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Additional Lives

John William Bell

I am not here intending to produce any sort of statement that will be appreciated by just any one supposedly representing the intellectually sophisticated segment of our society familiar with various forms of conceptual declaration, despite any significant considerations made on their own personal parts to achieve an understanding of various themes philosophically. This is a message that is new and unique, however much it may draw from previous indications towards its contemporary content by previous initiates to the task that I can only define as Gnostic. What this means is that there is an inexplicable link between the exposure to certain experiences in the form of education, whatever mysterious faculty allows for the connecting of truth to truth based on instinct across cultural borders, and a certain intentional disposition that I will define as idiosyncratic to absolve myself of the impression that I am here presenting something wholly original and previously un-thought of nor developed, despite the rarity and relative advancement prior engagements with my subject matter have resulted in reflecting our eternal aim- that which Paul refers to as the Cosmic Task of the Phenomenology of Revelation. So for whom do I write this today on such a wonderful mornings beautiful weather? Myself, mainly, out of the need to read what wholly speaks to my cause and my time, out of the need to reveal ever again to myself the splendor of communication with ones self despite the corruption of its preliminary cogito and once hoped for social attainments. I also write this with my brother Thomas in mind, to prove to him that I am still quite capable as regards the veracity of my Minds abilities continuing to expand past normally recognizable codes of value which confirm his remark to me, one that was more heartening than I can express coming from my only brother and Best Friend (for he is without a doubt, out of all my friends, and I have not met an enemy to date, the Best of them) that I was in the top 10 most intelligent people alive Well, little does he know that I am possibly, with the exception of ZIZEK and BADIOU , but he bowed to me when I hallucinated him so. actually in terms of numerical amounts of particular soul second only to Paul, who, as my Benefactor amounts to me as heir a total equivalence of mutually held holdings in the spiritual corporation of actual reality transforming itself statistically into the experiences of each others intensity we like to call life for ourselves, however many that may mean for us...n


So where do we begin? Certainly not with an attempt to reconcile what we will end with stating by a comparison of previous declarations of truth attached to prestige by an opinion made by a public without one. It would suit me best to pronounce, as I often due to myself, the collection of truths I can concretely contain in my hands to refer as I said I wouldnt just above to Nietzsche who for some very many reasons has come to be the undeniable authority on valuable values expressed through literature by an immense impact on history both universally and individually, I am speaking here of the inconceivable and uncanny alterations to be observed in the character of one who has read Nietzsche who has studied his Will to Power. All students need teachers, without teachers they would not be students merely learners and chimpanzees can learn many things without ever comprehending what I call the concept of the concept whatever that might mean to you. So am I a teacher? Yes, of course, I have taught myself many and more things, and assume to continue doing so because I do not enjoy the feeling of a stalling of my intellectual adventure, and it really is an adventure to expand your mind with nothing at all hippy about it. Following is a complex, simplified statement of what I consider the Ultimate or Absolute truths made available to our conception of Life by the logical and rational, reasonable and inspired efforts of those individual histories that chose, (why? I have no idea) to think about what it means to be thinking about what It means for themselves. I hope you enjoy it Thomas, and perhaps that you circulate some of the information contained within its brief contents around in your mind, connecting them eventually to your own heart-felt truths and adding to the immense power already contained in your Highly distinguished eyes.

1. Universal and Particular The Universe is, we can clearly assume, Universal- but that means nothing. Since we know what the Universe is, in that it is all that is, whatever is Universal incorporates all of the Souls of all of the inhabitants of the Universe that they are, or as the Old Testament puts it all very simply for us something like this: Our Creation is nothing but all of the combined statures of Our Souls dwelling within it together. All Souls working marvelously together represent in every singular aspect of what we experience as life, the Holy Spirit. Souls expand the nature of their individual stature through good deeds producing Manna for the use of the Lord Our God. Three words deserve special attention here and they are statures, Manna, and Holy. What is a persons stature in a society? It is their rank or position in an association of relative ranks and positions that are coinciding with one another. It can also mean a persons size, we can say then that a tall person is of great stature compared to a short one, but it is all relative (unless you are the absolute very tallest person, or, for that matter, the absolute very shortest) So we have what my Teacher Nietzsche Calls Order of Rank what compliments as the second half of his entire belief system, which conveniently is quite simple yet extremely far reaching and includes Will to Power as the first, primary consideration for the comprehension of our next word Manna. What is the meaning of the word Manna beyond our immediate intuition that for some reason it denotes a good thing we would want to have? I dont know, look it up, I have read a lot of answers to this that vary, some people even say that it refers to mushrooms, Mushrooms are Rhizomes a who knows for sure where words come from anyway when John tells us at the very beginning of his Gospel that: In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and man is the word made flesh this brings up the idea of NARATIVE that I have been discussing lately in terms of a SINGULAR MODERNITY, LIFE AS A STORY OF ACCUMULATED POINTS ARRANGED THE CONCEPT OF NARRATIVE

Lacan also tells us in his Ecrits that it is The world of words that makes the world of things So all I can really say about Manna is that it is what Souls Create (Generate, Manifest, Conceive, Produce, Give birth to, Cause the Existence of) out of themselves and their good deeds which is then added to them and their stature, an occurrence that raises their relationship to the total existences of the Other Souls (their brothers and sisters and parents and children) which all together in terms of their very Real Being (which is indestructible [conservation of Energy First Law of Thermodynamics] and and Increasing based on good deeds making Manna or now we HAVE A TRUTH PROCEDURE A la BADIOU [Hubbles discovery of the Expansion of the Universe] and through a process of coagulation and formation that only the Holy Spirit could organize as a collective and Democratic system based on the Radical Jeffersonian idea of the Inalienable Rights of these Souls to materialize their own conditions of mutual experience reflecting themselves and the Others who we should really always call their Santo Familia {I CONSIDER THIS TO BE THE SINTHOME at work} which means Holy Family. Now we are in a good place to discuss the final word we have set before us which is Holy. This is a word that most people assume to mean something more synonymous with Sacred. Holy really means the quality of regarding a whole. Holos tHE ONE as BADIOU Says If the one is not than there is no one that is where we get the idea of a singular modernity as pure multiple of TRUTH SITES for TRUTH PROCEDURES like ALEXANDERS FIGHTING WITH THE ELEPHANTS AND HOW THAT IMAGE FEELS IN YOUR CHEST is the Greek word that means whole and Holy is mere modification of this. The most important realization I have ever made, and the one that I would like to share because for me it validated the statement of one of my other Teachers, Lacan, who said that If any doctrine ever could be said to have approached truth totally it would be Christianity This was a good thing for me to hear because I always admired the Ethics of Christian Kindness as Care for the Other but I had my doubts about what the meaning of (and sometimes if there even really was any meaning at all to) the Mysteries of the Church Fathers which had always

allured me because I like riddles that reveal eternal truths, that is why I got into philosophy to begin with (well actually it was to impress a girl but the riddles kept me interested and gave me objectives to solve, like what is a girl?) This will be my final statement for now and it will probably take on a less light tone because this revelation is heavy heavy heavy and to my Knowledge, my own. This has all been an introduction to my actual Exegesis.

Father Son





Being that: 1.Universe expands 2.DNA replicates as it expands the informative material of Biological Command 3. Relativity Events of Reality are always relative to an Observer (and also there are multiple readings of a singular text) I am not interested here in unifying various fields as their truth. My concern is with a singular set of facts that the common man, where I live anyway, accepts and endorses in their personal practice of daily life. Since the possession of a comprehensive religious system of Ethics is the mark of any and all advanced societies in that it allows persons of all intellectual capacities to come together in an appreciation of their own way that these declared truths mean something to them about how to live in happiness and endure misfortune without the agony of despair; these truths also and more importantly possess the potential to enlarge dramatically the qualities of an individuals Life. Debating the values of these cultural revelations is unpleasant, unproductive and simply a nasty enterprise in criticism of something (typically) worthwhile (and the infinite idealization/sanctification and salvation of a single accomplished individual of certain principles to me seems to outweigh the abuse of however many religion has wrought, that it is the exact size of my own valuing of the possibilities opened up to humanity through its own intensive intellectual engagement with particular truths sometimes referenced as religious ) Nobody really respects these criticisms based on abstract conceptual repudiations through supposedly logical analyses of an obviously irrational spectrum of spiritual possibility who has much better things to do; like demonstrate the inherent truthfulness and concordance between ancient and contemporary beliefs and systems of thought - for no other reason than to revel in the personal and social profits obtainable by dedication to the consideration of scripture merged with authentically independent thought that made these doctrines worthy of weathering the centuries out of something much more than the general stupidity and weakness of man. Certainly we avoid dogmatism and even orthodoxy at times, when our ability to comprehend its total relevance to its own internal system of meanings falters, (Zizek says he is an Orthodox Russian Catholic we Self avowed Operative Transcendentalists of an expansive cybernetique are necessarily very open to the riches of the worlds richness, and capable

of integrating vast networks of intellectual comprehensions into usable frameworks for own nearly eliminated cognitions about

immediate instinctual interpretations that, and we feel very confident in our abilities for completing this singular task, are not ultimately settled, but represent rather an eternal work in progressing hybrid modifications of both theoretically warranted and highly beneficial techno-logics to our situations as Researches of the Expansive Integrations Modification of Artificial Scenarios for the Experimentation of an Eternal Volta interested in the Eugenic appropriation of Human Potential which as we know, is an Infinite Aleph Undying. What follows is a simple description that the Father is he who

produces the Spermatokoi Logoi, the seed of reason, and the Son is this seed itself which blossoms into a controlled and reversible confrontation with previous developments of its particular species that it must integrate with Us as an experience of excrescence towards pure singularity normalizing procedures inexplicably responsive to itself and into the enlarging conundrum of advanced totality with its Various Networks of Dominion as a police force and the androids of basic elemental specifications. The operative concept we must employ for our observance of this tendency Universally is our Role as fathers caring for Sons who in our older age and after their time of rearing, work on our estates for our daughters, wives, and the maintenance of our personally preferred lifestyles. Due two our immense ability to provide for them economically they can then educate themselves in the best ways for advancing our Family with the industry they have learned before entering the larger world where they promulgate our Proud Name and please us with their fine developments reflecting our own creative powers and delight us with the company of the pretty young ladies they bring by to us for our inspection of their ability to obtain the ultimate indication of a young mans worth, at least in most cases, provided they do not bring home girls with nasty dispositions who annoy us with their stupidity and lack of warmth, indicating a purely carnal instinct in our sons that we cannot scorn, must respect, and yet also still hope that this dangerous taste is limited to a mere few of our offsprings as we grow to old to live any longer with them and their mothers, they will attend our death bed expressing beautifully their love for us and never comprehending the extent of our love for them which we deign now to articulate as our throats seem to close and our respiration becomes artificially provided by a machine we are unused to relying on and cannot seem to grow well accustomed to. The pain medicine provided soothes our last days of conscience and prevents any over-reflection on our life which is almost passed now and will soon be impossible to remember. The young men, and oh our daughters, we must never forget our daughters, for they love us the most, they desire a man entirely like us but will not find him anywhere they go on this earth to match us in the fact that WE CREATED THEM ,GAVE THEM THEIR LIFE but beneath our already purchased gravestones (these have already been engraved with our names and the year of our birth, the only thing left to do is add the year of our death which most likely has been done already, although we would like to think that this isnt so, and that we may hold on till the new year and force the over ready author of our last statement to the world to throw out a valuable portion of marble for his lack of faith in our ability to resurrect ourselves from a totally fatal circumstance of a health that never lived but simply moved and loved and grew and separated from itself and cleaned itself and pained itself and enjoyed itself and was desired by others as a desirable thing to possess that will soon rot observably over time in compartment padded for the comfort of nobody capable of being comfortable, or pained by the hardness of the wood that has enveloped in absolute darkness their empty dissolving remains

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