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HalfPastHuman: Language: Linguistics: Tools: ALTA


ALTA IR - 307 -Part 6 - September 9, 2006

Part 6:Meta Data - Cross Links, Meta Layers, Ides of March, Constitutional Crises*
Populace/USofA - Hot Splits, Not All Axis Spin* Press - Ze Big News, Contagion Floats* Conclusion: ALTA 307 Series, Part 6 - Nemesis Neutron Dance, Froggies in the Pot* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 09.09.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 66.99 million reads. Last report in the series. Meta Data - Cross Links, Meta Layers, Ides of March, Constitutional Crises As may be expected, the various entities all carry deviations-of-the-same-conversations. That is, our lexicon will have a context which is to be found in many different entities as they are each focused on a narrow view of the subject. Make sense? For instance, 'gold' is found in almost all entities as some form of internally held reference. In some it is more emotionally 'hot' than others, and the emotional sums are what we use to guide the interpretations. So as an instance, a 'hot' spot within the modelspace relative to 'gold' *usually* means we will find some aspect/attribute set holding words which are descriptors of 'gold' as human-2-human value exchange, or currency/wealth storage (for future human-2-human exchange). Rarely a small hot spot may emerge in some other entity around 'gold', and in the past, these have been some form of 'speculators rush/ebullience'. These words-in-common between entities are what we call "cross links". The amount and interconnectedness of the cross links vary with each run, and seemingly, within our short history of this work, wax and wane within the modelspace. We are at the point of a "full moon" level of cross links in this ALTA series 307. Much of the cross links are at levels affecting or affect by the meta data layers. Much of the cross links go toward the 'emotional tension release period' that begins on March 15th of 2007. As a reminder, from March 7th through to the 15th is shown as a plateau of emotional tension which "breaks" on the 15th to begin a very serious release period. It is our contention that the 'conflict' meta data layer is currently dominant out-and-about in the world and as such is reflected within our modelspace. Further that the 'conflict' meta data layer will continue to dominate through to September 19th of 2007. By the way, this does not mean that 'war' stops on that day next September, but rather, as these things work, that some other meta data layer will be "taking over for conflict" as the primary emotional driver. That our modelspace forecasts a 'wind down' of 'conflict' as the dominant force for humans as of late September, 2007 is not as 'unlikely' as it may seem. While the "regular humans" of the world including military people are basically forecasting "endless war" in our lifetimes, our thinking, and modeling suggests that they are wrong. The modelspace forecast of 'resource limitation', and the 'seizure/clamping/obstruction/rigidity' of the global financial system as limits to continued 'war/conflict' appear to be merely prescient, and even out a year, fully supportable by evidence to be found laying around. The modelspace is/has accurately forecast the emerging 'internal conflict' within the 'populace/usofa', and further seemingly has accurately gotten the split within the populace at the 70/30 level. Also the modelspace has, for the past year, been stating that the 'economy/economic reality' would be the dominant issue of the emerging state of 'internal conflict', though it will have many covers such as 'political ideology', 'religious separation', and others. However again we need to note that the data for the past few runs has been repeatedly focused on mid September, 2006 as the point at which the 'reality' of the 'economic duality' met the mainstream media, and that from that point forward the 'river of

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denial' would run dry. Further, the emotional state of the Populace/USofA entity cannot be over stated relative to the pending 'economic seizure'. This emotive trend is shown as driving the Populace/USofA from 'armchair rebellion' to 'actual violent revolution'. The indications are for a very tough Fall and Winter, both economically and politically, such that by the time the Ides of March arrive, 'action' is easily triggered as the 'suffering' levels are higher than 'tolerable'. It is also our contention that the cycles of universe are such that large scale, unalterable, and unstoppable transitions are underway. We are not alone in this feeling and have been able to capture the articulation of this within our data sets. This emotional sensing of larger 'waves' and 'cycles' is so easily explained relative to the actual nature of humans as antennas for energy patterns, but that diversion is for another time, at the moment we need to concentrate on the future, and 1/one of the large points is that the sensation of these waves has been caught within our meta data layer labeled 'transformation'. This data set contains within it as a supporting element of some size, the 'revolution' lexicon. It does *not* contain 'rebellion'. In the case of 'transformation' it is necessary that the human go through the very mess and trauma of 'revolution' in order to achieve .transformation'. The 'rebellion' lexical set goes to the idea of 'rebellion against authority' which itself is limited, that is, there is no underlying motive, nor emotional pressure to change the 'structure' itself which allows/supports that 'authority'. In fact, 'rebellion' usually is more centrally focused on a small(ish) set of grievances against the impositions of authority, and is usually an indicator of a system in the process of 'self -balancing'. The alternative end of this emotional complex/continuum is 'revolution' in which the goal goes beyond 'redress of grievances', and goes to the core of 'transformation' of the system. Our data sets suggest that both themes are surging and growing over the course of Fall and Winter, fed by the 'conflict/contention' meta data layer pressing down on earth. It is interesting to note that there may indeed be heliobiologic affecting energies coming in from space which are directly affecting humans-as-energetic-wave-antennas and may indeed be a 'pressuring stressor' to which many unaware humans are reacting and thereafter manifesting the stressors as violence. In this theory, the humans so affected don't know that they are affected, and are pressurized vessels just waiting for an excuse to explode. Hmmm. Sound like anyone you know? A meta data layer, by its very definition is actively dominant within each of the entities in which it is found, and it must, in order to go to the meta level, be active in at least 60/sixty per cent of entities. This means that a meta data layer can be 'extracted' from the modelspace, and brings out with it, those sub sets of all of the entities in which the layer exists. If we extract the 'conflict' meta data layer from modelspace {ed note: modelspace is displayed in Intellicad, and to extract a layer and to display only it is a function of proper definitions of layers within the CAD software - not as hard as it sounds}, and then examine the Bushista entity associated with the extracted 'conflict' layer, then just the directly affected/held aspect/attributes come along {ed note: down to the extent of the descriptor set} . In this instance, the Bushista sub set of the extraction of the 'conflict' sub set of modelspace allows us to see that the Bushista entity will be expressing 'conflict' at all levels both internally and externally. The Bushista entity extract shows that as of Winter (post December 21-23rd solstice) the Bushista entity will be in expression of 'conflict' both internally and externally. The lexicon shows that gains in 'delusion, self, destructive' and 'religious grandiosity' descriptor sets will bring in huge energies to the 'separation' between Bushista and 'reality'. This will impact the whole of the world as it is also shown as manifesting 'conflict' which will bring reality around to slap everyone in the face. The Bushista entity shows that its movement through Winter will be to 'posture aggression', 'overreact', 'exhibit manic enthusiasm'. These emotional expressions are signs of a 'building emotional tension' situation within the Bushista entity, and these will be manifest during the 'release bubbles' of the Winter 2006/2007. However we need note that these expressions are very low level releases, all things considered, and are merely bases for larger echoes of the same emotional manifestations which will roll out beginning in March. As the data set extraction is moved through into April, the Bushista entity goes into serious 'release' mode as 'pressures' build from reality intruding. The data set would seem to be indicating that a 'constitutional crisis' will emerge as Bushies try to take 'unilateral' action militarily, likely against Iran. The data set shows the 'building pressures' of Winter will try to be released by Bushista in April through July where the entity suggests that 'conflict' so dominates the internal structure of the BushWorld, that 'mental breakdown/collapse' occurs. It needs to be noted that the data set suggests, both as an extract, and within the whole of modelspace, that a 'constitutional crisis' will manifest from this 'conflict' manifestation. A possible interpretation is that Bush starts a major mental collapse beyond any recovery in late December. Already mentally unstable, and degrading daily, Bush's final spin is triggered by overwhelming political change, and 'rejection' totally of his 'projection of reality as he would have it'. The modelspace shows 'conflict' at so many levels manifesting as March moves into April, that a reasonable interpretation would have Bush attempting to be the 'warrior leader' shouting out his madness as the new Congress begins to block and isolate the Madman-in-chief. It would make sense to interpret the data as many 'legal challenges' and 'denial of funds' such that the WhiteHouse is effectively limited in its potential action. Such a shift from 'controller' to 'controlled' short circuits the last remaining functioning constructions in the Bush brain, and 'aggressive instincts' will take over as the country degenerates into a 'constitutional crisis' which contains large elements of both 'rebellion' and 'revolution'. Things change. But in this interpretation, due to the 'restriction on movement' {ed note: yet another meta data layer} on the executive branch, the Bush war of aggression against Iraq continues as a daily slog downward into hell. This interpretation has some weight behind it as there are Iraq war emotional threads which seemingly continue well into 2009. Again, noting that it is our data showing that 'emotional trends' relative to Iraq continue, this mainly comes from the Populace/USofA and may well be indicative of 'after war' turmoil in the USofA populace, and not the actual continuation of 'quasi-organized death' in Iraq. In discussing this extraction of the 'conflict' meta data layer, and the Bushista entity, it needs to be noted that the potential exists for an interpretation which is much more 'emotional'. There are emotional sums attached to many of the lexical sub sets for both the Bushista entity and the Populace/USofA entity for a 'constitutional crisis' which could begin with 'rebellion'. In this interpretation, an increasingly manifestly 'mad/insane' Bush is not merely 'legally isolated', but is actually 'deposed' with a 'military rebellion'. In this interpretation, the 'revolution' sub set still continues, but is subsumed by the 'rebellion' meme. Again, a 'constitutional crisis' emerges over the course of April of July of 2007, the question is "how severe?". And given the extremism demonstrated by both the Bushista entity and that for which it is

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proxy, the Bush cabal, it makes sense to mentally prepare for an extreme version of a 'constitutional crisis'. Within the data set, 'violence', 'rebellion','revolution' and other, more immediately active memes are under domination by a complex of meta data layers which runs from 'conflict', through 'restrictions of movements', 'encounters with scarcity', 'duality', all the way through to 'transformation'. Within the modelspace, a larger share of the populace oriented meta data participating data is going to be supported by 'duality' related to 'economy' than any other, single factor. This starts to really manifest on or around September 15th. From there until the Ides of March, the emotional tension continues to build within the meta data layers as they also grow in influence over manifesting circumstances. It should be noted that while the methods we employ *always* and *consistently* err on the side of "most extreme" rather than "most reasonable", the current manifesting circumstances are shockingly supportive of even such "most extreme" scenarios. When the modelspace is progressed into and past the November 7th election time in the USofA, the 'extreme' nature of the language focused on the elections and their aftermath take a very large jump up in emotional sums. This is reflected in the release period shown for later in November. The language, when viewed from Populace/USofA, Bushista, GOP, and Markets entities shows that extreme has hardly begun. The aspect/attributes dominant for the GOP, as an instance, is headed by 'evil' as a rising aspect. Further, within this entity are cross links over to Bushista which go to the idea that the 'pretender {is} afraid of {his} soldiers, refuses to mingle'. The lexical sets also include aspect/attributes sets going to 'fear and exhaustion' which are cross linked over to Bushista, where it also holds 'fear and exhaustion' as terminating aspect/attributes. The implication is from the side of the GOP entity, that there is 'exhaustion created by fear of ?', and from the Bushista entity the aspect/attribute image goes to 'fear {of the} exertion {of} mental rigidity creates/causes exhaustion'. Both of these lexical sets reinforcing the idea that the whole of the 'election season' will be emotionally draining for both the Bushistas and the GOP, each because of the tensions with the other. The language favoring extremes is not limited to this small part of cross linked aspect/attributes. The whole of the language in *any* entity around the idea of Bush et al has taken huge jumps recently in the emotive sums suggesting that 'extreme' will have to be redefined after the Ides of March release period. The aspect/attributes contain explicit references to 'unskilled leaders' who will 'destroy the army/populace' by way of 'leading/coercing/manipulating' them into 'positions of massacre and confusion'. This will apparently be done all the while that the 'captain,who alone determines course of the ship {of state}', decries the 'blood on the ground', but proclaims innocence due to 'ignorance' and 'shared authority'. The lexical structure, when progressed along with the modelspace past November, accrues values with both Populace/USofA and Bushista going to the idea that an 'old, wise general-of-the-army' will 'speak out vibrantly' and that the 'fear and trembling' felt within both Bushista and GOP will cause an 'emptying of the bowels, purging, vomiting'. Much of this language is explicitly referencing the 'first signs of Spring' as being the temporal marker for the 'large masses movement' as though a direct result of the 'Fall {into} Winter secrets revealed' . The data set is suggesting that the elections will go very badly for the GOP. So badly in fact that the instant the 'situation' is 'appraised' by Bushista, a series of 'malodorous actions/mistakes' will begin leading to a 'surprising revelation' coming within the 'words of rebuke' aimed by Bushista as a 'barb against' the 'old wise general' who is giving them so much grief. The data set suggests that the 'shifting of the masses' in Spring will be directly related to the 'instant revelation' which 'slips out' in 'hurried speech' in November. A small segment of the data is seeming to indicate that the 'revealed secret' which 'blanches/alters the face' will come as the result of a 'hurried ending' to the 'pretense of delivery of deserved rewards'. From that point on, the data indicates a rapid spiraling outward of 'secrets revealed'. The spread of the 'secrets revealed' manifestation from the Bushista entity goes so far that it integrates with the 'attack' in December on Israel. The language here is growing with a large body of new lexical structures. These new structures are presenting a whole new series of details which may be altering the whole of the 'attack' concept. Much of what is shown within the newly accrued shorter term, and longer term value set is heavily involved with both Bushista and the aftermath of the November release bubble following the elections here in the USofA. The interpretation has to include the idea that the 'attack' on Israel comes from the USofA. In fact much of the 'attack' supporting aspect/attributes derive their emotional sums from the Populace/USofA. A reasonable interpretation, given the number of cross links to Markets, Bushista, and other entities is that the populace of the USofA, already suffering from a nasty economic climate and a 'bad taste' from the elections, will be the recipient of some 'secrets revealed' about Israel which puts the populace of the USofA on a 'collision course' with Israel. The data suggests moves to 'cancel' all aid, to 'arrest Israeli nationals/spies' and to 'expel Israeli businesses'. Extreme? Yes. Unthinkable here in the USofA? Well, perhaps before, but apparently not after November, 2006. While there is still language accruing referencing an 'attack' on Israel as in 'military' action, these newly processed aspect/attribute sets suggest that not all the 'attacks' on Israel in December necessarily involve the military.

Populace/USofA - Hot Splits, Not All Axis Spin As the last of the immediacy values for this series are loaded in to modelspace, the Populace/USofA entity has the largest gains of both aspects/attribute sets and new lexical structures. As may be expected, much of these relate to the 'divisions' and stressors being foisted upon the body politic by the politicians in their attempts to secure access to the public coffers. The volume of data affecting the Populace/USofA entity is very large for late run processing, and also very emotionally 'hot'. The emotional sums generated by the Populace/USofA entity are second only to the Terra entity as the driver for the rise in total emotional tension summations for September through October. The lexical set focused on the 'elections' per se shows that a 'sincere desire' for a 'return to unity' does exist. Or at least will attempt to be

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'sold' to the populace via the mainstream propagandists as part of this election cycle. As indicated above, the 'separation' of the populace will come down to more or less a 70/seventy to 30/thirty split. The indications are from the aspects/attributes accruing to the Populace/USofA entity that 'rejection' is the main theme of this time, and the 'rejection' is actually an early manifestation of the 'rebellion' aspect. The data suggests that things go very badly indeed for the 'established' politicians in the coming elections. Also, that much of the election itself goes badly. The lexical sets are showing that both the 'process' of the election as in the 'counting' of the votes, as well as the 'conduct' of the election as in the 'methods/movements/actions of election officialdom' will come into sharp focus within the mainstream media. The aspect/attribute sets suggest that 'upending/undoing/returning' will result from some of the 'disputes/contentions'. The data set also provides for an interpretation of the elections as triggering expression of 'conflict' between parts of the populace and 'officialdom' which will continue all through Fall. The aspect/attribute sets for this area include references to 'anger', 'confusion', 'distrust', 'dissension', 'violence', 'blood', 'cry {for} help', 'tears', 'grief' and others of similar nature. The implication is that the meta data layers of 'conflict' and 'secrets revealed' will be in full swing during the election cycle here in the USofA, with repercussions from the elections appearing directly in events in late November, and again throughout December. As a rather ominous development, there are twin lexical structures developing within the Populace/USofA entity which may be suggesting that the elections produce an actual split in the country. The split in the entity starts to develop in late November and is still gaining mass in the processing of the shorter term values for December. The aspect/attribute sets within each of the 2/two sub sets which are seemingly forming within the Populace/USofA entity are headed by 'separation' in 1/one of the 2/two areas, and 'reduction/letting go {of the} past' in the other. In both areas the cross links to Bushista, and GOP, and Markets is very heavy. In both areas, the implication is for a 'split/division' which produces 'conflict/aggression' later in the release period of 2007. Again, the existence and continuation of growth of emotive tension values, along with the many release "bubbles" for late Fall and Winter, are arguing for an interpretation of the data as portraying a very deep divide within the populace post-election, with at least some large portion of the 'manifesting division' being attributable to the 'conduct' of the election itself. It is as though the election will trigger a chain of events which will maintain the 'emotional tension' of the election well into 2007. It may be that the data is trying to tell the dumb humans that there will still be 'unresolved' election results well into February of 2007. As the modelspace is progressed through November and then the shorter term value set which takes us through December and into Winter 2007, the shift in aspect/attributes related to the election take on a new characterization through accrued supporting sets which point to 'confusion' as the operating emotional basis for the populace. The suggestion from the growth patterns of 'confusion' as an aspect is that the 'confusion' aspect may well be headed for meta data status within a few years. Not that the rise of 'confusion' will be a surprise. An interesting component of the descriptor set for 'confusion' is that it contains lexical structures for 'operating confusion', or 'operating within a state of confusion/unresolved'. This last is supported by 'point of view/world view/paradigm'. The data may be suggesting that some severe 'legal challenges' to the election will result in a period of 'operating confusion' or 'ambiguity'. We note that while such a state is rapidly developing within the political structure of Mexico following its recent federal elections, these immediacy and shorter term value sets are pointedly USofA in origin and focus. So the implication may be for 'confusion' as to who is running things to develop very shortly after the election and to continue with gathering mass through Winter, which pretty much would set it up to be a very big release period start-off theme. An alternate, or in the case perhaps modifying, interpretation needs to be added here. The smaller of the 2/two sets developing within the Populace/USofA is the point of 'confusion' arising. Should the election go smoothly with out 'contention/conflict' still hanging around, then the data could be interpreted as indicating that 'confusion' will come from the 30/thirty per cent BushBot part of the populace as they are 'stunned {into} abject silence/speechlessness' with the rapid progression of the 'anti-bushista wave' of actions following the elections. It should be noted that these interpretations are not mutually exclusive, and that large overturning of the Congress/Senate power structure *will* induce 'fear and panic' in many parts of 'officialdom' which *may* trigger them into taking 'legal actions', a form of 'conflict' in a cover-your-ass move. Both the 'overturning' of the power structure *and* the 'conflict' over 'who is running things?' could easily be part of the developing circumstances. This is especially difficult to pin down within any of these entities as the language in all of them is so emotionally charged. Again, a note that the many meta data layers, and other cross links make a simple interpretation about as easy as finding grains of sand blindfolded through a thick blanket. However, noting the extreme language discussion within the section on Meta Data, we need to consider that while 'confusion' at many levels may result from the elections in November, at least 1/one thing is clear and that the elections are the beginning of change, not the end of it. Over the course of the last year the data sets have continued to proffer the idea that 'power struggles' including the 'revolution' and 'rebellion' memes come into their strength with the change from steady build of emotional tension to the 'build - release' stair steps beginning more or less on November 17th. Coincident with the November 17th release bubble, the Populace/USofA entity gains a very large percentage of its shorter term value set, that is nearly 34/thirty four per cent, and all of it is cross linked to Markets, or other entities where it terminates in some form of 'financial' or 'markets' related area. Within the Populace/USofA, these shorter term values lent large support to the aspect of 'decay' which is very nearly totally cross linked at the top levels over to Markets entity. The indications are for an interpretation of this data as being the 'manifestation {of} already/pre-existing decay' which is shown as 'rattling/shaking' the core of 'contentment/satisfaction'. Much of these new shorter term values are supported by cautionary language offering that 'strikes/actions' will result from 'loss of attention', and that the 'revelation of decay prompts dropping/falling social structure/currency'. Further the aspect/attributes go to the image of 'annihilating collective illusions' which are supporting the 'housing' aspect within the Markets section as a termination for much of the cross links from this shorter term value set. The interpretation is for more of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer to manifest, for 'housing' to be impacted by 'revelation of illusions' {ed note: official lies?} which in turn feeds the 'confusion', and 'anger' shown as a driving force for the 'strikes/actions' of Winter. Much of this language is also supported directly by data sets for 'economic' and 'suffering', as though a very severe impact of the 'duality' of the current economic situation will be made manifest by 'rioting in the streets for

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bread/oil'. Previous ALTA reports of this year, including this series have maintained a data set showing that 'shifting alliances' would arise as a result of 'actions' this Summer. These 'shifting alliances' were seen at the 'national level' and within the 'national level'. At the top of our lexical structures relating to this developing 'shift' of 'national alliances' is language suggestive of 1933-1941 in that the references contained wording toward the types of national alignments which were an integral part of the pre-war staging. Now, and for this last year, our data was showing that 'new national priorities' would drive a series of 'alliance shifts/realignments'. We note that a large section of this area is deriving its emotional sums from components which go to support either 'rebellion' or 'revolution'. In both cases the contributory factors here are the 'revolution' in 'thinking/cogitation' which 'produces/leads to {a/the} re-alignment of the fundament/core_point_of_view'. Much of our previous reporting on these new strategic alliances had/has the data extensively cross linked over to Bushista. It was our opinion, from reading the data in previous runs that the Bush admin would be forming new alliances in pursuit of its plans for 'global aggression'. Now, given the recent developments of Bush admitting to the existence of the" CIA global torture chamber ring" and the instant, and large public reaction in Europe, it would seem likely that the 'shifting alliances' seen in prior runs will actually play out from the "other side" as Bush's former allies and stooges desert the Bush cabal due to local public pressure. It must be remembered that there are still hundreds of thousands of persons alive in Europe now who have personal knowledge of torture, and most of the EU countries have language with constitutional documents forbidding torture chambers, their own or others, on their soil. In many senses the torture program of the Bush cabal is illegal. As a direct result of the admission to torture "theme parks" in their countries, GeeDumbya has now placed the levers in the hands of the local populace which will be used to pry their governments/officialdom away from USofA support. Again, the 'duality' meta data layer, in conjunction with 'secrets revealed' meta data layer has bitten. It will take a while for the realization of the 'bite' to rise to public view. But for those who read the EU papers, events are already 'taking off'. Press - Ze Big News, Contagion Floats In examining *any* and all of the entities within the modelspace at this time, cross links must be taken into account. Whereas in the past we have had waxing and waning amounts of cross links, we now appear to be in a period in which cross links are dominant. At this specific juncture of the modelspace a very interesting "blip" is showing up in the form of a very large bulge of cross links connecting the Populace/USofA as the originating side of a majority of the links, and the Press entity on the terminating side of the links. Most, if not all of both the origination points and the termination points are also either directly held within Bushista or are cross linked to it. If that is not confusing enough, we also have the Markets entity all wrapped up into this large black ball of inter-linkages. When examined as a totality, this cross link bulge presents a very interesting picture indeed. Having labeled, in a moment of weakness, this large and unusual collection of links as 'ze big news' within Igor's hearing, we are now stuck with it. So as it happens 'ze big news' is that the Press entity is showing that the 'press, public criers/announcers' at the industry level is about to have a very serious eruption of 'duality'. In this case the meta data layer 'duality' and yet again, 'secrets revealed' will combine to produce a period of nearly 6/six months in which the 'press' will 'publically display' a crack up via 'contagion'. To be clear, the 'contagion' referred to has nothing to do with disease, at least within the modelspace, rather it is focused on the 'contagion {of} idea/meme/theme'. And this 'theme' is clearly labeled as 'undoing'. The 'undoing' is supported by aspect/attribute sets toward the idea that 'secrets revealed' will 'triumph' over 'hidden hands' {ed note: could be interpreted as 'hands which hide things' = cover up} and that 'amidst/in_middle_of great/large/huge pressure/coercion' the 'press' will 'ooze truth'. Oh Oh! Bad sign there. The press is not there to report the truth, only to assist in controlling the population. Again noting the cross link ties over to 'revolution', we can conjecture that with the press/news organizations out there fighting their own 'internal control' problems, that, oops, somethings come out that perhaps should not, and bobs-your-uncle, 'revolution' is fed. Oh, and again, noting the cross links, the whole of the 'press industry' within the USofA becomes 'unstuck' and 'uncentered' and goes into 'flaming meltdown/crack_up' in the release period of the Ides of March. The data sets are suggesting, via immediacy values into shorter term value sets, that the 'press' is under great pressure now as the process of 'disintegration' has already started. In fact it seems well underway, and as the modelspace is moved forward from September into Fall proper, and the elections in the USofA, both 'rebellion/revolution', and 'secrets revealed' go into near vertical ascent within the Press entity. As the first of the release "bubbles" appears in November, the Press entity is suggesting that a manifestation of 'secrets revealed' will occur to 'launch' the 'boat of rebellion' within the 'press'. This 'launch', according to the cross links to Populace/USofA will involve an actual 'boat', and more meaningfully, the 'symbol' of a 'boat'. An interesting level of support for the 'boat' as a 'symbol' holds that it will act as a temporal marker for the 'outbreak' of 'contagion {within the} press {which} propels truth {to the populace}'. The data set indicates that the 'revealing' of the 'contagion/enmeshing/infection' will be done at some great personal 'cost/loss' by the people doing the revealing, but, to 'their own surprise/shock', events will 'rush past censure/punishment'. The interpretation is for a 'secrets revealed' moment in some live television or web-video which will set off a very fast reacting chain-of-events such that the persons involved with 'oozing the truth' who are somehow associated very deeply with the 'boat-as-global-symbol' will be 'spared retribution' to their own 'surprise/shock'. It is interesting to note that the data set hints that these persons will be courageous in that they are 'expecting' a very harsh reaction. The supporting language is such that the 'expectation of retribution' even includes the idea of 'assassination' as a potential form for the 'retribution'. The whole of the action of the Populace/USofA entity, as noted above in the meta data discussion, is replete with language heading toward the extreme. This is also true of the cross links with the Press entity, and especially that sub set of cross links which join these 2/two entities with Bushista. The totality of the movement through the modelspace suggests that this next 6/six months is a very pivotal period for the Press entity. The flow of the data set suggests that one of the more visible signs of the whole of the building emotional tension period of these next 5/five months will manifest within the 'public face' of the 'press'. We can expect a 'tight lipped' press to have a couple of visible 'episodes' of the manifesting 'build of emotional tension' within the entity. The first of these 'visible contortions {of the} face muscles' as the data would have it comes in late September, around the 27th, and is a very small indicator of what will play out in Act

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1: Press Rebellion. Remembering that these are but very minor releases shown within a longer period of building emotional tensions, we note that both the 9.27-9.29 'face contortion', and the 10.17-11.9 episode fall within forecast general 'release bubbles'. In both cases the manifesting meme 'oozing out of the face' of the press involved will be 'rebellion'. It is not until the modelspace is moved well past the 11.9.2006 episode of 'visible/faced rebellion' that we actually encounter 'revolution' within the meme space of the Press entity as it is connected via this cross link bulge over to Populace/USofA. From that point onward, the Press entity is showing a mixture of both 'rebellion' and 'revolution' as driving elements within the cross links to Populace/USofA. It is as though the 'timid' press takes a while to 'pick up the theme' from the public, but once promulgated, the 'revolution' is shown by the supporting data sets as tapping a 'deep source/well' of emotional turmoil already in place such that the Ides of March release period is just that for the 'press', a long emotional catharsis of 'release and relief'. The question in the data comes from the lower supporting areas within the Press entity where the issue of 'redemption' is still to be faced in 2007. Conclusion: ALTA 307 Series, Part 6 - Nemesis Neutron Dance, Froggies in the Pot The recent exposure within our data sets of 'heliobiology' as a rising theme among our models for the ThePowersThatBe is not an actual revealing of a 'new' interest. Rather we see this as revealing a new 'callousness' about their interests, as though the pressures of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is known/felt by TPTB, and they are responding, not by being more open about their interests or movements, but rather by merely investing less energy in being 'secretive'. While it is true that the internet and the now bizzillions of new eyes/ears /minds are a potentially troubling source for tracking the movements/interests of TPTB, and thus could be the root cause of our newly rising amounts of TPTB interest in heliobiology, it also could be that TPTB are reacting to a 'time is short, so who gives a fluck' kind of mind set. In any case, the data is showing that TPTB are putting more energy into focus on such subjects and the related stream of associated sciences. This interest is leaking into the common indices of the internet, as well as becoming a 'creeping meme' of its own among those individual humans who collectively are interested in what interests TPTB. The whole of the subject of 'heliobiology' is, in the context of ThePowersThatBe entity construct, wrapped up in outer layers of 'sacred geometry', 'solar precession', 'galactic alignment', and other ways of having fun with cosmic math. When these areas are examined, especially those facets of the current and continuing galactic alignment, cycles of all sorts are revealed, and given the emerging science of heliobiology postulating that 'energies from space affect life here on earth', it is not surprising to find that TPTB are very interested in *all* aspects of 'energies from space'. While the idea of precession of the equinoxes is and has been intriguing to the TPTB as it is at a core level of the 'egyptian mystery schools', it is the more general precession through the zodiac which has always been 'offered' as the interest of TPTB. However, this is likely merely a 'way station' on the research trail as the indication is now emerging that a correspondence of heliobiology to position of the earth/solar_system relative to the 'galactic center' is the 'holy grail' of TPTB. Also it must be noted that TPTB uses a definition of 'heliobiolgy' which includes the impact on the 'biosphere' of any extra atmospheric energies. So the idea is that not only do these energies_from_space affect the various life forms here on earth, including humans, but that such energies will/can also cause changes within the biosphere at grander scales. Given the "coincidence" of such things as the end of the last ice age (circa 12000+years past) and the earth/solar_system being at its closest point of both alignment with the 'galactic center' and that alignment being anchored here on earth by the June Summer solstice, it is easy to see why ThePowersThatBe entity is willing to put so much of its resources into 'gnawing' on this particular facet of manifesting universe. Of course, noting that just about 12000 years ago, just when the earth/solar_system was at the opposite side of the galactic alignment precessional cycle, begs the question of where are we now? It turns out that at this 'opposite side' of the galactic center precessional cycle our approaching alignment is with the 2012 December Winter Solstice and the galactic center. Hmmm. Significant? Probably, the way universe works, these cycles tend to 'cooperate' so it would not be surprising to discover that, say, weather/climate cycles here on earth may well be synchronized to alignments with galactic center. Interestingly enough, given that our sun is 1/2 - one-half of a degree wide, and the span of the solar system is nearly 3/three degrees wide relative to alignment with galactic center from the perspective here on earth, our actual alignment with galactic center began in 1998 and will complete in 2016. This is from the view of the outer planets, and the width of the sun transiting the 'perfect line' from the galactic center to here. So, hmm. Alignment begun in 1998, and coincidently things like gamma-ray-bursts *significantly* up since 1998. Including the very strange "patterned" GRB's which have been noticed to precede things like the Sumatran earthquake/tsunami. Please note that recent (today) "patterned" GRB's (GRB - Fourth Unusual Burst 800 seconds pattern) are hitting earth, and as with all things that are energy, something here has to absorb, and cope with the output of the GRB. One further note on the Grand Galactic Center Precession Alignment. Within the nearly 26000 year precessional cycle, there are 2/two 'half way points' where the movement of the earth/sun within the precessional cycle also aligns with the galactic center. We are approaching one of these 'end of cycle' periods now. The Winter Solstice alignment in 2012 when considered from an 'energetic' view, may also offer a rather interesting "twist" on things. We note that the sun is thought to have a 'dark twin' star named Nemesis which is rarely considered when things more mundane than global extinctions are considered. However, again noting that the planet is apparently well within an 'extinction cycle', and that Nemesis may well be part of the whole process, it is worth considering yet another *potential* component of the relationship between Sol/sun and Nemesis. It is possible, and is being researched by TPTB, that Nemesis may act as a 'shield' to energies radiating out from galactic center in so far as

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the sun and earth are concerned. The idea is that for half of the precessional cycle, Nemesis 'sits' between the sun/solar_system and the galactic center. The idea is further that this 'shielding' effect runs for the half of the precessional cycle that we are currently in, and nearly to end. Some corollaries to the idea are that the recent increase in all forms of 'energies from space' including GRB's and others as yet adequately described/named, is due to the slowly separating 'planar alignment' which places Nemesis between Sol and the emanation of such energies, the 'grand/giant magnet/what_the_hell' at the core of the galaxy. A further corollary is that as we 'round the bend' of this half of the precessional cycle, the sun will 'lead' the route through the cycle, and it will block such energies from reaching Nemesis. A further corollary is that, as a necessity, if Nemesis no longer blocks the solar system from receiving these energies, then the solar system will be slowly moving (over 12000+ years) to reach a point of 'maximum energetic reception'. Curiously, there are ancient human traditions (hindoo, tibetan, et al) which have this half of the galactic alignment precessional cycle as being the 'descent' half into the grosser planes specifically as 'less cosmic energies' are reaching earth. Then, as the halfway point is rounded, the galactic alignment of the 'dark side' is over, more energies start coming in and humanity is seen as 'progressing/ascending' as the precessional cycle continues for the next 12000 years back to the 'golden point' of maximum alignment with the Summer Solstice and galactic center. As the starting point of our current 'dark side/winter solstice' alignment with galactic center was 1998, and as the width of the solar system is such that the totality of alignment takes until 2016 to complete, we are left with an 18/eighteen year period for the whole of this process. Of course, in thinking about solar/sidereal issues we need note that Nemesis was *completely* blocking all energies it could block in 1998, and will be shielding *no* energies in 2016. So at this rate, half of the blocking potential will be gone {ed note: eclipse fashion} as of the halfway point of the cycle. And guess what? 18/2 = 9, 1998 + 9 = 2007. So as we move forward into 2007, the solar system can expect to start receiving an increasing rate, indeed, an almost predictable "steady" increasing rate of impact of such energies as were previously blocked by Nemesis. And should there be any Nemesisians resident in a not-seen solar system around that star, they will receive less such energies. Hmm. Returning to 'things here on earth', it is possible that someone at some point will having nothing better to do and will map out historically significant human events and GRB's, et al, but at the moment, the indications are that 'we all be too busy' reacting to the energies to examine them. Except, for TPTB. Now there is a group that is very interested indeed in all things related to galactic alignment. And seemingly, given the rather steep climbs in our modelspace as 'emotional energies' build, they probably have a good reason to be seriously studying. And worrying. The whole idea seems to be a universe version of 'cooking a live frog'. You will remember, first you put the froggy in a pot of cold water, and the gradually bring the heat/energy up under the pot. The indications are that 2007, as will be seen by the aware observer in the Ides of March release period, is going to make us all feel a bit froggy. Riiiiivit'. ### Thank you for participating in the ALTA 307 series. This has been a very interesting run for us, in the midst of a background of changes in things here at HPH. Igor now has yet-another part time job bringing his total to 4/four. The good news is that the new work both pays bou'coup bucks, and keeps him here in OlyWA. So with no problems in server relocation, and with our primary backers already chomping at the bit to get moving, we are beginning to plan another series. We will send out notices when the details have been hammered into submission. The problem for us will be the intensely emotionally 'hot' language associated with the election cycle here in the USofA. We have to filter that out, as well as work harder to find 'non-election' emotional threads for the work. Such circumstances make the planning for this next run real work, and it takes a while. We are expecting a delay of a couple of weeks before any new data gathering begins. Again, thank you for your support, we cannot proceed without the subscribers. Clif and Igor (now basking in glow of new work as security dude on a new development network).

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

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