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Pac k i n g Pa r t y

& use Operation Christmas Child to share the Gospel in your community

Host A

b e f o r e t h e Pa r t y

2 Arrange to have these supplies at the party:

Determine a location, date, the number of guests to invite, and a shoe box collection goal for your packing party. GIFTS. Assign items for attendees to bring to fill the shoe boxes. A list of suggestions can be found at samaritanspurse.org/occ. Be sure to exclude inappropriate items. EMPTY BOXES. Have people bring their own shoe boxes, ask local shoe stores for empty boxes, or supply plastic boxes. PHOTOS/LETTERS. Ask attendees to bring photos or plan to take pictures at the party and include those along with a personal note in each of the shoe boxes. assembly line, letter writing, and completed boxes. If you like, you can also designate people to wrap the shoe boxes (lid separately) before or during the party. promotional video. Prepare snacks or ask people to bring something to share. the $7 shipping donation. Consider visiting the OCC website to make the donation and print out special Follow Your Box boy/girl labels. This will allow boxes to be tracked so you can find out the destination of your shoe box gifts. resources such as downloadable photos, spiritual impact stories, logos, clip art, and local drop-off information.

Share Your Faith with Friends, Family, and Neighbors

During your packing party, share your personal testimony and why participating in Operation Christmas Child is important to you. Share spiritual impact stories of children who came to faith in Christ through shoe box gifts. Explain The Greatest Journey, Operation Christmas Childs follow-up discipleship program, and how it is impacting lives. (visit thegreatestjourney.org) At the end of the party , invite attendees to church or a small group Bible study.

3 Designate areas for packing shoe boxes, item

Let your light shine before men Matthew 5:16a

4 Prepare an area for attendees to watch the OCC 5 Determine how you will generate money for

6 Visit samaritanspurse.org/occ for additional



YeAr-rOuNd COlleCTiON

Teach Your Kids About Giving Through Operation Christmas Child

Order free materials at samaritanspurse.org/occ. Show your children a video from the Operation Christmas Child DVD. Prepare questions to get them thinking about the widespread needs in the world. Do the jar demonstration. Fill a jar with jelly beans or M&Ms of the same colorexcept for one piece of candy. Make sure the different color piece of candy is visible. Explain that this piece of candy represents the percentage of children in the world who will receive shoe box gifts and hear about Jesus this year. The rest of the candy represents all of the children yet to receive boxes and hear the Gospel message. Tell your children what Jesus says about giving. Share Scripture verses. Take them shopping to buy items for the shoe box they will pack. Have them write a personal letter to the child with a return envelope and add a photo. Print your labels through Follow Your Box online donation so each child can learn the destination country. Pray with your children for each shoe box recipient. Share with them the importance of missionaries and how they are becoming missionaries by sending shoe box gifts to children overseas. When you learn the destination country, share facts with your children about that country. Teach them about The Greatest Journey and share the importance of the program. Go to thegreatestjourney.org for more information. Order the Operation Christmas Child Scripture Treasure Cards (free offer) and have your children pray for Operation Christmas Child each night.

SuGGeSTed iTemS per mONTh

Shop for deals year-round and catch the seasonal item sales. JANUARY Toothbrushes and toothpaste FEBRUARY Plush toys MARCH Hats, gloves, scarves APRIL Boy toys MAY Girl toys JUNE Boy clothing items JULY Girl clothing items AUGUST School supplies SEPTEMBER Soap and other hygiene items OCTOBER Hard candy

www.samaritanspurse.org/occ questions? 1-800-353-5949

facebook.com/OCCshoeboxes twitter.com/OCC_shoeboxes

2011 Samaritans Purse.


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