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ALTA 0508 Part Six


ALTA 0508 - Part Six

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 10.06.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited.

This report in the series created from 68.598 million reads of the 0508 series. Last part of the series. Meta Arts - Spew Demands It is the expression of modern times that the plethora of information in both content and delivery mechanism demands a fractional view. The sheer mass of content splinters the focus and drives the individual mind toward an narrow perspective which is itself narrowed over time by the very forces of its creation. Whereas our ancestors had the luxury of time to digest information, and thus had the space to develop an emotional response to the novelty expressing here on earth as it happened, we are in the age of the 'instant'. As each expression of the universe adds (or not) to the novelty emerging, the mathematics of the 'novelty theory' is further advanced. Terrance McKenna's novelty theory, now decades old and itself adding to the novelty of the universe expression in a very cool manifestation of a 'self seeding time cycle', examines how universe will/is providing change for its inhabitants amusement. Here at HPH, we see ourselves working the *other* side of the equation: we are examining how life, specifically the linguistically inclined human inhabitants of planet earth, reacts to the universe expression of novelty. So far, so good...but the situation is appearing to deteriorate as the humans are faced with taking in more and more information in wider streams in less time. The convergence races onward, faster and faster, demanding more and more of less potential for attention. The concept of [multitasking] as is defined by our descriptor set is now over 300/three-hundred per cent larger than its 2003 definition set. As an example of merely a single context, [multitasking] is not even particularly energetic in its growth. Some of the more spectacular redefinition's include the [religion] context. That descriptor set has grown at rates of 400/four hundred per cent per year or *greater* since 2001. It is this exponential growth factor for the descriptor set which prompts the 'death of religion' meme. A huge component of the 'organized religion' abstraction of human behavior *requires* [secrecy] and [separation]. These 2/two aspects are mutually supportive. The [secrecy] is in support of the [separation], and it is the [secrecy] of the [organization] which allows the [separation] to continue. The [separation] is defined as [individual] being [separated] from the [spirit] component of the religion by way of [priests, rabbis, imams, brahmins]. Without the [separation] of the [individual] from their [spiritual] birthright by [abstractions] which are [secret supported], there is no 'religion' per se. If considered as a totality of information, we can ask ourselves some questions to validate the concept. Would [insert name of religion here] continue to exist as we know it now, if *all* the information about the religion, and specifically the organizations which profit from it, were available without hindrance to the individuals who compose the body of the organization? In fact, the question can be rephrased to include [secret societies] or [corporations], and even [nations] instead of [religion] with the same effect. By the way, the answer is 'no'. If, as an instance, the history of the [vatican] as an institution were to be generally known, then the [mystique/mystery/those_things_hidden] would evaporate, and so would any claims of [authority] over man before [god].

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The issue comes down to information. In the age of the [continuous spew] which is the global mediastream including the internet, the ability to respond to the cascades of information is a key survival element. Even at this early stage in information streams that will seemingly multiply endlessly forever, the responses can be seen separating the humans into diverse sets. Some humans are coping by a strategy of deliberately ignorance, the [unwillingness to see], while others are not coping, though they may *think* they are, as they emerse themselves into the [spew], swimming for all they are worth. Recent generations have brought diversity in response as the humans are born into [spew universe] where their parents were not. In these generations, [saturation] may still be reached, but there appears to be a higher level of 'base knowledge' retained when the [unwillingness to see] strategy is adopted. The [unwillingness to see] strategy is more prevalent than may be first imagined. All of us will employ it, though some humans live in it, being willfully ignorant and self denying of a number of sources of information. Others merely slide into the [unwillingness to see] for a particular [friend/co-worker/family/acquaintance] who has an *incredibly* dense knowledge base about a *particular* subject and cannot help themselves from setting *our* view of the world straight when we casually bring up some erroneous information about their [emersion passion]. We turn off, and tune out. We *don't* want to know. It does not matter to us. Here at HPH we operate under a heightened awareness of the [duality] of it all. We react as humans to those areas where we have [unwillingness] to pursue, but we are in the business of being aware of such 'filters on perception' so that we might deliberately expand our views of both content, and delivery in order to attempt to 'see' the 'big picture'. Keeping in mind that the 'medium *is* the message', we continue to examine not only the minutia of global mediastream, but also to expand our concepts as to how the delivery of global mediastream affects the content. We do this 'large view' by taking the paradoxical approach of 'slicing and dicing' as much of the [spew] as we can get onto our greedy little servers. The 'slicing and dicing' results in recombination, and by imagining ourselves to be outside the phenomena base of modelspace, we interpret. However, there are times that awareness demands a consistent 'filter check' as the hunt for emerging design patterns within data streams is cross checked against manifesting universe. Usually called the 'smell test'. Knowing that no part (human, being an inextricable part of universe) can *ever* know the whole, we still can ascertain if our illusion of a 'wholistic view' has value. The [shock] of the [new/novelty] is increasing as new delivery media come within the [convergence] phenomena. We note that this increasing pressure has already affected our lexicon, and has been found to be affecting the expressions of the linguistics within our sources. This is to say that as new sources of information appear, each contributes to the continuing addition of pressures on content, and within the contents that we are able to monitor {ed note: for instance cannot screen films, video, et al}, we can ascertain that other media *not* within our scope are impacting the streams supporting our work. New contexts are being formed frequently, some of which may only be followed just so far, as the underlying media does not fit within our ability to 'sort and categorize by set' which is our fundamental approach. Given the current projections from our server usage patterns, the Kurzweil view of the developing singularity would seem to be supported as a manifesting component of reality. However, our work also is pointing to the approaching [collision] of the [strategy of unwillingness to see] with the [singularity of convergence]. What the formations of new contexts are suggesting is that [acceleration] of the [change/novelty] in universe is approaching [thresholds] of [absorption] by the seeming/presumed 'target' of this [universe change], humans. The [collision] is emerging with strength in the longer term data sets which are suggesting the manifestation will be [visible] as the coming release period ends, and the next building period begins in late January, 2008. It is at that juncture that the [secrets revealed] meta data layer will, according to modelspace, manifest as a self-feeding meme. This is suggestive of a period in which each new [revealed secret] acts as a 'lubricant' within the [spew] which releases yet more [secrets]. These areas within modelspace are supported by [revolution] with so many attached contexts it is very difficult to even decide where to dive in for a quick look. In the end no matter where in the supporting thousands of contexts examined, the [revolution] meme becomes tied into the idea of a developing singularity of information emerging. As each aspect/attribute of support for [revolution] is explored, supporting layers begin to become thick with inter-nodal cross links which invariably end under [secrets revealed]. Without regard to the arbitrary entity chosen for the start of any [revolution] meme thread, we always are terminating in [secrets revealed]. As modelspace is advanced into Spring of 2008, the [secrets revealed] meta data layer gains strength and mass. The diversity of supporting contexts increases, as do the depth levels of support. The impression at the meta data level is that some 'information threshold' will be reached in late Winter, and thereafter an exponential expansion of the [spew] begins to crack open [secrets] in very diverse areas. This will threaten the entirety of the TPTB and their organizations. From Spring 2008, the emotional tension building trend will rise as the [organs of control] try to adapt to a sudden and intense increase in [information/spew], and to new strategies evoked by changes within the global mediastream.

Populace/USofA - Extreme Language manifests, Golden Full Moon, Fleeing 2/two flags, Paper meets Reality Since early in January of 2007, the modelspace has been describing the current building period with aspect/attribute sets for [monetary concern], or alternatively [life, food, shelter, everything necessary to purchase with currency]. In all the supporting sub sets the main theme has been connected closely to [currency] and specifically to the USofA [dollar]. The mutation of the data over the course of the year led to the labeling of the last of the release period as initiating the [dollar NDE] or near-death-experience. Within the current processing, the modelspace has now placed even more emphasis on the [dollar, usofa] sub set as the building period ends in late November, and *seems* to be suggesting that [extremes of language] {ed note: also described in ALTA reports early in the year} will be

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[used by the populace] to [speak/describe] the [usofa dollar] and their [personal relationship] to the [new times]. As modelspace moves out of November, and is totally involved in the subsequent emotional tension release period in early December {ed note: kind of like a big solar system taking time to get all the planets past a certain point in space}, the Populace/USofA entity gains huge amounts of cross links over to the Markets entity, as well as building large supporting structures within the directly held area of [extreme language], sub set [usofa dollar], and further sub set of [gold/silver] with the dominating supporting aspect/attribute of [money/currency]. The cross links over to the Markets entity from this sub set group also are found to be terminating, in the majority, in sub sets which are either under, or directly hold [gold/silver/precious metals] aspect/attribute sets. The inference to be gained from just a first overview of the lexical structure can be phrased as [extreme language is being used by the populace/USofA, beginning in December, about the USofA dollar, and specifically about its relationship to gold/silver]. The [extreme language] sub sets include directly held aspect/attribute sets for [extreme flooding] which can easily be interpreted as [hyper inflation]. This lexical area, including its internal cross links as well as cross links to Markets entity, is also supportive of an interpretation of [hyper inflation (on/in) food/shelter/life *and* no interest else where]. This last is very suggestive of a case of 'no dollars' being spent on *anything* other than the [necessities] of [daily life/existence]. Further there are sub sets which go specifically to the aspect/attributes of [no (money for) energy]. This last includes both [commuting energy] supported by [exhausted resources], as well as [heating energies] which are shown as [rising beyond reach/grasp]. The whole of the [gold/silver] sub sets within the Populace/USofA entity are also found in mirror image structures within the GlobalPop entity...that is, the situation is reversed in that they are [witness] to the [extreme language] being used for the [usofa dollar], and the primary supporting aspect is [drought/drying up], clearly pointing to the [drying up of interest] in [usofa dollar exports]. Not that the [extreme language] is without [trauma] within the GlobalPop entity. There are several supporting aspect/attribute sets which are pointing to a [poverty wave] which comes from the [extreme language (within the) usofa]. This is shown as having severe effects on the [anglo] dominated regions of the planet. There will be considerable spill over into other parts of the global populace, but in a more diffuse fashion with less personal impacts than will be seen in [uk, australia, euzone]. To return to the [extreme language] sub set at its highest levels, we discover that its primary internal cross linked relationship is pointing to a situation of a [full moon] for [gold/silver] in which there are a bespoke [6/six steps] in its [ladder (to/toward) all-inclusiveness]. This last can also be translated as [ubiquitous], which probably does not help much, but which we are interpreting as meaning the [end-all/be-all] or [pan-ultimate], as both of these supporting sets are found several layers down in the descriptor sets. Further support for the set is derived from [fire], and [internal combustion/explosion] as well as reversed view of [dangerous (times), disaster (for) dollar]. Within the directly held values under the [extreme language] sub set is a supporting area which goes to the bespoke [retirement] of the [usofa dollar]. The [visibility] of the [retirement] word is very high so it should be showing up within the global mediastream in early December and growing over the Winter months into a major meme as we had seen in 2006/2007 with the [green death/green man] meme from previous ALTA reports. This [dollar retirement] aspect/attribute set is supported by many internal links back to the [6/six steps (in the) ladder] within the [gold/silver] supporting sub sets. Also within the [dollar retirement] supporting sub sets are bespoke references in direct support of the [hyper inflation] idea in the form of [too much (is as) bad (as) not enough]. These areas have extensive internal structures which again include cross links over to the [6/six steps] areas of [gold/silver]. As the modelspace is progressed through December and into Winter 2007/2008, the [gold/silver] aspect continues to gain supporting aspect/attribute sets. These are accruing under [finishing well/good/prosperous], and [millions (of) successful small (things/items)], as well as bespoke [omens/signs/portents] of [good luck/joss/karma (for) gold/silver]. Hmmmm. Wonder what that means? In contrast to the [advancing] of the [gold/silver] in December/Winter, the modelspace is indicating that [extreme language] and the [hyper inflation] will [beggar] the [populace]. The [millions (of) small particles] which had been forecast to [hurl against (the) usofa dollar] over the course of Fall will have had their effect, and the modelspace is picturing a [usofa] with [homeless/wandering tribes] in [abundance] as the whole of the [housing industry/construction] collapses along with the [retirement of the dollar]. Further the [cessation/disappearance of global trade] as forecast in previous ALTA reports will emerge into [visibility] over the remainder of Fall and Winter. This will include the [visible] [cessation/reduction] in [holiday shipments] which continue into [shortages] of [necessities] by Winter. The modelspace is indicating that as the [populace] moves through the last of Fall, and into the Winter release period, that [high ranking officials] who [carry 2/two flags] on their vehicles, will [flee] the [manifesting chaos] here in the USofA to [overseas assignments] in numbers that the aware observer will find intriguing and telling. This [flight] of the [2/two flagged elite] will show [prescience] as the [winter progresses]. Recalling that the Winter release period is short-lived, the data is indicating that the [visibility] of [wisdom] will be shown, in past tense, by the [2/two flagged elite] in their [flight to safety overseas]. This area is heavily dominated by cross links internal to the Populace/USofA which end in [violence]. The [violence] aspect/attribute set is very diversely supported and includes curious references to a [gang/tribe war] *within* the [elite] which shows up as [visible] concurrent with the [retirement of the dollar]. There are indications that [banksters] will be involved both in the [intercine war] as well as the [flight to safety through overseas assignments]. There are also indications for a [filtering/diffusion] of the [corporate elite] to [places of (presumed) refuge]. As the [flight/fleeing/escaping (of the) 2/two flagged elite] begins to manifest in Winter, it will proceed the [increase/doubling] of the [flooding] meme which begins to burden the Populace/USofA as it emerges in Winter to grow to dominate Spring. The [flooding] meme has several discrete layers to it which include [currency], as well as manifest [water flooding]. The [water flooding] is shown as coming in

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different forms which include [rainwater] as well as [coastal in-rush/invasion/penetration]. Along with this layer of [flooding], a slightly smaller layer going to the [flooding] of the [populace] with [woes, ills/disease] also rises as Winter fades into Spring 2008. The [flooding] lexical structures also contain internally held support aspect/attribute sets for [extreme] which is used to describe both the [flooding] as well as the [visible] components of its manifestation. So the impression is that not only will the [flooding] of the [ground/land] be [extreme], but so will the [language] emerging within the global mediastream which is used in relation to it. As a curiosity, it can be observed within modelspace that the [doubled/doubling] meme is applied also at the meta data level in that the number of references to the [flooding] in all areas also doubled while the main supporting sets for each of the [flooding] linguistic sub sets also contains [doubled] as a bespoke descriptor. The effect is a bit spooky, and as it can be observed at several points in the progression of modelspace over Winter and into Spring, the impression is that not only will the [flooding] of the USofA land masses be [doubled] over previous periods, that any of the other applications of [flooding] will also [double]. This *will* include the [flooding] meme relative to the [usofa dollar]. The inference being taken from the movement of modelspace is that as the release period of Winter shifts toward the Spring equinox, that the [afflictions] of the [flooding] will [double] in the impressions of the populace. The data shows this as including a [doubling (of the impact of) secrets revealed], as well as a [doubling of the flooding of currencies] as well as the [doubling of the flooding of refugees]. This last is from the continuing [employment crash] and will also include the [doubling of the flood of homeless tribes/mobs /crowds]. The [wandering jobless tribes], as well as the [homeless/displaced] are also shown as [doubling] and [becoming/emerging (as a) flood] in Winter, with the [doubling] of [visibility] coming in Spring. There are also indications for a [flood] of [revolution] meme language in Spring as the [ills/disease/dysfunctions] of Winter are [expressed/verbalized] in Spring. There is a meta data level [doubling into flood] of the [emergency] and [rescue] words as the modelspace moves from Winter into Spring. The impression is that [flooding of the land] requires an extraordinary level of [emergency rescue] efforts. That the [weather] and [wind storm] damages shown in previous sections of this ALTA series will have caused such a [flood] of [emergency] conditions, that the [gross domestic product] of the [usofa] will be affected. There are bespoke [evil/bad] supporting sub sets under the [flooding] meme. And as with the [doubling] aspect, these aspect/attribute sets are also supporting the various [flooding] sub sections. This includes the [currency, usofa dollar] sub set where the [flooding] meme is pointing toward a bespoke [time of evil] in which a [cusp of culture] will become [broken]. This area is very intriguing and seemingly is pointing to a time around the Spring equinox which is very [evil] for the [populace] relative to the [functioning] of the [nation]. This [evil] is directly supporting the [currency] area and is *suggesting* {ed note: if we are interpreting this correctly} as producing a time of [hyper inflation] in which [interest rates] are described as [flooding up (to) new highs]. These [new highs] are showing as being [irrational], but [required]. Nonetheless, the data sets are pointing to a [currency flood] which [collapses values] and [washes away wealth] *just* as the [interest rate derived debts/derivatives] are [flooded] out of [existence]. The [flood] of [currency] issues also are indicating that [emergency rescue attempts] will [fail] and do so in such a fashion as to [produce misery]. The [currency flood] is also indicated, via reinforcing cross links to the GlobalPop, as [creating/prompting] a [review] of [history] as several [hidden/secreted stores/storehouses/warehouses] of [ancient known facts/texts] is [released] under the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. As part of the Spring shift into a building tension trend which rises until October 2008, there are lexical sets which accrue to the [crusades, wars of religious aggression] sub set. Apparently the [miss impression/missed understanding] of the [crusades] role in history is about to be corrected as part of the [purge/pogrom] meme which rises as a sub set of the increase in [revolution] activities here in the USofA in Spring into Fall of 2008. The data sets are pointing to a [long term change] which brings out [new revelations] about the [origins] of [religions]. The Populace/USofA entity has these areas associated with a [pogrom/purge] which is also linked to [zionists]. The overall impression is that some very [unfavorable] information is to be released as a result of [revolution] meme activities. This [damage] to the [reputation] will mostly affect those who [expect/project] a [favorable] view onto the [crusades]. The information will seemingly reveal something yet unknown about the links between the [secret societies] and [repression/crime/fascism]. A very curious [echo] state is suggested by the data in which the original knights Templar expedition to Palestine during the crusades was an ancient relic treasure hunt in the midst of a war is [replicated/echoed] by emerging information about the Bush war against the Iraqi's. In both cases the [vatican] was directly involved, and the movement of the Populace/USofA entity is suggesting that [evidence] which is now within the [usofa] or in its nominal control, will be [emergent] in Spring, much to the [damage] of [religion] globally. It will necessarily boost the [morale], albeit temporarily, of the [mohammed/islam followers] as the [claims] of the [jewish body] are [disputed] by [ancient evidence/relics]. There is to be a further [echo] of [effects] in that [denial] within the [usofa, christ followers] community will cause the [pogrom/purge] meme to gain strength during the building period running up to October of 2008. This whole area does *not* bode well for [israel, zionist] [plans/dreams]. There are even suggestions, mere hints at this stage of the processing that the [purge] within the [usofa] will [accelerate] as the [templar] information is [unveiled], and that this [purge] will be [rebellious] in that large numbers of now powerful [israel associated individuals] will be [stripped] of [authority] and [positions]. Apparently the potential exists for something like a McCarthy era 'communist hunt show trials' to become [visible] over the months of building emotional tensions. There are indications that this new [pogrom/purge] will be self-feeding in that it will precipitate a further [secrets revealed] release, and that this last-of-Winter [excitement] will include some [revealed information] which is indicated to [damage] the [public perception/viability_as_a_candidate] of both Rudy G. and Hillary C. in their respective sections of the [grand american fraud of 2/two party system]. The data is indicating that the [dualopoly] of the [republican] and [democrat] sub sets of [branded politics] will suffer a [damage] which will [not repair] and further, the [flaying] of the [emotional words] of Rudy and Hillary will emerge as [festering boils] in Spring, which are shown as [visible face ruptures] by Summer.

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Within the [purge] and [revolution] language are many sub sets of building values around the general [political] situation here in the [usofa]. The TPTB, and the [invisible hand] which directs everything within the country are to be [hard pressed/resisted] in the [open] and that [politics] will emerge as a [blood sport] in the first 8/eight months of 2008. Much of the [political troubles/chaos] indicated rises directly from the [flood] meme settling over the economy of the USofA. The aspect/attributes providing support for both the [political chaos/flooding], and the [currency flood] are internally cross linked extensively. Much of the [chaos] of the [social order] will come from the [floods] which will propel the populace into [uncomfortable/inconvenience] which itself is supported by [building to intolerable levels]. Again, much of this area is related to [housing] and [economy], and [food prices], and [energy availability] all of which are affected by the [flood of repatriated dollars]. There are repeated references to [abyss] and [falling (into) deep pit] both of which support the [flood of repatriated dollars], and both are again doubled in that the sets are repeated within the [derivatives] sub set. The modelspace movements of several entities are suggesting that the release period from November 22 to January 25 inclusive will be a [release of bitter language, foul breath] all of which is in support of [housing], and [life, energy, food, shelter]. The release period encompasses a span of 65/sixty-five days, and is indicate for the Populace/USofA of producing a [flood] of release language about various kinds of [currency] woes and related problems. This [flood] of [small items/particles] is the precursor to the [active flooding] of Spring. Along with the [currency flood] which produces a [foul breath] economically, there are indications of the rise of a [foul breath disease] which will move into [visibility] in mid to late Winter. This [foul breath] disease is [human] based, though there are some odd [animal associations]. The extent of bespoke [fear] is low in this instance, but enough as to cause some behavior changes within the Populace/USofA entity. Is it a case of 'manipulated secrets' which are to be used to [herd] the [populace] a bit tighter? The mid to late Winter release period is showing supporting aspect/attribute sets for release language around the [fleet]. This [usofa fleet] set of release language grows rapidly and is suggestive of some [activity/event] which produces a distinct [burst] of [release language]. War? Well, perhaps, but the whole of the area is covered with [secrets] as an aspect. Seems more like an 'incident' based solely on the lexical mass. In examination of this section of the entity, the cross links over to GlobalPop become very visible. These are centered around common [fleet] based descriptors such as [naval], [maritime], [marine], and other such primary descriptors. There is the suggestion in the accrual patterns of a global focus of interest on 'things floating on the ocean'. This interest pattern is maintained across the next few months as the Winter progresses into Spring, but the release language begins to change to building emotional tension language in late January. Thereafter a pattern, albeit of an irregular nature, seems to come into its own as the whole [focus on oceans] goes through stairs of release and building tensions. Terra - Energetic Pissers,Quavers Increase, Outbreak Here on earth, the release period beginning in late November will be fully in place as December moves us into the solstice. The movement of the Terra entity through modelspace has an early December appearance of a [collision] between the [planet] and SpaceGoatFart [energies from space]. The indications are that this December will have the inhabitants of the planet [bemused] and [confused] by the [flickering energies from space] which will [manifest/emerge] within the [atmosphere]. Cross linked internally to the [wind storms] and [damages] which rise to the level of [stress (upon/on the) energy infrastructure], the [flickering energies from space] will also leave a lasting [mark (upon the) populace (who) view/witness]. This [mark] is shown by cross links over to both GlobalPop, and Populace/USofa {ed note: as well as FuturePop}, as being [permanent] and constituting a [change] within populace relative to [air expectations]. This last may also be interpreted as [floating abilities], or alternatively as [inhaling/breathing resources]. Some of the [flickering energies from space] are portrayed by modelspace as [colliding] and [burning up/exhausting] themselves in the very [high atmosphere] while at least a partial amount of the [energies from space] are shown as [flickering/dancing] just [above] the [new storms] which are [ignited] by the presence of the [energies]. These [storms] are indicated to be [electrical/plasma] in nature and to also contribute to [ills/sickness/disease] in both [humans and animals] as well as [electronic components and networks]. There are some small, directly held aspect/attribute sets within the context which go to the idea of [military people/organizations] which are in bespoke [pissed off] mode which is also defined by the descriptor set as [frustrated peeing] or [angry pissing].While there are many layers of cross links over to the TPTB entity, the majority of the terminating links end in bespoke [fear] rather than [anger]. It seems that what is going to [piss off ] the [military] sub set of the populace entities will actually invoke [fear shits/diarrhea] in TPTB. Part of this latter is cross linked internally within TPTB entity to [crazy/insane] and from there links go back to the SpaceGoatFart entity where they terminate in [energies from space]. Likely the interpretation should run toward the image of [flickering space energies cause/induce energetic fear/insanity in humans]. However, we need to note that modelspace is indicating that the populace in general does *not* respond to the [flickering energies] with [fear] as the dominant emotion, but rather with [awe] and [wonder]. Therefore a reason must exist for the TPTB to react with instant, and bespoke [fear shits] at the appearance of the [energies]. Some of their [trepidation], and [quivering colons] rise from the lexical structure around the aspect of [timing], and an attribute set of [early/premature/unexpected]. Sooo perhaps it is an issue of being caught unawares by the rapidity of time? The modelspace, especially the shorter term value sets are still indicating that a [twin earthquake] with [damage] at considerable levels, requiring over [5/five years] just to [clean up] is pending. This [twin earthquake] has the [appearance] of a [large earthquake], followed by much [rushing about] and bespoke [fear], then a [whew! dodged that nasty!] feeling, followed by yet another, as large or larger earthquake at nearly the same [foot print]. It had been our interpretation that this [twin earthquake] would act as a temporal marker for the [end of the quaver] period of earthquake which we are now experiencing. That was likely a missed understanding on our part. The longer term data is pointing toward the [twin earthquakes] as being the temporal markers for the [quiescence] which [settles briefly], then the [quavers] return. This is more problematic than may be initially thought as the [quavers], defined as [daily earthquakes, 4.0 and above, in plentitude], following the [twins] are now shown as [moving urban], and themselves causing [doubled/continuous damages].

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The [increase] of the [quavering earthquakes] are showing within modelspace as [increasing] over the course of [Winter]. This [increase] is supported in several ways by references to [10/ten], however the multitude of the references is actually making the meaning less clear. It *could* be interpreted as a [10/ten fold increase] in the [number] of the [quaver quakes], however there are enough longer term values within the directly held aspect/attributes under [10/ten] to suggest that a potential interpretation could go toward [10/ten large earthquakes]. This area is also directly hold values indicating that [all proceed] or [next is next] which can be interpreted in its entirety as [10/ten large earthquakes all in a row/sequential]. The range of activity is showing as the modelspace is progressed through the last of Fall and continues all the way out until July of 2008. At that point we get a [decrease/cessation] of this particular grouping. However, the [cessation] is seemingly more in the minds than in universe, as there are indications that the issue of [earthquakes] will be fading into the background of a wider and more diverse biospheric degradation. The whole of the [global coastal event] data set is growing both in the shorter term values processed as well as the longer term value sets where it can be seen that much of the language is about the [aftermath/post_events] rather than the coastal [flooding] itself. The [earthquake] meme still commands attention as 2008 moves toward Fall, but after July, the [relative importance] as expressed by the [fear] ratios shows a definite decrease. Hmmm. Maybe a case of "well, that weren't so bad after all?"...or more likely to [emotionally fractured] to be able to respond, thus decreasing the relative values within our summations. As the modelspace is progressed through the Winter, there is a distinct data bump which develops around the idea of an [outbreak] of [tornadoes] in the [midwest/ohio river valley] which is indicated to be the cause of a large regional [power outage]. The [outbreak] of [tornadoes] has support for [extensive/wide_spread damage] as well as the [interruption] of [national services]. There are many supporting aspect/attributes which are [extra seasonal] in nature, and the interpretation is that the [tornado outbreak] has the closest temporal associations to a period between January 20th and April 14th, 2008.

GlobalPop - Ancient Contact, Construction Boom, Dollar Slaves Leave As the GlobalPop entity was loaded into modelspace several new additions were immediately visible. A few of these were related to the [crusades] and the [secrets revealed] meta data layer with pointers to [political impacts] and [spotty/specific resignations] which will result from the emergence of this [hidden information]. A curiosity is the [exposure] which is being [opened] by this information by the very [organization] which is providing it. The impression in the data is that the [organization] is being [betrayed] by its own [personnel] within the process of what the [leadership] *thinks* is a [appropriate] release. However, these are small areas compared to some of the more robustly growing memes within GlobalPop.

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In the most dramatic case, the GlobalPop entity as very wide and deep supporting growth in the Terra entity cross linked area of [biosphere changes]. This area is also very heavily linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity and the TPTB entity. In both cases the termination points are within areas directly under the influence of the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. In the case of the SpaceGoatFarts entity, the [secrets revealed] layer is also directly held. In this instance the growing support is for a sub set of the [ancient mysteries] descriptor set which we are labeling as [ancient contact, space aliens/other]. The interpretation of the data is suggesting that very [visible] information about an [ancient contact] with [space aliens/other] will be [discovered] over the course of this Winter. The data sets are pointing to a [leak] as the method of [announcement], and its supporting sets *may* be indicating that the [discovery] itself is old, and is merely coming to the fore of the global mediastream at this time. What is pertinent about this [discovery] is that the shorter term value sets, as well as the immediacy values are painting a picture of the-powers-that-be [reacting] at this time to the [discovery], but that the [visibility] of the [reaction patterns/changes] won't be global mediastream for a number of months. Apparently the [reaction pattern/behavior] will include a very [visible], and to the unaware observer, a [sudden] expression of [sacred geometry] with specific references in dictating the [becoming visible] of the [rapid construction] of [tetrahedrons]. These, and other [constructions] described by the data sets as [large, visible (becoming over time), hasty/rapid, native materials, dry, aerated, accessible, restricted, hidden] will be in direct response to the [unknown]. We are not able to ascertain to just what the reaction constructions are responding, and the data sets are supportive of this [unknown nature] in that much of the linguistic structures are cross linked over to SpaceGoatFarts. The general impression is that an [unknown, space associated] thingey is prompting the sudden [revealing] of a [construction] boom in [sacred geometry forms/buildings]. Nonetheless, the data sets are indicating that a 'creeping awareness' is progressing now, and that it will [blossom] in the near future, as [discoveries] of [tetrahedrons], and other [polygonal constructions] will be made, and [exposed]. This area participates in the [secrets revealed] meta data layer at several layers of support. The [discovery of hidden buildings] will be found on *all* continents, and will also include some [ocean based] oddities. Most of these are likely to be found in either [military/government] controlled areas, or [corporate (research) locations]. In *all* cases, exposure is indicated to bring *no* reaction from [officialdom], not even denial. Hmmm. Probably that is *not* a good sign. The GlobalPop entity has several aspect/attribute sets accruing under the [extraction (of) wealth] context within the [repudiation (of) dollars] sub set. This context has support from layers indicating that [personal extraction] of [wealth] from the [dollar bloated usofa] has already begun, but will become [visible] within the global mediastream over Winter and Spring of 2008, where in the Press entity cross links are pointing to a continuing-for-some-months-running-theme of [flight (of the) slaves/illegals]. Apparently this [flight pattern/behavior pattern] is part of a larger, globally emerging [self correction] wave which will begin directly as a result of the [dollar disease/death]. The [dollar death] is shown from the GlobalPop perspective and is indicating that without regard to what currency is operating within the USofA, the [dollar hegemony] has seen its last days. From the GlobalPop perspective, the [dollar, usofa currency] does not survive the [near death experience]. As part of the [dollar death] the GlobalPop entity is suggesting that [migrations] with [wealth accumulated] will reverse such that [populations shift]. There will be [political disruptions] as a result, which will affect the GlobalPop in their relationship with the USofA. As a result, the [economic chaos/disruptions] within the [usofa] will first exhibit the [reverse wealth] push on the [illegal immigration] patterns, but the effect will ultimately be seen globally as the [dollar death] spreads. Indeed, the GlobalPop entity is suggesting that *the* place for global population growth in the near future will be Siberia. Supporting aspect/attribute sets for [immigration] within GlobalPop are also including references to elements of our FuturePop entity. Many of these come from the longer term values and are pointing toward a near term [visibility] of some of these new [populations]. These will include complete [communities] which will [migrate] as needed, including their [production methods]. Also are indications of a [populace shift] toward [sealed off] cities. These are seemingly responding to [biosphere] and [political] changes in their local regions, but the net result will be a distinctly 'feudal' look to city structures as [walls] are erected. There are supporting sets within the [walled off cities] indicating that even the [squatters] within those same cities will chose [walls] as [isolation] features. The whole of the [isolation] meme has a curious twist to it in that the data would suggest a [weather/climate] related supporting component such that almost as soon as the [walls] are up, many of the areas will be [isolated] by universe by way of [ill climate]. The cross links from the GlobalPop entity over to the Populace/USofA entity are heavily concentrated on the [dollar death] meme. This is supported within the GlobalPop entity by many aspect/attribute sets indicating a [rapid/sudden] or [unexpected] or [swift] change in the nature of the [flows]. These are pointing toward [currency exchange behavior]. The indication is that a [disruption] will manifest in Winter which will affect the [currency flows] for *all* of 2008. The nature of the disruption is unpredictable at this time. It appears to be related to [energy]. It has supporting aspect/attribute sets including [cycles] as well as [insurance/assurance]. There are supporting layers cross linked to Markets entity which begin to appear in the first weeks of December, growing slowly until about the turning of the period on January 23rd (or so). Thereafter the growth becomes very rapid, and the dominating supporting aspect is [unexpected occurrence].

Conclusion: ALTA Series 0508 - Part Six, End of Series - Plan B The comparisons between the USofA and empires of the past may be more apt than first apparent. It is possible to extract 'power patterns' from the flow of resources globally. Such a study was performed by Buckminster Fuller. It led to his assertion that global peace could be assured if the planet were electrified around all coasts such that there existed a reliable 'global power grid' for the delivery of electricity. His premise that such a grid would be the 'most efficient system' on the planet and would invite a condition of growing participation and continuously falling electricity rates which in turn would boost global production of all necessary goods and make 'wealth' a more globally shared commodities was recognized even by Fuller as being beyond human ability during his lifetime given the 'invisible hand' which he had detected as an 'organizing agent' in human history. He recognized that self serving individuals, few in number, actually do rule the

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planet, more or less. However, the methods employed by B. Fuller in his global resource investigations are still of use today in plotting the 'flow of power'. The basic premise is that any empire, and all empires which can be researched, are able to be tracked by observing the flows of resources. As empire develops, it begins to act as a magnet, pulling increasing resources toward its centers of power. Under this premise, space aliens would/could determine the USofA to be the 'center of empire', that is, until recently. With the failing dollar, the abstraction of inflation will be applied to imported goods. As the [repatriation] of bizzillions of dollars accelerates, the rate of imported inflation will continue. This will further slow the resource flow. As the levels of instability and unbalance of USofA perceived versus actual power are so great, in fact greater than any previous known empire, the concept of a 'tipping point' may be applied. At some point in the constriction of flow of resources, the 'perceived power' will shift from the USofA. This is a process, and has already begun, and in fact has crossed the point of return potential, and so *will* occur. The only open issues relate to 'how' and 'when'. Emerging from much of the [future pop] sub sets that have been identified is the idea that 'from the hollow hulks of exhausted empire, innovation comes'. Which, after a long cycle of much hard work and over coming obstacles results in yet another empire. Reasonably recent examples include the rebuilt economies of the Japanese and German empires after their destructions by war in the last century. Currently the impetus is to the continuation/emergence of the Chinese empire. The data sets are also forecasting the emergence of the nascent Russian empire. However, the key component to the formula, which is to say 'time', may be of very short supply. The globalization movement is facing its largest set of challenges to date. Most have root causes in resource constrictions beyond human control. This includes the rapidly accelerating biospheric alteration/degradation. This places the illuminati into Plan B mode as they *are* the recent 50/fifty year push toward a corporate globalism. What is Plan B for the illuminati? This is known only to a few, and certainly we don't care given the *ever so excellent* track record to date, but it is a safe bet that their interest are not your interests. This also begs the question...what is your Plan B? Which brings us back to 'innovation rising from the exhausted hulks of empire'. Your Plan B, amplified by all the millions who will develop their own 'plan b', will form the core of the FuturePop entity. It exists now, so the seeds of it exist now. And if the aware observer is sensitive to universe-speak, the clues are revealed. Our FuturePops are forming now. We are all participating with our individual Plan B's as, apparently Plan A did not work out as expected. ### This report is the last in the 0508 series. Thank you for your participation in making this series possible. We do anticipate much in the way of economic disruption, which may extend to interrupting our ability to access data in a timely fashion. However at the moment, we are planning the 0708 series. When we have agreement on details, an announcement will be sent out. We expect to have the PDF version of this entire series available for downloading sometime late tomorrow (Sunday, October 7, 2007). It will be off the access page for this series. As will the announcement of 0708 final details.

Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

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