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ALTA 1008 Part Four


ALTA 1008 - Part Four

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 01.19.2008 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 47.318 million reads of the 1008 series. Meta Arts - Ze Beeg Query Continues, New Decision Mode The *big* question continues to roll around our collective brain-pan here at HPH. So far it has produced only a few new thoughts mainly due to the noise that the ball bearing sized question makes in our sheet metal collective consciousness. Of course, not being quite the idiots we look, I have investigated [sound] as a potential clue. Assuming that universe was providing just what we needed to 'hear', the whole idea of [sound clues] took off on a life of its own. We note from ooooold sanskrit texts describing life prior to some instances of wide spread coastal flooding in ancient India that [groaning] was frequently reported as coming from the bowels of the earth just prior to very large earth movements, the end result of which was over 120/one-hundred_and_twenty meters of coastal sea level rise. Many of the pan-Asian myths, including the Aman/Manu flooding myth mention that [strange noises], and [groaning], and [voices of gods] were heard in the days and weeks leading up to the inundations. In the case of the atmosphere based noises specifically, these appear to be a [very short notice] indicator. Of course, in our day and age, defining some noise coming from the atmosphere as being unusual *just* may be a bit more difficult than in the ancient past, given our jets, rockets, and what-nots flying around. In the sanskrit texts the [atmospheric noises] were clearly able to totally overwhelm any locally produced noise, and thus could be counted on to grab the attention of the humans. These days? Now? Who can say...but, at least a potential exists that such an overwhelming sound could be used to predict *imminent* sea level changes. Given the descriptions, these ancient atmospheric noises were larger than the emissions heard globally from the explosion at Krakatoa. The ancient Indian texts describe these noises in very elaborate terms, but basically it appears that the physical effects from the noise include 'being knocked to the ground', and 'losing control of the bowels' as a result of the 'pressures against the torso'...all from the 'noise'. Soo...maybe even in our noisy environment, this kind of 'atmospheric noise' will stand out. It is the ground based noise that will surely be perceptible. The descriptions of these sorts of noises include, 'shaking legs' from the 'pulsing of the earth', and 'quivering', and 'vomiting' as the 'earth shouted up the bones'. The descriptions continue with people 'collapsing' as their 'limbs wilt' from the 'onslaught' of the 'groaning' from the earth. Now, we can be pretty sure that this sort of sound *would* be different, and attention getting. If so, the event is imminent, which is to say likely only hours away, at most perhaps a day or so. The operating theory is that some 'occurrence', such as the separation of a great glacier from some landmass near the pole, will initiate a sound wave which will be extremely violent, and under incredible pressure. The sound wave will be sent into the dense matter of the earth and the oceans where it will travel at incredible speeds through the planet erupting as 'sound' where local conditions favor. As this sound wave will travel through shorter distances via dense rock it can be expected to precede the arrival of any waters by several hours. But not days. The most generous calculations would provide about 14/fourteen hours time frame for the resulting waves from such a global shock to

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travel from pole to pole. Soooo.... if'n it started in the south, then at most the northern hemisphere could get about a 9/nine hour window prior to the waves crashing into the coasts. Less lead time is actually *more* likely than not. It would seem safe to assume that if a giant wave of noise comes rolling out of the earth near you, affecting your balance, and bladder, *and* it can't be pinned to any more local, prosaic occurrence such as a nearby volcano or giant UFO landing, well, then perhaps it would be best to get the hell away from the coast for a day or so....or, said another way....panic, and seek high ground now. As the data sets are coming in for 2008, and as the year itself progresses, it is already clear that this year will be unlike previous years, and may well astound humans everywhere in the sheer amount of [change] that occurs. Our data sets have clearly been showing 2008 as the year of [manifestation] since 2006. We have labeled the year as a [manifest] year even though the word itself does not *yet* convey the totality of what is headed our way. The data indicates that so much 'stuff/change' will manifest this year as to stagger our minds. Actually so much will happen as to place a real burden on humans just to absorb a small fraction of the alterations in reality. This begs the question of how to 'conduct mental business' in 2008. If the change rate itself is staggering, how are humans to cope? Well, it does seem at a meta art level that a key component will be to know that change is itself accelerating, and thus any decisions made now *should* take into account that the world will *not* be the same in the future where this decision will itself manifest results. In other words, any planning done now must take into account that the manifestation of those plans will be in a completely different reality in which some significant component of the changes have not been anticipated. So humans are sort of 'shooting in the dark' here. However, the aware observer gets a large 'edge' in coping with the rapidly changing universe of the near and distant future, *just* by acknowledging that we can't really know what the world will be like in even the short term as changes rapidly interact with each other to magnify or dampen effects in unanticipated ways. A very difficult task, this decisions for an unknown/unknowable future. Further complicated by the interactions required with parts of the [populace] which is totally unable/unwilling to accept anything not already defined in their world view, the aware observer still will find it valuable to plan for this future, even though larger parts of it are increasingly 'dark' at the time of the planning. It will require the abandonment of the mental constructs inculcated within western school systems of a basically rigid environment and all the sub sets implying human control of things. Rather the aware observer will need to take the view of [opening] up to [universe speak]. This is another way of saying [deliberately being aware of the potential for right actions/opportunity]. In other words, while not everyone can/will hear [universe speak], it is abundantly clear that none of those with [closed minds/ears] will be among those who are able to receive these instructions. This [heightened awareness] should focus on [potentials], and [patterns] as these will emerge ahead of the actual events.

TPTB - Humanity Heap, Strange Dangers, Saggy Butts A looong time ago, the world was young, and so were we. It is not the number of years that makes age, but rather the experience levels found within those years. We note that prisoners all report feeling 'younger' than their accumulated age. This is due to the restriction on experience during their years of incarceration. As experience is the soil from which knowledge grows, a necessary side effect of being

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experience deprived is a level of both [mind] and [body] ignorance which shows itself in the patterns of decisions being made. No where is this more true than within the [ruling elite]. As noted by Bucky Fuller, the [invisible hand] which would [rule us all] is composed of a small(ish) group of persons, all of whom share a very narrow experience base. Buckminster's' primary objection, it would seem, to the whole idea of the [invisible hand/ruling elite] was that it did not make sense from a [species] view point to allow the [collective/omnihumanity] to have their destiny controlled by a very limited sub set of possible experience. It was, in his opinion, going to be only a very short time (from 1982 when the idea was offered) until the [experience set] of the [13/thirteen families], and their first tier of minions, the [300/three hundred families], ran out relative to the actual developing reality of the globe. There was a lot of math involved, and a long discussion of how steering the collective to serve the few *always* could be counted on to create an imbalance of increasing proportions until the inevitable 'revelation' occurred in which the dysfunctional system finally crashed due to the weight of the internal imbalance. Sic semper tyrannis...and thus always to tyrants. The end is forecast by the beginning....so we can be quite sanguine in assuming that R. Bucky Fuller was/is correct. In fact, it would appear that we are living in just such a time in which the [experience sub set which is the TPTB] has run into the limits of what it can do relative to [rapidly changing conditions]. There are memes out-and-about which would postulate that the manifesting [breakdowns] within the various sub sets of the [social order] are the result of deliberate planning by the [elite]. These claims can be individually argued as invalid given the preference for humans in general to *not* create change, and for the [in-bred elite] to have an exaggerated sense of [preservation of the status quo] due to their position on the top of the 'humanity heap'. It therefore does *not* make sense that the [elite] would deliberately [crash] any system within the [complex social order] as they are all basic [life support] for TPTB. Make sense? It is a generally trustworthy assumption that those humans with a very comfortable life will work to preserve that life over all other motivations. Of course, this assumption does *not* include [universe] and what the chinese call the 'will of heaven'. On an individual human level, the R. B. Fuller [social order balance] math also works. As the saying goes, 'behind every great fortune, there is a great crime'. This statement is demonstrably true. Always. So what happens, according to the [species] view of things, expressed as at the individual human level, is that the generation which 'does the crime' and reaps the [fortune], actually feels almost as though they 'deserve' the fortune for all the risks, and other work involved in the dirty deed. This feeling of [deserved/entitled power] will grow over the generations, especially with ancestors who inculcate a family culture of [divine rights (to) rule] until inevitably, the generations produce those whose [satisfaction] level have been weighed down with the [generational guilt] load. This [guilt] comes to all of the [families] of [privilege] at predictable levels within the growth of dynasties. The emotional maths involved can be applied to *all* and *any* level of the [privileged humans], from the [first generation] new wave of [celebrities] to [long dynasties] of [ruling elite]. At some point the internal conflicts begin expressing themselves via projection out-and-about in the world, and hugely dysfunctional behavior results. The aware observer need only glance at the current crop of 'instant celebrity' to see just how well these youngsters are handling the rapid change in their status. The same goes for the members of long standing dynasties such as the Windsors, and those 'twinned to the red shield'. It takes longer in families where the internal culture is designed to push out 'regular human feelings' and to enshroud the members with the [divine right to rule] mythos, but as R. Fuller noted, the collective emotional energy will trump time. Sooner or later, it will occur. As the modelspace is loaded with the bulk of the longer term value set, and reset to start its progression at the first of October, 2008, we note that the TPTB entity enters [fall] with a [construction/building] of a [lookout post]. This last is a descriptor for a complex context which could also be described as a [protective viewing device], or [mechanical aid to far seeing]. This [construction] will apparently be [visible] at some level within the global mediastream. Further the descriptor for the [far seeing lookout device] is filled with [fear] based motivators. These are all going to the idea of [protection] as though the [summer] has left TPTB in a newly or suddenly [vulnerable state]. The descriptors for the [far seeing machine] go to the idea of a [energy spike] which is necessary to [break into/rupture through] and thus present a [clear seeing]. Hmmm. Ok, so they're going to fire off a 'future viewer'? While we do not have any direct cross links from this area over to the [military bhopal incident], there may yet be a connection. The data set for the [far seeing look out device] includes references to [taking precautions] in [advance (of the) spark/fire]. Also, the data shows that this will *not* be done, and apparently we will have the interesting view of seeing/learning of some of TPTB's minions who will be [cooked] by the [de-coiling] of the [process]. These poor bastards are further described as [instantly steam cooked]...other descriptors go to the idea of a 'puffed human', just as you would imagine the process applied to humans, instead of wheat or rice. Pretty yucky descriptor set all things said. In any case, this [cooked human] episode is set for [october] and will occur in the midst of many other 'out breaks' of release language, both within the TPTB, as well as the regular human populace. The data sets go onto describe [porcelain/ceramics] and an [industrial process] for the creation of [medicinal concoctions] as being involved or associated temporally with the [puffed human] episode. The point of bringing in the [medicinal concoctions] is that these are some how related to an attempt by TPTB to [take precautions early]. Against what is about as clear as the contents of the 3rd/third stomach of a cow. The whole of the [far seeing machine] area, and the linked sub set of the [medicinal preparations] is described as an attempt to [accumulate small components] in [large quantities] such that a [challenge] can be [overcome/triumphed_over]. It is hard to see the presentation of the accreting aspect/attribute sets and *not* come to the conclusion that TPTB will fail in this attempt. Oh, of course the clues about the [puffed humans] also puts a negative interpretation on the effort, but the real kicker are the aspect/attributes which accrue in the second and third weeks of the progression into October within modelspace. At that point we have a huge rise in the emotive summations for [revolt], and for [secrets revealed], and [expressed duality]. This last may be very important as it has a very high [visibility] summations value which suggests that the global mediastream may be getting the modern equivalent of "let them eat cake" line

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for which the French Revolution is remembered. The [duality] expressing in October may well be of the order of a [blatant imposition] of the [divine rights] upon the currently unsuspecting [populace/usofa]. The [visibility] sums are that high. Also showing in October within the TPTB entity are a whole lot of the reasons that the [far looking device attempt] will fail. These are related to emotional sets which include [patience], and the [binding/gathering/synthesis] of [diverse views/experience]. In both cases, these are not traits for which the TPTB are famous. It can be argued that they have been patient in the past, but not within this current generational set of the 'elite'. Further problems will arise for them in the areas of a [presumed safe/unknown mountain retreat]. The data sets are pointing to both a [secrets exposed] problem, as well as an [unexpected natural disaster] within the area of the [hidden/occult /denied retreat]. Further problems start to show for TPTB in October/November 2008 as their [younger generation] is suddenly [facing danger]. This causes something of a [brain fart] within the [older elite] as they desperately try to cope with a set of experiences for which they had not prepared. This [danger] to their [progeny] is of a [new form], at least some of which is derived from the [accumulation/gathering] of the [elite collective destiny] over the last [100/one_hundred years]. The data seems to suggest that the [new danger] will [manifest] first as a [warning fever], and then [flare] to the point of [crying fear/lacrimations] take over the usually [stoic faces] of the [13/thirteen hidden/occult ones]. Also within this set for the [new danger] which the [younger elite] will face, are extensive cross links over to the GlobalPop, and the Populace/USofA where a sizable majority terminate in [destruction of religion], and [religious organizations melt/decompose/rot]. In both populace entities the [religion] meme suffers from early in 2008, and much of its [degradation] comes from the [ripping open] of the [secrets], as well as a [economic/currency crisis] impact. However, this TPTB association beginning in Fall appears to be of a completely different level which seems to threaten [religion] at its core. In both the TPTB entity, and the Populace/USofA, the cross links contain [disaster] as a major supporting aspect/attribute set. These references include [disaster] as *the* primary motivator of the time. This time appears to extend from about October 5th or so, up to about the first week of December. Thereafter things don't get that much better, but at least there is a restoration of a cycle between building and release language. As the TPTB entity moves along with modelspace into Fall 2008, the rising aspects/attribute sets include directly held [housing] references which, from the point of view of TPTB are distinctly [bad]. The supporting layers for the [housing] sub set of the TPTB are painting a picture of a real [problem] for TPTB in that the [populace] is *not* doing as it is being told. The data suggests that [squatting], and [defiance] will be the [problem] core from the TPTB view. Some of the supporting layers for [defiance] also include [arson], and [attacks], as well as [barricades] and [walls (of) debris] which are shown as being [maneuvered into place (under) cover of night]. The idea is seemingly that TPTB will order their [minions] to [displace] the [squatters] within a [suburban setting] and they will meet active resistance. Further the data sets are showing that the [banks], having [abandoned houses/housing] by the [millions] over the course of [spring] and [summer], will also be causing [problems] for the TPTB. The idea is that the [machinery of banks] will [not] be [functioning], and the TPTB will be getting complaints from their own [minions/functionaries/civil service] as they suffer along with the [populace]. Loyalty bought with dross is easily lost, as TPTB will apparently are to begin to discover this [fall]. There are lexical sets within TPTB entity which indicate that the [female personality], previous described in ALTA series of 2007, will have fully emerged by [fall], and will be yet another [thorn] for the [open wounds] of the TPTB. These sets contain references to the [female personality] being [protected] by [shaman dances/sacred_movements] such that [psychic attacks] upon her are [contained] and [returned]. This [psychic warfare] defeat for TPTB figures prominently within the previously discussed [dangers for younger generations]. Some lexical sets are forming in support of this area, but as yet we do not have clear descriptors from which to choose a label for the context. At this point it would seem that general conditions in the solar system have somehow heightened or accelerated the vibrations of things to the point that [psychic warfare] is being considered as the [next level] in a rapidly expanding [war]. This [war] is far from simple, is containing a very complex arrangement of context, and is clearly *not* [war] as we have seen it in the past. In this case it is even difficult to determine just how many groups are participating. Part of the confusion exists due to large numbers of [self organizing collectives(SOCs)] being involved. At least 1/one of the SOCs which act in support of the [female personality] is composed of [healthy/strong old age people] who will [come out of retirement] to [dust up/cover themselves in white dirt/dust], and [dance sacred movements] to create a [barrier to harm] for the [female personality]. This group *will* obtain some discussion within the global mediastream as its [visibility] summation is very high. Further cross links from this GlobalPop centered lexical set include [north america], and [central america], and links to [manifestation of earthquakes]. It is unclear how the [shakes series/group] is linked to the [dusty old people SOC], but the data is suggesting that some how their [dance] will actually participate in [reducing/destroying] an [elite edifice] that is in its turn associated with the [far look out device]. Yep, that seems clear... dusty old people shaking saggy butts out in public causes the collapse of the evil machinery of the nasty elitist cabal.....ok, well, stranger sheeit seems to be happening every day, so we can wait and see on this. The end result of the [shaking old dust people], and the [far look out device attempt] seems to be a real increase in [disaster] for TPTB as *both* of these lexical sets have merged into [revolution] within TPTB entity by the end of October. From that point on the TPTB entity has the directly held [revolution] sub set growing at a pace which is greater than the [revolution] meta data layer. Of course the [revolution] meme within TPTB is participating within the greater [revolution] meta data layer, and the data is suggesting that the [thin edge (of the) wedge] of [revolution] is clearly going to focus on, and impact TPTB as time and tides move us all forward into Winter 2008/2009. Markets - Harmony Co-ops, Retirement Sinks

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We frequently use the Markets entity as a cross reference check on the general forecasts from both the TPTB entity, and the Populace/USofA entity. This is due to the real world binding between the [debt/paper/abstract markets], and the Anglo-American ruling elite, and their populace of credit slaves, the [populace]. In examining the movements of the Markets entity through the October time frame of modelspace, we *do* find corroboration for the [shift into revolution] components of TPTB forecast. The Markets entity, in October, is forecasting a state of manifesting [duality]. This is defining the times then as being [split], with [real wealth/calories/food/energy] being [dire], and [paper/debt/abstractions] being [calamitous] in their effect. The data is seemingly split, showing a strong lexical structure going to the [harmonious cooperation (which) produces real_wealth/food/energy/calories], and the opposing sets of [bespoke wealth (of) paper debt/abstractions]. It is important to note that the data set is apparently refining the definition of [wealth] and has applied the descriptors of [real] and [calories] to [wealth] in order to differentiate it from the [false values] of [paper/debt/servitude/credit/abstractions/currencies]. The Markets entity is itself changing as these new contexts continue to form. The idea coming across from the morphing movements is that the [duality] expressing in Markets entity is reflective of a huge split within the [general populace]. The idea is that [SOC's] will be very important, and in spite of *all* the verbal energy put into it, the [paper/debt/currency] component will be not important at all. This will really [piss off] many within TPTB. This fits with the previously discussed forecasts derived from that entity. The data is forecasting a very radical shift in the social order when seen from our current vantage point. However, please re-read the discussion within the Meta Arts section about the new decision mode. Given the forecast from modelspace of a [something?] which will precipitate calls within the [populace/usofa] for [early elections], and that by the time that these [calls for early elections] manifest, there will be a state of [general economic collapse/pain] within the [populace], and given the recent data sets accruing to both the Markets entity and the TPTB entity, it seems reasonable that modelspace *should* be showing that the [markets] continue to be [swamped] by [stinking piles of rotting debt]. The forecast for an increase in [exposure] to the [bad debt/fraud] at the highest of levels continues to accrue values, and with the latest of the immediacy values processed, the manifestation of the [visibility] within the global mediastream is 'right on track'. The data sets continue to acquire lexical sets for the [media] to reach a point of [visible confusion] in which your favorite talking heads will discuss the [death of the dollar]. The temporal pointers are indicating some point between January 24th and the March equinox, but with a higher percentage of values going toward an early February [visible incident]. Modelspace, and the Markets, and Populace/USofA entities have been forecasting that it will be a *huge* increase in [economic failures] which end up [pressuring] the [social order] such that the 'logical' thing to do is to have early [elections] with the idea of getting the old crowd out as soon as can be done. The data has clearly pointed to [incompetence] run rampant as being a magnifying force in the [degradation of the markets]. Now that the politicians/petty people are 'engaged' with the [usofa depression], we have reached the temporal marker pointed out in ALTA 308 in which [government speak makes things worse]. The evidence in the [markets] for this occurrence *will* increase with each new [officialdom pronouncement]. The continuing [economic ruin/pain] impacting the [populace] has directly held values both in the Markets, and first in the Populace/USofA entity, but also secondarily within the GlobalPop as others, also reliant on the [dollar, usofa] will find that [wealth] can and will [evaporate]. There are even indications that [hyperinflation] will strike the internal [economy] of the [usfoa], but will *not* be favorable for the Markets entity. The data indicates that what few [dollars], and other forms of [wealth] are circulating will be going for just the [bare necessities]. The longer term values are pointing to 2008 being a continuation of the theme of [bad economic] news, such that by the time that October is reached, the [federal reserve banksters] are [no longer relevant] to [daily life]. This clearly implies the continued, and accelerating degradation of the [dollar] which is the *only* reason the [federal reserve banking system] exists. As the [repudiation] meme gains strength through the last of [winter], and into [spring], a [bouchon/cork/bottleneck] will be reached in which [foreign funds] obtained by [repudiation] will [cease/dry_up]. At this point, the Markets entity is suggesting that the [last of the markets] will also [droop]. As part of the [droop] of the numeric indications/indices, we note that a [bankruptcy] is going to manifest near the [equinox] on March 21 which will have the supporting aspect/attributes of [large], as in really really really damn big, as in never before seen [big]. Other supporting aspect/attributes go to the idea of this [bankruptcy] being so large as to [trigger] the [manifestation of the employment crash], and with it the subsequent impacts on the [currency] and [entitlement] systems. Other supporting descriptor sets for the [bankruptcy] include [violent], and [shock], and [shakes]. We note that the [shock] sub set of supporting values are defined by the [medical] descriptor for [shock], as in [life threatening conditions resulting from wound/trauma]. This [shock] sub set in its turn is supported by cross linked aspect/attribute sets going to [revolution], and [secrets revealed]. The [revolution] meme is both participatory within the larger, meta data layer of [revolution], as well as being a supporting sub set for [riots], and [bloody opposition] within the Populace/USofA entity. NOTE: It is near the March 21 equinox that the data sets are suggesting that almost [overnight] the [relative values] (in dollars) for [gold] and [silver] will [double] and [triple] respectively. Just to repeat that. Using the [bankruptcy] as a temporal marker, it will precede the sudden [doubling] of the dollar price of [gold], and the [tripling] of the dollar price of [silver]. When modelspace is progressed through the [october/november] period, the Markets entity takes a very large step downward in emotive tonality just as the intensity values for the release language set increase dramatically. The implication is that the [nasty economic conditions] which grow over [summer] will get suddenly much worse in early Fall. The rate of change is shown to be [shocking], though we need to note that the Terra entity will also be participating in trashing human emotions at that time.

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As modelspace is progressed just past November 2008, the data begins to accrue with patterns suggesting that [revolution] comes to the [markets themselves]. The suggestion is that the [employment crash] of [spring], and the [retirement meltdown] of [summer] will place huge pressures from the body politic on the [petty people/politicians] to [act] and with an imperative on the [now]. BUT....and you knew there was a but in there somewhere....the [politicians] will be [stymied/blocked] by the [rapidity] of manifesting circumstances. Not only will there be [dollar death], but the ramifications on the [usofa military industrial complex] and the [exported armies] will cause a [seizure] of [logistics]. The idea coming across is that the [summer lockups] will have so pressured the populace that [revolution] in the [usofa financial structure] including [banks] and the [federal reserve banksters] will be underway early in 2009. Returning to the immediacy and shorter term value sets, which resets us back to [spring], we note that the data sets are pointing to the [crushing] of several [usofa industries] such that a [wave] of [unemployment] suddenly flows through society. The data indicates that the [employment crash] will [mature] over [spring], and be joined by the [meltdown of the entitlements/retirements] over [summer]. It is this last which will [crash] into another current trend, that is the current [baby boom], to create a [hellacious summer] for [health care]. The [retirement meltdown] is supported by data sets suggesting that the [generations] will [lose livelihoods] within only a [single week]. The idea coming through is that the [equity markets] will [decrease] so rapidly as to be [underwater] relative to [retirement accounts]. This will *not* pass unnoticed by the soon-to-retire 'baby boomers', and the data is indicating that there will be [millions] of very [pissed off/devastated wrinkly old people] with which the [officialdom] shall have to contend. Of course, if the Terra entity interpretation is correct, at least a few thousands won't make it through the [long hot summer] so for them the [retirement sinking] won't be much of an issue. Within the [spring] meltdown, the [insurance industry] will 'go poof' as greater liabilities than could be imagined start to roll out of the Terra intrusions with sudden [climate change], and the [dollar degradation]. This will also include the [federal/officialdom] versions of [insurance]. The data sets are also indicating by internal cross link that the [tax revolt] will be well underway by [spring] as [government] continues to fail, the [dollar] takes leaps toward the [abyss], and several parts of the [national infrastructure] are [threatened by funding loss]. The [summer] is no better than [spring] and may be quite a bit worse. There are numbers of large ropey masses of cross links from the Populace/USofA over to the Markets entity. Most of these begin to swell and pile on in [summer] such that as modelspace is progressed through [summer] and into [october], the dominant aspect/attribute set in both entities is [disaster]. In the case of the Populace/USofA entity, this [disaster] aspect/attribute set is dominated by [politics], while within the Markets entity, the [disaster] is seen as the [usofa economy]. Further, in direct support for the [usofa economy], the [banking system] is also internally supported by [disaster] by the end of [summer]. As the modelspace had been indicating, the [employment crash] of [spring] which creates the [retirement crash] of [summer] produces the [currency/banking disaster] of [fall]. The data sets are indicating that the [employment crash] of [spring] will coincide with very large problems for the [housing monetarist movement], as well as the [officialdom/government]. There are also cross links from the Markets entity over to the GlobalPop entity which begin to accrue in [spring] and grow through [summer]. Many of these cross links are terminating in [israel] and [crash] within the GlobalPop entity. The imagery coming through the detail aspect/attributes suggests that the [economic implosion] of the [usofa] in [spring] will [dry the well] such that by mid [summer] the [national fiscal status] of [israel] will be [bankrupt]. These cross links indicate that a [cry/calling out] from the [american elite] for [funds for zionism/israel] will emerge in [fall] as the financial system globally goes into the [spin cycle]. The data is forecasting that the [outcome] of the [appeal for aid] will be very [disappointing]. Further the data suggests that this [call for aid] will also be coincident with the rise in [pogrom] language globally against the [zionists] as the [global economy tanks] in [fall].

Populace/USofA - Jutnobs ReDo, Jumpy Equinox On the assumption that our previous interpretation of the data from the Populace/USofA entity was incorrect, that is to say, flat out wrong, when it showed that there would be calls for an [early election], we reprocessed all the Populace/USofA data sets gathered so far in this run, and then began a new examination of the entity within a newly loaded modelspace. We went through this laborious process due to routine anti-virus scrubbing freeing up some time, as well as Igor's insistence that the whole 'early elections' thing is so totally out-there that he was sure the [nutjob nets] were on their way for us. After reloading modelspace with the newly processed Populace/USofA data sets, and examining the [elections] sub set, we still come up with the primary, and dominant aspect/attribute set being [disaster]. This [disaster] is cross linked internally within Populace/USofA entity, and also externally to Terra entity. Within the [disaster] supporting aspect/attribute sets the top 2/two primary supporting sets are headed by [evil spirits] and [bad influences]. Under [bad influences] the primary emotive summation support comes from an aspect/attribute set headed by [sacrifices], which in its turn is headed by [worry]. This area is extensively cross linked back over to the TPTB entity where many of the termination points are in [black_arts/magick]. In that set, the rising, and dominant aspect/attribute set is [rebuffed/repelled] which in its turn is supported by [blow_back/return]. The imagery suggests that the [bad influences] which are shown as being [generated by black arts] will be [blown back]. This does not imply that the [effects] leading to [disaster] are not [felt/experienced], but rather that the result of the [disaster] will include some measure of [blow back/return/karmic response] on the [perpetrators]. Soooo....assuming that the [early elections] forecast was incorrect, the more likely interpretation is that the [elections] will be held in an atmosphere of [disaster], both [political], and [national], and [natural]. Our forecast for [early elections] took the [disaster] meme as a starting point, but put more emphasis on the [terrestrial climate/flooding disaster] which we then postulated would produce the [outrageous incompetence] which would [shake/destroy the political power

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structure], and since so many Americans would be affected by the [natural disaster] and the [continuing collapse of capacity] from [government], that the [cry out for early elections] would follow as the [pressures] of [degrading conditions] builds over [summer]. This places the 'event' part of the [natural disaster] earlier in the year such that time for the [suffering] to build up to the [cracking point] in [summer]. This is still a decent, although unlikely interpretation of the data. The paragraph above presenting the alternative interpretation is more reasonable, however, the data sets still forecast a [natural disaster] for [spring], and continue to support the idea of a [cascading economic disaster/melt-down] over [winter] and through [spring/summer]. Further, the data sets still show that the [economic bad tide] which is [dragging out the flow] will also [impact] at least [2/two] of the crop of current [president wannabe's]. We also still are showing that [officialdom] will make things a whole lot worse by the March equinox, and thereafter [officialdom] will *really* screw up in early [spring] such that their actions precipitate a serious [international economic crisis]. Along with the [officialdom screwing things over by talking] in March, we have the emergence of a number of terminating cross links from both the GlobalPop entity, and the Terra entity. Other entities are also involved which makes the interpretation quite a chore as things are not so clear, however, the primary new aspect/attribute set brought in by the accretion in modelspace at the [equinox] is [violence]. This [violence] is shown as manifesting from several sources. First, and perhaps largest in total emotional impact is the Terra entity contribution to the [violent day(s)] theme. Then comes the [political] and [economic] realms within the Populace/USofA where the [equinox] will apparently be an [anchor] point for the [violence] within the American system to [express itself]. The idea coming across is that a [violent] response to the [suppressed cognitive dissonance] and [suppressed symptoms (of) incredulity] will emerge within the broader chaos of [spring] manifesting. This [violence] within the Populace/USofA is showing as but a minor part of the total emotional summations around [violence/discord/chaos/disruptions]. Much of the shorter term values may be within the [political] sub set, but by far the longer term values, with attendant higher levels of summations, are to be found within the Terra entity cross links and the [economic] sub set. The [economic] sub set is particularly interesting as it also is supported by aspect/attribute sets which label the 'time' of the [equinox violence] as being particularly [vulnerable] days for the [economy/usofa]. The Markets cross links show that the remaining months of [winter] will escalate in both [economic shocks] and [political disruptions] in the run up to the [spring equinox] on the 21st, where modelspace is forecasting a [group/cluster] of [violent shocks]. The [violence] meme is also present within the [economic] sub sets, as well as the [political sub sets]. There *may* well be [assassinations/attempts] just around the turn into [spring]. Continuing with the [disaster] meme, the Populace/USofA entity gains many supporting aspect/attribute sets in [october/november] which all go to the idea of [charity]. These aspects/attribute sets are seemingly about the [receipt] of [aid] by the [populace]. The idea is that the [disaster] is of such a magnitude as to *potentially* include the [end of the nation] as a *possible* outcome. Now note that we are explicitly refuting that idea at this point. It is merely a single possible outcome among many which are held within the data sets. Terra - Shaky, Wet, Hot, Stifling The Terra entity has a large number of newly formed cross links over to the GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA entities. These are forming as a result of the recently processed shorter and longer term values. Within the shorter term values, we find that the dominant aspect/attribute set is headed by [violence]. This [violence] is described as an [episode/incident(s)] and it has the highest level of growth of associated support values, as well as cross links very near the March 21 [equinox]. The [violence] is further supported by both [earthquakes] and [volcanoes]. In *both* supporting sets, the primary [violence] lexical structure reappears as internal support. This is probably *not* a good sign. The [violence] meme also is specifically focused for [asia] relative to [earthquakes]. It would appear that for both [japan], and [taiwan] the [spring equinox] will be a marker for a particularly [jumpy/touchy/tense] time. Asia is not alone in this, as the [americas], both north and south will also be very impacted by the [earthquakes], and especially [volcanoes]. The already manifesting [volcanoes] within the mountainous spine of South America will take a large jump up in activity, and will be joined by several North American [volcanoes]. This seemingly includes several within the main continental mass including Canada. In both the [asia] and [americas] references within the Terra entity, the data is pointing to [shaking] to the point that [infrastructure] will [rupture/break]. This [spring rupture] is also forecast to have ripples in the events of [summer] as the [infrastructure] is *not* shown as being [repaired], and in [summer] the [americas] get hard hit by a [heat wave] of [daunting/debilitating] proportions. As the [summer] wanes into [fall], and we cross the September [autumn equinox] boundary, the Terra entity gains considerable values within the longer term sets for [echoes] of the [earthquakes/volcanoes] of [spring]. These [echoes] include [ice shifting], though apparently it will likely be [upland ice], or [high glaciers]. The shift of these [highlands glaciers] can be used as a [temporal marker], and should they occur in [fall], then that would seem to raise the likelihood of the [flood] forecast for the 2009 vernal equinox [spring] to be accurate. The data sets are indicating that 2008 is a year of [terra event] manifestations which actually *seem* to be necessary precursors for events in 2009, specifically the [large scale flood]. We note that our timing clues frequently suck, and that as we rely upon the longer term values for looooong term projections, we need to remember that both volume of details, and the granularity of the detail sets diminish the further out we get. So we do have a fair number of details through Fall of 2008, and then we start to drop off as we move into Winter 2008/2009. It should be noted though that the [flood] meme is strong in both Fall and Winter, and then actually has a very sizeable increase in values in late Winter, early Spring of 2009 which is supportive of the linguistics involved. So the accretion patterns are also supporting the view that here on terra this year we will experience the first year of actual manifestation of [sudden climate change], and that 2009 will bring the first in a series of [flood]

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events of sizeable, perhaps globe affecting proportions. Additionally, the data points to the impacts of the 2009 [floods] to *still* be [active] and [affective] through all of 2010. There is an additional point to note and that is that the [summer] of 2010 also has an increase in accretion patterns of support for the [flood] meme. Returning to 2008, we need to note that the [violence] of [spring] is matched by the [strangeness] of [summer]. There are clear indications that the [summer] will be just chock-a-block full of [strange/extra_seasonal weather] including [heat waves] of [extraordinary depth/size]. However there are also indicators that this [summer] we will discover that [stillness/no_movement] can [kill]. The idea coming through the details are that several times this [summer] there will be [pockets/areas] of [no air movement] in which [atmospheric gases] will [oddly collect] causing [suffocation], and [toxic conditions]. There are cross links from this area over to the [military accident] within the Populace/USofA, however the cross links appear to emerge just on a few common words around [poison]. There is no clear indication that they are related. The [stillness suffocation] effect/events are indicated to be the result of [extraordinary] and largely [denied/unknown energies]. These [energies] are shown as [inducing stoppage] of [atmospheric flow] in several large areas. The extent of these [pockets] *may* well exceed several hundreds of square miles. Part of the problem with the atmosphere is described as an [imbalance] of the [required/necessary duality]. The [duality] sub set is supported by descriptors for [negative/positive ion ratios] as well as [bombardment results/electric activity]. It would appear that the [stillness] will be caused by a [static] condition similar in nature to the Santa Ana winds, only without the [wind] part. Not that we won't have wind. We note that [traumatic/dramatic wind damage] still is accruing values at a healthy rate within the Terra entity. Much of these values are under the [extraordinary/odd/unusual] sub sets, and we are seemingly going to receive the [damage] from the [winds] in unusual places. Conclusion - ALTA 1008 - Part Four - Resistance is Futile! To humor Igor, who can be a real pain, we have extended out our longer term value sets to their most distant possible points of value. This means that we set a limit of 10/ten percent of the size of the set of immediacy values as a reference point for 'meaningfulness', and then processed out the longer term value sets until we had reached an extension of nearly 2012. Our 'meaningfulness' line was actually reached in October of 2011 in modelspace. NOTE: very little granularity, so very likely HUGE things are missed or are wrong. That noted, we find that our [generational] indicators, that is, bespoke words around the [generation] descriptor set are pointing to 2018 as the point at which our FuturePop entity will have totally manifested. The 2018 date is reached by taking the point of the [generation] lexical set appearance for FuturePop sub sets, and noting that it appears within the immediacy data with a modifier of [one-half] in support of [manifestation/emergence of circumstances]. So we then us [20/twenty] years as our [generation] size, and noting 2008 as the kick off part, we see that one-half of a generation, 10/ten years later, is 2018. So the idea coming across is that our FuturePop entity of newly organized and [differing] humans will be in place over the next 10/ten years. The 2008 data set of longer term values is very interesting, though again cautions on its reliability. We find that the data sets clearly are pointing to a [testing] of the [populace]. This is labeled as [resistance (is) futile/useless] within the data sets. This [resistance] is under the influence of the [duality] meta data layer and has 2/two separate meanings. The first of the diverse supporting sets goes to the idea that a [wave] of [secrets revealed] {ed note: already discussed in previous parts of this report}, will so overwhelm the [consensus reality] that it will in effect just [disappear]. This [disappearance] of the [former consensus reality] is described as being [not resistible], however, there will be those who do [attempt resistance] to [changing universe views]. This brings us to the other side of the supporting sets where we find that many humans will be so threatened to their core by the [disappearance of the old consensus reality] that they will [willingly/actively deny] the [manifesting reality] including the [contact] meme and the [ancient history of humans] meme, and will [retreat] into the [obsession/worship of old symbols]. These persons are described as forming a [parallel populace] that will be [whittled/thinned] over time as they increasingly encounter [supporting systems] which are *not* participating in their [active denial]. It is from this group of [active deniers] that our [damaged humans] sub set will emerge. These form the population that had been previously described as [requiring care] as they become increasingly [dysfunctional]. For the aware observer, there will be a [dangerous] period during which we have the [resistance to manifesting reality] emerge from the current crop of [self proclaimed elite rulers]. During this transition period, these nutjobs with power will be dangerous. They will be an [obstruction] to [rational adaptation] to [manifesting circumstances]. Unlike the regular humans who go [mental walk-about] and drop into [zombie/active denial] mode, these ['leaders'] will represent a [repressive] and [obsessive] influence best avoided. Part of the emotive summations forecasting the [active denial] group of humans derives from the [contact] meme, as well as the SpaceGoatFart [unknown energies from space] sub sets. A third set has emerged which is labeled the [ancient history of humans] and which has gained considerable emotional value over 2008. These combine to form about a third of the total rise in summation values from 2008 through 2009. As the modelspace is pushed into 2010, many of the issues around the [active deniers] will no longer be as much of a problem. As noted, 2010 brings a [summer] of [flooding] which is shown as [disrupting nations]. In fact, the results of the previous years (2008 & 2009) are shown as having produced a [stress] on the global economic system such that it no longer exists as we would recognize it. The data points toward a combination of circumstances including the [terra intrusions], and [economic disaster] such that [big business] is nearly extinct by Fall, 2010. This is not to say that there is not international trading, but rather that it will be conducted at completely

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new levels. The data sets are indicting that the changes to be faced over 2008/2009 will be such that *the* most successful humans will be involved in self-organizing collectives (SOCs) with the following aspects/attributes: [self-sustaining], [mobile], [skilled], [resource sharing], [self reliant], [innovative], [self disciplining], [small], [minimalist], and others in a similar vein. There are a number of supporting sets, and very extensive cross links off of the word [mobile], and even to the point of creating a new label within the FuturePop entity, such that along with the [scavengers] and the [miners/extractors], we will now have the [migrators]. The FuturePop entity sub set of [migrators] derives directly from the sub sets for [diaspora] and their growth over 2008/2009. Much of this growth in its turn is derived from or cross links over to [flooding] meme in the Terra entity. Within that meme, we note that a [crack in the wall] is showing as forming in early 2009 relative to the [flood]. This presumably refers to a glacier or other 'retaining' wall for waters which then participate within the [flood]. The other supporting data sets go directly to the idea of a 'warning' to be [prepared to move instantly] and thereafter to [manifest survival skills]. Sooo....probably a damn big flood. Other FuturePop guidance emerging from the longer term values are suggesting that the [climate] and [economic] [chaos] of 2008/2009 will produce a planet in which some [states] will be [under lock down] fascist-style by 2010. These data sets are pointing to this as connected to the [active deniers]. It suggests that these [lock down states] will be [self considered] as [survival bunkers], however the whole of the set suggests that this strategy is a [fatal mistake]. The descriptors for these [lock down states] show that [no travel] and [no trade] will be permitted without the [express guidance] of the [ruling theocracy/aristocracy]. These will be [oppressive] and [death filled] areas best avoided. Most of the descriptor sets for these [lock down states] seem to be [mountain] focused. There is a distinct difference between the FuturePop references for the [lock down, mountain surrounded states] and the [water borne/floaters/migrator] communities. In the flavor of [june hong chien lee] or [respect wind travel forever], the [water communities] both those who are [creeping coastal] as well as the [longer ranging migrators], will be far and away the more [successful], and [sustainable] forms of human life. Bearing in mind that it will take until 2018 for the FuturePop to have emerged totally from the GlobalPop and Populace/USofA remnants, it is nonetheless still being painted as a very rapid evolution within the modelspace. That is, an [evolution/positive change] within the [water communities], but a [static reversal] within the [lock down states]. The data sets for 2008/2009 are also indicating that as the [lock down states] begin to emerge, that [freedom of movement] will be a very clear sign of [economic/future/prosperity]. In other words, the data sets are arguing that to be 'caught' in a [lock down state] during these times is likely *not* going to be good, and at the first signs of [restrictions on movements] coming into place from [officialdom edicts], perhaps a move should be considered. These same data sets are indicting that the [duality] meta data layer will be influencing every thing, including the [diaspora] as the [terra intrusions] of 2009, are indicated as [freeing/releasing] many from the [potential oppression] as several [nations/states] will be too [devastated] to continue to [exist]. This [diaspora] meme continues to echo the [prepare to move instantly] and [exhibit survival skills] for 2009 linguistic sets. So now Igor is happy, well, not happy actually, but at least more content as his monkey mind is off whirring over just which of the FuturePop sub set types he wants to grow up to be. He seems to favor the [scavenger] at the moment, though I don't think he realizes that a lot of that work will be underwater as the [scavengers] will be seeking [suddenly flooded] resources. ###

Due to familial issues here at HPH, and a couple of virus problems on the servers, Parts Five and Six may be delayed. We anticipate having the virus damage repaired by mid week or earlier, and so should be able to have Part Five posted by the middle of the following week, or on the 30th.

Copyright 2008 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

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