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Comparing Two Populations

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nagarajah Lee Center for Graduate Studies Open University Malaysia

Example 1 : Survey

The researcher would like to test whether the mean EQ score of male students is significantly different from the f f th female. l

Describing the samples

Can we conclude that the mean EQ score of the male and female students are significantly different? What is the suitable test to check for this?

Commonly Used Two Sample Test in Behavioral Science and Medical Research
To compare differences between two populations

Level of measurement of dependent variables

Number of Dependent Variable
Number of categories for comparing







Two or More
Mean Proportion Median or Mean Rank If Not Normal Normal Distribution Unrelated Sample

Unit of analysis


Frequency per cell More than 5

Frequency per cell Less than 5

Related sample

Unrelated sample

Related Sample

Wilcox xon Sign rank T Test

Mann Whitney U Test

Paired T Test d

Chi-S Square Test

Fishe Exact ers Test

Independent TTest

Statistical test


Testing whether the there is any difference in percentage of low birth weight among smoking and non-smoking mothers

Testing whether there is any difference in the median values or mean ranks between two groups

Testing whether there is any difference in the mean values between two groups


Hypothesis: Ho: The data comes from a normally distributed population H1: The data does not come from a normally distributed population

Result: Since the p-value > .05, the null hypothesis is not rejected. Conclusion: The assumption of normality holds.


Hypothesis: Ho: There is no difference in the mean EQ score between male and female MEd students. H1: There is a significant difference in the mean EQ score between male and female MEd students.

Analyze >> Compare means >> Independent t-test


Result: Since the p-value > 0.05, the null hypothesis is NOT rejected. Conclusion: There is not enough evidence to conclude that there is a significant difference in the mean EQ scores between male and female MEd i ifi t diff i th b t l df l students.

Example 2 : Medical
A study was carried out to determine whether response time is influenced by taking a particular drug. The dependent variable is the number of trials required to master a given task. task A group of 28 subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups Those groups. assigned to the experimental group were given the drug, and those assigned to the control group were given placebo. Af i l b After a given period i i d of time, the numbers of trials to master the task were recorded.

Experimental Group 17 15 5 14 1 2 16 13 15 16 17 8 19

Control Group 14 10 1 12 11 14 8 10 2 12 1 12 15 4 12


Describing the samples

Can we conclude that the response time of the treatment and control groups are significantly different? What is the suitable test to check for this?

Commonly Used Two Sample Test in Medical Research

To compare differences between two populations

Level of measurement of dependent variables

Number of Dependent Variable
Number of categories for comparing







Two or More
Mean Proportion Median or Mean Rank If Not Normal Normal Distribution Unrelated Sample

Unit of analysis


Frequency per cell More than 5

Frequency per cell Less than 5

Related sample

Unrelated sample

Related Sample

Wilcox xon Sign rank T Test

Mann Whitney U Test

Paired T Test d

Chi-S Square Test

Fishe Exact ers Test

Independent TTest

Statistical test


Testing whether the there is any difference in percentage of low birth weight among smoking and non-smoking mothers

Testing whether there is any difference in the median values or mean ranks between two groups

Testing whether there is any difference in the mean values between two groups


H0 : The data comes from a normally distributed population. H1 : The data does not come from a normally distributed population. population

Refer to Shapiro-Wilk statistic, the significance level is smaller than .05, so reject H0. Conclusion : The data does not come from a normally distributed population.

Commonly Used Two Sample Test in Medical Research

To compare differences between two populations

Level of measurement of dependent variables

Number of Dependent Variable
Number of categories for comparing







Two or More
Mean Proportion Median or Mean Rank If Not Normal Normal Distribution Unrelated Sample

Unit of analysis


Frequency per cell More than 5

Frequency per cell Less than 5

Related sample

Unrelated sample

Related Sample

Wilcox xon Sign rank T Test

Mann Whitney U Test

Paired T Test d

Chi-S Square Test

Fishe Exact ers Test

Independent TTest

Statistical test


Testing whether the there is any difference in percentage of low birth weight among smoking and non-smoking mothers

Testing whether there is any difference in the median values or mean ranks between two groups

Testing whether there is any difference in the mean values between two groups


H0 : The drug has no effect on the number of trials needed to master the task task. H1 : The drug has an effect on the number of trials needed to master the task task.

Analyze >> Non-parametric tests >> 2- Independent test


Result: Since the p-value < 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected. Conclusion: There is enough evidence to conclude that the drug has an effect on th number of trials needed to master the task ff t the b ft i l d dt t th t k

Example 3
A researcher would like to test whether there is any difference in patients heartbeat when nutrient A is given in three meals during the day (treatment X) compared to a single meal (treatment Y). A random sample of 12 patients was chosen. The two treatments were administered on two succeeding occasions and patients heartbeat per minute were recorded.

Heartbeat per minute

Patient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Treatment X 62 55 80 66 84 88 90 52 63 58 73 67 Treatment Y 54 63 109 75 80 82 77 89 66 71 69 81

Commonly Used Two Sample Test in Medical Research

To compare differences between two populations

Level of measurement of dependent variables

Number of Dependent Variable
Number of categories for comparing







Two or More
Mean Proportion Median or Mean Rank If Not Normal Normal Distribution Unrelated Sample

Unit of analysis


Frequency per cell More than 5

Frequency per cell Less than 5

Related sample

Unrelated sample

Related Sample

Wilcox xon Sign rank T Test

Mann Whitney U Test

Paired T Test d

Chi-S Square Test

Fishe Exact ers Test

Independent TTest

Statistical test


Testing whether the there is any difference in percentage of low birth weight among smoking and non-smoking mothers

Testing whether there is any difference in the median values or mean ranks between two groups

Testing whether there is any difference in the mean values between two groups

Test of Normality

H0 : The data comes from a normally distributed population. H1 : The data does not come from a normally distributed population.


Refer to Shapiro-Wilk statistic, the significance Shapiro Wilk level is greater than .05, so do not reject H0. Conclusion : The data comes from a normally distributed population.

Paired t test
H0 : There is no significant difference in the heartbeat rate between patients given nutrient A in 3 meals during the day and patients given nutrient A in one meal.

H1 : There is a significant difference in the heartbeat rate between patients given nutrient A in 3 meals during the day and patients given nutrient A in one meal.


From the table, the significance value is 0.165 (2-tailed). The significance level is g g greater than 0.05, so do not reject H0. , j Conclusion : There is no significant difference in the heartbeat rate between patients given nutrient A in 3 meals during the day and patients given nutrient A in one meal.

Example 4

A study was carried out to determine whether response time is influenced by taking a particular drug. The dependent variable is the number of trials required to master a given task task. A group of 28 subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups Those assigned groups. to the experimental group were given the drug, and those assigned to the control group were given placebo. Af l b After a given period of time, the numbers of i i d f i h b f trials to master the task were recorded and categorized as less than 10 times or 10 times and g above.

Groups * TRIAL_C Crosstabulation TRIAL_C less than 10 times 10 times or more 4 9 30.8% 69.2% 7 8 46.7% 53.3% 11 17 39.3% 60.7%

Total 13 100.0% 15 100.0% 28 100.0%


experimental group control group


Count % within Groups Count % within Groups Count % within Groups

Can we conclude that the response time of the treatment and control groups are significantly different? What is the suitable test to check for this?

Commonly Used Two Sample Test in Medical Research

To compare differences between two populations

Level of measurement of dependent variables

Number of Dependent Variable
Number of categories for comparing







Two or More
Mean Proportion Median or Mean Rank If Not Normal Normal Distribution Unrelated Sample

Unit of analysis


Frequency per cell More than 5

Frequency per cell Less than 5

Related sample

Unrelated sample

Related Sample

Wilcox xon Sign rank T Test

Mann Whitney U Test

Paired T Test d

Chi-S Square Test

Fishe Exact ers Test

Independent TTest

Statistical test


Testing whether the there is any difference in percentage of low birth weight among smoking and non-smoking mothers

Testing whether there is any difference in the median values or mean ranks between two groups

Testing whether there is any difference in the mean values between two groups

ChiChi-Square Test
H0 : Treatment with the drug has no effect on the trials needed to master the task task. H1 : Treatment with the drug has an effect on the trials needed to master the task task.

Analyze >> Descriptive Statistics >> Cross Tab

Groups * TRIAL_C Crosstabulation TRIAL_C less than 10 times 10 times or more 4 9 30.8% 69.2% 7 8 46.7% 53.3% 11 17 39.3% 39 3% 60.7% 60 7%

Total 13 100.0% 15 100.0% 28 100.0% 100 0%

Groups G

experimental group i t l control group


Count C t % within Groups Count % within Groups Count % within Groups

Chi-Square Tests q Value .738b .222 .745 df 1 1 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .390 .638 .388 Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correctiona Likelihood Ratio Fisher's Exact Test Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases

.460 .712 28 1 .399


a. Computed only for a 2x2 table b. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.11.

Since one of the cells has less then 5 observations, Si f th ll h l th b ti to interpret the output from the Ch-Square test, consider the p-value reported by the Fishers Exact p p y Test From the table, the p-value is 0.460(2-tailed). The significance level is greater than 0.05, so DO NOT reject H0. Conclusion : Treatment with the drug has no effect C l i T t t ith th d h ff t on the trials needed to master the task

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