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The number of neuron cells in our brain is more than the total number of stars in our galaxy.

The normal energy used by our brain is 0.1 calories per minute, and could go up to 1.5 during activities such as puzzle-solving. While only 2% in weight, the human brain requires 15% of the body's heart work, 20% of oxygen and 25% of all glucose. Dr. Diamond reported the percentage of glial cells which nourish neurons in Einstein's brain contained about 73% more than the average male brain. There had been a greater metabolic need his brain cells needed and used more energy.

10. In 1996 Dr. Harvey surrendered the remaining pieces of Einstein's brain to Dr. Elliot Krauss, at Princeton Hospital , who donated it to McMaster University where it was described as remarkable. 11. Researchers measured a 15% wider than average brain, with the inferior parietal regions on both hemispheres much more developed than most.

In a jar of formaldehyde in Dr. Thomas Harvey, the pathologist who performed Einstein's autopsy, stored the brain for his own study.

Yawns wake up the brain Although we associate yawning with sleepiness and boredom, its function appears to be to wake us up. Yawning expands our pharynx and larynx, allowing large amounts of air to pass into our lungs; oxygen then enters our blood, making us more alert. Many vertebrates do it, including all mammals and perhaps birds. It also has been observed in human foetuses after just 12 weeks of gestation. In non human primates, it is associated with tense situations and potential threats. Think of yawns as your body's attempt to reach full alertness in situations that require it. They are contagious, as anyone who has attempted to teach a roomful of bored students knows. No one is sure why, though it might be advantageous to allow individuals quickly to transmit to one another a need for increased arousal. They are not contagious in non primate mammals, but the ability to recognise a yawn may be fairly general: dogs yawn in response to stressful situations and are thought to use yawning to calm others. You can even sometimes calm your dog by yawning.

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