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By Kiran Ramchandran


Fade in: A setting SUN. Deliciously vivid. A BRIDGE stretches over a murky river. Offers a blazing view of the distant city. Fancy Dreams. Far away. From the bridge, we descend upon an immigrant NEIGHBORHOOD. Pick up a trio of MISFITS. Watch them glide down the sidewalk. The posse grows. Attitude fronting. The marginalized. The dangerous... A pounding beat drives their step. They lead us through a tour of this ghetto. Their home. Cannoli shops and Sari stores hurl ethnic music out the door. Drop them like bombs. The music becoming part of our SCORE. The sonic landscape builds. Waves of exotic music crash our ears. Asian Parlors seduce with sultry melodies. Russian Psychics leak hypnotic rhythms. Greek Diners bang out carnival beats. LOW RIDERS skid corners with gut PUNCHING bass. Cop Cars follow with SCREAMING cherries. A fierce collision of color, creed, music, design, and style. This is the new world. The new youth future. Follow the kids. They mount steel stairs to the EL TRACKS. The train arrives with screaming advance. The kids board. The El is off. The CAMERA follows at a slightly slower speed. The effect is simple; the train drifts past us with ethereal beauty. MAIN TITLES... Credits as gang graffiti; tagged on the cars and razor etched on the plexi-windows. CAMERA hits the brakes. The train rockets away. The background appears again. Now the sun is gone. Only the moon rules. Night has trumped day. A CRESCENT MOON hangs in the heavens. Its upside down. Magical. As if it were stolen from a fairy tale. The train slithers into the distance like a serpent... PULL BACK;

2. And this tableaux of urban fantasy becomes an airbrushed image painted on a vinyl RECORD. Hands flip the LP over. TARA Sing your breakbeat, baby. Make us what we wanna be. EXT. JUNKYARD -- NIGHT PLOP the record on the rubber... TARA Take us where we get to fly. Two state of-the-art turntables. Watch TARA, DJ diva, work her beats in the back seat of a junked out CONVERTIBLE. Though of Indian descent, shes wild and shes American. In her DJ booth, shes five-cars high. All around her, junkyard cars are stacked to the sky. Stadium perches for the rogue crowd.. This is THE UNDERGROUND. Two bookies, PEACHES and STEVIE-CEE, race through the crowd tracking bets. Money and marks traded by lightening hands. A SALSA LOW RIDER rolls up. Tricked and trimmed. A ghetto chariot. CHICO at the wheel. Latin. Tough as rocks. Peels off a benny for Peaches. WOW riding shot-gun. Asian. Tricky and fast. Makes it two hundred. The duo are the leaders of The Noise- one of the hoods warring gangs. A mixture of Latinos and Asians. The underclass. Peaches heads across the pit and we meet The Cowboys. Arch enemy of the former. WEED- Pale rider on a chopper. The captain. Next to him, DOUBLE-GUN- cool style of a buffalo soldier. Always carries two silver pistols. Whirls and twirls those guns. Hell pistol whip you quick or blast with the barrel. Just depends on his mood.

3. SOUL rounds out the posse. Third in rank- but only brains in the bunch. The Cowboys are a mix of White and Black. The old guard. Both gangs are high style. Vicious to touch. CUT TO: EXT. GREASE GARAGE -- NIGHT Just beyond the junkyard pit. INT. GREASE GARAGE -- CONTINUOUS Two at a table. One in the shadows. JIMI CHONGA. Tattoos float up and down his arms. DELUXE. Silver tongue, mercury wit, brass balls, eye for gold. Domain of the heavy metals. Brother carries mass. DELUXE Tickety-tock. I need to get this sock hop hoppin. Diamond ghetto rings across Deluxes four fingers... BANG. CHONGA Gimme three large on my boy. Deluxe flicks his eyes. Checks out the third in the room. In the corner- DISCO. A 70s trip-out. Icy glaze of a quaalude cloud. Dope. Dapper and down. Hes so cool... he might give a shit. DELUXE Three is steep. Even for you. Your boy gotta name? CHONGA Goes by Disco. And plans to win. DELUXE Then pay to be in. Chonga turns shifty. Deluxe knows this road. DELUXE I cant front you. Your credit is burned. Play a softer number. CHONGA I cant. Banks got their collections on me hard.

4. CHONGA (cont'd) (crushed) Im broke. DELUXE Look at me. I got love. You think Id let you sink? Chonga brightens. Deluxe settles in. DELUXE Jimi Chonga, sculptor of Detroits mixed media- pistons, chrome and fuel injection. Youre an artist. Everyone knows you wrench the tastiest wheels. But I also know you got bum customers who dont pay their deals. CHONGA Kids... what am I going to do? DELUXE Id be guessing your need for paper has forced you to keep a grip on some of those car titles? A sort of insurance to ensure payment? CHONGA Sure. I admit it. Ive put the lock on a deed or two. Deluxe leans back. Sly like a fox. Chonga aint sharp, but the gears click quick. He knows where this is going. CHONGA You want me to slip you a pink slip. Are you asking me to bet a car?! DELUXE Im not asking you a thing. Im offering you a solution. Chonga starts sweating it. Stevie-Cee interrupts. STEVIE-CEE We gotta start running. Crowds getting funny. Deluxe puts it back to Chonga. Waits for his move. Its slow to come. DELUXE next time.

5. Deluxe hits his feet. Check it. Jimi Chonga hits the SAFE. Speeds the dial. EXT. JUNKYARD -- NIGHT The crowd is kicking. Deluxe hits the pit. Steals the light. DELUXE Welcome to the scene underneath the straight and clean. Cheers and cat-calls. Emotions primed. DELUXE Now I assume youve all lit your lighters and picked your fighters, so cool your heels and smoke your Kools as I remind you all of the sporting rules. Number one: HANZOFF! There shall be no bloodletting. In other words a dancer who touches another- loses. That is to say, if he chooses to land even the slightest of taps on the chin- if he touches skin- he lets the other man win. Hoots and hollers. Deluxe soaks up the energy. DELUXE Rule number two: You pop til you drop. As soon as a player commits to the floor he must remain in motion until he can dance no more. Restated, reiterated and repeatedhe who falls first will be defeated. Enter TYKE MIKE. Mad skills. Dribbles a basketball. No. A disco ball. Yes indeed, a disco ball. He drives it to the center pit. Lays it up. And it sticks there. Suspended in mid-air. Magic. Taste the flavor of this world. Like no other. Tara jams the breakbeats. The glitter ball spins. Diamond reflections everywhere. POP the hood of a skulled out Camaro. Discos sling shot out of the empty engine block. Hits the ground dancing. A reenvisioned, reincarnated Saturday Night Fever slick cat. CHONGA

6. DELUXE Hes a suped-up trick on a 70s kick. The Merriam Webster picture of slick. The funky czar with the Camaro car prances in like a big dick porn star. Stayin Alive his tribal Bible. Grease is not simply the word... its the law. Disco owns the smoothest moves. Gets the crowd up. But the fun has only begun. KID BANG (18) drops like an asteroid out of the sky. An alien fallen to Earth. Steals everyones breath. DELUXE Now let me now introduce to you the one to whom gravity isnt a law. Only a suggestion. ELECTRIC BLUE JACKET. SHARK PANTS. A super human, superstar, super hero... his HOOD veiling identity. DELUXE They call him the Kid, Kid Bang. Hewn on cardboard, on tarmac, to the precision of a bushido blade. Harnessed with a Ginsu sharpness. He arrives with a nightmare darkness. Fancy footwork. Kid Bang glides a bionic moonwalk. A single push off slides him 50 feet across the pit. Like skating on ice. Impossible since the pit is dirt. Rooster tails of dust. DELUXE Style is a word overused and seldom proved- in walks your litmus strip, your shuffling pimp. Live it! Give it! You know hes down with it. So outlandish are this mans moves the cat deserves a corporate sponsor, an action figure tie-in. The Kid should friggin fly in on his own private jet. He spins. A dervish. Dirt clouds of the Tasmanian devil. DELUXE Yet he simply appears from thin air. From nowhere... Disco swallows fear. Time to keep up.

7. He attacks with vintage 70s moves that are suped-up with modern style and menace. Kid Bang strikes back. Assimilates those moves. Reinvents them one further with his own acrobatic polish. The result is spectacular. Watch Kid Bang overpower Disco at his own game. He delivers the kill with a sidewinder flip right over him. Discos thrown off balance. Teeters on his heels. His arms flail for balance. Disco grabs a life-line: Kid Bangs jacket. And thats the sin that does him in. DELUXE A violation of the hanz-off. An annihilation of this dance off. The jig is up. This match scratched. CLOSE ON DISCOS HAND; clinging to electric blue. DELUXE An infraction of the rule due to the contraction of a muscle. Whether it was his paw or his claw or one the same the flaw will be blamed on slippery fingers that went astray and brushed its prey. With a slip and a nick- it went so quick. Adieu to Disco. Beaten and bested. Exit and resignationformally requested. Kid Bang peels sticky fingers off his cloak. THUMP. Disco hits the dirt. But as he goes down... Kid Bangs crooked finger SNAPS that gold medallion from his neck. He dangles it in the air. Everyone ROARS; the fervor of Romes coliseum. Tara kick starts a house set. The throng descends. The pit turns to a party. JIMI CHONGA... in the pit. Docks with Deluxe. CHONGA Its been almost a year- who is this Kid Bang? DELUXE Nobody knows.

8. CHONGA You know. DELUXE A blessing. Delivered to my sorry ass before the rails bent out. CHONGA So now the good Lord saves- is that the shit youre selling? DELUXE No. But his angel can dance- and thats the devil you bought. Deluxe plucks the PINK SLIP from Chongas fingers. Title to the car he just won. DISSOLVE TO: THE SKY; The moon is swallowed by haze. The night turns to gloom. EXT. SUBWAY -- NIGHT A glowing side-winder. It rushes through the black night. INT. SUBWAY -- NIGHT Empty car rocking down the tracks. Single human alone on a bench: Kid Bang. The subway dips into a TUNNEL. Kid Bang looks up. Across the tracks another train runs parallel. Two speeding beasts. But neither seems to be moving. The odd sensation of animated immobility. Kid Bang can see into the fluorescent car across from him. Empty but for two: A MOTHER sleeps. Her YOUNG BOY in her arms. They are together. Clutching each other tight. Safe from the world. KB is pierced by their portrait. Its simple resonance of love. He peels back his hood. Surrenders to their sight. And we see Kid Bangs face for the first time. This is THE KID- the alter ego. A meager teen. Soulful eyes. The windows of a loner.

9. The train switches tracks- SWOOOSH! The Kid restores his hood over his mug. Chilled by memories, he retreats into his womb. Safety in a lost identity. EXT. SUBWAY TRACKS -- NIGHT The train yard. Abandoned. The end of the world. The Kid walks the journey home. A crooked shack. It lies limp at the end of rusted tracks. An old station masters house. INT. KIDS HOME -- NIGHT A single bulb on a cracked chandelier. The Kids hand screws the bulb. Notice the tattoo of the crescent moon on his paw. Piss light bathes the abode. A chance for a quick survey: threadbare couch. Some lawn furniture. Milk crates. Sleeping bag for a bed. Homeless inside a home. The decor of loneliness. But the walls... they speak of imagination. Of escape. They are painted with comic artistry. Every square inch. Cityscapes, and castles. Race cars and fighter jets. and dreams and more dreams. Dragons

From the walls, we descend to the floor. A waste-worn ANTIQUE CHEST finds our eye. The Kid muscles it open. He pulls Discos MEDALLION from his pocket. Lays it to rest in the chest. A peek inside the trunk: a switchblade, a silver belt buckle, a steel cane, a matadors cape. Trophies from Kid Bangs kills. Symbolic evidence of opponents come... and long gone. The Kid gently closes the coffer. Snuffs the light. The abode is doused in darkness. He strips down to his tight whites. Just a simple boy reallynot some bullet-proof superstar. The Kid crawls into his sleeping bag. DISSOLVE TO: THE SKY Thunder. Lightening. The night Frankenstein was born.

10. EXT. KIDS HOME -- FLASHBACK -- NIGHT Through the window we see the Kid (now 16.) He CORKSCREWS through the air. Feet hit the ground. Size 9 bombs crack the floorboards. Thunder punctuates impact. BOOM! Lightening joins the fury. FLASH! See Deluxe stumbling up to the house. Looking for hope in the bottom of a bottle. Another CRASH. Paired with a FLASH. The house lights up. Deluxe raises a bleary eye. Catches a glimpse inside. The Kid moves with fury. A spirit possessed. INT. KIDS HOME -- FLASHBACK -- NIGHT The Kid flips off walls. Springs into hand-stands. Dives in the air. Spins on the ground. Hes utterly explosive. But theres no music. Its not dancing. Its chaos. Violent. An expression of frustration. A need to escape. The Kid sees Deluxe. Hops to a stop. Deluxe stands by the door. Storm raging behind. DELUXE Jesus Christmas... The Kids got fire in his eyes. Breathes like a machine gun. DELUXE Whoever youre trying to be... is he gonna save you from who you are? EXT. BARRIO -- FLASHBACK -- DAY Mean streets of Latin domain. Deluxe hustles down the block. Clean shaven. Fresh clothes. A quick white-wash to cover months of booze. The Kid stumbles behind. THE KID Where we going?

11. DELUXE Put this on. A BLUE SWEATSHIRT. The Kid pulls it over. Gets tangled in the sleeves. Teeters cockeyed like a slit throat chicken. Deluxe reaches back. Corrects his compass. INT. SPANISH BAR -- FLASHBACK -- DAY Swisher sweets and piss tequila. The den is ruled by EL PAPA. Blood bubbling with fire and passion. A MAMACITA rubs baby oil on his bare chest. Deluxe enters dragging the Kid. DELUXE This kid... the kid... Kid Bang. He against you. The Kid hovers in the shadow of the doorway. Everyone strains for a look. But the dimness offers no appearance. Kid que? DELUXE Bang... as in boom. The table is now open to all in the room. Pull out your pesos and your Santa Marias. The Kid pays three for the Mexicans doom. The crowd presses in. Impending violence. Deluxe fishes for a few crumpled bills. Irons them on the table. A beat. Everyone leaps up. Slaps down their bets. The music rises; a scorching Flamenco BEAT. El Papa on the floor. Red cape in hand. El Papa moves like a killer. Body glistening. Sex and power. The Kid just stands there clinging to the darkness. El Papa jumps and spins. Taunts him with the cape. EL PAPA Im going to eat you like a puppy. MAMACITA

12. The Kid is frozen. He looks at Deluxe. The crowd. Everyone clapping to a tribal rhythm. He closes his eyes. PULLS THE HOOD OVER HIS FACE. Steps forward. Braves the light... and the crowd ROARS. The Kid runs right for the cape. Goes for broke. Flips over it. Comes back again. Slides under it. A tiny bull aiming for El Papa, the matador, and his silken cape. The Kid bounces off the walls. Charges off tables. El Papa is spinning. Backing up. Tripping. The Kid is relentless. Spastic. El Papa tries to fend him off. Gets tangled in his own cape. Crashes into his Mamacita. A heap of limbs and baby oil. The room is struck silent. PAUSE. Then the eruption. The Kid peeks out from beneath his hood. Everyone is cheering for him. CUT TO: EXT. ALLEY -- BARRIO -- FLASHBACK -- DAY

The Kid and Deluxe running. Guts aching with glee. A brown PAPER BAG. A fist full of winnings. Toss them into the air. A confetti of Jacksons. Deluxe stuffs a wad in the Kids pocket. Pulls him close. Drapes the surrendered matadors cape on his shoulders. The Kid glides down the alley. Arms akimbo. A superhero feigning flight. Deluxe chases after him. They disappear in a wake of their own laughter. Spirits soaring with pure fun... an emotion that neither of their lives, until now, has had the privilege of owning. DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT... INT. GREEK DINER -- DAY Deluxe feeds on breakfast. The Kid enters the diner. Takes a seat at the bar. A silent glance between the two.

13. Deluxe signals the WAITER. Passes off an ENVELOPE. Delivery to the Kid. AT THE BAR The Kid peeks at his stake. Enough to live on. Slips out the door. EXT. GREEK DINER -- LATER Deluxe makes his exit. A SQUAD CAR prowls up. Local cops, CHILI and NUGGET. The trio share a casual affability. Could be friends if they didnt play on flip sides of the law. CHILI Tell us something about the Underground. DELUXE Never heard of it. CHILI Im hearing stories of illegal gambling. DELUXE Really? Thats some crooked dramaIll keep an eye. Deluxe against the car. Leans into the window. DELUXE I need a favor. He unveils the PINK SLIP. Offers it to Chili. DELUXE Theres this cherry I gotta pluck. CHILI What do we look like, the repo police? Deluxe digs out another ENVELOPE. Slides it to Chili. DELUXE Call it friends. Not grease. Nugget examines said envelope. Fans the bills. DISSOLVE TO:

14. INT. INDIAN AIPRORT -- DEAD OF NIGHT LILA (19) departs from foreign lands. Shes a radiant angel with a burnished glow. Though very much a woman, she shines with the dew of childhood. The most perfect age. Lila stands before her GRANDMOTHER. Grandmother drapes a GOLD MEDALLION over her neck. Indian gold- orange like a starbust. Gilded in the shape of THE SUN. GRANDMOTHER (in Hindi) Promise me you will shine in America like the sun. Lila looks up. An aching. LILA But you will visit? GRANDMOTHER I am old. Such a travel is a lifetime of money. Hard found in a lifetime nearly empty. Grandmother then gifts Lila a SARI- hand woven red silk with pure gold embroidery. An exquisite garment. GRANDMOTHER From my marriage, to your mothers... to yours. Lila runs the cool silk between her fingers. LILA My mothers...? I wish she were here. And Aba... I still dream of them. GRANDMOTHER Shhh... they are never further than your own heart. She sets the gold pendant against that burgeoning heart. GRANDMOTHER The moon lights the orphans path. Cold and alone. But the love of those weve lost; stolen from our embrace, charges the sky with color and stars. Implore that love and your loneliness will always meet its mercy.

15. Lila accepts the gift with bowed head, which her grandmother ceremoniously kisses. We PULL away. A glimpse of India...

EXT. BOMBAY -- NIGHT Psychedelic. Crayola posters of Bollywood stars. The sizzling glow of sulphur lamps. The faces of rickshaw drivers. Lepers. Beggars. Street magicians. Shooting stars and the night sky... A CRESCENT MOON. Lilas plane passes before this moon. A silhouette. On its way to America. DISSOLVE TO: INT. PAINT STORE -- NIGHT A paint can SHAKES violently in the clutches of a mixer. The Kid works his menial job. Suddenly, the paint can stops moving. And the world vibrates. The Kid starts shaking. BLURRING. QUAKING. The edge of exploding. GRUM (O.S.) Kid, wake up. The boss is on the prowl. Reality returns. Still as a still life. CUT TO: THE FRONT OF THE STORE GRUM waddles to the counter. Irish. Thick belly. Thick head. Already present is OMER (28.) Indian descent. Tight and clean. Brims with bourgeoise ambition. Omer owns the store. Grum manages it. OMER Where are those paints? GRUM I put the whip to him. The boy should have em right up.

16. Omer slides a bottle of champagne from a paper sack. OMER I closed on the apartment building this morning. GRUM Congratulations, sahib. OMER Dont be smart. The Kid emerges dragging hefty paint cases. His existence ignored. GRUM Owner of a new apartment building. Owner of a paint store. What next? Omer opens the champagne. A screw off. OMER Im getting married. The ducks are lining up. GRUM Whos the lucky princess? Grum offers his thermos cup for a fill. OMER Its an arranged marriage. Shes arriving today. GRUM You purchased her in a catalogue? OMER A family trip to India last summer. Met her there. And shes perfect, mind you. A swan in this barnyard of foul. The Kid stacking the cases. The clatter irks Omers ears. Omer pegs him stern. Reminds the Kid of his place. And the Kid submits. Draws his eyes to the floor. GRUM So does the bride own a name? OMER Dont choke the bachelor yet. Brideto-be. Her name is LILA.

17. INT/EXT. TAXICAB -- DAY A taxicab delivering Lila to a new world. Her eyes devour every morsel. Window reflections of America slide across her face... and into her heart. CLOSE ON; her gold pendant. Glittering in the sun. Gentle fingers absently rub- for luck? From butterflies? EXT. STREET -- DAY The taxi finds destination before a modest row house; Omers familys home. They meet the street for Lilas arrival. OMER looks his best. Stands tall. He is surrounded by his family-- MALI, the Indian matriarch. HASSAM, his obedient father. And TARA, his sister- the spunky nymph from last night. They distribute their greetings. Mali- polite embrace. Hassamwarm and generous. Then Tara- cool and casual. Finally, its Omers turn. Lila smiles. Sets a path for him. Romance surging into her Kashmiri eyes. She reaches up for a hug. But he steps back. Offers only a polite handshake. EXT. EL TRAIN OVER-PASS -- NIGHT The Noise are cooling under the tracks. 40s and blunts. Wow fronts for some long legged molls. The jam shaking from their low riders sub woofers. Wow spins a set of Japanese Tessens- iron fans. Incredible control of his faculties. Bruce Lee to the beat of Jay-Z. The Cowboys arrive on the scene. Monster Escalade. Weeds Ezy Rider Chopper. The enemies face off. Double-Gun zeroes on Wow. DOUBLE-GUN Shut it down, chopstick- before I slap you clean off the block. WOW Giddyup, bitch. Lets go.

18. Wow slices the fans through wind. Lightning fast. Double comes stomping. Its a fight. But these two have moves. Human weapons with a sense of rhythm. Weed and Chico egg them on. WEED Send The Noise back up the ass they came. Their dirty faces dont belong here. CHICO Here is our home, you dim monkey cracker. Red, White and Blue... and yellow and brown. America flies all colors now. WEED There aint room for you types. Dig? CHICO Then well bleed you till there is. Chico charges Weed. This couple has no groove. Just fists. Then a switch. The knife gleams in Chicos grip. Heat seeking its way to Weeds neck. ACROSS; Wow cutting a path for Double. Straight for the kill. Double-Gun blocks the bladed weapons with his pistols. CLINK! BAM! Then spins them into grip- levels the barrels on Wows skull. But Wow is fast. So is Weed. A slip. A dive. A swipe of two blades. Tracks into flesh. Double flayed and Chico burned by his own knife. Blood everywhere. BANG! A gunshot. The COPS. Chili with the smoking gat in his grip. A warning shot. Nugget with backup and a TOW TRUCK. NUGGET Ice it, playboys. Hands in the air. The Blues wrangle the gangsters.

19. Chili signals the Tow DRIVER. He heads to work on The Noises Low Rider. Starts hauling it up. Chico freaks. CHICO Back off. You cant be stringin up my wheels! CHILI Your wheels aint yours. Someone else owns them now. CHICO Dont play me, Puerco. Whats the tangle? CHILI Read the deed, noisemaker. Its been inked with a new owner. Chili shows Chico the PINK SLIP. The tow truck takes off with his car. Chicos frothing. Matters get worse. Weed laughs at him. WEED You in some bad straights now. Some serious damage to your crown. Pretty much belly up and pissed on. Id say your story is over. INT. OMERS APARTMENT BUILDING -- NIGHT Dingy. A tenement. Mali with Tara leads Lila down the fluorescent corridor. The men behind. Lugging her suitcases. Mali takes Lila by the hand. MALI Your handsome beau is a real estate tycoon. What a lucky catch. Mali unlocks a DOOR. Top floor apartment. Musty. But spacious. MALI Your new home. Soon to be residence of Lila and Omer Kahn. Omer slides forward.

20. OMER (to Lila) What do you think? Its a penthouse. LILA (brightening) Theres a balcony? OMER No. Thats a fire escape. Mali picks up her attention. MALI Lila... perhaps you would like to make a start in your new home. Pardon? MALI Theres a cot in the bedroom. After the marriage Omer will join you. Her heart skips two beats. LILA You wish for me to live here? By myself? MALI Only four weeks. Youre a big girl. She fights for steadiness. Swallows the lump in her throat. LILA And Im grateful. I just dont understand. MALI Omer has proven himself to be such a good provider. Marriage is a twoway street. Show him what a good wife you are. Decorate his home. Make it suitable for a husband. Lila brims with apprehension. LILA But decoration is expensive. MALI Hassam and I will pay. Our marriage gift to you both. LILA

21. Lila is silenced. Come then. They leave... Lila, stone still in the hollow apartment. LILA A new country and I live alone? I know no one. Where do I buy a couch... or a spoon? She moves to the fire escape. Wipes a small view from the dusty glass pane. Searches outside for hope. LILA (sotto voce) ... only four weeks. This is a small price for a bright future. She clutches her pendant. LILA Look out my window, Aba. Tell Mama where I am. I am finally in America. She is left alone. EXT./INT. ARTIST LOFT -- NIGHT Dance shoes and leotards strewn on the floor. We meet SOPHIE. Shes in the shower. Flawless features chiseled out of the Protestant upper crust. The shower DOOR opens. In comes Omer. He kisses her hard. The water falling on both their bodies. SOPHIE Youre supposed to be getting married. Not today. He kisses her again. EXT./INT. COLISEUM -- DAY A burger/pizza joint. Neighborhood favorite. OMER MALI

22. The Kid rushes in. Drop cloth. Paints. Backpack filled with brushes. A BLANK WALL. Sight of a potential mural. The Kid sets up his mis en place. Behind him; EVA. The proprietor. A Spark plug immigrant. Tightly fastens her apron. Gestures to the wall... EVA Im thinking... ancient Rome. And the Romans are having their lunchtime. All peoples eating their favorite food- pizza. Pizza? He regards her- is she serious? EVA No funny faces. Fifteen years I feed this neighborhood. (beat) You must always remember who you are. And be proud of it. That is what America is- a celebration of differences. DISSOLVE TO: THE WALL... The Kid hard at work sketching togas and sandals. Pizza slices. In walks LILA. She takes a seat. The Kid breaks a charcoal. Turns to retrieve another one. Sees her... Lila is placing her order. And the Kid cant remove his eyes. Omer walks through the door. Joins her. OMER My parents are throwing a party in two weeks. Thats where well have the wedding proposal. Lilas heart rises. Serious? LILA THE KID

23. She suddenly blossoms with innocent excitement. LILA Will it be on a beach? With sunsets. We could find beautiful silk dholis. Even a silver jhoola? OMER What are you talking? LILA It doesnt have to be Indian if you dont want. (beat) How about while ice skating? Ive never been ice skating. OMER This is your wedding proposal. Not a date. Shes spurned. Quietens. Her meal arrives. A shipment- cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, milk shakes, ice cream. She digs in. LILA (mouth full) Oooh. Hot. OMER You might consider looking your best for this party. She turns a deaf ear. Attacks the fast food. Conquers bountiful bites. OMER Lila, I believe our wedding is full of fantastic promise. It will make you an American- thats a dream youve always held dear. And, if Im to understand correctly, its one that was cherished by your parents as well. LILA My father always spoke of the day he would move us to this country. But that dream, like an assortment of so many others, just flew away. There was a cholera outbreak. The monsoons. I was twelve.

24. LILA (cont'd) Almost two years exactly to the day I lost my mum. Bonded together from beginning to end. Romantic, no? In its own way. OMER Forgetting that it left you in the care of relatives. India doesnt have much room for a girl without a proper family. But luck has finally struck you well. Think of how proud your Aba and mother would be now. Youre going to become an American citizen. She takes pause. LILA I thought I was going to marry a man who loves me. OMER Lila...please. We hardly know each other. What are you expecting? Shes chilled. Appetite lost. LILA Time offers possibilities. Shes adamant to conquer hurt with hope. OMER It may. But in the mean whiledont confuse what you want with what you need. Thats the downfall of a romantic. She plucks a fry. Examines its golden gleam. Defiantly pops it in her mouth. ACROSS THE ROOM; The Kid is fully captivated by this gorgeous being stuffing her tiny mouth with greasy food. INT. BACKROOM -- PAINT STORE -- DAY The Kid is back mixing gray paint. He checks the color. CLOSE ON the paint; Gray. Murky. Lifeless...

25. He fastens the lids. Slides them into cases. One can after another. Three shades of the same shit. Grum peeks in. Startles the Kid. GRUM Special order. Need it on the quick. Customers waiting. The Irish hands off an ORDER SLIP. A set of numbers. The Kid dials the numbers into the PROfab Color machine. Slides a can of white primer beneath. Hits a button. A series of marvelous hues are ejected. Gold. Indigo. Ruby. And lime. The Kid stirs the can. The colors swirl like boardwalk taffy. Now the MIXER. Seal the can. Shake it. Done. The Kid pries open the lid. The resulting shade... the richest, most sensual RED hes ever witnessed. The Kid stares. Hypnotized. Red bubbles pop the surface. And then come dreams. Out of the viscous liquid- a splash of shooting stars. A rising crescent moon. A pair of LIPS. The lips rise from the depths. Color of candy apples. Entranced, the Kid dips his finger into that parting kiss. Brings that finger to his own tongue. Hopes to taste those lips. Those dreams. Touches it to his tongue. Gags! Reality arriving quick with the bite of poisonous enamel. INT. PAINT STORE -- DAY The Kid heads to the counter. Paint can under his arm. Other hand still wiping away his mouths idiotic transgression. GRUM Are we finished already? At the COUNTER... The one who commissioned the magnificent color...

26. The Kid hands off the can. Grum relays it to Lila. She extends her hand. An introduction. LILA My name is Lila. The Kids suddenly ruined by nerves. Cant seem to move. Lila responds with a smile. Sweet. Perfect. A burst of courage. Something about her helps him find a voice. THE KID Ive never seen a color like yours. And they both float in this moment. Until Grum intrudes it. GRUM Ill tell Omer you were by. LILA No. Please dont. Im decorating the apartment. Its a better surprise. Lila glides out the door. EXT. PAINT STORE -- DAY There she goes. Paint can swinging. THROUGH THE WINDOW; The Kid can only watch. Stuck on the other side. INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Lila paints the walls. Reckless abandon. Red. Red. Everywhere. INT. BACKROOM -- PAINT STORE -- NIGHT The Kid fastens lids on gray paint. Gray after gray. DISSOLVE TO: INT. GREASE GARAGE -- DAY The Noises Salsa Low Rider. A mean machine. High Octane machismo under hot lights. A museum piece. Its the focus of attention for Deluxe, Chonga and The Noise. Theres issue of dispute thats turned all moods sharp.

27. CHICO You got some mad nerve pinching our car. I aint sitting that quiet. The Noise hover like gargoyles. DELUXE You never said it was their car! Deluxe aims his fire at Chonga. CHONGA D, you never asked. CHICO Shut your squawking. Just toss me my keys and well roll clean. Chonga scoops the keys. Tosses them. Deluxe intercepts. DELUXE Slow up, pebble-head. What makes you think Im about to surrender whats legally mine? Chico henceforth produces a gun. CHICO Brutha, I got me a pistol that says youll surrender your life. Deluxe strikes like a rattler. Sacks Wow by the neck. DELUXE You wanna toss threats? Ill rip him first- then the rest. Deluxe slams Wow on the table. CHICO Yo, ease it. You aint the only fool with the violent disease. Deluxe discards Wow. Flips him a grease rag. DELUXE How about this- win back the car? An Underground challenge. Wow tends to blood in his mouth. Serious? CHICO

28. DELUXE Serious as the pistol you should put in your pants. Chico does away with the weapon. DELUXE Throw up your stakes. Chico considers. CHICO Fix it at five. Well bring you a deuce. Two grand buys our wheels. Wow fires the dirt rag at Deluxe. Defiance boiling his eyes. WOW Me and Kid Bang- thats a real-deal cracker. Light it up! Im gonna destroy that junior freak. CHICO Give us 24 hours. Well hit the scene, collect your paper. INT. PAINT STORE -- NIGHT Omer is at the register. Counts the days earn. Grum sweeping. The Kid is stacking paints. Tedious. Chico and The Noise make an entrance. CHICO Buenas. Were here for the share. Omer stands rigid. Hatred and fear. OMER (accusing) You? Wow takes a blade to Grums jugular. Us. He spins his iron fans. The rest of the posse; street weapons. OMER Youre early. Its not the first of the month. WOW

29. CHICO Sue us. Chico slides out a gat. Bangs it on register. The till pops OPEN Omer stalls. Chico swings into mayhem. Grabs Omers hand. Shoves it in the till. Wow comes in for the assist. Kicks the drawer closed. Boom. Omer screams. Knuckle buster. CHICO We the same- you and I. Brown all around. Especially if it aint white or black. We need to stick together. You scratch mine, I scratch you back. The drawer pops open. Wow kicks it closed again. CRACK. Two other fingers maimed. Omer moans his agony. His hand wrecked to blood. OMER Im not like you. I own real estate now. Trembling, he hands over the cake. Chico counts it. CHICO And whats that gonna shake? No matter how high you roll, you cant fix your face white. There is no erasing your race. Chico finishes counting. Doesnt like the result. CHICO This stack is diet. Too light. Too thin. OMER Youre two weeks early. What are you expecting? Chico signals Wow. Wow and the boys go to work. Knock over shelves. Rollers. Paintbrushes. Paint. Wow with blades. Impales paint can after paint can. Store runs Technicolor with Dutchboy blood. Omer pleads for mercy. But their ears turn deaf. The Noise ride high on the glee of their clock work orange bedlam. THE KID

30. Standing in the path of destruction. Wrong place. Chico stiff arms him to the wall. Eye to eye. CHICO I know you- you that orphan kid? The damndest sad sight of this sorry ghetto. Step the shit aside- your piss river life aint even worth it. The Kid lowers his eyes. Chico smiles the wicked. Pistol whips him to the floor. CUT TO: INT. BLITZ-GLITZ VIDEO ARCADE -- NIGHT Loud. Frenetic. Electric. Slickest coin drop parlor in town. The Noise snake through the hyperglow zoo of kids and vids. INT. BACKROOM -- BLITZ GLITZ -- NIGHT A meeting. Deluxe with a cat on his lap. Pets the kitty. Chico sweating it. CHICO Were short. Chico surrenders what he has. DELUXE Then the deal is cold. Chico is chilled. DELUXE So youll buy another car. CHICO No. There is no damn mother other car. Those wheels are the V-12 roar of our soul. You take our ride, we lose face. Might as well pike and parade our heads on the street. DELUXE I aint lookin to butcher your name. But I do gotta roll my game. What if I offer you this(beat) You have real estate. From the el train overpass...?

31. WOW -to the alphabet avenues. A SERIES OF SLICK CUTS; A BEAUTY SALON Wow and The Noise stuff an African MATRON under a hair dryer. Chico unloads the stores register. A BAKERY The same culprits mummify an Italian NANA in icing and flour. Chico scoops from the till. OMERS PAINT STORE Now they smear Grums face with high gloss while Chico again pockets the take. CUT BACK TO: DELUXE Now think on this. Theres oil in that soil. So why spoil the deal were flirting to make when what you have already is an Underground stake- just depends on the measure of your nuts and your guts. CHICO Are you asking us to bet our territory? DELUXE Im not asking a thing. Im offering you a solution. Chico mulls it over. CHICO Our land for the wheels...? Beat. DELUXE Kid Bang versus Wow. Chico extends a fist. Deluxe seals it in his hand. The deal is set.

32. EXT. KIDS HOME -- DAWN Front door OPENS. The Kid steps onto the porch. Eyes settle on a Houdini Box. An anonymous delivery. The box is slightly larger than a shoebox. Sealed tight. An array of antique locks, buttons, and roll pins. The Kid is familiar with the item. Proves this by executing the correct combinations in the meticulous order required. As soon as he OPENS the boxThe SIZZLE of a fuse... Ka-BOOM!! A Chinese black cat blows to the sky with the muscle of an m80. Freaks the Kid right out of his shoes. Just about blew his head off. Smoke clears from the box. The Kid takes a cautious peer. Inside is burned black like a bomb out- the only thing remaining... a single note smeared in gunpowder. THE NOISE. MIDNIGHT. DISSOLVE TO: INT. PAINT STORE -- NIGHT Omer leads Grum and the Kid through clean-up. Erase the aftermath of the Noises destruction. The Kid re-stacks paint cans. Hurries the job. Checks the clock. A date with the Underground looms. Paint can drops. Rolls down the aisle. Omers feet. OMER Whats your rush!? Got plans more important than your job? The Kid retrieves errant can. No, sir. Grums two cents. GRUM Though I might say it is getting late. THE KID

33. OMER Yes, you might. (to the Kid) One last assignment. My Lila is decorating our apartment. Take her a case of paints. Ive selected some top-notch colors. Shes sure to be charmed. The Kid looks to the wall clock. It ticks the hour. INT. BACKROOM -- PAINT STORE -- NIGHT The Kid assembles Omers choices. Some ash. Some stone. Three slate. Fancy names for the same- a case of gray paints. He picks up the case- notices the PROfab Color machine. A droplet of Lilas ruby paint still clings to the nozzles. CLOSE ON the droplet; It cleaves free. Falls into gravity. Splatters a tiny blossom upon the toe of his shoe. A kiss of red. The Kid makes a decision. Down with gray paints. Fire up the PROfab Color Machine. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD -- NIGHT The Kid lugs a new case of paints. Feet moving. Time not on his side. INT. OMERS APARTMENT BUILDING -- NIGHT Up the stairs. Paint case on his shoulder. EXT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT A knock to the door. No answer. Another knock before setting the case down. The Kid turns to leave. Runs into Lila ascending the stairs. She carries sheaths of vibrant silk curtains. THE KID I brought you some paints. LILA Omers choice of colors, is it?

34. THE KID Should I open them? He offers the case. LILA Dont bother yourself. Im familiar with gray. Recants. LILA That was rude. Its just been a trying week. He hasnt been by much. The paint goes by the door. THE KID If you need anything else... He aims to leave. LILA Wait. I need your expertise. THE KID Mine? Im not an expert in much. She unlocks the door. LILA Do you like Radiohead? Huh? She floats like a feather... in a beautiful world. LILA I have pirate CDs. Mash-ups of Prince. Madonna. Nirvana. The Clash, The Cult, The Cure. Special mail away from Hong Kong. Also fake Nikes. Freeze dried cappuccinos. Bottled Fanta, canned Coca-Cola and a carton of Marlboros. But I dont smoke. I can make chai if its more your liking. The very real kind. THE KID You talk super fast. THE KID

35. INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Lila throws the silk curtains in the air. They billow like parachutes. LILA Do you think a man would like this? The Kid is transfixed. Lila- a bedouin princess silhouetted against the fabric. THE KID Yes. Mos def yes. She peeks her head out. Yes...? He smiles. Hopeless. LILA Have you ever been to Hollywood? Or the Grand Canyon? No to both. LILA Where are you from? THE KID Here. Ive never been anywhere. Beat. LILA Here. Ive never been so far. THE KID Wheres your family then? LILA Dont have one. Im an orphan. THE KID I know that story. LILA (delicately) You are too? THE KID We are both. He finishes his tea. Checks the time. LILA

36. LILA You have to go. (a moment) Theres a hamburger shop with pizza and milk-shakes. French fries. They even have Orange Juli-i. THE KID You mean Juliuses. Delicious. LILA Might we go sometime? He gets up. LILA I didnt mean to be forward. I hope you dont take it wrong. Just been bitten by a lonely bug of late. THE KID Because you live here alone? A quiet nod. LILA Im not complaining. But he knows loneliness. Knows it well. THE KID Maybe I can show you around. Oh yeah? She reaches for her coat. Stops herself. LILA You didnt mean now, did you? He looks at her. Her eyes. Her skin. Beyond his dreams. THE KID I did mean now. Exactly now. EXT. STREET -- NIGHT Lila in her coat. Alive. Heart beating quick. The Kid with his backpack. Nervous. Heart the same speed. She grabs his elbow. Stops him. LILA

37. LILA Look. THE SKY. The crescent lunar symbol of Kid Bang. The silver moon mounted in the heavens. Sparkles above them. LILA Ive never seen such a moon. Ever. Traces it with her finger. Turns. Just in time to see the Kid rooting in his backpack. Produces two pairs of EARPHONES. Fat ghetto stereo earmuffs. For you. Offers her one pair. Now in her hands. She hesitates before committing. THE KID Im showing you around, remember? We all see the world differently. I want to show you my version. LILA Your version has music? THE KID Tonight it does. Other times just static. The headphones crown her raven hair. The second pair upon his own ears. Two snaking cords make union in a beat-up iPod. Hit PLAY. Down the street they go. Everything around Lila falls into sync with the music. Blinking lights. Speeding cars. Shuffling people. This journey... led by the Kid... is a dreamy sight and sound adventure. He takes her by the HAND. Leads her away. A STATION PLATFORM; into a subway. A SUBSTATION; down stairs. A TUNNEL; past homeless mole people A STREET: Cabs. Cars. Windows of Peking ducks. THE KID

38. AN ALLEY; A dark maze. Dumpsters and cats. CUT TO: INT. BRAZILIAN RESTAURANT -- NIGHT The Kid leads Lila through the door. Her hand tight in his. The music louder. They glide past waiters. Busboys. A wink and a nod. The Kid gaining access everywhere he wants. INT. KITCHEN -- BRAZILIAN RESTUARANT -- NIGHT Cooks and Cutters. Smoke and fire. The Kid and Lila. Onward. To the back of the kitchen. THE WALK IN-FREEZER. The Kid YANKS open the latch. Pulls Lila into the FREEZER. The journey takes one turn too weird. Her feet stay planted. The Kid peels off the headphones. Lets go of her hand. LILA What are you doing? Were in a bloody refrigerator. THE KID A freezer, actually. He packs the headphones. Slings the backpack. THE KID Youre on your own now. He takes off. Walks into the cloudy haze. LILA My own? Where you off? THE KID What if I told you that backwards belongs to your fate. And forwards maybe belongs to destiny. But right here- this moment belongs to you. And whatever direction you decidethat step is yours. And should be made on your own.

39. Hes gone. Leaves her to her choice. Lila notices the space. A freezer larger than possible. A room of frozen fog. She takes a careful step. Forward. Through the clouds. Behind her; the door she can no longer see... LOCKS. She walks. Shapes in the frozen mist. Then music. Pulsating. She keeps going. The freezer that doesnt end. The shapes materialize. People. Faces in the haze. The music louder. Finally the cloud clears. An enormous WAREHOUSE. The largest walk-in freezer on the planet where everyone is DANCING, the music is BLASTING and the lights are SWIRLING. A sexy winter wonderland. An exclusive rave. The Underground. INT. UNDERGROUND -- NIGHT Lila moving. The dream revolving around her. Magical. Soul, idling with The Cowboys, eyes her entrance. Hes instantly grabbed by her presence. A luminous elegance. Nudges Weed. Shes a new one to the scene. Soul wants in. Slides a groove her way. The rhythm in command of his feet. He graces her hand. Forces his body into her space. Lila spins away. Her legs find the beat. Soul comes hounding and Lila twirls with grace. She surrenders to the music. Her body loosens. Her heart opens. She begins to dance. Suddenly all eyes are lit by her sight. A woman blessed with spectacular flow. Weed, Soul, The Cowboys, The Noise - everyone takes note. And that gets her in trouble... A voice cuts the fun condemning her trespass. PEACHES You! Black haired beauty- where do you think youre going? She stops cold. Turns. LILA Where am I?

40. PEACHES Where you got no business being. Now spin your shoes and shoo home lovely. Shoo. You dont belong. Peaches takes her roughly. Escorts her out. ACROSS the electric jungle. Stevie-CEE and Deluxe. Cash and chits. Collecting bets. Deluxe sees. Eyes like lasers. The target: Lila. But not her face. Nor her body. Its her hand he notices. Left in particular. Makes strides. DELUXE (to Peaches) A friend of ours? PEACHES This one? A friend of none. Deluxe scoops her left hand. Unfolds the palm. Inside that delicate hand- the hand the Kid held so tightly... ... a smeared imprint of a CRESCENT MOON. Like a bar stamp. Smudged from one hand. To another. He brands her with his eyes. Lila surprised by her own palm. He keeps his grip on her. She meets his gaze. Both of them immediately permeated by the latent power and significance of the other. DELUXE Welcome to the scene. This pass is free. But the boy who issued ithell spare a word or three with me. Giving me an extra few for you. So heres my say: He releases his hold. DELUXE Be careful where youre going. There are certain bets in life you can never cover. And with that he allows her forth. Watches her go as shes swallowed by the Underground. She looks back. His gaze still locked upon her. Sharp and slicing. She vanishes into the crowd.

41. Spin through the carnival. Punk to thug. Skinhead to Suedehead. Hipster to Dipster. Freaks to Geeks. Lila caught by surprise. TARA Lila. Lila? Is that you? LILA Dont ask. I am as good as lost. TARA I didnt know you were on the select. Howd you get a hot pick to the high life of low lifes? LILA I came with someone. Someone I seem to have misplaced. TARA Someone who? Not my brother? A sudden flush. For the first time Lilas aware of her actions. A reversal of her precarious traversal. LILA I sort of arrived by accident. TARA Accident...? No babe. Not this place. Youre here because someone deemed you in the cool. And so be it. LILA And here being where, if you mind telling? TARA Here is the Underground. Far from Kansas. Close to the gutter. Where no one belongs to anyone. And anyone can be anybody. (by the hand) Come on. Across the floor. Through the ice cloud. EXT. DJ PERCH -- NIGHT Above it all. Tara switching the mix. Headphones. Drop the needle.

42. TARA When the clock hits the top- the witching hour- the real fun kicks. The main event. LILA Is it like a fight? TARA Yeah, but with steps instead of fists. Jigs instead of jabs. And the crowd can bet. Folks be tossing some heavy paper. But tonight theres mad dog drama on the line. LILA More money? TARA No. Tougher than that. But lets rewind. You need to know the players to spot. She talks. We see. Swoop to the floor... Weed. Double-Gun. Soul. And the bad boys of rock and roll. TARA Over yonder is known as the Cowboys. Now whip across. Pick out The Noise. A cloud of smoke from Chicos lungs. Wows blades. Sharpen the shine. TARA On the flip side- The Noise. Hatred the only word they have in common. And they sling it with serious muscle and menace. But the funny thing, none of these so called men have the game to beat a Kid... they call Bang. BACK TO TARA. Love in her eyes. TARA Kid Bangs the holy. I set the groove and sync it right into his heart. My rhythm- his feet. Were a harmonic potion. A smile. That they share. LILA Kid Bang. Who is he?

43. TARA He, sweet cousin Lila, is a reason for treason. CUT TO: THE FLOOR Stevie-CEE on the hustle. Bets fan his fingers. Slide over to the Cowboys. STEVIE-CEE You hoods buyin in? Set your luck now. Im about to close the book. Double digs for the cash. Soul intercepts. SOUL Were keepin our wagers in the wallet. DOUBLE-GUN What gives? SOUL We aint betting on these ponies. I hear Deluxes twisted the Underground into a play for some real power- the thiefs trying to muscle a piece of the streets now. CHICO AND COMPANY Chico checks the watch. Its time. Wow makes off. Chico lights another Kool. Nerves. A face appears through the ice cloud. Ghostly. Weed. Right in front of him. WEED They say you bet the farm- put your territory on the line. CHICO The fight I picked tonight is not with you. Race your engine elsewhere. Weed stays put. CHICO

44. WEED I come in peace, queen. Just here to wish you well. I want The Noise to shred the Bang to bits- you follow? CHICO It aint your crooked concern. WEED Oh but it is, whore-hey. You see, no matter how much I despise your greasy stink- youre still the devil I know. Deluxe- he I dont. And if he wins, gains your turf- he becomes more than a hustler who throws a bash under a tricky moon. The birth of a new prince threatens to rise. CUT TO: DELUXE ON THE FLOOR Moses and the Red Sea. Part the frozen Fog. The crowd ROARS. DELUXE We are gathered here tonight because daylight is a grind. This, the Underground helps us find the inner mind. Applause to you all, nomadic addicts of the Underground habit. Welcome again to the place of escape from dish scrubbing, pay stubbing, and fluorescent light stagnation. Here you are free to be... limited only by imagination. THE FROZEN HAZE A silver flash. Wows spinning blades. Spitfire propellers suck the ice cloud clear. DELUXE Give this guy a cat scan, peep inside his brain pan. A mental case with blades for hands- hell cut you to the quickness. I swear hes got a sickness. I unleash the man upon you now. The devils name is Wow. Tara CRANKS the mix. Wow works the weapons like windmills.

45. KID BANG From the rafters. WHOOSH. A jet streak thru the ice fog. He jumps onto the scene. Hood hanging low over his face. Electric blue jacket shimmering under the lights. DELUXE A man who needs no intro but Ill spill one nonetheless. At night you know him as the Bang. No one knows him by the day. A Jekyll who can hide. A jackal with electric slide. A tapestry of mystery sewn in cobalt blue. My key grip, my very best of boys- a gift from me to youhere he is, the perennial favor, my personal savior- KID BANG! KaBOOM! The two fighters explode like bombs. Flashy. Sexy. Bizarre- Kid Bang works a frenetic robot routine. Every joint pops and snaps. A thousand volts gushing through his synapses. The crowd goes nuts. The DJ PERCH Tara revving and scratching. Lila takes leave. Heads to the floor. To the action. Wow jacks up the blade work. Close to Kid Bangs face. Oooh and Aaaah close. Wow taunting. KB slipping in and out of his grasp. Kid Bang goes more outlandish. Wow follows suit. Their speed, style and moves ratchet to blistering intensity. Slo-mo. Motion blur. Freeze Frame. All the slick tricks of motion pics. Lila squirms through the crowd. Tries to get a closer look. A look at Kid Bang. Too fast. Too sly. Wow tries to pin Kid Bang. KB ducks. Wow back the other way... SLICES Kid Bang. Flesh opens. Blood from his arm. Deluxe up in arms. DELUXE Stop the press. Thats a no go. Chico with his restraining arm.

46. CHICO Let it slide. An unintentional trip. Apologies all around. KID BANG Arm bleeding. Eye to Deluxe. Deluxe waves him on. A stare down. The crowd whipped into a frenzy. Blood making for better drama. KBs furys ignited. He attacks the floor. Right in Wows face. His intensity is frightening. It burns thru the crowd. Kid Bang scales up the rafters. Superhuman leap to the ground. Wow following Kid Bangs wave. Physically overmatched. Wow, loses his footing. Tumbles to the ground. Comes down crooked on his leg. Bone snaps. Joe Theisman ugly. Agony. Game over. Cheers and screams. Blood lust. Peaches and Stevie-Cee scoop winnings. Chico off to rescue his boy. Deluxes grip on his shoulder. DELUXE My heart is there. But fair is fair. With the sun I take your turf. (beat) Look on the up- your scout needs a nurse, not a hearse. KID BANG Icy haze. Breathing hard. Lungs like bellows. Face slick with sweat. Hidden in the shadows of his hood. LILA Wiggling through the crowd. To the stage. To Kid Bang. Parts a passage. Finally gets there... And hes gone. BLACK: INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Lila throws open the DOOR. Shes lit up with the rush of adventure. She notices the CASES OF PAINTS the Kid brought her.

47. She slices through the box. Six cans. Fiercely pries them open. Pops the lid of the first. Its that candy shade of red. The one she loves. The one she first ordered from the paint store. She screwdrivers the lids of the other cans. A rainbow of electric colors. A blistering yellow. Shimmering blue. Inca gold. Tangerine. Hot damn pink. The colors are loud. In your face. Their beauty stems from the simplicity. Their innocence. The giver of the gift understands her. Knows the colors of her soul. Lila begins to paint the walls wild. EXT. GREEK DINER -- DAY A colorless day. Same as any other. Same as all the others. INT. GREEK DINER -- DAY Deluxe winding down from last nights victory. Looks up. Sees the Kid. Gets his envelope ready. The Kid approaches. This is a new one. THE KID We need words. Deluxe checks shoulders. Looks for other eyes. DELUXE Not here. Not now. THE KID I aint playing. DELUXE Keep it down. Reverse it and turnaround. The Kid snatches up his envelope. Checks out. EXT. GREEK DINER -- DAY Deluxe loitering. Waiting for...

48. CHILI and NUGGET. They roll up. CHILI Word in the air is that the Noise have been sacked. Gone extinct. Know the story? DELUXE The block is that much cleaner. Why pick through the details? NUGGET Because the small print says you inherited their scene. We hear you run their turf now. True? Wry smile. Smooth criminal. Fat envelope. Deluxe stuffs it in Chilis pen pocket. INT. COLISEUM -- DAY THE KID Final touches on his mural. The Classic Age. Poets and Philosophers jam pepperoni slices and soda pops. Lila sneaks. Surprise from behind. LILA Ive been looking for you. THE KID Im happy to be found. LILA You couldnt be last night. THE KID And what was it like? LILA My question first. THE KID Your question what? You havent asked one. Beat. LILA So Smart. Cute. And I dont mean it the way you wish.

49. THE KID I wasnt invited. LILA But my hand. She shows him. A smudge. LILA I havent washed it. THE KID Wouldnt advertise it. LILA Im not playing fun. First you leave me. Now you tease me. THE KID I know about the Underground. Im not on the cool enough. But I do hear enough. Was it worth the trip? He starts packing up his paint stuff. LILA Like nothing else in my life. Then top it off with Kid Bang. Do you know of him? THE KID Who doesnt? LILA Do you know him? Who does? I do. The Kid freezes. THE KID You saw his face? LILA No. I dont need his face. But I know hes beautiful. And not because of moves- though how they wowelegant and dangerous. What I see, I see when hes still. When hes waiting. LILA THE KID

50. LILA (cont'd) Its like whatever the world dares throw... he knows he can catch. Fearless. This hits the Kid hard. Grabs at his heart. Never has he received such a compliment. Albeit indirectly. Selfconscious, he fumbles to collect his paints. Lilas hand to stop him. LILA But why does he wear the hood? Why does he hide and let no one see him? Is he ashamed? Or is he too proud? Beat. THE KID Maybe hes never been called beautiful. The Kid is off with his backpack. His dropcloths. CUT TO: INT. COLISEUM -- LATER Lila feasting. Her usual fast food decadence. The look on her face; faraway. Lost in dreams. Hopes. She takes a bite of the burger... a sip of soda. Her eyes land on the Kids wall mural. Her glance turns acute. A surprising detail comes to view. Past the Romans with mile high burgers and hot cheese slices are two painted figures in the background. They share a corner table- consumed with each others company. The portrait faces on this couple; affectionately cartoonish. But acutely identifiable. LILA and THE KID The Kid has painted them into his faux fresco. The two of them wear togas. Share an Orange Julius. A single straw. Now this infects her with a smile. DISSOLVE TO:

51. EXT. HOTEL -- NIGHT Like the Chelsea Hotel. The digs are classic Rock & Roll with the pallor of beat poet hashish. Historic as well as long ago expired. The Cowboys make entrance. INT. ROOM -- HOTEL -- NIGHT

Deluxes home. Cooling in a bear claw tub. A KNOCK at the door; Deluxe in a silk robe. Reveal the trespass. The Cowboys. WEED You. I. Us. We gotta bone to pick. DELUXE Lower your noise. Earn me some respect. WEED Youve already silenced the Noise, and earned more than your share. THE OPIUM TABLE Business time. WEED Your hustles fatten out. Taking up our space. We want you out. Out? WEED Gone like ghosts. SOUL You and Kid Bang- pack it up. DELUXE Thats a demand not a deal. I imagine you can sweeten the tune. Beat. WEED Another Underground. We roll the dice again. If you and the Bang win- you can take our turf. Well dry up and die. DELUXE

52. WEED (cont'd) Combine it with the Noise- youll have it all. Every street in this hood will fill your pockets. DELUXE And If- by some extreme measure- we slip a loss? SOUL Then youre gone for good. You and the sidekick get walked across the border. WEED And you never come back. Thats the point. DELUXE Point received. This is a prickly deal. Deluxe tenses. The bite of nerves. The danger of his rapid ascension catching up with him. WEED Whatd you expect? Youd out your carpet and wed party? You made a racket racket. Did you think we it? just roll throw you a on our would have

Deluxe steels his nerves. Eyes Double-Gun. Silver pistols spin. EXT. HOTEL -- NIGHT On the Cowboys exit. Weed steers Soul aside. WEED We need to find Kid Bang. I dont care- break him, snap him, wreck him, cut him- just find out who he is and make him end. DISSOLVE TO: INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- MORNING Enter Mali, Tara, Gita. Malis bubbly mood dissolves on the quick.

53. MALI Look at this home. Like a circus room. My God. The walls; painted with the vibrant hues the Kid gave Lila. Lila emerges. Pajamas. Sleep in her eyes. MALI How could you do this? This is the work of a sensible wife? Tobah. Tobah. LILA I quite like it. Very much. MALI The fact this wasnt a mistake is more disturbing. Such is your taste? So pre-school? What will people think? Mali pinches an arriving headache. Tara intervenes. TARA Pop a vike. It is only paint. Paint can be re-painted. MALI Has Omer seen this? Not yet. MALI Thank goodness. And if I am to help, he wont. TARA Snap up some clothes, Lila. Were a step late. For where? MALI The beauty salon. Have you forgotten tonights party? Lila retreats to her room to change. MALI You will also need a dress. LILA LILA

54. LILA (O.S.) I have a dress. A sari. Lila emerges with her grandmothers gold and red garment. Mali sets eyes on it. This and the walls- too much to bear. MALI That? You wish to wear that? This is not India. You might hope to buck up your sophistication. This cuts deep. LILA The sari was my mothers. She holds her ground. Icy hot silence. EXT. TRAIN YARD -- NIGHT Deluxe tracing the tracks to the end of the line. EXT. ROOFTOP -- KIDS HOME -- NIGHT The Kid taking in the view. The bridge that stretches to someplace that promises better. DELUXE A benny for your thoughts? THE KID Just counting U.F.O.s Deluxe peels off a hunj. The Kid pushes it back. DELUXE Whats so heavy on your head? The Kid regards him. Like hes remembering his face again. THE KID You dont come by so much? DELUXE And thats your issue that needs a tissue? Soak in the view some more. Find some courage. Spill it. DELUXE

55. Here goes. THE KID I want out. DELUXE Out is a lot of things. THE KID From the Underground. Deluxe draws a breath. Tension tightening. THE KID Give a look. His arm. The cut Wow inflicted. THE KID And look at the money youre tossing. The Undergrounds not what it was. DELUXE Damn straight. Its bigger now. And thats all golden. THE KID Its not the size- its the meaningthe scenes gone flipped. A place to be free is now costing a lot. Beat. Deluxes thoughts ticking over... No. No? DELUXE I say no. You cant go. THE KID Im not asking. DELUXE Well, you ought to be. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. ALLEY -- FLASHBACK -- NIGHT An ugly rain. THE KID DELUXE

56. Another time. Another life. Deluxe stumbles out of bar. Drunk. Worse for wear. Relieves himself in the alley. Behind him... A BOX. It emits coughs and sneezes. DELUXE (V.O.) I found you. Thirteen. A runaway... living in the street like trash. Remember that? Deluxe sees the Kid (13.) Bruised. Black eye. Soaked and sick. He reaches in the box. Puts the Kid in his arms. INT. FLOPHOUSE -- FLASHBACK -- NIGHT DELUXE (V.O.) I had a say when I saved you. And you didnt stop me from saying some more with the house I gave you. The Kid stands before Deluxe. His lifes worth packed in a PILLOW CASE. DELUXE I scored it in a dice toss. But it ended up proving more of a loss. If youre liking, its yours for the living. The Kid eyes the digs. We GLIDE through the shack with its skulled out walls. Up the stairs. To the roof... Where the two of them are sitting on the edge of the horizon. THE PRESENT... THE KID I know I owe. I have not forgotten. DELUXE So now I say no. Kid Bangs a seed I sowed. A hero I own. The Kid is silenced. DELUXE Besides- you have nothing else. I know you better than anyone. Dare I say, like a son. So, choke this one down- no one loves you for you. No one even knows your face.

57. DELUXE (cont'd) Its Kid Bang the people love. Without the jacket and hood your nil. Just a mop in a paint shop. Kid Bang is the best you can ever hope for. THE KID But that was before. The Kid is up. Nerves clamoring for conviction. THE KID I have a girl. Deluxe locks him with a witchs eye. DELUXE Ahhh. The truth emerges. Might her name be Lila? The Kid turns. Meets Deluxes gaze. Begins to lose his fear having now confessed his heart. DELUXE You think shell love you to the end? THE KID Id let her. DELUXE And for that youll heave-ho what you have. There is no stupid like you. Hear it plain. Shes not yours to love. Shes getting married to another. A fine detail thats frayed your brain. The Kid is wounded. DELUXE Are we done with our fun? Deluxe on his feet. DELUXE One more round of the Underground. Thats all I ask. One more? DELUXE And there will be none after. A final capper. THE KID

58. THE KID And you know this? DELUXE Because Im a hustler. Not a father. Deluxe departs. The Kid sinks. His body losing its spine- sits back down. Head in his hands. His esteem blown before it could ever blossom. DISSOLVE TO: INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Lila emerges from her room. Black gown. Raven hair. A midnight swan. Even Malis breath is stolen. MALI My son is a fortunate bugger. Lila attaches the gold sun pendant to her neck. MALI No darling. I have pearls. Lila beseeches her. LILA Please. It was gift from my grandmother. Mali draws patience with a tired breath. A KNOCK. Tara opens the door. The Kid enters. Paints. A stepladder. MALI Splendid. I wasnt expecting you so soon. Lila questioning. Mali hedging her off. MALI I phoned the paint store. The kind Grum offered the boy for a repainting. (beat) Come. Were running late. The Kid is seized by her sight. As Lila slips by...

59. THE KID (to her and only her) You look magical- totally beyond. MALI What was that? The Kid on the spot. Too shy to answer. Fiddles with his paint brushes. Mali distrustful. Fixes him like a hawk. MALI Lets hem the dallying, Lila. (beat) Its time for your wedding proposal. A new life is awaiting. The truth of Malis words pops the Kid cold. Bleaches Lilas face of color- lacerates their hearts. Only their eyes have protest. But if they knew the words. Or possessed the courage- Lila might not be walking out the door. THE KID Wait a second. They all stop. The Kid swallows hard. MALI Yes...? What is it? A loaded moment... a chance for him speak his heart. But he cant seize it. THE KID What color do you want the walls? Disappointment in Lilas eyes. It crushes The Kid. Gray. INT. BANQUET HALL -- NIGHT Orange tissue paper walls. Plastic Ganesha. A pine trellis. A buffet of greasy offering. Bangra music. Its not Indian. Its not American. Some kitschy half-breed hybrid. Pillow-bellied brown men sip whisky sours while their porcelain wives watch over rowdy caramel colored boys with clip-on ties. MALI

60. Lila hovers in a corner. Surveys the tableaux. LILA (sotto voce) Is this the America of your dreams? Omer picks up her eyes from the bar. His face immutable. Changes only to merriment when his chums call for shots. LILA Have you done yourself proper? CUT TO: INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT The Kid paints the walls with a mad fury. He doesnt know that at this moment, Omer is asking Lila to marry him. INT. BANQUET HALL -- NIGHT Under the trellis. Omer slips a ring upon Lilas finger. Everyone applauds. CUT TO: INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT The Kid is finished. He packs his gear- paints, drop cloths. Face-fingers-clothes. Mottled with colorful enamel. Not gray. INT./EXT. TAXICAB -- NIGHT Puttering through another drizzle. Lila tired and forlorn. Eyes lost in solitude. DISSOLVE TO: THE NIGHT SKY A grip of gray clouds. They separate like fingers pulling apart. Curtains presenting the sky... and the moon. Crescent. Belongs to Kid Bang. Silver and blue rising over Orion.

61. EXT. KIDS HOME -- NIGHT The Kid returns. Steps upon the porch. Met by a familiar talisman. THE HOUDINI LOCK BOX Fast fingers open the contraption. Locks and combos. Bolts and slides. Permission granted. SNAPS the lid. A look inside. The box holds a single item. A gun. And its smoking. Literally. As if was somehow just fired. And knifed on the barrel- scratched in angry etching... Kid Bang vs. The Cowboys. INT./EXT. STREET -- NIGHT Taxicab to the curb. Lila awakens with a jolt. Pops the door. Hits the street. EXT. STREET -- NIGHT Lila sees it in the sky. The magical crescent moon. It quickens her pace. Of her feet and her heart. INT./EXT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Lila runs up the stairs. Throws open the door. Flicks the light. What she sees takes her breath away. The Kid did not paint the walls gray. They still possess their playful colors. But now, they also contain a mural. The Kid has painted dunes- a desert landscape under a night sky. And dancing upon these sand dunes is a woman... Lila. He has painted her twirling and gliding across this arid landscape in her gold and red sari. The mural stretches the apartment- one wall to the next. Lila dancing beneath the heavens- an exotic bedouin princess- the images seemingly ripped from a Mogul fairy tale. The painting is utterly sensual. Fantastically romantic.

62. Lila finds herself slipping out of her gown. Takes off all her clothes... and reaches for her grandmothers wedding sari. INT. KIDS HOME -- NIGHT The Kid holed up inside. Music rages. Hes ripping through his moves. A winged dragon- he can fly and jump. Duck and dance. CUT TO: INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Lila also in her home alone. Now wearing the sari. She imitates the dynamic poses on the wall. And slowly. Effortlessly. She also begins to dance. She is like an angel. Practically hovers over the ground. The opposite of Kid Bang. Liquid in her motion. CUT TO: INT. KIDS HOME -- NIGHT His dancing more ferocious with each move. He is exorcising demons. He is transmutating. He is escaping. And the walls in his house- the ones painted with comic book style- come alive. They become animated. Alive with his energy. Images of subways zoom through tunnels. Werewolves howl at the moon. Astronauts twirl through space. Lovers make out in the park. CUT TO: INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Her walls are blessed with the same fate. The desert dunes come alive with a reckless wind. Sand flows across the mural. The portrait of Lila whirls across the horizon. Her garnet sari flowing in the breeze. Alongside, the real Lila dances across the floor. Her moves are Indian classical. Balance, poise and strength.

63. She, like the Kid, is also dancing with desperation. And like the Kid, she is dancing to escape. We leave them and take a nights journey through the neighborhood. EXT. STREETS -- NIGHT Various. Cops patrol. The Cowboys prowl. INT. CLUB -- NIGHT Strobes. A packed floor. A swirling gyration. The new youth future. All faces, colors and creed. All mad with the wildness of freedom. BLACK... EXT. BANQUET HALL -- NIGHT Omers piss drunk. The engagement party having turned to an impromptu bachelor party. His buddies load him into a taxi. Homeward bound. Or not. INT. ARTIST LOFT -- NIGHT Sophies home. Shes fast asleep. Omer stumbles into her bed. Amorous. Shes tickled by the sloppy advance. But his engagement RING catches the moonlight. Sours her quick. SOPHIE Youre wearing an engagement ring? OMER Its an Indian tradition. Men wear them as well. Back to smooth moves. She rolls out from under him. Needs air. Shes surprised by her own pain. Its force and its depth. OMER She has her place. You have yours. Nothing will change between us.

64. OMER (cont'd) Swear. (off her rising anger) What did you expect? I must marry her. I have no choice. SOPHIE How youre wrong. Youve had more than your share of choices. But you didnt choose me- obviously. And you didnt even choose her- unfortunately. What you chose was your parents- sadly. And for better or worse- own up to that. INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Passed out. The dream that swept her away having deposited her to bed. But Lila awakens to the sound of intrusion. THE LIVING ROOM; Omer in the dark. On the couch. Whiskey bottle to his lips. Lila by the light switch. LILA Are you okay? He gestures to the walls- the mural. OMER What a home. An artists oddity or a childs idiotity? He gets up. Slips. Careful. OMER Careful? I trip because I have one foot in each continent. He approaches her. Emotions rising. Frustration brimming. OMER Im an American. I belong with one. Should have married as such. India is nothing to me- just force fed photos. Recycled memories. Hideous movies. And occasional gas from my mothers daal. LILA

65. He is close now. Almost upon her. OMER Im in love Lila. Did you know that? Are you in love? She swallows her fear. Defies him with an answer that arrives so easily. Yes. A strange tension. On some level they know that neither is referring to the other, yet nothing that is being said can implicate either. OMER Perfect. Well make for good marriage. He touches her flawless skin. A predator. He takes her in. Beneath her shawl; tee shirt and underwear. He grabs hold of her. Kisses her hard. His force suffocating her resistance. She bites his lip. Tears free. OMER (tasting blood) I deserve an American woman. Not a prudish village girl. He storms out, hurling the whiskey bottle at the mural. It shatters against the wall. Bourbon spilling everywhere. CUT TO: A SPONGE Lila wipes it across the wall. There are tears. And the mindless chore is meant to sort those tangled emotions. She rings the sponge. Again scrubs it across the Kids mural. And her close proximity to the painting allows her to notice a most significant detail. Along with the sand dunes and the star-lit sky, the Kid has painted a tiny image of Kid Bang. Electric blue jacket. Hood of mystery. He stands far off on a distant sand dune. A sentry watching over her. Guarding her. LILA

66. Through the window, the dawn sun lights up the image. EXT. STORAGE BUILDING -- ROOFTOP -- NIGHT The Underground. But it is no longer under the ground at all. In fact its ten stories high. Reaching to the crescent moon that marks the sky. Everyone is here for the showdown- sycophants, gamblers, goth punks, glamour queens. The street literati. The dead-beat dregs. The high-styled hip. Tara spins beats. The energy red-lines. The show to end all others. INT. STORAGE ROOM -- NIGHT One floor below. Weed. Alone. A box of slugs. Put them on the table. From his jacket he slides out Double-Guns silver weapons. Opens the chambers. Loads the guns with live rounds. Soul stumbles in on the devious action. SOUL The shows about to rip- but Doubles done lost his tools. WEED No worries. I got a handle on emboth safe and tight. Weed spins the chamber. Locks it shut. SOUL What- the might of Christ- are you doing? WEED What damn needs to be done. SOUL Have you shit flipped? Live slugs? WEED Bang the Bang...and he dont win. SOUL I know Double aint down with this.

67. Soul lunges. Weed shines him the loaded gun. WEED Back the shit up. Were on the brink. Face it. If Kid Bang wins- we go from gang to glee club. Weed sets aside the loaded gun. Goes to work on the second. SOUL This junk your sticking in the gunsyou aint thinking clear. Its not just Double- its all our hides. If Double plugs Kid Bang- slays him in his own blood- we break the Undergrounds law: Hands off. No fists. No fury. Soul eyes the weapons. SOUL This includes the way of the gun. A longer beat. Stand-off. Souls point hits its mark. Weed begins disarming the arms. Just then... WHAM! The door flies open. Deluxe bursts in. DELUXE Pull up your pants, ladies. The clock chimes. And then Double zooms behind. DOUBLE-GUN I need my sling shots. Pass em up. Weed spins his back to them all. Slaps the gun chambers shut. Offers the shooters DELUXE Mind if I check? They gotta be clean as we agreed. Deluxe snatches the pistols. Opens one. Empty. WEED We ought to jet. (scooping them back) Any stalling begs a forfeit. Weed lays the pistols on Double. He slips them in his back. All head out. The game is on.

68. EXT. ROOFTOP -- NIGHT The crowd is amped. The Cowboys await. Even the Noise are present. At the back of the scene- sullen and mean. And this is where Lila enters. She begins the long journey to the front. Through the throngs. To the stage. Deluxe hits the center. Addresses the people. DELUXE The Underground began as a speck of spot in the hot wind of a heaving chest of a resolute boys personal quest. Whos the better? Whos the best? Who got his leg broke in the damn ice chest? But now this scene- once existing below the eye- now commands a venue as high as the sky. Times change. What once began as nickel and dime grew to dollars and cars, then reputations on the line. But now its exploded into a wager of a far severe kind. Tonight is the biggest, yet heaviest bet. Tonight the whole damn neighborhoods tossed in the pot. Friends, this fight is for everything. And everything is quite a lot. And so it begins... Double arrives from below. A caged industrial elevator. Kid Bang from above. Dropping out of the sky. Doubles got hip-hop style. Kid Bang matches moves. A sledgehammer tap dance. Legs and feet jam like pistons. V-12 Fred Astaires. Full bore. LILA Carving through the crowd. Like a magnet toward Kid Bang. KID BANG Under his shadowy hood- those dark eyes see her coming. DOUBLE-GUN Strong. Packed with the mass of a heavy weight. Speed of a wideout. Hands flash those guns. Quick tricks. The crowd ROARS. LILA

69. Digs her way through the masses. Shes getting closer. KID BANG His eyes sharing time between her and Double. His lapse in focus weakens his poise. DOUBLE-GUN Gains the upper-hand. Corners Kid Bang. Pins him with one of his pistols. His finger squeezes the trigger. CLICK. The CROWD cheers the diss. ON SOUL; Suddenly met by unsteady nerves. Grabs a jacket full of Weed. Slides him aside. SOUL Those guns cool? Please tell me, Weed, the heaters are empty. WEED I got pressed when Deluxe came screeching down with Double. I got one pistol stripped. The other one aint so fun. Soul; absolute horror. Shudders with slipping composure. WEED Ease up. We just put a little flava in the game. Fate now rolls blind. Soul trips into action. Lunges for the stage. Stop the fight. Weed breaks his purpose. Pulls a switch to Souls plexis. WEED Stick your feet. SOUL You dare a shank on me? WEED I aint in the mood. I want Kid Bang done. Without him, Deluxe is nothing. When the Bang is gone, Deluxes hype will slip and his power will sink faster than a fuckin led zeppelin. BACK TO THE STAGE; DOUBLE-GUN

70. Trading pistols between hands. Flips them back and forth. Lightening speed. A shell game. Gun to Kid Bangs face. Kid Bang could be staring at his death. But neither he, nor Double, nor the crowd suspect as such. Crush the trigger... CLICK! The wrong gun. Or rather, the right one. Flip them again. To and fro. Back and forth. CLICK. And again. CLICK. CLICK... CLICK. Probability playing tricks. The empty always turning up. The crowd is off the chain. Demonic decibel din. SOUL and WEED The former cant bear to see. The latter cant tear his eyes free. Now to LILA; Pressing closer. The passage getting increasingly difficult. The unruly mass gyrating at stage-side is a galactic swirl. But she must see Kid Bangs face. And in so doing, she is moving against the current of her life. She pushes people out of the way. KID BANG Cant take his eyes off her. She is so close. So near him. But his eyes should be elsewhere. And the distraction allows the unthinkable... Double spins. Crumps him in face. Kid Bang retreats. Slips... THE EDGE OF THE BUILDING! Momentum carrying Kid Bang over the side. His hand clamors for purchase. Finds a cornice. Barely hangs on. He looks down. Below him, death awaits his arrival. The crowd GASPS. Kid Bang on the precipice of a ten story doom.

71. He looks up. Double-Gun basks in Kid Bangs misfortune. And then unfolds his hand. A patronizing offer to rescue. DOUBLE-GUN Grab my hand. Otherwise youre on the downtown express to the grave. KID BANG I cant. If my grip even touches yours... DOUBLE-GUN Then you lose. Its either the game or your life. (beat) Checkmate. Kid Bang has no options. Stares down at the grim height from which he dangles... and succumbs. Reaches for Double. But as quickly as the hand was offeredits retracted. Kid Bang teeters. Double savors his suffering. DOUBLE-GUN Now thats a fast one- a dirty tricka con job. I guess I wasnt being real with you. Maybe thats cuz you dont respect the same with me. Or any one of us. You of the double life... you play-fake the superstar while the rest of us are forced to be straight with what we are. Which of us is the real hero? The one who goes around being something he isnt... or the one who faces up to the life hes been given. (extending his arm) You want this lifeline?- its got a price. The currency is your courage. Either stand tall and unmask your lid...or die. Its your choice. Beat. DOUBLE-GUN (to the crowd) Show us your face! A resounding GASP. No one has ever issued such a demand. KB is still. The crowd hushed. Everyone is suddenly lost for reaction. All eyes on Kid Bang.

72. And it is Chico, hiding in the back with the Noise, who sets the tone for response. CHICO Its time- lets see who you are. Kid Bang wont move. Somewhere in the black chasm of his hood his eyes blaze. His jaw tightens. No. DOUBLE-GUN Than good riddance. And God bless. Double turns away. Kid Bang begins to slip to his death. The Crowd ROARS. Double Gun bathes in his victory. Cements it with ultimate style. He flips the guns in the air. KID BANG Summons every fabric of strength. His other hand claws a grip on the ledge. THE CRESCENT MOON in the sky... SLO-MO. The twirling pistols spinning over it. KID BANG Two hands find leverage. Muscles coil like springs. Unleash themselves with ferocious POWER. He jackknifes through the air. Body flipping. A magical ballet beyond the range of normal human faculty. Kid Bang intercepts one of the pistols mid-flight. It locks in his grip. The second weapon returns to Double. Kid Bang hits the ground. Back on his feet. He spins. As does Double. Two pirouettes simultaneous. Kid Bang trains the gun on Double. Double mirrors the motion. Face to Face. Pistol to pistol. An outlaw standoff. The CROWD goes bananas. It doesnt get any better than this. DOUBLE-GUN Tricky. But you still aint out of the woods. KID BANG

73. The crowd jeers. Cat calls... THE CROWD Pull off the hood. DOUBLE-GUN The people speak. Sounds like you better give em your face or theyll take your head. Inside the HOOD; Those eyes. What we see in them, we have never seen before. Fear. They sweep over a sea of enemies- the crowd. Until they find salvation- Lila. And what we see in her eyes- is mercy. DOUBLE-GUN He sticks the barrel of his silver pistol into the abyss of Kid Bangs hood. Right between the eyes. DOUBLE-GUN Coward. Tell us who you are. Double SQUEEZES the trigger. Never. Kid Bang squeezes his. Fate. Probability. Bad luck. Destiny. One pistol empty. One is deadly. One man will be spared. The other destroyed. A single gun rapport. Loud like the voice of judgment. So quick. So absolute. So irreversible. One gun goes CLICK. The other BOOM! Kid Bang stares wild eyed as Double... doubles over. Both are unable to comprehend how this happened. The expression on Kid Bangs face is mirrored in Doubles. Shock. KID BANG

74. But for Double, it will be the last emotion hell contain. Mortal wound to the chest robs legs of balance. Kid Bang has accidentally, unknowingly, shot him. Double-Gun falls. Falls ten stories to his end. Pandemonium. The crowd combusts into chaos. Everyone scrambles for the exit. Violence striking fear in all. Lila is clocked and knocked from all sides. KID BANG Stands like a ghost in his own nightmare. Present only in body. Frozen in crucifixion. Madness all around him. LILA Looks to him. Refuses to move. The world racing around her. Around them. She reaches her hand. Reaches to touch him. To grab him and take him away. KID BANG Sees that hand. But makes no motion for it. Selects an opposite direction. And runs. Runs away from her. Weed catches sight of them. Brings it to Souls ear. Check it. SOUL I see it. The girls got his head in a mess. WEED They got some closet connection. Could be a ripe piece to my puzzle. Suddenly SIRENS. Cops en route. The duo scramble. DELUXE Charges a path to Weed. Eyes holding the darkest hate. Weed on the scramble. Deluxes grips him hard. Face lit. DELUXE You did this crookedness. WEED

75. WEED Dont flex your finger at me. What I saw is what everyone saw. Kid Bang killed Double. I got a hundred witnesses to say the sin is on your head. DELUXE Stick with that line of fight and therell be two souls slaughtered tonight. He wraps his hand on Weeds throat. Robs him of air. Cops invade the scene. Chili and Nugget at the charge. Deluxe and Weed are forced to part ways. Like the rest, they make themselves scarce. The cops never finding any of them. EXT. STREET -- NIGHT Double-Guns body. Life lost. Blood leaking. Eyes fixed on... The SKY; The lunatic moon. The jack emblem of Kid Bang fading from silver... to gray... to nothing. A dark cast of clouds. Now the NEIGHBORHOOD; An eager cast of cops. Hunting. Spotlights sweeping. The Underground crowd scattering. Subways. Alleys. Basements. LILA Running. Always running. EXT./INT. LILAS APARTMENT -- NIGHT Up the stairs. Two at a time. Tripping. Momentum superceding balance. Cant stop even if she tried. Fumbles the lock. Gets through the door. Inside is safety. But it doesnt feel as such. Goose-bumps. The primal sense of knowing another is present. She turns around slowly.

76. Against the wall... Kid Bang. The true being himself. He stands in the shadows. Forever in the shadows. She doesnt know what to say. So she starts like this. LILA How did you get in here? KID BANG A key. To better paint the walls while you were engaged- elsewhere. And he lifts off his hood. Gently. Slowly. His face. The Kid. THE KID This is who I am. Not much else. LILA Its plenty enough for me. She takes a step towards him. Maybe to confirm his face. Maybe just to be closer. Either way she can now see the desperation that claims him. THE KID What happened tonight wasnt my fault. LILA I know that. THE KID I swear to you. LILA You dont need to. THE KID I didnt know the gunLILA -I believe you. (beat) And now I hold true three of your truths. THE KID Three of my what? You need to untangle that twisted tongue.

77. LILA Easier said than done. Because its also tied- what do I say with you finally in my sight? THE KID I apologize for that. LILA Never do. Never hide again. Beat. THE KID And the three truths you claim from me? LILA All three you gave freely. THE KID I dont deny. LILA The first is your innocence. The other being your identity. THE KID And the third? LILA That you love me. As I do you. Now he takes his step to her. THE KID Then run with me. The cops are coming down fast. LILA If its your wish- I shall. A gentle answer... that blows him away. THE KID You will? Are you sure? LILA Do you love me? Of course. THE KID

78. LILA Then thats our course for good. And the money well need- I give you this... The JEWEL CASE. She removes her grandmothers sun pendant. THE KID Dont even consider it. That gift belongs nowhere except on your neck. (beat) Well chase our dreams with my coins. Ive got plenty of envelopes saved. I will take care of us. From now until always. LILA So, the question- when do we go? He takes her by the hand. THE KID Now. The moon is mine. And he scoops her in his arms. Her body unfolds into his. Close enough to kiss him. And just as they might... ... THE DOOR OPENS. Both heads pivot. TARA. Seeing all. TARA Whoa, Lila- what are you...? (a realization) Kid Bang? This is him? You? Youre the sack from the paint store. Lila and The Kid part their embrace. TARA Am I seeing straight? Tara... TARA Shut it, Lila. This is the almighty Bang? This kids a fizzle. A nobody. And youre with him. Like together? What the hell? Matters turn worse. The Omer and his family arrive. Pajamas. Sleep in their eyes. LILA

79. MALI Lila, weve been worried sick. The streets are mad with murderShe stops short. Takes in the sight before her. Hassam and Omer arrive at her heels. MALI Who is this boy? What entanglement is this? TARA That punk ass was totally kissing Lila. No shit. Mali is aghast. Shoves forward. MALI My God. This boy is the servant from Omers paint store. OMER Let me handle this. Omer approaches. Blood bubbling. OMER (to Lila) You insult me with him? Is it true? You let him touch you? Lila holds steady. Reaches for the Kids hand. OMER (to The Kid) Before I crack you one, I want to know- do you love her? The Kid shrinks. Makes no response. He does. MALI You idiot, girl! Hold your tongue. Omer waves his mother off. His anger gathers momentum. OMER I want to hear it from him. Do-youlove-her!? The Kid pries his hand away from Lila. Withdraws. Doesnt dare meet her eyes. LILA

80. Omer spins on her. OMER You choose him? This fucking mute. Whats he going to do for you? Omer steps back. Embraces the room. Commands the ears of his family. OMER I promised her a dream. I lay it upon her feet. A precious gift. Not just for her, but for the legacy of her parents. America. A chance at the best life. A new home. New hopes. And she chooses this boy- a clerk who mixes house paints for a living. (to the Kid) What can you offer her? A hovel to live in? Pennies to live on? LILA Love to live by. A solemn offer. She tries to find The Kids eyes. OMER Thats awfully cute. But it pay the rent, no matter how gropes your heart. Consider life. Is he good enough for Finally, the Kid speaks. THE KID I wish I were. He makes union with Lilas eyes. Sees the precious love in them. It mirrors his own. And with that, he carves a line out the door. OMER Theres goes your Kid. Or Kid Bang, as you call him. He runs away very well. TARA Hes a serious zero. Had us all conned. But you- you he fooled the most. Mali rises. Her turn to vilify Lila. doesnt it your you?

81. MALI How I should have known. From the start you were an irregular match for my son. A forced fit. I will not have you defile our family name. You are shameful. And then the final blow. HASSAM I think this incident paves an obvious decision. The wedding is better off, off. That hurts. Brings more tears to Lila. LILA I apologize. I so do. OMER Youre terribly untrue. I almost offered her my heart. Omers attack breaks the back. Turns Lilas remorse to rage. LILA Dont you dare. Im untrue? You cant offer your heart when youve already given it to another. You sit there and watch me fry- maybe we ought to mention your other woman. OMER Crazy girl. Are you needing more embarrassment? But she cant be stopped. LILA Youre in love. A sin as sweet as mine. Am I right? Admit it. Youve been claiming two for the price of one. Youre a cheater. A coward. SLAP! Hassam hits Lila hard on the face. No one expected this move. HASSAM Enough! Who are you to point fingers when your selfishness has soiled my familys honor? Lilas gripped by shock. Overwhelmed by the witch hunt. Fear, rage, and then PANIC.

82. MALI Pack your bags, madame. We are shipping you back to India. You will leave on the first flight. LILA Please. I beg you. MALI Kiss your American dream its riddance. You may return to the dirt of India where, need I remind you, you have nothing. And there, in your solitude, try contemplating how your ill behavior sealed the coffin of your ill-fate. You are your choices. Defined by your actions. That is what makes the sum of a life. Dont you forget this. Lila is devastated. Utterly broken. EXT. STREET -- NIGHT Kid Bang running home. Cops prowling. Cherries howling. THE TRAIN YARD FENCE Up and over is safe harbor. But the passage comes undone. Surprise from the Cowboys. Armed and ugly. CLOSE ON; Kid Bangs hand. Crescent moon ink. Certified identity. WEED Well looky here! If it aint little boy blue. Kid Bang freezes. Eyes confirm the fiends. WEED Your time has finally come. The Cowboys attack. Peel Kid Bang from the chain link. Weed explodes. Strikes Kid Bang. The Cowboys jump in. A hurricane of severe brutality. But Kid Bang never fights back. He clutches his hood. Shelters his face, and accepts the punishment as penance. Takes one fist after another. Cop SIRENS scream approach. The Cowboys take the cue. Theyre forced to flee before finishing off KB.

83. Kid Bangs left in his ruin. Felled to the ground. Destroyed. Discarded. Blood and snot running rivers with tears. ON KID BANG; He cries. His posturing lost, he is but a child choked by an uncontainable heaving of sorrow. All the emotions locked inside, finally come storming loose. DISSOLVE TO: INT. GREEK DINER -- DAY Deluxe in his old spot. But his face doesnt shine the usual. Hes being vised by the vice. Chili and NuggetCHILI Youre on the down now- crashing and burning unless you give it up. Two words: Kid Bang. Hes the one we heard gunned the homicide. DELUXE True. But not as such. CHILI What are you singing? NUGGET A hymn it wasnt him? DELUXE Its complicated. CHILI Then uncomplicate it fast. Beat. DELUXE The Cowboys. (aside) Who said that? NUGGET Save your slinging words. Theyre putting it on you. DELUXE A stalemate of hate. What to do? CHILI You need to fix this. Heres how it goes: One of you is holding the truth. Cough up the guilty or you all get cooked.

84. Deluxe is squirming. Feels the burning. NUGGET Count the blessings of your grease. Without those gifts we would have skinned you quick. Deluxe meets the hint. Surrenders a last stacked envelope. DELUXE I guess I laid ends with the wrong friends. CHILI You played this neighborhood. Tried to stand tall. Now we got you by theDELUXE -Whoa. Dont grip your gripe there. CHILI Then well put it polite. Warn the hood- not just the kid who wears it but the other thugs who share ityou have 24 ticks to finger our felon. INT. ROOM -- HOTEL -- DAY

Deluxe throws open a suitcase. Tosses in the clothes. Stuffs the meager sum of his life in a Samsonite. A shadow in the threshold of the DOORWAY. THE KID Going somewhere? Deluxe spins. Winces at The Kids wounds. Carved and cut from Cowboy claws. DELUXE Were done if we dont run. Coppers are jamming us between a stone and a rock. You need to be doing the same. THE KID Run away? I was. Until I decided no more- Ive been hiding too long. Im tired of playing that way. DELUXE Someone make you the wiser?

85. THE KID No. Just opened my eyes brighter. The Kid reaches with bruised fingers. Takes the luggage from Deluxes hands. THE KID Once, you were my savior. Now Im going to return the favor. DELUXE You got smart ideas? The Kid draws a breath. Inhales inspiration, attitude, presence, and courage. Witness his transformation. See it rise in his eyes. THE KID The cops wont stop until we give up the guilty. But this beef is between Weed and myself. It ought to be settled back where it started- in the Underground. Order up a rematch with the Cowboys. If they win- Weed goes free and I take the rap. But if I win, the outcome is switched, Weed to the pen instead of me. DELUXE Your life against his? The gravity swallowing them both at once. DELUXE This will be the end of the Underground. One is burdened with guilt. The other resigns to a life illbuilt. But together they are all they have. THE KID So be it. This is the price we payfor hiding under hoods and hustles. For living a lie- to ourselves and to our friends. For always pretending and never standing taller... because of the the fear that we are so much smaller than the size of our hearts. The Kid leaves. Mettle and poise finally finding a fit in his stride. DISSOLVE TO:

86. EXT. UNDER THE BRIDGE -- DAY The far side is the big city. Fancy dreams. Far away. Our side. Deluxe meeting with the Cowboys. WEED Do or die...? Thats some hardcore shit your laying. DELUXE The law now holds the cards. And they demand one of our heads. Seems to me- theres only one way to make square what went down unfair. WEED A final Underground? Moods turn tight. DELUXE So the deal... it can be sealed? SOUL Theres a hitch. (beat) We lost one of our tribe. Its not like we got another to throw in the ring. DELUXE The world offers a billion other selects. Pick yours to dance. Any dish you wish. CUT TO: INT./EXT. LILAS APARTMENT -- DAY We enter just as MOVERS are exiting. Repossessing her meager collection of furniture. Gone are the Kashmiri rugs, the satin pillows, the sandalwood table. The silk curtains. By the door, two suitcases await Lilas departure. And then we see Lila herself. She is on her knees, beginning the toughest chore. The one that pains her most. She is covering up the walls. Painting them gray. Destroying the Kids artwork.

87. She paints over the images of her dancing. Covers up the stars. The crescent moon. And the sentinel image of Kid Bang. No longer will he be watching her. She would have tears if they had not already been exhausted. Tara enters to this sight. It arrests her. Almost overflows the remorse that already fills her. Tara approaches with a letter. A TELEGRAM. Hands it off. TARA This came for you. Lila fingers it open. Reads. And just when the heart seems to have met its capacity for grief- it finds room for more. LILA My grandmother has died. Lila... She approaches issuing comfort. Lila holds her at bay. Doesnt want to be touched. LILA Im fine. It was expected. She was ill before I left. (a breath of realization) I have nothing now. Without a family, a home- no money... In India, a person of my like will become a beggar on the streets. TARA Lila, dont say that shit. Its not true. LILA Tara, you know India well enough. A woman in my place has to face a harsh truth. At best, I may become a servant for a family that will provide me a roof... a servant for the rest of my life. An awkward silence. TARA When are you supposed to leave? LILA First flight is at sunrise. TARA

88. And then Tara breaks. TARA Im sorry. So very sorry. LILA Whats done is gone. There is no hate nor anger. Her voice holds nothing. Tara helps her to her feet. TARA Dont spend your last night alone. Come with me- theres a rumored rematch. Kid Bang vs The Cowboys. LILA Another Underground? TARA Not just another- the last. After tonight, all of it becomes lore. LILA I cant, Tara. I cant face to see him again. BOOM! The door busts open. The Cowboys storm mayhem. Weed at the helm. WEED And we be betting the same. The mere sight of you should throw Kid Bang off his game. TARA What are you doing here? SOUL That dynamite chicks our kryptonite. The moment he sees her, I swear hell tweak. Hell go from superhero to less than zero. TARA What do you want with us? Shut it. Weed opens a switch. FLING! Tosses it to Soul. He sweeps it from the air, and charges... straight for Lila. Tara SCREAMS. WEED

89. Soul lunges with the knife. Lila whips to the side. Soul swipes. Lila spins. He slices at her with madness. She dodges with manic grace. Her feet speeding. Her body spinning... spinning right into the clutches of Weed. He grips her hard. WEED I knew you could move. You aced the mid-term, sweets. Now on to the finalSoul returns the blade. Weed turns it on Lilas neck. WEED I need to know- do those moves have groove? Can you dance? Lila trembles. But wont say a word. WEED You wanna play mute? Fine. Soul grabs Tara. Weed throws Lila aside. Threatens the knife on Tara. WEED Can-she-dance? Taras eyes burn with fright. But she keeps solemn to her friend. Wont speak. Even as Weed draws blood. LILA Yes. Yes, I can dance. Indian girls are raised and tutored in dance. Its part of our culture. Its in our blood. They release Tara. She spills to the floor. WEED Then its you. Youre gonna cut the hip-shake for us against Kid Bang. (beat) Your life has basically crashed out. Youre about to be mailed back to India. But tonight you dance for us. And if you win- if we win- Ill slice off a healthy share of the purse. You can take that money and get your run on- make your own start in America.

90. LILA Please... dont do this to me. SOUL Why? Cuz your hearts all busted up and you cant bear to see him? How precious. WEED We got some heavy business on the line, so save your jerk-off tear jerking bullshit. Weed zeroes in on her. All black charm and menace. WEED If you refuse to play, you get a slip of my blade. I cash out your life. Right here. Right now Understood? (beat) And if you lose, you can bet the same. Youre dead unless you beat Kid Bang. Its that easy. CUT TO: EXT. STREETS -- DAY Lila running full bent through the neighborhood. Desperation in her legs. Flowing Shalawar Kameez. Powder pink Nikes. A mission in her heart. Spin a corner. Get to where youre going... EXT. HOTEL -- DAY She charges through the lead glass doors of tarnished bronze. INT. ROOM -- HOTEL -- DAY

Deluxe meets her at the DOOR. Lila fights for breath. Gets a grab on the adrenaline thats trembling her. LILA I need to confess.

91. DELUXE Let me guess- your love torn mess? LILA No. Its much worse. (catching her breath) Its going to be me against him. I am the Cowboys choice. And I have no choice. He fixes her fierce. DELUXE If he didnt love you so, my hate for you would be twice as more. A jolt she didnt expect. LILA For me? Why? DELUXE Since you came, hes never been the same. Youre the girl who flipped his world. Lila is struck silent. Swallows the pangs of her heart. LILA Have mercy. Im here with a crumpled heart. Here to surrender all the love I still have. (beat) If I lose, he will never see me again. I will be gone. DELUXE Back to India? LILA Just gone. For always. Its what you want, isnt it? Her pathos grips him. And his heart opens to the depth and breath of her suffering. INT. KIDS HOME -- NIGHT The Kid awakens. Pain gnawing at his flesh and bones. He tries to stand. Winces. His eyes focus... THE HOUDINI LOCK BOX.

92. EXT. KIDS HOME -- NIGHT The silver crescent moon commands Gods galaxy. The Kid unlocks the Box. Peers into the dark container. ROSE PETALS. Hundreds of flawless red petals. The same hue as that ruby paint he first mixed for Lila. That fabulous color both mesmerizing and enticing. He sticks his hand deep into the bed of petals- cool and soft. Open your palm. Watch as they float up into the night... DISSOLVE TO: INT./EXT. ABANDONED CHURCH -- NIGHT The Underground. And this time its chosen location is most appropriate. A holy house that hasnt seen a service in a generation's age. THE VESTIBULE CLOSE ON; the gold sun pendant. Tara drapes it around Lilas neck. Luminous. Tara offers a kiss and wishes her off. Lila departs. And we see she is wearing her grandmothers garnet sari. THE CHURCH The crowd is thick and crazy. Deluxe, The Cowboys, The Noisethis is the last bash this side of the sun (or moon.) THE ALTAR Kid Bang. Already present with hood and jacket. No fancy entrances this time. He waits for his opponent. Tara fires up the mix- a fusion of East and West. And she makes a heavenly arrival. The people part. Lila comes down the aisle. Her sari flowing. Rose petals floating. Lila reaches the altar- their stage. Their battle ring. She arrives before the Kid. Her gold pendant catching the fire light. Glittering. Gleaming.

93. A face off. The Kid is thrown. He never expected to see her again, let alone have her as an opponent. THE KID What are you doing here? LILA Dont talk. Just dance with me. The mix hits its breakbeat. The joint crackles with electricity. Time to kick. THE KID Im serious. LILA Shhhh. Or Ill win before you even begin. And shes off. Twirling and spinning. Gliding and sliding. A diva from the soul of shiva. The Kid moves to match. Their jig becomes increasingly fierce. Hard core hip-hop and break moves vs. classic thousand-year-old Indian artistry. A sight to behold. Then comes the magic... With a sweep of her sari, Lila transports the Kid to another world. THE DESERT Like a dream of unparalleled dimension, the Kid is afoot on an arid plane. He searches the scene. Feverish. Disoriented. Finds Lila dancing upon sand dunes under a night sky. It is exactly like the mural the Kid painted on her walls... except now they are there. Lila has the upper hand. This is her world. The Kid needs to strike back. And he does. A FLIP That buckles his battered knee. But he holds. Drives her back to his world. THE GHETTO Tough and dirty. He explodes. Freestyles. His moves are wild and reckless.

94. Eventually they face off. Back to reality. The Kid stares her down. Lila hesitates. Suddenly confliction consumes her. She pulls her steps like an unsure fighter. The sight of the Kid- the boy she loves versus... she scans the crowd- finds Weed who holds the high-stake cards of her unknown future. He fights for life or death. She for freedom or servitude. But both are tangled in the knotted emotions of their love. A deep breathe. She dives back into the dance. A CASKET OF INCENSED OIL Unsheathed from her gown. She spills it upon the church floor... and it instantly ignites. Rings of fire spiral. She dances through the flames. A breathtaking visual spectacle culminating with the amassed power of movement, music, and sensuality. The Kid tries to turn the tide. Spill his funk. But Lila controls. The crowd is awed. The Kid guns it for all hes worth. An aerial assault. Evel Knievel over the flames. The Kid in the AIR. The crowd ROARS. Feet make TOUCHDOWN. But that knee. It fails him. He falls. Tumbles. The crowd is stunned. No one has ever seen Kid Bang so weak. The Kid is in obvious pain. Hobbles around. He tries another move. Falls again. The injuries the Cowboys inflicted- the smashed knee- it cant support his weight. The Cowboys begin celebration. Deluxe crushed- cant bear to look. The end of Kid Bang. Everyone braces. All eyes upon Kid Bang. Waiting for him to raise his hand. To signal defeat. The Kid steadies his legs. But he does not raise his hand... instead he removes his hood. And for the first time everyone sees his face. A unanimous GASP of shock degrades to laughs. This chump is Kid Bang? Boo.

95. But the Kid is stoic. Strong. He unzips the jacket. Throws it into the fire. It burns. He doesnt need it anymore. He is who he is, and he now has the courage to stand by that. The Kid shoots Tara an eye. Pump the music back up. He isnt done. Tara complies with the beat. Revs to redline. And the Kid, in a move of unbelievable prowess, FLIPS OVER, and lands on his hands. He knows his legs dont work so he opts to disregard them. And now dances only with his hands. He walks on his hands. Jumps, twirls, and flips- always landing on his hands. An amazing display of strength and agility. The Kid moves like a top- spinning and whirling- always upside down. The crowd cannot deny him. This kind of skill is unmatched. Legendary. And the Kid is free. He is without the jacket. The hood. Everyone can see him for what he is... and they CHEER. Finally, the Kid flips back to his feet. Sticks the landing. Pain etching his face. He stands before Lila. Inches from her. She stares into his eyes. Loses herself in them. She cannot and will not beat him. Nobody can. And nobody should. And in his eyes, she is overcome by an ocean of emotion with tides divine. Swept away from brim to limb. Her heart beckons her... and she makes a move driven not just by love, but by pride. She kisses him. The whole church is struck silent. Everyone carried away by the potency of their romance. LILA (a whisper in his ear) See what they now see- the most pure view- you for who you are. It was forever good enough for me. I wish you couldve understood that. You didnt have to spill our love. She releases her hold on him. And there movement vanishes as Deluxe takes charge. The first to recognize the implications of Lilas actions.

96. DELUXE Sweet beauty aside, Lila just did herself in. Fair maiden broke the first rule of the Underground. A kiss is a touch too much. She loses. We win. WEED Son of a mother! Weed sweating it. Makes a run for it. Grabs Lila. Locks a gun to her head. WEED I warned you. You lost- youre over. You die. He angles her to the exit. But doesnt get far... THE KID Get your grip off her. WEED What are you gonna do? Dance me to death? THE KID No. Thats done. From now on my feet stay grounded, so the rest of me can fly. The Kid whips around. Kicks-out the gun, and cracks a thunder on Weeds face. Drops the thug to the ground. Deluxe steps up. Importing menace to remind all of the Underground deal they set. DELUXE The verdict is declared. The word should be kept- Kid Bang goes free. You to the gallows. Weed peels himself up. He aint done. Rises to his height. But its Deluxe who meets his face. WEED Now its you looking to throw? DELUXE Me? Dont you get how I play. Have you ever seen me dirty my hand, break a sweat, or take a stand?

97. DELUXE (cont'd) I market friends that make me look bigger than I am. ON; Kid Bang. Then... WIDER; on Kid Bang. And the cops arriving behind. THE TROOPERS INVADE. Storm the joint. Throw everyone into madnessChili and Nugget to the front. Weed on the scramble. Spins for escape. Meets police pistols promising hell- CLICK, CLICK CLICK. The rest of the Underground scurry like vermin. Weeds dropped and cuffed. Tara grabs Lila. Steals her away. A last look at the Kid. The last they will ever share. Though her life saved, she knows it will now meet its end with a forced return to India. Deluxe rushes for the Kid. But Chili and Nugget block their dock. They grab the duo. Scoop them out with surprised force. CUT TO: INT./EXT. SQUAD CAR -- NIGHT Chili at the helm. Nugget in usual shotgun. Deluxe and the Kid in the cage. DELUXE Where you shipping us? NUGGET A one way ticket to Palookaville. Weve decided youre best retired. EXT. BRIDGE -- NIGHT Law mobile screeches a halt. CHILI I want tonights skim. All of it. And the neighborhood- free and clean. Kick it back and well set you loose.

98. CHILI (cont'd) You can take your freedom and walk it the hell out of here. Deluxe checks their eyes. Slick as hustlers. Recognizes them as his own- once upon a time. He digs into his jacket. Fishes out the largest ENVELOPE thus far. Chili accepts it with relish. They set the Kid and Deluxe out. Push Deluxe in the direction he needs to take. CHILI From now on it goes like thisNever shine your face this side of the line. Understood? DELUXE As clear as it should. The cops cruise away. Deluxe grips a suitcase. He heads for the bridge. Leaves the Kid behind. THE KID Will I ever see you again? DELUXE We may ride- but not on this side. High time I held a promise to the end. He stops. There are more words needed to cauterize their split. DELUXE I was wrong. You were always the real deal. It was you who made me. It was you who made the Underground. Not the other way around. And what was underneath- no matter how long it took to meet- it was worth the price of starting a life twice. Beat. Im sorry. DELUXE Dont be. But you need to do as I, and keep true your word. Theres a promise you owe to the love you call yours. THE KID

99. THE KID To Lila? DELUXE She lost the Underground. And now shes bound for a far off land. Youll never meet her eyes again. (beat) Unless, of course, you take her hand. The only question isTHE KID -There isnt one. Its time I claimed the man I should have always been. Deluxe smiles. Starts his walk. DELUXE Then youll need this. Farewell my friend, and somewhat son. He slips the gold diamond encrusted BANG ring from his fingers. Tosses it to the Kid. And he goes for good. INT./EXT. BUS -- NIGHT Skinned with graffiti and gang tags. Empty but for the DRIVER. It hisses to the curb. Lila climbs aboard. Weighted by luggage. The loneliest of passenger. A throttle of the engine. Her exodus begins. A JERK of the brakes. Progress suddenly impeded. The DRIVER puts his weight behind the horn. HONK! Lila looks up. Sees the obstacle. THE KID In the middle of the road. No electric blue jacket. No shark skin pants. Meager clothes that shine sharp with confidence. He BANGS on the doors. Makes entrance on the bus. THE KID I dont want you to go back. I dont want you to go anywhere. She looks away. Turns her forlorn eyes out the scratched windows. THE KID Lila, stay with me.

100. LILA Thats a fancy order. THE KID How about a humble request- would you be my wife- share a life? He takes his steps toward her. Kneels in the aisle beside her. THE KID Just as I promised then. Except this time theres no running. Thats not who I am anymore. I stand in my shoes because I believe in what I am. And when we believe, we belong where we stand. You taught me this. Because of you, Im not afraid to be seen- for all I have. And all that I dont. LILA These words you say... they are your truth? They are. THE KID Inspired only by you.

She meets his eyes. Lets go a smile. LILA You... will always claim my heart. CUT TO: THE BUS; it RUSHES past us into the night. Reveals... LILA and THE KID standing in the street. LILA But marry you? Are you serious...? Or seriously delirious? THE KID All of the above. He takes her hand. THE KID Call it love. And he slips upon her slender fingers the bling BANG ring. And in truth, there isnt a more appropriate wedding band Kid Bang can offer.

101. He swallows her in his arms. She wraps those tiny fingers clad in that ghetto ring around his neck. And thats the last image we see of them... BANG The SKY; Crescent moon yields to the rising sun. Out.

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