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Microsoft Online Services supports sending Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email messages.

This article discusses how to configure a SMTP client to connect to Microsoft Online Services SMTP servers to send mail. Microsoft Online Services users can send SMTP e-mail messages without any dependencies on the user's legacy e-mail system. SMTP clients can connect to the Microsoft Online Services SMTP servers and authenticate by using Microsoft Online Services user credentials to send e-mail messages. The connection requires Transport Layer Security (TLS). To connect to the Microsoft Online Services SMTP server, open the SMTP client, and then provide the following information: FQDN: The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Microsoft Online Services SMTP server. The FQDN will be slightly different depending on the Microsoft Online Services data center that the customer's company is connected to. The server FQDNs are listed as follows: North America data center: Smtp.mail.microsoftonline.com(Brasil) User name and password: The user name and password of a Microsoft Online Services user account that has an Exchange Online license. On most client applications, this setting is located under the My outgoing mail server (SMTP) requires authentication option, which should be selected. Select this option (if it is not already selected). Then, specify your Microsoft Online Services user name and password. SMTP port 587: Configure the SMTP port to use port 587. On most client applications, this setting is configured by using the Server Port Numbers for Outgoing Server (SMTP) option. TLS enabled: Make sure that Transport Layer Security (TLS) is enabled in the SMTP client. On most client applications, this setting is configured by using the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires an encrypted connection (SSL) option. Select this option (if it is not already selected). Note The From address must use a SMTP domain that is Authoritative. Important Update the password of the user's Microsoft Online Services account regularly, before the password expires. If the password expires before it is updated in the SMTP, SMTP services will stop. Microsoft Online Services passwords expire every 90 days. Por favor fazer o download do Migration Tools no seu Centro de Administrao da Microsoft Online abaixo de Migrations/Mailbox Migrations. Create a .csv file by using excell Example: Identity (escrever na primeira coluna da primeira linha depois adicionar os emails dos usrios como no exemplo abaixo)

user@dominio.com user2@dominio.com user3@dominio.com TrustedUser (escrever na segunda coluna da primeira linha depois adicionara o email da aplicao seguindo o exemplo abaixo) aplicativo@dominio.com aplicativo@dominio.com aplicativo@dominio.com Agreguer o nome do arquivo e copie o commando do PowerShell abaixo: Import-csv c:\caminho\arquivo.csv | Add-MSOnlineMailPermission -GrantSendAs $true Segui as configuraes para POP3: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff535990.aspx Obrigado por sua ateno e por ultilizar os servios da Microsoft Online. O senhor poder acrescentar qualquer dvida a sua solicitao de servio atravs do Centro de Administrao da Microsoft Online. Obrigado por entrar em contato com o Departamento de Suporte Tcnico da Microsoft Online. O senhor poder acrescentar qualquer dvida a sua solicitao de servio atravs do Centro de Administrao da Microsoft Online. Atenciosamente,

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