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IPA Symbols Comparing English, Italian, Latin, French and German IPA [i] [e] [I] [e] [] [)]

[a] [A] [A)] [O] [] [o] [o)] [u] [y] [Y] [] [] [] [E] [] [] [] [j] [w] [y] [] [aI] [Ai] [aj] [ei] [j] [j] [uj] [p] [b] [t] [d] English Vowels meet, key mitt, hit chaotic bed father jaw foot rowing moon Rita, oven cat first cup Glides yes west lute mine, high Consonants: pepper bow tent dead Italian Chi venti vero bello alma morte nome luna Diphthongs ieri guarda glocchi mai sei Plosives papa bada tutto doppio Latin Filio requim mala Domine unum Triphthongs ejus qui, linguis French qui, cygne parl, nez,parler, parlerai belle, avait, mai, tte sein.pain, fin,faim,thym voila, la salade me enfant, champ, Jean, paon sortir rose, ter, pot, peau, faut, cho fond, ombre fou tu, flte, (et (Avoir)) peu, berceuse coeur, fleur parfum, dfunt je, faisant, parlent bien, moyen oui nuit corail soleil deuil Fenouil, papa, absent bas tantot dindon German liebe, ihn, wir Seele, geben mit, sitzen Trnen Bett htte Vater, Mahler Dorn Mutter Rose, tot, froh Uhr, Buch, tun frh, Tr Glck schn knnen Lieben, lebe Jahr ber mein, Hain Paar, lieb Bett Tante, Grund decken

mei peccata beata terra, catholicam Domine

[k] [g] [f] [v] [S] [Z] [s] [z] [T] [D] [C] [x] [h] [m] [n] [] [N] [l] [r] [tS ] [dZ] [ts] [dz]

cat, chorus give father, physic visit shine Asia simple, receive roses, zoo three this human house, who Consonants: mother nose onion ring, thank Consonants: liquid three Consonants: cheer, pitch joy, George cats leads

come, ecco gamba, grande fuoir vecchio lascia seno, questo rosa, sdegno vado Nasals mamma naso ognuno sangue, anche Lateral and largo, alto rosa, orrore Affricates cielo, cenere gioia, gemo zio, senza azzuro, bonzo

credo, braccio gaudebit fecit vestrum sciote salutare mortus nescio agnus Trilled alleluia rex cibo, coelo, caeca pange, regina gratias, justitia azymis

comment, qui, choeur gauche, grande fou, phare vent, wagon charme je, givre soixant, cent, leon, jasmin rose, azure maman nez oignon, agneau -

Kunst, Qual geben, General Vater, Phantasie Weg schn, Stadt essen, Fenster, Haus Seele, unser, Rose ich, recht Nacht, doch Haus, lebhaft Mutter, nahm nein, Nase Ring, Dank

large, faral roucoule -

links, alte, also Retter, irre pltschert Zimmer, Spitz -

IPA Symbols Classification of Vowels 1. Pure vowel a. The sound can be sustained without movement of the articulators or quality of sound until the air flow ceases. 2. Diphthong a. It is conprised of two vowel sounds. One vowel sound is started and migrates to a second. Forward vowels [i] [I] [eI] [] [] [a] [] [E] [] [E] [] [aI] [a] [OI] [ju] as in beet as in bit as in bait as in bet as in bat as in Boston Back Vowels [u] [] [o] [o] [O] [A] Central Vowels The sound of uh as in up and in appeal as in burr and butter The "r-less" "r" bird [bd] Diphthongs as in high as house as in boy as in abuse Consonants Stop Plosives Cognates (Consonant sounds in which the air flow is completely stopped and then suddenly released. ) (Paired consonants which have the same manner and place of articulation but one is voiced and the other is not. [b] [d] [g] Voiced as in bet as in den as in give as in boot as in book as in pillow as in boat as in awe as in father

[p] [t] [k]

Unvoiced as in pet as in ten as in kit

Nasal Consonants [m] [n] [N] as in me as in neat as in hung

(The oral passageway is blocked at some point and the soft palate is lowered to allow air to flow through the nasal passageway. )

Fricative Consonants Continuants [f] [T] [s] [S] [h] Unvoiced as in feet as in think as in sea as in she as in heat Lateral Consonant [l] Glides [r] [j] [w] [hw] as in rose, red ram as in yes, you , yesterday as in were as in when Combination Consonants [tS] [dZ] as in cheek as in jeer or gin

(The air flow is partially interrupted as it passes through the vocal tract, thus producing a noisy sound) (Consonants which can be sustained) [v] [D] [z] [Z] Voiced as in vain as in then as in zip as in azure

(a consonant in which the sides of the tongue are lowered, not touching the upper molars)

(characterized by a movement of the articulators from one position to another may also be called semi-vowels or semi-consonants.)

(Also called affricatives , combine two consonant sounds into a single speech unit)

Fall 2007

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