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Freemasonry (3)
A Fist raised against God and his Ranking Order

In the foregoing two articles in this series we concentrated on the way of thinking within the
Freemasonic movement, especially as regards its teachings and objectives. Here, in this issue,
an excerpt is presented from the book of Jules Doinel, published in 1895 and entitled “Lucifer
unmasked”. This book covers the main reason for Freemasonry’s existence. It is the counter-
church of the one and true Church, the Roman Catholic. Doinel was a Freemason who had
converted to the Roman Catholic faith, having come from the top of that organisation where he
was a member of the executive board of the “Grand Orient de France” (GODF). Doinel wrote
his book in a spirit of rehabilitation for his former errors and crimes, with the aim of exposing
the immense perversity of Freemasonry. His revelations are far removed from the unimagina-
tive descriptions of this organisation as found in our prestigious encyclopedias, but they comple-
tely agree with the presentation given after 1717 by the many papal encyclicals, bulls and letters,
loudly hammering with the cadence of a smith working his anvil.

1 – Quote from “Lucifer Unmasked” (Ch. 23)

«« We have thus gone in six chapters through the entire cycle of Freemasonry. The
explanation of the words has disclosed the meaning of the ideas. The whole theology of
Satan appeared one in its teaching: God-Lucifer; one in purpose: the overthrow of the
Church. From Apprentice to the 33rd degree we have noticed that the progression follows
an inflexible course from the least evil until the greatest, from the smallest error to the
largest. We really have to conclude that Freemasonry is Satanic, because no man could
have devised such a complete and interrelated system, an organization that is so coldly
perverse and based on such a MONSTROUS design. The counterchurch-Freemasonry
is the synagogue of the Anti-Christ.
(…) Satan needs Freemasonry and will find it standing by and fully armed for the
fight. An objection appears right away. How can it be that Lucifer, knowing that he will

be defeated and that ultimately his efforts will be vain, continues to feed an opposition
while he knows that he is fighting a losing battle. To this objection I will answer, not
I myself, but by this page that is very instructive and revelatory, once dictated by the
demon to a medium and that was communicated to me; a page that filled me with horror;
a page that made me apprehend, I would not say the infinity for that word only belongs to
God, but the interminability of the evil nature of the odious tyrant of Hell. With this I will
end my interpretation of the Masonic Luciferian symbolism. »»

2 – Are we allowed to take serious the ‘revelations’ of Satan?

The reason why I quote this ‘private revelation’, is quite separate from the conviction as to
whether indeed it concerns a satanic mediamic revelation, although that should not necessarily
be excluded. The only criterion is the theological correctness of what is said and the relevance
to our subject. Even if this piece had been invented out of the blue, it would still be worth-
while to consider. Is Marlowe’s Faust, where someone sells his soul to Satan, of less interest
because it is fiction? In this novel Dr. Faust is gently brought into the marshes of immorality,
being seduced to it by a subtle play of the Devil, until at last he has turned into a caricature of
himself. Günther Schwab’s visionary novel “Der Tanz mit dem Teufel” (The dance with the
devil) appeared in 1958, where in a captivating and fictitious discussion with Satan, the whole
environmental problem, still hardly visible at the time, is brought up. Is this perhaps less
captivating because Satan himself is not really speaking? In the assidious plot woven by
Günther Schwab the arguments are given the necessary shock effect, necessary because in the
immediate post-war period public concern with our environment hardly existed.

In the following account, it is by means of a fascinating discussion that the argument is enfor-
ced that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against the powers in the heavenly
spheres (Eph. 6:12), a realization almost extinct in our times. Precisely, from this spiritual di-
mension the massonic conspiracy derives its power base, which makes it so difficult to fight.
A psychological group is already formed if people have a common interest or similar emotio-
nal bias in a particular situation. It works the same way in Freemasonry. She is a fraternity
bonded together by mutual understanding and empathy, of people who have a tendency to feel
and think in the same way. Perhaps they do not know each other and are separated in space
and time, but if they met it would be as if they had known each other, the same as brothers do.
Jacques Mitterand, a grand master of French Freemasonry, defined it as follows: “Freemason-
ry is nowhere, the freemasons are everywhere.” (1) Exposing its visible manifestation is
therefore a useless exercise if, because of that, one hopes to break it.

3 – Mediamic dictation received in 189… by Mrs X. in Paris

«« I cover the world with ruins, I drown the world in blood and tears, I deform what is
beautiful, I defile what is pure, I knock down what is great, I do all the evil I can do and I
would like to increase it to the limits of infinity. I am all hatefulness, all hatefulness,
nothing but hatred. If you knew the depth of that hatred, its height and width, you would
have an intelligence exceeding all the intelligence that has ever existed since the
beginning, even if all this intelligence were added together in just one person. And the
more I hate, the more I suffer. My hate and my suffering are immortal like myself. That
is because I cannot ‘not’ hate any more, the same as I cannot not live for ever. But would
you like to know what even increases this suffering, what multiplies this hate – is that
perhaps that I know that I am defeated and that I hate in vain? No! No! For I have the
joy, if this could be called a joy, - if this was joy it would be the only joy left - I have the
joy to kill the souls for whom HE shed his blood, for whom HE died, rose and ascended
into heaven.
Oh yes! I render useless his incarnation, his death; the death of God - I render it
useless for the souls I kill. Do you understand? To kill a soul! He created it in his image,

He made it after his likeness, He loved it with an infinitive love. He was crucified for it!
And I take it from Him, I steal it from Him, I kill it, this soul. I damn it with me! And I, I
do not love it, this soul, I hate it exceedingly and I damn it. It preferred me to Him. YET
How is that I tell you this? You will perhaps convert yourself, you too? You are going
to escape me! Yet I have to tell you this. He forces me. He uses me against myself, and I
have Him always before the eyes of my intelligence, yes GOD, as He was when I loved
Him with such transports that all the hearts of his saints would be broken if they had felt
the same as I did. (2) If you had seen, if you could have seen this light, this beauty, this
goodness, this perfection! Why then could I have lost all that? I was so happy, so happy,
so happy. I am so ETERNALLY unhappy! And I hate Him, if you could know how
much I hate Him, his divinity, his humanity, his angels, his saints, his Mother, especially
his Mother. She is the one who conquered me. You would like to know how much I
suffer and how much I hate? Well! I have the capacity to hate and suffer in the same
degree as I once was capable of love and happiness. I Lucifer, I have become Satan. He,
who is always against. At this very moment I have the whole earth before my mind, all
the peoples, all the governments, all the laws. You see, I hold all the strings of all the evil
that is being prepared. And I do nothing that is not against that man, that priest, that old
man, the POPE. If I could damn the Pope! A Pope who would damn himself!

Baphomet, symbol of the devil

Being able to seduce the man who is Pope, does not mean that I can make this man
speak any error. If you could only understand! The Holy Spirit is there, assisting him.
The Holy Spirit prevents him from speaking heresy, from proclaiming even a dubious
doctrine, when he speaks as Pope. Oh! you see, that is really an amazing thing, a Pope!
Me too, I have my Church. My Church has its SOCIETY OF SATAN, comparable with
your SOCIETY OF JESUS. Do you know who it is? No. Well, these are the Freemasons.
But they can do nothing more against the Church than to persecute her like Nero, like
Diocletian, like Julian, like the Jacobins. And after, after! What does it bring in? I am
defeated in advance. And yet I have always gained this, that I kill souls belonging to
Him. I kill souls belonging to Him! Immortal souls! Souls which He paid for on Calvary!
Oh, those people, how stupid they are. They can be bought for a little pride, a little mud
and some gold! Do you believe that HE would suffer, tell me, HE, if He could suffer. But
HE cannot suffer. What does it matter! I kill souls belonging to Him. I kill souls
belonging to Him. I kill souls belonging to Him!
(…) She who was the instrument of this terrible dictation did not become a convert.
And since she still persisted in the practice of spiritualism after what she had felt, I asked
her how this could happen, for she was sure the revelation was real. What this lady

answered, gives a striking idea of the obstinacy of the spiritualist. She told me quite
simply the following: “It was an evil spirit calling himself Satan who dictated me these
terrible things while trying to remove me from the spiritualist doctrine. But I have proof
that this spirit is evil, for my protecting spirit comforted me and reaffirmed me.”
It is fitting to say with the Psalmist: “They have ears but do not hear.” »»

4 – The limits of papal infallibility

In the dogmatic constitution of the First Vatican Council issued on July 18, 1870 and called
“Pastor Aeternus”, four doctrines of the Catholic faith are defined that pertain to the functio-
ning of the papacy: (1) the apostolic primacy conferred on Peter, (2) the perpetuity of the
Petrine Primacy in the Roman pontiffs, (3) the meaning and power of the papal primacy, and
(4) the Papal infallibility - infallible teaching authority (magisterium) of the Pope. As con-
cerns the latter it was stated (nr. 25):
«« When the Roman Pontiff speaks ‘ex cathedra’, i.e., when exercising his office as
pastor and teacher of all Christians he defines, by his supreme apostolic authority, a
doctrine of faith or morals which must be held by the universal Church, enjoys, through
the divine assistance, that infallibility promised to him in blessed Peter and with which
the divine Redeemer wanted his Church to be endowed in defining doctrine of faith and
morals. And therefore that the definitions of the same Roman Pontiff are irreformable
(irreformabiles) of themselves (ex sese) and not from the consent of the Church. »»

This follows an established tradition. For instance, Pope Leo the Great (440-461) declared:
“No heresy is capable to contaminate the chosen one on the Seat of Peter, for it is the Holy
Spirit that teaches him.” (Sermon 98) It is a false accuation that there have been certain
heretic popes in the history of the Church. The church historians, like Cardinal Begin, Mgr de
Ségur and the abbots Rorhbacher and Constant, have shown that it is a calumny designed by
the ennemies of the Church. Never a Pope has taught a heresy!

Professor Dietrich von Hildebrand, a major authority in his field, reminds us of the conditions
of a papal statement made ‘ex cathedra’. Ex cathedra means that if (a validly chosen) Pope
teaches a binding doctrine, based on his function this implies that it is an absolutely true state-
ment, yet which applies only if it involves a statement on faith and morals – if, therefore, it is
‘de fide’ (relative to our faith). In the practical exercise of the papal authority, such as conduct
of the liturgy, Hildebrand tells us that “Roma locuta est, causa finita est” (Rome has spoken,
the matter is closed) does not apply. If the Pope orders some such matter, the protection of the

Holy Spirit is not guaranteed in the same way. Regulations can be unfortunate, turn out to
have been a mistake or even lead to a crisis. For this reason the believer is not obliged to re-
gard papal regulations as absolutely binding, good or desirable, although it is the sensible
thing to follow them. It is no slight matter to challenge papal authority! Nonetheless, a mem-
ber of the faithful may express regret at a regulation, he may pray that it be removed and – yes
– he can with all due respect work towards its removal. (3)

5 – Satan’s best plan

The best plan Satan ever devised to pervert man and to steal souls from the Lord has been to
sow doubts about the origins of man and his destiny, the foundation of his belief in God, and
of course to take away the belief in the story of the fallen angels and the existence of Hell.
The Satanic Freemasonry, played a pivotal role in this plot. Apostasy is the great plague of
our time with more dead in its wake than all the wars taken together, and we have had a few!
Because Satan is not human but of a different kind, he cannot deceive himself. He therefore
knows very well and constantly that he has definitely lost. And though he cannot deceive
himself, he may very well deceive his adjudants who, fallen archangels like himself, have far
less splendour all the same. Satan can make them believe that his great project is still on track
and that his defeat is not yet conclusive. What is more, these days (in 2006) his system con-
tinues in the same direction aspired to, and on its course causes many souls to be robbed from
the Lord. Knowing what is at stake, we Christians are better prepared for the battle that, being
more than victorious, is terrible indeed!

After having written this I came across the message from Maria Divine Mercy of May 12,
2012, given to her by the Holy Virgin Mary, that was undersigned “Your Beloved Queen of
Peace, Mother of Salvation”. This indicates that, contrary to my former belief, all fallen an-
gels are keenly aware that the battle is lost, though this might not always have been the case:
«« These fallen angels became jealous when my Father, God the Most High, created
humankind and the universe. Their pride and disgust led to their downfall and they were
cast out into Hell. Led by Satan, their hatred was manifested when I brought the Son of
Man, the Saviour of humankind, into the world. Their hatred of me surpasses anything
known to humanity. As Queen of all the Angels, this drove them into turmoil. They knew
there would be no return to the Divine Hierarchy. To hurt God, my beloved Father, they
want to destroy that which is closest to his Heart: his precious and beloved children. By
seducing his children, through the temptations of sin, they steal souls. My Father will not
tolerate this wickedness and the time is close for these fallen angels to be finally cast into
the furnace. They know this! »»

6 – An existential struggle between good and evil

It should come as no surprise that Satan expresses – or could express – himself in this way
for, as the apostle Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians, that it is all about the way the
Church of Christ functions on earth: “Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but
against the principalities and the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against
the spiritual hosts of the wickedness in the heavenlies.” (Eph. 6:12)

The Second Vatican Council Decree “Ad gentes” (Chapter I, no. 3) states: “Now God… did
ordain to intervene in human history in a way both new and finally sending His Son, clothed
in our flesh, in order that through Him He might snatch men from the power of darkness and
Satan and reconcile the world to Himself in Him”. And yet, in this era in which we are living,
the forces of evil use the collaboration of men in their strenuous efforts to frustrate God’s
plan, knowing full well that God will not be mocked and that their condemnation is close at
hand. (2 Petr. 2:4) Archbishop Alain de Boismenu M.S.C. (1870-1953), a great missionary
who worked in New Guinea, wrote in the early years of the 20th century:

«« It is true to state that two kingdoms of the world exist who divide the world up
amongst themselves and fight each other for souls; two armies involved with one another
in continual violent skirmishes: the army of Jesus Christ, the Church, fierce fighter for
the salvation of souls; the army of Satan, that makes stridentefforts to bring about their
downfall. A war without truce or mercy. Many do not realise this, and for many it is
simply imaginary. But the war is an unmistakeable reality. It is the invisible pattern of the
history of the world until the end of time. An enormous reality that we must above all
believe in. »»

7 – The ambiguous attitude of the Roman Catholic Church

The Dominican Father Georges Cottier (4), then still a consultor to the Council for Dialogue
with Non-Believers, participating in colloquiums around the world. In that function he gave a
conference in May 1986 at the Free University of Brussels with the theme: “Is there any poss-
ibility after Vatican II of a rapprochement to Freemasonry?” (published in Nova et Vetera
1988/1). On that occasion he expressed his personal view that Freemasonry is not a religious
sect and a priori deserves our respect as a group of men of good will who are earnestly see-
king after the truth, a truth that they would cherish; accordingly they would constitute a valu-
able discussion partner for the Church. To reinforce his argument he mentioned the letter of
July 19th 1974 written by Cardinal Franjo Seper, the prefect of the Congregation of the Doc-
trine of the Faith, sent to the Episcopal Conference of the United States, in which he implicity
allowed the bishops to exceptionally permit Catholics to become members of a Lodge, which
corresponded with a comparable practice in the Scandinavian countries. This practice is reaf-
firmed in the letter of November 16th 1983 of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith,
on the eve of the new Canon 1374 that condemns being a member of organisations that agi-
tate against the Church - a letter which, though maintaining the previous sharp condemnation
of Freemasonry, specifies nonetheless that the Congregation has no competence to make
statements about the nature of Masonic associations. This is based on the assumption, called a
fact (sic) by Cottier, that the Masonic movement represents a many-sided and contrasting
reality. Cottier affirms that the Church’s traditional condemnation of the Masonic movement
is indeed objective, but should be applied subjectively, dependent on the circumstances of a
particular lodge.

This kind of approach, now brought to light, is in its ambiguity the distinctive mark of the
post-conciliar period, an ambiguity furnished by the very texts of Vatican II, which creates a
delightful garden for those who hold dubious designs. (5) For a brief acquaintance with histo-
ry I would recommend the important book written by Atila Sinke Guimarães: “In the murky
waters of Vatican II”, that can be read together with Father Ralph Wiltgen’s “The Rhine
flows into the Tiber - a history of Vatican II”. My astonishment at this scandalous flirting
with the Masonic movement increased even more in light of the recurring denunciations
throughout the ages by the Church against this treacherous organization, which brings to mind
“Humanum genus”. That is the 1884 encyclical of Pope Leo XIII against the sect of the
Freemasons that according to the papal decree is bent on the destruction of the Holy Church, a
principle to be put within the existential struggle between the Kingdom of God on earth and
that of Satan. In its commentary on this encyclical, the Congregation of the Holy See called
Freemasonry a pernicious plague. How right, how true!

The ambiguous attitude within the Roman Catholic Church with respect to Freemasonry has
not diminished since 1986. Though Cottier’s lecture is not very recent, it is quoted here be-
cause it represents a daunting example of frankness by a faction of the ruling class within the
Vatican concerning a movement that generally prefers to remain shrouded.
Hubert Luns

[published in the Dutch “De Brandende Lamp”, 3rd quarter 2006; Nr. 107]

(1) From an interview with Jacques Lafouge in the Paris Match of February 15, 1996, on the
occasion of his appointment as Grand Master of the “Grand Orient of France” (as of January
20, 1996).

When I (Satan) loved Him with such transports

(2) It is proper to add an Erratum that was inserted by Jules Doinel at the end of his book:
«« From the beginning of my book I talked about Lucifer before his fall. If, beyond my
sphere of thinking, the mode of expression conveyed the idea that the fallen angels en-
joyed the FACE TO FACE before their fault and its punishment, I ask the reader to
correct this interpretation for himself. If indeed the demons had enjoyed the FACE TO
FACE before their fall, they would never have fallen. A saintly religious wrote to me: “The
theologians unanimously profess that the immediate view of God, the facie ad faciem,
which is the term that belongs to the supernatural Order, necessarily implies impecca-
bility. That was the reward given to the loyal angels ‘after’ they had passed the test.” »»

(3) Reference: “Der verwüstete Weinberg” (The Vineyard Destroyed) by Dietrich von Hilde-
brand – Lins Verlag # 1972 (p. 199). Von Hildebrand (†1977) was called once by Pope Pius XII
“the 20th century Doctor of the Church”. He was also a favourite of John Paul II. It was the
young Father Joseph Ratzinger, later Benedict XVI, who, as an assistant priest to von Hilde-
brand’s parish in Germany, had often the occasion to meet him.

Who is Georges Cottier?

(4) Georges Marie Martin Cottier was proclai-
med Cardinal by John Paul II on 21 October
2003. In 1990, he was nominated theologian of
the Pontifical Household and holds the title of
theologian emeritus of the Pontifical Household
as of the end of 2005.
Cottier was born in Switzerland in 1922. He
entered the Dominican Order in 1945. He holds
a degree in classical studies, a bachelor’s degree
in philosophy and a doctorate in theology. In
1962 Cottier began teaching at the Faculty of
Letters in Geneva. In 1973 he was put in charge
of certain courses at the University of Fribourg.
He was visiting professor at the University of
Montreal, the University of the Catholic Insti-
tute in Paris, the Catholic University of the
Sacred Heart in Milan and the University of
Padua. He took part as ‘expert’ (peritus) in the
Second Vatican Council and was a consultor to
the “Council for Dialogue with Non-Believers”.
In 1986 he was appointed a member of the “In- Cardinal Georges Cottier (Nov. 9 2007)
ternational Theological Commission” and be-
came its secretary in 1989. He has also served as president of historical-theological commis-
sion of the organizing committee of the Grand Jubilee of the Year 2000. He served as director
of the journal Nova et Vetera (Geneva) after the death of Cardinal Journet in 1975.

The Council documents have lost nothing of their value

(5) This does not rule out the fact that the Vatican Council was a gathering guided by the
Holy Ghost and that the texts that have originated from it carry a normative character, though
not dogmatic, which was stressed as from the beginning of the Council. In Novo millennio
ineunte (Jan. 6, 2001), the Holy Father insists (nr 57): “With the passing of the years, the
Council documents have lost nothing of their value or brilliance. They need to be read cor-
rectly, to be widely known and taken to heart as important and normative texts of the Ma-
gisterium, within the Church's Tradition.” (accentuation added)

See also the article: “CHURCH in EXILE”

As well as: “Christ Hides under the Threadbare Cloth”




The outstanding figure in Freemasonry is undoubtedly the widow’s son known to members of
the fraternity under the somewhat obscure name of Hiram Abiff. He dominates the ritual where
the apprentice is to become a third degree Master, and that in spite of the fact that neither the
apprentice nor the fellow-craftsmen know anything about him that warrants the protocol.
Surprisingly even most Freemasons of the higher echelons barely understand the exact mea-
ning of the ritual. Only those men who in course of time have shown the right disposition are
allowed to get a glimpse, and perhaps more, of the real import of the different acts. We are
about to explain, to make you privy to one of the greatest secrets of Freemasonry. You should
realize that Freemasonry is no secret organisation in the strictes sense: many individuals are
known to belong to and their temples are known. The secrecy is hidden in their true objectives
that are known only to the select few within the organization itself – less than one in hundred
belong to that inner circle.

Hiram is a known Biblical figure. According to 1 Kings 5:6, King Solomon sends messengers
to Hiram, king of Tyre, to acquaint that sovereign with his desire to erect in Jerusalem the
Temple that will serve as the only temple for the whole of Israel. It therefore had to become
grandiose. He invites Hiram to furnish men and materials for the execution of the work. In 1
Kings 7:13-45 it is said that Hiram, the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali, came to
Jerusalem to carry out the work. His father was a bronze worker filled with the required
wisdom and understanding and skill. He manufactured all kinds of bronze objects for the
Temple among which two stalwart pillars called Jachin and Boaz, of which replicas are to be
found in all Masonic temples, but that is not our focus of attention. This is what the Biblical
story is about.

Out of this slender basis the Jewish oral tradition created a strange legend that was inserted
into Masonic ritual (the Jews were not involved with the Freemasonic movement then). This
legend states that Solomon’s first demand was for a highly talented craftsman: “Send me now
a man cunning to work in gold, and in silver, brass, and iron, and in the application of deep
purple, and crimson, and royal blue, and who has the skill to work with the cunning men who
are with me in Judeah and Jerusalem.” The Order maintains that Hiram Abiff was the chief
architect of the project, supervising the construction. Interestingly, they are used to call God
“the Great Architect”, but an architect in contrast to God creates nothing, but applies in a
creative manner the already available material. A.·.G.·.D.·.G.·.A.·.D.·.U.·. is often used in
Freemasonic circles, which stands for: “A la Gloire Du Grand Architecte De l’Univers”, or
“To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe”. The Order associates Hiram Abiff
with two other figures: King Hiram of Tyre, and King Solomon of Israel, an antitype to God
the Son, God the Father and God the Holy Ghost. It is said that these three are the most
exalted persons in the Masonic world and that the ultimate secrets had either been revealed to
them by a grand master, or had been discovered by themselves, and could not be told to
anyone else without their common consent. There were master masons in abundance at the

site, but apparently none of them was judged worthy to know the secrets and mysteries of the
highest and sublime degree. Thus, when three inquisitive fellow-craftsmen sought to obtain
the hidden knowledge, they were compelled to approach one or another of the three grand
masters. They selected Hiram Abiff but when he refused to reveal the knowledge, the three
ruffians murdered him brutishly as described in the Masonic tradition.

In a remarkable interpretation King Solomon typifies God’s reign on earth via the kingship by
the grace of God. He knows the secret but wants the absolute power. In the Masonic philo-
sophy Solomon is a despicable miscreant, just like the king of France, Louis XVI, who was
scandalously murdered during the French Revolution. Clearly, Lucifer wants to give his reign
to a better candidate than Solomon or any anointed king (the anointing points at the H.
Ghost). Without Solomon’s jealous plotting, the legend goes, the murder would never have
happened. And so they cry: “REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE!”

The Biblical Hiram, who assisted King Solomon with the construction of the Temple, was the
first prince of the glorious Tyre. In the Masonic ritual the word ‘hiram’ serves as a code for
the fallen angel Lucifer or for his aide-de-camp, the Antichrist, being described in these terms
in the passage of Ezechiel 28:1-19:
«« The word of Yahweh came again unto the prophet Ezekiel. Son of man, say unto the
Prince of Tyre (Hiram Abiff c.q. the Antichrist): Thus saith the Lord Yahweh! Because
your heart is lifted up, and you have said: “I am a god! I sit in the seat of God, in the
midst of the seas.” Yet you are a human, and not God, though you did set your heart as
the heart of God and thought to be wiser than Daniel, that no secret is hidden from you.
By your wisdom and by your understanding you have become very rich with gold and
silver in your treasures. By your cunning and by your traffic you have increased your
riches. Your heart is lifted up because of your riches! Therefore saith the Lord Yahweh:
Because you have set your heart as the heart of God, therefore, behold, I will bring
strangers upon you, the terrible of the nations, and they shall draw their swords against
the beauty of your wisdom, and they shall defile your brightness. They shall bring you
down to the pit, and you shall die the death of them that are slain, in the heart of the seas.
Are you willing to say before him that slayeth you: “I am God?” But no, you are human
and not God. Will you shout that while in the hands of him who kills you? You shall die
the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers, for I have spoken it, saith the
Lord Yahweh!
The word of Yahweh came again unto me. Son of man, take up a lamentation over the
king of Tyre (King Hiram c.q. Lucifer), and say unto him: Thus saith the Lord Yahweh!
You seal up the sum as you are full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden,
the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering, the sardius, the topaz, and
the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the
carbuncle. You had ornaments of gold. They were made for you on the day you were
created. You were the anointed cherub that covereth. I have set you, so that you were
upon the holy mountain of God. You walked up and down in the midst of the stones
of fire. You were perfect in all your ways as from the day that you were created till
unrighteousness was found in you. By the abundance of your traffic they filled the midst
of you with violence, and you have sinned. Therefore have I cast you as profane out of
the mountain of God, and I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the
stones of fire. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty. You have corrupted your
wisdom by reason of your brightness. So, I have cast you to the ground and I have laid
you before kings, that they may behold you. By the multitude of your iniquities, in the
unrighteousness of your traffic, you have profaned your sanctuaries. Therefore have I
brought forth a fire from the midst of you and it has devoured you. I have turned you to
ashes upon the earth in the sight of all of them that behold you. All they that know you
among the peoples shall be aghast, for you have become a terror, and you shall have
disappeared for evermore! »»
- 10 -

Hiram, King of Tyre, is a typos of the king of kings. Who other than Lucifer? Hiram Abiff,
the son of the King of Tyre, having been murdered by the ruffians, is the typos of the beloved
son in service of Lucifer. This aide-de-camp retained such a high standing that he was
allowed to call himself the Great Architect. In the ritual he exemplifies the Antichrist. That
will be a political figure that is supported by a spiritual leader, the anti-pope, called the False
Prophet in the Book of Revelations. The head of the worldwide Masonic movement, calls
himself pompously the Sovereign Pontiff of the Order of Hiram. Deeper one cannot sink.

The antichristian reign by King Hiram and Hiram Abiff and their allies is founded on the
triple alliance of heresy, schism and occultism (satanism), which is symbolized by the Free-
mason’s Temple of Jerusalem. These three terms also apply to an earlier construction, known
as the Tower of Babel. The Masonic Temple, which through the ages is nearing completion,
stands for the zeal, organisation and involvement of many for the coming about of the evil
empire. The work on the Temple may be seen as a kind of reconstruction of the Tower of
Babel. This is an anti-model that still reaches with its pinnacle into the heavens, where it
mocks everything that belongs to God. Applying oneself to the achievement of that evil
empire is called the rebellion against God. Yet, curiously, it is a rebellion into which many
adherents may be driven with the best of intentions. In name of God people can do horrifying
things. Few are willing to admit who they really are…

In the ceremonial of the elevation to the third degree, mentioned at the beginning of this
article, Hiram Abiff, who was slain by the ruffians, rises from the dead. Before the coffin is
opened, from which the resurrection takes place, the very respectable master of ceremony
shouts: Mac Benac!, which means “the flesh leaves the bones”, according to the hallowed
principle that via decay comes reconstruction; or, stated differently: that a revolution, like the
French Revolution, is the necessary precursor to renewal. M.·.A.·.C.·.B.·.E.·.N.·.A.·.C.·.
stands as an acronym for “Movebor Adversus Christum Bellum Eternum Nam Antichristus
Consurrexit”, or “I will promote an eternal war against Christ, because here the Antichrist has
risen.” So, when during the initiation the postulant, who stretches out in the coffin, typifies
master Hiram, this not alone imprints in his mind that death is preferable to betrayal of the
Masonic ‘ideal’, but it impresses also upon the fraternity that someone who works for the
reign of Satan may hope to be received as a worthy brother into the Grand Lodge above,
where the world’s Great Architect exalts himself above God the Creator and also above the
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earthly kingship by the grace of God. For that reason H.·.I.·.R.·.A.·.M.·. signifies “Hic Iacet
Rex Adventurus Mundi”, or “In this coffin sleeps the future king of this world”.

The plot is only another version of the legend of Osiris and Isis. The search for Hiram’s body;
the enquiries made of a wayfaring man, and the intelligence received; the sitting down of one
of the party to rest and refresh himself, and the hint conveyed by the sprig over the grave; the
decaying putrefying body of Hiram, remaining fourteen days in the grave that had been dug
by the assassins, before being discovered. All these elements have allusion to the allegory of
Osiris, who was cut into fourteen pieces. The way even in which the grave of Hiram is found,
covered with green moss and turf, corresponds with that in which Isis found the coffin of

Much of the elaborate ceremonial has a close affinity to the ancient sun-worship. In the legend
of Osiris the authors found something that fitted in exactly with the scheme. Hiram was made to
represent Osiris, or the sun, the glorious luminary of the day. The three fellow-craftsmen, as
the ceremonial of the initiation takes form, are stationed at the East, South and West
entrances, and these are regions from which the sun shines. Twelve persons play an important
part in this tragedy, a number that alludes to the twelve signs of the zodiac. It has been
suggested that the three assassins symbolize the three inferior signs of winter: Libra, Scorpio,
and Sagittarius. The sun descends in the West, and it is at the West gate that Hiram is slain.
The acacia which typifies the new vegetation that will come as a result of the sun’s resur-
rection is a symbolism found in many ancient solar allegories, and it is has therefore been
easily introduced into the Masonic ritual. According to one statement, the slain body was
found on the seventh day, and this again may allude to the resurrection of the sun, which
actually takes place in the seventh month after its passage through the inferior signs, that
passage which used to be called its descent into hell.

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