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O n G r a v i t a t i o n a l p u l l s . . .



Let me preface this March edition by saying this; Of late, I have begun
to remotely understand what it means to carry the burden of the Lord.
Somewhat, I have dimly begun to see why men like David Brainerd and
Robert Murray Mc’chenney died at the “ripe” age of twenty nine. To
quote their biographer, both died of “consumption”. The phenomenon
known as the BURDEN OF THE LORD took their lives. This state of heart
is deep and heavy. It is the putting on mortal man that which is
immortal. It is the art of trying to understand the infinite using a finite
mind. It is like emptying an ocean using a teaspoon and defining
eternity using a time-bound dictionary. The burden of the Lord is
unexplainable because human diction is too limited when it comes to
the things of the spirit. Yet He commands men to pass on what He has
been speaking to them.
God has been branding words on my spirit - words like KINDOM
INFLUENCE, RAISING UP OF STANDARDS etc. For those of you who
know how cattle are branded, you might have an idea of what I have
been going through. I’m aware of God’s move in our country -Kenya.
The heart-born desire to see restoration, integrity and maturity eats
me up.
There are no neutral positions in life. We are either for or against
something. We have no gray areas in the kingdom. You are either hot
or cold. The in-between, no man land irritates God. My burden is for
the unveiling of a radical approach in all we do. I have found something
bigger than my own life, the CAUSE of the Lord Jesus Christ...His cry for
a bride, an army and a people of maturity, righteousness and principle.
An immovable founded church which is a city set on a hill and thus it
cannot be hidden. My deepest cry is that He must arise in us and
radiate His light in us for all the world to see and bend their knee
before the Lord of Lords. Selah..
Let us now move on and see why the light must shine!

Unseen realities
Everything in life gravitates or moves towards something. There is
nothing stationary both in the realm of the seen and the unseen. That
which looks lifeless comes alive with the help of tools like microscopes.
Immediately we magnify it, we see the element of motion. All life is in
For example, a scientist takes a simple block of forest soil, one-foot
square and one inch deep, and begins counting. In this loamy world
that we thoughtlessly tread upon he finds “an average of 1,356 living
creatures, including 865 mites, 265 springtails, 22 millipedes, 19 adult
beetles, and various numbers of 12 other forms.” Without an electron
microscope and infinite patience he cannot bother with the two billion
bacteria and the millions of fungi and algae. This is a world that is not
readily perceived by the natural eye, yet very much alive, vibrant and
always gravitating.
The world is steadily moving away from God. Take a segment of a
population and put it under a microscope and you will prove me right.
Minus the magnifying element, all looks calm, nice, cultured and so
modern. With the eye of the spirit, your stomach will turn when the
bacteria and germs of carnality and sin begin to squirm under the light
of God’s standards.

you make the choice, then the choice makes you

Deut 30:15, 19
... I have set before thee this day LIFE and GOOD, and DEATH and EVIL
... I have set before you LIFE and DEATH, BLESSING and CURSING:
therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live...(KJV)

The two entities that govern morality are the known forces of GOOD
and EVIL. The most amazing truth however is that both forces are
unleashed by the choices we make everyday. Once you make a choice,
you immediately surrender to the hidden potential that was imbedded
in the choice you made. Please consider the next three excerpts of
thought and see how evil is spreading like wildfire because of the
choices mankind is making.
Thirty forty years ago, no one ever doubted that divorce was
disgraceful; that illegitimate babies were a disaster; that chastity was a
good thing; that an honest day’s work was part of the duty of any
respectable and responsible person; that honesty ought to be part of
life. But today, for the first time in history, the whole Christian ethic is
under attack. It is not only the theology that people want to abandon-it
is the ethic as well. Somebody has rooted the word ethics back to the
Greek word for the pen, or the corral, in which farm animals were put.
In essence, it connotes a fence or a boundary. Apparently someone
wants to jump over the fence. Take another word; take the Greek word
for LAW - nomos. The meaning given to this word is an accepted
custom. Where does this definition leave us today? how many
accepted customs do we have that are so diabolical? When such
practices translate into law then we are in big trouble. With such
concepts, the ideas of free will, the human need of religion, and the
very existence of God is being threatened.
The power of scientific curiosity, technological ambition, and economic
profit are together a very formidable power. An example of this is the
human genome project that propagates that soon everything will be
explained genetically. The debate is likely to become a central
religious concern over the next many decades. It also could become a
central legal defense. New branches of law and ethics - behavioral
genetics - are rising where lawyers could argue that their clients
exploded in rage because of his dominant aggressive genes or because
he was genetically prone, say, to alcoholism. A code of ethics may no
longer be the rule by which we judge a person’s behavior, and “my
genes made me do it” may become an acceptable excuse. Absolutes
are being done away with, more so, the word of God that does not
allow democratic debates.
In January 1997 nineteen European nations signed a treaty that said
cloning people violated human dignity and was a misuse of science.
The signatories agreed to enact laws to ban human cloning. Britain and
Germany did not sign. Cloning humans is not illegal in the United
States, but federal funding of such research and practices is. Cloning
simply defined, is man playing God...and I can promise you; this is a
dangerous game.
What is the conclusion of such scenarios? Life has been in motion.
Something has been influencing minds, thoughts, beliefs and attitudes.
A magnetic field principle has been at work in the minds and hearts of
the masses. Anything left to it always follows a natural course; and
Objects assume a state of rest until a relevant force is applied.
Someone has been applying a great deal of force on men’s minds.
They have become victims of a very diabolical magnetic field.
magnetic fields
The Webster ninth new collegiate dictionary defines the word
MAGNETIC as possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract.
Consequently, a magnetic field is the sphere of influence or domain of
control that a magnet commands. To possess the ability to draw
something to oneself is life’s greatest accomplishment and
demonstration of influence. I will not dwell much on the negative field
of attraction because our emphasis is on what we should do for God to
increase and shine in us .
God is in the process of setting up the believer to be a magnetic entity
in these evil times we are in. we move on to look at His desire and
let! let! let! let! let!
Isa 60:1-3
“Arise, my people! LET your light shine for all the nations to see! For
the glory of the Lord is streaming from you.
Darkness as black as night shall cover all the peoples of the earth, but
the glory of the Lord will shine from you.
The most important principle in the above scripture is capsuled in the
word - LET. This brief and short word suggests a condition that
precedes the beauty of attraction. The only thing that will draw the
nations is bright vibrant light, but prior to the light shining, we must go
through a “letting.” This talks of giving opportunity to something - to
allow or to permit. It is an internal quality that has external results. It
essentially speaks of self-surrender. After the surrender, we then gain
access to the next level where we ARISE.

Arising suggests a take-off from the hidden, cryptic and mysterious
Christianity, into an apparent, clear and discernible sphere of life. The
arrival point of such a life is when the complicated becomes simple and
the hidden is easily seen. Concepts become obvious and evident to the
point that even a little child, the very simplest of us, can perceive. IT IS
We must stop building walls and start building bridges. The four
corners of our churches can never be the wombs that will nurture the
next generation. Rather they might end up being tombs of God’s
We must stop being obscure and masked. Our manner of doing things
is almost occultist and hermetical. Separation must not be confused
with Isolation. We are not a society of secrets. We are the hope and
preservation of the masses , the salt of the earth and the light of the
world. We are the standards (lamp stands) that are meant to elevate
God’s anti-serum to combat with the poison that is infiltrating the
We cannot afford to be hidden...we must become the standard, the
yardstick and benchmark of society.
intellectual invasion
Num 21:6
... fiery serpents ... bit the people, so that many people of Israel
Biblical interpretation defines the serpent as a symbol of wisdom
(Mt.10 :16). Wisdom falls in to three categories as we see in James
3:15 - Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly,
unspiritual, of the devil- (NIV). We have heavenly, earthly and devilish
wisdom. In the above text we begin to see an age long confrontation.
Masses of people are victims of certain schools of thought and
intellectual persuasion.
In the imagery of poisonous snakes, the scenario we have is one of a
wholesale invasion. We have snakes (dangerous exposures and
wisdoms) coming in all manner of shapes, types and designs; and
releasing venom ( mental strongholds, persuasions and
understandings), in the society.
We have all manner of snakes; the long, the short, the fat, the thin, the
swift, and the slow. We have the most lethal ones whose poison kills
instantaneously and the rather slow and subtle ones. however poison
is poison and the end result is death. What is God’s solution?
God’s anti-serum
Num 21:8-9
... the LORD told Moses to Make a serpent of bronze and ERECT IT AS A
STANDARD, so that anyone who had been bitten could look at it and
And so Moses made a bronze serpent and ERECTED IT AS A
STANDARD, so that when a snake had bitten a man, he could look at
the bronze serpent and recover.(NEB)
When a snake bites a person, it takes an anti-snake bite serum
prepared from a snake to bring healing and restoration to that person.
This is the truth we see enacted in our text. It will take heavenly
wisdom to combat the earthly, devilish wisdom that is all around. This
wisdom needs a platform, a lamp stand or a forum for its presentation.
Standard bearers
Just as the brazen serpent was put before the people, and brass
symbolizes divine judgments and statutes, we are the standard bearers
of God and we must realize that there can be no change without
information. This information must be:
(a) Available. This is by search and study. Diligence must be shown
in the pursuit of solutions as concerns the plight of man. We have to
avail solutions to the masses.
(b) Adequate. The information must be sufficient and available in
enough quantities and amounts. It becomes adequate through
(c) Accessible. The information must be reachable and attainable. We
must develop systems of communication and channels of information
(d) Applicable. It must be relevant; and it must relate to or bear
upon the matter at hand. It MUST compass the area of need in the
people and address their “hunger”.
(e) Applied. The solution has to be usable and only then can it be put
to use. We must be the embodiment of our own solutions and only then
will it find credibility in the eyes of society. We must become
practioners of what we prescribe.
Every transformation begins with information.
Standards must be erected. This is not an automatic process. It has to
be conscious and deliberate. We have to awake from apathy and do
away with a quiet faith. We must become conspicuous, militant and
aggressive. Our lives must take on new meaning. Passivity must be
conquered and forever wiped out. God’s wisdom must be given a
voice, a forum, and a platform. Only then will the process of restoration
begin. Let us expose this process further.
i, Looketh
Num 21:8
... every one that is bitten, when he LOOKETH upon it, shall live. (KJV)
Every process of recovery begins with a look. The word looketh here
means to be occupied and influenced with something. The church
cannot hold the attention of the world in its present state. We must
allow God to work on our presentation, our character and knowledge
levels. We are way below the expectations of God. As a matter of fact,
we are so backslidden. To backslide simply means not being in step
with the plan and schedule of God.
Can we hold the attention of the world? can we convince them that the
poison will soon kill them and that we have the solution, the anti-
They need to look but they will not take note until we are raised above
the ground...above the norm, the everydayness of life. This will only
happen when our righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisee. It will
only take place when we begin to operate dangerous integrity,
honesty, and maturity. In our finances, we have to graduate from the
realm of seed and harvest and enter into the dimension of power and
wealth, where the covenant of God is established.
Socially, economically, politically and any other wise, we must be
above, exemplary and attractive. Our marriages and parenting must be
beyond reproof. Our stewardship and financial accountability must be
beyond reproach. When the world looks at such carriers of life, they will
live. Hope will be birthed and soon they believe.
ii, believes
John 3:14-15
...as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the
Son of Man be lifted up; that whoever BELIEVES may in Him have
eternal life. (NAS)
In order to grasp this text and the couple of texts we shall look at, we
must understand that we are the body of Christ. Just as Moses lifted up
the serpent in the wilderness, the body of Christ must be lifted up in
these present day wildernesses. After the people’s attention is
grasped, belief will be born because they will see that that which we
preach is not just on our lips but is in our lives. We are an embodiment
of Kingdom principles...the word has become flesh and they can now
behold its glory.
iii, know
John 8:28
...When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will KNOW that I
am [the one I claim to be] and that I do nothing on my own...(NIV)
Our claims are empty and baseless without accompanying works and
results. Mankind needs to look, believe and only then will they arrive
into knowledge of the truth. We must become living epistles and
walking testimonies of the power of God. We must become the leaders
of society, the innovators. Let me illustrate;

The new corn seed was introduced in Iowa in 1928, and it was
superior in every respect to the seed that had been used by
farmers for decades. But it wasn’t adopted all at once. Of the 259
farmers studied, only a handful had started planting the new seed
by 1932 and 1933. In the language of diffusion research, the
handful of farmers who started trying hybrid seed at the very
beginning of the 1930s were the INNOVATORS, the adventurous
ones. The slightly larger group who were infected by them was the
EARLY ADOPTERS. They were the opinion leaders in the
community, the respected, thoughtful people who watched and
analyzed what those wild innovators were doing and then followed
suit. Then came the EARLY MAJORITY and the LATE MAJORITY, the
deliberate and skeptical mass, who would never try anything until
the most respected of farmers had tried it first. They caught the
seed virus and passed it on, finally, to the LAGGARDS, the most
traditional of all, who see no urgent reason to change.
The sad fact is that most of the born again people fall in the category
of the late majority and the laggards. This is contrary to scripture -
Deut 28:12-13, ... You will lend to many nations but will borrow from
none. The LORD will make you the head, not the tail...YOU WILL
iv, Draw
John 12:32
... if I am lifted up from the earth, will DRAW all peoples to Myself. (NKJ)
The element of attraction now shows up where the “peoples” begin to
gravitate towards an established standard. Standards have a
gravitational pull and a magnetic field. From the story of the brazen
serpent in the wilderness, we know that Godly standards carry a
redemptive ability that neutralizes poison and preserves life. These
standards have to be raised and thus cannot be hidden.
This Drawing process begins with the innovators and the early
adopters. These are the visionaries who want revolutionary change and
something that sets them apart qualitatively from the status quo. Such
people are willing to take enormous risks. For their courage to bear
fruit, they need a second group, which will consist of pragmatists.
People who will make percentage improvements on what has been
done. i.e. incremental, measurable, predictable progress.
v, upgrading
II Kings 18:4
He ( Hezekiah) removed the high places... and ... broke into pieces THE
BRONZE SNAKE Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had
been burning incense to it.
Beyond knowledge, there is upgrading. A time comes when yesterday’s
solutions have to be broken down because they have become a
present evil and a stumbling block to progress. Every wisdom is only
relevant for a specific time, place, situation and circumstance. Once
this phase or situation is past, the upholding of that pattern and
operation takes on an idolatrous propensity. The brazen serpent of
Moses was therapeutic but in Hezekiah’s days, it was destructive. Such
levels of insight are only open to the translators and the interpreters.
This is an equally important group who will take ideas and information
from a highly specialized dimension and translate them into a
language the rest of the people can understand and apply. These play
the intermediary role between different social worlds because they
understand trends and know how to read forecasts..
As much as the Innovators are the trendsetters, there is need of
someone who sees their originality and adopts it. David made a statute
in Israel that is still in force till this day. He was a true trendsetter as
we see in 1 Sam 30:24-25. This was the command ...The share of the
man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who
went down to the battle. All will share alike. David made this a statute
and ordinance for Israel from that day to this -(NIV).
As much as such statutes are phenomenal, a later group upgrades it
and changes it a bit to suit their own environment. They actually now
make it usable in their own time, sphere and demands. These are the
persons in charge of the small movements, because usually in order to
create one contagious movement, you often have to create many small
Now let us move on and explore some powerful concepts in the
dynamics of light.

Light is totally wasted when it is not strategically positioned. As far as
its quality is concerned, it could be light; yet with wrong positioning it
loses its importance and function. This is where the church has
seriously failed.
Matt 5:15-16
“Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp
stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works and glorify your Father in heaven. (NKJ)
The secret of shining as we have seen is self-surrender while the key to
attraction is strategic positioning. The moon has no light of its own yet
because of its strategic position vis-à-vis to the sun, it can light up the
darkest night. Edith Wharton is well known for the saying; there are
two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects
With the advantage of position, every good work was bound to bring
fruit into the kingdom. This was not for showmanship but for the
greatest effect and impact. The church should at least learn one thing
from the world...they are so keen on positioning. Where did they learn
this key principle? from the devil?

Concentrated light
Rom 15:19
...from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully
preached the gospel of Christ...(KJV)...v.23 - But now at last I am
through with my work here, and I am ready to come after all these
long years of waiting.(TLB)
This spiritual truth of the strategic positioning of light was Apostle
Paul’s best-kept success secret. His theory of evangelizing a province
was not to preach in every place in it himself, but to establish centers
(lamp stands) of Christian life in two or three important places from
which the knowledge might spread into the country round.
It should be noted that even Jesus took Samaria through one woman.
The bible actually records that he felt he had to go through Samaria,
yet we don’t see Him physically going into the town; yet he turned the
town around. He used the instrument of a sinful woman to go into the
town and thus she became a light transmitter. This woman, who was in
a “strategic profession” as a prostitute, a harlot, proved useful in the
hands of God. The wisdom of God went beyond her career, capitalized
on her influence and used her to reach the men who in turn affected
their families, communities and town.
St Paul’s primary intention of preaching, was for his congregations to
become centers of light. When he had occupied two or three centers in
a province, he really and effectually occupied the province. All the
cities, or towns, in which he planted churches were centers of Roman
administration, of Greek civilization, of Jewish influence, or of some
commercial importance. let me just go a bit further on this four points;
Just as he refused to preach in native states and passed through
large towns in the territory of Antiochus without stopping to
preach, so within the Roman province he passed through native
provincial towns like misthia or vasada in order to preach in Lystra
and Derbe-military posts in which there was strong Roman
element. His central intention in all this, above the protection
afforded by the Roman government, or the peace and security of
travel was this; there was also in the mere presence of Roman
officials an influence, which materially assisted his work. The idea
of the world-wide empire which they represented, the idea of the
common citizenship of men of many different races in that one
empire, the strong authority of one law, the one peace, the
breaking down of national exclusiveness, all these things prepared
men’s minds to receive St Paul’s teaching of the kingdom of Christ,
and the common citizenship of all Christians in it.
Everywhere Roman government went hand in hand with Greek
education. This education provided St Paul with his medium of
communication. There is no evidence of any attempt to translate
the scriptures into the provincial dialects of Asia Minor. St Paul
preached in Greek and wrote in Greek, and all his converts who
read at all were expected to read the scriptures in Greek. For St
Paul, the one language was as important as the one government.
Moreover, the influence of Greek civilization was an influence,
which tended to the spread of general education, and Christianity
from the very first was a religion of Education. From the first,
Christians were learners, they were expected to be able to give a
reason for the hope that was in them.
Under the Roman government the Jews enjoyed singular
advantages. Their religion was definitely recognized. They had the
liberty to administer their own laws and they were exempt from
the obligation to share in the worship of the emperor. They
enjoyed freedom from a military service in which it was evident
they could not take part without violating their religion. They had
many other privileges of less importance, but of considerable
advantage. When, therefore, St Paul entered the synagogue on the
Sabbath Day, he had for the moment a singular opportunity. He
had an audience provided for him, which understood the
underlying principles of his religion, and was familiar with the texts
on which he based his argument.
St Paul established churches at places which were centers of
world’s commerce. They were cities which occupied an important
place as leaders of the provinces. They were foremost in every
movement of policy or thought. These cities were so jealous of
each other and strained all their powers in emulous rivalry to
maintain their position as leaders. To St Paul, to seize a strategic
center, one needed not only a man capable of recognizing it, but
also a man capable of seizing it. The seizing of strategic points
implied a strategy. He only refrained from this when the Holy Sprit
thought otherwise.
* Under the AGENT OF SALT, we saw that you cannot change an entity
from the outside. Salt has to be in the food to have any meaning. The
root meaning of the word Salt depicts sharpness; and there can be no
change without confrontation. Effective change demands that once on
the inside, an environment that is hostile to toxins and decay must be
* Under THE AGENT OF LEAVEN , we saw that the nature of true
change is to transform or assimilate something into its own nature.
True change is silent, secretive, insidious and gradual in its initial
stages of birth; yet bold and abrasive as it grows. Just like leaven was
usually a piece of fermented dough retained from a previous baking,
true change is never disjointed. One cannot build a first story on a
vacant lot. The continuity of change must be upheld and appreciated.
* Under the AGENT OF A RIVER we saw that a river speaks of the
communication of an influence. We learnt that influence will only
capitalize on permeable, susceptible topology and deliberately avoid
terrain that cannot change or be changed. It bypasses immovable,
rigid medieval structures like rock beds, and cut out their own domain.
Influence is merciless, cruel, has no room for dialogue or monologue
and makes its presence felt and authority recognized.
* In this closing edition, we see that Light is totally wasted when it is
not strategically positioned. As far as its quality is concerned, it could
be light; yet with wrong positioning it loses its importance and
function. We must take-off from the hidden, cryptic and mysterious
Christianity, into an apparent, clear and discernible sphere of life. The
arrival point of such a life is when the complicated becomes simple and
the hidden is easily seen. Concepts become obvious and evident to the
point that even a little child, the very simplest of us, can perceive.
Finally, There are no neutral positions in life. We are either for or
against something. There are no gray areas in the kingdom. You are
either hot or cold.

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