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BECH 2101 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (3-1-0) Module-I (12 HOURS) Basic ideas of environment: Importance of environment for mankind,

Ecological Concepts and Natural Resources, Biotic components, Ecosystem Process : Energy, Food Chain, Water cycle, Air cycle etc. Air pollution: Sources of air pollutants and their effects; Industrial, commercial and residential air quality air quality standard, Control measure Control equipment for particulate emissions and gaseous pollutants (ESP, Cyclone separator, bag house, catalytic converter, scrubber (ventury). Statement with brief reference). Depletion Ozone layer: Causes, effects and control measures; Green-house effect and global warming, and its consequence. Module-II (13 HOURS) Water pollution: Eutrophication, Characterisation of waste waters; DO, BOD and COD evaluation of waste water, waste water treatment process- pretreatment, primary and secondary treatment. Tertiary treatment definition Solid waste management: Source classification and composition of MSW, separation, storage and transportation, Reuse and recycling, Land filling, incineration, composting, Hazardous Waste Management, medical hazardous waste, treatment of hazardous waste,Integrated waste management. Noise Pollution: Cause and effect of noise pollution, noise classification, noise intensity, and noise threshold limit value, noise control. Module-III (15 HOURS) Waste Minimization and Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental gradients, Tolerance levels of environment factor, EU, US and Indian Environmental Law. Environment impact Assessment, Origin and procedure of EIA, preparation and review of EIS, Principle of Environmental Management System of ISO14001. Occupational Safety and Health Acts, Safety procedures.Type of Accidents, Chemical and Heat Burns, Prevention of Accidents involving Hazardous substances, Fire Prevention Detection, Extinguishing Fire, Electrical Safety, Product Safety.Safety Management- Safety Handling and Storage of Hazardous Materials, Corrosive Substances, Gas Cylinders, Hydro Carbons and Wastes.Personal Protective Equipments. Text Book: 1. Environmental Engineering Irwin/ McGraw Hill International Edition, 1997, G. Kiely, CHAPTERS (2, 6, 8, 9, 14, 18, 19) 2. Industrial Safety Management, L. M. Deshmukh, Tata McGraw Hill Publication. Part-IV (10) , Part-V (A,C,D) 3. Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, M. L. Davis and S. J. Masen, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2004 CHAPTERS (1, 4, 10, 11, 12, 15) Reference Books 1. Environmental Engineering by Arcadio P. Sincero&Gergoria A. Sincero PHI Publication 2. Environmental Science, Curringham&Saigo, TMH, 3. Man and Environment by Dash & Mishra 4. An Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science by Gilbert M. Masters & Wendell P. Ela PHI Publication. 5. Industrial Safety Management and Technology, Colling. D A Prentice Hall, New Delhi

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