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Made by : 1. Lailatus Sadiyah 2. Yessika Andriana 3. Alfi Rizqi Amalia 4. Hendra Rosadi 5. Ismiy Noer Wahyuni 093204005 093204015 093204021 093204027 093204032

International Biology Education Class 2009



Thanks for the presence of Allah SWT for His blessings, grace, and His guidance so we can accomplish the cellular biology paper that has title The Difference of ATP Production in Chloroplast and Mitochondria. Writes say thanks to all of people who support us to finish this paper, especially for Mr. Gatot as our lecturer. The author realizes that this cellular biology paper is far from perfect and many shortcomings, so we really expect constructive criticism and suggestions to make this paper better than before. We wish that this paper will provide benefits to the readers.

Surabaya, May 19st 2012


A. Background All of living things need energy to continuous their life, the energy that used come from breaking down of food that we gotten usually the process is called catabolism process. Animals and human cannot make their own food, but plants can make their own food by photosynthesis process. Photosynthesis process includes in anabolism process. Catabolism and anabolism include in metabolism process that occur in body of living things. Metabolism process is all of chemical reaction in living things body. Each reaction of metabolism occurs in different place, different process, different substrate and different result. Life on Earth is solar powered, the chloroplast of plants use a process called photosynthesis to capture light energy from the sun and convert it to chemical energy stored in sugars and other organic molecules. Photosynthesis nourishes almost the entire living world directly or directly. Respiration process is catabolism process that actually occurs in mitochondria and in cytoplasm. This process include in metabolism process especially in catabolism process. So photosynthesis and respiration process are include in metabolism process. Because of them we want to know the production of ATP among of photosynthesis process in chloroplast and respiration process in mitochondria. Maybe there is difference production of ATP in chloroplast and mitochondria. B. Problem Based on the background above, the problem is,What are the differences between the ATP production in chloroplast and mitochondria? C. Purpose Based on the problem above, the purpose is to know the differences between the ATP production in chloroplast and mitochondria.

CHAPTER II CONTENT The production of ATP in chloroplast and in mitochondria is accordance with the kinds of process that occurs in both of them. Actually in chloroplast, the kinds of process that occurs is photosynthesis, where this process include in the anabolism process. In mitochondria, the kinds of process that occurs is respiration, where this process includes in the catabolism process. Those kinds of the processes are different so the substrate that needed for each process, the steps that occur for each process and the product that produce are also different for a both of them. Anabolism (photosynthesis) is reaction that needs energy to synthesis complex molecules become simple molecule. Catabolism (respiration) reaction is reaction that produces energy with breakdown complex molecule become simple molecule. In photosynthesis process that occurs in chloroplast need energy to form carbohydrate, but in the respiration process that occurs in mitochondria produce energy from breaking down of carbohydrate. So the production of ATP in chloroplast is less than in mitochondria. Actually in respiration process is also need ATP for the process but the ATP that is used for the process will be replaced with the final ATP that produces. Mitochondria are the place where respiration function in living things takes place. The function of mitochondria itself is place to cellular respiration process that produce ATP. Cellular respiration exactly does not just occur in mitochondria, but also in cytoplasm. So before respiration process continues into mitochondria, it must passed process in cytoplasm. Respiration process is reorganizing process or catabolism to produce energy to continuous life process. So, mitochondria is generating of energy for cell. Because the mitochondria is source of forming energy so automatically the ATP that takes place in mitochondria is more than in chloroplast. Chloroplast is organelle that found in plant tissue to absorbing energy, synthesis carbohydrate, and evolution of oxygen molecular. Chloroplast has function to synthesis ATP and NADPH through posphorilation pathway. So, in the chloroplast ATP is also form but the ATP that produces is less than in mitochondria, because the ATP that produced will used to next process than occurs in chloroplast. ATP and NADPH that produced in photosynthesis has function in supplying energy to form bind of carbon and to reduce carbon dioxide that bound become

carbohydrate. In the chloroplast is also occur metabolism of carbon through photosynthesis process. From the explanation before can be resumed with some sentence below. Photosynthesis (anabolism) process is take place in chloroplast. In photosynthesis process there are light reaction and dark reaction. Light reaction process consists of cyclic and non-cyclic process. In light reaction will produce ATP and NADPH. ATP and NADPH that produce in light reaction will be used by dark reaction exactly in Calvin cycle to bind carbon dioxide and to forming bind carbon. All of the ATP that produce are used so finally there is no remind ATP that produce in photosynthesis process in chloroplast.

Picture1. Photosynthesis process in chloroplast Respiration (catabolism) process is takes place in mitochondria. In

respiration process there are glycolysis, Krebs cycle and Electron Transport Chain. Initial substrate is glucose, glucose will be broken down become pyruvic acid in glycolysis process. In glycolysis process produce 4 NADH2, 2 CO2 and 4 ATP, but 2 ATP used to start reaction. Pyruvate acid from glycolysis process diffuse into matrix of mitochondria and reacts with coenzyme A form acetyl-CoA, acetyl-CoA will be continued into Krebs cycle. In Krebs Cycle produce 6 NADH2, 2 FADH2, 4CO2 and 4 ATP. The last process in respiration is electron transport chain. From the three steps of respiration, the total ATP that produce is 38 ATP 2 ATP = 36 ATP. So, the ATP that produces in mitochondria is more than in chloroplast. Although for respiration process need ATP, but the ATP that used is less than the ATP that produced, so the ATP that used replaced with the ATP that produce.

Picture 2. Respiration process in mitochondria

The most important difference between the ATP production in chlorophyll and mitochondria are the processes themselves. In chlorophyll (when photosynthesis), the oxygen is not needed to produce ATP. It precisely produce oxygen as the result of photolysis process of water. So, to produce ATP in non cyclic light reaction, H2O is needed while oxygen is not needed. This pathway occurs in the thylakoid membranes and requires participation of two light-gathering units: photosystem I (PS I) and photosystem II (PS II). Each photosystem has a pigment complex composed of green chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b molecules and orange and yellow accessory pigments (carotenoid pigments). Absorbed energy is passed from one pigment molecule to another until concentrated in reaction-center chlorophyll a. Electrons in reaction-center chlorophyll a become excited. They escape to electron-acceptor molecule.

Picture 3. The non cyclic process to produce ATP in light reaction Kaiser (2009) explained that the non cyclic pathway begins with PS II. Electrons move from H2O through PS II to PS I and then on to NADP+. The PS II pigment complex absorbs solar energy. High-energy electrons (e-) leave the reaction-center chlorophyll a molecule. PS II takes replacement electrons from H2O, which splits, releasing O2 and H+ ions. Oxygen is released as oxygen gas (O2). The H+ ions temporarily stay within the thylakoid space and contribute to a H+ ion gradient. As H+ flow down electrochemical gradient through ATP synthase complexes, chemiosmosis occurs. Low-energy electrons leaving the electron transport system enter PS I. When the PS I pigment complex absorbs solar energy, high-energy electrons leave reaction-center chlorophyll a and are captured by an electron acceptor. The electron acceptor passes them on to NADP+. NADP+ takes on an H+ to become NADPH: NADP+ + 2 e- + H+ NADPH. NADPH and ATP produced by non cyclic flow electrons in thylakoid membrane are used by enzymes in stroma during light-independent reactions. The light-dependent reactions can be summarized as follows: 12 H2O + 12 NADP+ + 18 ADP + 18 Pi + light and chlorophyll yields 6 O2 + 12 NADPH + 18 ATP

Picture 4. Production of ATP in light reaction of photosynthesis In mitochondria (respiration process), the production of ATP is through electron transport. So, NADH and FADH2 that have been produced from the previous reactions (glycolysis, oxidative decarboxilative, Krebs cycle) are changed to be ATP. The production of ATP inside the mitochondria needs oxygen as the final electron acceptor and produce water. The hydrolysis of ATP is highly favorable and is coupled to a variety of energetically unfavorable processes to drive them forward. Most of the energy of glucose or fatty acids is extracted through oxidation to produce the reduced highenergy electron carriers NADH and FADH2. From there, the energy is transferred next to the electron transport system associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane. This chain includes a series of protein complexes and non-membrane cofactors that transfer the electrons from NADH and FADH2 in a series of redox reactions from carrier to carrier. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor at the end of the chain, resulting in the production of water (Experimental Biosciences, 2005). As the electrons pass through the chain, they transfer their energy to the complexes, which use the energy to pump protons out of the mitochondrial matrix, creating a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The chemical energy that started with glucose, and was transferred to NADH and FADH2, is then converted to the energy of a concentration gradient. The inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to protons on its own, so the energy of the proton gradient is stable, waiting to be recaptured. The energy is recaptured by ATP synthase in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This enzyme allows protons to flow back down their concentration gradient across the membrane, and in the process uses the energy of the gradient to drive ATP synthesis.

Picture 5. Electron transport chain inside mitochondria The process of electron transport explained by Ophardt (2003) are NADH binds to complex I. It binds to a prosthetic group called flavin mononucleotide (FMN), and is immediately reoxidized to NAD. NAD isrecycled, acting as an energy shuttle. FMN receives the hydrogen from the NADH and two electrons. It also picks up a proton from the matrix. In this reduced form, it passes the electrons to ironsulfur clusters that are part of the complex, and forces two protons into the intermembrane space. Electrons cannot pass through complex I without accomplishing proton translocation. Electrons pass from complex I to a carrier (coenzyme Q) embedded by itself in the membrane. From coenzyme Q, electrons are passed to a complex III which is associated with another proton translocation event. Note that the path of electrons is from complex I to coenzyme Q to complex III. complex II, the succinate dehydrogenase complex, is a separate starting point. From Complex III the pathway is to cytochrome c then to a complex IV (cytochrome oxidase complex). More protons are translocated by complex IV, and it is at this site that oxygen binds along with protons and using the electron pair and remaining free energy, oxygen is reduced to water. Since molecular oxygen is diatomic, it actually takes two electron pairs and two cytochrome oxidase complexes to complete the reaction sequence for the reduction of oxygen.

The reduction of oxygen is not an end in itself. Oxygen serves as an electron acceptor, clearing the way for carriers in the sequence to be reoxidized so that electron transport can continue. Then, the hidrogen ion from all of the complex come into complex V to generate ATP.

Picture 6. ATP production in mitochondria

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION From the data gotten, we can conclude that there are difference production of ATP in chloroplast and mitochondria because the process that occur among of them are different. Process that occurs in chloroplast is anabolism process and in mitochondria is catabolism process.


Experimental Biosciences. 2005. Electron Transport System of Mitochondria. Accessed from http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~bioslabs/studies/mitochondria/mitets.html on May 20th 2012. Ibrahim, Muslimin. 2007. Mikrobiologi Prinsip dan Aplikasi. Surabaya: Unesa University Press. Ophardt, C. 2003. Electron Transport. Accessed from http://www.elmhurst.edu/~chm/vchembook/596electransport.html on May 20th 2012. Kaiser, Gary. 2009. Light Dependent Reaction. Accessed from http://faculty.ccbcmd.edu/courses/bio141/lecguide/unit6/metabolis m/photosyn/ldr.html on May 20th 2012.

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