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Great Sacrifice

--A sidewalk is in course of construction in East Atchison, leading from Pretzel's place to the bridge. - The only thing that marred the performance at the opera house last night was the continued disturbance of the hoodlums in the gallery. This nuisance ought to he suppressed. It is now certain that the famous Modoc Club of Topeka, which created so much excitement on the Pacific Coast last year, will give an entertainment in Atchison at the opera house about the first of September.

T H E CITY o o r a c n u A Committee Appointed to See About t h e Missouri Pnrlllv S h o p s - T h e VltriHeil Brick Paving s t i l l Haucs i'lre Minor K i t t e n . The plans andspecifications of the new Missouri Pacific shops were submitted to the Council by Mayor Kelsey last night, together with the letter of B.P. Waggoner, general attorney for the company, stating that they were ready to enter into contract with the city, according to the proposition heretofore submitted. Objections were raised that the plans and specifications did not indicate the cost of the buildings to be erected, or the number of men the company intends to employ. After a protracted debate a committee was appointed to confer with the officers of the company, with the view of ascertaining the facts referred to, nnd report at the next meeting of the Council. The bids for the paving of North Tenth street with vitrified brick were also laid over until next meeting, as none of the bidders had filed certified checks as an earnest of good faith.




F. W. HUNTON, Secretary and Trasrurer. DIRECTORS: JOHN M. CROWELL, S. B. GLAZIER, Gov. J. R. BODWELL of Mane, B. B, SMALLEY oi Vermont.

To make room for our immense Hue of new goods now being shipped direct from the manufactories and importers in John Baker, sixteen years old, fell the east. Wo will close out regardless of off an ice wagon yesterday afternoon and cost, everything in the line of was caught on a hook, which penetrated LIGHT PRINTS, his left breast, inflicting an ugly wound, and narrowly missing the subclavian arLAWNS, SATINS, tery. He will be laid up for several 0RZPBLINE8, days, but the results of his injury will not be serious. WIIITE c o o n s ,

Justice Pierce issued a warrant yesterday, upon the complaint of Carrie Hess, for Mrs. Karl Sauor and her two and all Summer Goods of every kind. sous, living at 1320 Oak street. Mrs. Hess We must have the room for Ben -O'ji!^ charges them with disturbing her peace and arc selling in many cases at less than and quiet by calling her obscene names one-half the cost of manufacture. and stoning her house A hearing will be had some time to-day.



crs&i B&smSii




Atchison, Kansas, Aug. 9, THE OWICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY.

The report of the appraisers for the -Atchison Post No. 03, G. A. Ii., held curbing and paving of South Fourth an interesting meeting last night. A street was adopted. The ordinance declaring the amount of good attendance was out and various matters of interest were discussed, among the assessment for the paving of Kansas which was the dependent pension bill. avenue was adopted. The contract for grading North Ninth This was endorsed,only one vote against it. Atchison Post No. 93 is m a prosperous street was awarded to John Early at 30 condition. It has quite a fund with cents, in bonds. its quartermaster and is inking in new The Council adjourned until next Monmembers at every meeting. day evening. T H E MACHINE SHOPS.


The grounds enclosed by the Missouri Pacific railroad company for the new machine shops lie due west of the city, nnd embrace seventy acres. The buildings to be erected, according to the drawJacob Motz and Miss Katherine C. ings submitted to the Council last night, Esquire James Martin will celebrate Clark were married yesterday morning, are.twelve in number, as follows: hist Slst birthday today. soon after midnight, Justice Talbott offiI-ocoinotivc erecting and machine The Visiting Circle will meet to-day ciating. The bride is a daughter of Offi- shop, 115x123 feet, with L for engine and (Tuesday) with Mrs. Thayer. A full atcer P. J. Clark, and the groom a young boih-r, 30x00 feet. tendance is desired. builder of Leavenworth. The romantic Freight car erecting shop, 30x120 feet. During the absence of Judge Baldhour above named was chosen because Paint shop, 50x120 feet. win, Justice T. M. Pierce will act as the parties had arranged to take a late Engine, lank and boiler shop, 05x100 Judge of. the Police court. train for Leavenworth, their future home, feet. A little sou of Marshal Price fell off and postponed the wedding until nearly "One of the handsomest of the hand, Wood machinery shop, 50x100 feet. a wagon Sunday afternoon, and cut an train time. They have many friends here some entertainments for which Ayr Lawn Store room and olfices, 40x80 feet. ugly gash in his chin by striking on the who wish them happiness and prosperity is noted was that given on Friday evenIron bouse, 30x00 feet. curbing. ing by Miss Virginia Burnes, the fair Some smart young Missourians stole Coal bins, 30x00 feet. Thou. J. White's uncle, who lately young mice of Col. James N. Burnes, the lines off a team belonging to a reBlacksmith shop, 00x80 feet. died m England, has added to T. J's. alspcctuble party of ladies and gentlemen Oil house, 30x40 feet ready handsome fortune by lenving him f from Atchison, attending the camp meetTen-stall engine ho ; ise, with turn table. tarv to Miss thel Ingnlls, c Atchiso a neat legacy. ing near Iiushville, Saturday evening. Coaling station, dimensions not given. daughter of enator Ingalls Miss Kai Charles Cnrtwright of Weston, and While it extols the genius and courage of In addition to the above there is a me Croysdale of Kansas City well known iu Atchison, was drowned by Kansas women, it does not lessen the transfer trestle, 00 feet wide, and two the sinking of a pleasure steamer on contemptibility of the Missouri hoodlums, water tanks. The shops are said be Lake Manawa, near Omaha, last Saturto say that one of the ladies tore up a an exact duplicate of those day, and the funeral occurred at Weston linen sash and improvised reins with at Little Rock, . which the Sunday. which they were enabled to drive into people of that city would not dispose An important meeting of the Mer- Itushvillc, where better ones were obof for any amount of money that might chants ami Manufacturers Bureau v.iil be tained. If the managers of the camp be named. held at 7:30 o'clock this evening. It is meeting expect respectable people to atThe acceptance of the plans is now in expected that all interested in continuing tend they must suppress the hoodlums. t h e hands of the City Council of Atchithe.present rapid growth of Atchison Rosedale, last night at Price's Opera son. They nre precisely what the people House, by the Eunice,Goodrich company, accepted at the polls, a few mouths ago, waa presented to a crowded audience, when they almost unanimously voted whose increasing interest in the beautiful 4100,000 bonds, witi the distinct and posdrama, as it progressed from act to act, itive understanding that the bonds so was manifested in the hearty applause voted were to be converted to this use. which greeted the performance of this It is now left to too Council in its wisexcellent company. Miss Goodrich, the dom to determine whether or not the star of the company, is a bright, vivacious, people were in their right minds at the commissimier*. charming actress. Her voice, her man- time of that election. ner and her winsome ways entitle her to day conveying from J. H. Beeson, in the distinction of an actress of rare talsnowdrops. They will bo cherished as The Major an 1 the l l a c k m a . consideration of $20,000, the half block ent. Her support is unusually good, rind souvenirs of the happy occasion. The Maj. Lizzie En ;le of the Salv fronting east on Eighth street and ex- the company as a whole very much house was redolent of flowers from NeilArmy appeared t efore Acting I tending from Kansas avenue to Santa Fe above the average of even good compason's conservatory. Winkler's band furJudge Pierce yest rday and filed street, intended as the site of St. Louis nies. "Fun In a Boarding School" will nished the music In the dining room plaint against Char ey Johnson, the college, as described iu Sunday's CHAM- be presented by this company to-night. was spread a feast "fit for the gods," known hackman, censing him o PION. It is understood that work on the served in the daintiest style, the table turbing religious w orship and usin structure will be commenced at once and Pergonal. itself being a thing of beauty, glittering guage calculated to the walls completed this fall. Gerald Volk of the Topeka Commonwith tinted candles in antique candelabra the peace. Johnson was arrested and rePersons coming into the city yester- leeaUh was in the city yesterday. and fairy lamps. The ladies never ap. leased on his own recognizance, agreeing day morning discovered a buggy and a J. W. Daiby, superintendent of the peared to better advantage, "each robe to appear this morning and confront his dead horse on the roadside near David Missouri Pacific, was in the city yesterbeing elegant and handsome." fair accuser. It seems that a little over Rogers' place, about a mile beyond day. two weeks ago Johusou was waiting for Goodhue park. Suspicions of a terrible Justice Connor of East Atchison has a party in front of the Salvation Army accident were aroused, but upon investi- returned from a business trip to North barracks. The pretty Major came out gation it was found that the rig belonged Missouri. and requested him not to smoke his cigar to John Lane, and that the horse had Judge Baldwin of the police court there. He desisted for tho time, and been killed by hard driving. The starts to-day for Monmouth, 111., to visit presently she came out again and he says of the man who hired the horse has not his parents. addressed him in very insulting language. lieen divulged. Mr. D. H. Brown ret jrncd yesterday His response indicated a supposition on A large company of friends assem- from New York and Mrs. Brown from his part that the Major was in some rebled Sunday evening at the residence of Kansas City. mote degree related to the feline race. D. E. Miller leaves to-day for Stock- This aroused tho Leonine spirit that Mr. John M. Saitz, 513 Kansas avenue, to extend congratulations on the occasion ton to look after his interests there, in- slumbered beneath the gallant Major's of his 01st birthday. An elegant gold cluding the electric light works. corset, hour* the arrest of Johnson, who watch and chain were presented by t h e l Mr. and -Mrs. Orson Waste of Gales- will have a hearing in the presence of a choir of St. Benedict's church, and a burg, 111., are in the city, visiting their large audience at the Police court this black walnut desk by the Turnverein daughter, Mrs. Judge Baldwin. There were about one hundred persons Cant J. K. Fisher goes to Platte City present, und the evening was passed de- this morning to attend a lawsuit involv- Crop* in Atrhiuon County All Itight. lightfully with music and merriment. ing some interests of the Galbreath esA gentleman who has recently trav- A double wedding occurred Sunday tate, of which ho is administrator. eled over a considerable portion of Atch- E. G. Fish, general agent of the B. & ison county, and is well posted as to the afternoon at the residence of Justice Tho Importance of purliylug tho blocd canSmith, between Sugar lake and Bean M. lines, has returned from a business balance, asserts that on the whole there not 1> overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. lake, Missouri. The contracting parties trip to Ruin, lie says work on the bridge will lie harvested this year one of the At this season nearly every ono needs a were Mr. T. J. Dawson and Miss Jennie is progressing very satisfactorily and the largest crops in the history of the county. good mediclno to purify, vitalize, and ourich Brown, anil Mr. John Frailer and Miss structure will be completed by the first He says that while there are some fields the Wood, and Hood's Sarsaparilla Is worthy Dora Brown. The brides are sisters, of October. your confidence. It is peculiar In that it of corn which were planted too thick and strengthens and builds up the system, creates daughters of one of the most prosperous Mrs. M. E. Cawley and daughter poorly tended that are a failure, thero an appetite, and tones the digestion, while farmers in this section. After the ccre- Maggie and Mr. S. E. Stevens have nre many above the average and will it eradicates disease. Give it a trial. ..niony an elegant wedding feast was gon lo I'lattcville, Wis., to attend a re yield from C to SO bushels to the acre. O Hood's Saraaparilla Is sold by all druggists, .spread, in which about one hundred in- union of his old scholars, who attended Wheat is threshing out far better than prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. vited guests participated. school over which he presided twenty was expected, one field of his knowledge of 100 acres averaging nearly 30 bushels Frequently letters arc received at five to thirty years ago. to the acre, and mnny averaging 25 bushthis office bearing a ten-cent special de-Offensive breath vanishes with the FOR els. The yield of oats, he says, is simply livery stamp, in addition to the regular ; of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. enormous, seldom running below 50 and postage. This amounts to throwing away GET THE BEST I O ten cents, every time it is done, as the Kates E a s t via the Fast often above C bushels to the acre

The perfect Kansas watermelon is that which has been cooled in a dry well. To freeze so genial a thing in a refrigerator is to impair its tropical tone and to second-class matter at the Post- deaden cerlain honeyful impulses that e at Atcblson, Kansas. | beat in its warm heart. A melon in placid reflection at the bottom of a dry well, SVTltEET (.(ISSIf, harmonizing slowly with the delicious coolness of the earth, is a melon approaching idealization.Gets. Cnlrxrt.

.tllas IHKHIIK" St. Joseph Reception. Ouce upon a time Col. James N. Burnes, now Bepreseutative in Cougress from all the river counties on the Missouri side, opposite Atchison, was bitterly nnd vindictively assailed and almost farced outside the pale of his party for saying to Mrs. General Grant, at a social gathering: "Madam, I esteem it a high honor to have the privilege of clasping, the hand of the wife of the greatest soldier his country has ever producedthe Napoleon of America." It was an outburst of gallantry, but it was a long time before the mossback element in the colonel's constituency recovered from the shock. But the St. Joseph Herald fairly balances the scale in its description of the- reception tendered Miss Ethel IngiiHs, daughter of Senator Ingnlls of Kansas, by Miss Virginia Burnes, at the residence of the distinguished Congressman, last Friday evening. After all, without social lies there could lie no party ties, but they arc separate and distinct, and the one should never be permitted to interfere with the other. The enthusiastic llmild writer says:

Audacious August.
Until August 13th we will ?ell

At prices as follows:' Ladies' kid, with dongola top button shoe, worked button.holes, worth 82.50, will be sold for 8 1 Ladies' pebble goat shoes, worked.buttca holes, sold recently forS2.50, sold for 81. Misses' ami children's solar tip pebble goat button shoes, half price 81. Men's kip working shoes, formei ly sold by us and all shoe dealers for 81.75 per pair, will go at 81 per pair. Ladies' best euracoa kid, hand turn shoes, cheap at $5, will be sold until August 13th for half price,. 82.50. Gent's hand sewed French calf shoes, "Bart," sold by other dealers for 87 a pair, will be sold for 8175 a pair. The famous "E. J. A." hand turn button Oxford for ladies,, old price 83, sold for $1.50. Infant's kid and pebble goat button shoes., sizes 1 to 5, formerly 50 cents, now 30 cents.. Should you find any paper or shoddy in any of our goods, return them to us and we will refund the money paid for them. We guarantee all our goods honest and solid. Don't fail to see the dollar table. All mail orders must be accompanied with cash.



A TREAT F R THURSDAY. O L a d i e s ' pVEuslin U n d e r w e a r ,

Corsets, Bustles and Furnishing Goods at Special Sale.

D o n a l d Biros
In the field of distribution, or the retail business, the buyer deals with the seller on unconditional terms. Everything is in favor of the buyer, competition, cheap production and the over weaning ambition of dealers to increase sales without regard to profit. All combine to make the buyer the autocrat, and if he feels like it fie can even then pocket his roll and stalk off, leavingthe seller weeping and gnashing his teeth. To cackle or cajole is not to convince. We prefer figures. Listen:;
One lot chemise, drawers, corset covers, etc, all nicely made up and finished in first class style, 24 cents. Clara is a better corset than others sell at 75 cents. It is very nicely cut and finished to suit the most particular. Thursday's price 39 cents. One lot ladies' muslin underwear, including: all pieces, trimmed in tucking, embroidery and lace of exquisite design and workmanship. They formerly sold at 75 cents. 1 hursday's price 39 cents. Another corset, French wove in 300 bone, perfect shape, easy to wear and graceful as a swan. We want to close the last one. They are worth Si. Thursday's price 69 cents. A bustle we call Midsummer Night's Dream on account of its airy shape and form, will be sold on Thursday at half price, 24 cents. These and many others are the substantial inducements we offer our customers on Thursday.

IOO Doses One Dollar


special delivery system has not been established iu Atchison. In fact, its popularity is rapidly waning everywhere, and soon it will bo numbered with the other impracticable experiments. Itcannot be called a humbug, for it was adopted in good faith, but it is certainly a failure, and ought to be abandoned.

Mall Konle. The Missouri Pacific is again selling tourist tickets to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Jamestown, Pittsburg and return at greatly reduced rates. For particulars call on CHAS. E. STYLES, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Opposite Union Depot.

the hay crop is above the average. Atchison county farmer, even with low prices, should be happy. Pryor's Full Military Band of St. Joseph will play for the Modern Woodmen's concert and dance at Turner Garden Thursday evening, Aug. 11.. ';


?-.:;. ":'-:. r: j :..:....;.. iV.

' !).'. KcljlHlTfctau. Prices wlthlu the rf,v.ii of .

Hauofacton, 610 locust SLPMla,



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