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Oppgave disposisjon Front Page The Forword Abstract Tabel of contents List of Tables and Figures List of symbols

1. Introduction 1.1 Increase in energy demand and use of natural resources 1.2 Trends for more energy-efficient solutions (processes) 1.3 Synthesis gas production 1.4 Production of valuable products by using high energy process flows (one way to energy recovery) 1.5 Background (Chemical quenching concept / Acetylene process / Chemical quenching of synthesis gas / Methane Pyrolysis / Equipment Pyrolyserigg) 1.6 Scope of the work (Verification of Pyrolyserigg is working / Initial tests of concept) 2. Theory and Literature 2.1 Quenching 2.1.1 General about quenching and quenching methods 2.1.2 Concept of chemical quenching 2.1.3 Quenching of synthesis gas 2.2.1 Gas mixing 2.2.2 Turbulent vs. Laminar flow (mixing) 2.2.3 Velocity profiles in cylindrical tube 2.2.4 Mass and energy balances over CV 2.3 Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons (General) 2.3.1 Pyrolysis of methane (reaksjoner, kinetikk, thermodynamic, free radical mechanisme, elementary reactions; main products) 2.3.2 Thermal cracking of propane (......................................................) 2.4 Synthesis gas (Thermodynamic data / Reactions) (Nevne i Forord at experimentene med syngas var ikk gjort pga. Feil i apraturen; nevne ALT som ble gjort i forprosjektet) 2.5 Temperatur measurements at high temperatur (Difficulties, Gradients; Beleg p mlere; Heat transport by convection and radiation/ Underestimation / Overestimation of Temperature/) 3. Apparatus/Procedure 3.1 Pyrolysis equipment 3.1.1 Pyrolyserigg 3.1.2 Elecrical furnace 3.1.3 Tempearature regulation 3.1.4 Gas lines

3.1.5 Cooling system (Quencher/Cold Finger) 3.2 Analysis equipment 3.2.1 Gas Cromatograph (GC) 3.2.2 Temperature measurements 3.3 Pyrolysis of methane 3.4 Modification of cooling system

(Sketch of New Quencher with dimensions; Calculation of volumes of different sections... oppholdstid; Material) 3.5 Experiments with a hot inert gas nitrogen, quenched by methane or propane 4. Resultater 4.1 Pyrolyse av methane: conversions, selectivities, yields 4.2 Experiments with N2 andCH4. Practical knowledge. Problems. 4.3 Experiments with hot nitrogen quenched by propane 4.3.1 Conversions, selectivities, yields 4.3.2 Quenching effect: measured and expected temperature drop. 5. Discussion 5.1 Pyrolyse of Methane: verification of previous experiments 5.3 Experiments with hot nitrogen quenched by propane 5.3.1 Conversions, selectivities, yields 5.3.2 Quenching effect: measured and expected temperature drop. 5.5 Quencher Design (Bad mixing of gas mixture/ High temperature Gradiens/ High Heat loses/Surface reactions, measurement points) 6. Conclusions/Recommendations 7. Appendices

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