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I believe a Pastor is the mouthpiece of the Triune God.

God called, choose and mandated him to do His will, serve him unconditionally and faithfully deliver the message He wants to tell his people. He must courageously and faithfully deliver Gods Word in accordance with His eternal plan and divine will and pleasure. Whether or not the message is a rebuke, correction, or instruction for righteousness (I Tim. 3:16), he must not be hesitant to preach it. A Pastor should understand that once he is called in the ministry, his calling is binding, irreversible, final, permanent, immutable and irretrievable. His primary duty is to please God not the people. He must be passionate for lost souls, ready to protect the sheep against wolves in sheeps clothing and fatherly in the spiritual welfare of Gods people. As a Pastor, it is important that I understand the meaning of the Ministry; the totality of the ministry; Why am I in the Ministry? The purpose of the Ministry? The vision of the Ministry? The scope of the Ministry and How will I go about the Ministry? All of these shall serve as my guidelines and manual althroughout my life as Gods servant. And while I am sailing and suddenly things went wrong, I have to understand that my Lord Jesus said

THE HOLY SCRIPTURE I believe that the Christian Holy Scripture, consisting of 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 New Testament, is God breathed, divinely preserve, and is absolutely authoritative. It is the timeless standard by which all human beings must adhere for everything that it says about ultimate goal, life, morals, law, conducts and truth are trustworthy, absolute and supreme. Nothing shall come to pass unless everything is fulfilled according to Gods plan. References: Psalms 119:105; Matt. 5:18; John 5:39; 1Tim. 3:15; 2 Tim. 3:16

THE TRIUNE GOD I believe that there is only One true God who is Spirit, an immortal Being eternally exists in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each being distinct and unique from each other but equal in nature, attributes, essence and perfection. The Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son. References: DEU 6:4; JOHN 1:1-3; 1:14,18; 4:24; 15:26

ORIGIN OF MAN I believe in the Biblical doctrine of the origin of Man recorded in the Book of Genesis, that man was created by the Triune God of the Christian Bible, formed out from the dust and was breathed with a soul from his Creator, Adam, being the first to be created and out from his rib, Eve was made and was called woman. Out from Adam and Eve, sons and daughters were reproduced and from these sons and daughters, a great multitude of people were spread out and occupied the Earth which thereafter, from generation to generation, were formed into different nations, cultures, tongues, races and colors. Thus, I absoulutely disagree with the Darwinian theory of evolution and to all other theories invented by man, except the doctrine of the origin of man stated in the inerrant and infallible Word of God. References: GEN 2:7; 2:17; 1:26; ECC 7:29; ROM. 5:12 THE IMAGE OF GOD I believe that man was made in the image of God, that is, man was endowed with faculties, consciousness, good moral character such as holiness, rigteousness, spiritual immortality, personality and will. However, as a result of his sin, that image has been terribly marred and became imperfect; thus, man fall short of the glory of God, that, by his own pleasure and will, no matter what he does, cannot and will not recuperate perfection and sanctification, never can he recover back to his original and perfect state except through the regenerating power of the Spirit.

References: Gen. 1:26; Psalms 8:4-9; I Corinthians 11:7, 15:49; James 3:9; Hebrews 2:5-8; Eph. 4:22-25; Col. 3:9-10 THE NATURE OF MAN I believe that mans constitution is of two parts (dichotomy) i.e. corporeal and incorporeal, flesh and spirit, or body and soul. That the soul or spirit is used interchangeably in the scripture and evidently denotes the same thing. That the soul or spirit belongs to incorporeal while flesh, bones, etc., belongs to the corporeal. I believe that mans nature before the fall was perfect but not absolutely perfect, otherwise, he should have not slid to sin. Naturally, with regards to sin and before the fall, man can chose to sin or not to sin, and since he chose to do the former, he fell. After the fall, he is absolutely inclined to sin thus, it is impossible for him not to commit sin. References: Gen. 1:26, 27; 5:1; 9:6; I Cor. 11:7; Col. 3:10; Jas. 3:9. THE FALL OF HUMANITY I believe that man, in his own volition, chose to disobey Gods decree, and as a consequence of the same, endlessly slid away from Gods presence and absolute moral goodness. He cannot by his own will, bring his original state back apart from Gods divine intervention and will. Thus, he is totally depraved and is enslaved to sin. No manner of religiousity or moral goodness can tie back the gap created by his disobedience. He needs Gods sovereign grace and the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit and be born again in order to come to saving faith, a condition sine qua non.

References: GEN 2:17; 3:6; 3:13; JOHN 3:3; ROM. 3:18-23

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