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Develop Project Charte r 1. Project Statem ent of W ork 2. Business case 3. C ontract 4. Ente rprise Environm e ntal Factors 5. O rganizationa l Proce ss Asse ts 1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt 1. P ro je ct C ha rte r

Develop Project Management Plan

1. Proje ct charte r 2. O utputs from planning proce sse s 3. Ente rprise Environm e ntal Factors 4. O rganizationa l Proce ss Asse ts

1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. Project m anagem ent plan

Direct and Manage Project Execution

1. Project m anagem ent plan 2. Approve d change re quests 3 .Ente rprise e nviro nm e nta l fa cto rs 4. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt 2. PMIS

1. De live rable s 2. W ork perform ance inform ation 3. C ha nge re que sts 4. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n upda te s 5. Proje ct docum e nt update s


Monitor and Control Project Work

1. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 2. Pe rform ance re port s 3. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts 4. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors

1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. C hange re que sts 2. Proje ct m anage m e nt plan update s 3. Proje ct docum e nt update s

Perform Integrated Change Control

1. Proje ct m anage m e nt plan 2. W ork perform ance inform ation 3. C ha nge re que sts 4. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors 5. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt 2. C ha nge co ntro l m e e tings

1. C hange re que st status upda te s 2. Project m anagem ent plan updates 3. Proje ct docum e nt update s

Close Project or Phase

1. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 2. Acce pte d De live ra ble s 3. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. Final product, se rvice , o r re sult transition 2. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts (update s)

Collect Requirements

1. P ro je ct cha rte r 2. Sta k e ho lde r re giste r

1. Inte rvie ws 2. Focus groups 3. Facilitate d work shops 4. Group cre ativity te chnique s 5. Group de cision-m ak ing te chnique s 6. Q ue stio nna ire s & Su rve ys 7. O bse rvations 8. Prototype s

1. R e quire m e nts docum e ntation 2. R e quire m e nts m a na ge m e nt plan 3. R e quire m e nts trace ability m atrix

Define Scope

1. P ro je ct cha rte r 2. R e quire m e nts docum e ntation 3. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Ex pe rt judgem e nt 2. Product analysis 3. Alte rnative s ide ntification 4. Facilitated workshops

1. Proje ct scope state m e nt 2. Proje ct do cum e nt update s


Create WBS

1. P ro je ct sco pe sta te m e nt 2. R e quire m e nts docum e ntation 3. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. De com position

1. W BS 2. W BS dictionary 3. Sco pe ba se line 5. P ro je ct sco pe m a na ge m e nt pla n (upda te s) 6. R e que ste d cha nge s

Verify Scope

1. Proje ct m anage m e nt plan 2. R e quire m e nts docum e ntation 3. R e quire m e nts tra ce a bility m a trix 4. Va lida te d de live ra ble s

1. Inspection

1. Acce pte d de live ra ble s 2. C ha nge re que sts 3. P ro je ct do cum e nt upda te s

Control Scope

1. Project m anagem ent plan 2. W ork perform ance inform ation 3. R e quire m e nts do cum e nta tion 4. R e quire m e nt trace ability m atrix 5. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. Variance analysis

1. W ork pe rform ance m e asure m e nts 2. Organizational process assets 3. C ha nge re que sts 4. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n upda te s 5. Proje ct do cum e nt update s

Define A ctivities

1. Sco pe ba se line 2. Ente rprise e nviro nm e nta l fa cto rs 3. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. Decom position 2. R olling wave planning 3. Te m plates 4. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. Activity list 2. Activity attribute s 3. Mile stone list

Sequence A ctivities

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Activity list Activity attribute s Mile stone list P ro je ct sco pe sta te m e nt O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. P DM 2. De pe nde ncy de te rm ina tio n 3. Apply le ads and lags 4. Sche dule ne two rk te m pla te s

1. P ro je ct sche dule ne two rk dia gra m s 2. Proje ct do cum e nt update s

Project Management

Estimate A ctivity Resources

1. Activity list 2. Activity attribute s 3. R e so urce ca le nda rs 4. Ente rprise e nviro nm e nta l fa cto rs 5. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt 2. Alte rnative s a nalysis 3. Published e stim ating data 4. Project m anagem ent software 5. Bottom -up e stim ating

1. Activity re source re quire m e nts 2. R e so urce bre ak do wn structure 3. Proje ct docum e nt update s

Estimate A ctivity Duration


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Activity list Activity attribute s Activity re so urce re quire m e nts R e so urce ca le nda r P ro je ct sco pe sta te m e nt Ente rprise e nviro nm e nta l fa cto rs O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt 2. Analogo us e stim ating 3. Param e tric e stim ating 4. Thre e -po int e stim ating 5. R e se rve a na lysis

1. Activity duration e stim ate 2. P ro je ct do cum e nt upda te s

Develop Schedule

1. Activity list 2. Activity attribute s 3. P ro je ct sche dule ne two rk dia gra m 4. Activity re so urce re quire m e nts 5. R e so urce ca le nda rs 6. Activity duration e stim ate s 7. P ro je ct sco pe sta te m e nt 8. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors 9. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Sche dule ne twork analysis 2. C ritical pa th m e thod 3. C ritical chain m e thod 4. R e so urce le ve ling 5. What-if scenario analysis 6. Applying le ads and lags 7. Sche dule co m pre ssio n 8. Sche duling tool

1. Proje ct sche dule 2. Sche dule ba se line 3. Schedule data 4. Proje ct do cum e nt update s

Control Schedule

1. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 2. Proje ct sche dule 3. W ork perform ance inform ation 4. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. P e rfo rm a nce re vie ws 2. Variance analysis 3. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt so ftwa re 4. R e so urce le ve ling 5. What-if scenario analysis 6. Adjusting le ads and lags 7. Sche dule co m pre ssio n 8. Sche duling tools

1. W ork pe rform ance m e asure m e nts 2. Organizational process assets updates 3. C ha nge re que sts 4. Project m anagem ent plan updates 5. P ro je ct do cum e nt upda te s

Estimate Costs

1. Sco pe ba se line 2. Proje ct sche dule 3. Hum an re source plan 4. R isk re giste r 5. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors 6. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. Ex pe rt judge m e nt 2. Analogous e stim ating 3. Param e tric e stim ating 4. Bottom -up e stim ating 5. Thre e -point e stim ate 6. R e se rve a na lysis 7. C ost of quality 8. Project m anagem ent estim ating software 9. Ve ndor bid analysis

1. Activity cost e stim ate s 2. Basis of e stim ate s 3. Proje ct docum e nt update s

Determine Budget


1. Activity cost e stim ate s 2. Basis of e stim ate s 3. Scope base line 4. Proje ct sche dule 5. R e source ca le ndars 6. C ontract 7. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. C ost aggre gation 2. R e se rve analysis 3. Ex pe rt judgem e nt 4. Historical re lationships 5. Funding lim it re conciliation

1. C o st pe rfo rm a nce ba se line 2. Proje ct funding re quire m e nts 3. P ro je ct do cum e nt upda te s

Control Costs

1.Project m anagem ent plan 2. Proje ct funding re quire m e nts 3. W ork perform ance inform ation 4. Organizational process assets

1. Earne d value m e asure m e nt 2. Fore casting 3. To -co m ple te pe rfo rm a nce inde x (TC P I) 4. P e rfo rm a nce re vie ws 5. Variance analysis 6. Proje ct m anage m e nt software

1. W ork pe rform ance m e asure m e nts 2. Budge t fo re ca sts 3. O rga niza tio na l pro ce ss a sse ts upda te s 4. C hange re quests 5. Project m anagem ent plan updates 6. Proje ct do cum e nt update s

Plan Quality

1. Sco pe ba se line 2. Sta k e ho lde r re giste r 3. C o st pe rfo rm a nce ba se line 4. Sche dule ba se line 5. R isk re giste r 6. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors 7. Organizational process assets

1. C ost-be nefit analysis 2. Be nchm ark ing 3. De sign o f e x pe rim e nts 4. C ost of quality 5. C ontrol charts 6. Statistical sam pling 7. Flowcharts 8. Proprie tary quality m anage m e nt m e thodologie s 9. Additional quality planning tools

1. Quality m anagem ent plan 2. Q uality m e trics 3. Q uality che ck lists 4. Proce ss im prove m e nt plan 5. Proje ct docum e nt update s

Perform Quality A ssurance


1. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 2. Q uality m e trics 3. W ork perform ance inform ation 4. Q uality control m e asure m e nts

1. Plan qua lity and P e rform qua lity control to ols a nd te chnique s 2. Q uality a udits 3. Proce ss analysis

1. Organizational process assets updates 2. C ha nge re que sts 3. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n upda te s 4. Proje ct docum e nt update s

Perform Quality Control

1. Project m anagem ent plan 2. Q uality che ck lists 3. Q uality m e trics 4. W ork perform ance inform ation 5. Appro ve d cha nge re que sts 6. De live ra ble s 7. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. C a use a nd e ffe ct dia gra m 2. C ontrol charts 3. Flowcharting 4. Histogram 5. Pare to chart 6. R un chart 7. Scatter diagram 8. Statistical sam pling 9. Inspection 10.Appro ve d cha nge re que sts re vie w

1. Q ua lity control m e asure m e nts 2. Validate d change s 3. validate d de live rable s 4. Organizational process assets 5. C hange re quests 6. Project m anagem ent plan updates 7. Proje ct do cum e nt update s

Identify Stakeholders

1. P ro je ct cha rte r 2. Procure m e nt docum e nts 3. Ente rprise Environm e ntal factors 4. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Stak e holde r analysis 3. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. Sta k e ho lde r re giste r 2. Sta k e ho lde r m a na ge m e nt stra te gy

Plan Communications

1. Sta k e ho lde r re giste r 2. Sta k e ho lde r m a na ge m e nt stra te gy 3. Ente rprise e nviro nm e nta l fa cto rs 4. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. C om m unication re quire m e nts analysis 2. C om m unication te chnology 3. C om m unication m ode ls 4. C om m unication m e thods

1. Com m unications m anagem ent plan

Distribute Information

1. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 2. Pe rform ance re port s 3. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Com m unication m ethods 2. Inform ation distribution tools

1. O rganizational proce ss asse ts update s

1. Sta k e ho lde r re giste r 2. Sta k e ho lde r m a na ge m e nt stra te gy 3. Project m anagem ent plan 4. issue log 5. C hange log 6. O rganizational proce ss asse ts 1. C om m unication m e thods 2. Inte rpe rsonal sk ills 3. Manage m e nt sk ills 1. Organizational process assets updates 2. C ha nge re que sts 3. Project m anagem ent plan updates 4. P ro je ct do cum e nt upda te s

Manage Stakeholder Expectations

Report Performances

1. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 2. W ork perform ance inform ation 3. W o rk pe rfo rm a nce m e a sure m e nts 4. Budge t fore casts 5. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Variance m e thods 2. Fore casting m e thods 3. Com m unication m ethods 4. R e po rting syste m s

1. Pe rform ance re port s 2. O rga niza tio na l pro ce ss a sse ts upda te s 3. C hange re que sts

Develop Human Resource Plan

1. Activity re so urce re quire m e nts 2. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors 3. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. O rganization charts and position de scription 2. Ne twork ing 3. O rga niza tion the ory

1. Hum an resource plan

A cquire Project Team

1. Project m anagem ent plan 2. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors 3. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Pre -assignm ent 2. Negotiation 3. Acquisition 4. Virtual team s

1. Proje ct staff a ssignm e nts 2. R e so urce ca le nda rs 3. Project m anagem ent plan updates

Human Resource

Develop Project Team

1. Proje ct staff assignm e nts 2. Project m anagem ent plan 3. R e so urce ca le nda rs

1. Inte rpe rsonal sk ills 2. Training 3. Te am -building activitie s 4. Ground rule s 5. Co-location 6. Re cognition and re wards

1. Te am pe rform ance asse ssm e nts 2. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors update

Manage Project Team

1. Proje ct staff assignm e nts 2. Proje ct m anage m e nt plan 3. Te a m pe rfo rm a nce a sse ssm e nts 4. Pe rform ance re port s 5. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. O bse rvations and conse rvation 2. P ro je ct pe rfo rm a nce a ppra isa ls 3. C onflict m anage m e nt 4. Issue log 5. Inte rpe rsonal sk ills

1. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors update 2. Organizational process assets update 3. C ha nge re que sts 4. Project m anagem ent plan updates

Plan Risk Management

1. P ro je ct sco pe sta te m e nt 2. Cost m anagem ent plan 3. Sche dule m a na ge m e nt pla n 4. C om m unications m anage m e nt plan 5. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors 6. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Planning m e e tings and analysis

1. Risk m anagem ent plan

Identify Risks

1. Risk m anagem ent plan 2. Activity cost e stim ate s 3. Activity sche dule e stim ate s 4. Sco pe ba se line 5. Sta k e ho lde r re giste r 6. Cost m anagem ent plan 7. Schedule m anagem ent plan 8. Q uality m anage m e nt plan 9. Proje ct do cum e nts 10. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors 11. O rganizational proce ss asse ts

1. Docum e ntation re vie ws 2. Inform ation ga the ring te chnique s 3. C he ck list analysis 4. Assum ption analysis 5. Diagram m ing te chnique s 6. SW O T analysis 7. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. R isk re giste r

Perform Qualitative Risk A nalysis

1. R isk re giste r 2. Risk m anagem ent plan 3. P ro je ct sco pe sta te m e nt 4. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. R isk re giste r 2. R isk m a na ge m e nt pla n 3. Cost m anagem ent plan 4. Sche dule m anage m e nt plan 5. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. R isk probability and im pact asse ssm e nt 2. Probability and im pact m atrix 3. R isk data quality asse ssm e nt 4. Risk categorization 5. Risk urge ncy asse ssm e nt 6. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. R isk re giste r (upda te s)

Perform Quantitative Risk A nalysis

1. Data ga the ring and re pre se ntation te chnique s 2. Quantitative risk analysis and m odeling techniques 3. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. R isk re giste r (upda te s)

Plan Risk Responses

1. R isk m a na ge m e nt pla n 2. R isk re giste r

1. Stra te gie s fo r ne ga tive risk or thre a ts 2. Strate gie s for positive risk or opportunitie s 3. C o ntinge nt re spo nse stra te gie s 4. Ex pe rt judge m e nt

1. R isk re giste r (upda te s) 2. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n (upda te s) 3. R isk -re late d contractual de cisions 4. P ro je ct do cum e nt upda te s

Monitor and Control Risk

1. R isk re giste r 2. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 3. W ork perform ance inform ation 4. Pe rform ance re ports

1. R isk re asse ssm e nt 2. R isk audits 3. Variance and trend analysis 4. Te chnica l pe rfo rm a nce m e a sure m e nts 5. R e se rve a na lysis 6. Sta tus m e e tings

1. R isk re giste r upda te s 2. Organizational process assets updates 3. C ha nge re que sts 4. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n upda te s 5. P ro je ct do cum e nt upda te s

Plan Procurements

1. Sco pe ba se line 2. R e quire m e nts do cum e nta tion 3. Te a m ing a gre e m e nts 4. R isk -re late d contractual de cisions 5. R isk re giste r 6. Activity re so urce re quire m e nts 7. Proje ct sche dule 8. Activity cost e stim ate s 9. C ost pe rform ance ba se line 10. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts 11. Ente rprise e nvironm e ntal factors

1. Mak e -or-buy analysis 2. Ex pe rt judge m e nt 3. C ontract type s

1. Procurem ent m anagem ent plan 2. P rocure m e nt state m e nt of work 3. Mak e -or-buy de cisions 4. P ro cure m e nt do cum e nts 5. Source se le ction crite ria 6. C ha nge re que sts

Conduct Procurements


1. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 2. P ro cure m e nt do cum e nts 3. Source se le ction crite ria 4. Q ualifie d se lle rs list 5. Selle r proposals 6. Proje ct docum e nts 7. Mak e-or-buy decisions 8. Te a m ing a gre e m e nts 9. O rganizationa l proce ss asse ts

1. Bidde r co nfe re nce s 2. Propo sa l evaluation te chnique s 3. Inde pe nde nt e stim a tes 4. Ex pe rt judgem e nt 5. Adve rtising 6. Inte rne t se a rch 7. Procure m e nt ne go tiations

1. Se le cte d se lle rs 2. Procure m e nt contract award 3. R e so urce ca le nda rs 4. C ha nge re que sts 5. Project m anagem ent plan updates 6. Proje ct do cum e nt update s

A dminister Procurements

1. Procure m e nt docum e nts 2. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n 3. C ontract 4. Pe rform ance re port s 5. Approve d change re quests 6. W ork perform ance inform ation

1. C ontract change control syste m 2. P ro cure m e nt pe rfo rm a nce re vie ws 3. Inspe ctions and audits 4. Pe rform ance re porting 5. Paym e nt syste m s 6. C laim adm inistration 7. R e co rds m a na ge m e nt syste m

1. Procurem ent docum entation 2. O rga niza tio na l pro ce ss a sse ts upda te s 3. C ha nge re que sts 4. P ro je ct m a na ge m e nt pla n upda te s

Close Procurement

1. Procure m e nt m anage m e nt plan 2. Procure m e nt do cum e ntation

1. Procure m e nt audits 2. Ne go tia te d se ttle m e nts 3. R e co rds m a na ge m e nt syste m

1. C lose procure m e nt 2. O rganizational proce ss asse ts (update s)

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