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ALTA 1008 Part Five


ALTA 1008 - Part Five

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 01.29.2008 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. This report in the series created from 58.113 million reads of the 1008 series. Meta Report Our apologies for the brevity of this report in the 1008 series, as well as the absence of new charts. Family duties and pressing circumstances have impacted the amount of time, and energy which we can apply to the report. We chose to concentrate on the most bang for the buck, a curious expression which will probably *not* go away even after the dollar has ceased to be a memory, and so have put the work into the text interpretation. Meta Arts - Pesky Reality A confluence of circumstances has occurred in which a major global economic disruption is manifesting just at the time that the former leading nation within that economy is experiencing a [dead duck presidency] *and* the simultaneous, and early electioneering for the replacement president. These 3/three sets of circumstances coincident with the populace of the nation holding an emotional tonality opposite the officialdom/politician classes, *and* the influences of cyclic changes in social order, *just* as the biosphere goes into sudden catastrophic climate change brings a new level of pressure to humans here on earth. As the weak willed, delusional government of the Bushistas puts all its energy into preservation of the illusion of former grandeur (itself an illusion) for the last year of its tenure, and given the nature of the legislative branch of the government, nothing will be done to effectively remedy the economic implosion currently underway globally. Not that anything *can* be done. The root causes of the problems are so inherent in the system, that the cycle has reached its maximum possible life span, and the *only* remedy is the destruction of the system itself. The [patches/bandages] approach of [dole/handouts] for the 'voting public' will not solve any of the underlying problems with the core of the economic system, nor will they even delay the manifestation of the next phase of the implosion. As the politician class attempts to respond to the developing circumstances of the unfolding global economy crash over these next 2/two months, they will *always* be in reactive mode attempting to follow the manifesting problems. Thus they will always be proposing solutions which are out-of-phase with the actual economic issues on-the-ground. This [catch up] play won't work. It will be this glaringly [visible] inability of the [political classes/officialdom] to affect [meaningful change] which will prompt the [populace/usofa] to [react violently] and which has been forecast as leading to [calls for early elections]. This latter is really a call for [throw the bums out now]....which is just the kind of [officialdom roulette] that comes into play at the end of empires as the mobs place emperor after emperor on the thrown during the final months. Populace/USofA - The Gathering, The Leaving, Debt Rebellion With Part Five in any ALTA series we go back to processing the last of the immediacy value set of data. The results are interpreted along

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with the longer term data sets in parts Five and Six. The immediacy value sets allow us to return from the far projections of the longer term data sets back to a view only a few weeks to months away. As we loaded modelspace with the immediacy data, it became immediately (pun intended) apparent that something very interesting is shaping up for the [spring] between the Populace/USofA entity, the Markets entity, and the Bushista entity. The number of cross links is so high as to dominate the whole of modelspace from early March, through the equinox and over the course of [spring] and [summer]. The data sets are pointing toward a [new collective action] to arise from the [populace] in [spring]. The linguistic set is labeled the [gathering (of the) like-minded/fellow_travelers]. This [gathering] is a preparatory stage to the transition into the [conflict/confrontation /lawsuit/actions] phase. As may be expected this area is dominated by the influences of the meta data layer of [revolution]. The idea coming through the cross links is that the [populace] of the [usofa] goes through some form of [self realignments] during late [winter] such that as the [equinox] is passed, conditions will exist for the [manifestation] of these [new alignments/collectives/groups]. These [groups] will be the [impetus/motivator] for the [confrontation] stage which appears as [spring] progresses. The [gathering] is clearly defined within the contexts holding the majority of originating cross links from the Populace/USofA entity. The [gathering] has a context which is defined at the primary level as being [common people], and the at secondary levels are further described as [collecting (no) officialdom pay/not employed by gov't]. The [gathering] itself is described as [largest ever], or the [collections/alignments (of) all (the) common peoples]. However we note that within the Populace/USofA, there are some largish percentage of persons who are not part of the gathering. This seemingly is less than 20/twenty percent of the total populace, and likely represents those of the TPTB, and their minions within [officialdom]. The [gathering] sub set moves along with the Populace/USofA, but also maintains constant, though shifting, cross links over to the Markets entity. Much of the motivating emotional force within the [gathering] sub set comes from [economic], and [disaster] linked sub sets. These account for nearly 50/fifty percent of the total emotional driving force of the [gathering of the common peoples], with the rest coming from the cross links into the Markets entity primarily, though a significant amount also comes into the equation from the Bushista entity, [officialdom] sub set. These linguistic sets of the [gathering] as well as the supporting sets within Markets, and Bushista entity are all participating in a number of meta data layers including [revolution], and [duality]. Those who are part of the [gathering] are described as [sharing], and [egalitarian] due to [pressures] of [poverty]. The supporting aspect/attributes include [bringing small donations (nightly)] and [cooking from common pots]. There are also indications that the situation will be dire enough that [fishing] from [small streams/rivers/estuaries] will be providing at least some of the [daily meals]. There are repeated reinforcing layers for people [gathering] around [camp fires] and [roasting fishes]. The [gathering] is a very significant temporal marker as it is the proximate line for the outbreak of [contention] within the [usofa] as a [political system]. The data sets are pointing toward a [lawsuit/contention (over) legalities] which marks the transition to a new phase of [social order]. This [lawsuit] will absolutely [terrify] the TPTB, including the Bushistas all the way down to some relatively minor [officialdom] members. The descriptors around the [lawsuit] sub set appear to actually be showing that TPTB are afraid not of the [lawsuit] itself, but what the [gathering of the commoners] represents, and thus see the [lawsuit/contention] is the first [visible] sign of the [forced transition]. In earlier ALTA series of 2007, beginning with Spring of that year, our reports for the Populace/USofA entity {ed note: some spill over into Australia, and Greater Britain} were that [millions] of [small particles] would come to [dominate] and then [ruin] the [economic life] of the [populace]. This warning was both [housing] and [credit/credit cards] focused. It is now showing within this latest processing cycle as beginning to manifest. The accrual of supporting sets from the immediacy values are pointing to a [steeply building wave] of [leavings] in which the [populace] in *[very large] numbers will simply [leave their debts]. This last has descriptors for both [housing] and [credit cards] with the latter having specific support coming from [leaving debts (by the) side of the road/on the curb]. The idea coming across is that even persons who are still continuing to [struggle] to make their [house payments] will decide to [curb] or [place in trash] their [credit card debt]. This area is participating within the much greater meta data layer of [revolution], and is part of the temporal marker for the [turning]. The [turning] is described as being that point at which the [masses] have [mentally] shifted away from the [controlling guidance/governance]. The idea is coming across that [further officialdom] meddling will greatly increase the rapidity at which [housing prices fall] such that even persons capable of making fixed monthly payments will [leave/walk away] from the [losing proposition]. This is indicated to be [increased] by [government/officialdom] attempts to 'fix' the problem. It will further increase both the numbers and the speed at which the populace turns to [debt rebellion] as a means of [political protest]. The idea emerging from the supporting sub sets is that [debt rebellion] will begin to pop up in [spring] with some seriousness, and then be a significant part of the [political landscape] as the year progresses into [summer]. The data describes this as the [turning] of the [populace] toward [self sovereignty] as it becomes very damn apparent over the [spring/summer] that [government/officialdom] can't do *anything* to fix *any* of the issues pushing down on the [populace/usofa]. Terra - No More Superman, Dispersion, Fires, Nuts The Terra entity is forecasting a very active year of [manifestation of problems] for the inhabitants of the solar system. We are expanding

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the Terra entity a bit in that it is suggesting that other planets as well as earth will be [impacted] by [unknown energies from space] this year. The [sun] sub sets within the Terra entity have increased markedly, nearly doubling in volume, and nearly tripling in emotive summations in this last processing. The Terra entity, via cross links, is suggesting that as part of the [unknown energies from space], that the [planetary populace] will be [visibly] [affected] by [light changes] within the [sun]. The data implies via the cross links and the various [visibility] summations that the [sun changes] have already past the [return possible] point, and that we are now living in a [new solar system] with a [bright] and [white] sun. This last set is also seemingly indicating that the [sun] is still [transitioning] as the solar system comes into [galactic alignment]. The [transitioning] aspect/attribute set is supported by, and participates within the meta data layer of [transformation]. The supporting, and directly held [transformation] within the [sun] sub set also has aspect/attributes which *may* be forecasting that a [distinct change] into [blue white solar/sun light] may occur before the solar system reaches alignment on December 23, 2012. Of course we note that the Superman concept can no longer work as it was the 'yellow sun of earth' which provided the photonic power for the character. No yellow sun, no power. Of course, this does tie into the idea of our solar system being part of Sagitarrius Dwarf (B) galaxy and about to be subsumed by our entrance into the Milky Way galaxy. Our work in this strangeness of radical linguistics was actually triggered in 1997 by discovering a number of archetypes within distilled references to [sun] within our first trial runs. The [sun] data was *not* what we expected. Since then the appearance of the [sun] sub set has reflected (double pun intended) the actual changes of the [sun] itself, albeit several months in advance. Now the data sets are indicating that it will be [populace] which will be doing the most changing, although the [sun] is still progressing in its metamorphosis. The Terra entity, as well as the cross links to the Populace/USofA, and the GlobalPop entities are forecasting that the [visibility] of the [sun changes/white light] will increase rapidly by the [summer solstice/June 21]. The [visibility] factor is such that there will be global mediastream discussions about what this 'means for humans and life here on earth'. Further the data sets are showing via cross links that the [visible] discussions of [sun changes] will be associated with the [contact] meme, as well as the [ancient history of humans in this solar system] meme. The data suggests that the [visible discussions] will be a [jarring/altering force] *just* as further [changes] here on [earth] begin to manifest. These changes here will include a [brutal fire season] on the [west coast] of the [usofa], as well as [fire storms] on the [eastern hills] in [central asia/russia]. The idea coming across is almost an [antipodal] alignment of [fire storms]. Further, there are some aspect/attributes which suggest that [fires/fire storms] will also be a major concern in [winter]. We are presuming that the [winter] reference is for the [southern hemisphere] rather than an indicator that the [fires] will continue through the [fall] and into [winter]. The [fires] will be so bad this year due to the [winds] problems previously discussed. The [traumatic winds] are shown as [driving/pushing] [fires] across [prairies/flatlands] as well as [wasting forests]. The [fires] are also described as a [national challenging task] which affects both the [usofa] and [russia], each on their own [fire fronts]. The supporting aspects/attributes suggest that the [urge] will be to [attack] the [fires], but the advice extracted from the supporting sets would argue instead to [alter supporting conditions] such that the [fires] will [burn themselves out] rather than [engaging actively]. Some of the data sets can be interpreted as describing several [groups/self-organizing-collectives] which will be [visible] on the global mediastream for having had [exceptional good luck], however, the data is indicating that it will be because of their having [performed routine maintenance] as well as [keeping all (system/things/tools) working] that the [SOC's] were able to [survive the fires]. The data is also providing a description of a [treasured daughter] who will be [fete'd/lauded] for [saving (the) group]. This will be due to her [foresight/prescience], and [dedication] to the [task]. The [fire storms] are described as being [aggressive], [wind driven], [quick], [rapidly devastating], [removing wealth], [melting/burning resources], and [blocking travel/access]. These [fires] are showing for a [summer] manifestation. The results will be a [landscape reduced to empty]. The [traumatic winds] are also supported by a data set under [water] which is larger by about half again than the [fire] set. The [natural disaster] previously discussed in this series is seemingly more related to [wind driven waters], than to [wind driven fires], although those also will be described as [disastrous]. There are continued aspect/attribute sets accruing to our old meme of [southwest flooding]. In the recent arrivals there are details pointing toward a pivotal event coming from the [loosening of rocks]. This in its turn is supported by [determined effects/affects]. This last can be interpreted as [expected impacts]. So the idea coming from the detail layer is that the [loosening of rocks (within a) narrow canyon (has the) expected impacts (and) creates/causes flooding]. This [flooding] is curiously tied to very long term value sets as though either the [conditions of flood] will persist for years, or the [impacts/effects of the flood] will continue to harass the area. Again, we note that the highest level of geographic references are based under [usofa, continental], and from there under [deep southwest]. This last can also be interpreted as [extreme southwest]. Also providing emotional support for the [southwest flooding] are values which are cross linked over to the Populace/USofA entity where they are terminating in [diaspora]. Within the Terra entity the details tend to describe the [lay of the land] as having been [altered]. The alteration is described as being [deep, flat, water filled], and given the longer term values associated, especially within the Populace/USofA entity, persistent for years. As an example, the longer term values are saying [large trees, abundant grass, lush brush] will begin to [sprout] within the [dry land] due to the creation of the [long term flood]. A key supporting value set goes to the [abundant] descriptor set. This idea is repeated through out the support for this [new lush water filled landscape]. There are also indications that

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[wildlife] of all kinds will [return] to this new setting. Within the cross linked data to the Populace/USofA entity, there are a number of terminating points which suggest that a very large [prison] will be [forced closed] due to the [flooding]. The details suggest that a number of [prisoners] will have to [participate] in the [struggle] to save [lives]. In the end, the data suggests that a few will be [freed] as a result of what they do that day, under those conditions. The Terra entity descriptors indicate that the 'active' phase of the [flooding] will last for [weeks], perhaps as many as [3/three]. There are various 'body parts and processes' references which we always take seriously as archetypical pointers. Usually our interpretation is a little wonky, but within a general sense correct. In this case the [flood] is supported by [operation], as in a [required procedure] which will be used to [separate] those [elements/components] which [require distance]. Further there are aspect/attribute sets which suggest that [men with heavy loads on their backs] will be [instrumental] in [righting the carriage/train] such that [hundreds] may [flee the flooded valley]. There are further references for [visible] reports within the global mediastream of [self sufficient persons] who will be [exemplars (to the) community], or at least will be [held up] as such an example. The Terra entity suggests that some component of the flooding will involve the [release] of a [lake in the mountains] which naturally will seek out the [flat valley floor] below. There are suggestions that an [excessive load] of [capture/enclosed waters] will be the proximate cause of the [loosening]. So in a sense, a [smallish flood] is being shown as the triggering event for the larger, terrain altering [flood]. There are repeated values, that is to say, basically the same supporting sets of aspects/attributes in a number of sub sets of the Terra entity suggesting that yet another series of earthquakes is set to manifest. These are described in each of the repeated sets as being [clumped] which in its turn is supported by [grouped, sub groups, series, clusters]. The idea coming through the details is for an [odd/strange location(s)] for a [series/group] of [clustered earthquakes/temblors] to manifest in the course of late [winter] and into [spring]. Most of the timing clues are appearing near the [spring equinox], though the accretion patterns are nearly evenly spread for the 15/fifteen days prior to, and the 18/eighteen days following the [equinox] on March 21. For the [odd locations] of the [earthquake clusters], the data sets have more references to [southern hemisphere] than the northern, though those which are appearing with the [northern hemisphere] are both larger in emotional tension summations, indicating much more impact on humans, and they have a tighter affinity for a smaller number of points. Soooo....this means that while our geographic references are not all that trustworthy, in this case we have far less spread which may be an indication of a greater degree of accuracy within the forecast. The earthquake clusters of some concern are focused on the [eastern side of the indian ocean], on the [eastern side of the indonesian archipelago], and on the [north eastern side of taiwan], and finally on the [eastern ridges] of [north central california]. There are other references for quake sites in Alaska, and the Mediterranean/Adriatic ocean, but in the main the larger impacts are showing as being closer to the equator. There are also some references to [unquiet] which will be found [undersea's] off the southern tip of [india], and in the area of [90/ninety east] in the Antarctic area. This last is likely in the 60/sixties of degrees of latitude. There are a large number of cross links from the [earthquake clusters] sub set within Terra and the SpaceGoatFart entity. Many of the termination points within SGF's are in the [officially denied] sub set where the spread is across [energies from space] and [ufo's]. The [earthquake clusters] are described as being [infrastructure] and [landscape/topology] altering. In *most* of the references the data sets are including [rising] and [up thrust] as the type of motion. In the areas of the aspect/attribute sets which are headed by the [damage context] {ed note: this context contains slightly over 40/forty thousand words/phrases}, the [earthquakes] are described as [causing infrastructure disruption] due to this [rising] of the [supporting strata]. Further [damage] will come from [aquifers] which also [rise] to the point that local [flooding] manifests. In a noteworthy area of the supporting [damage] descriptors, the accretion patterns are showing that the [underground flooding] will have a very severe impact on [utilities] at several levels nationally in several different countries. This [underground flooding] will also [persist] long past the actual [damage manifestation]. As a last, rather curious note, the [earthquakes] are described as being [sharp] enough to [set trees] to [shaking off their nuts]. SpaceGoatFarts - Noisy & Energetic & Smelly Well, the SpaceGoatFarts entity has had a significant increase in [energetic/electrical fire] as well as [unknown/denied energies from space] supporting data for Spring. Assuming that asteroid TU24 is not the cause of the rise in linguistics supporting this sub set, then the data can be interpreted as suggesting that [energies from space] will [affect/interact with] the [atmosphere] sometime after the [spring equinox]. This is from the shorter term data set which usually extends out to 3/three months inclusive. The data is supported by a large increase in emotional tension values with much of the new support coming from [releasing energy high (in) atmosphere]. Other large supporting aspect/attribute sets include [energetic fires above (the) viewers], and [crackling (from the) upper atmosphere (causes/produces) distortions/deafness]. The new supporting sets are once again reinforcing the idea of [twinning] as that set has also grown at the same pace as the support for the [noisy atmosphere spacegoatfarts]. There are suggestions within the [twinning] support that the [noisy atmospheric event] will be a [daylight experience] with some of the [observers] experiencing the episode near local [noon]. On the whole, the data does not suggest that there will be any lasting damage from these [noisy spacegoatfarts], but seems to be indicating that some level of [new knowledge] will result. The idea coming from the supporting data sets are that this [episode] should be observed as an [indicator], of what we can't say until it occurs. The basic idea is that there will be some knowledge to be gained from seeing [the background] against which this [noisy

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spacegoatfart] manifests. There are some hints within the supporting data that the [episode] will help to [consolidate] a few [self organizing collectives/SOC's] around the [new knowledge] which is to be [revealed to the aware observer within the 'background' of the noisy energetic space display]. This sub set of support indicates that there will be a [push] toward a [gathering] of the [planetary populace], though this [gathering] is also defined as [coalescing]. Further the data supporting the [consensus/coagulation] is [encircling] an [idea/information/facts]. While seemingly a 'minor event' in this, the year of manifestation of all kinds of hoodoo, voodoo, and other strange sheeit, the linguistics are suggesting the reverse. That somehow this [episode of noisy atmospheric discharge/energetic behavior] will be very important in the [advancement] of [omni humanity], and that it will also be [significant] for many SOCs. This area has a large number of cross links over to both populace entities, though more, proportionally are going to the GlobalPop entity. A large number of these links are terminating in areas in some way connected with [shammanic organization]. Other areas of the SpaceGoatFart entity are suggesting, via cross link to Terra entity, that [continuing build-up/accretion] of [unknown energies from space] will be [discovered] to be the [driving force] in the [earthquake clusters] being forecast for this Spring and Summer. These [unknown energies from space] are also indicating that the [duality] of [opposing memes] will be [triggered/initiated] by the [earthquake clusters]. This idea is that the [earthquake clusters] and their [association] with [unknown space energies/officially denied space stuff] will bring out [language] within the [press] that [officialdom] will decide to [deny], and then later to try to [cover] by way of [disinformation]. The SpaceGoatFarts entity, by way of cross links to the GlobalPop entity, is indicating that the [lies] will be hardly [dried in print] before being [refuted] by some very [shocking/surprising sources], including the [evidence itself]. Hmm. Can't wait for this...maybe Nasa will finally get its comeuppance. A manifestation of the [unknown energies from space] meme *has* made its appearance. Please see Conclusion below. GlobalPop - Hindoo Woo Woo, Belgian Lace The GlobalPop entity has gained significant support under the [pakistan], and [india] sub sets over this last processing cycle. In both cases this is the accumulation of all 3/three of the data types; immediacy values, the shorter term value sets, and the longer term values. In both cases the supporting data sets are diverse, and scattered in the contexts which have gained the support. In the case of the [pakistan] sub set, the data sets are indicating an [eruption] in the [political] *and* the [economic] system. There data suggests that an [economic crisis] will [ignite/inflame] the [populace] into a [flaming revolt]. Now we also need to note that [fires] are also participating in this sub set via cross links from the Terra entity which suggests that actual [brush fires] will cause problems, especially for the [military]. There are supporting sets for the [eruption] which point to the [interference] in the [status quo] from [outside] the [normal political channels]. This seemingly includes a [council/debating/arguing] group which is now [silent], but will soon, according to the shorter term data sets, [shift] from a [neutral stance] to [participation]. At the point that the [council decision] is [announced], then all hell is shown as breaking loose within the 3/three country area of [pakistan, india, iran]. Apparently the [instability/aggression] from the [pakistani's], presumably against [india], will cause such [distress/anxiety] within [iran], that the [authorities] within [iran] will [attempt] to [impose restraint] on the [flailing] within [pakistan] which allows the [aggression] to [spill out]. The data sets for the [india] side of the supporting sets points to a very [controlled], and [prescient] [response] to the [pakistan aggression]. The supporting sets include data indicating that [india] will [know/be_aware] in advance of [pakistan] actions. This appears to be due to [successful naked woo-woo] in the form of [remote viewing] on the part of the [intelligence services] within an obscure [military unit]. The [naked] part of the supporting set of aspect/attributes is itself supported by [sadhu], with the idea being that the [naked sadhus] have been/are recruited into [future viewing] for [aggression prevention]. The idea coming across is that a [race] involving [minutes] will be manifest in the [building emotional tension] between the [aggressive pakistan regime/jihadists], and the [receptive hindoo's in india]. These [minutes] will allow the [hindoo government/military] to [show/demonstrate] that [knowledge] of the [pending aggression/attack] will/would [prevent] its [effectiveness], and produce [devastating] results on the [aggressor/pakistan]. There are hints that [nuclear threats/exchange] *will be* involved. These supporting sets are composed of the shorter term and longer term value sets. This indicates that the 'timing' {ed note: which we are notorious at getting wrong}, of the [developing social/economic crises] will be a 3/three month range pushing this into [spring], though the ramifications of the situation will take additional months to manifest. The [3/three way engagement] involving [pakistan, india, iran] will [incite global fear] as well as [shifting alliances] as a result of the [aggression] coming from the [radicals] within [pakistani social order]. This will be but a single point of floating crisis within a long and very [hot summer]. The Indian subcontinent will not be the only [threatened] spot this year as the data sets are indicating that the [european union] will run into its own version of a [3/three way entanglement] which will include [aggression] and [conflict]. This [entanglement] seems to focus on Brussels as the proxy for a [unified europe]. The [confrontation] is described as being about or focused on [tunnels] of some form. The idea comes across as a [political crisis] which evolves out of an [engineering dispute]. This [dispute] is over or involving [water] and its [delivery]. Further, 2/two of the participants involved almost [come to blows] over the issue, which is shown as sending [ripples of discord] through the [brussels government] which in its turn brings [exposure] to how [lace like/filled with holes] is the whole [social order] of the [european structure]. Conclusion: Part Five - Pandemix, NROL-21 & Pu2

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8/13/2010 3:14 PM

ALTA 1008 Part Five


The data sets are neigh-onto insisting that the [economic reality] is both very damn [toothy] and about to [bite]. This will be [planet affecting] when it truly starts the manifestation. At the moment, we can say that the [big toe] of the whole body of the [depression] has emerged. What remains to manifest is proportionate to the analogy. As the [debt rebellion] begins to show, there will be [no community] unaffected. Those closest to the [centers of corruption] will suffer the most visible signs of [depression] soonest, but the data is saying that the [depression] will be very egalitarian, affecting all with [ferocity]. Further ripples in the happy continuity of time will emerge from the inter-relatedness of politics, money, and desperation as the [economic supports] are shown to [fall] before Fall. So prior to the elections we can expect the [erosion] of the [economic substrates] to have produced several [lahars]. These [economic mud flows] will [dirty] some very interesting [personalities] in ways that will make the global mediastream headlines. As the [winter] continues to progress, the [disease] issue will increase. This has been on our radar for the last year with a focus on February of 2008, and right up through the equinox and into [spring]. The [disease] references are [multiple source] descriptors so it will not be a 'simple pandemic', but rather what we are labeling as a [pandemix] for the [mixture] of simultaneous [diseases] which will [induce panic] within the [global social order]. The data sets point to the [panic] abating, but only to the level of a [dull roar] in the background of the universal spew. According to the longer term value sets, by the time we reach [fall], there will be so much to [create obsession] over, that mere [disease] will be an 'also ran' in the headlines race. This is already showing up with the recent information leak of news of a 'spy satellite' which failed to properly launch, and therefore is falling back to earth. At this point, the Satellite NROL-21 is 'expected' to return to Terra. And both the date of this return and the nature of the satellite are [unknown]. A further, and more disturbing element to this story (pun intended) is that the 'energy pack' within the satellite *could* be powered by plutonium. To those who recall their chemistry, this is a disturbing development as plutonium is *not* a life friendly substance to say the least. Now, again, please note that what is being discussed *at this moment* is the fit with the [unknown energies from space] meme that had been forecast for this period, and which has been indicated as being a key element in the whole [contact/ancient_history_pan_humanity] meme. That this has appeared at this point already satisfies some of the linguistics for this important temporal marker. As we go forward, and the [danger/unknown] part of the NROL-21 story emerges we can expect to see a large rise in [visible expressions] of [fear], including those of [government officials]. The global mediastream will also be involving [censure] of the [american military/alien/industrial complex] for [threatening the planet terra] in such a [wantonly callous] way. It is this [emotional lashing] which the data is forecasting will act as a [spark] for more [secrets revealed] about both [extra human intelligence's] and [ancient human history]. In both cases the data accretion patterns are highest in mid [summer] for these memes. As the processing for these reports has us deep within the last of the immediacy values, we *may* find that more details of our [unknown energies] might show up and be available for Part Six. It will be the [unknown] nature of the NROL-21 manifestation which will induce the range of [panic] and [predictions] within the global mediastream. At this point our data *does* show some impacts, but nothing just yet which indicates time to 'kiss our butts good bye'. Again , we have the focus on the [unknown] component over these next few weeks. Anything unknown *always* freaks out the primates....a basic premise in the 2001: A Space Odessy movie, and other science fiction. While this particular SpaceGoatFart is smellier than most, the aware observer {ed note: of government double speak, and no speak} may be able to scrub off a bit of the [unknown] over these next few weeks to impact. A final caution is for February 5th relative to Markets entity. We expect that a whole new shock will start to ripple through the global markets that week, with the data seemingly focused on that day. More if it develops in the processing. ***** This end Part Five. We expect that our work load will be very heavily influenced by familial tasks this coming week. We hope to have Part Six posted by Wednesday, February 6th.

Copyright 2008 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

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8/13/2010 3:14 PM

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