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HalfPastHuman - ALTA Reports - 1308

Prepared from 9.002 million reads of the ALTA 1308 Series, as well as residual data sets from ALTA series 1008.

Meta Arts - Begin here...revision is in order...

This is Part Zero of the ALTA 1308 Report series. As it is the beginning of the series, a revision/review is in order. We note that Part Zero of any series begins with the processing of the very end of the last series' longer term data sets. We then begin the processing of the first of the current series data which necessarily focuses on the immediacy values. So in the ordinary flow of these reports we will have the following data sets covered: parts Zero/One/Two = last of longer term, then into immediacy values with shading into shorter term value sets; parts Two/Three/Four = shorter term value sets, with integration of first of current series longer term values; parts Four/Five/Six = longer term values, with integration of the pending immediacy values, and shorter term value sets left unprocessed. This processing flow can be, and has been, interrupted by the data itself in the cases of very large data 'bulges' appearing within a particular type
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of values which may capture our attention and divert the flow. This has proved valuable in the past, and will continue to be our approach should the data gathering proceed that direction. Given the extraordinary numbers coming out of our [economic] linked contexts, this may occur later in the processing as the times catch up to our reports.

Populace/USofA - Meandering Mobs, Military Madding

The Populace/USofA entity has filled with immediacy values in a pattern that is both very cohesive, and extensively cross linked to other entities. Given that the immediacy value set for the entity as a whole has a large increase in the [intensity] field summations, this unusually cohesive fill pattern may be forecasting a noticeable increase in the [emotional tension] visibility for the [populace/usofa] during March. The cross links from the Populace/USofA entity are very extensive, and slightly favor the Markets entity, where, as expected, many of the termination points are in aspect/attribute sets such as [unemployment/ job loss/business loss/personal loss]. This set is a primary supporting set in the [employment crash] linguistic structure which has been building since early in 2007. It continues to accrue values, and the recent immediacy value sets have provided a very large, nearly doubled, emotional tension value summation for the [employment crash] sub set. These values summations are joining the Populace/ USofA entity very early as the modelspace is progressed into March, and the interpretation is that the government 'employment numbers' will actually begin to reflect the [abysmal labor market]. The data sets in support of the [unemployment] aspect/attribute set are pointing toward a very large rise in [social disruptions/tensions] due to the [employment crash]. This area is further supported by aspect/attributes going to the idea of a new [army/mob/nation] of [unemployed/idled workers]. This area also is cross linked internally within the Populace/USofA entity back to the [politics] area where it joins in supporting the forecast for a [call/cry out] for [early elections] to appear [visibly] later in the year, perhaps by mid Summer.
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The [employment crash] sub set gains considerable emotional tension values from the [new army] of [unemployed], however there are 2/two indicator that the [lies] from the BLS, *may* not be reflective of the [actual nature/core issues] of [employment] here in the USofA. These indicators are the number of references within our data for [loss of (personal/small) business], and [contractors] which are in such great numbers that the idea coming across is the nation is going to see the next wave of the [employment crash] coming from the [self-employed], and [small businesses] as they [fade] into the [malaise] of the [dying dollar]. This sub set of the populace is *not* likely to be reflected within the BLS numbers due out in March (though they reflect what has happened in February), however the aspect/attribute sets are pointing to a rise in [visibility] of the [crash of small business] by mid Spring. The data still indicates an [abysmal] employment number, in spite of the [massage] provided by the BLS. The cross links to the Markets entity are clear that [traders] will not be [favoring] the BLS output on [employment]. The area of the termination within the Markets entity also contains supporting sets for a [wave/minor-cresting] of [employment loss] over the course of [spring]. Not to be too confusing about it, but within the Markets entity there are data sets which cross link back over to the Populace/USofA entity where they are painting a picture of [millions] of [unemployed/idled] and [frustrated] USofA citizens, and former [workers] who will be in a position to [view] the previously forecast [veterans seize national monument (in) protest] later in the year. The idea emerging from the cross links, including those over to the ThePowersThatBe entity, is that the [unemployed audience] for the [veterans protest] is soooo large that the TPTB will have bespoke [fear] when the [protest] happens over the thought of the [millions (of) unemployed] being [sparked/incited/encouraged] to [join] the [veterans protest]. Also building within the Populace/USofA, and specifically focusing on the [army], are data sets pointing to a [condition] set wherein the [great numbers/powerful] will be [overwhelmed] by the [few/small group].
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This area is forecasting a [reversal] or [up-ending] of [current status]. This would *seem* to be pointing to the [bush wars of aggression], but that may be slightly misleading given the weighting of the [anti-bush] numbers within the data sets. However what is shown within the linguistic sets are aspect/attributes including [authority (to) make military decisions] will be [at risk] of [demise/death/destruction]. This [risk] will be [manifest] in March. This area has very high [visibility] summations such that the global mediastream is likely to be filled with reports of the manifesting circumstances for days. The sub set for the [army] is gaining significant support from an aspect/ attribute set headed by bespoke [misfortune]. This [misfortune] will arise from [disorganization], and [mismanagement]. This [misfortune] aspect is participating via cross links in the [restrictions on movement] meta data layer, and further is directly in support of the [revolution] meta data layer, and the [veterans seize national monument] meme. The [misfortune] sub set is also supported by aspect/attribute sets including [extensive preparation (is) required/neglected], and [imperial imperatives/commands/edicts (will be) ignored/discarded]. This last aspect/attribute set contains references to a [group] within the [army, usofa] which will [battle] their way to the [central core] and will [stand (as) assistance]. This area indicates that the [bushies] will attempt to [award triple/three decorations] as a [reward] for this activity. However the sub sets are pointing to an [act of mutiny] and [refusal] to [meet] with the [rulers] which will be both [visible] to the global mediastream, as well as being a proximate cause, or temporal marker for the following [emotional release period]. As our data indicates that the [emotional release] will begin in October, the data sets here are likely pointing toward a late August or September time. The data sets accrual patterns do suggest a very [tumultuous] and [unsettling] time in March for the [populace/usofa]. The entity is showing by the terminating cross links that the [populace] *will* be on the [side/support] of the [army] and actively [against/angered] at the ThePowersThatBe, and their [petty-people/politicians] stooges here in
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the [usofa]. The aspect/attribute sets are portraying the building emotional trends as a situation of [revulsion] and [blame] attached to the [politicians] over the [damage/hurt/harm] to the [military, usofa]. This area of the entity supports the [veterans seize national monument] meme for this year as well as larger data set of a [anti-war/anti-foreign involvement (for) military] meme which has been building within modelspace these last 5/five years, and which is indicating a [turnaround/change] in the [populace] as regards [foreign military adventures] that is shown as lasting [4/four generations, or 82/eightytwo years]. Another long term meme which is gaining new summation strengths from the immediacy values within the Populace/USofA is the [refuge/ sanctuary] meme. The data sets are accruing in support of the [refuge spots/safe harbor] meme in such a manner that the [visibility] of the meme has greatly increased. There have been recent [visible] examples of this meme, such as the Norwegian Seed Vault stories appearing within the global mediastream, and especially that sub set devoted to delivering censored news to the [populace/usofa]. Now we are noting that a new sub set of the [personal experience] of the [safe places] meme will begin to rise to the level of [visibility] within the [press] available here in the USofA. The aware observer should be looking for articles and stories about [safe places], and [refuges/sanctuaries] to appear over [spring]. These stories/articles will also be introducing an important meme of [engineering/designing/building] the [safe place]. This meme already has very long term values in support and the rate of growth of the new supporting aspect/attribute sets are indicative of very deep levels of impact on the populace over the course of the next 3/ three years. This meme contains support for [hives] and [respites] to arise as linguistic tags for the meme as it spreads through the populace. This is to say that words relating to [hives] or [small group sheltering activities], and [respites] or [places of quietness/calm] will be rising within the global mediastream. The [safe places engineering] meme, especially the shift over to the [personal experience] level will be a very important temporal marker once certain emotional value sets have been
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seen. This [return to bomb shelter] mentality, and its rise in visibility will precede the appearance of our [bloody revolution], but not by much. This [safe place/bomb shelter] meme is heavily cross linked to the Markets entity at several levels of supporting aspect/attributes, but has more cross linked emotional summation weight for the [panic buying] meme previously noted. Please see Markets entity below for further discussion of these emotional cross links. The [return to bomb shelter] world view within the [populace/usofa], and its rise to national levels of [visibility] will also act as a temporal marker for the appearance of the next wave of [economic woes]. This [crises set/series] will impact in [spring], near or past the [equinox], will involve days of coverage by the [press], and will be unfolding over at least a 3/three week period. These [economic crises] will include the [bankruptcy of the banks] discussed within 1008, as well as the next [act/action/events] within the [death of the dollar] meme. The [economic crises series] of [spring] appears during a very crowded, and active period in modelspace. This presents some difficulties with interpretation as the cross links tend to obscure many of the timing clues for 'what comes first'. Over half of the emotional support values for the [safe places engineering] stems from the [economic woes] sub sets. There are significant emotional sums being added to this section of the Populace/ USofA entity as the modelspace is progressed through March and into [spring]. The data further contain unusually large amounts of longer term values within the supporting aspect/attribute sets such that we can forecast that [money/currency/dollar death] will dominate the year in a way not seen since 1929 through 1932. Please see Markets entity discussion below for other impacts, specifically [gold/silver].

GlobalPop - Trembling Elites, Pissed Popes, High Lakes, Whereabouts Unknown

The [spring] of 2008 is showing as having a very large [disruption]
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within the [global community of elites] due to some [words/ announcement] coming from [china] about [diplomacy]. The data seems to be indicating that [china] will be [talking about/announcing] its own [vision] for [global community]. This [announcement] shows as catching much of ThePowersThatBe entity by [surprise], and further causing [palpitations] within the collective [heart] of the [elite]. There are also indicators for [reaction] by the [popes] globally, but these [reactions] are not yet to the point of global mediastream [visibility], so when the aware observer notes the platitudes coming from the [vatican], and other [sorcery sites] about the [chinese initiative], they will also know that much yet remains hidden, and that the real reactions are anything but encouraging. There are further indicators that the [chinese initiative] will be a [prelude] to the next level of global manifestation of the [contact] meme. Again, this [contact] meme area is cross linked over to TPTB entity where it is decidedly *not* being welcomed. Not only will the TPTB be [angered], and [irritated] at the [chinese initiative], but they will also be [affected/impacted] by the [changes] in their plans for the [limping/halting economy]. The accretion patterns for the GlobalPop entity are tightening up, which is to say that the new supporting aspect/attribute sets are 'clustering' around fewer contexts than in recent past. Further this is a change of accrual state over recent behavior of the GlobalPop entity as it *had* been expanding the number of contexts involved. It would appear from the constant [economic] aspects/attributes sets in support of all of the contexts, that the [global economic contraction] will be coincident with a [contraction] of interests. This 'focus' on fewer contexts has been observe red as a pattern only once before in the 11/eleven year history of this project, and that was when the entire modelspace began a sudden contraction/narrowing of contexts first observed in late May of 2001, and reported on Geo. Ure's web site in July 2001, in which a 'military accident involving the money center of the usofa' was forecast. Note we did not have a context modeled for 'terrorism' at the time. The data patterns are now revealing a contraction/narrowing in focus for the
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GlobalPop entity, though as of this point we have no indications of any 'terrorism' acts, and rather have a tendency to place proximate causality onto the [contracting global economy]. Without regard as to its focal point, the context narrowing is a very significant emotional/social phenomena precursor. As it is just now becoming observable within the modelspace, and is entirely limited to the immediacy value sets, we may well be looking at the first 'manifestation' of the 'pre-wave' of our "October release language turning". Other areas of GlobalPop entity are dominated by the cross links over to the Terra entity, and are expressing bespoke [worry] and [concern] relative to the [damage] which is being forecast for this year due to 'terra intrusions'. Many of these cross links are also involved in linking with the SpaceGoatFarts entity, were as expected, the seemingly perennial [unknown energies from space] context is the terminating area. The GlobalPop entity does have a more 'open' relationship with the SpaceGoatFarts entity and the data sets are reflecting this. Once again, there are curious links between the GlobalPop entity, the 'terra intrusions', the TPTB, the SpaceGoatFarts entity, *and* the data sets for [global coastal event] which is *still* growing, and seemingly *still* focused on early 2009. The accretion patterns would seem to suggest that 'terra intrusions' in 2008 are 'setting up' the situation for the events of 2009, and the global coastal walk-about. These cross links also include [diaspora] termination points within both GlobalPop, and the Populace/USofA entity. In total, the GlobalPop entity has over 45/forty-five percent of all of its newly gained emotional values directly involved in [terra intrusions]. These emotional values contribute most of the change motions within the entity. These emotional values come from [fires], [earthquakes], [floods], [winds], and all manner of other forms of [terra intrusions]. This area is actually larger in emotional impacts within this entity than the [economic] focused sub sets. The [terra intrusions] into the global human populace will be quite visible in [spring] as the [ground/earth] is first involved with [peeling/flaking/contorting] such that humans are
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placed at [risk] of [inundations of mud/earth]. There are supporting areas going to [alpine/high lakes] which will cause [permanent resettlement] due to [risk of high mountain floods]. There are indications of [vast fires] which will sweep [hundreds of miles of grasslands] such that the [blackened scars] will be [visible] from [space], and the [smoke] from the fires will [foul 2/two continents]. Along with the Terra induced problems, there are new supporting sets for [pandemic] within the GlobalPop entity. This area of aspect/ attribute sets suggests that [disease] will [replicate fire] in its spread. This area begins the majority of its accrual within just a few days after the [equinox]. There are further sets in support which bring [hoofed mammals] into the descriptor set. There are also [desert] descriptors suggesting that the proximate source for the [opening] on the [disease] front will come from a [nomadic group of desert dwellers]. The aspects in the supporting layers are indicating that the [disease/pandemic] meme will take a large step up in emotional values over [spring/ summer] such that [disease avoidance precautions] are within the weekly-used vocabulary of humans globally by late Fall. We are still gaining values for our [female personality] who is described as a [new/unknown point of concentration] for [union/ uniting]. She is described as [emerging] from South America, with strong [central america] ties, and perhaps even residence there. Further the new data sets are pointing to a rapid rise in [visibility] over the course of this [spring] such that the global mediastream should be trickling out small bits of related information by and through [summer]. The immediacy value sets are indicating that this person is just moving into a [new location] relative to the [visibility] summations. Further the [female personality] is also gaining supporting values from [internal mechanisms]. This is a less-than-easily-interpreted sub set as the [internal mechanisms] is a complete context, but also very contradictory in its structure. It *may* be indicating [internal mechanisms] within an 'organization' of some form, or could just as easily be translated as being [internal mechanisms] in either the 'physical body' sense, or the
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'psychic abilities' sense. All are directly held values within the supporting sets. We will not, seemingly have long to wait for this particular mystery to be cleared up as the aspect/attributes are pointing to a [cresting] or [pre-visibility] wave which will ripple the [global social structure] *just* before the first emergence of the [female person] into the [collective visibility] of the global mediastream. In discussing this area with Igor, we have speculated that a scenario which *may* fit the described circumstances would be something like a global [disease outbreak] which gets all the global mediastream attention for week/weeks and then within that meme-stream, small hints of [something extraordinary] begin to [emerge (from) the central american highlands]. We recognize that this is a very weak story-line, however the data sets are themselves misleading, and pulling in diverse directions, likely indicating a very 'unsettled' group of manifesting circumstances.

Markets - Lust, Rage, Murder, LockDown, Summer Splintering

The Markets entity is filling almost as rapidly as the Terra entity. This is probably *not* a good sign. There are indicators that the [speed] of [change] will [accelerate] over the course of March as we progress toward a time of [gold/silver lust]. This [gold/silver lust] lexical structure is a 'label' which we are applying to the developing global [lust] and [strong, visceral emotional attraction] for [commodities]. Another large and growing component of the Markets entity is very 'hot' emotionally, and has been labled the [rage] area after the primary aspect set. The [rage] is shown as linked to [mob actions], and [repudiation], as well as being directly supported by [recompense (for) crimes]. Further supporting aspect/attribute sets are painting a picture of the [populace/usofa] facing a [crisis] of [personal terror/bankruptcy], and also confronting [cronyism/corruption] within the [courts/legal
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system] such that [rage] emerges in [spring] from the [frustrations] of [winter]. The [rage] aspect/attribute set has very high [visibility] sums and seems poised to present itself directly to the [global mediastream] over the month of March. The data suggests that the aware observer will not be surprised by the [amok/deranged] incidents moving from [schools] into the [wall street/elite] world. The [rage] lexical set is supported by high [visibility] aspect/attributes with clear links to the [establishment]. Further we continue to have cross links build between the [rage] area within the Markets entity, and the [rebellion] of the [veterans] within the Populace/USofA entity which will result in the [seizure] of a [national monument]. A deep part of support for the [rage] sub set of the Markets entity comes from the lexical set for [actions (to) stand-still/status quo]. This sub set is indicating that much of the [populace] will be [angered] to learn that a [22/twenty-two year return] is coming for [housing]. The data sets are indicating that the [22/twenty-two years] will be required to return [values] to current levels. This [reduction] in price is presented as the [murder] of the [housing market] which takes place in [spring]. The data sets are associating the [murder] with the first few days following the [equinox], though the actual seeds-of-the-destruction have already germinated. This area does not reference a [bottom] within the [housing] and is still being associated with very [unstable], and rapidly altering social conditions. The data sets for the [squatting] are continuing to grow, as are the [default] and [abandonment] areas. Further complications are pending for the Markets entity in Spring as the area for the [millions of small particles] has now grown considerably. The interpretation of the supporting lexical sets goes toward the idea that a very large wave of [repudiation] of [housing debt/ ownership] is *still* pending for after the March equinox, and that this wave will trigger yet another wave of default, this time in [personal credit/debt]. The [credit card debt raft] is sinking. The data sets are pointing toward [conditions] which are extraneous to the [banking system] and even outside the [usofa] proper as causing [separation]
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within the [components] of the [debt system] such that the [credit cards] become [non-functional]. This, along with the deteriorating [usofa dollar], and the [strains on food supplies], will precipitate a [repudiation/ rejection] of [credit card debt] by [tens of millions]. This in its turn is forecast to [bring down the house (of) paper money] and [fractional reserve banking]. Bearing in mind that this description is for a process, and not an event, nonetheless, the indications are for several major parts of the process to be visible to the aware observer over Spring. Much of the [millions of small particles] language set focuses on [situation hopeless] aspect/attributes. This area has a number of bespoke emotion describing words, and contains very high visibility, and impact summations. The indications are that [retirement] crashes are to be a [rite of this Spring], as the major global currency players try to react to [escalating chaos]. The [fixation points] for all manner of algorithms will be called into question as the [ranges] for [trading activities] are being [daily broken]. It is this area which convinces us that a number of 'limit up' days are coming within the commodities trading world. As the immediacy values are processed, a set of aspect/attributes for [lockdown] begin to build. The timing clues are less than precise, but may be focusing on late [spring] or early [summer]. The conditions described are very precise, and the [lockdown] is supported by qualifiers indicating a [seizure] of the [system] is pending. This area is seemingly describing circumstances in which 1/one or more [markets] will suffer [escalation] such that [actions] are happening [faster] than they can be [recorded]. The lexical set is influenced by [restrictions on movement], and even has [restrictions on movement] as an internally held, rising, supporting aspect/attribute set. The implications are for some circumstances to develop in which the system [fails], and a [lockdown] is triggered. Hmmm. Probably not a good sign. We cannot, as of yet, say whether this is a 'total system' such as a major trading bourse, or some large, corporate internal system which merely participates in a major trading bourse. However we can say that the
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[visibility] factor is such that the [lockdown] is [globally felt] within the [currency] and [banking] worlds. We still show that the [bankruptcy] of a [bank], and likely a [reserve bank participant] is pending for this [spring], and the 'crashcade', as so labeled by G.Ure, will commence with the [parting] of the [shareholders] and this [bank]. The descriptors are pointing to a bank foreign to the [usofa], but intimately joined to the [reserve system] as being the [first failure] which results in the [bankruptcy] within the [usofa] that in its turn begins the [social upheaval]. Within HPH we are referring to this as a [super sized s&l failure]. There are indications that this [bank] will pull the plug on the [retirements] for [millions] as it goes floating down the [waste stream]. This area is linked back into, and supports the [rage] lexical structure. The data sets within the cross links over to the Populace/USofA include language about the [rage against having the clock turned back 20/twenty years]. The idea being that [average citizen] will be first [stunned] to learn that [values] and [wealth] has been [rolled back 20/twenty years], and then subsequently [enraged] when [rebuffed] by the [corporatist legal system]. Hmmm. Not a good time to be wearing a suit. This last is no joke. The data is pointing to a kind of 'reverse caste system' in which the word [suits] goes on to be central to the meme, and in turn goes on to become [actualized]. The data detail layers are pointing to [suit] wearing as being [near (to) crime] in some localities. The [lockdown/seizure] of the Markets entity is accrued as the modelspace is progressed through Spring, past the [murder] of the [housing market] and is seemingly describing the sort of situation where 'bits and pieces' of the global economy start to [lock down/seize up] and [fall off]. This is probably not going to be good for humans in general, and specifically is indicated to [pump up/inflate] the [legal/ lawsuit] side of things. However, the data sets are indicating, at least within the [populace/usofa] that a counter trend will have formed going toward [abandonment/walking away], and this trend is the [seed] of the [tax revolt], as well as the [global credit crash].
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The Markets entity has gained new supporting sets within the immediacy values which are pointing toward a [summer] phenomena which is the [direct outgrowth/progeny] of the [millions of small particles] which [go bad/rot/become foul] over [spring]. This [summer phenomena] is the [credit crash], first within the [usofa populace] as the data sets indicate that [hundreds of millions] of [credit cards] will [stop working/deny access/be worthless]. This is shown as the [accelerant] for the [fall troubles]. The [credit crash] is indicate to [separate] the [populace] into the [instantly poor], and those who are not quite so poor. Then there will be the [glaringly rich] persons who will be [shocked] and [scared] with their [sudden brilliance/shine]. Usually seeking the [hidden shadows] the [rich], as indicated within the Populace/USofA entity cross links, will be [instantly frightened] by the [exposure]. An active area, we await further processing for more details of the [splintering] of the [social order] globally due to the [dollar death].

Terra -Ground Storms, Hot Feet, Darkening

The previously discussed (ALTA 1008, ALTA 708) forecasts for [earthquake swarms] for 2008 have materialized with some [visibility] by the end of February, however the data sets continue to accrue values, and the rising [visibility] summations are pointing to something quite [extraordinary] pending for this year. Though the new aspect/attribute sets have arrived within the immediacy value processing, the data sets bring along such loads of longer term impact values as to suggest a very sizeable [earthquake swarm series] will span some distance in time. However an alternate, and not to be overlooked, alternative interpretation goes for a very [abrupt], and [sharp, shock] series of short duration, but loooong term impacts due to damage. The data sets are clearly pointing to something unique in human experience in that the primary supporting linguistics are very deep (pun recognized, not intended) archetypes and at the top is the aspect/attribute set of [ground storms]. Other curious supporting aspect/attribute sets seemingly are implying that [electricity], specifically within the [lightning] context,
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will be [visible] as part of the [ground storms], with a further implication being some curious form of [ground hugging/following/ carpeting lightning] being observed. Now the real problem with the [earthquake swarms/ground swarms] and the potential for some serious damage, is that the data sets are pointing to this as being a pretty much [global] phenomena over the next 18/eighteen months. No specific geographic references rise to the surface of the processing, and many diverse places are represented within the totality of the geographic links for the [damaging earthquake swarm]. Further issues rise (again, pun noted) with the many, and growing references for [magma/core]. This set is growing steadily over the processing and looks to maintain its accretion rate into the shorter term value processing set. This would project this event out into that range so likely is over 3/three months away. Further the [magma/core] context is supported by a primary aspect/attribute set of [unexpected], which in its turn is supported by [surprise/unknowing], and [location]. The total lexical area lends itself to an interpretation of an [unexpected location] for the first of perhaps several hot foot episodes. These are linked to the [ground storms] within the data sets. Further the cross links here are dominated by the sets going to the Markets entity, where many of the mass termination points are in areas such as [insurance], and [health care], and [hospitals]. Also note that several of these Markets areas are under the influence of both sides of the [encounters/ restrictions] meta data layer. This implies that [encounters with scarcity] within the [response to disaster] globally will be impacted by [restrictions on movements]. Further note that this sub set of the Terra entity contains cross links over to both populace entities where the termination points include [military], and [war] as 'causative' agents affecting/participating in the [restrictions on movements] meta data layer. We need to further note that this area of the Terra entity is showing that
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the [ground storms] and the [hot foot conditions] will themselves participate in the greater level meta data layers supporting [restrictions on movement]. This is to say that the events will be both causal for [restrictions], as well as their aftermath being affected by [restrictions] which are arising from other conditions. The data sets are indicating that [torn ground], and [electric/electrified ground/land] will [distort] the [delivery/shipping/transshipment systems] for a number of communities globally. This area does not directly support the [global coastal event] which is still building in values as modelspace is progressed toward 2009. Rather this set appears to be a 'separate' instance of [odd planet behavior], but like the [global coastal event], the [hot foot problem/conditions] are also cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFart entity. More on this in Part One or Two as that entity is examined. We must also note that the [ufo flurry] and their [flying/fluttering patterns] *may* be pointing at areas which will be [inflated/altered/ puffed-up] by the [hot foot conditions]. The [ufo] lexical set within the SpaceGoatFarts entity is also extensively cross linked over to an area of the Terra entity which we have labeled after its primary supporting aspect, [darkening]. This [darkening] is tangentially associated with the [ground storms], but does not appear to be temporally linked. Rather it seems to be a 'followon' phenomena. In either case, directly associated or not, there are supporting aspect/attribute sets both directly held by the lexical set, as well as via cross links, going to the [massed/accumulated/grouped] appearance of [ufo]'s. This area is participatory within the larger [contact] meme which continues to gain value sets within the most recently processed immediacy value sets. This likely indicates that an increase in the [ufo sighting wave] globally is coming, and as these values accrue after the [equinox], we can now forecast a situation in which [darkening within the ground] will bring [flocks] of [ufo's] to town.

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Further details on the [ground storms] indicate that some very [tall buildings] will end up [broken] and [tilted] and [crumbling]. Further support shows that [edifice] and [artifacts] both will be [altered] during the [ground storms]. This implies that both the natural, and the manmade landscapes will be changed by the [storming ground]. There are cross links from this area over to the Markets entity where they are terminating in [bankrupt], and [lost hope], and the previously discussed [rage] sub sets. We still have separate areas, including cross linked sections within the Populace/USofA entity, going toward [natural disaster] within the [continental usofa] before November. This area is still filling in support for [traumatic winds], as well as [dramatic rains]. This area is still filling in support for [extra seasonal storms]. These areas are separate from the [ground storms] discussed above. There are areas within the Terra entity which are [usofa] focused and which are in support of [damage] from the [earthquake swarms/storms]. Primarily the damage appears to be [infrastructure] and [residence] based, and not heavily supported in [natural conditions alterations]. So the damage being described is for man made objects. This as turned out to be a very good indicator or separator within the linguistics for large, versus 'very large' earthquakes. The descriptor sets for [very large earthquake] include [land form/landscape altering damage]. This area is rarely filled in within the descriptors for lessor earthquakes.

Conclusion: Part Zero - Road Warts, Learn to Breathe......

Our work is about language, specifically the shifts occurring in daily language use. Not only the individual's use of differing words for the same concepts, but also the larger aggregations that occur as the language itself evolves as an expression of the forces/changes affecting
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the inter-generational complexity that is human society. As humans and their social order, including technologies change, so does the language involved. In many cases the language changes precede, and even guide social order changes. However much the TPTB may attempt to direct these social changes via language {ed note: think 'political correctness'}, the nature of language is such that it cannot be controlled for the species by members of the species. In that sense, language is a very 'alive' sort of thing with its own manifesting destiny. As an aside, there are indications that language rebels against constraints. Constraints exist at all levels within human social arrangements, and the efforts at control extend from the sublime down to the really low mundane. In this last category, we find the ubiquitous (in the auto/car part of the planet) 'speed bump'. Designed as visceral/ biologic feedback device to slow down driving in parking lots, and other areas, these strips of raised asphalt, or droplets of hardened rubber down the median line, have morphed, both in reality, and in language over recent years. The 'speed bump' is still a 'visceral/body feedback' for speed, but no longer does it seem to act as a brake on the level of speed, but rather is reduced to a jarring reminder of just how fast we are traveling. Not that we will slow down....and along with the evolution of the reaction/response to 'speed bumps', we can note that the language has once again preceded the shifting of reality in that 'speed bump' has become the 'road wart'. In our work, we have been warning of 'road warts' for some time. In these past few ALTA reports we have had repeated warnings of a very rough [spring] with much of the activity seemingly jumping off within days of the March [equinox]. We need to note that sidereally, this year the [equinox] arrives with March 20th. Our work shows that those next few days will be a very large temporal road wart. We will hit it, feel it, be jarred by it, and likely *won't* be slowing down. In fact, the last 2/ two ALTA series have had data sets pointing to a 'felt' and 'apparent' [speeding up] of the temporal flow. This means that we humans, and perhaps other life as well, will feel the times accelerate as
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seemingly more events/circumstances manifest in less time. These events will include all sorts of focal points, linguistically speaking. We expect that the aware observer will also be reporting a feeling of being overtaken by the perceived speed of events. Part of this feeling naturally emerges when larger, national or global events have a 'same day' impact on individuals, but also the data sets are pointing to an actual increase in event activity, not merely an increased impression of such. Probably very few of us will find this to be a [good thing]. As a word of caution, we should note that the conscious human mind only has so much resources available for temporal management of impressions, therefore if *any* form of risky activity is undertaken, it should be done so only after settling and clearing the mind. This would include anything where body parts are at risk. Take your time, plan it out. This same caution is urged on those who risk or speculate with wealth/resources as their minds will also be affected by the alteration in temporal processing. This means that mistakes will be very easily step into as many details will be come lost in the seeming rushing of events. This caution comes from watching the accretion patterns for the data sets as modelspace is progressed through the immediacy values. Again, breathe deep, then ease your mind, and only then have a look at what the hell you *thought* you were going to do. It is also worth noting that the whole of the planetary economic base changes over the course of Spring and Summer this year. There are many ways to prepare, even at the lowest level of resources. As a response to these coming changes we are changing HPH to provide some early warning indicators for those humans and their monkey minds who risk money. We will further be providing what hints we can for navigating the upcoming economic storms, the first of which will arrive with the equinox. This concludes Part Zero of ALTA 1308. We have the Coast to Coast radio show on Tuesday, March 4th, which will keep us up waaay late,
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and so we do not expect to have Part One posted until late on Sunday, March 9. ###

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