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Human commandments.… Neighbourly love.… God’s commandment.…

Human commandments cannot further your soul’s maturity because I assess a person’s will to live in a way that pleases
Me, by applying the commandments which I gave to him in wise recognition of their effectiveness. If human
commandments conform to My commandment of love, that is, if they merely aim to inspire the human being to love, so
that abiding by them will result in the practice of unselfish love for other people, then they also meet My approval,
because the working of My spirit in people who initiated such commandments is evident. However, any other
commandment is of no value before Me nor do I take any notice of its fulfilment because you should use the whole flow
of life-energy for deeds of love in order to achieve maturity of soul on earth. Your goal should be to become perfect ….
But how can you become perfect without love?....

How can you expect a flow of mercy by observing commandments whose failure of fulfilment is an offence against
love? Your love for your fellow human beings demonstrates your love for Me, your God and Father of eternity. Anyone
lacking love for his fellow human beings also lacks the right kind of love for Me, which would urge him to do
neighbourly deeds of love. If you pretend that you, with love for Me, observe the commandments which demand
various external actions, I will not acknowledge such love since they are mere formalities which you observe to secure
yourselves rewards promised by people.… They are not actions of love by which alone you demonstrate your hearts’
love to Me, by which alone you can become blessed. All external formalities, everything recognisable on the surface
has not Mine, but human will as its originator.... Only unselfish love for other people pleases Me, although this, too,
necessitates external deeds.… I do not expect you to pretend to do something out of love for Me if it is not based on My
commandment of love. I only want the fulfilment of this commandment and sincere prayer as the expression of a will
devoted to Me.… Only then can you gain privileges of mercy and strength, for there are no other means of grace than
prayer and unselfish love.… In that case, however, you will receive in abundance. Your entire life should be an internal
one without pretentiousness, yet outwardly you should declare Me; you should confess My teaching, which you must
endeavour to follow; you should openly admit to the world your faith in Me, in My name and My act of Salvation, that
is, you should speak to your fellow human beings so that they know your thoughts and that your aspirations do not
relate to the physical world but to the spiritual realm.…

You should prove yourselves as my followers, as My rightful children, whose way of life corresponds to the
requirements which I have placed upon you and continue to place upon you with My Word, which is transmitted from
above to those mediators who shall reveal My will to you… If you want to live in accordance with My will then your
actions have to be continuous labours of love by which I will later judge you in eternity.… and not external gestures and
actions which are of no benefit to your soul but which rather make the human being careless in observing the only
important commandment.… to love selflessly.… Amen

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