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Edita: CEIP San Andrs - ALMARAZ


XIOMARA YASSINE.- Charles Dickens publica su primera
obra. Se trata de un ensayo titulado Cena en Poplar Walk que aparece en the montlhy magacine. Este mismo ao antes de la obra Charles Dickens finaliz su romance con Mara Beadnell a quien conoci en 1830. Cuando public este ensayo, Dickens estaba trabajando desde 1828 como reportero autnomo en los juzgados de Doctor's Commons. Por esta poca se interes por la escena teatral londinense, apuntndose a clases de interpretacin, pero el da de la realizacin del casting, padeci gripe y no pudo asistir, apagndose as sus sueos de ser actor teatral. Un ao antes de que empezara a trabajar como reportero, estuvo trabajando como pasante en el bufete de los procuradores Ellis & Blackmore y despus de un tiempo como taqugrafo judicial.

18 de agosto
EFEMRIDES 293 a. C.: se construye el primer templo romano a Venus conocido. 1480:en la isla de Gran Canaria desembarca la expedicin organizada por los Reyes Catlicos para la conquista del archipilago. 1492: publicacin de la primera edicin de la Gramtica de la Lengua Castellana, de Antonio de Nebrija 1502: en el sur del ocano Atlntico, Juan de Nova (navegante gallego al servicio de la corona de Portugal) descubre un islote al que da el nombre de Santa Elena. 1541: en la prefectura Kumamoto (Japn), un barco portugus fondea en la costa de Higo. EFEMRIDES PROFTICAS

1839: en China comienza la

Primera Guerra del Opio. 1877: el astrnomo italiano Giovanni Schiaparelli comienza a disear el primer mapa de del planeta Marte. 1905: con el Tratado de Portsmouth termina la guerra ruso-japonesa. 1909: en Espaa, Juan Olivert Serra realiza el primer vuelo motorizado en Paterna (Valencia). 1921: en Buenos Aires (Argentina) se inaugura el Teatro Cervantes.




Edita: CEIP San Andrs ALMARAZ

(February 6) United States, Samuel Morse invented the

electric telegraph to the public.

Greek: tele "far", and graphein "writing") is the long-distance transmission of without the physical exchange of an object bearing the message. Thus semaphore is a method of telegraphy whereas pigeon post is not. On May 6, 1833, the fransiscano, German astronomer and physicist Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss and his friend, Wilhelm Eduard Weber, installed a telegraph line length of 1000 meters above the roofs of the German population of Gttingen where they both worked, linking the university astronomical observatory. This device was invented by American Samuel Morse in 1832. At first, the system lacked a code for communication, but soon they created an alphabet based on the amplitude of the signals thus giving a real ability to communicate his invention.

(October 3) In Talavera de la Reina, Manuel Maria

Gonzalez proclaims the infant Carlos Mara Isidro de Borbn, as Charles V, as successor of Ferdinand VII.
The First Carlist War was a civil war in Spain from 1833-1839. At the beginning of the 18th century, Philip V, the first Bourbon king of Spain, promulgated the Salic Law, which declared illegal the inheritance of the Spanish crown by women. His purpose was to thwart the Habsburgs' regaining the throne by way of the female dynastic line. The war raised Carlos Maria Isidro, brother of Ferdinand VII, on the question of succession, as had been the heir to the throne during the reign of his brother Ferdinand VII, because this, after three marriages, he had no offspring. However, the new king's marriage and pregnancy of the Queen opened a new possibility of succession.

at sea south of the island of Sumatra, there was an earthquake of 8.9 magnitude on the scale Richter.
(November 25):

It is much more durable and deadly than what happened in the same place 37 years earlier. The resulting tsunami caused an unknown number of victims in nearby continents. The resulting eruptio An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity, seismism or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. Earthquakes are measured using observations from seismometers.



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