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LAB 4: Mass, Volume, and Density

Abstract: This experiment determines three unknown metals and their densities.

Carla Ducaud September 12, 2011 Lab Partner: Hector Ramos

Introduction: Many people come up with this question, which one weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead. Even though they both weigh the same, their densities are different. Density is the ratio of a substances mass to volume it stores. In our experiment we determined densities with understanding the relationship that exists between a substances mass and volume. We figured out the densities by using a formula that assisted us to find out the final results. D= mass of substance/volume of substance.

Description of Procedure: In this experiment, my partner and I calculated the mass and volume of each metal. To record the mass, we used the centigram balance. For the volume, we poured each metal into a tube with water and recorded our resolutions. Then we got each the mass and volume of each metal and used the density formula to find out their density.

Data and Observations: Data Table 1: Individual Data and Calculations Metal A
Mass (g) Volume of water alone (mL) Volume of water and metal (mL) Volume of metal (mL) Density of metal (g/mL)

Metal B 15.75 g 2.40 mL 4.40mL 2.00 mL 7.88 g/mL

Metal C 4.23 g 5.10 mL 7.90 mL 2.80 mL 1.51 g/mL

21.49 g 3.80 mL 5.70 mL 1.90 mL 11.31 g/mL

By seeing our results, weve noticed that Metal A and Metal C were approximately close to the right calculation. As for Metal B, we noticed that our results were way off to what it was actually supposed to be.

Calculations: Density = Mass of substance (g) / Volume of substance (mL)

Metal A

Metal B

Metal C

D= 21.49g / 1.90mL D= 11.31g/mL

D= 15.75g / 2.00mL D= 7.88g/mL

D= 4.23g / 2.80mL D= 1.51g/mL

These formulas were used to determine the densities of each metal by using D= Metal/Volume.

Percentage error = Metal A Percentage error = |11.3 11.3| / 11.3 x 100% Percentage error = 0 / 11.3 x 100 % Percentage error = 0 %

Metal B Percentage error = |7.88 8.44| / 8.44 x 100% Percentage error = -0.56 / 8.44 x 100% Percentage error = -6.64 %

Metal C Percentage error = |1.51 2.70| / 2.70 x 100% Percentage error = -1.19 / 2.70 x 100% Percentage error = -44.1 %

The percentage error is determined to how close the experimental density value is to the accepted density value. The closer it is to zero, means that thats how close you were to the accepted value.

Conclusion: At the end of our experiment, my partner and I established between how much each metals densities were. By determining the densities, we figured out that the three unknown metals were Lead, Brass, and Aluminum. As a class, when we compared our results, we noticed that the slope gave more accurate densities than the accepted density value. After figuring out the accepted density value, we then could use the percentage error to know how much experimental value is to the accepted density value. By doing this experiment I learned how mass and volume are used to find out an objects density.

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