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Greetings my Pannzer brothers lately it has come to my alarm that a few key members are concerned with the

direction of where Panzer is headed, Some of these concerns manifest as: 1.Loose membership ties, floater members who are here for themselves and to merely avoid confrontation with panzer 2.Some have complained about the scarcity of leadership, Johanan and Mimo have day jobs and lives, I'm around as much as can be 3.The lack of individual importance to the alliance group, or largely feeling neglected 4.The desire to create more tightly knit fighting groups amongst each other 5.The desire for more Alliance structure and rule 6.The desire for more leniant rule.

Panzer will always believe and uphold the plight of the weak and isolated,

1.No/Trash talk 2.respect your fellow members 3.respect your fellow players 4.No aggressive attacks or unjustifiable attacks 5.No foul language 6.No Bullying 7.I forgot but I'm sure theres more...

however any true hardline member of an alliance will want each member to pay thier own share of work into the Alliance. Generals would be expected to encourage an overall feeling of structure and Brotherhood, while at the same time being susceptible to the judgement by common members, as common peers

Panzer encourages an open membership which however conflicts with those who want a moreintimate brotherhood amongst the alliance.

I have any number of solutions which may be improvised into any combination

Solution 1: Panzer can boot all these "Floater" membership and minorly restructure the Alliance to better suit the needs of the players which make up the true backbone of the alliance,we can create more rank positions within our structure to give a more diversified command throughout the whole of our alliance, we can assign roles/duties to these various ranks and solve the problem of leadership scarcity.

Solution 2: Panzer can create the long anticipated "Panzer Elite Group" which would only comprise of active panzer members who fight alongside each other in every war, in every fight, against every enemy. We create a rank structure within the "Elite Group" assigning roles/duties,rather than hierarchy above one another All members would be peers and leadership would be isolated to leadership during batlle operations.All matters within the Elite Group are voted upon by all members of "Elite Group", However there is the issue of certain members feeling a divide in the group. Perhaps if the membership were open to any member not just invited members. All members would be aware of it's existance and have open opportunity to join it... But at a cost, of an oath. An ultra strict set of rules which go beyond what is expected of any normal Alliance member. 1.No trash talking, not even public cursing, Panzer Elite should be some what of an angel, or Knight Templar on the battlefield Letting thier might and force speak on the battlefield and acting in chivalry 2.No Bullying We should never attack a depo or base unjustifiable, or an already owned depo, unless they be known enemy. 3.Elite members must always respect each other, and cannot solve an issue between an Elite member and another non member we can only mediate negotiation between the two parties

4.Each and every Elite member must answer to the posts of each Elite member.Unless given relief from your peers 5.Any complaints of an Elite member misconduct must be formally made into a case with the appropriate screenshots and evidence, and judged by the group of his own peers 6.In the event that a player loses Elite membership, he/she will still retain panzer membership and beable to redeem themselves,Through a task of helping the individual who brought forth the complaint. 7.Elite members must answer to the needs of fellow alliance group within the sector.Even if they were formerly enemy 8.These rules can be amended or expanded at anytime to better suit the needs of the Elite members

With the creation of an Elite group the needs of those who seek to be part of a brotherhood have equal opportunity to prove themselves, and those who want to be a panzer can still be part of the group without having such high standards and expectations.The original structure of the Panzer Group will remain unchanged.

Solution 3: Panzer can stay the same.

Solution 4: We can change something, anything , any compromise to keep our important members. Important members are simply defined as friendship and loyalty

( Work in progress )

Unfinished Work, I had written this document the exact night before Harrry dropped from the Alliance, Harry had approached me with concerns about the direction of Panzer. It was late I was going to bed with the intention of writing the conclusion to this document and posting it to the group. It was a last bid to try and make changes to group structure and Save Panzer.... It was to be known as The Elite Declaration... But it had come too late. A lack on my part to properly represent the

common member to the Generals. I felt that I could'nt end up posting this, as it may had been too radical, stirred "The Hive" and Caught me some shit, like some other members had witnessed in the past, I've had this document just sitting on my PC desktop chilling, watching as members drop off from panzer one by one by two, wrestling with the urge to just post it, fuck it just post it, but worried how I was viewed as a general by the generals. If I never told or properly attempted to represent the common member to the generals, shame on me, and if anyone ever accused me of not doing so I'd bow my head and accept that fact. " Generals would be expected to encourage an overall feeling of structure and Brotherhood, while at the same time being susceptible to the judgement by common members, as common peers. " Some ask what I'm afraid of.... Tanks do not die, your base repairs with a fancy bubble over it and depos can be recaptured. The only casualty, the only things that can really die are the friendships forged between people. After all we're playing with fake tanks some say sprites, but the people are real.... Some get on such a good roll with a group of players. People..... That they forget where thier real strength lies, with thier friends, with thier unity and loyalty. By this definition of strength and power, I myself as a player, as a war commander am incredibly weak , and torn. So as I see friendships ending and once-brothers going to war with one another I reflect upon myself. Indeed I had written the conclusion of the Elite Declaration document far too late, that was one of my major faults, failures as a General of Panzer to represent the common member of Panzer to the Generals. I failed to influence the group to evolve and cater as well as groom the members who made the core of Panzer Strength So the only conclusion I can write, is for myself. I have found myself having to leave Panzer and rear back with shock as I watch essentially a Civil War erupt amongst brothers. Your all the finest soldiers in the sector and it was an honor to serve as your General. I will not delete anyone on my friend's list and will not be angry if anyone deletes me from thier's. I will no longer wear a badge and continue I will continue to host the Panzer badge until they see fit to replace it. I will not join either side in tearing the other apart, and will not be joining another group unless all my bros are United and can come to an agreement. I have kept too many secrets, and in turn too many secrets were kept from me. I feel that as Generals none of us propely represented or achieved any gaining proper settlement to our members when they needed us to represent them to thier enemy. I still consider myself a friend to the Generals, To Mimo I will not delete him from my friends, will not show hostilities, even if I were to be attacked. I understand that one side may percieve me as spy for the other, so I will not be angry if nobody talks to me much anymore, I can always help my bros against a rogue but will seriously step back from attacking any players at all. I'm on Fight Strike if I dont have my

bros..... My only request to anybody who was ever loyal to me or my friend is too pass this document link to any of the Brothers still Faithful to each other a call to Unite them back together. Mimo your call on how this works out, your a leader will you lead them to war? It has been the Finest honor to serve as General to my war commander brothers, You are all the finest in the sector. If anyone questions why I left here is the reason http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j46/dimitric12h16n2/GeneralFallout.png

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