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Exactly Who Are You and Why Did You

Insist on Exercising The Wisdom of This Book?

Who are you? Why did you order this book? I’ll tell you who you are, you are a
dreamer. That’s right, a dreamer, and if we removed people like us from mankind
we would have to remove ever great idea, invention and work of art ever created.

Wisdom For Millionaires

Take the dreamers out of the world and there would be
no reason to study and stand in awe of our great Ameri-
can history. It is us, and people like us, the dreamers,
who were the advancing guards of humanity.

If you removed us, who many have called “quacks” and

pipe dreamers, we would also have to remove all of the
refining machines and inventions that emancipated this
world and turned drudgery into ease.

Thomas Edison was a dreamer, just as you are, and he

Get Wisdom.
saw decades into the future and as such, invented Wisdom is The Tree of Life

machines which compared with many of today’s discoveries, seem small.

Over one hundred and fifty years ago, it was the persistence of dreamers who ar-
gued in Congress to allow for railroads, at a time when postal mail was being cre-
ated. Many said that to build carrier railroads was insane.

Some in Congress called such a dream “impossible,” ridiculous and a waste of

money! Many thought it would be much more prudent to actually import and use
camels to deliver the mail. And as history reminds us, the dreamers won.

All great people are both practical and logical. They are usually considered odd
ducks and dreamers at first. But it was the “dreamer” who was ahead of his con-
temporaries, by a quarter century, and who “saw” the hand-press whereby journal-
ism was born. Then you had the dreamer who played with kites and attached a
key to it and connected electricity to it.

“Can’t be done” cries the man without imagination and those with an even lower
caliber of intuition and dream, mutter under their breath, “He will fail.” And yet time
has proven, over and over again, that it is the dreamer who can see a civilization,
yet to be, that the common man can not even begin to believe in.

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You have a dream. That is why you are here. Because you can see an elevated
position in life for yourself. And know this, your dream does not mock you. It’s
simply evidence that a “knowing” within you, of more life, is welled with you just
as fire is nestled within every flint. You have within you a divine assignment. A
birth right. A discovery to unleash. Just as Galileo did.

How else can you justify being here, right now, how else?

Wisdom For Millionaires

His Divine Heritage
Stone walls imprison no man who can dream. Poverty (see Carnegie or Henry Ford)
also can not impede any man, who can dream. How come? Because there is no greater
medicine like hope, no incentive so laced with greatness and no tonic so powerful as
expectation of something better than tomorrow; and so, the great ones, dream!

I had a dream. I was called a “loon” and a pipe dreamer. Hundreds, when I started out
and was seeking partners, made me feel stupid and silly for simply for asking, “Why not
us” and asking, “What if we made our goal freedom from labor?”

Did I stop dreaming? How could I? Just as you must not either. Never stop! You must
encourage and nurture your visions. Cherish each “dumb” idea because in fact it is
those tiny-teeny-little “sparks” of intuition that are doing your FUTURE biding for you.
They are also God (Wisdom) given. Each one is asking you to see a life that is larger
than your present location. Aspiration and vision, point to a road upwards, a place
called, heaven on earth.

So be great! Do great. THINK greater thoughts! And fashion your life within what you
see. Dare to make your moments of inspiration—–permanent! I did. Caesar did. Frank-
lin did and you will too. You must and you know you must, and you will.

We all know that what we actually do, is a sorry apology for what we could have done
or worse, knew that we could have done, years earlier. The average man is but a ruined
burlesque show of what he COULD have been, but decided not to be.

In this book, I will strongly challenge you. I will dare to double “you.” This manifesto
of can-do will unearth you soul, awaken your eyes, your spirit, and give you a map
to UN-LOCK more of yourself. If you dare dream, that even such a thing is possible!

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The Mystery of Thought

“I used to use my hands. But then when I used my mind, and

taught others to think with me, I flipped my annual income
into a monthly and never had to work another day in my life.”
— Joe Schroeder ——Dreamer / Auteur / Square

The 97%, who refuse to think and to focus into agony, are
employed by the 3% who do. They are given boxes to move,
files to sort and given rudimentary tasks to complete daily that
their employers think up. The work that man does today, is a
repeated motion of labor that is the same as he did ten years ago.
This is why he is paid not much more than a decade ago.

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Greatness and personal power are only attained by the constant thinking of
great and power thoughts. No person can become greater than he was yester-
day without better thinking about himself, and his potential, today.

No amount of education, reading, or study can make you great without thought; but
thought can make you great with very little schooling.

Thought and thinking made Washington, Lincoln and others like them, who never
made it beyond grammar school, because proper thinking can bring you the wisdom
of the ages, and a union with God, where “book study” often can not open a mind
that is closed.

The world is replete with people who went through sixteen years of education
who then grew up to be nobodies. The world is also reflective of people who
changed the world who never made it out of sixth grade.

Self-Help Home Library

There are Millions of people who are trying to make something of themselves,
by reading books without thinking; and all such will fail. Their homes are
stuffed with self- help book after book, but have they changed?

No. Not even a little.

The fact is, you are not mentally developed by what you read, but by what you
think about what you read.

Life teaches you how to think and proper thinking teaches you how to live.

This, we know for sure.

The Hardest Thing On Earth

Thinking is the hardest and most exhausting of all labor; which is why most
people shrink from it. What makes the successful “super” successful is their
ability to hold in thought, long enough, ideals and goals that they can not yet
see in the physical, but held in mind long enough, often for years, until what
they thought about in their imagination enters into the physical.

That was the secret of all great people. That single “what is it” was their se-
cret. That alone, separates the big people from the average.

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The Agony and Pain of Success

The skill and agony of continual and perpetuating faith into mind, which most people
wouldn’t dare, is what makes them great. This is why most give up so soon. Because to
hold a goal in your head for months and years while you imagine it into its physical
equal is the hardest thing a person could ever do.

Why Most Quit Too Soon

Imagine how hard it must have been for Thomas Edison to hold his desire of the light
bulb in his mind, for all of those years, with no physical proof that what he saw about
would come about.

The Secret Tom Hanks and Ozzie Osbourne

Think how much mental stamina rock-stars, celebrities and the rich must have used to
keep their highest self in mind while everyone around them probably told them that the ir
goals were worthless and yet, through all of their hard-knocks, they still persevered.

Just as you will and just as you are now.

You never move forward and above and outside of where you already are until you be-
gin to think forward and to think outside of where you already are.

I read once, “Only 2% actually think, 3% think they think and the other 95% would
rather die than think!”

The Application is:

Thinking what you want, as the truth that you see in your head, despite all outside ap-
pearance of the “thing” not yet in the physical form, is the hardest thing you will ever

The Creator has made us so rich with continuous creative

thought; we must either “think” or lose ourselves in some

activity to escape thought.

Most people seek to escape thought. It’s television, the “X” box, another novel to read
about someone else or it’s anything at all, except to be alone in thought.

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Sample: How a Millionaire Would Think
The vast majority of people spend the greater part of their leisure time running
away from thought, hence they are where they are. Thinking, not mere knowledge
or information, makes personality and people greater than who they used to be.

Thinking is growth; you cannot think without growing.

If you make a failure, it’s because you failed to ask for enough and if you failed to
ask for enough you failed to think enough. Those who refuse the labor of thought
are employed by those who didn’t shrink from it.

Moreover, if you fail to learn to think for yourself and spend your life thinking
and speaking the thoughts of other people, you will never know what you could
have been or grown to be. All because the exercise of tho ught was too much of a
burden for you.

All that a man does “about” is the expression and completion of his inward thinking and
what he thinks about—all day long.

No action is possible without thought, and no great action is possible until a great
thought has preceded it. Action is the second form of thought, and personality is the ma-
terialization of thought. A rich person has a rich thought before a rich person acts and
does what rich people do.

Environment is the result of thought; things group themselves or arrange themselves

around you according to your thought.

You are what you are because you think as you do; you are where you are because you
think as you do.

If you were to say, out loud, ten times, “I am a law unto my self and my world is my
own, I am the captain of my soul and I speak my world into existence. I am all that is
good and only good is all that I desire, I am one of all light and love, Amen”-

If you say that out- loud ten times you will experience a touch of euphoria. You have to.


Because the thinker behind your thoughts would be pleased and even excited that the
higher “you” was concentrating in thought to enlighten the highest of He who made you.

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Test This Now Out Loud
The other reason you would feel exuberant is because what you want also is wanting
you, and by decreeing increase into yourself, through the above mentioned script, you
would be speaking “as one” with the higher nature of self which is desperately trying to
express Itself now, through you, right here, right now. Think. Think. Think.

Thinking comes before yo u walk, eat and earn. Change how you think, change your life.

Start here: Move to that little person in your head and whisper, “What do you see, little
fellow, what are you really thinking?”

The thinker behind your thoughts is right here right now waiting for you. To bring you
more abundance, more peace and more of your hearts desire. “Seek and ye shall find” is
what the book promised.

When you can think what you want, and act in concert with that desire regardless of ap-
pearance, and act in accordance with your faith, you can not fail.

Words only have value in regards to the degree of action that falls from your mind to un-
der your feet.

The proper use of the mind will help you to build a brain capable of doing and being
whatever you so desire. Whatever the mind can dream, you can be. The brain does not
make the man; the man makes the brain.

How To Live a Lie

The TRUTH is that you are wealthy, happy and abundant with a career and life assign-
ment that you love. That is truth.

However, there must be a mind in you that perceives that notion of truth as truth before
you can shift your life into that truth and the truth that will set you free is within the
MIND and thought.

The TRUTH is that you are wonderful, rich and you have a freedom that most only
dream about.

However, until you perceive that “truth” as real for yourself, you will be commanded by
others who discredit your truth and be forced to live under their will rather than yours.

This is how to “know” so you can properly think because you know. In a word, it’s wis-
dom. All yours. Now and forever.

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The “Bail-Out” System
I trained myself to think true thoughts, just as you have.

Which is why this little book found you.

True thinking, would enable you to agree that you were, in fact, born to be wealthy,
relaxed and experience more joy.

True thinking, by you, would encourage you more often to be more mentally tuned
to more income, more life and to be more of who you said you would become, ten
years ago.

True thinking challenges the “false” self.

To thine own self be true.

True thinking, observed as all truth, dictates that you are already rich. Now what
you do with that absolute truth is totally up to you and your choice of will.

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“Thinking” Home-Work and Application:
You don’t need more work. “Work” is what separates the working class from the
rich. The wealthy thought themselves free. You can too. Man doesn’t have a model
of prosperity, but of work itself. To change your life, add thinking and watch whe re
your legs take you.

Try it #1: Go to google and search, Caesar Writing’s or Ben Franklin Ideas. No, you
don’t have to bore yourself with reading thoughts of icons who lived centuries ago. I
simply want you to actually see what highest thought looks like. Do it. Now after that,
ask the question, to yourself, “Which came first, their thinking or their wealth?”

Try it #2: Now go totally “crazy” and try this: When everyone in your home is being
busy and loud, go grab some ear plugs (get them at any swimming store) and lay down
in bed, and just be still and just allow thinking to enter your mind. Five minutes will
do. Resist meditation. Nothing complicated has to occur. Just rehearse more “mind”
and listen to what appears and yes, take notes. Yes, grab a journal and record what ap-
pears in your head. Why? Because a life worth living is a life worth recording.

Try it #3: Go get lost chopping wood. I also like to sit and stare at flowers. Look, if
you care what the neighbors might think, simply remind yourself that they are not Mil-
lionaires, won’t be at your funeral and that you will never double your life if you care
what every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks. Bring your dog too. Dog by the way is “God”
spelled backwards. Do it. Stare deeply into trees and flowers. And be still. Only five
minutes. Start easy and slow. I like to lose myself in the mundane. Chop wood. Carry
water. The act of labor never changes. Chop wood. Carry water.

What changes though, is how you think while working. You will always be working.
Some day you will love rage for a living as Hemingway and Kennedy did. The work
won’t drastically change. No Sir. But the mind, while working, must, for a different ex-
perience of work to locate itself within you.

Find happiness and peace while doing nothing, but thinking. Many believe that they
will lose what they have if they stop for a minute and do nothing! Therefore, they busy
themselves, without ever taking time to listen to the thinker behind the thoughts. It is
that “thinker” that speaks to me, spoke to Picasso, spoke to Thomas Edison and who
spoke to Christopher Columbus. Get it? Now go invite the “thinker” to think with you.

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Unselfish Wealth
Others Who Shared Wisdom
John Lennon
Oprah Winfrey
Donald Trump
“Magic” Johnson
John F. Kennedy
Fred Rogers
Rev. Run
Dr. Suess

Don’t inventory your needs. . .

rather, inventory your seeds


Because what you give away, you

always get to keep.


Because when you leave school house

earth, the only things you can take with
you, is everything you ever gave away for free.

Wealth 101:
In order to get more get value, give more give value.

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