Resolution applies to new stationary emission sources, which are those that the respective Installation licenses were required from January 02, 2007. However, the competent environmental licensing agencies have authority to enact more or less restrictive standards, through justified decision, depending on the local

A nova Resoluo prope fomentar o desenvolvimento sustentvel e a melhora da qualidade do ar, em especial nas regies metropolitanas do Brasil, levando em considerao a melhor tecnologia disponvel e os benefcios ambientais e econmicos atinentes. A Resoluo estabelece critrios para monitorar emisses atmosfricas, bem como padres de emisso aplicveis s fontes fixas especficas indicadas nos Anexos da Resoluo, tais como gs natural, leo combustvel e petrleo, bagao de cana-deacar, madeira, papel e celulose, chumbo, alumnio, vidro, cimento, fertilizantes, cido fosfrico, cido sulfrico, cido ntrico e ferro. A Resoluo se aplica s novas fontes fixas, ou seja, cujas Licenas de Instalao forem solicitadas a partir do dia 02 de janeiro de 2007. No entanto, o rgo ambiental licenciador poder estabelecer padres mais ou menos restritivos, mediante deciso fundamentada, conforme as condies ambientais locais.

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environmental conditions. As fontes fixas j em funcionamento, ou com suas Licenas de Instalao requeridas anteriormente publicao da Resoluo 382/06, devero ter seus limites de emisso fixados pelos rgos licenciadores, a qualquer momento ou no processo de renovao da licena, tambm mediante deciso fundamentada. The existing stationary emission sources, which are those that the respective Installation Licenses were required prior to the enactment of this Resolution, will have their air emission standards set by the competent environmental licensing agencies, also through justified decision, and at any moment or in the renewal of the existing license. Source: Federal Official Gazette of January 02, 2007.

Fonte: Dirio Oficial da Unio de 02 de janeiro de 2007.

Para mais informaes, entre em contato:

Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados So Paulo: Rodrigo Sales rodrigo.sales@bakernet.com Ana Beatriz Kesselring ana.b.kesselring@bakernet.com

For more information, please contact:

Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados So Paulo: Rodrigo Sales rodrigo.sales@bakernet.com Ana Beatriz Kesselring ana.b.kesselring@bakernet.com

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