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Loop - Photography by Ben Woods
vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent
recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence
revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd
inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion
enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity
inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu
prdcticd inprovenent vision
encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent
recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence
revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd
inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion
enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity
inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu
prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion
enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive
expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive
vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience
enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe
enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised
iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq
connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision
encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent
recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence
revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd
inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion
enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity
inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu
prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn
pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq
credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion
positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive
Transition Derby UK
Heo! 1rdnsition LerLy ooks positivey dnd enthusidsticdy tovdrds d luture ol
steddiy descendinq enerqy consunption. / luture in vhich ve vork coectivey
dnd vdue edch other. With the prospect ol the denise ol chedp oi ve invite you
to oin vith us ds ve tdke the issues ol ledk Ci dnd Cindte Chdnqe into our
ovn hdnds. We Leieve thdt Ly unedshinq our coective qenius, ve cdn credtivey
pdn tovdrd dnd inLuence LerLys enerqy descent dnd encourdqe vidLe vdys ol
qreener ivinq vhich dre nore connected, nore enrichinq dnd vhich recoqnise the
Liooqicd initdtions ol our pdnet. 1he 1rdnsition dpprodch is excitinq dnd dillerent
in thdt it inteqrdtes ocd dnd qoLd issues thdt ve ds d connunity ldce, dnd vorks
dt the qrdss roots eve. LerLys dLiity to rendin resiient durinq the chdenqes
dhedd vi depend drqey on our dLiity to codesce expertise, knovedqe dnd
coective experience.
Lsteened citizens ol LerLy nust Le dt the hedrt ol this dredn.
1here dre dLout IOO other tovns dnd cities olhcidy enqdqed in sinidr dctivity in
Lritdin done vith nev ones lorninq d the tine.
We Leieve thdt it cdn hdppen in LerLy too!
1he 1rdnsition 1ovn Movenent stdrted lour yedrs dqo in Kinsde, County Cork, dnd
hds proilerdted dround the vord incrediLy quicky. Lven Ld MiiLdnd dttended the
recent 1rdnsition Netvork conlerence. Here, d qroup ol peope hdve redised thdt
its tine lor LerLy to oin in.
1vo ndor crises ldcinq hundnity toddy dre ledk Ci dnd Cindte Chdnqe. 1he
1rdnsition 1ovn node tdke Loth ol then hedd on in dn inteqrdted, dovn to edrth
vdy. 1he soutions to lC v CC dre redted, dnd these soutions redch ldr into
reievinq unenpoynent, revitdisinq connunity dnd ensurinq resiience ol ocdities.
Fesiience is d centrd concept to 1rdnsition dnd is Ldsicdy nedns d systens dLiity
to vithstdnd externd chdnqes. 1he systen is the city ol LerLy, dnd ocd production
ol lood dnd re-skiinq peope dre connund dnd luhinq dctivities dnd nedn thdt
socid chdnqe cdn Le net vith enthusidsn dnd positivity.
1he core vdues ol the 1rdnsition novenent dre qrounded in connunity spirit dnd
pdrticipdtion. 1he ndin vdys these Losson dre Ly qrovinq ocd produce dnd
shdrinq edch others skis.
Clten peopes visions ol the luture vi inLuence their dspirdtions dnd enqdqenent
vith the vord. lts inportdnt to ook dt these vievs ol the luture. When peope tdk
dLout vhdt they think is qoinq to hdppen the nessdqes cdn olten Le Loied dovn
to one ol three scripts.
1he hrst is Lusiness ds usud, this story presunes thdt thinqs drent pdrticudry
trouLesone,ve keep hndinq nev oi dnd society vi continue to lunction edsiy.
1he second is techno-hx vonderdnd vhere hundn Leinq hdve deveoped their
incrediLe technooqies to d point vhere everythinq is dndzinq dnd ve eventudy
edve here in spdceships to ive out Btdr 1rek. /thouqh dndzinq enerqy technooqies
exist, theyre in the hdnds ol corpordte contro dnd theres nuch deveopnent elt
to qo on then.
1he third is dpocdypse, cindte cdtdstrophe dnd oi depetion hdve elt hundn
society in d stdte ol ruin. Nothinq vds done in tine dnd vere d hqhtinq edch other
over the scrdps ol lood, vith d hdndlu qudrdinq their herd vith d shotqun keepinq
the hodrds ol hunqry peope dt Ldy.
1his nev Vision hds to Le the lourth story thdt hds not Leen tod enouqh. lt hds to
Le the redistic positive vision. lts d story vhere the qoLd issues dre tdken hedd on
dt the connunity dnd city eve. ldniies dre no onqer isodted dnd nucedr. Lthnic
ninorities dre recoqnised dnd incuded. leope lron d Ldckqrounds dnd reiqions
dre veconed dnd dre on Lodrd vith qoLd issues. 1he resiience ol d tovn is
inproved to d point so thdt cindtic dnd econonic cdtdstrophes drent too nuch ol d
shock. Lecduse connon-qod connunities credte sonethinq qredter thdn the sun
ol its pdrts, vorkinq vith peope on the dnd, shdrinq skis, dnd entertdininq edch
other vi Le nuch nore connonpdce.
1his lorth story needs to Le tod nore cedry dnd nore olten, nov nore thdn ever, so
ds to ensure d pedcelu, prdcticd dnd luhinq trdnsition to d ov enerqy society.
1rdnsition LerLy set up lour nonths dqo. Bo ldr ve hdve hed dvdreness rdisinq
events dnd hdve suLnitted d response to LerLy Councis core strdteqy. We
orqdnised d connunity turLine Luid dt Meyne Ldnqey ldrn recenty in vhich
the possiLiities lor connunity ovned vind turLines vere denonstrdted. We dre
ookinq lorvdrd to enqdqinq nore vith the counci Lut dso vith schoos, connunity
orqdnisdtions dnd ocd Lusinesses.
/rtice . Ldnie Ldtes Lesiqn . Chris Fedshdv
check veLsite lor nore detdis. vvv.trdnsitionderLy.co.uk
vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent
recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence
revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd
inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion
enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity
inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu
prdcticd inprovenent vision
encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent
recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence
revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd
inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion
enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity
inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu
prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion
enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive
expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive
vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience
enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe
enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised
iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq
connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision
encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent
recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence
revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd
inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion
enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity
inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu
prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn
pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq
credtive expertise hundnity inLuence revitdisinq connunity resiience enthusidsn pdrticipdtion enqdqenent recoqnised iLerdtion
positive vision pedcelu prdcticd inprovenent vision encourdqe enrichinq credtive
Transition Derby UK
Heo! 1rdnsition LerLy ooks positivey dnd enthusidsticdy tovdrds d luture ol
steddiy descendinq enerqy consunption. / luture in vhich ve vork coectivey
dnd vdue edch other. With the prospect ol the denise ol chedp oi ve invite you
to oin vith us ds ve tdke the issues ol ledk Ci dnd Cindte Chdnqe into our
ovn hdnds. We Leieve thdt Ly unedshinq our coective qenius, ve cdn credtivey
pdn tovdrd dnd inLuence LerLys enerqy descent dnd encourdqe vidLe vdys ol
qreener ivinq vhich dre nore connected, nore enrichinq dnd vhich recoqnise the
Liooqicd initdtions ol our pdnet. 1he 1rdnsition dpprodch is excitinq dnd dillerent
in thdt it inteqrdtes ocd dnd qoLd issues thdt ve ds d connunity ldce, dnd vorks
dt the qrdss roots eve. LerLys dLiity to rendin resiient durinq the chdenqes
dhedd vi depend drqey on our dLiity to codesce expertise, knovedqe dnd
coective experience.
Lsteened citizens ol LerLy nust Le dt the hedrt ol this dredn.
1here dre dLout IOO other tovns dnd cities olhcidy enqdqed in sinidr dctivity in
Lritdin done vith nev ones lorninq d the tine.
We Leieve thdt it cdn hdppen in LerLy too!
1he 1rdnsition 1ovn Movenent stdrted lour yedrs dqo in Kinsde, County Cork, dnd
hds proilerdted dround the vord incrediLy quicky. Lven Ld MiiLdnd dttended the
recent 1rdnsition Netvork conlerence. Here, d qroup ol peope hdve redised thdt
its tine lor LerLy to oin in.
1vo ndor crises ldcinq hundnity toddy dre ledk Ci dnd Cindte Chdnqe. 1he
1rdnsition 1ovn node tdke Loth ol then hedd on in dn inteqrdted, dovn to edrth
vdy. 1he soutions to lC v CC dre redted, dnd these soutions redch ldr into
reievinq unenpoynent, revitdisinq connunity dnd ensurinq resiience ol ocdities.
Fesiience is d centrd concept to 1rdnsition dnd is Ldsicdy nedns d systens dLiity
to vithstdnd externd chdnqes. 1he systen is the city ol LerLy, dnd ocd production
ol lood dnd re-skiinq peope dre connund dnd luhinq dctivities dnd nedn thdt
socid chdnqe cdn Le net vith enthusidsn dnd positivity.
1he core vdues ol the 1rdnsition novenent dre qrounded in connunity spirit dnd
pdrticipdtion. 1he ndin vdys these Losson dre Ly qrovinq ocd produce dnd
shdrinq edch others skis.
Clten peopes visions ol the luture vi inLuence their dspirdtions dnd enqdqenent
vith the vord. lts inportdnt to ook dt these vievs ol the luture. When peope tdk
dLout vhdt they think is qoinq to hdppen the nessdqes cdn olten Le Loied dovn
to one ol three scripts.
1he hrst is Lusiness ds usud, this story presunes thdt thinqs drent pdrticudry
trouLesone,ve keep hndinq nev oi dnd society vi continue to lunction edsiy.
1he second is techno-hx vonderdnd vhere hundn Leinq hdve deveoped their
incrediLe technooqies to d point vhere everythinq is dndzinq dnd ve eventudy
edve here in spdceships to ive out Btdr 1rek. /thouqh dndzinq enerqy technooqies
exist, theyre in the hdnds ol corpordte contro dnd theres nuch deveopnent elt
to qo on then.
1he third is dpocdypse, cindte cdtdstrophe dnd oi depetion hdve elt hundn
society in d stdte ol ruin. Nothinq vds done in tine dnd vere d hqhtinq edch other
over the scrdps ol lood, vith d hdndlu qudrdinq their herd vith d shotqun keepinq
the hodrds ol hunqry peope dt Ldy.
1his nev Vision hds to Le the lourth story thdt hds not Leen tod enouqh. lt hds to
Le the redistic positive vision. lts d story vhere the qoLd issues dre tdken hedd on
dt the connunity dnd city eve. ldniies dre no onqer isodted dnd nucedr. Lthnic
ninorities dre recoqnised dnd incuded. leope lron d Ldckqrounds dnd reiqions
dre veconed dnd dre on Lodrd vith qoLd issues. 1he resiience ol d tovn is
inproved to d point so thdt cindtic dnd econonic cdtdstrophes drent too nuch ol d
shock. Lecduse connon-qod connunities credte sonethinq qredter thdn the sun
ol its pdrts, vorkinq vith peope on the dnd, shdrinq skis, dnd entertdininq edch
other vi Le nuch nore connonpdce.
1his lorth story needs to Le tod nore cedry dnd nore olten, nov nore thdn ever, so
ds to ensure d pedcelu, prdcticd dnd luhinq trdnsition to d ov enerqy society.
1rdnsition LerLy set up lour nonths dqo. Bo ldr ve hdve hed dvdreness rdisinq
events dnd hdve suLnitted d response to LerLy Councis core strdteqy. We
orqdnised d connunity turLine Luid dt Meyne Ldnqey ldrn recenty in vhich
the possiLiities lor connunity ovned vind turLines vere denonstrdted. We dre
ookinq lorvdrd to enqdqinq nore vith the counci Lut dso vith schoos, connunity
orqdnisdtions dnd ocd Lusinesses.
/rtice . Ldnie Ldtes Lesiqn . Chris Fedshdv
check veLsite lor nore detdis. vvv.trdnsitionderLy.co.uk
PyrokineTrix (an ex-circus spinning duo) will be holding a FREE circus skills workshop
at the Blessington Carriage.
If u would like to learn any skills or just come along and have a goon the equipment,
then come along!
We have poi, staff-singles/contact/double, devil/fower stix and juggling-
balls,rings,clubs,hats,cigar boxes and even passing!
All are welcome just come along and have a go!
The workshop will be held upstairs at the bless on
15th October at 7p.m - 10p.m

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