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ALTA 1008 Part Three


ALTA 1008 - Part Three

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 01.12.2008 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 35.726 million reads of the 1008 series. Meta Arts - "The" damn fine question A question has arisen as to what would be a good 'sign' for the imminent arrival of the globe affecting [flood]. A very good question, and something that has been pondered here for quite a while since we are at less than 200/two hundred feet of elevation over Puget Sound. The question is especially pertinent for anyone at a lower elevation near the coast line of any country, if we are correct, and a global coast affecting flood does occur. We have decided to approach the issue from 2/two paths. In the first we will use critical path analysis to back track to what logic says *should* precede the flood event; in the second method being tried, we will use the "hoodoo, voodoo, and all kinds of strange sheeit" approach, and will build a new context within the processing to also attempt to seek out the 'sign'. This is a very serious search/analysis as the consequences of error will be very negative indeed. Soooo...don't presume that we know what we are saying....do your own thinking about the situation as well. On the non-woo-woo side of things, it is now becoming clear to many millions of humans that things ain't right here on Terra. Of course we recognize that this is a missed impression, and that actually what the planet decides to do with its weather is just as things should be. However, from the human view point, things still ain't right. That our demands for a uniform, invariant climate are totally childish, and anthrocentric does not diminish the underlying fear about the changes currently manifesting. It is within that 'fear stream/emotional meme' that we will seek to mine for information on coming changes, and just what to look for as 'imminent signs'. An 'early warning' system as it were. Our approach is to consider the development of the 'sign context' such that even the farthest level of pre-cognitive woo-woo is allowed, while maintaining a vision toward practical actions, and the words that would describe such actions. In this way we can use our links into the ThePowersThatBe entity, seeking for when the core of that group starts to 'employ' and 'exit' plan. Further, we will ground our new context in 'geologic' and other planet science terms such that we can hopefully pick up on increases in these forms of 'warning' words. Then we will also include the other, proven techniques of monitoring for 'strange animal behavior'. However, noting that as we go forward, more of the totality of *all* behavior will start to shade over into the 'strange' category, so this may be less useful in the future. More as the data and the thinking develop.... Meta Art - Patterns Reveal/Conceal Given the full and increasingly chaotic nature of modelspace, we need to take a moment to discuss design patterns and how they relate to

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our work. Necessarily the discussion starts with the idea of an observer, minding her own damn business, and the future. She stands there. Universe decides to create an event in the future on the timeline that our observer stands. While we can argue that the decision itself is actually the 'pre-creation' start, the actual beginning, and what comes before what is not pertinent to the image we need to convey. In our example future, the event manifesting has/is/does create 'waves of pre-creation' "disturbance"...yes, very much of the language used in Star Wars, and centered around the 'disturbance in the force' *can* be thought of as accurate. As in the image below, our observer perceives the future event as a series of 'bow waves' through the force of universe which increasingly lead back into the center of the event itself. This effect can be conceived of in much the same way as an atom (or any) bomb explodes. In the very first nano second of the explosion, the totally of the energy *has* been released, but it is still relatively small. Then as time progresses, the energy release expands until the human observer sees the famous landscape dominating mushroom cloud. But at first, the explosion event itself is small.

As the explosion (or other event) "expands" in time, its ripples go in all directions, not merely 'forward' with time. Rather the event itself has 'pre creation' impacts, as well as 'post creation' residual effects. As we are in the 'pre creation' gnawing business, it is this end of things which is of interest here. These pre-creation waves are the 'blood' in our system. We use the words people employ in daily life and their constant shifting and treat them as a 'pulse' of the 'blood' of these 'event pre-creation waves/streams'. Make sense? As can be noted from the illustration above, in the case of a 'big event' off in the future, it *should* be an easy enough task to 'take the pulse' of the thing, and determine what is what. Of course, in universe nothing is simple, and in this case it is the mind numbingly complex nature of bizzillions of events all interacting which create the problems. As noted in the graphic below, *all events* send out waves in the pre-creation force, and thus all are creating 'pulse points'.

So, the poor observer gets a view of the future which resembles the jumble seen in the next graphic.

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This view of patterns within patterns all interfering with each other is what makes future prediction an art. At this point within the series, the processing patterns themselves are revealing. We note that at a meta art level, the manner in which the data types are accruing and to which entities is itself revealing of the large scale changes to manifest over the course of this year. We note that accretion patterns are heavily favoring large scale natural disaster, as well as the 'space contact' meme. Further, the 'revolution' meta data layers are growing in all entities, and may be forming a tipping point around our current target date of October, 2008. Further layers of 'revolution' are forming in sub sets across all the sciences, and within areas such as the military, and the TPTB, new contexts are being exposed within these patterns. The multiplicity of cross links continues to expand, both in the number of entities involved in any given context, as well as the depth of supporting layers of aspect/attribute sets. At this point in the processing of all the data types (immediacy values, shorter term values, and longer term sets), the patterns of accrual are largest around 3/three central memes: dollar death, natural disasters, and 'space energies'. All three have very high visibility summations, as well as multiple points within multiple entities where [manifestation] is set to occur. Of course, none of this helps with the details. As the complexity of filtering out language grows over time due to language itself changing, there are also problems presented by being able to note such changes at lower levels of granularity. At these levels where it may be suspected that some details might be located, it becomes even more apparent that details do not always suffice to explain the events. This will be especially true in 2008. The detail layers suggest vast changes across the whole of the social order on this planet. And on other planets in our solar system as well. Leaving our solar neighbors out of the picture for just now, the details suggest that meta data levels of activity here on Terra will combine to produce alterations at such levels as to affect *all* of daily life in this next year. It will start and end with food production. From large scale changes in weather/climate patterns which will devastate the growing of food crops, to coast changes growing in [presence/affect] over the year, the [planet in peril] meme will dominate. Other impacts on food production will come from the expanding [dollar death] meme, and its impact on energy costs, and thus food supplies globally. Further impacts on all other parts of the social order will be felt as well. It is possible to lift out whole layers of meaning from the concealing jumble of the patterns of the pre-creation ripples from future events. Now we can note that the very last gasp effort of the 'dominator' culture will be expressed over 2008 and 2009. These 'control freaks' otherwise variously described as 'illuminati', and 'cabal', and 'Bilderbergers', are going to be using *every* effort, that is to say, *all* their energy over these next 2/two years to attempt to [restrain] the [loss of control] which are implied by emerging future patterns. That the effort is doomed to fail will not deter them from wasting vast quantities of the planet's dwindling resources in the attempt. They are truly desperate people now. And the data sets point to the [desperation] rising at a very rapid rate from the [vernal equinox, spring] onward. The [expenditure/waste] of these resources will bring the common fellow to the conclusion that the [world/planet/rulers] have [gone mad]. It is this level of details which suggest that some of the [wandering cognitively disconnected mentally afflicted people], previously described in other parts of this and earlier ALTA series, will come about as a result of both [natural], and [artificial/created] circumstances. In the detail layers we note support for the [naturally broken minds] as well as for [machine crashed brains]. This last is repeatedly supported by lower layers of aspect/attribute sets going to the idea of a [military accident] in which [energies] will be [unleashed] that are described as [crashing/thrashing/mashing/pulverizing minds]. The details on the [military accident] show that it is not terrorism, but will rather be viewed as the "Bhopal" of the [military industrial complex]. Apparently the effects will be widespread, and devastating for any number of reasons. The soon to appear [tragedy] will *not* really be the result of the [specific circumstances] proffered after the incident, but rather is the predictable result of going down that particular path. In spite of the horrific nature of the damage inflicted, the result *will* have positive outcomes on millions of lives globally as the subsequent actions by those impacted will put an end to many such [bad paths] currently being followed. In a way similar to the [veterans seize national monument], this [military accident] will be able to be used as very large temporal marker for the manifestation of both the [revolution] meme out in the open here in the USofA, as well as the 'last act' of the 'illuminati'. There are further ramifications which ripple out from the [military mind crushing accident], and these will include triggering pressures which result in a coup of sorts within the ThePowersThatBe. This [palace coup] will involve [assassination], but it may be made to appear to be other than [murder]. At least temporarily.

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GlobalPop - Very Far Away A number of years ago, the GlobalPop entity began to signal the emergence of what we later termed the [dollar, near death experience]. We now know that the [dollar] will not recover, and the [NDE] will just segue naturally into the actual [burial] of the [dollar]. This [burial] is yet another reference to a point in time, early in this year, when the teevee media will actually discuss the [dollar] and how it [won't be coming back]. It is the linguistics of the teevee discussion which will be the temporal marker. As that marker is past, yet more temporal markers will be revealed. These markers will include several previously discussed details of the time, including the [pandemic] meme, and the [revolution/mutiny] meme. As the modelspace is progressed forward through Winter and into [spring], the GlobalPop entity accrues [far away] as a rising aspect/attribute set. This set is translated/interpreted as [far away influences/events/circumstances]. It has the primary supporting layer of [will dominate]. So the interpretation of the descriptors for the set reads as [far away events/circumstances will dominate in Spring]. This [domination] can also be interpreted as [filling/completing/consumed]. The imagery suggests that the GlobalPop entity will be [consumed] in a mental/meme sense with [events far away]. Now, of course the poor GlobalPop entity is affected by the election cycle within the USofA, however this aspect/attribute set is linguistically structured for something a bit stronger of an influence than may be provided by the electioneering. Further, there are very extensive cross links between the GlobalPop entity, sub set [far away], and both the SpaceGoatFarts entity, and the [space] sub set of the Terra entity. These cross links are very dense in several sub set areas within the SpaceGoatFarts entity which include [light/photonic energy], as well as our old friend the [unknown energies from space]. The movement of the GlobalPop entity through modelspace suggests that the [dominance] of the [influence] will be very [forceful] from just after the [vernal equinox] right through to, and beyond, the June [summer solstice]. The [cosmic/space influences] sub set of the supporting aspect/attribute sets also suggests that the planetary populace will be [subjected/exposed] to [new information] of a [stunning/shocking] nature. This area has thick cross links over to the [contact] meme in several other entities including both Populace/USofA, and Bushista, and curiously, Markets entity. As noted the [far away] aspect/attribute *does* have supporting sets for [usofa dollar], and [elections], but is seemingly *not* being driven by those sub sets, and is rather focused on [space] based somethings which are shown to [stimulate changes] within the GlobalPop entity. These changes are shown as being [impacting/affecting] of the GlobalPop entity from the [fringe] inward. So very likely the inclusion of both the Bushista entity and the SpaceGoatFarts entity are pointing toward [official denial], at least from the USofA [officialdom]. The inclusion of several of the Bushista sub sets are also indicating that [lies] in some considerable amount will be [spewed] out by the [lame/halt defective] administration. These will *not* have the anticipated effect. The data accretion patterns are influenced by the [secrets revealed] meta data layer, and suggest that the Bushista entity will be forced to [eat their words] in a very public fashion, although it will not be [accepted] within the limited mind of Bush. Rather the data sets are showing that Bush will be [filled to capacity] with his [delusions] to the point that his actions will bring [global press] queries which will produce [what was he thinking], and [is he that disconnected?] sorts of head lines. Apparently the [disconnect] sub set is pointing to something so [blatant] and [bizarre] as to [induce shivers down the spine] of those who witness the [departure (from) reality]. Ohhhh. Sure hope that they get this on video.... The further supporting sub sets for [far away influences] include references to the [planetary orbit] with sub sets pointing to the [turn] which has just taken place following [perihelion]. This is a specific set which is headed by the descriptors of [going away from brightness toward darkness]. This descriptor set is a very large component of the support for this set. The references are pointing to the [planetary orbit], of this planet or some other, as being a key component of the [far away] influence. We are *not* seeing *any* references to earth's orbit changing. Nor are any references to the mythos of 'Planet X' in this sub set. Rather this sub set is being provided as a [clock] mechanism sort of symbol. It provides both a point in time from which we can calculate, as well as providing a direct and explicit reference to the [mechanisms] involved in [planets/orbits] and by extension, the [solar system] as a whole. The idea coming across from the supporting aspect/attribute sets is that the [orbit/mechanism] of the [universe] is likely providing the [far away] influences. Other influences on the GlobalPop entity are showing as being very [currency/money] centered. This entity is heavily affected by the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. This is especially the case with the [economic] sub sets of the GlobalPop entity. As the supporting layers have accrued, they are coming into direct, or internally cross linked support to the economic set in very high ratios. This does not bode well...at least for those who are [dollar dependent]. The GlobalPop entity has its greatest level of new support under the [economic] sub set arising in the aspect/attribute set of [underdeveloped/waiting/potential]. In this aspect/attribute set the larger area of support is in the [wealth], and [currency] sub sets. In all these sets the largest set for cross linked internally support comes from [united], and [working in concert/planned]. The supporting layers for this set have a focus on both [spring], and [summer]. Within [summer], the month of August is specifically referenced. In both cases, the issue appears to be a [negative flow] of the [dollar] begins to [shrink] the [local wealth]. Even those who are described by the data as [doing well], or [possessing wealth] will feel the impacts of the [dollar death] by [august]. It is from this area that the first of the hints about the [new currency, gold/silver/energy] emerges. The idea coming across is that [summer] will bring the [disconnect] of the [rigid structures] around [gold/silver] such that they will begin to [circulate] as [new currency]. The supporting aspect/attribute sets are pointing to the [humiliation] of the Bushies/PPT over the [spring/summer] which will bring about this new [state of trade] in which [dollars] must [purchase gold] to participate. The [humiliation] is supported by extensive cross links back to [impractical dreams] and [ineffective personality] within the Bushista entity.

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The [dollar death] meme as it is supported within GlobalPop is also participating in a large number of [social change] memes within that entity. The internal cross links suggest that [israel] will face a series of agonizing [existential crises] over [spring and summer] as the [dollar strength] perishes. As the [dollar fades], so does [israel]. We look for a mid Spring rise in [emigration] from [israel] back to the US. This meme has a high [visibility] summation and so ought to be hitting a teevee near you in mid year. Of course, given the chaos awaiting the USofA, this will not be a very favorable year to be an immigrant, nor refugee. Markets - New Deal At The Old Same Place As the [dollar death] meme continues to unfold, the data sets are pointing to a [repetitious] mentality which develops within the [establishment], otherwise known as the [servants/slaves] of the ThePowersThatBe. The accrual patterns are suggesting that the [dollar death] will create a [situation] of [building revolt] within the [civil service] class in [spring]. The idea coming across is that those [government workers] who are *only* motivated by a paycheck will be joining their [unemployed], and [poor] fellow citizens in the [revolt] mindset by the end of [spring]. The data suggests that a series of events will culminate in [no funds/pay/money] for the [civil service] and that this will trigger the [walk outs] and [protests] by the [civil employees]. The series of events can apparently be marked as having begun when the USofA media has instances of [news readers/presenters] who will [acknowledge (the) death (of the) dollar]. From the emergence of the [facing of reality (*about dollar no coming back)] on teevee to the first of the [protest walk outs] is showing as perhaps only 3/three weeks in modelspace. Thereafter the [protests] continue, but they have no effect, and the [civil service] continues to get [squeezed] by very rapidly rising [prices], and the [fixed income] under a [dying currency]. At some time in late Spring or early Summer, the [civil service] will begin to [revolt] in very large numbers as [poverty] takes its toll. This precedes the [outbreak] of [hostilities] between the [populace] and the [ruling elite]. We note with irony that the [elite] will *continue* to [preach] [falsehoods] and their own self-serving message all Summer, right up to the [debacle] which brings about the [open revolution]. The aspect/attribute accrual rates for the Markets entity give rise to a clear uneasiness about the [food supplies] over the next few years. The aspects/attribute sets are showing [food crises] of multiple kinds, and with differing origins, but *all* coming at the same time as the [death of dollar] has its impact on the [energy systems], as well as the [food production systems]. Cross links over to both the Populace/USofA, and the GlobalPop are indicating that [people] of [no officialdom notice/position], but with [food growing skills] {ed note: of ALL kinds} will be at the [center] of things this [spring] and [summer] in a way that sets them up to be [guides/leaders] all through the rest of the year, and into the future. These people will be the center of SOC's (self organizing collectives) which will be forming around their skill sets as [food production] and [food crises] reach [critical] proportions late this [spring] and into [summer]. The data sets are also indicating that the [food crises] and the [motivating energies] of the [crushing poverty] will alter the [political landscape] hugely during the last of [winter], and [early spring]. The aware observer will note that the USofA mediastream will behave very strangely over this time. It will be a case of [expressed/manifest] cognitive dissonance as the [starving writers/employees] of the [media] try to [obey orders] from the [establishment] to present the 'everything is normal/fine' lies. The cross links to the Press entity suggest that on-air breakdowns will force the [owners] to [unmask themselves] and to [attempt] to [excerpt control]. Just what *they* don't want, is what universe will apparently [force] on the ThePowersThatBe, and that is [open expression/revealing]. As the [currency] situation globally continues to not only [deteriorate], but actually is [felt] to [accelerate], the Markets entity is suggesting via cross links that the TPTB will not only [expose] themselves, but will be [vulnerable] to a degree never before [*felt/perceived] by them. Given that there is a *something* which is hidden from the rest of the global populace, and which is the *thing* that has been motivating the TPTB for these last few decades, and given that the [hidden] nature of their [control systems] is what allows them to succeed, the prognosis being offered by the Markets entity is decidedly *not* good for TPTB. Not that it the immediacy of it will be good for the populace either. The Markets entity is very starkly painting a picture of huge levels of [economic, food, political] stress coming on rapidly. There will be a very large increase in these pressures after January 24th, and rising through the rest of [winter]. As we approach the [spring equinox], a usually more buoyant and optimistic time of the year, the [national mood/economy] will be distinctly [dour]. This mode will [worsen] rapidly as the [conflicts/confrontations], and [natural disasters] of [spring] begin to manifest. Though the data sets do not describe the period with any reference to 'good', the USofA will experience at least some modicum of 'good' from the nasties of 2008 in that the [veil] will be [lifted] by the [chaos/crises/change] such that the number of 'aware observers' spreads throughout the populace in a [dramatic] manner. The data sets are pointing to it being so [dramatic] a change as to [elicit] both [comments], and [diatribes] from the global mediastream. The [diatribes] are shown as [admonishments] from TPTB to [not accept] the [reality offered]. However, the Markets entity is indicating that the [awakening] will coincide with the [last gasp] of the [money controllers] as they try to [animate the corpse]. Not a good time. It lasts right into [summer], and may even help bring on the descriptors of [long, bloody, and hot]. TPTB - Sorcerers & Wizards in great numbers... In previous ALTA series the ThePowersThatBe (TPTB) entity had indicated that the 'invisible hand' which rules the planet, and is currently attempting to consolidate control even tighter, is not as [monolithic/single_focus] as has been perceived. The data sets had indicated that [strife] and [intercine conflict] was/is a continuing part of the [path of power]. In our current processing, beginning with the immediacy value sets, and continuing into the shorter term values are aspect/attributes for [war] which are specifically supported for [internal warfare/family feud]. This [war] is curious however, in that it is to be [using/employing] a [new technique/style/tactic] which we have labeled as [transcendental warfare]. The [transcendental warfare] uses techniques straight out of the [woo woo dictionary]. These techniques include not only the mundane, now proven [remote viewing], but

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also include the much more 'cutting edge' of [psychic war]. Our descriptors for the [psychic war] are supported by linguistics for [techniques intended to advance the goals of the war by use of 'psychic' powers]. These [psychic powers] are best described by the [catalog of the siddhis] or the [powers of shaman]. The outbreak of the [internal war] within the TPTB will be [visible]. We have an increase in summations suggesting that the global mediastream will be reporting the [war details], though not likely understanding just what they are showing. Rather the data suggests that the [incidents/battles/skirmishes] which form the totality of [war] will be reported as [unrelated] or [seemingly natural occurrences]. However the aware observer *should* be able to discern that the individuals within the TPTB will be employing a whole new group of people which the data is describing as [psychic bodyguards/warriors]. These persons are being described as the [visible] apparatus of the [war] now underway. These [psychic body guards] are described as being [distinctly/uniquely out-of-place/time] within the [retinue] of the [maharaja's/rulers/elite] and as such, the aware observer will begin to catch glimpses of these [out-of-place/time] people in the video/photo's of the [ruling elite]. When asked, the [elite] will have [dismissive answers] as to the 'who' of these [psychic body guards], and will never respond to the actual 'why' of their presence. Regular humans may be forgiven for thinking that [psychic warfare] will result only in [psychic casualties], but the reality of the matter is that [humans/others/elites] will [die/perish] in this [war]. The mechanisms may be as simple as a [telekinetic attack] on the [wires] in in someone's critical [life support systems] {ed note: think pacemaker}, or it may be as complex as [mind control] of [critical personnel] such that [fatal accidents] seem to be strangely increasing and specifically focused on the [power elite]. What the current processing offers is a new view of the [current war] among the TPTB. This new view goes to the idea that, unbeknownst to them, there is an 'outside force' which has now entered their [psychic battleground]. This [outside force] is described as [moving/altering/shifting] the [currents] in the [emergent flow] such that [effects are/will_be exaggerated]. In other words, a 'third party' is at war with both halves of the TPTB, and its presence is only just now becoming visible. So far, apparently, the TPTB don't even know that they are fighting a '3/three way' battle. The TPTB entity also continues to accrue values under [flood] as a large, growing, and supporting aspect set under [changes]. This area is extensively cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFart entity, as well as to the Markets entity. There are a number of new supporting sets within the cross links going to the idea of a [general insurance crash] related to the [flood], and as most of these values are coming from the far end of the shorter term range, or from the longer term sets, we postulate that the [flood] will be later in 2008, or early 2009, as the Terra entity is projecting. The rising [flood] meme is showing as [contributing/magnifying] the [war problems/issues] for TPTB. Beyond that, the [flood] supporting layers have very high [visibility] levels indicating that the global mediastream will be reporting on the [movements/diaspora] of the [very rich/elite/power brokers] later in [spring]. These movements may not appear to be [flood] related, but the TPTB entity is quite certain that any [relocations/migrations] of the [elite] from [usual haunts] over this year will be in preparation for what they know to be in our collective future. Press - Disciplined, Punished, ScreamingMemes The Press entity, although smaller than most of the other entities, is generating a very large increase in new accruals with the shorter term and early longer term processing. These new values are going to support the idea of a [purge] developing in which the [press] as an 'industry' is [disciplined] by its [viewers/readers]. The details are yet sketchy, and the inclusion of the longer term values are pointing toward later in the year, perhaps 3/third quarter, before the [visibility] summations reach the [general awareness] level. However the [discipline] being [promoted] comes as a result of what the descriptors are labeling a [monumental/over_arching/penultimate group shit]. We can, of course, expect that the [group shit] with all the attendant language about [self soiling], and [soiled underwear] and [running shits], [scared shits], [yellow shits], [diseased shits], and others of the same ilk are all referring to the [emotional state] running through the 'press body'. No pun intended. The idea coming across is that the [censored/controlled media], most probably within the USofA is going to commit a *huge* error in judgment, and the effect is to be governed by the [revolution] meta data layer and its impact on the [populace]. The data suggests that many members of the [press] will [pay with their life/lifes_work/livelihood]. Further the [damage] from the [faux pas/mal_props] is shown as rippling out to [affect/impact] the [press rulers] directly. In at least some of the cases, the [ownership] of the [media] involved will be [removed/taken] by the foreseen [mob actions]. Other ramifications include [public attacks] not only on [press corp/teevee personalities], but also on [producers], and others who are in support of the [media hegemony]. Many of these individuals *will* be injured as these [attacks] are described as [physical] and [wounding]. Others will be *very* lucky in that it will *only* be their property, such as vehicles or houses which suffer from the [public rages]. Again we note that much of the bulk of the accretion for the [disciplining/punishing] of the [press] is indicated for later in the year, and much of it derives from just how the [chaos/crises] of [spring/summer] will be handled. The situation described by the Press entity as it transits modelspace over the last of [winter] and through our coming [violent spring], and [long hot summer] is most easily labeled as cognitive dissonance creep. However, the actual incidents being described suggest that a lot of [on air personalities] will be having [broadcast disconnects/breakdowns]. This will arise as a result of the [inability] to [reconcile] the images/words they are told to use to [describe] reality, and that manifesting reality. This [schism] will apparently induce at least a couple of 'episodes' of [news readers] going [amok] on air. The linguistics are suggesting that [confrontations] and [fights] will be broadcast out onto the global mediastream as these [individuals] wrestle with the [personal impacts] of [cognitive dissonance]. These 'episodes' will lead to at least 2/two instances of [on-air punishment]. Other than the momentary fascination of watching the [polished] become [unglued],

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and [raving], the whole area of [press punished] is likely an important temporal marker for the outbreak of the [bloody revolution], and the [turning] of the [populace]. Further, at least one of the incidents of [on air mental collapse] will lead to a [protracted unburdening] in which a [confession], seen [floating in tears], will address [hidden archeology/artifacts]. This last is heavily cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity, the ThePowersThatBe entity, and the Populace/USofA entity. The 'episode' of [on air breakdown] relating to the [space artifacts] will also produce the first instance of [broadcast exposure] of several of the major [leaders/controllers] within the [establishment] as they 'really are'. This last is implying that the [on air punishment] will [expose] the [iron fist] for the first time in [public life] here in the USofA. The ramifications from this incident should not be minimized as it spreads via cross links to many differing areas of many entities. As a temporal marker, the [mental dysfunction] on-air will be followed by the [press] reporting on [electrical system disruption], and [currency system shutdowns] within a lunar month. These in turn will become to be seen as the first of the reports of [systemic collapse] which the data sets are indicating emerge *just* prior to [open mutiny] within at least 4/four military units. This in turn occurs prior to the [veterans occupy national monument] on-air stand-off, and the [first visible defeat] for the [establishment/elite]. SpaceGoatFarts - Ticks, ET Vacations No, not the blood sucking, interstellar space ticks, but rather 'tick marks'. Since first building a context for the [ufo] phenomena in 1997, we have followed changes in reporting of "sightings" of strange things in the skies/seas as being an accurate temporal marker for the emergence of 'strange stuff'. We note that [ufo] sightings were up significantly in the 3/three months prior to the markets crash in 2000. Further we had conversations with George Ure in June/July of 2001 about the recent rash of 'ufo sightings' being reported globally. Since then the [ufo] reports number has been followed as a fair predictor for an increase in 'large events' of the 'strange kind'. It probably can be argued that the regions or countries over which the [ufos] are being sighted is likely also significant, but we have not the time to correlate increases in [ufo] reports to local news by regions. However, that being said, we do note that globally the reports for [ufo] sightings are up, waaaaay up, and further they seem to be gravitating to areas already associated with pending circumstances. As an example we can sight the nearly 2000/two thousand percent increase in [ufo] reports in Greater Britain (we have philosophical issues with the idea of 'birth right/birth line divine right to rule' systems and so avoid using UK as a designation for those millions of Britons who are *not* royalty). The Greater Britain sightings include disproportional increases in Wales, and Scotland and Ireland. While the number of sightings has increased over England, it is less than other areas of GB. Also we note that earlier ALTA series reports have pointed out that 2008 will provide a 'challenging' time for the Windsor's, especially as it relates to 'global control'. So, are the [ufo's] here to observe? Or to 'direct' the upcoming show? Other areas of interest for the [ufo] visitor/tourist include the Andes, currently just poppin' with volcano activity. As the SpaceGoatFart entity is moved through [winter] along with modelspace, the accretion patterns of the newly arrived supporting aspect/attribute sets point to a [shift (of) large populations]. This aspect/attribute set *probably* is referring to a 'mental shift' within a [large population], though we do note that this area has some cross linked activity over to the [diaspora] meme within the GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA entities. The supporting sets for this [shift of a large populace] include aspect/attributes such as [whole world], and [planetary populace], so indeed the impression is for a *whole* lot of people to be involved. The second largest area of support for the [shift of large populations] comes from a rising aspect/attribute of [document]. This aspect has as its support descriptors going to the [hope (of) relative(s)/relations/kin], [whole world moves (its) perception/position], and [complete dedication (to the) task]. Further support under [document] derives from [delivery/arrival], and within that sub set, the [soon appearance (of the) document (which) is dragged/hauled (into) place]. Hmm. Now that is really clear... Also supporting the [shift of large populations] are data sets for [calamity], and [noise/noisy/loud percussions]. The [calamity] aspect is supported by [precautions/guard/awareness], and [active participation (in the) future/emergence]. Further aspect/attributes in support include descriptors for [sounds/noises] which will be apparently [heard globally/around_the_planet], and [observe/observer gender(ed) alarm]. This last is in direct support for [sound/noise] and includes further detail layers in which the descriptors include [tube/tubular], [stretched membrane], [ties/bindings visible], [fluctuation/vibration visible], [tensions visible]. In their turn both [tension], and [vibration] are heavily supported by aspect/attributes all of which have high [visibility] summations. This is likely indicating that the [pounding noises/sounds] will have a global mediastream presence of some significance. Further layers of support for our [population shifting] include references to [changes], as well as numerous, specific [time] sub sets. The [time] supporting aspect/attribute sets are of particular interest in that they are rare. As a rule, the processing does not support explicit [time] sub sets, though obviously we do have predicates within the code which will allow for meaningful exceptions. Apparently we have encountered such an exceptional set at this point. The [time] aspect/attributes are supported by [crane], and [small runners], [wheeled carriages], [changing caught], [changes promulgated/evolved/promoted] and other references to the [rapid outward spread] of [change] relative to being [trapped by time/circumstances].

Conclusion - Part Three - Terra Tourist Promotion Slogan Our data collection is based on emotional values assigned in a rather arbitrary fashion to words. A key element within the array of emotional values is the 'duration of emotional impact' value. It is from this value set that the 'range of modelspace' is derived. As our

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'duration' value is based on humans, and as humans demonstrably respond to the lunar calendar at the material body level, our duration value, indeed, all our time calculations are based on lunar months. These lunar months are further segmented into precessional quarters. That is to say, the really important parts of our calendar relate to the 2/two solstices, and 2/two equinox. We base our time references within the movement of modelspace around these key annual events. It helps us to tie the emotional states attempting to be sampled to real world, invariant time markers. Our data sets for 2008 are confirming the wisdom of our choices those many years ago. The data accrues in clumps around our equinox and solstice point markers with some regularity, and 2008 is no exception. As noted in the graphics at the start of this report, there exists an apparent {ed note: since we seemingly *are* able to measure it, and predict from it} bow wave of emotions which precede actual manifestation of events. This bow wave is frequently 'felt' or manifest several days prior to the emergence of the event itself. We suspect that the bow wave which begins the January 24th (or so) turn into a building emotional tension state carries with it some of the emotional 'baggage' of the pending launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis in early February. Our data suggests that the [launch] will be [trying/challenging] as well as [scary]. The data sets do go out to also suggest the result will be [favorable/successful], but the totality of the experience will *not* be felt/perceived as a 'good' launch. There are extensive cross links back to the TPTB and their [wizard wars], as well as very large involvement of the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. Further the [secrets revealed] set contains originating cross links which suggest that an Antarctic component to the next [space launch] will be revealed. Just a sample of the intertwining nature of the emotional waves which compose this manifesting year. It is becoming obvious, even to those in active denial, that the touted 'health' of the USofA economy is [illusionary]. As is the global economic/financial system based on that 'illusion'. As the majority of the populace within the county comes to grips with this new 'consensus' of [honesty] about the [reality of dollar death], what the aware observer needs to remember is that this is but 1/one of several waves of [illusions] which will melt before [summer]. The other [illusionary masques] that the populace will face include the same emotional sets going to [food supply] as are now just beginning to be experienced about the [economy]. This second shock will naturally emerge over the next few months as Winter fades. It will be much larger, and has much longer duration values than does the [economic] emotional set which gave it birth. However, also remember that [food supply] is but the second in a whole string of [illusions] to be [faced] and [displaced] this year. That many now are acknowledging the 'loss of illusion' about reality is curiously fitting as the planet/solar system is moving from Pisces (age of control/schooling/herding/grouping/group_think) into Aquarius (age of knowledge/personal responsibilities/journeys/personal_growth). As universe has been at great pains to consistently instruct, no organism can experience growth in the absence of struggle against adversity. Or as is said in our new ET tourist slogan/motto, 'welcome to Earth, a place supportive of growth'. It sounds a bit more polished than "y'all come and get gnawed upon". **** Part Four is anticipated to be posted by late on January 20th.

Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

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