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3/12/2011 Designer

Designers have to be able to have a good imagination to be able to come up with good ideas for products and many more things like clothes, toys, accessories, furniture, equipment, buildings, models.

To be able to get the job that you want you have to have a design related degree. In order to achieve the you want , it will help If you have had some work experience.

When you are starting, you could earn from 14,000.00 22,000.00. When you move up to the next stage, you are called a Junior Designer and they can expect to earn between 25,000.00 and 45,000.00 within three or four years. When you have experienced all stages, you could be called a Senior Designer and you might earn from 45 85,000.00. Working Hours of a Designer: Some designers might have their own business and they might have their own design studio. Some designers might work for a big company. All designers will work really hard and enjoy what they do but they might have to work long hours.

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of a

1. A good imagination to develop ideas 6. To be organised and prepared in a business. 7. To be able to work on your own and in a group 8. To be able to communicate with customers 9. To be able to advertise your business.

2. To be able to draw or put together ideas by hand.

3. To be able to work on a special computer designing program

4. To be able to research and read what are the current trends.

5. To be able to forecast what is going to happen with the trends in the future.

6. To be organised and prepared in a

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

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Vivamus nisl.

Nam orci.
Aenean ipsum dui, porta sit amet, viverra nec, placerat vitae, mi. Sed eget metus eu felis convallis congue.Pellentesque rutrum pede ac velit.

Ipsum Augue?

Mauris nonummy, turpis ac lacinia ultrices, ligula nisl tempor odio, eget viverra dolor massa at lacus. Donec ultrices arcu id massa. Pellentesque vel lectus. Sed at mauris. Nunc facilisis ipsum nec urna. Proin rhoncus, magna eu tristique condimentum, leo justo imperdiet odio, vehicula ultrices enim diam et nunc. Sed consequat ultricies nunc. Mauris nulla. Nam sem nisi, fringilla semper, tristique id, cursus vel, pede. Nunc lacus. Sed feugiat. Curabitur fringilla justo non nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Vivamus elementum ultrices eros. Fusce diam purus, porta et, ullamcorper a, egestas id, mi. Nullam cursus. Nullam auctor, eros vitae pellentesque fringilla, sem augue dignissim enim, vitae interdum velit lorem ut metus. Duis consectetuer lacus id tellus. In vehicula malesuada velit. Etiam ante dui, interdum tempor, cursus sit amet, accumsan vitae, tellus. Suspendisse varius sollicitudin nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec pretium augue nec dolor. Ut vestibulum. Donec non nisi nec tellus consequat tincidunt. Mauris ultricies nulla. Ut nec augue. Mauris et risus et odio vestibulum lacinia. erat. Cras vestibulum magna nec nisi. Nam semper congue mi. 3

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

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Continued from page 1

Non leo:
Cras sit amet quam nec nisl viverra tempus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer et lorem vitae orci auctor dapibus. Nullam tempor liberoPhasellus pulvinar, velit in interdum ultricies, ipsum diam sodales augue, in ornare metus tellus id metus. Sed bibendum semper ligula. Nulla facilisi. Duis iaculis nisl vitae eros. Proin hendrerit.

1 Aenean adipiscing tincidunt ante.

Suspendisse luctus, mi eget suscipit nonummy, ligula urna pellentesque lorem, a sodales nisl eros at est.

2 Duis volutpat lorem.

Phasellus consequat, ipsum ac scelerisque rutrum, lorem leo eleifend justo, eu vulputate mauris lorem .

3 Etiam enim.

Quisque interdum turpis accumsan sem. Donec odio mi, dapibus id, mattis rhoncus, semper non, tellus.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

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Dolor sit amet.

Fusce eget nibh. Maecenas commodo ipsum non urna. Vivamus bibendum fermentum pede. Vestibulum eu dolor. Vestibulum ligula magna, gravida vitae, malesuada et, tincidunt non, elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus pulvinar, nibh fringilla porta vulputate, nibh justo imperdiet mi, ut ultricies sem lectus ut leo. Phasellus nisl turpis, venenatis et, imperdiet eget, viverra id, lorem. Cras fermentum dolor id ante. Nullam elementum, orci vitae semper pellentesque, turpis lectus posuere lacus, in pharetra justo odio vel ipsum. Vivamus aliquam sagittis arcu. Cras nonummy tristique elit. Aliquam id augue vel nibh fringilla placerat. Fusce sed eros. Duis consectetuer est at mauris.


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72 Jiggy Hill Jiggybottom, [State]Jiggyshire [Web Address]

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