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GTCASA Youth Workshops 2013 Abstracts

4. Expanding Engineering Potential in Young Minds with Barbara Rodzinski

Topic 1: morning sessions (9 am 10:30 am)

Students select one topic which will continue for the three mornings of the workshops. Please indicate your first three preferences on the workshop preference form.

1. Brave New World The Perils and Promise of Smart Drugs with Dr Ian Musgrave Why are healthy athletes taking a drug that helps elderly people remember things? Why are students taking an anti-sleep drug to improve their IQ? In the future, will we all be taking smart drugs to boost our brain power? What could possibly go wrong? What is a drug anyway? In this series of workshops we will explore the concept of smart drugs (and drugs in general) with some help from 3D molecular visualisation and a can of energy drink. 2. Creative Writing and Storytelling with Dr Andrew Miller Human beings are storytellers. We tell stories to make sense of our lives and to have fun with our friends. We also tell stories to build personal identities and to foster relationships with others. Sometimes we make up stories to entertain or captivate. This workshop will explore techniques writers use to create evocative stories, including plot development, appealing to the senses, writing dialogue, and creating characters. Students will not only write short pieces but also share them with their peers. 3. Discover Archaeology with Trevor Tisdall and Samantha Fidge In this series of workshops, you will have the opportunity to discover three different and equally addictive areas of archaeology! In the first workshop, Samantha Fidge will bring to life an archaeological investigation of the Oatlands Gaol in Tasmania. Archaeologists have worked to uncover the past of the gaol, revealing the solitary cells, the gallows and the barracks where the soldiers lived. What artefacts did they find? How do archaeologists identify the objects? What can the objects tell us about the people living in the residence and the gaol? You will have the opportunity to discover for yourself some of the objects, and try to piece together life as a member of the gaol. In the second and third workshops Trevor Tisdall will explore how archaeology helps us understand and appreciate Australias unique Indigenous history. Dating back at least 50,000 years there is a continuous cultural history connecting Aboriginal peoples of the past to those living today. How can members of Aboriginal communities help us understand their rich cultural history? In these workshops you will find out what the remains of ancient sites can tell us about the food that was eaten and how it was prepared. How did they make their tools and weapons? You will have the opportunity to sort and identify some of the cultural material and in the final workshop, use experimental archaeology to replicate the indigenous technology and take home a product youve made.

This is a learning-by-doing workshop. The aim of this program is to promote engineering through the active involvement of students in the design processes using Meccano and a working model of internal combustion engine to explain engineering principles of simple machines, forces and motion. Students will also gain generic skills in communication, planning, creative problem solving, leadership and teamwork. Additionally, the program will help students to understand the significance of engineering vocations in shaping the modern world and our lives, and will influence students future education and career choices. 5. Experience Science with Clara Booth and Marissa Milne Experience hand on workshops in the areas of Biology and Computer Science. Marine Biology where you will discover what kinds of creatures live in South Australia coastal systems. Video game Development where you will have the chance to create your own video game and learn how to populate it. Robotics: learn the principles of robot navigation and programming using mobile robots. 6. Iconography: Visual Art Detective Work with Amy Hamilton Students will learn to use iconography to 'read' historic and contemporary visual artworks and then to consider their own use of signs and symbols to represent ideas in their own artworks using a range of media such as painting, etching and collage.

GTCASA Youth Workshop Abstracts, 2013


GTCASA Youth Workshop Abstracts, 2013


Topic 2: middle sessions (11 am 12:30 pm)

Students select one topic which will continue for the three middle sessions of the workshops. Please indicate your first three preferences on the workshop preference form.

4. Learn to Record Professional Interviews with Dr Karen George How do we know what it was like to live through a major event such as a war or a bushfire? What does it feel like to be a scientist who worked in an exciting new field of research? Interviews with people who experienced the event first-hand help to paint a vivid picture of the past. In these workshops, you will be introduced to the field of Oral History. You will learn how to undertake interviews properly, from the initial research and planning your questions, through to recording using state-of-the-art digital recorders. You will also find out about the many different ways you can use your interview, such as in multimedia projects, websites and displays. You will practice using the recorders and record an interview of your own. These skills will be valuable in your future research projects (such as the SACE or IB Research Project). 5. Life, Chinese Medicine and Philosophy with Sophia Houridis Spend three eye-opening sessions on Chinese medicine, woven with sacred philosophies. Understand how practitioners of Chinese medicine believe your body and mind function and affect your interior and exterior world. In these sessions there will be pairing up, with a lot of fun practicals. You will learn how Chinese medicine uses food as medicine and learn to read people and yourself better. Why aim to be good at what you do, when you can be extraordinary in any path you choose? 6. Writing Non-fiction What, Why? How? with Chris Leckonby B.Ed. Workshop 1: Students will brainstorm non-fiction genres, examine local news clips and write a news report, then edit and critique their work in pairs. Workshop 2: Aim for a publishable magazine feature article, sharing and critiquing this within the group. Guidance on making a submission will be given. Workshop 3: Discussion on writing for the internet how e-publication differs from hard-copy. Blogging and social media. Attempt an entry for a travel blog. Review course, recommend reading. Chris Leckonby is a retired teacher, author of four books and several articles, and winner of prizes for fiction.

1. Drama with Claire Birbeck Leave yourself at the door because this is drama with a difference! Your creativity will be unleashed and skills will be developed in a truly inclusive environment. A symphony of moving bodies, applause, creation and of course, laughter! Claire Birbeck is a young, passionate and highly qualified educator. She began her career as a creative and quirky classroom teacher (building an almost life sized cardboard boat in the classroom for Australian History) to becoming a Performing Arts specialist teacher (inspiring students to travel to imaginary worlds in their minds, bodies and on the stage) to currently being a lecturer in Education at Uni SA. Claire is also the Director and Founder of the Australian School of Creative Learning. 2. Engineering a Better Human Body with Dr David Hobbs, Dr John Costi and Dr Aaron Mohtar The aim of Biomedical Engineering is to combine and merge science and engineering principles, technology and innovation with health sciences and medicine, to produce devices or outcomes that benefit people us! It's a complex and challenging field that is becoming more and more relevant as our population lives longer and ages. These interactive presentations will provide an overview of the field of Biomedical Engineering and provide examples of typical devices and applications from Australia and around the world. A particular focus will be on rehabilitation engineering, computer gaming to help children with cerebral palsy, biomechanics of the human body (including how we test and replicate human movement with a novel one-of-a-kind robot), and an overview of how ideas and innovations are commercialised and turned into medical devices we can buy. 3. Small ideas can lead to BIG dreams with Damian Kleiss, Tracy Miller, Lily Ellis-Gibbings Experience engineering and science activities that look at the use of tiny technology Microcontrollers, Nanotechnology, and Microbiology A microcontroller is a complete computer in a single chip. You will build your own microcontroller-based electronic game system with an LCD screen, accelerometer, buttons, LEDs, and a temperature sensor and you get to take it home! There is a suspected outbreak of Golden Staph bacteria in a local hospital! You need to identify the bacteria by running a range of laboratory tests like those used by real microbiologists. Nanotechnology is changing our understanding of the world. Experience the possibilities of nanotechnology. Then you can get all scientific and use liquid nitrogen to cool gases. This is an exploration of the properties of nitrogen, helium, oxygen and methane.

GTCASA Youth Workshop Abstracts, 2013


GTCASA Youth Workshop Abstracts, 2013


Topic 3: Wednesday afternoon session (1:30 pm 3:30 pm)

Students select one topic for these single workshops. Please indicate your first three preferences on the workshop preference form.


Vedic Mathematics with Lou LaPaglia


Einsteins Universe with Brent Banham

Youve heard of this chap called Einstein havent you? The scientist, philosopher and humanitarian. The fellow who just over a hundred years ago single-handedly changed the way we view space, time and distance. The bloke who also contributed widely to our understanding of the microscopic world. Astonishing as it is, much of Einsteins creative work was done before he was 26 years of age. So, how are you going in your efforts to change the world? Are you running to plan? In this session we will look at Einstein, play with some of his ideas and see what made him one of the greats. 2. A Gothic Hand Calligraphy Workshop with Roland Eime

Vedic Mathematics is the name given to a system of Mathematics which was apparently rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). The Vedas were allegedly written in Sanskrit on scrolls between 1000 BCE and 600BCE. Vedic mathematics is said to be based on sixteen Sutras or word-formulae. Vedic methods make arithmetic easy and enjoyable. Seemingly difficult problems or huge sums can often be calculated immediately and mentally. In this workshop, students will learn how to perform what are normally laborious and lengthy numerical calculations quickly and accurately, both with pen and paper and mentally. After practicing some of the basic principles of Vedic mathematics students will develop a greater appreciation of the beauty of number and will be empowered to perform relatively complex arithmetic calculations as fast as an electronic calculator.

This workshop will provide an introduction to writing a 12th Century Gothic (Blackletter) hand, using a broad-edged pen. This will provide a basis for more elaborate and decorated letters, as seen in many Mediaeval manuscripts. It will also provide some of the skills needed to learn other "Hands". 3. The Mystical Mind with Sophia Houridis

Topic 4: Thursday afternoon session (1:30 pm 3:30 pm)

Students select one topic for these single workshops. Please indicate your first three preferences on the workshop preference form.

This workshop will examine from a mystical perspective how your mind and brain work together. 4. Photo-journalism and Creative Writing Jumpstart with Amelia Walker

1. Bop Till You Drop with Tiffany Turner Bop till you Drop prides itself in keeping kids active and having fun. Do you get excited whenever the music is playing and you feel like dancing? Will you dance till you drop? Hip Hop is a street style dance that is constantly evolving, it is a free, funky and soulful expression of movement used in many music video clips and TV programs such as So You Think You Can Dance." At our Hip Hop classes you will start with a warm up, we will teach you a great dance routine to the latest music, ending in a cool down. By the end of the class you will be dancing like a real Hip Hop star! 2. Face Painting with Terri van Wezel Be prepared to have some serious sensory fun! This workshop will challenge both sides of your brain combining colours and designs with the practicalities of actually painting them on your partner's face. Have a go and in the process learn tips and tricks about simple cheek designs, full face designs and more sophisticated body art. Sponging and brush skills, order of paint application, using liquid paint and solid pallets as well as safety will be covered. 3. Good House, Bad House with Mark Thomas B. Arch., Dip. Ed. What on earth is sustainable, eco, green, earth friendly environmental, organic, esd architecture? This session will focus on sustainability and domestic housing in Australia. We will look at topics like energy efficiency, embodied energy and carbon footprints. We will look at good examples and the not so good. We will also go through a small process of analysing our own homes... what could be improved?

Perhaps writer is your dream career... or perhaps you just enjoy writing for fun. Either way, this two-hour workshop will rev up your creative motor, fine tune your technique and start you scribbling. The session is designed to be flexible and driven by participant requests. It is relevant for all areas of writing, including poetry, short stories, novels, spoken word, playwriting, journalistic writing, experimental writing and more. Some of the topics we can explore include: , finding inspiration, developing characters, setting the scene, strong descriptions, snappy openings, keeping your readers engaged, the avant-garde, publishing your work. 5. The Science of Cooking with Penelope Main

It is not long since cooking and science were generally considered to be unrelated. As we have learned more about how the human body works, we are learning that food plays an important role in development and achieving health in individuals and whole cultures. Participants will gain an understanding of where commonly used ingredients come from, the science behind different methods of cooking and the role of nutrition in human health and disease prevention. 6. Status Drama with Dianne Bodein

Where are you in the pecking order? In a two-hour drama workshop, explore the status games in which we all engage in real life. Through improvisational play, experience how we instinctively use our body and voice to shift power dynamics with others. Discover your preferred status and how to change it appropriately to the situation. This interactive and fun workshop is based on the work of Keith Johnstone.

GTCASA Youth Workshop Abstracts, 2013


GTCASA Youth Workshop Abstracts, 2013


4. Hands-on Approach to Relaxation with Rory Williams In the rapidly changing and often stressful social, scientific, cultural and workplace environments that we find ourselves in, it becomes a valuable skill to be able to relax, and regenerate. In this workshop, we will examine the elements of our nervous system that are activated in stress and in relaxation. We will also examine some easy techniques that we can use to encourage our body to relax. 5. Mind Being, Body Doing with Sharon Stewart Personal Safety, Martial Arts, Self Defence; whats the difference? Yin Personal Safety brings together the wisdom and practices of the Martial Arts into everyday life in a program called MIND BEING, BODY DOING. YIN teaches how to deal with verbal or physical conflict through the use of assertive, non-verbal communication. The YIN system teaches an alternative to the passive (victim) aggressive (aggressor) communication style of a situation. YIN trains you to respond mindfully. Learn to be safe in mind, body and spirit. The session will cover: how to stand, walk, talk and look; set safe boundaries; environmental safety; and practical techniques. 6. Still Life Drawing: An Introduction to Seeing with Lauryn Arnott In this class, students learn the importance of drawing as the basis of understanding ones experience of the world. Drawing is seen here as the most direct route to the examination of our perceptions; it opens doors and gives us a voice. We will be drawing from life, following a sequence of exercises (sometimes unusual) to assist the student towards developing their own drawing language in a relaxed and open environment. If your light has been flickering, now is the time to flick the switch on! 7. Social Benefits of Chess with Malto Jelic In the schools, chess often serves as a bridge, bringing together children of different ages, races and genders in an activity they can all enjoy. Chess helps build individual friendships and also school spirit when children compete together as teams against other schools. Chess also teaches children about sportsmanship how to win graciously and not give up when encountering defeat. For children with adjustment issues, there are many examples where chess has led to increased motivation, improved behaviour, better self-image, and even improved attendance. Chess provides a positive social outlet, a wholesome recreational activity that can be easily learned and enjoyed at any age. This chess course will introduce you to the key rules of the game and the more important ideas you need to play a good and exciting game. You will learn the 4-Move Mate (Scholar's Mate) and the Fried Liver Attack, the need for development and tactics like pins and forks and skewers and discovered attacks. We will also explore the endgame and learn strategies like the 'Lawn-mower'. And above all, the course will be fun you will hear lots of wonderful stories about the players and games that all add combine to make chess a magical experience for millions of adults and juniors around the world.

Topic 5: Friday afternoon session (1:30 pm 3:30 pm) Guest speaker for all workshop participants
Life Leadership Who and What Inspire you to Action? with Trish Herreen During my final year at high school, we were asked to consider what we would be doing in five years time. I found the question very challenging, yet it planted a seed of how important it is to have a vision. If someone asked you that question now, what would your answer be? We all have unique abilities and valuable contributions to make during our lives. Whatever our pathway and abilities, one thing remains universal in order to fulfil our life purpose we must become the leader of our own life. Who do you look to for inspiration and direction? What qualities do you recognize in yourself that promote leadership, unity, and community? How are you building resources and resilience to ensure success?

An afternoon of conversation and discussion designed to fuel passion, vision and leadership to support you through the many challenges, distractions, disappointments and triumphs youre likely to encounter along this road we call life.

GTCASA Youth Workshop Abstracts, 2013


GTCASA Youth Workshop Abstracts, 2013


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