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1st day Material: All aboard students book and workbook 3 Flash cards transportation Board game for

future be going to taken from http://www.eslgalaxy.com/boardgames/future%20tense.pdf Dices Warmer: Flash cards: transportation Practice for the quiz. Teacher reads these sentences below then students answer them. Activities: 1. The class discusses students book page 22 2. Students do workbook page 22. Teacher stamps students workbook when they are done. 3. When all students are done, teacher writes 3 words in board. They are, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Above those words, teacher writes past, present and future. Teacher asks students if they know they mean. 4. Teacher then circle the word future to stress that they are going to learn about future be going to. Teacher then explains about building sentences from the grammar. 5. Teacher then gives 10 minutes time students to play with board games. 6. The class then discusses students book page 23. 7. Students do workbook page 23 2nd day Reading time! Material: a copy of the reading text for each student taken from http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/reading-comp/2nd-elephants.pdf Activities: 1. Dictation. 2. Teacher models reading the text while students are listening and finding the vocabularies they dont understand. 3. Together, the class figures out the meaning of each sentence. 4. Teacher asks students to read the reading per sentence. 5. Teacher then writes questions about the reading in the whiteboard. 6. Students answer them then are allowed to go to library when they have extra time. Dictation 1. Bench 2. Flowerbed 3. Tennis court

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pond Fountain Path Bush Grass Park Bird

T Time With Elephants by Guy Belleranti Three interesting things about an elephant begin with the letter T trunk, tusk and teeth. An elephants trunk has over forty thousand muscles and tendons. The trunk is a combination of the nose and the upper lip. An elephant uses its trunk for picking things up. It also uses its trunk for smelling. An elephant has two tusks. The tusks are made of ivory. The tusks grow from the elephant's upper jaw. An elephant has these two "teeth" instead of incisor teeth. The tusks grow throughout an elephants life. An elephant uses its tusks to drill for water and to dig up food. All African elephants have tusks. Only some Asian male elephants have tusks. Some female Asian elephants also have tusks, but they are very small and hidden inside the mouth. An elephant also has four other teeth. These teeth are molars. An elephant has one upper molar and one lower molar on each side of its mouth. Because an elephant eats a lot of plants, its molars get ground down. New molars move in to replace the old molars about every ten years. An elephant gets up to six sets of molars over its lifetime. Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com Questions 1. How many muscles and tendons are in an elephant's trunk? 2. What two things does an elephant use its trunk for? 3. What two things does an elephant use its tusks for? 4. What does an elephant use its molars for? 5. Make two sentences that describe about elephant! 3rd day 4th day Material: All aboard students book and workbook 3 Quiz sheet Fortune teller template: http://www.funorama.com/files/fortune.pdf Activity 1. Quiz time 2. Students make their fortune teller. Before that, they need to make two questions about their future. For example: am I going to be rich in the future? 3. The class discusses student books page 24 4. Students do workbook page 24

5th day Material: All aboard students book and workbook 3 Board game for future be going to taken from http://www.eslgalaxy.com/boardgames/future%20tense.pdf Dices Unused newspaper Warmer: Students play the game board Activity 1. The class discusses students book page 25 and 26. 2. Students do workbook page 25 and 26. For workbook page 25, students need to find the picture they want for their project using the unused newspaper teacher prepares.

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