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Hypothalamus and Healing

The hypothalamus is a very important and yet complex organ of the human brain. It facilitates the functioning of the endocrine system, organs and respective behaviours. Often considered for its regulatory functions, the hypothalamus is also a central hot-spot of connection between all chakras and the soul. Could it be that it also regulates a broader spectrum of connections and act as the seat of our soul? By tuning into a spiritual pool of dimensions our life would be meant to be live fully and bliss-fully? In Asian traditions and in particular Yoga traditions there is a mudra called Khecari Mudra where through a typical reversed positioning of the tongue inside the mouth, it is possible to the gates to the spiritual connections residing deep inside our Central Soul. Simply try to position you tongue in a reversed direction inside your mouth (the tip of the tongue facing backwards inside your mouth) and touching the palate. Fix your gaze on the centre of your eyebrows and relax. Let images and feelings come to you and connect with your Central Soul. Recent scientific and quantum research suggest the possibility of DNA re-programming. I support these research and read a few authors making reliable references to some of these research. It is possible to clear the clutter accumulated in acquired default programmes through a few simple techniques of grounding ourselves at "zero point" and re-programme our DNA. The result is essentially to live a better and lighter life.


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The hypothalamus is the multi-directional connector between our Central Soul, our aura and the source of energy. Hence the regular practice of simple techniques of which the Ascension Meditation is part, it is possible to shed non-essential perceptions and heal our entire self, and the body-mind-universe connection. Healing involves the connection with the hypothalamus as this little gland the size of an almond, for instance regulates our daily intake of light and darkness, is an essential vibrational connector to the Earth magnetic field. As this same magnetic field is interfered by solar storms and electromagnetic movements, our hypothalamus receives messages and transmits to our various

bodies. I will not elaborate now on the magnetic changes. At the moment our recommendation is to develop alertness of the activities of the Hypothalamus and pineal gland and when receiving or giving healing treatment, ask the person to position his or her tongue gently touching the palate inside the mouth. It is a very relaxing position of the tongue. Tell the person that this position will enable a harmonic flow of energy between the mind and the body. Alternatively if the person is more experienced you could also ask her/him to position the tongue in reverse mode to deepen the effects.


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