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SECTION B (34%) This is a multiple choice type of answer.

A statement is given and related to the statement there are four possible answers. However, only one in most relevant to the statement. You are asked to identify the correct answer by encircling the number of the correct statement. Example :

The capital of the state of Sabah is : 1. Sandakan 2. Tawau 3. Kota Kinabalu 4. Lahad Datu 15. Staff development refers to the _______________________________ of knowledge, skills and competence. 1.Enhancement 2.Improvement 3.Advancement 4.Engagement

16. The main objective of staff development is to develop and create efficiency of the staff 1. as a whole 2. as a portion 3. as a part 4. as a fraction 17. One of the most important elements involved in the process of staff development is. 1. Psychology 2. Pedagogy 3. Sociology 4. Andragogy 18. One important outcome of staff development is 1. Social change 2. Social chain 3. Social environment 4. Socialization

19. After heavy use machines need to be serviced to make then work well and as effective as they are new. Likewise employees also need to be serviced because 1. They are human beings just like machines 2. They are human beings which require peoples attention 3. They are rational people in organization 4. They are human beings requiring motivation 20. Every organization requires some form of staff development programmes for staff members because .. 1. There are new approaches to doing jobs in the organization. 2. There are new technology that staff members need to know 3. Productivity declines as people get bored and tired. 4. All the above are true 21. Industrial psychologists contended that several aspects of developments are necessary in people. These are : 1. Mental, physical and development. 2. Development, spiritual and physical. 3. Physical, mental and spiritual 4. Spiritual, physical and developmental

22. This is not the objective of staff development programme. 1. to change the belief of existing staff about the vision, mission, objectives and programmes of the organization. 2. to change the belief of existing staff about work and how works are carried out effectively. 3. to change the belief of existing staff about awards and strategy to win awards. 4. to change the belief of exsiting staff about their competitors and customers. 23. Social change is defined as the alteration in patterns of 1. culture, image and social behaviour. 2. image, social behaviour and social structure 3. social behaviour, social structure and culture 4. social structure, social image and social structure 24. Social changes taking place in Terengganu since the last twenty years is mainly the outcome of ... 1. Diffusion 2. Discovery 3. Invention

4. Population

25. There are at least five theories of social change taking place in any type of society. The most relevant theory applied to education is . 1. Evaluationary theory of social change 2. Revolutionary theory of social change 3. Cyclical theory of social change 4. Conflict theory of social change 26. This is definitely not an example of in-house type of staff development 1. an induction course for newly recruited staff members. 2. a two-hours talk by a staff member after his successful trip to Europe . 3. two-year masters degree programme at an over-sea university 4. a short talk on one evening by a staff member voluntarily. 27. When administrators design a staff development activity, a senior officer facilitates and subordinates form the audience, the programme belongs to the category of 1. Out of organization workshops 2. In-house workshops 3. Mediated Learning Packages 4. Degree course for the upper echelon

28. The highest level of academic qualification beyond the Tertiary Level is . 1. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) 2. Doctor of Philosophy (D. Phil) 3. Doctorate 4. Doctor of Education (Ed. D.) 29. The main orientation of the Doctor of Education (Ed. D.) degree are 1. teaching and research 2. research and work 3. work and teaching 4. teaching, research and work 30. As the requirement for the Doctor of Education (Ed. D.) is work, teaching and research the Ed. D. is clarified as 1. a professional doctoral degree 2. a respected higher degree 3. a tough American orientation degree 4. a teaching oriented degree

31. Unisels approach in administering the Doctoral Education (Ed. D.) degree does not include 1. Formal lecture 2. Seminar/workshop/colloquim 3. Group study/group presentation 4. Teleconferencing

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