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10. 1
nOM. 131600 JUD "
to IUD oM
UPS. nwrCZ.
la, Lot DfDG B. POUIr, L1a11OD Ottl"r 1a
PIldCB wlth tile ConeDd m-.ta ot tile 80th .a.DnIIU'I' Dly18l_.
a4.lUB '"

86 J'UD oM
,.104 waa aJ*lt 1aprori.q INireot tir. poaltl" ad. tllia
rella'zt.'l- ot -ow Cap r. AtlUO -A- "cMIpmQ' _ft4 ",0 _
1Dd1J'eot tiN poalt1OJ;l at 41811 aU 'b7 aaoo .. Nac1l to Mliatel'.
DUtlcnalf;J' 1a obMl'Y1al aJael1 'bvd r-a1ail'e4 laO I'CNa4a '1;0
re,l.tel' eM OM allo" rcnm.4 trail a .. c..,.'" ...
caused thr.. (I> OU1I&1tle. in - C'1npmvr .--lV -'leD
aDd a tom-til MIua11;J ooovre4 -. COItp..,
c11ate4 .aD .a Z'1ID oyer '17 fth101e. P, .... P"pant tor
t.be aDoutl_ ot tlle priarT 1118.1
, J .
, ". . 1..1'
< I .." rr ,
. '. >
- . '
26 JtlXE 44
-C- Company rtred eight (8) concentrations ror a total or
246 rounds on Division assigned targets. 1st Lt. ELLIS W. Me INliIS
and one 3-gun and cr.w from 1st platoon -C- Company rired two (2)
rounds HI, five (5) rounds and twenty (20) rounds CPA at an
eneJV pillbox. The HI did not penetrate, exploding on the outs1de,
the .tP penetrated going through both walls while the CPA seemed to
go through the outer wall explod1n& within tn. building. On order
XIX Corps, unit at 1345 moved to 542733 closing at 1518 at which
time it was released from the 30th Infantr,y Division and attached
to the 29th Infantr,y Division. Immediate reconnaissance ror direct
tire positions was made. Gun companies moved to a position of
readiness at 534713 closing at 2200. the 1st Reconnaissance plat
oon established an OP and the 1st and 2nd Reconnaissance platoons
established static outpost 11nes to fill a gap between the 175th
Infantr,y Regiment and the 119th Infantr,y Regiment. Gun companies
moved to positions after 2200 hours. .,
Period was spent improving gun positions and rields ot rire
with Beconnaisaance platoons continuing to maintain outpost 11nes
1n gap between 176th Intantr,y ae,1ment and 119th Intantr;y Regiment.
UD1ts experienced the1r first enar' artiller,y, mortar and sill
ar.. fire. General QBRBARDr visited Battalion CPand two compaqr
88JUD " ..
there was little cbange 1n unit pOSitions dur1n& period
&l.thouch fields of f1re were 1mproved, several guns were shifted
to better pOSitions, gun posltiQns perfected with reconnaissance
tor firlDc positions being pushed and OPL u1nt&1ned b7
Beccmnals.Nnce platoons. 1st Lt JOB B. BRtl1'OB, JR. was the
Battal1onst.s f1rst Officer ca.ualt7 sustaining a grenade wound
in the r1&ht Ie, when an uncbart.d boob7-trap
a9 JlJD '"
defense against a suspected enear counter-attack special
precautiOD&r,f ..aaure. 1n the ..nning ot direct rire positions
were takcl with new positions being prepared tor the direct .upport
of the aciTanc1n& ID.tantr,y and Al"aored Units. ".
there was no change in Reconnaissance platoons missions and
el..-nts ot the 2nd Reccmna1.sance platoon 1n conJunction .1th
part. ot the 119tll Iara.ntrT Bq1ll&t ccmductecl a n1&ht patrol
ill tbe lap bet__ the 17ltll Iataat17 Be,iMDt an4 l19th lDfantr;y
Bc1MDt captur1Da ,"en (7) Gena. at 504898, prisoners
hlndle4 b7 tile l19th IDtant17 Rec1Mnt. UDlt surtered six (a)
caal1&lt1e. b7 en.. s.ll1n&, IUD t1re, acc1dents a4 battle
ws eomlV' _vet to ne. direct tire posltlons behind tbe
aclftDc1q 11 t11 Int8llt17 ,,!aent. ael .e. Com.pan1e. con
ttnue4 the cl1rect support ot the 175th and', the llSth Intantrr
lleau.nt.. .0 chaD&e in the aecODn&1.NDce platoons mi8.1ons.
lit r.t ,BDIIlS SPRDGFIBLD aDd one 1st platoon wA- CompalV' 8un
tlM ..ven. rolmcls BI at an. ... OP, the results ot tire
be1lal 1Uld.eterw Nble. Pour additional casualties were suttered
4ur1D& the per1od.
* Pel'i04a cover troa 1200 to 2200 l3curs.

Lt. Col
; .'
-I ..
. '
10. II
FROIIa 010001 JULY '"
fa a 3l2",00 JULY ..
ups: FlWlCB 1/15.000
1 JULY '"
PUCB: FlWfCB, 482559
fIMB I 021400 AUGUST 44
prepared positlons Hr. held tbroUChout the' period
unt1l 1423 at wb1ch t1ae eleMnt. ot the 82lst TD Battallon began
relleri.ng el4Mnts ot this unlt by platoons. Upon being relleved
units moved to a po.ltion ot readine.s near 635710. Reconnaissance
tor reute. to .and area. in the sector ot the 30th In!'antr;y Division
was 1mmed1ate1J commeaced in preparation tor posslble reassicnment
to tbat UD1t. UDit sUttere. 3 casu.ltle. trom battle
!._ la.t platoon ot A Comp8D1' closed into a position ot readl-
u at 000&5, earlier baving been prevented bY' beav,y small 'f...:,
G'Il., _!'tar ad shell tire. Un1t remained throUCh the entire \
perlod to the pos1tion ot readiness perform1nc maintenance, personal,
ftiI1n1&r &ad weapOns, and rest1n& up. Unit suffered 3 ca.ultle.,
a... ..l aDd 1 battle exhaustion. . .
. 3 JUIZ f6
OD1t remained in the 29th D1vision reserve in a ot
r ...dine.s UIltU 192Q at ,which time on voca, XIX Corps, Battalion
was detached troll the 29th Division and assiped to the DOth Intantr.r
Dlvlsion. Under reassign_lit to Division .trtiller;y cctrol, unit bY'
immediate motor march moved to previouslY selected, prepared and
surv.,ed indirect tire positions, Companie. Band. C clostng bY' 2200
hours and COllpalV' A closing at 2245 hours, C CompaDl' being at 674'15.9,
B COIIPaD1' at S67747and Comp&D1' at 436829 with Battalion CP at
509714:. Jlo cbaDce ot 10cat1on was made tor the rear echelon.

Battal10n remaiDed in indirect fire position for entireperiod,
dur1n& which time all oompan1.es ..ere re,u.te,red. Comp&nl' fired
31 rounds at an en..,- batte!7 and all companies f1re a 4th ot Juq
. salute tor a total ot 230 rounds HI.
f_r. were no obaDle. ot positloas tbroqhout the above perlod
dur1n& which t1lle .A. CoJlP&lV' tll'ed tive (5) concentrations, B Comp8lV' .",
Hvea (7) concentrat1oD. and
COIl1)8IQ' t1
(5) cOllcentrat10ns r , 0
total Qt 271 rOlmds upon DiY. s on Ges1&J1& e '-\-
h;cr. j .... "t.;.. '" #-
- 1 -" i
-' . "',1' l
........ .t
- --r --_.
--. ... J.
Companies continued indirect tire missions as follows: A Compaqr
5; B 6; C 4 for. a total ot 8fY1 rounds fired. 2nd
Reconnaissance platoon moved at 1830 tram its position ot readiness
at Battalion OP to an area near 436829 clos1ng at 2016 hours at which
time it was attached to J. CompaDT.
H lI1l1us 42 unit started preparation tires .and between H minus 20
and H plus 60 preparation missions ..re accomplisbed with A Company
tiring 9 concentraticms, B Oompant tiring 9 and C Oomp&n7 "
concentrations tor.a total ot 1094 rounds. SUbsequent to that tiM
additional concentrations were tired on call troll 30th Div .Arty. As
soon as the river crossing had been estab11shed bY' the 117th Inf'ant17
the 18t Becon platoon crossed the VIBB river in the sector ot the 117th
Intant17 and after'locat1ltc ,un positions the 1st and _ platoons ot
o Ceapau;y were moved into position astride tbe ..in b1ghlrq between
4807. Uld 0 Campa", CP being located at 501746 trom wMch
location Lt Col m:r.nIBR controlled the ..plO7JDent ot as
t.. crossed the VIBB river untU tbe establisbment ot the Battalion
OP otsaid river. ueas occupied bY' units ot C Compell' were not
cleared ot en.... at time cd occupation and tte afternoon ot the 7th
1t ... nec.sa&17 to .. Inf Begt
to counter_ttack to relieve one sun aurrolUlded' bY' tbe en, after
attempts to do so bY' the 1st Reooll platoon resulted in taUure. J.
OompanJ beb1nd the 2nd Becon.platoon crossed the VlBBcanal 1n tbe sec
tor ot the 180th Intant17 late in the afternoon 7 Jull' beld.nd .ect1ons
ot tbe llath cavalry croup, 8Ad atter locating gun p081t:1oD. the 11'4
platoon .lCoIapaDT occup1ed positions B ot S! JBAH DB-DAYB, tbe 2D4
platoon JlMl' 469774 with the 1st platoon )l ot the VIBE canal at
4RQ788. Late in tbe even1nc B CompaDT aoved to a position of read1l1ess
at 588'142 with tbe battalion CP be1nc established at 52974.0. 11I11t
sutfered two &ccident1&l casualties.
8 JUlZ 4&
J.t 0200 the ad platoon C Comp&l\Y cepssed tbe VIRE r1ver ioing
into. position ot readiness 111 CompaDT CP at 50174S. During the
aorn1Dg bovs between gaps in intantr,y lines an enear .
group, .stu-.ted to b. the s1&e ot .. platoon, ..de. count.r....ttack
and .... s repulsed by tbe 1st and ad platoons and CP group of C CompUlT.
111 tbe earq ev_dDI "d platoon C Compazv occup1ed direct tire posit
ions, S of C eoapUV CP. SlDall detac.ents bTp&ssed
by tbe laOth IDhat17 prevented lIovement S ot ft ad m-llAYB altbouch
tbe 1st Platoon pos1tions at Sf JBjJ DB-Dj[B lat. OD the 8th
when it .as by the 2nd aeccmn.a1aMl1ce platoon which had, .
suttered ..veral 'Yeh1cular canalt1es dur1ria: tbe period bT --r lr
1D&. At 8880 tbe lat pl.atoon B Compatq' 1.tt 1ts position ot r.adiD.... .
to oros. tbe YIIB river and by about 2400 bad occupied p08itiOJlS .at
- I -,
.-- ....., , '.
.An eJMJV 88 shell scored a direct hit on the sight and sight
mount on one of the 3- guns, 1st platoon B Company putting it out
of action but causing no casualties. Between 0430 and 0530 the 2nd
and 3rd platoons B COJDpaIJl' were moved Wof the VIRE river taking
up direct fire position in the vicinit7 of 473747. The Battalion
CP moved to 499744 closing at 0830. Upon Division orders to concen
trate all guns possible in the vic1n1tJ ot 470720-460740-470746,
to ...t possible en.., counter-attack, .Prom the of BT JEAN
DB-Dl[B, units of A were concentrated in the vicinity of
470745 on the road leading to I.E DESER! with one unit on the N &: B
higmrq leading to ST LO from pOSitions .t 470743 B moved
S to et the counter-atlack assuming positions B of above coordinates
and generallJ astride the road while C CampaQ1 took up positions astride
and B ot the II and S ST LO highwq near' 470730. Du.r1ng the counter
attack retreating 117th Infantr.y soldiers reported enemr tanks following
th8m and with visibi11tJ poor, 3rd Jrmed tanks moved N along said b1gh
wq firing machine guns and 75mm guns. One gun 1st platoon C
knocked out two medium tails receiving in return damage t9 one 3
gun which put it out of operation for 24 hours aDe death
to a member ot the 1st Recon platoon and several casualties C Company
crew members. Later the two forward C Company platoons, .two B CompaDT
platoons and one A platoon were forced to withdraw to secondary
positions ,be A platoon leaving all guns and vehicles in ,
t!'reatter all units were able to reoccup,y approximately their
original positions wheryith the aid of the 1st and 2nd Reconnaissance
platoons)a defensive position was organ1&ed along Infantry lines and
.tlle held tor the balance of the dq. Two priso_rs were taken
be1DC tbe tirst captured by this unit and the 1st German to be
identified as being killed by this organization was shot by Pvt HOLLIDAY.
Unit suttered 14 casualtie., 4 accidental and 10 shrapnel.
10 '"
. Battalion CP moved to a new area at 477740, A made slight
ad3uatments in its position to cover any tank threat from the BW, B
CompaQT established positions N and S of 460730 while C had
two platoon. Dear 468734, and one platoon at 475712, B and C Complny'
support1ns the 120tb Uld 119th Infantr.y Re,iments 1st
Becaanaissance platoon provided close in support tor the 3rd platoon
ot C CaapaaJ. 1st Reconnaissance platoon also secured important 1m
toraation concern1n& battery positions which information proved
to be ot ,reat to 0-2 ot I1gber Headquarters. Unit sutfered 2
Battalion CP movad to 486738, B and C Companies remained approx
tM same with A mov1ng to the vicinity of 470730. 1st
BecODllaisHnce platoon continued its close support of the 3rd Jilatoon
C Coapu;y and it. platoon leader, 1st Lt THOJIPSOIi L. RANJ:{, tOll.ethar
with BIl trom hi. unit mocked out one JOt IV tank at 482708 with a
. buoou.. captved it. ere. ot 2 and turned tbtm over to a PW station. 1
!t. Srld Becormais.&lLce platoon e.tablished and maintained outposts on
tbe and exposed tlank ot tbe Battalion and Division. A German radio
.a. tound by C Co.,.", which was sent to Bisher HeadqU&eters.
- 3 -
Between 0800 and 1000 hours there was a general shi.:f't1nc ot
platoons W, SW and S to create a .olid detensive and tor the
closer support ot the Battalions. reconaissance
was maintained to determine front l1Be::. locations ot ID.1'antry unlts
and continuous attempts were made to positiona at BrS VEHTS,
,arms and artUlery tire made this impossible. Unit suttered 1.
casualties: 2 killed, 10 shrapnel and a accldental.
13 JULY 44
Because of tailure of Inf'antry UD1ts to II&ke expected procress
and because ot the unsettled conditions beb1Dd our report.. troat
lines it was impossible to malte arIT ot tba plazme4 80.,. with t_
exceptlons ot the JIlOvement ot' one platoon, B ComP.., to .podt1ea
near 467699 and on. section, 3rd platoon C CompaJV, to 482707r- ....
tor new positions and the location ot Infantry t'ront l1Dea,,,,.,,
tinuous as was tba preparation ot alternate gun posit1oDa. .' __ .
14 JlJIZ .fA
ot .tbe threat to Division D
released Units 1n that area ..kine it possible to .,.,.e OIle
B ComPaI\1 to a ne.. position on aD1na1on Wtlank and a.....
to a centeraJ.lT looated positicm. near 489718
the .l'!. detense and be in a posit1cm \0 move in .",
.r an -.ored thrust. .A posl-tlon in the neig8btlrbood ot .......
establisbedand hediero... 'blown but because ot. eIl8IIV tiM
occupied. An anti-tank warn1.Dc OP ...s establ1ahed tat
platoon -in tbe nelgl:lborhood ot .7.88 and bec.... .t 111'. GlN'.';;:,t,;f
it ...s necessary to move tbl ..ooad platooa ot C;
t1re posit1on to a posit1on ot reaci1ness in taa ."io1a1tT 0'1 1&.
UDit suttered 2 shr.pnel casualti.s.

bo platoons &-CompalV' took pos1t1ons Dear -610'102, 1at P1&__
B CompaDT .t 48'1'715 and 1st section C CoIIpaDT at 46'18N................
tor lUll pos1t10na, routes and t'ront lln...... OQllt1lm.ou. At ..O
because ot laeavy aortal- and tire it .... D8ce-auT t_ OM
section 3rd platoOll C CoJ&paI\Y to ya..t. it. po.itlOD _ ,_ IdIll .
groUDd ot D ot BfS YBftS and return tG ita old leeat1oa., ' .

tlank the Di.,.1at. ' ..
..here it c01ll4 "4,,.
t ...!:' .......11
") .
-'. '. .... . , . .,... ...- '''--.oJ
..tali.had this date 1>7 41'&.-.. ';'."and ... .
quired personnel, its 1D1t1al assignllent being to cover the move
ments of the 119th Int. regt.
17 Jt1IZ '"
.0 new direct tire positiqns were taken up during tba period.
Ho.ever, several mits of eDeIV tire _Oyed into covered
positions ot :t:ead1Dess. Bazooka taDk lDmt1Dc t.... were established
by the three Recon platoODsand tw1ae during the period, upon receipt
ot a tank warn1Dg, six k., road teature. were occupied by the teams,
no tanka were sigbted or located. 1st Lt LBOB IEEL, 1st PlatoOD B
received shrapnel wounds while on a mission
requiring ten to two weeks hospital1&ation.
18 JTJIZ "
Under Fa 11, 30th Infantry D1vision, .l and C Coapanies were
placed on indirect tire mission under 30th Div uty control wbtl. B
remained on its primary of turnishing proteet10. to
Di_ision against tank attack. Atter area ass1gmaents had been chaDied
twice by Bigber Headquarters, .1 t1nalq occupied posit1ons
and of 475698 with its CP at 474700 while 0
position B and Wot 473693 nth 1ts CP at 472697. At 2130 Battalion
CP closed at its old location and unit upened at its new location at
at 2200 at 47"694. Indirect tire position. were prepared and
C Ooapanies were reac1J tor registration the morning of the 19th. In
add1tion to B Coap&D1', one otficer and the .ecuri't7 sections trOll A
and 0 continued to reconnoiter and prepare direot tire positians. Be
oanna1ssance platoons continued tbair attack .&minl net, tank hRDt1Da
ba&ooka msslon and blew such hedges and bedaerows in the preparat.1oa
ot direct positions as requisted by companies.
19 J11IZ '"
W1th the exception ot the mOY8Jll8Dt ot the Rear Bebelon ,to .ao'IO& .
and B Compaay OP to .2695, DO other action ot maJor iaportUlce
occurred. Period was .pent in the cont1nuecl rec,oDD&1ssance '&4 deyelO&;.
ment ot direct tire pos1tians, the ' ........, ot ind1rect t1re
pos1tians and the cle_ina up ot men and equip.-Dt. Tbe require4 18
spact10n tor unautbor1&ad sull arms wa. s'arte4.

20 JUlZ 44
Bo changa -tor per10d. Onl activiT con.l.ts in 4.mproy_t of
positions, personal maintenance and the deyelopment ot addit10nal
d1rect tire positions. Tee IV V.ALBlITID was the un1.t. tirst boob1
trap victim.
21 JUIZ '"
A and 0 Companies tired three concentrat10D' OD Div1sion ailDed
1nterd1oto17 type target. tor a total ot 252 ro\1lld. e.ell. Sixteen
replacements were receiye. and one previo.- e.....ted oa.ual"
unit. ITo other change tor peJ'1od. ,. . E6
_ I -
' ,
82 lUIif ..
10 chaDle.
83 ~
lIo chaDle.
84 J'tJJ.Y "
. Un1t .as r ..~ to tire its preparation tires br J. and C Companies,
bad withdrawn its Beconnaisaance platoons beb1n" the boJlb protectlon
line. and was reaq to move SOuth in -close support of the 30th In!.
D1vislO1l "POll receipt of orders .ben all attack pl.ans were catlcelled
0 o&slJ&l.'1.s were suttereel by this UD1t by the air bombardaent of the
U. s .t1r. Porce, although bombs did bracket some posltions and several
010.. calla re.ulted.
-,- .
.. .--- - -------.,.,... ..--
,27 JUIX 44
After the progress made by the Infantry Units during the latter
hours of the 26th, it was necessary for all elements to displace
forward. Movements were as follows; 3rd platoon C Company at 0900
to 447641, 1st Platoon B Company 1300 to 446618, 2nd platoon B Company
1300 to 442636, 2nd Platoon C Company at 1330 to 466624; Battalion CP
at 1515 to 463633; B to position. of readiness at 445616 at 1530;
B Company CP at 1550 to 445617, 1st Platoon C Company at 1530
to 462622; C CP to 467626 at the same time; A
Company to indirect fire positions in the vicinity of 471635 at 1745
with CP at 468642; 1st platoon B Company at 1800 to 450596; 3rd platoon
B Compaqy at 1805 to 463600; 2nd platoon B CompaQY at 1910 to 468599;
while at 2000 2nd and 3rd platoons C Company moved to position of
readiness near 462602. Lt RANEY, 1st Recon Platoon Leader, and his
platoon Sgt captured 20 German prisoners turning them over to Di.ision
Provost Marshal. Battalion suffered five casualties requiring evac
uation during the period, one occuring at Battalion CP.
To meet a possible thrust of the 2nd 88 Panzer Division, A and B
Companies were ordered to positions directly behind the 120th Infantry
Regiment for which purpose J. was released from its secondary
mission. Immediate Reconnaissance was started and by 080Q hours B
. eompaQr had closed into positions at 485548-480559-596557 with A Company
at 0900 hours closing into positions at 478560-482560-489564 at the
same time J. Comp8lJ CP moving to 482560. At 0830 2nd platoon C Company
and the Company CP moved to 497584 and 590574 resp"ecti At 1200
hours 30th Infantry Division and the 823rd TD Battalion were released
from attachment to the VII Corps and to the XIX Corps. To
meet a possible counter-attack A Company was directed to furnish close
support to the 120th Iniantry regiment and to do so moved by 1700 hours
to positions at 505555-508556-51557. B Company was given the mission
of the close support ot the l17th Infantry Regiment and about 1900 hours
moved the 3rd platoon to 485542 but action and the withdrawal of
triendly troops required its withdrawal at 200 hours to 481557 where
it went into a position of readiness. The 1st and 3rd platoon C Company
moved to reinforcing positions at 496556 closing at 2100 hours while B
CompaQT at 1820 moved its CP to 477571. Battalion CP opened at its new
area at 482559 at 2100 hours. Unit suftered 3 casualties and two
German prisoners were taken.
At 1100 hours 2nd platoon C Company occupied direct fire positions
at 487558 being tollowed at 1330 and 1404 by the 1st and ord platoon C
which went into positions at 491539 and 487553. 3rd Platoon B
Comp&n1 reoccupied its position at 48654l at 1318 and one section
2nd platoon B CompaDf moved to 486532. C Company CP at 1630 moved to
487558. two casualties were suftered, 1 by small arms fire ot German
patrol and the second by a motorcycle accident.
- 7
- .
. ,
After two air attacks which caused two deaths, 1 C
and 1st Recon platoon, together with ten casualties, 2 B CompanJ, 8
C Company, a relatively quiet was spent. Since- little progress
was made by the l19th and ll7th Inrantry Regiments no changes were
made by B or C Companies. however, because ot deplacements South ot
- the 120th Infantry Regiment A at 1030 moved its 1st Platoon
mui to 505549 and at 1720 the 2nd platoon to 458545.. B COJIpmv CP at.
1450 was moved to 489555. At 2130 one gun 3rd platoon C Company occu
pied direct tire pO'sition where it could tire upon a church steeple at
504f)14.. which was being used as an OP. Three rounds ot CPA were
tired which created large holes through tbeupper part ot the steeple
all three shells exploding in the interior ot the building. This was
tollowed by four rounds of HE, each of which increased the siae of the
hole throwing ."ris in all directions. It is believed that no one
remained alive in that portion ot the steeple.
31 JUI:l 44
Lt BARRON and one ot the 3rd platoon C CompaIll' , s gun returned to
its direct fire position and between 0600 and 0645 tired three rounds
CPA.and twenty rounds BE at the cl'lllrch steeple at 506514. Upon the
completion of the tiring all that remained ot the visible portions of
the steeple was parts ot the steel trame work. It was no longer ot
any value to the eneuv as an OPe There was no change in -&nT. ot the
dispositions of the other units, but reconnaissance tor
positions and new positions was continued. 1st Recon platoon suttered
another casualty from shell fragments. llo damage or casualties result,..
ed trom the early morning air attack. This unit suttered 2 shrapnel
casualties and 1 from exhaustion.
Lt. Col.

. ....
M4.e... __ - -.J;iUf'o.# 't
. ,;-'. '" ' . .
. ( .
lI'IlOK. 010001 AVCJU8'l M.
a I
tOn I 3180600 AUGUS! 66 .

Ulft!. 823r4 TAB DESTROYER BN. J.
TDm I 011200 '"
BPSI FlWfCB . BlCLOU., 1/50,000.
Jtt aD ail' .tack in the early aOl'D1nl hour. C&uainl no
caaualt1. or .s-.e .... re1&t1...e17 quiet mtU tt. attack
1Dg 117th aDd 180th lilt p.1ned such p'cnmci .. required 4u.pl.acement ot
poatt1.. tar the1ro1oae apport. lat platoon B coapalV lifted to
488SU.t 1805 houaJ 'B-2 to 490509 .' 18201 B CcBpaDJ Of to 4.85522 at
the 18t platoon B to 4r94t495 at 2200 Iumra. At 1900
A-a . e4 to wb1le .l c-puJ' CP at 1800 llOYed to 503MB with ODe
... of B-a ..wiDe to 84:501. In ad41t10111 to theae .cw.. four otlcer
...1111........ reeGDQo1.ered ad prepare4. ftre. aa.a.al14....re .utter
.. ......tion including 2D4 Lt LAWL1S8 no reoelve4 a
'b .... .... .. ren1t fit ahell CCIlC\1R1on. B ec.,w d14 an .xeept
s.." J.,. ot HO.." _aDoe ... leap. tro, ....__t. ot platOC1U
tor ....,on of the 117th latantr'7 Rec1aat..
, &84.1 6&,
. '. "-eMu-abUlia new I1'ca 0010 to OUO ad eonect C)
....:.,..,;' ...._ ... CN1' &HU relaU...e17 qu1et ap.t .. ......, ..
. :},. ... '" pren-17 reooano1tered a4 ,..1'1...
. . .... __.B c....,. CP JIOY1q .t 1630 to .MM. ODe .. A-I
: e1.... '."Sa at 508t8J. wJ.\h tlMJ other cUCJD :tollew:l.D& at 8100. Wl'th )
___ IOUl Dat .,.'. UIN !Uf. loill& into XIX ...,. reaerY......t
....., et Di...... .., the l.atter JlF't ta. attemooa 111M .,.,
....la .u .".. 'ef.j-t;__n. Itq Co bad ,,",...JlOD-battl. O88-.1t1_.
: ..--: M .
,* .. ,..:_. ' ..
. \ . ......
.",.'. '. < ... .' _ " .:. I" ....... "t,:j .:. "J\.. . -.
1ri3ure4 iii .. IIOtor-G7c1a. , artillery and
v.h10uJ.u0 repair aDd P1rat .uay camouflage painting ot vehicles was
oanttnue4 in addltion to all type. of maintenance.
, .
Oftioial-notitloation ... r.celved tbat attective 4 Aug 44 the
81aN !D Bn the 30th I.Dt Div were raleued trca the XIX Corps and .
...lpecl to th. V eorp.. Ord.ra to mov. to an aasably area in the V
Corpa .0De ware r.c.1T.4 cd Beconna1saance and QUartering partie.
_eat to DeW p081tlO11.8 wheD verbal ordera were iRued canc.lling move-.
_eat . Un1ta r_in.d 1D plac. without further mov.. continuing their
art111el7 aDd Teh1cular inspectlon.nd repair:;and First
ArII7 CUaouruie paiDt1Da ot veh10lu and all t;ypu of aaiDtenance.
aout 8280 1Df'omat1cm ... reoelTed that the 823rd TD Bn' and 30th Int
DiT rel....4 the V Corpa ettective immtdiately and attached
to the Vl"I COrp.. .l c.pu;y .as directed to utabllah Liai.on with
tM' nat C_'bat r_and to JIO'f'. to .. ne. l.ocation with them upon
tIldr onu. SUe 1D8truction.were reo.iTe4 with reterrence to B
oawap..,. aDd the 117tb nat c.bat Team. The Srd and 2nd Racon platoons
..,pon II1Ml.. ot A u4 B 0OIapaDi_ re.pective17 were continued' and
plato.. DOt1tlec1 to .O'9'e with ccapanlea. .
8 .ll1OU1T, 6&
. ..
. A ..4B 00II_- quartering partle. and at Oll5 J.. COIIpany
MYe4 to .'11. oloaiDa .t 0'100 .hUe B Cc8pany mova,d at 0530 to 558138
olIea1Dl' at 1410.. - Upc. Din.ie ordera Bn CP and C COIIpany moved at 0855
.... 0110 to U4 olo.ing at 1445 aDd 1500' re.pacti'Ye17. At
1100 th. lad an4 Zrc1 platoClD8 A CCIIpPUT occupied di'reot t.ire. pos!tiona. .
MI11' ad' the platocm at 10&00 t'"* up p08itiou at
B a.,aD7 CP at ....tabliahed at 5152143 and B-1 took up
Un.' tir. poe1'1aU at 1600 ..t &53l60. A CGapaIV CP....t 18Z(facwecl to
111118' ,ol_t.a at 1100. v.cm D1rialon orden a. andl.t aecon
$u. .... atta0he4 to the lllth IDt !Uk Foroe with UDit uslpdDl
Lt to c tor l1a1aon with 119th IDt Belt, while upon
,. hl-'lIU e4u. A-1 ad ar4 Be wer. attaohed to the Zrd Btl 120 Int
_. :ro!al "'0. Jd8alOD.. B._'Dd_ ot l1D1t contlaued direot
..,,. or Mal1P4 UDlta. .ooualt1_ wera received although 1st Lt
JOII!I a.... without "_1n
DI oouoioun... at a boapltaJ..
. .
1M plAn to seel the llItJa !Uk Porn 'On a .pecl.l .lalon ...
..a.eUecl ..... lat' platoca A attachaent to 3rd BIl, 120th
lat, In&t C o.paZV'. atta.....t J)u.r1Dg the, ear17 lDorD1Dc hour
C CP _YM '0 .5111, 0-1 to: diNot tire positiona at
1dd.1e the othu t_ 11&'''' nnt 1Dto.positlou near 470140. At 0100
B-1 to 157'11416 (81' lWtTHlLJ[f) wh1l. at 04ZO one gUD 2nd platoon
OM\91e4tMt'loeatl_ dill tM o1:h.r three CUU oocupying direot
., MBl40. 'tartiDe abCN' stroDe enemy oounter
... =-.. =-'
...... wen Nea'n4 .bou' 0810 t9 .aDd TJI,.o 500080,Jt ODce it waa
...ib1. \0 40 .. .I1 .UDder Bn oontrol w.,. oamaitted and
1" WUIl" _til 1800 tbat 1Ift1t. tra. C ec.paD7 were rel.ased trOll the ,
UItIl t_. 'ha' pUl'poa.. 0-1 to t -a croup, of about 35 vehiole. 1';)
.tMl)1d1.. .nor aovec1 _ire.
..' ., '"' J .
ear ",.88' .1&'1 'Q"100' anct
.'. ,,,.,-,.... ", ':. ",' !'
: .
... ,.,
, - -. ..


at the same t1ae C-3 moved to d1rect tire pos1tioriaat
tollowed at 0830 and 1200 with the 1st arid 3rd platocma C tak'
positions at 478159 and 470158. !bout 0630 to guns at
81' one gun o:t B-1 under aupen1.alon o:t 1at Lt BElL wa. broqbt
to a posit10n on the_eat aide at town the ere.. under extr.e17
heavy aaall-arlU, aortar, 1I&ch1De gun and rltle Il'enade :tire k111ed e-
tank commander and e grenadiers with aaall "1"118 tire and kDoeked
out a panther tank with the 3" IUD 'be:tore the or.. was the
gun deatroY'ed bY' an 88. Lt lfBBL theraupaa. b.rouaht torward uotbe!' IUD .
which took up pos1tlGD 'at 586144 wh..elt deatr0;ye4 two adell'1,.,.1 _
panther t8Dka betore that IUD was kDocked out by auther taDk. Rad10
oontact to the 3rd platOGll A C_pany 1n JIOR!AD ... loat upaD
the start o:t the attack and oDlJr six lUll auooMClW ill let'1Dc CNt of
the town during th1a perlod.' B-3 evacuated It. 1/'" aDd v.h
iel.. pr10r to the aotual ..ay and to the 'cl.ea. o:t
10d 14 Ell. ha4:,;, reportecl 1Ji. Inf'ol"ll&tion recelved ered.1ted B-3 with f.J
pazlther tanka aDd 2 probable. which with.the IS kIioobcloat .,.
B-1 lIalte a cClipany tetal ot 8 '.otual aDd 2 pNbabl... ..l-8 kJlMkecl _,
S' Ilk IV tank., a .elt-propelled gUD8 and 1 ara0n4 oar. wlth a. :tire'
aDd a third tank __ put outo:t ca.a1.sicm b7 . b......... U,.
releaa. qt ....ttao__t at 1800 the 2D4 platooDC c.paav ....., tM 1.t
Recon aoved to 498085 they r..a1ned in IIObU. poRtl. read7' to
. occUPY' proepared posit!.. U nec...ary whUe .tbe ].at BMon t01"lle4...
security aoreen around. 1t as were DO. triand17 u.t .
neighborhood. A.-2,.l CP aDd BD SUppl:;y .,.ablol. ....
attacks :tro. pl..u nth cae k1lied aaI
the boab1ng and staattlDc. . At 2100 B -ep -.ved to H6lAO. .'.' .
During the period A-1 without recelv1Dl alIT ouualU .. #
JIG ne.t. 3 tanka, 2 ou,o trucks, 3 ta1:l.-traok .
bal.1'-traak peraoranel. oarner lIOtor0701.., 11/" t.D _ ... _ .. ,_..
100 to 150 GeI"JUlUl ld.l1e4 with lQ- prlaoners be1Dg ;rer,a.. .'
period the!UD1t suttered 11 wu., 3UA. aDd 101 JIU
11 3- guDa d..tro7ed or in eDfN17 haDda. ll
alt-tztaeb ......,... ......
eD.a7 banda and ODe 1/4. too deatr07e4. aD4 B ec.pa1...u..csw .
detend :Ion poait1.on with B :tive r
n'DI .. _ .
atradcUe the J1JYIGft-ST BIR!BBL1II M&hwa7 bet.... .
whUe C CaapaIl7 HOOJmOlterM poaltiaaa to 4..,_ B Ca ..., .et...... . '
17 casualt1.. weN ..,.aouate4 dv1Dc tha. per1ed.. '-"" ..' .' .'
8 .lUGUS'l'M

", .
report period: 1 KIA with 2 "NIAj n0 further information
on those missing in action on 7 August 44; 1st Lt FRANK joined unit
and appointed Adjutant.
At 0430 the enemy pocket North of A-2 Ts position made another
morning which was again stopped by A-2, 3rd Recon plat
and odds and ends of Infantry support collected in the vicinity of the
guns. At 1045 En CP opened at 517117. 'Jlith the launching of the attac:
at 1600 all Infantry near A-2 pulled out, so for better defense against
the German pocket left behind, the 2nd platoon A Company was moved to
564111 and 5:381(1)9 ..Ub:: the 2nd Recon platoon being moved to furnish
protection to the section at 564111 and the 3rd Recon platoon
to protect the section at 568109. C-l moved to positions at 534142
closing at 2210. A-I knocked out 3 German vehicles, type undetermined,
had the sight and sight mounts of 2 3" guns damages by artillery fire
and A-2 had 1 gun knocked out by artillery fire. A Company had three
evacuated casualties; 1st Lt 3rd Recon platoon, about 2200
received injuries from a mortar requiring evacuation; while 2nd Lt BADY
joined the unit as a replacement being assigned to B Company.
10 AUGUST 44
During the early morning hours the Germans counter-attacked A-2
positions but to their surprise found no one present. Until a
road block established by the Germans in the night was removed,
with A-l was lost but during the period that platoon knocked out 2 half
tracks, 1 truck, 5 1/4 tons (including one US jeep driven by Germans),
1 l-1:G nest, 2 ar'llored cars and 1 staff car. B Company suffered two
casual ties during the period. 11 EM were received as replacements 'and
one 3" gun was received by A-2.
11 AUGUST 44
Upon Division order to move one section of A-2 to its old location
the order was passed through Infantry channels directing the movement
of the entire platoon which together with the 2nd and 3rd Recon platoons
moved by infiltration closing in their old positions at 568118 at t15l5.
C Company CP at 1430 moved to 507136 while upon the passing of the
to the DivisioniS flank permission was granted to withdraw
C-2 whereupon it moved to 526145 and 527147 where it, together with the
1st Recon platoon, closed at 2030. The period was quiet with the except
ion of continuation of enemy artillery and mortar fire with one 3" gu
of A-Ifs being knocked out by such fire. One new 3" gun and half-traCA
was received by B Company and was placed in mobile reserve at B CompanJ
CP. One German 1/4 ton in good condition was found by B Company.
suffered five battle and one non-battle casualties.
12 AUGUST 44
Although sleep was disturbed by an air attack and heavy shell
no casualties were suffered and an uneventful night passed. The high
light of the day was the return of 11 IDi from A-3 who for the past five
days have b0en either in MORTAIN or fighting with the Infantry Nand E
of MORTAIN. They however could furnish no information on Lt MILLER and
the section he was wi th MORTAIN. To effect th'J 7
_ ..... fl'- ...'
relief of A Company t..) 543097. At 2200 C-1
relieved A-2 by exchanging personnel on gun, the 2nd platoon
movinG to an assembly position at A Company CF at 543097. No casualties
were suffered during the p8riod and 18 replacements were received.
13 AUGUST 44
C Company relieved the 1st platoon A Company moving the 2nd platoon
to 574109 closing at 0510 and the 3rd platoon to 569125 closing at 0540.
A-1 thereupon moved to an assembly position near A Company CP at 543097
cleaing at 0745. B Company after reorganizing the 1st and 2nd platoons
moved them to 562151 and 561135 closing at and 1400 respectively.
C Company CP at 1540 closed into new area at 532113. and 2 in order
to furnish close support to the 1l9th In! moved to 567091 and 576096
closing at 2030 and 1955 respectively. 1st Recon platoon remained with
the 1st platoon C Company, 2nd Recon platoon moved *ith the 2nd platoon
B Company, 3rd Recon platoon moved into position with the 2nd platoon A
14 AUGUST 44
FO 24, 30th In! attached A, B and C Co the ll7th, ll9th and
120th In! respectively,.for the purpose of company use this unit furnished
each company one recon platoon, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Recon platoons working
with C, B and A Companies respectively. In one instance Regiments
attached platoons to Lnfantry Battalions so that in addition to the
Battalion Commander losing all of his troops, one Company
Commander likewise lost all oontrol over his platoons. Movements of
units are as follows: The 1st Recon platoon preceeding C-l moved to
742004 closing at 1100 being followed C-l which moved at 0650 to
725001 closing at 1200; B Company moving with the 117th In! at 0826
closed into a position of readiness at 706050 at 1045; 3rd platoon C
Company closed into 725001 at 1300 while C company CP and C-2 entered
a position of readiness at 725001 at 1330; at 1250 Bn CP closed at the
old area and opened in the vicinity of 664039 at 1350; B-1 closed into
746053 at 1425 followed by B-2 at 1535 1nto 744052; C-3 displaced at
1530 to a position of readiness at 742003; A Company moved as a unit
at 1445 to position of rea4iness near 712999 closing at 1730; Bn CP
moved at 1610 to 717032 closing at 1640; B Company CP moved to 729039
closing at 1809 while B-1 entered direct fire positions at 760057 at
1945. About 2000 C-l fired 3 rds AP and 13 rds HE at a Ik IV tank
being given credit for knocking it out by the 120th Int. At 2100 C-1
moved to 790035 and 800040 while at 2400 C-2 moved to 700045 and 77405&
During these moves little or no company or battalion supervision control
was ex,rcised over the unit. Vajor LOHSE on Division order spent the
day with 30th Division CP. B Company suffered two casualties, one
killed and one wounded, by artillery fire while five replacements were
received. At the close of the period companies were still attached to
their Regimental Combat Teams.
15 AUGUST 44
At 1110 all A Company closed at 762028 and at 1&00 all units of
this organization reverted back to battalion control. To meet a possibl.
armored attack from the BE, C-l at 1500 moved to 811083; C-3 at 1600
to 809030;' A Company at 1615 moved A-l to 817034, A-2 to 815037 with
the two guns of A-3 to 813039. 2nd Recon captured three Germans C-2
at 1700 moved to 785028 closed at 784114' C-1
./.., t . II< ,,' , : I
upon Inf'antry request front lines and fired
a number of rounds at a church steeple at 813093 which was being used
as an OPe At 2030 B-2 moved to 768099, B Company CP at a40 opened at
782108, C-2 moved to 806052 at 2100 while C-3 at 2145 was established at
808064 and 804063. In all movements today and positions selected the
controlling consideration was mine clearance of roads and for that
reason it was impossible in many instances to furnish some units with
close support where they proceeded cross-country and TD units were res
tricted to mine covered roads.
16 AUGUST 44
A period that was marked by numerous movements of companies and
platoons to direct fire positions in support of Infantry Regiments
started with the movement of the Bn CP to 777044 opening at the new
location at 1020. At 1310 1st section B-1 moved to 792122 and starting
at 1300 and closing at 1500; B-2 established itself at 798116 and 797118.
At 1310 C Company CP moved to 807065 and 1st section C-l at 1500 closed
at 816087. With the passing of a tank threat about 1200 Division per
mitted the movement of A Company from the positions occupied 15 Aug 44
to positions in support of the l19th Inf. Immediate reconnaissance was
started and at 1600 A-l and A-3 had moved to 874086, 873079 and 872074
respectively with A Company CP at 1630 being established at 844059, A-2
following at 1645 and taking up positions at 853068. C-2 .0 824
. 097 at 1800, one section B-1 to 803124 at 1815, C-3 to 840085 at 1900,
B-3 to 793123 at 1930 and B-2 to 813120 at 1945. With the exception of
the above moves a quiet day was spent with no casualties, no prisoners,
no materiel destroyed and very little enemy fire
.17 AUGUST 44
Reconnaissance outposts were pulled in during the period after
contact was made with the British 2nd Army. The day was relatively
quiet and two non-battle casualties were evacuated.
18 AUGUST 44
Battalion received permission to withdraw all units to company
assembly positions and at 0735 the Rear Echelon closed into 759020,
at 0850 A Company to 843059, at 0958 B Company to 771066 and at 1025
C Company to 807065. The 3 Recan platoons joined the companies they
were supporting in their new assembly positions. Balance of the period
was spent in all types of maintenance, re-organization and rest. 28
replacements were received during the period, 8 being from TD Replace
ment center and the balance being casualties from TD outfits.
19 AUGUST 44
At the start of the period verbal orders were received attaChing
A, B and C Companies to the 119th, 117th and 120th Regt Combat Teams.
For the assistance of the Company Commanders the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Recon
platoons were directed by this headquarters to support C, B and J Co's.
keeping this headquarters fully advised concerning the enemy situation
and at the same time rendering all possible assistance to Company C.O.s.
Atter several changes of IP time A Company finally left at 0813, C Company
left at 1402 and B Company left at 1450. After their departure no con
tact was had with companies and the and situation was unknow
. '/
--- ------.--- .. ......---
:\\0;, ''"1 l" ...,

Battalion cP and Rear Echelon moved at 2110.
20 AUGUST 44
At the start of the period all three companies, Bn CP and rear
Echelon were making at motor march of 118 miles to a new Division zone
of action. Bn CP and Rear Echelon closed at its new location South
of BREZOLLE (095305) at 1145. Upon tts arrival 'it was found that the
2nd Recon platoon had at 191700 Aug Intered a position of readiness at
095305; B Company had arrived at 0430 at which time it went into a
position of readiness at 129290; that A Company closed into an assembly
position at 0630 at 111326 with the 1st, 3rd and 2nd platoons moving
to direct fire posit1ons at 0930, 0930 and 1000 at 112335 and 116331,
109328 and 104331; and that C Company about 0630 moved intoa position
of readiness near 162362; that the 1st platoon C Company moved to
140355 about 1000, and the 3rd platoon C Company at 1100 moved to 154362.
Upon Bn CP closing, companies reverted to its control and Bn tamediately
started regaining control over companies. this was completed at 1330 .
and by 1430 B-1 had assumed direct fire position. at 085322 thus ful
filling the battalion assigned mission for that attack which started at
0800 which orders this unit rece1ved at 1100 hours. J.t 1600 B Company
CP moved to 090320, C-l to 153362, C-2 to 163363 and C-3 to 163379. At
1725 and 1654 B-2 and B-3 intered direct fire positions at 092338 and
096334 while the 2nd ReCOD platoon took up its position of readiness at
1900 at 090320. Ops were established by the 2nd and 3rd Recon platoons
at 060339 and 135380. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd platoons A Company at 1633,
1730 and 1920 moved to 139383 and 143378, 103351 and At 1715
to meet a German-Counter-attack from the NW, upon orders of Division
Commander, C Company was relieved from direct support of the l20th In!
and directed to take position in the neighborhood of DROISY (164443)
for the support of the 1st Bn 119th In! which was reported to have
reached objective "An. C-3 closed into direct fire position at 164424
at C-1 and C-2 at 2230 to 158426 and 171428. One section A-l
moved to 140399 at 2400. B Company suffered one non-battle casualty.
21 AUGUST 44
In order to accomplish their mission, Companies made several moves
during the period as follows: C Company CP at 1210 to 163386; B-1 at
1345 to 215428; B-3 at 1345 tc 208416; C company CP at 1350 to 164409;
B Company cP and B-2 at 1400 to and 210413; Bn CP at 1415
to 180381; 1st, 2nd and 3rd platoons B Co at 1606, 1640 and 1605 to
245476 and 240483, 250505 and 240483 respectively; 1st, 2nd and 3rd
platoons C Company at 1700 to 166466, 178465 and 172467 respectively;
A Co CP to 139409 at 1709J B Co CP at 1845 to 241476 and A-1, 2 &.3
at 2030, 1900 and 1900 to 185485, 204481 and 194486 and 199480. A Co
captured 10 Germans, BCompany One and C Company one. Two women reported
by French civilians to be pro-Nazi were picked up by 3rd Recon and turned
over to Cle. A Company had one non-battle and B Co two battle casualties.
22 AUGUST 44
After a quiet evening the folloring moves v;"ere made to establish
a complete anti-tank screen for the moving 30th Div: at 0930
to 259551; Bn CP at 1023 to 285541; C Co CP at 1115 to 220514; C-l at
1115 to 210521; B-3 at 1115 to 272576; C-3 at 1105 to C-2 at
1125 to 233535; B-2 at 1130 to 272576; at to 274584; E Co CP
at 1230 to 271573; A-I at 1330 to 205557; B-2 at 1350 to 2':'8585; A-2
at 1400 to 223561; B-1 at 1500 to 270605; A-3 at 1530 to 2G1549; A Co
CP at 1630 to 221546; B Co C at 1705 to 265635; at 1645 to 262620;
B-2 at 1705 to 265635; C Co CP at 1745 to 230609; --1 at 1815 to
B-3 at 1835 to 257657; C-l at 1800 to 230590; at 1750 to 235592;
C-3 at 1755 to 228005; B-1 at 2000 to 237733; B Co CP at 2100 to 260687;
A-l at 2100 to 231655; A Co CP at 2110 to 234643; A-2 at 2130 to 222648;
B-B at 2115 to 263690 and A-3 at 2145 to 234648. All terrain covered
during period remained open, was excellent for tank movement and
fine fields of fire. situation moved so fast that contact with leading
Infantry elements was extremely difficul* and during latter hours action
ran off all available maps. Eacil of the line Companies captured one
German while A and B Company each hac one battle and B Company one non
23 AUGUST 44
On the Division FO dated 222300 Aug 44 C Co was attached to the
119th Inf" Pegt which had the mission of taking the high ground North
west of EVREUX with Battalion mission of furnishing Division protection
against tanks for the entire Division sector remaining to be covered by
two Companies. During the balance of the period the following unit
moves were made: B-3 at 1800 to 260685 with the other section at 0818
to 249713; B-2 at 0830 to 240726; C Co complete at 1200 to 235695;'A-2
at 1320 to 222651 and 220655; C Co complete at 1400 to 177?15; A-I at
1400 to 219671; A-3 at 1415 to 223663; C Co CP at 1615 to 177717; C-2 at
1745 to 161695; C-3 at 1750 to 154702; C-l at 1800 to 159645; B Co CP at
1900 to 237734; A Co CP at 1900 to 234650 and B-2 at 1920 to 290750.
At 1030 Bn CP left its old location for a new one near MISERE1. At
1145 CP group went into an assembly position where it dismounted,
established combat squads and proceeded as skirmishes where it joined
parts of the CP group of B Co and 1st Racon platoon in cleaning all
Germans out of the town of MISEREY. CP was established in MISEREY
at 1530 and at 1600 the town was considered clear of Germans after unit
received some assistance from General HARRISON and a small group from
30th Division. Lt RADY was the only unit casualty for the day,
receiving a shoulder wound. Lt RANEY and 1st Rcn plat later captured
12 prisoners which together with those captured in MISEREY brought
the total of the two engagement. to 60 11 Germans killed. During
the morning 2nd platoon B Company and elements of the 230 FA Bn at
GAUCIEL engaged a strong enemy force. After being stalemated for some
time a half-track driven and miJ.nned by 2nd plat B Co personnel to
gether with 1st Lt MALCmmON and Major CLJ<mNTS drove into enemy
. positions firing one 50 cal and 2 30 cal machine guns, killing and
wounding many and their attack so disorganized the enemy that the
remainder, 115 Germans, surrendered with little fighting. Five
additional prisoners were captured by T/V.CMlACHO and KOKINOS while
on messeneer during the early morning hours.
'r i ....
.. " ,/ "t,
24 AUGUST 44
the 30th Division being cut off by the 28th Division
permission was received for Companies to ass'emble in company assembly
areas and they grouped as follows: A Co at 1130 at 2465, C Co at 1145
at 155696, B Co at 1225 at 237735. S1xteen Germans taken, 2
pre.10usly evacuated casualties were returned to unit as replacements,
and 1st Lt WEBB, 2nd Lt LOFT and 2nd Lt DE ROSA joined unit and were
assigned to 3rd Recon, Lno #2 and B-3 respectively. Period was spent
in all types of maintenance.
25 AUGUST 44
Under Div1sion FO 29, 24 Aug 44 A, Band C Companies were attach
ed to the l17th, l20th and ll9th Regimental Combat Teams with 2nd
and 3rd Recon platoons being given Battalion missions of supporting C,
B and A. Moves were made as tol10ws, C Company to a position of
readiness at 0725 to 732765) A Company to a position of readiness at
1258 to 203786j C-l .t 1600 to 167904) 0-2 at 1600 to 167866; C-3
at 1600 to 160890; C Co CP at 1600 to 173877l at 1650 to 225819; .
1-2 at l7B5 to 192782 and A-3 at 1725 to 209",79. B Co and 2nd Recon
made no moves and Bn CP upon Division orders remained in its old location.
All Rcn platoons were located at Co CPs. 42 replacements were
26 AUGUST 44
Wilh all companies attached to Infantry Regts, Bn CP group
was inactive. Koves during the pewiod were made as tollows: at 0001
C CQIIPany aasembled near l67904;at 1430, after the Battalion and 30th
Division had been relieved from the XIX Corps and assigned to the V
Corps as of 1400, Bn CP and Rear Echelon moved to 521538; C Co and 1st
Recan at to 559546 and A Co with 3rd Recon at1630 to 547587 where,
after having made a motor move of approximately 18 miles, all units
took up assembly position SW of JUNTES-GASSIBOURT. B. Co and 2nd Recon
made no move during the period remaining at 237735. 1st Lt BRANDON
and two replacements were receIVed. Lt BRANDON was assigned to the
duties of Battalion Transportation Officer. UDder FO 31, 262300 Aug 44,
A and C COmpanies reverted to Bn control effective at once with B Co
coming under unit aupera1a1on when it closed into Division assembly area.
2'1 AUGUST '"
. Company support aSSignments remained with A Co covering the 117th
Inf' and C Co the l19th Int'. At llOO 0-1, using pontoon bridges East
of lIAN'l'u.S-GASSICOURT crossed the BEINE taking up position at 641597
and 632599; B Co at 1250 closed into assembly area at 522551,
thereupon reverting to Battalion Control; while other units crossed
the SElIE .s tollow., 0-3 at 1220 to 633609; A-l at 1310 to 639616;
A-2 at 1330 to 633623; C Co CP at 1550 to 633601, A Co CP at 1525
to 634616 and .1-3 at 1600 to 634613. A Co t'ook up position on the ..
high ground HE of LIKII where their fields of fire, from poaitian
within triendly lines. could cover the Infantry attack started at 1600
till it entered the woods on the ridge at the close of the
period. C ComPaDY likewis. had long fields ot tire and reconnoitered
tor new positiona behind the advancing Infantry to be occupied when
enemy Mortar fire would pera1t. Although enemy' .belling waa DOt
heavy during the period and there were no casualties for the period,
there was considerable WOI'l'1' from mortars. .. ,. \)"....
1..', , ( . . v. .. ;...
"Il) .
. 1' - .
\ 4. ,'"
. . '" I' . '. ," ." It'.
. .
.- ",
28 AUGUST 44
for the day were as follows: A-3 at 0800 to 649620,
A-2 at 0825 to 650632; A-l at 0829 to 653629; C-l at 1300 to
A-3 at 1305 to 665640; C-3 at 1330 to 669618 and 678618; B Co at
1335 to 639600; C Co CP at 1305 to 679574; Bn CP at l42lj to (:)81605;
C Co CP at 1515 to 679603; A-I at 1820 to 667639 add 671639; C-2 at
1930 to 697633; C-3 at 1930 to 711628 and 715625; C-l at 2000 to
a position of readiness at 714622 with direct fire positions at
717622; B-1 at 2050 to 725610l A-l to 680662; A-2 to 683668 and A-3
to 686664 all closing at 2200 hours. At 1600 one section of A-3 fired
14 rds of HE direct fire at a range of 2100 yards and later one gun
fired 3 rds of HE at a range of 4500 yds at retreating Infantry, all
rounds showing extremely satisfactory results. Direct fire froo enemy
20mm and 88mm guns upon A Co positions the following casualties:
3rd Recon platoon one and A Co seven with two KIA while for the period
B Co had one non-battle casualty. All units, with the exception of
the rear echelon, had completed the crossing of the SEINE, the Bn CP
being established in a big chateau at FANNEUCOURT and all combat units
in positions North of the SEINE on high terrain features which give
all guns tremendous !'ields of fire. At the close of the p,-riod A Co
CP was moving to a new location at 675653.
21 AUGUST 44
Moves were made as follows: C-1 at 1130 to 716642; B Co CP at
1150 to 724609; C-2 at 1300 to 705670; A-3 at 1300 to 705679; A-3
at 1320 to 693678; B-3 at 1330 to B-1 at 1410 to 762619; B-2
to.an assembly position at 1425 to 775628; C Co CP at 1420 to 719639;
A-2 at 1450 to 683691; B Co CP at 1500 to 790629; C-3 at 1600 to
742648 and B Co CP at 2130 to 790629. At 1200 unit and 30th Division
were relieved from assignment to V Corps and Assigned to XIX Corps.
Hq Co had one non-battle casualty and one replacement was received.
30 AUGUST 44
Moves were made as follows. A-c at 0120 to 694704; A-l at 0500
to 693707; C-1 at 0900 to 735676; B-2 at 1030 to 814645; B-1 at 1045
to 813647; A-l at 1220 to 762717; B-3 at 1225 to 790629; A-2 at 1300
to 745727; Bn CP at 1315 to 813645; B Co CP at 1310 to 812642; A-3
at 1315 to 781714; A Co CP at 1315 to 756716; C-l at 1400 to 789684;
B Co CP at 1500 to 875679; B-2 at 1500 to 875679; C-3 at 1510 to
795680; Bn CP at 1600 to 827666; B-D at 1600 to 861649; A Co CP at
1610 to 760719; C-2 at 1620 to 782685; C Co CP at 1600 to 765678; B-2
at 1700 to 794685; B-1 at 1730 to 834672; B-1 at 1930 to 889709; A-3
at 2030 to 835734; A Co CP at 1200 to 819709; A-I at 2115 845738;
A-2 at 2130 to 858732; B Co CP at 2130 to 815709; B-1 at.2145 to
912715; B-3 at 2210 to 935700 and at the close of the period B-2
moved to 930725. A and B Companies captured one prisoner each, C Co
three and Bn CP nine for a total of 14 prisoners. Communications
were extremely difficult with complete lack of radio contact with
the units being the rule for the greater part of the period.
". '.
. ,
, ..
31 AUGUST 44
The day developed into a race trying to gain contact with the
retreating Germans with the following moves being made: C-3 at 0700
to 875740; C-l at 0800 to 887747; C-2 at 0900 to 858727; C Co CP at
1000 to 872738; C-2 at 1050 to 9077.57; B Co Cpo at 1100 to 951739;
Bn CP (temporary) at 1615 to 995808; A-3 at 1430 to A-2 at
1500 to 930789; A-1 at 1630 to 960809; A Co CP at 1630 to 934811; C-1
at 1720 to 946816;C Co CP at 1730 to C-2 at 1800 to 930772;
C-3 at 1925 to 918780; B-3 at 1930 to 102855; B-1 and B-2 at 1930 to
070853; Bn CP at 1945 to NEUILLY EN TliELLE (039835); B Co CP to
0a3832; A-1 at 2130 to 045885; A-3 at 2320 to 094900; A-2 at 2345
to 095880; B-2 at 2350 to 125898j B-3 at 2400 to a position near
125898 and A Co CP at 2400 to 068871 leaving troops of A and B
Companies S and N of the THEIAIN river with C Company further to
the rear patrolling and protecting Division's left flank. A Company .
captured two prisoners and unit suffered no casualties during the
Lt. Col
/ /1.

....... . ' ' ..
" .
r '
oPD .-1

Q1.000l DIDD.mER 44
TOI 312400 Dmlil:BER 44
mE a 031200 u.JABI 1945
MAPS. CID!'TRdL WroPE, 1/100,000.
FRoUrCE &; BJ!I,GIUM, 1/25,000.
01 1944
at the start the period C Compar,y was on its priJII .. ry mission covering the
Division aector with Battdion CP, A and T3 Cor.lpaniG':: in assembly positions ir: r6C4r
are&s. .3 fron an indirect fire position :1reo. 3 of 157 rounu;; liE
and a speci..u O::;:J0 l'in firing test was made using the .3" illumlnatine star stall.
One N-3 Gun :ircd 10 rounds with a 963rd 5!1 ar.d gun :irsd rOl.1.:"'.u,:; "(lith
the 230th In. 3" gun fired at t.'1e ::lane tir:.e an the the
faster TD shell arri before the HE' OJ, burst about liOO rt in thE.: air ar:c.:. the
flare started. bt'rni:1g &.t about 900 ft illuminatin; an area. yards s1(Uare. lJnly
one 3 mil ac.justr.cmt ',-las rel1uired and that ,ias made to better the: turget
from the poaltion 0: the forward observer. The w::':'::; :Jufficient for the
observer to pick 11I' bursts and spot enemy tarr:cts. The firing ','1U:; te
<:> '1
satisfactor,y. ill milts in assembly position and C Company, to the r;:xtont poas
G, J
conducted had baths, took medical H4. Co had 2 l:2I with
Band C havin:: 1 each.
Unit receiyoci L. 1.:-10s in the first pOl'litivu intiication that this unit ,lould be
converted fro:-- il to',7ed to a ::1C1.f-propc11ed unit. were ussignee.:. to ii.-2
who immadiatel
' 00:;::1.:1 training. 01.d tOr/ed 3" guns of were used to repl'lce
Company shortages nth the bal.:"'1ce ("olivered to B CompaI:\.Y. a-3 in indirect
fire positions fired 3 concentrations 1.50 rounds HE. S/3Ct Ja.cobson received a
battlefield comnlission and was assigned to b. Corpany. b COIlp&I\V haC: 1 :ffiI, B Co
1. NOI and C 1 rlBl; while B Com;;Jarv had 1 rep1acElllent .and C Company had 3
reP+acements. A Company captured 3 PWs.
Battalion school conducted by Captain CURTIS was started for Company Executive
Officers on Companv' Fire Direction Center. conducted maintenance, took
baths, were paici, "-l.rui conducted minor training while .ci.-2 continued 7d. th its 1.:-10
practice. .. hJ.u. one mall. return to ciu"t7 from the P.ospital-, C Comparv 1 aI'.Q.
Hq Co 1; whilo -::' CO!!!i)any had. 1
04 DEC.1BER 1944
4 If,; gradua.ted from 2nd TD Group Dtivera and Mechanics School and adciitionaJ..
personnel. Vlere 3ent to the next session. A-3 fired. one concentration fo:: a total
of 135 round.:::; :r.:..; ZlOr.::aJ., "as relieved or its secondary r.rl.ssion and at 1.000 movec:. to . ",
an assembly pos::. tion at their Company CP. B Company !'1re,d Direction Center at 1.330
moved to S-55541 c:...:1U at the same time C-3 entered upon its secondary mission taking
! f;ri ,<>sitions at 971549. B had 1/4 ton and a 3" gun rephe.d,
04 DEClItBBa 1944 (Conti-
A had a 1/4 .nd an a Company It ton was damagea in an accident.
A and C Companies eo.ch h:!d 1 NBI while Band H<! Companies each had 1 man return to
duty from the hospital.
05 DJUAn3xa 1944
Unit had its second honors formation at which time one Oak Lea.f Cluster to a
Silver Star nine Sliver stars and eight Bronze Stars were awarded while Lt J.il.COBOON
had his gold bars pinned on by General. HOBBS. 0..3 in indirect fire positions fired
:3 oioncentrations for a total of 90 rounds HE nonn81 upon harrassing missions and
fired 1 concentration of 45 rounds precision fire on a water tower scoring 10 hits.
All units except C Company (in direct and indire6t firing positions) continued
maintenance, took baths, went through M-10 tr&1ning and continued preparation for
future operations. ... Clubnobile vms enjoyed by B Comparv. B and Co each had 1 NBI.
Period was quiet ,dth no activity of aDIY tactical importance. training,
baths, ma.intena:lce and church services was conducted, taken or held. 0-3 fired 3
concentrations for a total of 218 rounds HE normal. C Company had 1 battle injury,
A, C and Hq Co hc..d 1 each and C CoIlP&lV had 1 1'1i return to duty from the hospital.
en DJCIEER 1944
The Battalion School for Company Executive Officers on Compa.tW FDC' s was
oompleted while pc::'sonnel from the 702nd TIl Bn conducted school on 3 gun in the
1Ipl0 and M-IO tactics and tricks of employment.. All units continued maintenance,
mimr t:r&in:1J:lg, took baths, and saw a movie. 5 replacements were received - 3 goiot
to A ComP&ll1 and 2 to C while C Compa..."V had 1 NB1.
00 .DiX:iMBER 1944
Staft' Sergeants PesK, Crist aDd Rohatsch received battle field commissions
with the first two being assigned to B and the last one to C Compan;y. 0-1
moved 2 guns to the vicinity of 996531 for indirect fire missions on SlOPHOVEN in
8UPPOrt ot' the 104th Infantry Division. Reconnaissance was completed for direct
fire positions for two of 0-2 guns for support roles on the same attack. B Company
received a 3" gun and the A OoIlpany It ton da.IIla.ged in an accident was replaced.
11-10 training was continued by A Company which had 1 NB1 during the period.
09 DmJt.mEa 1944
1st Lt lItEI!%. under the category of twice decorated and Tee 5 Wright from C Company
UDder the category of twice wounded were placed on DS and left this unit for a 30 dq
leave and furlough recuperation period in the United states. 0-1 had 1 registration
or 8 roUDds reduced charge and the CoIIlpan;y k1tchen truck gave up the ghost until major
repairs were made. A and B Companies continued M-IO driving, maintenance and tactical
training. il fairly heavy snow fell during part of the period. .
10 DmlllBER 1944
0-1 with 2 guns in indirect firing pes!tiona at 996532 fired 79 roUDds reduced
charge on an area in the sector of the 104th Infantry Division, while 2 guria of 0-2 I ee,
were put in al. ternate positions t'or primary mission coverage of the l04tb.' a attack. '.4
4 -10a were received and aasigned to B ComPaIl;Y, while A CoIIlP&Il7 teat fired their M-IOa
a total of 21 rounds A Compauy .. ..g had 2 NBI.
-2- ........ .... : .
. ..La... AI . _ ;, __
11 1944
0-1 with its t'70 Cll.!1S in indirect firing position fired 79 rounds reduced
charge in support of the attack of the 104th Infantry Division. 1400 personnel
from 4-3 took over the 3" guns 0-1 had in position at which time 0-1 moved to an
assembly area near the CP where it took over 4 B Company had special.
M-10 training with instructors from the 702nd TD Bn. B Company delivered 1 toned 3"
gun to C and .... Company sent 1 It.-10 to Jrdnance for repairs. A and C CompallY
had 1 !lBI each. Under GO 116, 3o.h Infantry Division, 11 December 1944, 1 Silver
Star and 1 Bronze star were awarded.
12 DlOODmER 1944
Ten and two Officers returned from Paris passes; all u.nits contirrued E:aintenance
and M-10 tr&inir;g. .il. and S Companies each had 2 11 while .d und. C Compan:i_es each had
1 man return to duty from the hospital.
13 DJOl!MBER 1944
At 1120 A-1 relieved A-3 upon the 0-1 guns in indirect and direct fire positions.
B-2 fired 9 rounds iP test firing their while Lt J A(l(SON received a battlefield
commission and vias assigned to C Company. Companies received backto duty from the
hospita1 men as followsl A Company 1, B Comp;l.n:Y 1 an.ci C Company 2. Company .h.
raceived 1 replacement and Band C Companies each had 1 NBI.
14 1944
0-3 fired 1 registration of 6 rounds normal charge. With the exception 0,'
14",10 trainine and !:l:rlntenance IX> other training took place. 1 man reported WI.d
22 November 44 is reported to have died of wounds. A Comparw had 1 Il!3I,
2 NBI and C Company 1
15 1944
Pursuant to GO (f), Ninth US Army, 15 December 1944, the 823d 'I'D Battalion (r)
was converted and c!;,ang- d to the 823d 'I'D Battalion (.SP) effective 18 December 1944.
Permission was rocdved to vdthdraw all units from front line positions so G-2 at
1710 and A-1 at 1820 -;/ithdrew from their old locations and closed into assembly
positions near the Com;:>3.TV cP which makes the first since 18 A1.lt;;ust 1944 th'-lt all
units hnve been out the front lines. Lt Rohatsch was transferred from C CompaIV
to Headquarters Compa:1Y and official IX>tice was received that 9 E' Comp,"ny EI2 LLI.
since MORTAIN are pnsoners of war. A, Band .Hq Companies receivedl, 5 and 1
replacements; .. CompaI1iY' had 1 NBI and B and Headquarters Companies each had 1
m&ll return from the hospital. Under GO 125, 30th Infantry Division, 15 December 1944,
2 Silver stars 3 3ronze Stars were awarded.
16 DmDffiER 1944
Offici&l. ootioe was received that Battalion would be converted to lI:-10s
so plans were completed to start full Company training at once. 0-1 test fired its
M-10s using 12 rounds liP. 2 rounds shell 3tN. 88 (Smoke) were also fired to determine
the characteristics of this ammunition. One round ;'(&s fired at a rallGe olav:.l.tio;l of
1600 ft and tho at 2800 ft. Without arry smoke trace from gun to point of
impact the first shell ",ent out Il distance of 500 yards a.nd the second 600 :',;2.,c;:;o I{
In both oases a very dense smoke cloud resulted lasting 4 minutes 'lhich should bo 1.&
very satisfactory for screenine purposes. B Colllpazv hiAd 1 ...nd 1 E. returnee.
from the hospital to duty.
- .3
.17 DECE.:Bm 1944
To rcin:orcG t21C 7 Corps and help seal the gap in the US lines made by s
c scale c.tt;.:.c: tl18 ;:Oth Infantry and the 823rd TD Battalion were relieved
from attachment to t:lO XIX Corps, Uinth ...U'my, and attached to the V Oorps, First 'US
al though <lssignment to Us ArIu3 remained in effect. To accomplish
this el'lergency tra:::sfcr <:.:'ter 5 hours !lotice all units, 1"1der Battalion control, left
t::eir areas ;.J.t 1650 ;J. ,::c'. '!loved by motor M.:.rch through AACHEN' South towards mJPErI. Bn
aP at 1845 was est:::..'!Jl:'3hed in in a summer cottage with Bn Rear in immediate
';icinityo Upon .... rriYc.1 in the CP ;.J.rea by VO General H... the entire Battalion
uas attac..'1ed to the 2nd Bn, 119th Inf Regt. after taking up a temporary assembly
posi tio!'} near 823312 on the completion of the motor march, at the close of the period
.. und i>.-3 Ylere mavin.:; into direct fire po3itions uhile .b-2 c1o.ed at 2316 at 830291
?ron c.:;.n ass 9."bl:-, ;::>0 sition near 833339 which the entered upon completion of
the !:lotor n-..rch at 2000 :3 Company OF was established at 833339; B-1 at 2130 in clirect
fire position c.t 843319; B-2 at 2215 at and B-3 at 2230 at 849322 and 843.315
.ci.t the close a.=:' t::8 period B-1 ana. B-3 were !lOving to new direct fire positions
.After C Company c? set up at 809321 at 2000 but before reconnoitered positions
coulo. be Occul)iea :-:-.:.rv was attached to the 117th ROT aDd at the close of the
period was rnovin6 :-:ith the 117th ROT to MmJiDY.
18 DBJnIDER 1944
The 1st unO. pl.:i.toons, A moving at the close of the preceding period
at 0200 and OllG closed at 816292 to 827296 and 818]00 respectively; while B-1 at 0425
and B-3 at 051.5 closed J.t 856322, 861.312, 857300 And 846296 respectively. At 1100
.A was ..ttacheC: to the 119th ROT and under its control moved on STOUMONT. Atter
an extremely slO','i m.J.rch at 1200 0-3 40sed into poldtions on the South East side of
MAIJtijDY, 0-2 at 12.30 to 735021 and 744026 and 0-1 at 1300 to 717031. At 1800 AComp&l'.\Y
CP closed at 6050)8, .i-l and. kl-3 at 1$00 took up direct fire positions in STOUJ.lONT
(633026) while A-2 at 1900 closed at 560001. At 1800 Bn CP, Rear Echelon and B 00
closed into IUI,,::Wi, ",:i th BattaJ.;ton OF being set up at 7850;.2, after having movtid
through mJPE'! J.nc-. hdv:'n: crossed the snow covered HEHLOGmr.v&.n Forest and Mountains
through territor.! ini'esteli ,with German paratroopers. Upon arrival in B 00
was iIJmediately attachec_ to the 120th ROT vlith positions being occupied as follows;
B Compa.zv CP ",t lCOO at 788051, B-2 at 1818 to 810055, at 2Cll.5 to 783042 and 791041
and B-3 at 2100 to 76&J44. 0-1 6minus an M-10 stuck in the mud at 7170.30 that covered
ap. approaches to the town from the side) at 1800 took up positions on the
South outskirts of ST.<I.V:iLOT (717010) while at 2140 0-3 made the final move for the
period taking up positions in the vicinity of 756025. During the aftermon when ensm;y
armor attacks were launched and East of ST.ci.vm.oT 0-1 destroyed 1 MIt V and 1
personnel. carrier while C-2 destroyed 2 JOt" VB and 1 personnel carrier with 1 addition&1.
Mk V being listed as and #/1JfI/J hit and probably destroyed a total of 8 to lO
additionaJ. tanks all believed to be Mk VIs. At 2200 0-1 destroyed a 1/4 ton and a.
German half-track. C CompaI\Y' took 1 German paratrooper PW and had their kitchen truck
damaged in a convoy
19 DIDlImER 1944
In an atteI!lpt to utilize all means available unit assumed control over '2 )(..4
tanks, 1 M 5 tank, 1 light tank, 2 M-36 wreckers and 2 lO toll a.ckera belongillg
to the 31st Ta.nk 3utti.l.lion and the 87th Raoon (7th Amored DiviJlion). 1he l4 5 _s
put in direct fire POri tion at 800037, the light tank assisted Third Recon on its
patrols and outposts, the wreckers helped in the recovery ot 1I-10s while the balance
constituted a mobile reserve capable of empl0)'Jl8Ilt in the )fAl.MDJI sector. At 1000
B-1 and B-2 exchall.:ed positions in order to pved towed guns in fixed positions and
SPs in centra.lly located nobUe reserve. After hearing enem;y tanks maneuvering
RESl ....'
outside of Sroti.lC:;r .... .;er fa.U.ing to obtain pennissio. _rom the Infantr'J to
fire flares 30 tl1c; tanks coulu 'be fired upon i?bout 0600, i.:Iefore daylight ,,mel nth
fog limiting to 50 ytU'ds, enemy tanks were found within the outskirts or
town. Upon th'3 ... "iZJ. of friendly Infantry, Tn Guns were one b:l one flanked by
enemy tanks ...nd driven i"rom the guns by sm<4l. arms and machine gun fire
although one 1.':10 ill -::0.::; c.ost:!.'Oyed by an .Ii. CoDlP&IV gun and the Gaman Infantry held off
for ;u..'1;:; -;;ere i'iruUly :1eutralized at which time personnel infiJ.. truted
out and North of S1OUMOlIT with Lt being the last man to leave the town.
losses :or .1.-1 and A-.3 were reported as 9 WIA and 16 MIA (corrected figures
25 December 1944) .,.,hUe naterial losses were one half-track destroyed and five in
enemy hands, one 3
cu.'1 destroyed and seven in enemy hands, I Geman 75mm AT gun in
enemy hands and three 1/L. tons ana one 1t ton and trailer in enem;y hands. From a
reserve at Battc:.lion l:a:i:1tenance crea.ted by this units conversion to Sf four .3- guns,
half-tracks und equipment vrith 2 German 7_ guns, were issued to
to partially replace losses 0:' both platoons. .d.-2 after destroying one Geman halt
track 1400 too:: '".l!' po;;i tions North of STOUMONT (600039) while at the same time .it
CompaDY CP, A-l a::'ld withdrew to R&:C>UCHANPS (56)100) for reorga.n1zation. J.t
1200 0-1 destroysd 1/4 tons aDd kill ed 12 Germans and later during the period
when tams came into sight East of destroyed 5 ),!k VIe and 1 half-track Sf 75.
0-2 during the period destroyed 1 weapon carrier. 1 2t ton replacement was received
by C ComPaIV for the kit c.'I) en truck d"'IDaged in the preceding period. Second Recon
established an 01' at 736028 wh:Ue Third Recan conducted hourly patrols on the high".,.
betv:een 750055 to to 716052. C Camp -'y had .3 lIDI inc1udiDg Lt. BARK>N.
&'though scheduled to receive ten M-10s during the period plus 4 additional
the following period Hinth US iU:'llr:I cancelled all al1ocat1ons because the Battalioh
1I&S outside Ninth Arrayl s jurisdiction. At 1300 the .3Oth Infantry Division and 823rd
, TD Battalion were released from assigment to V Corps and assigned to mIl Corps (AB).
AlsO at 1.300 the 31st Tank -Battalion Officer, personnel anei equipnent worldng with
this unit were reloaoed to return to their organiz..tion. atter being partially
reconstituted by replacements 1 section of took up poSitions at 6100,38 while A-2
at 1600 moved to the outskirts of STOUMONT (628032). B-I at 1600 and 1700 put sections
at 8100.36 and Friendly artillery damaged the column of one of o.-lls
M-10s. C and each had 1 battle injury; A had 1 mIl A Company received 4
replacements and D CQj;jl)ULV 1 while A, B and C Companies each had 1 lI4 return to dut7.
2l DmllMBBR 1944
Between 0130 0400 a light German counter-attack on B-1 positions resul. ted
in the destruction of 1 r.:-8 aDd 1 1/4 ton both being then occupied by troops.
German Infantry attempting to make off in a B-1 1/4 ton required that unit to destr07
the vehicle by C.il 50 machine gun fire. Launching an attack about 0600, before day
light and in fog i'(hich Greatly limited visibility, German Infantry attacking ahead of
German tanks hit tho fro"'lt on the boundary between the 117th and 120th Infantry Ragts.
When friendly Izh'al1try u'Jcided they were not in sufficient strength to hold the attack
personnel of B-2 hecausc of poor visibility, because small arms fire drove them from
their guns, anci because of the withdrawing of the Infantl"1' put all their guns out
of action by removin.: or destroying firing pins and sights. After tKiDg positions in
a building and fightinc off the enemy with 1IDl&1l arms fire for a long tiDle they then
n;t.hdrew by inf:t;Ltration assembling as soon as pos8ible at the ComJ>&l\1 CP. Later in
the period it was found possible to reoccupy the two most Northern guns and both went I tj
back into action aJ. though one was minus a sight. losses for this unit ''Jere
1 WIA, 6 MIA, 2 .3" guns, 2 half-tracks, 4 1/4 tons and 1 11- ton with tra:Uer in enem.r
handa or in territoT'J un<lor Germa.n fire. A Comp&Diy Ci at UOO .,ved to SrotJllONT STATION
(6050,38). Yllen the penetzution was made West of JJALMmI aDd a bre*-through was feared
unit was given the mis;Jion of planning and putting into position 2 AAA Battalions
21 DEClIIBEa 19.44 (Contil d)
(lloth aDd 143rd) consisting of 32 9<limR and innmnerable 4Qmn quadrUple and
multiple caJ... 50 mlAchine guns. By 1800 all these units had been placed establishing
AT defenses throughout the sector of the 117th II.nd 120th Inf Regts as far back as
Division OF. lIlen it was feared Geman tanks and Inf&ntry might enter M,8LMEDY En
Of and Rear Eche.lon maned &1l defensive weapons and in addition to reinforcing
Infantr,r positions maintained complete all around defenses during the entire period.
At UOO and 15.30 sections of B-1 reorganized and bettered their positions by moves
ot 200 to 300 yards. tear or encircleaent by the enemy penetration caused
0-,3 to withdraw 200 yards taking up new positions nec'sltated by the penetration
0-,3 JIIOved 1 towed JII gun into a torward 8JIP08ed position and til gun effectively
blunted the Geman' s str:1ldng power by destroying 1 Mk VI, 1 Sherman tank, 1 1:-10
bdng manned by Geman personnel. and 2 additional. tanks vdlich were either J.Jc Vs or
Uk VIa. About 16(X) 2 11-10s of B-2, under the supervision of OOILU'SCH, moved
through the underpass Southwest of 1llAIJ;T]I)Y and firad upon 2 Gennan tanks concealed
in buildings South of positions. After first knocking off a corner of the
building to exPO se tile tank hiding behind it 3 rds of AP set the tank up in names.
ADother tank in t.he vicinity was also destroyed but it is believed that this t&Dk
might have been damaged by friendly artillery. This firing put 1 t:-10
temporarily out of commission with a damaged traversing worm gear. A Compal\V' fired
, rounds HE support fire on the attack on ITOtJW)NT. Second R.8oon woIidng with B
Comp&IJy captured. (l German Fa.. observer in civilian clothes and turned him over to
IliUtary Police. Hq Co had 1 NBI and B Co had 2 NBI. Under GO 130, 30th Infantry
Division, 21 December 1944, 2 Silver Stars and 2 Bronze Stars were awarded.
22 DIClIIBIIl 1944
UDder Troop assiglll1ent No. 133, Hq, 12th Arttri Group, 24 December 19.44, verb&1.
orders 22 December 1944 were confimed which re.1ieved the 30th Infantry Division and
82.3rd from attachment to First US A.rIsry and assignment to Ninth US'l.i:rrrry
aDd "assigned these units to the Firat US A:rIq. Battalion Staff Officers completed
the placing of .AA.a guns, made some minor adjustments in pesitiona and checked QJ.l
locations to determine 10c&1. security, camoufl.ague and AT techniques. At 1345 Bn Of
closed into a new location in the North section ot v4IMFm' (7880504) wbere it up
in tiled vats in basElllent of a paper m:lll while at 1430 Bn Rear closed into. an area
But of f1EA (66L.ll9). Upon the recapture of S'OOUIIONT A-1, and .&-3 at 1600 took
up direct fire positions at 6)2030, 632025 aDd 634025. iquilBent lost in the
withdr&nl. trom S1t>UMONT was found to be in bad shape with only parts being of any
value. Salvage "erforts were started at once. 0.3 destroyed 1 German half-track.
Atter receiving considerable m.u.ing aDd suttering several casualties the section
ot B-2 on the West side of MALKIDI tdthdrew from their firing positions into their
covered position. Enemy artlllery fire falling upon C Co CP caused extensive
to the building while 2 C Co men and the Bn Medic with C Co received extensive cuts
from nying glass. Enemy art1ller;y fire falling on Bn Of destroyed the 3/4 ton
me.sage center vehicle a...'ld 1 motorcycle with slight d-.mage to another. Two 1/4 tons
lost by B-3 during the previoUS period were recovered and a corrected personnel loss
list lor B-3 during the previoua perioa is 2 WIA and 1 MIA. Lt BRARDON as transferred....
from B Co to Hq Co and made Recon Officer while Lt OOHTSCH went from Hq to B Co.
Daring the elLrly mornint; hours in a snow atom with enemy artlllery t&lling i!l a heavy
barrage Capta.:in BA..WfOV .md his materniq task force delivered a seven POund bOWlcing
boy which he promptly named ANZAC BUZZ II. Although upon delivery the baby did not
sl9' IHell Hitler
Doctor BARAmV has his auspicieDs. B had 2 Battle injuries,
C 00 2, Hq Co 2 and 1 C Co returned to dUty from the hospital. 2 1lfU0s were
dalivered to Compa11Y and assigned to A-l but they were not immediateJ.y opue.tional. O
. ". 1
"II friendly Air Force bombed IIALlmlY b;y mistake Capta.in BARANOV was instrumental.
in orgaa1s1Dg relief' f'acillties and then he and his Medical Detachment rendered aid to
the iDJur.l.ed taken to the locU Hosp!tal. J)uring the night two towed guns of' A
were used to form a road block Bast of' SmUMONTbeyond all Infantry f'ront lines and
a protective Inf'antry force of only 8 doughbo;ys was fUrnished. During the period one
HOtion of' and one section of' A.-2 took up positions Uorth of the sromroiTT-L.4 GLErZE
West of w while the other sect:lon of ;\,-2 took up correspor..ding positiol'1..5 .
South of the GLEID highwa;y behind Task Force lLUUlIS>N while A-3 occupied
derensive positions 500 yards Bast of SroUMONT. At 1500 CRISSINGER and Lt
while !:laking a reconnaissance for M-10 positions in advance of Infantry
hent l1De. were pinned down b;y enemy machine gun fire. Lt CUNNUt'rHAJrT suffered a
b1allet 1IOwad in the arm and atter eralding sOlIe distance toward. the rear was evacuated
b;y the Intantry. Captain CBISSINGER pj.nned down by fire was taken prisoner
b;y two German paratroopers.
24 mweJR 1944
Batta.Uon CP in order to operate from a more centraJ.ly located position about
UOO closed at 7CJ7l.02 (East of' SPA) and one section of 0-1 at about II/)0 took up
positions at 711004. .....1 aDd .Ar-2 at 1200 put parts of their sections at and
651033 lIhUe e:Jtablished a roadblock at 640028. Upon the capture of GLEIZE
b;y Task roree HaBRISON, .Capta1n CBISSIlGD aDd 8 A a1 were liberated. In
addition to the ,one 3
gun listed as being recovered in SroUMONT two other
l' guns, two half-tracks, 1 1/4 ton and 1 1t ton were also taken from that town.and ,
repair operations on this equipment was started at once. During the arterllOon when
the Ut:I at'hmpted to perform tactical bombing upon the German armies mding this
pulh tour runs of bombers hit MiiLMmY causing tremendous casualties. Although
stnddled by very near mase, B was extremely fortunate in sust&iniD(;" only' ,
1 KU and 2 IIA., including & Second Recon man, had 2 B Comp&I:\Y 1/4 tona and 1 Second
Beaon 1/4 ton destro;yed, one half-track destro;yed b;y a direct hit and slight damage
to two other. lhIrJ:ecl under debris lddl.e a Second Recon 1l-8 suftered extensive
Pvt JtiDg, 705th TJ) Bn, lIOrking with Seoond Reoon also received wounds requiring
. As" result of this bombing C Coap&lV had 2 MIA. B Comp&l\Y had 1 man
return to duty from the hosp!t&1.. Lt BRANDON' was assigned to A to replace
Lt CUINIlGUll lost through batUe iDjur,r. Ona 14-10 was received. '
CllBIS'lIUS ON mE Il!3TBBN FJl)NT&" 'lbe period was quiet; the dq clear but cold
.Although UD82P8cted considering the sitUAUoD q(j,axoellent turltey dinner with
111 the tr,bmt:lngs was enj01ed by ill unit.. A-3 at 1500 put 1 section at 6.43023 a.nd
the other ..ction at 643026. The final corrective casualties list for A CompaIV for
19 J)ecaber 1944 iSl 1 KIA &r.Id 4 wu. Allied bombing destroyed 1 A CompaIV 1/4 ton
aDd traUer and damaged a Fint Recon 1/4 ton. B ComP&JV' had 2 battte injuries, C
0aIIpu.y had 1 1mI and 1 C CaIIp&J:v man returned to duty hom the hospital. 4 r-10s
were received from Ninth US A:nr8.
!he perJ.od was quiet with the only e%Cit_nt being furnished by &llled planes
*1ah oreated several excitiDg IIOIatftlt. with near lIdase. and At 1430 A Co
,. aDd their Fwd CP were consolidated at 630027; at 1500 J.-3 withdrew to 61.3032; -.t
QlOO one ..at1on of' ..2 moved to 671022J &JJd the one Sf section or .1 at 1800 moved 11
to ES0994e c had 2 battle IDjurieSJ A CoIlP&lV' had 1 leI, B eoap&Itf ha.d 2 NBI
azd C CaIIp&J:v 1 RBI and B CorApazv hacl1 .. retUI"A f1'OIl the holPltal.
Zl lSCBmEa 1944
Battalion CP at 0130 moved to SPA (678119) and a,fter establishing itsalf' in a
SUmmer cottage it was decided that the quarters were not spacious enough so a move
of 200 yards was made to oth.er buildillgs. AIthough the town of' MAlJOI)Y and aJ.l B
CompaJli1 positions were heavily shelled during the period DO losses or casualties
were auf'f'ered. In a reorganization of' TD defenses plans were completed to have
.a,.J, and 0-3 exchange positions and f'or h-l and.Ar-2 to take tip indirect fire positiona
in the sector of the l20th Inf&Dt17 Regiment where they would constitute a mobile
reserve available for 'employment in all sectors. Plans were lIlao COIRpleted to .
establish a 2 or 3 gun indirect battery from excess pieces using B FDC
persoDnel. C CompalV had 2 battle injuries, 2 leI and 1 man returned to duty from
the hospital while A had 2 leI. Under PO 58, 2'11500 December 44, aU UDit.
reverted to BattaJion control and the llOth AAA Bn together with 8 guns of the 143
All Bn attached to the 110th All Bn, were attached. to this unit to assist in provid1Dg
AT defense in the Division zone.
Batt&lion CP at 0150 moved from SfA where it set up in a large <Jlateau
a couple miles East of SPA. Upon the completion of the regroup1Dg of dateD81ve
po&litionll by all Infant17 Units A,.1 at 1500 put 1 -secition in iDd1rect tire position
at 7920(fJ and the other section went to Batt..u.on MainteDILDCe f'or operat1ouJ.
JU.inteDlLDCe; A-2 at 1815 put 1 section in indirect fire position at 7930$ and the
other section in mobile reserve at 79401]9; at 1530 A eo.pu;y established a Fwd Of r
at and a Rear CP in JlAJ.MlVf (792042); at 1800 ...3 clo.ed at 756025" aDd 0-3
. at 1920 closed at f:f79994. Hq 2 gun batte17 set up at 96053 and between 1900 &Id
2JJJO fired 1 harrassing fire concentration of 100 l'OUDda KI DDmal. A 00IIP&l'V' .
received 3 replacements and B Compan;y 1.
29 JBOJllBEIl 1944
UDit received 6 M-10s during the period which iJDediatel.y went to Batta110Jl
Maintenance for mechanical checks and coabat 10a.dizlg. 2 11-10. becae op.rat1onal
after repairs making h-l completely Hq 2 gun battU7 tired 1 repstratioD
and 1 concentration of 42 roUDda HE, 1 concentration of 120 l'OUDd. and 3 ooDq,entrat.1o.
of' 225 rounds HE for a total of 'J!/7 rounds lIB DOrul. !he sectioJIII or ...1 and J..2
.in indirect fire positions fired 2 registrations of' 26 rouDds reduced charge aDd
11 rounds HE mrmaJ. and between 1800 and 2,400 tired 1 oonceut;raUoa of' 56 1'01Uld&I
reduced charge and 2 concentratio!lS of 100 round8 1m DOl'JI&l.. Hq Co reoaived 1 old
man as a replacement, A CoIlp&JV' 5 lien, B. Co1apaJV' 1 man C CoIIpIuv- 2; Bq 00 had
2 NBI, A Co 2 NBI and B 00 1 EI &lld B Co1apaJV' had 1 JII&l1 return f'rca the he.,pitaJ.
to duV_ Hq was l>tlfied that the Bacon man WOUnded 26 Deo 44 died of' woUDd.. Ice
on the road caused 1 C CampalV' autollObile,accident with Id.DOr daage. to 0_ 1/4 ton.
30 mcBlBm 1944
Fir.t Reco.n pla:toon condUcted route and f'ir:l.Dg po.:1tioa reoomaai."" tor
support poattions in the event j,.1 aDd A.-2 'had to aaplO7ed aDd J. 0aIIpI., coDt'm18d
to prepare plans for the employment of' their SP. in the ....ent of' a Geman
at,tack. Hq indirect batte17 .fired 3 concentrations of 225 1'OWIIda BB DOmal, wblle
the sections of a.-l and ..2 in iDdireot tire position. had 1 reg1:atratioa of' 12 roUDda
aDd 2 concentrations or 54 rouada reduced cA&1"Ie aDd 2 oollOeJltioatioDa of' 256 roUDda
1m DOaaJ.. A and B Compuies each had 1 IBI ud rell1aceMDta .... reoaiY8Cl as f'ollona
A CoIlpa.zv' 1, B Company 2 aDd C aa.paIV 20 . .
"ESTh' .
.-. D ..
" I, {
Although not officiaJ.ly released from attachment until OlteOO Janua1'7 1945.
at 1300 the 143rd ~ u . Battalion started wi thdrawiDg troll position and by 1800 had
completed this removal. During the same period the llOth AU. Battalion made such
changes in position as the loss of the lOrd AAA Battalion required. Hq batter.r .
f'ired 2 ooncentr..tions lor a total of 150 rounds HE norma.! and A 00mp&lV' fired 3
ooncentrations for a total of 158 round8 HE norm&J., 1 ooncentration ot 80 rounds
reduced charge "and expended 12 rounds reduced charge on 1 regi.tration. 2nd Lt
GOSSABD joined the unit and was assigned to c eo.pa.n;y. A. and C CoapalV each had
1 NBI. 1944 closed in a very quiet and uneventf"uJ. manner with DO activi1i7 ot
a:rq importance ol:curing in aDIY sector.
Lt. Col
./ <f "<
('/" _"' II- -
, .
. n"J,'
" 'jt-.!.'
........ Jasm_
..... lUll UK 1._"".
JII.MmI &W, . - .
!JIll. .... ,..ar '"
.J..... 1N5
12_ ...... '1-. ,.. IIIt&1Ik7.'fIIGn
..... .n........ h.- .1It 1IIIU1 ClLCIIOO J...,- 45, 9QII .uA ...
.r'''a.a.. Ml....un w.ltHJr_ tz. tIaelr t1ft Af.poIIlu-. n I'
1M ........., 1m. Jl .. 44 all .u '.!1v.,-, b7 1iII1a ...
...ad ...... _ tile u.. AM laatt&Uo. clar1JIc tbU _ JeI'1oc1. AU alu
..s... a If rtd ... Y-.. t1a*tr M.... with .tr.t.i... At 1500 Ja....
...... ...., .ne to "'032 ... 4R1Dc til. ,.u4 t1N4 ) 00JIIi..uw
tt.. t Maw 1IIl. 1 ftlUUaU fer a wta1 fit ll8 10'" NIlMe4 ab&1p.
0. 7' _ _ttel7 '111_ .......\1" ...... NOOll
_tt.. Ud' .. l.r. .. tIad 1a tJa. Mue oDlT n4Me4 .... .... -s,u.a
'- aut11lM. ..... If OM 11-10 WI ..,.tecl to hip. _el
A a.. , B 1att&U.e1l
a .w 1l1li.. 1a 1IIIIiI'eot t1Jo1Dc pod"10M t1re4 ) eeDOe1It!'aUe.. t_ a twta1. VJ
fit 21.0 1'0.... ir..... ..,. ... hA4 1 16 l"OUIIII,
.._0..... au. II .....u.. 0
.. 1',. JIB Z .t ....10. that ha4 be. at til. ocapur CP Nbc oa.bat 1.... I
1.- ,..s.u.. at QLIOl2 ... til. 2 tOIN4 ... n tha, 1eoat1o..... "til to til.

C 82,.. !8 IMtaU.. , "\)
().Z __ -'3---- 1a po.s.Uo_ .m.. 1ato All aNa D8&I' 7)8028. '!!leN.. \
1 aI. A ftIl p&'bol .m oa to 1DIpNt; the ftbiel_ deltZ07ecl b7 0-) diloo...a
..t til. ftId.el. nportre4 to b. an ..10 ... not an ..10 b1n WI a GemaIa lit n
......14 ......10. .
12 lAJltAll' 1945
'2lN a ....u.a, at...... 30th IDfaaU7 i'daHa
!Il. Ja.-401l&t"M1w -tte17 t:lr.taC 1Dl** 'Ute aupe;nui.Jl of lit "
......,. t1N4 2 ......vaU.. tor a Wt&l .t 100 l'01IDd8 D fwO
... tr. C .".. to Co..... 1III1t receincl1 NPlao__
\1"- aaIS! WI 'baIterNI tn. te _ c..
A Co., 82,.. !I kttalJ.ea
ftN4 1 tw a wt&1. of 8 I'01IIIU reno.. ....,. aDd. 1 ooaamra
Uon tor a total ot UO 1"OaDdII r.....s ab&1p.

B Co., 823ft JD BMtaU_
M 1800 B-3 '*'111 the 2 w..4 ... tvud. 1a b7 B-1 tile JIl'ft1oaa U7 _ nzpl_
.. that .eot1.. at ?6'Jfjn. .&ltill 'Ih poaiti,o....... dDriIIc the dIr' occupanq
.. !apc.dbl ..ul prior to --. .j,
C Co., 82:.1 !It BatVJ.l_ , .,, d
fwD weN u.z.t'ez0N4 to KMdq-n.. Co.? 3')
,.. i"" .. , .-.
: .," .
'. ,.. .-.
03 JAJJIAIf 1945
823r4 mBattaUoa, attaGh_ DidaioD
Battalion atartea pzepqaUOD tor a1IIl 00. OOY81W101l to III
'I/O. batte17 ftre4 2 OODOeatzoat1oaa ot 135 IOUDdII D IIDIMl &D4
3 oonoeD.tratio.. or 18, 1"OUIIdI Nr1Me4 cbaIp. Co. I'WIIlftCl 1 NPlac....
A 00., 82.31d !D BdW10D . .
to .rtect a11Ot&t1oD or -1&...., to '-' t:I.N .:u. .... aD4 to tzUll &l1 ,...
in 1DIliJoeft t1r1111 w:lth "10., J,.2 "Pl&0e4 1DIliJoeft t1riDc po.s.u.
with .....:1 ...... AD )*lUoa -. til. Ia ...
to &l1ow the eDt1re pexHllDll or to 10 1iIaroa&Ia a ut-lDI uit .eca.r1\7 .eo
t10. ot &JIll ..2 topUaer wltll 'I/O Rl'Pl- peftO...t ....... ... clIIr1IrI
the per1od. UD1. 111 1DIliJoeft t1ftna t1N4 2 ot 150 zoaM
reduced charg.. 1 ..10 or W '.DE b.... ot b1'Cllk. :p&z'Y.
B Co., 82.31d !D BattaU_
To Control aDd tac1lJ.bw the pertOl'MDce or the tlllG attack ot the 120tb bt.
Igt. of B-2 ... pat oa ....... ot til. l.2OtiIa ... the 526Ul Jaorn4 Inta
tzo.y with a .u01l beiDI _aip., to ... to wozk .... tM4.r oontrol ad dbeot1e.
!he aeot:1OD -*1IIC 111. the 526tb AftIOncl IIItaJm7 .. ..n. to -aoUate the
tefta1A b__ ot tile .,..... ,..... AfteI' pattilll oa ....... a 1a. nan lid
that sect10n 1a RIIJQmI! at l23O, on 1ta ob3eat1ft oa B1JfD Jl)UlIlAI. at 1700 UIl
In their Gld podUoa oa th......... ot MIP'W at 1830. aecUoa1d.tIa
I Co., l20th IDtaat17 Na.... 1. Soath ..t of OTmIlJrl at 1030 u4
returDe4 to it. poaiUoDa ia the IIDatb ..t ...loa.r wltM'D at 201,. .I1iihoaP
both secUo.. NMlftd aDd -.rtar tire ., ..ualU. Ol" .n
na autt..... B-1 t.lN4 !!IS 1"OUD&ta D 1a auppo" or thU attack. 1. ntarMI rz
the hospital to 4at7.
c Co., 82," !I) Ba't&U.oa
" two 11-10. were d!l1fttW to C Co..... til.,. .... U8!pe4 to 0-,.
04 JIJIJAJIf 1945
'2.31d !It BattaU.oa, attaGhed :JOUa 11Itan17 D1Y.l81oa
h aoeozt... with ftrIIt. .., u4 DID Co!pa ..... , ....... &IIIl 3 1l&1t
tl'lllllllr ... ta:r1lBd ia to 6t;b .....ae, 2 .... bel. f"RIdIb'" b7 C Co., 2 ...
tl"CII 1JI11ne\ batt8%7 GIl 1 pa B ec..-. with .:u. 3 uu
.... .,..1. er- B OD. to t'wId.8b til. 2 ... B_tq-aaMn i.III1Nn -tW17
cl1+aD11e4 at (800 af'ttr th.,.1IaI ..... aU 'IiIl.u e1 t1oa on 6 ____u
200 I"OIIIdI NIIaM4 cbaIp. tw ii toa .......... NOIIlft4 _ "ldeo_--.
211. 1Ied1c&1. Deteel had 1 .1
.l Co., 82". !D Battalt.a .
..2 in iDdiNot t1r1D8 ,.lt1o_ t1N4 10 ZOIID&III NdMet aIIup oa 1
and 1!t roaDCJII raboecl abup 2 OOiIOeBrau...
B Co., 82lr4 !D BattaUoa
1 B-1 towe4 au - tat. oat ot posit10n at l200 be!c NPlue4 by .....10 at
l2.4D. 'Di...... pD ... halr-tNet .... tame4 b to 0z0dIaa0e. 'lo Ii" 4._
apport to tOl"llU4 1IItaau,- podUo. th. IIntIl 111ft .u.. Be, at 1530 &lilt
1800 pat ... at '785032 ... '789Oll.
C Co., .2,.!D""'U'O'
two 11-10. MUftNCI to CO. 4w'1Itc til. P'N'tl- pmo4 ..... MDt to 0-,. oalT
0_ whiaIl Aft'lftd at ... pl.atooa loaaUoa at 1200. !II. oUa.. WO, .....
. ot aeohan1oa1. br.......,... ret1ll'M4 to the 00. aP. ttae 2 ...... 0-, ... ...
turaecl in to ........ VDlt .... 1 B1 aDIl 1 .... ",1
. -a.
os JAllJ4[ 1945
823M mB_Wi.., kte... 30tIa lataIItl7 D1daioD
Two 11-1011 were dali..... to tIda 1III1t b7 ONmmoe, b1It beaa Mab&n:J0IIl d1t
ftcW.tiea 0_ ... aooepM4. .It l200 a ... c llOth AAl BattaUoa
were ral..... tlatllr IdadoD aDIl attaolnMnt to th1a 1Ud.t. To th.
azteDt the ooanraioa th18 ait pcndtte4 &1.l ozpuisa'\1ODa were NOrJ&D1-e4
\UMler the .. 't/O aDd th.....,.1..... ... 1IIto a:lll'teDCe iD taot &lid
DOt .1-t 1A til..,.. UD1t ha4 2 .1 u4 1 .. ball the hoepit&1. .1. 1) .
BGtar1_, llOUa .u.t. IDe bad _ --.
A eo., tI) Iatt&l1oa
o. 2 ftN4 lE8 I01IDda NlDoet..... UDit a1J8W'" 1 EI.
I Co., 82)r4 !D Batt&11oil .
baa the _t.r1&11eft 18 ___1.. .,. 1-3, reocYt'.._ 1 iWa, 1 It toll,
1 1 tea ...u., 1 1l&U....... 1 :1' pza, aU be1DI 18 NrlJ' pol ooDd1t1oa.
...... 3.1.
C c.., tD Iatt&1.1oa
.. Co., 823M mBat"",.
AtbouP ott1cd.ll.1 OOIIf...loa toak pl.... 18 JMo 44 aDd. .. _tabl.1ahea bT
BattaU_ ..... , Jaa 45 t..a taet1o&l. ad Pl"Obl-, the ...
Co 414 not It.... -.n.uV aUl '.1'.. ,5. Capt cmrr.ta. Lu 1UIr, B1IIJ!O.,
...", aid ClIft, to,.... dtla Uo _, ... up the 1Id.tU11"08tw. ftNt, SeooIIIIl
... !JdN Boll plato. eon,... _... 111. A, .... C Cellpuai., wbU. til.
P1oZ' platooA NMlN .,..sal .... wUaetora f1-a 10_
"111--- 08 paw_, .t.., ... .., tlaJllt. Ds. c-.paq, tlI .. ..tah11 1d.t1l
tU B&tt&1.ioll. 'ID1t laM 1 EI. at _5l2O.
06 J.lIIJAIr .19"
823Z'cl !D BatW,,,, a"-h" 30th Difta10a .
14 ...2011 ... ftMl........ 1 le1 to dIrtJ' tJIa the hMpltal. A. D Batt
__ 1l0lilL Ala.. U4 DO ......
A Co., !It Bat...,. ("",,)
ttwo OOM.u.u.. of 93 roaa1I ............... t1ft4. At 2100 12,..
m aD ...... tIala .......,. pea1Uo...... 22GO .... up .. ".-17
podUon at 19l1.u.
B Co., !D aa".:Ua ('1B'7052)
Bt.laat :1' _ B-3 .. I ....... fa. _ .a. l.M4 aDd. w b. ill .......
-at.o.. .. padt.te. tor., NII.-1...... 18 __ -.at or B-la louU.ea
... tJ.n t. t.'-e dP' b. hPd.... v., bai 1 J8I.
C Co., 82ld !D BatWi. ('1:J8074)
UJd.' NMlftt 1 -..u. Atilowp __ .. 11_ to lIltllJi_ 0-3 tJl'a pre.
-- 1,**,_ "- .. a __ .... 1iIae Q I... CP, Ul.Ir .. the of !D
1II'd.t8 of .. 63Ot1a II to t* poa1\10. 8fttIl tile L' ...... Uta PN
IIIIe4 tIda 111 14 4IIIII'!bc tile per!o4. 1JJa1' Jla4 1 81 all 1 .. ftLatw.l to
... 11-. tile 1aoQltal. .
... Co., 123ft!D .. (1IJ911'1)
1he PiG.... platooa -,*,_.1 to NHlft .. 111_, 1aoob7 ...
__l1t1o_ b,- wtt'llftoN of tile 10,*.ct...., wIdl. tile _ plawa. -a0atSaDa4 ..
rrt JaJar 1945
823M m Battalion, attached 30th htaatzr Md.i.
Bagraaping and ..m1re of pa pedUoDa co....... 2 ......... to dIlV tI'CII tIa.
h_p1tal. A Ie D n.. .IM.a, h.a DO chrn. .
A. Co., 823ft 'J'I) Batt&1.1oa ('193043)
UD1t continued -.1nten&Dci aDd 1IOl'king out of converaioft problems. :3 half-tracks
were tuzmed in and :3 11-208 were rece1nd .. securit7 fth1clee replac_ent.
B Co., 823rd !J) Battalioa ('18'10S2)
At the section of B-3 at 764036 was rel1ned b,. 2 gum of J. Co., 825th m
Bn. aDd at 0920 that section took over B-li s positions at 810032. At 1100 ill
Sf units of B-1 took up co .. ered OD the Soutll _.t aide of .4TJ1l11t where
they could do 1111 aDd coDtinue their eonvereion. !he section of
B-2 reliend b7 the Sf 01 B-1 lIOYecl to the 't'ic1n1t7 of '78.4032 where they reiDtcn.o
cecl 1 section of B-3. One section of B-2 at 2345 closed into positiOl'lll
b7 the 825tb m In near 8030:11. !he 4th 11-10 of B-1 W88 reaeiTed rrc. BattaUoll
.-1Dtenance. 1JD1t tl1Z'DlMl iJa 3 halt-tract. and received :3 11-208 as securft,. fthicle
rep].ac_ent.. 17lI1t had 1. a.
C Co., 823rd m Battalioa (7)8fn4)
.It J.J.OO one platoon 01 At 825t1a m In, relined 0-2 wbich at 1530 closed
into an asa.-bJ.7 podUon at Beoauae or the taUure of the aituation ill
the sector of the ll2th IDtazrt17 to clar1t.r itaelr the relief of 0.2 was not
-.de. Unit tUZ'D8d iD 3 Mlr-u.cb and receinc1 :3 1I-2CB .. aecur:l.t,. vehicle zoe
leA eo., 8231'd TJ) lattallon ($9117)
the PiODMl" platoon eollt1Due4 to recei... spec1a1 il.l8tractiolll rrc. the lO5tb
3 ...208 were rece1ftCJ.
J AlIJ.Ul! 191.5
8231"d mi t ($911.7), attached 30th lntaDtl7 D1daioD
.It 1515 upon arr1-.1. of the 00, Co. 0, 712Dcl m la, that 1III1t .. attached to thia
hMdquartcw ror taplOJUDt 111 the sector now bel4 b7 the 6)Otb m Batt&1.ion, ftl1et
. to be cc.pleted cluriJJC the ncoee41DC period. Beoomai Muce 1r88 collCl1*ted to
locate unita of the ll.2tIl lDt&Dtz7, the 630th m BD ADd tor poeitiona to be occupl84
b7 Co C, 772d. m la ad all t&ot1oal, npl'l7 &DIi ade'ldstraUve probl.a or th18
UD1t were take care 01. UD1t .tarted pur&l. reorpllisatioD or aJ.l m tier...
in the Didaion ITo for A D batteri88, l10th AA.l Bn.
A Co. ,823ft m Ba., ('1930J.3)
tired 2 OOIlO.uatio_ of 112 l'OUDdI IlOftI&l upon pem1aa1on beiqr recc:9'ec} t1'CIa
higher Headqu&rten to apea4 certaiD aurpJ,\18 DOIMl 3" -=:1tion that could not
, be returnecl to md.tion .. at 204S took onr the poaitiona occap1ed b7
1-3 aDd B-2 OIl the Ili1l SoIlth of '4TJOm (?88032). A Co. had 1 BI.
I Co., 82lr4 m Battalioa, (7S'70S2)
Upon relief or tIlia 1Ud.t b7 the section of B-) todtup a t-poI'1'7 ....b17
poe1tion at the CP. !he seotion of B-2 reliend by at 2000 moved to
8060)8. 17ld.t bact 1 EI.
e Co., 823rd !D Batt&l1oa, (7380'14)
Beoozmam8anoe as ..ae tor lUll poItitioDl ror 0-2 18 the dcird.t,- or BURHBNVlLLB
Ball Co., 8231"d m lattalioa, (&mJ,7) .
m....... of lat .. pertol'M4 ftIOODD&1.aaace iD sector or the 112th IDtaDtr,r ror
t'roDt liDIa, m 1'Dl10oatioDl _d !D poaitlon-. tor tuture occup&tioDi
bJ' t.be 'r121ad. !D Battal :loa.
C Co., ?'12DII m Batta):loa,
UDit .. attaohe4 to 'the 8231'd m latt&l1oa 1IPOD the Ccape.l.\J' ca.
aDde1"8 &rr1...:J.
at Batta1101l til at 111'. lIuIva.ct1.. ror _plopent in the present sector of the
ll2t1l IDf'aDt17 &III 1a the aector or the .424t1l IataDt17 llegiaent ...
1_ Nliet of the ll2th ..,... wen &i.... UDit r_dnecl in an &sa
o ar.. at 'm"DI81U (6)6018) .r:; (
09 J'ANUARr 1945
823rd TO Battalion, (&39117), attached 30th Iatut17 Diria10n
Unit assumed responaib1llt7 tor the sector or the 424th lDtaBtr,- Reg1JleDt at 1500
aDd during the period caapleteci its reorpDisatioa the AT dIIteu. 1Jl the DivilJ10a
sone. Although sporadic sbelling tell in D Batter,r, llOth .AAA. BIMI sector, DO
or injuries were s.ta, necl.
A Co., 823rd 1'1) Battalion, (793043)
A-2 fired 236 l'OUDdII D DOZMl ill 2 OODCCtl'&tioDli on harueiDc tire aias1OD1.
Beconna18s8Dce tor -NIbl.7 podtioDII ..t ot the MATIQI'Jt HILL aDd 11-10 trattto
abllity teats up the Mttnm' BlLL were aoDd1actecl. UD1.t had 2 battle 1D3vri.- aDCl
It re.1ntarcEilleDta 1Jl the pUe ot cUd .., OIle ot which ... iDjured aDd captured
in MORrAIN, recaptuzoed b7 the C&Dad1 at ALIROOI aDd proc.aed through U81Jal
British channel, were reoe1nd.
B Co., 823rd 'lD Batta1.:.0D, (787052)
'!he SectiOD ot Be:3 rel1eYed by J,.3 at 1000 took over B-1'. poe1 t10D8 at 810026 ad.
the B-1 towed gun we wit.bdrea to the tor t1J1'Ding in to ordDauce .. all1'Pl-.
With the receipt ctariDg the prwi0U8 period ot their 4th 11-10 aDCl ocaplete ...uat.,=.
ot all in the WIlt B-1 was tor action 88 a Sf platooa. Unit had 2 181 aDd
received lID old JI8D as a reWore._.
C Co., 823rd 1'2) BattaUOD,
0-2 at 0900 JIlOVed t.roa ite us.ab17 position to direct tire poeitioD8 at 7f1l.046 ad
0-3 upon being reliend t.roa its direct tire poe1t1a. at 1730 closed intO an -..al7
ar. at 7JI)O$ where theT started COIIIYftllion to SP aDCl coDd1lcted necessary .aiJrtaaaoe
to get their 11-1011 in raming order. lhdt recei'l"ed 1 re1ntorc__t in the gui.. ot
an old JD8D retUl"lled to daVe
BcD Co., 823rd m Batt&1ioD, ($9117)
Reents ot the 1st Ben colltiDaed to &$8i8t C Co, 7'12D1l m Bn in their
at podUoDa. !be 4 at the 70Sth 1'1) In 1I01'k1Iag with 2Dd BcD 1N1"e tuMc1 onr
to aD otticer ot that Uld.t 11110 __ to pi. th_ vp.
C Co., 7r1:a m BattaUon, ( 68l.986)
After recozma.t.SaJlCe, 1DI1t at l200 .taried OCC\1P&tioa ot aDd ....eel
N8POD81b1l1ty' for .ecto:ra as 0-2 at l430 at 710996, Cp CP at 1,,0 a'
!ISl986, 0-1 at 1,ao at fHl9'16 ADd 0-3 at 1500 aDd 1830 PIt .au0D8 at 710?96
aDd At 7lC1n6 2 Gaw.1I urU.-taDk ca.plete 14th s1gbta aJMl 'Diu..
were round and th.e IUD8 were aaDDec1 at that locaUOIl by aecar1t7 ptIlWom .....
10 JABUABf 1945
823M m Sattel1oa, ($9117), at1iache4 30th IDta\17 "'iria1c.
M autltoris6d by Bucati" 0Ner 10. 9396 the a1t&t1oIIs 1a o.eral Orders 110. 98
Bq 30th Int DiT, 12 )Joy 1944, ApPl'09ecJ. by the Co '!M
G...:L !beater ot
OperatiODS .. 1D .. Geer&1 OrdeN 10. 91, 19 ])eo 1944 coDtJ.raec1 UDd.er
the provisions ot Sect1. IT, C1rnlar 110. '33, ar Departaed 1943 &lid ia the ...
of the PreelcleDt of til. UD1ted stat., battle hODOft were --.Ne4 82.3ft
!&de Destroyer Battalion (3ft lea Pl.atooa attached) ad Ccapu.:r I, 823ft !CIlt Deatftrer
BattaUon (2Dd Ben Pl.atoaD attaahe4) tor their..u..- 1a tile DatU. ot JlDl!Aa"
til BAJmUI.MY. Upon arr1n1 ot ottic.. hca Co .l, 643ft !J) la, *0 .... to Nlifte
C Co, 7'12rJ1! m Sa, til.,. ... 01
MI on the aitat10a ad 00Ddaa1;ed ewe tile &I'M
&lid to the gaD poa1t1oJlS th.,. were to in the reUet ot the '772ZMl mBD.
A 00., 82.31"4 m aatt&U.oa, (793043)
DaI'1Dg the period the UDit in 1Dd1Not .tire podUoa tired 120 l"OUDdII U no1'ML tor 2
oonc_tJoationa, 62 l'OIDId8 D recluoeel in 1 CODIJeabaUoD ad t1ftd 5 i'01ID&III.tar 111..
IliDatiDg shell ot baN'. aiaalODll. Ifo 1'Ot&te clat1_ .. l2OO...1 1lO't'e4 1IIto the
1d.rect tire poeit10118 at that ..2 bad ocap1e4 a4 ...2 took 11P all-tIIblT
podt1cm at the Co tOl'ftl'd CR. Uldt had 1 EI.
,,"".. b .' .... ,"'fi -,'-y.;.... :
t-; .... b... ...
10 J.dUAII[ 1945 (Coat" - I)
Co., 823rd m Batta lion,
.An 11-10 or B-2 at 1S05 tired 15 D at a s.pected IIaftIan CP with the
eftect ot the f'1re 1IIIdet..1.... A 1-1 11-10, 'beauuIe of aechvdcal. 4U'1'1wlU..,
becMle DOD-O})r&t1ft.
C Co., 823rd !D Battalion, (738045)
10 chaI1ge.
ReD Co., 823M m Ia. , ('186045)
CoIlp&DJ' Of aDd. leD aoyec1 to MAnIJar (786045) at 1430.
11 JARUARt 1945
823rd m Batt&1.10D, ($9117), attached. lJItaDtr7
Upon the talc:! ng over ot the sector occupied by the 7l2Dd mBa. by A Co., 643l't
Tn Bn., C CoIlpaqy, 7121J4 !D Bn. ... re11en4 troa atteobllezrt to t.I:d.8 h.-dquart..
A & D Batter1.., llotlajU BL, haG DO
.A. Co., 823ft m Iattal.:toa, ('193043)
38 rouDdII lIB reduced elulrce on 2 coDOeDtratios. ud 5 1'0.... OD 1 b ..e poiDt rep...
tration were f:t.l"ed.. 1 old.aD returDed to the 1III1t _ a re1nt'ore_ent.
B Co., 823ft Tn Bat.t&1.1oIl, (787052)
!be M.iJlt9naaae 1/4 toll draY. 1Dto a aiDe ftlal.d aDd ... bac1lT
dalD8ced DO ouualU. 1M%'8 8Uttered. 1 -.n retumed to dut7 the
e Co., 823rd m Ba., (7380'7
Upon relief' by a the 630th !J) Bn. 0-1 w:ltb4rew fraa poe1tiolll in S!AYlIM
All) AT ..CLOSm IlftO AI .ASSJI1BLI POSI1'IOB J.'t '1D Co. CP. At 1700 0-2 relJ.en4
..1 OD ita- secoDdal7 a1aaioa tMd'W ewer the sae poIIitiou aDd lDC rz.c. .l Co.
len Co., 8231"4 TJ) Bat'\&lioa, ('18?04S)
'" FiN" BcD at 1415 took up an ___1,. pcMIitioa at the Co (Il 1a M&JI1III'. To.uJ.e
B-2 to move iw 1I-1Oa out ot the pioaee platoon pert01'lled it. t1at.
Jdae101l which CODiuted ot 11148DiDc 1'OW &D4 buUdiDI vp riftr b&Db.
12 JANUAKr 1945
823rd TD lattaUoa, (mo52), attached 30th IDt&IItrT DidsioD
To prodde a aP 1oat.Uon tor the 7th .Amore4 Did.alon the mIl oriC"ed
the BattaUon to .ove oat of their battaUOD (It, so at 1630 1DIlt took up a aft
location in 'A!MVJt. (78'1052)
A Co., 823r4 m BattaliOD, (?9'1043)
Atter being re11en4 b;r 0-2, ..1 at left their old 1IId1reet tire pcMIit10Dl
and at 0515 cloeedc into all ..eE hl7 poeit10D at the Co aPe !'o ef'teot a 0011101.1..
tioD ot CPa A Co torwa.rcl joined A Co rear ill VAJ.DDr. 2 _. returned to ciut7 h'aa
the hOil-pital.. UDit .attered 3 EI.
B Co., 823rd m Battalioa, (?87052)
lD a 1/4 ton acc1deDt, B-1 bad 1 II.
e Co., 823rd m BBWioa, (7'J4CT14)
0-2 tired 99 roaJKJ8 reduoed ab&rce aD4 1 1"O\UI4 DOIM1 oII&rge (b7 lI181*e) tor 2
coDCentratio_. !be cc.1*IT -.tat.....,. 1/4 to.... cIa&Ied til _ ..... , .....
by allpper.r roads. 4 ret'lll'Ded to -t7 ad Lt DmI)8l ... --.cuatecl .. a ax.
BcD Co., 823l'd ft) Batt&1ioa, (78604s)
Jo chaDge. .

''J '. .. ?!oJ '
13 JAlUm 1945
*",; f, . . '. _
,,.. ,'r_ .-" 'J
1'1) Battallon, ('187052), attaclle4 30th btaat17 ])1.,1.1oD
Battalion pe sonnel ooDdue'ted 1'OtItiD.e d1lt1.. '" D Batt8l"1. llOth AU lB. ,
DO ch&Dge.
13 J.AlUAIr 1945 (Coat ...4)
1. Co., 823l"Cl m BattaU_, ("193043)
.tfter being 011 the 110ft tor the cr-ter part of the period, tol101dDc 1Dtantr.r &DIll
taJb, ..2 &Del ..1 at 16)0 aDI 1700 tOClk up pod:tioD8 at 786022 and m022. J.-2
at 2230 moved to 788oa!. J.-l ill a sapport; role tired 10 rounds HE and to knock m
a aacb'ne gun DMt apeaded 5 !'OUDda D aDIll 1"OUJMl AP. Unit had 1 IBI.
B Co., 823rcl m BatwJ.1oD, (781052)
III order to g.t ill potI1t1_ tor the attack, B-2 at 0500 lett ita f'oraer poaitioll8
cJ.oaiDl iDto an ... area 1D the dciJdV of mans at 0&:>0. while B-1 at 0?4S
cterecl an u--17 area Dear 83'7Ql6 _ere it .. to tollow the
iJJtutr,r 1Dto 1BlJI1lI)lIf. tbat location B-1 t"1.n4 150 1"OUIId8 BB into OROll
ill the sector ot the :r1ret llIfaatz7 D1daioD 1Jl an att..pt to Mtrtr&11.e ..,. t11"8
tl,aM1'" oar tore. tJ'C8 that c11reot1aa. "3 trca tbeir d:lNct tire poe1tiolW t1recl
'75 1"01ID&I D ill of the 1D1t1&1 .t.... of the attMk. Bec&u8e ...,. ..n
__ aD4 IIOrtaz' t1n .... ocoapati_ of plan... podtioDi iIlpoelld.ble, B-3 at
1'730""'" 1 .eot1oa to 81C(02) &114 at l800 ... a alight dUplac__t ot 1 pa.
At 22001. B-2 ..10 reced.ncl a cJ1nct hit trca an ezt1ll817' .ell with DO DOtic..
81e dIIIIaIe nt the ,_ ..____ift a-ce to the aotor puttiDg it out of
82)r4 m Batt&l1oa, (7650,46 /
thd.t IIlOft8 tor the period are .. tollowaa 0 Co. CP at 1215 to& 'position 80RtIa
ot ('765046), 0-2 at 131.5 to '195039, 0-3 at 15)0 to 791044 aDd C-J
at 1'7)0 to 784045. III Ol'der to tbll.J' apead all' uraJ:Ucm the t1r1Dc of 11111.
pelWi881cm ha4 be80U'e4 higher 1 OODe_tratioll ot )0 1'Oaaa.
reducec1 and 2 OOncentzati0D8 of 2f11 roUDd8 D .... apended &tter
- the Co. P'DC .. d18al:ncl 1UIt1l. the Cc:.plet... iOD of the preeent operation.
Ben Co., 82)zd m ('1860e>
In ita !'1rat operat.1ae .. pertoaecl eaepUOl:IIJ.l.J' wall with 1Ulite ItlIPPOrUDc
each m Co 111 the l00at1on of rout_. pott1UOIII, l.1W0Il with iDt&Dtz7, taDk
&Del ""pneer 1IIIS:ta. aecar1v, Ud npa1r or road8. aDd ...iat1Dc q1Mer
&lid intarrtr.r Id.ae r_cr'lDc..... lat leD 1/4 ton wu. c1aaaged b.J era.,
14 J AWIR!' 1945
823nl 11) BattaJ i., ('18?052), attMh" 30th IataDb7 DI:daiOll
1II.t:b au UDita attached Batt&1.1on az.eroiaecl ...al.7 nperri8017 auti_ ower the
gun ccapazdM. In a 110ft 1a a.tio_ the 1st part ot the rear echelon cc.pletecl
itll !lOVe t.rca 11'. to MAJ.MRJr
1. Co., 823M m Bat..a11oa, (?93043), attacbeclll9th lIltazrt1'7 Jtec1aeDt .
.... 2 at at30 aoncl to "195020. .AboIIt; 1000 &D A 00 forward CI was estabUshed at 7900J3
aDd at the a_ u.. ....) took 1IP poait.1o_ at ?9502l thoop at 1500 it aoved to
?97Ol,. ..1 at. 11)0 put; 1 IUD at 7'1/1)04 aDd at 16)0 ..2 ecapleted the 1IOV88 tor the
per.led eDtl"iDl at m.9OO. j,-1 .tart1Dc with 3 ..10. hact1 put out of
....Mion by a a1ae ad aDOther feU. th .,.14e b"". of aeoh&D1o&l. tailve.
JJ:tihough ODe ....1 ..10 .....tNddle4 bCIIbtI dro}Jpe4 by tr.ladl.7 plaaee, the
m .... DO\ daaap4 but ,...0IlD8l 108.. were 3 iDjured, 2 requir1.......1;1..
B 00., 823ft 1ft) BattalJ.aa, ('18'7052), attaahed l20th IDtantl:7 ,..,.111\
8-1 aDd B-21aOn4 at 13)0 tM1DC up -..tU7 at m ... Beaaue of
the 11-10 of B-2 out ot becauaa of a.amc&1 taUure c1uriDC PN'IiOUI period;
&D4 1 11-10 beiDl citIIIaIe4 bJ' a aiDa at 0700, 1 section of ad the 2
IUDII of B-2 ......eDt by a e-.roa11iou8 ....tern to lBIOHDroD cl.oe1Dl at
1'700 at 83)003. 1 of the B-2 ...1Oa beoae stack at 82l.OO6 aDd beoauae of 1_
of recGYe17 nh1a1..' at \he Gloee of the period baA DOt bMD retr1end. 1)azo.t.JII
a strong 8Ila.q bet.... 1800 &lid 2000 ""R'IJIlft "', B-1
.....1"07ec1 1 It rt --. ! 'f
! ....,;,"'t, ,
,J' ;, j.
14 J ARUARr 1945 (CoDt . ..ICl)
. ;
c Co., 82)rd Tn Battal1on, (765046), attached 117th Infantry Regiment
At 1030 C Co. 11&8 attached to the 117th Infantry Reglment, and atter moving by'
&1.l day', 0-3 at 1915 toQk up positions near LlDl5RvILLB, \804991) 1Ih1le 0.1 at
1700 closed at 8CflO'tn.
Hen Co., 823rd m Batt&lion, ('186045)
Unit continued 1ta routine reooDD&188aDCe ot routes and gun posltiona and the pioneer
platoon did some lline ....piuc aDd road maintenance.
15 JABUARt 1945
823rd m Bat.taUoD, (787052), attached 30th Infant17 Division
Batteries J& D, llOth AU Bn. were relieved troll attacbllent at -0000 r8'Y9rtirc
back to their 01121 unit tor Pl"iaU1' aieaion aplo,ment. Superviso1'7 control over
gun cazapani_ continued to be ezerc:1secl. Capt. 1'IND.ALL was received. as a rein
forcement, being ue1gned to Headquart81"ll Co... an 88sl8taD1; 8-4e
A Co., 82)rd m Battalion, ('19304.3), attached 119th Infantry Regiment
. A.o-2 by 1100 took up positloD8 at '19J983 (North of PONT) J A-1 at 1530 stopped their
one remaining 11-10 at and a short time later JIOved to 773890; a forward A Co
Cf 118.8 established. at at ?99015J J,.2 at 1500 stopped t-po1"&r:U7 at 80m2
&Dd at 1745 closed at 7'ImJ. (South of PON'1') 1Ih1l.e ,A,.3 at 1800 moved to 78/899.
Two old .en retU1"D84 to unit .. reiDtoroeaenta. !he. l.1eted as .. f'rom air
duriDI prni0U8 period is DOW listed as DOW.
. . B Co., 823rd TD Batt&U*t (787052), attached l20th IDtantry RegiJleDt
At .0530 the one seot.ion of B-1 111 DIIIBS moved to 826003 and when the attack was laUIP
abeel for 'DIIJIDI)I!, B-1 &Del the 1 11-10 of 1-2 led th. W7 closing in 'DIlRIMOlIT :
at OEOO. III the actloll that followed 1 B-1 ..10 was put out or CCDJIiasioa
by .. aiDe aDd although Jlov.eot ... iapoaaible, ita location was such that it
.ooDtilalwcl to GOVer a t1e1d of tire. In reduciDI all ree1etance 1D the town
the 3 DC CUII8 or B-1 aDd the 1 gun or B-2 apende4 SO l"O\lDda APe, 200
1"CNDda D, /IX1O 1"OaDdII 50 0&1 III aDd 6000 round8 30 cal tioD. 1'bis 8BUD1
tion eapendec1 wa, to a coD81derabl. extent, 1l8tl'laant&l ill the capture ot the
town. Gemaa. n. attaa1d.lII rra. the Iorth, But aDd South suttered 3
casualties h'aI the ot 1-1 aDd ODe rrca the gun of B-2 ADd in add1 *,on to th
tanka DDlC'PUil Geu". were ldllecl ad. the t1re or tIl.e II-IOs .. reepoDSibl.
tor the surND4er of 1&!'ge "'1'8 of -lIlT t1"OOpe. Ja it 18 iapoas1ble to take
priaone: 8 nth 11-10., t.bose nrreDdariDg as a reeult of m tire were taken ute
liJ1'8ioal cutod7 b7 the iDtutr,r and of the total takea 15 were listed 111
the m cred1t 0Gl-. Dar1Dc tIda aoUon ttl IULCCIISOR, platoon leader or the
2nc1 platoon BOo .. k11led b;y a .nipers bullet 1Ihile peraoODBJ l.,- directing the
actions ot hia 11-10.. B Co'. torward CP set up at 81)022 at 1l0S. One old aaa
returned to the UDit as a re1ntoro.8Ilt.
C Co., 8231"d 1ft) Battalion, (76,046), attached 117th Intant17 Regiment
At 8900 0-1 s.-t up at 802983 aDd 809984 with 0-2 tak1nc up positions at 80)992, 1Ih1l.
at C Co .et up .. t01"W&l'd CP a,\ '199015.
len 00., 823N. m Battalion, (786045) .
ODe section ot the 2Dd pl.atooD at no, closed at 8l502l aDd the 1st platoon at 16)0
alc.ecl at 772005. In uai.tine ill the NIOV&1. or a Wt-tl'&Ck abandoned b;y the
Oemans the piODMl" pl.atoell 1Wlon4 15 aaericaa aDC1 3 Geman boob7-trape.
To .frect the naov&1 or a B-2 11-10 stack ill the .ad the 1ft) was dug out and a
oorcluro7 ro&4 .. bu1lt to th. nbicl. b,y the pioneer platoon. This platoon also
au1ated in the 4e.inr,r of -.mitioD to Bel. A.t 151' 3rd Recon set up at
803992. .1t 1700 a 1st Ren 1/4 toll hit a aiDe with utenei.. damage to the vehicle
aDd a1Dor injv.r1_ to ODe ..
---.. -,
16 J ANUARt 1945
82:'rd TI) BatttliOll, ('787052), attached 30th Intantr.r Division
Battalion rear caIPletecl its .oft to MALMmY.
A Co., 82.3rd m Battalion, (793043), attached 119th IDIaDt1"1' Reg1.aent
The one M-IO ot J.-1 in opez&Uon during the tiret part ot the period at UOO
moved to 787963 aDd upoD an &dd1tioD8l 11-10 becca1Dg operatioDlll at the close ot
the period it al80 went into position at that 10catioD.
. B 00., 82.3rd m Batt&1.1on, (787052)," IDf'azrt1"1' Reg1aent
All operatiorl8J. Jl-1Da ot -..l. &lid B-2 1n mIBooft withdrew about 1130 aDd to4* 111'
assSlbl1' pos1tioD8 in WIIlD8 about 121., .ere th-r did Jl&iJrteDaDee
and reorgaDised atter pr.n.0U8 at't&cka. The B-2 11-10 prn:1oual7 reported at_
in the au.d ... recovered and put in operation. Unit had 2 .1.
C Co., 8231"d 1' BattaUOIl, ('199016), attached 117th IDtazrt1"1 Reg:baent
AtQC}OO 0-2 took 09'ft' 0-1
poeition in LIGIlIIVILLB whUe 0-1 took up Ul ...
position at that location. A short t1ae later 0-2 Iloved to 79'19'n 1Ih1le at 2050
0-1 put 1 section at 8a!963 and 1 11-10 at At 0900 C Co. lIOYed their CP
to the f"onrard Of location (?99Ol5). One 11-10 ot 0-1 had its 1"8d1&tor d.au,e4
b7 mortar tire but dllllage8 were alight. Unit had 1 181.
ReD 00., 823rd 'I'D Batt&1.ion, (803993)
At 1330 Ron Co CP .. _tabliahec1 at 803993 1Ih1le later ill the period 2Dd a.on
moved in with B 00' II t0rw.:r4 CP.
17 JANUARY: 1945 "
823rd TD BattaUoa, ('18'1052), attached 30th IDtaDt17 Did.aion
Lt GULlN in a aeuch through the ct.bria of" the battle t1e1.d toUDd & 1-' halt-tl"Ulk
lost b:y B-3 at BAJmllIJI! that the G81'II&IIII ba4 taa aDd abandoUd at1l111l oper....
ing CODditioD with &1.l B tutioal lIigDa legible &Dd oDl7 a tflfl ot the 1ater.lor
compartaanta aod:lt1ed to et Gel'UD neecla.
A 00., 823rd m Batt&l1OD, (715993), attached 119th IDt&Dt17' lWgDeDt
At 1200 A Co cp .. _tabliahed at 77m3 ad at 1600 J.-1 to 781952. .Ala A Co
1/4 ton was badl.7 dDaged whc 107 __eel 1t to I"IIIl 1Dto a tree. .All
nDD-ope:.....t1oual 11-10. were repaired ad ret1l1"D8Cl to bout line poa1Uo.. UJd.t
had one battle 1311l7.
B 00., 823rd m BattalloD, (8l.2996), attached l20th IDtaDtl"1' a.jgj-.
B Co CP at 1130 aoved to 8l.2996 &Del betweaa 174' ud 1815 B-:) put ODe sa a\
80m2, on. gaD at 802984 &lid & secUon at 8ll982.
C Co., 823rd TD BattalloA, (mCD.s), at.... 117th Int&lltl"1' lelia
m.1t had ODe .1 ad Lt G08WID .... ft&CUatecl as EI.
Ben 00., 823rcl m BattaUo... (803993)
2Dd ReD IlOT8d to 813996 at 111'.
18 JAlIJARf 1945
823rd m BatWlon, ('787052), attached IDtantr,y DiT1aion
2 DeW 11-1011 &lid 1 11-36 were rece1ncl traa oriDaDoe bat JO mmrt_ an.. the arr.I,yal
ot th nh1cl_ DIII Corpe notiti84 tbia that the 1au:lD ot tM
II-36 to the 823ft 1'1) Ba .. & OD the part ftlwt J:lfq and that it would be
neceellU1 to tum it mer to aaotber UD1t cbIz'1DI the noe11"g period, ho.."....
agre_EIIlt was .ade that the wdt rece1ria1 the --" would del1nr a rep].ao_-' ..10
at the s... the 1t piakeel up the ..,36.

, ,
18 JAImAlr 194' (eoz.-. eel).
11 ... '. '.
A. Co., 823rd mBattal1oa, ('175993), attached ll9th Intazrtr.r
Die 2 11-10. ot A-1 that becae oparat10DlLl. dur1Dg the prerioua period took over the
positions held b7 the other section ot ..1 aDd the tiOll ot A-1 relieved ret1U'De4
to the Co CP tor aainteD8Dce. Shell tire "'ecl ODe 11-20 B1ightJ.,'.
B Co., 823rd m BattalioD, (812996), attached l20th IDt&D'tr.r Ree1aeat
B-1 aDd B-2 at 1230 IIOYed to the Co aP where th..,. took up All "'aablJ' poIIlt1oa
untll the cl8IQ'8Dce ot ro. woul4 &Un th_ to OOCNPY their next podt1on. a. .
it became 8'f1clclt that the Geruza road bl<* would not be rtIIloved cluri.nI the period,
B-2 at 154) todt 'up Ul a.abl;r poaition at LIGDIVlLLB (80m3) aDd B-1 at 1730
put one section 1D LmmfILLK at 8tD.987 aDd a gall at 814981 aII4 808918
. c Co., 823rd mBatt&l1oA, (?99a.S), attaalled U7tb IDtaatr.r ..,.ent
B;r moo 0-1 bad aoved 0_ aeotioll to ad III aD att.pt to fl... tile
Geman 1'O&d bl.OCIk holMDC up the a4YaDce ot tile n7th, Lt IICIHIfI8 oaU84 tor
artnler,- tire lIPOll the 1'08d block. Arter ad3-tiDi 4 1"OUDds and ...1INCl .....
it1()naJ.. l'OUDda wen oa +.he ..", Lt. IICINIIS, belieriDC the anti-taDk guD8 ill the
Geman roacl block 1I01I1.cl be aeVtraUsecl dur:1Dg the art1l.l.81'7 b&rzage aDd h1a lett
tlanl. would th...r'ore be protected, aoncI out into All apoeecl poa1t101l ill aa atteQt
to deetra;y a lilt IV ta*. nae 11-10 tired 8 I'OUIId8 jpC with results UDdet.,.1necl lb11e
maeroua short ... fired b7 the Geman __ 1d.thout illJuriag the '11.-10/
IZIIte&d ot a barnp 0DlT 2 add1tloaal. 1"OWX1II ot &rU.U8%7 were tired aDd 0.. ot the
Genaan aelt-propeUecl ....1I1.t ... put tIaree t.hzoqh the eDgiDe ad taAI. 0.
partaeIlta ot the 11-10. the 11-10 .. baokecl to a d.n.l14e ... 1t r_r1D1Cl
dur:l.DI the bal_oe ot the period UDd.tIr aU tJpee ot heav tire. A. IIOZtu' ah.u
1"llMd in the ot 'tbe other 0-1 11-10 CGdodiJll a ooaple of l' -..1
ticm, ldlliDI the lUll oc.I'Dder with _ other ...,e or euualti_ beine 1IItl1n
eel. III orclc to MIte pl... tor tatUN 0-3 1Ih1ch at 1200 had taken vp pod
tiona at 802956 aDd '1889S6 eyerloddDgBJDl't dthcJzrew at 1730 to an ...-11' paeiU..
at the 00 aP. 1 11-10 reburDacl t'I'CII ordlumoe aDd upoa beiDI ...lgDed to 0-3
that platoon \0 ita NIl. 'tiE _trqth. Udt had 0118 EI ill a&J1t10D to the ..
BoD 00., 823rd D Batt&U.OJl, (803993) .
2nd ReD had a 1/4 'toll dlucecl lr.- IIOl"t&r tire, 1nrt 1t ... repa1ncI aDd reti4'll8cl to
19 JAHtJAR!' 1945
823rd !J) B.ttaUoa, attached 30th IlItatl7' Did8loll
11-36 8.".._ bV'th:I.a UIlit throuch a lliatake ill oNeI1l b7 hicber h8ll4qu&rt...
.. del1nrecl to the 8'l.4th mBa ill aab... tor aD ..10 --1111 the tot&1 ot ..10.
aSsigned to th1I ua1t 30. PeraoDMl rro. &1.1 .. toc* batu ill the SPA.
Mine' a.1. Bath Health Oct.. aD4 4 .. aDd 2 OmoeN len the 1IJlit Oll .._. to
A Co., 823m 1'J) B E:tt&1.ion, (775993), attaobecl U9th IDtantrr leliaat .
!'he 1&-20 previou.l.J' reported _ a.qed ... NPdred aDd murned. to act5.0Zl. UDit
had one NBI aDd. reoetftcl &Il wilt..... at Jl)B.!AD1 .. a re1Dtorc_et.
B 00., 823rd !.D BattaUoll', (8l.2996), attaohed. 120th IIltaJrtry &eplaellt
About 1500 one aeot1oD ot 8-3, a\taehe4 one pl.atooll ,. I.! pili, weN held up at
822952 pending the neepiDc ot the I'Oad8 to tIle1r but at 1'110 th. clOlecl
into 830946, 1IbU. B-2 at 1605 _ft 11P at 82"". Althoaah 4 dUteraat 1"OIlt_ were
tried none were tOUDd punbl.e to 813930 80 at 1730 B-1 eaterecl an ".-bl.7' area at
aDd atter ""MeN had 01.... the b10111l aDIlll1Decl .. 2330
iDto 8U930. two B-3 towed san- were _.t to to han the oil ill the
re0011 aecbam- ehaugecl tra. nIIIIef{ to wiJlter lftCle. A. Nplao.m\ 11-10 _ uu..
wed to B-2 dur1Dc the p..i04, but at a. adJrt.... tor tiDll oh.... 51
One IIUl returned to d1lt7 tl'OII the hQlPltal &Del - old _ ... reoe1nd .. a
19 JAHUARf 1945 (Coati...)
C Co. J 823M m Battalion, (794977), attached 117tb Inta.ntry RagiIIent
At 1120 C-) .OTed to ?98945J at 1330 C Co CP moved to 194m; at 1roD 1 sectioD. ot
0..2 moved to 819939 and at 2)00 1 seetiOD ot 0-1 entered an U8.wly area at 7999J,,4.
.&. replac_eot 11-10 was del.inre4 to 0-1, aDd 1t, tosethar with the M-10 received
0.., during the prerloue period, ill au ....-17 position at the Co CP tor
f'iDB.l checks batore Fine bto ccab&t. 0-1 .-10 threw a track and was
t_porar:ll7 out ot action. Dle aa1Jrtell&nce 2t taB .., weat to ordnance for
1 'J' gun was tamed. in .. surpl,..
Rcn Co 823rd m BattaU.oa, (80:J993)
let Ben at 1635 lIOYed to 8809.0.. Al1 1III1ta pert01'llecl their wnJ&l. duties in aupport
ot the gun coapaniee aDd the pioneer platoon had what aaounted to a dr7 run on
Jline sweeping far B-3. Lt CRIS! _s ....acuated &8 a EI.
20 1945
823rd Tn Battalion, .(804989), attaahed 30th IDtant17 Di'riaion
by using the taotiOi of puttirag repreeentatiTu in a buUding occupied by another
orga.nization to hold it for thia 1Dl1t upon the occupq.ta 8OY1DB out was thi8 h....
quarters able to secure a nft CP aud at 1445 1t aloe_ into LIGDBVlLLE (804989).
1 6at6 aDd 1 ..20 were cleaclUmecl trsz aecbaD1o&1. t&U1JZ"6a. 2 towed 'J' guD8 aDd 2
hal1'-traw ware tlll"l1ecl into oNaa.ce .. 8urp].. w-.poua &Dei nbielee
.l 08., 823rd m BattaUon. (771)93), attached U9th Intant17
ADd d1ll"1DC the 1IOl'IliD, h01l1"ll acmt4 to ".-))17 poeitioDi near 780910,
at 1545 acwaG to at 1600 aOft4 to 78fS9?J a tornrd Co CP was _tabli._
at 1730 at 794932 aacl ..1 at 1920 eloeecl at '1'1ta8.
B Co., 823rd !J) BattaUoa, 6Sl2996), att.ehed l.2Oth IIIt8l1tr,r JJecjact
!be 0Dq ....... d'ar1Dg tlae period 1f8N the _tabllaha_t ot a to1"Wa1"d CP at
1430 at 800945 aDd the .0. __t ot B-2 at 2100 to 82'1939. B Co reca:tftCl their 9th
11-10 and it ua1ped to B-3 tor 1M tmt iaaue4 to that platoon. .l B-11/4 tea
BUttered alight ....._ trca artUle17 f1N. Oae 3" towed PD 8ent to O1"ClDIDce cl11z
:lDg the prerioua period tfW a chaIIp et re001l 011 .. Ntamed. UD:l.t had 1 II.
C Co., 823rd !J) BattaUoa, (79J817), attached 117tb Intantr.r RIc1a-t
0..1 at 1200 _t.... _ ...tMl7 pcMI1t1oa at '198921 aII4 0-1 at 2030 closK 1.ato
809904. Althoup 0-2 had pl&DDBd to ocoaw poe1-u.o. thOile DOW beld by B-1
ftiJ.ure ot B-1 to ... t.rt;.her tonaN the per10ct prw.ted thi. occapaUGa.
BcD Co., 823M !D Batt&U.oa, (803993)
2Dd ReD at 1430 MYed with B Co t01"W&1'd CP to 8DCl18t Ben at 1730 ..ed with
A Co torw&rcl CP to 794932. Unit had 1 BI.
21 nu.um 1945
823rd m Batt&lJ.ca, (804989), attaabed 30th lDt&ll'tr.Y DiT.l8iOll
1 11-10 was aant to Ol"dDuoe tor ADd 1 old IUIIl retaned to d11tJ' ... a
A Co., 823M !J) BattaUoD, attaehed U9th IDf'a.ntr.r Jt.ciaet
At 0115 _tabl.1_ed. 1 section at 793899 ad the other section at 898895.
at 1630 put a sectioa at 788882 aDd at 1930 the other aeotion WD't hi at '1'188'78
1Ih1le 1 section 3 at 2300 aet up at 1 e14 MIl ret'D1'Ded to cII1't7 .. a
B Co., 823ft m BattaUo., (8l.2996), attached 120th lJataDt%7 'RegS"".
B-2 a.!liate4 thI a4nDce aDd _QUdation ot the U7th hfaDtr,y Bgt. bT tir1ac 25
l'O\JDIJ8 APe .uppon tiN 1IIb1ch eenrecl aDd protecte4 the aclYaDciDc tab. 'DIe ,ud:'
had 3 .1, todt , ,.. ad kUl.. 7 OUllSN.
" ,'"

2l JANUm 1945 (Cor
C Co. 823rd m Battalion, (79187'1), attached ll7tb Intant1"7 Regiaent .
At 1030 1 section of 0-2 as eetabl1abed in the South West and the other section
in the South ..t put8 ot mDI! wbUe 0-1 at UOO .ade slight adjustaenta 1a posit
10M pattiJIC a sectioa at 81.0900 and indiddua1. guns at 810986 and 803897. Unit
had 1 1mI aDd rece1T8C1 2 old .eIl 88 reirt"orc_ents.
Ben Co., 823rd !J) Batt&11on, (803993)'
1st Ben at 1330 .ovec1 to 79$44.
22 JABU.&H!' 1945
823rd 'I'D Battalion, (80.4989), attached 30th IJ&tantry Divis10n
1 M-10 evacuated to ordDaDce .... seDt to 5th echelon u4 thereb:y lost to the
battalion, ISO the Dmber at 11-10. wd.t 18 acOOUDtable tor as reciuceclto 29.
A Co., 823rd !J) Ba"alioa, attaahe4 119th lDtaDt17 ReciJlent
Daring the period JIOV_ were JUde .. tollow.. at 1130 1;0 797871J at 1145
put a section at 79'7878 ad the other MCtioD at 791/116 1IIbile A.-1 at 1800 put
guDII at 79lS78, 79CJ!rn u4 78J1;73. A tOl'Rl'd, tonar4 Cf was established at 7888'19.
At 2000 the tor the period were completed by 1 section ot '.1-1 settiDc up at
79fS?5 and 787868. 1 ...10 ot retUftle4 to coaPMT ain'teDaDee tor minor
repa1re. Unit tu.a 55 road8 JP &Del 3 BE at hous., nbiclee and P81"8cmnel
but the 1'&Dge ... eo IJ'Mt that the l"Nul.ta were lUIkDown.
B Co., 82.3rd TJ) Batt&Uon, (8l2996), attacbecll20th Inf'ant17' RegiJleDt
B-1 at 1815 put a SactiOD at 8)79a3 and 82S904 tor the on17 aoves at the period.
B-1 during the abcmt !lito position tired upon and destroy-ad 411k IV
taIIke. The t1r1Dg .. done at rqee between 1800 and 2JI)O J&1"d8 which
required an ot 15 roUDdll HZ &Del 100 roUllda APe although smle ot the
aa1U:d.tioD .. apera4e4 on the deetraction ot buUdiDge. '!be B Co 11-20 returned to
. actioll in the toa at a repl..-eDt ftlbicle.
C Co., 823rd TJ) BattaliOn, (800945), attached 117th Inf'8I1t17 RegUent
1Iov_ tor the period are _ 0-3 at 0900 to 812S99J C Co CP between
10)0 aZki 1.4DO to 800945 &D4 0-1 at 2030 to 82)89,3. 0-,3 while moviDg into lI)Df
"'tz07- ... i 1 Geaaa &Dti-tadc gua !forD and But ot lfJDT and troll a pos1tA111
1a Jl'D)T clMtro.r- 1 Ilk IV tam South ot town with an a.un1t1on apeDd1ture at
20 rcnmda HE aDd 10 APe. 2 l"OUDd8 APe aDd 20 1"OUIIda lIB were a:peDde4 OD
npport 1dM1o_ c1uriDg the coYe!'iDc ot the lDtaDt1"7 1he Co 2t toa
'nteDILDCe fthiele .. repaired &Del ret1U"Jled to action. Unit had 1 BI.
Bon Co., 823rd m Batalion, (803993)
At 1230 1st Ben .o_d to ?'929Q1J at CP ... established at 7929<J1,
and at 1600 3r4 leD set up at 8l.l889. A 3rd Ben platoon 1/4 ton W811 damaged bJ'
rocket t1re but DO ousttie. were 1Dt1ieted.
23 J ANUm 194'
823rd 1'1) BlttaliGll, (804989), attached 30th Int&Dt!'7 D1v18ion
2 11-10. 1D ordllf.Doe .... lost to the battalion when they were to a h1cher
echelon redDo'DC the battalioa total. to -rt. Unit had 1 ImI.
A Co., 823ft !D Batt&l1oa, attaolaecl UC)tb IDt'azrtr,y Jlech!ent
A Co CP at 1.300 IIOftd to 803940J at l445 aDd 1'71' 1 section ot ..2 ADd ".3 each
.et up at SlaB'" aDIl 81J861 1Ib1le at 1730 ..1 alos_ at 10_53. One un returD.ec1
to cl11t7 trca the hNpital .. 1III1t ha4 2 BI.
B Co., 823l"d m BattaUOIl. (8l2996), attached l20th IBtaIlt17 Beg1ment
AT <J1.30, 0900 a4 0930 B-2, B Co tcmrar4 aP &Del B-1 Nturned to the rear Cf where
th87 took up ".-bl7 poa1t10_, wbUe at 0900 B-3 tack over B-lII old poaitiOD at
83S908. At l200 B-2 ... rtIl.iencl trca to tlae l20th Int Rgt bMDc attacAe4
to Didsion Art1l1er.r tor leooD1iar7 lliaaioD _d at 1915 took up ind1rect tire poa1t1o.
23 JANUAHf 1945 (CoL .4ued.)
B Co (ColltiJmed)
at '188881. B-1 took 1 PI aDd unit had 2 EI.
C Co., 823rd m BattallOll, (811894>, attachecl1l7th 1Dt8l1try' Regblent
0-2 at 1200 pu.t guDII at 827887 aDd 818890 aDd a section at 823894; C 00 CP at
1230 moved to 811894; 0-1 at 1300 ted: up aD ....b17 position at 82a!99; 0-,
at 1600 took up positiOD8 Dear wb1le at the close -or the period (2215)
C-l moved to 83386). Un!t had 1 lEI. .
Ben Co., 823rd m B&ttaliOll, (803973)
Ron 00 and 2nd ReD assisted B-2 in letting into 1Dd1Not tire positioDli aDd Bell
00 superv18ed the settiDC up ot the me.
24 JANUARI 1945
82.3rd m Battalion, (804989), attached 30th Infantry Did8ion
One additional ....10 in ordDaDce ... lost to the battalioD b7 its eyacuation to
higher echelon decreu1Dc the total ill the battaliOil to 26
A Co., 823rd m BattaliOl'l, (799878), attache4 U9th IDt8l1tr,- lWg:laent
A Co CP at 0715 to '199878 aDd atter "'3 had __ sll&bt adjustaanta 1D petl1
tioDS at 2000 ...1 IlOYed. a section to 803844- PrGa their O't'ern.tchiDg potI1u.o.
A-J tired 16 romx18 JPC ad 26 1'011Dd8 D at an-., tanka and iDtantr,r. AD_..,.
tadt, beliend to be a IV or s.a-propelled gun, was bit, stopped and s.. to
smoke whlle its crew .. deet80.re4 b7 BL Another t.&Dk ... hit but _ it ... ill
the 1IOOd8 it ... iapcHldble to determine the .tent ot the damage. A 3l'4 ..
na tired upoJl with the beiDg UDkDowD. m tiriDg .... at dUtaDce8 of
between 29 aDd 33 huDdred 7arU. Unit OIoptured 1 PI.
B Co., 823rd m Battalion, (812996), attached l20th Intant17 Beia8llt
B-2, attached to division art.Ule17, rroa iDd1rect fire POSitiOlla, t1red )00
l'OWldII nomal &lid 450 roUDCUI lled1Ioed ch&IJe on 5
C Co., 823rd Tn Battalion, (811894), attached U7th Intaatr,r bc1aeat
At 121.5 0-1 put 1 section at 82(664, 8IlC1 the other section at 830862 1II1Ue at 21.25
1 section ot 0-2 aon4 to 831.S'78 "ere the,' att.-ptecl to trap a Geman ta.Dt.
Ron Co., 823rd !J) BattaUoDt (803973)
Lt CRIS! retU1"DlJd to dUt7 boa the hoepial.
25 JAlUARf 1945
823rd m Battalion, (804989), attached 30th IDt&Dt17 D.t:d.s1on
1 )1..10 was returned trca O1"dIIIIDce aDd ... au1pe4 to 1-3
A Co., 823rd 1'D Battalion, ('199878), attached 119tb IDt&Dt1'1' JeciaeDt
took up an ".-17 pcMIit.ion at 80J.S39, A.-3 lIacle s11gbt ac1Justaants in pos11i11M
aDd ..2 at 1900 closed at 80_39. Lt SPRmFIBLD, 1'1d.1.Dc 1D a 1/4 toll, that Idt
amiDe, suftered a brak_ left 1.. (aaputation ... requ1NCl1ateil) &DIll o1ih.
1DlCl.eteminecl iDJur1.. aDd ... eftCU&tecl ..... hU dr.lnr. 1he 1/4 taD.. .
ad oal7 lliDDte piec....... t01m4 atte:r a deta1led s.-reb
a verr large ar.. UD1t hacl 1 181.' .
B Co., _823ft mBatt&liOD, (8l.2996), att.med. l.2Oth IDturt1'7 Bepact
B-2, attached to 41T1aion art1l1817, tired 6 ccmcea.tratio. ot 423 1"01ZDd8 recmoed.
and 1 conceDtraUOD ot :n Z'O\1Dd8 D01'IIIl. Co l"8Ce1.,.ec1 1 11-10 retUl'DeQ t1'Oa
ordDance aDd it was ua1.gDe4 to B-3. .
C Co., 8231'd 1'1) Battalion, (8J.l894), attached 117'th Intant17 Reg1a8llt
"fectin 16 Jm 4', Lt MCIBIIS aDd Lt DmOSl were prc8O'ted. to the rank))f CaptaiD
and 1st Lt. capt MOlItlIS ... -trca C Co to Hq 00 where he Ncaae
Beadquartera Co ....t. tadt that 0-2 att_pted to tJ."aP succeeded in __
caping during the night and at l200 C-1too1t up au position at the 10 aP
. and C-J made slight adjustaents in poaition. . 0
25 JANUARY 1945 (OontiDued)
Ben Co., 823rd TD Battalion, (803973)
No change.
26 J ANUARr 1945
823rd 'I'D Ba.ttalion, (80/889), attached )Oth Infantry Division
No change.
A Co., 823rd 1'1) Battalion, ('799878), attached 119tb Inrantry Reg1lIent
"3 expended 11 rounds HE and AP in assault tire &Dd long distance harassing tire
&Dd deatro;yed 1 general. purpose vehicle. lJDit had 1 NaI.
B 00., 823rd 1']) Battalion, ( 6l.2996), attached l20th Int8Dtry Regiment
Atter being relieved troll attaohaent to division artiller.r at &Dd revert
ing to battalion and COIIp&D1' control, B-2 at 1430 took up an asa.bly poaitiou at
80,.. B-3 turned in 1 3- gun and half'-track, which were evacuated to ordDace
as a surplus weapon and vehicle. Unit had 1 EI.
C 00., 823rd m Battalion, (811894), attached 117th Intantry Regimant
No change.
Ben 00., 823rd TD Battalion, (8039'73)
No change.
'Z7 JANUARr 1945
823rd TD Battalion, (804989), attached 30th IDtaDt17 Div1aion
One group of' otticera aDd returned trom. PARIS puses.
A 00., 823rd m Battal1on, (799878), attached 119th Intantr,y BecDeot
No change.
B 00., 823rd TD Battalion, (6258.40)
)loving at 0900, B 00 at 1115 closed into an usaably position at BmAIB (625840)
at which time it reyerted to battalion control tor reor,lIDization, maintelUlDOe
and training. 1 B-2 11-10 denloped aechanical. trouble during the road aarab ADd
. became non-operation&l.
COo., 823rd TJ) Battalion, (811894), 0-3 attached 117th IDt8Dtry RePaeut
Upon release b;y the 117th IDtantr,r Ragment, 0-1 BDd 0-2 at 1EOO aoved to &8s-117
positions in lI'RAITlJRB (586862) closing at 1830 at which tiae th..,. revwrted to
battalion control.
Ben Co., 823rd 'I'D Batt&Uon, (6228.,39)
A.t 1500 Ron Co Jloved to an aas8lb17 position in BlJUD (6228)9) .ere th..,. c1011e4
at 1630.
28 JJJffJAR! 1945
823rd 'I'D Battalion, (62l.8)9), attached 30th Intutr,r Din-ion
At 1230 Bn rear cl08e4 into RlIlNB (61.285'7) &lid at 130' Bn CP closed iDto _IUD
(62l8)9). 1 11-10 .. enouatecJ. to ordDaDoe.
A. 00., 823rd TJ) Battalion,
A 00 movilJg at 10)0 1DIder the control ot 't'.U 119th Iatant17 Reg1aant, cloaecJ.
into BIHADf at 1930 at which time aDd plaoe the 00 reverted to batt&tiOil
B 00., 823rd 'I'D Batt&1.ion,
Unit conducted maiDteDADce and cle&Ding ot 11rlDg qaarten.
C Co., 823rd 'I'D Battalion, (585862) .
00 headquarte1'8 and 0-3 clOlle4 into FRAITUBI (585862) at 1300 ancl at that tiae
balance of unit reverted to battalion coDt1'ol. (
Ron Co., 823rd TJ) Battalion, (823839)
28 J ABUARr 1945 (CoDt1Jmed.)
Ben 00., 823rd TD Batt&1iOD, (823839)
Unit conducted aDd iaproyed the conditioDS ot their living quartaN.
Personnel ot 2nd. Ben 1.rt one ot their J eepe .tuck ill the .DOW while the,r went
tor their return toUDd the 1/4 ton .lone. A tho1lOUgh search tina117
toUDd the nhicle 1D the pose.ion ot the 84th Infantry
29 JANtJAH!' 1945
823rd TO Battalion, (62l.839), attached 30th IDtantry Division
In response to oar requ1IIltioa tor coabat 2M 1.8, b1gher headquarters sent aDOther
Capt., when capt GIBSOR JoiJlecl the lIDit. As there W88 no position vaoancy tor a
Capt, no assigJaent to 'f/O poaltion could be ginn 110 he -.s assigned to headquarter8
Co aDd declared surpl
A 00., 823rd !D Battalion, (623840)
Unit conductecl all t1P88 ot JI&1Dt8DllZ1ce and 1JJSpectecl equ1Jacmt. 'lb.... old a.
ret'1l1"Jl8cl to 11111t .. reiJat'oro._ta.
BOo., 823rd m Batt&l.ioD,
111-10 ot 8-1 b.... JUm-opcoatioDBl. because ot clutch hOWline taUure aDd UD1t
was sent to battalion a&lnt8D&DCe. All t7Pee ot aa1ateDallCe and inspection ot
equiIJllent was hald aDd conducted. UD1t hed 1 181
C Co.. 823rd TJ) Batt&Uon, (585862)
Uldt &1l 't1J*I or aaiJlt8DIDce 'ahd held inapect10aa. One elcl
aan retarned to dut7 and Lt KDBjIJ, rejoiDe4' the lDIit.
Rcn Co 823M !J) Battal.1oll (6238.39)
All UDit8 coDdacted aainteunce. '!'he pioneer platoon with the power driftD lIaw
azu:l cntt wood tor tue1 aDd dug p pits tor prbap.
:1J JABlJ.l1Il' 1945
82.31"4 'II) BattaUon, (62l.839), attached. 30th IDtaat1'1' D1v1a1on
One ottioer aDd , retl11'M4 troa PARIS p.,.s_. UDder near bllzsard coDdit10D11
&1.1 a1ta ooDductecl -.s.nt.anoe ot weapoDa, fthicles and persoanel. Unit had
1 RBI. .
A Co., 823rc1 TJ) BattaUon,
Ro chaDge. .
B Co., 823rd 'fJ) Battal1osa,
Unit had 1 BI aDd 1 EI
C Co., 823rd 1'1) Batt&11oD,
Uldt had 1 mI.
BcD Co., 82.3rcl 1'1) ..tt&1.1oa, (623839)
!he wood ...... project ... teapo1"lLr.ll.y diaoollt'au.e4 me the cold C81J8e4 the
__tuN to 00-'-. aDd the ca.preS8OZ' to c_se to tunction. Lt lUL'tER WHITE
Joined the bat1i&l.lon aDd was uldgnec1 to Bell .. enmati" Officer. Un1thacl1 EI.
31. JANUAllf 1945
82.3rd !J) Batt&Uon, (62l.839), attached 30th IDf'ant17 Division
After the 0014 aDd the Prerious dq the period .. noted tor a thaw and
considerable raiD. One otficer aDIl 3 .. lett OIl PABIS puaes. lien t'l'CB all UDite
attended a picture IIhow. Unit received 1 N1Dtoro_eat. t:;
II J:.NtJARf 1945 (ColltillUed.)
A Co., 8231"d m Ba'\1;&1.1OD, .
m t7P- ot -.:lDttmaDce were contiBaecl. 1 J.-1 11-10 as MDt to ordDance tor
aechazdca1 f&U....
B 10., 8231"d m BattaUoa, ( 6l,s.u,)
Lt JJPF:msoR ad a B-1 11-10 put on a lecture and c.WaoDBtration covering 11-10
characterisUu, aDd. iDtaDtr.r-tank-!J) cooperation tor the 2nd Bn, 120th
lDtaDt17 Reg!aent. 1 11_ 11-10 was rece1Yed &Del .... giT8n to B-2 as a replace
a.lt. ll&int-..ace... coat1 ggad.
o Co., 823rd m BattaUon, (,sSS&)
Unit continued aa1zrteaance. 2 11-10. were test tired with an a:panditure or 6
JIPtDda HE. WNsher t1riDc oa aac.h:Jne &1Id all ....u was _tartect.
Ben Co., 823rd m Batt&11oD, (fQ3839)
lIa1nteaance wu conti mw4.
Lt Cal .
omCI.&La . Au.
APO #339
. 1 February 45
8UBJE0T: Enemy Material Destroyed for Month of January,

31 DEC 44
31. 45
23 12
20 1
8 1
5 5
~ / ~ ~
Captain, Cavalry,
0l00<:a FlIBRUARI 1945
a82400 FJERUARY 1945
... ,t.

" 't' : j' ,i
t f .r:;"'''." r. 'r"
j *
I PLJDKa G_AIII, 16S'799
TID OlL200 lURCH 1945
)UpS. a.TRAL mBOPB, 1/100,000
GIIIIANI, 1/25,000
01 FJB 45
823rd 'I'D Bn. , (62l839), attached 30th Infantry Division
The 2 M-10s in ordnance and the one ot A Cos that was evacuated during the period,
were 1011t to the battalion. 1 M-10 was delivered to B-2 which brings the totl,I4-10.
for which the battalion is accountable to 24.
A Co., E23rd TD 3n., (623840)
a old lleD were ved as reintorcements. Uni t continued ll&intenance.
B Co., 823rd TD 3n. , (62S841)
Ma1nteD&DDe ot all ty?8S wsa conducted. '!'here was I NBI.
o Co., 823rd TD Bn. , (585862)
. Unit continued smill arm. ret.Neher t1ri!'1g and r;;a1ntenance. ), Mlt10 became. ncm-oper
.u.oDAl and was sent to batt&l.ion maintenance. There was 1 NBI. ,
Ren Co., 823rd TJ) Bn., (623839) .
T..t and practice l'iring qt un!ts T/mm guns were held, (;JJ rounds being expended.
Practioe firing was also held on German ritles, bazookas, hand grenades and morta1'll.
02 !f'iB 45
823rd m Bn., (62l839), attached 30th Infantry Din.ion
At 1030 Int' Div and 823rd TD Bn were relieved from aaeignment to the First U.S.
A:1:'Iq anei attachment to the mIl Corps (AB) and were to the Ninth U.S. J.rtq
being attach" to the nx Oorpa. After being alerted for a possible mo". to another
tactical. sector, unit spent the period preparing to move, cleaning. areas and waiting
for starting timea. Qucirtering parties left under Lt. FRANK at 1500.Af'ter all the
worlt _s ccapleted notice was received that movement would be by battalion rsther \.)
than b7 Combat Teams and that no move would "Je made by this org nization during the ,
period. Unit then unpacked, 'l'he 0 Co 14-10 wus evacuated-to ordnance. One group et "'.)
1 officer. ap.d lill returned f'rCIl PARIS pass.
A Co., '82Jrd TD Bn., (623840)
Preparations were completed for to n.. area.
" B Co., 'I'D En. , . .
"Some II-lOs wero t,-st fired and new gunners were tried with an ammunition expenditure
of 25 rounds HE. One 1/4 ton and 3 Dt were found to . e AIOL.
C Co., f,2JrC: 'I'D Bn., (585862) .
One 11-10 developed difficulties but ill repairable bY' battalion maintenace.
Preparations move were completed.
Ren Co-., 823rd m Bn., (623839)
lour 111 are A1)L. Preparation for JIIOVEIIlent was
0) FiB 45
823rd 'I'D Bn. , (8364J.8), attached 30th Infantry Division
At 0020 battalion CF and H aPs in BIHAIN and RmNE and under
Ci3 FIB as (Contd)
battalion control moved by motor Dta.reh through VIELSiUJ:., S'.l. ...Vl!1.OT, FRhNCORCHAJ&S,
VERVIERS, EUPm and AACHEi.1, where at 1420 battalion CP closed at 836.41$ and Head
quarters at 8.39455. One old PU was received as a reinf'orcement.
A Co., 82Jrd 'ID Bn., (8.3'7447)
Leaving their old location at 0900, unit at 1550 closed into an assaably area in the '
North outskirts of ....;.cEm (8'51447). One old man returned as a reinforcement. '
B Co., S2Jrd TD Bn. , (840450) ,
The lUlit at 0845 left their old location in BntiUN and moved by motor march to AACHEN
where at 18)0 tLe-J closed into an assembly area at 840450. All men as A7A)L
during the previous period together with at ton returned.
C Co., 82Jrd 'I'D Bn. , (836.4J.8)
At OOlS unit left its old location at FRaITURE and after moving by motor march to
AACHllN closed at 1600 into 8364J.8. One old man was "turned as a reinforcement.
Ren Co., 82Jrd 'I'D Bn., .
At 0000 unit .left its old assembly position in BIHAIN and at 1350 cl.osed into a new
assembly are:::. in .tiCHEN .All men listed as .Aa)L during the previous period
rej oined the unit.
04 FIB 45
823rd TD Bn., , (836448), attached 30th Infantry Division
One officer an4 5 lett on PARIS passel ill units conducted &11 types ot maintenanoe.
Protestant church services were held.
A. 00., 823rd TD Bn., (871447)
No change.
B Co., 823rd TD Bn. ,(840450)
No change.
C Co., 82.3rd Tn Bn. t (8364J.S)
No change. .
Ben Co., 'I'D Bn., (83541.8)
One,D was listed as AJIJL.
05 FIB 45
823rd TD Bn. , (8364J.8), attached 30th Infantry Division
Headquarters supervised Co maintenance. Showers WeM take in KCIHUImID. One otticer
and 5 .. returned .:'rom PARIS.
A. Co., 823rd TD Bn., (837447)
One BBl. Notice W23 received. that Sgt Boutte, wounded 22 NOT 44 , died ot WOUDiC1II
7 Dec 44.. .
B Co., 823rd TD Bn., (840450)
C Co., 823rd '1'J) Bn., (8364f.S)
No ohaDIe.
Ben 00., 823rd TD Bn. (8354/tS)
Special 1natructors from the l20th Int' Igt conducted a ol.eta- on the 8ba mortar.
Unit had 1 NBI.

I' .
06 FE 45
82)rd Tn Bn., (836448), attached 30th Infantry Didaion
One officer and a group of D! lef1J tor PARIS triP. Under Lt. FRAI &l.l un1t8 CODa.te4
a reconnaissance of a new assembly area. All units continued Ilainteuance IIDIl reate
A Co., TD En., (837447)
One NBI.
B Co., 82Jrd TIl Bn., (
Lt. PESAK and 1 114 were ............,.. _To. ,: r' -... ""1
'., "" H
, .....
-' - - r-- -
06 'm 45 ( Contd)
, >
C Co., s . .Jrd TD 3n., (836JJ.B)
No change.
Ren Co., e;]rd Tn Bn. (835448)
No change.

8:c.3m TD Bn., (83641tB), attached )Oth Infantry Division
All units continued maintenance and permanent quartering and t
t..he new ass-,bly area, DUBlSS (971499).
it. Co., 823rd 'm Bn., (817447)
2nd Lt ERNEST E. ZIrlCE joined the battalion and was assigned for duty to A Co.
B Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn. , (840450)
2nd Lt. Bobert YOUmBEBl/joined the battalion e.nd was assi6Ued for duty to .. Co.
C Co., 823m 'I'D Bn. , (836JJ.B) ,
2nd Lt H. GAY, JR, an off1eer f01'llerly with this unit in the States, but lost
before the POE was react.ad, because of a surplus of officers, joined unit and was
assigned to C Co. Unit had 1 NaI.
Ren Co., 8;';'3rd TD Bn. ,(835448)
One old EJ.r returned t.o un1t as a reinforcanent.
()3 FiB 45
823rd 'I'D Bn., (on the move), attached 30th Inf'ant1"1 Division
All continnod !lIaintenance, made preparations for the move to the new assembly
area and rested. Two members of the Dutch Army \mo had formerly been with this unit
as volunteers we::e attached to this Headquarters for duty, one being retained at batta
lion CP. Another officer and a group of D4 left of PARIS passes. Leaving at 2220, at
the close of the period the battalion CP was on the move to a new area
. A Co., 823rd TD Bn., (on the move), at1*led l19th Int Rgt.
On. Dutch boy rejoclned the unit as an official member of the Dutch Army attached to
Allied Organizations. LeaVing their old area at 2215 at the cloi3e of the perj.od unit
was on the roo,,-e to a new locaUon.
B Co., 823rd TD Bn., (on the move), attached l20th Inf' Rgt. _
13 rounds HB, time ruse, and 1 rounds slllOke were expended in test firing M-IOs and
conducting experiments with ammunition. Leaving the old area at 2250 the unit was on
the move to a new location at the close of the period.
C Co., B23rd 'I'D Bn. . (on the move)
At 2235 unit lett their old positions and at the end of tl!e period had not Closed into
a new location.
Ren Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn. ,(on the move)
At 2220 unit left its old location and at the olose of the period were still on the
move. Unit had 1 NBI.
09 nB 45
823rci TJ) Bn., (968499) attached. 30th Infantry Division
On the move at the close of the preceding period, battalion CP moved bY' blaokout motor
march through AACKEN, HAADN, VB.AUTEmEIDE, along the Ge1'll&l1 ..y through
ISaIwmBR to DUEraSS where at 0050 it cloaed at 068499. Arter a late reveille and
breaktut all units conducted. ma1nt.u.nc. and continued to walk on plans for future
operatioD8. One C-3 M-lO was evacuated to ordnance beea ot chanical failure
.A Co., 823rd Tn Bn., (96S499) attached 119th Int Bet
U.iDl the aame route aa battalion CP, .A. Co at 0015 olosed into a ooncealed 8sSEIIlbly
position in DumtISS (965499). One tank m.ch&D1c was reftiyed as a reinCorcement.
B Co., TD Bn., (9 Ret d- c1
Atter following the same , B Co, at 0110 closed into a
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
:3 45 ( Contd)
.lied asso.rnb:!.y position at DURJr.[SS (9fE494). One tank .doniC was Teveived as a
; Co., ll) In., (970495)
)0 writ closed into a concealed assembly position in DURWISS (97::495) using the
'oute 3.$ ',ott.alion CP. One tank mechanic was received as a reinforcement.
:en TD Bn., (9'71499)
the sane r01.;.te as battalion CP, Ren Co. at 0035 closed into a concealed assembly
on at LJU.:<:;iI.:;),3 (971499).
]. 45
.-3rd ':'D Bn., (9(499), attached 30th Infantry Division
!le postponement of tactical operations all units remained in position continuing
rest. Headquarters received 3 reinforcements.
Co., Bn., (965499) attached 119th In! Rgt
!.O broke down ,.'or mechanical reasons and' W::.s started through evacuation channels.
Co., 823rd TD Bn. , (9(f}494), attached 120th In! Rgt
Co., 823rd 7D Bn., (970495)
l. 1ge
.:n Co., 82Jrd 'I'D Bn. (971499)
.3rd TD Bn., (9(8499), attached 30th Infantry Division
ts remained under cover in their assembly areas. 9 new M-10s
-ad to their companies while 1 was sent to ordnance.
:Jroup Chaplain held Protestant Services.
'::;0., 823rd 'i'D Bn., (9B'1499), attached 119th Inf Rgt.
, were received bringing company total to 9.
Co., S... 3rd TD Bn., (9(f}494), attached 120th Inf Rgt
received. and
were received bringing the compe.n;y to full strength. Unit had 1 NBI.
;0., 8:3rd TD Bn., (971498)
were received bringing the company total to 8. Unit had 1 NBI.
1 Co., TD Bn. (9(f}498)
{TIS left for P.JUS to attend a 10 day E & A abbilla..
Jrd TD Bn., (96$499), attached JOtb Infantry Division
Up -.hority of VOOO 30th Inf Div am VOOO XIX Corps, dated 9 Feb 45, 117, this
he .,ters, d...:.ted 10 Feb 45, transferred. 22 surplus EM to the 8OJ..st 'I'D Bn. Unit had
ne gro,).p retUrned from PABlS passes. 743rd Tank Bn disp1qed one of their new

for training recognition purposes.
:0., 823rd _'D Bn., (967499), 119th Inr Bit
In firing A Co upended 18 rounds APC and 19 rounds HL Unit rece.:':..;y, :..
ad! al 14-10 the unit total. to 101 '
:J., 823rd TD Bn., (9(1:)49/J, attached l.2Oth Int' BIt
t fired a portion of ita n_ M-10s with an ,apeDd1tura ot 11 rounda aDd 1
,J. One man to dU't7 trcm tha hoapitaJ.. One old man rejoined the unit
tnf'orcement and Lt .mAIlS was received an an officer reinf'orcemant being assigned.
. .
)., 823rd TD Bn., (97l.498) .'.
un:: fired the new 14-10. 2 rotmda APC and 6 roundI HL ; " '!
Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn. (9(1:)498) ,
;ON ass_ad temporary the abaaDle or Capt CURTIS 0
1 C,- 1 returned as a .
'.13 nB 45
82..3rd 'I'D Bn., (9ffi499), tivision
At an honors for.ati..,71 General I1C:3!3S awarded 11 Silver Stars ;;.nd 35 Eronze;tJ.r3; Col
DB'l"l'MER in separate formatjons presented Pres:identii..l.l ? attle Gitaticn Certificates and
ribbons to the EM of k and B Co and in later formations commanders
presented the balCl.:.:lce of their units, to include the 2nd and. 3rd Jen platoons, with their
Citation Certificutes and debona. 4 1i tons, 4 half-tracks, 4 towed 3" ;ll..,"S and 2 1',:-20s
were tUrnM in to ordnance as surplus equitneI1t. 2 2! tons were received. 1 group ret- .
urfiad fran FARIS passes. .3 EM were trans to 801st TD Bn making a total of 25.
Co., 82.3rd TD Bn., (t67499), attached l19tl: In! Rgt
<"13 rounds HE were expended in test firing now f,:-10s. One old man ,,:is received as a
B Co.-, 82.3rd TDBn., (9fE494), attached l20th In! Rgt
Unit expended 44 rounds HE test firing new M-lCle. There was 1 mI.
o Co., 823rd TD Bn. , (m498) ,
'iI!!J rounds HE expeoded test fi-ring new M-lcs. 3 old men were received as
Ben Co., 82:rd TD Bn. (<J(jJ498)
2 old men were race!ved as reinforcements.
14 FIB 45
82.3rd 'I'D Bn., (968499), attached 30th Infantry Division
All units continued maintenance of aU types or rested. The rear echelon enjoyed a mon.
2 lett of P.aRIS passes
.A. Co., 823tr.d 'I'D Bn., (96'1499), attached l19th lnf Rgt
No change. .
B Co., S23rd TD Bn., (9(fJ494), attached l20th lot Rgt
S/Sgt RICHABIIS r&ceived a battle field commission to 2nd Lt. Unit had 1 NBl and 1 man
returned from hospital to duty.
" C Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn., (971498)
s Sgt RBVI& received a battle field commission to 2nd Lt.
Ben. Co. , 823rd TV Bn. 96949S)
2nd Ron and Dn 00 test fired their M-8s with an ammunition expenditure of 49 rounds.
Unit had 1 NBI.
15 FE 45
823rd TD Bn., (9ffi499), attached 30th Infantry Division
All units continued maintenance and rest and minor training. 1 M-IO was received.
A Co.,. 823rd TD Bn., (967499), attached 119th'lot R,;,--t
3 old men returned as reinforcements.
B Co., 823rd TD Bn., (9(fJ49JJ, attached 120th tnt" Rgt
1 old man returned as. a reinforcement. it. member of tle Dutoh A:rrrIy, ronnerly with this
unit as a voiunteer, returned to duty as an orficial member of the Dutch Arrrr1 attached
to Allied Forces.
C Co., 823rd TD Bno', (m498)
No change.
Ben Co., 823rd TD Bn. , (9(fJ498)
1 old man returned as a reinforcement.
16 FIB 45
. 823rd 'I'D Bn., (9ES499) , attached 30th Int"ant17 Div18ion
During the period unit received 1 1&-32 reCOTel"Y' vehicle which will remain with the batt
alion maintenance until such t:1me 88 one 18 available for usigDllent to each gun Co. All
unit. continued maintenance and reet.
A 00., 823 _d TD Bn., (967 Bit 3I
, .
- FliB 45 (Contd)

-: A 00., 823rd TD Bn. , ( , attached 119th In! Ret ;.;':'-"; _.. It . ' ..
1 old man returned as a reinforcement and 2 men received light wounds from friendly
ricochet fire. Unit received 11th L;-lO, turning in a 3" gun.
S Co., 823rd TD Bn. , (91J1491J, attached l20th In!" Rgt
Unit had 2 NBI and :-eceived 1 old man as a reinforcement.
C Co., 8:2.3rd TD Bn., (9'71498)
Unit received 1 oldman as a rejnforcement.
Ren- Co., 8.]ro 'I'D Bn. ,(9($498) ,
1 m with Ul1 old aattle injury, returned to the hospital for t.brther treatment.

17 FFB 45
823rd TD Bn., (968499), attached 30th Infantry Division
Under battalion supervision a thDDOugh weapons inspection was conducted. DuriDg the pez
iod a Clubmobile and a movie were enjoyed by the unit. 2BI lett for PARIS and. one group
returned from that city. One 2f ton truck went to ordnaIloe for repair.
A Co., 823rd TD Bn. . (9tf1499), attachecl 119th In:f' Rgt .
An Ai, lost at ii.ORTiUN, returned as a reinf'ore_eM.
B Co., 8;.3rd TD Bn., (9&:1494), attached l.2oth lIlt Rgt .J
1 old man returned as a reinforcement.
o Co., 823rd 7D Bn., (971498)
A.t 16.)0, C Co ma, 0-1 and 0-2 euteredon a S8COndarT mission at 9B539, 990540 aDI
all under battalion control. Unit had 1 lEI and 2 old men returned as reiD
RfD Co., 8;:3rd TD Bn. (949498)
No change. ..
18 FIB 45
823rd TD Bn., (968499), attached 30th Infantry Division
Protestant C2lurch' services were held by Chaplain BORRIOBFT. A Nl.... trca ..",. ot t,b.
UJdts 2nd M-32 recovery vehicle .. reoelvoed and deJ.iver;y is .oon. All v.nt
laid the foundation for a training program and the opening }ilaa- "... .nartecl.
A 00., 823rd 'I'D Bn., (9(fl499), attached 119th Int Bet
A test was conducted to determine whether or not an Alligator can o&rl7' a towe4 ,. gaD.
1be &D81rer is
B Co., 823rd TD Bn. , (9eJ494), attached 120th lnt Bgt
Unit test fired all bazookas and did a little training with ritle greaadee. UpoD .
receipt ot orders .tor the unit to JIlOV6 into aecondar;y Ilia.ion, reooaDai.8UlC." ..,..
leted and firing positions located.
C Co., S23rd 'I'D Bn., (m494)
Period was spent completfDg posltioDS and attsptiDg to repater. J.ooJmA1allUlOe .... ;0"
completed for an indirect position for 0-3. 0-1 and 0-2 during the per104 f1n4 '00..... '
ntr&ti0D8 for a totaJ. ot 100 roUDdll lIB NolMl. .
Ben 00., 823rd 'I'D Bn .
No elwJge. capt 0UJr1'IS returaed trca P.A1tIS
19 FIB 45
823rd TD Bn., (968499), att8.ched 30th Inf'8Ilt17 D1Y1a1ola
In a starf' and ComI?l'ZV reshutfle, Major LQISB was transterrad to 2D4 m Cap\'
CURTIS became battallon 8-.), C&pt.IICINNIS &sSUIIled COIIIl&nd of Bcn Co aDd Capt GD80Jr 18
the coanancier ot Headquartel'8 Co. 4 11-10. were received along with ODe lit 'toll 'baak. .
A Co., 823rd 'I'D BIl., (967499), attaahed 119th Int Bat
and maintenance coapr1ae
'Dle 12th 11-10 ..
tvdr:.. 0.
.' !ii, ,I' . ,
.. t " .. .,,;, . i
1CJ FEB 45 (Contd)
B Co., 8;;:3rd 'I'D Bn., (993492) attached l20th II''.f Rgt
Unit oooupied indirect fire positions and fired 3 concentrations for a total of 127
rounds HE normal. One 1.1-10 was sent to maintenance for repair.
C Co., TD Bn., (971498),
Uni t continued 3econdary mission firing VO rounds on 2 concentrations.
Ren Co., 8: Y'd TI) Bn. ,(9E9498) .
Pioneer platoon in preparing B Ca.ma", positions and roads to their positions.
1 AnOL returned to cuty. I
20 Fm 45
823rd 'I'D Bn., (968499), attached 30th Infa1ltr,y Division
One officer and 2 at left for PARIS pass and a group of EM left for VALKEIDURG rest
caap. One 1.1-10 received going to C Co. .All units saw train:i.ng film "lour Job in
German;yll. Major LOH3E left the battalion for his new position with 2nd 'I'D Group while
Capt CU"R!IS assumed responsibilities or battalion 8-.3. Nine ammunition trailers were
,received. Unit had 1 NBI.
A Co., 8:.Jrd Bn., (967499), attached 119th Int Rgt
One M-IO was sent to battalion maintenance hectiuse of mechanical failure. 2 old men
returned to dut,y from hospital.
B Co., 82Jrd TD Bn., (99.349;), attached l20th Inf Rgt
208 rounds of HE nonnal were expended on 5 concentrations. Work was continued on route
bf 9greas from firing positions
. C Co., 8;::Jrd TD Bn., (971498)
Unit received 1 It!-lO during the period. making a total or 9. 200 rounds HE normal were
fired on 5 concentrations.
Ren Co., 82.3rd TD Bn. ,(969498)
Hen Co continued trainbg schedule with pioneer platoon assisting B Co in road constr
21 FEB 45
82.3rd TD Bn., (969499), attached 10th Infantry Division
After .32 months ove seas private PITINO finally made the and was sent to the U.S.
on furlough. 2 quarter tons and one .3' run were turned in to ordnance as excess ....u1p..
mente One M-lO returned from ordnance going to A Co. '
A Co., 8;:.3rd TD Bn., (967499), attached 119th In! Rgt
Unit continued tralni g with high light being an M-Z4 tank on display for
instruction identi'ication purposes. s/Sgt GARDNER was the proud recipient of a
battlefield commission to 2nd Lt. Unit had 2 tl3I.
B Co., 8;":.3rd 'I'D Bn., (99.3492), attached 120th Int Rgt
B Co continued mission firing 454 roundS HE normal on 7 conoentrations.
C Co., 8/.3rd TD Bn., (97l498) ..
Unit received 3 M-lOs bringing their total to 12. Contirmed second<:iry mission firing
4.3.3 rounds HE normal. on 6 concentrations.
Ren Co., 8;::.3rd TD Bn.
1st Lte BRlJroN, PFAi<7 and RANAY, acting as forward observers for the 702nd Tn Bn.,
attended a briefing .easion at battalion Of of the 702nd 'I'D Bn. Unit had 1 NBI
22 FIB 45
823rd 'I'D Bn. ,(968499), atta6ed .3Oth Infantry Division
'lbe recovery vehicle 11-32 was given to B Co to help th_ of position when necessq;y.
'lbe T-2 recover,y vehicle is st.a.tioned at battalion CP reaq for use. 1 a! returned to
duty from hoapital. :"
A Co., 823rd TD Bn., 1 Inf Rgt .. - -
22 F,l!B 45 (Contd)
A Co., TD Bn., (967499),.attached 119th Inf Rgt
Tr&1ning was continued in prepaJ.1ation for coming events. TJr.:!.t transferred 9 E.14to Rcn Co.
B Co., 8:c..3rd TD Bn., (99.3492), attached l:2oth Inf Rgt
Continued secondary mission firing 200 rounds HE normal on 7 concentrations.
C Co 827rd 'I'D Bn., (9'7l498)
ContiIJled secondary mission firing 200 rounds HE normal on :2 concentrations. One old
man was 'received as a reinforcement. Unit had 1 BI.
Ren Co., 82.3rd 'I'D Bn. , (9t9498) "
Ren platoon leaders left at 1600 to perform duties as forward observers for the 702nd
'I'D Bn. JJnit continued trainii"..g and maintenance program, received 9 from A Co and
1 returned to duty from hospital.
2.3 Fm 45
82.3rd 'I'D Bn., (9(9499), attached 30th Infantry Division
5 l!M made the long journey to ES:ILAIID to enjoy a 7 days pus. One officer and 2 l!M
lett for PARIS pass. 4 JII guns, 1 1iton, .3 M-.3 halt-tracks and 5 one ton trailers
were turned in to ordnance as excess Bear echelon moved to DUBIISS
closing at 1700. .
A 00., 82.3rd 'I'D Bn., (9f:J7499), attached 119th Int Rgt
Unit spent period on maintenance making preparations for cor:tng operations. One 11-10
was out of action with broken radiator bJtt was repaired by battalion maintenance
00., 82.3rd TD Bn. (993493), attached 120th Int Rgt;
Unit continued secondary mission firing Yl44 rounds HE normal on 17 concentratiom.
At 1700 platoons noved from firing positions into assembly positions at Co CP after
being relieved of secondary mission. Unit had 1 BI and 1 NBI. One M-10 became non
operational for lack of an handle bushing.
COo., 8Z)rd TD Bn., (971498) .
Unit contiuued secondary mission firing 33&:J rounds HE nomal on 1.2 concentrations. Orders
were received tllmrugh 2nd TD Group that no more shell8 HE normal would be on
secondary missions. ThiS lett 19l:B rounds on hand and pemission was obtained by Division
Artillery to U;Je this &mmU:dtion. , . ,
Bcn Co., 82.3rd 'I'D BD.,(99498)
Ben platoon leaders contiuu8d to .,rlc as observers for the 702nd TD Bn. Unit set up a
torward aP at PIER (06251.9) . RaD&
nder of Ben platoons movaci with the Fwd CP closing at
1500. 1 . returned duty from the hospital. .
823rd 'I'D BD., (9l:B499), attached ,3Otb Infant17 DiviBion
. .
A 00., 82:rd TD Bu., (065553), attaahed ll9th Int Bit
. Unit moved out of assembly poSition at 22.30 and crossad bridge at OU5. ......._ ....
'!'he moves for the period are. 1Pwd CP to 065553 clC?,8ed 0215, *wed again to 10.3561. .closed
1225, -'-I to closed 0215, -'-2 to c::n35'>i closed 0200 then moved to 09.3565 closing
at 0500, -'-3 to 055555 clo.ed 0220, moved to 10'15'72, closing time !lQt received. CP to
065553 closed 1625. At the Oloae ot the period A Co units were in the follOwing positiomu
tw tAr-1 both closed 2130, .1-2 tmS86 closed 1930, .......3 095S96, t"3 .
109'H7 closing at 2030. 1 .. IU. .
B Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn., . (993492), attached 120tb lilt' Bit '.
Unit moved .from aaaembly area between 0300 and 0400. Fwd (]P, B-1 aDd B-2 closed at C1130
in the tollowing locatiomu .C778538, aDd. anSJ.8. B-3 cloMcl at 0800 !uto
B-1 made one add!tionaJ. move during the period to 106545 cl.081Dg at 1340. One M-10 non
operational at beginning 'of the period returned to the UDit .Q 0220. At 1600 B-1 upended
12 roUDda HE from positioD8 in accounting tor 1 p1llbos, 2 III Dests am 2 2Cbm
. guDII. _ , f ,jo
24 !'lIB 45 (Contd)
C Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn., (971498, attached 117th In! Rgt
ceo len indirect firing positions with 2 r,:-IOs non-operationBJ... They Y;Gre repaired by
bat't;fllon maintenance and returned to action at 1400, after which one developed mec.'1ani
aaJ. trouble, and at close ot period was still in process ot repair at company ma:.!lt.
Moves tor the period are as toliowsl Fwd CP fY74540 closed at 1700, C-I and G-2 100550
closed 0900; 0-1 and G-2 moved to assembly positions at 115570 closed 1800; G-3 093566
closed 0900 then ;noved to assembly position at 1(17570, closed 1800. 888 rounds HE
were tired on 4 conbentrations on secondary mission. 4 PWs were taken by C Co. Unit
was attached to 117th Int Rgt at 1200. .
Ren Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn., (9 f)498)
Ren platoon leaders were relieved of duties with 702nd 'I'D Bn. at 1000. Platoon moves
and closing times are as follows. &-1 092565 closed 1430; R.-2 fY76538 1400
and IP3 105549 closed 1400. Unit had one It ton truck hit by a light tank and as a
reeult evacuated to ordnance for repairs. Pioneer platoon moved to Fwd CP location.
823rd TD Bn. , (968499), attac ed 30th Infantry DiVision
Bn Fwd (:J1! was set up in NIIDERZIER (104551) closing at 1100. Capt TtNDALL was placed
on DB 12th Army. Group. 1 old man was received as a reinforcement.
A Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn., (065553), attached ll9th In! Rgt
"3 started units period by catching a column of Jerry infantry on the road 500 yards
ot th., shooting 125 rounds ot HE into them. '!bey were given credit for killing 102. I
At 1115 3 fired 15 rounds IB and 2000 rounds 50 cal. on LICH (130630). A- 3 also has I
,1 Ge1'lll8Zl i ton to their credit. A-1, enroute to present position at 1116li, dest1"O)"8d I
1 Uk VI tank and 1 AT gun, expending 5 rounds HE and 6 rounds AP. .Unit closed at 20)0.
" ..2 llade one long move to 106638 closing at 2120. Unit received 3 reinforcements durinc
B Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn., (993492), attached 120th Int Rgt
Unit forward Of moved to 092563 closing at 1230. Release was obtained from 120th'Int
at 155' to move their guns to an assElDb1y area. Due to congestion ot roads no moves were
made by the platoons.
C 00-., 82?rd Tn Bn., (fY74540), attached II7th Int Rgt
0-.3 started units period oft with a bang taking enemy armor under fire for a position at
1135'77, accounting for 2 Ik IV tanks. Unit fired 4 rounds Ai and 2 rounds HVAP in thia
i'1re tight. G-1 was moved to 115521 closing there at 2000. One sec!tion of G-1 moved to
126m closing there at 1200, they 1ator moved to 126559 closing at 2220. Unit CP
18 located at rn4540 clOSing at 1600. A forward CP moved to 1055J.8 &losing at 1030.
One reinforcement was received. 2 14-108 ot G-3 were damaged due to enarq action, 1
destro,yed and one slightly damaged and still in action, a replacement is expected within
24 hoUl'll. '
len Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn., (062519)
CP moved to 062519 closing at 1400, at which time the Fwd CP moved to 1365.39, cl08_
there at 1640. made very thorough toot reconnaissance tor l'QUt and positions tor
0-1. '!hey also located 1 Emeary tank at but were un&ne to bring a gun into
position to tire on it. Unit received 1 re!ntorccEmt.
26 reb. 4S
823rd TI) Bn., (968499) attached 30th IDf' Div.
Fwd (JI JDOved to LICE (122606) closing at 1230. Unit sent 2 .. to pms on pus.
Pwd (]I W&8' roused to action at OSOO by the guard8 cry ot -naP. .Atter an interesting
h&1.t IIbour of scientitic tire fighting, emp10Jing aD axe &D4 our entire supply ot Water
the talm. were brought under savine WJ the ot staDd
" out in the r&iDe
.l Co., 82.3rd TD Bn., (10 Jgt 35'
'. .' ': . : , >,
26 FI!B 45 (Contd) .,
u '( . "'!
." HI -. .. _
A Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn., (105633), attached ll9th In! Rgt. .
4 PWs were captured by unit and turned over to PW .c:ort. Unit CP moved to 105633 cloai
ng at 1750. Fwd CP located at closed at 1100. Platoon moves were all as
tMiows. 1 section to 11161.1, closing at 0200; A-3 to 111632, closing at 20)0.
B Co., 823rd TD Bn., (107633), attached 120th Int- Bgt
B-1 and B-2 moved to 129609, closing there at 1345, the;y moved together again to .
104635, assembling in preparation to support their UD1t at 1800. B-2 at close of period
was on t e move to HALRAm. B-3 moved to 123!J98 clOSing at llOOm they later moved to
an assembly position with 1st and 2nd 'p1atoons at 104635 closing at 2030. Units rear
and Fwd Ci' are t08ehter at 10'7622 closing at 1245.
COo., 823rd TD Bn., (07 4540), attached 117th IaI Bgt
Fwd CP moved to STEINSTRAB (119597) closing at 1200. e-l moved to 133628 clOSing at
1245. c-3 cloEled at 1000 into 128627. Moving frca 128628 into which the;y clo8ed. at
1645, G-2 was on the move at close of period. Unit haa 3 non-operational M-11e, 0..
clutch is out; one suspension hit by direct fire yeeterd&T,. broke on Dlove todq; and
one hit on sight mount on turret dAlmaging sight, 8ight IlOUJlt aDd'gun. 0-1 18 short
the 11-10 with broken suspension while 0-3 is the 'other two.
Ren Co., 823rd TD Bn. ,('076539)
Ben Fwd CP made 2 moves during the period, moving first to LICE (122506) clOlling there
at 1145, the second move was to 104634 where the;y closed U 1830. 1st platoon 1.a.z.,
atter proving himself a DOn-expert on the 14-1 rine, b;y tiring 4 1'OUIlds at a
soldier, gave up in diagust and walked up and captured hia.
823rd TD Bn., (104634>, attached 30th Infantry Division
Fwd CP moved to I()IDINGPN (104634) closing at liDO. Bn aaintenance toll0we4.a1o.
behind, closcing in the same area at 1245. 1 motorcycle returned, 1 11-10 sent to
ordnance. Unit had one old man retum from hospital.
A Co" 823rd 'I'D Bn., (1056.33), atuched 119th Int Bgt
Fwd CP moved to'KIBaIHBBRTBN (124ESS) closing' at l..4OO. ..1 was take under t1ft b.r I
a German 88 just as they were entering XONIGSHOBIN (14'7719) 10eiDI 211-10. aa a
1 burned and 1 was shot through the turret aDd the reoo1l aeohNrla ot the pa ..
daaoliahed. 1he section of A-l 18 located at lSO'll.9 pnparecl to ... as!
during the night. A-2 moved into GNIGSlOBliJi (147'7l9) cloa1Dc at 1930. j,.;J.t1N4
.n :rounds HB and 6 1'OUDCI8 AP aasault tire with ODe sectioa belItc 100ated at
closing at 1300 ADd the otber seotion1ocated. at 15C7719 ...... 1 UI.
aDd 1 ]14 previousl..7 reported as WIA now changed to DOW. Lt It. 'N SID w:u.. . ,
B 00., 823rd TD Bn., (121673), attached 120th Int Bat
B Co cp. T.loved to GBOTTEWERlH (121673) closing at 0900. B-1 moved to l2/J!14 al-bc
at (1100, to 123EB2 closing at 0900, to GARzioJEILER (126749) cloa1ne at 1800. B-1
managed to collect 100 Plfo which the;y turned over to the 120th Int, kliiock out 2 II) .
Deats and destroy 1 Mk V taJlk in the town the;, now oCcupJ'. B-2 1D1;o sam .,''''
as they we're entering HALlWB (105661.) which destro,yed 2 11-10. that are now 1D batt
, alion ilaintena."lce, '*97 are apeoted back within 24 houre.1he r.a1ni11g seCtion
moved with the attack closing 1ilto 130049 at 1800. B-3 IIOVed to 1ll(fl.3 o1081D& a' 0930.
Jilov1ng with the attack, they closed into at 1800 atter losing 1 )1-10 on the ,.,
outskirts of town and collecting one enEIIIJ OP. B-1 aDd B-3 t1recl 40 ro1lD&l D aJ.0III .: ..
with sane 30 and 50 cal. Unit had 3 BI and 1 old man "turnecl to chrt7.
C 823M m Bn., (004540), attached 117th Int.
0-1 moved to ( 11.86,36) cl08in8 at 0700. 0-2 moved to 1.3)661. clDehw at"
0900. C-3 received 2 11-108 rep&1red by battalion leaviJc th_ 1 pIl .-n.
Ben Co., e23rd 11) Bn., (10463Q .' .
hd CoP to 124lS6 closing a.t l2.30. Co t::I took 0ft1" theoJ.cl .JWd lOG&Ucm !D "
Jl)Dlmg (10463JJ cloeiDg at, active uti. route reooa
--for their .re8PMUft L ._
attached 30tJl Inrantry
(. '" '; " )'".. @:-, .- "'-'",\-',
It;31 ":2: m Bn.,
Hq Co CP !!loved to amINlBN (104634) closing at 20)0. Unit received 2 M-IOs from
ordnance., 1 new and 1 that had been sent back tor repair, 1 3/4 tOn -'0, authorized
to the section .. a w1re..... At close ot period capt GIBSON
took over Lt SlILLJ:rs Job tllllPOr&r1l7 in order that he could attend a 3 school .
'. at the 29th TJUl at UAASTBIaiT. Unit received 1 old IlaD U a reintorcement.
. Co., 82.3rd 1'0 Bn., (105633), attached 119th Int Bgt
A Co. J'wd CP moved to ltOlaGStOVJ:N (149719) closing there at 1430. A-1 moved to
1,a'7l4 closiDg at 0330. ... ot A-3 moved to 156'7l8 clo.ing at 01l6, the other halt
moved to 1JJ!!l24 closiDi at 272300. A Co captured 3 ns and at the end of the period
hacl r2 operat1oDll II-lOa. Unit had 1 E1 and receiftd 3 old men a.s reinforcements.
B Co., 823rcl m BD., (132'71tS) attachecl120th IDt Rgt
B- Co f1' movecl to GAIWiI (l327J.SS closing there at (800. One section B-3 moved
to lS87Sl cieatro;riDc 1 Get'UD halt-track DeAr that. position, 4 rounds HE were
...... &lid UD1t closed at (815. At cd ot period wdt had 11 operatioll&l. M-10s
Ddt receiTe4 2 old as reintorc.ents.
C Co., 823rd'I'D BD., (133628), attachecl117th 1nt Bet .
CP closed with lid CP at 133628, at 1000. ... 0-1 moved to 158655, taking .up
f1r1Dc pos1tioDS at 1530. At close ,ot period unit had 12 operational. M-10s. 3
014 aen wre reoe1TeCl as reinforcements.
ReD Co., 823rd 'l'J) Bn., (124686)
1!le :rear Cp joined the lwd CP in KIBammDN (124f;16) closing at 1600. R-1 il
10aatedat 149718 cloe1Dg- there at 1225. B-2 at 132746, closing at 1135. B-3
u. at 198'7l8 cloa1DrtheN at 1500.
-- ,
.. ; ;:"tJ.!AFF-.. + .; "'*".....4"'...",(. 114'M
",,,, .
.b.FTER BA'l'TLt.: :W'OItT
tI). X
FOOM. 0l0ClD. 1945
'ro I 312400 ILill.CH 1945
UJ'[T I 823d TAlK DiliTFCYBil DA'I'T.l.LIO:7
PLACE, .352392
TD/!E I 031200 1945
MAPS: IDOOPE, 1/100,000
GBAItl, 1/25,000
01 MAR 45
82.3rd TO Bn., (1046.34), 30th In: Div
Capt HALL returned from PiJUS pass and 2. at left for that city. Lt S'111LLE:l left for
MAASTRICHT to attend a .3 day school at the ;''9th
A CompaIV, 823rd TD Bn., (105633), attached 119th In! Rgt
At 0330 .Ar-3 had an 1.:-10 hit by a round of enenrJ artillery c3timuted to be 170. The
.xP1osion c<.:..v.:;d i:1 t:,c am.or on the right si<ie of the 'i'D, setting fire to and completely
destroying it. Unit h.:l.d 1 B1 and 1 1\1131 for the period.
B CompaIV, I'D Bne, (178745), attached 120th rnf :Rgt
, At 11)0 B-3 fired 50 rounds HE into :}US'roRF, UBing suspectcu. OPs a.nd enemy mortar posi
tions as B-1 moved to 178744 closing at 1530. B-2 and B-,3 mo-,Tec1 to
and 17C745 r:]spectively, closing at 14)0 <lnd 1400. k.t 1720 the Co CP movJto
GUS'roRF (178746). During the poriod unit captured 2 PWs.
C Comparv, S23rcl TD Bn., attached1l7th In! Rgt .
At 0630 0-2 c'hled in BLEdICH:r from they took up position.3 at 17857;:,
and 18,3666 clod at 1100.
. Ron Compazv, 82.3rd TD En., (12468 6)
2nd Ren platoon with B Co CP to 178746 where the-.{ closed at 1720.
02 liAR 45

823rd I'D Dn., (132'7.48), attach.ed 30th Inf Div .
Bn CP moved to (13271;8) closing at <J355. Recov li.-.32 was reccl and se:rV->
to C Co.
a Comparv, C23r,- l'D 3n., (1177OJ)
A Co CP moved to i . J:1::0R.:; (1177Oj) 1825. :'1as reIe<..sed !:rom
to 119th Inf Rgt upon physicul relief by 20lst TD ;jn. The ;"'wcl CP mov,d to 1GG8OJ..
closing there tit 19.30. A-I, A-2 and Ji.- 3 moved to 166799
17,3eOO, and 17U!.Cf7 closLlg
at 1845, 2000 and 1800. E..'1tire unit, under b.,t'c,:.u.ion co'":tl'ol, 13 pr'3parc\l nove on
a moments notice :'0 reinforce ..l.CIy stJctor ",',:' t!.i:. c.i-,is:! 0'1 zone.
B B2Jrd TD Bn., (178746), attacr.ed 120th lnf Rgt
B-1 !'!:sde the only !Jove3 the period, closing i:-::'o H:ElJ:ERDEli (200812) at 12CC, C4nd
i'rom there to 178744 where they clos&<1 at 22.30.
. C Compartr , 823rd 'I'D I;n., (199813), 117th In! Rgt
The Fwd OF closed into I:ZJ:ERDE:>1 (199813) at 1500, followed by the rer.lo!under ot:
OF which closed :1ntc the same at 1915. During. 'filw of the poriod
0-3 aovecr.to 174(-6 whera they closed at 0015, a. later move took to 203814, clos
ing time \Vas 2030. The close 0 the period found C-l and 0-2 still 'on the move. Unit
captured 1 duril1[; 7.l-.o peri iJnit received a lceo" Yeh, }.!-.32.

. I
...:.. ------. .:.. --- ---- -- ------ ----.
. ,'-, ....
02 lIAR 45 (Contd)
Bcn QampalV, 823m m Bn., (124!e6) .
2nd Ren platoon set up an OP in BMlBRDBN in support or B-1. All the lllatoons
aoved with their ro3pectlve cc.paD1aa. 1st Ben 1& making thorough route reconnaissance
tor A Co. into the 117th aDd 120tb BegiJDental sectors. '
03 1Wl. 4S
82Jrd, 'I'D Bn., (166'799), attaahed 30th :I}lt))iv .
Battalion f1' moved to GDIW.B (16(Qi99) at 0945.. .
A eompaxvI 82Jrd, m Bu., (18l?91), attached 117th lilt Rgt
At 1203, upon Div order, UD1t reverted trca BD oontrol. to atteGh-nt to- U 7th Int Bgt.
natooDil moved to the rol1ow11tg l00atioDil where the.r closed at 1400. .A.-1 1998l2, J..2
22lS16. ..2 macle a lil1&ht adJuatlleirt later aDd closed at 2120 into 23!tS23.
B Ocaparv, 823rd m Ba., attached 120th IDf' BIt
! . !b change. . .
C Cc:apalV,' 823m m Bn., U98m), attached 117th Inf Bgt . . :1
Co CP aoved to B1i1IIOR:JKtl (lCJ8?9l) cloa1Dg at ano. o-l.ovedto 22lt814 where th..,
closed at 0230. t or 0-2,o1oeed into 247838; the oth8lt M:lt into 2YJ8Z1, both clos1.!lg
.q at 2230, the latter section moved. ap1n cloeiDg 1DtO at 10)0. Un!t had 1 11-10
.,DoopG&UoDll during part of the period, but Co returned it to the
11M. at aloe. or period. 0-2 4 ,. the periOd.
. leD 0aII.pa.qr., 823rd 'l'J) Bn., 1989l.0) . '"
Co... IIOY84 to JI1IR1IIIISN (198910 where al__ at 1045-
, ,.. "':':".' ,;
. ' . ,
;;.. :
i .". '.
r.t. I

'. ".1
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
/ ,
823rd TD (J (6709), attached 30th j:iv (C:ohtd)
W"-S lost -J:.lt:,:Jo:U_o:: aJ_Gl'tr:03S of ...:O:;!9 'l'he truck, cO!1tahling
C Co' 6 L,as,' c loa of ar..:m'1i tion, t.:eCB...1,e stuck in the mud, and du:-:l_ngthe absence of the Ii
driv-r, sor:-Ie/ro:lo recoveree it. a V8IJT good UOO sLow wnjo;ed oy the battulion
CD., '.i'D In., (1E791), attached 117th Inf Bgt.
A Co cla:L..,s 0':e ;.:1 V Tank, knocked out at 147712, dlh the 27th day of Feb. U'lit continued
r.:uintelun- e anc:. 1 lIDI for :,he period.
B Co., '2Jrd (178746)
Unit cor,tilmed- aintenance ;.lnd had tiMe out :.'or much needeL rest ""nd reorganization.
G Co., ':..'1) .:...n. , (199312), attached 117th Inf Rgt.
Co!1ti!1uation of.aintena_'lce program \l:..l.S the activity "'or the pE.riod. Ldt had one NEI
' Cl....
"l,) '. (lc8010)
./ :'jO _, {.. . .!1. , /
r,it had (."le the )eriod.
06 r:arch 1+5
'j) 2'., (1667<)9), e I. tacb.::-d 30t.h I nf Div.
U-it was re
.! e'"eo rnr; attachment to XIX ;orps and 2nd TD Group and attached to XVI Corps 1
and ., :Jond C Cos re'verted to control relieved l"rOr1 attachment
to 117th In,:: :::t. C'ompleted ;lovemant to a new area during the following pel'
iod. 2 a: lofi-,-'or rass and :2 a; left for pa3S to BRUS:i!U.S. One ;1:-10 was
evaCllatEKi. to Oru.li.<;Ce '-illd the "1.100r'11e88" T-2, which 1-136 been with battt..lion ::l:iintenance
.wus- also eVcl.cuatcd. .111 u:1its contirrued maintenance and a and ',ve.::.:pons 5_-lSpect::ion was
held unJ.er L:10 ('.1' battalion headq11 arters.
A,. Go., (: ,-31'c '1., (168791)
Capt ovuc11.ateu us' a ,151 'oecau:;e of burns received. ';Ihilo f1rLJg a Gennan
3azooka. ;, ",i;-"vW,l",.:ce :.<,d iJ:spect: W':'O held, IJ.'1:i unit, ut cmlose of period, wus fully
prepared fort,: c :,oxt GJ.ys :.'OV01':C'lt.
B Co., '..J::. :1., (178746)
LVeapons i '1'<;; 1"C+, '" \81 d t"ui ntena:'ce ',I' re the ord-r of the day. lhit is in readinesa for
I:lOVernent duri U 0 next peri d.
C Co., C:::Jrd '1:',,) :'n.,
Inspectlons, 11U1'SO:l81 and wtapC"lS, maintenance Hnd preparation for the to a new
area, kept tho unit ciurir't:: the pe:rird. The C Co fv'-lO in battalion maintenance was
evacuated to ordnance.
Rcn Co., cL'.Jrd 'l'lJ
After p,crson.::li ',wapon inspect:i.o'ls Wl're held, prepared to mark the route for the
uext days r-.ovEJl!lent.
Cf7 I.!urch 45
q-'lj :":n., attachod 30th Inf Div
Unit 110V.3d ',-'!;or 'narch tJ:rOlliLARZ.'Jl!:ILU-i, J .:.TLICH, "ILDia10'1B:; , i''Ui''_"'Ji;;OORF
G.JLE:l\IRCEr-;, liosing in at 0915. E.. Co closod into the
location (2-22(92) at 1100. 2 '&\i ret.urned from f.iilUS. One ton truck was received for
the 0 no lost on IIJ.;(JonJj r:htll reqt:isi tion.
A Co., .31'd 'l'lJ Ln., ()f.F ,3)
Unit closed. into ',L'ii.:OO:; ('16tB3) at 0915.
lhit received one old man us a reilli'orcement.
B Co., 8:"']rd TlJ (817687)
B Co had one 1:-10 i.nd one 1.:-20 full mechanically on t.he march to their present location
(817687) -.vhere ;:.hey closed at 0930. Uni thad O,'1e NBI aad received one old man as a
C Co., 82-rd 'I'D Lin., ('14(;81)
U.1it closed L.tu new 10cu.tion (814E81) at 1000.
2 old men were received as rein
I 17
r:n March 45
Ren Co., .82 rd TD on. , (822&39)
Unit marked oattalio:1 route from ALDEJ>WrK,; to :na:a)Q-, vme:-e the Go closed s-) ;).t
1015. Unit received O!le old man as D. reirli'orceme:lt.
00 March 45
823rd bn., (823688), attached 30th Inf Div
Unit sent one officer a:ld 2 Eli to KGLa D. One motor w,s recei'red U":;' -20 is
to be back ':.n action shortl:'. .:n spent period wlloading, segregat':',l, cleuni.g
and rel.oadb3 vehicles. I.iaintenance and a 3howor schedule \Yere catt'ied out.Ca'9t ,.>Il'Z
left for a three day school at 29th TAU.
A Co. 1 82?rd TD on., (816683)
No ahange.
B Co., 'I'D Bn., (817687)
No change.
C Co., 823rd 'I'D Bn. , (814681)
No change.
Ran Cc'., 823rd 'I'D Bn. , (822689)
No change.
09 March 45
823rd TD Bn., (823688), attached 30th Inf' Div.
One M-32 and 2 i.I-IOs were received from olldnance, the ;,:-32' E'>ing to A Co ".vitI: one L:-I0, the
other M-IO was s Cit to :;:, Co. The B Co ;. -10 in battalion r.airlte'!.::lnce iI'"S turneJ. in to ord.
nance. ill 'lnits ('ontinued mainte18"1Ce aY'd t,raini'lg schedule 'ldth passes anu showers
completing t.
1e pro.:;r.:un.
A Co., TD 3n., (816683)
Unit receiveu one and one Ili-10 bri'1girlG th6ir of pperationaJ. ;.:-10s to 12.
B Co., 82?rd Bn., (817EB7)
Unit received one :.:-10 bringi!lg their total to 11 operatio:1&l.
C Co., 823rc: TD 3n., (814681) ..
No change.
Rcn Co., C::'3rd TB Bu., (822689)
No change.
10 March 45.
82:rd 'I'D Dn. , (C236'38), attached 30th In! Div.
One officer and 2 E.: returned from PARI3 pass and 2 ElJ lcift for pass to that city. Capt
returned frorr DS with the 29th TAC. i.. new motor w.,s installed in B Cos :,:-20 returnillg
it to duty. Unit spent iJ;riod on maintena:1ce, ph;/sical trainLlg, indirect fire instruction
and orientatio!l. A C Co 1" ton was evacuated to
A Co., 823rd TD En., (816683) "
No change.
B Co., 823rd TD:Jn., (317687)
One 11-20 returned fror:i battalion mai ntenance.
C Co., 3;:'3rd TD Bn., (814681)
Unit had a i ton i nvol ved .'n an accident resul til1b 1b. one ioJBI and the llGSS of the
'Vehicle to battlio;l Icaintenance.
Ren Co , 823rd 3n., (B22(29)
No change.
, . f
11 March 45
823rd 'I'D Bn., (S238), attad:.ed 30th Inf
Battalion history for the caler..dar YGar 1l)L,4 ',"liaS cQ;npleted and i'or,l;..:;:uc.;d. cC','J: ':".:cJ
traini. r'.g, th c11urch services and a pictuxa ng ':cl '-..;22.
SW.iESO::, Lt KU:LLL and t::le 2nd pla.toon of 0 Go, attended a :::: :
by the people of that city to show appreciation to t:-:oir -:. Y!'S ,::;0
Inf Rgt, ',;hich the 2nd plator:m was 3n rece:
,":"", iriS "-I:;
which was sent to C Co.
A Co" TD Bn. " (316M3)
No change.
B Co., S;;3rd TD Bn. , (8176871
Unit haa one AiDL.
C Co" 823rd TD Bn., (814E81)
One Tl-10 was received making a total ot 12.
Ben Co., 823rd TD Bn.,
Unit had 2 and onei ton was sent to hutta1ion rnaintenar.ce.
12 March 45
823rci 'lD Bn., (8236<38), attached 30th Inf Div.
Unit ::lainten nee, ...::u f;i3S,':S tl:e p':rt'ioc.i.. The :-:'_," :._: "'j,: C1'03.3
ing wu;:. )');,;tl:Q'il0d. Oha.plai'1 ::, C. !,:CC".;."Jl.E:r, of the 12tb 'l'lJ .... c...u.ys.
Capt CQDr.and of A Co, ';,itt Lt. !",.... ".G f)'TOr '>"'.
A 00., TD 3n. ,
Unit rdc(;ived 0:1e old man as a rei,.forcer ;O:it. 12: _-las 0::'
B Go., 823rd 'I'D Bn. , (817tf71
B co sent t."1.e ontire battUion quota of pas3es, enjoy:i.:1g a ',,;C':,,;.q,' . -7 E..::.aL.::. Om
AVI)L returned to duty, one old man was received as a rei:.. ",',t4 :11 t ...d one :,:31.
1l"l'r-10s operatior:.al.
C Co., TD En., (b14(81)
No change. 12 r,!-10s oper'=l.tionill.
Bel'. CO., jJ) (S;C:2C8t)
,No chlll1 c.
13 rarch 45
22: rcl TD 311. , (C23te), attached ]O"tr. IlL' Div.
Col received the DE iUJ :)a].r:;, :or (,1 10 cu,':'u, L(; did to(lal'a.
!:;,: 1ioor.,tion of F&.; :CE. 2 ii),: returned 1'.1US with ;2 Il'ore to take
their p].... ce. Two tons were evacuated to ordnadce. Ul'it one ::.1. .iUl extonsive
drivers training progrwr. W.:lS :::';:ducted to COOl'J..i.l... tJon ;,(:t,',1 J::,
and driver on b...cking the i.:-10 into a confined space.
A Co., 82)rd 1'D En., (816(:83)
Unit !lnd a party with entertainment :Jcd 1'0 l.y u very lovely sO'1t:;:;tl'OCC from
HOLLArI). 58 rounds HE expended to;:;t u:'1<i trl.i:ting gunnors on the ,,-leiS. Unit
had one r:rn for the period.
B 00., 823rd 'lD Bn., (C17tJ!fl)
Unit test firod carbine rigles to zero in t: e modi,:-ied sir;ht. U lit received one
old man as a reinforcement.
C Co 8;2)rd '1'D En., (814681)
One was evacuated to :nuintamance.
Ra.n Co., 823rd TD Bn. , (822689)
Unit test firedcaibines'and carried on a rHgular training Lt C1U;;1' set up an
excellent small aI'T.1S range in a.n oJd sand pit and ia l)utta.lion firing.


14 J.:M 45 (Contd)
823rd TD En., attached 30ch
Col DhTT'l\;i'l.'i. left for a three duy pass to E:'fGL.hJD. Gen HOBBS presented 4 of.:'icers 15
men with the ::;:,..;.::. C Co conducted a test on loading an 1:-10 into a Lal with very
eood tho '.'.ill sir:.ilar truinL:f; tonorrow. Unit continued training
schedule with :3 C utilizing the 3" g:.:.n expending 105 rounds HE normal.
t!nit had or..:: ::-1 :01'
, :'::n., (816(;031
Unit eX,):'::".C:,8C :'.'C"'r:;i,J C::...r"i:;c zeroeir,g i!l their Carbines. 2 1:1-106 were
sent to- the tr::d, .-:Le on the r-iver. Unit had one NBI for the period.
B Compar.tY' , 2J;c.... '='D (t;1761G)
TJ:ut fired (;.5 !'Q',:-.;";'::; nomal and 10 rou.'1ds 8lmm Uortar for training purposes. One old
nan rlt-..:.rned a3 .L'c:":.",'o:-ce::ients. 2. i.:-lOs and the 1.:-32 were sent to the training site on the
LWSE River to be '.wed :"n -:'orno!'rows training.
C Coml'<.ll{..', 8':'3::-:cl '.I'D .L..... 'l.,
Unit expelj,ued 40 :'C","1c:..:; :::Snorrnul i'1 training. 2. r.:-10s were used as an experiment in
loading on LCiJa ';iith var.! Zood results. The 2 TDs w,ere left at the training site 'for
tOrlorrows use.
Rcn CoUpurtT, S23rd JlJ Bn., (822689)
No change.
15 MAR 45
823rd 'ID Bn., ([.2.3OS8), attached 30th -inf Div '
6 !i-lOs, 2 per Co, participated in the practice loadil".g on LClls. It was found that It
toX'minutes InZequired to load an 11-10 on an Let. The procedure was watched by all mem
bers of gur. Cre".73. T'ne Co Cl LI-IO in Bn maintenance was evacuated to ordnance. Men DOt
attendin.; the trial loading carried out maintenance, house cleaning and washing ot wah
icles. person.'1ol attended a movie with the late perfo:nnances being reserved for the
participants in the loading trials
Comrazv, 823rd Tn En., (816683)
No change.
D Compazv, 823rd Tn Bn., (817(:7)
No change.
C Compal\V, 823rd ill 3;'1., (814E81)
The C Co M-IO ::;ent to orG.na.nce by Bn maintenance did not change the units total ot 11
operational IDs.
Ren S23rd Tn Bn., (822E89)
16 MAR 45
823rd Tn En., (8231::'8), attached 30th Int Div
One of"ficer and 2 E.: left for Pil.RIS while 5 D4 returned from EOOLAND.
ll&intenance aDd
train.trz v:as on during the period.
A Compa-IV, 823rd TO Bn., (816E83) .
'Unit had 3 NbI.
B Compar.tY', 82.3rd 'I'D ;-o,n., (e17tB7)
Unit fired 15 rounc:l.s 21Llm liorta.r ammunition in training.
C CO::l)alV, i'jj :3:1., (214CB1)
The i..- 32 VIas orc.!1<lnce 'uecause of mechanical failure_
?..cn Cor'l:""':t.', ::.'D 13n., (822(9)
One ;,,-8 and .3 4t ":OY'..s -':::; .)11 maintenanc
-:-"". "l :.
__ !D IDe, (On the. aon), attaahe41 ,oua IDt Dl:y .
a _left tor'.AIIS on pua. Inapectioa of ot, fthiol.. and waa
-.,.ttaUoll 1Ih1oh a ...,.. ...-. part of the period
BD atutel a .,.,.117 aotol' .aNh to Y.l.c1DlV BDJrlEBf (U9a1.5) aDd was .t:U.1 on the move at
........ ., the palo4. .
. -4......., 823rd__m.tL, (On aon)
110........ . -
. 82Jrd 11) In., (On the aove)
--10..... -.
. - ." 0..., 823rd !D Bn., (On the 1aOft)
10 .,...: -
, .; ., .;Ioa OtSi1flllT, 823rd !D Bn., (On the 110ft)
.""/ .
. ' '.

21 MAR 45
TD Bn., (110245), attached 30th Inf Div
Unit srent period mr.i!ltena.."lce, and loading of vehicles for the coming operation. Co
Cr.:>1'TIfTIJ.nd.ers contacted reg-i.':lent. with whi,ch worl: and :;::>lans, are ":Jein.1 made !',:le c
crossin;; dUe. f)f -!l:.eir 'lL"1ttS. A neicrhbor:\'1,; artillery unit extendinG t:1C priv4.-led.;;e
of .... t:'3:1ding 0. !':lOY::"] to -:"l6 '1;)attalion. Lt O',i'E:i3 was pror.'ot3d to 1st Lt
... S2JrJ cn. I (110228)
3 r,T'D P:l., (1192.35)
"!lit }::lj one ::1 ,::'0:' ""e
C Comp,;a:c', S:.3r;";'1.'iJ (1202.44)
thad 2 I::21 for the period.
ilcn 7D 3n., (122Z44)
22 45
823rd Bu., attached 30th Inf Div
R0'lte recoll1aiss:lnce was institnted by all Companies to forward asse!'!',bly areas. 4 Ducks
','lere att...;...J1ed to "":-:: and vlill ca:cry HE annno, ciesel, .50 and. JO cal. as !'esupply fQr
the assault 'Xu. ts. 32 ret'Jrned from ordnance, one M-20 in the pioneer platoon was
replaced with an J'-:, One Officer and 2 returned. from PARIS. pass and 2 l!II
ret'lrl:.CQ. ."ron -:0 '... X!3SELLS. Two nore i tor. trailers were received making 'a total. of
..1. COl7l;:>any, 1lJ In., (llC2-8)
A COl'lpan;:" is froJ"1 battalion maintenance giving them 3. full complement.
TJ 'Jomp8.l{,', C23rd 'm Dn., (1],9;:;45)
Ho c!:<.i.::10e.
C Company, S23rd 'I'D Bn., (1202.44)
7 lll; were (;!vacu..lted as NSI Q.ue to bad ..o.tcr t.1-J.ErJ had been drinking. M-32 recovery veh
icle returned to the unit .
Ron Company, S23rd 'I'D Bn., (122244)
-':-ni t had. one NBI for the period.
23 !.;.ut 45
823rd 'I'D Bn., (110245), attac.1-J.ed 30th Int Div
Bn forward OF r,oved to blPOH (152316) c.o*ing at 1.315, with 001 leaving from
this location t:-:.e control point. One M-IO was received rom ordnance making ,
the Bn operatio:l.ll ,:::::-8:1Ct.1-J. 35.
A Oomp.:;.:t?, 'I'D Bn., (On the move), attached 119th In! Rgt
2200 the ',inus security, with the Co Fwd CP, began the move into a FIfO.
assembly ,rea (144286). Unit had one NB-I for the period.
B ;;;'3rd I'D In., (On the move), attached l20th Int Rgt
At 2000 B Co, in its c"1tirity, started the move to their Fwd assembly position 197283.
Unit received one :.:-10 ('Iring the period, giving them a ful.l. complanant to start opel"
"ion. '
o Company, TV Bn., (On the move), attached 117th Int ..
At 2100 unit beg;;.Ln r.ovement to Fwd assembly area,(158288). 7 1Il returned to duty from
the hospital. Unit a rear CP at the old location (120244). "
Ren Company, f; 23rd Tn Bn., ( a..
Ron Company CP noved to 189343, in the sam.. alosing at
1945. The Pioneer was tance tt
need it in order tc lead. , ......! .. n i , i.J
24 I.I..ut 45
823rd 'I'D nn., (152316), attached 30th lnt Div
gett.i!lG 0 ';: to ... 3low start, the En got all its TDs acrosa with the lu.:;t platoon
crossing at abont 1'lOO. The Companies moved out in support of their a.nd have
experienced no uction yet. Remainder of the Bn CP closed into ALPON (152316) with the
F\yd at 1030.
A Comparv, r;::3rd -Bn., (188343), attached 119th In!' .gt
After a very une"rmt.:ul s+,ay in the Fwd a3semb1y area, the unit moved down to cross the
river \vith A-l tro.:")()rarily halting at 233363 and J35J65 at 1830 and later to 234.360.
A.-2 made a halt at 235365 later moving to 25037.3 and stopping for the night at
2JJ3375, closing there at about 2000. 4\.-.3 moved directly :f.nto position at 247.362 closing
at 1725. A 00 CP moved to 188343 at 1115 thence to 22.3.350 closing at 1540. CP is
located at 138343 closing at 1500.
B Company, 823rd TD Bn., attached 120th lnt Hit
1415 B-2 Made the crossing, minus one destroyer which was returned to them as the period
closed. They follo\ved the attack closing into position at ,30.3.343 at 17.35. B-.3 closed into
their position on the east bank of the HIlliE 275.3.36 at 1600. B-1 followed close behind
closing into 2593.32 at 1800. 'lbe Fwd CP was set up at 2J01l4 closing at 1430.
o Company, 823rd TD Bn., (120244), attached 117th lnt Rgt
Fwd CP moved into 224354 closing at 1845. 0-2 moved directly into position at 228.342 closlnc
at 17.30. 0-3 a1ao Moved into one location 267.3JJ3 closing at 2045. 0-1 moved to vicini't7
of Co CP and are on the move at the present time for positions in the vicinity of 284356
Ren CompWlY, TD 13n., (18934.3)
Unit had foot el(y'";'Ents cross over to make foot reconnaissance for routes until such time
as their t ton vc.."licles could be ferried across; this was accomplished by sending them on

25 MAR 45
82.3rd TD Bn., (152316), attached 30th Int Div
Fwd CP left for !law at 09.30 and at 1200 closed into .309.343. Bn less 0 00 was
att.ached to the 120th In1' Rgt and later became a part of Tl' Hunt. Bn message Center Chief
and his driver, returned from delivering a message with 2 PIS.
A 823rd TD Dn., (19934.3), attached 120th Int Bgt
All platoons moveu to a3s01'l""lJl;r area of Tl' Hunt (300340) and moved out with the Tr about
1600. At close of: the period the only location available was J.-1 which closed into .354351
at 2000. A-l overran una destroyed one enomy AT gtUl at 1600, e.xpending ;0 rounds HB. .A.
Co exPended 4 rounds itP and KOd 2 Mk IV tanks and 1 AT gun at llJO. Dur1.nc the period A-2
and Ar-.3 moved to Z73P6 and 264175 where they closed at 0330 and 0124. .A. l,ate report place
these 2 platoonS at .35135.3 where they closed at 2000. A 00 Pwd CP set up at 223350 alos1Dc
at 1.300. An L1-10 of A-1 hit a mine and is now at Bn Fwd CP awaitiDg parte for repair.
B Company, 82.3rd 'I'D Bn., (188294), attached l20th lnt Rgt .
A Fwd CP was set up at t2J(314) closing at 1430. }!.oves for the period were as fo110118.
B-1, J09.346 closing at CT/.30 to .321.364 closing at 1035 and tina111' to 355354 where they
closed at 2000. B-2 moved to .36.3355 closing at 20JO. B-.3 moved, trom 309342 where th.,.
closed at 07.30 to .352348 closing there at 21tI. 17 rounds or HE and 6 rounds AP resulted
in the KO of one enemy AT gun and one 15Qam artillery piece at 1800. Unit fired 55 rounds
HE in a support fire role and accotmted for a YO nest and one PIf. B-2 KOd one Mlc IV. .

..-_-1 )
25 MAR 45 (Contd)
C Compal\Y, S23rd TD Bn., (224354), attached 117th In' Bgt
A Fwd CP was set up at 2'78345 where they closed at 1230 while the balanoe of the CP moved
to 224354. Bach platoon !:lade one move for the period, 0-1 closing into 324375 at 1500,
0.2 to 2883(:8 closed at 1000 and 0-3 into 283358 at 1225. Units 6x6 ammo
truck was hit by enemy artillery fire and cOlllpletely destroyed. with all contents. 0-1
is credited. by the Infantry with destroying 3 AAA positions of 20mm Flak guns, also 2
known OPs .... knocked out. Unit had one BI.
Ren Company, 823rd TD Bn., (Z46356) ..
Co CP closed. into 246356 at 0030. The p1atoob continued route reconnaissance for t.i.e
261Wt 45
S23rd TD Bn., (lL035'), attached. 30th Int Diy
Fwd aP moYes to .328344 closing at 1045. The remainder of the Bn CP closed into .310358
at (E45. Hq Co closed. vic VOHZE (2(9338) at 0030. Bn -.intenance repaired the i.. Co
11-10 and returned it to action at 1400. One 14-10 was received from ordnance bringing
total to 36, this was decreased by one as A 00 lost one due 1;0 mine action at the close
of the period. .
&AComP8l:\Y, S23rd TD Bn., (322328), attached 119th Inf"Rgt
At 1200 unit was attached to the 119th Int Rgt with the mission of securing the right
t'lank. Ar-1 moved to .329353 at 10,30 in reserve, ..3 to position at 355333 closing at
1255. Bn ma1Dtenance retumec1 the 11-10 gi.. th. a f'ul.l oc.pl_ent with which to st..an
the operation to the North. About 16)0 unit .ned out and at cloee or period leading
el_enta were at 386403. One M-10 was put out ot action b7 a mine.
B 00Ilp&!V', 823rd TD Bn., (330lLIJ, attached 120th :tnt -.gt
aP mO'Y8d.to 330314 closing at 1)00. At 1000 B-1 occupiecl poaitioDil at 360355. B-2
ocoup1ed &8saably positions at .353353 at 1300. B-J occupied posit60m, with one section
at m3JJ3 cloe1ng at 1&30, and the other section :175353 clOSing. at 1750. At the cloee
ot the period B-1 and B-3 riding the advance el_enta ot a night attack, had closed into
the ien81"8l dcinity of 4>5355. B-2 is moving to occupy positions vaeated b7 B-3. Unit
had on. w:u.
c ao.p&IV', S23rd TD Bn., (332384), attached U7th Inr Bgt
Units Fwd CP moyed to 330176at 1100, theDCe to 332384 at 1130. 0..1 ocoupied tiring poeitiom
at 356384 at 0(;00, later on moving to :175718, closing at 181'. 4 hone dlla1lll artUler,y pi..
ocaJdete with 'horses were destroyed with ot 10 AP and 51 1'OUDds HL 0-2 IIlOftd
to39S176oloeing at 1ll0. 0.3 closed. into lL9170 at 0945. One 11-10 was received tre.
.... giTiDc the unit a tuU compl__t. Units CP closed with the hd at 333384 at 1300.
laD 'S23rd 11) Bn., (347)63) .. .
Unit CP !lOVed to 347363 closing at 1245. 3rd Ball platoon captured 8 PW8 lihUe makina rout.
recormai8aance. Unit had one NeI tor the per:locl.
823r4 1'1) Bn., (31.0353), attached 30th Int Di'9'i .
NO_Yed 2 II-lOs rom u battle-t1eld rep].ao__t.. Lt ... returIled' ftcIa
JJ8 in the UNItlQ ST.A.Ta with the report that there 18 beauoOap bourbon. 1Ied108 nacuatecl
4 - that were 'IIOUDdecl in C Co. Lt IWlTIR .. WOUD4ed &Dd. ....cuatecl we h1a 14-10 stNc1t
a 1I1De.
A S23rd !J) Bn., (,322)3S), attaabecl U9th Int Bat I
Umt had an amount ot d1tf'1aul:. due to 1f-101 DI1r:lDc in the IlUd &D4 111M tia1d1. ,.
3 .-10. were 177 1Iin., .2 One 11-10 daaged direct hit ot
. ',tSTp' .
-'-, rii...., .. .Ii
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
' .... ,
..", . I
artillery, but :s ,,'c';J.:"r3.ble. a-I was at 393400 at 0900 and a+, 1930 had buttoned up
at 406412. A-2 e:: er:G.,;c. ;_8 I'01.mcis HE assc:;.ult fire and closed into 4C9410 at 2030.
A-3 we,s loc<::.ted fl./C:;' U+, 0['20, KOC!. one Ilk V tallie, 17 a!ld 7
iiI', at 20.:...5 a-3 hac. closed into 405402. Fwd CP iocc.".:,ed at 3543S0. rnLt hac. cne ll.:
ELi. ar.c. one rr;,-,L..
3 ' 'I'D '>:., at tached l20th li.;t
"nit eX:-Jsricnced :':0.':1':: ci:' on the ni;;ht att:.ck, 11c'vi
l[ ;.; F-IOs 'Jleir elevatine
by sJ..:'l<_n.; :tnto l.itches. One 11:-10 reccivtJd a direct hit by a .
;3uffering no ('1:..<:: that sane. bags co help. at elose of I'ariod all i'-lC3
had been repaireG. '",,:J . ".ck on tr.e line. One of :3-2 located at
closin;: at __ o","cr ut the Co CP 363353, closed at It20. One old laan returned
to duty froD DS system and mut had 1 EI.
C C::'3rG.i.'D 2n., (332384), dttdched l,17th In: Rgt
0-1 mC'ved to 39S'JCJ closing at 0(;00. C-2 to 420385 closing [(-t, 0900. C-J closing
at 0600. Jnit received one 1'-10 anG. i'ad one destroyed by As a ro;:;ult of hits
scored b:' direct fire 1, ';Jer0:rr.A. ?he direct fire care "rom a Shom.:l.n In ,1eI'!".J.n
hanas.Tho delay in ide:,::ity ena'bled the Gcrrnang Cet, t,[i) :!:,irst shot.
n"'n r"r, "Jr.1 'm -',. '7 ... "-)
.. ..., v, \.4 J...., 1..L., .......... .) __,'J
Pioneer platoon, HSJiJted A Co in rCr:'0val 0" mines. haci one t ton. destl'oyed with
the resul-t of ":me l':1:J.n KIA and 3 Cne Fl.; rc-'-,urned. from '.:lOspi tc:;.l t.o duty.
28 45
823rd TD En., 30th Ini' Div
"'aintenance had 0. '!or-y busy time with very good results as En now has 34 !ll-10s
operational. Bn \lC'1t nn a semi-inactive status, due to t.he 8th A.':'fTlored tukinC the
baton and it on.
A Comparv, TD ;'n., (397413), attached 119th Inf Rgt
Un1.-t rec:aived rep-:'o.cement and is still short. one in FIn maintenance lOr l'c.:r:a.ir.
't '-'330 mn-'c" ., -, "('1/'''': .. ',' }"" . \"'- ,!.. ---e'; 1'''''';' 1 r: ut Whl"ch t;m, c. t,llc,y closed
no #- ,.d.'...,1 \ \.4 ,.'- t ... ...-.-,-........... , ..:... toJU'-J "-4 J V"....i.. J,.. ... ""'" -'-.IIL\"j ... ""
into 4314.38. 2 U: ret-.lrr:ed to from t:1.e l-.ospj::':..;.l.
B. :",:231'(( 7,J ""., attC4ched lzOtt Inf P.gt
One 0:" lee.... :,,:;w. cd, closin.:: .:.;.t 1235, tho otter seatior; is at 421J4(
cl081n;; :. t 1235. ;-;:; clo:;,cc:i in:'o positions L;2l357 at 2100. The sectic:l of :;:) ..3 that
was with the Co CP Joined l'c'r"_inw.2:- of its platoon 405355 leOO. .111 -::.1.1':::: p:;.its
r-lOs returned to tl!oic b:! !T!Uinte:KJ.l1Ce. Unit hud one II .:l.nd one U: to c.lLty

C Compcmy, f:.Jru.
(:;,c/ J":':), .. tt&.ched 11'i'th In' R.:.;t. :' ':.,
C Co CP ;nC'l,;<.,. ::,'- .,j " :':'_dl.. ut. 396./_:.:. closinG at 1225. O:lU r--16 and one I,:-32 are in
Bn J:'aintenunco. h..:d :Tn, 2 )I and 2 R: retur'loC. t.:- Lluty from the t:..l.
Ccmpul\.', w.:.j 'L,:1J I n., ()l.736J)
..:l.t 11)0 j l'::':':J01':.1():, ur' () .. ,r, rr.itleS ut 402413. 2 U:, Perry and hml,
as A,jCL, are now \::<.J.1' , : ':;L, u,,j 1.1.
';8 45
823rd TD Pn., (3:;2]92), attached 30th In! Div
On orders from Divthe 3,1 \,i:":; prep-..:::(;u to wlth the rdssion :'1ol'ir.,; up
behind the ArI':1ored Div, ut [;.bout 1130 word wus received by liaison offj cer to the
effect that tho Div wa;] in Corps Reserve. Due to poor hOU35.ni; fbc:ilitie::;, Cos
as in present m.Jldr use of whute:"er ter t: er occupioci.. urQunci ("'*
work was st.:.:..rted f(11' for the Bn. 02.
-n.t. .
"\ -::.9 liA.'l 45 (Conte..)
;. :::'D B?1., (397413), attached llS'th ='.,;t
The Co left all r:latoons in the position s they OCCUIJied J.nd !r,en spent t:-:l:? :...:::'tpI'
noon on mainten";':1C(; reduperation. Uni t has one in 3n
B Comparv, i-n., (433353), attached. Inf Rgt
Unit OP moveel to 433353 c1'J3h:g at 11...00. B-3 mado a move to .4,;.:2363 closing at 12)0.
Unit also spent t:.r:le 0::1 ;-l.:lintenJ.nca and recuperation.
C Company, '::'1) 3n., (.396363), attached 117th Ir_f Rgt
Unit remained in lx>:::ition doing maintenance una eatherinb themselves togjther. 12 :1:-IOs
operational. One 01-::. can received a3 c;. rob.,:orcement. 2 ElJ r:issihg :l.n act::'on in
r.,LMEDY, ,aGIa. ::'5 Dec 44, ';iere found in the ruins left by the Allied planes.
Ben Company, 823rc.. Yu Bn., (347363)
Unit spent latter part of the period on mainter.E.nce of both v('.hicles and perSOr.L.l1el
.30 45
82.3rd TD Bn., 30th Inf Div
Companies were rJ.e:.sJd .:"rorn attachment to Regimental Combat Teams ana reverted to
Bn control. Bn,.dth 30th Inf Div, o.ttachecl to XIX Corps .300WO iI:arch 45 ana. i3 now
back ';lith their ole. :'rie:'ds 2nd TD Group, .30 r-.:arch 45. Lt sommmat dazed,
returned from 3. ?::. lec;.7e in Unit spent period on maintenance and
rehabilitation, wi _a .S:W
A Comparcr, 82.) ... G. TD ul., (,397413)
2 lJ,i returned to 'duty from the hospital ana one old rcan w<:.s r(iceived as a reinforcer:lent.
B Comparw, 823rd TD Dn., (43.3356)
One l from lJ:lSS to Elill.A:[) and unit had one UBI.
C Comparr.r, 823rd 'I'D Bn., (.39.336.3)
One jJl rC'lturned from pas;") :'0 Ed.:ll.k.ND.
Rcn Company, 823rd TD En., (347363)
:Jo change.
31 MAR 45
823rd TD Bn., attached .30th In! Div
Period was spent on r.c.intenance and obtaining a reserve of fuel and ammo fpr the fort.l-)
. coming operation. A 3r.ower detail of 200 !!len accomplish their One M-IO i'18.S
received from ordna:1ce. Lt Dill PREE and a billeting party, consisting of 1 section
or 3rd "n platocn, le':"t at 2030 for 2nd TD Group Hq. Battle-field losses of It-lOs
being evacuated to or<i"1ance. Hq 00 moved to 353390 closing at 1000. Unit had one l'lBI.
A Company, 823r6. TD Bn., (,387413)
Period was spent in for the forthcoming operation.
B 823rd TD Bn., (433356)
Period s?ent in lJreparation for the comin operation.
C Company, 823rd 'i'D 311., (396.36.3) .
.Preparations were r.<:.de for the cOr.ling operation. Lt was transfe1'W8cl to the Rcn
Co. The Ll-.32 was roceived from BN ma:intenance.
Rcn Cor,1p1.l1W, 223rd Tn Bn., (34736.3)
2nd platoon moved to 346)32 closing there at CY)40. One section of 3rd Hen, under t:le
command of Lt Dill l le't for 2nd TD Group.
Lt. Col.
(;CRtIs .
..... ..."". ,.,"".,.i!\I,;t!i!! '!",.""!'\!'".---,c. .."!',,-...
_ 0#'
. .
AFT .,r'l'.:..rt '. :.?C .;r
010001 AFhIL 1545
TO ,02400 April '945
UNIT 82'3rd Tarde liestro!.:! 3n:.r
rr;.iE 031200 lS45.
""-lIS: C::.!.l'R...L 1/100,000
, 1/ 25,000
01 April 1945
Bn., (982549),
COllpanise Itoved to lOtlbemol. areas 0" '" part of ReTts. At 1505 nn Cf, H>l Co and
Hcn Co moved to ... of En cr closed cit i"to 982549.
Co n.oved into 965555 closin6 2020. One M-10 received from ordn,.nce 62.ve the on
a tot ...,l of 37, 2 of whicb ,He non-operution",l. ld..s.jor COciO;.lI111S left for I.Cave to
,.1 GL"NJJ.
A Co., En., (008561) Inf_ntrT dbt
t:Z!tt. is .in ;;;.r. as:;,embl-r l'0aition .,t 003561 "here the'!' closed at 1330. One iI:-10
ritOli'vee! fr\ilZl ordllllince e.i.es u."it s full ccm;plea,ent. 2 old men were r-eoeivc=d 'i.&
.; Co. t 8o:3rd" En.. (904561, 120tb Il'!fantr" .'e.t
.:; !;:pan7 1I1c;ved into an aSl;el:lbl", e.l'e:i Cit 9i,4561, B-1 located CIt 967569, botb units
olou1n8 at 2035. 2 olu w re received ae
C Co., 8;;}rd TlJ 3n., (0.-2539), attacbed 111th Inf!ntu r.c.t.
Uni t olo.ed into .. .;i<>dvwtl'f pc",1 Lion .. 0,2539 at 1800. Onrl old man was
Rf.!1I. Co., -82"cc1 T4i 13n., (989556)
Co Cf and the Fioneer Platoon iu located Se9586 at 2200. Bn route of
march was ALl':lC:lAld.:)b;CK. ,{t'LFEZ" l)UL:"L:.li, a
ASCHl!;ItHEl<G, thenca to JJRE':JPib'W!i:. _
02 AprIl 1945 '" -
'- e
82,rc1 TD BIl., (84'26,6), attachee! 30tb i)
After an uneventful in the L,st lco"t;jon, tt.e rln el' moved to vic f.U;.I>.o::NB.\UCK
(B432616) at 1930. Hq Co closed into B439622 at 1940, one FW was JJ
in tbe area. One EM It'ft for ENGL,;,?W on PitSS. A COt *itn the 11Sth Illf :j?1}1
to a TF of the 2nd Armored JJiv at 01'100.
J.. Co., TD Bn. t (B618109), attacbed 119th Iut Ret.
Unit CP h tabl1etled ,it Bfi18709, where the", eloc;ed 3t '400. 4-1 lost one l.:.-10
both motors A-2 " rounds ct HE into their present
loc:..tione, one seet.ioll at BI457'0 lina. one t-:un e.t B633127. 4-1, locl;ited at 13585138
01080d at A-3 'N&'S further"It.f.k1cb.eu, anli all lino control be_n ".,0.
loet *lth the platoon. Unit reoeivea one from Dn
B Co., 82,rd TD Bn., (B496640), Httaohed 120th Int Mgt.
Unit CP, locateu at B496640, cloud at 1730. B-1 at B540651 olosing Ill. 1625.
:n. de t.o mon., moving to J..961607 at 1100 lind lahr to B498646 010ain;:;
1715. B-3 i. in UI3/jmbl,./' position at B4966,0 cloainb there at 1030.
C Co., 8,3re!fIJ :an., (BS145 .tl"d 117th In! .ti,t.
Co Cf mond to (B51 C-1 IItoppwd mOlllilr.t&rih at
B6,0690 and then mQveel into 1'1 , clQsint,; tit c-., il:i
loc&ted Lhe Co Cp the. lOBea Bb45t7D at qnn.
02 April 1945 (Contd)
Ren Co., 823ra TJJ n., (3437G22)
Uni t CP .Jlt:ved toJ3431622 wherti elostla e. t 2000. R-3 captured one PWand uni t
reCiived one Y4 ton.
03 April 1945
. 823rdlD Bll., (B600611), attachfid 30th Division
rhti d prot;ress of the Jorride through the Fathfirland bas bun temporarily hal ted
due to a. veN fSTorable defensive line in the for:n ot a ridge the
entire zone. En CP mOTed to Hi!:,NKEN (B600611) olos1ng at 2000. One 1:-10 was receiTed
fro:n ordnance beine allocated to C Co. Hq Co had one Y4 ton collide with a 2Y2 ton
tlmck, damaging the Y4 ton bs .. ond repair.
i>. Co., 823rd TD En., (BG18709), att&ch-.d 119th Intantrr Rgt.
A-2 had th& only action of the period,firine; 61rounds HE aU 10 rcu..."lCa APC anli
12,000 rounds of 50 cal. acoountin6 for 5 houses oraanized strong points. 2 nast.
tower oontaininG a .;.:G nest ,,-nd a gro'.lp of Jerry infantrr. A-3 finallT looat9d in an
dssemblT position at B620719. A-1 to B039759 010sin6 at 1530. Unit r.'cived
5 reinforoements and had one NEI.
l:! Co., 834rd r.u Bn., (B496640), attached 120th InfantrT Re;t.
Unit hdd one M-10 evaouated to ordnanoe due to mechanioal B-1 left their
old location at 1445 at cloae of period theT are still moving.
C Co. t 823rd 1'.0; Bn., (:96}0692), attached 117th Infantry Rgt.
Unit one M-10 from ordc&lloe. CP mOTed to B6}0692 olosing at 1315. 0-1 mOTed.
to B640740 and. C-2 to B043675 both olosinc; at 2200. C-1 closed 1ni:o B6, ... 686 a,t 1800.
Uni t c:sptured onlll PW during tile P'L 10d.
Ron Co., 823rd TD Bn., (B606676)
L'nit CP moved to B606676 olosing at 1815.
04 4:pril 1945
823rJ Bn., (B597675), attached 30th InfdntrT .uiviaion
Bn OP !noved to (B591075) olos:'!'!g at 1600, with Hr;. Co looated at B603682 olosing
at 1440. Tow:ird the olose" of the J:I.ll'iod tLIII tour of the J'atherland had more b.gun,
with a little sotivit.,. prior to this time. 3 !a:-10a were evaouated to ordl1anoe 'and 3
recaived as replacements.
A Co., 823rdr'D En., (On the move), a<,t'.lcllvd 119th Inf..try Rgt.
At 1030 the CP moved to B714753, A-2 to B725762 olosing at 0925 and A-, to B725750
closiL. at 0925. A-2, at 1700 l.tt one seoti n on a Doad block at B795765 and another
at Bd07773 upon order ot CG, 2nd Armored The7 killed ODe officer and captured
15 in this arne A-3 located at C140845 at 1300 W&8 attaohed to TF Zion, 2nd
.... I',ored Di v. At tIl'3 end of thlil period the entire unit was on the mOTe, last .;;en traY
aling East through HEIDBN. Unit had one and i8 .till on the
B Co., 811T.u Bn., (B754700) attached 120th Infantry Rgt.
Unit CF mOTed from B687655 to B754700 orosinE at 0800. B-2 and B-3 up the
attaok of RCT are looated at B762701 B754700 olosing at 1715 Bnd 1615.
Previous mons were as follows: B-2, B715670 olosing at 0900 and B-',,:67,,665, olo.ing
0900. B-1 ia at B753703 closing at
CCo., 823rd Bn., )B6'0692), attaohed 117th Infantry Bet.
As a result of a Y4 ton accldunt Lt JACKSON and one 1M .ire .Yaouated as NBI. 6 pw.
were captured d_ring the
...::;.::::..._-_.- _. '..... .-*; "h"Ptl .
1.2 .ttlae.

( .-.J
b4 1945 (Contd)
Hcn Co., En., (B600676)
S.rvio_ Co of the 119th In! 3 2Y2 ton truck. &abuahed at B5575. TAe Service
Co CO:I1111aTld.r camti bock the lines .01ic1ting aid, ':lilt h",c. li :.tle success until he
rWl:i.ch"d lain Co CPo Lt immediatel" summon.d 2 -8s froll the 3rd PlatC'on, part
of h1e ;t:'ion.lir Flil.toon ar.d 01011"061 cook. and out of the Compan., headquci.rt4lr. :.nd
iliad an att:ick against the ro<.. Q bleck. OpaJllne, ,,1 th the 2 :M-8. 1'irin{;; 37II1II, 50 oal
30 cal and followinb dismounted men, the., reach.d the road block killing
32 Jerrie. Wire count.d and 2 of the were burned tr..
3rd had been driven off .i)ue to d. rk:H,aa tl.e 1lttl. TJ:o' itself without
caaufalties. PW. atoted that 150 men were guardine; this road block. Th. Jerrie. re
acted yerT strone.,l., Vi i th machine-eun fire aJld Panzerfaust fire.
05 Allril 1945
823rd Tj) En., (B726776), attached 30th InfantrY DiYision
Bn CP moved into the town of LAGE (B726776) closing at 1210. The r.mainder of th41 da,
was 8,&1ent to quell r-iots bet'-filSn the iruasian alaY.-l:jborer. and the German pOI
ulace, with ordl#r finll1.,. bein:, r(;storllld to norlUa . (Th. entire l:Iattal:ona h.art
bleeds for :1'.1., store ketlp9rS wl.o were so thorout,,:l" looted-:-J 8 P-Na ..er. tlLk.n
bY the CP e;roup. 1iead'iuart"ra Co mc.ved to vic L (B784813) clc;ti!'l8 itt 14'0. lIu.
to the Qistance travaled and the of speed the conYOra are tray.llir.g,. the
rubber bloaka on the coming off and replacements are ne.ded 'edlT.
A Co., 8C:3rdrl) Bn., (C052847), 119th Infantry Ret.
A-1, att::"cAed to CCR, w1 th 3rd Bn 119th Inf is with Co I as part of tile forc
wrine, "arl .. "!;art of the licrioJ. the., H,=re ai 1:1815855 later 1II0Yin to 8960770.
wo.s riile,,"stld fro'll ath.chment to 2nd Ara,ore:i l)ly at 1200 and, with A-, ar. attach.d to
1st ':'n ,19th Int' and supported their att<ick all''' captured, P.a. .-2, movint: .. Ull 1st
Bn 119th, at Uni (C110863) at 1400. CF closed 0030 into C052847. pn1t
L4 d 2 UBI for the
B Co., 8-=:3rd TIl Bn., (B779719) , attach03d InfantrY' Ret.
Uni t C1' to.ond. to (B779719) closing at 1405. :8-, oloaK 1nt, B790715 at 2220.
U!li t dutl'o"7'ed 1 machine eun nest f1ring 13 rcund. of HE ud 1 APC. B-1 fired 40
rounds of. HE alld 10 rounds ArC on the r .. dut::tion of !. r.oad tJ10ck w::.. holdine uI. the
ady.:;;.nce of the 120t:l Inf.
c Co TjJ Bn., (B727775), a ttaohed 117th InfantlY Ret.
Unit OF moveu to (H727775) cl08ing at 1345. 0-1 rv1nforoQu rObd block. ot the
117th Int with section at 3662800 and B715820 both at 1014.
C-2 monel to vic L.il;.,:iiO closing art 1800. 0-3 remain.d in their pr"nt locaatioa
.cton Co., e . rc:. 'J.J .:;::1., (B7'4778)
Unit. OF Jl()ved to UGJl; (B7J778) cloa1ne: at 11'15. Th. plat'Jon. wd"Q .cti" p.r
for thQ
06 1945
r..; In., (J:j946780) attachbd ,Oth lnhntl"r .i)iy1alon
One b;.,; left for ih. uSA on rot,,"on. .un OF flo .... d :io.n the road, takinB up an ahoa. in
... beautiful cc.:.atlill i!"l :iJdCSTR{;l' (B94G780) ilt 1240. Due to rain, terra1n and
of tl.e oF.ltt"lion, rad'.o tlOIlJ;.,u;.i'3.t101l Was v.r., poor. On. JP10 W,,8 ....oua t.d
to by fin
06 April 1945 (Contu)
A ,.jL., (C1e5905), :Ha"hed 11yth R{'t.
At 0900 A-3 WQS from their re.d block misaio= t C153849 C165680 whioh
eetablished during preTioue peliod at 1930. A-2 set road blooks at C185880
0206842 which establiahad rell,Ted coincid.ntally with A-3. At 1200 A-3
clo.ed into pos1tiona at 0125908 and C1,6905. C-2 about the same time closed into
0125898 and. 0206842. Later Ilona with A-2 to 0182913 and 0196918 at 1930. A-3
and rwd CP clo.,d into 0212910 at 2030. A-1. attacbed. to a Armor.d
1. out of oontact with Battalion Qnd Comp.nT their whereabouts are unknown.
B Co., 823rd rD Bn., (0043772), attach.d 120th agt.
Uni t supported 120th In! Rgt in tbeir mop up Job from to t;be RiTer.
At close ot pe_iod, Co CP was located in Bi.JJ f"{lLLO.Nl' (C04'772) closing at 1930. B-2
and B-3 are continuing *lth ROf and .xpect to crose the riTer before they atop.
OP mOTed to 107829 closine at 2030. Th. OP mOTed to 025775 clo.ing at 1900. At 1830
B-1 wa. at 051775, one section .t 213845 and the oth.r ctton at 182862 closing
at 2015. B-3 loc.t.a at 151817 olosing at '025. '
o 00., TD Bn.. (C'P2878), 111th IntantrT Rgt.
Unlt mOTed w1th their ROT to tne attack on HAMELH. 0-1 at 2000 waa
looateli at 0165910. 0-.2 .n" C-, ","re unlocated. at Lhe end of the l'"riOCl, but are in
the zone of the 117th In! proteotln& the brldbehead aero the Ri.er. Co CP
a* 1115 clo.ed into B967866, lat.r mOTing to C102878 cloaine at 1645. On.
f,,11.d and was s.nt to Batt<.lion .:..ainten_nce.
Ron 00., 823rd Bn., (004,840)
2nd Ron with the I & R pl. toon of the 120th ROf, furnished polnt for
a fi' COJlJlland.d. b?' the 00 Oommander of 1 Co, Int ",nO. oleared a ZOlle fro. 0880, .
0878 lAST to tbe M.lSR AiT.r oapturing 6 PWs and no oasualti Ow CP
mOT.d to 0043840 clo.ing at 1340.
07 April 1945.
82,rd TD Bn.. (C155880), attached 30th DiTiaion
Bn OP mo"d tc (0155880) closing at 12'0. Hq Co mOTed to C04;848 closing
at 094'. On. M-10 was receiTed from ordnance and two M-20. and one Y4 ton are in En
m.intenanc. tor r.pair. COSTOl.URIS returned tro. lUrGLABD anc1. two of o_r. Dutoh
1nt.rpr.t.r....r. asaie;n.d to the unit.
A Co., 823rd '"'1) Dn., (X'97015), attached 119th Infantry R6t.
J.,-1 wa. contaot.ed by the Co at 0'959'5, refulilled and are read.y to proo.eel with their
Combat Te&a. theT are or.dit.d wlth fiTe lerrleXs on the 5th of April. Entir.
unit moyed in oolu.A at 06,0 with the CP .ettinB up at X397015 olo.ing at 1100. A-2
a.t up a road blook at X410018 at 1105. A-' t up a rod blook at X405030 at 1030,
they tir.d 16 round. of HI on 4 aat1T' 8ne.v artillery pieee.. Sino. no fire has
bn reo.iTe4. but extent ot taaase i8 unknown. Un1t a sreat
d.al ot elle.,.. aot1T1ty in the torm ot mortar., artillery and. .trat1ag bri1a
eT.nge wa...... a. A-2 ond A-' abot dOWD one MB-109 after 1t had ..,.
was at an altitude ot 50 teet ..h hit and made a araah at 4050'0. !be
waa turn.d OTer to 2nd Armored D1T1s10n. Lt OWENS m.t a l.rry fao. to face and fir.d
the firat shot. 3 PWer. tak.n tor the A-, 1. 1obil. re.erTe-for
1'wo -.20. and lY4 ton are in Battalion ma1ntenance tor repair.
B Co. t 8.:3rd 'fD Bn.. (C1858321 attaohed 120th Bst.
Unit OP to 107829 at 1100 and the. to BORRY (1858'2) clo.iAC at 11'5.
COo., 82,rd 'fD Bn., (C102878), attached 117th Intaatrr R&t.
0-1 to 125915 clo81ng at 1010. 0-2 18 atill looat.d at 115904. 1100 0-"
.a8 t looat.d at 111905 and 126910 cloainc at 1410, oloslng iAt.r into 111908.
Un1t. 12th M-10 1s r.adT to go back aotl04.
11 1945 (Ccntinued)

'CII ';0 023rd lin., (Cc.:10bjO)
V:l'.<: cr mOTeu to c11,,(,;.t 1230. -1 ,,;:::ivil- tlc;:...ae.e.;i t.ostil. aircr... ft
1000 .;C
oS ;..pri: 1945
30.,(C195517), 30th
E!. CP .r.CYC(. tc (:::1:;,6:;'17) clcsirlE ... t :;45. CF to
at 0945. The .. otiOL hcaE slowec. ;lown ';0 III -;l:.at nn 1 s at-le ":;0 c. tct U .. 0".
r::"ch nt! e (.;; (. (l:",il. -; "';'...C e.
A Co., B23rd S.c.., Inf
1:r.it Ill.de no C'OV8S liu!'in
th;;; A-2 'N.S !'::leaseo. froll' their 1:,1 'fion or. ro;c
3 olj Een reinforce

B Co., 823ru TJ.) En., (C256885), att .... cl..ed 1'::0tL ILf
Co movl,jd to (C,5ct,S5), cloain.; .. t 1130. B-1 1"4. 2961316 where
tilt;', ... lOt 1.::30. B-2 to' clooh.L <I t LA" aL.i 0-3 to 331812 :.. t
11,0. Ceit AJOL 6 45.
C Co 823rd TD En., In!
Co CP mOTed to KIFFL.. (C.:.439..:[) :::: ,i;;, 0-2 to :.:u),""
2929a2 1500. C-3. hith Hn, Inf nent to a uist
urba.nce at rnit r:.;celV',,":' C:.O c1":' .., .... .:: a
RCL Co., 823rd (C374933)
Co Ci ;:;oved to L::..:.. (74933) clobine,; ... t 1340. rt-2 tl:; ';:O:l!t fOl " Cl' of
tht;l 120t" 1111' ",;.: tt;r"u-t 20 l' .. s r .. rfor. :illc :,,_ir :.. L.,sior..
09April 1945
823ra Bn., (C394967) 50th
CP moved to BUrilrST:;;,L.. l::.,; (::394907) clodI.:. ::t 1500. 11 2 ton truckt-:Nel's SCI:t
.. ith D1y conV07 to .au). o.nl;::ur,ition to our ,ret>eut locat:lion.
A Co., S23rd l'.J :.:n., ..tLt. .. c .. ,-i Inf
.l-3 fl'or.J :0 Yic Cc C,P ;,,;;/01:' clCbint at loCO. A.-2 l'l.oyea to 486037 &nd
493027 'clo:;ln... at 1715 17;0 rtl:si. uC ti vol-.
B Co., T.u lin., (.::43:;0:6), .. 120_H lnf
C Co., 8231'd 'til Bn (C;':A392t),:..ttuehud 11'/th Ill!
C-3 illOVtH! froe; .t>l.ck t.o 01.;,.::; ,t 1600.
hen Co., 823rd r,;.. Bn (C37495;)
Un1t had one for t;.e !,er1od.
10 April 1945
823rd Til Bn., (X675102. attaohea 30th In! Diy
!in CP moyed to BULTE., (Xf7,10... ), closing at 1930. 2 PWs wtln;l turn,'J i:: by !l:e:;sen,ger..i.
Hq moyed to 410978 at 0930. Ur.it i8 havlnR difficult refuellnb to transportation
diffioultiea. One l4-10 i8 in Battalion Ma1ntanaloe.
A Co., 82,rd TD Bn., (435785), .ttacteJ In!
Unit in CorfU relHtrn . Oll to Tic (435785) with the 331st In! Rt;t of tnt>
a,rd DiY.
10 A;ril 1945 (Contd)
B Ce 8Z3rd Bn ths 120th Rut.
Cnit, 'Mith the 120t1'. ROT. w.:ss still on t1.d r::ove ;:.t the (;:101 of tne 'pariod .0-2 wc.ed
to 7:5053 797093 at 2130.
;:; Go S" .. rd 1'.;) Bn.. (X730096) .,.ttaehed 117thIllfantry Rt;t.
GP :n.. d", three ClOTeS. 010sin6 at 1045 into 1.434088 c:.nd.3,c;ain to (..\.736096)
eloains 2030. C-1 mcved to 512112 at 1110, and then to 771100 closing at
2030. C-2 :nond to 500104 elosint;' 'it 2000. 0-3 to 525086 elosinc, at 1600. One
"':-10 is in j,z:. for rap:.irs.
Ren Co., 5:;,rd 7l.i nn.. (X717064)
:il'i t Cp :noved to LJ.Ji'Fr::;DE (X7 1 7064) cloaine at 1830. One old man w;:.s racaived <.di
reinforcerr,ent. R-2, actine for the 120th RCT. entered the town
1:I'FL':7C:1.' t,ae;:':l,t;i involved in a I'ire fi:;..ht 'Mith enem7 infantI'T.ThItT aCC'Junts;l
fer six <lnd t.,;,ok 25 P..,ia, expendj 116 1000 rounds ,0 cal and 1500 rounds c.rbine
ammuui tion. :;0 ca suc.;,l tie;;; Ii ere silstaine(..
11 AlJril 1545
82'rd '1';,) .dn., (4&75102), athc;led 30th InfantN Divhion
f.'l Co ;:.ove" in with .cin CP, closint, at 1000. l'he 2Y2 ton trucks returned from ha'.a
ing a:'lJlunition for ..Jivision. Cal't returned to du;;', from the h08l'ital,
boine; b",ck to A Co, lVi th CaI,t .. ,CL::.IS returniu? to Rcn Co. 7 pti8 were taken. ODe
w;;.s t,o :'>'Ld cr. . .:::.. cO d1,;.ty- from the hospit"l
./I. 8drd l'lJ Bn.. (051380". 119th InhntrY'
..JuI'in", earl,;" ;urt ef the panod (;.Oi t n:oved l'rcm to ALDE:,STEDT (C513S03)
B Co. t 8<:3rd !In., :o.tt;';Ct.E1U 120th Infe-ntr... Rgt .
Ur.i t ep J:oved to UFFI.i:IGEN (81005') closine at 0010. :3-2 moud to 8300,8,closine; at
1200. b-1 .nd ll-3 moved to vic Co OP closin
.. bout 1;;00. Lt ROiLi.l'SCH W0.8 wounded
b ... ar-:;ill"r', fire and evacuated. Unit had :Jne lmI. At the clos9 of the period t':-.e
l'l",t oons {/are on tne ,; :::ve.vi tb. tileir RC'l's.
C Co., 8231'0 j,'.,J on., ,att",cI.ed 117til R",t.
U'li t CP ;.oveci to 539102 o::losin", at 1915. 0-1 moved to 772115 closing at 0400 and .. gain
to 839102 closino ':2.00. ';-3 rf-oved 1,;0 vic 736096 anj, ';',l'8 on the mo at the close
of l'eriod. C-1 r;;ovad to .. 088125 closinc at 2100. 0-':' to 898108 closine at 2115.
C-3 to 898085 at 2200
Ren ..... .3n (."-717064)
tJ'n.."ble to 1; "
J;',' ca&.:,o, so:n" the ."tcn fil.;;n made I:l prest;)llt of 12 P'lIa go the ;,J.!.
12 1945\'
823rdl'.o Bn ('f'261173), attached 30th InfantrY Divi8ion
dn C? to .B (.1982124) c101:l),n5 at 1245, the... stor;l'ed aeain momemtarll..,.
at ':"058143 at 1640 ;;,nd closed into '."261173 at 2000. ULi t left 6 EM at Y05814' to
:;uord 24 P'ils the 'Nare un!icle to t:..;ke care of. 13 Pl'1a were br the uni i.
U::i tint 30 oper-cl.tional a-10s "hich is tne lowest it hOos been since oOl1Yelrted..
The 13l'lacemElnt 11-10s are in ver11' roor shape rey,uiring an extensi Te oV\:lrhaul a8 .i r,,
sillt of theu. from ordnance to the A laretl I.Imber of civilians. inoluding
81 va labordrs as ftell aa Germans, were found lcotinb augar from warehouse and d1.
reraed b T Col .JZTl'D'L.::R :a.nd senral EM at lAbcut 2400.
A Co., 823rd rj) .Bn., (Corps liern)
un! t is in corl's reserTe <tnd cut of contact with be. ttaL.on.
12 April 1945
H Co., BL., 120tL Htt
.t:ntire unit ctJlsed into 4 '0200 at 2400. :':OTe6 1'01' :'::e period are <lS follows-
Unit OF clol:;(.o i!'lto X950C39 at 0230. 3-1 to 954038 cloSlne; at 0230, ;;.ovi!'le, to
at 1000. b-2 to 950041 closin at 03,0 .nd to 994095 cloaini at
0940. >3 tu 951032 at 0240 to SS6097 Oit 1010. Jn1t 136 rc...n::i6 , .t., 40
w;ich ta11,-l:.t t!le Ger!:l"'LS a w:.ih ",e:.nt no firing. U:;it captl.-red
91 P,1s ,0..:..:.-2 aasi'stec i!'l t:,e c... )t..... :a of 190 Ptie. One :.1-10 wad hit "jth
t;lA m",,'"ine-_"n . !;:! ;,. ... .. T.!.;1t r, d c!"e :,!
6tia action.
':;'., : , "t',.;!:.r;c, "7:h I:1f_r.... rr
':':-3 !:,LU C::le >-10 :.it ?,;".('ok,,, 1'1.e, 2 Lt GA' w.... s wo::r,du'l iL t;...<' neck
ill.... -:;'Jne-G'.:.n liri:l, all 'i.e1'. eT.Ju1;, .. ::I:it OF :I.cved to A.900110,
t.t al". to 992147 ';:::;/;;.: '- " 1415 '0 Cr'4..:t2i S). C-1 L, . at ... 1:')
:::-3 at loo.tion at ot :or C-2.
&cn Co., .-
R-2, .. 1.;,:,lU ':01' tr.e 120tl': RCT, ho,", 3 Y4 ton ve .. icl.,s uestron:d M ... ].,,;
b '. j i !"; C t 1'): '. ".; l:':-' <;
.; ..: :::!:,A r . U ;.Il., P;i t CP located at cloeint;
;;.t 2145.
0<:3.cd En., C"c7515:n, 3Cit!. Inf,wtI" .JiYi8ioD
CF left t!-'",i.c cld ':"ocat.i.cr. t""!v:li. ..
54 l;;i:jc;t:ii:l, .0Nn t-t
1':'30. Ai> 1,;;)on c.l> 'r,': .;} IL;'; ;;;et, it W t froll! a tr<oin
tL,t 1. d [..;:>!'. t:';<"'Aled fur " .:' C,. q: .1 2100 J... ll\.:.::lber ot tld :peopl. h .. d
diad .ron at",zi"'"on :;:.':: re!: ... L!c.,:' .: ci LJU ';0 [JOe; f'or >,,'_1' J ..... '''':;0 :;urge::rmei8
tel' W.B o.<1,.;!,-,'.. ' eel L::. 1' .:!!.l't to L.e b"E..;!':el! op.r.. tint:. "I,d to provide fuod 'And
1;,nt.i::' ".8 .G c:..\.4lll O'hI. :iq Co l:.oved to (615137) clo8in6
2130. 78 PJe small into
our P'Ns fr;,;;" 1.. .. 1> wc:s .. iTan i)' 3 E .. (.113i: wto their f1rst
w.. .tm me",l In f '..:1 Td'1rs .. itL :.160 In CPo riot jll ;:;uj.;"r fil.ct
01." ",t til'" for... L! (';P loc",tlou
... Co., 6dI'Q Tu En., (.)518862), attached 2nd TlI Group
C':.it W S ",tt .. r;,r .;u ,0 Grc 11p at 120900 f"r VO GG .xIX Corp UI,it W... 8 loc.. ted
Cot 3EHSEI. (03011;) [;OVl:.1!, to .))2"e62 1730.
B COt; lu In., ('I'E,57069), attache.d 120th Inhntrr R6t.
CP, with If 3ARLKEEN (657069) oloaine at 1600.
1Jr.i"; ',;; ..iout 01 L(, tOln i/lt!! tanks occup:-int,. tht
C Co., T.- BT,., Gltt"r::hed 111th Infantr-r Rt;t.
U. it move'd .,itnout. incid'3nt, Ulltil 1.1.8 pldotvons trie::i to t,;i;:t into their tin"l looations,
Ullit clai:.18 Lne pz V destl'o.... d at 745222 pUc 3 1.!G neat. and 2
poir. te orgCtniZEId j n llO\,;,IHts ,lU3 17 pns. 45 I'o.nils HE ,.nd 17 rounda APe were expende<l.
C-1 huttoned up dt 732151 dot 2100. C-' at 752206 closjn8 at 2000, unit CP Cl08)6 at
at 1630. C-2 i& still 'unlocated, but i. belieTed to btl moviI:_ from DRO ii
SCHi'/r.;IG to catch their C.pt 1.:C1, !!IS waa slie.htl' on the head lIY a f1fle
!Jullet ;;n" at.._ ln on till:: arm ..n<.l uand t;. shrpnel, !Jut w a not eTacuated.. C-1 expend.ed.
49 roun08 HE on a church ateeple, battelr, KG neats
anC1 about 25 eram" trcops all in thl:: ViC1.11tT of 746152.
Hen Co a<-'3,r'd TJJ Bn., (722255)
Ur.i t Cl' clc,sed into 7::2255 at at::ut 1800, the., captured. 16 PW. dur1ng tu. per1ocl.
It-1 .... reGk.d !ii, .1t..ep had l t t'e,Pl<2ced br bn m".1ntenanoe.
823rd En 4!655158). attacned 30th Inf Div
.3n CP ::oTed to ('(655158), due to a Trphus epide!r.1c, closing "t 1150. Ca.;tito
EAf.A:,"l)V spent the entire da., aettinb up the hospita.l for the refugees and seeine;
that the food was Qistributed. Tho roost at our old loc_tion
oualy murdered his wife and commi tteJ. suioide. Col DETTJri.i:;3 captureu 5 P'lis
turned oyer to the Diy cate.
A Co 823rd Bn attached 2Ld TD Group
Securi t., section was released fro:n their li.lission t-uard1ng c"stle and are on
the waT back to roin their unit. Unit is ati11 sittino in assemb17 at BOTTMEaSu
OhF (D518862).
B Co 823rd TD Bn., (657069), .ttached 120th Inf
il-2 went on a mission of olearing a suppl":" route covering a route from 654105 to
611075 to 590106 to 405075 and liest about 10 milu, 4tt> returning to vio Co CP with
out inoident. One .a8 transferred to Rcn Co. B-1 was
located with one section bt 66022 anJ the section at 666130 oloains at 2330.
Unit took 4 PUs.
C C Co., 82,rd TD Bn., (Y728250), attached l17th Inf
U,..1 t olaims one barge destro'1'ed and one snirer killed. C-l expended one round HE
on the barge C-2 Das not arrived. with tnt rest of the Co. as vet, the. are tOti11
Ron Co 823rd TD En.,
No change.
15 April 1945
823rd BL., (r655l58), attached 30th
Unit spent entird period on maintenance and getting th,eir e!.uipment back into shape.
Wire truck of Bn CP fire, top and part of.the -,2
i& inoBn maintenance for a new motor. 2 1/, tons were reoeived from ordn
ance ae replacements.
A Co., 82,rd TD En (D518862), 2nd -rD Group
Unit still operating under oontro1 of 2nd TD Group, took 15 PWs for th. period and
received one i/4 ton raplacsreent.
B Co., 82,rd Tl> Bn., ('(657069) attached l20th Inf Ret
No change.
C Co 82,rd TD Bn., (f728250), attaohed 117th Inf
0-2 reJOined the unit &nd is now loeated in vic Co CP (728250) aa of 0700. Unit had
One BI.
Ron Co., 82,rd TD Bn., (Y722255)
&-1 .h3.s been uaed e%tellsl velr cn route patrol. Uni t had one 01.
16 April 1945
82,rd TD Bn., ('(655158). 30th Inf Div
With the exception of a f minor move., the spent the period on m.intenance and
2 1/4 tone receivedo from ordnanoe and one that wae reoelved ye.ter
day .ere glvell to ROil Co. .
.A. 82,rd TD En., (D518862).attacbed 2nd TD
Unit ie oontinuing maintenanoe of th81r equlpment.
B Co e , 823rd Tu Bn., (Y657069), attached 120tb Inf
B-1 moved to vio Co CP (6570b9) at 14,0.
C Co 82,rd TD En., (Y52006,), attached 117th In!
unit, 1e8sC-l. awve4 t> aD assemblv are. with RCT, Co CP to 520vo' clOSing
16 April 1945 --C Co (Contlnued)
aU.nO, C-2 - 567104 closing at 1300 and 0-3 5e,.,050 cloaine at 1530.
Ren Co., 823rd .i,,jJ ... n.,
., 0, mo.ed to 615138 oloslng at 1425, R-3 mo.ed with the Co OP
17 April 1945
823rd TD Bno, (623023), attached ,Oth Infantry Dlviaion
At of the attack on En Fwd CP mod to 622053 at 1500 and then
to 620022 at 16'0 and to 62;02; Where the entire CP o1o.ed at 1710 and 1930. Capt
8CHlULLIa left tor .e.en at the Unit oaptured one PI.
A Co., 823rd TD Bn., (Y625021), attaohed 111th Infantrr Ret.
Unit WiLS released freM attachment t'o 2nd 1..1 Group and attached to 117t.!1 In! RCI
support tcs attaok OD Unit closed into assembly pOSition, minus A-2,
at 575045 about 0700. A.1 and A.I supported the attack stopp1n; for the ni t l1t at
649002 cloBing at 2000 and 648000 closin8 at 2000. TLe Fwd CP at 649001 at
2000. Co CP aDd A-2 into OLVELSTl!:D'l' at 1910. One AT Sun ",.. 8 ciestro"ed. ax
ptfnd1ng 4 rt:unds RE.
B Co., 823rd TD Bn., yo656076), attached 120th Infantry Rgt.
Unit J'wd CP looated at 6670" clo8ine, at 2125. B-1 elo..d into position.at 6720;1,
at 2145. B-2 at 6670'5 closine; at 1300, ::'-3 to 664027 closing at ""}o. 11-10
ot B-3 was hit Panzertaust Qnc k111ine 2 Kk aDu woundin6 3 one of
whioh died later.
CCo., 82,rd T Bn., (628022), attaohed 111th Infantry Rbt.
Unit CF meTed to Y628022) closing at 1900, aftel' stnpping
.with 0-1 at 575045 where the,. cl08.d at 0930. Prior to the attack tht! entir. unit
aa.emblea. at 625022, at the clos. ot tl.e period. 0-1 w.s loe.ted at 6550('1
at 2100 and de.tro..-ing ..ll AT at 657000 upending 10 round. HX. 0-2 at 654014
cloud at 2000. 658..., olosed at 2020. Ur.i t had one NBI lor the period. 0-, at
The M-,2 returned to .otion from En
Rcn Co., 82,rd 'fD Bn., ('(615140)
Un1 t Fwd C1' mond to 619021 alodng at 18;0. The phtoona Gic1 a fir job in gain
iag inforll&tior. of friendl". un1 t. and the Co's in routes and poei tiona.
1B April 1945
82,rc1 TD Bn.
(Y62,02,) attaohed 'Oth Infantry Dl.ision
Two 2 Y2 ton trucks left durint . earl.,. part of tr.e pliriod., Insuroh 0' diesel. with
the closest kno*n point beiLg in the vic1nit Y ,of the RHINE Unit can tral
approximatel, 100 mil.. until 8uch time c. J the fuel o...n be 100a t..d.nd returned to
th. unit. One was r.oeiyed from
A Co., 823rd TD Bn., (Y765021). 119th InfantrY Rgt.
A-1 Ixp.)nded 20 round. HI and onl round. APC in support of a.ttaok. A-1
010.ed into 667989 at 1430. A-3 to 668988 at 1.}0. Fwd CP closing 657991
a' 1445. At 010.e of period unit was at!:acnfJd to the 119th Inh:ltr1 Rat, The
CP and. all 3 platoon. Dlond to DIESDOlt!' (62199') olosing at 2045. Un! t r4l(ldnO. one
M-10 trom Bn maintlnanc. and had. one NBI for the periOu.
18 April 1945 (Contd)
13 Co., 823rd TD .Bn., (Y656076), attaohed 120th Infantry Re;t.
Unit continued the attack w1thdraw1ns from prey10ua looations and do.u the
left of the seotor with B-1 ol081ns 1nto 683023 at 1300. B-2 to 686018 at 1120
B-3 at 681L18 closing at 1720. fWd CP to 685019 at 1202. At close of period ent1re
unit assembled in BAliDLXBEN (656076) at 2000. 'U.1t had one
. C Co., 823rd T lJ Bn., (Y655999), attacheli 1-17th InfantZOT list.
Un1t CP moyed to 622022 at 0945. Unit continued 1n support of the attaok,and at
the complet10n entire unit as.embled at 655999, with CP at 1400. C-1 ClOB
ing a.t 1600, C-2 at 1610 and. C-3 at 1900. 5 PWs were taken by the unit.
Rcn Co., 823rd TD Bn., (622021)
Unit CF Dlond to 622021 closing at 0945. 2 EWs, who were 80lQiera in c1y1l1an olothea
were turned in bT the outf1t.
19 April 1945
823rd TD Bn., (Y623023), attached 30th Infantrr D1y18ion
Unit spent period on maintenance and rehabilitation, .endins one D to the USA
on rotation one DS ao instructor in a reinforcement depot.
A Co., 823rd Bn., (Y625021), attached 119th Infantry list.
No ohange.
13 Co., 823rd TD Bn., (Y656076), attached 120th Infantry Bot.
No chan6e.
C C;;. 823rd T.u Bn., (D655999)" attaohed 117th Infantry i&t.
One M-10 was reoeiYed from Bn maintenanoe which giT the company a full oompiement.
Rcn Co., 823rd TD Bn., (Y622022)
H-1 mo'no to __1C Co CP in order to enJoT a home-cooked meU. B-2 made r;;ute reoon
naiss&noe for 13 Co in the 120th Regimental Zone.
20 April 1945
823rd TD Bn., (Y62302,), attached 30th Infantry D1y1.10n
Unit sent 2 EX on DS to Plans were made Ben Co to orSaniz. the Military
GOT.rnment in the Battalion'. a8sIgned area. Unit had one NBI. On.
received from ordnanoe.
A Co., TU BQ., (D738862), attaohed 119th Infantry Bgt
Unit moved with RCT, wIth A-1 and A-2 takins up tirins posItions alons the KLB.
ltivar and .t-3 being held ;as a r&SeZ'V6. A-1 loo!ited with a. 8eotion at 140878 and
another seotion at 7,,867. A-2 put one .eotion at 722896 and the other otion
at 705916 at 1100. A-3 at 675854 oloBing at 1000. Co CP moyed to BA
(D738862) olosint, at 1530. Ur.1t had on....10 go to En ..int.n..... w1t.b.
broken pi.ton.
B Co., 82,rd TD Bn., (Y656076), attached 120th Infantry i8t.
Ur.it had on. NBI for the period.
C Co., 823rd TD Bn., (D655999), attaohed ..t.
No chang
Ron Co., 82,rd Bn., (Y622022)
mad. rout. reoonnaissanoe of the ar&a disnated to the bktta11
21 A.pril 1945
823!,Q TV Bn., (Y'380000), att;;..ched 30th InfantrT Division
Uni t establistie.:l b:ili Government in their assign." arwa, movine. their Hq to
('n80000) 1000. InEtruetions were is81.!ed r"ini5 the !tili tan
control of all the ci vilia11s. Teams were set ull to made a CO;Ailete surTey of the
34 towns w1thin& our Jurisdiction to dlterruin9 a_ock. Qf supplr, facilitiea
'iino. to a eoncrGlt. idoo. of ti::e Iroal.m f .. cine; us. U:.i t h.. d one 1'51 for 1;he
period. One was received frem ordnance.
A Co., 823rd _.1; Bn., (1)7:58862), attliH'hed 119th Int",ntI'T Aet.
No ch:"nge.
B Co., 823.l'd TD Bn., ("(656076). attached 120th InfantI'T Rgt.
lio chiOnee.
e Co., TD Bn., (D655999), attached 117th InfntrT Ret.
Unit.patr'lled an area on tne of to include DIESDORF. rhlir
sQtctor is being cibngeci ",nO. at pt.sllnt t:J"" :Are inaoti.,e. wni had one :;];1 for the
hen Co., 8231'\1 TlJ Bn., ('05:3009)
Antire unit closed .t 1200 into Is with
with the CP locahd in U;.;:l..J!.id)ORF ('559009), R-1 at (3,0073), &-2
at (466074), it.-3 .. t OVJ:;L:ii:. _,E (422000) ana ths Pionur :pbtoon
(320993). The Co CP, R-1, R-3 are .& a
headquarters. Patrols will b. from looations to insure the
instructions an, al1.l'ried to Q O\.i.ccdssful conclusion.
22 A:prll 194.5.
823ra TlJ En., (T'SOOOO), attaohed 30th Infantry Division
Un1 t spent thf:; 'J;. ;ped od ,",ettint. .r.:111 tar- Gover'nment established. The Burger
..iater of elioh town W...lS contJct.d :tC provisions of the instructions were .sivin
to him iolUJ in :urn to tr.Q 1'(lople of '.;.wn. A SUrYI,. was 8t:.rt.d of <tJ.l the local
supplies of . nd :.be lousine;. ficilltha within the area. en. M-10 was
turned in to orun.noe. 14 EM wwre as from the S01st TD an
with 2 e.0i.at;. to .da. :;0. liq Co :.. ond to J...LVl';;:.SLELll!:r; (458108) elosing at 1,00
A Co:, 823rd TV b., (lJ738862), a thched 119th Inf:.-ntr" let
U:.it received 4 rwinforcilments from 801st TJJ En.
E Co., 823rd T... En., ('(656076), attach'ld 120th Infantr". Ret.
Unit was an are_ to patrol within of the 120th Inf RGt. Vnit
rliow1'Yed 5 EM ... 8 ninforo".:f:lent. from the eO'st Tli Bn.
C Co., 823ru. TD Bn., (DC5S999), attached 117th Infantry RtSt.
2 ware reoeiVf:.d frem the 8018t Tj,; Bn. as ril1ntorcem.nts.
Hen Co., 82,rd 'l'.1) En.,
Uni t ap.nt the organizing the :.1111tar-r Government w1 th1n their eub-area
s<:!ctor, wt.ich includeu eatabliehine; Ol'<i..-lr .... ltd making pr.lillliltary aurve,... One PW
waa taken t". tn, uni t. Onil reeeiv,d as :. reinforcement froll the 801.iTJ) Bn.
23 April 1945
823rd Bn., (7330000), 30th Infantrr D1v1.ion
Uni t tlRun t thl pltl'1od ro'"k1ne;. suruu 'nc.. e.ttint .ettl.d down wi th the
eaoh town 80 thnt a sfstem .1l1 function. It 1. eZReote4 that the .arTe, will.
bl complete. b., tOil mi ddlw ot the nut per104 and aJl 1I1oture .r th. area
will b..., 'Jt that time. One 0 ..0 of 1ooUn, wu reRorte4 in {iIOfPINDOU'
dld r... small soall riot in WORlCSDORJ' oooa.ion.d b,. a .oldhr who dated that
he frOID BRAUNSCHl1EIG ,nd hll d a gncli5e kt;;..1n.t the Bur8om.18t1r. or.,. Germlln '/1
e80a ed in a .,.iIllow automobile. Details of tl1e 1noi4.llt wer. takell b KG and turned
2, April 1945, 823rd Tu Bn
over to G-2. A court of in each area He,dquarters. issuing
pas.8. ansrine question
A Co., S.:3rd 'fi) Bn., (.D727880). attached 119tt. Rgt.
48 round. HE assault fire and 600 rounds 50 cal re fired by unit.
B Co., 823rd TD (f656076), attached 120th Infan.ry R6t.
Uni' i. patrollin
the town and surrounding area of lCLl AJIO(IBSLl!!B&I.
C Co., 823rd TD an., (D655999), attached 117th Infantry Be>t.
C-3 .ent into firing pO.ition on the &LBB River in and expended 40 rounds
HE and 5 rounds APe OD 4 to.ed. 88.. guna located at 770965, destroying 3 of them.
e-1 _nd e-2 on a uemon.t..tion of force by dri_iag XAGUEBURG. All unit.
had returned to their former location. by 1200.

Rcn Co., 823rd TD Bn., (Y'59009)

Unit .pent the entire period making in area. and out the
civilian. &. to travel. billeta, looting and f00d. 'two disturbance. mentioned above
.ere brought under control by this unit.Lt WHITl: aoted immediatelY'upOh a tipoff,
aiven him by a Pole, ano. after a a hort f1 re f1eht, oaptured one oftioer and 5 "
who w.re German equipped with demolitions and other equipment to hAras.
aupplT line.. 3 other PIIere taken bY' ':he unit.
24 -'-pril 1945
823rd TD EA., (,,80000), attached 30th Infantry Division.
The Court ot Human aelation.- wa. eatablished with doing what they could
to an.wer question. nd get organizeQe 2 rape oa.eere the
intormation 18 to be turned over to .l)1v MPs- Gello/I'a! HOBBS awarded 6 Silver" Stars,
18 Bron":;e Star. and one cluster to the Bronze Star to oftlcers and D of the Battaliolh
One EX returned to dutr from the Capt GIBSO. was plaoed on DI
Co., 82;rd TD Bn., (727880), attaohed 119th Infantry Rgt.
Unit had 7 HBI.6 being to all gettlng out of ooatrol and running into a tree.
One Geller&! Purpo.e vehicle "'enear) was destroyed at Y72590,.
B Co 82'rd 'fD Bn., (Y656076). attached 120th Infantry Ret.
Unit ha4 One and reoeiTed one old man as a relllforoement.
C 'Co., 823rd TD -'16 (D655999). attaohed 117th lJlfutry Rgt.
reoeived one old ... aa reintorcement.
ROll Co., 823r4 TD Bll., CTI"009)
R-' .Lad fire fiht at 340104 oWou.)lding 3 and taking 5 Pis, a tokJ. of 4' n. were
turned over to ivi.ion PW oage. are .lowly going crazy \rylng to
adain1ater their a.signed area.. Unit rQceived one old man &. a reiataroment.
25 April 1945
82,rd 'fD DD., (y,80000). attacbed 30th IntaAtl'Y DiT1.1oa
Unit oontinued the task of Military Government, with the hlghli6hta beiDi the gather
in! up of Part-.' Otf1oial trying to get the faotori in the are."N ortag, ruai::.g
a Cl ourt ot Humall Relatione &lld contllluag making a 8urny ot "the food uC bUl..... I., ....
idg 8ituation. 6 Fiere turned in by tae unit. {
Co 82,rd (727880), attaohed 119th tataatrr aet.
No ohaAge.
B Co., 823rd ToO Bn.,
(Y656076). attaohed InfantlT Rgt.
IO ohange.
C Co., 82,1'. TD
(655999). attaohed 1t7tli. IJdaatry
I. ohange.

)-Jrot....... \
Ron Co., TD b., (Y359009)
Xut1r. continued the prooes. of BUryering and administering their
25 Pia ware turu.d in by the unit .
26 April 1945
82'rd TD Bn., (Y3eUOOO), attached3uth Infantry
:s Co. returned to b;.tlialion control being releas.d froJD at.aailment witA tne
1i:Oth RC! at 1200. U,d t eentinued acili.l"hter1ntS Atilt tarr ;:OonrllDl!.lnt in thUr
.eotor wIth JDany new problems Buoh aa enou6h funds to oarrT on
the relief work, getting up a system to cope with the Amerioan Sad Sacks- thdt 6iTe
more trouble than the Gel'1llana and wi tk c-::.l'lr un! ts transaoting business
with the area. Une returnad to duty froa th.
A 00., 823rd TD Bn., (D727880), attached 119th Infantry Ret.
No ohane".
BOo., 823rd TD Bn., (Y656076)
A prelim1nary reoonnailJsanelil of the area' they are to gO.Tern W'AS oonduotea.
o 00., 823rd TD Bn., (D655999), 117th Infantry ligt.
No change.
Ron Co., 82,rd Tj) Bn.. (Y3590Q9) ft
to maintain patrols of tneir area and aot a oourt of Ruman Relations
for one and all. 19 PW._ were turniid in 0, the unit.
27 April .1945
823rd TD Bne, (Y3aOOOO) , attached Infantrr DiTision
SCHEULLER returned from the RIVIERA. 2 old men were rein!orc..
J. Co., 62,rd TD Bn.,. (D72788&>, attaohed 119th Infantr'f Rgt.
4 old men were recei Ii .a rein[orcea:ent
B Co ... 62,rd TD Bn.. (Y'48069)
Unit clo.ed into their area of ocoupation a. tollow.: Unit CP
(346069) part at 08'0 ana r.mainder at 1',0. B-1 to (399080)
at 1,,0. B-2 to (46'07') closing at 0800. B-3 to
ALLKRINGRNSLEBEN ("1074) at 08,0. Two old men were reoeiv.u as reinforcements.
One-Jl-10 i. 1n Battalion mainten.noe for repairs.
o Co., Tn Bn., (D655999). attaohed 117th Infantry Rgt.
Unit rIJo,iYe4 6 old men
Ron .00 82'rd TD Bn.,
R-1 and B-2 were effeotQQ by the o!eoundarleg with R-1 goine to
(3440,8) at 1200 and R-2 to DRUXBh:RGE (447013) oloaine at 1300. Ullit reoeind 2
old men a8 re1nforomenta.
28 April 1945
TD Bn., C3AOOOO), attaohed 'Oth DiT1sion
liCl Co mond to the 01 h of UHRSLEBEN (Y400062) cloBin@' at 1400. Un! t oontinued aot
inB aa Kill tary. GO'Ylilrnment .ith .I1othirle out ot til. ord1naI'T hlil'penlnB.
A 00., 623rd TD Bn., (727880), attaohed 119th Infantry
Io ohana_. .
. ,
, ...
28 1945 (Contd) ...
B Co., Bn, (t348069)
Uni t .5 PWa in uniform out of che WIilOUS in their area. 6 re ir.foroements were
reoeiTed from the 120th Inf
C Co., :'-,823rd TD Bn., (D655999), attaohe4 117th Infantrv Rgt.
Uni t; t'1.d one ImI for the period.
Ren Co., 823rd En., (Y359009)
11 PWs were bT the unit.
29 April 1945
823rd TD Bn., attaohed 30th Infantry DITision
Unit spent the period in oontinu(ation of their JIG program. Plans ..era made to in
clude A. and C in tha area wh1ch will rut the' entire bn together a8 a un! t.
23 P7{s were turned in for the period. Un'it a Red Croaa, Doughnut Truok and .. mo
tion :pJoture.
A Co., 823rd D Bn. , (D727880) , lilttached 119th Infantry Rgt.
One man raturHsd to dut.., from the hoaplta1.
13 Co., 82,rd TD Bn., (Y348069)
One man returned to dutT from the hospital. Unit oontinued .administration of Ullitary
Government within their 8tor.
C Co., 8Z3rd Bn., . (D655999), attaohed 111th Infantry Igt.
No change.
Rcn. Co., 823rd TD Bn., (Y'59009)
Only unusual acUW'l t-r w.. a an unexploded bomb reported by R-2 in tlle
details were turned OTer to the 13.Il0l lor the1r action.
30 A,prll 1945
823rd.T (y,80000). ,Oth InfantrT 1.1sion
Uni t spent poilriod in ccntinuation of 1rG l'rogram. Lt lD'J'ERSOI' oOllplatad. ooursa
of instruotion tor instructors under the I &: E progr.. g1YU at the 5,bt 4AA BJl CP.
A. of 0800 A C Companiea re.ertad to battalion control and took o.er sotor
to superTiae. Unit Per,onn.l seotion moved back saad. i. with the BJl CP.
5' Pis wera turned in by the unit.
'.l Co., 82,rd 'I'D Bn., . (Y456108)
A Co a.Umed of tha area asaigned them and now ha.e the ot
controlling it. Unit CP mOTed to ALVENSLEBEN Y456118) ol.slnc at 1200.
H.AXENS'l'EDT (Y41:50'9) 0108ing at 1200. ...2 to NORDGERBRSLEBD (Y46201') ,1.slD& at
121.5. A-, to EMDEN ('(423398) at 12'0.
B Co., 823rd TD Bn., (YJ48069)
B-2 mod to BRlGEI'STIDT (y,84120) olosing at 1200. Unlt had ODe .-If
C Co., 82'rd DEn (Y'4,O,1)
Unit into, and a8s...d control ot th.ir ares fol10.., ao Gt to ......
at 11,0. 0-1 to BARTENSLEBER (Y,2,10,) at 1200. to
(Y,05025) olosin! at 12'0. 0-, to MOItSLEBEN (1',05025) at. 12,0. Ull1t 1111.4=. DI.
ROD Co 82'3rd 'I'D Bn., (1'.'59009)
R-1 ::noved to .GEHRUIGSDORF (1"51961) oloslng at 1200. One man retl1rasd fr.- lIi
instruotor to 18th Reinforoement Pool. . J


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