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ALTA 0508 Part TWO


ALTA 0508 - Part Two

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 9.08.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 22.641 million reads of the 0508 series. Meta Arts - Money, it's a gas... Occasionally we find that central themes come to dominate the processing at many different entity levels. Given the current thrashing in the USofA markets, and global markets it is not surprising that [money] is rising to the forefront of everyone's thinking. This has some small influence later in the series, but we remind the reader that the data below is from processing of lexical sets captured over the last 4/four weeks which is juxtaposed against data sets developed over the last year. So the rising of the [money] meme seen below is only fractionally determined by the shorter term sets just processed. It is an artifact of our processing methods, or of universe, that the [money] meme rises in virtually all entities just at appropriate times. The influence of the shorter term values can be most easily observed in the [money] focus of the [winds] discussion within the Terra entity. While the forecast would be substantially the same in other respects, it is the shorter term values processing which brings the [money loss] to the fore. Make sense? Clear as a politicians' intent? So, the rising [money] aspect within the other contexts reflects the actual manifesting shift in conscious focus within the global internet community, and just coincidently at the time forecast by the longer term values of previous ALTA report series. Sort of a universe created referential integrity check on our data sources. Or, on the more meta physical level, and certainly a lot spookier, perhaps this is a manifestation of a 'self seeding time cycle'. Hmmm. Need to chew some pie with this. Meta Data - Continuing Sets In an effort to maintain continuity it becomes necessary to review those data sets which have been discussed in previous ALTA reports and which are continuing to accrue values. These sets include:

Terra Terra


Continuation aspects/attributes

the [rising land] set continues to build against the image of [altering currents within Antarctica - rising land ocean/atmosphere] as a result of the rising [underwater] of a [bridge/connection] between Antarctica and Patagonia Antarctica - energies from This continues to build, albeit more slowly, and the indications from the current space long term value processing that it *may* be visible in late Winter, 2007/2008.


Rivers in atmosphere

grows at steady pace, but now also showing for manifestation in Winter, early December and onward.

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Indicated for initial manifestation August 13th through the 16th, but also showing up as a [repeat event] for December 2007 through end of March of 2008 Antarctica - energetic Still growing, but again, with longer term values indicating a SpaceGoatFarts 'bursting' over [visible] manifestation *starting* in late Winter (January/February continent 2008) continues to accrue values in all sets including the immediacy values. Early visibility of this very long term emergent circumstances is forecast to appear in late Summer, 2007 with a rise Populace/USofA employment crash in [visible] aspects within Press entity as we approach the September equinox. The impact is to be very very very large if the George postulate and the totality of emotional sums attached are good indicators. Manifesting now. Continues to gain values in both shorter term, and longer term value sets. The shorter term sets from ALTA 0308 are showing that 'rebellion' and 'mutiny' will surface in early Fall (October/November 2007), and that [bloody] aspects will be in place by March of 2008. Populace/USofA revolution/rebellion Very important meme as the longer term values have very far reaching potentials which are explicitly referencing [multiple generations] to be impacted by the unfolding meme over the next 2/two years beginning with the Summer solstice. The UFO/contact and/or 'disclosure' meme grows with vigor in all sets since 2000. The very large level of emotional support values suggests that 'contact' or at least 'disclosure of contact' is a very real possibility within these next 2/years, and that is has a very high level of probability of appearing with [shocking suddenness] and SpaceGoatFarts Contact/UFO *without* control by TPTB. This last is indicated by the continuing association with SpaceGoatFarts as opposed to the same descriptor set within ThePowersThatBe entity. Supposition is that the "best laid plans of aliens and men, aft gang aglay". The [earthquake quivering period] is still building values in the longer term sets. This may be indicative of the current 'shakes' continuing for at least another year. This *might* be a good thing as Terra shaky period the 'ending' punctuation for the 'time of quivers/shakes' is shown as 3/three really good sized earthquakes spaced 2/two close together, with a small 'whew' breathing space following, then the last of the very large quakes. This area of rising 'environmental' alterations to the planetary 'biozone' continues to grow. It has been characterized as 'fungus amongst us' as there will be the appearance, and forced coping, with Terra fungus amongst us new forms of 'fungal intrusions' into human/plant/animal life. The hopeful cynic wishes that 'fungus' would also be irritating to the space aliens as well. Mostly visible as rolling shutdowns of electrical distribution system. Indications are for a 'regional outage' which is [never adequately power/energy rolling Populace/USofA explained], and thereafter a very much elevated 'near daily' shortages manifestation of [blackouts]. Though short lived, these [blackouts] will be very troublesome. Indicated for the extreme southern oceans including the very southern portion of the Pacific, the land rising aspect has elements Terra Land rising which are suggestive of an emergence in 2008. Remains to be seen, but a change in accretion patterns is definitively taking place. This set is participating in the 'transformations' meta data layer, and is also directly held within the Terra entity and is suggesting that Terra transformation(s) [rising lands] will [alter/transform] the [global oceans/currents]. This in turn is shown as [transforming] the global weather. This set is continuing to accrue data in immediacy, shorter term, and longer term values. The ratios are suggestive of a 'quickening' or Terra global coastal event 'approaching' of the event itself. Our best possible estimate is late 2008, or early 2009. We *think* our timing clues are good at this point. SpaceGoatFarts scattered energies from space

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Terra/Populace /Markets

planes can't fly

restrictions on movement, SpaceGoatFarts encounters with scarcity

This set continues to grow in Terra, and via cross links in Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop, as well as Markets entity. Long term values accrual rates would *seemingly* indicate an early 2009 timeframe. Both of these aspect sets are participatory within the meta data layers of the same names. In both cases, the aspect/attributes gain significantly in Fall of 2007 with a push upward towards February 2008 where the data shows these aspect/attributes going to vertical within SpaceGoatFarts entity

Markets - Small Particle Storm, Debt Coagulation, Famine As the modelspace is moved through September and into October, the Markets entity continues to gain supporting aspects under [bad] which first appeared to dominate shortly after the Memorial Day holiday, and now the [bad] aspect/attribute set is moving into [Fall, post autumnal equinox]. The fading of the [bad] aspect temporal location is indicative of continuation of [bad] trends. We also note that the [bad] aspect/attribute support set grows significantly at 26/twenty-six percent increase in emotional sums over the course of September just prior to the equinox, and the shift into [Fall]. Of the supporting aspect/attribute sets for [bad] relative to Markets and October, the primary rising aspect/attribute set is [storm] with its supporting aspect/attribute set dominated by [small particles]. The totality of the image goes to emotional contexts such as 'being buried by a storm of small particles', or alternatively 'mountains are built by the accumulation of millions of small particles'. Note also that [small particles] is of course the archetype for a large set which includes [individual transactions], as well as [singular contracts]. The other supporting aspect/attribute sets for the [storm] include [roaring/crashing (through the) solitary glen/glade], as well as [winds push/sweep small particles (into/up a) mountain, blocking sunlight]. There are further supporting layers which include [pushing (through the) throngs/crowds (to) find (work/job)]. This last is also supported by [do business, bespoke angst], and [making money, bespoke fear of loss]. In the latter 2/two cases the supporting set cross links go to the [visible] factor within the Markets entity and further cross link over to the Press entity where they terminate in [wet/drenched] and [visible miserable crowds]. This last is supported by the image of [wet people (in) search (of) work]. And as a last note on the [small particle storm] which the Markets entity encounters in October, the most poetic of the aspect/attribute support imagery examined goes to the idea that [profligate expansion (of) trifles/sweet_illusions guarantees/ensures destitution]. Within the detail sets which accrue as the Markets entity is moved forward past the equinox and into October are aspect/attributes which point to [danger] and [defense], with the latter supported more for the definition of the "defense industry", the euphemism for officially supported weapons manufacturers. The [danger] apparently comes from the [seizure/constipation] of the [flows], and the resulting [blockages] which will be [humbling (to) supposed/bragged_about ability]. This last is heavily supported with [currency] and [markets] aspects suggesting that some form of 'debacle' is coming to the currency markets which will, as the data sets forecast, [induce constipation], and [block flows]. There are specific references to a [visible] and extremely [arrogant] [person/face] who will be [reduced] due to the developing circumstances at the time. This person is apparently associated with [making money] in the sense of [financial papers, debts], rather than making actual things, and then making money from the things. The data suggests that the [illusions] of [paper debts] will be so [reversed] that this personality will be [publically reduced] to [pauper/poverty]. And in a very [visible] fashion. The indications are that the 'personality' here is also acting as a proxy for the Populace/USofA, or rather its [image] of itself, likely the 'richest nation' on the planet image, which is also [reduced to poverty] concurrently with the [reduction] of the personality. As the modelspace is progressed further into October, the shorter term value sets begin to show the accretion of [limitations/restrictions] on the Markets as an entity, only some of which is [visibly] tied to the [currency constipation]. However the [limitation] of [Fall] moves right behind the [small particle storm] which besets the Markets as the month begins. The [limitations] which rise from the [residue] of the [storm] are shown as suggesting a [rain storm/flood] of [dollars]. There are no clear indications if the [dollar flood] is of [repudiation], or from the assholes/elitists at the Federal Reserve. Within the modelspace, it apparently does not matter, as the imagery is pointing to something akin to hyper-inflation. The data is not, within October, showing the manifestation of hyper-inflation as may affect actual printed dollars, but the confusion of the picture presented here *could* be suggesting a hyper-inflation of either digital 'dollars' or 'debt' or both. The result is shown as a [flood of dollars] which results in [no movement]. The idea coming across is metaphorically expressed as [water/flow/debt] which is [raised so high/too extremes] such that the [roofs (of the) houses (are) underwater]. This [debt flood] is apparently so devastating as to participate in the [american diaspora] of the Fall and Winter. It is also to be so [abhorrent] in its effects as to cause the [petty people/politicians] to [experience pain]. As part of the supporting sub sets for the [experience (of) pain] lexical structure there are both directly held, and cross linked, sets going to the idea that within only [2/two (to) 3/three lunar months] of the [onset] of [transport woes/ills], the planetary populace {ed note: extensive cross links to both GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA, as well as the totality entity now renamed to PlanetaryPop for clarity} will be [struggling] with [encounters with scarcity] for [grains] and other [grains centered/based foods]. The [struggle] is indicate as beginning within the shorter term value set which places the [break-down/collapse/implosion] of the [planetary transport] within a (more or less) 3/three month window. The data is describing a [near cessation] of [grains/foods shipments] which in its turn causes [catastrophic encounters with scarcity].

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The support for the [markets] held [encounters with scarcity] is cross linked extensively to the populace entities, where it is participating in the [encounters with scarcity] meme at a very much wider scale as the [populace] of the planet runs into the [crash of global trade]. This particular meme has been in existence since early in the year, and continues to acquire values with each ALTA run. It was a primary reason for the recreation of the lexicon over these last 4/four months. As the [global trade crash/collapse] meme grows it adds details sets to the 'what follows after' sub sets in support of other emotional trends as they develop. In other words, we can now predict, given the state of the Populace/USofA entity that the [global trade collapse] is initially centered in the [debt trades] which are now described as including the [derivative abyss]. The idea coming across is that [global currency] trade begins to come [disconnected] as the [derivatives] nightmare [seizes up]. The data is clearly pointing to a [seizure (of) flow] within the [debt markets] such that the [cascading/running /following] of the [coagulation] reaches to the [ends of paper/debt trade] at a global level. There are suggestions within the data set in support of [seizure] that it may reach to the level of an [inability] to [trade/sell dollars]. The temporal markers near this set of circumstances are also marking the [cessation (of) transport (of) grains], and then the [global/planetary] bespoke [fear] of [famine].

SpaceGoatFarts - Jewel of Denial Not sure where the cosmic cockroach fits into the cosmic ecosystem, but the appearance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in space just *may be* the individual particles whose totality composes the actual smell of the [space goat fart]. However it need also be remembered that PAH's just could be the 'cosmic smog/pollution' from all them [space aliens] zipping around in their UFO's. In our case the SpaceGoatFart entity is a proxy for those things which are [of space] or [out there], and which are either [ignored, dissed, or denied (officially)], and/or, those [space things/other dimensions] which are [unknown]. With a specific, and bespoke reference to [denial] within the SpaceGoatFart newly accrued aspects, and with specific support levels such as [bad], and [promotion/selling/merchandising] as directly held aspect/attribute sets, it is difficult to not think of the forecast for [space happenings/weather] for [Fall] as being [bad]. The imagery within the aspect/attribute sets also goes to the idea of a [jewel] which is [hidden/shrouded] by [stone], and which is [in space]. This [jewel in the stone] is also the [object] of [denial]. This last has support from several of the contexts for [officials] and includes the [imposition (of) official penalties] as well as [official documents (which) demand control (of the) information]. The [jewel] sub set is also supported by aspects/attributes which go to the [rejection] or [reluctance to accept] the [promotion] of [changes (in terra biosphere)] which are shown as [not being as proffered/promoted]. This last is likely references to the whole 'global warming' stage-managed sales effort. The data set would seemingly be indicating that the [jewel hidden in the space stone] will provide [evidence] in bespoke [support] for those who [find it difficult to accept the promoted/sold global warming]. If the forecast is correct, then likely the [space jewel] will bring information which [denies] and [proves] the [natural/universe] nature of the changes emerging, and thus destroy the 'man made' component of the argument. Here at HPH we have always seen this as a critical issue in thinking and have repeatedly warned that the 'global warming manifesto' is an attempt to maintain control of the masses by the expedience of 'hope'. If man does not created global warming, there is no hope that any level of man control will stop it. Ergo, without the 'hope' component, the TPTB fellows have very much lessened control over their fellow humans. Just as we constantly remind that 'words have power', and then reinforce it with our own definitions of the situation, we must now be prepared to apply that same method of deliberately restating things in our own words as the [emerging flood/backlash] of [opinion] [flows (from the) talking heads/global mediastream] nearly incessantly for a while this Fall as the TPTB attempt to [distract] the [global populace] from the [jewel hidden in the space stone]. As a part of the Fall emergence of the drama around the Space Jewel in Denial, the data set is pointing to [documents] which will [surface] as a result of an [inheritance]. This [inheritance] *may* be connected to the [dead cardinal] noted in Part One. Without regard to its relations to the [church] and its secrets, the [document] is directly held in support of the [space jewel hidden in stone], and is participatory in the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. This [document] is described in a supporting set as being [composed/made/created (of) preserved deer skin] and so the implication is that it is very old. The other specific descriptors include [note], and [accomplished quickly/rapid], and [mouth (of the) dead], and [carried/stored/preserved (in) horn(s)]. The last specific descriptor of note is that the [document] describes [plainly/clearly/easily visible wealth/information which cannot be obtained]. Hmmm. Where is Tom Corbett, Space Cadet... when you need him? Along with the support for the [space jewel] from the [document], there are supporting aspects which relate this coming [experience] to [terra, thinning ice], as well as [shakes, quakes, tremors]. In both cases the supporting aspect/attribute sets are directly held and are extensively cross linked to the Terra entity. The [shakes] is also described as [shaky] with emphasis on the continuing of the [quavers] phenomena. Further the [shakes] area also contains supporting sets for [humans/animals] which will [go lightheaded] and [be prone/susceptible (to) fainting] as well as [shaky knees, sit down suddenly]. The whole of the [space jewel] lexical structure appears almost immediately after the emotional turning point of September 19th, and while it may be a 'proximate cause' for whatever series of events actually precipitate the emotional shift of that day, the modelspace is suggesting that the [space jewel in stone] will not be referenced prior to the turn on 9-19. So the inference is that *perhaps* the idea of an earthquake and subsequent tsunami is perhaps not so far fetched (within the fictions of these reports), and its 'cause' would/could be a [space jewel], which may be a strange form of asteroid, that perhaps triggers some interplanetary reaction and sets off the earthquake. Then, should this scenario play out, the 'cause' of the earthquake may be discovered after the fact, and the [denial] about the [space jewel] goes into hyper-drive on the global mediastream as the TPTB attempt desperately to retain their illusion of control of things, here on terra. The problem for the TPTB entity as illustrated within the SpaceGoatFart entity is that the emergence of the [space stone with hidden

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jewel] provides for [no doubts] as regards to the [changes in solar system]. This [no doubt] aspect is indicated to be [accepted] and even [embraced, internalized] in large numbers of humans globally as a result of their bespoke [emotional response] to both the [manifestations (here on ) terra], as well as the [appearance/discovery/viewing (of the) space stone]. The TPTB then aggravate the situation with their [fierce denial] of the [space jewel]. The modelspace is suggesting that all the [denial river/stream/flow] does is to [cement] the [evidence] with the [emotions] for those who have already [accepted (the) notional change]. A further set of supporting aspects and cross links over to Markets shows that the [intermediate stage/developing manifestation] of the human reaction to the [space jewel/stone] gets [inter-linked/bound-up] with the [markets motions] as well as what the SpaceGoatFart entity labels as its [morbidity]. This [interlinking] is only a temporary phase as the emotional reactions to the [space jewel] continue to evolve they pass the linkage to the [markets] relatively rapidly and proceed to further depths of change making in humans. GlobalPopulace - Dollar Short, Paper CPR The greater, or combined, populace entity which has both the GlobalPop, and the Populace/USofA together based on the common sets is predicting that [prosperity] will be the main thought of the Fall. This area of course is participating within the rise of emotional tensions and the [economic] sub sets which are propelling the coming journey into building emotional tensions. In the main, the largest of shared common sets within the populace entities, and therefore the largest single set within the GlobalPopulace combined entity, relates to the [usofa dollar]. This set does not hold good news. For anyone, or for the [dollar] as global reserve currency. Where the Markets entity in ALTA reports of earlier in the year had characterized this current period as a [bad summer for markets], the GlobalPopulace entity is now labeling the coming season as the [bad Fall of the usofa dollar]. The language in support of the [bad Fall for the usofa dollar] includes sets for the populace as a whole expressing the idea that [they were/are burned] by the ThePowersThatBe. This side of the support for a [global reserve currency collapse] participates in the [revolution] meme which is also a GlobalPopulace level phenomena. In support of the [burned] reference are specific sets pointing to [visible] [burning] of [large piles/collections] of [usofa dollars]. This form of [protest] will be seen [globally] and should be [visible] even to the [populace of the usofa] through the [government/corporation censorship] of their information. It may even be that [usofa citizens] will also [protest] and [burn dollars] in [piles]. There are some associations between these events, and [assaults], and [attacks] by the [citizenry] on [press] and [politicians] here in the USofA. The [revolution] meta data layer gets a large boost in emotional summation values from these supporting sets as well as the emotional turn around forecast for September 19th. The [dollar near death experience] which was forecast for this Summer, will apparently *not* involve the [resurrection] of the [dollar]. The data sets are now showing, within the shorter term linguistics just processed, that the [dollar resurrection attempts], or [debt/paper CPR] fails. The [damage] is indicated as being [severe] and [crippling] in its implications are [dire], especially for the [poor people] of the planet, a set which will include almost *all* [usofa citizens] by December. We can even report that by December the first of the NewPop entity contexts *should* become [visible] as the [populace] begins to [manifest change/adaptation] to both the [planetary climate] and [economic climate] changes. It is also probable that much of the building emotional tension shown in the charts needs to be viewed with the perspective of a 'global reserve currency failure' in mind. The shocking 'purity' of the building period then makes at least a slight bit of sense. If the upward trend line from September 19th through to the end of November is examined at deeper levels of granularity, it becomes noticeable that there are only 2/two release periods within the total building trend. This is very atypical. Usually these building periods are as 'choppy' in their appearance as are the past release periods. The stair-step effect is, and has been, counted upon as part of the processing of our data streams, so it was instantly obvious nearly a year ago when the first longer term value sets started pointing toward September 19 and beyond. Even examining the details around the 2/two release periods within the 72/seventy-two days of building tensions, it is obvious that both are very small and will serve more to punctuate the vibration of the times, rather than alter the tone. Our initial, and continuing, skepticism about the accuracy of our projections for the Fall of 2007 have always rested at the level of the visual 'purity' of the presentation of the time in modelspace. Having never before encountered anything near this level of 'single mindedness' being referenced, it was easily dismissed or trivialized in these past months. However that attitude is now gone on our part. It would *seem* {ed note: go read disclaimer at top again. Bear in mind, we are insane, and no one can predict the future} that the entire planetary populace will be focusing on their particular exposure to the [death of the planetary reserve currency]. This *would seemingly* harmonize with the flattened projections shown in the charts. The idea would be that the [dollar death] affects nearly the whole of the planet at some level, and that it takes a number of months to [travel] around the [planet] as the [spiral] of [devaluation] continues. This then points to the [beggaring/poverty_making] effect, and the *huge* impact that it has emotionally. NOTE: The death of the dollar as global reserve currency does *not* imply that the totality of the building tension values derive from only economics. We need to note that previous ALTA reports are pointing to [large earthquake] and subsequent [tsunami] as producing damage, as well as other Terra based events (see below) which also participate in the emotional building tensions. However, the data would seem to be indicating that [dollar/currency] concerns will gnaw at so many people that the resulting [anxiety] and [bespoke fear] will provide the emotional tension base for the period of September 19th and Beyond.... However, the above note notwithstanding, the emotional impacts of the current and future [churning] in the [economic activity] especially [financial paper] here in the USofA cannot be overstated. It must be recognized that the [dollar death] not only reduces the USofA to a beggar nation, but also removes nearly the totality of 'stored wealth' for the globe. The emotional reaction in places *not* within the

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USofA will be such that [war] as an act of [punishment/retribution] will be [urged] by many [former friends]. The modelspace has some small 'saving grace' hinted at by the Populace/USofA in data sets going to the idea of such levels of [violent turmoil/revolution] within the continental USofA as to make any participation by outside countries entirely redundant, and mostly unnoticed. It is from areas such as these that the cross links over to early episodes of [politicians] and [press] being [assaulted] carry through on the emotional values released at that point. Given the building nature of the times immediately ahead, it would make some small sense to suppose that the first [wave] of [political assaults] will *not* appear until very late in the building period, or shortly thereafter in December.

The modelspace is most explicitly dire about the predictions for the coming [global poverty]. This [poverty emergence] will include the highest levels of the system, but not quite the [most high]. There will be some pockets of prepared persons privy to information as a result of their positions within the ThePowersThatBe, however the data sets are indicating that even these [most privileged classes] will suffer, and [recoil] as the [shock wave] of [planetary poverty] hits home. The [poverty] spread will take away such foolishness as the [abstractions], including [derivatives], and the data indicates that the entire [treasuries, government backed debt] for the *planet* will fail. This is indicating that *all* countries government backed debt will be [crushed] under the [dollar death], not merely the USofA treasuries markets. Given the continuing building nature of this supporting set, the forecast is for the [treasuries/wealth depletion] to manifest later in the next release period. This places it within the post December 1st, and on into Winter time frame. By that point the general trends of things will be *well* known and discussed. The [visibility] of the [global poverty] is at the highest of levels, so likely even the [deluded populace] here in the USofA will see at least a few hints of the [poverty waves] out-and-about. At least those who still have homes, teevee, and electricity will be able to view the [poverty] spread. At least those who still have homes, teevee, electricity, and are *not* actively involved in the [revolution] meme as it spreads through the Populace/USofA like a terrible tonic. And so it goes, here on earth, racked by solar winds, cosmic ephemera, and subject to the emerging [crazy/insanity] of the inhabitants. Terra - Bunches o'Blows, Bespoke Money Loss The mostly unreliable geographic references have a distinct bulge in the detail data sets filling the shorter term values within the Terra entity as modelspace is progressed through these remaining days to the equinox, actually slightly beyond that as well to the end of

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ALTA 0508 Part TWO


September. The geographic references are [eastern seaboard, usofa], and include some more-than-usual references for the Canadian Maritimes as well. These geographic references are *all* connected in support at some level to [wind] at the highest level of the entity. The [wind] value set does contain [hurricane] in primary support, as well as for several layers down the detail chain. As the modelspace is progressed forward the numeric value of [4/four] with the suggestion that [4/four wind storms] will [cause damage] this 'season'. The [damage] descriptor set is supported by [national] and by [great costs] and [money loss] with details pointing to [damage levels] which [shock (the) insurance industry/collective]. The [winds] are seen as being responsible for most damage, but our repetitious-ad-nauseum meme of [flooding] is not far behind. Most damage though is being forecast as [wind] caused. The [wind storms] of September and into Fall are participating in the meta data layer of [transformation] which itself is a primary driver for the [revolution] meme which rises in significance this Fall and into Winter here in the USofA. Within the sections of support for [transformation] are directly held values which indicate that the [damage] is so severe along parts of the [eastern seaboard, usofa] to have a 'Katrina/Rita' kind of effect of producing [abandoned (damaged) infrastructure] which is forecast as taking [decades] to [pick_up/clean_up]. This area also has cross links back over to both the Populace/USofA entity, and over to the FuturePop entity where the suggestion is that the [professional scavenger] class will be [feasting] on the remnants of these [damaging winds] for some number of years. The data set indicates that the [solar eclipse] can act as a temporal marker for the [increasing storm activity]. Since the next eclipse comes on the 11th, we will not have long to wait to determine if the forecast is correct. If so, there may be but 1/one [damaging] storm, but it may strike the [eastern seaboard] during a time when 3/three other hurricanes/tropical depressions are [unexpectedly] all [alive/active] simultaneously. The [winds damage] area shows a wide spread problem reaching inland to the point that [hilltop/mountain summits] are [altered] by the [scrubbing] of the winds, and that [tall buildings] inland some [dozen(s) (of) miles] will lose their [windows] and [rooftop components] to the [violence] of the [winds]. There are supporting layers for the impact of the [violent winds] on [government]. Not only are the repetitions of the [officialdom takes a walk] language first seen in the Katrina/Rita Fema management fiasco, but now the Terra entity is also showing via cross links to the Populace/USofA entity that [officialdom] itself, including its [document creation ability] are at specific [risk] of [discontinuity]. The [document creation ability] is a new lexical structure emerging from the rewrite of the lexicon, and has descriptors pointing toward such things as [ability/capacity (to) issue edicts/orders] as well as the more germane [capacity (to) manage change] where this last is supported by [confusion (of) causes], and [distortion (of) facts/reporting]. It would appear that the data set is forecasting a direct impact by the [wind storms] on the WA DC cadre's ability to [lie] to the [populace]. Hmmm. Now that would be a positive thing. I think? What is clearly *not* positive are the number of references to explicit [loss of money] related to the [wind storms]. The imagery includes a very wide variety of manners of loss including vast numbers of [houses] where the indications are that the [insurance] will *not* be available due to exogenic issues such as the [global debt coagulation] which is showing as heavily impacting the [insurance industry]. As the modelspace is progressed forward into Fall, the emotional building tension trendline increases in greater proportion to the Terra entity than to the other entities.

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ALTA 0508 Part TWO


It must be noted however that Terra supplies some of the building tension emotional sums for the [economics] word sets. Therefore, even though the slicing and dicing of the data 'reveals' that [economics] is the 'prime' motivating value set showing up after the emotional turn, some or all of that 'economic' focus *could* be Terra entity induced. This idea is reinforced as the modelspace is progressed through Fall and the [loss of money] sub set within Terra continues to accrue supporting sub sets. Even swirling within the chaos of modelspace the sub set for [money loss] relative to Terra caused events is visible. The implication is for a Fall of continuing weather/climate related impact on [personal] and [national] [wealth]. In direct support for the [loss of money due to weather/climate] the aspect of [flooding] grows significantly. The increase in lexical mass is slightly over 28/twenty-eight percent over the course of Fall. While there is no direct correlation between the lexical summation values and any measure of [flooding], the inference we take from the growth patterns are that the [flooding] will affect the [planetary productive output] in a plethora of ways. The supporting data sets include details for the presumptive [food crop crash], but surprisingly there are aspects/attribute sets which detail probable 'victims' of [flooding] such as the [global pharmaceutical industry], as well as the [hardwoods manufacturers]. Other detail sets point to [boat building] impacts, seemingly a positive given the nature of the [flooding] meme, however the impacts being described have a more general theme percolating which goes to the idea of [encounters with scarcity], as well as [global trade crash], and both impacting the [availability of materials/goods] such that [productions cease]. This last is supported by detail sets which are just hinting at a longer term trend of [production point/locations shifting] in reaction to [materials availability]. The basic timing *appears* to show visibility by December of 2007, however the set continues to build, and the longer term values have yet to be processed so the timing is anything but certain. However the imagery is clearly of [industry/manufacturing returning (to a) previous age/method] whereby the [factory] is located next to the raw materials. This outgrowth of the [global trade crash] is predictable, but was unexpectedly highlighted by the [boat building] data set, and its very curious growth patterns over the Fall. The [bad Fall] relative to the [weather/climate], and [economic] impacts is cross linked to the very far edge of the Markets data sets which may be indicating that this Fall will see the development of the [new economy] in the [crash of the globalism meme]. Once again, in the [flooding] sub set for Terra entity, as it is progressed across the Fall in modelspace, there emerge a large number of cross links over to the SpaceGoatFart entity. A significant portion of these are terminating in our [space jewel in stone] data set. The obvious implication is that the [jewel from space] will participate within the [flooding] which will be seen this Fall. However, please note that only very *rarely* does universe actually provide the obvious, so no real worries here. The relation is likely something far too remote, or hidden to even be noticed. There are some small levels of [visibility] associated with the [flooding] cross links to the [space jewel], but nothing so concentrated as to predict that coverage would be on the global mediastream.

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ALTA 0508 Part TWO


Almost as a contrary counterpoint to our lack of distinctly [visible] aspect/attribute sets with cross links over to the Press entity, there are several areas forming under [noise/sound/vibration] within the Terra entity which *do* possess cross links over to the SpaceGoatFart entity, as well as the Press entity, and which may be generally characterized as [lightning/energetic_discharge (from) space]. Now please note that this may not be [visible] in the more obvious fashion, but rather may be linked to our [wind damage from hurricanes], since [hurricanes] do *not* get their energy from 'hot water', but rather from high voltage energy streams through the upper atmosphere. These high voltage, and more importantly, high frequency electrical inputs to the lower atmosphere are proximately due to solar discharge and the interaction of the heliosphere with the terran ionosphere. So, given the actual nature of the formation of what are termed 'tropical' depressions, or 'tropical' lows, it is possible that the cross links to the SpaceGoatFart entity are indicating that this 'season' of hurricanes may be much more violent/active than in recent decades. Further the data sets are pointing to the [formation/creation/springing] of [hurricanes] in many new spots which are explicitly *outside* the [tropical zones]. We have reason to think that once again, the far south regions of South America, and perhaps even Africa will be impacted by 'circular storms' which are in all ways [hurricanes] except perhaps in name. As the [winds] and [flooding] [money loss] pattern grows, there appear supporting aspect/attributes which are pointing to bespoke [ice too thin], and which contain internal cross links over to the [global currents alteration] which is in support of the [oceanic influenza] sub set. There are also supporting aspects for the [antarctic current shutdown] which has been showing up in the ALTA reports for at least 2/two years. The data is indicating still that [rising lands], most likely sub oceanic volcanoes, are directly responsible, but now a number of cross links appear which go over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where they terminate in supporting sub sets for the [space jewel in stone] set. The [currents alteration] meme accrues values at a faster speed as Fall progresses, and the implication is that the [process is under way/ongoing]. As a rather ominous note within the supporting sets are aspect/attributes going specifically to [even small mistakes (are/can now be) fatal]. This set is cross linked over to both the populace entities where it terminates in [unforgiving world] sub sets which is participating in the Populace/USofA entity in the [mind set change] relative to 'humans on terra'. As a last note on this area, some of the supporting sub sets way down in the detail layers provide the image of some very [disappointed/crushed] [petty people/politicians], as the [event] that they had [scheduled] and which they see as [so critical] is [fouled up/shat upon] by the [weather]. Where they had needed a particular setting for their [propaganda] event, including good weather, universe decides to the contrary in an apparently rather spectacular and [visible] manner. There are even [fashion] sub sets which indicate that [winds damage] in the form of [rips] and [tears] as [fleeing (from the ) winds] takes place. Hmm. Nothing makes a politician look so good as running away with their clothes in tatters. Expect commentary about a particular set of [legs exposed] as a good temporal marker. Conclusion: Part Two - Emerging Troubles We don't, after a very nasty experience, focus our radical linguistics on singular humans. We also are now very careful to *not* stray over into those areas overtly under the 'management' of the ThePowersThatBe. So as a result, our approach to 'terrorism' as a context is more carefully examined and reported. As an instance, it does most readers *no* good to know that, as an instance, fuel bombs are forecast for some battle in some war. However, if the data pointed to [fuel bombs] being used as weapons of terror, and we caught that reference {ed note: *not* guaranteed given the huge levels of data churn}, then we might, if we had confidence, say a few words about such. However, mostly not. Those times that we have been successful in this area in the past have *not* been able to provide any alteration, seemingly, of the developing circumstances, so...lesson learned. However, a general note on 'time' and 'timing' needs to be passed along. Consider that in universe, all things are connected to all other things. Further consider that no 'thing' in universe happens independently of other 'things'. An example is briefly discussed in the Meta Arts section at the beginning of this document. So, when personalities appear, and the patterns of the times reflect, especially at an augmented level, patterns which existed a few years back, well, the irrational mind starts to wonder...hmmm? Could something similar be in the offing now? Is it feasible that universe would provide altered solar system, shifting terra, nasty weather, climate collapse, thin ice, strained global currency, fascistic governments, rampaging NWO, corrupt/teetering markets, 460 trillion dollars in derivatives, *and* nutters with religious agendas and weapons all at the same time? Yep, seemingly so. Here at HPH we have labeled 2007 as the [year of emergence]. We noted the second half to be the real kicker for the [emerging troubles]. Well, we be there. Now to see just how correct radical linguistics may be. Scarf pie now. Time is short. ### We expect, universe allowing, to post Part Three next week, late on Saturday.

Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

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