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Michael Golaszewski Mr. Mauck Beginning Band 20 January 2012 Beginning Band Extra Credit Research Paper The piano is quite simply an amazing instrument. It can stand on its own and completely enchant audiences. However, it also blends beautifully with singers, giving depth and substance as a background to the human voice. Plus, it can work in harmony with a variety of other instruments in numerous configurations. This remarkable diversity makes the piano one of the most visible and interesting instruments in the musical world. The history of the piano can be traced back to the dulcimer, a stringed musical instrument developed in Iran before the time of Christ. Its strings were struck by small hammers to trigger their vibration, similar to the function of the modern piano. The 12th century saw the development of the monochord, which with the addition of more strings over time became the clavichord. Simultaneously, stringed instruments were being developed that did not employ hammers. The psaltery was first, then the harp and the harpsichord became popular. Finally, the harpsichord and the clavichord were combined, so to speak, and the first piano-type instrument appeared in 1709. This instrument, called the

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pianoforte, came from a harpsichord maker, and several were produced. About 15 years later, another company started to build pianos. These instruments employed the current keyboard arrangement practically unchanged from 1361. As the piano became more popular, the strings, or wires, were made of numerous materials including brass, silver, gut and horsehair. When steel wire became available, it became the standard material for piano strings. Ludwig Van Beethoven was an extraordinary musician that graced the world with incredible symphonies. Recognized at an early age for his musical talent, his father fostered Beethovens abilities and guided his education. At the age of seven and a half, Beethoven played his first concert in public, and from that auspicious beginning went on to amaze audiences with his musical aptitude. He played both the piano and the organ, and then began to create his own compositions by the age of 12. In 1787, he was sent to Vienna to study with Mozart and further his musical education. However, soon afterward his mother soon died and he had to return to Bonn. It was 5 years before he was able to go to Vienna again. In 1800, he performed his first symphony, and it set the Vienna music scene on fire. He continued to produce symphonies, pushing himself since he began to realize that he was starting to lose his hearing. Fortunately for us, he continued to write, even after his hearing was gone. He died in 1827 due to complications from a cold that triggered other health issues.

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As one of our most remarkable instruments, the piano is truly musical gift to the modern world. When a musician with the genius of Beethoven plays the piano and composes music for it, we recognize the magic that it can produce. We are fortunate to be able to listen to the amazing sounds that can be elicited from this combination of keys, hammers and strings, and our world is enriched by its very existence.

Citations A History of the Piano, 1157-2007, UK Piano Page, Association of Blind Piano Tuners, 2011 Prevot, Dominique, Ludwig von Beethovens Biography, December 2001

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