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Ecology IB Objectives Worksheet 1. (5.1.1, 5.1.

6)Define the following terms: Species Habitat Population Community Ecosystem Ecology Niche Biodiversity Trophic level

1. (G.1.1)Outline six factors that affect the distribution of plant species.

2. (G.1.2)Explain how the following factors affect the distribution of animal species: Factor Effect on the distribution of animals Temperature


Food Supply

Breeding sites

Territory 3. (G.1.5)Explain what is meant by the niche concept, with an example species in its niche.

4. (G.1.8)Distinguish between fundamental and realized niches.

5. (G.1.6)Explain the following interactions between species, giving examples of each: Herbivory


Intraspecific competition

Interspecific competition



6. (G.1.7)Explain the competitive exclusion principle.

7. Give synonyms for the following terms: Primary consumer Secondary consumer (and above) 8. (5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.14)Complete the tree below with definitions and examples of each type of feeding strategy. Can you distinguish between the feeding strategies at each level?

9. (5.1.4)Food chains represent the flow of energy and nutrients in a series of feeding relationships. Give one example of a marine food chain (min. 4 organisms)

Give one example of a terrestrial food chain (min. 4 organisms)

Give one other example of a food chain (min. 4 organisms)

10. (5.1.5)Describe what is meant by a food web.

11. (5.1.7)The food web below shows some coral reef feeding relationships;

a. Identify species in the following trophic levels: i. Producers ii. Primary consumers iii. Secondary consumers 12. (5.1.8)Construct a freshwater food web based on the following information:
Organism Water crowfoot Cased caddisfly larva Damselfly nymph Mayfly nymph Dragonfly Duck Freshwater Shrimp Water vole Algae Otter Water starwort Pond snail Alderfly nymph Pond skater Energy sources Sunlight Micro-plants, algae, particles of dead plants and animals Micro-plants, algae, particles of dead plants and animals Micro-plants, algae, particles of dead plants and animals Other adult insects and small flies All nymphs, all plants, snails, tadpoles, young frogs Particles of dead plants and animals Plants Sunlight Fish, frogs and newts Sunlight Microplants, all water plants and algae Micro-plants, algae, particles of dead plants and animals Particles of dead plants and animals

Frog Mayfly, midge larvae, pond skater, caddisfly, small flies Tadpole Micro-plants, algae Micro-plants Sunlight Great diving beetle Water flea, snails, tadpole, all nymphs Bullhead fish Diving beetle, tadpole, all nymphs, water flea, snail, midge larvae Adapted from: http://www.cornwallriversproject.org.uk/education/education_pack.htm

13. (5.1.7)For the food web created above: a. Identify organisms in each of the trophic levels. Do any fit more than one trophic level? b. Which could be classed as detritivores?

14. (G.2.3)Why is it sometimes difficult to classify organisms into trophic levels?

15. (G.2.4)Why are the numbers of organisms usually smaller higher up the trophic levels?

16. (5.1.9)What is the original source of energy for almost all communities?

17. (5.1.12, G2.5)Give an example of a unit of measurement used in a pyramid of energy, giving a description of each component.

18. (G.2.1)Define the following terms: Gross production Net Production

19. (G.2.2)Explain why gross production is always higher than net production.

20. (G.2.2)Write the calculation used for determining gross production, net production and respiration.

21. a. (5.1.12, G.2.5)Draw and explain the shape of a simple pyramid of energy based on this information:

22. (5.1.11)Energy transfers are never 100% efficient. In which ways is energy lost between trophic levels?

23. (5.1.10)Study the energy flow diagram below:

a. Calculate the net production of the autotrophs.

b. Calculate the percentage of energy lost as heat in: i. Autotrophs

ii. Heterotrophs

c. Suggest reasons for the difference in part b.

24. (5.1.13)Energy flows through an ecosystem, nutrients are recycled.

Explain this statement with the aid of a flow chart. Include the roles of saprotrophic bacteria and fungi.

25. (G.1.9)Define biomass.

26. (G.1.10)Suggest some reasons for studying the biomass of an ecosystem.

27. (G.1.10)Outline one method for estimating the biomass of different trophic levels of an ecosystem. How do researchers ensure both minimal impact and maximal reliability of results?

28. (G.2.4)Explain why biomass is generally low at higher trophic levels.

29. (G.2.6)Distinguish between primary and secondary succession, with two examples of each. Primary succession

Secondary succession

30. (G.2.7)Describe the effects of primary succession on the following factors:



Biodiversity 31. (G.2.8)In what ways do living organisms affect the abiotic environment in primary succession? Soil composition & strength

Organic nutrients

Mineral Nutrients

Water uptake

32. (G.2.9)Distinguish between biome and biosphere.

33. (G.2.10)Complete the climographs for these biomes. Make notes on vegetal characteristics below each.

34. (G.2.10)Although biomes can be described separately, they tie in to the global biosphere. Explain how biomes are distributed, with reference to rainfall and temperature.

35. (G.2.11) Compare the characteristics of the six major biomes in relation to vegetation.

36. (5.3.1)Outline how population size is affected by natality, mortality, immigration and emigration .

37. (5.3.1)Under which conditions will a population: a. Grow b. Decline

38. (5.3.2, 5.3.3)In the space below, draw a population growth curve. Annotate it to explain the exponential, transition and plateau phases and carrying capacity.

39. (5.3.4)What are three factors that set limits to population growth?

40. (G.1.3)Random sampling can be used to estimate the population of a plant species in an area. a. Explain how the researcher may make sure the samples taken are: i. Random



b. (G.1.3)Quadrats are used to estimate the coverage or number of individuals present.

In the space below, draw a diagram to explain how a quadrat is used and how results are determined and recorded.

c. (1.1.2, 1.1.3,1.1.4,1.1.5)The data collected can be used to compare the populations of two or more species. Species A B i. Percentage cover in each quadrat (2%) 34 32 45 12 34 46 12 9 23 5 4 12 5 8 mean 54 2 STDEV

12 7

Calculate the mean and standard deviation of each set of results.

ii. What does the standard deviation tell us about these data?

iii. Which statistical test could be used to determine the significance of any difference between the two populations?

iv. H0 = Confidence limit usually chosen in Biology:

v. The value of t was calculated as 3.995. Use the t-table to determine the significance of the results. n= Degrees of freedom (n-2) = Critical value = Is t greater than or less than the critical value?

Therefore reject/ accept H0.

There is / is no significant difference in distribution of species A and species B.

Can you also complete this using Excel?

41. (G.1.4)What is the function of a transect?

42. (G.1.4)Explain how a transect would be carried out to correlate the distribution of a species with and abiotic variable.

43. (1.1.6)What is meant by the term correlation does not necessarily imply causation? 44. (G.3.2)What is the function of Simpsons Diversity Index?

45. (G.3.2)Describe how Simpsons Index could be used to compare two parts of a stream.

46. (G.3.1)Use Simpsons Diversity Index to compare these communities: Grassland Site 1 Species A B C D E F G H Present y y y x x x x x N= 3 N-1= 2






Simpsons Index:

Grassland Site 2 Species A Present number y 12

B X o

C y 32

D y 21

E y 08

F y 6

G y 07

H y 4 N= n= 7 N-1= n-1= 6

Simpsons Index:

Which one of these sites was farmed grassland? Which was left to go wild? Explain your answer.

47. (G.3.3)Discuss the following reasons for conservation of biodiversity in rainforests: Ethical/moral Economical



48. (G.3.4)Define alien species.

49. (G.3.4)Give examples of the introduction of the following types of invasive species and their impacts:

Intentional Introduction: food source

Intentional Introduction: biological control

Accidental Introduction: human exploration

Accidental Introduction: shipping or globalization

50. (G.3.5)How do alien species have the following impacts on ecosystems? Give examples. Predation

Interspecific competition

Habitat destruction

Biological control


51. (G.3.6)Describe how phorid flies (Pseudacteon spp.) have been used as biological control with fire ants.

52. (G.3.7)Distinguish between bioaccumulation and biomagnification.

53. (G.3.8)Using a diagram or flow-chart, describe the cause and consequences of DDT on the Everglades ecosystem.

54. (5.2.1)In the space below, draw and annotate a diagram to show the carbon cycle and processes involved.

55. (5.2.2)Outline some of the methods used to measure or estimate atmospheric carbon dioxide.

56. (5.2.2)The topic of increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere has been the source of intense debate with regard to climate change in recent years.


Describe the overall trend shown in the graph.


Suggest one human impact and one natural cause that could have led to the overall trend shown in the graph: Human: Natural:

c. d.

Identify with an arrow any one point where the graph is in mid-summer. Explain the seasonal fluctuations in CO2 levels.


(5.2.3)Explain, with the aid of a diagram, the greenhouse effect.


(5.2.3)Identify three greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide.


(5.2.3)Explain how increased atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases lead to an enhanced greenhouse effect.


(5.2.6)Outline some of the possible consequences of a global temperature rise on arctic ecosystems.


(5.2.4)What is the precautionary principle?


(5.2.5)How does the precautionary principle apply to human impacts and global warming?


(5.2.5)Give two other examples of the precautionary principle in effect in Biology or Medicine.


(5.2.5)Evaluate the precautionary principle as a justification for taking strong action in response to the threats posed by the enhanced greenhouse effect. What are some of the steps that we could take?


(G.3.11)What is ozone and what is its function in the stratosphere.


(G.3.10)Outline the effect of CFCs on the ozone layer.


(G.3.9)Outline the effects of UV radiation on living tissues and biological productivity.

68. (G.4.1)Define biotic index.

69. (G.4.1)List some examples of freshwater invertebrate species which are indicators of: a. Good water quality


Poor water quality

70. (G.4.1)Annotate the equation below to show the components of a biotic index calculation.

71. (G.4.1) Calculate and compare the biotic indexes of these two locations: Site 1 ai Site 2 ai



ni x ai


ni x ai

A B C D E N=

0 0 2 9 12

10 8 6 4 2 (ni x ai) = N=

2 6 1 3 0

10 8 6 4 2 (ni x ai) =

Biotic Index = Conclusion:

Biotic Index =

72. (G.4.1)How does the application of a biotic index differ from a diversity index?

73. (G.3.1,G.4.1)How might biotic and/or diversity index data be used in the monitoring of an ecosystem?

74. (G.4.2)Describe how the extinction of the Carolina parakeet came about. Event: Effects: Why was the Carolina parakeet vulnerable?

Suggest some measures that could have been taken to prevent the extinction of the Carolina parakeet.


Complete the following Structured Data Analysis question:

a. State the percentage of species in some way affected by habitat loss.

b. Calculate the approximate number of bird species threatened by persecution/ predation only.

c. State two factors that could have caused habitat loss. 76. What is a nature reserve?

77. (G.4.3)How do the following biogeographical features of nature reserves aid in species conservation? Give examples of species that can take advantage of each of these effects. Size

Habitat corridors

Edge Effect

78. (G.4.3)Explain how the edge effect can have a negative impact on reserves which are small in size.

79. (G.4.4)What is active management with regard to conservation?

80. (G.4.4)Which of the following qualify as active management strategies? a. Culling invasive species b. Leaving an area to grow wild c. Fencing off an area to prevent poachers from gaining entry d. Building new habitats e. Replanting vegetation

81. (G.4.4)Using an Indonesian example, discuss how active management of a nature reserve has had a positive impact on biodiversity.

82. (G.4.5, G.4.6)Distinguish between in-situ and ex-situ conservation of endangered species.

83. (G.4.5, G.4.6)Complete the table to give the advantages and some plant and animal examples of in-situ and ex-situ conservation measures. In-situ Advantages Ex-situ

Plant examples

Animal examples

84. (G.4.6)Outline how the following ex-situ methods can help in conservation of endangered species: Seed banks Botanic Gardens Captive breeding

85. (G.5.1, G.5.2)Distinguish between r- and K-strategists in terms of the following characteristics: r-strategists Examples Life span Growth & size Age at maturity Number of offspring
Number of reproductive events



Favoured environmental conditions

86. (G.5.1)As always in Biology, there is no black and white, but a spectrum. Arrange the following species on a r-K spectrum:
(elephants, bacteria, oak trees, humans, mice, mosquitoes, algae, frogs)

87. (G.5.3)Discuss the use of the Lincoln Index, as shown in the diagram:

88. (G.5.3)What are some of the ethical considerations of a capture-mark-recapture technique?

89. (G.5.3)What are some of the practical difficulties associated with a capture-mark-recapture technique?

90. (G.5.4)What is a commercial fish stock?

91. (G.5.4)How can the following methods be used to estimate the size of commercial fish stocks? Fish catch data


Echolocation or Satellite data

92. (G.5.5)What are the ecological and economical impacts of overfishing?

93. (G.5.5)When setting catch limits, which groups might be considered as stakeholders in the decision?

94. Answer this Structured Data Analysis question on fish catch data.

a. Calculate the percentage of the world catch that came from the Atlantic in 1990.

b. Compare the Pacific and Atlantic data.

c. Suggest one reason in each case for the change in catch in the Indian and Atlantic oceans between 1980 and 1990. Indian: Atlantic:

95. (G.5.5)Outline the concept of maximum sustainable yield.

96. (5.2.4)How does the precautionary principle apply when setting international catch limits?

97. (G.5.6)Discuss how the following international measures may aid the conservation of fish

stocks: International cooperation

Stakeholder identification and agreement

Independent research and monitoring



Legalisation and enforcement

Education and awareness

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