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COP3014 Dr. David Gaitros

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Assignment Operators
C++ provides several assignment operators for abbreviating assignment expressions Any statement of the form:
variable = variable operator expression;

Where operator is one of the binary operators +, - , *, /, or % You can also do a short hand:
variable operator=expression;

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Assignment Operators += -= Sample Expression c += 7; c-=7; Explanation Add 7 to c and put the results in c. Subtract 7 from c and put the results in c Multiply 7 by c and put the results in c Divide c by 7 and put the results in c Find the reminder of C divided by 7 and put the results in c



/= %=

c/=7; c%7;

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Increment and Decrement operators

Unary increment operator ++; Unary decrement operator --; Operator placed before variable:
Operation is accomplished as if placed before the statement.

Operator placed after the variable:

Operation is accomplished as if placed after the statement.

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Increment/Decrement operators
Example: i=10; cout <<++i << endl; // 11 will be printed out. i=12; cout <<i++<<endl; // 12 will be printed out.

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Cast Operators
You can convert one data type to another. This is called casting. Syntax
(type) variable

Association is from left to right. C++ evaluate expressions of the same type To make sure the compiler does this correctly you need to force the conversion

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Cast Operator
double sum; integer a=9; integer b=2; sum = (float)a/b; // The results will be 4.5 placed in sum.

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Promotion hierachy
long double double float unsigned long int long int unsigned int int unsigned short int short int unsigned char char

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Promotion Hierarchy
Note Each data type is at least as big as the one immediately below it in the hierarchy unsigned int are positive only short uses least number of bytes long uses maximum number of bytes double users >= number of bytes as float long double uses >= number of bytes as double

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Logical Operators
Logical and && Logical or || As previously described, used to create more complex logical expressions.
if( gender ==1 && age >= 65) ++seniorfemales; if (semesterAverage>=90 || FinalExam >90) ++deanslist; if ( !( I>10 || J <50)) Count ++;

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

Operator confusion
Very common to swap = and == Does not usually cause syntax errors
Any expression that produces a value can be used to indicate true of false
If value is zero (0) is it treated as false If a value is not zero (0) it is treated as true

Assignments produce values Example if (paycode =4 ) cout << you got a bonus\n;

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

The previous statement will always be evaluated as true paycode value is changed Some compilers issue a warning but not always. Can avoid by putting the literal first.
if (4 == paycode) cout << you got a paycode\n;

copyright 2010 Dr. David Gaitros, FSU

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