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HalfPastHuman: Language: Linguistics: Tools: ALTA


ALTA IR - 307 -Part 1

Part 1:Israel - Stuck and Blind, Blood Spins the Mind*

Populace/USofA - Ten Birds in the Sky, Chanting Starts* Terra - North American Duality, Cars of Confusion* Terra - Eurasia - Fall into Winter* Gold/Silver - Strict Rules Tie Shoes Too Tight Lead to Fist Fights* Oil / Energy - Trembles in the Stomach, LeapX* Conclusion: Part 1 - One Hell of a Release Period Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 08.05.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 10.219 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. Israel - Stuck and Blind, Blood Spins the Mind There are several subjects which include 'religion', 'politics', and 'celebrity' where we have too many conscious discussions of the subject with too "hot" an emotional level within the language to be able to easily use the 'reads' we get from these areas. Usually, Israel is also one of the subjects. These "too hot emotionally" subjects place an extra burden on our processing at many levels and require diligence to screen out the various differing agendas within the language we encounter. Mostly we try to avoid delving into these areas as the work loads are not usually worth the trouble. However, at this time, 'conflict' as a meta data layer has obviously gone vertical within the area of the GlobalPop where we have our 'israel' references. As such, and given the manifesting circumstances of Israel at War, we have worked the process to pick up what we can out of our 'too hot' pool of language. *Please realize* that the very extreme emotional levels around the subject *likely* mean we will be getting any projections here wrong as the levels for discrimination within the emotive sums are so narrow, but we will go to the effort in any event. Our data set begins with the GlobalPop, sub set 'israel', having a current dominant aspect of 'motion/action'. We note that immediately the supporting aspect/attributes give a clear indication of 'failure, confusion {of} motion {with} accomplishment'. Further the supporting sets within these supporting aspect/attributes go to 'echo produces tears, marshland sucks/envelopes mind/plan'. We also show that 'seductive promises' will be 'shown {as} hollow lies' when the 'secrets revealed' layer starts to accelerate within this area in very late August. It will also apparently come out that a 'faux/fake/deception' was the 'proximate cause' and that this 'deception' will 'bring down the house/assembly'.

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The whole of the area is dominated by duplications of aspects going to the idea of 'stuck' in a very bad situation which results in 'wounds' to the 'mind, throat, underbelly/groin', and which also ends with '1/one eye gone, blind, pain'. Further we note that the status of the 'aggression' at the very end of August will be 'restored/regenerated' in December of 2006, and that the 'terrible/horrific miscalculation' of that time will result in '2/two' disasters; first for Israel, and second for the USofA when the 'empire falls'. The immediacy values, as they are loaded into modelspace and progressed through August show that 'israel' is 'stuck' and 'mired' within a 'neurotic self-love/obsession' which is shown as 'returning self-harm/self-infliction' as well as 'damaging {Terra} ground/land' within the region such that 'water(s) {become/are} deadly'. The implication may be that DU {ed note: reputed use by Israel of depleted uranium ammunitions supplied by the Bushies} comes back to haunt the Israeli's. We can also find enough data to suggest that by the December period, the 'waters' of Israel are 'poisoned' by external sources. There is no indication at this time to suggest that this 'poisoning' is deliberate or at the hands of Israeli enemies. There are references to effects which 'require/mandate/demand/impel' the 'relocation' of 'millions' as the 'impossibility of continuing' emerges into the collective consciousness. As we go deeper into the lexical sub sets, the imagery of being 'stuck' and 'glued' to a 'bad/wrong premise/conclusion' continues to gain support. In many cases the supporting sets agree that the 'marshes/reeds/brush' along the 'shore' will be the 'point {of} decision' and that should Israeli leaders decide to 'exceed' the 'shore', then the outcome will be one of 'self harm', and 'harming {of} relations/neighbors /supporters'. Continuing in support of that meme, we note that the data set goes to the idea of 'blinded {in} 1/one eye' which 'produces restricted vision {of} self' which in turn is shown to 'increase widows' instead of 'results/goals'. The data is quite clear that 'time of action' is over and the Israeli's will soon be 'bound {to the} decision/fate wheel/cart' when they have to answer the question of 'ok, so now what?' or as the data set has it, 'failure, abject/absolute, now what next action serves'? Bearing in mind the potential for the conscious discussion of the situation to pollute our results, we show that the details within the aspect/attribute sets go to Israel 'setting loose' the 'sacrifice of {their/self} children'. And that 'throat slit', but ominously 'no {more} blood flows'. And that 'blood smell/lust' that 'initiated conflict' will 'disappear' within 'chilled nights' under the 'final phase {of the} moon'. This last probably is indicating a late August or early September cessation of direct, aggressive Israeli actions. This comes out of the data as the GlobalPop entity seems to be suggesting that world attention will be elsewhere at that point, leaving the 'israeli mistake' to 'coagulate {around the} feet' of Israel which in turn induces 'vomiting' and 'rejection' from the younger generation. Though a confusing morass of contradictory aspects, we do note a general trend for an interpretation of an atmosphere of 'party' or 'celebration' including 'eat, drink, dance' on the part of the Israelis near the end of the month. This is the base from which the 'ignorance of fate/future' will 'shock/punch' the 'children in the stomach' such that 'vomiting poison' will be the 'remembrance/legacy' of this Israeli mistake. Much of this is showing as being connected to the December time period so our interpretation is that a general feeling of 'satisfaction' or 'job completed' which may be felt by the populace of Israel in late August is replaced by 'stupefying fear' in December *probably* as the result of realizing that some how an action of this Summer has 'poisoned {the younger generations'} future' come Winter. There are very extensive cross links from this area of GlobalPop over to the Bushista entity. The sub set of 'israel' in both entities is projecting the same sort of interpretation that 'excessive violence' and 'early glee' will be combined along with other elements to produce the 'fall of empire'. Further the 'fall of empire', at least according to the immediacy values as the modelspace is progressed, begins on September 14th, 2006. The immediacy values are suggesting that the Bushista and GlobalPop, sub set 'israel' will be 'blinded by blood smell/lust' over the course of August and that will contribute to 'mind spin' in which 'delusions rule/dominate'. This 'blood spins the mind' lexical structure is also supported by language going to the idea that 'results/outcome' of the 'blood spun mind' in Israel will be 'self delusion' and 'obscuring' of 'self participation' in the coming 'future wounding by poison'. A last note about this area is that the very clear 'empire(s) fall' within this section refers to not only the global hegemony of the USofA, but also apparently the 'empire/caliphate' of the Saudi's. There is much language suggesting that by December the whole of the power structure within the 'empty house' of '5/five thousand princes' will be 'up ended', and 'inverted'. Populace/USofA - Ten Birds in the Sky, Chanting Starts As the immediacy values roll into the Populace/USofA entity, we are nonplussed to note that 'totalitarian' and 'regime' are both supporting aspects to the rising aspect within Populace/USofA of 'repression'. This 'repression' aspect is fully populated, complete and correct in computer programmer, and radical linguistic terms and so is being accepted by the processing for this entity. This means that we have a complete supporting set and that neither 'regime' nor 'totalitarian' are rising from conscious use of these terms within the various areas of the net from which our data sets are derived. Fundamentally we have some level of trust in the Populace/USofA entity which is presenting us with an actual, bespoke version of the idea that 'open repression {of the populace}, {by the} totalitarian regime' will begin in August. The data set also has aspects/attributes sets in support which contain the language of 'dark forces {are} at work' within the populace. Further that the 'time {available for} retreat {is} now past', and that 'early rebels' will be 'gutted'. Hmm. This last is within a deep sub set which also includes language both directly held and by cross links showing that 'dead fathers {who are/were} rebels {in} Fall ' will 'seed the Winter revolution'. The data further suggests by cross links that the Bushista's will soon be 'showing {their} hands without/sans gloves/disguise' when they use the term 'insurrectionist' applied to 'citizens', presumably American. Within the Populace/USofA, sub set 'repression' we note that the data could be interpreted as presenting 2/two views; the first a general descriptor set of emotional parameters of what may occur, and the second a more individual view with actual "cautions" as an aid to

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'surviving/living through' the developing 'repression'. Taking up the details presented as a whole, a general interpretation would lean to a description of 'political/social repression' being initiated within the Populace/USofA *focused* at specific target sub-populations. This descriptor set includes language indicating a very bad time will be had by all involved, and that the 'pogrom', once begun will 'unleash/free' forces 'beyond' the control of the Bushistas. Further that this 'unfettering {of} chained emotions' will 'rise up {when} impacting {the} citizenry/populace' and that this in turn produces a 'splash back/backlash' in late Fall which sets up the 'rebellion' meme within the mainstream media. Please note that by the time the mainstream media get their mouths around the 'rebellion' word, the modelspace is indicating that 'revolution' will already be near 'boiling'. We also note that the Bushista 'pogrom' will not be 'visibly' against jews, but in the end will cause both American jews, as well as Israeli's very great harm. The area of the data set with 'cautions' for the individual is clearly stating that 'low profile' and 'vigilant awareness' will be required to not get caught up in events swirling around. The data set includes aspects/attributes which go to the image of 'retreat impossible'{ed note: actually temporally noted as being 'long past'}, therefore, 'disguise' and 'deception' *may* be required to 'maintain low silhouette'. Further that 'firmness of resolve' will lead to 'success', presumably to surviving the 'pogrom'. Within this area the details go to the idea that 'insight' into the situation should be the 'guide' to 'avoiding' the 'swirling masses {of} debris' as the 'political thunder storm rages over the countryside'. Within the 'disguise' area we note an admonition from the data set to 'conceal' or 'change' appearance 'according {to the} situation'. Further the data details within the aspect/attribute sets go toward explicit references to 'bend with the winds {of the} moment' in order to 'grow to fruition'. This last is also a metaphoric way of stating 'reach/arrive at success'. Hmm. Starting to read a lot like the Hitler years in Germany. Or USSR under Stalin. Running parallel to this area within Populace/USofA and temporally bound by the 'full moons' of August and September {ed note: from August 6th to end of day, September 5th}, the data set also contains a reference to 'ten birds {in the} sky' over the USofA. A very ominous collection of wording given the September 11th, 2001 events, the current state of affairs, and the constant rumors that the Bushista/GOP's administration is so corrupt as to induce a crisis within the USofA in order to try to maintain their grip on political power. At the risk of pandering to fear, we also need to note that by the last day of August, the Populace/USofA entity is also showing the 'conflict' meta data layer as dominating within it, so the totality of the data set is going to the idea of *perhaps* some form of 'ten crises', or interpreted at its broadest level, 'multiple crises' which draw the populace of the USofA into manifesting 'conflict' internally. We note that the Populace/USofA is *always* manifesting 'conflict' externally out and about within the world, and has done so over the last century of pretty much continuous warfare. However, the data set is clearly showing that 'conflict' will now be internal to the population, and presumably within the borders of the USofA.

Terra - North American Duality, Cars of Confusion As we progress the modelspace forward into August and early September, the Terra entity, sub set 'usofa, continental' presents us with the meta data layer of 'duality' starting upward out of the knee of the "J" curve. We estimate that by late November, perhaps as late as mid December, this meta data layer will have gone vertical for the whole of the entity. The 'duality' meta data layer is admittedly a difficult concept to grasp. Unlike the other meta data layers such as 'secrets revealed', 'conflict', 'encounter with scarcity', or 'restricted movement', it is not immediately apparent as to what impact the 'duality' will have upon humans. While it is tempting to suppose that the 'duality' will express itself cleanly upon the continent, say with half hot and half cold, this is not supported by the linguistic clues available. Rather the 'duality' is showing as a very complex structure spread throughout the sub set of 'usofa, continental'. We note that the 'duality' is not limited to the political boundaries of the USofA, but in this case is being interpreted as all of the 'north american' sub set. The 'duality' meta data layer dominating as the primary aspect within Terra, sub set 'north american hemisphere' is supported at the very highest level with references to 'water' in which 'duality' is expressed as the contrast between 'salt waters' and 'fresh'. Within each of these sets are supporting structures which further emphasize their intrinsic natures as 'different' forms of water. The data set is also carrying, within each half of the 'waters' sub set, descriptors going to the 'temperature mediation/moderation/regulation' aspects of 'salt water' versus 'fresh waters'. Within these sets are descriptors going to the imagery of 'regulates correct temperature', and 'salt {must be} present {to} prevent slippage/shifting'. This last, that is the 'slippage/shifting' is a descriptor set which itself is expressing 'duality' by having 2/two sets of dominant cross links, and 2/two sets of internal supports which are manifesting as opposites. Within the latter, the internally held descriptor sets we find data details going to the idea of 'shifting/slipping' supported by 'temperatures', and 'records' as well as 'totality of scale/finality of expression'. Within this last area, the idea is that the 'totality of the temperature scale {may be forced} to slip *upwards*' to accommodate the emerging circumstances here on the north American hemisphere. Returning to the cross links, we note that the 'slippage' referenced here is going to the 'slippage {of} mass'. While not apparent on its face, when we drill down into 'mass' we find that it is referring to 'water' and/or 'ice'. So our interpretation is that a 'mass of water, and/or ice' will become 'at risk of slippage' due to the emerging 'duality' manifesting on the north American continent. While the impact is focused on 'north american hemisphere', the data set is showing through internal cross links that the 'mass' may be elsewhere on the planet, and is itself being impacted by a 'globe duality' in weather/climate. The data descriptor set here is also expressing a 'duality' within multiple orders of 'duality' {ed note: ain't it always the way with them pesky meta data layers}, in that it is also showing that the '2/two coasts' will be 'poles apart/duality expressed'. This area is clearly referencing temperatures, specifically for the lunar month from August new moon to September new moon, and is also clearly showing

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that a 'duality' based on 'salt versus fresh' water will impact each of the coasts differently. It can be postulated that the Gulf Stream being impacted by 'fresh water' in quantity could indeed create a 'temperature' and 'weather' duality in which the eastern seaboard has its own 'weather base' independent of the rest of the continent. Further the indications are for 'duality' to express itself further within the 'temperature' affecting the continent, and does so with the result of 'affecting {the} precarious inner balance'. This last is also shown as expressing 'duality' as we will note that August 2006 will be the 'line of separation' between 'what was, used to be' and 'what is now/current conditions'. At the risk of being tedious, we return to the aspect of 'duality' and drill down to lower levels of supporting aspect/attribute sets to discover that within the hemisphere the 'duality' expression will be impacting much of life over the course of the end of Summer, and subsequently throughout the rest of time here on earth. This expression of 'duality' is just beginning to gain vertical traction within the Terra entity and will take some time to reach its completion of manifestation. Those humans relying on the northern hemisphere for fundament will notice the effects long before the point of completion some years out. Further, the expression of the 'duality' in its many facets over the rest of August will seemingly, as is suggested by the data, provide 'clues for behavior' in the 'changing face {of} circumstance'. These 'clues' are being presented as being 'accessible' after the new moon in September which is being interpreted as 'wait until September to assess' the nature of the changes. Yet another way to interpret this, though in similar vein, would be to go to the image of 'unexpected weather/climate events ahead through to the new moon, September'. Make sense? The aspect of 'duality' within Terra has the expected masses of thick, ropey cross links over to the various other entities, most notably the Populace/USofA entity and the Markets entity. In both cases we are looking for 'duality within duality' to express itself over this Summer such that 'collectives separate, cracks appear' within the 'social structure' as a result. These 'cracks within the social framework' will 'resolve/distill' down to 'those under' and 'those with none'. We are interpreting this duality to be a description of the separation from 'those affected {by the} extreme weather/terra_events' and 'those not, or in denial'. The 'in denial' wording comes to us from several internal cross links within the Markets and several Markets_2_Bushista cross links. Staying with the Terra to Populace/USofA 'duality' meta data layer cross links for a moment, we note that 'strange days/times' will manifest as a result of the 'crushing' reality of the 'duality' being expressed within 'planetary order'. This is shown as having some rather unexpected consequences including a 'sexual flush/bloom' within the populace which is 'denial/resistance' based and is seemingly somehow a 'dna/genes speaking' episode. Further this is shown as 'altering generational language/customs'. There is further some suggestion that the 'sexual flush' segmentation of the population will be manifesting as 'ritual'. This last is admittedly a bit vague, but is clearly the aspect, and is also very heavily cross linked to the Press entity which suggests that 'ritual sexual flush' or some soon-tobe-revealed idiomatic expression will arise as direct result of the alteration of human behavior by the emerging 'duality' within the climate/weather of the northern hemisphere. Hmmm. Well, we are no wiser. Probably we will recognize it when we see it, but for now... Within this general area of support for the 'duality of Summer', sub set within Terra, 'northern hemisphere', sub set 'north american continent', we have aspect/attribute sets which go to the language of 'nose recoils {at} horrific smell' , and 'cut off nose {to} escape {the} smell'. Hmmm. We *always* pay close attention to references to human body parts as these are the highest order of archetype available within our work. In the past they have been shown to go to directly experienced events/circumstances. So when a 'bad smell' wording appears, especially connected to 'nose' references, we can be pretty sure that, indeed, some largish mass of humans will certainly run into a 'bad smell event'. Also in the past we have noted a correlation between 'bad smell' showing up within the Terra entity and earthquake events. There is some small amount of support here for such an interpretation, however the current thinking is that this 'bad smell' will come from the 'oceans' as it is in direct support to 'salt water'. Further the 'bad smell' will become its own 'event' and will generate some level of press coverage, but the 'duality' of the situation will be masking the 'real meaning/import/significance'. That apparently will be revealed in late September, given the shorter term values now accumulating within the modelspace. It could be that a massive fish die-off will affect the coasts. However, given our previous ALTA series with their longer term values going toward a 'planetary coastal change', we could be looking at some 'water issues'. IF as we had shown within the introduction, there was an area in which the 'waters recede', well, that could certainly uncover stinky mud for all to 'smell'. Deeper within the 'duality' aspect, and cross linked internally to each other, the 'salt' versus 'fresh' waters areas have a linguistic structure whose interpretation leads to the idea of a 'braking/stopping' of 'systems'. We are interpreting this to mean that the oceanic currents which comprise a complex system which regulates planetary temperatures will 'brake' or 'stop' and evidence of that will manifest this August/September. Further the echoes from this 'braking' are shown to 'cause the body to shake' later in the year. The 'shakes' caused by 'waters braking' will be so severe as to be able to 'knock down/fall oxen {in the} marsh'. Some clues within the supporting structures are providing support for a 'shaking' to affect the west coast, most likely California in Fall. This is as a 'ripple' from another event, likely mid-ocean in location. However the impact is such that 'orange robes, covered {in} dust, on the road, roof/beams broken', which suggests that a Buddhist meditation center will be 'shaken to sticks, mud'. The image being of 'dirty orange robes/suits/coverings' which will be 'seen below' {ed note: helicopter coverage?} and which will be characterized as 'dancing distressed bees'. Hmmm. Takes a lot to distress a meditating monk. The modelspace is showing that the 'distress' will not be limited to some shaken up monks, but rather will 'settle' on everyone's shoulders as though 'blankets of unease'. The data set also shows that 'cars of confusion' will be seen everywhere. In some cases, able to 'go', with the problem of 'no where/safe' to go. In other cases, 'safe places' will be available, but 'confusion reigns, cars filled with mud'. The 'mud' shown is also an integral part of the 'duality' and is showing as being a significant problem for both coasts this Summer and into Fall. In several cases there are indications that 'hogs' {ed note: en masse} will be 'covered in mud' and 'set loose'. Yuk. Not a pretty thought, and this area also contributes to the 'bad smell' language support.

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As the modelspace is progressed the immediacy values gain in areas supporting 'family house/dwelling sinks low {into} sudden marsh' and 'families rescued {from} marshlands/wetlands'. These again are associated with the 'duality' of 'waters braking' and the 'separation {of} salt and fresh waters'. Much of the supporting language within this area is for 'flooding', and at levels not seen before, further, in places not normally associated with flooding. Some of the aspects are in support of flooding at levels where the levels of the waters are '5/five' times 'normal'. Within the Terra entity, sub set 'northern hemisphere', and focused on 'north american hemisphere', but not entirely limited to it, the data shows that 'duality' will 'produce location exclusion'. This last can be interpreted as yet another 'large scale evacuation'. This area, as with the 'american dispersal' forecast that we had prior to the Katrina/Rita relocations, we again are showing that 'permanence' is attached to this 'relocation/evacuation'. As may be expected, the cross links over to the Bushista entity indicate mostly a 'staunch denial' and 'desperate denial' in the face of '5/five judges' who/which 'indicate/point to' a 'dangerous weakness'. Hmmm. Not particularly clear, but the general indication is for 'yet more of the same incompetence' from the Bushistas in the face of a very rapidly changing environment. Also within the cross links between Terra entity, and the Populace/USofA entity, and the Bushista entity, are aspect sets indicating that 'unreality' of 'view of the world/universe' will attempt to be 'foisted/pushed/held' in place by the Bushista's. This will have some very dire consequences later in September and again in December, and in both cases will impact the Markets entity substantially. In fact, the 'duality' expressions within the Terra entity are covering or over laying the Bushista entity such that it would not be surprising to find increasing press usage of the words 'disconnected' and 'denial' and 'uncertainty' in relation to the 'white house/bush/bushista'. Much of these usages will also be connected to 'environment' and 'climate'. The Populace/USofA entity is indicating through its cross links that the 'lying eyes' of the public will soon see the 'duality' between the climate changes, and the Bushista denial of same. The data further indicates that the populace will be 'experiencing/living' in a reality that is completely opposite the 'fabrications' of 'officialdom'. This will not be lost on the mental state of the populace, and much of the supporting cross links go to the emotional 'awakening' which will accompany this 'duality' expression. Further the populace will start to refer to the 'unreality' of 'bush world'. And we note that the populace will be very clearly shocked at the 'danger' presented by a 'delusional prince, inebriated'. Hmmm. Drunken Bushes braying at universe. Nope, don't sound too good. Terra - Eurasia - Fall into Winter The modelspace is showing that at many levels within the Terra entity, 'duality' is rising to dominate. This is occurring at meta data levels and within the entity at macro levels. For instance, the 'duality' meta data layer within the Terra entity is offering the view that 'dual streams' or '2/two systems' will dominate planetary weather. From our very extensive cross links over to the GlobalPop, sub sets 'eu zone' and 'russo-siberia', we can see that the Eurasian continent is showing as having 'storm, winter, violent' in an 'early view' or 'pre-view' of 'out of season' weather shifts. The data set shows an 'oscillation' where every 'second/2' storm is of the 'opposing nature' of the previous storm. Just about as clear as mud at the bottom of the bay at high tide, however the data sets provide some additional clues within the details which suggest that some 'Fall storms' will be 'Winter like/lite'. At least as is suggested by the data set, every 'second storm' will resemble 'winter'. We have many references to 'flooding', followed by 'baking/heat'. The indications are also for the 'creation/emergence' of a very large, and 'new' body of 'fresh/brackish' water in the form of a 'lake' at the base of 'four mountains'. Apparently some form of 'land slip' connected to both 'dryness' and 'earthquake' will 'in-fill/cover' the out let for a river and thus 'dam {the} valley'. This 'new water/lake' will have some serious repercussions later in the year as is hinted at by the shorter term value sets, but initially the response from the locals is a big 'whew, dodged *that* one'. This last is supported by aspect/attribute sets going to the idea that the 'land slip/slide' will narrowly miss impacting a 'heavily loaded/burdened' train. While the crisis of the moment passes, it is only emerging later that the whole of the regions 'cart-tracks/train-routes' have been cut. As an interesting aside, the data set is suggesting that the 'slide' will be quite spectacular, and would produce a dust cloud visible from space as 'one-fifth 1/5th of the mountain slides down'. Further there are very heavy cross links over to the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer as termination points which suggests that some component of the 'mountain slide disaster' will trigger an onslaught of release of 'secrets revealed' within both populace entities. Again, as a recurring impact of the 'duality' manifestation, the populace entities are showing that the Populace/USofA goes on a major freak-out about these new 'secrets revealed', while the GlobalPop entity is seemingly much too occupied with 'locating dinner' or the mundanities to express much emotion about these secrets. An alternate interpretation is that the GlobalPop entity is seriously ahead of the Populace/USofA at least within global conspiracy sorts of things, and is merely 'holding/having {the} face' of the blase' as they have 'been there, done that'. Along with the expression of the 'duality' and 'secrets revealed' within this section of the Terra entity, we once again have to note the movement toward 'no movement' or 'restricted movement/action'. This meta data layer has been seen repeatedly emerging in various entities and is now moving toward the vertical from the knee of the curve within the Terra entity. It has many cross links over to both populace entities with the very clear suggested interpretation that 'restricted movement' will be affecting millions of humans by Fall as a result of 'out of season' or 'extra seasonal' weather. Please note that these 2/two are not the same. The 'out of season' reference would be illustrated by a 'winter storm' appearing in summer for instance. The 'extra seasonal' reference is for appropriate weather for the season, but of an extreme nature. So hotter hot's, and larger, more violent summer thunderstorms would illustrate this concept. As the modelspace is progressed, we note that the '3/three bands' or 'stripes' of 'distinct weather patterns' settle in on China to the extent that 'restricted movement' appears within that country's transportation system. This is apparently to become an on-going problem affecting the 'west/westerly/westward' movement of goods and people. The problems affecting this western-most one-third of the country will be a 'stew' of 'weather/climate' problems which will range from 'violent dust storms' which will 'head {in the} wrong direction', all the way to near-hurricane 'rains/rainstorms'. Again, within this sub set, both 'duality' and 'restricted movement' are showing an emerging dominance, and yet again, more references to 'disrupted train travel'. The time clues suggest the impact will be multi-month while also reducing the

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HalfPastHuman: Language: Linguistics: Tools: ALTA


Chinese GDP to a measurable extent. As a last Terra entity note, there are repeated references to 'violent lightning storms' with European geographic pointers. The violence of the storms is the emotional hinge for the language emerging. The aspect/attribute sets are going to the idea of 'much destruction' and 'tossed/flung, burnt brick'. There are repeated references to 'church spires' and other 'towers' which are shown as 'destroyed' by the violence of the lightning. This is of a level that we think the mainstream media will be carrying the story for at least a few days. The other very interesting component of the 'lightning' is that these storms are shown as 'lasting/surviving' for '4/four days'. Gold/Silver - Strict Rules Tie Shoes Too Tight Lead to Fist Fights An interesting lexical structure has developed within the 'gold/silver' and 'precious metals' descriptor sets. The data seems to be indicating a very large emotional up trend, first in 'silver' then 'gold' as both are apparently subject to 'loss of power'. This 'loss of power' does not refer to the abstract, but rather is specifically suggesting that due to 'power/energy' issues, some mines may become idle. Further, there are several other areas within the lexical complex which go to the idea of 'political dangers/risks/problems' which will impact other mines. As a side note, the cross links from this area over to the Press entity suggest that some 'kidnappings' and 'assaults' on 'corporatists' at very 'elevated ranks/top dog' levels will cause a 'bleeding' at the mine level which further is shown as 'reducing supply'. Again, there is a curious 'silver first', then 'gold/precious metals' rhythm developing within the data set. Also, staying with the Press entity cross links for a moment, we note that much of the 'actions' will be 'hidden' until a triggering event within late August {ed note: around or after the 24th} will 'precipitate {a/the} falls' and then, presumably mainstream media begins coverage of the situations. Further, the impact of these immediacy values is curiously *not* within the range of the values themselves, but rather is shown as developing with some rapidity after September 14th. That this is "co-incident" with other lexical sets indicating a 'significant' emotional impact on Markets entity is not lost on us. *Editor's Note: If we postulate some 'markets difficulties' which manifest with seriousness in the later half of September, this does fit with the general 'emotional tension building period' rather than the release period. This is due to the time that the masses of humans will require to 'sort it all out' within their minds before reacting en masse. This is not to say that there would not be emotional histrionics develop, or that press coverage would not occur, but rather that large, fundament changes require a time for people absorb, internalize and then strategize about the issues. As a recent example the "collapse of the Argentine economy" a few years back had an emotional building period of 6/six months before the 4/four month release period manifested. At the beginning of the 6/six month emotional building period, it was clear to outside observers that a crisis of 'unmanageable proportions' was starting. So if we think of the Argentine difficulties as an 'event', it was long, and required 10/ten months to manifest. The precious metals sub set of data, including the very extensive cross links over to the Markets entity are suggesting that a 'rules showdown/fight/conflict/contest' will 'erupt {with} violence' in late August, again likely after the 24th. Subsequent to this 'fight, bloodied, flesh remains {on} the floor, in {the} teeth', there will be a 'new regime' which is likely heralding a rules change. Much of the complaints, 'held by all' and 'too long repressed' will boil out with claims that the 'shoes are tied too tight'. Hmmm. Sensitive feet there. The 'complaints' which follow the fisticuffs will lead to a 'paralysis', likely of the 'officialdom' in terms of the markets, and the 'release of hidden words'. This last is participatory within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, and has huge numbers of cross links back over to the ThePowersThatBe entity, as well as dominating the Markets entity. Much of the 'secrets revealed' within the Markets entity will begin to manifest in the mainstream media in late September, early October. This is a 'not good' situation for TPTB, and they are shown via cross link as 'stinging' and 'burned' by 'language/words' which 'direct attention', presumably toward them. In any case, the result of the fight over the 'rules being too tight' will become overtaken by events such that it will fizzle, not sizzle in October. The general tone of the combined 'gold/silver/pm_complex' is one where 'measure by measure' the 'increases take stairs' while the data suggests that the 'weight of the world' is on the 'shoulders {of the} climber'. This area in toto is contributing nearly 12/twelve per cent of the upward trend line pressure shown within the chart for September and beyond. The interpretation from the data is that a 'confluence' of circumstances, including 'energy issues {see below}', emerging 'conflict' at a global level with particular emphasis on the manifestation within the populace of the north American continent, as well as 'food' and 'weather' crises, will severely disrupt 'business as usual'. This disruption is shown as continuing at least until late February, 2007. The further interpretation is that this will be boost for the emotional reactions that humans have to precious metals. Oil / Energy - Trembles in the Stomach, LeapX The modelspace, in both the Markets entity and the 2/two populace entities, is indicating that 'global energy' is 'frequently/regularly underwater/below_requirement'. The various meta data layers are impacting all of the components of the energy sub sets. We note that while 'oil, energy' is at the top of the linguistic structure, there are also descriptors for 'nuclear generators, energy' which share this structure, and thus the primary aspect of 'underwater/less_than_required'. Further the other descriptors include 'nat gas' as well as 'distillates, petroleum'. The general impression given by the modelspace *before* progressing through August and September is a situation of 'precarious balance' which is 'trembling {at the} brink'. While the secondary aspect/attribute sets are headed by 'dangerous' and 'position risky', we note that the supporting set for the primary aspect is 'successful movement {is} past', and that within the supporting aspects/attributes for this set is language going to 'grid {electric?} fails, fissable blocked, halted, reductions {by/in} one/half'. This area is also cross linked over to the 'distillates, petroleum' further down

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HalfPastHuman: Language: Linguistics: Tools: ALTA


the structure were we find that 'danger' is the defining aspect with support coming from 'pondering {that which} cannot be grasped/retrieved'. Within the 'pondering' aspect the supporting sets go to the idea that 'much time', or perhaps 'too much time' will be apparently spent 'contemplating, and arguing over {that which} cannot be re mediated/fixed/repaired'. A distinct warning to 'not dither about', but also a descriptor set which goes right to the heart of things by stating that 'officialdom fails' and that further 'officialdom looses bowels, soils feet {of the} party'. Hmmm. Yuk. Much of the lexical set supporting structures for the 'difficulties' which will beset the whole of the 'energy' cycle suggest that the problems are occurring now, will grow over August, and 'settle in, roost/nest' in September, and that the 'nesting' will be visible globally by mid September where the 'language/words' which will be applied to the situation will themselves 'initiate/cause/generate heat, and worry'. Acting as a capstone on the whole of the lexical complex, which is to say, the terminating values of the structure for the 'energy' related descriptor sets, the modelspace gains a new aspect of 'unknown' as it is progressed through August and into September. It is possible that the interpretation *should* run toward the idea of an 'unknown' event or circumstance originating during this time, and while we do have many indications for 'unknown/unexpected events/manifestations' for this time in other entities, in this case, the implication is that the 'next step/leap' will be into a time of 'unknowns', or as we can interpret the data, a 'time of leaps into the unknown/unforeseen future of energy deprivation'. There are several "suggestions" within the data set which go to the idea that the 'supple motion/flexible mind' will be required to 'gain fortune' within this newly emerging paradigm, but that sadly, seemingly 'most {will} fall/stumble {into} disturbances {of the} balance' and will 'be lost/succumb'. A last note about this set is that as the immediacy values segue into the shorter term set, and as the modelspace is progressed in mid September the rising aspects/attributes go to the idea of 'annihilating any illusion' and 'returning {to the} original state of being'. Conclusion: Part 1 - One Hell of a Release Period The lunar month from August 8th through to September 7th promises to be one just chock-full of interesting, and unexpected developments. We can foresee this not only from the data details, but also from the timing clues provided by progressing modelspace forward through the rest of the release period. Going to that, this 'release period' for the emotional tensions built up over this last Winter and Spring, has seeming been very active, and "coincidently" the activity seems to be going in support of our projected 'conflict' meta data layer manifestation of August 31. As of about 9/nine pm on that last day in August, the 'conflict' meta data layer is shown as being dominant in the Populace/USofA entity, the last hold out of the major entity group. Bear in mind that this does *NOT* mean an 'event' is going to occur at that time. Such thoughts are entirely the product of monkey-mind. Rather, the much more likely manifestation is for the 'conflict' meta data layer to be expressed within the populace of the USofA over the course of August such that by the last day, the whole of the populace is 'touched' by the 'conflict' expression. It can also be considered that over the course of the month, more and more of the populace would 'express/release' into the 'conflict'. With either view, an 'event' is not foreseen, rather a progression of expression is shown until all are 'within the influence' of the meta data layer as we start into September. After the emergence of the 'conflict' within the Middle East into larger groups of the populace in that region, and now the recent admissions by USofA military "leaders" that indeed, denial will not suffice any longer and Iraq *is* in a civil war, and with the recent demonstrations within the EUzone relative to the 'conflict', it appears that what was forecast as a fairly "active" time has turned out to be one hell of a release period, with people just releasing like there is no tomorrow. Hmmm. Maybe they do know after all? Watching the releasing activities to date begs the question of just how much more lays ahead in these last days of this period? And further, if this period is this active, what will the very steep rise of the emotional tension trend line of September 6th and beyond bring? Stay tuned for Part 2 expected to be posted {ed note: universe allowing} by late on August 13th. By that point we should have come through this current 'release bubble' and had our first 'encounter with the unexpected' on or around August 8/9.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

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